1 | import { JSONObject } from '@lumino/coreutils';
2 | import { DisposableDelegate } from '@lumino/disposable';
3 | import * as Kernel from './kernel';
4 | import * as KernelMessage from './messages';
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 | export declare class CommHandler extends DisposableDelegate implements Kernel.IComm {
9 | |
10 |
11 |
12 | constructor(target: string, id: string, kernel: Kernel.IKernelConnection, disposeCb: () => void);
13 | /**
14 | * The unique id for the comm channel.
15 | */
16 | get commId(): string;
17 | /**
18 | * The target name for the comm channel.
19 | */
20 | get targetName(): string;
21 | /**
22 | * Get the callback for a comm close event.
23 | *
24 | * #### Notes
25 | * This is called when the comm is closed from either the server or client.
26 | *
27 | * **See also:** [[ICommClose]], [[close]]
28 | */
29 | get onClose(): (msg: KernelMessage.ICommCloseMsg) => void | PromiseLike<void>;
30 | /**
31 | * Set the callback for a comm close event.
32 | *
33 | * #### Notes
34 | * This is called when the comm is closed from either the server or client. If
35 | * the function returns a promise, and the kernel was closed from the server,
36 | * kernel message processing will pause until the returned promise is
37 | * fulfilled.
38 | *
39 | * **See also:** [[close]]
40 | */
41 | set onClose(cb: (msg: KernelMessage.ICommCloseMsg) => void | PromiseLike<void>);
42 | /**
43 | * Get the callback for a comm message received event.
44 | */
45 | get onMsg(): (msg: KernelMessage.ICommMsgMsg) => void | PromiseLike<void>;
46 | /**
47 | * Set the callback for a comm message received event.
48 | *
49 | * #### Notes
50 | * This is called when a comm message is received. If the function returns a
51 | * promise, kernel message processing will pause until it is fulfilled.
52 | */
53 | set onMsg(cb: (msg: KernelMessage.ICommMsgMsg) => void | PromiseLike<void>);
54 | /**
55 | * Open a comm with optional data and metadata.
56 | *
57 | * #### Notes
58 | * This sends a `comm_open` message to the server.
59 | *
60 | * **See also:** [[ICommOpen]]
61 | */
62 | open(data?: JSONObject, metadata?: JSONObject, buffers?: (ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView)[]): Kernel.IShellFuture;
63 | /**
64 | * Send a `comm_msg` message to the kernel.
65 | *
66 | * #### Notes
67 | * This is a no-op if the comm has been closed.
68 | *
69 | * **See also:** [[ICommMsg]]
70 | */
71 | send(data: JSONObject, metadata?: JSONObject, buffers?: (ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView)[], disposeOnDone?: boolean): Kernel.IShellFuture;
72 | /**
73 | * Close the comm.
74 | *
75 | * #### Notes
76 | * This will send a `comm_close` message to the kernel, and call the
77 | * `onClose` callback if set.
78 | *
79 | * This is a no-op if the comm is already closed.
80 | *
81 | * **See also:** [[ICommClose]], [[onClose]]
82 | */
83 | close(data?: JSONObject, metadata?: JSONObject, buffers?: (ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView)[]): Kernel.IShellFuture;
84 | private _target;
85 | private _id;
86 | private _kernel;
87 | private _onClose;
88 | private _onMsg;
89 | }