6.07 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import '@polymer/iron-flex-layout/iron-flex-layout.js';
2import '@polymer/marked-element/marked-element.js';
3import '@polymer/prism-element/prism-highlighter.js';
4import { PolymerElement, html } from '@polymer/polymer/polymer-element.js';
5import { close } from '@kano/icons/ui.js';
6import { code } from '@kano/icons/social.js';
8class KwcCodeDisplay extends PolymerElement {
9 static get template() {
10 return html`
11 <style>
12 :host {
13 position: absolute;
14 top:0;
15 right: 0;
16 left: 0;
17 bottom: 0;
18 @apply --layout-vertical;
19 @apply --layout-center;
20 @apply --layout-start-justified;
21 background-color: rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.8);
22 padding: 50px 16px 0 16px;
23 width: 100%;
24 z-index: 100;
25 }
26 .code {
27 width: 100%;
28 height: 100%;
29 }
31 .code-contents {
32 @apply --layout-vertical;
33 @apply --layout-center;
34 @apply --layout-start-justified;
35 height: 100%;
36 margin: auto;
37 max-width: 880px;
38 width: 100%;
39 }
41 .code-header {
42 @apply --layout-horizontal;
43 @apply --layout-center;
44 @apply --layout-justified;
45 border-bottom: 1px solid var(--color-grey);
46 color: white;
47 padding-bottom: 16px;
48 width: 100%;
49 box-sizing: border-box;
50 }
52 .code-icon {
53 display: inline-block;
54 width: 24px;
55 height: 24px;
56 fill: var(--color-azure);
57 margin-right: 16px;
58 vertical-align: -25%;
59 }
61 .code-title {
62 margin: 0;
63 text-transform: uppercase;
64 }
66 .close-button {
67 -webkit-appearance: none;
68 appearance: none;
69 background-color: var(--color-grey);
70 border: 0;
71 border-radius: 3px;
72 cursor: pointer;
73 padding: 8px;
74 }
76 .close-button:focus {
77 outline: 0;
78 }
80 .close-button-icon {
81 color: white;
82 height: 16px;
83 width: 16px;
84 }
86 .code-main {
87 @apply --layout-horizontal;
88 @apply --layout-start;
89 @apply --layout-justified;
90 overflow-y: scroll;
91 padding: 16px 0;
92 width: 100%;
93 }
95 .line-numbers {
96 @apply --layout-flex-1;
97 color: white;
98 font-family: monospace;
99 font-size: 14px;
100 line-height: 18px;
101 opacity: 0.1;
102 padding: 1em 16px 0 0;
103 position: relative;
104 text-align: center;
105 }
107 marked-element {
108 @apply --layout-flex-12;
109 font-size: 14px;
110 line-height: 18px;
111 width: 100%;
112 }
114 .markdown-html {
115 color: white;
116 }
118 .markdown-html .token.number {
119 color: var(--color-amber);
120 }
122 .markdown-html .token.function,
123 .markdown-html .token.keyword {
124 color: #d356cf;
125 }
127 .markdown-html .token.title {
128 color: var(--color-kano-orange);
129 }
131 .markdown-html .token.string {
132 color: var(--color-grassland);
133 }
135 .markdown-html .token.punctuation,
136 .markdown-html .token.operator {
137 color: white;
138 background: transparent;
139 }
140 </style>
141 <div class="code">
142 <div class="code-contents">
143 <div class="code-header">
144 <h3 class="code-title">
145 <div class="icon code-icon">${code}</div>
146 [[codeType]]
147 </h3>
148 <button type="button" class="close-button" on-tap="_hideCode">
149 <div class="icon close-button-icon">${close}</div>
150 </button>
151 </div>
152 <div class="code-main">
153 <div class="line-numbers">
154 <template is="dom-repeat" items="[[lines]]" as="line">
155 <div class="line-number">[[line]]</div>
156 </template>
157 </div>
158 <prism-highlighter></prism-highlighter>
159 <marked-element id="code" markdown="[[code]]">
160 <div slot="markdown-html" class="markdown-html"></div>
161 </marked-element>
162 </div>
163 </div>
164 </div>
165 `;
166 }
167 static get properties() {
168 return {
169 /**
170 * A list of numbers for use to enumerate the lines of code.
171 * @type {Array}
172 */
173 lines: {
174 type: Array,
175 value: null,
176 },
177 /**
178 * The code to display.
179 * @type {String}
180 */
181 code: {
182 type: String,
183 value: null,
184 },
185 /**
186 * A string to place in the header to indicate the code type.
187 * @type {String}
188 */
189 codeType: {
190 type: String,
191 value: 'Code',
192 },
193 };
194 }
195 /**
196 * @event hide-code
197 */
198 _hideCode() {
199 this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('hide-code'));
200 }
203customElements.define('kwc-code-display', KwcCodeDisplay);