1.02 MBJSONView Raw
2 "account.activate_watchdog": "Turn on",
3 "account.active_watchdog": "On",
4 "account.add_bags": "Added checked baggage quantity: __amount__",
5 "account.add_bags_action": "Add __amount__ bag(s) for __price__",
6 "account.add_bags_after": "After receiving payment, we'll process your order and email you when it's complete. It may take several hours before the baggage is added to your booking.",
7 "account.add_bags_missed": "With less than __deadlineHours__ hours until departure, it's too late to order baggage on __brandName__.",
8 "account.add_bags_title": "Add additional baggage",
9 "account.add_bags_until": "You may order additional baggage online until __date__",
10 "account.all_available_boarding_passes": "Print all available boarding passes.",
11 "account.all_trips": "View trips",
12 "account.ask_sign_in_link": "Send me a sign-in link",
13 "account.back": "Back",
14 "account.balance_disclaimer": "If you would like to pay with __companyName__ Credit, your selected currency (<strong>__currency__</strong>) must match the credit that you want to use from your account.",
15 "account.balance_prompt": "Use your Kiwi.com Credit to pay (__amount__ available)",
16 "account.booking_cancel": "Try Cancel",
17 "account.booking_cancellation": "Booking cancellation",
18 "account.booking_cancellation_terms": "I instruct __companyName__ to cancel my booking.",
19 "account.booking_cancel_description": "It may still be possible for you to cancel your whole reservation. We'll let you know the result by email.",
20 "account.booking_cancel_not_possible_anymore": "Unfortunately, we couldn't cancel your purchase. Your booking has already been confirmed by the carrier(s). Please reload the page to apply for a refund.",
21 "account.booking_cancel_requested": "Booking cancellation requested on __date__",
22 "account.booking_cancel_success": "Cancellation request received. We'll let you know by email if it's still possible.",
23 "account.booking_exchange_terms": "I instruct __companyName__ to change/cancel my originally purchased flight ticket(s) and arrange the booking of an alternative flight ticket(s) specified herein and to accordingly conclude a new contract(s) of carriage with the respective carrier(s) on my behalf. I agree to the terms and conditions of the carrier(s) of my chosen alternative flight(s) and to the terms and conditions and privacy policy of __companyName__.",
24 "account.booking_fast_refund_success": "Refund request received.",
25 "account.change_status_cancelled": "Canceled",
26 "account.change_status_confirmed": "completed",
27 "account.change_status_expired": "expired",
28 "account.change_status_open": "Not paid",
29 "account.change_status_processing": "Processing",
30 "account.check_email": "Check your email",
31 "account.check_email_magic_link": "To sign in to your account, just click the link in the email we sent to <ref>__email__</ref>.",
32 "account.check_email_sign_up": "To confirm your account, click the link in the email we sent to __email__.",
33 "account.check_your_email": "Please check your email to verify your account",
34 "account.clear_filters": "Clear Filters",
35 "account.continue": "Continue",
36 "account.create": "Create an account",
37 "account.create_account": "Create a new account",
38 "account.create_account_description": "To receive your confirmation email, please provide your details below.",
39 "account.create_password.description": "You'll sign in faster the next time — no need to click on a link in your email.",
40 "account.create_password.error.already_has_password": "It looks like you already have an account with a password. Please sign in with your credentials.",
41 "account.create_password.new_password": "Create a password",
42 "account.create_password.not_now": "Skip for now",
43 "account.create_password.title": "Set up a password",
44 "account.create_password_confirmation.description": "Now you can manage your trips and search for your next adventure.",
45 "account.create_password_confirmation.done": "Continue to your account",
46 "account.create_password_confirmation.title": "You're signed in",
47 "account.credits_balance": "__brandName__ Credit balance",
48 "account.credit_payment_success.header": "Thanks for your request",
49 "account.credit_payment_success.info": "We'll process your request and let you know by email as soon as it's done.",
50 "account.date_input.date_placeholder": "DD",
51 "account.date_input.select_month_placeholder": "Select month",
52 "account.date_input.year_placeholder": "YYYY",
53 "account.deactivate_watchdog": "Turn off",
54 "account.dont_have_access_to_booking": "Either this booking doesn't exist or you don't have access to it.",
55 "account.email": "Email",
56 "account.email_placeholder": "e.g. your@email.com",
57 "account.email_verified": "Email verified. You can now sign in to your account.",
58 "account.enter_your_email": "Enter your email address and we'll send you the instructions to set your new password.",
59 "account.etickets_download_description": "Print your e-ticket and keep it with you for the duration of your journey.",
60 "account.forgot_password": "Forgot your password?",
61 "account.future_bookings": "Future trips",
62 "account.grace_period_refund.past": "The Grace Period refund was available until __x__",
63 "account.grace_period_refund.title": "Grace Period refund",
64 "account.iata_help": "3-letter departure airport code",
65 "account.iata_label": "IATA code",
66 "account.iata_placeholder": "e.g. JFK",
67 "account.inactive_watchdog": "Off",
68 "account.incorrect_booking_email": "Booked with an incorrect email address?",
69 "account.insurance.non_cancellable": "This is non-cancellable after payment as there are less than 48 hours before departure.",
70 "account.insurance.refund": "Confirm and receive a __price__ refund",
71 "account.insurance.submit_success": "Insurance change requested successfully. If payment is required, the change will only take effect after the payment has been completed.",
72 "account.insurance_download_description": "Print your insurance confirmation and keep it with you during your trip.",
73 "account.invalid_email_verification_token": "Invalid email verification token.",
74 "account.invalid_password_reset_token": "Invalid password reset token.",
75 "account.i_dont_have_account": "I don't have an account",
76 "account.load_more_bookings": "Load more bookings",
77 "account.logged_in": "My account",
78 "account.login_already_exists": "A user account already exists for __text__. Try signing in.",
79 "account.login_description.help": "Sign in to get a personalised help and see your bookings.",
80 "account.login_description.paired_with_social": "You can sign in again with __provider__ or get a confirmation link sent to you by email.",
81 "account.login_description.refer": "Sign in to start earning Kiwi.com Credit with your friends.",
82 "account.login_failed": "Check your credentials and try again.",
83 "account.login_title.continue_to_account": "Continue to your account",
84 "account.login_title.get_help": "Get personalised help",
85 "account.login_title.paired_with_social": "This address is paired with your __provider__ account",
86 "account.login_title.refer": "Refer a Friend",
87 "account.log_in": "Sign in",
88 "account.log_in_with": "Continue with __provider__",
89 "account.log_out": "Sign out",
90 "account.magic_token_expired.button": "Try again",
91 "account.magic_token_expired.description": "For your security, it was only valid for a limited time. Click below to receive a new link or login.",
92 "account.magic_token_expired.title": "Sorry, that link has expired",
93 "account.manage_your_bookings": "Manage your bookings",
94 "account.more_bags_not_allowed": "The number of checked baggage items already ordered is __amount__. Unfortunately, it is not possible to order more baggage online.",
95 "account.my_bookings": "Bookings",
96 "account.my_bookings_action": "Uruskan Tempahan Saya",
97 "account.my_booking_login_incorrect": "Booking not found. Are all the details correct?",
98 "account.my_transactions": "__companyName__ Credit activity",
99 "account.my_watchdogs": "Price Alerts",
100 "account.not_logged_warning": "You must be signed in to see your account.",
101 "account.no_bookings": "No bookings",
102 "account.no_bookings_or_account": "No bookings or account",
103 "account.no_bookings_or_account_description": "This email address is not connected to any bookings or accounts at __brandName__. But you can easily register below.",
104 "account.no_more_bookings": "No more bookings",
105 "account.no_transactions": "You don't have any transactions yet.",
106 "account.no_trips": "You don't have any upcoming trips. Maybe it's time to book something.",
107 "account.no_watchdogs": "You have no Price Alerts yet. But they're easy to set up on our search page.",
108 "account.oneBookingLogin": "My booking",
109 "account.or_social_account": "Or use one of these services",
110 "account.password": "Create a password",
111 "account.password.colon": "Password:",
112 "account.password_changed": "Successful password change",
113 "account.password_confirmaiton": "Confirm password",
114 "account.password_confirm_not_matching": "This password does not match the original.",
115 "account.password_has_pattern": "Your password shouldn't have a pattern.",
116 "account.password_input": "Password",
117 "account.password_title.fill_in": "Fill in your password.",
118 "account.password_too_common": "This password is too common.",
119 "account.password_too_short": "Your password should have 8 or more characters.",
120 "account.password_too_simple": "Your password should be more complex.",
121 "account.password_validation.hint_title": "Weak password",
122 "account.password_validation.strength_label.medium": "medium",
123 "account.password_validation.strength_label.strong": "strong",
124 "account.password_validation.strength_label.weak": "weak",
125 "account.password_validation.tooltip_text": "Use uncommon words or inside jokes with creative sppellling, uPPercase, numb3rs, and $ymbols.",
126 "account.pass_does_not_match_current_pass": "Password does not match the current password.",
127 "account.past_bookings": "Past trips",
128 "account.past_trips": "Past trips",
129 "account.payment_success_add_bags": "Thanks for your payment. We'll process your order for additional baggage and let you know by email as soon as it's done. This may take a few hours, depending on the airline.",
130 "account.payment_success_change_journey": "Thanks for your payment. We'll process your order and let you know by email as soon as it's done. This may take a few hours, depending on the airline.",
131 "account.payment_success_general": "Thanks for your payment. We'll process your order for additional services and let you know by email as soon as it's done. This may take a few hours, depending on the airline.",
132 "account.payment_success_price_change": "Thanks for your payment. We'll process your booking as soon as possible. Once it's confirmed by the airline we'll send your e-ticket by email.",
133 "account.pending_changes": "You have unfinished changes in this booking. Please complete them before making further changes.",
134 "account.process_interrupted": "Booking process interrupted",
135 "account.regional_settings_modal.footer.done": "Done",
136 "account.regional_settings_modal.section.currency": "Currency",
137 "account.regional_settings_modal.section.language": "Language",
138 "account.regional_settings_modal.title": "Regional settings",
139 "account.register": "Register",
140 "account.registration_privacy_policy": "The registration and subsequent use of your account is governed by these <a href=\"/pages/content/terms\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Terms of Use</a>. Your Personal Data will be processed according to our <a href=\"/pages/content/privacy\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Privacy Policy</a>.",
141 "account.reset_password": "Set new password",
142 "account.ru_invoice": "Маршрутная квитанция",
143 "account.send_link_to": "We can send you a sign-in link by email to __email__.",
144 "account.sign_in": "Sign in",
145 "account.sign_in.bid_number_label": "Booking number",
146 "account.sign_in.bid_number_placeholder": "e.g. 123456",
147 "account.sign_in.departure_date_label": "Departure date",
148 "account.sign_in.incorrect_email_label": "Incorrect email address",
149 "account.sign_in.incorrect_email_placeholder": "jordan@emil.com",
150 "account.sign_in.single_booking.description": "You can sign in to your booking by providing the details below.​ Check your SMSes for the incorrect email address that you booked with.",
151 "account.sign_in.single_booking.title": "Alternative sign-in method",
152 "account.sign_in_description": "Sign in to access all of your bookings, Price Alerts, and __brandName__ Credit.",
153 "account.sign_in_hint": "Sign in or register with your <ref>email</ref>",
154 "account.sign_up": "Register",
155 "account.sign_up_confirmation.description": "To confirm your new account, open the link in the email we sent to <ref>__email__</ref>.",
156 "account.sign_up_confirmation.title": "Verify your email",
157 "account.single_booking.description": "​​You can sign in to your booking by providing the details below.​",
158 "account.single_booking.incorrect_email_label": "​​Incorrect email address",
159 "account.single_booking.incorrect_email_placeholder": "jordan@emil.com",
160 "account.single_booking.title": "Alternative sign-in method",
161 "account.subscription.agreement": "I want to receive __companyName__ email promotions.",
162 "account.subscription.successfully_subscribed": "Thanks for subscribing to our newsletter.",
163 "account.subscription.unchecked_agreement": "Please agree to our terms for promotions.",
164 "account.terms_and_privacy_policy": "The registration and subsequent use of your account is governed by these <strong>Terms of Use</strong>. Your personal data will be processed according to our <strong>Privacy Policy</strong>.",
165 "account.transfer_ticket_download_description": "Print your bus transfer ticket and bring it with you to the airport.",
166 "account.trips_others": "__others__ others",
167 "account.trips_passengers": "Travelers: __passengers__",
168 "account.unpaid_changes": "Unpaid changes",
169 "account.upcoming_trips": "Future trips (__trips__)",
170 "account.user_is_not_verified": "User is not verified.",
171 "account.user_temporarily_blocked_from_login": "You are temporarily blocked from further login attempts. Please check your credentials and try again in 10 minutes.",
172 "account.user_with_email_does_not_exist": "This email doesn't match any accounts",
173 "account.wrong_format_email": "Incorrect email format. Example: __email__",
174 "account.wrong_password": "Incorrect password",
175 "account.your_changes_booking": "Your changes to this booking",
176 "account.you_will_recieve_password": "If there's an account with that email address, you'll receive a recovery link soon.",
177 "account_v2.components.choice_tile.selected": "Selected",
178 "account_v2.components.country_flag.anywhere": "anywhere",
179 "account_v2.components.dates.departure_date": "__departureDate__",
180 "account_v2.components.dates.departure_date_return_date": "__fromDate__ - __toDate__",
181 "account_v2.components.done": "Done",
182 "account_v2.components.edit": "Edit",
183 "account_v2.components.error_screen.text": "Sorry about that. It looks like we're having some technical issues. Refresh the page or try again later.",
184 "account_v2.components.error_screen.title": "Something went wrong",
185 "account_v2.components.form_errors.invalid_date": "Please select a valid date",
186 "account_v2.components.form_errors.invalid_document_number.chars": "Must be digits or characters",
187 "account_v2.components.form_errors.invalid_document_number.length": "Must be between 5 and 20 characters",
188 "account_v2.components.form_errors.invalid_email": "Invalid email address",
189 "account_v2.components.form_errors.invalid_name.chinese": "Please only use Chinese characters",
190 "account_v2.components.form_errors.invalid_name.cyrillic": "Please only use Cyrillic characters",
191 "account_v2.components.form_errors.invalid_name.long": "Exceeds the 50 character max.",
192 "account_v2.components.form_errors.invalid_name.short": "This seems too short. Please recheck it.",
193 "account_v2.components.form_errors.invalid_name.unsupported": "Please only use Latin, Cyrillic or Chinese characters",
194 "account_v2.components.form_errors.invalid_phone_number": "Please use between 0 and 14 numbers.",
195 "account_v2.components.form_errors.invalid_postal_code.number": "Use at least one number",
196 "account_v2.components.form_errors.max_characters": "Use a maximum of __max__ characters",
197 "account_v2.components.form_errors.min_characters": "Use a minimum of __min__ characters",
198 "account_v2.components.form_errors.password.not_matching": "The passwords don't match.",
199 "account_v2.components.form_errors.password.weak": "Your password should be more complex.",
200 "account_v2.components.form_errors.password.wrong_old_password": "Incorrect password",
201 "account_v2.components.form_errors.required": "Required",
202 "account_v2.components.ios_picker_modal.confirm": "Confirm",
203 "account_v2.components.is_added_badge.is_added": "Added",
204 "account_v2.components.loading.info_text": "Please wait while we serve up that extra fresh content.",
205 "account_v2.components.password_change.close": "Close",
206 "account_v2.components.password_change.current_password": "Current password",
207 "account_v2.components.password_change.forgot_password": "Forgot your password?",
208 "account_v2.components.password_change.header": "Change password",
209 "account_v2.components.password_change.new_password": "New password",
210 "account_v2.components.password_change.new_password_again": "Confirm password",
211 "account_v2.components.password_change.save": "Save new password",
212 "account_v2.components.search_select_modal.all": "All",
213 "account_v2.components.search_select_modal.close": "Close",
214 "account_v2.components.shakey_wrapper.invalid_input": "Invalid input",
215 "account_v2.components.show_more": "Show more",
216 "account_v2.components.simple_date_select.day": "DD",
217 "account_v2.components.simple_date_select.day_aria_label": "Day of birth, max length 2",
218 "account_v2.components.simple_date_select.select_month": "Select month",
219 "account_v2.components.simple_date_select.year": "YYYY",
220 "account_v2.components.simple_date_select.year_aria_label": "Year of birth, max length 4",
221 "account_v2.components.step_indicator.aria_label": "Progress: step __currentIndex__ of __steps__",
222 "account_v2.components.step_indicator.back": "Back",
223 "account_v2.components.step_indicator.finish": "Complete",
224 "account_v2.components.step_indicator.next": "Next",
225 "account_v2.components.step_indicator.skip": "Skip",
226 "account_v2.document.title": "My Account | Kiwi.com",
227 "account_v2.homepage.bookings.switcher.filter_icon": "List filter",
228 "account_v2.homepage.bookings.switcher.grid_icon": "Grid filter",
229 "account_v2.homepage.bookings.switcher.search_icon": "Search",
230 "account_v2.homepage.bookings_panel.filter_trips.show_more": "Show all",
231 "account_v2.homepage.bookings_panel.filter_trips.title": "Filter trips",
232 "account_v2.homepage.bookings_panel.grid_trips.find_trips": "You'll find your trips here when you've booked one.",
233 "account_v2.homepage.bookings_panel.grid_trips.no_trips": "You don't have any upcoming trips",
234 "account_v2.homepage.bookings_panel.grid_trips.start_exploring": "Start exploring",
235 "account_v2.homepage.bookings_panel.search_trips.show_more": "Show all",
236 "account_v2.homepage.bookings_panel.search_trips.title": "Search trips",
237 "account_v2.homepage.compas.homepage.compass.add_credit_card_modal.activate_compass": "Activate Compass loyalty",
238 "account_v2.homepage.compas.homepage.compass.add_credit_card_modal.email_verified": "Great! Email verified. Now, let's activate Compass loyalty.",
239 "account_v2.homepage.compas.homepage.compass.add_credit_card_modal.save_details": "Just save your payment card details in your account and you’re good to go.",
240 "account_v2.homepage.compass.activation_message.add_card_button": "Save card",
241 "account_v2.homepage.compass.activation_message.content": "You're currently collecting Compass points for all the transactions you make on Kiwi.com. You wont be able to use any of Compass advantages until you store your payment card details in your account. Storage is encrypted, secured and Compass membership is free.",
242 "account_v2.homepage.compass.activation_message.more_info_button": "What are the rewards?",
243 "account_v2.homepage.compass.activation_message.title": "Save your payment card to receive rewards",
244 "account_v2.homepage.compass.add_credit_card_modal.activate_compass": "Great! Email verified. Now, let's activate Compass loyalty.",
245 "account_v2.homepage.compass.add_credit_card_modal.book_faster": "Book faster with your stored details. Your card will be saved securely. We'll never use it without your explicit approval.",
246 "account_v2.homepage.compass.add_credit_card_modal.messages.error": "We encountered an error while saving your card details. Please try again later.",
247 "account_v2.homepage.compass.add_credit_card_modal.save_card": "Save card",
248 "account_v2.homepage.compass.add_credit_card_modal.save_card_and_activate": "Save card and activate Compass",
249 "account_v2.homepage.compass.add_credit_card_modal.save_your_card": "Save your payment card",
250 "account_v2.homepage.compass.add_credit_card_modal.save_your_card_alt": "Just save your payment card details in your account and you’re good to go.",
251 "account_v2.homepage.compass.add_credit_card_modal.validation.expired": "Please select a card that is not expired",
252 "account_v2.homepage.compass.add_credit_card_modal.validation.invalid_month": "Please type in a month value between 01 and 12",
253 "account_v2.homepage.compass.add_credit_card_modal.validation.invalid_year": "Please type in a year value like YY",
254 "account_v2.homepage.compass.card_form.card_holder_name": "Cardholder's name",
255 "account_v2.homepage.compass.card_form.card_holder_placeholder": "e.g. Taylor Lee Jordan",
256 "account_v2.homepage.compass.card_form.card_number": "Payment card number",
257 "account_v2.homepage.compass.card_form.card_placeholder": "e.g. 1111 2222 3333 4444",
258 "account_v2.homepage.compass.card_form.expiry_date": "Expiry date",
259 "account_v2.homepage.compass.card_form.month": "MM",
260 "account_v2.homepage.compass.card_form.year": "YY",
261 "account_v2.homepage.compass.card_legal_section.description": "Your Compass membership is free and governed by our __anchorOpenTerms__Terms of Compass__anchorClose__ and our __anchorOpenPrivacyPolicy__Privacy Policy__anchorClose__ which you are accepting by saving your card and activating Compass. We will never use your card without your explicit consent.",
262 "account_v2.homepage.compass.card_legal_section.title": "By saving your card, you will become a part of Compass loyalty",
263 "account_v2.homepage.compass.chart.points_owned": "__points__ points owned",
264 "account_v2.homepage.compass.chart.points_pending": "__points__ points pending",
265 "account_v2.homepage.compass.chart.today": "Today __date__",
266 "account_v2.homepage.compass.header.description": "Compass is the only loyalty program for all the world's travel providers. Earn Compass points for every purchase you make at Kiwi.com and spend them like cash on your next trip. Collect more points to move into a better tier and earn even more rewards. Spending your points will never negatively affect your current tier. __anchorOpen__Learn more__anchorClose__",
267 "account_v2.homepage.compass.header.title": "My Compass",
268 "account_v2.homepage.compass.points_expiration_notice": "Your points will expire __validTill__. Renew them by earning any number of points on a single purchase.",
269 "account_v2.homepage.compass.progress_card.adventurer_benefits.boost": "1.5x boost in earning points",
270 "account_v2.homepage.compass.progress_card.adventurer_benefits.discounts": "Discounts for points on bookings",
271 "account_v2.homepage.compass.progress_card.adventurer_benefits.plus_customer_care": "Free upgrade to Plus customer care for each booking",
272 "account_v2.homepage.compass.progress_card.adventurer_benefits.title": "Adventurer benefits:",
273 "account_v2.homepage.compass.progress_card.benefits.valid_till_message": "Your tier benefits are valid until __validTill__. To maintain this tier, you'll need to earn a minimum of 1000 points before their validity expires. __anchorOpen__Learn more__anchorClose__",
274 "account_v2.homepage.compass.progress_card.captain_benefits.boost": "2x boost in earning points",
275 "account_v2.homepage.compass.progress_card.captain_benefits.discounts": "Discounts for points on bookings",
276 "account_v2.homepage.compass.progress_card.captain_benefits.plus_customer_care": "Free upgrade to Premium customer care for each booking",
277 "account_v2.homepage.compass.progress_card.captain_benefits.title": "Captain benefits:",
278 "account_v2.homepage.compass.progress_card.future_benefits.title.adventurer": "Earn __pointsTillNext__ Compass points to become a Adventurer:",
279 "account_v2.homepage.compass.progress_card.future_benefits.title.captain": "Earn __pointsTillNext__ Compass points to become a Captain:",
280 "account_v2.homepage.compass.progress_card.scout_benefits.discounts": "Discounts for points on bookings",
281 "account_v2.homepage.compass.progress_card.scout_benefits.kiwi_points": "Points for any purchase you make",
282 "account_v2.homepage.compass.progress_card.scout_benefits.plus_customer_care": "Free upgrade to Plus customer care for each booking",
283 "account_v2.homepage.compass.progress_card.scout_benefits.title": "Scout benefits:",
284 "account_v2.homepage.compass.progress_card.tier_badge.adventurer": "Adventurer",
285 "account_v2.homepage.compass.progress_card.tier_badge.captain": "Captain",
286 "account_v2.homepage.compass.progress_card.tier_badge.scout": "Scout",
287 "account_v2.homepage.compass.progress_card.title": "Progress",
288 "account_v2.homepage.compass.spend_points_threshold_message": "Earn a minimum of __spendPointsThreshold__ points to use them on any purchase.",
289 "account_v2.homepage.compass.success_message.title": "You've successfully activated your Kiwi.com Compass and earned __pointsValue__ Compass points.",
290 "account_v2.homepage.compass.transaction.ancillary_bonus": "Ancillary bonus",
291 "account_v2.homepage.compass.transaction.ancillary_discount": "Ancillary discount",
292 "account_v2.homepage.compass.transaction.booking_bonus": "Booking bonus",
293 "account_v2.homepage.compass.transaction.booking_discount": "Booking discount",
294 "account_v2.homepage.compass.transaction.loyalty_activation": "Compass activated",
295 "account_v2.homepage.compass.transaction.mobile_app_activation": "Signed in to our mobile app",
296 "account_v2.homepage.compass.transaction.points.negative": "__negativePoints__ points",
297 "account_v2.homepage.compass.transaction.points.positive": "+__positivePoints__ points",
298 "account_v2.homepage.compass.transaction.points_refunded": "Points refunded",
299 "account_v2.homepage.compass.transaction.point_expiration": "Points expired",
300 "account_v2.homepage.compass.transaction.point_expiration_info": "Unfortunately, your Compass points have expired. Points are valid for one year from the date they are awarded. To extend their validity date, you must make at least one purchase with Kiwi.com before they expire.",
301 "account_v2.homepage.compass.transactions_card.heading": "Transactions",
302 "account_v2.homepage.compass.transactions_card.kiwi_points.title": "Compass points",
303 "account_v2.homepage.compass.transactions_card.load_more": "Load more",
304 "account_v2.homepage.compass.transactions_card.total_points": "__totalPoints__ points",
305 "account_v2.homepage.compass.transactions_card.total_points_pending": "+__totalPending__ pts pending",
306 "account_v2.homepage.credit_transaction.deposit": "Deposit",
307 "account_v2.homepage.credit_transaction.payment": "Payment",
308 "account_v2.homepage.credit_transaction.refund": "Refund",
309 "account_v2.homepage.credit_transaction.transaction": "Transaction",
310 "account_v2.homepage.filter_trips.apply_filter": "Apply filter",
311 "account_v2.homepage.filter_trips.bookings_from": "Bookings from",
312 "account_v2.homepage.filter_trips.bookings_to": "Bookings to",
313 "account_v2.homepage.filter_trips.clear": "Clear",
314 "account_v2.homepage.filter_trips.form_error.from_date_missing": "From date must be filled",
315 "account_v2.homepage.filter_trips.form_error.invalid_range": "Date to must be larger than date from",
316 "account_v2.homepage.filter_trips.form_error.to_date_missing": "To date must be filled",
317 "account_v2.homepage.filter_trips.no_bookings.text": "We didn't find any trips matching your search criteria.",
318 "account_v2.homepage.filter_trips.no_bookings.title": "No results found",
319 "account_v2.homepage.future_trips.show_all": "Show all",
320 "account_v2.homepage.future_trips.title": "Future trips",
321 "account_v2.homepage.kiwicom_credit.description": "You can receive Kiwi.com Credit as a form of refund. Use it to pay for bookings and services.",
322 "account_v2.homepage.kiwicom_credit.download_excel": "Download in Excel format",
323 "account_v2.homepage.kiwicom_credit.download_excel.error": "We couldn't download the transactions. Please try again later.\n",
324 "account_v2.homepage.kiwicom_credit.no_credits.description": "Kiwi.com Credit is the fastest method of __anchorStart__receiving refunds.__anchorEnd__ When you receive credit, it will be shown here.",
325 "account_v2.homepage.kiwicom_credit.title": "Kiwi.com Credit",
326 "account_v2.homepage.kiwicom_credit.transaction.booking_id": "Booking ID: __anchorOpen__ __bookingId__ __anchorClose__",
327 "account_v2.homepage.kiwicom_credit.your_balance": "Your balance",
328 "account_v2.homepage.middle_bar.credit": "Credit __credit__",
329 "account_v2.homepage.middle_bar.credit_balance": "Kiwi.com Credit balance",
330 "account_v2.homepage.middle_bar.settings": "Settings",
331 "account_v2.homepage.nitro_bar.corona_alert.cs_info": "Customer Service is forced to prioritize calls. Please contact us if you depart in less than 3 days. To see if you trip is affected visit your booking.",
332 "account_v2.homepage.nitro_bar.corona_alert.latest_info_message": "The latest information related to <u>COVID-19 (coronavirus)</u>",
333 "account_v2.homepage.no_price_alerts.instructions": "Set up Price Alerts to receive deals on the cheapest, most popular routes to your favorite destinations.",
334 "account_v2.homepage.no_price_alerts.title": "You haven't set up any Price Alerts",
335 "account_v2.homepage.onboarding.finish.continue": "Continue to your account",
336 "account_v2.homepage.onboarding.finish.description": "Search for your next adventure or check your trip's status while you wait for the good deals.",
337 "account_v2.homepage.onboarding.finish.title": "You’re all set up",
338 "account_v2.homepage.onboarding.landing.adjust_later": "You can always adjust these settings in your account later.",
339 "account_v2.homepage.onboarding.landing.checklist.better_deals": "Better deals",
340 "account_v2.homepage.onboarding.landing.checklist.better_experience": "Travel deals tailored for you",
341 "account_v2.homepage.onboarding.landing.checklist.checkout": "Faster checkout",
342 "account_v2.homepage.onboarding.landing.description": "Set up your account to find the best travel deals to fit your style.",
343 "account_v2.homepage.onboarding.landing.or": "or",
344 "account_v2.homepage.onboarding.landing.setting_up_your_account": "By setting up your account, you get:",
345 "account_v2.homepage.onboarding.landing.skip": "Skip",
346 "account_v2.homepage.onboarding.landing.title": "Customize your travel experience",
347 "account_v2.homepage.onboarding.localisation.title": "Regional settings",
348 "account_v2.homepage.onboarding.payment.title": "Payment method",
349 "account_v2.homepage.past_trips.title": "Past trips",
350 "account_v2.homepage.preferences.title": "Preferences",
351 "account_v2.homepage.preference_card.billing.description": "Add your personal or business billing addresses for invoicing purpose and skip having to fill them in during booking.",
352 "account_v2.homepage.preference_card.billing.title": "Billing addresses",
353 "account_v2.homepage.preference_card.manage": "Manage",
354 "account_v2.homepage.preference_card.payments.description": "Safely store your payment cards for future use. Receive notifications before your cards expire.",
355 "account_v2.homepage.preference_card.payments.title": "Payment methods",
356 "account_v2.homepage.preference_card.saved_travelers.description": "Store multiple traveler details for faster booking. Get notified if anyone's travel documents will expire soon.",
357 "account_v2.homepage.preference_card.saved_travelers.title": "Saved travelers",
358 "account_v2.homepage.preference_card.settings.description": "Set your preferred account details for a more personalized experience with us.",
359 "account_v2.homepage.preference_card.settings.title": "Account settings",
360 "account_v2.homepage.price_alert.modal.delete": "Delete",
361 "account_v2.homepage.price_alert.modal.search_more_results": "Search more results",
362 "account_v2.homepage.price_alerts.all_price_alerts": "Show all",
363 "account_v2.homepage.price_alerts.modal.adult": "__count__× Adult",
364 "account_v2.homepage.price_alerts.modal.bus": "Bus",
365 "account_v2.homepage.price_alerts.modal.bus_only": "Bus only",
366 "account_v2.homepage.price_alerts.modal.child": "__count__× Child",
367 "account_v2.homepage.price_alerts.modal.hand_bag": "__count__× Cabin baggage",
368 "account_v2.homepage.price_alerts.modal.hold_bag": "__count__× Checked baggage",
369 "account_v2.homepage.price_alerts.modal.infant": "__count__× Infant",
370 "account_v2.homepage.price_alerts.modal.plane": "Plane",
371 "account_v2.homepage.price_alerts.modal.plane_only": "Plane only",
372 "account_v2.homepage.price_alerts.modal.price.title": "Current price",
373 "account_v2.homepage.price_alerts.modal.price_change_since": "Price change since __date__",
374 "account_v2.homepage.price_alerts.modal.result.multicity": "MultiCity travel",
375 "account_v2.homepage.price_alerts.modal.result.multiple_airline": "Multiple airlines",
376 "account_v2.homepage.price_alerts.modal.result.no_stopovers": "No stopovers",
377 "account_v2.homepage.price_alerts.modal.result.one_way": "One way only",
378 "account_v2.homepage.price_alerts.modal.result.single_airline": "Single airline",
379 "account_v2.homepage.price_alerts.modal.result.stopover": "__numberOfStopovers__x stopover",
380 "account_v2.homepage.price_alerts.modal.train": "Train",
381 "account_v2.homepage.price_alerts.modal.train_only": "Train only",
382 "account_v2.homepage.price_alerts.no_results_badge": "No results found",
383 "account_v2.homepage.price_alerts.title": "Price Alerts",
384 "account_v2.homepage.screen_reader_only.my_account": "My account",
385 "account_v2.homepage.search_form.booking_id_error": "Use the booking number from your e-ticket or email inbox.",
386 "account_v2.homepage.search_trips.booking_number": "Booking number",
387 "account_v2.homepage.search_trips.go_to_mmb": "Visit my booking. ",
388 "account_v2.homepage.search_trips.search": "Search",
389 "account_v2.homepage.search_trips.search_placeholder": "e.g. 123456789",
390 "account_v2.homepage.search_trips.status.cancelled": "Canceled",
391 "account_v2.homepage.search_trips.status.closed": "Closed",
392 "account_v2.homepage.search_trips.status.confirmed": "Confirmed",
393 "account_v2.homepage.search_trips.status.failed": "Failed",
394 "account_v2.homepage.search_trips.status.processing": "Processing",
395 "account_v2.homepage.search_trips.status.refunded": "Refunded",
396 "account_v2.homepage.search_trips.status.traveled": "Traveled",
397 "account_v2.homepage.tabs.kiwi_com_credit": "Kiwi.com Credit",
398 "account_v2.homepage.tabs.my_compass": "My Compass",
399 "account_v2.homepage.tabs.my_trips": "My trips",
400 "account_v2.homepage.tabs.preferences": "Preferences",
401 "account_v2.homepage.tabs.pricealerts": "Price Alerts",
402 "account_v2.homepage.trips.request_refund": "Request a refund",
403 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.action_needed.critical.description": "Please, visit your booking now to resolve this issue.",
404 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.action_needed.critical.title": "We need your help with an urgent matter.",
405 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.action_needed.details_missing.description": "Please visit your booking to find out more.",
406 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.action_needed.details_missing.title": "We need your assistance.",
407 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.action_needed.none.description": "Time to pack your bags.",
408 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.action_needed.none.title": "You're up to date.",
409 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.baggage_info.add_baggage": "Add baggage",
410 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.baggage_info.hand_bag": "__count__× Cabin baggage",
411 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.baggage_info.hold_bag": "__count__× Checked baggage",
412 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.baggage_info.no_baggage": "No baggage",
413 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.baggage_info.personal_item": "__count__× Personal item",
414 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.booking_info.baggage": "Baggage",
415 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.booking_info.customize": "Customize your trip.",
416 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.booking_info.deeplinks.activities_button": "Book activities",
417 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.booking_info.deeplinks.mozio_button": "Book a driver",
418 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.booking_info.deeplinks.parking_button": "Book a parking",
419 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.booking_info.deeplinks.rental_cars_button": "Rent a car",
420 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.booking_info.deeplinks.rooms_button": "Book a hotel room",
421 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.booking_info.insurance": "Insurance",
422 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.booking_info.manage_booking": "Visit booking",
423 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.insurance_info.add_insurance": "Add insurance",
424 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.insurance_info.basic": "__count__× Travel Basic",
425 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.insurance_info.no_insurance": "No insurance",
426 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.insurance_info.plus": "__count__× Travel Plus",
427 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.share_trip.modal.facebook": "Facebook",
428 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.share_trip.modal.no_trip": "Unfortunately, we were not able to find a trip for you to share. It is either sold out or it is no longer available",
429 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.share_trip.modal.short_description": "Invite anyone to book the same trip",
430 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.share_trip.modal.title": "Share trip details",
431 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.share_trip.modal.twitter": "Twitter",
432 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.status.canceled": "Canceled",
433 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.status.closed": "Closed",
434 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.status.confirmed": "Confirmed",
435 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.status.failed": "Failed",
436 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.status.pending": "Pending",
437 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.status.processing": "Processing",
438 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.status.refunded": "Refunded",
439 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.status.refunding": "Refunding",
440 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.status.traveled": "Traveled",
441 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.title.current_trip": "Your trip",
442 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.title.several_days": "<strong>Your trip</strong> is in __days__ days",
443 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trip.title.tomorrow": "<strong>Your trip</strong> is tomorrow",
444 "account_v2.homepage.upcoming_trips": "Upcoming trips",
445 "account_v2.homepage.user_bar.compass_points.available": "__points__ points",
446 "account_v2.login.description": "You'll be able to access your trips, price alerts, and settings.",
447 "account_v2.login.screen_reader_only.title": "Sign in",
448 "account_v2.login.sign_in": "Sign in",
449 "account_v2.login.title": "Sign in to visit your account",
450 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.delete_account.messages.error": "We encountered an unexpected error while deleting your account. Please try again later.",
451 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.delete_account_button": "Delete account",
452 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.heading": "Account settings",
453 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.localization.currency": "Currency",
454 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.localization.language": "Language",
455 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.localization.timezone": "Timezone",
456 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.localization.title": "Regional settings",
457 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.localization.updated": "You successfully updated your regional settings.",
458 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.login.add_password": "Add password",
459 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.login.change_password": "Change password",
460 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.login.change_password_modal.old_password": "Old password",
461 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.login.change_password_modal.success": "You have successfully changed your password.",
462 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.login.change_password_modal.title": "Change password",
463 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.login.change_password_modal.wrong_old_password": "Incorrect password",
464 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.login.details": "Login details",
465 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.login.email": "Login email",
466 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.login.set_password": "Set password",
467 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.login.set_password_modal.confirm_button": "Confirm",
468 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.login.set_password_modal.confirm_new_password_input": "Confirm password",
469 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.login.set_password_modal.description": "You'll sign in faster the next time you're around.",
470 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.login.set_password_modal.general_error": "We couldn't save your password. Please try again later.",
471 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.login.set_password_modal.new_password_input": "Create a password",
472 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.login.set_password_modal.success": "Your new password has been added.",
473 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.login.set_password_modal.title": "Set up a password",
474 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.notifications.change_preferences": "Change notification preferences",
475 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.notifications.fb_messenger.missing_button_alert": "If you can't see the Facebook button, please disable your ad blocker and enhanced tracking protection, then reload the page. ",
476 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.notifications.fb_messenger.subscribed_description": "Subscribed to important __companyName__ booking updates and alerts via Facebook Messenger.",
477 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.notifications.fb_messenger.unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe",
478 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.notifications.fb_messenger.unsubscribed_description": "<strong>New!</strong> Get important __companyName__ booking updates and alerts via Facebook Messenger.",
479 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.notifications.title": "Notifications",
480 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.personal_details.title": "Personal details",
481 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.profile.add_photo": "Add a new photo",
482 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.profile.avatar": "Your avatar",
483 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.profile.delete_photo": "Delete photo",
484 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.profile.desc": "Brighten up your profile with a favorite photo or avatar. This will only be visible to you.",
485 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.profile.title": "Profile picture",
486 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.profile.update_photo": "Update picture",
487 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.profile_picture_card.delete": "Delete",
488 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.profile_picture_card.delete_image_error": "We encountered an unexpected error while deleting your image. Please try again later.",
489 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.profile_picture_card.delete_success": "You've successfully deleted your profile picture.",
490 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.profile_picture_card.dialog.close": "Close",
491 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.profile_picture_card.dialog.delete_picture": "Delete picture",
492 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.profile_picture_card.dialog.description": "Are you sure you want to delete your profile picture?",
493 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.profile_picture_card.dialog.title": "Delete profile picture?",
494 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.profile_picture_card.file_type_error": "We don't support this file type. Please, try uploading a different file. Please choose a jpeg or png file.",
495 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.profile_picture_card.info_text": "Brighten up your profile with a favorite photo or avatar. 1 MB maximum file size.",
496 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.profile_picture_card.title": "Profile picture",
497 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.profile_picture_card.too_big": "This image is too big. Please select an image of maximum 1MB",
498 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.profile_picture_card.upload": "Upload",
499 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.profile_picture_card.upload_success": "Your profile picture was successfully uploaded",
500 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.profile_picture_card.upstream_error": "We encountered an unexpected error while saving the image. Please try again later",
501 "account_v2.settings.account_settings.text": "Set your preferred account details to ensure you always receive a personalized experience with us.",
502 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.add_an_address": "Add an address",
503 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.add_billing_address.company": "Company address",
504 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.add_billing_address.messages.error": "We encountered an unexpected error while saving the image. Please try again later.",
505 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.add_billing_address.messages.success": "You successfully added a billing address.",
506 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.add_billing_address.personal": "Personal address",
507 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.add_billing_address.title": "Add an address",
508 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.billing_address_form.city": "City",
509 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.billing_address_form.country": "Country",
510 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.billing_address_form.country_placeholder": "Select country",
511 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.billing_address_form.delete": "Delete address",
512 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.billing_address_form.first_name": "Given names",
513 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.billing_address_form.last_name": "Surnames",
514 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.billing_address_form.name": "Full name",
515 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.billing_address_form.postal_code": "Postal code",
516 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.billing_address_form.save": "Save",
517 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.billing_address_form.street_address": "Street address",
518 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.billing_address_form.tax_id": "Tax ID",
519 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.billing_address_form.tax_id.brazil": "CPF",
520 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.business.company": "Company",
521 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.business.company_id": "Company ID: __companyId__",
522 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.business.tax_id": "Tax ID: __taxId__",
523 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.company_billing_address.id": "Company ID",
524 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.company_billing_address.name": "Company name",
525 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.company_billing_address.tax_id": "Tax ID",
526 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.company_billing_address.tax_id.brazil": "CNPJ",
527 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.delete_billing_address.close": "Close",
528 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.delete_billing_address.delete": "Delete",
529 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.delete_billing_address.description": "Are you sure you want to delete your billing address?",
530 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.delete_billing_address.messages.error": "We encountered an unexpected error deleting the billing address. Please try again later.",
531 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.delete_billing_address.title": "Delete billing address?",
532 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.edit_address": "Edit address",
533 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.edit_billing_address.messages.error": "We had an unexpected error updating the billing address. Please try again later.",
534 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.edit_billing_address.messages.success": "You successfully updated your billing address.",
535 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.no_address.add_address": "Add an address",
536 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.no_address.subtitle": "Add your personal or business billing addresses for invoicing purpose and skip having to fill them in during booking.",
537 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.no_address.title": "Billing addresses",
538 "account_v2.settings.billing_address.personal": "Personal",
539 "account_v2.settings.confirm_delete_traveler.body": "<strong>__name__</strong> will be deleted. Previous bookings will not be affected. Do you wish to proceed?",
540 "account_v2.settings.confirm_delete_traveler.close": "Close",
541 "account_v2.settings.confirm_delete_traveler.delete": "Delete traveler",
542 "account_v2.settings.confirm_delete_traveler.title": "Delete traveler?",
543 "account_v2.settings.delete_account.close": "Close",
544 "account_v2.settings.delete_account.delete_my_account": "Delete my account",
545 "account_v2.settings.delete_account.email_yup_label": "Email",
546 "account_v2.settings.delete_account.modal_header.description": "Your personal data will be removed and you will lose direct access to your bookings on our website.",
547 "account_v2.settings.delete_account.modal_header.title": "Delete account?",
548 "account_v2.settings.delete_account.non_revert_warning": "Keep in mind that deleting your account cannot be reverted.",
549 "account_v2.settings.delete_account.retype_email": "Reenter email",
550 "account_v2.settings.delete_account.retype_your_email": "Retype your email",
551 "account_v2.settings.delete_account.title": "Delete account?",
552 "account_v2.settings.delete_account.warning": "Your personal data will be removed, and you will lose direct access to your bookings from our website. However you will be able to access your bookings through your emails.",
553 "account_v2.settings.delete_account.wrong_email": "Please type in correct email.",
554 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.create_account.email": "Continue with email",
555 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.create_account.email_exists": "You already have an account. Please go back and sign in first.",
556 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.create_account.facebook": "Continue with Facebook",
557 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.create_account.google": "Continue with Google",
558 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.create_account.legal": "The registration and subsequent use of your account is governed by these __anchorOpenTerms__Terms of Use__anchorClose__. Your personal data will be processed according to our __anchorOpenPrivacy__Privacy Policy__anchorClose__.",
559 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.create_account.or": "or",
560 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.create_account.show_all": "Show all options",
561 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.create_account.sign_up.confirm_password": "Confirm password",
562 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.create_account.sign_up.password": "Password",
563 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.create_account.subtitle": "You'll be able to manage your details, access boarding passes, and receive updates.",
564 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.create_account.title": "Create an account",
565 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.details_submitted.back_to_kiwi": "Back to __companyName__",
566 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.details_submitted.description": "We'll inform <strong>__name__</strong> that you've shared your details and we'll also let you know if <strong>__name__</strong> books you a new trip.",
567 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.details_submitted.email.description": "Just confirm your account by opening the link in the email we sent to <strong>__email__</strong>.",
568 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.details_submitted.email.login_info": "Your details have been saved and you can update them any time in __anchorStart__your __companyName__ account__anchorEnd__.",
569 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.details_submitted.email.title": "Verify your email",
570 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.details_submitted.login_info": "You can update them any time in __anchorStart__your Kiwi.com account__anchorEnd__.",
571 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.details_submitted.title": "Your details have been saved",
572 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.generate_link_error": "We're experiencing some technical issues. Please refresh the page or try again later.",
573 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.landing.boarding_pass": "Access to your boarding passes",
574 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.landing.booking_details": "Booking details",
575 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.landing.booking_updates": "Booking updates and notifications",
576 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.landing.expired_invite": "This invitation has expired",
577 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.landing.expired_invite_text": "Please ask your friend for a new one.",
578 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.landing.footer_info": "__name__ will only be able to view your details and not edit them. You can remove your details anytime by signing in to your __companyName__ account.",
579 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.landing.start": "Add details",
580 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.landing.subtitle": "Whenever __name__ makes a booking with you, you'll get:",
581 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.landing.title": "Share your travel details so that __name__ can book you a trip",
582 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.personal_details.heading": "Add personal details",
583 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.personal_details.legal": "Please use all given names and surnames exactly as they appear in your passport/ID to avoid any boarding complications.",
584 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.personal_details.login": "Already a __companyName__ user? __anchorOpen__Sign in__anchorClose__",
585 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.please_confirm.mutation_error": "We had an unexpected error trying to link your account. Please refresh the page or try again later.",
586 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.please_confirm.subtitle": "We'll use them to send you booking details and important notifications.",
587 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.please_confirm.title": "Add contact details",
588 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.travel_document.subtitle": "Some carriers require it for booking, and we'll also use it to check you in online if possible.",
589 "account_v2.settings.invite_traveler.travel_document.title": "Add a travel document",
590 "account_v2.settings.notification_settings.fetch_token_failed": "We couldn't retrieve your settings. Please refresh the page and try again.",
591 "account_v2.settings.notification_settings.heading": "Notification settings",
592 "account_v2.settings.notification_settings.list_choices.booking_information": "Booking info",
593 "account_v2.settings.notification_settings.list_choices.booking_information_description": "Booking confirmation and trip changes and updates.",
594 "account_v2.settings.notification_settings.list_choices.customer_support": "Customer support",
595 "account_v2.settings.notification_settings.list_choices.customer_support_description": "Communication with our customer support team.",
596 "account_v2.settings.notification_settings.list_choices.news_letter": "Newsletter and offers",
597 "account_v2.settings.notification_settings.list_choices.news_letter_description": "Seasonal deals, new products, and exclusive partner offers.",
598 "account_v2.settings.notification_settings.list_choices.service_notifications": "Service notifications",
599 "account_v2.settings.notification_settings.list_choices.service_notifications_description": "Refer a Friend and Price Alerts.",
600 "account_v2.settings.notification_settings.list_choices.trip_deals": "Trip deals",
601 "account_v2.settings.notification_settings.list_choices.trip_deals_description": "Promo codes and offers for unfinished bookings.",
602 "account_v2.settings.notification_settings.list_choices.unfinished_bookings": "Unfinished bookings",
603 "account_v2.settings.notification_settings.no_user_settings.subtitle": "Manage your email preferences for <strong>__email__</strong>",
604 "account_v2.settings.notification_settings.settings_failed": "We had an error updating your settings, please refresh the page and try again.",
605 "account_v2.settings.notification_settings.settings_updated": "Your notification settings were updated.",
606 "account_v2.settings.notification_settings.with_account_settings.email": "Email",
607 "account_v2.settings.notification_settings.with_account_settings.general": "General",
608 "account_v2.settings.notification_settings.with_account_settings.promotion_and_offers": "Promotions and offers",
609 "account_v2.settings.notification_settings.with_account_settings.subtitle": "Some settings are disabled so that we can send you important info about your booking and account as well as service announcements and terms, privacy, and security updates. ",
610 "account_v2.settings.payment_methods.add_payment_card": "Add payment card",
611 "account_v2.settings.payment_methods.add_payment_card.error.duplicate_card": "Oops! Seems that you already added that card.",
612 "account_v2.settings.payment_methods.cards.card_list_item.default": "Default",
613 "account_v2.settings.payment_methods.cards.card_list_item.popover.delete_card": "Delete card",
614 "account_v2.settings.payment_methods.cards.card_list_item.popover.make_default": "Make default",
615 "account_v2.settings.payment_methods.cards.card_list_item.toast_message.error": "Something went wrong. Please try again.",
616 "account_v2.settings.payment_methods.cards.card_list_item.valid_thru": "Valid thru: __expirationMonth__/__expirationYear__",
617 "account_v2.settings.payment_methods.confirm_delete_card.cancel": "Cancel",
618 "account_v2.settings.payment_methods.confirm_delete_card.delete": "Delete card",
619 "account_v2.settings.payment_methods.confirm_delete_card.title": "Are you sure you want to delete the card __cardNumber__?",
620 "account_v2.settings.payment_methods.head.heading": "Payment methods",
621 "account_v2.settings.payment_methods.head.text": "You can safely store your payment cards for future use. We ensure that all your details are protected by the highest levels of security.",
622 "account_v2.settings.payment_methods.no_cards.benefits.customer_service": "Grab a <strong>free customer service upgrade</strong> on all future bookings",
623 "account_v2.settings.payment_methods.no_cards.benefits.points": "Instantly receive a <strong>bonus 50 points</strong> — just for activating Compass",
624 "account_v2.settings.payment_methods.no_cards.benefits.redeem_points": "<strong>Redeem points</strong> to save on bookings",
625 "account_v2.settings.payment_methods.no_cards.benefits.saved_details": "Speed up your booking experience with <strong>saved details</strong>",
626 "account_v2.settings.payment_methods.no_cards.description": "You're currently collecting Compass points for all the transactions you make on Kiwi.com. You wont be able to use any of Compass advantages until you store your payment card details in your account. Storage is encrypted, secured and Compass membership is free.",
627 "account_v2.settings.payment_methods.no_cards.description_partner": "You can safely store your payment cards for future use. We ensure that all your details are protected by the highest levels of security.",
628 "account_v2.settings.payment_methods.no_cards.learn_more": "Learn more",
629 "account_v2.settings.payment_methods.no_cards.save_card": "Save card",
630 "account_v2.settings.payment_methods.no_cards.title": "Save your payment card to receive rewards",
631 "account_v2.settings.payment_methods.no_cards.title_partner": "Payment methods",
632 "account_v2.settings.saved_travelers.add_traveler": "Add a traveler",
633 "account_v2.settings.saved_travelers.card.account_owner": "Account owner",
634 "account_v2.settings.saved_travelers.card.date_of_birth": "Date of birth",
635 "account_v2.settings.saved_travelers.card.edit": "Edit",
636 "account_v2.settings.saved_travelers.card.nationality": "Nationality",
637 "account_v2.settings.saved_travelers.card.you": "You",
638 "account_v2.settings.saved_travelers.infotext": "Store saved traveler details and never have to reenter them again. Book faster with less hassle.",
639 "account_v2.settings.saved_travelers.title": "Saved travelers",
640 "account_v2.settings.saved_travelers.traveler_details.close": "Close",
641 "account_v2.settings.saved_travelers.traveler_details.contact_details.email": "Email",
642 "account_v2.settings.saved_travelers.traveler_details.contact_details.phone": "Phone",
643 "account_v2.settings.saved_travelers.traveler_details.contact_details_title": "Contact details",
644 "account_v2.settings.saved_travelers.traveler_details.modal_description": "This traveler's details can only be edited in their __companyName__ account. If they change something, it'll also change here.",
645 "account_v2.settings.saved_travelers.traveler_details.modal_title": "Traveler details",
646 "account_v2.settings.saved_travelers.traveler_details.personal_details.date_of_birth": "Date of birth",
647 "account_v2.settings.saved_travelers.traveler_details.personal_details.gender": "Gender",
648 "account_v2.settings.saved_travelers.traveler_details.personal_details.gender_female": "Female",
649 "account_v2.settings.saved_travelers.traveler_details.personal_details.gender_male": "Male",
650 "account_v2.settings.saved_travelers.traveler_details.personal_details.given_names": "Given name(s)",
651 "account_v2.settings.saved_travelers.traveler_details.personal_details.middle_names": "Middle name(s)",
652 "account_v2.settings.saved_travelers.traveler_details.personal_details.nationality": "Nationality",
653 "account_v2.settings.saved_travelers.traveler_details.personal_details.surnames": "Surname(s)",
654 "account_v2.settings.saved_travelers.traveler_details.personal_details_title": "Personal details",
655 "account_v2.settings.saved_travelers.traveler_details.travel_document.expiration": "Expiration",
656 "account_v2.settings.saved_travelers.traveler_details.travel_document.no_expiration": "No expiration",
657 "account_v2.settings.saved_travelers.traveler_details.travel_document.passport_or_id_number": "Passport or ID number",
658 "account_v2.settings.saved_travelers.traveler_details.travel_document_title": "Travel document",
659 "account_v2.settings.saved_travellers.edit.success_message": "You saved the details successfully.",
660 "account_v2.settings.screen_reader_only.settings": "Settings",
661 "account_v2.settings.settings_breadcrumbs.back_to_account": "Back to my account",
662 "account_v2.settings.settings_breadcrumbs.preferences": "Preferences",
663 "account_v2.settings.settings_breadcrumbs.settings": "Settings",
664 "account_v2.settings.settings_tabs.account_settings": "Account settings",
665 "account_v2.settings.settings_tabs.billing_addresses": "Billing addresses",
666 "account_v2.settings.settings_tabs.payment_methods": "Payment methods",
667 "account_v2.settings.settings_tabs.saved_travellers": "Saved travelers",
668 "account_v2.settings.settings_tabs.saved_travellers.followers.details": "Your details are automatically updated in their account whenever you make any changes here.",
669 "account_v2.settings.settings_tabs.saved_travellers.followers.has_access": "Who has access to your travel details?",
670 "account_v2.settings.settings_tabs.saved_travellers.followers.stop_sharing": "Stop sharing my details",
671 "account_v2.settings.settings_tabs.saved_travellers.followers.stop_sharing.cancel": "Cancel",
672 "account_v2.settings.settings_tabs.saved_travellers.followers.stop_sharing.confirm_delete_title": "Stop sharing your details?",
673 "account_v2.settings.settings_tabs.saved_travellers.followers.stop_sharing.stop": "Stop sharing",
674 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.add.close": "Close",
675 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.add.preview": "Preview",
676 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.add.title": "Add traveler",
677 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.contact_form.email": "Email",
678 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.contact_form.phone": "Phone number",
679 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.contact_form.prefix_placeholder": "Select",
680 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.contact_form.title": "Contact details (Optional)",
681 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.description": "Use all given names and surnames exactly as they appear in your passport/ID to avoid boarding complications.",
682 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.domestic_details_form.chinese.full_name": "Full name",
683 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.domestic_details_form.chinese.national_id": "Identity card number",
684 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.domestic_details_form.description_china": "Travelers from China must provide both their domestic and international documents.",
685 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.domestic_details_form.description_russia": "Travelers from Russia must provide both their domestic and international documents.",
686 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.domestic_details_form.russian.first_name": "First name",
687 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.domestic_details_form.russian.last_name": "Last name",
688 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.domestic_details_form.russian.middle_name": "Middle name",
689 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.domestic_details_form.russian.passport": "Passport",
690 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.domestic_details_form.title": "Domestic travel document",
691 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.edit.close": "Close",
692 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.edit.delete_description": "Deleting will only remove these details form your saved travelers. It won't affect any existing bookings.",
693 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.edit.delete_traveler": "Delete traveler",
694 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.edit.preview": "Preview",
695 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.edit.title": "Edit traveler",
696 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.edit_owner.title": "Edit the account owner",
697 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.invite_traveler.add_manually": "Add manually",
698 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.invite_traveler.boarding_pass": "Access to their boarding passes",
699 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.invite_traveler.booking_details": "Booking details",
700 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.invite_traveler.booking_notifications": "Booking updates and notifications",
701 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.invite_traveler.copied_to_clipboard": "Copied to clipboard",
702 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.invite_traveler.copy_link": "Copy link",
703 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.invite_traveler.or": "or",
704 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.invite_traveler.share_link": "Share this link:",
705 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.invite_traveler.subtitle": "When you make a booking on their behalf, they’ll automatically get:",
706 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.invite_traveler.title": "Invite a fellow traveler to add their details",
707 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.legal_description": "Please make sure that the traveler knows and agrees that you're saving their details with Kiwi.com.",
708 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.personal_form.birthdate": "Date of birth",
709 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.personal_form.female": "Female",
710 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.personal_form.gender": "Gender",
711 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.personal_form.male": "Male",
712 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.personal_form.middle_name": "Middle names",
713 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.personal_form.name": "Given names",
714 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.personal_form.name_placeholder": "Taylor Lee",
715 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.personal_form.nationality": "Nationality",
716 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.personal_form.select_nationality": "Select nationality",
717 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.personal_form.select_state": "Select state",
718 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.personal_form.state": "State",
719 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.personal_form.subtitle": "Save your personal details for quick and easy autofilling later.",
720 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.personal_form.surname": "Surnames",
721 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.personal_form.surname_placeholder": "Jordan",
722 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.personal_form.title": "Personal details",
723 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.preview.date_of_birth": "Date of birth",
724 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.preview.description": "Please double check your information. We would like to prevent any possible mistakes in the future.",
725 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.preview.edit": "Edit",
726 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.preview.email": "Email",
727 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.preview.expiration": "Expiration",
728 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.preview.female": "Female",
729 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.preview.form_submission_error": "An unexpected error occurred while submitting the form. We're working on a fix.",
730 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.preview.gender": "Gender",
731 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.preview.given_names": "Given names",
732 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.preview.male": "Male",
733 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.preview.nationality": "Nationality",
734 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.preview.no_expiration": "No expiration",
