10.3 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2`<kwc-auth>` Front end for Kano's authentication flow.
4Add this component somewhere in your html body and set some EventListeners
5to interact with its many useful events.
11@demo demo/index.html
12@demo demo/example.html
14var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) {
15 var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
16 if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
17 else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
18 return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;
20import { LitElement, html, property, customElement, css, query } from 'lit-element/lit-element.js';
21// TODO: figure out if this component is required
22// import './components/kwc-auth-landing.js';
23import './components/kwc-auth-username.js';
24import './components/kwc-auth-password.js';
25import './components/kwc-auth-email.js';
26import './components/kwc-auth-forgot-username.js';
27import './components/kwc-auth-forgot-email.js';
28import './components/kwc-auth-forgot-password.js';
29import './components/kwc-auth-successful-signup.js';
30import './components/kwc-auth-login.js';
31import { styles } from './styles.js';
32let KwcAuth = class KwcAuth extends LitElement {
33 constructor() {
34 super();
35 this.loading = false;
36 this.hideLogin = true;
37 this.view = '';
38 this.locale = '';
39 this.logo = 'kano';
40 this.backgroundGlyph = 'shapesGlyph';
41 this.allowExit = false;
42 this.form = {
43 username: '',
44 password: '',
45 email: '',
46 region: '',
47 };
48 this.handleLoginRequested = this.handleLoginRequested.bind(this);
49 }
50 static get styles() {
51 return [
52 styles,
53 css `
54 kwc-auth-login,
55 kwc-auth-password,
56 kwc-auth-username,
57 kwc-auth-successful-signup,
58 kwc-auth-forgot-password,
59 kwc-auth-forgot-username,
60 kwc-auth-forgot-email,
61 kwc-auth-email {
62 background-color: white;
63 border-radius: 9px;
64 width: 100%;
65 height: 100%;
66 margin: 0 auto;
67 }
69 @media (max-width: 600px) {
70 kwc-auth-login {
71 border-radius: 0;
72 height: 100vh;
73 }
74 }
75 `,
76 ];
77 }
78 connectedCallback() {
79 super.connectedCallback();
80 this.addEventListener('login-requested', this.handleLoginRequested);
81 }
82 disconnectedCallback() {
83 super.disconnectedCallback();
84 this.removeEventListener('login-requested', this.handleLoginRequested);
85 }
86 handleLoginRequested() {
87 this.submit('login');
88 }
89 // Return template of the current form
90 formTemplate(view) {
91 switch (view) {
92 case 'username':
93 return html `
94 <kwc-auth-username
95 .disabled=${this.loading}
96 .allowExit=${this.allowExit}
97 .locale=${this.locale}
98 @submit=${this.handleUsernameSubmit}
99 @exit=${this.handleExit}
100 ></kwc-auth-username>
101 `;
102 case 'update-username':
103 return html `
104 <kwc-auth-username
105 .hideLogin=${this.hideLogin}
106 .disabled=${this.loading}
107 .locale=${this.locale}
108 @submit=${this.handleUpdateUsername}
109 ></kwc-auth-username>
110 `;
111 case 'password':
112 return html `
113 <kwc-auth-password
114 .username=${this.form.username}
115 .disabled=${this.loading}
116 .locale=${this.locale}
117 @submit=${this.handlePasswordSubmit}
118 ></kwc-auth-password>
119 `;
120 case 'email':
121 return html `
122 <kwc-auth-email
123 .disabled=${this.loading}
124 .locale=${this.locale}
125 @submit=${this.handleRegister}
126 ></kwc-auth-email>
127 `;
128 case 'update-email':
129 return html `
130 <kwc-auth-email
131 .hideLogin=${this.hideLogin}
132 .disabled=${this.loading}
133 .locale=${this.locale}
134 @submit=${this.handleUpdateEmail}
135 ></kwc-auth-email>
136 `;
137 case 'forgot-email':
138 return html `
139 <kwc-auth-forgot-email
140 .disabled=${this.loading}
141 .locale=${this.locale}
142 @submit=${this.handleForgotEmail}
143 ></kwc-auth-forgot-email>
144 `;
145 case 'forgot-password':
146 return html `
147 <kwc-auth-forgot-password
148 .disabled=${this.loading}
149 .locale=${this.locale}
150 @submit=${this.handleForgotPassword}
151 ></kwc-auth-forgot-password>
152 `;
153 case 'forgot-username':
