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3## address-utils ##
5This is a library with utility functions for address objects as specified in the sri api.
7#### usage ####
9const addressUtils = require('@kathondvla/sri-client/address-utils');
12#### interface ####
14* **printAddress(address):** returns the address as a string in the format {street} {houseNumber} {mailboxNumber}, {zipCode} {subCity}
15* **isSameHouseNumberAndMailbox(a, b):** returns true if sri address a and sri address b have the same mailboxNumber and houseNumber. The match is case insensitive and ingores white spaces and underscores.
16* **isSameStreet(a, b):** returns true if sri address a and sri address b are the same streets. This means a match on the street name in the same city. If both addresses have a streetHref a match is done based on this reference because it is a reference to the same street, independent of how it is spelled. Otherwise A match on street name is case insensitive and takes into account that parts of the name are abbreviated with a dot. For example 'F. Lintsstraat' matches with 'Frederik lintsstraat'.
17* **isStreetNameMatch(a, b):** returns true if a en b which are both strings are the same street independent of how they are spelled. It takes into account that parts are abbreviated with a dot. For example 'F. Lintsstraat' matches with 'Frederik lintsstraat'.
18* **addSubCityHref(sriAddress, api) [async]:** adds a subCityHref reference to the sriAddress. api is an instance of an sri-client library (ng-sri-client, node-sri-client, fetch-sri-client, etc.)
19* **addStreetHref(sriAddress, api, dateUtils, changeStreetName) [async]:** adds a streetHref reference to the sriAddress. api is an instance of an sri-client library (ng-sri-client, node-sri-client, fetch-sri-client, etc.). You can add dateUtils to look at a differnt point in time. You can also set option changeStreetName [default = false] to also change sriAddress.street to the the way it is written in /sam/commons/streets.
21### Questions ###
23Mail to matthias.snellings@katholiekonderwijs.vlaanderen.
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