735 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.preview.passport_or_id_number": "Passport or ID number *",
736 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.preview.phone_number": "Phone number",
737 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.preview.save": "Save",
738 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.preview.state": "State",
739 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.preview.surname": "Surname",
740 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.preview.title": "Preview",
741 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.travel_doc_form.expiration": "Passport or ID expiration",
742 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.travel_doc_form.heading": "Passport or ID",
743 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.travel_doc_form.no_expiration": "No expiration",
744 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.travel_doc_form.passport_or_id_number": "Passport or ID number",
745 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.travel_doc_form.passport_or_id_number_placeholder": "Passport or ID number",
746 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.travel_doc_form.subtitle": "Save your passport or ID to avoid reentering it later.",
747 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.travel_doc_form.title": "Travel document (Optional)",
748 "account_v2.settings.traveler_modal.travel_doc_form.title_international": "International travel document",
749 "account_v2.settings_billing_address.head.description": "Add your personal or business billing addresses for invoicing purposes. This will save you time in your future bookings.",
750 "account_v2.settings_billing_address.head.title": "Billing addresses",
751 "account_v2.validation.mixed.required": "__fieldName__ is required",
752 "account_v2.validation.string.email": "Invalid email address",
753 "ad_hoc.correction_of.article_181.content": "The process is the same for passengers with no checked baggage. It just includes a few extra steps.",
754 "alert.at_least_one_adult.heading": "At least one adult passenger is required for this to be a valid booking. We cannot make a reservation for unaccompanied children.",
755 "alert.duplicate_booking.heading": "It looks like you've already made this booking",
756 "alert.duplicate_booking.ko": "Double Check",
757 "alert.duplicate_booking.ok": "It's OK, Pay Now",
758 "alert.duplicate_booking.text": "Careful, it looks like you're about to make a duplicate booking. Check your email for details of the other booking before continuing. Are you sure you want to proceed with this booking? <a target='_blank' href='/content/feedback'>Contact us</a> if you need help. ",
759 "alert.duplicate_passengers.heading": "Duplicate passenger warning",
760 "alert.duplicate_passengers.text": "You may have a duplicate passenger in this booking. Please double check before continuing.",
761 "alert.failure.heading": "Sorry, we are not able to book this itinerary.",
762 "alert.find_flight": "Find another",
763 "alert.flight_not_available": "This trip is no longer available.",
764 "alert.invalid.heading": "Sorry, there are no seats left.",
765 "alert.invalid.text_short": "Luckily, it's not the only way of getting to __destination__. Check the alternatives below.",
766 "alert.payment_error.heading": "We couldn't process your payment",
767 "alert.price_change.heading": "Price change",
768 "alert.price_change.ok": "Book for __price__",
769 "alert.price_change.text_short": "With fewer seats left, the price is going up.",
770 "alert.unknown_api_error.text": "Sorry, your package is not available, you will be redirected to search.",
771 "ancillaries.fast_track.bgy_header": "Bergamolynk — an exclusive service at Milan Bergamo Airport with Fast Track and baggage assistance",
772 "ancillaries.fast_track.services_included": "Services included:",
773 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.access_to_amenities": "Access to the other amenities in the VIP Lounge are not included, but you can pay for them.",
774 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.answer": "When you have a short layover, it’s very important to use the Fast Lane. Otherwise, you could miss your connection.",
775 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.bgy.heading": "Milan Bergamo Airport — Bergamolynk",
776 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.bgy.keep_this_document_with_you": "Keep this document with you. All <strong>__companyName__</strong> passengers transferring through <strong>Milan Bergamo Airport</strong> receive exclusive Smart Pass services including Fast Track and baggage re-check assistance for free.",
777 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.bgy_header": "Bergamolynk — an exclusive service at Milan Bergamo Airport with Fast Track and baggage assistance",
778 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.bgy_keep_this_document": "Keep this document with you. All Kiwi.com passengers transferring through Milan Bergamo airport receive exclusive Smart Pass services including Fast Track and Baggage re-check assistance for free.",
779 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.booking_number": "BOOKING NUMBER",
780 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.bud.check_your_boarding": "Check your boarding pass to see the correct terminal for your next flight.",
781 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.bud.check_your_boarding_pass": "Check your boarding pass to see the correct terminal for your next flight. If you have any checked baggage, drop it off at the check-in counter.",
782 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.bud.collect_your_baggage": "Collect your checked baggage from the baggage belt.",
783 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.bud.follow_the_dedicated_signs": "Follow the dedicated signs (as shown in the picture) to take the Fast Track route through security.",
784 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.bud.follow_the_signs": "Follow the Fast Track signs for the quickest route through security (as pictured).",
785 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.bud.heading": "Budapest Airport — bud:connects",
786 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.bud.keep_this": "Keep this document with you. <strong>__companyName__</strong> passengers transferring through <strong>__airportName__</strong> receive free exclusive services, including a Fast Track route through security and access to the transfer assistance desk.",
787 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.bud.keep_this_document": "Keep this document with you. <strong>__companyName__</strong> passengers transferring through <strong>Budapest Airport </strong>receive free exclusive services including a Fast Track route through security.",
788 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.bud.keep_this_document_with_you": "Keep this document with you. __companyName__ passengers transferring through __airportName__ receive free exclusive services including a Fast Track route through security.",
789 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.bud.scan_your_qr": "Scan your QR code to open the Fast Track gate.",
790 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.bud.show_them": "Follow the __signName__ signs to take the Fast Track route through security and passport control.",
791 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.bud.you_can_find": "You can find the QR code in this document, the mobile app, and when you sign in to your booking on Kiwi.com.",
792 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.check_your_boarding_pass": "Check your boarding pass to see if you need to change terminals for your next flight.",
793 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.collect_your_baggage": "Collect your baggage from the conveyor belt in the arrival area.",
794 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.collect_your_baggage_from": "Collect your checked baggage from the conveyor belt.",
795 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.date_of_use": "Date of use: ",
796 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.deposit_baggage": "Deposit your checked baggage in the VIP Lounge at the start of the Fast Track lane before security.",
797 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.deposit_your_baggage": "Deposit your checked baggage in the VIP lounge at the start of the Fast Track lane before security. (Access to the other amenities in the VIP lounge is not included, but you can pay for them).",
798 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.fast_track_route_buys_you_time": "The Fast Track route buys you time to relax, shop, or even catch your connection during a short layover.",
799 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.follow_the_signs": "Follow the signs to the VIP LOUNGE and FAST TRACK.",
800 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.footer": "Page __pageNumber__/__totalPages__ — Last updated on __dateTime__",
801 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.header_qr": "Smart Pass / QR code",
802 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.header_voucher": "Smart Pass / vouchers",
803 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.how_it_works": "How does it work?",
804 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.if_you_have_checked_baggage": "If you have checked baggage",
805 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.in_case_you": "If you're traveling with a checked bag, deposit it in the VIP lounge at the start of the Fast Track lane before security.",
806 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.making_travel_better": "Making travel better",
807 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.mrs.follow_the_signs": "Follow the signs to Departures to locate the Fast Track route through security.",
808 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.mrs.follow_the_signs_and_scan": "Follow the ViaMarseille signs and scan this QR code to take the Fast Track route through security.",
809 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.mrs.heading": "Marseille Provence Airport — ViaMarseille",
810 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.mrs.keep_this_document": "Keep this document with you. <strong>__companyName__</strong> passengers transferring through <strong>Marseille Provence Airport</strong> receive free exclusive services including a Fast Track route through security.",
811 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.nce.follow_nce_connect": "Follow the Nice Connect signs and scan this QR code to take the Fast Track route through security and passport control.",
812 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.nce.follow_the_signs": "Follow the \"Nice Connect\" signs to take the Fast Track route through passport control (Terminal 2 only) and through security.",
813 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.nce.heading": "Nice Côte d'Azur Airport — Nice Connect",
814 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.nce.keep_this_document_with_you": "Keep this document with you. All <strong>__companyName__</strong> passengers transferring through <strong>Nice Côte d'Azur Airport</strong> receive exclusive Smart Pass services including access to Fast Track routes through security and passport control.",
815 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.nce.voucher.discount": "__amount__ discount",
816 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.nce.voucher.get_some_shopping_done": "Get some shopping done during your layover. You'll get a discount when you use this voucher at any partner shop at __airportName__.",
817 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.nce.voucher.pagination_vouchers": "Smart Pass services — __pageNumber__/__totalPages__ vouchers",
818 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.nce.voucher.smart_pass_vouchers": "Smart Pass vouchers",
819 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.nce.voucher.use_promo_code": "Access any of the 4 VIP lounges at __airportName__ at a bargain. Use __promoCode__ as the promo code when you book at __bookURL__.",
820 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.pick_up_baggage": "You’ll need to pick up your baggage from the conveyor belt at the next airport.",
821 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.prg.check_boarding_pass": "Check your boarding pass to see if you need to change terminals for your next flight.",
822 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.prg.collect_your_baggage": "Collect your checked baggage from the conveyor belt and proceed to the arrival hall.",
823 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.prg.follow_signs_and_scan_qr": "Follow the Fly via Prague signs and scan this QR code to access the Security FastTrack route.",
824 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.prg.follow_signs_and_scan_this": "Follow the __signName__ signs and scan this QR code to to access the Security FastTrack route.",
825 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.prg.follow_the_signs": "Follow the signs to the Terminal 2 departure hall.",
826 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.prg.go_to_fasttrack_lane": "Go to the Security FastTrack lane.",
827 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.prg.heading": "Prague Airport — Fly via Prague",
828 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.prg.if_the_self_service": "If the self-service bag drop (SBD) does not cater to your airline, please drop off your baggage at the regular check-in counters. To check which airlines are active at the SBD, visit <strong>__url__</strong>",
829 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.prg.if_you_have_checked_baggage": "<strong>If you have checked baggage</strong>, follow the orange Fly via Prague signs.",
830 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.prg.if_you_only_have_hand_baggage": "<strong>If you only have hand baggage</strong>, follow the turquoise Fly via Prague signs.",
831 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.prg.keep_this_document": "Keep this document with you for future reference. These exclusive free services are available to <strong>__companyName__</strong> passengers transferring at <strong>Prague Airport</strong>.",
832 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.prg.scan_your": "Scan your boarding pass and then your QR code.",
833 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.prg.stay_airside": "<strong>Stay airside</strong> in the non-public area and proceed directly to your gate.",
834 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.prg.the_security_fasttrack_at": "The Security FastTrack route at Terminal 2 (landside) will give you time to relax, shop, or even catch your connection during a short layover.",
835 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.prg.use_self_service": "Use a self-service bag-drop point to check your baggage. They're located in front of the Security FastTrack gate.",
836 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.prg.voucher.and_more": "And more interesting offers at the airport shops and restaurants",
837 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.prg.voucher.bata": "__amount__% Discount voucher for shopping at Bata store\n",
838 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.prg.voucher.erste_mastercard": "__amount__ Discount voucher for Ertste Premier Lounge and Mastercard Lounge\n",
839 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.prg.voucher.hamleys": "__amount__% Discount voucher for shopping at Hamleys\n",
840 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.prg.voucher.keep_this_document": "Keep this document with you. <strong>__companyName__</strong> passengers transferring through <strong>Prague Airport</strong> receive free exclusive services.",
841 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.prg.voucher.lagardere": "__amount__% Discount voucher for shopping at Lagardere’s Duty Free and Lagardere Travel Retail stores\n",
842 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.prg.voucher.you_can_see_updated": "You can see the updated list of shops and restaurants at <strong>__url__</strong>.",
843 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.prg.you_can_use": "You can use either your mobile or printed version of the QR code.",
844 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.proceed": "Proceed to the departure hall.",
845 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.proceed_to_checkin": "Proceed to the check-in desk for your next flight and leave your checked baggage with them.",
846 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.proceed_to_departure_hall": "Proceed to the Departure Hall and follow the signs to the VIP Lounge and Fast Track.",
847 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.provided_by": "Provided by",
848 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.qr_can_be_found": "The QR code can be found on your e-ticket, mobile app, or Manage My Booking.",
849 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.qr_code_for_fast_track": "Smart Pass services — __pageNumber__/__totalPages__ QR code for Fast Track",
850 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.scan_this_code": "Scan this code to open the gate to the Fast Track route through security.",
851 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.scan_your_qr": "Scan your QR code to open the Fast Track gate.",
852 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.service_provided_by": "Service provided by",
853 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.smart_pass_services": "Smart Pass services",
854 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.superior_airport_services": "Smart Pass services",
855 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.vce.collect_your_baggage": "Collect your checked baggage and follow the signs to Departures.",
856 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.vce.display_your_qr": "Display your QR code to enter the Fast Track Priority Lane.",
857 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.vce.display_your_qr_at_venezia": "Display your QR code to enter the Fast Track Priority Lane at Venezia Airport.",
858 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.vce.fasttrack_priority_lane": "The Fast Track Priority Lane buys you time to relax, shop, or even catch your connection during a short layover.",
859 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.vce.heading": "Venezia Airport — Venice Connects",
860 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.vce.keep_this_document": "Keep this document with you. <strong>__companyName__</strong> passengers transferring through <strong>Venezia Airport</strong> receive free exclusive services including a Fast Track route through security.",
861 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.vce.locate_the_desk": "Locate the Fast Track desk at the Security Check entrance on the upper floor of the terminal.",
862 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.vce.voucher.get_some_shopping_done": "Get some shopping done during your layover. You'll get a discount when you use this voucher at any duty-free shop at Venezia Airport.",
863 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.voucher.valid_for_purchases": "* Valid for purchases of __amount__ or more.",
864 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.without_baggage": "Without checked baggage",
865 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.with_baggage": "With checked baggage",
866 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.your_ft_code": "Your QR code",
867 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.you_can_either": "You can either use your mobile or a printed version of the QR code.",
868 "ancillaries_be.fast_track.you_need_to_pick_up": "You’ll need to pick up your baggage from the carousel at the next airport.",
869 "ancilliaries_be.airhelp.string_1": "This is a confirmation that AirHelp+ has been added for all passengers and all flights in your itinerary.",
870 "ancilliaries_be.airhelp.string_2": "If you have any questions, or if you need to make a claim, please contact AirHelp directly at plus@airhelp.com. You can also find more details at help center.",
871 "ancilliaries_be.airhelp.string_3": "Thank you for using Kiwi.com",
872 "article_28.content_additional": "Connections protected by the Kiwi.com Guarantee always involve 2 or more separate tickets, meaning your flights will be ticketed separately and you will receive a unique <a href=\"https://www.kiwi.com/?help-article-id=114\">PNR number</a> for each flight. Please read our FAQ about <a href=\"https://www.kiwi.com/?help-article-id=114\">PNR numbers</a> to familiarise yourself with the visa and check-in implications.",
873 "autocomplete.airport": "airport",
874 "autocomplete.city": "City",
875 "autocomplete.country": "Country",
876 "baggage_modal.alert.cabin_bag_add_checked_bag": "<strong>Tip:</strong> Travel safely by adding a checked bag instead. You can take less on board and avoid moving around the cabin.",
877 "baggage_modal.alert.cabin_bag_on_hold_might_need_to_be_rechecked": "Cabin baggage that doesn't fit under the seat <ref>might need to be checked in</ref> due to COVID-19 restrictions. Consider adding checked baggage to avoid hassle during boarding.",
878 "baggage_modal.alert.cabin_bag_on_hold_might_need_to_be_rechecked_with_self_transfer": "Cabin baggage that doesn't fit under the seat <ref>might need to be checked in</ref> due to COVID-19 restrictions. You must also collect and recheck it during <ref>self-transfer</ref>.",
879 "baggage_modal.alert.cabin_bag_on_hold_needs_to_be_rechecked": "Cabin baggage that doesn't fit under the seat <ref>needs to be checked in</ref> due to COVID-19 restrictions.",
880 "baggage_modal.alert.cabin_bag_on_hold_needs_to_be_rechecked_with_self_transfer": "Cabin baggage that doesn't fit under the seat <ref>needs to be checked in</ref> due to COVID-19 restrictions. You must also collect and recheck it during <ref>self-transfer</ref>.",
881 "baggage_modal.alert.cabin_bag_on_hold_with_airlines2": "Cabin baggage that doesn't fit under the seat <ref>needs to be checked in</ref> with these airlines: __airlines__.",
882 "baggage_modal.alert.cabin_bag_on_hold_with_airlines2_plural": "Cabin baggage that doesn't fit under the seat <ref>needs to be checked in</ref> with these airlines: __airlines__.",
883 "baggage_modal.alert.cabin_bag_on_hold_with_airlines2_plural_with_self_transfer": "Cabin baggage that doesn't fit under the seat <ref>needs to be checked in</ref> with these airlines: __airlines__. You must also collect and recheck it during <ref>self-transfer</ref>.",
884 "baggage_modal.alert.cabin_bag_on_hold_with_airlines2_with_self_transfer": "Cabin baggage that doesn't fit under the seat <ref>needs to be checked in</ref> with these airlines: __airlines__. You must also collect and recheck it during <ref>self-transfer</ref>.",
885 "baggage_modal.alert.collect_and_recheck": "You must collect and recheck your baggage between certain flights.",
886 "baggage_modal.alert.collect_and_recheck.multiple": "You will need to collect and recheck your baggage during each <ref>self-transfer</ref>.",
887 "baggage_modal.alert.collect_and_recheck.one": "You must collect and recheck your baggage during <ref>self-transfer</ref>.",
888 "baggage_modal.badge.not_available": "Online ordering unavailable",
889 "baggage_modal.badge.processing": "Processing changes",
890 "baggage_modal.badge.unpaid": "Unpaid changes for __price__",
891 "baggage_modal.baggage": "Baggage",
892 "baggage_modal.blue_ribbon_bags.added": "Added. Bags are protected.",
893 "baggage_modal.blue_ribbon_bags.add_bag_protection": "Add baggage protection",
894 "baggage_modal.blue_ribbon_bags.applies_all_bags_per_pax": "Applies to all bags for this passenger.",
895 "baggage_modal.blue_ribbon_bags.collect_money_for_missing_bags": "Collect €1,000 for every bag that doesn't arrive within 96 hours.",
896 "baggage_modal.blue_ribbon_bags.lost_bag_protection": "Lost baggage protection <ref>with Blue Ribbon Bags</ref>",
897 "baggage_modal.blue_ribbon_bags.provided_by_brb": "provided by Blue Ribbon Bags",
898 "baggage_modal.blue_ribbon_bags.remove": "Remove",
899 "baggage_modal.blue_ribbon_bags.track_delayed_bags": "Track your delayed baggage and receive updates of its status in real time.",
900 "baggage_modal.blue_ribbon_bags_alert": "Collect __price__ for every bag that doesn't arrive within __time__ hours with Lost baggage protection from Blue Ribbon Bags. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
901 "baggage_modal.contact_support": "To add baggage to your trip, please <ref>contact us</ref>.",
902 "baggage_modal.error.cabin_baggage_not_available": "Personal items and cabin baggage are not available for this booking.",
903 "baggage_modal.error.cabin_baggage_not_available.child": "Personal items and cabin baggage are not available for child passengers.",
904 "baggage_modal.error.cabin_baggage_not_available.infant": "Personal items and cabin baggage are not available for infant passengers.",
905 "baggage_modal.error.cabin_baggage_not_available.teen": "Personal items and cabin baggage are not available for teenage passengers.",
906 "baggage_modal.error.checked_baggage_not_available": "Checked baggage is not available for this booking.",
907 "baggage_modal.error.checked_baggage_not_available.child": "Checked baggage is not available for child passengers.",
908 "baggage_modal.error.checked_baggage_not_available.infant": "Checked baggage is not available for infant passengers.",
909 "baggage_modal.error.checked_baggage_not_available.teen": "Checked baggage is not available for teenage passengers.",
910 "baggage_modal.header.description": "Baggage options vary by carrier. We only offer bundles that are suitable for all your connections.",
911 "baggage_modal.header.mmb.description": "What you choose is what you get. Some of your current baggage may be replaced while choosing different bundle in order to offer you the best combinations suitable for your trip.",
912 "baggage_modal.header.mmb.title": "Choose baggage for __passengerNane__",
913 "baggage_modal.header.title": "Baggage bundles",
914 "baggage_modal.learn_more": "Learn more",
915 "baggage_modal.payment.total": "Total (__currency__)",
916 "baggage_modal.priority_boarding": "Priority Boarding is included for free in this bundle (__airlines__).",
917 "baggage_modal.select.cabin_bag": "Cabin bag",
918 "baggage_modal.select.checked_bag": "Checked bag",
919 "baggage_modal.select.current": "Current",
920 "baggage_modal.select.hide": "Hide",
921 "baggage_modal.select.no_baggage": "No baggage",
922 "baggage_modal.select.no_cabin_baggage": "No cabin baggage",
923 "baggage_modal.select.no_checked_baggage": "No checked baggage",
924 "baggage_modal.select.no_need_checked_baggage": "I don’t need a checked baggage bundle",
925 "baggage_modal.select.no_need_checked_baggage.alert.no_post_booking": "Currently, it’s not possible to add baggage bundles after booking for this particular itinerary.",
926 "baggage_modal.select.no_personal_item": "No personal item",
927 "baggage_modal.select.personal_item": "Personal item",
928 "baggage_modal.select.show_more": "Show __number__ more bundles",
929 "baggage_modal.subheader.cabin_baggage": "Cabin baggage",
930 "baggage_modal.subheader.checked_baggage": "Checked baggage",
931 "baggage_modal.subheader.checked_baggage_bundle": "Checked baggage bundle",
932 "baggage_modal.subheader.select_option": "Select one option",
933 "baggage_modal.subheader.switch_option": "Switch your current bundle for a new one:",
934 "baggage_modal.summary.baggage_for": "Baggage for __firstName__ __lastName__",
935 "baggage_modal.summary.more_info": "Learn more",
936 "baggage_modal.tooltip.cabin_baggage": "Includes smaller bags that can be taken into the cabin and stored in the overhead locker or under your seat.",
937 "baggage_modal.tooltip.checked_baggage": "Includes larger baggage items that you must deposit at the airline check-in counter before going through security at the airport.",
938 "baggage_modal.tooltip.checked_baggage_note": "Note: Carrier policies might vary, please check your baggage allowance 24 hours before departure.",
939 "baggage_modal.tooltip.not_available": "We're sorry, but something went wrong. To add baggage to your trip, please contact our customer service.",
940 "baggage_modal.tooltip.processing": "We're currently processing your baggage order. You'll be able to add more when we finish.",
941 "baggage_modal.tooltip.unpaid": "This passenger's baggage bundle will be updated when you finish the payment.",
942 "booking.abandonment.help.chat_action": "Open Live Chat",
943 "booking.abandonment.help.chat_header": "Chat",
944 "booking.abandonment.help.chat_info": "Online 24/7",
945 "booking.abandonment.help.header": "Can we help?",
946 "booking.abandonment.help.online_help": "Online help",
947 "booking.abandonment.v2.option_check": "Nothing, I was just browsing",
948 "booking.abandonment.v2.option_expensive": "The prices were too high",
949 "booking.abandonment.v2.option_other": "Something else",
950 "booking.abandonment.v2.subtitle": "What can we do better?",
951 "booking.abandonment.v2.tell_us": "Tell us more...",
952 "booking.abandonment.v2.title": "Leaving so soon?",
953 "booking.abandonment.v2.trouble": "Having issues?",
954 "booking.abandonment.v2.visit_help": "Get help",
955 "booking.account_promotion.benefits.autofill": "Save your details once for all future bookings.",
956 "booking.account_promotion.benefits.save": "You can autofill multiple passenger details.",
957 "booking.account_promotion.benefits.see_all": "See all of your trips together.",
958 "booking.account_promotion.continue_with": "Continue with __provider__",
959 "booking.account_promotion.signed_in": "You're signed in.",
960 "booking.account_promotion.title": "Sign in for easier booking",
961 "booking.additional_services.adding.1": "For additional services, please contact us at least 48 hours before the scheduled departure of your flight.",
962 "booking.additional_services.adding.2": "Select a service and provide as much detail as possible in your request.",
963 "booking.additional_services.adding.3": "Our 24/7 Customer Support Team will respond as soon as possible. If there is a fee, you must pay it first before we can add the service.",
964 "booking.additional_services.adding.4": "It may take up to 72 hours to receive a response. Some airlines don't operate 24/7.",
965 "booking.additional_services.adding.5": "The payment will be available for 24 hours in Manage My Booking. After this, you can send us a request to get it refreshed. This is because airline pricing is subject to change without notice.",
966 "booking.additional_services.adding.title": "Additional services info",
967 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.benefits.extra_cost_reimbursement": "<ref>Cost reimbursement service</ref> up to __price__. Including lost baggage or missed reservations.",
968 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.benefits.flight_compensation": "<ref>Flight compensation service</ref> up to __price__ for flight delays, cancellations, or overbookings.",
969 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.benefits.hassle_free": "<ref>Hassle-free.</ref> No stress, no paperwork, no extra fees.",
970 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.benefits.instant_notification": "<ref>Instant notification</ref> if flight is delayed.",
971 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.highlighted.add_air_help": "Add AirHelp+",
972 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.highlighted.air_help_added.content": "You'll receive help and compensation if your flight gets delayed, canceled, or overbooked.",
973 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.highlighted.air_help_added.remove_air_help": "Remove AirHelp+",
974 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.highlighted.air_help_added.title": "AirHelp+ added",
975 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.highlighted.badge": "Over 13 million happy travelers",
976 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.highlighted.know_your_rights.content": "8 million travelers around the world are eligible for compensation, but less than 2% know what they're entitled to. AirHelp is changing this by turning your rights into rewards.",
977 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.highlighted.know_your_rights.title": "Know your rights",
978 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.highlighted.subtitle": "Add AirHelp+ and claim compensation if your flight is delayed. AirHelp will deal with the airlines for you.",
979 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.highlighted.title": "Compensation for flight delays with AirHelp+",
980 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.highlighted.total_price": "__price__ for all passengers",
981 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.highlighted.trusted": "Trusted by travelers",
982 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.highlighted.trusted.content": "“I was not expecting any compensation at all, but I received €1,800. Unbelievable! Thank you, AirHelp.” — Samir J.",
983 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.included_for_all": "Will be added for all passengers",
984 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.item1": "<strong>Flight compensation service:</strong> up to __price__ for flight delays, cancellations, and airline overbookings.",
985 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.item2": "<strong>Cost reimbursement service:</strong> up to __price__ for extra costs caused by a delay, including lost baggage and missed reservations (hotels, flights, etc).",
986 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.item3": "<strong>Hassle-free:</strong> instant notification of your rights when delayed and no additional service charges — saving you at least __price__.",
987 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.short_text1": "Flight Compensation service: up to __price__ for flight delays/cancellations/overbookings",
988 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.short_text2": "Cost reimbursement service: Up to __price__ for extra costs incurred when lost luggage or missed reservations due to delay",
989 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.submit": "Add to basket for __price__",
990 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.text": "Get compensation for flight delays, cancellations, and airline overbookings. ",
991 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.title": "AirHelp+",
992 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.without_badge.add_btn": "Add for __price__",
993 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.without_badge.desc1": "__price__ compensation per flight for any delay, cancellation, or overbooking.",
994 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.without_badge.desc2": "__price__ for any extra costs caused by the delay. Including lost baggage and missed hotel or flight reservations.",
995 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.without_badge.desc_title": "You can receive up to:",
996 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.without_badge.main_desc": "With such large payouts from AirHelp, you'll have a reason to celebrate when your trip is affected by the airline.",
997 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.with_badge.badge": "Only available on the booking page",
998 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.with_badge.buy_btn": "Buy now from __price__",
999 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.with_badge.desc1": "Up to __price__ compensation per flight for any delay, cancellation, or overbooking.",
1000 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.with_badge.desc2": "Up to __price__ for any extra costs caused by the delay. Including lost baggage and missed hotel or flight reservations.",
1001 "booking.additional_services.air_help_plus.with_badge.emoji": "Emoji icon of a lightbulb",
1002 "booking.additional_services.allocated_seating.group_note": "Group seating is only available for 2 or more passengers",
1003 "booking.additional_services.allocated_seating.label": "Select your preferred seat",
1004 "booking.additional_services.allocated_seating.one_required": "Select seating for at least one passenger.",
1005 "booking.additional_services.allocated_seating.options.aisle": "Aisle",
1006 "booking.additional_services.allocated_seating.options.emergency": "Extra legroom (Emergency exit, front row, etc.)",
1007 "booking.additional_services.allocated_seating.options.group": "Group seating with your friends and family",
1008 "booking.additional_services.allocated_seating.options.window": "Window",
1009 "booking.additional_services.blue_ribbon_bags.item1": "Track your delayed baggage and receive it within 96 hours, guaranteed",
1010 "booking.additional_services.blue_ribbon_bags.item2": "Collect 1,000 EUR for every bag that doesn't arrive within 96 hours",
1011 "booking.additional_services.blue_ribbon_bags.item3": "Receive email and SMS updates in real time about the status of your delayed luggage",
1012 "booking.additional_services.blue_ribbon_bags.title": "Lost baggage protection",
1013 "booking.additional_services.cta_button.airport_parking": "Buy parking",
1014 "booking.additional_services.cta_button.allocated_seating": "Buy seating",
1015 "booking.additional_services.cta_button.baggage": "Buy baggage",
1016 "booking.additional_services.cta_button.car_rental": "Order rental car",
1017 "booking.additional_services.cta_button.insurance": "Buy insurance",
1018 "booking.additional_services.cta_button.meals_on_board": "Buy meals",
1019 "booking.additional_services.cta_button.musical_equipment": "Add instruments",
1020 "booking.additional_services.cta_button.special_assistance": "Request assistance",
1021 "booking.additional_services.cta_button.sports_equipment": "Add equipment",
1022 "booking.additional_services.cta_button.transfer": "Buy transfer",
1023 "booking.additional_services.cta_button.travelling_with_pets": "Add pet",
1024 "booking.additional_services.expand_cta": "Special assistance, transfers, and other services",
1025 "booking.additional_services.fast_track.bgy.footer_text": "Don’t forget to take your QR code with you. You'll receive it after your booking is confirmed. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
1026 "booking.additional_services.fast_track.bgy.services.baggage_assistance": "Baggage handling assistance (if you have a checked bag).",
1027 "booking.additional_services.fast_track.bgy.services.checked_baggage_assistance": "Checked baggage handling assistance.",
1028 "booking.additional_services.fast_track.bgy.services.partner_shops_discount": "€10 discount in partner shops when you show your voucher and boarding pass at the cashier.",
1029 "booking.additional_services.fast_track.bgy.services.through_security": "Fast Track route through security.",
1030 "booking.additional_services.fast_track.bgy.text": "Milan Bergamo Airport — Bergamolynk",
1031 "booking.additional_services.fast_track.bgy.title": "Smart Pass services",
1032 "booking.additional_services.fast_track.bud.footer_text": "Don’t forget to take your QR code with you. You'll receive it after your booking is confirmed. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
1033 "booking.additional_services.fast_track.bud.services.through_security": "Fast Track route through security if you have checked baggage.",
1034 "booking.additional_services.fast_track.bud.services.transfer_assistance_desk": "Transfer assistance desk. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
1035 "booking.additional_services.fast_track.bud.text": "Budapest Airport — bud:connects",
1036 "booking.additional_services.fast_track.bud.title": "Smart Pass services",
1037 "booking.additional_services.fast_track.included_for_free": "Included for free",
1038 "booking.additional_services.fast_track.nce.footer_text": "Don’t forget to take your QR code with you. You'll receive it after your booking is confirmed. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
1039 "booking.additional_services.fast_track.nce.services.lounge_discount_voucher": "€10 VIP lounge discount voucher.",
1040 "booking.additional_services.fast_track.nce.services.partner_shops_discount": "10% discount in partner shops when you show your voucher and boarding pass at the cashier.",
1041 "booking.additional_services.fast_track.nce.services.passport_control": "Fast Track passport control route (Terminal 2 only).",
1042 "booking.additional_services.fast_track.nce.services.through_security": "Fast Track route through security.",
1043 "booking.additional_services.fast_track.nce.text": "Nice Côte d'Azur Airport — Nice Connect",
1044 "booking.additional_services.fast_track.nce.title": "Smart Pass services",
1045 "booking.additional_services.fast_track.prg.services.shops_and_restaurants_discount": "Discounts at Prague Airport shops and restaurants",
1046 "booking.additional_services.fast_track.prg.services.transfer_assistance_desk": "Transfer assistance at the airport information desks",
1047 "booking.additional_services.fast_track.services_included": "Services included:",
1048 "booking.additional_services.fast_track.service_baggage_assistance": "Baggage handling assistance.",
1049 "booking.additional_services.fast_track.service_provided_by": "Service provided by",
1050 "booking.additional_services.fast_track.service_security_line": "Fast Track route through security.\n",
1051 "booking.additional_services.fast_track.text": "Buy this trip with us and you'll get exclusive premium services at Milano Bergamo Airport for free.",
1052 "booking.additional_services.fast_track.title": "Milan Bergamo Stopover Bundle",
1053 "booking.additional_services.meals_on_board.choice_label": "Select your preferred meal",
1054 "booking.additional_services.meals_on_board.choice_placeholder": "Preferred meal",
1055 "booking.additional_services.meals_on_board.conditions": "I hereby agree with the processing of my sensitive personal data with regards to my meal preferences in order to accommodate my meal request on air transportation.",
1056 "booking.additional_services.meals_on_board.options.different": "Specify a meal",
1057 "booking.additional_services.meals_on_board.options.no_preferences": "No preference",
1058 "booking.additional_services.meals_on_board.options.vegetarian": "Vegetarian",
1059 "booking.additional_services.meals_on_board.other_label": "Please specify your preferred meal",
1060 "booking.additional_services.meals_on_board.other_placeholder": "Halal, vegan, kids’ meal, chicken, etc...",
1061 "booking.additional_services.message_label": "Notes and specifications (preferably in English).",
1062 "booking.additional_services.message_placeholder": "Detailed description of your request",
1063 "booking.additional_services.musical_equipment.dimensions": "Dimensions must be provided (width, length, and weight)",
1064 "booking.additional_services.musical_equipment.label": "Type of instrument",
1065 "booking.additional_services.musical_equipment.placeholder": "e.g. Guitar, didgeridoo...",
1066 "booking.additional_services.musical_equipment.protection": "Musical instruments should be carried in a protective case or bag.",
1067 "booking.additional_services.not_confirmed": "Other services will be available after your booking is confirmed",
1068 "booking.additional_services.payment.select": "Select for __price__",
1069 "booking.additional_services.payment.selected": "Selected",
1070 "booking.additional_services.price_from": "from __price__",
1071 "booking.additional_services.restricted_airline": "Unfortunately, this service is not supported by at least one of the airlines. You'll have to do this at the check-in counter.",
1072 "booking.additional_services.seating.accordion.airline_will_assign_seating": "The airline will assign seating for you",
1073 "booking.additional_services.seating.accordion.back_to_previous_segment": "Back to previous segment",
1074 "booking.additional_services.seating.accordion.continue_to_next_segment": "Continue to next segment",
1075 "booking.additional_services.seating.accordion.edit": "Edit",
1076 "booking.additional_services.seating.accordion.open": "Open",
1077 "booking.additional_services.seating.accordion.segment_n_of_n": "Segment __count__ of __total__",
1078 "booking.additional_services.seating.accordion.select_your_seating": "Select your seating preference",
1079 "booking.additional_services.seating.back_to_booking": "Back to booking",
1080 "booking.additional_services.seating.collapse_seat_map": "Collapse seat map",
1081 "booking.additional_services.seating.confirm": "Confirm",
1082 "booking.additional_services.seating.expand_full_seat_map": "Expand seat map",
1083 "booking.additional_services.seating.free": "Free",
1084 "booking.additional_services.seating.legend": "Legend",
1085 "booking.additional_services.seating.loading": "Please wait for the seating options to load.",
1086 "booking.additional_services.seating.options.aisle": "Aisle",
1087 "booking.additional_services.seating.options.extra_legroom": "Extra legroom",
1088 "booking.additional_services.seating.options.random": "Automatic",
1089 "booking.additional_services.seating.options.together": "Together",
1090 "booking.additional_services.seating.options.window": "Window",
1091 "booking.additional_services.seating.overview_options.aisle": "__count__ × __from__ — __to__ aisle seat",
1092 "booking.additional_services.seating.overview_options.extra_legroom": "__count__ × __from__ — __to__ extra legroom seat",
1093 "booking.additional_services.seating.overview_options.group": "__count__ × __from__ — __to__ group seating",
1094 "booking.additional_services.seating.overview_options.specific_seating": "__count__ × __from__ — __to__ specific seating",
1095 "booking.additional_services.seating.overview_options.window": "__count__ × __from__ — __to__ window seat",
1096 "booking.additional_services.seating.overview_title": "Seating",
1097 "booking.additional_services.seating.seating_for_your_nth_trip": "Seating from __city1__ to __city2__",
1098 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.change": "Change",
1099 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.children_must_sit_next_to_adult": "Children must sit next to an accompanying adult",
1100 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.children_on_board.text": "Children under the age of 14 must sit with an accompanying adult. Please select an adult seat first. You can select a child seat afterwards.",
1101 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.children_on_board.title": "Child seating",
1102 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.confirm_selection": "Confirm selection",
1103 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.count_seating_selected": "__count__ of __total__ passengers",
1104 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.deselect": "Deselect",
1105 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.exit": "Exit",
1106 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.hide_legend": "Hide legend",
1107 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.legend.available": "Available (__from__ - __to__)",
1108 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.legend.extra_legroom": "Extra legroom (__from__ – __to__)",
1109 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.legend.selected": "Selected",
1110 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.legend.unavailable": "Unavailable",
1111 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.open_seat_map": "Open seat map",
1112 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.or": "or",
1113 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.passengers": "Passengers",
1114 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.price": "Price: __price__",
1115 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.price_for_selection": "Price for selection",
1116 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.price_for_selection_price": "Price for selection: __price__",
1117 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.seating_selected": "Seats selected for",
1118 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.seats": "Seats",
1119 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.seats_selected_for": "Seats selected for",
1120 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.seat_map": "Seat map",
1121 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.seat_number": "Seat __number__",
1122 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.seat_number_for_price": "Seat __number__ for __price__",
1123 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.segment": "Segment",
1124 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.select": "Select",
1125 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.select_adult_first": "Select an adult seat first",
1126 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.select_a_seat_from_map": "Select a seat on the map",
1127 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.select_a_seat_on_map": "Select a seat on the map",
1128 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.select_seating_from_seat_map": "Select a seat from the seat-map",
1129 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.select_seat_left": "Select a seat on the left",
1130 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.select_specific_seat": "Select specific seat",
1131 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.show_legend": "Show legend",
1132 "booking.additional_services.seating.seat_map.specific_seat_selection": "Specific seat selection",
1133 "booking.additional_services.seating.select_seats_on_the_map": "Select your seats on the map",
1134 "booking.additional_services.seating.states.extra_legroom": "You'll have extra legroom",
1135 "booking.additional_services.seating.states.group_together": "Your group will sit together",
1136 "booking.additional_services.seating.states.seats_selected_count": "Seats for __selected__/__max__ passengers selected",
1137 "booking.additional_services.seating.states.seat_selected": "Your selected seat is: __id__",
1138 "booking.additional_services.seating.states.select": "Select seats",
1139 "booking.additional_services.seating.states.selected_seat": "You selected seat __seat__",
1140 "booking.additional_services.seating.states.selected_seats": "You selected seats for __count__ of __total__ passengers",
1141 "booking.additional_services.seating.states.sit_by_the_aisle": "You'll sit by the aisle",
1142 "booking.additional_services.seating.states.sit_by_the_window": "You'll sit by the window",
1143 "booking.additional_services.seating.states.unavailable": "Unavailable",
1144 "booking.additional_services.seating.states.unavailable_at_kiwi": "The carrier will assign seating for you",
1145 "booking.additional_services.seating.title_outbound": "Seating for your outbound journey",
1146 "booking.additional_services.seating.title_return": "Seating for your return journey",
1147 "booking.additional_services.seating.tooltip.quick_option_unavailable": "Sorry, there's either a technical issue or this type of seating is sold out",
1148 "booking.additional_services.seating.tooltip.trip_unavailable": "Sorry, we don't offer seats with this carrier yet.",
1149 "booking.additional_services.seating.where_to_sit": "Where would you like to sit?",
1150 "booking.additional_services.seating.window_seat": "Window seat",
1151 "booking.additional_services.service.accommodation.description": "Find the perfect place to stay from more than a million properties worldwide.",
1152 "booking.additional_services.service.accommodation.name": "Hotels",
1153 "booking.additional_services.service.airport_parking.name": "Airport parking",
1154 "booking.additional_services.service.allocated_seating.description": "Most airlines offer seat selection for a fee. The average price is <strong>€20</strong> per seat up to a maximum of around <strong>€70</strong>, depending on the seat type and the airline. Please select your preferred seating below. If you'd like to be seated together with your fellow travellers, select \"Group Seating\" and specify the details.",
1155 "booking.additional_services.service.allocated_seating.name": "Seat selection",
1156 "booking.additional_services.service.allocated_seating.title": "Seat selection",
1157 "booking.additional_services.service.baggage.name": "Baggage",
1158 "booking.additional_services.service.car_rental.description": "Compare 900 companies in more than 50,000 locations. Best price guaranteed.",
1159 "booking.additional_services.service.car_rental.name": "Car rental",
1160 "booking.additional_services.service.extra.name": "Extra services",
1161 "booking.additional_services.service.flight_only": "Flights only",
1162 "booking.additional_services.service.insurance.name": "Insurance",
1163 "booking.additional_services.service.insurance.title": "Insurance",
1164 "booking.additional_services.service.meals_on_board.description": "Once you select your preferred meal, we will contact the airline and get back to you. Some low-cost airlines may not provide specific meals.",
1165 "booking.additional_services.service.meals_on_board.name": "In-flight meals",
1166 "booking.additional_services.service.musical_equipment.description": "Depending on the airline, your musical instrument may be classed as checked or cabin baggage. Provide as much info as possible including weight and dimensions. You will receive the pricing by email.",
1167 "booking.additional_services.service.musical_equipment.name": "Musical instruments",
1168 "booking.additional_services.service.musical_equipment.title": "Musical instruments",
1169 "booking.additional_services.service.priority_boarding": "Priority Boarding",
1170 "booking.additional_services.service.special_assistance.conditions": "I agree with the processing of my sensitive personal data regarding my medical condition. This is in relation to my request for special assistance during air transportation booked with Kiwi.com. I am aware that I may revoke my consent at any time via this form: Kiwi.com/privacy/rights. I also know that I can learn more about the processing of my Personal Data at Kiwi.com/privacy.",
1171 "booking.additional_services.service.special_assistance.description": "Let us know your requirement in detail — e.g. how mobile you are, if you need to bring your own wheelchair or guide dog, or if you have any visual, hearing or other impairment. Once you submit your request, we will contact the airline(s) and let you know your options.",
1172 "booking.additional_services.service.special_assistance.name": "Special assistance",
1173 "booking.additional_services.service.special_assistance.select": "Select",
1174 "booking.additional_services.service.special_assistance.summary_of_assistance": "Special assistance summary",
1175 "booking.additional_services.service.sports_equipment.description": "Most airlines allow you to carry sports equipment but their fees and processes vary. Just submit your request and we'll get back to you with a price after contacting the airline.",
1176 "booking.additional_services.service.sports_equipment.name": "Sports equipment",
1177 "booking.additional_services.service.sports_equipment.title": "Sports equipment",
1178 "booking.additional_services.service.transfer.name": "Airport transfer",
1179 "booking.additional_services.service.travelling_with_pets.description": "Pets are not usually allowed in the cabin, except guide dogs. Some airlines allow you to transport your pets for a fee as checked baggage. After you submit your request, we will contact the airline and get back to you with a price.",
1180 "booking.additional_services.service.travelling_with_pets.name": "Pet passengers",
1181 "booking.additional_services.service.travelling_with_pets.title": "Pet passengers",
1182 "booking.additional_services.some_flight_too_late_warning": "This service is not available for your flights departing in less than __deadlineHours__ hours.",
1183 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.labels.carry": "Wheelchair carry (WCHC)",
1184 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.labels.collapsible_wheelchair": "Is your wheelchair collapsible or foldable?",
1185 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.labels.dry_battery": "Is your wheelchair powered by a dry or gel battery?",
1186 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.labels.hearing": "Hearing impairment",
1187 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.labels.mental": "Mental impairment",
1188 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.labels.mobility": "Wheelchair and mobility",
1189 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.labels.other": "Other (please specify)",
1190 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.labels.powered_wheelchair": "Is your wheelchair powered?",
1191 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.labels.ramp": "Wheelchair ramp (WCHR)",
1192 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.labels.steps": "Wheelchair steps (WCHS)",
1193 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.labels.summary.collapsible": "Collapsible wheelchair (__preferences__)",
1194 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.labels.summary.dry_battery": "Dry battery (__preferences__)",
1195 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.labels.summary.hearing": "Hearing impairment (__preferences__)",
1196 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.labels.summary.mental": "Mental impairment (__preferences__)",
1197 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.labels.summary.mobility": "Wheelchair and mobility (__preferences__)",
1198 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.labels.summary.powered": "Powered wheelchair (__preferences__)",
1199 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.labels.summary.visual": "Visual impairment (__preferences__)",
1200 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.labels.summary.wheelchair": "Wheelchair (__preferences__)",
1201 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.labels.visual": "Visual impairment",
1202 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.labels.wheelchair_notes": "Notes (wheelchair dimensions, model, etc.)",
1203 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.options.blind": "Blind",
1204 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.options.cognitive_disability": "cognitive disability",
1205 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.options.deaf": "Deaf",
1206 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.options.impaired": "Impaired",
1207 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.options.partial": "partial",
1208 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.options.partial_blindness": "Partially blind",
1209 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.options.partial_deafness": "Partially deaf",
1210 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.options.partial_impairment": "Partially impaired",
1211 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.other_disability_example": "E.g. Oxygen supply, service animals, etc.",
1212 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.own_wheelchair": "Will you be traveling with a wheelchair?",
1213 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.special_request": "Any special requests?",
1214 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.specify": "Specify the type of assistance needed",
1215 "booking.additional_services.special_assistance.which_passenger": "Which passengers require special assistance?",
1216 "booking.additional_services.sports_equipment.dimensions": "Fill in the dimensions below.",
1217 "booking.additional_services.sports_equipment.info": "We recommend that you pack your sports equipment in a protective bag or case to prevent damage.",
1218 "booking.additional_services.sports_equipment.label": "Type of sports equipment",
1219 "booking.additional_services.sports_equipment.options.bikes": "Bike",
1220 "booking.additional_services.sports_equipment.options.different": "Other",
1221 "booking.additional_services.sports_equipment.options.golf_bags": "Golf clubs",
1222 "booking.additional_services.sports_equipment.options.skis": "Skis",
1223 "booking.additional_services.sports_equipment.options.snowboards": "Snowboard",
1224 "booking.additional_services.sports_equipment.options.surfing": "Surfboard / windsurfer",
1225 "booking.additional_services.sports_equipment.options_info.bikes": "Must be contained in a protective case or bike bag.",
1226 "booking.additional_services.sports_equipment.options_info.different": "Fishing, archery, cricket, scuba gear, etc...",
1227 "booking.additional_services.sports_equipment.options_info.golf_bags": "The bag and clubs must be fully enclosed in a hard shell container specifically designed for shipping.",
1228 "booking.additional_services.sports_equipment.options_info.skis": "Must be appropriately covered to avoid dents and scratches.",
1229 "booking.additional_services.sports_equipment.options_info.snowboards": "Must be appropriately covered to avoid dents and scratches.",
1230 "booking.additional_services.sports_equipment.options_info.surfing": "Must be appropriately covered to avoid dents and scratches.",
1231 "booking.additional_services.sports_equipment.placeholder": "Sports equipment",
1232 "booking.additional_services.statuses.cancelled.description": "Requested service was canceled.",
1233 "booking.additional_services.statuses.confirmed.description": "Service added successfully.",
1234 "booking.additional_services.statuses.expired.description": "Requested service has expired.",
1235 "booking.additional_services.statuses.offer.description": "Service awaiting your decision: expires after 24 hours.",
1236 "booking.additional_services.statuses.offer.dynamic_expiration.description": "Please complete you purchase: expires in __expirationPeriod__ hours.",
1237 "booking.additional_services.statuses.offer.title": "Offered",
1238 "booking.additional_services.statuses.open.description": "Service awaiting payment: expires after 24 hours.",
1239 "booking.additional_services.statuses.open.dynamic_expiration.description": "Please finish your payment: expires in __expirationPeriod__ hours.",
1240 "booking.additional_services.statuses.pending.description": "You've paid for this service. We'll let you know as soon as it has been processed.",
1241 "booking.additional_services.statuses.refunded.description": "Requested service was refunded.",
1242 "booking.additional_services.statuses.refunded.title": "Refunded",
1243 "booking.additional_services.success_message": "Thanks. We will get back to you no later than one week before you travel.",
1244 "booking.additional_services.too_late_warning": "With less than __deadlineHours__ hours until departure, it's too late to order this service.",
1245 "booking.additional_services.travelling_with_pets.dimensions": "All dimensions should be provided, including the combined weight of your pet and the cage.",
1246 "booking.additional_services.travelling_with_pets.label": "Type of pet",
1247 "booking.additional_services.travelling_with_pets.placeholder": "Dog or cat...",
1248 "booking.airport_change_banner.subtitle": "Grab this unique offer if you don’t mind traveling between locations during the layover. There's plenty of time for the transfer. How you get there is up to you.",
1249 "booking.airport_change_banner.title": "Change locations during the layover",
1250 "booking.alternatives.back_to_search": "Back to search",
1251 "booking.alternatives.heading": "Select one of these alternatives:",
1252 "booking.alternatives.heading_another_option": "Or select one of these alternatives:",
1253 "booking.alternatives.show_more_button": "Search for more alternatives",
1254 "booking.ancillaries.fast_track.mrs.footer_text": "Don’t forget to take your QR code with you. You'll receive it after your booking is confirmed. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
1255 "booking.ancillaries.fast_track.mrs.services.shops_and_restaurants_discount": "Discount vouchers and free drinks at the airport shops and restaurants.",
1256 "booking.ancillaries.fast_track.mrs.services.through_security": "Fast Track route through security",
1257 "booking.ancillaries.fast_track.mrs.text": "Marseille Provence Airport — ViaMarseille",
1258 "booking.ancillaries.fast_track.mrs.title": "Smart Pass services",
1259 "booking.ancillaries.fast_track.prg.footer_text": "Don’t forget to take your QR code with you. You'll receive it after your booking is confirmed. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
1260 "booking.ancillaries.fast_track.prg.services.lounge_discount": "Discounts for the Erste Premium Lounge and the Mastercard Lounge",
1261 "booking.ancillaries.fast_track.prg.services.security_fast_track": "Fast Track route through security",
1262 "booking.ancillaries.fast_track.prg.services.shops_and_restaurants_discount": "Discounts at Prague Airport shops and restaurants",
1263 "booking.ancillaries.fast_track.prg.services.transfer_assistance_desk": "Transfer assistance at the airport information desks",
1264 "booking.ancillaries.fast_track.prg.services.transfer_assistance_desk.with_learn_more": "Transfer assistance at the airport information desks <ref>Learn more</ref>",
1265 "booking.ancillaries.fast_track.prg.text": "Prague Airport — Fly via Prague",
1266 "booking.ancillaries.fast_track.prg.title": "Smart Pass services",
1267 "booking.ancillaries.fast_track.vce.footer_text": "Don’t forget to take your QR code with you. You'll receive it after your booking is confirmed. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
1268 "booking.ancillaries.fast_track.vce.services.checked_baggage_assistance": "Checked baggage handling assistance & free baggage deposit",
1269 "booking.ancillaries.fast_track.vce.services.duty_free_shop_discount": "10% discount in the duty-free shops",
1270 "booking.ancillaries.fast_track.vce.services.free_baggage_deposit": "Free baggage deposit",
1271 "booking.ancillaries.fast_track.vce.services.through_security": "Fast Track Priority Lane through security",
1272 "booking.ancillaries.fast_track.vce.services.transfer_assistance_desk": "Transfer assistance desk",
1273 "booking.ancillaries.fast_track.vce.services.transfer_assistance_desk_learn_more": "Transfer assistance desk. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
1274 "booking.ancillaries.fast_track.vce.services.vip_lounge_discount": "Discount for the VIP lounge",
1275 "booking.ancillaries.fast_track.vce.text": "Venezia Airport — Venice Connects",
1276 "booking.ancillaries.fast_track.vce.title": "Smart Pass services",
1277 "booking.ancillaries.smart_pass.banner_footer": "Don't forget to travel with the Smart Pass doc that we’ll send to you when your booking is confirmed. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
1278 "booking.ancillaries.smart_pass.banner_service_baggage_assistance": "Checked baggage assistance",
1279 "booking.ancillaries.smart_pass.banner_service_discounts": "Discounts and special offers at the airport",
1280 "booking.ancillaries.smart_pass.banner_service_fast_track": "Fast Track route through security",
1281 "booking.ancillaries.smart_pass.banner_service_lounge": "VIP lounge specials",
1282 "booking.ancillaries.smart_pass.banner_service_provided_by": "Service provided by ",
1283 "booking.ancillaries.smart_pass.banner_service_transfer_assistance": "Transfer assistance desk",
1284 "booking.ancillaries.smart_pass.card_free_badge": "Included for free",
1285 "booking.ancillaries.smart_pass.card_title": "__airport_name__ — __smart_pass_brand_name__",
1286 "booking.ancillaries.smart_pass.header_card_description": "Smart Pass services will ease your transfer experience. They'll help you catch your connection in time during short layovers, or relax during longer layovers.",
1287 "booking.ancillaries.smart_pass.header_card_footer": "Some services will be available only if you have at least one checked bag.",
1288 "booking.ancillaries.smart_pass.header_card_title": "__origin_city__ __origin_iata_code__ → __destination_city__ __destination_iata_code__ Smart Pass services",
1289 "booking.ancillaries.smart_pass.itinerary_detail": "Smart Pass services — __smartpass_brand_name__",
1290 "booking.ancillaries.smart_pass.services_included": "Services included:",
1291 "booking.ancillaries.smart_pass.trip_summary": "Smart Pass — __smartpass_brand_name__",
1292 "booking.ancillaries.smart_pass.trip_summary_free": "FREE",
1293 "booking.ancillary.guides.button": "Find activities",
1294 "booking.ancillary.guides.first_benefit": "Don't waste time standing in line.",
1295 "booking.ancillary.guides.second_benefit": "No hassles. We'll arrange everything.",
1296 "booking.ancillary.guides.subtitle": "Get the lowest prices on activities and tours.",
1297 "booking.ancillary.guides.third_benefit": "Book your spot before it is sold out.",
1298 "booking.ancillary.guides.title": "Discover __arrivalCity__",
1299 "booking.ancillary.hotels.amendments_benefit": "From 3-star budget to 5-star luxury.",
1300 "booking.ancillary.hotels.button": "Find a room",
1301 "booking.ancillary.hotels.choose_benefit": "Up to 50% off.",
1302 "booking.ancillary.hotels.subtitle": "Select your hotel, hostel, apartment, or B&B from more than a million properties worldwide.",
1303 "booking.ancillary.hotels.title": "Rooms in __arrivalCity__",
1304 "booking.ancillary.rental_cars.button": "View cars",
1305 "booking.ancillary.rental_cars.choose_benefit": "Lowest price car rental in __arrivalCity__.",
1306 "booking.ancillary.rental_cars.price_benefit": "24,000 locations around the globe.",
1307 "booking.ancillary.rental_cars.subtitle": "Get the perfect ride to explore your destination.",
1308 "booking.ancillary.rental_cars.title": "Car hire in __arrivalCity__",
1309 "booking.assurance.safety.text": "Sensitive data protection",
1310 "booking.assurance.safety.title": "100% safe",
1311 "booking.assurance.support.text": "Online and on-call 24/7",
1312 "booking.assurance.support.title": "Multilingual support",
1313 "booking.assurance.trust.text": "Excellent rating on Trustpilot",
1314 "booking.assurance.trust.title": "Trusted worldwide",
1315 "booking.autofill_clear_all": "Clear All",
1316 "booking.baggage.banner.hidden_city": "You should only bring a bag that can fit under the seat in front of you. Anything larger risks getting checked at the gate. And all checked bags will end up in the final destination.",
1317 "booking.baggage.recheck_baggage_content": "Due to airline policy, you must collect your baggage and check it in again during at least one layover. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
1318 "booking.baggage.recheck_baggage_content_short": "Baggage recheck required",
1319 "booking.baggage.recheck_baggage_title": "Recheck your baggage during each layover",
1320 "booking.banner.hidden_city_banner.text": "This flight to __destination__ with a stopover in __stopover__ is cheaper than a standard ticket. Skip the remaining flight(s) or travel all the way, it’s up to you. Either way, you’ll be saving money.",
1321 "booking.banner.hidden_city_banner.text_bold": "This flight to <ref>__destination__</ref> with a stopover in <ref>__stopover__</ref> is cheaper than a standard ticket. Skip the remaining flight(s) or travel all the way, it’s up to you. Either way, you’ll be saving money.",
1322 "booking.banner.hidden_city_banner.title": "This unique ticket contains an extra flight",
1323 "booking.billing.address": "Street address",
1324 "booking.billing.changeBillingDetails": "If you need to change your billing details, <a href=\"../../content/feedback\" id=\"BookingBillingDetails-link\">contact us</a>",
1325 "booking.billing.company_id": "Company ID",
1326 "booking.billing.company_name": "Company name",
1327 "booking.billing.fullname": "Full name",
1328 "booking.billing.postalcode": "Postal code",
1329 "booking.billing.tax_id": "Tax ID",
1330 "booking.billing.title": "Billing details",
1331 "booking.billing.validation": "Enter your billing info to validate this payment",
1332 "booking.billing.vat_number": "VAT number",
1333 "booking.billing_details.checkbox.title": "Edit invoice details",
1334 "booking.billing_details.subtitle.advise_us_locale": "Be advised, your invoice can't be changed later.",
1335 "booking.billing_details.subtitle.advise_v2": "The invoice will be addressed to the contact person for this booking. Edit these details now if you need to. It won't be possible to change them later.",
1336 "booking.billing_details.title": "Invoice details",
1337 "booking.boarding_pass_available_at": "Available on __date__",
1338 "booking.boarding_pass_on_airport": "Check in at the airport",
1339 "booking.changes.download_in_english": "Download in English",
1340 "booking.changes.download_in_russian": "Download in Russian",
1341 "booking.changes.passenger_edit": "Passenger details edit — __affectedPax__",
1342 "booking.changes.passenger_edit_show_offer": "Show offer",
1343 "booking.changes.passenger_edit_status_backoffice": "Offered",
1344 "booking.changes.passenger_edit_status_determining": "Checking price",
1345 "booking.changes.passenger_edit_status_processed": "Completed",
1346 "booking.changes.passenger_edit_status_processing": "Processing",
1347 "booking.contact.additional.intro": "To ensure that you receive your tickets and important information, provide as many contact details as possible for all passengers. These details will not be used for any other purpose.",
1348 "booking.contact.additional.title": "Additional contact details",
1349 "booking.contact.additional.updated": "Your contacts were successfully updated",
1350 "booking.contact.country_code_duplicate": "You might have entered the country code twice.",
1351 "booking.contact.unable_to_send_sms": "It's better to use a mobile number so you can receive important SMSes about your trip.",
1352 "booking.contact.unknown_number": "This doesn't seem to be a valid number.",
1353 "booking.cs_support.cs_provided_by": "Customer support is provided by",
1354 "booking.cs_support.read_before_booking": "Read before booking",
1355 "booking.customer_care.button.basic": "Continue with Basic",
1356 "booking.customer_care.button.plus": "Continue with Plus",
1357 "booking.customer_care.button.premium": "Continue with Premium",
1358 "booking.customer_care.category.basic": "Basic",
1359 "booking.customer_care.category.plus": "Plus",
1360 "booking.customer_care.category.premium": "Premium",
1361 "booking.customer_care.feature.customer_support": "Customer support:",
1362 "booking.customer_care.feature.guarantee": "__companyName__ Guarantee:",
1363 "booking.customer_care.feature.priority": "Priority:",