154 return html `
155 <kwc-auth-forgot-username
156 .disabled=${this.loading}
157 .locale=${this.locale}
158 @submit=${this.handleForgotUsername}
159 ></kwc-auth-forgot-username>
160 `;
161 case 'success':
162 return html `
163 <kwc-auth-successful-signup
164 .locale=${this.locale}
165 @submit=${this.handleFinishedFlow}
166 @resend-email=${this.handleResendEmail}
167 ></kwc-auth-successful-signup>
168 `;
169 default:
170 return html `
171 <kwc-auth-login
172 .disabled=${this.loading}
173 .logo=${this.logo}
174 .locale=${this.locale}
175 @submit=${this.handleLogin}
176 @changeView=${this.changeView}
177 ></kwc-auth-login>
178 `;
179 }
180 }
181 changeView(e) {
182 this.submit(e.detail.view);
183 }
184 handleSubmit(e) {
185 this.submit(e.detail.next);
186 }
187 handleExit() {
188 this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('exit'));
189 }
190 render() {
191 return this.formTemplate(this.view);
192 }
193 submit(view) {
194 this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('changeView', {
195 detail: {
196 nextView: view,
197 }
198 }));
199 }
200 handleUsernameSubmit(e) {
201 this.form.username = e.detail.payload.username;
202 this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('submit-username', {
203 detail: e.detail.payload.username,
204 }));
205 }
206 handlePasswordSubmit(e) {
207 this.form.password = e.detail.payload.password;
208 this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('submit-password'));
209 }
210 handleUpdateUsername(e) {
211 this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('update-username', {
212 detail: e.detail.payload.username,
213 }));
214 }
215 handleRegister(e) {
216 this.form.email = e.detail.payload.email;
217 this.form.region = e.detail.payload.region;
218 this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('register', {
219 detail: {
220 form: this.form,
221 },
222 }));
223 }
224 handleUpdateEmail(e) {
225 this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('update-email', {
226 detail: e.detail.payload.email,
227 }));
228 }
229 handleLogin(e) {
230 this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('login', {
231 detail: e.detail,
232 }));
233 }
234 handleForgotPassword(e) {
235 this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('forgot-password', {
236 detail: e.detail.payload['forgot-password'],
237 }));
238 }
239 handleForgotUsername(e) {
240 this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('forgot-username', {
241 detail: e.detail.payload['forgot-username'],
242 }));
243 }
244 handleForgotEmail(e) {
245 this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('forgot-email', {
246 detail: e.detail.payload['forgot-email'],
247 }));
248 }
249 handleFinishedFlow() {
250 this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('finished-flow'));
251 }
252 handleResendEmail() {
253 this.dispatchEvent(new Event('finished-flow'));
254 }
257 property({ type: Boolean })
258], KwcAuth.prototype, "loading", void 0);
260 property({ type: Boolean })
261], KwcAuth.prototype, "hideLogin", void 0);
263 property({ type: String })
264], KwcAuth.prototype, "view", void 0);
266 property({ type: String })
267], KwcAuth.prototype, "locale", void 0);
269 property({ type: String })
270], KwcAuth.prototype, "logo", void 0);
272 property({ type: String })
273], KwcAuth.prototype, "backgroundGlyph", void 0);
275 property({ type: Boolean })
276], KwcAuth.prototype, "allowExit", void 0);
278 property({ type: Object })
279], KwcAuth.prototype, "form", void 0);
281 query('kwc-auth-username')
282], KwcAuth.prototype, "username", void 0);
284 query('kwc-auth-forgot-username')
285], KwcAuth.prototype, "forgotUsername", void 0);
287 query('kwc-auth-email')
288], KwcAuth.prototype, "email", void 0);
290 query('kwc-auth-forgot-password')
291], KwcAuth.prototype, "forgotPassword", void 0);
293 query('kwc-auth-login')
294], KwcAuth.prototype, "login", void 0);
295KwcAuth = __decorate([
296 customElement('kwc-auth')
297], KwcAuth);
298export { KwcAuth };
299//# sourceMappingURL=kwc-auth.js.map
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