3.25 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="node" />
2import childProcess = require('child_process');
3import { DepGraph } from 'dependency-graph';
4declare type Dict<T> = {
5 [key: string]: T;
8 * Get all of the lerna package paths.
9 */
10export declare function getLernaPaths(basePath?: string): string[];
12 * Get all of the core package paths.
13 */
14export declare function getCorePaths(): string[];
16 * Write a package.json if necessary.
17 *
18 * @param data - The package data.
19 *
20 * @oaram pkgJsonPath - The path to the package.json file.
21 *
22 * @returns Whether the file has changed.
23 */
24export declare function writePackageData(pkgJsonPath: string, data: any): boolean;
26 * Read a json file.
27 */
28export declare function readJSONFile(filePath: string): any;
30 * Write a json file.
31 */
32export declare function writeJSONFile(filePath: string, data: any): boolean;
34 * Simple template substitution for template vars of the form {{name}}
35 *
36 * @param templ: the template string.
37 * Ex: `This header generated by {{funcName}}`
38 *
39 * @param subs: an object in which the parameter keys are the template
40 * variables and the parameter values are the substitutions.
41 *
42 * @param options: function options.
43 *
44 * @param options.autoindent: default = true. If true, will try to match
45 * indentation level of {{var}} in substituted template.
46 *
47 * @param options.end: default = '\n'. Inserted at the end of
48 * a template post-substitution and post-trim.
49 *
50 * @returns the input template with all {{vars}} substituted, then `.trim`-ed.
51 */
52export declare function fromTemplate(templ: string, subs: Dict<string>, options?: {
53 autoindent?: boolean;
54 end?: string;
55}): string;
57 *
58 * Call a command, checking its status.
59 */
60export declare function checkStatus(cmd: string): number;
62 * Get the current version of JupyterLab
63 */
64export declare function getPythonVersion(): string;
66 * Get the current version of a package
67 */
68export declare function getJSVersion(pkg: string): any;
70 * Pre-bump.
71 */
72export declare function prebump(): void;
74 * Post-bump.
75 */
76export declare function postbump(): void;
78 * Run a command with terminal output.
79 *
80 * @param cmd - The command to run.
81 */
82export declare function run(cmd: string, options?: childProcess.ExecSyncOptions, quiet?: boolean): string;
84 * Get a graph that has all of the package data for the local packages and their
85 * first order dependencies.
86 */
87export declare function getPackageGraph(): DepGraph<Dict<any>>;
89 * Ensure the given path uses '/' as path separator.
90 */
91export declare function ensureUnixPathSep(source: string): string;
93 * Get the last portion of a path, without its extension (if any).
94 *
95 * @param path - The file path.
96 *
97 * @returns the last part of the path, sans extension.
98 */
99export declare function stem(path: string): string;
101 * Given a 'snake-case', 'snake_case', or 'snake case' string,
102 * will return the camel case version: 'snakeCase'.
103 *
104 * @param str: the snake-case input string.
105 *
106 * @param upper: default = false. If true, the first letter of the
107 * returned string will be capitalized.
108 *
109 * @returns the camel case version of the input string.
110 */
111export declare function camelCase(str: string, upper?: boolean): string;
112export {};