1364 "booking.customer_care.feature.sms": "SMS confirmation",
1365 "booking.customer_care.feature.voucher": "Travel voucher",
1366 "booking.customer_care.feature_value.high": "High",
1367 "booking.customer_care.feature_value.per_request": "__price__ per request",
1368 "booking.customer_care.feature_value.standard": "Standard",
1369 "booking.customer_care.name": "Customer care",
1370 "booking.customer_care.note": "Pay now for peace of mind. Save later when you need to make a necessary change to your itinerary.",
1371 "booking.customer_care.price": "+ __price__",
1372 "booking.customer_care.recommended": "Recommended",
1373 "booking.customer_care.title": "Please select your level of customer care",
1374 "booking.customer_care.tooltip.customer_support": "Requests include changing passenger details, adding baggage, or flight changes, for example. Before you contact us, we recommend visiting our <strong>Help Center</strong> to find solutions for common issues.",
1375 "booking.customer_care.tooltip.guarantee": "The __companyName__ Guarantee protects connections that are <strong>not protected by the carriers</strong>. If part of your trip is <strong>delayed, canceled, or rescheduled</strong>, we'll provide you with an alternative to your final destination. In some cases, we'll also provide compensation for overnight accommodation, transfers, and food.",
1376 "booking.different_day": "Warning: you arrive on a different date.",
1377 "booking.disallowed_hold_bags.description": "There's a special price for this trip but you cannot bring any checked baggage. This is either because of limitations from the carrier or because of a short layover.",
1378 "booking.disallowed_hold_bags.find_alternative": "Find alternatives with checked baggage",
1379 "booking.disallowed_hold_bags.set_filter": "Hide flights with baggage limitations. ",
1380 "booking.disallowed_hold_bags.title": "This trip has baggage limitations.",
1381 "booking.disclaimer.new_visa_info": "__brandName__ is not liable for any passenger who is denied from boarding or from entering any destination due to visa issues.",
1382 "booking.disclaimer.short": "A visa or <a href=\"/helpcenter/article/96\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">airport transit visa</a> may be necessary for travel. Requirements found here are for reference purposes only. Contact the embassy or your foreign ministry for more information.",
1383 "booking.disclaimer.visa": "This is for reference purposes only. Contact the embassy or your foreign ministry to be certain.",
1384 "booking.exit_banner.button": "Apply promo code",
1385 "booking.exit_banner.heading": "We have a __giftValue__ gift for you.",
1386 "booking.exit_banner.promocode_applied": "Your promo code has been applied.",
1387 "booking.exit_banner.promocode_removed": "Your promo code has been removed.",
1388 "booking.exit_banner.text": "Click below to apply your promo code and get a __discountValue__ discount.",
1389 "booking.file_upload.document_required": "Upload at least one document to proceed.",
1390 "booking.finished.hotels.title": "Select your hotel",
1391 "booking.free_checkin.body": "Most airlines charge a large fee if you forget to check in online. If you provide us with your passport/ID details, we'll check you in online and send your boarding passes to you for free.",
1392 "booking.free_checkin.title": "Automatic flight check-in",
1393 "booking.global.add_another_passenger": "Add another passenger",
1394 "booking.global.add_for": "Add for __price__",
1395 "booking.global.add_hold_bags": "Buy baggage",
1396 "booking.global.adult": "Adult",
1397 "booking.global.agreement.terms": "Terms and Conditions",
1398 "booking.global.agreement.terms_error": "Accept the Terms & Conditions to proceed",
1399 "booking.global.agreement.text": "I agree with __companyName__'s non-refundable policy,",
1400 "booking.global.agreement.text_covid": "I have read and accepted the <a class=\"CheckBoxField-link\" href=\"__termsUrl__\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">Terms & Conditions</a> and <a class=\"CheckBoxField-link\" href=\"__privacyUrl__\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">Privacy Policy</a> of __companyName__ and my selected carrier(s) including __companyTerms__. I also agree with __companyName__'s immediate performance of services and I acknowledge that I cannot withdraw from __companyName__'s service agreement.<br/><br/>I acknowledge that due to the existing Force Majeure event as specified in Art. 6.3 of the __companyName__'s <a class=\"CheckBoxField-link\" href=\"__termsUrl__\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">Terms & Conditions</a>, the Kiwi.com Guarantee does NOT apply and __companyName__ is under NO obligation to provide the Kiwi.com Guarantee NOR cover the expenses for alternate transport for affected bookings. <br/><br/>For more information regarding the __companyName__'s applicable COVID-19 cancellation and refund policy, please see its specification <a class=\"CheckBoxField-link\" href=\"__policySpecification__\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">here</a>.",
1401 "booking.global.agreement.text_new2": "I accept the Terms and Conditions of __companyTerms__ and agree with __companyName__'s immediate performance of services. I also acknowledge that I cannot withdraw from __companyName__'s service agreement.",
1402 "booking.global.agreement.text_new3": "I have read and accepted the <a class=\"CheckBoxField-link\" href=\"__termsUrl__\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">Terms & Conditions</a> and <a class=\"CheckBoxField-link\" href=\"__privacyUrl__\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">Privacy Policy</a> of __companyName____companyTerms__. I also agree with __companyName__'s immediate performance of services and I acknowledge that I cannot withdraw from __companyName__'s service agreement.",
1403 "booking.global.agreement.text_tat": "I accept the Terms and Conditions of __companyTerms__ and agree with the immediate performance of their services. I acknowledge the <a class=\"CheckBoxField-link\" href=\"__tatTermsSpecifics__\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\" noreferrer=\"\">specifics</a> of this itinerary and the fact that I cannot withdraw from the __companyName__ service agreement.",
1404 "booking.global.agreement.text_tat.v2": "I have read and accepted the <a class=\"CheckBoxField-link\" href=\"__termsUrl__\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">Terms & Conditions</a> and <a class=\"CheckBoxField-link\" href=\"__privacyUrl__\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">Privacy Policy</a> of __companyName____companyTerms__. I acknowledge the <a class=\"CheckBoxField-link\" href=\"__tatTermsSpecifics__\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\" noreferrer=\"\">specifics</a> of this itinerary and the fact that I cannot withdraw from the __companyName__'s service agreement.",
1405 "booking.global.agreement.text_wowairprime": "I hereby acknowledge that this booking is made with __companyName__ and it contains air transportation with multiple air carriers including WOW air, therefore, I shall enter into the multiple contracts of carriage with such air carriers.",
1406 "booking.global.agreement_newsletter": "Join our __number__ subscribers and receive:",
1407 "booking.global.agreement_newsletter_special_offers": "Personalised special offers",
1408 "booking.global.agreement_newsletter_tips": "Secret tips",
1409 "booking.global.agreement_newsletter_vouchers": "Discount vouchers",
1410 "booking.global.and_back": "and back",
1411 "booking.global.book_cheapest_flights": "Book the cheapest trips with us",
1412 "booking.global.can_book_until_warning": "This booking will be unavailable in <strong>__time__</strong>",
1413 "booking.global.child": "Child",
1414 "booking.global.choose_for": "Add for",
1415 "booking.global.confirmation_email": "Confirmation email in English",
1416 "booking.global.contact": "Contact details",
1417 "booking.global.contact_of": "Contact information of __passenger__",
1418 "booking.global.disagreement_newsletter_info": "We may occasionally send you special offers and other important information. Please use the checkbox if you do not wish to receive these messages. You can unsubscribe from our communications at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in each newsletter or by sending us a request. There are no additional conditions or costs involved.",
1419 "booking.global.disagreement_newsletter_info_communication": "We might occasionally send you special offers and other commercial communications. Please use the checkbox if you don't want to receive these messages. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the newsletter or by sending us a request. There are no other conditions or costs involved.",
1420 "booking.global.disagreement_newsletter_info_communication.kayak": "We might occasionally send you special offers and other commercial communications. Please use the checkbox if you want to receive these messages. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the newsletter or by sending us a request. There are no other conditions or costs involved.",
1421 "booking.global.disagreement_newsletter_new": "Please do not send me emails with special offers and deals.",
1422 "booking.global.disagreement_newsletter_new_communication": "Please don't contact me with special deals and other commercial messages. <ref>More info</ref>",
1423 "booking.global.disagreement_newsletter_new_communication.kayak": "Send me special deals and other commercial messages from Kiwi.com. <ref>More Info</ref>",
1424 "booking.global.guarantee.airline_covered": "Sambungan dilindungi oleh <strong>carrier</strong>",
1425 "booking.global.guarantee.airport_change": "Changing airports is your responsibility",
1426 "booking.global.guarantee.body": "Worried about missing your connection? The __companyName__ Guarantee has you covered.",
1427 "booking.global.guarantee.company_covered": "Sambungan dilindungi oleh <strong>__companyName__ Guarantee</strong>",
1428 "booking.global.guarantee.heading": "__companyName__ Guarantee",
1429 "booking.global.guarantee.station_change": "Changing transport is your responsibility",
1430 "booking.global.infant": "Infant",
1431 "booking.global.lap_seating": "Lap seating",
1432 "booking.global.layover": "__time__ tempoh menunggu",
1433 "booking.global.maximum_number_of_passengers": "Maximum of __passengers__ travelers.",
1434 "booking.global.missing-fields": "Check if you've filled in all the required information correctly.",
1435 "booking.global.passenger": "Passenger",
1436 "booking.global.passenger_primary": "Primary passenger",
1437 "booking.global.payment": "Payment",
1438 "booking.global.policy_body_new": "<span>Before booking, please note:</span><ul><li>You are instructing us to make flight reservations with the respective airline carrier(s) the moment that your payment is accepted.</li><li>Because we instantly arrange flight reservations with the airlines, you are not entitled to withdraw from the service agreement entered into with us. Our services are therefore non-refundable.</li><li>Through the provision of our services, you enter into a contract of carriage directly with the airline carrier(s). Therefore, you need to become familiar with their terms & conditions before making a booking.</li><li>The conditions for the provision of air-carriage services, including possible changes and cancellation of flights, are determined by the respective airline carriers, not us.</li><li>The __companyName__ Guarantee does not apply if any change is made to your booked flight(s) without our assistance and approval.</li><li>Depending on the type of cancellation or refund, we may charge a handling fee of up to 20 € per booking.</li></ul>",
1439 "booking.global.privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
1440 "booking.global.question_leave_booking": "Do you really want to leave your reservation before it's finished?",
1441 "booking.global.recheck_bags": "Collect and recheck your baggage.",
1442 "booking.global.remove": "Remove",
1443 "booking.global.self_transfer.banner.destination": "You will enter __finalDestination__ as a final destination.",
1444 "booking.global.self_transfer.banner.destination_multiple": "You will enter __finalDestinations__ and __lastFinalDestination__ as if they were your final destinations.",
1445 "booking.global.self_transfer.banner.guide": "Learn more",
1446 "booking.global.self_transfer.banner.title": "<strong>Check your visa requirements</strong>",
1447 "booking.global.self_transfer.banner.transfer_hidden_flight": "You will need a visa for __finalDestination__ because of the extra flight.",
1448 "booking.global.self_transfer.banner.transfer_hidden_flight.multiple": "You will need a visa for __finalDestinations__ and __lastFinalDestination__ because of the extra flights.",
1449 "booking.global.self_transfer.banner.transfer_multiple_v2": "You will leave the visa-free transit zone to enter __transferDestinations__ and __lastTransferDestination__ during each <span id=\"self-transfer react-tooltip self-transfer-banner-multiple\">self-transfer</span>. Not sure if you need a visa? __guide__",
1450 "booking.global.self_transfer.banner.transfer_multiple_v3": "You will leave the visa-free transit zone to enter __transferDestinations__ and __lastTransferDestination__ during each <span class=\"SelfTransfer-label\"><span id=\"SelfTransfer-icon-__index__\"></span> <span class=\"SelfTransfer-labelText\" data-tip=\"tooltip\" data-for=\"self-transfer-banner-__index__\" id=\"self-transfer-banner-__index__\">self-transfer</span></span>. Not sure if you need a visa? <span class=\"SelfTransferBanner-guide\" id=\"SelfTransferBanner-guide-__index__\">Check this guide.</span>",
1451 "booking.global.self_transfer.banner.transfer_v2": "You will leave the visa-free transit zone and enter __transferDestination__ during <span id=\"self-transfer react-tooltip self-transfer-banner\">self-transfer</span>. Not sure if you need a visa? __guide__",
1452 "booking.global.self_transfer.banner.transfer_v3": "You will leave the visa-free transit zone and enter __transferDestination__ during <span class=\"SelfTransfer-label\"><span id=\"SelfTransfer-icon-__index__\"></span> <span class=\"SelfTransfer-labelText\" data-tip=\"tooltip\" data-for=\"self-transfer-banner-__index__\" id=\"self-transfer-banner-__index__\">self-transfer</span></span>. Not sure if you need a visa? <span class=\"SelfTransferBanner-guide\" id=\"SelfTransferBanner-guide-__index__\">Check this guide.</span>",
1453 "booking.global.self_transfer.banner.visa_liability": "__companyName__ is not liable for any passenger who is denied from boarding or from entering any destination due to visa issues.",
1454 "booking.global.self_transfer.itinerary_v2": "<span id=\"self-transfer react-tooltip self-transfer-itinerary\">Self-transfer</span> at __airport__.",
1455 "booking.global.self_transfer.itinerary_v3": "<span class=\"SelfTransfer-label\" data-tip=\"tooltip\" data-for=\"self-transfer-itinerary-__index__-__tripIndex__\" id=\"self-transfer-itinerary-__index__-__tripIndex__\">Self-transfer</span> at __airport__ airport.",
1456 "booking.global.self_transfer.luggage_v2": "You will need to collect and recheck your baggage during each <span id=\"self-transfer react-tooltip self-transfer-luggage\">self-transfer</span>.",
1457 "booking.global.self_transfer.luggage_v3": "You will need to collect and recheck your baggage during each <span class=\"SelfTransfer-label\"><span id=\"SelfTransfer-icon-luggage-__index__\"></span> <span class=\"SelfTransfer-labelText\" data-for=\"self-transfer-luggage-__index__\" data-tip=\"tooltip\" id=\"self-transfer-luggage-__index__\">self-transfer</span></span>.",
1458 "booking.global.self_transfer.Term": "Self-transfer",
1459 "booking.global.self_transfer.tooltip_content": "<ul>\n<li>This unique itinerary cannot be found elsewhere.</li>\n <li>The connection in __airport__ is not provided by the airlines. You will need to leave the visa-free transit zone and enter __country__ to check in for your next flight — passing through security and a visa check at immigration.</li>\n <li>The layover time is long enough for the transfer and it's protected by the __brandName__ Guarantee in case of any delay.</li>\n</ul>",
1460 "booking.global.self_transfer.tooltip_content.l1": "This unique itinerary cannot be found elsewhere.",
1461 "booking.global.self_transfer.tooltip_content.l2": "The connection in __airport__ is not provided by the airlines. You will need to leave the visa-free transit zone and enter __country__ to check in for your next flight — passing through security and a visa check at immigration.",
1462 "booking.global.self_transfer.tooltip_content.l3": "The layover time is long enough for the transfer and it's protected by the __brandName__ Guarantee in case of any delay.",
1463 "booking.global.self_transfer.tooltip_content_multiple": "<ul>\n<li>This is a unique itinerary that cannot be found anywhere else.</li>\n <li>The connections in __airports__ and __lastAirport__ are not provided by the airlines. You will need to leave the visa-free transit zone and enter __countries__ and __lastCountry__ to check in for your upcoming flights — passing through security and immigration visa checks.</li>\n <li>The layover time is long enough for the transfer and it's protected by the __brandName__ Guarantee in case of any delay.</li>\n</ul>",
1464 "booking.global.self_transfer.tooltip_content_multiple_airports": "<ul><li>This is a unique itinerary that cannot be found anywhere else.</li><li>The connections in __airports__ and __lastAirport__ are not provided by the airlines. You will need to leave the visa-free transit zone and enter __country__ to check in for your next flight — passing through security and a visa check at immigration.</li><li>The layover time is long enough for the transfer and it's protected by the __brandName__ Guarantee in case of any delay.</li></ul>",
1465 "booking.global.self_transfer.tooltip_content_multiple_countries": "<ul><li>This is a unique itinerary that cannot be found anywhere else.</li><li>The connection in __airport__ is not provided by the airlines. You will need to leave the visa-free transit zone and enter __countries__ and __lastCountry__ to check in for your upcoming flights — passing through security and immigration visa checks.</li><li>The layover time is long enough for the transfer and it's protected by the __brandName__ Guarantee in case of any delay.</li></ul>",
1466 "booking.global.skypicker_guarantee": "Travel without worries",
1467 "booking.global.stop": "Layover in __city__ for __time__.",
1468 "booking.global.stroller": "Stroller",
1469 "booking.global.total_price": "Total price including all taxes and fees",
1470 "booking.global.warning_visas_v2": "__companyName__ is not responsible for any visa issue including airport transit visas. Contact the embassy or your foreign ministry to ensure that you will be able to complete your journey.",
1471 "booking.grace.cheap.description": "<strong>Cannot</strong> be canceled or changed free of charge — the 24 hour grace period rule is not applicable.",
1472 "booking.grace.cheap.header": "Great value",
1473 "booking.grace.header": "Attention, these flights are cheap but non-refundable...",
1474 "booking.grace.refundable.description": "<strong>Only flights to/from/within the USA</strong> are eligible for the full grace period refund if they are cancelled within 24 hours of the purchase. We will retain a grace period fee from any refund we process. This fee is the difference between a grace period ticket and a standard ticket.",
1475 "booking.grace.refundable.header": "Refundable for 24h",
1476 "booking.grace.subheader": "If you pay __amount__ for this itinerary, it will not be possible to cancel or change any flights free of charge after the purchase.",
1477 "booking.health_declaration.agreement": "I declare that all passengers in my booking meet all general <ref>COVID-19 health requirements</ref> as of the issuance date.",
1478 "booking.health_declaration.declaration_title": "COVID-19 health declaration",
1479 "booking.health_declaration.general_statement.close_contact": "__prefix__ I have not had close contact with a person affected by COVID-19 fewer than 2 days before their symptoms began and up to 14 days after their symptoms disappeared.",
1480 "booking.health_declaration.general_statement.content_declaration": "I declare that all passengers in my booking meet these requirements as of the issuance date. I understand that if I am found to be in contravention of any part of this statement, that I will be refused permission to travel. I will inform __companyName__ if any of the stated facts change before the date of my departure.\n",
1481 "booking.health_declaration.general_statement.covid_contact": "__prefix__ I have not had contact with a COVID-19 confirmed case or suspected case or a person issued with a Quarantine Order/Stay-Home Notice <strong>within the last 14 days</strong>.",
1482 "booking.health_declaration.general_statement.covid_symptoms": "__prefix__ I do not have any COVID-19 symptoms, such as a <strong>fever with a temperature over 37.5° C (99.5°F), cough, cold, headache, diarrhea, sore throat, runny nose, any respiratory problems, or a decrease or loss of smell or taste.</strong>",
1483 "booking.health_declaration.general_statement.frontier_airlines": "__prefix__ With Frontier Airlines, I will have my temperature screened by a touchless thermometer before boarding. <strong>Anyone with a temperature of 38°C (100.4°F) or higher will not be allowed to fly</strong>. I will wash or disinfect my hands before boarding the plane. I have noted the recommendation to carry disinfecting wipes and a hand sanitizer with an alcohol concentration of 70% or more.",
1484 "booking.health_declaration.general_statement.inform_authorities": "__prefix__ I also undertake to inform the air carrier and Local Health Authority of any possible occurrence of the above-mentioned symptoms arising within <strong>8 days</strong> of disembarking from the aircraft.",
1485 "booking.health_declaration.general_statement.intro": "I declare that:",
1486 "booking.health_declaration.general_statement.test_confirmation": "__prefix__ I confirm that I have <strong>not tested positive for COVID-19</strong> within 15 days of my planned travel date.",
1487 "booking.health_declaration.general_statement.united_airlines": "__prefix__ I understand if I travel with United Airlines, <strong>face coverings are required for the duration of your flight</strong>, except when I’m eating or drinking.",
1488 "booking.health_declaration.modal.close": "Close",
1489 "booking.health_declaration.modal.confirm": "Confirm",
1490 "booking.hotels_advertisement.description": "Want to save money on your hotel? Buy a package flight + hotel with <a href=__link__ target=\"_blank\">Kiwi.com Holidays</a>",
1491 "booking.hotels_advertisement.description.generic": "Want to save money on your hotel? Buy a package flight + hotel with <a href=\"__link__\" target=\"_blank\">Kiwi.com</a>",
1492 "booking.hotels_advertisement.error": "Sorry, there are no flight + hotel packages for your particular request. Please book your flight with us, then do a separate search for your hotel.",
1493 "booking.hotels_advertisement.flight_and_hotel": "flight + hotel",
1494 "booking.hotels_advertisement.info": "Prices include __nights__ nights for __people__ people",
1495 "booking.hotels_advertisement.label": "New",
1496 "booking.hotels_advertisement.modal_accommodation": "Accommodation",
1497 "booking.hotels_advertisement.modal_button_description": "You'll arrive at Kiwi.com Holidays where you can finish your booking.",
1498 "booking.hotels_advertisement.modal_button_label": "Proceed to book",
1499 "booking.hotels_advertisement.modal_flights": "Flights",
1500 "booking.hotels_advertisement.modal_total_price": "Total price",
1501 "booking.hotels_advertisement.rank_excellent": "Excellent",
1502 "booking.hotels_advertisement.rank_good": "Good",
1503 "booking.hotels_advertisement.rank_very_good": "Very Good",
1504 "booking.hotels_advertisement.see_offer_button": "View this Holiday",
1505 "booking.hotels_advertisement.title": "Flight + Hotel",
1506 "booking.important_baggage_info.cabin_baggage": "Cabin baggage",
1507 "booking.important_baggage_info.checked_baggage": "Checked baggage",
1508 "booking.important_baggage_info.find_alternatives": "Find alternatives with checked baggage",
1509 "booking.important_baggage_info.free": "Free",
1510 "booking.important_baggage_info.not_available": "Not available",
1511 "booking.important_baggage_info.not_available_short_layover": "Not available now or later.",
1512 "booking.important_baggage_info.paid_for_option": "Paid-for option",
1513 "booking.important_baggage_info.personal_item": "Personal item",
1514 "booking.important_baggage_info.subtitle": "There are special baggage conditions for this unique flight combination.",
1515 "booking.important_baggage_info.subtitle_short_layover": "There are special baggage conditions.",
1516 "booking.important_baggage_info.title": "Important baggage info",
1517 "booking.insurance_restricted_for_us": "We are unable to provide insurance to residents of the United States and its territories.",
1518 "booking.invoice.description": "By default, the invoice will be addressed to the contact person and it cannot be changed later.",
1519 "booking.invoice.edit": "Edit invoice (optional)",
1520 "booking.invoice.title": "Edit invoice (optional)",
1521 "booking.itinerary_price_change.cabin_baggage.description": "Cabin baggage bundle removed from the basket (-__price__ __currency__)",
1522 "booking.itinerary_price_change.cabin_baggage.heading": "Cabin bags and Priority Boarding have just been sold out",
1523 "booking.itinerary_price_change.description": "Carriers often change the price and availability of services, especially as departure approaches. We recommend buying your tickets now to avoid another change.",
1524 "booking.itinerary_price_change.heading": "Sorry, the price of your itinerary just changed",
1525 "booking.itinerary_price_change.ticket_price.description": "Your ticket price changed to __price__",
1526 "booking.itinerary_price_change.ticket_price.heading": "Itinerary price change",
1527 "booking.jeju_specific.body": "Refund for Jeju flights can be made in accordance with following rules:\n1. Application for refund should be made during the period of validity of the ticket or Miscellaneous Charges Order, and JJA will refuse refund when application there for is made more than 30 days after expiration date of the ticket or Miscellaneous Charges Order.\n2. The amount of a voluntary refund will be as follows:\n(1) When no portion of the ticket has been used, the amount of refund will be the amount of fare paid, less any applicable service charges and communication expenses.\n(2) When a portion of the trip has been made, the amount of refund will be the difference, if any, between the full amounts of fare paid and the amount of fare and charges applicable between the points between which the ticket has been used, less any applicable service charges and communication expenses.\n(source: jejuair.net)",
1528 "booking.journey_tat_warning_body": "You bought a round-trip option which is cheaper than a one-way ticket. Fly one-way only or use the return ticket, it’s up to you.",
1529 "booking.journey_tat_warning_title": "This round-trip option is cheaper than a one-way ticket",
1530 "booking.loyalty.error.redemption.can_continue": "You can continue to pay for your booking and save your points for later.",
1531 "booking.loyalty.error.redemption.got_it.button": "Got it",
1532 "booking.loyalty.error.redemption.sorry_cant_redeem": "Sorry, we can't redeem your points right now",
1533 "booking.loyalty.fare_types.earn_point": "Earn 1 point",
1534 "booking.loyalty.fare_types.earn_points": "Earn __points__ points",
1535 "booking.loyalty.fare_types.earn_zero_point": "Earn 0 point",
1536 "booking.loyalty.fare_types.get_bonus_tooltip": "You'll receive 6 times the Compass points for this booking and any additional services you purchase later.",
1537 "booking.loyalty.fare_types.points_mobile": "__points__ pts",
1538 "booking.loyalty.fare_types.point_mobile": "1 pt",
1539 "booking.loyalty.fare_types.service_packages.tooltip.adventurer": "As an Adventurer in our Compass loyalty program, you've been upgraded to __service__ Services at no extra cost. These include:",
1540 "booking.loyalty.fare_types.service_packages.tooltip.captain": "As a Captain in our Compass loyalty program, you've been upgraded to __service__ Services at no extra cost. These include:",
1541 "booking.loyalty.fare_types.service_packages.tooltip.scout": "As a Scout in our Compass loyalty program, you've been upgraded to __service__ Services at no extra cost. These include:",
1542 "booking.loyalty.fare_types.zero_point_mobile": "0 pt",
1543 "booking.loyalty.how_much": "How much is this?",
1544 "booking.loyalty.payment.current_balance": "Your current Compass points balance is:",
1545 "booking.loyalty.payment.minimum_redemption_info": "You must first earn a minimum of __points__ points to redeem them.",
1546 "booking.loyalty.payment.points_to_currency": "__points__ points → __currency__",
1547 "booking.loyalty.payment.redeem_all": "Redeem my Compass points:",
1548 "booking.loyalty.payment.spend_points_info": "When you spend your points, it won't negatively affect your current Compass level.",
1549 "booking.loyalty.payment.total": "Total: __currency__",
1550 "booking.loyalty.plus_point": "+1 Compass point",
1551 "booking.loyalty.plus_points": "+__points__ Compass points",
1552 "booking.loyalty.point": "__points__ Compass point",
1553 "booking.loyalty.points": "__points__ Compass points",
1554 "booking.loyalty.points_applied": "__points__ pts (__currency__) applied",
1555 "booking.loyalty.sign_in.already_member": "Already a Kiwi.com member? Just sign in and continue booking",
1556 "booking.loyalty.sign_in.benefits.auto_fill": "One-click auto fill passenger and contact details",
1557 "booking.loyalty.sign_in.benefits.check_out": "Check out faster with saved payment card details",
1558 "booking.loyalty.sign_in.benefits.redeem": "Redeem your Compass points",
1559 "booking.loyalty.sign_in.double_check_details": "Please double-check your contact details to prevent any future errors in communication.",
1560 "booking.loyalty.sign_in.enter_contact_details": "Enter your contact details to access customer support and manage your booking. We'll automatically create your free Kiwi.com account after you book this trip.",
1561 "booking.loyalty.you_will_earn": "You'll earn:",
1562 "booking.loyalty.you_will_earn_mobile": "You'll earn __points__",
1563 "booking.loyalty.zero_plus_point": "+0 Compass point",
1564 "booking.maintenance.subtitle": "This page is under maintenance. Try refreshing it or come back later.",
1565 "booking.maintenance.title": "Please try again later",
1566 "booking.manage.thankyou.ancillary_promo": "Need anything else for your trip?",
1567 "booking.manage.thankyou.body": "We'll send your payment confirmation to __email__ and process your order as soon as possible.",
1568 "booking.manage.thankyou.body2": "To contact our customer support, you'll need to have your booking number __BID__ ready. Without your booking number, we won't be able to serve you.",
1569 "booking.manage.thankyou.experience": "Did you enjoy your experience with us?",
1570 "booking.manage.thankyou.headline": "Thank you for booking with __brandName__",
1571 "booking.manage.thank_you.body": "We'll send your payment confirmation to <strong>__email__</strong> and process your order as soon as possible.",
1572 "booking.manage.thank_you.email_edit": "Edit email",
1573 "booking.manage.thank_you.email_form_headline": "Double check your email address:",
1574 "booking.manage.thank_you.email_form_success": "Confirmation will be sent. Please sign in to Manage My Booking with the link you received by email.",
1575 "booking.manage.thank_you.headline": "Payment was successful, thank you for booking with __brandName__",
1576 "booking.manage.thank_you.open_app.appStore_alt": "Kiwi.com on the App Store",
1577 "booking.manage.thank_you.open_app.feature1": "Electronic boarding passes",
1578 "booking.manage.thank_you.open_app.feature2": "Booking management",
1579 "booking.manage.thank_you.open_app.feature3": "Live updates during your trip",
1580 "booking.manage.thank_you.open_app.feature4": "Exclusive mobile deals",
1581 "booking.manage.thank_you.open_app.googlePlay_alt": "Kiwi.com on Google Play",
1582 "booking.manage.thank_you.open_app.heading": "Tap into the world of travel",
1583 "booking.manage.thank_you.open_app.magic.button": "Send link",
1584 "booking.manage.thank_you.open_app.magic.button_error": "Link sending failed",
1585 "booking.manage.thank_you.open_app.magic.button_sent": "Link sent",
1586 "booking.manage.thank_you.open_app.magic.info": "We’ll send the link to __usersEmail__",
1587 "booking.manage.thank_you.open_app.magic.info_error_first": "Try again?",
1588 "booking.manage.thank_you.open_app.magic.info_error_second": "We’ll send the link to __usersEmail__",
1589 "booking.manage.thank_you.open_app.magic.info_sent": "Open the email on your mobile phone to continue",
1590 "booking.manage.thank_you.open_app.magic.info_try_again": "<ref>Try again?</ref> We’ll send the link to __usersEmail__",
1591 "booking.manage.thank_you.open_app.magic.title": "Get a magic link to download and sign in to the Kiwi.com app. No password needed.",
1592 "booking.manage.thank_you.open_app.qrcode_alt": "QR code",
1593 "booking.manage.thank_you.open_app.subtitle": "Scan the QR code to install all the benefits of the Kiwi.com app.",
1594 "booking.manage.thank_you.open_app.subtitle_mobile": "It’s just a button press away.",
1595 "booking.mobile_promo.headline": "Tap into the world of travel",
1596 "booking.mobile_promo.info": "Be notified when your boarding passes are available",
1597 "booking.mobile_promo.list_first": "Essential travel documents available offline",
1598 "booking.mobile_promo.list_fourth": "Airport and destination guides with maps",
1599 "booking.mobile_promo.list_second": "Trip overview and notifications for next steps",
1600 "booking.mobile_promo.list_third": "Compatible with Apple Wallet (iOS only)",
1601 "booking.multistep.additional_services.added": "Added",
1602 "booking.multistep.additional_services.edit": "Edit selection",
1603 "booking.multistep.additional_services.edit_selection": "Edit",
1604 "booking.multistep.additional_services.error": "Sorry, it's not possible to add any extras at the moment. Please continue to the last step.",
1605 "booking.multistep.additional_services.insurance.added_to_basket": "__price__ added to basket",
1606 "booking.multistep.additional_services.insurance.text": "Get this coverage if there's a chance that you'll need to cancel at the last minute and get refunded.",
1607 "booking.multistep.additional_services.insurance.title": "Travel insurance",
1608 "booking.multistep.additional_services.insurance_modal.benefits.assistance": "Assistance services",
1609 "booking.multistep.additional_services.insurance_modal.benefits.baggage": "Lost baggage",
1610 "booking.multistep.additional_services.insurance_modal.benefits.cancellation": "Trip cancellation",
1611 "booking.multistep.additional_services.insurance_modal.benefits.insurance": "Air travel insurance",
1612 "booking.multistep.additional_services.insurance_modal.benefits.medical": "Medical expenses",
1613 "booking.multistep.additional_services.insurance_modal.gold_incudes": "Travel Plus also includes",
1614 "booking.multistep.additional_services.insurance_modal.text": "Select the travel insurance coverage you'd like for each passenger. Provided by AXA Assistance.",
1615 "booking.multistep.additional_services.insurance_modal.travel_basic": "Travel Basic",
1616 "booking.multistep.additional_services.insurance_modal.travel_basic_and_gold": "Included in Travel Plus and Travel Basic",
1617 "booking.multistep.additional_services.insurance_modal.travel_gold": "Travel Plus",
1618 "booking.multistep.additional_services.labels.favourite": "Popular",
1619 "booking.multistep.additional_services.labels.new": "New",
1620 "booking.multistep.additional_services.labels.special": "Special offer",
1621 "booking.multistep.additional_services.landing_sms.text": "Let your loved ones know that you've arrived safe and sound and that it's time to come pick you up.",
1622 "booking.multistep.additional_services.landing_sms.title": "Landing SMS",
1623 "booking.multistep.additional_services.price_from": "from __price__",
1624 "booking.multistep.additional_services.priority_boarding.add_all": "Add all for __price__",
1625 "booking.multistep.additional_services.priority_boarding.add_for": "Add for __price__",
1626 "booking.multistep.additional_services.priority_boarding.cabin_baggage_not_available": "A cabin bag is not available for this trip because the overhead lockers are full on one or more of your flights.",
1627 "booking.multistep.additional_services.priority_boarding.cabin_baggage_not_available.personal_item": "A cabin bag is not available for this trip because the overhead lockers are full on one or more of your flights. But you can still take a personal item.",
1628 "booking.multistep.additional_services.priority_boarding.cabin_bags": "Keep your cabin bags with you and avoid collecting them at the carousel.",
1629 "booking.multistep.additional_services.priority_boarding.edit_selection": "Edit selection",
1630 "booking.multistep.additional_services.priority_boarding.first_one_to_board": "Dodge the queue and board the plane in peace.",
1631 "booking.multistep.additional_services.priority_boarding.not_available": "Priority boarding is not available on this leg of the trip",
1632 "booking.multistep.additional_services.priority_boarding.remove": "Remove",
1633 "booking.multistep.additional_services.priority_boarding.remove_all": "Remove all",
1634 "booking.multistep.additional_services.priority_boarding.text": "Be the first on the plane with a guarantee of keeping your cabin bags with you during the flight.",
1635 "booking.multistep.additional_services.priority_boarding.title": "Priority Boarding",
1636 "booking.multistep.additional_services.priority_boarding.with_cabin_bag": "You must add a <strong>cabin bag</strong> for each passenger you want to get Priority Boarding for.<br>Priority Boarding is included in the <strong>cabin bag package.</strong>",
1637 "booking.multistep.additional_services.select": "Select",
1638 "booking.multistep.additional_services.sold_out": "Sold out",
1639 "booking.multistep.additional_services.terms_and_conditions": "Terms & Conditions",
1640 "booking.multistep.breadcrumbs.search": "Search",
1641 "booking.multistep.breadcrumbs.service_package": "Service package",
1642 "booking.multistep.breadcrumbs.ticket_fare": "Ticket fare",
1643 "booking.multistep.breadcrumbs_customize_trip": "Customize your trip",
1644 "booking.multistep.breadcrumbs_payment": "Overview & payment",
1645 "booking.multistep.breadcrums_passenger_details": "Passenger details",
1646 "booking.multistep.summary_overview": "Overview",
1647 "booking.name_advice": "As in passport/ID",
1648 "booking.no_hidden_flight_alternatives.modal.description": "If you want an itinerary without any extra flights that you won't use, pick an option below.",
1649 "booking.no_hidden_flight_alternatives.modal.illustration": "plane and money illustration",
1650 "booking.no_hidden_flight_alternatives.modal.title": "Standard itineraries",
1651 "booking.online_check_in.success": "We're launching a new service and for a limited time only, it's free. Enjoy!",
1652 "booking.online_check_in.text_1": "Saves you time and effort: there's no need to queue. We'll check you in online and send you the boarding passes. ",
1653 "booking.online_check_in.text_2": "Saves you money: airlines usually charge a large check-in fee at the airport when you forget to check in online.",
1654 "booking.online_check_in.title": "Online check-in service",
1655 "booking.paid_guarantee.cancellation_protection": "Cancellation Protection",
1656 "booking.paid_guarantee.cancel_protection.no_protection": "No Cancellation Protection",
1657 "booking.paid_guarantee.cancel_protection.no_protection_badge": "Paid alternatives or a carrier refund of an undetermined amount. This refund is not guaranteed. Its processing time depends solely on the carrier.",
1658 "booking.paid_guarantee.cancel_protection.protection": "__brandName__ Cancellation Protection",
1659 "booking.paid_guarantee.cancel_protection.protection_note": "If your trip gets canceled by the carrier, we’ll provide you: ",
1660 "booking.paid_guarantee.cancel_protection.title": "Stay protected from carrier cancellations",
1661 "booking.paid_guarantee.error": "Select one option:",
1662 "booking.paid_guarantee.modal.button": "Continue with free protection",
1663 "booking.paid_guarantee.modal.note": "Right now you can continue with our <ref>standard Kiwi.com protection</ref> which is included with <strong>no additional cost</strong>.",
1664 "booking.paid_guarantee.modal.title": "We’re still testing this out",
1665 "booking.paid_guarantee.transfer_protection": "Transfer Protection",
1666 "booking.paid_guarantee.transfer_protection.note": "This unique route is <strong>not protected</strong> by the carriers. Get protection from __brandName__.",
1667 "booking.paid_guarantee.transfer_protection.no_protection": "No Transfer Protection",
1668 "booking.paid_guarantee.transfer_protection.no_protection_badge": "Paid alternatives only",
1669 "booking.paid_guarantee.transfer_protection.protection": "__brandName__ Transfer Protection",
1670 "booking.paid_guarantee.transfer_protection.protection_badge": "Free alternative or instant refund",
1671 "booking.paid_guarantee.transfer_protection.protection_note": "If your trip gets affected by a carrier delay or cancellation, we’ll provide you: ",
1672 "booking.paid_guarantee.transfer_protection.title": "Don’t get stuck during your trip",
1673 "booking.passenger.adult.restriction": "Children under the age of __age__ cannot travel alone with this carrier. Add an adult or remove the child to continue.",
1674 "booking.passenger.age_info.adult_over_years": "Adult (over __years__ years)",
1675 "booking.passenger.age_info.child_range_years": "Child (__from__ – __to__ years)",
1676 "booking.passenger.age_info.infant_under_years": "Infant (under __years__ years)",
1677 "booking.passenger.birthday": "Date of birth",
1678 "booking.passenger.birth_certificate.label": "Birth certificate number",
1679 "booking.passenger.email.invalid": "Please use this format: your@email.com",
1680 "booking.passenger.email.required": "Required for your tickets",
1681 "booking.passenger.error.typo": "This could be a typo. <ref>No, it's correct</ref>.",
1682 "booking.passenger.expiration": "Passport or ID expiry date",
1683 "booking.passenger.firstname.label": "First name",
1684 "booking.passenger.firstname.label_new": "Given names",
1685 "booking.passenger.firstname_placeholder": "Taylor",
1686 "booking.passenger.gender.label": "Gender",
1687 "booking.passenger.gender.select": "Select",
1688 "booking.passenger.gender_options.female": "Female",
1689 "booking.passenger.gender_options.male": "Male",
1690 "booking.passenger.id_country.label": "Country of Issue",
1691 "booking.passenger.id_day.label": "Day",
1692 "booking.passenger.id_month.label": "Month",
1693 "booking.passenger.id_number.label": "Passport or ID number",
1694 "booking.passenger.id_year.label": "Year",
1695 "booking.passenger.infant.restriction": "You can't have more infants than adults in a booking.",
1696 "booking.passenger.infant.title": "Switched to infant fare",
1697 "booking.passenger.infant_accompanied_by_adult": "Every infant must be accompanied by an adult.",
1698 "booking.passenger.insurance.20_per_hour_max_100": "€20 per hour, max €100",
1699 "booking.passenger.insurance.accidental_death": "Accidental death",
1700 "booking.passenger.insurance.added_and_protected": "Added and protected.",
1701 "booking.passenger.insurance.add_for_all_passengers": "Add for all passengers",
1702 "booking.passenger.insurance.agree_with_terms": "By purchasing and using this insurance, you agree with the Terms & Conditions negotiated between IPA and __companyName__.",
1703 "booking.passenger.insurance.applicable_note": "Only applicable for insurance purchased on the same day as the booking.",
1704 "booking.passenger.insurance.axa_description": "With over 200 years of experience and millions of insured customers, AXA Assistance will give you worldwide coverage and 24/7 support. <ref>Detailed comparison and terms.</ref>",
1705 "booking.passenger.insurance.baggage_insurance": "Baggage insurance",
1706 "booking.passenger.insurance.baggage_limit_item": "Baggage insurance — limit per item",
1707 "booking.passenger.insurance.baggage_limit_total": "Baggage insurance — total limit",
1708 "booking.passenger.insurance.banner": "Stay safe & add travel insurance from <strong>__price__/day</strong>",
1709 "booking.passenger.insurance.change": "Change",
1710 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.agree_to_terms": "By selecting Travel Insurance, I (we) agree to terms and conditions found in the <ref>View Benefits and Policy Details</ref> link.",
1711 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.agree_with_terms": "By purchasing and using this insurance, you agree with the Terms & Conditions negotiated between IPA and __companyName__.",
1712 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.baggage_loss": "Baggage loss, theft, or delay",
1713 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.benefits": "View Benefits and Policy Details",
1714 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.change": "Change",
1715 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.city": "City",
1716 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.emergency_assistance": "24/7 emergency assistance",
1717 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.emergency_evacuation": "Emergency evacuation & repatriation",
1718 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.heading": " Travel insurance",
1719 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.loading_insurance": "Loading insurance info...",
1720 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.medical_expenses": "Emergency medical expenses",
1721 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.modal": "Travel insurance for __name__",
1722 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.modal.accidental_death_carrier": "Accidental death & dismemberment (common airline carriers only)",
1723 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.modal.accidental_death_dismemberment": "Accidental death & dismemberment",
1724 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.modal.add_for": "Add for __price__",
1725 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.modal.baggage_delay": "Baggage delay (__time__)",
1726 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.modal.baggage_personal": "Baggage & personal effects",
1727 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.modal.benefits": "Benefits",
1728 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.modal.coverage": "The coverage illustrated above is general and may not reflect the actual coverage. Coverage and rates may vary by state. Please review your policy details for your state-specific policy.",
1729 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.modal.dental_sublimit": "__firstPrice__ (__secondPrice__ dental sublimit)",
1730 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.modal.emergency_escort_sublimit": "__firstPrice__ (__secondPrice__ escort sublimit)",
1731 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.modal.emergency_evacuation": "Emergency evacuation & repatriation",
1732 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.modal.emergency_medical": "Emergency medical & dental expenses",
1733 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.modal.frequent_traveler": "Frequent traveler awards",
1734 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.modal.included": "Included",
1735 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.modal.max_limit_per": "Maximum limit per person",
1736 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.modal.missed_connection": "Missed connection (__time__)",
1737 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.modal.price_per_day": "__firstPrice__ (__secondPrice__/day)",
1738 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.modal.questions_benefits": "Do you have any questions about the benefits or the coverage? Contact Travelex Insurance Services at 1-844-233-7896\nBy purchasing this plan, I (We) understand and agree to the terms, limitations, and exclusions found in the Policy. Maximum Trip Length 90 days. 1 All coverages per insured up to the limits listed. Coverage and rates may vary by state. Please see your Policy for details. 2 Benefit(s) are not available for residents of NH. 3 Travel Assistance Services provided by the designated provider as listed in the Policy. The purchase of this product is not required in order to purchase any other travel product or service. Your travel retailer might not be licensed to sell travel insurance and will only be able to provide general information about the product. An unlicensed travel retailer may not answer questions about the terms and conditions of the insurance offered and may not evaluate the adequacy of your existing insurance coverage. The products being offered provide insurance coverage that only applies during your covered trip. You may have insurance coverage from other sources that provide similar benefits but may be subject to different restrictions depending upon the coverage. You may wish to compare the terms of the travel policy offered through Travelex with any existing life, health, home and automobile insurance policies you may have. If you have questions about your coverage under your existing insurance policies, contact your insurer or insurance agent or broker. The product descriptions provided here are only brief summaries and may be changed without notice. The full coverage terms and details, including limitations and exclusions, are contained in the insurance policy. Any inquiry regarding claims may be directed to __email__, P.O. Box 2986 Clinton, IA 52733. Inquirers regarding new, existing, or denied claims and any other claims questions may also be directed to this address. Consumers in California may also contact the California Department of Insurance Hotline 800.927.4357 or 213.897.8921. Travelex Insurance Services, Inc. CA Agency License #0D10209. Consumers in Maryland may contact the Maryland Insurance Administration 800.492.6116 or 410.468.2340. Travel Insurance is underwritten by Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance Company; NAIC #22276. EUJ",
1739 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.modal.subtitle": "Travel with some peace of mind.",
1740 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.modal.terms": "View policy details (__lang__)",
1741 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.modal.travel_assistance": "Travel assistance services",
1742 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.modal.trip_cancellation": "Trip cancelation",
1743 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.modal.trip_cost": "Up to __percent__ of the trip cost",
1744 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.modal.trip_delay": "Trip delay (__time__)",
1745 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.modal.trip_interruption": "Trip interruption",
1746 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.provided_by": "provided by Travelex Insurance Services",
1747 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.select": "Select",
1748 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.state": "State",
1749 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.street": "Street address",
1750 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.successfully_added": "Travel Insurance successfully added.",
1751 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.trip_cancelation": "Trip cancellation for covered reasons",
1752 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.variant_insurance": "Travel insurance",
1753 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.variant_none": "No insurance",
1754 "booking.passenger.insurance.cover_more.zip_code": "ZIP code",
1755 "booking.passenger.insurance.covid_banner": "Applies to COVID-19 and related treatment",
1756 "booking.passenger.insurance.co_insurance": "Additional insurance",
1757 "booking.passenger.insurance.co_insurance_causes_flights_cancellation": "Additional insurance for flight cancellations as stated in the T&Cs",
1758 "booking.passenger.insurance.co_insurance_causes_subsequent_services": "Additional insurance for causes of subsequent services as stated in the T&Cs",
1759 "booking.passenger.insurance.delayed_baggage_coverage": "Delayed baggage coverage",
1760 "booking.passenger.insurance.emergency_assistance": "Emergency assistance",
1761 "booking.passenger.insurance.emergency_dental_treatment": "Emergency dental treatment",
1762 "booking.passenger.insurance.emergency_medical_expenses": "Emergency medical expenses",
1763 "booking.passenger.insurance.emergency_situations": "Emergency situations",
1764 "booking.passenger.insurance.flight_cancellation": "Flight cancellation and subsequent services coverage — total limit*",
1765 "booking.passenger.insurance.flight_cancellation_basic": "Up to the amount paid for flights and subsequent services, but not exceeding __price__",
1766 "booking.passenger.insurance.flight_cancellation_plus": "Up to the amount paid for flights and subsequent services, but not exceeding __price__",
1767 "booking.passenger.insurance.flight_delays_or_cancellations_coverage": "Flight delay/cancellation coverage",
1768 "booking.passenger.insurance.flight_delays_or_cancellations_coverage_plus": "__perHour__ per hour, max __max__",
1769 "booking.passenger.insurance.interpretation_and_translation": "Interpretation and translation",
1770 "booking.passenger.insurance.label": "Travel & trip cancellation insurance",
1771 "booking.passenger.insurance.liability_damages": "Liability for damages",
1772 "booking.passenger.insurance.liability_health": "Liability for damages — health",
1773 "booking.passenger.insurance.liability_other": "Liability for damages — other",
1774 "booking.passenger.insurance.liability_property": "Liability for damages — property",
1775 "booking.passenger.insurance.loss_of_passport_id": "Loss of passport or ID",
1776 "booking.passenger.insurance.loss_travel_documents": "Loss of travel documents (passport, ID)",
1777 "booking.passenger.insurance.medical_assistance": "Medical assistance",
1778 "booking.passenger.insurance.missed_flight_coverage": "Missed flight coverage",
1779 "booking.passenger.insurance.most_popular": "Most popular",
1780 "booking.passenger.insurance.no_protection": "No protection. Keep in mind that you must have insurance to visit certain countries.",
1781 "booking.passenger.insurance.permanent_consequences_of_accident": "Permanent consequences of accident",
1782 "booking.passenger.insurance.price_for_death": "__price__ for death",
1783 "booking.passenger.insurance.price_for_health": "__price__ for health",
1784 "booking.passenger.insurance.price_for_permanent_consequences": "__price__ for permanent consequences",
1785 "booking.passenger.insurance.price_for_property": "__price__ for property",
1786 "booking.passenger.insurance.price_per_day": "__price__ / day",
1787 "booking.passenger.insurance.provided_by_axa": "provided by AXA Assistance",
1788 "booking.passenger.insurance.real_cost_to_overall_limit": "Actual cost up to the overall limit",
1789 "booking.passenger.insurance.recommended": "Recommended",
1790 "booking.passenger.insurance.repatriation_medical_transportation": "Repatriation and medical transportation",
1791 "booking.passenger.insurance.selected": "Selected:",
1792 "booking.passenger.insurance.select_and_learn": "Select your preferred insurance to learn more about it.",
1793 "booking.passenger.insurance.select_for_price": "Select for __price__",
1794 "booking.passenger.insurance.select_no_insurance": "Select no insurance",
1795 "booking.passenger.insurance.select_one_option": "Select one option:",
1796 "booking.passenger.insurance.select_one_option_required": "Select one option (required):",
1797 "booking.passenger.insurance.select_preferred_insurance": "Select your preferred insurance.",
1798 "booking.passenger.insurance.select_your_insurance_below": "Select your insurance below.",
1799 "booking.passenger.insurance.subtitle": "Travel with peace of mind. Select one of the insurance packages below.",
1800 "booking.passenger.insurance.successfully_added": "__insurance__ successfully added.",
1801 "booking.passenger.insurance.telephone_assistance": "Telephone emergency assistance",
1802 "booking.passenger.insurance.telephone_assistance.description": "During or before your trip, you can call the insurer for help and advice in the following areas:",
1803 "booking.passenger.insurance.telephone_assistance_description": "During or before your trip, you can call the insurer for help and advice in the following areas:",
1804 "booking.passenger.insurance.terms_title": "Comparison and terms",
1805 "booking.passenger.insurance.title": "Select travel insurance",
1806 "booking.passenger.insurance.total_limit": "Total limit",
1807 "booking.passenger.insurance.tourist_assistance": "Tourist assistance",
1808 "booking.passenger.insurance.to_amount_paid_for_flights_and_subsequent_services_but_not_exceeding": "to the amount paid for flights and subsequent services, but not exceeding €2,000",
1809 "booking.passenger.insurance.travel_insurance_provided_by_axa": "Travel insurance provided by AXA Assistance",
1810 "booking.passenger.insurance.trip_not_protected": "Your trip is not protected.",
1811 "booking.passenger.insurance.up_to_price": "Up to __price__",
1812 "booking.passenger.insurance.up_to_price_health": "Up to __price__ for health",
1813 "booking.passenger.insurance.up_to_price_property": "Up to __price__ for property",
1814 "booking.passenger.insurance.variant_basic": "Travel Basic Insurance",
1815 "booking.passenger.insurance.variant_none": "No insurance",
1816 "booking.passenger.insurance.variant_plus": "Travel Plus Insurance",
1817 "booking.passenger.insurance.variant_skygold_kiwi": "Travel Plus",
1818 "booking.passenger.insurance.variant_skysilver_kiwi": "Travel Basic",
1819 "booking.passenger.insurance_card.text1": "Gain peace of mind before you travel. No stress about what could go wrong.",
1820 "booking.passenger.insurance_card.text2": "Customize your coverage to suit your needs and your budget.",
1821 "booking.passenger.insurance_card.text3": "Feel safe in the hands of AXA Assistance, the travel insurance experts.",
1822 "booking.passenger.insurance_summary.accidents": "Accidents",
1823 "booking.passenger.insurance_summary.air_travel": "Air travel",
1824 "booking.passenger.insurance_summary.assistance": "Assistance services",
1825 "booking.passenger.insurance_summary.baggage": "Baggage",
1826 "booking.passenger.insurance_summary.bags": "Lost baggage",
1827 "booking.passenger.insurance_summary.cancellation": "Trip cancellation (illness, accident, death)",
1828 "booking.passenger.insurance_summary.liability": "Liability",
1829 "booking.passenger.insurance_summary.medical": "Medical expenses",
1830 "booking.passenger.insurance_summary.travel": "Air travel insurance",
1831 "booking.passenger.international.label": "International passport",
1832 "booking.passenger.lastname.label": "Last name",
1833 "booking.passenger.lastname.label_new": "Surnames",
1834 "booking.passenger.lastname_placeholder": "Jordan",
1835 "booking.passenger.mandatory.seating": "Mandatory seating",
1836 "booking.passenger.mandatory.seating.alert": "__airline__ charges a __price__ family fee to ensure that children will sit with at least one accompanying adult. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
1837 "booking.passenger.middlename.label": "Middle name",
1838 "booking.passenger.middlename_placeholder": "Lee",
1839 "booking.passenger.name_details.alert": "Use all given names and surnames <strong>exactly as they appear in your passport/ID</strong> to avoid boarding complications.",
1840 "booking.passenger.nationality.label": "Nationality",
1841 "booking.passenger.nationality.select": "Select",
1842 "booking.passenger.no_expiration": "No expiry",
1843 "booking.passenger.passport.label": "Passport",
1844 "booking.passenger.phone.label": "Phone",
1845 "booking.passenger.subtitle": "Use all given names and surnames exactly as per passport/ID.",
1846 "booking.passenger.unsupported_characters": "Please only use Latin, Cyrillic or Chinese characters",
1847 "booking.passengers.edit.attachments_file_limit_size": "We support JPG, PNG or PDF files of 10MB or less.",
1848 "booking.passengers.edit.button_form": "Send request",
1849 "booking.passengers.edit.confirmation_modal.button_cancel_request": "Cancel change request",
1850 "booking.passengers.edit.confirmation_modal.button_step_back": "Don’t cancel",
1851 "booking.passengers.edit.confirmation_modal.carriers_info": "Carriers usually increase prices without notice as the departure date approaches. You should proceed with payment as soon as possible if you’d like to keep the price at __price__.",
1852 "booking.passengers.edit.confirmation_modal.confimation_title": "Do you really want to cancel this change request?",
1853 "booking.passengers.edit.confirmation_modal.deadline_info": "No changes will be possible when there are less than __deadlineHours__ hours before departure.",
1854 "booking.passengers.edit.confirmation_modal.title": "Prices can change at any time",
1855 "booking.passengers.edit.document_upload_info": "Airlines require a passport/ID copy to change any passenger details.",
1856 "booking.passengers.edit.document_upload_title": "Required travel document",
1857 "booking.passengers.edit.edit_button": "Edit passenger",
1858 "booking.passengers.edit.error.info": "Please try again, your request was not sent this time.",
1859 "booking.passengers.edit.error.no_changes": "Passenger details have not been updated.",
1860 "booking.passengers.edit.error.title": "We're experiencing turbulence. ",
1861 "booking.passengers.edit.form_date_error": "Invalid date of birth",
1862 "booking.passengers.edit.form_title": "Passenger details",
1863 "booking.passengers.edit.late.cta_button": "Find a new flight",
1864 "booking.passengers.edit.late.info_text": "Contact us if you’d like to try and correct your details. Depending on the airline, this may still be possible for a fee. <strong>The cost from the airline may be higher than buying a new ticket.</strong>",
1865 "booking.passengers.edit.late.subtitle": "This option was available until <strong>__changeDeadline__</strong>",
1866 "booking.passengers.edit.late.title": "Passenger change not possible",
1867 "booking.passengers.edit.legal_consent": "By placing this request, I instruct __brandName__ to process the personal data contained in my travel document in order to arrange the change of passenger details.",
1868 "booking.passengers.edit.modal_title": "Passenger change",
1869 "booking.passengers.edit.request_price_loading": "Let's take this slow. We're calculating the cost of your changes. Please don't close this window.",
1870 "booking.passengers.edit.selection_deadline_note": "You can edit these details until __date__.",
1871 "booking.passengers.edit.selection_edit_button": "Edit passenger",
1872 "booking.passengers.edit.selection_information_note": "Some changes must be paid for and will apply to every flight in your booking.",
1873 "booking.passengers.edit.selection_subtitle": "Update passenger information or completely replace a passenger.",
1874 "booking.passengers.edit.selection_title": "Which passenger do you want to edit?",
1875 "booking.passengers.edit.selection_title_v2": "Edit passenger details",
1876 "booking.passengers.edit.selection_user_request_active": "Passenger change requested",
1877 "booking.passengers.edit.summary.cta": "Confirm change request",
1878 "booking.passengers.edit.summary.edited_passenger": "Edited passenger",
1879 "booking.passengers.edit.summary.modal_title": "Summary of changes",
1880 "booking.passengers.edit.summary.original_passenger": "Original passenger",
1881 "booking.passengers.edit.summary.price_title": "Price for requested changes",
1882 "booking.passengers.edit.summary.warning_body": "If there's a cost, we'll email you the price and a link to Manage My Booking where you can pay for it.",
1883 "booking.passengers.edit.summary.warning_headline": "The airline may charge a fee for this change",
1884 "booking.passengers.edit.thankyou.close_button": "Close message",
1885 "booking.passengers.edit.thankyou.info": "If there's a cost from the airline for the requested changes, we'll let you know. Otherwise, we'll only charge you 10 euros to process it.",
1886 "booking.passengers.edit.thankyou.title": "Change request sent",
1887 "booking.passengers.incorrect_personal_data_question": "Incorrect Details?",
1888 "booking.passengers.title": "Passengers",
1889 "booking.passenger_advice.nationality.restrictions.title": "__restrictedCountry__ prohibits admission to passport holders from the following countries: __country__",
1890 "booking.passenger_bags_tip": "<strong>Tip: </strong><span>Airlines usually charge more for baggage after you've booked your tickets. Save money by adding additional baggage now.</span>",
1891 "booking.payment.adblock-warning": "If you don’t see a payment form, please disable all adblockers and reload the page.",
1892 "booking.payment.back_to_payment": "Back to payment",
1893 "booking.payment.card_safety_assurance": "All transactions are encrypted and secure",
1894 "booking.payment.confirm": "Confirm",
1895 "booking.payment.credit.not_use": "Don't use",
1896 "booking.payment.credit.title": "Kiwi.com Credit",
1897 "booking.payment.credit.use_price": "Use __price__ of __amount__",
1898 "booking.payment.error": "We couldn't process your payment this time",
1899 "booking.payment.footer.default": "www.kiwi.com is owned and operated by Kiwi.com s.r.o., Czech Republic",
1900 "booking.payment.footer.us_only": "www.kiwi.com is owned and operated by Kiwi.com s.r.o., Czech Republic. The charge will appear on your bill as Kiwi.com Inc.",
1901 "booking.payment.form.credit_card.cvv": "Security code",
1902 "booking.payment.form.credit_card.expiration": "Expiry date",
1903 "booking.payment.form.credit_card.name": "Cardholder's name",
1904 "booking.payment.form.credit_card.number": "Payment card number",
1905 "booking.payment.form.stored_cards.cvv_label": "Security code (CVV/CVC):",
1906 "booking.payment.form.stored_cards.cvv_required": "Please enter the security code for verification.",
1907 "booking.payment.loader.checking_availability": "Checking availability...",
1908 "booking.payment.loader.finishing": "Finishing...",
1909 "booking.payment.loader.processing_payment": "Processing payment...",
1910 "booking.payment.no_payment_needed": "No payment needed. The entire amount is covered by the applied discount(s).",
1911 "booking.payment.stored_card.card_expired": "Expired in __month__/__year__. Try a different card.",
1912 "booking.payment.stored_card.different_card": "Use a different payment card",
1913 "booking.payment.stored_card.label": "Payment card",
1914 "booking.payment.stored_card.save_card": "Save card",
1915 "booking.payment.success": "Successfully paid",
1916 "booking.payment.summary.passenger_changes": "Passenger changes",
1917 "booking.payment.summary_title": "Summary",
1918 "booking.payment.total": "Total",
1919 "booking.payment.total_with_currency": "Total (__currencyCode__)",
1920 "booking.payment.types.credit_card": "Payment Card",
1921 "booking.payment_errors.general.another_payment_method": "Try another payment method.",
1922 "booking.payment_errors.general.check_limit": "Check your transaction limit.",
1923 "booking.payment_errors.general.contact_bank": "Contact your bank for help.",
1924 "booking.payment_errors.general.different_currency": "Try a different currency.",
1925 "booking.payment_errors.general.double_check": "Double-check your card details.",
1926 "booking.payment_errors.general.enough_money": "Make sure you have enough money in your account.",
1927 "booking.payment_errors.general.title": "We couldn't process your payment. Please try the following:",
1928 "booking.payment_errors.general.try_later": "Try again later.",
1929 "booking.payment_error_modal_alert": "To finish your payment please contact Customer Service to perform a manual transaction review.",
1930 "booking.payment_error_modal_text": "We could not process your payment for security reasons.",
1931 "booking.payment_error_modal_title": "Unsuccessful payment",
1932 "booking.pop_up.not_checked.description": "It's not possible to confirm if this trip is still available. Please pick one of the alternatives below.",
1933 "booking.pop_up.not_checked.title": "Sorry, we can't book this trip right now",
1934 "booking.pricebox.summary.adult": "Adult (__ticket_fare__)",
1935 "booking.pricebox.summary.child": "Child (__ticket_fare__)",
1936 "booking.pricebox.summary.infant": "Infant (__ticket_fare__)",
1937 "booking.pricebox.summary.passenger": "Passenger (__ticket_fare__)",
1938 "booking.pricebox.tooltip.markup_cost": "Markup cost:",
1939 "booking.price_change.accept_button": "Accept and pay __newPrice__",
1940 "booking.price_change.accept_continue_button": "Accept and continue",
1941 "booking.price_change.description": "Carriers often change prices as departure times approach. We recommend purchasing your tickets now to avoid another price increase.",
1942 "booking.price_change.heading": "Sorry, the price has changed to __newPrice__",
1943 "booking.price_overview.tooltip.service_package": "Service package:",
1944 "booking.priority_boarding_modal.add_to_basket": "Add to basket for __price__",
1945 "booking.priority_boarding_modal.continue": "Continue",
1946 "booking.priority_boarding_modal.currently_in_basket": "Currently in basket: __price__",
1947 "booking.priority_boarding_modal.outbound_flights": "Outbound flights",
1948 "booking.priority_boarding_modal.return_flights": "Return flights",
1949 "booking.priority_boarding_modal.save": "Save",
1950 "booking.priority_boarding_modal.text": "Select the flights and passengers you'd like to get Priority Boarding for (where available).",
1951 "booking.priority_boarding_modal.title": "Priority Boarding",
1952 "booking.priority_boarding_sold_out_modal.back_to_baggage": "Back to baggage selection",
1953 "booking.priority_boarding_sold_out_modal.cabin_baggage_removed": "Cabin baggage bundle removed from the basket (-__price__ __currency__)",
1954 "booking.priority_boarding_sold_out_modal.continue": "Continue",
1955 "booking.priority_boarding_sold_out_modal.continue.payment": "Continue with payment",
1956 "booking.priority_boarding_sold_out_modal.text": "You can either continue without your selected cabin baggage bundle or go back and choose a different one.",
1957 "booking.priority_boarding_sold_out_modal.title": "Sorry, cabin bags and Priority Boarding have just been sold out.",
1958 "booking.priority_boarding_sold_out_modal.total_price": "Final price: <strong>__amount__ __currency__</strong>",
1959 "booking.process.price_change": "Price change",
1960 "booking.promocode.applied": "Redeemed promo code __code__ in the amount of __amount__ ",
1961 "booking.promocode.applied_expiration": "Redeemed promo code __code__ (expiry date: __expiration__) for __amount__",
1962 "booking.promocode.apply": "Apply",
1963 "booking.promocode.clear": "Clear",
1964 "booking.promocode.error.already_used": "This promo code has already been used and is not valid anymore.",
1965 "booking.promocode.error.app_only": "This promo code can only be used in our mobile app.",
1966 "booking.promocode.error.browser_only": "This promo code can only be used in a web browser.",
1967 "booking.promocode.error.deactivated": "This promo code is no longer valid.",
1968 "booking.promocode.error.depleted": "This promo code has been used the maximum amount of times.",
1969 "booking.promocode.error.email_not_filled": "This promo code is valid for a specific email address. Provide your email address in the \"Contact details\" section first.",
1970 "booking.promocode.error.email_not_same": "This promo code is valid for a specific email which doesn't match the address you provided under \"Contact details\".",
1971 "booking.promocode.error.expired": "This promo code has expired.",
1972 "booking.promocode.error.not_exists": "This promo code doesn't exist. Try entering it again.",
1973 "booking.promocode.error.region": "This promo code is not valid for your region.",
1974 "booking.promocode.error.threshold": "The booking price must be at least __threshold__ for this promo code to be used.",
1975 "booking.promocode.error.unknown": "Sorry, it's not working right now. Please try again later.",
1976 "booking.promocode.error.used_but_not_confirmed": "This promo code is currently being used in another booking.",
1977 "booking.promocode.heading": "Redeem promo code",
1978 "booking.promocode.placeholder": "e.g. XYZ12345",
1979 "booking.promocode.trigger": "Redeem promo code",
1980 "booking.promocode.use_not_allowed": "Sorry, you can't use a promo code to book with Aeroflot and S7 Airlines. You can either choose another trip or book this one without the promo code.",
1981 "booking.promocode_applied": "Redeemed promo code __code__ in the amount of __amount__ ",
1982 "booking.promocode_applied2": "Redeemed promo code in the amount of __amount__ ",
1983 "booking.promocode_applied_expiration": "Redeemed promo code __code__ (expiry date: __expiration__) for __amount__",
1984 "booking.promocode_apply": "Apply",
1985 "booking.promocode_clear": "Clear",
1986 "booking.promocode_clear_button": "Clear",
1987 "booking.promocode_error_already_used": "This promo code has already been used and is not valid anymore.",
1988 "booking.promocode_error_app_only": "This promo code can only be used in our mobile app.",
1989 "booking.promocode_error_browser_only": "This promo code can only be used in a web browser.",
1990 "booking.promocode_error_deactivated": "This promo code is no longer valid.",
1991 "booking.promocode_error_depleted": "This promo code has been used the maximum amount of times.",
1992 "booking.promocode_error_email_not_filled": "This promo code is valid for a specific email address. Provide your email address in the \"Contact details\" section first.",
1993 "booking.promocode_error_email_not_same": "This promo code is valid for a specific email which doesn't match the address you provided under \"Contact details\".",
1994 "booking.promocode_error_expired": "This promo code has expired.",
