4.65 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { SessionContext } from '@jupyterlab/apputils';
2import { ICellModel } from '@jupyterlab/cells';
3import { Document, IAdapterOptions, IVirtualPosition, VirtualDocument, WidgetLSPAdapter } from '@jupyterlab/lsp';
4import * as nbformat from '@jupyterlab/nbformat';
5import { IObservableList } from '@jupyterlab/observables';
6import { Session } from '@jupyterlab/services';
7import { NotebookPanel } from './panel';
8import { Notebook } from './widget';
9import { CellList } from './celllist';
10type ILanguageInfoMetadata = nbformat.ILanguageInfoMetadata;
11export declare class NotebookAdapter extends WidgetLSPAdapter<NotebookPanel> {
12 editorWidget: NotebookPanel;
13 protected options: IAdapterOptions;
14 constructor(editorWidget: NotebookPanel, options: IAdapterOptions);
15 /**
16 * The wrapped `Notebook` widget.
17 */
18 readonly editor: Notebook;
19 /**
20 * Get current path of the document.
21 */
22 get documentPath(): string;
23 /**
24 * Get the mime type of the document.
25 */
26 get mimeType(): string;
27 /**
28 * Get the file extension of the document.
29 */
30 get languageFileExtension(): string | undefined;
31 /**
32 * Get the inner HTMLElement of the document widget.
33 */
34 get wrapperElement(): HTMLElement;
35 /**
36 * Get the list of CM editor with its type in the document,
37 */
38 get editors(): Document.ICodeBlockOptions[];
39 /**
40 * Get the activated CM editor.
41 */
42 get activeEditor(): Document.IEditor | undefined;
43 /**
44 * Promise that resolves once the adapter is initialized
45 */
46 get ready(): Promise<void>;
47 /**
48 * Get the index of editor from the cursor position in the virtual
49 * document.
50 *
51 * @param position - the position of cursor in the virtual document.
52 */
53 getEditorIndexAt(position: IVirtualPosition): number;
54 /**
55 * Get the index of input editor
56 *
57 * @param ceEditor - instance of the code editor
58 */
59 getEditorIndex(ceEditor: Document.IEditor): number;
60 /**
61 * Get the wrapper of input editor.
62 *
63 * @param ceEditor - instance of the code editor
64 */
65 getEditorWrapper(ceEditor: Document.IEditor): HTMLElement;
66 /**
67 * Callback on kernel changed event, it will disconnect the
68 * document with the language server and then reconnect.
69 *
70 * @param _session - Session context of changed kernel
71 * @param change - Changed data
72 */
73 onKernelChanged(_session: SessionContext, change: Session.ISessionConnection.IKernelChangedArgs): Promise<void>;
74 /**
75 * Dispose the widget.
76 */
77 dispose(): void;
78 /**
79 * Method to check if the notebook context is ready.
80 */
81 isReady(): boolean;
82 /**
83 * Update the virtual document on cell changing event.
84 *
85 * @param cells - Observable list of changed cells
86 * @param change - Changed data
87 */
88 handleCellChange(cells: CellList, change: IObservableList.IChangedArgs<ICellModel>): Promise<void>;
89 /**
90 * Generate the virtual document associated with the document.
91 */
92 createVirtualDocument(): VirtualDocument;
93 /**
94 * Get the metadata of notebook.
95 */
96 protected language_info(): ILanguageInfoMetadata;
97 /**
98 * Initialization function called once the editor and the LSP connection
99 * manager is ready. This function will create the virtual document and
100 * connect various signals.
101 */
102 protected initOnceReady(): Promise<void>;
103 /**
104 * Connect the cell changed event to its handler
105 *
106 * @param notebook - The notebook that emitted event.
107 */
108 private _connectModelSignals;
109 /**
110 * Update the stored language info with the one from the notebook.
111 */
112 private _updateLanguageInfo;
113 /**
114 * Handle the cell changed event
115 * @param notebook - The notebook that emitted event
116 * @param cell - Changed cell.
117 */
118 private _activeCellChanged;
119 /**
120 * Get the cell at the cursor position of the virtual document.
121 * @param pos - Position in the virtual document.
122 */
123 private _getCellAt;
124 /**
125 * Get the cell editor and add new ones to the mappings.
126 *
127 * @param cell Cell widget
128 * @returns Cell editor accessor
129 */
130 private _getCellEditor;
131 /**
132 * A map between the editor accessor and the containing cell
133 */
134 private _editorToCell;
135 /**
136 * Mapping of cell to editor accessor to ensure accessor uniqueness.
137 */
138 private _cellToEditor;
139 /**
140 * Metadata of the notebook
141 */
142 private _languageInfo;
143 private _type;
144 private _readyDelegate;
146export {};