8.63 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1// Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
2// Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
3import { UUID, JSONExt } from '@lumino/coreutils';
4import _isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual';
6 * Find all strings in the first argument that are not in the second.
7 */
8export function difference(a, b) {
9 return a.filter((v) => b.indexOf(v) === -1);
12 * Compare two objects deeply to see if they are equal.
13 */
14export function isEqual(a, b) {
15 return _isEqual(a, b);
18 * A polyfill for Object.assign
19 *
20 * This is from code that Typescript 2.4 generates for a polyfill.
21 */
22export const assign = Object.assign ||
23 function (t, ...args) {
24 for (let i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
25 const s = args[i];
26 for (const p in s) {
27 if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) {
28 t[p] = s[p];
29 }
30 }
31 }
32 return t;
33 };
35 * Generate a UUID
36 *
37 * http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4122.txt
38 */
39export function uuid() {
40 return UUID.uuid4();
43 * Resolve a promiseful dictionary.
44 * Returns a single Promise.
45 */
46export function resolvePromisesDict(d) {
47 const keys = Object.keys(d);
48 const values = [];
49 keys.forEach(function (key) {
50 values.push(d[key]);
51 });
52 return Promise.all(values).then((v) => {
53 const d = {};
54 for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
55 d[keys[i]] = v[i];
56 }
57 return d;
58 });
61 * Creates a wrappable Promise rejection function.
62 *
63 * Creates a function that logs an error message before rethrowing
64 * the original error that caused the promise to reject.
65 */
66export function reject(message, log) {
67 return function promiseRejection(error) {
68 if (log) {
69 console.error(new Error(message));
70 }
71 throw error;
72 };
75 * Takes an object 'state' and fills in buffer[i] at 'path' buffer_paths[i]
76 * where buffer_paths[i] is a list indicating where in the object buffer[i] should
77 * be placed
78 * Example: state = {a: 1, b: {}, c: [0, null]}
79 * buffers = [array1, array2]
80 * buffer_paths = [['b', 'data'], ['c', 1]]
81 * Will lead to {a: 1, b: {data: array1}, c: [0, array2]}
82 */
83export function put_buffers(state, buffer_paths, buffers) {
84 for (let i = 0; i < buffer_paths.length; i++) {
85 const buffer_path = buffer_paths[i];
86 // make sure the buffers are DataViews
87 let buffer = buffers[i];
88 if (!(buffer instanceof DataView)) {
89 buffer = new DataView(buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer ? buffer : buffer.buffer);
90 }
91 // say we want to set state[x][y][z] = buffer
92 let obj = state;
93 // we first get obj = state[x][y]
94 for (let j = 0; j < buffer_path.length - 1; j++) {
95 obj = obj[buffer_path[j]];
96 }
97 // and then set: obj[z] = buffer
98 obj[buffer_path[buffer_path.length - 1]] = buffer;
99 }
101export function isSerializable(object) {
102 var _a;
103 return (_a = (typeof object === 'object' && object && 'toJSON' in object)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : false;
105export function isObject(data) {
106 return JSONExt.isObject(data);
109 * The inverse of put_buffers, return an objects with the new state where all buffers(ArrayBuffer)
110 * are removed. If a buffer is a member of an object, that object is cloned, and the key removed. If a buffer
111 * is an element of an array, that array is cloned, and the element is set to null.
112 * See put_buffers for the meaning of buffer_paths
113 * Returns an object with the new state (.state) an array with paths to the buffers (.buffer_paths),
114 * and the buffers associated to those paths (.buffers).
115 */
116export function remove_buffers(state) {
117 const buffers = [];
118 const buffer_paths = [];
119 // if we need to remove an object from a list, we need to clone that list, otherwise we may modify
120 // the internal state of the widget model
121 // however, we do not want to clone everything, for performance
122 function remove(obj, path) {
123 if (isSerializable(obj)) {
124 // We need to get the JSON form of the object before recursing.