1995 "booking.promocode_error_not_exists": "This promo code doesn't exist. Try entering it again.",
1996 "booking.promocode_error_region": "This promo code is not valid for your region.",
1997 "booking.promocode_error_unknown": "Sorry, it's not working right now. Please try again later.",
1998 "booking.promocode_error_used_but_not_confirmed": "This promo code is currently being used in another booking.",
1999 "booking.promocode_heading": "Redeem promo code",
2000 "booking.promocode_placeholder": "Enter promo code: e.g. XYZ12345",
2001 "booking.promocode_trigger": "Redeem promo code",
2002 "booking.promocode_use_not_allowed": "Sorry, you can't use a promo code to book with Aeroflot and S7 Airlines. You can either choose another trip or book this one without the promo code.",
2003 "booking.promo_code_applied_toast": "Your promo code has been applied.",
2004 "booking.recheck.content_v2": "You must collect and recheck your baggage between certain flights.",
2005 "booking.refund_policy.fare.conditions": "Fare conditions",
2006 "booking.refund_policy.header": "Refund rules & regulations",
2007 "booking.refund_policy.learn_more": "Learn more",
2008 "booking.refund_policy.list.1": "You are instructing us to make reservations with the respective carriers the moment your payment is accepted.",
2009 "booking.refund_policy.list.2": "As we instantly arrange the reservations, you are not entitled to withdraw from the service agreement with us. Our services are, therefore, non-refundable.",
2010 "booking.refund_policy.list.3": "Through our services, you enter into a contract of carriage directly with the carriers. ",
2011 "booking.refund_policy.list.4": "The carriers determine the conditions of carriage, including changes and cancellations. Get familiar with their terms & conditions. ",
2012 "booking.refund_policy.list.5": "If you make any changes in your reservation without our assistance or approval, your __companyName__ Guarantee will be voided.\n",
2013 "booking.refund_policy.list.6": "We charge a €20 handling fee for voluntary cancellations.",
2014 "booking.refund_policy.list.title": "<span>Before booking, please note:</span>",
2015 "booking.refund_policy.nonrefundable_plural": "In our experience, these carriers do not provide refunds.",
2016 "booking.refund_policy.nonrefundable_singular": "In our experience, this carrier does not provide refunds.",
2017 "booking.refund_policy.no_refund": "Refund and rebooking options are not available for this itinerary.",
2018 "booking.refund_policy.refundable_plural": "In our experience, these carriers provide very little money or no refund at all.",
2019 "booking.refund_policy.refundable_singular": "In our experience, this carrier provides very little money or no refund at all.",
2020 "booking.refund_policy.refund_not_available": "Because you are booking this ticket less than 48h before departure, it's not possible to cancel or change the itinerary.",
2021 "booking.refund_policy.refund_not_available_dynamic": "Because you are booking this ticket less than __hours__ hours before departure, it's not possible to cancel or change the itinerary.",
2022 "booking.refund_policy.refund_title": "Refund policy",
2023 "booking.refund_policy.title": "Refund policy",
2024 "booking.refund_policy_adjustment": "Please note that the __brandName__ Guarantee does not apply to force majeure cases such as flight cancellation caused by extraordinary circumstances, including bankruptcy and/or the cease of operations of the respective carrier.<br/><br/>We are under no obligation to provide the __brandName__ Guarantee nor cover the expenses for alternate transport for bookings affected by force majeure situations.<br/><br/>For more information, please see Article 6.3. of __brandName__'s <a href=\"/pages/content/legal#ContentLegal-article6\" target=\"_blank\">Terms and Conditions</a>.",
2025 "booking.reservation_bill.bags_price_disclaimer": "We check the __airline__ baggage price on a daily basis, but it might vary during the day. If you want to know the exact base price, please visit the __airline__ website.",
2026 "booking.reservation_bill.bags_price_disclaimer_multiple": "We check __airlines__ and __lastAirline__ baggage prices on a daily basis, but they might vary during the day. If you want to know the exact base price used by an airline, please visit their website.",
2027 "booking.reservation_bill.currency_disclaimer": "Your final price may consist of multiple one-way journeys purchased in different currencies. Exact prices may vary according to exchange rates.",
2028 "booking.reservation_bill.fast_track.bgy": "Smart Pass — Bergamolynk",
2029 "booking.reservation_bill.fast_track.bud": "Smart Pass — bud:connects",
2030 "booking.reservation_bill.fast_track.mrs": "Smart Pass — ViaMarseille",
2031 "booking.reservation_bill.fast_track.nce": "Smart Pass — Nice Connect",
2032 "booking.reservation_bill.fast_track.prg": "Smart Pass — Fly via Prague",
2033 "booking.reservation_bill.fast_track.vce": "Smart Pass — Venice Connects",
2034 "booking.reservation_bill.seating": "Seating (__from__ — __to__)",
2035 "booking.restrictions.usa_cuba.short": "Traveling between Cuba and the United States for \"tourist activities\" remains prohibited for all passengers. Travellers must have a complete schedule of activities for their category of travel and keep all transaction records for five years.",
2036 "booking.restrictions.usa_cuba.title": "USA and Cuba travel regulations",
2037 "booking.savings_banner.description": "Booking a return ticket is cheaper than a one-way flight. You can use the return flight if you want, but you don't have to. Some airlines dislike this practice, but we're offering it to you because you have the right to freedom of choice.",
2038 "booking.savings_banner.description.one_way": "This round-trip option is cheaper than a one-way ticket. Fly one-way only or use the return ticket, it's up to you. Either way, you'll be saving money.",
2039 "booking.savings_banner.description.return": "It's cheaper to book two return tickets instead of one for this trip. You can use any of the return flights if you want, but you don't have to. Some airlines dislike this practice, but we're offering this to you because you have the right to freedom of choice.",
2040 "booking.savings_banner.find_more_trips": "Find more trips",
2041 "booking.savings_banner.title": "Thanks to this unique itinerary, you'll save __amount__ __currency__",
2042 "booking.savings_banner.title_values": "Thanks to this unique itinerary, you'll save __amount__ __currency__",
2043 "booking.schedule_change.change": "Changes",
2044 "booking.schedule_change.description": "Please take note of a small schedule change made by the carrier. It does not affect the feasibility of your itinerary.",
2045 "booking.schedule_change.repair_alert_text": "The carrier reversed the scheduled change so your booking is not affected anymore. Don't worry, you don't need to take any further action.",
2046 "booking.schedule_change.repair_alert_title": "Schedule change reverted",
2047 "booking.schedule_change.title": "Schedule change",
2048 "booking.schedule_change.understand": "I understand",
2049 "booking.seat_selection.text": "<strong>Seat selection</strong> will be available for purchase after your booking is confirmed.",
2050 "booking.services.fast_track.vce.services.checked_baggage_assistance": "Checked baggage handling assistance & free baggage deposit",
2051 "booking.services.fast_track.vce.services.free_baggage_deposit": "Free baggage deposit",
2052 "booking.service_packages.basic": "Basic",
2053 "booking.service_packages.learn_more.text": "Explore the benefits of paying for Premium.",
2054 "booking.service_packages.learn_more.title": "Learn more",
2055 "booking.service_packages.no_cancellation_fees": "No additional cancellation fees from __companyName__",
2056 "booking.service_packages.plus": "Plus",
2057 "booking.service_packages.premium": "Premium",
2058 "booking.service_packages.priority_support": "Priority support",
2059 "booking.service_packages.sms_confirmation": "SMS confirmations",
2060 "booking.service_packages.standard_support": "Standard support",
2061 "booking.service_packages.subtitle": "Choose from three different customer support packages.",
2062 "booking.service_packages.title": "Select your level of customer care",
2063 "booking.service_packages.travel_voucher": "€20 travel voucher",
2064 "booking.singlestep.insurance_modal.title": "Travel insurance for __name__",
2065 "booking.sold_out.description": "As the departure date approaches, the few remaining seats get sold out quickly. We recommend booking one of the alternatives below asap while they're still available.",
2066 "booking.sold_out.heading": "Sorry, this trip has just been sold out",
2067 "booking.station_change_banner.subtitle": "Grab this unique offer if you don’t mind switching transport between flights. There's plenty of time for the transfer. How you get there is up to you.",
2068 "booking.station_change_banner.title": "Change transport during the layover",
2069 "booking.steps.step_passengers": "Passenger details",
2070 "booking.summary.board_luggage_info": "Cabin baggage",
2071 "booking.summary.board_luggage_note.pobeda": "Cabin baggage includes only a purse or handbag, reading material, umbrella (except sun umbrella), walking stick, bouquet of flowers, coat, photo case, laptop, garment bag, food for the duration of the flight or a small crib. <a href=\"/content/feedback\">Contact us</a> to pre-book more baggage.",
2072 "booking.summary.extra_board_luggage": "Personal item",
2073 "booking.summary.heading": "Review Booking",
2074 "booking.summary.luggage_info": "Checked baggage",
2075 "booking.summary.luggage_info_brb": "<ref>Checked baggage</ref> + <ref>Lost baggage protection</ref>",
2076 "booking.summary.overview.subtitle": "Itinerary",
2077 "booking.summary.service_package.basic": "Basic service package",
2078 "booking.summary.service_package.plus": "Plus service package",
2079 "booking.summary.service_package.premium": "Premium service package",
2080 "booking.surcharge.company_payment_card_fee": "Company payment card fee",
2081 "booking.surcharge.continue_with_company_card": "Continue with company card",
2082 "booking.surcharge.personal_card_for_original_price": "Use a personal card for the original price.",
2083 "booking.surcharge.processing_fee_charge": "We charge a 2% (__price__) processing fee to pay with a company payment card.",
2084 "booking.surcharge.use_personal_card": "Use personal card",
2085 "booking.tat_banner.text": "We found this round-trip option for you which is cheaper than a one-way ticket. Fly one-way only or use the return ticket, it's up to you. Either way, you'll be saving money.",
2086 "booking.tat_banner.title": "This round-trip option is cheaper than a one-way ticket",
2087 "booking.tat_double_banner.text": "You can save money by getting two return tickets instead of one. All flights belong to you, just use the ones you need.",
2088 "booking.tat_double_banner.title": "It’s cheaper to buy two return tickets",
2089 "booking.terms_and_conditions.agreement": "I have read and I accept the <a href=\"https://www.kiwi.com/content/legal\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">Terms & Conditions</a>, including the <a href=\"https://www.kiwi.com/pages/content/legal#ContentLegal-article4\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">cancellation and refund policy</a>, and <a href=\"https://www.kiwi.com/pages/content/privacy\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">Privacy Policy</a> of Kiwi.com and my selected carrier(s). I also agree with Kiwi.com’s immediate performance of services and I acknowledge that I cannot withdraw from Kiwi.com’s service agreement.",
2090 "booking.terms_and_conditions.agreement.carriers": "I have read and I accept the <a href=\"https://www.kiwi.com/content/legal\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">Terms & Conditions</a>, including the <a href=\"https://www.kiwi.com/pages/content/legal#ContentLegal-article4\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">cancellation and refund policy</a>, and <a href=\"https://www.kiwi.com/pages/content/privacy\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">Privacy Policy</a> of Kiwi.com and my selected carrier(s), including __companyTerms__. I also agree with Kiwi.com’s immediate performance of services and I acknowledge that I cannot withdraw from Kiwi.com’s service agreement.",
2091 "booking.terms_and_conditions.agreement.carriers.force_majeur": "I have read and I accept the <a href=\"https://www.kiwi.com/content/legal\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">Terms & Conditions</a>, including the <a href=\"https://www.kiwi.com/pages/content/legal#ContentLegal-article4\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">cancellation and refund policy</a>, and <a href=\"https://www.kiwi.com/pages/content/privacy\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">Privacy Policy</a> of Kiwi.com and my selected carrier(s), including __companyTerms__. I also agree with Kiwi.com’s immediate performance of services and I acknowledge that I cannot withdraw from Kiwi.com’s service agreement.<br/><br/>I acknowledge that due to the existing Force Majeure event, as specified in Art. 6.3 of the Kiwi.com’s <a href=\"https://www.kiwi.com/content/legal\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">Terms & Conditions</a>, the Kiwi.com Guarantee does NOT apply and Kiwi.com is under NO obligation to provide the Kiwi.com’s Guarantee NOR cover the expenses for alternate transport for affected bookings.",
2092 "booking.terms_and_conditions.agreement.force_majeur": "I have read and I accept the <a href=\"https://www.kiwi.com/content/legal\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">Terms & Conditions</a>, including the <a href=\"https://www.kiwi.com/pages/content/legal#ContentLegal-article4\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">cancellation and refund policy</a>, and <a href=\"https://www.kiwi.com/pages/content/privacy\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">Privacy Policy</a> of Kiwi.com and my selected carrier(s). I also agree with Kiwi.com’s immediate performance of services and I acknowledge that I cannot withdraw from Kiwi.com’s service agreement.<br/><br/>I acknowledge that due to the existing Force Majeure event, as specified in Art. 6.3 of the Kiwi.com’s <a href=\"https://www.kiwi.com/content/legal\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">Terms & Conditions</a>, the Kiwi.com Guarantee does NOT apply and Kiwi.com is under NO obligation to provide the Kiwi.com’s Guarantee NOR cover the expenses for alternate transport for affected bookings.",
2093 "booking.thankyou.components.compass.button.save": "Save card and activate Compass",
2094 "booking.thankyou.components.compass.button.skip": "Skip",
2095 "booking.thankyou.components.compass.card.expiration": "Valid thru: __date__",
2096 "booking.thankyou.components.compass.description": "Activate __brandName__ Compass, our exclusive loyalty program, for free. Unlock special perks and earn Compass points to spend just like cash. Just save your payment card details in your account and you are good to go.",
2097 "booking.thankyou.components.compass.list.1": "Instantly receive a <strong>bonus 50 points</strong> - just for activating Compass",
2098 "booking.thankyou.components.compass.list.2": "<strong>Redeem points</strong> to save on bookings",
2099 "booking.thankyou.components.compass.list.3": "Grab a <strong>free customer service upgrade</strong> on all future bookings",
2100 "booking.thankyou.components.compass.list.4": "Speed up your booking experience with <strong>saved details</strong>",
2101 "booking.thankyou.components.compass.membership": "Your Compass membership is free and governed by our <ref>Terms of Compass</ref> and our <ref>Privacy Policy</ref> which you are accepting by saving your payment card and activating Compass. We will never use your card without your explicit consent.",
2102 "booking.thankyou.components.compass.modal.continue": "Continue",
2103 "booking.thankyou.components.compass.modal.description": "We're sorry, something went wrong. We were unable to save your card, but you can still do it later in your account settings.",
2104 "booking.thankyou.components.compass.modal.title": "Card not saved",
2105 "booking.thankyou.components.compass.title": "Get started with Compass for free",
2106 "booking.thankyou.components.noaccoun.modal.title": "Change your email address",
2107 "booking.thankyou.components.noaccount.change.email": "I used the wrong email address",
2108 "booking.thankyou.components.noaccount.description": "Use the verification email we sent to:",
2109 "booking.thankyou.components.noaccount.modal.button.confirm": "Confirm email",
2110 "booking.thankyou.components.noaccount.modal.description": "If you made a mistake entering your email, correct it here to access your account.",
2111 "booking.thankyou.components.noaccount.modal.email": "Your email address",
2112 "booking.thankyou.components.noaccount.title": "Check your inbox",
2113 "booking.thankyou.components.promo.button.continue": "Go to your trips",
2114 "booking.thankyou.components.promo.description": "Get everything you need for your next adventure, right in our app, including:",
2115 "booking.thankyou.components.promo.list.1": "Electronic boarding passes",
2116 "booking.thankyou.components.promo.list.2": "Booking management",
2117 "booking.thankyou.components.promo.list.3": "Live updates during your trip",
2118 "booking.thankyou.components.promo.list.4": "Exclusive mobile deals",
2119 "booking.thankyou.components.promo.title": "Receive mobile updates on the go",
2120 "booking.thankyou.components.signin.button.signin": "Sign In",
2121 "booking.thankyou.components.signin.description": "Your email address <strong>__email__</strong> is paired with an existing account. Sign in to get access to all your bookings and price alerts.",
2122 "booking.thankyou.components.signin.title": "Sign in to your existing account",
2123 "booking.thankyou.experience": "How was your booking experience with us?",
2124 "booking.thankyou.feedback": "Feedback",
2125 "booking.thankyou.feedback.average": "Average",
2126 "booking.thankyou.feedback.button": "Send feedback",
2127 "booking.thankyou.feedback.excellent": "Excellent",
2128 "booking.thankyou.feedback.good": "Good",
2129 "booking.thankyou.feedback.poor": "Poor",
2130 "booking.thankyou.feedback.terrible": "Terrible",
2131 "booking.thankyou.feedback.thank_you": "Feedback sent, thank you.",
2132 "booking.thankyou.feedback_message.average": "Sound like there's room for improvement. How could we be better?",
2133 "booking.thankyou.feedback_message.bad": "Sorry. Please tell us how we can improve.",
2134 "booking.thankyou.feedback_message.excellent": "Thanks, we'd love to hear more. What did you like in particular?",
2135 "booking.thankyou.feedback_message.good": "Thanks, that's very kind. But how could we become excellent?",
2136 "booking.thankyou.header.badges.booking": "Booking #__bid__",
2137 "booking.thankyou.header.badges.compasspoints.more": "+ __total__ Compass points",
2138 "booking.thankyou.header.badges.compasspoints.one": "+ __total__ Compass point",
2139 "booking.thankyou.header.description": "We'll send your payment confirmation to <strong>__email__</strong> and process your order as soon as possible.",
2140 "booking.thankyou.header.title": "Payment successful",
2141 "booking.ticketing.card_button": "Contact us",
2142 "booking.ticketing.card_info": "Need some help? You can reach our support at any time.",
2143 "booking.ticketing.error_info": "You can try later, or contact our support.",
2144 "booking.ticketing.error_title": "Your request failed because of a technical issue",
2145 "booking.ticketing.form.description_note": "Provide as much detail as possible. One of our Travel Consultants will respond shortly.",
2146 "booking.ticketing.form.reasons.add_infant": "Adding an infant",
2147 "booking.ticketing.form.reasons.baggage": "Baggage",
2148 "booking.ticketing.form.reasons.boarding_pass": "Boarding pass",
2149 "booking.ticketing.form.reasons.flight_change": "Flight changes",
2150 "booking.ticketing.form.reasons.guarantee": "Passenger at the airport (Guarantee cases only)",
2151 "booking.ticketing.form.reasons.passenger_details": "Update/correct passenger details",
2152 "booking.ticketing.form.reasons.ticket_correction": "E-ticket correction — corrections only, not booking confirmations",
2153 "booking.ticketing.form_upload_correction": "Please provide a clearly visible copy of the passport/ID.",
2154 "booking.ticketing.form_upload_infant": "Please provide a clearly visible copy of the infant's birth certificate/passport/ID.",
2155 "booking.ticketing.modal_subheader": "Need some help with your booking <strong>__bid__</strong>?<br>You can reach our support at any time.",
2156 "booking.ticketing.thankyou_info": "We'll let you know the result by email as soon as possible.",
2157 "booking.ticketing.thankyou_title": "Thank you for your request",
2158 "booking.ticketing.ticketing_title": "Contact us",
2159 "booking.timeline.event.airport_arrival.note": "Give yourself extra time, just in case.",
2160 "booking.timeline.event.airport_arrival.title": "Arrive at __airport__ airport (__code__)",
2161 "booking.timeline.event.arrival.note": "It's currently __homeTime__ back home in __home__.",
2162 "booking.timeline.event.arrival.title": "Welcome to __airport__ airport (__code__)",
2163 "booking.timeline.event.bag_drop.note": "Beware of the queue.",
2164 "booking.timeline.event.bag_drop.title": "Bag drop",
2165 "booking.timeline.event.bag_pickup.title": "Collect your baggage",
2166 "booking.timeline.event.booked_flight.title": "Booked flight to __destination__",
2167 "booking.timeline.event.booking_confirmed.note": "All your flights are now booked.",
2168 "booking.timeline.event.booking_confirmed.title": "Booking confirmed",
2169 "booking.timeline.event.checkin_closing.note": "If you miss the deadline, you'll need to check in at the airport for a possible fee.​",
2170 "booking.timeline.event.checkin_closing.title": "Closing online check-in",
2171 "booking.timeline.event.departure.note": "Enjoy your flight. It will take __duration__.",
2172 "booking.timeline.event.departure.title": "Plane to __destination__ takes off",
2173 "booking.timeline.event.download_boarding_pass.note_all": "Your boarding pass is available.",
2174 "booking.timeline.event.download_boarding_pass.note_not_available": "Not available yet.",
2175 "booking.timeline.event.download_boarding_pass.title": "Download your boarding pass",
2176 "booking.timeline.event.download_receipt.note": "__route__, __passengers__× traveler.",
2177 "booking.timeline.event.download_receipt.note_not_available": "The invoice is not yet available.",
2178 "booking.timeline.event.download_receipt.title": "Download invoice",
2179 "booking.timeline.event.download_ru_receipt.title": "Download invoice in Russian",
2180 "booking.timeline.event.gate_arrival.note": "Beware of the distance.",
2181 "booking.timeline.event.gate_arrival.title": "Boarding at the gate",
2182 "booking.timeline.event.leave_for_airport.note": "Don't forget your passport/photo ID.",
2183 "booking.timeline.event.leave_for_airport.title": "Leave for the airport",
2184 "booking.timeline.event.navigate_to_terminal.title": "Arrive at the terminal",
2185 "booking.timeline.event.no_more_edits.title": "No more trip edits",
2186 "booking.timeline.event.payment_confirmed.note": "Thank you for your business.",
2187 "booking.timeline.event.payment_confirmed.title": "Payment was successful",
2188 "booking.timeline.event.time_to_checkin.note": "Upload your passport/ID details for online check-in.",
2189 "booking.timeline.event.time_to_checkin.title": "Time to check in",
2190 "booking.timeline.event.transport_from_airport.note": "Expect additional costs.",
2191 "booking.timeline.event.transport_from_airport.title": "Get transport from the airport",
2192 "booking.timeline.header.details": "Trip timeline",
2193 "booking.timeline.in_destination": "in __place__",
2194 "booking.timeline.show_timeline": "Show trip timeline",
2195 "booking.tips.different.departure": "This trip might include different departure and arrival points.",
2196 "booking.trains.learn_more_about_trains": "More about ground transport",
2197 "booking.trains.show_details": "Show details",
2198 "booking.trains_banner.stations_close": "Train stations are close to the airport so you will have enough time for the transfer",
2199 "booking.trains_banner.tickets_included": "Train tickets are included in the total price",
2200 "booking.trains_banner.title": "Air and Train combination",
2201 "booking.trains_banner.transfers_guarantee": "Transfers are protected by the __companyName__ Guarantee",
2202 "booking.transfers.check_in": "Avoid the hassle of airport security and check-in",
2203 "booking.transfers.guarantee": "Transfers are protected by the __companyName__ Guarantee",
2204 "booking.transfers.save_money": "Save money by combining land and air transportation",
2205 "booking.transfers.station_close": "The stations are close together so you will have enough time for the transfer",
2206 "booking.transfers.tickets": "Your ticket will arrive as soon as your booking is confirmed",
2207 "booking.transfers.types.bus.save_money": "Save money and travel by bus",
2208 "booking.transfers.types.bus.title": "Bus journey",
2209 "booking.transfers.types.flight_bus.station_close": "The bus station is close to the airport so you will have enough time for the transfer",
2210 "booking.transfers.types.flight_bus.title": "Bus and plane combination",
2211 "booking.transfers.types.flight_train.station_close": "The train station is close to the airport so you will have enough time for the transfer",
2212 "booking.transfers.types.flight_train.title": "Train and plane combination",
2213 "booking.transfers.types.flight_train_bus.station_close": "The stations and airports are close to each other so you will have enough time to transfer",
2214 "booking.transfers.types.flight_train_bus.title": "Plane, train, and bus combination",
2215 "booking.transfers.types.train.save_money": "Save money and travel by train",
2216 "booking.transfers.types.train.title": "Train journey",
2217 "booking.transfers.types.train_bus.save_money": "Save money by traveling on the ground",
2218 "booking.transfers.types.train_bus.title": "Train and bus combination",
2219 "booking.travellers.all": "Show all __count__ travelers",
2220 "booking.travellers.maximum": "Maximum of 9 travelers.",
2221 "booking.travellers.select.button": "Save",
2222 "booking.travellers.title": "Select travelers",
2223 "booking.travel_tip.continue": "Continue",
2224 "booking.travel_tip.depart_from_place": "Depart from __place__ for __oldprice__ __newprice__",
2225 "booking.travel_tip.depart_on_date": "Depart on __date__ for __oldprice__ __newprice__",
2226 "booking.travel_tip.show_offer": "Save __price__",
2227 "booking.trip_overview": "Trip summary",
2228 "booking.trip_overview_updated": "Trip summary — updated",
2229 "booking.trip_survey.head_title": "Hi __name__, we'd love to know your main reason for visiting __city__.",
2230 "booking.trip_survey.option.business": "Business",
2231 "booking.trip_survey.option.personal": "Personal",
2232 "booking.trip_survey.privacy": "We collect data to improve your experience and we'll never sell it to a third party.",
2233 "booking.trip_survey.thank_you": "__name__, thank you for your response.",
2234 "booking.trip_survey.undo": "Undo",
2235 "booking.unchecked-agreement": "To continue with this booking, you must agree with our terms and conditions.",
2236 "booking.user_booking_changes.card_title": "Requests",
2237 "booking_completion.boarding_passes.app_promo_link": "Get the Kiwi.com app today",
2238 "booking_completion.boarding_passes.app_promo_text": "Traveling is easier with electronic boarding passes.",
2239 "booking_completion.boarding_passes.know_more": "Learn more",
2240 "booking_completion.boarding_passes.notes.already_flown": "Online check-in was available on our site until __availableUntil__",
2241 "booking_completion.boarding_passes.notes.at_the_airport": "You must check in at the airport (a fee may be required)<br>Online check-in on our site was available until __availableUntil__",
2242 "booking_completion.boarding_passes.notes.available": "Available:",
2243 "booking_completion.boarding_passes.notes.boarding_pass_never_available": "We don't do online check-in for this flight. Please check in at the airport.",
2244 "booking_completion.boarding_passes.notes.call_to_action": "Add your details for online check-in",
2245 "booking_completion.boarding_passes.notes.download": "Download",
2246 "booking_completion.boarding_passes.notes.error": "Check-in status unavailable. Try a bit later or contact our Customer Support.",
2247 "booking_completion.boarding_passes.notes.nonflight_ticket_processing": "Your tickets are being processed",
2248 "booking_completion.boarding_passes.title": "Boarding passes",
2249 "booking_completion.button_label": "Back to Manage My Booking",
2250 "booking_completion.checkin.button_save": "Save",
2251 "booking_completion.checkin.details": "Check-in details successfully added",
2252 "booking_completion.checkin.note_airport_checkin": "You may have to pay an airport check-in fee if you miss the deadline",
2253 "booking_completion.checkin.note_available_till": "Our check-in deadline for your next flight is __date__",
2254 "booking_completion.checkin.note_upcoming_flights": "If you'd like us to do the online check-in for you, just add your details at least __hours__ hours before your next flight",
2255 "booking_completion.checkin.title": "Online check-in",
2256 "booking_completion.fees_modal.note_airport_checkin": "You can always check in at the airport",
2257 "booking_completion.fees_modal.note_fee": "It may be subject to a fee",
2258 "booking_completion.fees_modal.note_website_checkin": "The airline's website will state whether they charge for this",
2259 "booking_completion.fees_title": "What if I miss online check-in?",
2260 "booking_completion.success_modal.note": "Successfully added",
2261 "booking_completion.success_modal.title": "We'll send your boarding passes as soon as they're ready",
2262 "booking_price_tooltip.fare": "Base fare: __price__",
2263 "booking_price_tooltip.fee": "Our service fee: __price__",
2264 "booking_price_tooltip.title": "The total price includes all taxes and fees",
2265 "booking_seating.action_change": "Change",
2266 "booking_seating.action_deselect": "Remove",
2267 "booking_seating.action_select": "Select seat",
2268 "booking_seating.flight.all_seats_selected": "All of your seats have been selected",
2269 "booking_seating.flight.change_seats": "Change seats",
2270 "booking_seating.flight.prices.budget": "Budget",
2271 "booking_seating.flight.prices.premium": "Premium",
2272 "booking_seating.flight.prices.regular": "Regular",
2273 "booking_seating.flight.seating_closed": "Unfortunately, we cannot provide seat selection less than 48 hours before departure.",
2274 "booking_seating.flight.seating_closed_long": "With less than 48 hours until departure, it's too late to select your seat on __companyName__. For further assistance, please consult the airline at the check-in counter.",
2275 "booking_seating.flight.seating_unavailable": "Sorry, we don't provide online seat selection for this connection.",
2276 "booking_seating.flight.seating_unavailable_long": "Sorry, we don't provide online seat selection for this connection. For further assistance, please consult the airline at the check-in counter.",
2277 "booking_seating.flight.seatmap_not_available": "Seat map is not available",
2278 "booking_seating.flight.selected_seats": "Selected seats:",
2279 "booking_seating.flight.select_seats": "Seat selection",
2280 "booking_seating.flight.unavailable": "Unavailable",
2281 "booking_seating.payment.default": "Select seats to continue",
2282 "booking_seating.payment.request_payment": "Proceed to payment of __price__",
2283 "booking_seating.seat_features.aisle": "Aisle",
2284 "booking_seating.seat_features.child": "Child",
2285 "booking_seating.seat_features.exit_row": "Emergency exit row",
2286 "booking_seating.seat_features.extra_leg_room": "Extra legroom",
2287 "booking_seating.seat_features.handicapped": "Handicapped",
2288 "booking_seating.seat_features.infant": "Infant",
2289 "booking_seating.seat_features.near_toilet": "Near the toilet",
2290 "booking_seating.seat_features.window": "Window",
2291 "booking_seating.seat_features.wing": "Wing",
2292 "booking_seating.seat_for_price": "Seat for __price__",
2293 "booking_seating.unavailable.title": "Purchase seating at the airport",
2294 "browser_notiffication.popup.dismiss": "Dismiss",
2295 "browser_notification.popup.allow": "Allow",
2296 "browser_notification.popup.heading": "Click \"Allow\" to get notified",
2297 "browser_notification.popup.message": "You'll receive a short message like this when we have something interesting to share.",
2298 "business_travel.add": "Add",
2299 "business_travel.add_appointment": "Create appointment",
2300 "business_travel.calendar.agenda": "Agenda",
2301 "business_travel.calendar.day": "Day",
2302 "business_travel.calendar.month": "Month",
2303 "business_travel.calendar.no_events_in_range": "There are no events in this range.",
2304 "business_travel.calendar.today": "Today",
2305 "business_travel.calendar.week": "Week",
2306 "business_travel.calendar.work_week": "Work Week",
2307 "business_travel.confirm": "Confirm",
2308 "business_travel.connect_calendar.google": "Connect Google",
2309 "business_travel.connect_calendar.outlook": "Connect Outlook",
2310 "business_travel.connect_calendar.slogan": "Make planning appointments even easier. Connect your calendar.",
2311 "business_travel.date": "Date",
2312 "business_travel.date_from": "Start",
2313 "business_travel.date_to": "End",
2314 "business_travel.delete": "Delete",
2315 "business_travel.delete_appointment": "Delete appointment",
2316 "business_travel.delete_appointment.description": "Are You sure You want to delete the appointment?",
2317 "business_travel.edit_appointment": "Edit appointment",
2318 "business_travel.flight_results.direct": "Direct",
2319 "business_travel.form.add_appointment_desc": "Add a new event to your calendar",
2320 "business_travel.form.appointment_search_settings.fly_home_option": "Return Home after meeting",
2321 "business_travel.form.date_from_in_past": "The start date must be in the future.",
2322 "business_travel.form.date_from_lt_date_to": "The end time must be after the start time.",
2323 "business_travel.form.less_settings": "Less Options",
2324 "business_travel.form.more_settings": "More Options",
2325 "business_travel.from": "from __placeName__",
2326 "business_travel.home_location_search_radius.suffix": "km around home location",
2327 "business_travel.home_location_search_radius.tooltip": "Extend the search radius around your home location to include more distant airports and stations.",
2328 "business_travel.hours": "Hours",
2329 "business_travel.in": "in __placeName__",
2330 "business_travel.in_your_timezone": "In your timezone",
2331 "business_travel.journey.appointment_will_be_excluded": "This appointment will not be a part of your journey and will be hidden",
2332 "business_travel.journey.excluded_appointments": "Appointments not part of the journey:",
2333 "business_travel.journey.travel_dates": "Travel dates",
2334 "business_travel.location": "Location",
2335 "business_travel.location_search_radius": "Extend search by",
2336 "business_travel.location_search_radius.suffix": "km around appointment location",
2337 "business_travel.location_search_radius.tooltip": "Extend the search radius around the event to search more distant airports or bus stations.",
2338 "business_travel.minutes": "Minutes",
2339 "business_travel.name": "Title",
2340 "business_travel.no_flights_found": "We couldn't find your trip",
2341 "business_travel.no_flights_found.suggestion": "Try to adjust your search settings",
2342 "business_travel.onboarding.cta.get_started": "Get started",
2343 "business_travel.onboarding.cta.settings": "Settings",
2344 "business_travel.onboarding.description": "Plan your meetings or events, we'll provide you with the best possible connection.",
2345 "business_travel.onboarding.location.description": "You can always update or change your home location in settings",
2346 "business_travel.onboarding.location.label": "Enter & save your home location to get started",
2347 "business_travel.onboarding.title": "Book trips for your events in one place",
2348 "business_travel.route_detail": "Route detail",
2349 "business_travel.save": "Save",
2350 "business_travel.search_location": "Search location",
2351 "business_travel.search_results": "Search results",
2352 "business_travel.search_results.empty.title": "Start a plan",
2353 "business_travel.search_results.hide": "Hide",
2354 "business_travel.search_results.show": "Show",
2355 "business_travel.search_results.sort.closest_to_meeting": "Closest to meeting",
2356 "business_travel.search_settings.add_time": "Add extra time",
2357 "business_travel.search_settings.after_meeting": "After appointment",
2358 "business_travel.search_settings.after_meeting.tooltip": "Block extra time after the event",
2359 "business_travel.search_settings.before_meeting": "Before appointment",
2360 "business_travel.search_settings.before_meeting.tooltip": "Block extra time before the event starts",
2361 "business_travel.search_settings.co_traveler": "Co-traveler",
2362 "business_travel.search_settings.description": "Following parameters are by default applied to all appointments you create. You can adjust them for every appointment as needed.",
2363 "business_travel.search_settings.discard_changes": "Discard changes",
2364 "business_travel.search_settings.end_trip_at_home": "End trip at __name__",
2365 "business_travel.search_settings.fly_home_option": "Return Home after every meeting",
2366 "business_travel.search_settings.home_location": "Home location",
2367 "business_travel.search_settings.home_location_info_one_appointment": "To get results you'll have to set at least one appointment.",
2368 "business_travel.search_settings.home_location_info_three_appointments": "To get results you'll have to set a minimum of 3 appointments.",
2369 "business_travel.search_settings.home_location_info_two_appointments": "To get results you'll have to set a minimum of 2 appointments.",
2370 "business_travel.search_settings.radius.description": "Extend the travel distance to/from the airport, bus, or railway station near your appointment.",
2371 "business_travel.search_settings.radius.title": "Get even better search results",
2372 "business_travel.search_settings.return_from_home": "Start trip from Home",
2373 "business_travel.search_settings.return_to_home": "Return Home",
2374 "business_travel.search_settings.save_changes": "Done",
2375 "business_travel.search_settings.start_and_end_trip_at_home": "Start and end trip at __name__",
2376 "business_travel.search_settings.start_trip_from_home": "Start trip from __name__",
2377 "business_travel.search_settings.stopover_time": "Min stopover",
2378 "business_travel.search_settings.title": "Settings",
2379 "business_travel.time": "Time",
2380 "ccount.check_email": "Check your email",
2381 "change_flights.action": "Change flights",
2382 "change_flights.cannot_change_flight": "Unfortunately, we are unable to change this flight at the moment. Please contact our customer service.",
2383 "change_flights.cant_change_anymore": "Changing flights is not possible in this booking anymore.",
2384 "change_flights.change_whole_itinerary": "Change whole itinerary",
2385 "change_flights.errors.has_pending_refunds": "Flights cannot be changed because of a pending refund.",
2386 "change_flights.first_step_content": "Feel free to search. We won't make any changes until we receive your payment.",
2387 "change_flights.first_step_title": "Which part would you like to change?",
2388 "change_flights.form_error": "Error submitting your request, please reload the page and try again.",
2389 "change_flights.form_placeholder.message": "Short description of your request",
2390 "change_flights.form_prompt": "Not what you were looking for? Please complete this form and we'll get back to you:",
2391 "change_flights.form_success": "Your request has been submitted.",
2392 "change_flights.heading_history": "History of changes",
2393 "change_flights.list.first": "The additional cost of the change is displayed next to each option.",
2394 "change_flights.list.second": "The change will affect all passengers in the booking.",
2395 "change_flights.list.third": "After we receive payment, it may take a few hours to update your booking.",
2396 "change_flights.new_itinerary": "New itinerary",
2397 "change_flights.no_alternatives": "No alternative flights found",
2398 "change_flights.old_itinerary": "Old itinerary",
2399 "change_flights.second_step_request_content": "Send us a manual request and we'll try to find something for you.",
2400 "change_flights.second_step_request_link": "Manual change request",
2401 "change_flights.second_step_request_title": "Not what you were looking for?",
2402 "change_flights.second_step_title": "Adjust the search parameters and select an option",
2403 "change_flights.select_alternative": "Change to this itinerary for __price__",
2404 "change_flights.show_history": "Show history",
2405 "change_flights.third_step_title": "Final check",
2406 "change_flights.version_history": "Version n. __version__:",
2407 "common.404.return_on_homepage": "Return to homepage",
2408 "common.404.something_went_wrong": "Sorry, we're having some issues",
2409 "common.action_required": "Action required",
2410 "common.add": "Add",
2411 "common.add_additional_bags": "Add checked baggage",
2412 "common.add_additional_hand_bags": "Add cabin baggage",
2413 "common.add_personal_item": "Add personal item",
2414 "common.airline": "Airline:",
2415 "common.amenity.aircraft": "Aircraft: __value__",
2416 "common.amenity.entertainment": "Entertainment: __value__",
2417 "common.amenity.fresh_food": "Food: __value__",
2418 "common.amenity.layout": "Seat layout: __value__",
2419 "common.amenity.power": "Power: __value__",
2420 "common.amenity.seat": "Seat: __value__",
2421 "common.amenity.wifi": "Wi-Fi: __value__",
2422 "common.amount": "Amount",
2423 "common.api_error": "Sorry, we're having some issues. Try reloading the page.",
2424 "common.apply": "Apply",
2425 "common.autofill": "Autofill",
2426 "common.available_until": "Available until __x__",
2427 "common.back": "Back",
2428 "common.bags": "Baggage",
2429 "common.bags_base": "Baggage:",
2430 "common.bags_not_allowed_for_infants": "Baggage is not allowed for infants on this flight.",
2431 "common.bags_pre_booking": "Only available now. You cannot add checked baggage after booking.",
2432 "common.bags_priority_included": "Priority Boarding included for one or more flights (more details in Manage My Booking).",
2433 "common.bank_holder": "Account holder name",
2434 "common.bank_iban": "IBAN/Account number",
2435 "common.bank_swift": "SWIFT/BIC code",
2436 "common.base_fare": "Base fare:",
2437 "common.best_google_chrome": "Our chat service works best with the latest version of Google Chrome.",
2438 "common.booking_date": "Booking date",
2439 "common.booking_number": "Booking number",
2440 "common.booking_number_colon": "Booking number:",
2441 "common.booking_number_placeholder": "e.g. 123456",
2442 "common.booking_numbet.colon": "Booking number:",
2443 "common.booking_state_all": "All",
2444 "common.booking_state_blocked": "Blocked",
2445 "common.booking_state_closed": "Processing",
2446 "common.booking_state_confirmed": "Confirmed",
2447 "common.booking_state_refunded": "Refunded",
2448 "common.booking_state_refunding": "Refunding",
2449 "common.breakdown": "Breakdown",
2450 "common.browser_is_out_of_date": "We’re sorry, your browser is not supported.<br/>To get the best experience using __brandName__, we recommend using the latest version of Chrome.",
2451 "common.bus": "Bus",
2452 "common.bus_number": "Bus no: __number__",
2453 "common.by_booking_date": "Filter by booking date",
2454 "common.cancellation_fee": "Cancellation fee €20",
2455 "common.cant_be_changed_anymore": "Cannot be changed anymore",
2456 "common.can_add_only_amount_of_bags": "Number of checked bags allowed per passenger: __amount__",
2457 "common.can_add_only_amount_of_hand_bags": "Number of cabin bags allowed per passenger: __amount__",
2458 "common.can_be_changed_until": "Can be changed until __date__",
2459 "common.card_safety": "Card Safety",
2460 "common.carrier_colon": "Carrier:",
2461 "common.change_verb": "Change",
2462 "common.chat_only_english": "Chat is available in English only, sorry.",
2463 "common.cheaper_option.best_flight_anywhere": "Use the  <strong>250 km departure radius</strong> to get prices from <strong>__price__</strong>.",
2464 "common.cheaper_option.best_flight_departing_from": "Depart between <strong>__from__ – __to__</strong> and get prices from <strong>__price__</strong>.",
2465 "common.cheaper_option.best_flight_departing_from_arriving_on": "Depart between <strong>__from__ – __to__</strong>, then return between <strong>__arrFrom__ – __arrTo__</strong> and get prices from <strong>__price__</strong>.",
2466 "common.cheaper_option.best_flight_to": "Use a <strong>250 km departure radius</strong> for your trip to __place__ and get prices from <strong>__price__</strong>.",
2467 "common.cheaper_option.best_flight_with_nights_departing_from": "Stay <strong>__minStayDays__ – __maxStayDays__ nights</strong> departing between <strong>__from__ – __to__</strong> and get prices from <strong>__price__</strong>.",
2468 "common.cheaper_option.hacker_deal": "Travel tip",
2469 "common.cheaper_option.hack_different_day": "Travel tip — fly on a different day to get this great deal.",
2470 "common.cheaper_option.hack_radius": "Travel tip — fly from a different place to get this great deal.",
2471 "common.cheaper_option.more_similar_deals": "Let's so it",
2472 "common.cheaper_option.tip": "Tip",
2473 "common.check_faq": "Check FAQ",
2474 "common.check_visas_for_transfer": "You may need a visa for this transit.",
2475 "common.close": "Close",
2476 "common.company": "Company",
2477 "common.confirm_and_pay": "Continue to __price__ payment",
2478 "common.confirm_and_send": "Confirm and send",
2479 "common.contact_support_if_needed": "For further assistance, <a href='/content/feedback'>contact our 24/7 customer support team</a>.",
2480 "common.continents.aas": "Americas",
2481 "common.continents.ap": "Asia-Pacific",
2482 "common.continents.as": "Asia",
2483 "common.continents.eu": "Europe",
2484 "common.continents.mea": "Middle East and Africa",
2485 "common.continue": "Continue",
2486 "common.continue_to": "Continue to",
2487 "common.continue_to_summary": "Continue to summary",
2488 "common.create_price_alert": "Create Price Alert",
2489 "common.currency": "Currency",
2490 "common.date": "Date",
2491 "common.date_added": "Date added",
2492 "common.date_from": "Date from",
2493 "common.date_input.select_month": "Select month",
2494 "common.date_to": "Date to",
2495 "common.day_unit_placeholder": "D",
2496 "common.delayed_chat.alert_text": "Our online chat is currently unavailable. Please visit Manage My Booking to solve your request.",
2497 "common.delete": "Delete",
2498 "common.departure": "Perlepasan",
2499 "common.departure_date": "Departure date",
2500 "common.departure_date_colon": "Departure date:",
2501 "common.description": "Description",
2502 "common.did_you_mean": "Did you mean __x__?",
2503 "common.different_airport_return": "Warning: you'll depart from a different place. You'll arrive at __arrival__ and leave from __departure__.",
2504 "common.different_airport_return_first": "Warning: you will return to a different place. You will depart from __departure__ and return to __arrival__. ",
2505 "common.different_station_return": "Warning: you will depart from a different station. You'll arrive at __arrival__ and leave from __departure__.",
2506 "common.different_station_return_first": "Warning: you will return to a different station. You will depart from __departure__ and return to __arrival__. ",
2507 "common.download": "Download",
2508 "common.download_in_excel_format": "Download in Excel format",
2509 "common.do_not_have_bid": "I don't have a booking number",
2510 "common.duration": "Tempoh: __duration__",
2511 "common.easy_booking_with_skypicker": "Easy booking with __brandName__",
2512 "common.elevio.need_help": "Need help?",
2513 "common.email": "Email",
2514 "common.email.colon": "Email:",
2515 "common.email_colon": "Email:",
2516 "common.empty_bags": "Nothing here yet...",
2517 "common.enter_bid": "Please enter your booking number",
2518 "common.enter_cyrillic_characters": "Enter Cyrillic characters, e.g. БФЮ134567, ЖЙШ746921",
2519 "common.enter_fullname": "May we please get your full name?",
2520 "common.enter_mmb": "Enter Manage My Booking",
2521 "common.enter_only_latin_characters": "Use Latin characters only.",
2522 "common.enter_reason": "Please let us know how we can help?",
2523 "common.error": "Sorry, there was an error while processing your request. Please refresh the page.",
2524 "common.error_but_not_charged": "Sorry, an unexpected error occurred. Don't worry, we didn't charge you anything.",
2525 "common.error_refresh_page": "Refresh",
2526 "common.eticket.flights.flight_number": "Flight no:",
2527 "common.expired": "Expired",
2528 "common.facebook": "Facebook",
2529 "common.fare_conditions": "Fare conditions",
2530 "common.featured": "Featured",
2531 "common.fill_in_info": "Fill in the info",
2532 "common.filter": "Filter",
2533 "common.filters": "Filters",
2534 "common.firstname.colon": "First name:",
2535 "common.flight": "Flight",
2536 "common.flight_number": "Flight no: __number__",
2537 "common.flight_train": "Flight and train",
2538 "common.for_example": "e.g.",
2539 "common.for_example_latin": "e.g.",
2540 "common.go_to_mmb": "Go to Manage My Booking",
2541 "common.health_requirements": "Health requirements and recommendations",
2542 "common.help": "Bantuan",
2543 "common.hide": "Hide",
2544 "common.iata_airport_placeholder": "3-letter departure airport code",
2545 "common.iata_code": "IATA code:",
2546 "common.iata_help": "​​3-letter departure airport code",
2547 "common.iata_label": "IATA code",
2548 "common.iata_placeholder": "e.g. JFK",
2549 "common.included": "Includes",
2550 "common.information": "Information",
2551 "common.languages_all": "All languages",
2552 "common.lastname.colon": "Last name:",
2553 "common.learn_more": "Learn more",
2554 "common.length": "Length",
2555 "common.loading": "Loading",
2556 "common.login": "Sign in",
2557 "common.months.april": "April",
2558 "common.months.august": "August",
2559 "common.months.december": "December",
2560 "common.months.february": "February",
2561 "common.months.january": "January",
2562 "common.months.july": "July",
2563 "common.months.june": "June",
2564 "common.months.march": "March",
2565 "common.months.may": "May",
2566 "common.months.november": "November",
2567 "common.months.october": "October",
2568 "common.months.september": "September",
2569 "common.month_unit_placeholder": "M",
2570 "common.more_about_trains_and_buses": "Trains and buses Info",
2571 "common.more_info": "Learn more",
2572 "common.more_information": "Learn more",
2573 "common.more_phone_numbers": "More phone numbers",
2574 "common.most_popular": "Most popular",
2575 "common.name": "Name",
2576 "common.name_and_surname": "Name and surname",
2577 "common.newsletter": "Travel news and special offers",
2578 "common.new_feature": "New feature",
2579 "common.no": "No",
2580 "common.not_available": "Not available",
2581 "common.no_fare_conditions": "No special fare conditions",
2582 "common.no_javascript_inctructions": "For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript.<br/>\nHere are the <a href=\"http://www.enable-javascript.com/\" target=\"_blank\">instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser</a>.",
2583 "common.no_results": "No results",
2584 "common.no_return": "One-way only",
2585 "common.number": "Number",
2586 "common.ok": "OK",
2587 "common.operating_airline": "Operating airline:",
2588 "common.or": "or",
2589 "common.other_fees_taxes": "Other fees and taxes:",
2590 "common.our_service_fee": "Our service fee:",
2591 "common.pagination.first": "First",
2592 "common.pagination.last": "Last",
2593 "common.pagination.rows": "rows",
2594 "common.pagination.show": "Show",
2595 "common.pagination.stats": "<strong>__from__ to __to__</strong> of __total__ entries",
2596 "common.passenger_advice.health.critical": "<strong>Health requirements</strong> in __country__",
2597 "common.passenger_advice.health.notice": "<strong>Health recommendations</strong> in __country__",
2598 "common.passenger_advice.health.ok": "<strong>No health requirements or recommendations</strong>in __country__",
2599 "common.passenger_advice.visa.ok": "A <strong>visa</strong> does not seem to be required in __country__",
2600 "common.passenger_advice.visa.possibly_required_for": "<strong>May be required for:</strong> __names__",
2601 "common.passenger_advice.visa.required": "A visa or airport transit visa may be necessary for travel. Requirements found here are for reference purposes only. Contact the embassy or your foreign ministry for more information.",
2602 "common.passenger_advice.visa.required_for": "<strong>Required for:</strong> __names__",
2603 "common.passenger_advice.visa.restrictions.change_nationality": "Change nationality",
2604 "common.passenger_advice.visa.restrictions.find_another_flight": "Find another flight",
2605 "common.passenger_advice.visa.restrictions.israelis.title": "Unfortunately, we can't offer you this flight. <br> __restrictedCountry__ prohibits admission to Israeli passport holders.",
2606 "common.passenger_advice.visa.restrictions.prohibited_countries": "Prohibited countries:",
2607 "common.pay": "Pay",
2608 "common.pay (Copy)": "Pay __price__",
2609 "common.payment.provider_supported_currencies": "__provider__ payments are only possible with these currencies.",
2610 "common.payment.provider_supported_currencies_choose": "Paying with __provider__? Please select one of <strong>these</strong> currencies.",
2611 "common.payment.provider_supported_currencies_choose_button": "Select Supported Currency",
2612 "common.payment.provider_supported_currencies_select": "Select one or try a different card.",
2613 "common.payment.provider_supported_currency": "__provider__ payments are in __currency__ only.",
2614 "common.payment_error.apm_payment_process_failure": "Please try a different card or payment method.",
2615 "common.payment_error.bank_refused": "The transaction has been declined by the processing bank. Please verify that the card details were entered correctly or use another payment method.",
2616 "common.payment_error.card_cvv_incorrect": "Sorry, we cannot process this transaction. Your card's CVV number is incorrect.",
2617 "common.payment_error.card_exceeded_limitation": "Card exceeded its limitation for a single transaction. Please use another payment method.",
2618 "common.payment_error.card_expired": "It looks like your card's expired. Maybe try another payment method.",
2619 "common.payment_error.card_funds": "It looks like there are insufficient funds on this card. Maybe try another payment method.",
2620 "common.payment_error.card_invalid": "Sorry, we cannot process this transaction. You entered invalid card details.",
2621 "common.payment_error.card_reported": "Unfortunately this card was declined. We will not be able to process any funds from this card at this moment.",
2622 "common.payment_error.card_security": "Unfortunately this card was declined. We will not be able to process any funds from this card at this moment.",
2623 "common.payment_error.fraud": "Unfortunately this card was declined. We will not be able to process any funds from this card at this moment.",
2624 "common.payment_error.payment_xhr_critical": "A network issue may have interfered with your payment. Please wait for 30 minutes for your confirmation email. If you don’t receive anything, contact our Customer Support Team on __supportPhone__.",
2625 "common.payment_error.payment_xhr_save": "There was a network issue. Please reload the page and try again.",
2626 "common.payment_error.three_ds_failed": "3-D Secure payment authentication failed. Please see our advice below and try again.",
2627 "common.payment_errors.general.another_payment_method": "Try another payment method.",
2628 "common.payment_errors.general.check_limit": "Check your transaction limit.",
2629 "common.payment_errors.general.contact_bank": "Contact your bank for help.",
2630 "common.payment_errors.general.different_currency": "Try a different currency.",
2631 "common.payment_errors.general.double_check": "Double-check your card details.",
2632 "common.payment_errors.general.enough_money": "Make sure you have enough money in your account.",
2633 "common.payment_errors.general.title": "We couldn't process your payment. Please try the following:",
2634 "common.payment_errors.general.try_later": "Try again later.",
2635 "common.person": "Personal",
2636 "common.phone": "Phone",
2637 "common.pnr": "PNR:",
2638 "common.popular_options": "These are the most popular.",
2639 "common.prefer_english": "Preferably in English",
2640 "common.price": "Price",
2641 "common.prices_in_currency": "Prices in __currency__",
2642 "common.price_alert": "Price Alert",
2643 "common.priority_boarding": "Priority Boarding:",
2644 "common.priority_boarding_included": "Priority Boarding included",
2645 "common.proceed_to_payment": "Proceed to payment",
2646 "common.processing_payment": "Processing payment...",
2647 "common.promocode": "Promo code",
2648 "common.registration_number": "Registration number",
2649 "common.reload": "Refresh",
2650 "common.retry": "Retry",
2651 "common.return": "Pergi balik",
2652 "common.routes": "Route",
2653 "common.search": "Cari",
2654 "common.select_date": "Select date",
2655 "common.send": "Send",
2656 "common.sending": "Sending...",
2657 "common.send_request": "Send",
2658 "common.show_less": "Show less",
2659 "common.show_more": "Show more",
2660 "common.signup": "Sign up",
2661 "common.special_airport_baggage_rules": "There are special <a rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"__link__\">baggage rules</a> in __city__.",
2662 "common.special_airport_baggage_rules.title": "Baggage regulations",
2663 "common.status": "Status",
2664 "common.steps.next": "Next step",
2665 "common.steps.previous": "Previous Step",
2666 "common.step_of": "Step __value__ of __of__",
2667 "common.subscribe": "Subscribe to newsletter",
2668 "common.subscription_privacy_policy": "The newsletter is governed by these <a href=\"/pages/content/terms\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Terms of Use</a>",
2669 "common.suggested_articles": "Helpful articles",
2670 "common.summary": "Summary",
2671 "common.support_available_in_english": "Support available in English",
2672 "common.support_available_in_english_v2": "Support available in English 24/7",
2673 "common.taxes_and_fees": "Taxes and fees:",
2674 "common.terminal": "Terminal",
2675 "common.thanks_for_contacting": "Thank you for contacting __brandName__",
2676 "common.thank_you": "Thank you",
2677 "common.today": "Today",
2678 "common.total_amount": "Total amount",
2679 "common.train": "Train",
2680 "common.train_number": "Train no: __number__",
2681 "common.transaction_type_deposit": "Deposit",
2682 "common.transaction_type_payment": "Payment",
2683 "common.transaction_type_refund": "Refund",
2684 "common.transfer_to_next_airport": "Transfer between airports",
2685 "common.trip_length": "Trip length: __length__",
2686 "common.trustpilot_review.button": "Rate us",
2687 "common.trustpilot_review.subtitle": "Did you enjoy the website experience?",
2688 "common.trustpilot_review.title": "Kiwi.com values your feedback",
2689 "common.twitter": "Twitter",
2690 "common.type": "Type",
2691 "common.unavailable": "Unavailable",
2692 "common.upload_documents_prompt": "Upload documents",
2693 "common.view_all": "View All",
2694 "common.visa.provided_by": "Visa info provided by __provider__",
2695 "common.visa_not_required": "Visa not required",
2696 "common.visa_not_required_v2": "Visa may not be required",
2697 "common.visa_requirements": "Visa requirements",
2698 "common.weight": "Weight",
2699 "common.width": "Width",
2700 "common.word_other": "Other",
2701 "common.year_unit_placeholder": "Y",
2702 "common.yes": "Yes",
2703 "common.your_paypal_account": "Your PayPal account",
2704 "common.you_have_available_balances": "Your current balance is:",
2705 "content.cookies.banner.accept": "Accept",
2706 "content.cookies.banner.cookies": "cookies",
2707 "content.cookies.banner.customize": "Customize your cookie consent",
2708 "content.cookies.banner.preference": "cookies preference here",
2709 "content.cookies.banner.text": "Apabila anda melayari tapak web kami, kami mengumpul dan memproses data peribadi anda. Anda boleh mengetahui dengan lebih lanjut tentang sebab dan cara kami memproses data peribadi anda dalam <a href=\"/pages/content/privacy\">Privacy Policy</a> kami. Untuk mengumpul data peribadi anda, kami menggunakan <a href=\"/pages/content/privacy#cookies\">cookies</a>. Jika anda tidak mahu kami menghantar kuki kepada anda, anda boleh mematikannya pada bila-bila masa dengan menukar <a href=\"/pages/cookies_settings\">cookies preferences here</a> anda.",
2710 "content.cookies.banner.your_privacy.text": "When you browse our website, we collect and process your personal data. One of the ways we do this is by using <a href=\"/pages/content/privacy#cookies\">cookies</a> to collect and process your personal data. By clicking Accept, you agree to the use of cookies for performance and marketing purposes. You can learn more about why and how we process your personal data in our <a href=\"/pages/content/privacy\">Privacy Policy</a>.",
2711 "content.cookies.banner.your_privacy.title": "Your privacy, your choice",
2712 "content.cookies.kayakwhite": "<div>\n <p>\n <h2>Cookie policy</h2>\n </p>\n <p>\n <br/>\n We, as well as certain third parties that provide content, advertising\n or other functionalities on the Website and/or Services (as defined in\n our Terms and Conditions), may use various technologies to collect and\n store information when You visit the Website and this may include\n cookies, beacons, and other technologies.\n <br/>\n <br/>\n Cookies are small files stored on Your device in order to help collect\n information about Your activities. Cookies enable Us and/or KAYAK to\n store Your preferences and settings, remember Your log-in, provide\n customized content and marketing communication, understand which\n part(s) of the Website and Services are the most popular and analyze\n Website operations. You can configure Your browser to accept all\n cookies, refuse all cookies, or indicate when a cookie is being sent.\n We would like to draw attention to the fact that the Website is\n designed for You to work using cookies and therefore some Website\n features or Services may not function properly without cookies.\n <br/>\n <br/>\n Beacons (or “pixels”) are technologies that transfer information from\n Your device to a server. Beacons may be embedded into online content\n and e-mails and may enable a server to read certain types of\n information from Your device. Beacons enable finding out when You\n displayed certain content or a certain e-mail message and the IP\n address of Your device. We and certain third parties use beacons for a\n variety of purposes, including analyzing of how You use Services and\n providing content tailored to suit Your preferences (together with\n cookies).\n <br/>\n <br/>\n By visiting the Website and/or using the Services, You are giving Your\n consent to the use and storage of cookies, beacons and other\n information on Your device. You also give Your approval with Our access\n and the access of the entities mentioned above to the cookies, beacons\n and other information on Your device.\n </p>\n</div>",
2713 "content.cookies.kiwicom": "We, as well as certain third parties that provide content, advertising or other functionalities on our Website and/or Services (as defined in our Terms and Conditions), may use various technologies to collect and store information when you visit our Website, and this may include cookies, beacons, and other technologies.\n<br>\n<br>\nCookies are small files stored on your device in order to help collect information about your activities. Cookies enable us to store your preferences and settings, remember your log-in, provide customized content and marketing communication, understand which part(s) of our website and services are the most popular and analyze website operations. You can configure your browser to accept all cookies, refuse all cookies, or indicate when a cookie is being sent. We would like to draw attention to the fact that the website is designed for you to work using cookies and therefore some Website features or Services may not function properly without cookies.\n<br>\n<br>\nBeacons (or “pixels”) are technologies that transfer information from your device to a server. Beacons may be embedded into online content and e-mails and may enable a server to read certain types of information from your device. Beacons enable finding out when you displayed certain content or a certain e-mail message and the IP address of your device. We and certain third parties use beacons for a variety of purposes, including analyzing of how you use our Services and providing content tailored to suit your preferences (together with cookies).\n<br>\n<br>\nBy visiting our website and/or using our services, you are giving your consent to the use and storage of cookies, beacons and other information on your device. You also give your approval with our access and the access of the entities mentioned above to the cookies, beacons and other information on your device.",
2714 "content.cookies.paragraphs": "We, as well as certain third parties that provide content, advertising or other functionalities on our Website and/or Services (as defined in our Terms and Conditions), may use various technologies to collect and store information when you visit our Website, and this may include cookies, beacons, and other technologies.\n<br>\n<br>\nCookies are small files stored on your device in order to help collect information about your activities. Cookies enable us to store your preferences and settings, remember your log-in, provide customized content and marketing communication, understand which part(s) of our website and services are the most popular and analyze website operations. You can configure your browser to accept all cookies, refuse all cookies, or indicate when a cookie is being sent. We would like to draw attention to the fact that the website is designed for you to work using cookies and therefore some Website features or Services may not function properly without cookies.\n<br>\n<br>\nBeacons (or “pixels”) are technologies that transfer information from your device to a server. Beacons may be embedded into online content and e-mails and may enable a server to read certain types of information from your device. Beacons enable finding out when you displayed certain content or a certain e-mail message and the IP address of your device. We and certain third parties use beacons for a variety of purposes, including analyzing of how you use our Services and providing content tailored to suit your preferences (together with cookies).\n<br>\n<br>\nBy visiting our website and/or using our services, you are giving your consent to the use and storage of cookies, beacons and other information on your device. You also give your approval with our access and the access of the entities mentioned above to the cookies, beacons and other information on your device.",
2715 "content.cookies_settings.general.accept_all": "Accept all",
2716 "content.cookies_settings.general.content": "If you don't want to receive certain types of cookies on Kiwi.com, you can change your cookie settings on this page. You can learn more about how and why we use cookies in our Privacy Policy.",
2717 "content.cookies_settings.general.disabled": "Disabled",
2718 "content.cookies_settings.general.enabled": "Enabled",
2719 "content.cookies_settings.general.save_settings": "Save settings",
2720 "content.cookies_settings.general.title": "Cookie settings",
2721 "content.cookies_settings.marketing.description": "We only provide offers we believe to be relevant for users. As a result, we collect some personal information and send it to our partners, who in turn tailor the best offers, promo codes, and relevant flights for you.",
2722 "content.cookies_settings.marketing.title": "Marketing cookies",
2723 "content.cookies_settings.necessary.description": "These cookies are necessary for multiple basic functionalities of our website and for the provision of our services as we want to provide them. Without them, our website wouldn't work, therefore, you can't turn them off.",
2724 "content.cookies_settings.necessary.title": "Necessary cookies",
2725 "content.cookies_settings.performance.description": "These cookies are used for internal purposes. They help us understand our customers and improve our website so that we can ultimately deliver you a better user experience. Without these cookies, we aren't able to measure traffic or visualize user interactions with various elements on the website. This makes it harder for us to test new functionalities we believe might be better suited to your needs.\n",
2726 "content.cookies_settings.performance.title": "Performance cookies",
2727 "content.cookies_settings.third_party_marketing.description": "Some cookies on our site collect data which is shared with our partners. These partners will then use this data to show you customized ads by third-party companies across the internet. We will never share any data which would allow your direct identification with the partners.",
2728 "content.cookies_settings.third_party_marketing.title": "Third-party marketing cookies",
2729 "content.cookies_settings_general.title": "Manage cookies",
2730 "content.flights.best_one_way": "Best one-way",
2731 "content.flights.best_return": "Best return",
2732 "content.flights.flights_from_to_offered_by_x_airlines": " __from__ — __to__ flights are offered by __airlines_count__ airline(s) including __airlines_list__.",
2733 "content.flights.flights_useful_info_seo_text": "The cheapest one-way flights are usually available on a __cheapest_day__. The average price of a one-way flight is currently __average_price__. The lowest price is __best_price__ departing on __best_date__ with __best_airline__. __cheapest_airport__ is the cheapest airport for flights __from__ – __to__.",
2734 "content.flights.useful_info_for_flights_from_to": "__from__ — __to__ flight tips",
