3.45 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import '@kano/styles/typography.js';
2import '@kano/styles/color.js';
3import '@kano/code/dist/app/elements/kc-player/kc-player.js';
4import { PolymerElement, html } from '@polymer/polymer/polymer-element.js';
5import './elements/kwc-code-display.js';
6import './highlight-theme/app.js';
9Player UI component for kano code shares.
11@demo demo/index-app.html
13class KwcAppPlayer extends PolymerElement {
14 static get template() {
15 return html`
16 <div class="app">
17 <kc-player id="player" src="[[_appUrl]]" show-toolbar></kc-player>
18 </div>
19 <template is="dom-if" if="[[displayCode]]">
20 <kwc-code-display code="[[_mdCode]]" lines="[[_lines]]" code-type="Javascript" on-hide-code="_hideCode"></kwc-code-display>
21 </template>
22 `;
23 }
24 static get properties() {
25 return {
26 /**
27 * The code that creates this share.
28 * @type {String}
29 */
30 _code: {
31 type: String,
32 value: null,
33 },
34 /**
35 * Flag to indicate whether the code display element is visible.
36 * @type {Boolean}
37 */
38 displayCode: {
39 type: Boolean,
40 value: false,
41 },
42 /**
43 * An array of line numbers for rendering the code display.
44 * @type {Array}
45 */
46 _lines: {
47 type: Array,
48 computed: '_computeLines(_mdCode)',
49 },
50 /**
51 * The markdown version of the share code to display in the
52 * code display element.
53 * @type {String}
54 */
55 _mdCode: {
56 type: String,
57 value: null,
58 },
59 _appUrl: {
60 type: String,
61 value: null,
62 },
63 /**
64 * The current share to be played.
65 * @type {Object}
66 */
67 share: {
68 type: Object,
69 observer: '_shareChanged',
70 },
71 };
72 }
73 /** OBSERVERS * */
74 /**
75 * Computed the number of lines in the share's code and
76 * populated an array with the list of numbers.
77 * @param {String} mdCode Markdown string of share code
78 * @return{Array} List of numbers.
79 */
80 _computeLines(mdCode) {
81 if (!mdCode) {
82 return [];
83 }
84 const newLines = mdCode.match(/\n(?!$)/g);
87 const lineCount = newLines ? newLines.length : 1;
88 const lines = [];
89 /* Don't include the header */
90 for (let i = 1; i < lineCount; i += 1) {
91 lines.push(i);
92 }
93 return lines;
94 }
95 /**
96 * Load any code from storage and compute the markdown for
97 * display in the display code element.
98 * @param {Object} share Current share data
99 */
100 _shareChanged(share) {
101 if (!share) {
102 return;
103 }
104 const attachment = this.share.attachment_url;
105 if (attachment) {
106 this._appUrl = attachment;
107 }
108 }
109 /** EVENT HANDLERS* */
110 /**
111 * Proxy the hide code event from the code display element.
112 *
113 * @event hide-code
114 */
115 _hideCode() {
116 this.this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('hide-code'));
117 }
120customElements.define('kwc-app-player', KwcAppPlayer);