2.44 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
3 * Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
4 */
6// Type definitions for duplicate-package-checker-webpack-plugin 2.1
7// Project: https://github.com/darrenscerri/duplicate-package-checker-webpack-plugin#readme
8// Definitions by: Matt Traynham <https://github.com/mtraynham>
9// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
10// TypeScript Version: 2.3
12// Modified to work with Webpack 5 typings by Jason Grout <https://github.com/jasongrout>
14/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
16// Once to get a typed module first.
17declare module 'duplicate-package-checker-webpack-plugin';
19// Then we expand the definition with the things we use.
20declare module 'duplicate-package-checker-webpack-plugin' {
21 import * as webpack from 'webpack';
23 export = DuplicatePackageCheckerWebpackPlugin;
25 class DuplicatePackageCheckerWebpackPlugin {
26 constructor(options?: DuplicatePackageCheckerWebpackPlugin.Options);
27 apply(compiler: webpack.Compiler): void;
28 }
30 namespace DuplicatePackageCheckerWebpackPlugin {
31 /** The properties of the instance of a package */
32 interface PackageInstanceProperties {
33 /** The name of the package */
34 name: string;
35 /** The version of the package */
36 version: string;
37 /** Absolute path to the package */
38 path: string;
39 /** Absolute path to the module that requested the package */
40 issuer?: string;
41 }
43 /** The configurable options for the plugin */
44 interface Options {
45 /** Also show module that is requiring each duplicate package (default: false) */
46 verbose?: boolean;
47 /** Emit errors instead of warnings (default: false) */
48 emitError?: boolean;
49 /** Show help message if duplicate packages are found (default: true) */
50 showHelp?: boolean;
51 /** Warn also if major versions differ (default: true) */
52 strict?: boolean;
54 /**
55 * Exclude instances of packages from the results.
56 * If all instances of a package are excluded, or all instances except one,
57 * then the package is no longer considered duplicated and won't be emitted as a warning/error.
58 * @param instance The instance of a package being evaluated for exclusion.
59 * @returns true to exclude the instance, false otherwise
60 */
61 exclude?: (instance: PackageInstanceProperties) => boolean;
62 }
63 }