2735 "content.gdpr.terms_kiwicom": "<h2>Summary</h2> <ul class=\"ContentTerms-summary\"> <li><a href=\"#ContentTerms-article1\">Article 1. Our website and mobile application</a></li> <li><a href=\"#ContentTerms-article2\">Article 2. Access to and use of the Website</a></li> <li><a href=\"#ContentTerms-article3\">Article 3. Website functionalities and Kiwi.com Account</a></li> <li><a href=\"#ContentTerms-article4\">Article 4. Our intellectual property</a></li> <li><a href=\"#ContentTerms-article5\">Article 5. Trademarks, logos, and service marks of third parties</a></li> <li><a href=\"#ContentTerms-article6\">Article 6. Final provisions</a></li> </ul> <br/><ol class=\"ContentTerms-terms\"><li id=\"ContentTerms-article1\"><strong>Article 1. Our website and mobile application</strong><ol><li>The website located at __brandName__, the Kiwi.com mobile application and all of their contents (\"<strong>Website</strong>\") are owned and operated by private limited company Kiwi.com s.r.o., ID No. 29352886, with a registered office at Palachovo náměstí 797/4, Starý Lískovec, Post Code 625 00 Brno, the Czech Republic, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Regional Court in Brno, file No. C 74565, Tax ID No. CZ29352886 (\"<strong>Kiwi.com</strong>\", \"<strong>we</strong>\", \"<strong>our</strong>\", \"<strong>us</strong>\").</li><li>The Website is available to any visitor or customer (\"<strong>User</strong>\", \"<strong>you</strong>\", \"<strong>your</strong>\"), subject to acceptance of these special Terms and conditions of use of the Website (\"<strong>Terms of Use</strong>\"). Your access or use of the Website constitutes full and unconditional acceptance to these Terms of Use. If you do not agree with these Terms of Use, then you are not allowed to use the Website.</li><li>The rules regarding the processing of the personal data of the Users are available in the Privacy Policy on the Website.</li></ol></li><li id=\"ContentTerms-article2\"><strong>Article 2. Access to and use of the Website</strong> <ol> <li>If you decide to use the Website, we will provide it to you \"as-is\" without any liabilities and warranties including but not limited to the guarantee of completeness, flawlessness, availability, or suitability. </li> <li>The Website may be temporarily or permanently unavailable, in whole or in part, and it may be added to, changed, or removed at any time under our sole discretion without any notification. </li> <li>Under no circumstance shall we be liable for any loss or damages (including direct, indirect, special, or consequential losses or damages of any kind or lost profits) in relation or connected with the Website regardless of the form of action by which such losses or damages may be claimed. </li> <li>Access to specific parts of the Website may be restricted under specific rules and requirements. Unless indicated otherwise, Website functionalities are provided free of charge. </li> <li>The content and information on the Website (including subjects of intellectual property, price, and availability information relating to the products and services provided via the Website), as well as the infrastructure used to provide such content and information, is proprietary to Kiwi.com or our suppliers and providers. </li> <li>The User agrees to keep confidential any passwords provided to access the Website and ensure that no unauthorized third parties gain access to them. The User accepts responsibility for any financial consequences arising from the use of the Website with the User's password to the Website or from the use of the User's passwords by third parties. </li> <li>We, in Our sole discretion, may use all comments and suggestions, whether written or oral, provided by the User in connection with the use of Our products and services or the Website. </li> <li>The User agrees not to: <ol class=\"_letterList\"> <li>use the Website for any commercial or non-personal purpose without our express written authorization, </li> <li>use another person's name, ID, or password without permission nor use the Website while impersonating another person; </li> <li>post or transmit any unlawful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, or indecent material or any material that could constitute conduct that would be considered a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any law; </li> <li>make any speculative, false, or fraudulent booking or any booking in anticipation of demand; </li> <li>use any device, software, or routine to interfere with or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Website; </li> <li>copy, reproduce, transmit, or otherwise communicate to the public any content provided in the Website without our express written authorization including and without limitation to text, graphics, buttons, downloads, and software; </li> <li>alter or decompile the software used for the provision of our products and services and operation of the Website; </li> <li>access, monitor, or copy any content or information of the Website using any robot, spider, scraper, or any other automated means without our express written authorization; </li> <li>frame, mirror, or otherwise incorporate any part of the Website into any other website without our express written authorization. </li> </ol> </li> </ol> </li><li id=\"ContentTerms-article3\"><strong>Article 3. Website functionalities and Kiwi.com Account</strong> <ol> <li>The Website contains multiple functionalities which are available to the User and may be used by a designated part of the interface of the Website or other designated online tools such as emails (\"<strong>Website Interface</strong>\"). We will provide you with functionalities of the Website provided that you use the functionalities in a way that has been intended and allowed by Us. </li> <li>The Kiwi.com Account is formed by additional functionalities of the Website with restricted access (\"<strong>Kiwi.com Account</strong>\") such as tools for the management of your current and past bookings, or the storage of data necessary for making bookings in the future. </li> <li>You may access the Kiwi.com Account associated with your email address by signing in via the Website Interface provided you previously made a booking on the Website with your email address, or you created a Kiwi.com Account via the Website Interface with your email address. </li> </ol> </li><li id=\"ContentTerms-article4\"><strong>Article 4. Our intellectual property</strong> <ol> <li>We retain any, and all, rights to Our products and services and the Website and its content; including software, hardware, products, processes, algorithms, user interfaces, knowledge, technologies, inventions, designs, and other tangible or intangible materials or information made available to the User throughout the provision of the services or by using the Website. </li> <li>No expressed or implied license or right of any kind is granted to the User regarding Our services, products, or the Website, or any part thereof, including any right to obtain possession of any source code, data, or other material relating to the Website. All rights not expressly granted to the User herein are reserved to us or their respective owners. </li> <li>Furthermore, all copyrights, trademarks, design rights, database rights, patents, and other intellectual property rights (registered and unregistered) in and on the Website and regarding the content of the Website belong to us or third parties and we do not grant anyone the right or license to use them. </li> </ol> </li><li id=\"ContentTerms-article5\"><strong>Article 5. Trademarks, logos, and service marks of third parties</strong> <ol> <li>The trademarks, logos, service marks, watermarks, and other third-party content (\"<strong>Trademarks</strong>\") displayed on the Website are registered and unregistered Trademarks of their respective owners. All Trademarks related to the operating airlines, railway companies, and other third-party providers that are displayed on the Website belong to their respective owners and we use these Trademarks solely for your convenience. Nothing contained on this Website should be construed as Our pretension to these third-party Trademarks or as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any Trademark displayed on the Website without the express written permission of its respective owner. </li> <li>Your misuse of the Trademarks displayed on the Website is strictly prohibited. You must ensure that your use of Trademarks complies with all applicable laws and the intellectual property and other rights of the relevant third-party provider. You acknowledge and agree that the Trademarks will remain the property of the relevant third-party provider. No part of Trademarks may be modified, duplicated, published, uploaded, distributed, translated, adapted, marketed or used, without the prior written consent of the relevant third-party provider. </li> </ol> </li><li id=\"ContentTerms-article6\"><strong>Article 6. Final provisions</strong> <ol> <li>We reserve the right to amend these Terms of Use at any time, and without prior consultation or notification. The amended version will be published on the dedicated page of the Website. </li> <li>In case of any disputes arising from or related to the Website or these Terms of Use, the courts of the Czech Republic shall have complete jurisdiction over all disputes arising between you and us, unless otherwise provided by the mandatory applicable laws. </li> <li>The Website and these Terms of Use and any legal relations established under it or derived from it, shall be governed by the laws of the Czech Republic. </li> <li>These Terms of Use are valid and effective from May 1, 2020.</li> </ol> </li></ol>",
2736 "content.legal.date": "In Brno on __date__.",
2737 "content.legal.terms.article_1.paragraph_1": "Parties. These Terms & Conditions regulate the legally binding relationship between us,<br>(i) the private limited company\n<a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> s.r.o., Company ID No.: 29352886, with a registered office at Palachovo náměstí 797/4, Starý Lískovec, Post Code 625 00 Brno, the Czech Republic, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Regional Court in Brno, File No. C 74565, Tax ID No. CZ29352886 or (as a mutually exclusive option)<br>(ii) the incorporated company <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a>, Inc., with a registered office at 78 SW 7th\nSt 5th Floor, Miami, Florida, 331 30, United States, provided that You meet following requirements: (i) Your payment of the Full Price for the Booking is made by a credit/debit card branded as a card of Visa, Mastercard or of other supported card brand (scheme) as specified <a href='https://go.kiwi.com/USCardSchemes'>here</a> (if any), issued by US bank/registered issuer and (ii) You make the payment of the Full Price or respective Handling Fee for the Booking in USD currency selected by You as preferred (the “<strong>US Consumer</strong>”)<br>(hereinafter referred to as “<strong>Kiwi.com</strong>”,“<strong>We</strong>”, “<strong>Our</strong>”, “<strong>Us</strong>”),<br> and you as Our customer (hereinafter referred to as “<strong>You</strong>”, “<strong>Your</strong>”, “<strong>Yourself</strong>”);\n(“<strong>You</strong>”, “<strong>Your</strong>” and/or “<strong>Yourself</strong>” can also be used to refer to a passenger to be transported in an airplane or other mean of transportation under the Contract of Carriage).",
2738 "content.legal.terms.article_1.paragraph_2.bullet_1": "<strong>Booking</strong>: means the purchasing process of selected Flight(s) and the actual outcome of this process, which includes the following (i) Your selection of the Flight(s) listed on Our Website (ii) Your selection of one of Our <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fares for the chosen Flight(s) offered on Our Website (iii) eventual selection of offered transport-related services and other Our offers related to Your Booking including Service Packages, (iv) completing the information required in the online form on Our Website, (v) Your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions stated hereunder and Our immediate performance of Services (vi) sending Us the completed online form (vii) and making the payment of the Full Price through the appropriate payment method. The Booking process may be alternatively realized using the means of telephone communication in accordance with Art. 2.9 hereof. By making the Booking, You accept the offer of Our Services. The Booking is completed by Our confirming Our acceptance of Your payment made in accordance with these Art. 1.2.1 (vii) and 3.1 hereof.",
2739 "content.legal.terms.article_1.paragraph_2.bullet_10": "<strong>Selected Carrier</strong>: means the airline or other transportation provider providing the services of carriage by air or the operator of the ground transportation with which You enter into the Contract of Carriage through the use of Our brokerage services. The identity of the Selected Carrier will be made known to You before You enter into the Service Agreement with Us. Your Flight(s) may include the services of two or more Selected Carriers – where this is the case, the term Selected Carrier will be used to mean the airline or other transportation provider carrying You across the corresponding segment of Your route. Please note that the actual operating carrier may differ from the Selected Carrier with which You have entered into the Contract of Carriage and as such, it is Your responsibility to verify the identity of the operating carrier at the place of departure for the relevant route before departure.",
2740 "content.legal.terms.article_1.paragraph_2.bullet_11": "<strong>Service or Services</strong>: means the brokerage services directly related to the carriage of You and Your luggage to a Destination which We provide You in accordance with these Terms & Conditions and the Service Agreement for the pre-arranged and agreed fee, included in the Full Price. Our Services, through which You will be able to conclude the Contract of Carriage in accordance with Art. 1.2.1 hereof with the Selected Carrier, are defined in Art. 2.1 hereof. Beyond the provision of these brokerage Services We provide You with assistant Optional Services in the form of the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee (as defined below) in the case of Flight cancellation, Flight schedule change or Flight Delay as specified in Art. 5 and Art. 6 hereof and Enforcement Services as specified in Art. 6.7 hereof. Please note that Our fee which is included in the Full Price is related solely to the provision of brokerage Services. These assistant Optional Services are provided free of charge under the conditions stipulated herein and the Enforcement Services are provided under the conditions and fees stipulated in Art. 6.7 hereof.",
2741 "content.legal.terms.article_1.paragraph_2.bullet_12": "<strong>Service Agreement</strong>: means the agreement on the provision of the Services concluded between You and Us in accordance with Art. 1.2.1. hereof. The Service Agreement is concluded upon completing Booking as specified in Art. 1.2.1 hereof. The purpose of the Service Agreement is to set forth the contractual relationship between You and Us on the basis of which We will provide You with the Services related to Your Flight(s) to the chosen Destination with a Selected Carrier for the Full Price. These Terms & Conditions form an integral part of every Service Agreement. Additional Service Agreement means the agreement on the provision of the Additional Services concluded between You and Us separately, upon your request received by Us after the Booking completion; the Additional Service Agreement may be concluded by the various means of the distance communication, including telephone communication (see Art. 2.9 hereof). These Terms & Conditions always constitute the integral part of the Service Agreement or the Additional Service Agreement concluded between You and Us (regardless of the means of communication used for the contracting process) and by the conclusion of the respective agreement You agree to be fully bound by them.",
2742 "content.legal.terms.article_1.paragraph_2.bullet_13": "<strong>Customer Support Services</strong>: means Our supporting services consist in the availability of the communication channel via which We shall provide You on Your request with all the information We are obliged under these Terms & Conditions, eventually to accept and communicate about any request by You for the provision of Our Optional Services, or Additional Services, or any other inquiry, request or complaint by You regarding Your Booking, Our Services or Our Website. The default level of provided Customer Support Services and their enhanced levels You may upgrade to by selecting the respective <a href=\"https://www.kiwi.com/\">Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fare (see Art. 4.1, 4.2 hereof) or purchasing the respective Service Package (see Art. 4.5, 4.6 hereof) are specified in Art. 4.6 hereof. Please note that Customer Support Service telephone channel is provided according to the rule of priority of callers. Caller priority categories (Low, Medium, High) dependent on the selected <a href=\"https://www.kiwi.com/\">Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fare (see Art. 4.2 hereof) or the purchased Service Package (see Art. 4.6 hereof) determine the sequence of Our handling of customers' calls, when the calls on the specific telephone line are put into the queue in real-time on the basis of the caller priority category from High, through Medium to Low (with decreasing priority). Within every caller priority category calls are handled on the basis of the registered time the incoming call is registered by Our system (first come, first served principle). Customer Support Service – telephone support channel availability - shall be provided by Us dependent on the selected <a href=\"https://www.kiwi.com/\">Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fare (see Art. 4.2 hereof) or the purchased Service Package (see Art. 4.6 hereof) in two different levels - Basic and Extended - as they are described <a href='https://go.kiwi.com/CSavailability'>here</a>.",
2743 "content.legal.terms.article_1.paragraph_2.bullet_14": "<strong><a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fares</strong>: has the meaning set forth and defined in Art. 4.1 hereof.",
2744 "content.legal.terms.article_1.paragraph_2.bullet_15": "Service Packages has the meaning set forth and defined in Art. 4.5 hereof.",
2745 "content.legal.terms.article_1.paragraph_2.bullet_16": "<strong><a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee</strong>: has the meaning set forth and defined in Art. 5.1 hereof.",
2746 "content.legal.terms.article_1.paragraph_2.bullet_17": "<strong>Terms & Conditions</strong>: means Our terms and conditions stated herein.",
2747 "content.legal.terms.article_1.paragraph_2.bullet_18": "<strong>Throwaway Ticket(s) airline ticket(s)</strong>: means a Booking for a combination of Flights where You do not intend to travel on one of these Flights (and therefore “throw away” that particular Flight ticket), including without limitation where (i) You finish your journey at a place which is not the last airport on the Flight itinerary; or (ii) You purchase a return Flight and travel on the inbound Flight but not the outbound Flight.",
2748 "content.legal.terms.article_1.paragraph_2.bullet_19": "<strong>Website</strong>: means the website located at kiwi.com, including the subdomains for respective markets and/or Our other websites or application on which You can make the Booking. ",
2749 "content.legal.terms.article_1.paragraph_2.bullet_2": "<strong>Contract of Carriage</strong>: means the agreement of carriage and related services concluded between You and the Selected Carrier(s) based on the provisions of Our brokerage services provided upon the Service Agreement in accordance with the provision of Art. 2.13 hereof.",
2750 "content.legal.terms.article_1.paragraph_2.bullet_20": "<strong>Handling Fee</strong>: has the meaning set forth and defined in Art. 2.2 hereof.",
2751 "content.legal.terms.article_1.paragraph_2.bullet_21": "<strong>No Checked Baggage Booking</strong>: means a Booking itinerary of one or more Flight(s) which is specially construed and offered to You under the condition that You cannot have any other baggage than carry-on baggage as defined and limited by each of the Selected Carriers; should You add any check-in baggage to this itinerary We cannot guarantee that Your itinerary will remain unchanged by the Selected Carriers: in this regard We are not responsible for any financial or other obligations to You or the Selected Carriers.",
2752 "content.legal.terms.article_1.paragraph_2.bullet_22": "<strong>Optional Services</strong>: means the free assistance services related to the Flight Disruption which We will provide You under the conditions stipulated herein namely in Art. 5 and 6.",
2753 "content.legal.terms.article_1.paragraph_2.bullet_23": " <strong><a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Credit:</strong> means the untransferable credit with assigned value usable exclusively by You for Your future Bookings with Us, when the value of the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Credit shall be debited from the price (Full Price) for the respective Booking; the use of the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Credit shall be accredited to Your personal credit account accessible via the section of Our Website where You can manage Your Booking(s) and it is tied with Your email provided by You in relation to the respective Booking; awarding, validity and other conditions of the use of the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Credit are subject to the Terms of <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Credits as available <a href='https://go.kiwi.com/CreditsTC'>here</a>, establishing an integral part of these Terms & Conditions.",
2754 "content.legal.terms.article_1.paragraph_2.bullet_3": "<strong>Destination</strong>: means the airport, train station or other selected place You choose from the offers listed on Our Website and which is, according to Your Booking (see Art. 1.2.1 hereof), the last airport, train station or other selected place from the offers listed on Our Website on Your one-way journey. You can order carriage for more than one Destination in a single Booking in the form of Multi-city carriage, further defined in Art. 1.2.8 hereof. The carriage to the Destination can also be arranged for two or more Flight Connections – see Art. 1.2.5 hereof. We reserve the right to change any of the interim destination(s) displayed in Your Booking if it does not affect Your ability to reach Your final Destination, unless You select the interim destination(s) in the form of a Multi-city itinerary.",
2755 "content.legal.terms.article_1.paragraph_2.bullet_4": "<strong>Flight</strong> or <strong>Flights</strong>: means a carriage by air, train, bus or other means of transportation to the Destination via (a) Selected Carrier(s). We display the offered Flight(s) on Our Website together with the information on the departure and arrival airport (train/bus station or other specified location), Flight time duration and the identification of the Selected Carrier(s). The Flight time duration may also include technical stopovers undertaken by the respective operating carrier during the Flight from the departure airport (train/bus station or other specified location) to the arrival airport (train/bus station or other specified location) on one leg of Your journey. ‘<strong>Flight</strong>’ can also be used to mean two or more Flights to carry You to Your Destination.",
2756 "content.legal.terms.article_1.paragraph_2.bullet_5": "<strong>Flight Connection(s)</strong>: means a form of carriage wherein You will need to exit the plane or other mean of transportation at each given airport or other transition place and either change planes or other mean of transportation, or re-board, in order to reach Your Destination. In some cases You may also need to change the Selected Carrier when changing the plane, bus, train or other means of transportation. In case of Flight Connections, We may provide You with the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee under the terms and conditions specified in Art. 5 and 6 hereof.",
2757 "content.legal.terms.article_1.paragraph_2.bullet_6": "<strong>Flight Delay</strong>: means a change in Flight schedule due to which You will not have sufficient time to change planes or other means of transportation for Flight Connection(s). The assessment of a reasonable time limit for changing planes or other means of transportation for Flight Connection(s) will be done individually and in accordance with the specific standard transition times provided by the airport or other place of transition.",
2758 "content.legal.terms.article_1.paragraph_2.bullet_7": "<strong>Full Price</strong>: the price that We charge You for the provision of Our Services and the price for the Flight ticket(s) and other related services (e.g. priority boarding, additional luggage, meal, etc.) You ordered with Us within the Booking. The Full Price is further defined in Art. 3.1 hereof.",
2759 "content.legal.terms.article_1.paragraph_2.bullet_8": "<strong>Multi-city</strong>: means a form of carriage which includes a combination of Flights which pass through one or more interim destination(s), which You have expressly selected within the Booking. Please note that in the event that You have selected one or more interim destination(s) where You will spend less than 24 hours before continuing Your journey, We cannot guarantee that the respective Selected Carrier(s) do not make any changes, or cancellations, to the Flight(s) within Your travel to and/or from this interim destination as listed in Your original itinerary; in which case We are not responsible for any financial or other obligations to You or the Selected Carriers in this regard.",
2760 "content.legal.terms.article_1.paragraph_2.bullet_9": "<strong>Additional Services</strong>: means the services provided by Us related to Your Flight(s) which consist of arranging the services that are offered by the Selected Carrier(s) and/or any other third party, such as preferred meals, checked luggage, preferred seat selection, Flight/passenger’s name change, priority boarding, Flight itinerary cancellation, Flight rebooking, etc. The fee for these services charged by the respective Selected Carrier(s) and/or any other third party is not included in the Full Price, unless You add them during the Booking. If You order Additional Services after the Booking, We will offer You the processing of these services for an additional Handling Fee (as defined below) and under the conditions pre-agreed by You choosing the respective <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fare (as defined below) and/or purchasing the respective Service Package (as specified in Art. 4 hereof); in such case, the Additional Services are provided by Us on the basis of separately concluded Additional Service Agreement (as defined in Art. 1.2.12 hereof).",
2761 "content.legal.terms.article_1.paragraph_2.summary": "Definition of Terms. The terms in <strong>BOLD</strong> listed below, and used throughout these Terms & Conditions refer to the following:",
2762 "content.legal.terms.article_1.paragraph_3": "Complete Information. You must provide Us with complete, accurate and correct information and all data necessary for Our provision of the Services to You (especially the information and data (including personal data) necessary for the conclusion of the Contract of Carriage with (a) Selected Carrier(s), for billing and Flight tickets delivery, etc.), for which You are requested during the Booking or any time before or after. It is Your responsibility to ensure that all the information is correct and updated at the time of the Booking and this information will be in this form valid and complete at the time of Your travel. You must provide Us all the information using Latin script. We are not responsible for any damages, additional costs or any other issues or complications that may arise as a result of Your failure to provide Us with complete, correct and accurate information during the Booking process.",
2763 "content.legal.terms.article_1.paragraph_4": "Intellectual Property. We retain any, and all, rights to Our Website and its content; including software, hardware, products, processes, algorithms, user interfaces, know-how, technologies, designs and other tangible or intangible technical materials or information made available to You by Us throughout the provision of the Services or by using Our Website. Unless expressly set forth herein, no expressed or implied license or right of any kind is granted to You regarding the Services and/or Our Website, or any part thereof, including any right to obtain possession of any source code, data or other technical material relating to Our Website. All rights not expressly granted to You herein are reserved to Us. Any work product, developments, inventions, technology or materials provided by Us under these Terms & Conditions and/or the Service Agreement or while using Our Website or any Services are exclusively owned by Us. You shall not alter and/or decompile the software used by Us for the provision of the Services and operation of Our Website; You shall not make copies of such software. We, in Our sole discretion, may use all comments and suggestions, whether written or oral, provided by You in connection with Your order and use of the Services and or Our Website. Furthermore, all copyrights, trademarks, design rights, database rights, patents and other intellectual property rights (registered and unregistered) in and on Website belongs to Us and/or third parties. We do not grant You the right or license to use any trademark, design right, database right, copyright or any other right regarding the content in or on a Website owned or controlled by Us or any other third party except as expressly provided in these Terms & Conditions.",
2764 "content.legal.terms.article_1.paragraph_5": "Trademarks. The trademarks, logos, and service marks (hereinafter referred to as the 'Trademarks') displayed on the Website are registered and unregistered Trademarks of their respective owners. All Trademarks related to the operating airlines, railway companies and other third-party providers that are displayed on the Website belong to their respective owners and We use these Trademarks solely for Your convenience. Nothing contained on this Website should be construed as Our pretension to these third-party Trademarks or as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any Trademark displayed on the Website without the express written permission of its respective owner. Your misuse of the Trademarks displayed on the Website, or any other content on the Website, is strictly prohibited. You must ensure that Your use of the third-party content (Trademarks, logos, watermarks and other registered details) complies with all applicable laws and the intellectual property and other rights of the relevant third-party provider. You acknowledge and agree that the third-party content and all intellectual property rights subsisting in third-party content will remain the property of the relevant third-party provider. No part of the third-party content may be modified, duplicated, published, uploaded, distributed, translated, adapted, marketed or used, without the prior written consent of the relevant third-party provider.",
2765 "content.legal.terms.article_1.title": "Article 1. General Provisions and Definition of Terms",
2766 "content.legal.terms.article_10.paragraph_1": "<ol> <li> In some cases with Flight Connections, or carriage to the Destination and back, the carriage to the Destination is arranged so that You receive the relevant one-way ticket (or tickets) for each part of Your route, i.e. each Flight en route to Your Destination (or back from Your Destination). If this is the case, please be aware that: <ol> <li> each Flight may be subject to different rules, especially if operated by a different Selected Carrier; </li> <li> when changing planes or other means of transportation, You need to collect Your luggage and have to personally check it in for the next Flight; if You do not use a transfer/transit Flight but a separate one-way Flight, they are sometimes operated by a different Selected Carrier. </li> <li> once in the airport or other transition place it is Your responsibility to ensure that You catch the relevant Flight Connection based on all information available at the airport or train/bus station concerning gate changes, terminals, transit time to gates etc. We are not responsible for any issues arising from You missing a Flight Connection and/or taking an incorrect flight. </li> </ol> </li> </ol>",
2767 "content.legal.terms.article_10.title": "Article 10. Flight Connection(s) Arrangement",
2768 "content.legal.terms.article_11.paragraph_1": "We make available a limited number of Throwaway Tickets on the Website. Where We do so, We will make this clear to You.",
2769 "content.legal.terms.article_11.paragraph_2": "You should be aware that certain Selected Carriers seek to prevent the sale and/or use of Throwaway Tickets and impose restrictions and measures in their Contracts of Carriage concerning Throwaway Tickets. If You intend to purchase a Throwaway Ticket, We recommend that You check the Contracts of Carriage of the relevant Selected Carriers before making the Booking",
2770 "content.legal.terms.article_11.paragraph_3": "We may provide You with the below-specified assistance in situations when a legal claim is brought against You by the Selected Carrier in relation to Your Booking due to the alleged breach of the Selected Carrier's contractual clauses which are considered as unbalanced, disproportionate and/or abusive. These conditions include, among others, those directed against using Throwaway Tickets. We believe that these and similar contractual clauses are disproportionate and thus do not enjoy legal protection. If the Selected Carrier brings a lawsuit against You claiming a breach of these contractual clauses, We may elect to:\n<ol>\n <li> reimburse You the costs of Your legal expenses related to such legal proceedings; or </li>\n <li> assist You in the legal proceedings and provide You with the aid of Our legal advisors who are experienced with claims of this nature; or </li>\n <li> reimburse You the amount claimed by the Selected Carrier in relation to the alleged breach of its contractual clauses. </li>\n</ol>\nWe have discretion to determine both whether We provide any assistance to You under this Art. 11.3 and, if We elect to provide You with the above-specified assistance, the scope and method of any such assistance. <br> In order that We may be in a position to determine whether We potentially provide You with the above-specified assistance, We need You to contact Us immediately after You are contacted by the Selected Carrier when they claim such a breach. And You must provide Us with all the relevant information and necessary cooperation so that We are able to determine whether We provide You with any potential assistance and notify You of this both in a timely and accurate manner.",
2771 "content.legal.terms.article_11.title": "Article 11. Throwaway Tickets",
2772 "content.legal.terms.article_13.paragraph_1": "Visas. We are under no obligation to advise You to obtain visas nor assist You in obtaining visas or obtain visas for You to the destinations that You will visit and/or pass through en route to Your Destination. However, We do generally advise You that some of the destinations may require a visa from You and that it is Your responsibility to obtain the required visas early enough, and at Your own expense. Please note that when using Flight Connections You may be required to obtain transit visas even in order to check in for the connecting Flight.",
2773 "content.legal.terms.article_13.paragraph_2": "Severability. If any of the provisions of the Service Agreement is found to be invalid or ineffective, the other remaining provisions shall remain fully valid and effective to the extent that they are not dependent on such an invalid or ineffective provision. In such an event, any invalid or ineffective provision shall be replaced with a new, valid and effective one which corresponds to the intent and purpose of the provision that is being replaced.",
2774 "content.legal.terms.article_13.paragraph_3": "Governing Law. The Service Agreement and any legal relations established under it or derived from it, including issues of its formation and validity, shall be governed by the laws of the Czech Republic with the exclusion of any rules on conflict of laws.",
2775 "content.legal.terms.article_13.paragraph_4": "Personal Data Processing. Our processing and protection of personal data, that You provided to Us, as a natural person in accordance herewith, is governed by Our Privacy Policy, which is available online on Our Website. The Privacy Policy forms an inseparable part of these Terms & Conditions and You are obliged always to read Our Privacy Policy before accepting these Terms & Conditions. By accepting these Terms & Conditions You also confirm that You have read and understood Our Privacy Policy.",
2776 "content.legal.terms.article_13.paragraph_5": "Force majeure. In case We are prevented, delayed or hindered from commercially reasonable fulfillment of any of Our contractual or other obligations towards You, due to reasons of force majeure, including, but not limited to factual, technical, political, economic, meteorological circumstances, including but not limited to Acts of God, natural disasters, epidemic, wars, civil conflicts, protests, riots, blackouts, strikes, any governmental or regulatory action, outage or restrictions of supplies of goods or services, restrictive travel orders and recommendations and other circumstances that <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> cannot reasonably resolve, either or not foreseeable by Us, We are exempt from any derived legal responsibilities arising from such deficiencies or non-compliances related to the effect of force majeure.",
2777 "content.legal.terms.article_13.paragraph_6": "Amendments. We reserve the right to amend these Terms & Conditions at any time, and without prior consultation with Our customers. These Terms & Conditions are valid and effective from the time when You send Us a completed online order form via Our Website and will apply to the respective Service Agreement. Please be advised that these Terms & Conditions may have changed by the time You choose to use Our Services again, and You should read them carefully before requesting any order of Our Services. All versions of Our Terms & Conditions are available and downloadable on Our Website. ",
2778 "content.legal.terms.article_13.paragraph_7": "Applicability. These Terms & Conditions shall apply to all Service Agreements concluded since __date__.",
2779 "content.legal.terms.article_13.paragraph_8": "Fraudulent Transaction Protection. To ensure the high standard of Our Services and to protect against fraudulent transactions, We reserve the right to perform checks (verification) of payment cards. For this reason, We may request Your cooperation to verify the identity of the payment card holder. Until successful verification, Our obligation of immediate commencement of the provision of Our Services is suspended. In this event Your funds will be blocked at the bank and therefore We will not withdraw them. The time that it will take to verify a payment card is not included in the period within which We undertake to broker a Contract of Carriage for You in accordance with Art. 2.16 hereof.",
2780 "content.legal.terms.article_13.paragraph_9": "Information about the Full Price is provided as final and binding with the exception of an apparent error in the amount of the Full Price; in these cases of apparent errors in the Full Price, we are entitled to unilaterally withdraw from the Service Agreement without further notice.",
2781 "content.legal.terms.article_13.title": "Article 12. Administrative Formalities/Governing Laws/Amendments/Fraud",
2782 "content.legal.terms.article_14.paragraph_1": "Discharge by Performance. Your obligations and Our obligations under the Service Agreement will be discharged, and the Service Agreement performed, when You pay the Full Price in accordance with Art. 3.1 hereof and We provide the Services to You. ",
2783 "content.legal.terms.article_14.paragraph_2": "Extinguishment by Default. If We fail to broker the Contract of Carriage for You in accordance with Art. 2.16 hereof within 48 hours after We accept Your payment of the Full Price, We will contact You. We will try to offer You an alternate solution, or You or We may withdraw from the Service Agreement. If You or We withdraw from the Service Agreement, You will be entitled to a refund of the Full Price in accordance with Art. 6.5 hereof. If We agree on an alternate Flight or another combination of Flights to Your Destination and/or on a different pricing of any original Flight(s), the Full Price may change. You and We will settle the price difference between the original Full Price and the new Full Price. Such price differences will be payable by You to Us or vice versa based on Our calculation provided to You.",
2784 "content.legal.terms.article_14.title": "Article 13. Discharge / Extinguishment of Obligations",
2785 "content.legal.terms.article_15.paragraph_1": "We are not liable for any damage, harm or loss arising out of any actions or omissions of a Selected Carrier or other third parties in connection with carriage to the Destination. Nor are We liable for any damage, harm or loss arising out of Your actions or omissions that are contrary to these Terms & Conditions.",
2786 "content.legal.terms.article_15.title": "Article 14. Liability for Damage",
2787 "content.legal.terms.article_16.paragraph_1": "In cases of disputes with Kiwi.com s.r.o. the courts of the Czech Republic shall have complete jurisdiction over all disputes arising between You and Us, unless provided by the mandatory applicable laws otherwise.",
2788 "content.legal.terms.article_16.paragraph_2": "According to EU legislation all consumers residing in EU countries are, prior to filing any legal action with a court, pursuant to Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection, as amended, entitled to commence out-of-court settlement of their dispute with Us, provided that any such dispute between an EU consumer and Us has not been successfully settled directly. The institution in charge of out-of-court settlements for EU consumer disputes with Our company is the Czech Trade Inspection Authority (<a href='https://www.coi.cz/'>coi.cz</a>). More information on out-of-court settlements of consumer disputes may be found here (<a href='https://evropskyspotrebitel.cz/how-to-submit-your-complaint/'>https://evropskyspotrebitel.cz/how-to-submit-your-complaint/</a>).",
2789 "content.legal.terms.article_16.paragraph_3": "Pursuant to EU Regulation No. 524/2013, EU consumers are also entitled to commence the out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes on-line through the ODR platform for the online resolution of consumer disputes accessible at (<a href='http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/'>ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr).</a>",
2790 "content.legal.terms.article_16.paragraph_4": "Prior to the commencement of any of the above methods of dispute resolution, You are advised to contact Us through Our contact form available at: <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/content/feedback'>Kiwi.com/content/feedback</a> to resolve any of Your complaints or suggestions. ",
2791 "content.legal.terms.article_16.paragraph_5": "<a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a>, Inc. is registered with the:<ul> <li> State of California as a Seller of Travel, Registration Number CST 2130807. </li> <li> State of Washington as a Seller of Travel, Registration Number 604456736 001 0001. </li> <li> State of Iowa as a Seller of Travel. </li> <li>State of Florida as a Seller of Travel, Registration Number ST 42135.</li> </ul>",
2792 "content.legal.terms.article_16.paragraph_6": "<strong>US dispute resolution — mandatory arbitration.</strong> Where applicable, at all times for claims arising out the United States in relation to US Consumers contracting with Kiwi.com, Inc., any claim, dispute, or controversy arising out of or in connection with or relating to the Service Agreement or Additional Service Agreement or the breach or alleged breach thereof the following terms shall apply:\n<ol>\n<li>You and We agree to present all claims, disputes, and controversy in good faith to one another, giving each party enough time to evaluate the claim and respond accordingly, before commencing any arbitration or court proceedings;\n</li>\n<li>You and We agree that all claims (contractual and extra-contractual) may be resolved within 60 days of your notice to Us, and claims that are not resolved within that timeframe can be resolved through mandatory arbitration as described below.</li>\n<li>THE CLAIMS, DISPUTES, AND CONTROVERSIES NOT RESOLVED UNDER ART. 15.6, LETTER A. AND B. HEREOF WILL BE SUBMITTED BY EITHER YOU OR US TO BINDING ARBITRATION IN THE COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE, STATE OF FLORIDA, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA UNDER THE COMMERCIAL RULES THEN IN EFFECT FOR THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION (AAA), EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN. THE PARTIES HEREBY SUBMIT TO THE JURISDICTION OF AND WAIVE ANY VENUE OBJECTIONS AGAINST SUCH TRIBUNAL. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the notice of intent to arbitrate, the Parties shall agree on the appointment of the single arbitrator. If no arbitrator is appointed by the Parties within the times herein provided, or any extension of time which is mutually agreed upon, AAA will make such appointment upon the request of either You or Us within thirty (30) days of such request from the AAA National Roster of Arbitrators (Commercial Panel). The award rendered by the single arbitrator will include costs of arbitration, reasonable attorneys' fees, and reasonable costs for expert and other witnesses, and judgment on such award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Nothing stated here is deemed to be preventing either party from seeking injunctive relief with the relevant court having jurisdiction over the parties and the matter of dispute. The single arbitrator, and not any federal, state, or local court or agency, shall have exclusive authority to resolve any dispute relating to the interpretation, applicability, enforceability, or formation of the Service Agreement or Additional Service Agreement including, but not limited to, any claim that all or any part of this agreements are void or voidable. This Agreement to arbitrate is governed by the Federal Arbitration Act, not state law. Once a demand for arbitration is made, any court proceeding regarding the same dispute is to be stayed pending the outcome of the arbitration.</li>\n<li><strong>Opting out of mandatory arbitration.</strong> YOU MAY CHOOSE TO OPT OUT OF ARBITRATION AND PURSUE YOUR CLAIM(S) IN COURT BY NOTIFYING US OF YOUR INTENT TO DO SO WITHIN 30 DAYS FROM THE DATE YOU AND WE CONCLUDED THE SERVICE AGREEMENT (the \"Opt Out Deadline\"). You may opt out of these arbitration procedures by sending an email with your name, booking number, and travel dates via email to cslegal@kiwi.com. IF YOU WISH TO DO SO, YOU MUST OPT OUT OF ARBITRATION FOR EACH BOOKING MADE WITH US. If you do not inform Us of your intent to opt out in the manner described above by the “Opt Out Deadline\", you will be unable to pursue a claim(s) against Us in court.</li>\n</ol>",
2793 "content.legal.terms.article_16.paragraph_7": "<strong>Class Action Waiver.</strong> YOU AND WE, EACH AGREE THAT ANY PROCEEDINGS, WHETHER IN ARBITRATION OR COURT, WILL BE CONDUCTED ONLY ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS AND NOT AS A CLASS, REPRESENTATIVE, OR CONSOLIDATED ACTION. If a court or arbitrator determines in an action between You and Us that any part of this Class Action Waiver is unenforceable with respect to any claim, the arbitration agreement and Class Action Waiver will not apply to that claim, but they will still apply to any and all other claims that you or we may assert in that or any other action.<br>IF YOU OPT OUT OF THE ARBITRATION PROVISION BY NOTIFYING US AS SPECIFIED in Art. 15.6, Letter d. hereof, THIS CLASS ACTION WAIVER PROVISION WILL NOT APPLY TO YOU. Neither you, nor any other customer, can be a class representative, class member, or otherwise participate in a class, consolidated, or representative proceeding without having complied with the opt out requirements in Art. 16.6, Letter d. hereof.",
2794 "content.legal.terms.article_16.paragraph_8": "<strong>Jury Trial Waiver.</strong> YOU AND WE, EACH WAIVE ANY RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL even for claims resolved in court.",
2795 "content.legal.terms.article_16.title": "Article 15. Dispute Resolution",
2796 "content.legal.terms.article_2.paragraph_1": "Service Description. Our Services shall consist, subject to warranties and representations as set forth in Art. 7 and 8 hereof, of the following: <ol> <li> Displaying the offered Flights and their combinations on Our Website; utilizing Our algorithms and other data to provide You with a selection of tailored travel itineraries on Our Website which enables You to assess and manage the risk of missed transportation connections and related disruptions to travel plans; </li> <li> Brokerage of the Contract of Carriage between You and the Selected Carrier; </li> <li> Delivery of the Flight tickets (itinerary) for the selected Flight(s), which You have purchased in accordance with Art. 1.2.1 hereof, as a result of the Booking, to You in accordance with Art. 2.18 hereof; and </li> <li> Performance of online check-in (in the event that it is available, what is indicated in Your e-ticket) with regard to the respective Flight(s) within Your Booking.</li> </ol> Beyond the provision of the previously described Services We provide You with (i) Our Optional services in the form of the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee in case of Flight cancellation, Flight schedule change or Flight Delay as specified in Art. 5 and Art. 6 hereof and (ii) Enforcement Services as specified in Art. 6.7 hereof.",
2797 "content.legal.terms.article_2.paragraph_10": "Code of Conduct. Throughout the provision of Our Services, We always comply with all applicable laws and regulations and Our internal principles of customer satisfaction and rules for personal data protection. We choose not to make these internal rules and principles public.",
2798 "content.legal.terms.article_2.paragraph_11": "Quoted Prices. The prices quoted on Our Website include the base fare to the Destination, the airport charges, fuel charges, VAT and fee for Our Services. All these components of the quoted price are displayed as a single Full Price. However, given the character of Our Services, Our prices cannot include any extra fees charged by the Selected Carrier, or any other third party in connection with the carriage to the Destination. (For more information please see Art. 3.1 hereof).",
2799 "content.legal.terms.article_2.paragraph_12": "Territorial Limitations. There are no territorial limitations on the provision of Our Services unless stated otherwise explicitly. Please note that We do not provide Our Services in relation to the territory of the Republic of Cuba.",
2800 "content.legal.terms.article_2.paragraph_13": "Service Agreement conclusion. By concluding the Service Agreement We undertake to perform Our obligations related to the provision of the Services under these Terms & Conditions and You undertake to pay Us the Full Price in accordance with Art. 3.1 hereof. By completing a Booking, You enter into the Service Agreement with Us. You also authorize Us to use Your personal details (especially Your first name and surname) for the purpose of the creation of a “virtual credit card”, which will be issued solely for the purposes of financial settlement with the Selected Carrier(s).",
2801 "content.legal.terms.article_2.paragraph_14": "Change or cancellation of the Flight(s). We reserve the right to change or cancel any Flights and/or intermediary airport that We offered to You if a Selected Carrier’s offer changes; especially if the change concerns the features of the Flight tickets You have selected, namely when the price of Your selected Flight(s) increases between the moment We accept Your Booking and the moment We complete the reservation processing. If during the provision of Our Services, the conditions of carriage are changed by a Selected Carrier in the aforementioned manner, We will notify You accordingly in a reasonable manner and make every effort to offer You reasonable alternate carriage options and proceed in accordance with the provision of Art. 13.2 hereof.",
2802 "content.legal.terms.article_2.paragraph_15": "Immediate Performance of the (Additional) Service Agreement and 14-Day No-Withdrawal Period. Given the character of Our Services, Additional Services and Service Packages, which We will start providing immediately after the conclusion of the respective agreement with You, i.e. before the expiration of the 14-day withdrawal period according to EU legislation, You shall not withdraw from the agreement on these services within a 14-day period after its conclusion, or at any time thereafter, even if You are a consumer resident of an EU member state to whom this right generally applies. Your order of these services made via conclusion of the respective agreement between You and Us will be considered as Your request for and the explicit consent with the immediate provision of Our Services, Additional Services and Service Packages. This information is provided in accordance with Arts. 6.1 k) and 16 a) of the Directive 2011/83/EU. This provision of Art. 2.15 hereof does not affect the possibility of withdrawal from the Service Agreement under the conditions stipulated in Art. 13.2 hereof.",
2803 "content.legal.terms.article_2.paragraph_16": "Brokerage of the Contract of Carriage. We are responsible primarily for brokering the Contract of Carriage between You and a Selected Carrier. By making a Booking, You instruct Us to broker a Contract of Carriage between You and a Selected Carrier. The content of any such Contract of Carriage will be determined by Your selection of the Destination and other Flight attributes on Our Website and the Selected Carrier’s conditions of carriage; shall be some Flight attribute not specified entirely by your selection, You agree and authorize Us to broker the respective Contract of Carriage under Our discretion regarding those attributes considering the offers available to Us, including using the offers of the Selected Carriers not publically available and/or preferring the available offers with the lowest price as offered by the Selected Carrier while the scope of the related rights and level of the service may be limited to the most restrictive extent offered by the Selected Carrier, however, always complying with Your selection of the Flight attributes (e.g. we may book a lowest fare/class available). A brokered Contract of Carriage can be applied to the carriage of more than one person and/or a person(s) other than Yourself; however, the Contract of Carriage is always concluded between You (as the person making the Booking) and the Selected Carrier. The price for the carriage services provided under the Contract of Carriage brokered by Us with the Selected Carrier(s) is included in the Full Price (Art. 3.1 hereof) and if not specifically ordered during the Booking it does not cover any extra services provided by the Selected Carrier in connection with the carriage to the Destination. Subject to the limitations of Art. 2.15 and 13.2 hereof, We must broker the Contract of Carriage for You without undue delay after Our acceptance of the payment of the Full Price by You in accordance with Art. 1.2.1 hereof and for this purpose You are entitling Us, in this respect, to act on Your behalf with the Selected Carrier(s). On average We broker Contract(s) of Carriage within 30 minutes unless explicitly stated otherwise. Please note that the Service Agreement between You and Us and the Contract of Carriage between You and the Selected Carrier(s) are two separate agreements.",
2804 "content.legal.terms.article_2.paragraph_17": "Power of Attorney. If the Service(s) and/or Additional Service(s) is/are only provided to You on the basis of a power of attorney, You, by entering into the respective Service Agreement or Additional Service Agreement with Us, appoint Us as Your attorney-in-fact and grant Us all such powers to represent You in the extent necessary for the provision of all Services (including the Optional Services) and/or Additional Services by Us. If a written power of attorney is required, You must undertake to provide it to Us upon Our request.",
2805 "content.legal.terms.article_2.paragraph_18": "Flight Ticket Delivery. We will send You Our e-ticket(s) with the necessary information for each respective Flight purchased from the Selected Carrier to Your email box at the email address that You entered in the online order form during the Booking on Our Website. It is necessary that You enter Your email address in the correct and unabbreviated form. We are not liable for the faulty delivery or non-delivery of e-ticket(s) for a Flight, if caused by circumstances on Your part such as entering an incorrect email address or incorrect email settings. You must notify Us without undue delay of any changes to Your contact information that may affect Our ability to deliver the ordered Flight e-ticket(s) to You. Please be reminded that We do not deliver Flight e-ticket(s) in paper form; please print out the Flight e-ticket(s), boarding pass(es), visa(s), and a copy of Your passport and/or other travel documents required by the Selected Carrier(s) and/or relevant authorities and bring them with You to the airport, bus or train station or other departure location.",
2806 "content.legal.terms.article_2.paragraph_19": "Legal Capacity. By conclusion of the Service Agreement or Additional Service Agreement, You express and represent to Us that You have the necessary legal capacity to enter into and be bound by these Terms & Conditions and that You are familiar with the terms & conditions of each of the respective Selected Carriers; namely their terms regarding potential withdrawal from or termination of the Contract of Carriage, voluntary and involuntary cancellation and change of the Flight(s), and/or any other changes related to the Flight(s).",
2807 "content.legal.terms.article_2.paragraph_2": "Additional Services. Please note that Our Services provided to You on the basis of the Booking do not include the Additional Services, unless stated otherwise, and in relation to these Additional Services We shall agree with You separately, concluding the Additional Service Agreement, only for a fee and under the conditions pre-agreed by You choosing the respective <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fare and/or Service Package during the Booking procedure, aside from the Service agreement concluded on the basis of Your initial Booking. The Additional Service Agreement and the agreement for the services order by You with the respective Selected Carrier or any other third-party service provider are two separate legal contracts constituting the mutually independent relationships, and We do not bear any liability for the provision of the respective service. Please note that the Additional Services may also be subject to additional charges You will be obliged to pay, imposed by the Selected Carriers or any other third parties processing Your request for services brokered by Us within the provision of the Additional Services, and You will be acquainted with the amount of these additional charges prior to Your ultimate purchase of the respective Additional Service. Additional Services in the form of arranging voluntary Flight(s) alteration, change, cancellation, processing of the refunds of any kind with the Selected Carrier and/or processing of any other of Your requests regarding Your Booking are charged by Our additional handling fee as specified in the conditions of the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a>Ticket Fare and/or the Service Package selected or purchased by You in compliance with Art. 4 hereof, unless specified otherwise prior to Your ultimate purchase of the Additional Service (hereinafter referred to as the “<strong>Handling Fee</strong>”). The Handling Fee will be charged separately or will be set off against the refund of the Flight price and/or other refunds from the Selected Carrier(s) (see Art. 4.3.4 hereof).",
2808 "content.legal.terms.article_2.paragraph_3": "Please be informed that the Handling Fee stipulated herein does not apply in a case of Flight cancellation and/or a request for a refund made in relation to the provision of the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee. Please note that We will not assist You in relation to the processing of Additional Services within the last 48 hours prior to the departure of Your first Flight in Your itinerary, or any time thereafter, as We are unable to arrange the processing of Your request within this time period; the conditions of the respective <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fare as specified in Art. 4 hereof may set out the different specific rule regarding Our provision of Additional Services consisting in the voluntary cancellation of Flight itinerary and processing the related refund request or rebooking of Flights, that shall prevail over the provisions of this Article in case of any discrepancy.",
2809 "content.legal.terms.article_2.paragraph_4": "Means of Distance Communication and Costs. We will not charge You any extra costs in addition to the Full Price for the use of means of distance communication that We use in order to communicate, negotiate and enter into the Service Agreement with You, i.e. there are no service charges for Our communication with You via the internet or over the telephone, unless You use the extra-charged priority telephone line after You have been acquainted in a comprehensible manner with the specific amount of the call costs charged in this respect in addition to standard rates of Your phone provider. The overall fees relating to all communications with Us are dependent on Your phone or internet provider; We are not liable for any costs incurred and We will not reimburse You for these costs. Given this, You should request the account holder’s permission beforehand. Please note that phone calls between Us and You may be monitored, recorded and stored. For more information please refer to Our Privacy Policy.",
2810 "content.legal.terms.article_2.paragraph_5": "Supervisory Authorities. The authorities that supervise Our business activities and to whom You can address complaints are the Czech Trade Inspection Authority [Česká obchodní inspekce], the competent Trade Licensing Office [živnostenský úřad], the Office for Personal Data Protection [Úřad na ochranu osobních údajů], the Office for the Protection of Competition [Úřad pro ochranu hospodářské soutěže]. In the EU it is possible to address Your complaints to the European Consumer Centre Czech Republic (<a href='https://www.evropskyspotrebitel.cz/en/'>evropskyspotrebitel.cz/en/</a>). If you are a US consumer, You may address Your complaint to the competent state authority of Your residence or citizenship, including to authorities supervising Us as a licensed Seller of Travel (see Art. 15.5 hereof).",
2811 "content.legal.terms.article_2.paragraph_6": "Service Agreement and Contract of Carriage as two separate legal relationships. You should note that by the completion of the Booking, You enter into (i) the Service Agreement concluded with Us as a separated agreement from (ii) the Contract of Carriage for air, train, bus or other transportation to be concluded with the Selected Carrier(s) using Our intermediary Services in accordance with these Terms & Conditions. These two legal relationships are mutually independent, concluded with different parties, (i) You and Us on the one hand and (ii) You and the Selected Carrier on the other, and as such these relationships are regulated by different rules, terms and conditions and usually are governed by different legal orders. Please always be aware that We are not the provider of air, train, bus or other transportation services and Your contractual rights and obligations stemming from the Contract of Carriage must be performed in relation to the Selected Carrier(s). The circumstances under which You may withdraw from and/or amend the Service Agreement are explicitly stated in these Terms & Conditions (regarding the withdrawal right, please see Art. 13.2 hereof). Please note that the stipulation of Art. 2.15, regarding exemption from the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days of its conclusion, in accordance with the applicable EU regulation, applies to the Service Agreement concluded between You and Us. In relation to the potential withdrawal from the Contract of Carriage concluded with the Selected Carrier, the terms & conditions of each of the respective Selected Carriers shall apply.",
2812 "content.legal.terms.article_2.paragraph_7": "Proof of conclusion of the (Additional) Service Agreement. In accordance with the EU Directive (2000/31/EC) on eCommerce and its national transpositions, as applicable, please be informed that (i) the confirmation e-mail of Your Booking is the proof of the conclusion of the Service Agreement between You and Us; and (ii) the confirmation e-mail of the Additional Services ordered after the Booking is the proof of the conclusion of the Additional Service Agreement between You and Us.",
2813 "content.legal.terms.article_2.paragraph_8": "Language of the Service Agreement. The Service Agreement is executed in the language selected by You, e.g. on Our Website, throughout the Booking. However please note that only the English version of the Terms & Conditions stated herein is legally binding. Translations have been provided purely for user convenience. In the event of any discrepancy between a translation and the English master of the Terms & Conditions stated herein, the English master shall prevail.",
2814 "content.legal.terms.article_2.paragraph_9": "Technical Steps to enter into the (Additional) Service Agreement with Us / Data Correction. Our Website contains an interactive web interface through the use of which the Service Agreement between You and Us is concluded by completing and sending Us the online order form and Our confirmation of the acceptance of Your online payments in accordance with Art. 1.2.1 hereof. Before sending the online order form, You are able to check, change and correct any data You have entered. The Service Agreement or the Additional Service Agreement may also be concluded via telephone communication between You and Us. The respective agreement shall be concluded on the basis of Your explicit and binding offer to conclude the Service Agreement or Additional Service Agreement addressed and communicated to Us via telephone. Terms of the respective agreement, including the terms of the respective Kiwi.com Ticket Fare (as specified in Art. 4 hereof) and/or the respective Service Package (as specified in Art. 4 hereof) chosen by You (if applicable) shall be specified and mutually approved before submitting Your binding offer. You shall be informed about the applicable terms of the respective agreement sufficiently in advance together with all information We are obliged to provide You with before its final conclusion or Your binding offer for its conclusion. The Service Agreement or the Additional Service Agreement negotiated via telephone is concluded by Our confirmation of Our acceptance of Your payment made in accordance with Art. 2.2 or Art. 3.1 hereof. The conclusion of the Service Agreement via telephone qualifies as Booking under these Terms & Conditions. Throughout the whole phone call, You are able to ask for confirmation of, change, and correct any data You have provided to Us for the purposes of the conclusion of the respective agreement.",
2815 "content.legal.terms.article_2.subtitle": "In order to remain in full compliance with all applicable national laws and regulations of the European Union, by this Art. 2 hereof We provide You with all the mandatory information before entering into the Service Agreement:",
2816 "content.legal.terms.article_2.title": "Article 2. Service Agreement",
2817 "content.legal.terms.article_3.paragraph_1": "Full Price. The Full Price that is displayed on Our Website is the final price for the Flight ticket(s) and it includes the base fare to the Destination, the airport charges, fuel charges, VAT and price of Our Services. Provided You add them during the Booking, Full Price includes also other fees, charges or payments for services related to Your carriage under the Contract of Carriage, which are provided by the Selected Carrier(s) and/or third parties, such as priority boarding, additional luggage, meal, etc. However, it does not include other fees, charges or payments for Our Additional Services (Handling Fees), tourist taxes, banking fees, visa fees, airport transfer fees etc. You must pay the Full Price with a payment card or by another online payment method offered on Our Website by entering the required data in the relevant online form. Until We receive the payment of the Full Price from You and confirm its acceptance to You, We are not obliged to commence the provision of any Service(s). You explicitly agree and authorize Us to use the payment details You provide to Us for the purposes of Your payment under these Terms & Conditions for the execution of the payment(s) of the base fares of Flight(s) tickets and prices of other carriage-related services included in Your Booking directly to the particular Selected Carrier(s) or service provider(s). Please note that based on Your choice of the payment method by specific type of the payment card, We may charge You with additional payment surcharge; You will be always notified about this specific surcharge and its amount before the Your final confirmation of the payment and You will be provided with option to select a different, free-of-charge payment method.",
2818 "content.legal.terms.article_3.paragraph_2": "Price change. Please note that in case the price of the Flight ticket(s) changes any time after You make Your Booking with Us, namely when the price becomes lower, We are not obligated to provide You with any kind of a refund, because We booked Your Flight(s) and processed the respective payment(s) for the price valid at the time of Your Booking and We are unable to make any further changes in this regard.",
2819 "content.legal.terms.article_3.paragraph_3": "Set-off. In case Your itinerary is changed due to Your application of the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee (hereinafter referred as “<strong>Itinerary Change</strong>”), You hereby assign Us, as a prerequisite for processing Your application for the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee, any refunds which shall be provided by the respective Selected Carrier(s) to Our account. These collected refunds shall be used to reimburse Us for the price paid for an alternate Flight(s) or refunds provided to You in relation to the Itinerary Change.",
2820 "content.legal.terms.article_3.title": "Article 3. Fees, Costs and Charges",
2821 "content.legal.terms.article_4.paragraph_1": "<a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fares and their selection. As the prerequisite of the completion of the Booking and the execution of the Service Agreement between You and Us, You shall be offered within Booking procedure to select one of the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a>Ticket Fares offered by Us. Each <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a>Ticket Fare represents the specific set of binding terms and conditions under which we shall provide You with (i) Customer Support Services; (ii) Additional Services consisting in Our brokerage of Flight cancellations and processing of the related refunds and Our brokerage of Flight changes / rebookings (hereinafter the “<strong>Specific Additional Services</strong>”) (iii) other Additional Services (hereinafter the “<strong>Standard Additional Services</strong>”); . Please note that: <ol> <li> the different consideration for the selected <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fare will be included in the fee for Our Services as part of the Full Price as will be clearly expressed to You prior to Your ultimate selection of the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fare. </li> <li> by the selection of the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fare our mutual rights and obligations under the Service Agreement are not affected in any way. </li> <li> by the selection of the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fare our mutual rights and obligations under Art. 5 and 6 hereof in relation to the provision the Optional Services, including <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee, are not affected in any way. </li> <li> You are not able to change Your selection of the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fare after You complete Your Booking; however, You may purchase the Service Package with more favorable terms and conditions regarding Our Customer Support Services or Standard Additional Services; please always take into consideration that We are not able to provide You with Standard Additional Services upon Your request made less than 48 hours prior to the departure of Your first Flight in Your itinerary (see Art. 2.3 hereof). </li> <li> the terms and conditions of Our provisions of Specific Additional Services are unchangeable after the completion of Your Booking and there is no possibility to diverge from them. </li> <li> We reserve the right to provide You (under Our sole discretion) only to Your benefit with more favorable terms and conditions of Our provisions of Specific Additional Services than outlined herein and You will be acquainted with such beneficial terms and conditions during the Booking procedure or at any time afterwards. </li> <li> We reserve the right not to provide You with offer of the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fares within the Booking procedure and in such case (i) We will provide You with the level of the Customer Support Service equal to one provided under the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Saver Ticket Fare (see Art. 4.2 hereof), unless You purchase any Service Package offered to You (see Art. 4.5 hereof) within the Booking procedure; (ii) the conditions of Our provisions of Additional Services (including a respective Handling Fee, otherwise the general Handling Fee in the amount of €20 [twenty euro] shall apply) will be disclosed to You upon Your specific request in advance; (iii) We shall commence with a provision of any of Our Additional Services only on the basis of Your subsequent explicit consent/order. Please be aware that the specific provisions of Art. 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 hereof shall not apply in such cases and the general provisions of these Terms & Conditions (e.g. see Art. 2.2, 2.3 hereof) including the exemption from a provision of any Additional Services within the last 48 hours prior to the departure of Your first Flight in Your itinerary (see Art. 2.3 hereof) shall apply instead. </li> </ol>",