125 // See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/stringify#toJSON()_behavior
126 obj = obj.toJSON();
127 }
128 if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
129 let is_cloned = false;
130 for (let i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
131 const value = obj[i];
132 if (value) {
133 if (value instanceof ArrayBuffer || ArrayBuffer.isView(value)) {
134 if (!is_cloned) {
135 obj = obj.slice();
136 is_cloned = true;
137 }
138 buffers.push(ArrayBuffer.isView(value) ? value.buffer : value);
139 buffer_paths.push(path.concat([i]));
140 // easier to just keep the array, but clear the entry, otherwise we have to think
141 // about array length, much easier this way
142 obj[i] = null;
143 }
144 else {
145 const new_value = remove(value, path.concat([i]));
146 // only assigned when the value changes, we may serialize objects that don't support assignment
147 if (new_value !== value) {
148 if (!is_cloned) {
149 obj = obj.slice();
150 is_cloned = true;
151 }
152 obj[i] = new_value;
153 }
154 }
155 }
156 }
157 }
158 else if (isObject(obj)) {
159 for (const key in obj) {
160 let is_cloned = false;
161 if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) {
162 const value = obj[key];
163 if (value) {
164 if (value instanceof ArrayBuffer || ArrayBuffer.isView(value)) {
165 if (!is_cloned) {
166 obj = Object.assign({}, obj);
167 is_cloned = true;
168 }
169 buffers.push(ArrayBuffer.isView(value) ? value.buffer : value);
170 buffer_paths.push(path.concat([key]));
171 delete obj[key]; // for objects/dicts we just delete them
172 }
173 else {
174 const new_value = remove(value, path.concat([key]));
175 // only assigned when the value changes, we may serialize objects that don't support assignment
176 if (new_value !== value) {
177 if (!is_cloned) {
178 obj = Object.assign({}, obj);
179 is_cloned = true;
180 }
181 obj[key] = new_value;
182 }
183 }
184 }
185 }
186 }
187 }
188 return obj;
189 }
190 const new_state = remove(state, []);
191 return { state: new_state, buffers: buffers, buffer_paths: buffer_paths };
193export const BROKEN_FILE_SVG_ICON = `<svg style="height:50%;max-height: 50px;" role="img" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 48 48">
194<g >
195 <g transform="translate(0.24520123,0.93464292)">
196 <path d="M 8.2494641,21.074514 V 5.6225142 c 0,-0.314 0.254,-0.567 0.57,-0.567 H 29.978464 c 2.388,0 9.268,5.8269998 9.268,8.3029998 v 5.5835 l -3.585749,4.407396 -2.772971,-3.535534 -5.126524,3.414213 -5.944543,-3.237436 -5.722718,3.06066 z m 30.9969999,3.8675 v 15.5835 c 0,0.314 -0.254,0.567 -0.57,0.567 H 8.8194641 c -0.315,0.002 -0.57,-0.251 -0.57,-0.566 v -15.452 l 7.8444949,2.628449 5.656854,-2.65165 4.24264,3.005204 5.833631,-3.237437 3.712311,3.944543 z" style="fill:url(#linearGradient3448);stroke:#888a85" />
197 <path d="m 30.383464,12.110514 c 4.108,0.159 7.304,-0.978 8.867,1.446 0.304,-3.9679998 -7.254,-8.8279998 -9.285,-8.4979998 0.813,0.498 0.418,7.0519998 0.418,7.0519998 z" style="fill:url(#linearGradient3445);stroke:#868a84" />
198 <path enable-background="new" d="m 31.443464,11.086514 c 2.754,-0.019 4.106,-0.49 5.702,0.19 -1.299,-1.8809998 -4.358,-3.3439998 -5.728,-4.0279998 0.188,0.775 0.026,3.8379998 0.026,3.8379998 z" style="opacity:0.36930003;fill:none;stroke:url(#linearGradient3442)" />
199 </g>
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