7.8 kBMarkdownView Raw
1# \<kwc-auth\>
3## Purpose
4Front end for Kano&#39;s authentication flow.
6**27/02/2019**: Starting refactor to allow for new GDPR and COPPA compliant flow. This will involve the following tasks:
7* remove unnecessary properties
8* remove unnecessary styles
9* Align with brand styles
10* Remove Polymer dependency
11* Add lit-html dependency
12* Investigation on need for typescript
13* Remove Behaviour dep
14* Move behaviour / validation into utility
15* Ensure tabbing and accessability is as expected
16* Show/hide password feature
17* Check username available on blur
18* Validation of other inputs on blur
20**24/05/2018**: The README is out of date. Please proceed with caution.
22This component implements view according to the current User Login Journey as descibe in this [working document](https://docs.google.com/a/kano.me/drawings/d/1TJx_Y6rA6tQYHww99x2aJy4qxoWrQZzoOjYEnQUh5f0/edit?usp=sharing). **Please note** _this link is not guarenteed to be in sync with the component but should be a good guide_.
24## Properties
25 <!-- * assetsPath: Path for assets used during the auth flow.
26 * errors: Keeps track of error messages.
27 * email: Input value.
28 * firstName: Input value.
29 * isForceSignup: Flags if modal can be closed or not. If `isForceSignup` is `true` then the `kwc-modal` shouldn't be closable.
30 * newsletter: Flags if user wants to subscribe to newsletter.
31 * opened: Flags modal is opened
32 * password: Input value.
33 * processing: Flags if component is waiting an answer from server or parent component.
34 * terms: Flags if user has accepted terms and conditions.
35 * username: Input value.
36 * worldUrl: Kano world URL.
37 * view: Login view to show
38 * _motifUrl: Computed value of jukoka-face url
39 * _linkArrowIcon: Computed value of arrow SVG -->
41 <!-- If `assetsPath` is given the modal will look for a motif icon at `${assetsPath}/avatar/judoka-face.svg` and an arrow icon at `${assetsPath}/icons/link-arrow.svg` so you need to provide those files. -->
43## API
44<!-- ### kwc-auth#close()
45A [ronseal](http://media-assets-02.thedrum.com/cache/images/thedrum-prod/public-news-tmp-56351-1806130_orig--default--300.jpg) function. It does what it says on the tin.
46### kwc-auth#open([defaultview])
47Open the `kwc-auth` modal. The default view is the [`login`](#login) view. This can be overidden if a valid view name is passed.
48#### Arguments
49* defaultview: one of `login`, `signup`, `grownups`, `password-reset` or `username-reminder`. -->
50### kwc-auth#reset()
51Reset the internal state of the auth modal. Essentially
52<!-- ```js
53kwc-auth.errors = {};
54kwc-auth.firstName = null;
55kwc-auth.username = null;
56kwc-auth.password = null;
57kwc-auth.email = null;
58kwc-auth.terms = true;
59kwc-auth.newsletter = false;
60``` -->
61### kwc-auth#show*
62<!-- Router helper functions that allow an external component to trigger a view change to the desired view.
63* `showLogin()`
64* `showSignup()`
65* `showGrownup()`
66* `showEmail()`
67* `showDone()`
68* `showPasswordReset()`
69* `showResetConfirmation()`
70* `showUsernameReminder()` -->
72## Auth Flows and Views
73This component is very specific to the authentication flow as it is currently specified for the `kano` apps. It does not contain any logic for completing the authentication flows, that is defered the the context in which the component is used. The views are for collecting the relevant user data so any parent (probably app specific) component can complete the communicaiton with the api and process any responses.
74### Login | Signup
75<!-- The first flow is for authenticating a user. (__NOTE: This flow may be updated before this doc is!__). Either a user authenticates an existing account or creates a new account and is logged in on completion. (See [here](https://docs.google.com/a/kano.me/drawings/d/1TJx_Y6rA6tQYHww99x2aJy4qxoWrQZzoOjYEnQUh5f0/edit?usp=sharing) for more detail.)
77The `kwc-auth` component implements views for [login](#login) and [signup](#signup) with links between the two. -->
78#### login
79<!-- * Fields: username, password.
80* On submit event: [`login`](#login). -->
81#### signup
82<!-- * Fields: firstname, username, password.
83* On submit event: [`submit-signup-info`](#submit-signup-info). -->
84#### grownups
85<!-- * Fields: email.
86* On submit event: [`submit-signup-email`](#submit-signup-email). -->
88### Forget credentials
89The `kwc-auth` component implements two views to allow a user to enter information in order to recover forgotten credentials. Username recovery flow accepts a valid email address and password recovery asks for a username. (See [here](https://docs.google.com/a/kano.me/drawings/d/1TJx_Y6rA6tQYHww99x2aJy4qxoWrQZzoOjYEnQUh5f0/edit?usp=sharing) for more detail.)
91#### password-reset
92* Fields: username.
93* On submit event: [`forgot-password`](#forgot-password).
94#### username-reminder
95* Fields: email.
96* On submit event: [`forgot-username`](#forgot-username).
97<!-- ## Events
98This component fires the following custom events:
100### cancel
101This event is fired when the modal close button or the skip button are clicked.
102### change-*
103`kw-auth` exposes the `on-change-[email|firstname|password|username]` events for the input fields on the auth forms. This allows for parent components to apply context specific validations on user inputs. For example we could check username availability as a user types.
105const authElem = document.querySelector('#auth');
106authElm.addEventListener('change-username', (e) => {
108 if(this.delayTimer){
109 clearTimeout(this.delayTimer);
110 }
111 this.delayTimer = setTimeout((function(value) {
112 return fetch(`${API_URL}/users/username/${value}`)
113 .then((res) => {
114 if(res.ok){
115 authElm.errors.username = "This one is already taken."
116 }
117 });
118 },
119 }).bind( this, e.detail ), 1000);
122The `detail` property of the event will contain only the current value of the targeted input.
123### done
124Fired when the `done` button is clicked on the final auth modal view. No data is passed.
125### forgot-password
126The event is passed the following detail:
129 type: 'object',
130 properties: {
131 username: {
132 type: 'string'
133 }
134 }
137### forgot-username
138The event is passed the following detail:
141 type: 'object',
142 properties: {
143 password: {
144 type: 'string'
145 }
146 }
149### login
150The event is passed the following detail:
153 type: 'object',
154 properties: {
155 username: {
156 type: 'string'
157 },
158 password: {
159 type: 'string'
160 }
161 }
164### skip
165The event is passed no data and is followed by a [`cancel`](#cancel) event.
166### submit-signup-email
167The event is passed the following detail:
170 type: 'object',
171 properties: {
172 firstName: {
173 type: 'string'
174 },
175 username: {
176 type: 'string'
177 },
178 password: {
179 type: 'string'
180 },
181 email: {
182 type: 'string',
183 format: 'email'
184 },
185 newsletter: {
186 type: 'boolean'
187 }
188 }
191### submit-signup-info
192The event is passed the following detail:
195 type: 'object',
196 properties: {
197 firstName: {
198 type: 'string'
199 },
200 username: {
201 type: 'string'
202 },
203 password: {
204 type: 'string'
205 }
206 }
207} -->
209## Installation
210 * Clone this repository.
211 * Run `yarn`
213 * To serve locally `yarn serve` - the site will be served on http://localhost:4000/demo
215 * If you'd like to change the port that it's running on use `yarn serve --port=4040`
217 * yarn add --dev typescript
218 * Watch file changes: yarn tsc --watch
220## Running Tests
223$ yarn test
225or to serve your tests while you work
227$ yarn serve-test