2822 "content.legal.terms.article_4.paragraph_2": "<a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fares – specific terms and conditions. You may choose one of the following <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fares:<table class='context-legal-table'> <tr> <th>Kiwi.com Ticket Fares:</th> <th>Saver</th> <th>Standard</th> <th>Flexi</th> </tr> <tr> <td>The Service Package included (see below)</td> <td>NONE</td> <td>PLUS SERVICES</td> <td>PREMIUM SERVICES</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Handling Fee for Standard Additional Services</td> <td>€30 (thirty Euros) per every request for any Standard Additional Service per Booking</td> <td>€10 (ten Euros) per every request for any Standard Additional Service per Booking</td> <td>NO HANDLING FEE</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Customer Support Service – telephone support channel availability (see Art. 1.2.13 hereof)</td> <td>BASIC</td> <td>EXTENDED</td> <td>EXTENDED</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Customer Support Service - caller priority (see Art. 1.2.13 hereof)</td> <td>Low</td> <td>Medium</td> <td>High</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Customer Support Service – email support channel availability</td> <td>NO</td> <td>YES</td> <td>YES</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Specific Additional Services – voluntary cancellation and refund processing – the Guaranteed amount of the refund</td> <td>if the Booking value of the original (cancelled) Booking equals or exceeds €20 ( equivalent amount in selected currency), We will pay You <strong>€10</strong> (ten Euros) or equivalent amount in selected currency per Booking as the Guaranteed amount of the Refund; otherwise NO Guaranteed amount of the refund will be provided.</td> <td>if the Booking value of the original (cancelled) Booking equals or exceeds €20 ( equivalent amount in selected currency), We will pay You <strong>€10</strong> (ten Euros) or equivalent amount in selected currency per Booking as the Guaranteed amount of the Refund; otherwise NO Guaranteed amount of the refund will be provided.</td> <td>We will pay You 90% of the Booking value of the original (cancelled) Booking as the Guaranteed amount of the Refund</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Specific Additional Services – voluntary cancellation and refund processing – Handling Fee</td> <td>if the Booking value of the original (cancelled) Booking equals or exceeds €20 (equivalent amount in selected currency), a Handling Fee due to us amounts to <strong>100% of the Booking value</strong> of the original (cancelled) Booking <strong>reduced by €10</strong> (equivalent amount in selected currency); otherwise the Handling Fee amounts to <strong>100% of the Booking value</strong> of the original (cancelled) Booking.</td> <td>if the Booking value of the original (cancelled) Booking equals or exceeds €20 (equivalent amount in selected currency), a Handling Fee due to us amounts to <strong>100% of the Booking value</strong> of the original (cancelled) Booking <strong>reduced by €10</strong> (equivalent amount in selected currency); otherwise the Handling Fee amounts to <strong>100% of the Booking value</strong> of the original (cancelled) Booking.</td> <td>Handling Fee due to us amounts to 10% of the Booking value of the original (cancelled) Booking</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Specific Additional Services – flight changes (rebooking)</td> <td>treated like Your request for cancellation of the original Booking/Flight(s) under the conditions of this Kiwi.com Saver Ticket Fare and the purchase of the new Booking/Flight(s) using Our Services, when the Guaranteed amount of the refund for the original (rebooked) Booking/Flight(s) shall be immediately deducted from (set off against) the Full Price of the new Booking/Flight(s).</td> <td>treated like Your request for cancellation of the original Booking/Flight(s) without charging any Handling Fee and the purchase of the new Booking/Flight(s) using Our Services, when (as the Guaranteed amount of the refund) 100% of the Booking value of the original (rebooked) Booking/Flight(s) shall be immediately deducted from (set off against) the Full Price of the new Booking/Flight(s).</td> <td>treated like Your request for cancellation of the original Booking/Flight(s) without charging any Handling Fee and the purchase of the new Booking/Flight(s) using Our Services, when (as the Guaranteed amount of the refund) 100% of the Booking value of the original (rebooked) Booking/Flight(s) shall be immediately deducted from (set off against) the Full Price of the new Booking/Flight(s).</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Specific Additional Services – flight changes (rebooking) – Your payment obligations</td> <td>if the Booking value of the original (rebooked) Booking/Flight(s) equals or exceeds €20 (equivalent amount in selected currency), You shall pay the <strong>Full Price of the new Booking/Flight(s) reduced by €10</strong>; otherwise You shall pay the <strong>Full Price of the new Booking/Flight(s) without any reduction.</strong></td> <td>You shall pay the Full Price of the new Booking/Flight(s) reduced by 100% of the Booking value of the original (rebooked) Booking/Flight(s).</td> <td>You shall pay the Full Price of the new Booking/Flight(s) reduced by 100% of the Booking value of the original (rebooked) Booking/Flight(s).</td> </tr> </table>",
2823 "content.legal.terms.article_4.paragraph_3": "<a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fares – general terms and conditions. Please note that: <ol> <li> the provision of Additional Services is subject to the general provisions of these Terms & Conditions (e.g. see Art. 2.2, 2.3 hereof); in case of any discrepancy between them and the specific provision of this Article, the specific provision shall prevail. </li> <li> within the provision of Specific Additional Services – voluntary cancellation and refund processing – regardless of the amount You will be actually refunded by the Selected Carrier(s), as the outcome of Our Specific Additional Services – voluntary cancellation and refund processing – We guarantee You the specified Guaranteed amount of the refund, that shall be paid to You by Us in advance, without undue delay upon Our acceptance of Your request for cancellation. </li> <li> within the provision of Specific Additional Services – voluntary cancellation and refund processing and/or with Specific Additional Services – flight changes (rebooking) – We are exclusively entitled and authorized to make, under Our sole discretion, any reasonable step to collect (also with cooperation with a third party) the refund from the respective Selected Carrier(s) including the refund for any part of the fare (including airport taxes, local taxes and surcharges constituting the part of such fare) for the unused specific Flight(s) non-cancellable and non-changeable under the terms and conditions of the respective Selected Carrier(s). Refunds collected from Selected Carrier(s) will be used as (set off against) Our reimbursement for the Guaranteed amount of the refund provided to You. </li> <li> the amount of the Handling Fee for the Specific Additional Services – voluntary cancellation and refund processing – shall be charged after the completion of Our collection of the refunds from the respective Selected Carrier(s); Refunds collected from Selected Carrier(s) exceeding the Guaranteed amount of the refund provided to You will be further used as a settlement of (set off against) Our Handling Fee. If the Handling Fee is not fully covered We hereby waive the remaining part of the Handling Fee. We guarantee that You will not be obliged to pay Us subsequently any part of Handling Fee or to return Us any part of the paid Guaranteed amount of the refund. </li> <li> within the provision of Specific Additional Services – flight changes (rebooking) – if the Guaranteed amount of the refund for the original (rebooked) Booking/Flight(s) to be deducted from (set off against) the Full Price of new Booking/Flight(s) exceeds the Full Price of new Booking/Flight(s), We shall not refund You the difference. </li> <li> the Booking value We refer to as to the base for calculation of the Guaranteed amount of the refund and the amount of Handling Fee for Specific Additional Services represents the base fares of Flight(s) tickets and any carriage-related services contained in the cancelled/rebooked Booking/Flight(s) including the airport charges, fuel charges and VAT; any of Our fees for Our Services, Handling Fees or prices of Service packages are entirely non-refundable. </li> </ol>",
2824 "content.legal.terms.article_4.paragraph_4": "<a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fare – Exemptions and limitations. Please be informed that <ol> <li> We shall not provide You with Specific Additional Services – voluntary cancellation and refund processing and/or with Specific Additional Services – flight changes (rebooking) – upon Your request (i) received by Us less than 48 hours prior to the departure of Your first (outbound) Flight in Your itinerary; or (ii) in cases that Your Booking (any Flight included), is affected by Flight delays, change or cancellation caused by extraordinary circumstances which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken. Such circumstances may, in particular, occur in cases of political instability, meteorological conditions incompatible with the operation of the flight concerned, security risks, unexpected transport safety shortcomings and strikes that affect the operation of an operating air carrier, significant limitation of airport(s), bus and train station(s) and/or other transition places operation, as well as bankruptcy, and/or insolvency or termination of 50% or more of all flights of the Selected Carrier or any other effect which significantly limits or disables the Selected or operating Carrier to provide its services. Please note that in these cases We will make Our best effort to recommend You an alternate transportation for You in order to eliminate inconveniences that You may incur in relation to this matter. </li> <li> the terms and conditions of the provision of Specific Additional Services – voluntary cancellation and refund processing – under the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fares are applicable for the cancellation of the whole Booking only; We shall not provide You with these Specific Additional Services in case of requested partial cancellation of Your Booking (regarding only some Flights or passengers included). </li> <li> We shall provide You with the Specific Additional Services – flight changes (rebooking) – under the terms and conditions of respective <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fare only for the requested rebooking of the whole Booking or any Flight(s) contained in the Booking, provided that a requested change of any Flight(s) will not detrimentally affect the usability of any other Flight(s) contained in Your Booking (under Our sole discretion based on reasonable consideration, including, but not limited to, minimum connection times in the respective transfer destinations of Your Flight itinerary) and We shall not provide You with Specific Additional Services – flight changes (rebooking) – regarding only some passengers included in the Booking). </li> <li> the terms and conditions of the provision of Specific Additional Services – flight changes (rebooking) – under the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Standard or <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Flexi Ticket Fares are applicable for Your first rebooking request regarding every Flight of Your Booking. We will process Your second and any following request for rebooking of any Flight of Your Booking or any following request for Specific Additional Services – voluntary cancellation and refund processing regarding Your Booking under the conditions of <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Saver Ticket Fare. </li> <li> the terms and conditions of the provision of Specific Additional Services – voluntary cancellation and refund processing – under any of <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fares are not applicable for refunds and the alternate transportation offers provided by Us under the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee. </li> <li> Our offer for the provision of Specific Additional Services under the terms and conditions of any of the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fares is made with an assumption of You acting in good faith. Should We, under Our sole discretion, have a suspicion that You have selected the specific <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fare and/or You have requested the Specific Additional Service and/or You have acted subsequently in bad faith, We may suspend any of Our payments or settlements of Your claim for the Guaranteed amount of the refund for the necessary period of time and We may investigate the issue; if We conclude on the basis of Our investigation that the suspicion was justified with reasonable certainty, We may retain or claim the amount of the already provided Guaranteed amount of the refund as the additional Handling Fee without Your right for any compensation, reimbursement or refund. You shall be deemed to act in bad faith especially when: <ol> <li> You, selecting <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Standard or <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Flexi Ticket Fare, make more than three Bookings with overlapping Flight itineraries with initial intention to use only one or none of them and cancel the remaining Bookings </li> <li> You (also in collaboration with third parties) make Bookings and subsequently request the provision of Specific Additional Services with the initial intention to financially harm Us or with the sole intention of gaining a financial profit </li> <li> You utilize the Flight(s) You requested to be cancelled by Us within provision of Our Specific Additional Services and You were paid the Guaranteed amount of the refund for </li> <li> You cancel any of Your Flight(s) and request or collect the corresponding refunds from Selected Carrier(s) on your own behalf while You also request Us for the provision of Our Specific Additional Services and You are provided with the Guaranteed amount of the refund by Us </li> </ol> </li> </ol>",
2825 "content.legal.terms.article_4.paragraph_5": "Service Packages and their purchase. We offer You the option to get more favorable terms and conditions of Our provision of Customer Support Services and Standard Additional Services (however, not of the Specific Additional Services) by purchasing one of two offered Service Packages. As far as the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Standard Ticket Fare and <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Flexi Ticket Fare already contain the respective Service Packages (see Art. 4.2 hereof), within the Booking procedure, You will be offered separately by both Service Packages only if You select the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Saver Ticket Fare. Within the Booking procedure, You will also be offered by the upgrade to highest Premium Services Package if You select the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Standard Ticket Fare. However, post-booking, You may always purchase for Your active Booking the respective higher-level Service Package via the section of Our Website where You can manage Your Booking(s) or contacting Us using Our Customer Support Services. We may, under Our sole discretion, offer You, while You are requesting Us for the provision of Standard Additional Services, the specific Service Package if We consider it to be ultimately a more favorable solution regarding Your request, however We are not obliged to do so and We bear no liability for Your decision about (non-)purchasing the specific Service Package. Please note that: <ol> <li> Service Packages are effective subject to Your timely payment of their price, which will be clearly expressed to You prior to the completion of Your ultimate purchase. </li> <li> by purchasing any Service Package Our mutual rights and obligations under the Service Agreement are not affected in any way. </li> <li> by purchasing any Service Package Our mutual rights and obligations under Art. 5 and 6 hereof in relation to the provision of the Optional Services, including <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee, are not affected in any way. </li> </ol>",
2826 "content.legal.terms.article_4.paragraph_6": "Service Packages – specific terms and conditions. You may purchase any of the following Service Packages (Plus Services Package and Premium Services Package):<table class='context-legal-table'> <tr> <th>Default Services/Service Packages:</th> <th>Basic Services (default)</th> <th>Plus Services Package</th> <th>Premium Services Package</th> </tr> <tr> <td>Handling Fee for Standard Additional Services</td> <td>€30 (thirty Euros) per every request for any Standard Additional Service per Booking</td> <td>€10 (ten Euros) per every request for any Standard Additional Service per Booking</td> <td>NO HANDLING FEE</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Customer Support Service – telephone support channel availability (see Art. 1.2.13 hereof)</td> <td>BASIC</td> <td>EXTENDED</td> <td>EXTENDED</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Customer Support Service - caller priority (see Art. 1.2.13 hereof)</td> <td>Low</td> <td>Medium</td> <td>High</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Customer Support Service – e-mail support channel availability</td> <td>NO</td> <td>YES</td> <td>YES</td> </tr> </table>",
2827 "content.legal.terms.article_4.paragraph_7": "Service Packages - general terms and conditions. Please note that the provision of Additional Services is subject to the general provisions of this Terms & Conditions (e.g. see Art. 2.2, 2.3 hereof); in case of any discrepancy between them and the specific provision of this Article, the specific provision shall prevail.",
2828 "content.legal.terms.article_4.paragraph_8": "No-show refund processing. Providing You have not utilized any of Your non-cancelled Flight booked with Us and this case does not fall under <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a>Guarantee under Art. 5 and 6 hereof, You hereby authorize and instruct Us to request and collect on Your behalf any refund for the specific Flight(s) (including the refund for certain airport taxes, local taxes and surcharges constituting the part of such fare) from the respective Selected Carrier(s) (hereinafter the “No-show refunds”), but not earlier than fifteen days as of the scheduled departure of the (outbound part of the) first respective Flight (unless You have explicitly requested earlier processing ). You hereby agree that We shall charge You for the processing of these No-show refunds with the special processing fee amounting to €59 (fifty nine Euros) for every Flight that shall be exclusively set off against the amount actually collected No-show refund; if the special processing fee exceeds the total amount of the No-show refund collected by Us, We shall waive the part of this fee in the amount of the difference and the ultimate amount of the fee never exceeds the actually collected amount of the No-show refund. Please note that You are entitled to contact the respective Selected Carrier(s) first and seek these No-show refunds without Our assistance and We shall consequently lose Our aforementioned authorization.",
2829 "content.legal.terms.article_4.subtitle": "As We believe that You are the one who should decide what level of Our Customer Support Services You are about to utilize, under what conditions You will be catered for by Our Additional Services and ultimately for which of Our services You are willing to pay extra, We offer You several options to influence the scope and conditions of the provision of Our Customer Support Services and Additional Services, and ultimately the total price of Your Booking, by choosing any of Our <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fares and/or purchasing one of Our Service Packages. You have, therefore, an effective way to reflect Your potential needs for Booking flexibility and its supplementation with travel-related services, its changes or its cancellation using Our Additional Services, to assess Your need of the priority treatment by Our customer service department or, basically, Your available budget. We highly recommend You getting well acquainted in advance with the conditions and limitations of the offered <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fares and Service Packages as specified in this Article and as will be clearly communicated to You prior to the selection/purchase of any of them, in order to make a choice best fitting Your needs.",
2830 "content.legal.terms.article_4.title": "Article 4. <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fares and Service Packages – customized terms and conditions of the provision of Our Customer Support Services and Additional Services",
2831 "content.legal.terms.article_5.paragraph_1": "<a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee. In particular, the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee may only apply in case of covered events, which are split into two categories, based on severity: <br/><br/> <strong>Scenario A (More than 48 hours before departure)</strong> <br/><br/> More than 48 hours before departure – <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee stipulated in this Art. 5.1 a) applies only to a change or cancellation of Flight(s) announced by the respective Carrier more than 48 hours prior to departure of the first concerned Flight, which negatively impacts Your ability to reach Your Destination or Your arrival at the Destination shall change by more than 24 hours from the original scheduled arrival, i.e. due to Flight change(s) or cancellation(s), You would either miss Your Flight Connection(s) or Your Flight(s) would be cancelled (hereinafter “Scenario A”). <br/> Under Scenario A, if You are informed about a change or cancellation of Your Flight(s) under Scenario A You must inform Us of such a change or cancellation without undue delay by telephone or e-mail available depending on Your level of Customer Support <br/> Services You have chosen/purchased within the respective <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fare and or Service Package . Should You fail to inform Us about such Flight change(s) or cancellation(s) without undue delay, You will not be entitled to the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee. If We are informed first about the change or cancellation of Your Flight(s) according to Scenario A, We will contact You within a reasonable time after We learn about such Flight change(s) or cancellation(s). <br/> In either case, after We have been informed about the Flight change(s) or cancellation(s) according to Scenario A, We will at all times under a qualified event offer You one of the following solutions solely at Our discretion: <ol> <li> <strong>We will search for alternate transportation to Your Destination.</strong> Should We find a reasonable alternate, We may offer You (an) alternate Flight(s) or other means of transportation to Your Destination at no additional cost to You. In case We are unable to provide You with the alternate Flight(s) or other means of transportation for You online, You may purchase ticket(s) for alternate transportation to Your original final destination, as agreed upon by Us and You, at the airport or other place of transition and, at Our discretion, We may refund You the price of such ticket(s) under the conditions given in Art. 6. hereof. Please note that any extra services or further upgrades to the agreed-upon alternate ticket(s) will not be covered by Us. </li> <li> <strong>We may offer You a refund up to the price You paid for all the unused Flights under the conditions specified in Art. 6 hereof.</strong> This solution is most likely to be offered, at Our discretion, in case We are unable to offer You reasonable alternate transportation. </li> </ol> <br/> You are obliged to reply to Us promptly after receiving Our offered solution(s) under the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee, but in all cases up to 24 hours after delivery of Our first notice regarding the solution(s) to You in accordance with Art. 5.3 hereof, or within any shorter reasonable time before the time of the scheduled departure of the first following Flight. After the lapse of these 24 hours, or any shorter term for replies, this offer is null and void, thus You will not be entitled to the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee in this matter. <br/><br/> <strong>Scenario B (Less than 48 hours before departure)</strong> <br/><br/> Less than 48 hours before departure - The <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee stipulated in this Art. 5.1 b) applies only to a Flight Delay(s) or cancellation(s) of Flight(s) announced by the respective Carrier less than/equal to 48 hours prior to the departure and/or after departure of the first concerned Flight, which may negatively impact Your ability to reach Your Destination or Your arrival at the Destination shall change by more than 24 hours from the original scheduled arrival, i.e. due to the Flight Delay(s) or cancellation(s) You would either miss Your Flight(s) Connection(s) or Your Flight(s) would be cancelled (hereinafter referred as “<strong>Scenario B</strong>”). <br/> In this case, if You are informed about a Flight Delay(s) or cancellation(s) of Your Flight under Scenario B, You are obliged to inform Us of such a Flight Delay(s) or cancellation(s) without undue delay either by telephone or via the specific dedicated communication channel - online chat as available on the section of Our Website where You can manage Your Booking(s). Should You fail to inform Us about such a Flight Delay(s) or cancellation(s) without undue delay, You will not be entitled to the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee. If We are informed first about the Flight Delay(s) or cancellation(s) of Your Flight under Scenario B, We will contact You within a reasonable time after We learn about it. <br/> After We have been informed about the Flight Delay(s) or cancellation(s) under Scenario B, You may choose one of the following solutions at Your discretion: <ol> <li>We will search for alternate transportation to Your Destination and should We find a reasonable alternate We may offer You (an) alternate Flight(s) or other means of transportation to Your Destination at no additional cost to You. In case We are unable to buy the offered alternate Flight(s) or other means of transportation for You online, You may purchase ticket(s) for alternate transportation to Your original final destination, if agreed upon by Us and You, at the airport or train station and, at Our discretion, We may refund You the price of such ticket(s) under the conditions in Art 6. hereof. In case We are unable to find (a) reasonable alternate Flight(s) or other means of transportation due to a disproportionate price difference between the potential alternate transportation and the original price for the unused Flights, We may agree with You on Our proportional contribution to the costs associated with the mutually agreed alternate transportation. This option will be determined and agreed upon on a case-by-case basis. Please note that any extra services or upgrades to the agreed-upon alternate ticket(s) will not be covered by Us. In exceptional cases when Your Flight(s) is cancelled or You miss the Flight Connection(s) due to the Flight Delay and You are not able to contact Us in this matter, You may purchase the ticket(s) for the alternate transportation without prior agreement between You and Us and We may refund You the price of such a ticket(s) for alternate transportation up to twice the original price of the unused Flight(s) en route to Your Destination. You may be entitled to this refund under the conditions in Art. 6 hereof, only after You provide Us with sufficient reasoning regarding Your inability to contact Us and written proof of Your purchase of the ticket(s) for the alternate transportation to Your Destination together with the proof of the original Flight Delay or cancellation of Your original Flight. Please note that it is at Our discretion to assess Your ability to contact Us with regard to these exceptional cases.</li> <li>We will refund You the price You paid for all the unused Flights under the conditions specified in Art. 6 hereof. You should choose this solution if We are unable to offer You reasonable alternate transportation.</li> </ol> <br/> You are obliged to reply to Us about Your choice promptly after receiving Our information about the offered solution, but in all cases up to 24 hours after delivery of Our notice to You in accordance with <br/> Art. 5.3 hereof, or within any shorter reasonable time before the time of the scheduled departure of the first following Flight. After the lapse of these 24 hours or any shorter term for replies the offer expires and You are no longer entitled to the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee in this matter.",
2832 "content.legal.terms.article_5.paragraph_2": "Multi-city routes. Should there be a Flight Delay, change or cancellation of the Flight(s) to Your interim destination, this interim destination will be considered as the final Destination and the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee rules provided herein will apply adequately. Please note, however, that with regard to the character of the Multi-city route itineraries and the fact that a change or cancellation of any of the Flight(s) in Your itinerary can affect any of the previous or the following Flight(s), including those to the other interim destination(s), We are unable to guarantee the time schedule and presence in (each of) Your interim destination(s). Please contact Us without undue delay once You are informed about any Flight(s) changes/cancellations in order to resolve this situation with Our customer service department. We will make Our best efforts to find and offer to You a solution which will be suitable to Your preferences, yet, please note that the options are limited as to the possible reasonable alternates available due to the character of Multi-city route itineraries.",
2833 "content.legal.terms.article_5.paragraph_3": "Communication and notices. In the absence of any evidence of earlier receipt, any of Our notices or other communication sent or otherwise communicated to You is deemed to be given on the date and at the time of transmission of the notice with confirmation of uninterrupted transmission, if the notice is delivered using a method of distant communication, or on the day and at the time on which the return confirmation was wrongfully refused, but in any case no later than after the lapse of 24 hours after the notice is sent by Us using e-mail, telephone text message (SMS) or any other method of distant communication to the email address or telephone number or other communication channel that You stated within the Booking or otherwise communicated earlier to Us. For the avoidance of doubt , please note that any of Our notices is deemed to be given and delivered to You after the lapse of 24 hours of sending Our first notice regarding the matter to Your email, mobile phone or other communication channel. In case You do not reply to Us in reaction to such a notice in accordance with Art. 5.1 a) and/or 5.1 b) hereof be aware that Your claim to the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee is no longer valid.",
2834 "content.legal.terms.article_5.paragraph_4": "Special Optional Services. The services specified below in Art. 5.4.1, 5.4.2 and 5.4.3 hereof may apply when Scenario B stipulated in Art. 5.1 Letter b) hereof occurs within Our <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee, or We include such services while providing You with (an) alternate Flight(s) as an offered solution within Scenario A stipulated in Art. 5.1 Letter a) hereof, or in other cases when We choose to provide You with these services. These services can be activated by Our customer service department when You contact them due to a Flight Delay or cancellation and You have no legitimate claim for the provision of these Special Optional services as any of these services are solely at Our discretion and need to be pre-agreed once You contact Our customer service department. Please note that in the case of activation of these Special Optional services You will need to cover the expenses for utilization of these Special Optional services and provide Us with a receipt(s) proving Your expenses. We will reimburse Your costs on the basis of such receipts up to the amount specified below. <ol> <li> Overnight Accommodation - This option may become available to You if Your Flight has been delayed or cancelled at short notice leaving You stranded at the airport or train station for the night and Your alternate Flight connects after midnight (12am) and You would need to stay at the airport or train station for more than 8 hours. The accommodation can also be provided by Us to You if (i) You have accepted a change offered by Us for a flight departing the next day and (ii) You have accepted Our offer to book a hotel room on Your behalf at Our expense. </li> <li> Alternate Transport – Should We be unable to book You a Flight Connection because a) all reasonable Flight(s) are sold out and/or b) no such journey exists for the day in question, We may look at other airports or train stations in the area for alternate Flight options. Should this occur, and under the condition that all costs are pre-agreed through Our customer services department, We may contribute towards Your cost of the chosen method of transportation for the transfer between airports and/or train stations. This may include: train, coach or taxi and will include all passengers booked on Your itinerary through Us. The maximum limit for this alternate transport will be €100 (one hundred Euros), inclusive of all passengers. </li> <li> Meal & Beverage Compensation - Should Your Flight Connection be delayed by more than 4 hours, We are willing to cover the cost of refreshments up to a total of €10 (ten Euros) per passenger booked on Your itinerary through Us. </li> </ol> <br/> Should You be offered any of the aforementioned alternates by the Selected Carrier, We are absolved of all responsibility to further compensate and/or reimburse You.",
2835 "content.legal.terms.article_5.paragraph_5": "Alternate Flight(s) minimum booking processing time. Please note that in cases where We book (an) alternate Flight(s) as a solution provided within the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee We are able to arrange the bookings with the respective carriers within the minimum required time for booking processing of these Flight(s) equal to 8 hours. Should You be provided from Our side with the option to choose alternate Flight(s), please be informed that We will make Our best efforts to arrange these bookings within the shortest reasonable time: however, We are not able to guarantee You booking of the alternate Flight(s) departing sooner than 8 hours after Your initial contact with Our customer service or Your entry to the section of Our Website where You can manage Your Booking(s) in order to select Your alternate Flight(s) option.",
2836 "content.legal.terms.article_5.subtitle": "A key part of Our Service is to provide You with tailored Flight itineraries to enable You to assess and manage the risk of missed Flight Connections and related disruptions to Your travel plans. If We fail to deliver this part of Our Service and Your booking is affected by a Flight change, delay or cancellation (inclusive of any other means of transportation), We offer You exclusive and unique assistant services (in accordance with the terms outlined further below in this Art. 5), called the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee (hereinafter the “<a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee”). </br> </br> The aim and scope of Our <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> <strong>Guarantee</strong> is to ensure that You either get to Your final Destination, or You are refunded up to the Full Price paid. For this purpose, We undertake to You that in situations when Your Flight(s) is/are rescheduled, delayed or cancelled, We shall upon activation of <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee, offer You (a) reasonable alternate Flight(s) or other means of transportation to Your Destination, or a refund of up to the price You paid for the unused Flight(s). By virtue of the terms and conditions stated herein We provide You with a guaranteed solution to the covered events (as further specified herein) which may negatively impact Your journey to Your Destination. </br> </br> However, please note that the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee may only apply in cases when Your Flight(s) is/are rescheduled, delayed or cancelled due to factors which can occur in the standard course of transportation. Given this the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee can be applied with limited effect in situations of the impact of force majeure (see Art. 6.3). Furthermore, the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee cannot be applied to cases where You make any changes to the Flight schedule(s) without Our previous approval or through Our customer service department.",
2837 "content.legal.terms.article_5.title": "Article 5. <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee Optional Services – Delays and Cancellations",
2838 "content.legal.terms.article_6.paragraph_1": "<a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee Refund Policy. We guarantee to refund You the full or partial price of the Flight ticket(s) to Your Destination as the selected solution of Your situation within the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee service, subject to meeting the following conditions: <ol> <li> The purchased Flight tickets must be for a Flight offered to You by Us. If You make any changes to the schedule of the flying route booked through Us without Our assistance directly with the Selected or operating Carrier without Our previous approval and You encounter problems, the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee is null and void, and thus You will not be entitled to any refund from Us; </li> <li> We must receive Your request for a refund within 14 days of the date when You were supposed to arrive at Your Destination according to the original Flight schedule; </li> <li> Along with the request for a refund, You must submit to Us an unequivocal and intelligible copy of the receipt of payment for the alternate Flight or other means of transportation and the ticket for the alternate Flight(s) or other means of transportation and at least one of these documents must contain intelligible Flight data (specifically the date and time of the Flight(s) and the place of departure and arrival) or data related to other means of transportation, price information and the passenger's name; </li> <li> Should an alternate Flight or other means of transportation not be offered by Us, We will refund You the full or partial price which was originally paid for Your journey under the conditions stipulated herein. In this case, if Your journey consists of more than one leg, and You have already used certain Flight(s), We will refund You the original price of the unused Flight(s). The eventual refund of the original purchase price paid for the respective Flight(s) will be used and consumed against, or the expenses spent on the alternate Flight(s)/refunds in relation to the provision of Our <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee. </li> </ol>",
2839 "content.legal.terms.article_6.paragraph_2": "<a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee – Exceptions. If You, after entering into the Service Agreement with Us: <ol> <li> make any changes to the schedule of the purchased Flight(s) other than through Us; or </li> <li> make any changes within the contact details with any one of the Selected Carrier(s) in relation to Your Booking; or </li> <li> make any changes to Your No Checked Baggage Itinerary, in particular You add baggage to Your itinerary or make any other changes to Your Flight(s); Our offer of the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee described in Art. 5 hereof will automatically expire and You shall have no claim whatsoever to the performance by Us of any of the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee services. This provision does not preclude You from buying (an) alternate Flight(s) in accordance with Art. 5.2 and/or Art. 5.3 hereof – if You do so in compliance with these Terms & Conditions, Our <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee will remain valid and claimable. On the contrary, should You amend or alter the schedule of the original Flight(s) ordered in the Booking without first confirming with Our customer service department and seeking their approval, the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee will become invalid and We will be absolved of all responsibilities in case of any issue that may occur during Your journey. </li> </ol>",
2840 "content.legal.terms.article_6.paragraph_3": "Limitation of the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee – Force Majeure. Please be informed that the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee does not apply to cases of Flight delays, change or cancellation caused by extraordinary circumstances which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken. Such circumstances may, in particular, occur in cases of political instability, meteorological conditions incompatible with the operation of the flight concerned, security risks, unexpected transport safety shortcomings and strikes that affect the operation of an operating air carrier, significant limitation of airport(s), bus and train station(s) and/or other transition places operation, as well as bankruptcy, and/or insolvency or termination of 50% or more of all flights of the Selected Carrier or any other effect which significantly limits or disables the Selected or operating Carrier to provide its services (hereinafter referred as “Force Majeure”). Please note that in these cases We will make Our best effort to offer You (an) alternate Flight(s) and/or other alternate transportation for You in order to eliminate inconveniences that You may incur in relation to this matter. However, We have no obligation to provide You with the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee or otherwise cover the expenses for the alternate Flight(s) and/or other mean of Transportation for the Flight(s) affected by the effects of Force Majeure as well as other connecting Flight(s), which You were not able to use due to the effect of Force Majeure.",
2841 "content.legal.terms.article_6.paragraph_4": "Limitation of <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee – Flights and Flight Connection(s) issued as one airline e-ticket. Our <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee described in Art. 5 hereof does not apply to single Flight and/or Flight Connection(s) identified by one airline e-ticket. The information about the inapplicability of the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee is provided in the Booking process for each of the respective Flight Connection(s)and Single Flight itineraries. Carriers servicing these Flights and Flight Connection(s) are completely responsible for all possible issues connected with them. In these cases please contact directly the Selected Carrier or airlines operating these Flights. Please note that in case You miss any Flight within Flight Connection(s) with one airline e-ticket You may not be allowed to use any of the following Flight(s); You need to check the policy of each of the Selected Carrier(s) as We are not responsible for any inconveniences that You may incur in relation to this matter.",
2842 "content.legal.terms.article_6.paragraph_5": "Refund process and form of a refund. If You are, under these Terms & Conditions, entitled to receive a refund of the price You originally paid Us or another form of refund (including, but not limited to Guaranteed amount of the refund), it will be refunded using the same payment method as the one You used to pay Us the Full Price (e.g. if you paid for the Booking via payment card, the refund shall be repaid to Your account associated with the respective payment card or if you paid for the Booking using the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Credit, the refund shall be accredited to You in a form of the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Credit under the Terms of <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Credit as available <a href='https://go.kiwi.com/CreditsTC'>here</a>). In case you paid for Your Booking using multiple payment methods (e.g. the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Credit and in the remaining part of the Full Price the card payment) the refund shall be provided partially by both payment methods in a ratio corresponding to the ratio of the parts of the Full Price paid by the particular payment method originally (e.g. You paid the half of the Full Price for the Booking by <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Credit and second half you paid by card, You are entitled to obtain the refund half-to-half in <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Credit and refunding Your account associated with the respective payment card). This can take up to 10 working days; if this is not possible, the refund will be provided by a method mutually agreed between You and Us within 14 days after We reach such an agreement on the method of refund. It is pertinent to mention that We bear no responsibility in relation to the transfer of the funds to You, because We cannot in any way influence the transfer process of the monetary refund and such responsibility lies solely with the financial institutions responsible for remitting the transaction from Us to You. In case You are, under these Terms & Conditions, awarded by the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Credit, it shall be provided to You, under the conditions set herein and in the Terms of <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Credit, in a respective form, without undue delay, but not later than 10 working days after Your submission of the legitimate request for this remedy or the consent with this form of remedy offered by Us, or the constitution of Your right for <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Credit as agreed between You and Us (as applicable).",
2843 "content.legal.terms.article_6.paragraph_6": "Assignment of the claims against the Selected Carrier(s). Upon Your application for Optional Services pursuant to the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a>Guarantee You assign all Your rights, titles and claims against the Selected Carriers arising in connection with the provision of Our Services based on Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 February 2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or a long delay of flights, and repealing Regulation (EEC) No. 295/91 or Canadian Transportation Agency’s Air Passenger Protection Regulations (SOR/2019-150) or Turkish Regulation on the Rights of Passengers Traveling by Airline (SHY-PASSENGER) published in the Official Gazette dated 03/12/2011, No. 28131 or any similar applicable national or international act (law, ordinance, regulation, treaty, precedent etc.) legally substantialize any Your claim against the Selected Carrier(s) (hereinafter referred as the “Claim”) to Us, and You agree to provide Us, or Our authorized subcontractors, with all reasonably required assistance in order to enforce the Claims. Furthermore, You undertake to provide all reasonably requested documentation and assistance in order to enable Us, or Our authorized subcontractors, to enforce, challenge or otherwise process any and all Claims. You hereby acknowledge and agree that the assignment of the Claim(s) and related cooperation undertaking are a prerequisite to Our obligation to process Your request for the Optional Services available pursuant to the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a>Guarantee and You agree that the assignment of the Claim(s) is reasonable and adequate consideration for provision of the Optional Services. Should the amount of the successfully enforced Claim(s) exceed Our expenses spent on the solution of Your situation provided upon Your application for Optional Services pursuant to the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a>Guarantee, We will transfer to You the amount of the enforced Claim(s) funds exceeding Our expenses upon Your request.",
2844 "content.legal.terms.article_6.paragraph_7": "Claim recovery against (a) Selected Carrier(s) and granting a power of attorney to Us. Upon the conclusion of the Service Agreement You hereby:\n<ol>\n<li>authorize Us to and grant Us a power of attorney to represent You in the process of enforcement of all the Claims against the Selected Carriers and to perform on Your behalf all legal acts and other steps required in this matter even if the special power of attorney is required including but not limited to full representation in court without any limitations, submission of proposals and applications to courts, and receiving of all payments (hereinafter referred to as “Enforcement Services”),</li>\n<li>acknowledge and agree that We may grant the right to represent You within the provision of Enforcement Services (in full or partial extent of the power of attorney granted to Us herein) also to a third parties (e.g. a legal counsel) selected by Us as We will deem reasonable to provide you with the respective service in a due and timely manner.</li>\n<li>undertake to provide Us, or Our authorized subcontractors, with all reasonably required cooperation, documentation and information in order to enable Us to fully represent You in the Claim enforcement and to provide Us with an additional power of attorney, if necessary,</li>\n<li>agree that for the provision of Enforcement Services, We are entitled to a commission fee amounting to 35% of any successfully enforced Claim. This Art. 6.7\nhereof shall not affect the assignment of Claims in connection with Your application for Optional Services pursuant to the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a>Guarantee as stipulated in Art. 6.6 hereof,</li>\n<li>authorize Us to provide Your contact details to the company AirHelp Limited, a company incorporated in Hong Kong with its registered office at 9B Amtel Building, 148 Des Voeux Road Central, Central, Hong Kong (CB No. 1926223, BR No. 61625023-000) which may contact You with the offer for its services related to the Enforcement Services. If You do not want to be provided with Our Enforcement Services, please inform Us and We will cease their provision. In case We do not receive Your notice disagreeing with its provision within 30-days as of the occurrence of the situation entitling You to the Claim, We understand that You wish Us to provide You with these services and consequently will start the Claim recovery against the Selected Carrier(s). </li>\n</ol>",
2845 "content.legal.terms.article_6.title": "Article 6. <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee Optional Services – Refunds, Exceptions, Limitations, Claim Recovery",
2846 "content.legal.terms.article_7.paragraph_1": "We represent and warrant to You, that We shall perform the brokerage Services using personnel of required skill, experience and qualifications and in a professional and workmanlike manner in accordance with generally recognized industry standards for similar services, and shall devote adequate resources to meet Our obligations under the Service Agreement.",
2847 "content.legal.terms.article_7.paragraph_2": "We represent and warrant to You, that within provision of Our brokerage Services We will provide You ONLY with documents, information and data necessary for Your journey as brokered by Us in compliance with Your instructions and the information provided by You within the Booking in accordance with Art. 1.2.1 hereof, unless We shall afterwards agree on the provision of the Additional Services for the Handling Fee and strictly under the conditions pre-agreed by You choosing the respective <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Ticket Fare and/or Service Package.",
2848 "content.legal.terms.article_7.paragraph_3": "We shall not be liable for a breach of the warranty set forth in Article 7.1 and/or Article 7.2 hereof unless You give notice of the defective Services, reasonably described, to Us within 14 days of the time when You discover, or should have discovered, that the Services were defective.",
2849 "content.legal.terms.article_7.paragraph_4": "Subject to Article 7.3 hereof, We shall either: <ol> <li> Re-issue new transportation tickets (or correct the defective part of Your itinerary); or </li> <li> Credit or refund the price of such tickets and Services at the pro rata contract rate. </li> </ol>",
2851 "content.legal.terms.article_7.title": "Article 7. Representation and Limited Warranty",
2853 "content.legal.terms.article_8.title": "Article 8. Disclaimer of Warranties",
2854 "content.legal.terms.article_9.paragraph_1": "You acknowledge that a Selected Carrier’s terms and conditions and conditions of carriage will apply to Your contractual relationship with the Selected Carrier and that You must make Yourself aware of such terms and conditions as well as conditions of carriage before the Service Agreement is concluded and You complete the Booking. By concluding the Service Agreement You hereby acknowledge that the Flight(s) included in Your Booking may not be part of the “frequent flyer programs” of the Selected Carrier(s). This article 6.1 also applies to the terms and conditions of the airlines, railway and other transportation companies which are offered to You based on (i) application of the <a href='https://www.kiwi.com/'>Kiwi.com</a> Guarantee or (ii) voluntary change of the Booking based on Your request.",
2855 "content.legal.terms.article_9.paragraph_2": "We will provide You with all necessary documents for Your journey. However, it is Your responsibility to check that all documents have been received and are in order. We are not responsible for any issues arising due to Your failure to ensure that You have all the correct and adequate passport documentation with sufficient validity (at least six months), visas, or other travel documents required by any airline, authority, or the Destination, including countries You may only be transiting through. If You have not received any documentation from Us, or You believe that some of the documentation is missing or inaccurate, You must contact and inform Us immediately and We will make Our best effort to provide You with all the necessary documentation. ",
2856 "content.legal.terms.article_9.title": "Article 9. Conditions of Carriage",
2857 "content.legal.terms_before_date": "Terms and conditions applied before __date__",
2858 "content.legal_refer_friend.terms.article_1.paragraph_1": "<li>\n These Special Terms & Conditions regulate the relationship between us, the private\n limited company Kiwi.com s.r.o., company ID No.: 29352886, with registered office at\n Palachovo namesti 797/4, Post Code 625 00 Brno, the Czech Republic, registered in\n the Commercial Register maintained by the Regional Court in Brno, file no. C 74565,\n Tax ID No. CZ29352886 (“<strong>Kiwi.com</strong>”,“<strong>We</strong>”, “\n <strong>Our</strong>”, “<strong>Us</strong>”), and you as Our registered customer\n with Kiwi.com account (“<strong>You</strong>”, “<strong>Your</strong>”, “\n <strong>Yourself</strong>”); (“<strong>You</strong>”, “<strong>Your</strong>” and/or\n \"<strong>Yourself</strong>\" can also be used to refer to a person who will\n participate in this program based on the invitation described below.)\n </li>\n <li>\n The Kiwi.com Refer a Friend Program (the \"<strong>Program</strong>\") allows you to\n earn funds for Your Kiwi.com account (the “<strong>Funds</strong>”) in the form of\n credits which may be used only for the purchase of Our services and/our products\n (the “Booking”) which we offer on our website www.kiwi.com (the \"\n <strong>Website</strong>\").\n </li>",
2859 "content.legal_refer_friend.terms.article_1.title": "General Provisions",
2860 "content.legal_refer_friend.terms.article_2.paragraph_1": "<li>\n You can refer any of your friends to Us (the \"<strong>Referral</strong>\") by using\n the invitation link provided to You in relation to this Program.\n </li>\n <li>\n Each of Your friends with Kiwi.com account invited to participate in the Program\n (the <strong>\"Friend</strong>\") obtains Funds in the amount of EUR 20 for his first\n Booking. These particular Funds may not be used by You in any way and we may deny\n applicability of any voucher(s) related to these funds if we reasonably assume that\n You wish to use them in relation to any Booking.\n </li>\n <li>\n You will receive Funds in the amount of EUR 20 per each Referral which resulted in a\n Booking of more than EUR 200.\n </li>",
2861 "content.legal_refer_friend.terms.article_2.title": "How to use it?",
2862 "content.legal_refer_friend.terms.article_3.paragraph_1": "<li>You may only receive Funds up to the amount of EUR 5.000 within the Program.</li>\n <li>\n The Friend may redeem the Funds only within the first 2 weeks after the Referral\n occurred.\n </li>\n <li>\n The Funds may be used only within the first twelve months after they were credited\n to the respective Kiwi.com account.\n </li>\n <li>\n The Referral may be used only for personal and non-commercial purposes. We reserve\n the right to suspend or terminate the Program or Your ability to participate in the\n Program at any time for any reason if We notice any activity that we believe is\n abusive or fraudulent.\n </li>",
2863 "content.legal_refer_friend.terms.article_3.title": "Limitations",
2864 "content.legal_refer_friend.terms.article_4.paragraph_1": "<li>\n If You participate in the Program, you agree that any and all matters not covered by\n these Special Terms and Conditions shall be subject to Our Terms & Conditions\n available on the Website.\n </li>\n <li>\n By using the Program, you declare that you have obtained a freely given, specific,\n informed and unambiguous consent from every intended recipient of the invite, whose\n email address you have entered into the email field, to refer them to our product\n and services, i.e. to receive the invite in a form of an email.\n </li>",
2865 "content.legal_refer_friend.terms.article_4.title": "General Terms",
2866 "content.magic_app_link.body": "Click the magic link button in the email app on your mobile. By doing this you will be signed in automatically.",
2867 "content.magic_app_link.title ": "Whoops! You’ll have to open the magic link on your mobile.",
2868 "content.media.alert.note": "Please refer to <a href=\"__url__\">Orbit Design System</a> for up-to-date Kiwi.com design assets",
2869 "content.media.alert.title": "This press kit is currently out of date",
2870 "content.mobile.app_store": "Available on the App Store",
2871 "content.mobile.boarding_passes.text": "You know that feeling of panic when you can’t find your tickets? Forget about it, relax & enjoy a stress-free journey.",
2872 "content.mobile.boarding_passes.title": "Boarding passes",
2873 "content.mobile.bottom_background.title": "Start your journey now",
2874 "content.mobile.explore_function.text": "Venture into the unknown, armed with the knowledge of a local or find power and Wi-Fi hotspots. Try the airport lounge — you’re a VIP.",
2875 "content.mobile.explore_function.title": "Explore function",
2876 "content.mobile.feature.mobile_deals.text": "Access great deals and promo codes. We show the love to our app users.",
2877 "content.mobile.feature.mobile_deals.title": "Mobile-only deals",
2878 "content.mobile.google_play": "Get it on Google play",
2879 "content.mobile.header.explore_airport.subtitle": "Carry handy airport maps and info with you throughout the airport.",
2880 "content.mobile.header.explore_airport.title": "Explore Airport",
2881 "content.mobile.header.explore_destination.subtitle": "Plan trips to the most popular points of interest. Discover local activities and attractions.",
2882 "content.mobile.header.explore_destination.title": "Explore destination",
2883 "content.mobile.header.manage_booking.subtitle": "Add sporting or musical equipment, baby strollers, and more in Manage my Booking.",
2884 "content.mobile.header.manage_booking.title": "Manage Booking",
2885 "content.mobile.header.subtitle": "Stay organised while you explore the world",
2886 "content.mobile.header.title": "Tap into the world of travel",
2887 "content.mobile.instabooking.text": "Forget forms! Fill your booking info with just a tap.",
2888 "content.mobile.instabooking.title": "Instabooking",
2889 "content.mobile.mobile_app": "Kiwi.com mobile app",
2890 "content.mobile.price_alerts.text": "They will save you time and money. They’re easy to set up and manage with the app.",
2891 "content.mobile.price_alerts.title": "Price Alerts",
2892 "content.mobile.subtitle": "Stay organised while you explore the world",
2893 "content.mobile.title": "Tap into the world of travel",
2894 "content.mobile.travel_services.text": "Get great prices on hotels, rental cars, taxis, airport parking, transfers and VIP lounges. Your flight is just one piece of the puzzle.",
2895 "content.mobile.travel_services.title": "Travel services",
2896 "content.mobile.trip_notifications.text": "Avoid airport check-in fees and other nasty surprises. Stay organised.",
2897 "content.mobile.trip_notifications.title": "Trip notifications",
2898 "content.pages.about.quote_business_insider": "It’s one of those companies that makes you think “Why did no one think of this before?\"",
2899 "content.pages.about.quote_ny_times": "...basically helps you figure out where you can fly within your budget",
2900 "content.pages.about.quote_today": "...your itinerary can include connections with airlines that don't cooperate with each other, unlike standard searches. The result is a series of cheap, connecting flights to get you where you want to go.",
2901 "content.pages.about.title": "About __companyName__",
2902 "content.pages.account.title": "My account",
2903 "content.pages.business.title": "B2B & Partnership",
2904 "content.pages.careers.title": "Careers",
2905 "content.pages.cookies.title": "Cookie policy",
2906 "content.pages.feedback.extra_categories_note": "Booking-related categories will be available after verification.",
2907 "content.pages.feedback.get_support": "Get support from __companyName__",
2908 "content.pages.feedback.phones_locked.button_text": "Verify & view contact details",
2909 "content.pages.feedback.phones_locked.faq": "View our FAQs",
2910 "content.pages.feedback.phones_locked.info": "Contact details will be available after booking verification.",
2911 "content.pages.feedback.phones_locked.subtext": "If you've had any payment issues, check your email for our contact number.",
2912 "content.pages.feedback.phone_numbers": "Phone numbers",
2913 "content.pages.feedback.priority_number_subtitle": "Calls cost €0.04 per minute in addition to the standard rate from your provider.",
2914 "content.pages.feedback.priority_number_title": "Paid priority line",
2915 "content.pages.feedback.standard_number_subtitle": "You'll only be charged the standard rate from your provider. ",
2916 "content.pages.feedback.standard_number_title": "Standard phone numbers",
2917 "content.pages.feedback.textarea_language_not_supported": "If you write to us in an unsupported language, we'll use translation software and reply in a supported language. To ensure you get the best support, please only send 1 request and provide as much info as possible.",
2918 "content.pages.feedback.textarea_note": "To ensure you get the best support, please send 1 request and provide as much information as possible.",
2919 "content.pages.feedback.title": "Send us a message",
2920 "content.pages.guarantee.title": "__companyName__ Guarantee",
2921 "content.pages.investors.title": "Investor relations",
2922 "content.pages.legal.insurance_conclusion": "Distant conclusion of the Insurance",
2923 "content.pages.legal.insurance_document": "Insurance informative document",
2924 "content.pages.legal.insurance_memorandum": "Privacy information memorandum",
2925 "content.pages.legal.title": "Terms & Conditions",
2926 "content.pages.legal_refer_friend.title": "Special Terms and Conditions for the Kiwi.com Refer a Friend Program",
2927 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_1.part_1": "These special terms and conditions of Compass (“<strong>Terms of Compass</strong>“) regulates the participation and membership in the Compass loyalty program (“<strong>Compass</strong>“) of the private limited company Kiwi.com s.r.o., Company ID No.: 29352886, with a registered office at Palachovo náměstí 797/4, Starý Lískovec, Post Code 625 00 Brno, the Czech Republic, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Regional Court in Brno, File No. C 74565, Tax ID No. CZ29352886 (“<strong>Kiwi.com</strong>”, “<strong>We</strong>”, “<strong>Our</strong>”, “<strong>Us</strong>”).",
2928 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_1.part_2": "Compass allows Our customers and also customers of Kiwi.com, Inc. (“<strong>You</strong>”, “<strong>Your</strong>”) to collect and redeem loyalty points (“<strong>Compass Points</strong>”) and awards and other benefits under the rules set out in these Terms of Compass.",
2929 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_1.part_3": "Any and all matters not covered by these Terms of Compass shall be subject to Our Terms & Conditions available on the Website. The capitalized words such as “<strong>Booking</strong>”, “<strong>Service</strong>”, “<strong>Service Package</strong>”, “<strong>Website</strong>” in these Terms of Compass shall have their specific meaning as defined in Our Terms & Conditions unless they are defined otherwise in these Terms of Compass. In case of any discrepancy with Our Terms & Conditions, these Terms of Compass shall prevail.",
2930 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_1.title": "Article 1. General provisions",
2931 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_2.part_1": "You may collect Compass Points for using Our Services even if You are not a Member (see Article 4 of these Terms of Compass). By completing the Booking on the Website for which You should collect the Compass Points as notified during the Booking process, You accept these Terms of Compass and agree to be bound by them.",
2932 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_2.part_2": "We may award You with Compass Points if You complete and fully utilize the Booking You made on the Website. If Your booking is not made directly on the Website, e.g. if You are redirected to one of Our partners' sites and Your booking is completed there, You will not be awarded the Compass Points.",
2933 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_2.part_3": "The number of Compass Points awarded for the Booking will be calculated based on the Final Price and other relevant factors such as Your Membership Rank (see Article 3 of these Terms of Compass). When collecting the Compass Points as a non-Member, Your Membership Rank for the purposes of collecting Compass Points is deemed to be the default one. The Compass Points will be awarded to You within 24 hours after the departure of the last Flight included in the Booking provided that You fulfill all Your payments obligations and fully utilize all the Flights included in the Booking.",
2934 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_2.part_4": "The indicative number of Compass Points to be collected for the Booking will be clearly displayed on the Website before the Booking process is completed and may be also displayed in the dedicated Member section of the Website as pending Compass Points after the Booking process is completed. The indicative number of Compass Points may vary from the final number of Compass Points awarded. You will not be able to use any pending Compass Points before they are finally awarded to You.",
2935 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_2.part_5": "We reserve the right to decrease or increase the final number of Compass Points to be awarded under Our sole discretion and also the right to not award the Compass Points to You at all, especially if You do not meet any of the conditions stipulated in these Terms of Compass.",
2936 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_2.part_6": "You may be awarded Compass Points only for 50 (fifty) Bookings per every period of the subsequent twelve months as of the day You was firstly awarded Compass points. You will receive no Compass Points for Bookings exceeding this limit.",
2937 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_2.title": "Article 2. Collection of Compass Points for using Our Services",
2938 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_3.part_1": "We may award You with Compass Points if You engage in any of Our announced special promotions such as a bonus for activation of Compass Membership or a bonus for using a mobile application. The special event may be announced, started, cancelled or terminated by Us at any time.",
2939 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_3.part_2": "The number of Compass Points that may be awarded to You and the other conditions for the collection of Compass Points within the special promotions may be announced by Us on the Website, by e-mail or by other means. Unless stated otherwise, the Compass Points may not be collected more than once per single special promotion.",
2940 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_3.part_3": "We reserve the right to decrease or increase the number of Compass Points to be awarded within the special promotions under Our sole discretion and also the right to not award the Compass Points to You at all, especially if You do not meet any of the conditions of the special promotion or any of the conditions stipulated in these Terms of Compass. We reserve the right to amend the conditions of the special promotions under Our sole discretion at any time.",
2941 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_3.title": "Article 3. Collection of Compass Points during special promotions",
2942 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_4.part_1": "You are eligible to take full advantage of Compass only if You become a member of Compass (“<strong>Member</strong>”) by activating of Your Compass membership (“<strong>Membership</strong>”).",
2943 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_4.part_10": "If Your Membership Rank allows You to receive the free Service Package, the corresponding Service Package may be offered to be added to Your Booking during the Booking process for free. The provision of Service Packages is governed by Our Terms & Conditions.",
2944 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_4.part_11": "If You Membership Rank allows You to collect Compass Points more quickly, the corresponding coefficient for collection of Compass Points indicates the number for multiplication of Compass Points when calculating the Compass Points to be awarded under Article 2 of these Terms of Compass.",
2945 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_4.part_2": "The Compass Membership may be activated via the dedicated interface of the Website by completing all the required steps of the activation process. The full and unconditional acceptance of these Terms of Compass and saving of Your payment card details is required to become a Member. We may decide to set an appropriate limit by age for activating the Membership.",
2946 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_4.part_3": "You may become a Member only if You are an individual (natural person). You may have only one Membership.",
2947 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_4.part_4": "Your Membership type (“<strong>Membership Rank</strong>”) depends on the number of Compass Points collected by You in the relevant period. Three Membership Ranks are distinguished under Compass (ordered from low to high): <em>Scout</em>, <em>Adventurer</em> and <em>Captain</em>.",
2948 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_4.part_5": "Your default Membership Rank is <em>Scout</em>. To be promoted to <em>Adventurer</em> or <em>Captain</em>, You must, as <em>Scout</em>, collect the required number of Compass Points within any time since Your last demotion to <em>Scout</em>. To be promoted to <em>Captain</em>, You must, as <em>Adventurer</em>, collect the difference between the required number of Compass Points for <em>Adventurer</em> and <em>Captain</em> within twelve (12) calendar months after the promotion to <em>Adventurer</em>.",
2949 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_4.part_6": "After You have been promoted to <em>Adventurer</em> or <em>Captain</em>, You will keep Your Membership Rank for twelve (12) calendar months after the last promotion. To keep Your Membership Rank after this period, You must again collect the required number of Compass Points within twelve (12) calendar months after the promotion and then again after every annual anniversary of the promotion. If You collect less than the number of points required to keep Your Membership Rank, You will be demoted to lower Membership Ranks corresponding to the collected number of Compass Points.",
2950 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_4.part_7": "The required numbers of Compass points to get and to keep the Membership Rank are displayed on the dedicated page of the Website. Please note that Compass Points are counted for the purpose of promotion and keeping the Membership Rank only if awarded; the pending, spent, expired, forfeited, removed or cancelled Compass Points are disregarded.",
2951 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_4.part_8": "We reserve the right to cancel Your Membership, exclude You from Membership and Compass, and change Your Membership Rank under Our sole discretion at any time.",
2952 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_4.part_9": "Benefits for Members are available to You based on Your Membership Rank. Currently available benefits are displayed on the dedicated page of the Website. Any or all the benefits may be modified or removed at any time under Our sole discretion.",
2953 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_4.title": "Article 4. Membership, ranks and benefits",
2954 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_5.part_1": "As a Member, You may check how many Compass Points You have collected. The current balance of Your awarded and pending Compass Points shall be displayed in the dedicated Member section of the Website. The Compass Points shall be deemed to be awarded and collected by You only after they have been marked as such on the Website.",
2955 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_5.part_2": "The Compass Points are valid for 12 (twelve) months after the Compass Points were awarded to You. If You are awarded any Compass Points within this period, the validity of all Your collected and non-expired or non-forfeited Compass Points shall be prolonged by 12 (twelve) months. If the validity of the Compass Points is expired, all of Your Compass Points shall be forfeited permanently.",
2956 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_5.part_3": "Compass Points marked as pending, spent, expired, forfeited, removed or cancelled are not deemed as collected or awarded and may not be redeemed or used.",
2957 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_5.part_4": "The monetary value of Compass Points displayed on the Website represents the current discount obtainable under the conditions set out in Article 6 of these Terms of Compass. The monetary value of Compass points may be changed at any time and is merely indicative.",
2958 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_5.part_5": "Compass Points may be used solely as defined in these Terms of Compass. Compass Points may not be sold, bartered, exchanged or otherwise transferred and are not refundable, convertible to money or any other performance unless stated otherwise in these Terms of Compass. Awarded Compass Points are attributable to You and Your Membership only and they cannot be transferred, redeemed or used in favor of or by any other Member or a third party.",
2959 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_5.part_6": "We reserve the right to decrease or increase the number of Your Compass Points to be under Our sole discretion at any time.",
