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1Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
2var graphql_1 = require("graphql");
3var deprecated_decorator_1 = require("deprecated-decorator");
4var _1 = require(".");
5// takes a GraphQL-JS schema and an object of connectors, then attaches
6// the connectors to the context by wrapping each query or mutation resolve
7// function with a function that attaches connectors if they don't exist.
8// attaches connectors only once to make sure they are singletons
9var attachConnectorsToContext = deprecated_decorator_1.deprecated({
10 version: '0.7.0',
11 url: 'https://github.com/apollostack/graphql-tools/issues/140',
12}, function (schema, connectors) {
13 if (!schema || !(schema instanceof graphql_1.GraphQLSchema)) {
14 throw new Error('schema must be an instance of GraphQLSchema. ' +
15 'This error could be caused by installing more than one version of GraphQL-JS');
16 }
17 if (typeof connectors !== 'object') {
18 var connectorType = typeof connectors;
19 throw new Error("Expected connectors to be of type object, got " + connectorType);
20 }
21 if (Object.keys(connectors).length === 0) {
22 throw new Error('Expected connectors to not be an empty object');
23 }
24 if (Array.isArray(connectors)) {
25 throw new Error('Expected connectors to be of type object, got Array');
26 }
27 if (schema['_apolloConnectorsAttached']) {
28 throw new Error('Connectors already attached to context, cannot attach more than once');
29 }
30 schema['_apolloConnectorsAttached'] = true;
31 var attachconnectorFn = function (root, args, ctx) {
32 if (typeof ctx !== 'object') {
33 // if in any way possible, we should throw an error when the attachconnectors
34 // function is called, not when a query is executed.
35 var contextType = typeof ctx;
36 throw new Error("Cannot attach connector because context is not an object: " + contextType);
37 }
38 if (typeof ctx.connectors === 'undefined') {
39 ctx.connectors = {};
40 }
41 Object.keys(connectors).forEach(function (connectorName) {
42 var connector = connectors[connectorName];
43 if (!!connector.prototype) {
44 ctx.connectors[connectorName] = new connector(ctx);
45 }
46 else {
47 throw new Error("Connector must be a function or an class");
48 }
49 });
50 return root;
51 };
52 _1.addSchemaLevelResolveFunction(schema, attachconnectorFn);
54exports.default = attachConnectorsToContext;
55//# sourceMappingURL=attachConnectorsToContext.js.map
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