3.35 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "@kiwicom/orbit-components",
3 "version": "0.96.3",
4 "description": "Orbit-components is a React component library which provides developers with the easiest possible way of building Kiwi.com’s products.",
5 "sideEffects": false,
6 "scripts": {
7 "storybook": "start-storybook -p 6007 -c .storybook --ci -s ./static",
8 "prepublishOnly": "yarn build",
9 "build": "yarn clean && yarn build:icons && yarn build:iconFont && yarn build:typeFiles && yarn build:lib && yarn build:module && yarn build:umd",
10 "build:lib": "babel --out-dir lib --ignore **/*.stories.js,**/*.test.js,**/*.storyshot.js,**/__examples__/*.js,**/examples.js src && yarn copy:lib",
11 "build:module": "cross-env BABEL_TARGET=\"js-esm\" babel --out-dir es --ignore **/*.stories.js,**/*.test.js,**/*.storyshot.js,**/__examples__/*.js,**/examples.js src && yarn copy:module",
12 "check:icons": "babel-node config/checkIconsCli.js",
13 "build:icons": "babel-node config/build.js",
14 "build:iconsPng": "node config/generatePngIcons.js",
15 "build:typeFiles": "babel-node config/typeFiles.js",
16 "build:iconFont": "babel-node config/createSVGFont.js && cd src/icons/; zip -r ../../orbit-svgs.zip ./svg; cd -; zip -j orbit-svgs.zip orbit-icons-font/orbit-icons.svg && zip -r orbit-icons-font.zip orbit-icons-font",
17 "build:storybook": "cross-env BABEL_TARGET=storybook build-storybook -c .storybook -o .out -s ./static",
18 "build:examples": "babel-node config/buildExample.js 'src/**/__examples__/*.js'",
19 "build:umd": "webpack --mode=production",
20 "copy:lib": "copyfiles -u 1 'src/**/*.md' lib && copyfiles -u 1 'src/**/*.js.flow' lib && copyfiles -u 1 'src/**/*.json' lib && copyfiles -u 1 'src/**/*.d.ts' lib",
21 "copy:module": "copyfiles -u 1 'src/**/*.md' es && copyfiles -u 1 'src/**/*.js.flow' es && copyfiles -u 1 'src/**/*.json' es",
22 "clean": "rimraf lib es src/icons/*.js src/icons/*.js.flow",
23 "watch": "concurrently \"npm run build:lib -- --watch\" \"npm run build:module -- --watch\"",
24 "eslint:check": "eslint . --report-unused-disable-directives",
25 "fetch-translations": "babel-node config/fetchTranslations.js",
26 "deploy:storybook": "yarn build:storybook && yarn storybook-to-ghpages -e ./.out",
27 "deploy:surge": "yarn surge .out/",
28 "deploy:updateURL": "yarn babel-node config/deploymentUtils.js updateLiveURL",
29 "compile:ts": "yarn tsc"
30 },
31 "storybook-deployer": {
32 "gitUsername": "GH Pages Bot",
33 "gitEmail": "hello@ghbot.com",
34 "commitMessage": "Deploy Storybook to GitHub Pages [skip ci]"
35 },
36 "repository": {
37 "type": "git",
38 "url": "https://github.com/kiwicom/orbit.git",
39 "directory": "packages/orbit-components"
40 },
41 "keywords": [
42 "orbit",
43 "components",
44 "ui",
45 "library",
46 "component"
47 ],
48 "files": [
49 "es",
50 "lib",
51 "umd",
52 "icons",
53 "orbit-icons-font",
54 "orbit-icons-font.zip",
55 "orbit-svgs.zip",
56 "package.json",
57 "readme.md",
58 "yarn.lock"
59 ],
60 "main": "lib/index.js",
61 "module": "es/index.js",
62 "author": "kiwi.com",
63 "license": "MIT",
64 "peerDependencies": {
65 "react": "^16.14.0",
66 "react-dom": "^16.12.0",
67 "styled-components": "^4.4.1"
68 },
69 "dependencies": {
70 "@adeira/js": "^1.3.0",
71 "@kiwicom/orbit-design-tokens": "^0.12.2"
72 },
73 "gitHead": "6a7515daec39a01e1939cbf85010db775aaf0e90"