2960 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_5.title": "Article 5. Your Compass Points",
2961 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_6.part_1": "As a Member, You may be offered to use Your collected Compass Points to discount Our Services booked via the Website.",
2962 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_6.part_2": "The available options of usage of Compass Points for price reduction shall be displayed during the Booking process on the Website. If the price reduction of the Booking is not offered during the Booking process, the Compass Points may not be used.",
2963 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_6.part_3": "If Compass Points are used for the price reduction of the Booking, the corresponding amount of Compass Points shall be marked as spent and deducted from Your current balance of Compass Points. Only awarded Compass Points may be used for a price reduction; pending, spent, expired, forfeited, removed or cancelled Compass Points may not be used.",
2964 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_6.part_4": "The minimal number of collected Compass Points may be required for price reduction of the Booking to be offered and if not met, the Compass Points may not be used for the price reduction of the Booking.",
2965 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_6.part_5": "If You are refunded or reimbursed for the price of Our Services which was discounted as a redeem for your Compass Points for any reason, the amount of the original discount will be never refunded in cash, but the original discount and used Compass Points may be reflected in a form We will consider appropriate (e.g. new Compass Points or Kiwi.com voucher or discount in amount determined by Us); ultimately, We may decide not to reimburse You for the used Compass Points in any form under Our sole discretion.",
2966 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_6.title": "Article 6. Redemption of Compass Points",
2967 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_7.part_1": "We reserve the right to amend these Terms of Compass at any time, and without prior consultation with You, especially to change, cancel or remove any or all the means of the collection of Compass Points, Membership Ranks and benefits for Members, The amended version will be published on the dedicated page of Our Website. We also reserve the right to close Compass at any time.",
2969 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_7.part_3": "Without prejudice to other eventual legal claims available to Us, any breach of these Terms of Compass or the willful misuse of Compass for Your commercial activities, or in detriment of Us, or in a fraudulent manner may result in invalidation and permanent forfeiture of all Your Compass Points or in a cancellation of Your Membership or demotion of Your Membership Rank or suspension and cancellation of any provided benefit, without prior notice and any compensation to You.",
2970 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_7.part_4": "In cases of any disputes arising from or related to Compass or these Terms of Compass the courts of the Czech Republic shall have complete jurisdiction over all disputes arising between You and Us, unless provided by the mandatory applicable laws otherwise.",
2971 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_7.part_5": "Compass, these Terms of Compass and any legal relations established under it or derived from it, shall be governed by the laws of the Czech Republic with the exclusion of any rules on conflict of laws.",
2972 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_7.part_6": "These Terms of Compass are valid and effective from __date__.",
2973 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.article_7.title": "Article 7. Final provisions",
2974 "content.pages.loyalty_terms.title": "Terms of Compass",
2975 "content.pages.manage.choose_another": "Choose Another Booking",
2976 "content.pages.manage.title": "Manage bookings",
2977 "content.pages.media.brandcolours": "Brand colours",
2978 "content.pages.media.download_brandguide": "Download the Brand Colours Guide",
2979 "content.pages.media.down_all_web_screenshots": "Download all screenshots",
2980 "content.pages.media.down_logo_more_formats": "Download all Logo Formats",
2981 "content.pages.media.logo": "Logo",
2982 "content.pages.media.screenshots": "Screenshots",
2983 "content.pages.media_room": "Media Room",
2984 "content.pages.privacy.title": "Privacy Policy",
2985 "content.pages.refund.title": "Refunds and cancellations",
2986 "content.pages.security_title": "Security",
2987 "content.pages.support.title": "Support",
2988 "content.pages.team.title": "Team",
2989 "content.pages.terms.title": "Terms of Use",
2990 "content.pages_v2.investors.contact": "For investment related queries, contact our CFO Juraj Strieženec at invest@__brandDomain__.",
2991 "content.pages_v2.investors.intro": "Founded in 2012 as __oldBrand__.com, and thanks to angel investment from the well-known Czech entrepreneur Jiří Hlavenka, we started developing a unique flight combining algorithm, connecting not only cooperating airlines, but almost all of them - calling the process “Virtual Interlining”. In late 2013, we were further backed by an investment from Touzimsky Airlines s.r.o., a part of the venture capital group Touzimsky Kapital. Shortly after closing the deal we acquired the Czech flight search engine WhichAirline.com, which helped us boost our user count and revenue growth, and allowed us to focus on further development of our product. All this started to yield remarkable results by the beginning of 2015. To support our exponential growth, Ondřej Tomek, the co-founder of the second-largest Czech search engine and a successful e-commerce investor, invested 1M EUR, bringing also years of experience to the table.",
2992 "content.pages_v2.investors.name_change_info": "After four years of operation, and a record 1500% growth in revenues in 2015, __oldBrand__.com changed its name to __companyName__ in May 2016. <a href='/content/introducing-new-brand'>Find out more about our name change.</a>",
2993 "content.pages_v2.media.press_kit": "Media Room",
2994 "content.privacy.access.content": "\n <p>We want you to always be in control of your Personal Data. To this end, you have certain rights that allow for it. Under certain conditions, you may: </p>\n <ol>\n <li>gain access to all your data that we use or processing, and even get a copy of all of it,</li>\n <li>ask us to delete your data,</li>\n <li>correct the data that we are processing if you think that there are mistakes,</li>\n <li>restrict the data processing,</li>\n <li>object to processing,</li>\n <li>receive your Personal Data in a commonly used and machine-readable format or to transmit this data to a different provider.</li>\n </ol>\n <p>You can exercise your rights by sending us an email with your request through this form: <a href=\"/privacy/rights\">www.kiwi.com/privacy/rights</a>.</p>\n <p>Please note, that in order to ensure the safety of your Personal Data, we will only comply with the requests that are sent from the email address used during the booking or ordering of a service. If someone else did the booking for you, we will request that you provide additional information to us (Booking ID, etc) to ensure that you are really the owner of the Personal Data in concern.</p>\n ",
2995 "content.privacy.access.more": "<h4>Access your Personal Data</h4>\n<p>At any time, you have the right to ask us whether we process your Personal Data and to get the following information:\n</p>\n<ol>\n <li>Purposes for which we process your Personal Data,\n </li>\n<li>\n<a href=\"#purposes\">Categories</a> of your Personal Data we're processing,\n </li>\n<li>List of third-parties with whom we share your Personal Data, in particular when these third-parties are based in Third Countries\n </li>\n<li>Duration that we plan to process your Personal Data, or at least how we determine the retention period\n </li>\n<li>Your rights as a data subject according to the GDPR\n </li>\n<li>Your right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority\n </li>\n<li>Where we received your data in cases where we didn't get the data straight from you,\n </li>\n<li>If applicable, any information about automated decision making that you may be subject to\n </li>\n<li>When the data was transferred to a Third Country and what safeguards apply according to the GDPR </li>\n</ol>\n<p>Also, on your request, we will provide you with a full copy of all the Personal Data about you that we're processing. The first copy is for free. However, for any further copies we may charge you a fee to cover our administrative costs. </p>\n<p>You can also request your data in a commonly used format for the sake of <a href=\"#access\">data portability</a>.</p>\n<h4>Delete your Personal data</h4>\n<p>You have also the right to have your data completely deleted (or more precisely, irreversibly anonymised) if one of the following situations applies to you:</p>\n<ol>\n <li>we no longer need your Personal Data for any of the <a href=\"#purposes\">purposes</a> defined in this Privacy Policy\n </li>\n<li>you've successfully <a href=\"#access\">objected</a> to the processing according to the Art. 21 of the GDPR and we\n have no other purpose for which we need your Personal Data,\n </li>\n<li>we've processed your Personal Data unlawfully, or\n </li>\n<li>there is a legal obligation that obliges us to delete your Personal Data.</li>\n</ol>\n<p>However, you don't have the right to request the deletion of your Personal data, if the processing is necessary for:\n</p>\n<ol>\n <li>exercising the right of freedom of expression and information,\n </li>\n<li>compliance with a legal obligation that obliges us to keep the Personal Data, or\n </li>\n<li>we need the Personal Data for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims</li>\n</ol>\n<h4>Correct your Personal Data </h4>\n<p>If you feel that any Personal Data that we're processing about you is not accurate, you can let us know and we will do our best to correct it. </p>\n<p>Please note, that we cannot correct the data in our databases that are connected to your ticket. If we would do that, it wouldn't change it on the part of the carriers or providers of other services and we couldn't pair it together. If you want to change the details on your ticket, you can always do it in the Manage My Booking section on Kiwi.com.\n</p>\n<h4>Restrict processing of your Personal Data</h4>\n<p>Under certain conditions, we will restrict the processing of your Personal Data. This means that we will make sure that they are not being processed for any other purpose than to archive it or to move it to a secure archive. You have the right to request this restriction if:</p>\n<ol>\n <li>you challenged the accuracy of your Personal Data (we will continue processing it once this is resolved),\n </li>\n<li>we've processed your Personal Data unlawfully but instead of deletion, you only request restriction,\n </li>\n<li>the only remaining purpose for processing your Personal Data is the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims, or\n </li>\n<li>you've objected to data processing according to the Art. 21 Para 1 of the GDPR and we're assessing whether your request is justified</li>\n</ol>\n<h4>Object to processing of your Personal Data</h4>\n<p>You can object against any purpose for which we're processing your Personal Data based on the legal ground of legitimate interest. When you object against processing for any <a href=\"#purposes\">Marketing purposes</a>, we will stop using your Personal Data for this purpose immediately. </p>\n<p>If you protest against any other purpose based on a legitimate interest, we will stop processing your Personal Data for this purpose, unless we can prove that our legitimate grounds for processing it override your individual interests, rights and freedoms.</p>\n<h4>Get your Personal Data portable</h4>\n<p>Lastly, you have the right <strong>to</strong> <strong>obtain </strong>your Personal Data processed for the purposes of <a href=\"#purposes\">Provision of our services</a> (or any other purposes where we process your Personal Data based on either consent or necessity for a conclusion or performance of a contract) in a commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right <strong>to transmit</strong> that data to another controller of your choice. </p>",
2996 "content.privacy.access.title": "How to access and control your Personal Data?",
2997 "content.privacy.changes.content": "As our business evolves, the way we process Personal Data might change as well. In case of such changes, we will also update this Privacy Policy to comply with the principles of transparency. If future changes affect you, we will notify you via email.<br><br>This Privacy Policy is effective from 20.7.2020.",
2998 "content.privacy.changes.title": "Changes to this Privacy Policy",
2999 "content.privacy.cookies.content": "<p>Cookies are small text files placed on your device that allow us to remember certain information about you for multiple purposes, such as the operation of multiple basic functionalities of our website, storing your setting and preferences on our website, managing your account, preventing fraud, improving performance while browsing our website, marketing purposes or analyzing your use of our website for the purposes of improving our website and our services.</p>\n<p>Basically, on our site, you will encounter four types of cookies:</p>\n<ol>\n <li>Cookies that are strictly necessary for the operation of our website and provision of our services (these cannot be turned off),\n </li>\n<li>So-called “performance cookies”, i.e. cookies that we use for statistics in order to improve our services,\n </li>\n<li>Cookies that we use for marketing purposes. </li>\n </ol>\n<p>You can turn off the cookies that use for statistics and marketing purposes by setting your cookie preferences <a href=\"__cookiesUrl__\">here</a>.</p>\n<p>You may always check and modify your preferences when it comes to digital advertising on the web pages of the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA), at <a href=\"http://optout.aboutads.info/\">http://optout.aboutads.info/</a>, or on the web pages of the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA), at <a href=\"http://www.youronlinechoices.com/\">http://www.youronlinechoices.com/</a>.</p>",
3000 "content.privacy.cookies.more": "<p> I. NECESSARY COOKIES</p>\n<table>\n <tr>\n <td> <strong>COOKIES</strong> </td>\n <td> <strong>PURPOSE</strong> </td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td>__cfduid<br>\n __cfruid </td>\n <td> <strong>CloudFlare Security Features</strong><br>\n Cookies necessary for the purpose of technical security of the core functions of our website. </td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td>forterToken<br>\n forterTokenCopy<br>\n ftr_ncd</td>\n <td>\n<strong>Forter</strong> <br>\n A fraud prevention tool used for all payments on our website. This cookie is\n necessary to complete the transaction. </td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td>lastRskxRun<br>\n rskxRunCookie</td>\n <td>\n<strong>Riskified</strong> <br>\n Another fraud prevention tool. </td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td>gwmSourcePage<br>\n SKYPICKER_AFFILIATE<br>\n SKYPICKER_AFFILIATE_UID<br>\n SKYPICKER_AFFILIATE_SUB<br>\n sub1Param</td>\n <td>We use these cookies to track from which affiliate website you came (if any) and other information needed to realise the three-point relationship with the affiliate website, such as an indication of a successful booking. This cookie is an absolute necessity for the functionality of this operation model. </td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td>cookie_consent<br>\n cookie_settings</td>\n <td>This cookie allows us to remember your cookie preferences. </td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td>preferred_currency </td>\n <td>This cookie allows us to remember your currency preference. </td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td>preferred_language </td>\n <td>This cookie allows us to remember your language preference. </td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td>raf_creditBalance </td>\n <td>If you Refer a Friend from your account, we need to use this cookie to track your credit balance. </td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td>SKYPICKER_VISITOR_UNIQID </td>\n <td>We need this\n cookie to track users who are not logged in. Without it, multiple basic functionalities of this website would not work. </td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td>ua_session_token </td>\n <td>Without this cookie, logging into a Kiwi.com account would not be possible. </td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td>track_* </td>\n <td>We need this cookie to know if a user completed the ordering process.</td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td>ignore_mobile_ad</td>\n <td>\n This cookie is used to track whether the user has already closed the advert for our mobile application\n during their visit to our website. Without this cookie, we wouldn’t remember if the advert was already\n closed and it would pop up on every page.</td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td>ui</td>\n <td>We use this cookie to distinguish users who use a standard browser from those who display our website in the mobile web view.</td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td>recentSearch</td>\n <td>In this cookie, we store information about your last searches so that we can show it to you.</td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td>viewedOuibounceModal</td>\n <td>\n<strong>Ouibance library</strong><br>\n Used by ouibounce library to check if an exit popup was already shown to you.</td>\n </tr>\n</table>\n\n<p> II. PERFORMANCE COOKIES</p>\n<table>\n <tr>\n <td>\n<strong>COOKIES</strong> </td>\n <td>\n<strong>PURPOSE</strong> </td>\n </tr>\n \n <tr>\n <td>_parsely_visitor</td>\n <td>This cookie is used to determine if the visitor has previously visited the website, or if it is a new visitor.</td>\n </tr>\n \n <tr>\n <td>\n _ga<br>\n _gac_*<br>\n _gat_gtag_*<br>\n _gid<br>\n google_click_id<br>\n gtmSplitVar </td>\n <td>\n <strong>Google Analytics</strong><br>\n We use Google Analytics tools to measure the traffic on our website to see our visitors' interactions with our website and other useful information that our visitors generate while browsing through our website. </td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td>_gcl_au<br>\n _gcl_aw</td>\n <td>\n<strong>Google AdSense</strong><br>\n These cookies allow us to use the Google Ads Conversion tracking service. They are also used by Google AdSense to track their advertisement efficiency across websites using their services.</td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td>__inf_* </td>\n <td>\n <strong>Exponea Infinario</strong><br>\n As with the Google Analytics, this cookie helps us measure traffic on our website. We use this tool specifically to track how many visitors book tickets or other services. We also collect data for testing new features on the website. </td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td>_fbc<br>\n _fbp</td>\n <td>\n<strong>Facebook</strong><br>\n These cookies allow us to use Facebook advertising products. Mainly, they help us keep track of the users who came from an advertisement displayed by Facebook and to distinguish our unique users using Facebook services.</td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td>splitster_* </td>\n <td>We use this cookie for A/B testing when we implement a new functionality or do any sort of modification on our website that we want to test how the users react to it. With this cookie, we can split our visitors into halves and show them two different versions of the website. </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>logglytrackingsession </td>\n <td>\n <strong>Loggly </strong><br>\n We use this cookie to collect information about the overall functionality of our website along with all the activity on the page, so that our developers are able to debug issues on our website. Without this, we are limited in addressing certain production issues. </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>\n SL_C_*_KEY<br>\n SL_C_*_SID<br>\n SL_C_*_VID</td>\n <td>\n <strong>Smartlook</strong><br>\n These cookies allow us to see the exact path that our users take while browsing through our website. </td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td>fs_uid</td>\n <td>\n <strong>Fullstory</strong><br>\n This cookie serves the application called Fullstory, which does the same thing as Smartlook, i.e., monitors the browsing of our users.</td>\n </tr>\n\n\n <tr>\n <td>utag_main</td>\n <td>\n <strong>Tealium</strong><br>\n This cookie allows us to use the Tealium tag manager solution — it helps us track the usage of our website and make our analytics more accurate.</td>\n </tr>\n</table>\n\n<p> III. MARKETING COOKIES</p>\n<table>\n <tr>\n <td>\n<strong>COOKIES</strong> </td>\n <td>\n<strong>PURPOSE</strong> </td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td>cto_lwid<br>\n cto_sid<br>\n criteo_write_test<br>\n cto_idcpy</td>\n <td>\n <strong>Criteo </strong><br>\n Criteo is an advertisement network that helps us display ads on third-party websites that you visit. </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>__inf_* </td>\n <td>\n <strong>Exponea Infinario</strong><br>\n This cookie is necessary for marketing analytics and marketing automation. It allows us to segment our customers and to subsequently send them custom-made emails, pop-ups and push notifications and to display ads on Kiwi.com and third-party websites. </td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td>Im_puid<br>\n Im_snid<br>\n intent_media_prefs</td>\n <td>\n<strong>Intent Media</strong><br>\n Intent Media is an advertising network that helps us display ads on third-party websites that you visit.</td>\n </tr>\n \n</table>",
3001 "content.privacy.cookies.title": "Cookies & Similar technology",
3002 "content.privacy.data.content": "<p>Depending on the processing purpose, we may process the following categories of Personal Data:</p>\n\n<table>\n <tr>\n <td>\n<strong>CATEGORY OF PERSONAL DATA</strong> </td>\n <td>\n<strong>DESCRIPTION</strong> </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td><strong>Identification information</strong></td>\n <td>Information used to identify you as a natural person, such as your name, surname, gender, nationality, and date of birth, and artificial online identifier created by us, such as Kiwi.com ID.</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td><strong>Contact information</strong></td>\n <td>Information used to contact you, such as your email address and telephone number.</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td><strong>Your online behavior while interacting with us</strong></td>\n <td>Your behavior on our Website and in our App, i.e. what you visited, how long you stayed, what you clicked on, etc. We also track your interactions with the emails and notifications that we send you, such as if you open the email or if you click on any of the links that it contains.</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td><strong>Device and network metadata</strong></td>\n <td>Information about the device that you used to access our Website or the device on which our App is installed and your network connection metadata. This information includes, for example, your operating system, web browser, screen resolution, IP address, etc.</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td><strong>Account information</strong></td>\n <td>The settings and other data which you generate while using the Kiwi.com Account, such as the Price Alerts, search history or specific settings, profile picture, the login details which you use to log into the Kiwi.com Account, i.e. the email and password (we never store the passwords in a non-encrypted form), and the data related to the Kiwi.com Compass, if you have this functionality activated.</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td><strong>Information about your order(s)</strong></td>\n <td>Details of your order, i.e., all that you choose in the order form and what you later change or purchase as an addition to the original order. If you order a special assistance service or if you submit a cancellation request out of medical reasons, we will process your health data as necessary for the provision of these services.</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td><strong>Travel document information</strong></td>\n <td>Number and expiration date of the ID or Passport (depending on which one you give us).</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td><strong>Payment information</strong></td>\n <td>Information which you give us to execute the payment. Usually, this means the payment card details. We never store the payment card details in a non-encrypted form.</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td><strong>Documents necessary to be provided with the brokered service</strong></td>\n <td>Documents that we get from the provider of the service which we broker for you, such as the boarding passes or the e-tickets.</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td><strong>Information about your requests and your communication with us</strong></td>\n <td>All of the text and voice communications exchanged between you and Kiwi.com in connection to your requests (e.g., customer support cases), metadata, and notes generated by our systems and agents.</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td><strong>Your settings</strong></td>\n <td>Some settings of the Website or in the App which you have made, such as the language, currency or cookie settings.</td>\n </tr>\n</table>",
3003 "content.privacy.data.title": "What Personal Data do we collect?",
3004 "content.privacy.data_protection.content": "With regard to all issues related to processing of your Personal Data and to the exercise of your rights related to your Personal Data, you may also contact our Data Protection Officer.",
3005 "content.privacy.data_protection.more": "<strong>Oliver Švolík</strong><br>Data Protection Officer of Kiwi.com<br>privacy-dpo@kiwi.com",
3006 "content.privacy.data_protection.more.button": "View contact details.",
3007 "content.privacy.data_protection.title": "Data Protection Officer",
3008 "content.privacy.general.content": "<p>We at Kiwi.com take your privacy very seriously. Currently, we comply with the Regulation No. 2016/679, the General Data Protection Regulation, also known as <strong>GDPR</strong>, which sets the highest privacy and data protection standard in the world. In this Privacy Policy we explain what data we collect from you, why we collect it, how we use it and with whom we might share it. It also explains what rights you as a data subject have and how you can fulfill them. </p>\n<p>This Privacy Policy applies to any data processing done by us in connection to the use of our services, both through our website <a href=\"https://www.kiwi.com/\">www.kiwi.com</a> (the “Website”) and through our mobile applications for iOS and Android (the \"App\"). </p>",
3009 "content.privacy.general.title": "Privacy Policy of Kiwi.com",
3010 "content.privacy.how_long.content": "<p>In general, we will process your Personal Data until we don’t need it for any of the purposes defined in this Privacy Policy. Usually, we process your Personal Data for the duration of statutory limitation period, which is generally 3 years, plus an additional 1 year because of the time reserve necessary for delayed deliveries of notices and our additional actions.</p>\n<p>For the purpose of legal obligations fulfillment, we process your Personal Data for the duration required by the applicable law, e.g. 10 years for archiving of invoices.</p>\n<p>For the purpose of your Kiwi.com user account, we will store your Personal Data for 5 years after the last action you performed by you while logged in. If you are a member of our loyalty program, we will process your Personal Data for the existence of your loyalty account.</p>\n<p>For the purpose of personalized offers, you will periodically get email offers from us, and in every email, there will be a clear and easy way to unsubscribe and therefore object to this type of processing. We will keep and use your Personal Data for this purpose until you unsubscribe.</p>",
3011 "content.privacy.how_long.title": "How long do we store your Personal Data?",
3012 "content.privacy.purposes.content": "<h3>Users</h3>\n<p>Whenever you access our Website or App, we process your Personal Data for the purposes defined below:</p>\n\n<table>\n <tr>\n <td>\n<strong>NAME</strong> </td>\n <td>\n<strong>DESCRIPTION</strong> </td>\n <td>\n<strong>CATEGORIES OF PERSONAL DATA</strong> </td>\n <td>\n<strong>LEGAL GROUND</strong> </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>\n<strong>Delivering the functionalities of the Website and App</strong> </td>\n <td>We will process your Personal Data so that we're able to deliver you the functionalities of our Website and App. </td>\n <td>Your online behavior while interacting with us<br>\n Device and network metadata<br>\n Your settings</td>\n <td>Art. 6.1(f) - necessity for the purposes of legitimate interest of Kiwi.com (Delivery of product features).</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>\n<strong>Product development, service improvement, and business development</strong> </td>\n <td>We constantly strive to improve our product and services. To be able to do that, we need precise data about your interactions with us. Therefore, we collect data about your device and your network identifiers along with your behavior on our Website and in the App. We analyze all this data and use it to create or modify our features and processes. We use data also to grow our business. Whenever we need to reach a business decision, we look at data that is generated by our most important variable — our customers.</td>\n <td>Your online behavior while interacting with us<br>\n Device and network metadata</td>\n <td>Art. 6.1(f) - necessity for the purposes of legitimate interest of Kiwi.com (Product, service, and business development).</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>\n<strong>Kiwi.com Account</strong> </td>\n <td>If you create the Kiwi.com Account, we will process your Personal Data as necessary to deliver you all the features it includes, in accordance with the Terms of Use. The scope of the processed Personal Data will change depending on whether you save your details.</td>\n <td>Contact information<br>\n Account information<br>\n Identification information</td>\n <td>Art. 6.1(b) - necessity for the conclusion and performance of a contract (Terms of Use).</td>\n </tr>\n <td>\n<strong>Direct marketing & Online advertising</strong> </td>\n <td>To provide you with the best offers and to maximize our marketing efficiency, we process your Personal Data for the purposes of direct marketing (email offers and related processing activities). Besides your contact details, we also keep data like your transaction and travel history, travel preferences, and other data about your interaction with us that help us with customer segmentation and personalization of these offers. For example, we might tailor a special offer just for you based on your previous orders.<br>\n Additionally, when you provide your information during the booking process or while ordering another service, we may send you an email to remind you of any unfinished orders that are still incomplete. We will only keep your Personal Data collected in this way for 30 days.<br>\n We will never share your contact details with other Data Controllers without your knowledge, and we will only contact you with offers that are linked to our main business. You can always unsubscribe and check your subscription status through the links below every newsletter that you get from us.<br>\n Besides direct messages to make sure that you don't miss our offers, we send out website and app push notifications (with your consent), and we also display ads on Kiwi.com and third-party websites that are tailored for you according to your past orders. It might, therefore, happen that you will see advertisements that offer booking of transportation via Kiwi.com elsewhere on the internet.<br>\n If you don’t check the box on the booking page that you do not wish to be contacted via telephone in connection to an unfinished order, if for some reason you don’t finish it, we may contact you to offer our help with it.</td>\n <td>Your online behavior while interacting with us<br>\n Account information<br>\n Device and network metadata<br>\n Contact details (if entered into the fields)</td>\n <td>Art. 6.1(f) - necessity for the purposes of legitimate interest of Kiwi.com (Direct marketing).</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>\n<strong>Marketing analytics</strong> </td>\n <td>To improve our marketing campaigns in general, we perform analyses to help us see which campaigns work and how they contribute to our conversion rates. Additionally, we analyze your interactions with Kiwi.com to send you offers that will be relevant for you.</td>\n <td>Your online behavior while interacting with us<br>\n Device and network metadata</td>\n <td>Art. 6.1(f) - necessity for the purposes of legitimate interest of Kiwi.com (Direct marketing).</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>\n<strong>Establishment, exercise, or defence of legal claims</strong> </td>\n <td>To be able to exercise our legal claims arising out of your use of our Website / App in breach of our Terms of Use or use in breach of some statutory obligation and to be able to defend ourselves against legal claims raised by you, we will store your Personal Data for at least 4 years from the point of your use of the Website / App.</td>\n <td>Identification information<br>\n Your online behavior while interacting with us<br>\n Device and network metadata<br>\n Account information<br>\n Contact details (if entered into the fields)<br>\n Your settings</td>\n <td>Art. 6.1(f) - necessity for the purposes of legitimate interest of Kiwi.com (Protection of our legal rights).</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>\n<strong>Information Security</strong> </td>\n <td>We need to protect ourselves against various security threats, who try to exploit vulnerabilities in our security and hurt our business. To do that, sometimes we need to process the Personal Data of our users.</td>\n <td>Your online behavior while interacting with us<br>\n Device and network metadata</td>\n <td>Art. 6.1(f) - necessity for the purposes of legitimate interest of Kiwi.com (Security).</td>\n </tr>\n</table>\n\n\n<h3>Customers</h3>\n<p>When you order any of our services, we will continue to process your Personal Data for the purposes explained above. The scope of the processed Personal Data for these purposes will newly also include the Information about your order(s) and Information about your requests and your communication with us. Besides this, we will process your Personal Data for the following purposes:</p>\n\n<table>\n <tr>\n <td>\n<strong>NAME</strong> </td>\n <td>\n<strong>DESCRIPTION</strong> </td>\n <td>\n<strong>CATEGORIES OF PERSONAL DATA</strong> </td>\n <td>\n<strong>LEGAL GROUND</strong> </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>\n<strong>Ordering & Provision of services</strong> </td>\n <td>The main reason we collect and use your Personal Data is to conclude an agreement with you and to provide you the services you have ordered. Depending on the extent to which you use our services, we will process your Personal Data in a way that is necessary to enter into and fulfill our Service Agreement as described in our Terms & Conditions. The services that we provide include, primarily, the brokering of a contract of carriage and related services between you and the selected carrier. We may also process your Personal Data for this purpose when providing you with the service of enforcement of your claims against carriers.<br>\n To achieve this purpose, we need to share your Personal Data with the carriers with whom you will enter into a contract of carriage and, in some cases, also with operators of ticket marketplaces, such as the Global Distribution Networks. Additionally, to pay for the tickets, we will use your name and surname to generate a single-use virtual payment card, which we use for the financial settlement with the transport provider.<br>\n If you order additional service Special assistance or when you ask us for a refund due to health issues, we will process your Personal Data concerning health. In the case of the Special assistance service, we will share it with the carrier of your choice. During the ordering process, you will be asked to give your explicit consent with the processing of this Personal Data. You can always withdraw your consent through this form: www.kiwi.com/privacy/rights. However, please note that if you withdraw the consent with the processing of your Personal Data for the purpose of the Special Assistance additional service, we won't be able to provide you with any subsequent support related to this service.<br>\n It may also happen that you choose to order another service that we or our partners offer on our website or in our app, such as insurance or accommodation. We will process your Personal Data as required to enter into a contract with you and to provide you with the ordered service or (if the service is provided by our partner) to enable you to enter into the contract with the service provider and to do our part in the contractual relationship between you and the third-party service provider. You can find the complete list of third-party Data Controllers that we might share your data with below.</td>\n <td>Identification information<br>\n Contact information<br>\n Information about your order(s)<br>\n Travel document information<br>\n Payment information<br>\n Documents necessary to be provided with the brokered service</td>\n <td>Art. 6.1(b) - necessity for the conclusion and performance of a contract (Terms and Conditions).</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td><strong>Fraud prevention</strong></td>\n <td>When you book a ticket or order any other service through our website or app, during the payment transaction, we use a third-party service that helps us prevent fraudulent behavior. This is a very common process that happens nearly every time you order something online. For this to be possible, we will transfer your Personal Data momentarily to a third-party provider of fraud-checking service. However, this is not something to worry about, the whole transaction is completely secure, and we use one of the best and most common fraud-prevention tools. These third-party service providers (currently we use products from the companies Forter, Inc. and Riskified Ltd.) use the Personal Data, which they collect to build a database of online fraudulent behavior. They then compare this database with the behavior of the end-users of their clients, and whenever they detect similar behavioral signs, they can tell the clients to reject payments done by fraudsters.<br>\n Furthermore, to prevent attempts for fraudulent chargebacks, if you report fraudulent purchase through your bank, we might check your social media to see, whether you have some sort of connection to the person who ordered the ticket to make sure that it is not an attempt to get the money for the ticket back by fraud. We will only process limited information about your connection to the person, who ordered the ticket, and whether you, by any chance, have not published some information connected to the journey (e.g., photos from the airport taking a flight).</td>\n <td>Identification information<br>\n Contact information<br>\n Information about your order(s)<br>\n Travel document information<br>\n Payment information<br>\n Your online behavior while interacting with us<br>\n Device and network information<br>\n Publicly available information related to your order</td>\n <td>Art. 6.1(f) - necessity for the purposes of legitimate interest of Kiwi.com and the e-commerce industry in general (Fraud prevention).</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>\n<strong>Customer support</strong> </td>\n <td>Customer support is a big part of our services. We will record all of our communication through all channels, such as email, chat, and phone calls, in order to provide you with the service that you require. Part of our customer support is also helping our customers with potential legal issues with the carriers (in case of missed flights and similar situations). For this, we have partnered with a third-party service provider. When you have a legal problem, we will send this provider your email address, and you will be contacted with an offer to help you exercise your claims. You can learn more about the sharing of your Personal Data with third-party data controllers here.</td>\n <td>Identification information<br>\n Contact information<br>\n Information about your order(s)<br>\n Travel document information<br>\n Information about your requests and your communication with us</td>\n <td>Art. 6.1(b) - necessity for the conclusion and performance of a contract (Terms and Conditions).</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>\n<strong>Sharing information with metasearch engines</strong> </td>\n <td>If you get to our booking page through a third-party search engine (so-called metasearch), we will let the operator of this metasearch know that you have successfully finished the booking, which you have found on their site.</td>\n <td>Information about your order(s)</td>\n <td>Art. 6.1(f) - necessity for the purposes of legitimate interest of the metasearch (Business operations).</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>\n<strong>Establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims</strong> </td>\n <td>We store and process your Personal Data to establish, exercise, or defend legal claims. Whenever you book a ticket or order any other service, we will keep all relevant data for potential future legal claims that you or we could have, especially in judicial and other proceedings and when recovering or selling claims you assigned to us, for at least 4 years from the point of the creation of the corresponding order. Similarly, if you send us a data protection request, we will also store all the data you give us and the data about our handling of the request for this purpose.</td>\n <td>Identification information<br>\n Contact information<br>\n Information about your order(s)<br>\n Travel document information<br>\n Payment information<br>\n Your online behavior while interacting with us<br>\n Device and network information<br>\n Publicly available information related to your order<br>\n Information about your requests and your communication with us</td>\n <td>Art. 6.1(f) - necessity for the purposes of legitimate interest of Kiwi.com (Protection of our legal rights).</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>\n<strong>Compliance with legal obligations</strong> </td>\n <td>We need to process some of your Personal Data to fulfill certain legal obligations that are applicable to us. Because this is a legal necessity, we do not need to obtain your consent for it. For this purpose, we will process your identification and contact information and information about your bookings. The main legal obligations we need to do this for arise from Act No. 89/2012 Coll, the Civil Code, Act No. 634/1992 Coll, on the protection of consumers, Act No. 235/2004 Coll, on Value Added Tax and Act. 563/1991 Coll, on Accounting. If you send us a data protection request to fulfill one of your rights, we will ask you for some personal data which we will then process to achieve compliance with the applicable law.</td>\n <td>Information about your order(s)<br>\n Information about your requests and your communication with us</td>\n <td>Art. 6.1(c) - necessity for compliance with legal obligations to which Kiwi.com is subject.</td>\n </tr>\n</table>\n\n\n<h3>Co-travelers</h3>\n<p>If someone orders a service from Kiwi.com for you (for example, books a flight ticket with your name), we will process your Personal Data, even if you're not a direct customer. Your Personal Data will be processed for the following purposes:</p>\n\n<table>\n <tr>\n <td>\n<strong>NAME</strong> </td>\n <td>\n<strong>DESCRIPTION</strong> </td>\n <td>\n<strong>CATEGORIES OF PERSONAL DATA</strong> </td>\n <td>\n<strong>LEGAL GROUND</strong> </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>\n<strong>Ordering & Provision of services</strong> </td>\n <td>If someone orders our services for you, we will process your Personal Data as necessary for the provision of this service.</td>\n <td>Identification information<br>\n Contact information<br>\n Information about your order(s)<br>\n Travel document information</td>\n <td>Art. 6.1(f) - necessity for the purposes of legitimate interest of Kiwi.com (Provision of services).</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>\n<strong>User account — saved traveler</strong> </td>\n <td>When someone orders service for you and has a Kiwi.com Account, we will offer them to store your Personal Data for the easier ordering of other services for you in the future. If we are provided with your email, we will send you information about this. If your travel document information is saved as well, we make them accessible to our user only if you grant us your consent. The consent may always be withdrawn.</td>\n <td>Identification information<br>\n Contact information<br>\n Travel document information</td>\n <td>Art. 6.1(f) - necessity for the purposes of your legitimate interest (Simplification of future bookings).<br>\n Art. 6.1(a) - consent (with saving travel document information).</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>\n<strong>Establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims</strong> </td>\n <td>To be able to defend ourselves against legal claims raised by you in connection with our provision of the services, we will store your Personal Data for at least 4 years from the point of the creation of the corresponding order.</td>\n <td>Identification information<br>\n Contact information<br>\n Information about your order(s)<br>\n Travel document information</td>\n <td>Art. 6.1(f) - necessity for the purposes of legitimate interest of Kiwi.com (Protection of our legal rights).</td>\n </tr>\n</table>",
3013 "content.privacy.purposes.title": "For what purposes do we use your Personal Data?",
3014 "content.privacy.rights.content": "For all matters concerning privacy and data protection, you can always contact us through this form: <a href=\"/privacy/questions\">__brandDomain1__/privacy/questions</a>. \n To exercise your rights related to your Personal Data, you can use this form: <a href=\"https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSevygIrCcWxpjmO9uEWumcdG55WzIgWPrFy0_9tVphhXUobiw/viewform\">__brandDomain2__/privacy/rights</a>.",
3015 "content.privacy.rights.title": "Contacting us and exercising your rights",
3016 "content.privacy.share.controllers": "<h3>Sharing data with other Data Controllers</h3>\n<p>In some cases, we will share your Personal Data with third parties for their purposes. For example, we send your data\n to the carriers with which you, through our brokerage services, enter into a contract of carriage and whose identity\n will be made known to you before you enter into the agreement with us or with a provider of other services under the\n same conditions.\n In some cases, we also share your Personal Data with the operators ticket marketplaces, such as the Global\n Distribution Services.</p>\n<p>This means that your Personal Data may be disclosed to selected carriers or other service providers in Third\n Countries. You can learn more about transferring your data to Third Countries <a href=\"#transferring\">here</a>.</p>\n<p>Each selected carrier will treat your Personal Data in accordance with their own Privacy Policy (which is published\n on every carrier's website). Disclosure of Personal Data to other service providers will be done in accordance with\n the applicable Personal Data laws and regulations.</p>\n<p>If you give us your consent through our cookie settings, we will share some of your data with our partners for\n marketing purposes.</p>",
3017 "content.privacy.share.controllers_table": "\n <table>\n <tr>\n <td> <strong>CATEGORY OF RECIPIENTS</strong> </td>\n <td>\n<strong>RECIPIENTS</strong> </td>\n </tr>\n \n <tr>\n <td> <strong>Carriers</strong><br>\n To be able to book tickets that you choose, we need to send your Personal Data to the selected carriers.</td>\n <td>The carrier, whose ticket you choose to buy. When booking a ticket, it will be always visible, who is the carrier that you will travel with.</td> \n </tr> \n \n <tr>\n <td>\n <strong>Global Distribution Systems</strong><br>\n Sometimes, when we search for the flights, we use the\n Global Distribution System (GDS). GDS providers are always Data Controllers. The data protection duties by\n GDS providers are specifically addressed in the EU Regulation No. 80/2009 on Code of Conduct for\n computerised reservation systems.</td>\n <td>Amadeus<br>\n Galileo (operated by Travelport)<br>\n Sabre</td> \n </tr>\n \n <tr> \n <td>\n<strong>Other service providers</strong><br>\n When you order another service, we will send your Personal Data to the\n third party that provides the service that you've ordered. </td> \n <td>The provider of service that you order. When ordering the service, it will be always clearly visible, who is its provider.</td>\n </tr>\n \n <tr>\n <td>\n<strong>Fraud prevention tools</strong><br>\n These third-party service providers use Personal Data, which they collect to build a database of online fraudulent behavior. They then compare this database with the behavior of the end-users of their clients. Whenever they detect similar behavioral signs, they can tell the clients to reject payments done by fraudsters.</td>\n <td>Riskified Ltd.</td>\n </tr> \n \n <tr>\n <td>\n<strong>Payment acquirers and processors</strong><br>\n Execution of a payment order on a merchant’s website is only a first step in a long chain of technical operations that need to happen before the payment reaches your (bank) account and is confirmed back to the merchant. The information needs to pass through various payment processors and acquiring banks. All these subjects act as data controllers because they have complete control over the data.</td>\n <td>PayU S.A.<br>\n ZOOZ Ltd.<br>\n Wirecard - Wirecard Bank AG<br>\n Worldpay (UK) Limited<br>\n Be2Bill - DALENYS PAYMENTS SAS<br>\n Credorax Ltd<br>\n Braintree (PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A.)</td>\n </tr> \n\n <tr> \n <td>\n<strong>Legal support providers</strong><br>\n We may use the services of other subjects when protecting our legal rights\n and claims.</td> <td>Attorneys-at-law, collection agencies.</td>\n </tr>\n</table>\n ",
3018 "content.privacy.share.processors": "\n <h3>Sharing Data with Data Processors</h3>\n <p>There are many activities that we need completed but can't do by ourselves. Therefore, we use third-party partners to help us. In many such situations, the partners logically couldn't manage without your Personal Data. Because of this, we share it with them. However, in all cases like this, we remain controllers of your Personal Data and they act as processors. </p>\n <p>That means that even though they are in possession of your data, they can only process it for our purposes and we are always in charge of it. They cannot under any circumstances use the data for their own purposes or to use the data in a way that would go against our agreement. </p>\n <p>Furthermore, we only use partners that have given us sufficient guarantees that they comply with the legal requirements and that your data will be always kept safe.</p>\n ",
3019 "content.privacy.share.processors_table": "<table>\n <tr>\n <td> <strong>CATEGORY OF RECIPIENTS</strong>\n</td>\n <td> <strong>RECIPIENTS</strong> </td>\n </tr>\n \n <tr>\n <td> <strong>Basic infrastructure providers</strong><br>\n As for nearly any other internet company, the best way to operate our business is to outsource the basic infrastructure (servers) to the biggest, best and most secure providers in the world.</td>\n <td>Amazon Web Services Inc.<br>\n OVH.CZ s.r.o.<br>\n Hetzner Online GmbH.<br>\n DigitalOcean, LLC.<br>\n Akamai Technologies, Inc.<br>\n Google Inc.</td>\n </tr>\n \n <tr>\n <td>\n<strong>Booking management and customer support tools</strong><br>\n We need to keep all the data related to your booking and customer support in one place. Therefore, we use software from third-party providers that allow us to quickly access your data in order to maximize your customer experience.</td>\n <td>Citrix Systems, Inc.<br>\n Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc.</td>\n </tr> \n\n <tr>\n <td>\n<strong>Customer support vendors</strong><br>\n We outsource some of our customer support assignments to third-party agencies with customer support sites where their employees work as our customer support agents.</td>\n <td>Convergys International Europe B.V.<br>\n WNS Global Services UK Limited<br>\n Teleperformance Limited<br>\n KCU LLC (Teleperformance Ukraine)<br>\n IGT Technologies Inc.</td>\n </tr> \n\n <tr>\n <td>\n<strong>Payment solution</strong><br>\n To accept, encrypt and safely process your payment information, we use third-party payment gate which offer the highest standard of security in the industry (PCI DSS).</td>\n <td>ZOOZ Ltd.</td>\n </tr> \n\n <tr>\n <td>\n<strong>Email and SMS communication tools</strong><br>\n For the provision of our services, we need to send email and SMS messages to our customers. To do this automatically and smoothly, we need to use the services of external technology providers. </td>\\\n \n <td>Twilio Inc.<br>\n Nexmo Inc.<br>\n Customer and Message Systems, Inc.\n (Sparkpost)<br>\n The Rocket Science Group LLC (Mandrill, MailChimp)<br>\n Mailgun Technologies, Inc.<br>\n SendGrid, Inc.</td>\n </tr>\n \n <tr>\n <td> <strong>Fraud prevention tools</strong><br>\n To avoid fraudulent transactions, we check all payments with a \"fraud preventor\" i.e. third-party technology provider, which detects fraudulent payment attempts. </td>\n <td>Forter, Inc.<br>\n Jumio Corp. </td>\n </tr>\n \n <tr>\n <td> <strong>Booking and ticketing partners</strong><br>\n Sometimes, we need help with the purchase of the tickets. In most cases, we use the services of various third-party distribution networks. Sometimes we also employ the services of third-party mediators who help us buy tickets from these distribution networks indirectly. All this is done to find the best possible prices available.</td>\n <td>Various online travel agencies, with which we have concluded an agreement on provision of booking and/or ticketing services.</td>\n </tr>\n \n <tr>\n <td> <strong>Providers of enforcement services</strong><br>\n When representing you against carriers for protection of your rights and claims, we may use the services of third parties.</td>\n <td>Attorneys-at-law, collection agencies.</td>\n </tr>\n \n <tr>\n <td> <strong>Services for personalized offers and marketing analytics</strong><br>\n Sometimes, we want to send you marketing materials or use your Personal Data for market segmentation to find out which marketing strategy to use based on shared characteristics with our customers. To automate this, we outsource these services from third parties. </td>\n <td>Exponea s.r.o.<br>\n Facebook Inc.<br>\n CityAds Media, LLC.<br>\n Marin Software Ltd.</td>\n </tr> \n \n <tr>\n <td> <strong>Analytical tools</strong><br>\n We use analytic and logging software tools from third-party providers which allow us to have bigger insights about our customer base and make our services as convenient to our customers as possible. </td>\n <td>Exponea s.r.o.<br>\n Facebook Inc.<br>\n Google LLC.<br>\n Keboola s.r.o.<br>\n GoodData Corporation.<br>\n Datadog Inc.<br>\n Logmole<br>\n Loggly, Inc. (SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC)<br>\n Functional Software, Inc. dba Sentry<br>\n Smartsupp.com, s.r.o.<br>\n Mapbox, Inc.<br>\n Criteo SA<br>\n FullStory, Inc.</td>\n </tr>\n \n <tr>\n <td> <strong>Software engineers</strong><br>\n Sometimes, we may share Personal Data with our external software engineers who help us with our technology. </td>\n <td>Currently, we cooperate with many software engineers. To respect their right to privacy, we’re not sharing their Personal Data. </td> \n </tr>\n \n <tr>\n <td>\n<strong>Accounting tool</strong><br>\n We are obligated to issue proper invoices and keep accounting documents (e.g. invoices) in the state which is required by Czech law, therefore, we are using accounting systems which are provided by a third party. </td>\n <td>Fakturoid s. r. o. </td>\n </tr>\n\n</table>\n ",
3020 "content.privacy.share.title": "Who do we share your Personal Data with and why?",
3021 "content.privacy.supervisory.content": "\n <p>Data Protection is a serious matter and the rules are quite difficult to implement correctly. No one is perfect, and it may happen that we make a mistake. If you feel that we mishandled your Personal Data, please turn to us first and we promise that we will try our best to resolve the situation. You can always approach us with any privacy or data protection related issue through this form: <a href=\"/privacy/questions\">www.kiwi.com/privacy/questions</a>.</p>\n <p>Nevertheless, at any time, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. If you are from the EU, you can complain at the authority in the member state of your residence, in the member state where you work or in the member state of the alleged infringement. </p>\n <p>Generally, the complaints will be handled by the Czech Office for Personal Data Protection. You can learn more on <a href=\"http://www.uoou.cz\">http://www.uoou.cz</a>.</p>\n ",
3022 "content.privacy.supervisory.title": "Complaint with the supervisory authority",
3023 "content.privacy.terms.content": "<p><strong>Personal Data:</strong> any information relating to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable natural person. That means that if we possess means to identify either you or even the device you're using, any information that we can connect to you will be treated as Personal Data.</p>\n<p><strong>Data Controller:</strong> someone that determines the purposes and means of processing Personal Data. For example, we are a Data Controller when we process your Personal Data for the <a href=\"#purposes\">purposes</a> stated in this Privacy Policy.\n If you choose to book a ticket through our website or app, we will be sending your Personal Data to another Data Controller – the carrier or the provider of other services – who will again use your Personal Data for its own purposes. Each Data Controller should have a Privacy Policy such as this one where you can learn about how your Personal Data is processed. You can see the overview of Data Controllers with whom we might share the data below. </p>\n<p><strong>Data Processor:</strong> a third party that only helps to achieve the purposes determined by the Data Controller. For example, we as a Data Controller use many third-party services to which we outsource some parts of our activities that we don’t do ourselves for various reasons such as cost efficiency. A Data Processor is only allowed to process your Personal Data according to our documented instructions. </p>\n<p><strong>Third Countries:</strong> countries in which the GDPR regime is not applicable. Currently, by Third Countries we mean all countries that lie outside of the European Economic Area.</p>",
3024 "content.privacy.terms.title": "Some terms that we use in this Privacy Policy",
3025 "content.privacy.transferring.content": "\n <p>If we need to, we may transfer your Personal Data outside of the EEA. This will happen when you want to book a ticket with a carrier from a Third Country or when you order a service from a provider based in a Third Country. Naturally, we need to transfer your data to these third parties because without it, the provision of ordered services would not be possible. We may also transfer your Personal Data outside of the EEA to Data Processors located in Third Countries. </p>\n <p>For transfers to recipients in countries where we cannot rely on the decision of the adequate level of protection according to Art. 45 of the GDPR or appropriate safeguards according to the Art. 46 of the GDPR, we will transfer your Personal Data based on the exception in the Art. 49 Para. 1 Lett. b) of the GDPR. Each selected carrier or service provider will treat Your Personal Data in accordance with its own Privacy Policy (which is published on every carrier's website). Disclosure of Personal Data to other service providers will be done in accordance with the applicable Personal Data laws and regulations.</p>\n ",
3026 "content.privacy.transferring.title": "Transferring your data outside of the European Economic Area",
3027 "content.privacy.who.content": "\n <p>We, as the Data Controller, are the company <strong>Kiwi.com s.r.o.</strong>, ID No. 29352886, with a registered office at Palachovo náměstí 797/4, Starý Lískovec, Post Code 625 00 Brno, registered in the Companies Register administered by the Regional Court of Brno, file no. C 74565, Tax ID No. CZ29352886.</p>\n ",
3028 "content.privacy.who.title": "Who are we?",
3029 "content.stories": "__companyName__ Stories",
3030 "CS.Emails_Disclaimer": "The information contained in this email (including any attachments) is privileged and confidential. The content is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify me immediately by telephone or e-mail, and delete this message from your systems.",
3031 "customers.booking.headsup": "All payments are verified through an independent security system to prevent fraud. For this reason, a small number of bookings may be delayed or declined.<br><br>Changes and additional services will become available once your booking is confirmed.",
3032 "customers.passports.common.expires": "Warning: __title__ __firstname__ __lastname__'s passport/ID will not be valid at the time of traveling, please double-check the expiry date.",
3033 "customers.passports.common.no_expiration": "No expiry",
3034 "customers.passports.common.self_checkin": "You have chosen to check-in personally at the airport.",
3035 "customers.passports.common.submit_button": "Submit",
3036 "customers.passports.messages.error": "Passport/ID details could not be saved, please double check the form.",
3037 "customers.passports.messages.success": "Passport/ID information saved",
3038 "emails.booking_process_update.options.bank.text": "the refund will be sent to a bank account of your choosing. We will ask you for your bank details and then proceed with the payment within 24 hours. The amount should arrive in your account in 3 to 5 working days.",
3039 "emails.booking_process_update.options.bank.type": "Bank Transfer",
3040 "emails.booking_process_update.options.bank.will_receive": "You'll receive __amount__ in 3–5 days via bank transfer.",
3041 "emails.booking_process_update.options.credit.text": "The amount will be added to your __companyName__ account instantaneously and you can use the funds to book another journey with us. ",
3042 "emails.booking_process_update.options.credit.type": "__companyName__ Credit ",
3043 "emails.booking_process_update.options.credit.will_receive": "You received __amount__ in Kiwi.com Credit.",
3044 "emails.booking_process_update.options.debit.text": "the initial transaction will be sent back to the card used for the payment. Due to international banking regulations, the transfer can take up to 10 working days.",
3045 "emails.booking_process_update.options.debit.will_receive": "Within 10 days, you'll receive __amount__ on the payment card used for the booking.",
3046 "emails.booking_process_update.options.paypal.text": "If you have a registered PayPal account, we will transfer the funds to you within 24 hours. ",
3047 "emails.booking_process_update.options.paypal.type": "PayPal",
3048 "emails.booking_process_update.options.paypal.will_receive": "You'll receive __amount__ within 24 hours via PayPal.",
3049 "emails.cancelled.general": "We couldn't process your booking on the carrier’s website.",
3050 "emails.cancelled.price_changed": "The carrier changed the price of your flight.",
3051 "emails.cancelled.schedule_change": "Due to a schedule change",
3052 "emails.cancelled.sold_out": "All seats have been sold out by the carrier.",
3053 "emails.cancelled.technical_issue": "There is a technical issue in the carrier's reservation system preventing us from finishing the booking.",
3054 "emails.common.document_type_boarding_pass": "boarding pass",
3055 "emails.common.restrictions": "Maximum dimensions and weight:",
3056 "emails.eticket.insurance.heading": "Travel insurance",
3057 "emergency.banner.coronavirus": "The latest information related to COVID-19 (coronavirus)",
3058 "emergency.delayed_chat.airport_action": "I'm at the airport and need help",
3059 "emergency.delayed_chat.airport_description": "If you're at the airport and need urgent assistance, click the button to send us a message. Please include your <strong>booking number</strong> and we'll contact you as soon as possible.",
3060 "emergency.delayed_chat.unavailable_chat": "Our online chat is currently unavailable. Please visit Manage My Booking to solve your request.",
3061 "emergency.faq.baggage": "Baggage",
3062 "emergency.faq.boarding_pass": "Boarding passes",
3063 "emergency.faq.cancellations_refunds": "Cancellations and refunds",
3064 "emergency.faq.mmb_faq": "Manage My Booking FAQ",
3065 "emergency.faq.weather_conditions": "Bad weather causing delays, rescheduling, and cancellations",
3066 "emergency_message.banner.airport_closure": "Because of the __airport__ closure, we’re receiving far more contacts than usual. Please use Manage My Booking for all basic queries.",
3067 "emergency_message.banner.cease_of_operations": "The cease of operations at __airline__ means that we’re receiving far more contacts than usual. Please use Manage My Booking to process your request.",
3068 "emergency_message.banner.general": "Right now, we’re receiving far more contacts than usual. Sorry if you’re having trouble getting through to us. Please use Manage My Booking to process your request.",
3069 "emergency_message.banner.political_unrest": "The political unrest in __country__ has affected many flights and we’re experiencing a high number of contacts. Please solve your request in Manage My Booking.",
3070 "emergency_message.banner.strike": "Due to the strike at __airline__, we are experiencing a very high number of contacts. Please use Manage My Booking to process your request.",
3071 "emergency_message.banner.weather": "Sorry if you're having trouble contacting us. We're receiving a lot of requests because of the severe weather in __region__. Please try solving your issue with Manage My Booking before contacting us.",
3072 "FAQ.temporary.article_9.AXA": "If you add AXA Assistance after this date, it won't cover any issues related to coronavirus.",
3073 "FAQ.temporary.article_9.pandemic": "Coronavirus was declared a pandemic on March 11th, 2020. ",
3074 "feedback.label.select_language": "Select language",
3075 "feedback.language_unavailable": "Sorry, we can't answer you in your preferred language (__language__). You'll receive an answer in English.",
3076 "feedback.lock": "If necessary, you'll be able to send another request after __minutes__ minutes.",
3077 "feedback.message": "Your message",
3078 "feedback.message_sent": "Thanks for your message. We'll get back to you as soon as possible.",
3079 "feedback.topic": "Choose a topic",
3080 "feedback.topic.stuck_somewhere": "Stuck somewhere?",
3081 "feedback.topic.stuck_somewhere.button.self_service_tool": "Self-service tool",
3082 "feedback.topic.stuck_somewhere.list.first": "Click above to open a guarantee chat.",
3083 "feedback.topic.stuck_somewhere.list.second": "Call us on one of the numbers on this page.",
3084 "feedback.topic.stuck_somewhere.list.third": "Buy a ticket at the airport/station and claim a refund afterwards. Below, you can access our self-service tool to see how much of a refund you can claim.",
3085 "feedback.topic.stuck_somewhere.subtitle": "For urgent assistance on your journey, you have the following options:",
3086 "feedback.topics.additional_services": "Additional services",
3087 "feedback.topics.additional_services_description": "To book your seat, order meals, add sports equipment etc.",
3088 "feedback.topics.at_the_airport": "At the airport?",
3089 "feedback.topics.at_the_airport_description": "Your message will go straight to the front of the queue and we'll help you ASAP. Urgent assistance is only available in English.",
3090 "feedback.topics.at_the_airport_sent": "Thanks for your message. We'll get back to you within 2 – 4 hours.",
3091 "feedback.topics.baggage": "Baggage",
3092 "feedback.topics.baggage_description": "Adding baggage and other related queries.",
3093 "feedback.topics.boarding_pass": "Boarding pass",
3094 "feedback.topics.boarding_pass_description": "If you have not received your boarding pass or you're not sure about the process.",
3095 "feedback.topics.booking_confirmation": "Booking confirmation",
3096 "feedback.topics.booking_confirmation_description": "If you have not yet received your e-ticket or booking confirmation.",
3097 "feedback.topics.flight_update": "Flight changes",
3098 "feedback.topics.flight_update_description": "For delays and cancellations and schedule changes.",
3099 "feedback.topics.general": "General enquiry",
3100 "feedback.topics.general_description": "Contact us here for everything else.",
3101 "feedback.topics.hr": "Careers and HR",
3102 "feedback.topics.hr_description": "We’re growing fast, and we’d love for you to join us.",
3103 "feedback.topics.mobile": "Mobile application issues",
3104 "feedback.topics.mobile_description": "If your issue is related to the mobile app, contact us here to get it solved faster.",
3105 "feedback.topics.qa": "Website issues",
3106 "feedback.topics.qa_description": "Contact us here if something's not working properly, or if you're having trouble making a payment.",
3107 "feedback.topics.update_passenger": "Update passenger details",
3108 "feedback.topics.update_passenger_description": "Add or adjust passenger name, nationality, and passport/ID details.",
3109 "feedback.topic_selected_topic": "Your topic",
3110 "filters.active_count": "__count__ filters active",
3111 "filters.active_count_one": "1 filter active",
3112 "footer.booking.company_owned.description": "www.kiwi.com is owned and operated by Kiwi.com s.r.o, Czech Republic. \nThe charge will appear on your bill as Kiwi.com Inc.",
3113 "footer.company.about": "About",
3114 "footer.company.care": "Care Kiwi.com",
3115 "footer.company.careers": "Careers",
3116 "footer.company.code_kiwi": "Code Kiwi.com",
3117 "footer.company.partnership": "Partnership",
3118 "footer.company.press_kit": "Press Kit",
3119 "footer.company.title": "Company",
3120 "footer.discover.guarantee": "Kiwi.com guarantee",
3121 "footer.discover.refer_friend": "Refer a Friend",
3122 "footer.discover.routes": "Top Routes",
3123 "footer.discover.stories": "Stories",
3124 "footer.discover.subscribe": "Subscribe to newsletter",
3125 "footer.discover.title": "Discover",
3126 "footer.guidelines.cookies": "Cookies settings",
3127 "footer.guidelines.privacy": "Privacy policy",
3128 "footer.guidelines.security": "Security",
3129 "footer.guidelines.terms_conditions": "Terms & Conditions",
3130 "footer.guidelines.terms_use": "Terms of use",
3131 "footer.guidelines.title": "Guidelines",
3132 "forms.enter_iata_code": "Enter the departure airport's name for your 1st flight to find the IATA code.",
3133 "forms.errors.at_least_one_number": "Use at least one number",
3134 "forms.errors.date_too_early": "This date is too long ago.",
3135 "forms.errors.email_already_set": "This email is already set as main contact",
3136 "forms.errors.invalid_bid": "Invalid booking number",
3137 "forms.errors.invalid_birthday": "Invalid birthday",
3138 "forms.errors.invalid_cnpj": "Invalid CNPJ number",
3139 "forms.errors.invalid_cpf": "Your Brazilian ID is not valid",
3140 "forms.errors.invalid_date": "Invalid date",
3141 "forms.errors.invalid_decimal": "Invalid number: maximum of two decimal places allowed.",
3142 "forms.errors.invalid_email": "Invalid email",
3143 "forms.errors.invalid_expiration_date": "Invalid expiry date",
3144 "forms.errors.invalid_iban": "Invalid IBAN",
3145 "forms.errors.invalid_phone": "Invalid phone format",
3146 "forms.errors.invalid_swift": "Invalid SWIFT code",
3147 "forms.errors.invalid_value": "Invalid number",
3148 "forms.errors.is_required": "Required field",
3149 "forms.errors.name_too_short": "This name is too short",
3150 "forms.errors.not_cyrillic": "Use Cyrillic characters only.",
3151 "forms.errors.not_latin": "Use Latin characters only.",
3152 "forms.errors.not_supported": "__card_name__ cards are not supported",
3153 "forms.errors.use_max_characters": "Use __number__ characters max",
3154 "forms.expired": "Already expired",
3155 "forms.expires_before_departure": "Must be valid at the time of the trip.",
3156 "forms.id_number_too_long": "Your passport/ID number must be 20 characters or less.",
3157 "forms.incorrect_length": "Incorrect length",
3158 "forms.must_be_at_least": "__what__ must be at least __lower__",
3159 "forms.must_be_in_range": "__what__ must be in the range __lower__ – __upper__.",
3160 "forms.places_no_results": "No results found. Try a different location or IATA code.",
3161 "forms.places_no_results_no_iata": "No results found. Try a different location.",
3162 "forms.this_field_must_be_filled": "Required field",
3163 "forms.too_long": "Exceeds the 50 character max.",
3164 "forms.too_short": "This seems too short. Please recheck it.",
3165 "forms.wrong_format_email": "Incorrect email format",
3166 "form_search.add_destination": "Add flight",
3167 "form_search.adults": "Dewasa",
3168 "form_search.adults_colon": "Adults:",
3169 "form_search.adults_count": "__count__ Adults",
3170 "form_search.adults_subtext": "11 tahun keatas",
3171 "form_search.adults_subtext2": "Over 11 years",
3172 "form_search.adult_count": "__count__ Adult",
3173 "form_search.all_places": "All places",
3174 "form_search.alternatives": "Options",
3175 "form_search.anytime": "Anytime",
3176 "form_search.anywhere": "Mana-mana sahaja",
