1.26 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { AccordionLayout, AccordionPanel, Title, Widget } from '@lumino/widgets';
2export declare namespace AccordionToolbar {
3 /**
4 * Custom renderer for the SidePanel
5 */
6 class Renderer extends AccordionPanel.Renderer {
7 /**
8 * Render the collapse indicator for a section title.
9 *
10 * @param data - The data to use for rendering the section title.
11 *
12 * @returns A element representing the collapse indicator.
13 */
14 createCollapseIcon(data: Title<Widget>): HTMLElement;
15 /**
16 * Render the element for a section title.
17 *
18 * @param data - The data to use for rendering the section title.
19 *
20 * @returns A element representing the section title.
21 */
22 createSectionTitle(data: Title<Widget>): HTMLElement;
23 }
24 const defaultRenderer: Renderer;
25 /**
26 * Create an accordion layout for accordion panel with toolbar in the title.
27 *
28 * @param options Panel options
29 * @returns Panel layout
30 *
31 * #### Note
32 *
33 * Default titleSpace is 32 px (default var(--jp-private-toolbar-height) - but not styled)
34 */
35 function createLayout(options: AccordionPanel.IOptions): AccordionLayout;