3.5 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1// Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
2// Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
3import { assign } from './utils';
4import { WidgetModel, WidgetView } from './widget';
6 * css properties exposed by the layout widget with their default values.
7 */
8const css_properties = {
9 align_content: null,
10 align_items: null,
11 align_self: null,
12 border_top: null,
13 border_right: null,
14 border_bottom: null,
15 border_left: null,
16 bottom: null,
17 display: null,
18 flex: null,
19 flex_flow: null,
20 height: null,
21 justify_content: null,
22 justify_items: null,
23 left: null,
24 margin: null,
25 max_height: null,
26 max_width: null,
27 min_height: null,
28 min_width: null,
29 overflow: null,
30 order: null,
31 padding: null,
32 right: null,
33 top: null,
34 visibility: null,
35 width: null,
36 // image-specific
37 object_fit: null,
38 object_position: null,
39 // container
40 grid_auto_columns: null,
41 grid_auto_flow: null,
42 grid_auto_rows: null,
43 grid_gap: null,
44 grid_template_rows: null,
45 grid_template_columns: null,
46 grid_template_areas: null,
47 // items
48 grid_row: null,
49 grid_column: null,
50 grid_area: null,
52export class LayoutModel extends WidgetModel {
53 defaults() {
54 return assign(super.defaults(), {
55 _model_name: 'LayoutModel',
56 _view_name: 'LayoutView',
57 }, css_properties);
58 }
60export class LayoutView extends WidgetView {
61 /**
62 * Public constructor
63 */
64 initialize(parameters) {
65 this._traitNames = [];
66 super.initialize(parameters);
67 // Register the traits that live on the Python side
68 for (const key of Object.keys(css_properties)) {
69 this.registerTrait(key);
70 }
71 }
72 /**
73 * Register a CSS trait that is known by the model
74 * @param trait
75 */
76 registerTrait(trait) {
77 this._traitNames.push(trait);
78 // Listen to changes, and set the value on change.
79 this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:' + trait, (model, value) => {
80 this.handleChange(trait, value);
81 });
82 // Set the initial value on display.
83 this.handleChange(trait, this.model.get(trait));
84 }
85 /**
86 * Get the the name of the css property from the trait name
87 * @param model attribute name
88 * @return css property name
89 */
90 css_name(trait) {
91 return trait.replace(/_/g, '-');
92 }
93 /**
94 * Handles when a trait value changes
95 */
96 handleChange(trait, value) {
97 // should be synchronous so that we can measure later.
98 const parent = this.options.parent;
99 if (parent) {
100 if (value === null) {
101 parent.el.style.removeProperty(this.css_name(trait));
102 }
103 else {
104 parent.el.style.setProperty(this.css_name(trait), value);
105 }
106 }
107 else {
108 console.warn('Style not applied because a parent view does not exist');
109 }
110 }
111 /**
112 * Remove the styling from the parent view.
113 */
114 unlayout() {
115 const parent = this.options.parent;
116 this._traitNames.forEach((trait) => {
117 if (parent) {
118 parent.el.style.removeProperty(this.css_name(trait));
119 }
120 else {
121 console.warn('Style not removed because a parent view does not exist');
122 }
123 }, this);
124 }
126//# sourceMappingURL=widget_layout.js.map
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