678 BJavaScriptView Raw
1import React from 'react';
2import { storiesOf, action, linkTo } from '@kadira/storybook';
3import Button from './button';
5storiesOf('Button', module)
6 .add('default view', () => (
7 <Button onClick={ action('button clicked') }>Hello</Button>
8 ))
9 .add('link button', () => (
10 <Button onClick={ linkTo('Button', 'some emojies as the text') }>Go to Next Story</Button>
11 ))
12 .add('some emojies as the text', () => (
13 <Button>😀 😎 👍 💯 </Button>
14 ))
15 .add('custom styles', () => {
16 const style = {
17 fontSize: 20,
18 textTransform: 'uppercase',
19 color: '#FF8833',
20 };
21 return (
22 <Button style={ style }>Hello</Button>
23 );
24 });