3177 "form_search.as_pick_up": "As pick up",
3178 "form_search.between": "Between",
3179 "form_search.cabin_class.apply_mixed": "Gunakan kelas campuran",
3180 "form_search.cabin_class.business": "Perniagaan",
3181 "form_search.cabin_class.economy": "Ekonomi",
3182 "form_search.cabin_class.first": "Kelas Pertama",
3183 "form_search.cabin_class.mixed_applied": "Kelas campuran digunakan",
3184 "form_search.cabin_class.premium": "Ekonomi Premium",
3185 "form_search.cabin_class.save_money": "Jimat wang, kekal selesa.",
3186 "form_search.cancel": "Cancel",
3187 "form_search.cars.drop_off_datetime": "Drop-off",
3188 "form_search.cars.drop_off_time": "Drop-off time",
3189 "form_search.cars.location.from": "Pick-up location",
3190 "form_search.cars.location.to": "Drop-off location",
3191 "form_search.cars.pick_up_datetime": "Pick-up",
3192 "form_search.cars.pick_up_time": "Pick-up time",
3193 "form_search.cars.productive_age": "Driver aged between 30 – 65?",
3194 "form_search.cars.time.from": "Pick-up",
3195 "form_search.cars.time.to": "Drop-off",
3196 "form_search.cars.travelling_to_work": "Business purpose of rental",
3197 "form_search.children": "Kanak-kanak",
3198 "form_search.children_subtext": "2 – 11",
3199 "form_search.children_subtext2": "2 – 11 years",
3200 "form_search.compare": "Bandingkan dengan kami:",
3201 "form_search.countries": "Countries",
3202 "form_search.date": "Departure:",
3203 "form_search.date_nocolon": "Perlepasan",
3204 "form_search.date_picker.any_time_of_stay": "Any time of stay",
3205 "form_search.date_picker.departure": "Departure",
3206 "form_search.date_picker.departure_date": "Departure date",
3207 "form_search.date_picker.earlier_return": "Set an earlier return date?",
3208 "form_search.date_picker.one_way_only": "One way only",
3209 "form_search.date_picker.prices_hint": "Showing prices in <strong>__currency__</strong> for <strong>__origin__</strong>__arrow__<strong>__destination__</strong>",
3210 "form_search.date_picker.prices_hint_dest": "Showing prices in <strong>__currency__</strong>",
3211 "form_search.date_picker.remove_date": "Remove date",
3212 "form_search.date_picker.reset_hint": "Click to reset to anytime",
3213 "form_search.date_picker.reset_hint_tts": "Reset to any time of stay",
3214 "form_search.date_picker.return": "Return",
3215 "form_search.date_picker.return_date": "Return date",
3216 "form_search.date_picker.set_dates.button": "Set dates",
3217 "form_search.date_picker.stay_range": "Date of your stay in __destination__",
3218 "form_search.date_picker.stay_range_dest": "Date of your stay in destination",
3219 "form_search.date_picker.stay_tts": "Time of your stay in __destination__",
3220 "form_search.date_picker.stay_tts_dest": "Time of your stay in destination",
3221 "form_search.date_picker.time_of_stay": "Time of stay",
3222 "form_search.date_picker.trip_length": "Trip length",
3223 "form_search.distance_center": "__distance__ km dari pusat bandar",
3224 "form_search.distance_from": "__distance__ km from __fromPlace__",
3225 "form_search.distance_geo": "__distance__ km away",
3226 "form_search.done": "Selesai",
3227 "form_search.empty_salesman_continent": "Try to plan a trip around __continent__",
3228 "form_search.empty_salesman_subtitle": "Just enter the cities you'd like to visit and your desired time of stay",
3229 "form_search.empty_salesman_title": "Plan your trips around Europe, Asia or the whole world in just a few clicks",
3230 "form_search.expand_radius": "__center__ +250 km",
3231 "form_search.expand_radius_sub": "Expand __center__ to a 250 km wide area",
3232 "form_search.from": "From:",
3233 "form_search.from_nocolon": "Dari",
3234 "form_search.from_q": "From?",
3235 "form_search.from_where": "From?",
3236 "form_search.give_feeback": "Give feedback",
3237 "form_search.give_feedback": "Feedback",
3238 "form_search.included": "Sudah termasuk",
3239 "form_search.infants": "Bayi",
3240 "form_search.infants_colon": "Infants:",
3241 "form_search.infants_subtext": "2 tahun kebawah",
3242 "form_search.infants_subtext2": "Under 2 years",
3243 "form_search.input_tip": "Cuba \"__tip__\"",
3244 "form_search.interval": "Date range",
3245 "form_search.length": "Panjang",
3246 "form_search.mode_business_travel": "Travel Planner",
3247 "form_search.mode_choose_trip": "Choose a trip",
3248 "form_search.mode_one_way": "Sehala",
3249 "form_search.mode_return": "Pergi balik",
3250 "form_search.modify": "Modify",
3251 "form_search.multicity": "MultiCity",
3252 "form_search.new_badge": "New",
3253 "form_search.next_week": "Next week",
3254 "form_search.nomad_onboarding.get_started": "Get started",
3255 "form_search.nomad_onboarding.get_started_new": "Try Nomad now",
3256 "form_search.nomad_onboarding.onboarding_link": "How Nomad works",
3257 "form_search.nomad_onboarding.text_page_one": "Travel like you mean it. Visit multiple destinations around the world. Our automated itinerary planning will give you the best routes and prices.",
3258 "form_search.nomad_onboarding.text_page_one_new": "You’ve found the ultimate travel tool. Nomad gives you the power to explore the world cheaper than ever before. You won’t believe how fun and easy it is.",
3259 "form_search.nomad_onboarding.text_page_three": "We’ll shuffle your destinations, consider your availability, and provide you with the cheapest itinerary.",
3260 "form_search.nomad_onboarding.text_page_three_new": "Nomad finds the cheapest possible route, so you don't have to. We could bore you with the technical details, but why waste your time?",
3261 "form_search.nomad_onboarding.text_page_two": "Milan to Dubai, Hawaii to L.A. to Bombay. Tell us where you want to go and for how long. Effortlessly plan complicated trips with friends. With just one payment.",
3262 "form_search.nomad_onboarding.text_page_two_new": "Planning a big trip can be difficult. Where to? What order? How long? Are there even connections? Nomad knows.",
3263 "form_search.nomad_onboarding.title_page_one": "Fulfill your wanderlust",
3264 "form_search.nomad_onboarding.title_page_one_new": "Congratulations",
3265 "form_search.nomad_onboarding.title_page_three": "Invaluable savings",
3266 "form_search.nomad_onboarding.title_page_three_new": "Go Nomad",
3267 "form_search.nomad_onboarding.title_page_two": "Endless possibilities",
3268 "form_search.nomad_onboarding.title_page_two_new": "Big trip. Bigger headache.",
3269 "form_search.nomad_onboarding.welcome_guide": "Welcome Guide",
3270 "form_search.no_results": "Kami tidak dapat mencari lokasi yang sepadan dengan input anda. Apa kata cuba sekali lagi?",
3271 "form_search.no_return": "One-way (no return)",
3272 "form_search.no_return_label": "No return",
3273 "form_search.of_nights": "nights",
3274 "form_search.overlapping_dates_text": "Please adjust your trip dates so that they don't overlap.",
3275 "form_search.overlapping_dates_title": "Overlapping dates",
3276 "form_search.overview.arrival": "Arrive",
3277 "form_search.overview.departure": "Depart",
3278 "form_search.overview.edit": "edit",
3279 "form_search.passengers": "passengers",
3280 "form_search.passengers_count": "__count__ Passengers",
3281 "form_search.places_nearby": "Near you",
3282 "form_search.places_nearby_one": "Add places near __first__",
3283 "form_search.places_trending": "Sohor kini",
3284 "form_search.place_already_included": "Sudah termasuk",
3285 "form_search.place_already_included_within": "Already included within __place__",
3286 "form_search.place_already_included_within_radius": "Already included within radius __radius__",
3287 "form_search.popover.cancel": "Batal",
3288 "form_search.popover.done": "Selesai",
3289 "form_search.price_graph": "Price Graph",
3290 "form_search.radius_search": "Radius search",
3291 "form_search.return": "Return:",
3292 "form_search.return_nocolon": "Return",
3293 "form_search.return_to": "Return to origin",
3294 "form_search.rooms.check_in": "Check-in",
3295 "form_search.rooms.check_out": "Check-out",
3296 "form_search.rooms.powered_by": "Dikuasai oleh",
3297 "form_search.rooms.to": "Where are you going?",
3298 "form_search.rooms.travelling_to_work": "I'm traveling for work",
3299 "form_search.rooms.travelling_to_work.hint": "Get popular business travel services like breakfast, Wi-Fi, and free parking.",
3300 "form_search.salesman_title": "Nomad",
3301 "form_search.select_radius_info": "Click anywhere on the map to start using the radius search.",
3302 "form_search.set_return_date": "Set return date",
3303 "form_search.specific": "Specific date",
3304 "form_search.stay_count_nights": "Tinggal __count__ malam",
3305 "form_search.stay_nights": "Tinggal __min__ – __max__ malam",
3306 "form_search.stay_one_night": "Stay 1 night",
3307 "form_search.stay_time_from": "Select time of stay: __min__ to __max__ nights",
3308 "form_search.switch_direction": "Switch direction",
3309 "form_search.this_month": "This month",
3310 "form_search.this_week": "This week",
3311 "form_search.time_to_stay": "Time of stay",
3312 "form_search.to": "To:",
3313 "form_search.today": "Today",
3314 "form_search.tomorrow": "Tomorrow",
3315 "form_search.to_nocolon": "Ke",
3316 "form_search.to_q": "To?",
3317 "form_search.to_where": "To?",
3318 "form_search.trip_number": "Trip __index__",
3319 "form_search.via": "Via",
3320 "form_search.where_next": "Ke mana seterusnya?",
3321 "helpcenter.article.notfound": "Article cannot be found",
3322 "helpcenter.category.notfound": "Category cannot be found",
3323 "helpcenter.your_refund_status.category.card.description": "You can open your trip to see the current status and timeline of your refund.",
3324 "helpcenter.your_refund_status.category.card.title": "Your refund status",
3325 "help_center.article": "Article",
3326 "help_center.back_to_category": "Back to the \"__title__\" category",
3327 "help_center.back_to_results": "Back to search results",
3328 "help_center.confusing": "Confusing",
3329 "help_center.custom_comment_hint": "How could this be better? (optional)",
3330 "help_center.doesnt_answer": "Doesn't answer my question",
3331 "help_center.dont_like_answer": "Don't like how this works",
3332 "help_center.error_occured": "Sorry, an error occurred.",
3333 "help_center.failure.note": "Please try again with a different browser, or come back a little later.",
3334 "help_center.failure.title": "Sorry, we're having some issues.",
3335 "help_center.feedback_reason_sent": "Feedback sent",
3336 "help_center.footer.contact_support": "Contact our 24/7 Customer Support",
3337 "help_center.footer.list_of_all": "Full list",
3338 "help_center.footer.looking_for": "Can't find what you're looking for?",
3339 "help_center.footer.main": "Main",
3340 "help_center.footer.phone_numbers": "Phone numbers",
3341 "help_center.header.search_placeholder": "How can we help?",
3342 "help_center.header.see_all_results": "See all __count__ results",
3343 "help_center.help_center": "Help Center",
3344 "help_center.no": "No",
3345 "help_center.not_accurate": "Incorrect information",
3346 "help_center.no_rating": "No __rating__%",
3347 "help_center.no_results.hint1": "Try alternative spellings",
3348 "help_center.no_results.hint2": "Try fewer words (e.g. infant)",
3349 "help_center.no_results.hint3": "Try different keywords",
3350 "help_center.no_results.hint4": "Try a more general search",
3351 "help_center.no_results.title": "Your search did not match any articles",
3352 "help_center.open_original": "Open the Help Center",
3353 "help_center.related_articles": "Related articles",
3354 "help_center.suggested": "Suggested for you",
3355 "help_center.than_you_for_vote": "Thanks, we'll improve this FAQ with your feedback.",
3356 "help_center.was_article_helpful": "Was this article helpful?",
3357 "help_center.why_not_helpful": "Sorry, why wasn't this helpful?",
3358 "help_center.widget.results": "__count__ results found for \"__phrase__\"",
3359 "help_center.yes": "Yes",
3360 "help_center.yes_rating": "Yes __rating__%",
3361 "horst.smart_pass.pdf.booking_number": "Booking number",
3362 "horst.smart_pass.pdf.checked_bag_steps_collect": "Collect your checked bags from the baggage conveyor belt.",
3363 "horst.smart_pass.pdf.checked_bag_steps_proceed": "Proceed to the check-in desk for your next flight and leave your checked baggage with them. Self-service bag drop kiosks might be available for your flight.",
3364 "horst.smart_pass.pdf.checked_bag_steps_title": "If you have a checked bag",
3365 "horst.smart_pass.pdf.description": "Keep this document with you. __companyName__ passengers transferring through __airport_name__ receive exclusive free services like access to a Fast Track route through security. Some services might not be available at all airport terminals.",
3366 "horst.smart_pass.pdf.footer_date_of_use": "Date of use: ",
3367 "horst.smart_pass.pdf.footer_description": "Follow the __smart_pass_brand_name__ and Fast Track signs and scan this QR code or present it to the security personnel to take the Fast Track route through security.",
3368 "horst.smart_pass.pdf.general_steps_check": "Check your boarding pass or airport display boards to see if you need to change terminals for your next flight.",
3369 "horst.smart_pass.pdf.general_steps_description": "The Fast Track route buys you time to relax, shop, or even catch your connection during a short layover.",
3370 "horst.smart_pass.pdf.general_steps_follow": "Follow the signs to Departures to locate the Fast Track route through security.",
3371 "horst.smart_pass.pdf.general_steps_title": "How does it work?",
3372 "horst.smart_pass.pdf.general_steps_voucher.present": "Present the Fast Track voucher to the security personnel to access the Fast Track route.",
3373 "horst.smart_pass.pdf.general_steps_voucher.scan": "Scan your QR code to open the Fast Track gate.",
3374 "horst.smart_pass.pdf.make_travel": "Making travel better",
3375 "horst.smart_pass.pdf.page_footer": "Page __actual_page__/__total_pages__ - Last updated on __date__",
3376 "horst.smart_pass.pdf.provided_by": "Provided by",
3377 "horst.smart_pass.pdf.title": "Smart Pass services",
3378 "horst.smart_pass.pdf.voucher_available_at": "Available at: __places_list__.",
3379 "horst.smart_pass.pdf.voucher_available_at_extended": "Available at: __places_list__ and more.",
3380 "horst.smart_pass.pdf.voucher_discount_at.amount": "__price__ discount at __place_name__",
3381 "horst.smart_pass.pdf.voucher_discount_at.percentage": "__percentage__ discount at __place_name__",
3382 "horst.smart_pass.pdf.voucher_discount_at_type.amount": "__price__ discount on selected __place_type__",
3383 "horst.smart_pass.pdf.voucher_discount_at_type.percentage": "__percentage__ discount on selected __place_type__",
3384 "horst.smart_pass.pdf.voucher_learn_more_at": "Learn more at __url__",
3385 "horst.smart_pass.pdf.voucher_located_at": "Located at:",
3386 "horst.smart_pass.pdf.voucher_show_boarding_pass": "You’ll receive this discount when you show your boarding pass and voucher.",
3387 "horst.smart_pass.pdf.voucher_title": "Smart Pass vouchers",
3388 "loyalty.explore_page.benefits.1.description": "Book on Kiwi.com and collect points for any transport you use, even taxis.",
3389 "loyalty.explore_page.benefits.1.title": "Travel by plane, train, and bus",
3390 "loyalty.explore_page.benefits.2.description": "Use points just like cash. For every 250 points, you save 10€.",
3391 "loyalty.explore_page.benefits.2.title": "Save on your next booking",
3392 "loyalty.explore_page.benefits.3.description": "Get 6 times the points when you select Standard or Flexi <a href=\"/help/search/article/200\">ticket fares</a>.",
3393 "loyalty.explore_page.benefits.3.title": "Collect more points and level up",
3394 "loyalty.explore_page.faq.current_tier_lifetime.description": "After being promoted to Adventurer or Captain, you will keep that status for 1 year. Every year, we’ll review your account to see if you’ve earned enough points to maintain your tier.",
3395 "loyalty.explore_page.faq.current_tier_lifetime.title": "How long will my current tier last?",
3396 "loyalty.explore_page.faq.do_i_need_to_pay.description": "No. Activating Compass is completely free. Your payment card will only be stored to simplify and speed up your bookings in the future. And it’s safer to store your card details with one trusted provider.",
3397 "loyalty.explore_page.faq.do_i_need_to_pay.title": "Do I need to pay to join Compass?",
3398 "loyalty.explore_page.faq.earn_before_signing.description": "Yes. Book any trip with us and you’ll start earning points. You can add your payment card details later when you’re ready to start spending your points.",
3399 "loyalty.explore_page.faq.earn_before_signing.title": "Can I earn points before signing up?",
3400 "loyalty.explore_page.faq.how_long_valid.description": "Your total Compass points will be valid for one year from your last confirmed points earned. So, if your points are about to expire, you can make a purchase anytime to extend their validity for another year.",
3401 "loyalty.explore_page.faq.how_long_valid.title": "How long will my points be valid?",
3402 "loyalty.explore_page.faq.how_to_earn_points.description": "Travel by plane, train, bus, or taxi. Add services to your booking to earn even more points. And you’ll earn 6× more if you book a <a href=\"/help/search/article/211\">Standard</a> or <a href=\"/help/search/article/212\">Flexi ticket</a> instead of a <a href=\"/help/search/article/210\">Saver ticket</a>.",
3403 "loyalty.explore_page.faq.how_to_earn_points.title": "How do I earn Compass points?",
3404 "loyalty.explore_page.faq.how_to_sign_up.description": "Just sign in, save your card details and you’ll become a member.",
3405 "loyalty.explore_page.faq.how_to_sign_up.title": "How do I sign up?",
3406 "loyalty.explore_page.faq.how_to_spend.description": "As soon as you have 250 points or more, you can spend them like cash on our website. Spending points will not negatively impact your current status as Scout, Adventurer, or Captain.",
3407 "loyalty.explore_page.faq.how_to_spend.title": "How do I spend my Compass points?",
3408 "loyalty.explore_page.faq.payment_card_secure.description": "Yes. Kiwi.com is certified to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) to ensure that your details are stored safely and securely.",
3409 "loyalty.explore_page.faq.payment_card_secure.title": "Will my payment card details be secure?",
3410 "loyalty.explore_page.faq.read_more": "Read more",
3411 "loyalty.explore_page.faq.redirected_to_partner.description": "Trips must be booked on the Kiwi.com website or mobile app. If you’re redirected to one of our partner’s sites, you won’t be able to earn points on those bookings.",
3412 "loyalty.explore_page.faq.redirected_to_partner.title": "What if I’m redirected to a partner site like Skyscanner, KAYAK, or Momondo?",
3413 "loyalty.explore_page.faq.see_full": "See the full FAQ",
3414 "loyalty.explore_page.faq.title": "Frequently asked questions",
3415 "loyalty.explore_page.faq.when_receive_points.description": "You’ll receive your points immediately after booking and they will have a pending status until the end of your trip. We’ll activate them within 24 hours after the last travel date in your itinerary.",
3416 "loyalty.explore_page.faq.when_receive_points.title": "When will I receive my Compass points?",
3417 "loyalty.explore_page.faq.why_store_payment_card.description": "Storing your card details will make it easier for you to book trips and receive refunds and rewards. It’s safer to save your card details with one trusted travel provider that can cover all forms of travel, from taxis to flights to train and bus rides.",
3418 "loyalty.explore_page.faq.why_store_payment_card.title": "Why do I need to store my payment card details to join Compass?",
3419 "loyalty.explore_page.header.activate.button": "Activate now",
3420 "loyalty.explore_page.header.description": "Kiwi.com’s Compass is the only loyalty program for all the world’s travel providers. Travel the world by any means necessary and earn.",
3421 "loyalty.explore_page.header.logo.alt_accessibility": "compass",
3422 "loyalty.explore_page.header.title": "Adventure awaits",
3423 "loyalty.explore_page.photos.activate.button": "Activate Compass now",
3424 "loyalty.explore_page.photos.terms": "Kiwi.com Compass terms & conditions",
3425 "loyalty.explore_page.photos.title": "The only <u>loyalty</u> program for all the world’s travel providers",
3426 "loyalty.explore_page.points.compass_points": "Compass points",
3427 "loyalty.explore_page.points.description": "Start redeeming points when you reach a minimum of 250 pts. Slide to see how much you’ll save with points.",
3428 "loyalty.explore_page.points.savings_enjoyed": "Savings enjoyed",
3429 "loyalty.explore_page.points.title": "Redeem Compass points just like <u>cash</u>",
3430 "loyalty.explore_page.tiers.1.title": "Scout",
3431 "loyalty.explore_page.tiers.2.title": "Adventurer",
3432 "loyalty.explore_page.tiers.3.title": "Captain",
3433 "loyalty.explore_page.tiers.compass_points_gain": "__amount__×",
3434 "loyalty.explore_page.tiers.compass_points_gain_description1": "Compass points received for the total amount spent on bookings",
3435 "loyalty.explore_page.tiers.compass_points_gain_description2": "more points received for the total amount spent on bookings",
3436 "loyalty.explore_page.tiers.compass_points_gain_fares": "Compass points received when you book Standard or Flexi ticket fares.",
3437 "loyalty.explore_page.tiers.compass_points_needed": "Compass points needed to qualify",
3438 "loyalty.explore_page.tiers.compass_points_redeem": "Redeem Compass points just like cash",
3439 "loyalty.explore_page.tiers.customer_care_description1": "Customer care level upgrade from Basic.",
3440 "loyalty.explore_page.tiers.customer_care_description2": "Customer care level upgrade from Plus.",
3441 "loyalty.explore_page.tiers.customer_care_title1": "Plus",
3442 "loyalty.explore_page.tiers.customer_care_title2": "Premium",
3443 "loyalty.explore_page.tiers.learn_more": "Learn more",
3444 "loyalty.explore_page.tiers.title": "Seasoned travelers earn <u>better</u> deals",
3445 "manage.pending_additional_services.button_label": "Check the price",
3446 "manage.pending_additional_services.confirmed": "__intro__ confirmed.",
3447 "manage.pending_additional_services.heading": "Select desired services",
3448 "manage.pending_additional_services.more_services": "<strong>__first__</strong> and <strong>__second__</strong>",
3449 "manage.pending_additional_services.other_services": "__count__ other services",
3450 "manage.pending_additional_services.success": "Proceed with the payment to confirm your order.",
3451 "manage.pending_additional_services.waiting_for": "We're waiting for your approval of __intro__ .",
3452 "manage.pending_change_flights.button_label": "View alternative flights",
3453 "manage.pending_change_flights.label": "We found some alternative flights based on your request.",
3454 "manage.pending_requests.label": "Correction of details required",
3455 "manage.pending_requests.reasons.invalid_birthday": "Invalid passenger birthday:",
3456 "manage.pending_requests.reasons.invalid_document": "Invalid travel document:",
3457 "manage.pending_requests.reasons.invalid_name": "Invalid passenger name:",
3458 "manage.pending_requests.success_message": "Your request has been submitted successfully",
3459 "manage.pending_requests.warning_message": "At least one name remains unchanged. Are you sure they're correct?",
3460 "map.not_supported": "Map not supported. Please update your browser.",
3461 "map.right_click_menu.add": "Add",
3462 "map.right_click_menu.add_place": "Add <strong>__place__</strong>",
3463 "map.right_click_menu.add_place_stop": "Add <strong>__place__</strong> stop",
3464 "map.right_click_menu.add_plus_stop_departure": "+__char__ departure",
3465 "map.right_click_menu.add_plus_stop_destination": "+__char__ destination",
3466 "map.right_click_menu.add_stop": "Add stop",
3467 "map.right_click_menu.add_stop_departure": "__char__ departure",
3468 "map.right_click_menu.add_stop_destination": "__char__ destination",
3469 "map.right_click_menu.add_stop_next_departure": "Next departure",
3470 "map.right_click_menu.add_stop_next_destination": "Next destination",
3471 "map.right_click_menu.arrive_here": "Arrive here",
3472 "map.right_click_menu.arrive_to_place": "Arrive at <strong>__place__</strong>",
3473 "map.right_click_menu.depart_from_here": "Depart from here",
3474 "map.right_click_menu.depart_from_place": "Depart from <strong>__place__</strong>",
3475 "map.right_click_menu.flight_from_here": "Depart from here",
3476 "map.right_click_menu.flight_from_place": "Depart from <strong>__place__</strong>",
3477 "map.right_click_menu.flight_here": "Arrive here",
3478 "map.right_click_menu.flight_to_place": "Arrive at <strong>__place__</strong>",
3479 "map.right_click_menu.remove": "Remove",
3480 "map.right_click_menu.remove_place": "Remove <strong>__place__</strong>",
3481 "map.right_click_menu.replace": "Replace",
3482 "map.right_click_menu.replace_place": "Replace with <strong>__place__</strong>",
3483 "map.right_click_menu.set_as": "Set as",
3484 "map.right_click_menu.set_place_as": "Set <strong>__place__</strong> as",
3485 "map.right_click_menu.switch_place_to_radius": "Expand <strong>__place__</strong> to radius",
3486 "map.to": "to",
3487 "marketing.buy_ancillaries.book_another.body": "To check you’ve got everything you need, or to add more services, tap this message to go to Manage My Booking and make sure.",
3488 "marketing.buy_ancillaries.book_another.title.baggage": "Need baggage for your trip to __Destination__?",
3489 "marketing.buy_ancillaries.book_another.title.insurance": "Need insurance for your trip to __Destination__?",
3490 "marketing.buy_ancillaries.book_another.title.meals": "Need meals for your trip to __Destination__?",
3491 "marketing.buy_ancillaries.book_another.title.seating": "Need reserved seating for your trip to __Destination__?",
3492 "marketing.buy_ancillaries.made_booking.body": "Make sure you’ve got all your extras in order for your trip. To add things you might need to your booking, simply tap here to add them.",
3493 "marketing.buy_ancillaries.made_booking.title.baggage": "Get your baggage for your trip to __Destination__",
3494 "marketing.buy_ancillaries.made_booking.title.insurance": "Get your insurance for your trip to __Destination__",
3495 "marketing.buy_ancillaries.made_booking.title.meals": "Get your meals for your trip to __Destination__",
3496 "marketing.buy_ancillaries.made_booking.title.seating": "Get your reserved seating for your trip to __Destination__",
3497 "marketing.buy_ancillaries.reminder.body.baggage": "Don’t travel without making sure you’ve got your baggage! If you’d like to add this, or other services, simply tap here to add them to your booking.",
3498 "marketing.buy_ancillaries.reminder.body.insurance": "Don’t travel without making sure you’ve got your insurance! If you’d like to add this, or other services, simply tap here to add them to your booking.",
3499 "marketing.buy_ancillaries.reminder.body.meals": "Don’t travel without making sure you’ve got your meals! If you’d like to add this, or other services, simply tap here to add them to your booking.",
3500 "marketing.buy_ancillaries.reminder.body.seating": "Don’t travel without making sure you’ve got your seating! If you’d like to add this, or other services, simply tap here to add them to your booking.",
3501 "marketing.buy_ancillaries.reminder.title.baggage": "Last chance to add baggage when traveling to __Destination__!",
3502 "marketing.buy_ancillaries.reminder.title.insurance": "Last chance to add insurance when traveling to __Destination__!",
3503 "marketing.buy_ancillaries.reminder.title.meals": "Last chance to add meals when traveling to __Destination__!",
3504 "marketing.buy_ancillaries.reminder.title.seating": "Last chance to add reserved seating when traveling to __Destination__!",
3505 "marketing.home_airport.banner.airport.placeholder": "Enter the airport nearest you",
3506 "marketing.home_airport.banner.airport.title": "Home airport",
3507 "marketing.home_airport.banner.close.button": "Close",
3508 "marketing.home_airport.banner.confirm.button": "Confirm",
3509 "marketing.home_airport.banner.email.title": "Your email address",
3510 "marketing.home_airport.banner.footer": "The newsletter is governed by these <a href=\"//www.kiwi.com/pages/content/terms\">Terms of Use</a>\n",
3511 "marketing.home_airport.banner.header": "What’s your closest airport?",
3512 "marketing.home_airport.banner.subheader": "Get the best deals and offers from your home airport straight to your inbox.",
3513 "marketing.home_airport.banner.success.header": "Great",
3514 "marketing.home_airport.banner.success.subheader": "We’ve now set __HOME_AIRPORT__ as your home airport.",
3515 "marketing.newsletter.description": "We’ve searched through all the flights from {{ webhook(0).locations[0].name }} and found you these deals. Where will your next adventure be?",
3516 "marketing.newsletter.destination_card.button.see_deals": "See deals",
3517 "marketing.newsletter.destination_card.from": "from",
3518 "marketing.newsletter.destination_card.return": "return",
3519 "marketing.newsletter.footer.plural": "As well as those, we’ve also found these deals from nearby cities.",
3520 "marketing.newsletter.footer.singular": "As well as those, we’ve also found these deals from nearby city.",
3521 "marketing.newsletter.footer1": "If you don’t want to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe by going <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{{ email.unsubscribe }}\" style=\"color:#0cb3c7; text-decoration:underline; font-weight:500; color:#7c8b99;\">here</a>. This email was sent by <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://www.kiwi.com/en/pages/content/about\" style=\"color:#0cb3c7; text-decoration:underline; font-weight:500; color:#7c8b99;\">Kiwi.com</a> s.r.o.",
3522 "marketing.newsletter.header1": "Having trouble viewing the newsletter? Click <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{{ email.view }}\" style=\"color:#00a991;text-decoration:underline;font-weight: bold\">here</a>.",
3523 "marketing.newsletter.header2": "Having trouble viewing the email? Click <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{{ email.view }}\" style=\"color:#00a991;text-decoration:underline;font-weight: bold\">here</a>.",
3524 "marketing.newsletter.header3": "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{{ email.view }}\" style=\"color:#00a991;text-decoration:underline;font-weight: bold\">Open email in browser</a>",
3525 "marketing.newsletter.preview": "Check out best flights from {{ cityname placeholder }}",
3526 "marketing.newsletter.pricechange": "Prices change all the time, so grab a deal while they last!",
3527 "marketing.newsletter.subject": "Hello traveler, here are your latest hot deals",
3528 "marketing.newsletter.title": "Have we got some deals for you!",
3529 "marketing.online_banner.cheap_quick_travel.text": "Great prices, easy interface, and thousands of routes. It’s your one-stop travel shop!",
3530 "marketing.online_banner.cheap_quick_travel.title": "Kiwi.com. Cheap, quick, convenient travel.",
3531 "marketing.online_banner.one-stop_travel_shop.text": "Flights, trains, buses, hotels, car hire, and more: everything, all in one place",
3532 "marketing.online_banner.one-stop_travel_shop.title": "Kiwi.com: Your one-stop travel shop",
3533 "marketing.online_banner.start_your_journey.anywhere": "Anywhere",
3534 "marketing.online_banner.start_your_journey.find_great_deals": "Find great deals",
3535 "marketing.online_banner.start_your_journey.title": "Start your journey",
3536 "marketing.online_banner.work_for_you.text": "We’ll check you in, keep your documents ready, and cover you with our guarantee",
3537 "marketing.online_banner.work_for_you.title": "Kiwi.com does the work for you",
3538 "marketing.push_notification.abandoned_search.text": "We’re constantly updating prices on every route, so it might be time to check back on that trip to __DESTINATION__.",
3539 "marketing.push_notification.abandoned_search.title": "New prices on travel to __DESTINATION__",
3540 "marketing.push_notification.temp.LOC-1188.body": "Airlines are selling flights cheaper than ever before, but you can get an even better deal by using the code __PROMOCODE__ when purchasing to save an extra __PROMOCODE_AMOUNT__ on deals over __THRESHOLD__ until __DATE__!",
3541 "marketing.push_notification.temp.LOC-1188.title": "Summer bargains!",
3542 "marketing.push_notification.temp.LOC-1189.body": "Use the code __PROMOCODE__ to save an extra __PROMOCODE_AMOUNT__ on deals over __THRESHOLD__! This offer ends on __DATE__, so get booking and fly cheaper than ever before!",
3543 "marketing.push_notification.temp.LOC-1189.title": "Don’t forget to use your promo code!",
3544 "marketing.push_notification.winter": "Christmas is almost here! We extended your promo code __code1__ until midnight CET on __EXPIRATION.DATE__. Use it now for any trip worth __MIN.VALUE__ or more.",
3545 "marketing.push_notification.women_day.text": "To celebrate, we’re offering you a discount of €10 on purchases worth €150 or more using the code WOMENSDAY10, valid until March 22.",
3546 "marketing.push_notification.women_day.title": "Happy International Women’s Day!",
3547 "marketing.raf.subject.1.female": "{{ customer.booking_first_name |title}}, did you like your trip to {# Last bookingConfirmation destination_city (RAF) #}{{ aggregates['5de8bf9c82e418d95a5c90ed'] }}? Get €20 and explore more.",
3548 "marketing.raf.subject.1.gender_neutral": "Did you like your trip to {# Last bookingConfirmation destination_city (RAF) #}{{ aggregates['5de8bf9c82e418d95a5c90ed'] }}? Get €20 and explore more.",
3549 "marketing.raf.subject.1.male": "{{ customer.booking_first_name |title}}, did you like your trip to {# Last bookingConfirmation destination_city (RAF) #}{{ aggregates['5de8bf9c82e418d95a5c90ed'] }}? Get €20 and explore more.",
3550 "marketing.raf.subject.2.female": "{% if customer.booking_first_name %}{{ customer.booking_first_name |title}}, did you like your trip? Get €20 and explore more.",
3551 "marketing.raf.subject.2.gender_neutral": "Did you like your trip? Get €20 and explore more.",
3552 "marketing.raf.subject.2.male": "{% if customer.booking_first_name %}{{ customer.booking_first_name |title}}, did you like your trip? Get €20 and explore more.",
3553 "marketing.raf.subject.3.female": "Hi {{ customer.booking_first_name |title}}, your €20 is still waiting!",
3554 "marketing.raf.subject.3.gender_neutral": "Hi traveler, your €20 is still waiting!",
3555 "marketing.raf.subject.3.male": "Hi {{ customer.booking_first_name |title}}, your €20 is still waiting!",
3556 "marketing.refer_friend.footer": "You have received this email because you were referred to us by one of your friends. We shall process your Personal Data given to us by your friend only for the purpose of sending this invite and allowing you to sign up with <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://kiwi.com/\" style=\"color:#0cb3c7; text-decoration:underline; font-weight:500; color:#7c8b99;\">Kiwi.com</a>. In case you will not sign up, we will delete your Personal Data within the next 14 days. You can learn more about how we process your Personal Data in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://kiwi.com/privacy\" style=\"color:#0cb3c7; text-decoration:underline; font-weight:500; color:#7c8b99;\">Privacy Policy</a>. This deal was sent by <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://www.kiwi.com/en/pages/content/about\" style=\"color:#0cb3c7; text-decoration:underline; font-weight:500; color:#7c8b99;\">Kiwi.com</a>&nbsp;s.r.o.",
3557 "marketing.refer_friend.voucher.14_days.valid_info": "Your voucher is valid for 14 days for tickets €200 and above. It will expire on {{ (time + 1209600) | from_timestamp('%d. %m. %Y')}}",
3558 "marketing.refer_friend.voucher.6_months.valid_info": "Your voucher is valid for 6 months for tickets €200 and above. It will expire on {{ (time + 15552000) | from_timestamp('%d. %m. %Y')}}",
3559 "marketing.refer_friend.voucher.above_amount.valid_info": "Your voucher is valid for tickets €200 and above. It will expire on {{ (time + 14688000) | from_timestamp('%d. %m. %Y')}}",
3560 "marketing.refer_friend.voucher.preview": "Use it before it expires",
3561 "marketing.refer_friend.voucher.subject": "Don't forget, you've still got a voucher waiting!",
3562 "marketing.return_upsell.body": "If you’re looking for the best route back to __ORIGIN__, tap to see what we’ve come up with. 🎯",
3563 "marketing.return_upsell.header": "Need a return trip from __DESTINATION__?",
3564 "marketing.subscription.banner": "By subscribing you agree to receive offers according to the conditions described in our <ref>Privacy Policy</ref>",
3565 "marketing.temp.LOC-1262.preheader.1": "Trips start at only __price__",
3566 "marketing.temp.LOC-1262.preheader.2": "Explore __destination1__, __destination2__ and more",
3567 "marketing.temp.LOC-1262.preheader.3": "We wouldn’t want you to miss out!",
3568 "marketing.temp.LOC-1262.preheader.4": "What are you waiting for?",
3569 "marketing.temp.LOC-1262.preheader.5": "Come see what we’ve got!",
3570 "marketing.temp.LOC-1262.preheader.6": "We wouldn’t want you to miss out!",
3571 "marketing.temp.LOC-1262.subject.1.female": "__female_name__, check your deals from __city__",
3572 "marketing.temp.LOC-1262.subject.1.male": "__male_name__, check your deals from __city__",
3573 "marketing.temp.LOC-1262.subject.1.no_name": "Check your deals from __city__",
3574 "marketing.temp.LOC-1262.subject.2.female": "__female_name__, check out these deals from __price__",
3575 "marketing.temp.LOC-1262.subject.2.male": "__male_name__, check out these deals from __price__",
3576 "marketing.temp.LOC-1262.subject.2.no_name": "Check out these deals from __price__",
3577 "marketing.temp.LOC-1262.subject.3.female": "Hey __female_name__, did you see these deals from __origin__?",
3578 "marketing.temp.LOC-1262.subject.3.male": "Hey __male_name__, did you see these deals from __origin__?",
3579 "marketing.temp.LOC-1262.subject.3.no_name": "Hey, did you see these deals from __origin__?",
3580 "marketing.temp.LOC-1262.subject.4.female": "__female_name__, check your deals from __country__",
3581 "marketing.temp.LOC-1262.subject.4.male": "__male_name__, check your deals from __country__",
3582 "marketing.temp.LOC-1262.subject.4.no_name": "Check your deals from __country__",
3583 "marketing.temp.LOC-1262.subject.5.female": "__female_name__, check out these deals from __price__",
3584 "marketing.temp.LOC-1262.subject.5.male": "__male_name__, check out these deals from __price__",
3585 "marketing.temp.LOC-1262.subject.5.no_name": "Check out these deals from __price__",
3586 "marketing.temp.LOC-1262.subject.6.female": "Hey __female_name__, did you see these great deals?",
3587 "marketing.temp.LOC-1262.subject.6.male": "Hey __male_name__, did you see these great deals?",
3588 "marketing.temp.LOC-1262.subject.6.no_name": "Hey, did you see these great deals?",
3589 "marketing.temp.LOC-1269.sentence.1": "We’ve searched through all the flights from __country__ and found you these deals. Where will your next adventure be?",
3590 "marketing.temp.LOC-1269.sentence.2": "Do you want to receive the best deals from your preferred city? Choose and set your Home airport <ref>here</ref>",
3591 "marketing.temp.LOC-1272.version.1.body": "Kiwi.com has a bunch of low-cost domestic routes across __country__ for you to check out. In fact, routes within __country__ are some of the top-selling routes in the world, so it’s a great time to grab a bargain! Away we go!",
3592 "marketing.temp.LOC-1272.version.1.title": "Routes within __country__ __flagEmoji__ are selling fast!",
3593 "marketing.temp.LOC-1272.version.2.body": "Now’s the time to grab a bargain on flights within __country__. Kiwi.com has a wide selection of flights across __country__ to some of the most popular destinations, so why not take a trip to explore the place you call home?",
3594 "marketing.temp.LOC-1272.version.2.title": "Great value flights within __country__ __flagEmoji__",
3595 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.AUTUMN_TRAVEL.1.body": "We’ve got some wonderful seasonal deals just for you. City breaks? Got ‘em. Overseas adventures? Check. Places to relax in? You bet. Just tap here to see what’s on offer.",
3596 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.AUTUMN_TRAVEL.1.title": "Autumn travel offers",
3597 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.AUTUMN_TRAVEL.2.body": "...but that doesn’t mean you have to stop exploring; in fact, we’ve got seasonal offers just for you to some amazing places. Treat yourself to another break with Kiwi.com. Tap here to learn more.",
3598 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.AUTUMN_TRAVEL.2.title": "Summer’s gone…",
3599 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.AUTUMN_TRAVEL.3.body": "The days are still long and the weather is still fine. Travel is cheaper. And with Kiwi.com, it’s cheaper still. Search for the coolest places to go this autumn and see the world differently.",
3600 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.AUTUMN_TRAVEL.3.title": "The joys of autumn!",
3601 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.AUTUMN_TRAVEL.4.body": "Holidays in autumn? Sure, why not?! With these deals from Kiwi.com, you can afford to treat yourself to another little break. Whatever type of trip you’re looking for, we’ve got seasonal deals to suit you. Simply tap here to search.",
3602 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.AUTUMN_TRAVEL.4.title": "Autumn deals from Kiwi.com",
3603 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.COUNTRIES_AS_DESTINATION.1.body": "If you’ve ever felt like seeing what __country__ has to offer, now’s the time. Kiwi.com has loads of great deals to __country__, so why not see what’s on offer?",
3604 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.COUNTRIES_AS_DESTINATION.1.title": "Let’s go to __country__! __country_flag_emoji__",
3605 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.COUNTRIES_AS_DESTINATION.2.body": "Hello? Yes, it’s __country__ here! We’d love for you to come and visit, so why not do it all for less with Kiwi.com? Check out all the deals on offer now.",
3606 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.COUNTRIES_AS_DESTINATION.2.title": "__country__ calling! __country_flag_emoji__",
3607 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.COUNTRIES_AS_DESTINATION.3.body": "Make the most of Kiwi.com’s great value deals to __country__ while you still can. Maybe you’ve always wanted to go, or maybe you just fancy a break! Either way, come and see what’s on offer.",
3608 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.COUNTRIES_AS_DESTINATION.3.title": "Routes to __country__ __country_flag_emoji__ are selling fast!",
3609 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.COUNTRIES_AS_DESTINATION.4.body": "Need a holiday? We feel you. We’ve got some outstanding prices on trips to __country__, meaning that your holiday is closer than you think. What are you waiting for? Come on…!",
3610 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.COUNTRIES_AS_DESTINATION.4.title": "Destination __country__! __country_flag_emoji__",
3611 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.DOMESTIC_FLIGHTS.PROMOS.1.body": "Kiwi.com has a bunch of low-cost domestic routes across __country__ for you to check out. In fact, routes within __country__ are some of the top-selling routes in the world, so it’s a great time to grab a bargain! Away we go!",
3612 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.DOMESTIC_FLIGHTS.PROMOS.1.title": "Routes within __country__ __country_flag_emoji__ are selling fast!",
3613 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.DOMESTIC_FLIGHTS.PROMOS.2.body": "Now’s the time to grab a bargain on flights within __country__. Kiwi.com has a wide selection of flights across __country__ to some of the most popular destinations, so why not take a trip to see what’s going on?",
3614 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.DOMESTIC_FLIGHTS.PROMOS.2.title": "Great value flights within __country__ __country_flag_emoji__",
3615 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.DOMESTIC_FLIGHTS.PROMOS.3.body": "Traveling within __country__ has never been easier. Choose your ideal dates, your destination, even your method of transport, and get where you’re going easier than ever.",
3616 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.DOMESTIC_FLIGHTS.PROMOS.3.title": "Staycations in __country__ __country_flag_emoji__",
3617 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.DOMESTIC_FLIGHTS.PROMOS.4.body": "We’ve got special deals on flights within __country__ right now! Why not take this opportunity to explore your own country and all it has to offer? Browse all the possibilities on Kiwi.com now, and treat yourself to a holiday closer to home!",
3618 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.DOMESTIC_FLIGHTS.PROMOS.4.title": "Fly within __country__ for less",
3619 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.PROMOCODE.1.body": "Using the promocode __PROMOCODE__, you can now save €__value__ on journeys to __country__ over €__value__! But hurry, you’ve only got until __date__ and then the offer’s over!",
3620 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.PROMOCODE.1.title": "Special offers on trips to __country__ __country_flag_emoji__",
3621 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.PROMOCODE.2.body": "Want to save another €__value__ on trips to __country__? Of course you do! Book with Kiwi.com using the promocode __PROMOCODE__ before __date__ and you can save money on trips over €__value__. Woo-hoo!",
3622 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.PROMOCODE.2.title": "It’s our special __country__ __country_flag_emoji__ promotion!",
3623 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.PROMOCODE.3.body": "Saving more money, of course! Until __date__ we’re giving you an extra €__value__ off trips to __country__ with the promocode __PROMOCODE__. It’s only valid until __date__ though, so tap here to get searching!",
3624 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.PROMOCODE.3.title": "What’s better than saving money?",
3625 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.PROMOCODE.4.body": "In fact, we love it so much that if you use the promocode __PROMOCODE__, we’re offering €__value__ off all routes to __country__ before __date__ if you spend over €__value__. You’ll go crazy for __country__ too!",
3626 "marketing.temp.LOC-1328.PROMOCODE.4.title": "We’re crazy for __country__! __country_flag_emoji__",
3627 "marketing.temp.LOC-1346.subscription": "Subscription center",
3628 "marketing.temp.LOC-1346.Text": "The prices include an estimate of all mandatory taxes and charges. Kiwi.com endeavours to ensure prices are up to date and accurate, however accuracy of price information and/or seat availability is not guaranteed.",
3629 "marketing.temp.LOC-1357.header": "Summer's not gone...",
3630 "marketing.temp.LOC-1357.text": "..so start exploring! We've got offers just for you to some amazing places. Make the most of summer with Kiwi.com and don’t forget - travel responsibly!",
3631 "menu.privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
3632 "menu.security": "Security",
3633 "menu.terms_and_conditions": "Terms & Conditions",
3634 "menu.terms_of_use": "Terms of Use",
3635 "mmb.additional_services.add_another_btn": "Add another",
3636 "mmb.additional_services.cta_button.allocated_seating": "Reserve seat",
3637 "mmb.additional_services.cta_button.general": "Buy allowance",
3638 "mmb.additional_services.cta_music": "Request instrument",
3639 "mmb.additional_services.cta_pet": "Request pet",
3640 "mmb.additional_services.cta_sports": "Request equipment",
3641 "mmb.additional_services.description.late": "With less than __hours__ hours until departure, it's too late to order this service.",
3642 "mmb.additional_services.description.service_basic": "The displayed price includes the __fee__ processing fee as described in Basic Kiwi.com Services. <ref>Upgrade & save</ref>",
3643 "mmb.additional_services.description.service_plus": "The displayed price reflects the __fee__ processing fee, and the <ref>__saving__ savings</ref>, as described in Plus Kiwi.com Services. <ref>Upgrade & save even more</ref>",
3644 "mmb.additional_services.description.service_premium": "Because you've purchased Premium Kiwi.com services, you'll <ref>save __saving__</ref> in processing fees when you buy additional services. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
3645 "mmb.additional_services.dimension_should_include_case": "The dimensions should include the case.",
3646 "mmb.additional_services.dog_certificate_needed_at_airport": "Certificate will be needed at the airport",
3647 "mmb.additional_services.failed_request_error": "Something went wrong.",
3648 "mmb.additional_services.form_multistep_controls.next_step_btn": "Next step",
3649 "mmb.additional_services.form_multistep_controls.prev_step_btn": "Back",
3650 "mmb.additional_services.form_multistep_controls.submit_btn": "Confirm request",
3651 "mmb.additional_services.form_multistep_controls.summary_step_btn": "Proceed to summary",
3652 "mmb.additional_services.has_dog_certificate_checkbox.info": "This certificate is required by the airlines. Make sure to have it with you when travelling.",
3653 "mmb.additional_services.has_dog_certificate_checkbox.label": "I have the certificate needed to prove that my dog is a service dog",
3654 "mmb.additional_services.header_alert": "Must be requested at least 48 hours before the departure of your flight.",
3655 "mmb.additional_services.invalid_number_error": "Invalid number",
3656 "mmb.additional_services.measurements.height": "Height __x__",
3657 "mmb.additional_services.measurements.height_placeholder": "e.g. 20",
3658 "mmb.additional_services.measurements.length": "Length __x__",
3659 "mmb.additional_services.measurements.length_placeholder": "e.g. 100",
3660 "mmb.additional_services.measurements.too_heavy_error": "Must be less than 200 kg",
3661 "mmb.additional_services.measurements.too_large_error": "Must be less than 300 cm",
3662 "mmb.additional_services.measurements.weight": "Weight __x__",
3663 "mmb.additional_services.measurements.weight_placeholder": "e.g. 8",
3664 "mmb.additional_services.measurements.width": "Width __x__",
3665 "mmb.additional_services.measurements.width_placeholder": "e.g. 10",
3666 "mmb.additional_services.measurements_item_heading": "__x__. __category__ for __passengerName__",
3667 "mmb.additional_services.modal_close_btn": "Return to Manage My Booking",
3668 "mmb.additional_services.musical_equipment.baggage_recheck_alert": "Be aware that if you are flying with different airlines during your trip, you will have to pick up and re-check your musical instrument at the airport.",
3669 "mmb.additional_services.musical_equipment.description": "Don't leave your guitar behind. We'll help you keep the music going. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
3670 "mmb.additional_services.musical_equipment.error.already_submitted": "Some of the provided segment and passenger combinations already have a pending musical instrument request.",
3671 "mmb.additional_services.musical_equipment.heading": "Add your musical instrument",
3672 "mmb.additional_services.musical_equipment.step_measurements.heading": "What are the dimensions of your musical instrument?",
3673 "mmb.additional_services.musical_equipment.step_measurements.storage.heading": "Where do you want your instrument to be stored?",
3674 "mmb.additional_services.musical_equipment.step_measurements.storage.subheading": "If it's too big, it will be stored in the cargo hold during the flight.",
3675 "mmb.additional_services.musical_equipment.step_select_instrument.heading": "What instrument are you traveling with?",
3676 "mmb.additional_services.musical_equipment.step_select_instrument.input_item.label": "Instrument",
3677 "mmb.additional_services.musical_equipment.step_select_instrument.input_item.placeholder": "e.g. Guitar",
3678 "mmb.additional_services.musical_equipment.step_select_passengers.heading": "Who does this instrument belong to?",
3679 "mmb.additional_services.musical_equipment.step_select_passengers.item_heading": "__x__. __instrument__",
3680 "mmb.additional_services.musical_equipment.storage_options.another_seat": "On another seat",
3681 "mmb.additional_services.musical_equipment.storage_options.another_seat_info": "Ordering another seat for your instrument is usually the most expensive option",
3682 "mmb.additional_services.musical_equipment.storage_options.cargo": "In the cargo hold",
3683 "mmb.additional_services.musical_equipment.storage_options.passenger_lap": "On the passenger's lap",
3684 "mmb.additional_services.musical_equipment.thank_you_title": "Musical instrument request sent",
3685 "mmb.additional_services.not_confirmed": "Additional services will be available after your booking is confirmed.",
3686 "mmb.additional_services.payment_cta.checkout": "Check out",
3687 "mmb.additional_services.pets.baggage_recheck_alert": "If you're flying with different airlines, you will have to pick up and recheck your pet at the airport.",
3688 "mmb.additional_services.pets.description": "We'll do our best to help you travel with your beloved pet. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
3689 "mmb.additional_services.pets.error.already_submitted": "Some of the provided segment and passenger combinations already have a pending pet request.",
3690 "mmb.additional_services.pets.heading": "Add your pet as a passenger",
3691 "mmb.additional_services.pets.pets_type.cat": "Cat",
3692 "mmb.additional_services.pets.pets_type.dog": "Dog",
3693 "mmb.additional_services.pets.pets_type.other": "Other",
3694 "mmb.additional_services.pets.pets_type.service_dog": "Service dog",
3695 "mmb.additional_services.pets.service_dog_type.emotional_support": "Emotional support dog",
3696 "mmb.additional_services.pets.service_dog_type.guide": "Guide dog",
3697 "mmb.additional_services.pets.service_dog_type.police": "Police dog",
3698 "mmb.additional_services.pets.step_crate_specs.crate_measurements.title": "What are the dimensions of the crate?",
3699 "mmb.additional_services.pets.step_crate_specs.crate_measurements.weight_label": "Weight with pet __x__",
3700 "mmb.additional_services.pets.step_crate_specs.crate_type.hard_crate_option": "Hard crate (e.g. made out of plastic)",
3701 "mmb.additional_services.pets.step_crate_specs.crate_type.soft_crate_option": "Soft crate (e.g. made out of fabric)",
3702 "mmb.additional_services.pets.step_crate_specs.crate_type.subtitle": "Your pet needs to be secured in a crate during the flight.",
3703 "mmb.additional_services.pets.step_crate_specs.crate_type.title": "What kind of crate is your pet traveling in?",
3704 "mmb.additional_services.pets.step_crate_specs.crate_water_resistant.title": "Is the crate water resistant?",
3705 "mmb.additional_services.pets.step_crate_specs.storage.cabin_option": "In the cabin of the plane with me",
3706 "mmb.additional_services.pets.step_crate_specs.storage.cargo_option": "In the cargo hold with the baggage",
3707 "mmb.additional_services.pets.step_crate_specs.storage.subtitle": "If your pet is a larger animal, the airline may decide to stow the pet in the cargo hold with the baggage.",
3708 "mmb.additional_services.pets.step_crate_specs.storage.title": "Where do you want your pet to be stored?",
3709 "mmb.additional_services.pets.step_select_pets_type.other_type.label": "Describe your pet",
3710 "mmb.additional_services.pets.step_select_pets_type.other_type.placeholder": "e.g. Parrot",
3711 "mmb.additional_services.pets.step_select_pets_type.select_passenger.input_label": "Passenger",
3712 "mmb.additional_services.pets.step_select_pets_type.select_passenger.title": "Who does the pet belong to?",
3713 "mmb.additional_services.pets.step_select_pets_type.select_type.label": "Pet",
3714 "mmb.additional_services.pets.step_select_pets_type.select_type.placeholder": "Choose your pet",
3715 "mmb.additional_services.pets.step_select_pets_type.select_type.title": "What pet do you want to take with you?",
3716 "mmb.additional_services.pets.step_select_service_dog_kind.title": "What type of service dog are you traveling with?",
3717 "mmb.additional_services.pets.step_summary.crate_type.hard_crate": "in a hard crate",
3718 "mmb.additional_services.pets.step_summary.crate_type.soft_crate": "in a soft crate",
3719 "mmb.additional_services.pets.step_summary.storage.cabin_option": "Stored in the cabin with you",
3720 "mmb.additional_services.pets.step_summary.storage.cargo_option": "Stored in the cargo hold",
3721 "mmb.additional_services.pets.thank_you_service_dog_info": "Don't forget to travel with a certificate to prove that your pet is a service dog.",
3722 "mmb.additional_services.pets.thank_you_title.cat": "Cat request sent",
3723 "mmb.additional_services.pets.thank_you_title.dog": "Dog request sent",
3724 "mmb.additional_services.pets.thank_you_title.other": "Pet request sent",
3725 "mmb.additional_services.pets.thank_you_title.service_dog": "Service dog request sent",
3726 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.breed_input.label": "Breed",
3727 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.cat.breed_alert.body": "Snub-nosed breeds are not suitable for traveling by a plane and are banned by the most of the airlines. Please make sure that your cat's breed is not one of the breeds shown below.",
3728 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.cat.breed_alert.title": "Make sure that your cat is not a snub-nosed breed",
3729 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.cat.breed_input.placeholder": "e.g. Bengal",
3730 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.cat.section_title": "Which breed is your cat?",
3731 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.cat.snub_nosed.radio_false_option": "My cat is not a snub-nosed breed.",
3732 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.cat.snub_nosed.radio_true_option": "My cat is a snub-nosed breed and I wish to proceed anyway.",
3733 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.cat.type.british_shorthair": "British Shorthair",
3734 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.cat.type.burmese": "Burmese",
3735 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.cat.type.exotic": "Exotic Shorthair",
3736 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.cat.type.himalayan": "Himalayan",
3737 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.cat.type.persian": "Persian",
3738 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.cat.type.scottish_fold": "Scottish Fold",
3739 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.dog.breed_alert.body": "Snub-nosed breeds are not suitable for traveling by plane and are banned by most airlines. Please make sure that your dog's breed is not one of the breeds shown below.",
3740 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.dog.breed_alert.title": "Make sure that your dog is not a snub-nosed breed",
3741 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.dog.breed_input.placeholder": "e.g. Corgi",
3742 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.dog.section_title": "Which breed is your dog?",
3743 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.dog.snub_nosed.radio_false_option": "My dog is not a snub-nosed breed.",
3744 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.dog.snub_nosed.radio_true_option": "My dog is a snub-nosed breed and I wish to proceed anyway.",
3745 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.dog.type.boston_terrier": "Boston Terrier",
3746 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.dog.type.boxer": "Boxer",
3747 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.dog.type.brussels_griffon": "Brussels Griffon",
3748 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.dog.type.bullmastiff": "Bullmastiff",
3749 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.dog.type.bull_terrier": "Bull Terrier",
3750 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.dog.type.chow_chow": "Chow Chow",
3751 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.dog.type.dogue_de_bordeaux": "Dogue de Bordeaux",
3752 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.dog.type.english_bulldog": "English Bulldog",
3753 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.dog.type.french_bulldog": "French Bulldog",
3754 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.dog.type.japanese_chin": "Japanese Chin",
3755 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.dog.type.king_charles_spaniel": "King Charles Spaniel",
3756 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.dog.type.lhasa_apso": "Lhasa Apso",
3757 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.dog.type.mastiff": "Mastiff",
3758 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.dog.type.neapolitan_mastiff": "Neapolitan Mastiff",
3759 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.dog.type.pug": "Pug",
3760 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.dog.type.shar_pei": "Shar-pei",
3761 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.dog.type.shih_tzu": "Shih Tzu",
3762 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.dog.type.small_brabant_griffon": "Small Brabant Griffon",
3763 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.dog.type.staffordshire_bull_terrier": "Staffordshire Bull Terrier",
3764 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.dog.type.tibetan_spaniel": "Tibetan Spaniel",
3765 "mmb.additional_services.pet_breed.snub_nosed.radio_true_option_info": "Keep in mind that may be dangerous for a snub-nosed pet to travel by an airplane and most of the airlines ban it. If you proceed, your request might be refused by airlines for your pet’s safety.",
3766 "mmb.additional_services.pinned_card.baggage.benefits.avoid_costs_at_gate": "Prevent extra costs at the gate.",
3767 "mmb.additional_services.pinned_card.baggage.benefits.whole_trip_baggage": "Choose your baggage bundle for the whole trip.",
3768 "mmb.additional_services.pinned_card.baggage.cta": "Add baggage",
3769 "mmb.additional_services.pinned_card.baggage.title": "Take everything you need",
3770 "mmb.additional_services.requested_date": "requested __date__",
3771 "mmb.additional_services.select_flights_for_service.heading": "Which flights do you want to buy this service for?",
3772 "mmb.additional_services.select_flights_for_service.radio_all_flights.info": "Flights with less than 48 hours until departure will not be included. It is too late to order this service for them.",
3773 "mmb.additional_services.select_flights_for_service.radio_all_flights.label": "All remaining flights in this trip",
3774 "mmb.additional_services.select_flights_for_service.radio_specific_flights.inbound": "Inbound",
3775 "mmb.additional_services.select_flights_for_service.radio_specific_flights.label": "Selected flights only",
3776 "mmb.additional_services.select_flights_for_service.radio_specific_flights.outbound": "Outbound",
3777 "mmb.additional_services.select_passenger_placeholder": "Choose a passenger",
3778 "mmb.additional_services.service.infants": "Infant",
3779 "mmb.additional_services.service_unavailable.description": "This service must be requested at least 48 hours before the departure of your flight.",
3780 "mmb.additional_services.service_unavailable.heading": "We're sorry. It's too late to order this service.",
3781 "mmb.additional_services.show_less": "Show less",
3782 "mmb.additional_services.show_more": "Show more",
3783 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.description": "Need special assistance? Let us know the details and we'll do our best to help you. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
3784 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.error.already_submitted": "Some of the provided segment and passenger combinations already have a pending special assistance request.",
3785 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.heading": "Add special assistance",
3786 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.mobility_assistance_type.carry.info": "Passengers who are completely immobile and require a wheelchair to and from the aircraft and must be carried up or down steps and to and from their cabin seat.",
3787 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.mobility_assistance_type.carry.label": "WCHC (wheelchair carry)",
3788 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.mobility_assistance_type.ramp.info": "Passengers who can ascend and descend steps and move in the cabin but require a wheelchair for distance to and from the aircraft.",
3789 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.mobility_assistance_type.ramp.label": "WCHR (wheelchair ramp)",
3790 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.mobility_assistance_type.steps.info": "Passengers who cannot ascend and descend steps. A wheelchair is required to and from the aircraft and the passenger must be carried up or down the steps. However, they can make their own way to and from their cabin seat.",
3791 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.mobility_assistance_type.steps.label": "WCHS (wheelchair steps)",
3792 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_has_dog.title": "Is __passengerName__ traveling with a guide dog?",
3793 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_hearing_impairment_severity.radio_deaf_option": "Passenger has severe or total loss of hearing",
3794 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_hearing_impairment_severity.radio_partial_option": "Passenger's hearing is partially impaired",
3795 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_hearing_impairment_severity.title": "Please help us understand the condition of __passengerName__.",
3796 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_owns_wheelchair.radio_false_option": "No, a wheelchair will need to be provided by the airport",
3797 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_owns_wheelchair.title": "Does __passengerName__ have his own wheelchair?",
3798 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_psychiatric_disorder.description": "Kiwi.com doesn't provide this type of assistance. To ensure that you receive the correct psychiatric disorder assistance during your trip, please contact these carrier(s) directly:",
3799 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_psychiatric_disorder.title": "Please contact the carrier(s) directly",
3800 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_select_assistance_type.select_passenger.input_label": "Passenger",
3801 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_select_assistance_type.select_passenger.title": "Who needs special assistance?",
3802 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_select_assistance_type.select_type.hearing": "Hearing impaired passenger",
3803 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_select_assistance_type.select_type.medical_equipment": "Medical equipment",
3804 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_select_assistance_type.select_type.mobility": "Wheelchair and mobility assistance",
3805 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_select_assistance_type.select_type.psychiatric_disorder": "Psychiatric disorder",
3806 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_select_assistance_type.select_type.title": "What medical issue do you need assistance for?",
3807 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_select_assistance_type.select_type.visual": "Visual impaired passenger",
3808 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_select_medical_equipment.radio_other_option": "Something different",
3809 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_select_medical_equipment.radio_other_option_placeholder": "Describe your equipment",
3810 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_select_medical_equipment.radio_oxygen_option": "Oxygen",
3811 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_select_medical_equipment.title": "What equipment is __passengerName__ traveling with?",
3812 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_select_mobility_assistance_type.alert.body": "Spillable batteries might be forbidden on the aircraft. We will contact you regarding the approval of your wheelchair. If needed, we will request a wheelchair at the airport to help you get into the plane. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for understanding.",
3813 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_select_mobility_assistance_type.alert.title": "You may not be able to take the wheelchair with spillable batteries with you",
3814 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_select_mobility_assistance_type.title": "What kind of assistance do you need?",
3815 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_select_safety_assistant.radio_has_option": "Yes, the passenger has their own safety assistant.",
3816 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_select_safety_assistant.radio_needs_option": "No, the passenger needs to be provided with a safety assistant.",
3817 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_select_safety_assistant.radio_needs_option_info": "Safety Assistants are usually provided by airports for free.",
3818 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_select_safety_assistant.title": "Will __passengerName__ travel with a safety assistant?",
3819 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_summary.condition_alert.body": "We will make sure to make your flight's airlines know about this.",
3820 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_summary.condition_alert.body_with_disclaimer": "We will make sure to make your flight's airlines know about this. However, every airline treats this condition differently.",
3821 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_summary.condition_alert.title": "We'll let the carrier(s) know about this passenger's condition",
3822 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_summary.flights_dropdown": "Special assistance will be requested for all flights.",
3823 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_summary.guide_dog": "Guide dog (__breedName__)",
3824 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_summary.option_batteries_spillable.alert.body": "Spillable batteries may be forbidden on an airplane. We will contact you regarding the approval of your wheelchair. If needed, we are going to request the wheelchair by an airport to help you getting into the airplane. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for understanding.",
3825 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_summary.option_batteries_spillable.alert.title": "You may not be able to take the wheelchair with spillable batteries with you",
3826 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_summary.option_doesnt_own_wheelchair": "You will be provided with a wheelchair at the airport",
3827 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_summary.option_electric_wheelchair": "Taking your own electric wheelchair",
3828 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_summary.option_manual_wheelchair": "Taking your own manual wheelchair",
3829 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_summary.passenger_has_safety_assistant": "The passenger has their own safety assistant",
3830 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_summary.passenger_needs_safety_assistant": "Passenger requires a safety assistant",
3831 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_summary.travelling_with_medical_equipment": "Passenger is traveling with medical equipment (__medicalEquipment__)",
3832 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_visual_impairment_severity.radio_blind_label": "Passenger is blind",
3833 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_visual_impairment_severity.radio_partial_label": "Passenger has partially impaired vision",
3834 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_visual_impairment_severity.title": "Please help us understand the type of assistance needed by __passengerName__.",
3835 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_wheelchair_batteries.removable.radio_false_option": "Non-removable",
3836 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_wheelchair_batteries.removable.radio_true_option": "Removable",
3837 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_wheelchair_batteries.removable.title": "What kind of batteries does your wheelchair have?",
3838 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_wheelchair_batteries.spillable.alert.body": "Spillable batteries may not be able to be carried on an airplane by some airlines. If the batteries are spillable, we recommend you to check the policy of your flight's airlines to make sure you can take your wheelchair with you. Substitute wheelchair might be borrowed to you on the airport if needed.",
3839 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_wheelchair_batteries.spillable.alert.title": "Please check the batteries of your wheelchair",
3840 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_wheelchair_batteries.spillable.radio_false_option": "Yes, the batteries are non-spillable (dry cell or gel cell).",
3841 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_wheelchair_batteries.spillable.radio_true_option": "No, the batteries are spillable (wet cell). Please let me know what to do.",
3842 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_wheelchair_batteries.spillable.title": "Are the batteries non-spillable?",
3843 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_wheelchair_specs.model.label": "Model (optional)",
3844 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_wheelchair_specs.model.placeholder": "Enter the brand and model of your wheelchair",
3845 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_wheelchair_specs.specs_title": "What are the specifications of your wheelchair?",
3846 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_wheelchair_specs.wheelchair_foldable.radio_false_option": "Non-foldable",
3847 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_wheelchair_specs.wheelchair_foldable.radio_true_option": "Foldable",
3848 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_wheelchair_specs.wheelchair_foldable.title": "Is your wheelchair foldable?",
3849 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_wheelchair_specs.wheelchair_power.electric_option": "Electric",
3850 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_wheelchair_specs.wheelchair_power.manual_option": "Manual",
3851 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.step_wheelchair_specs.wheelchair_power.title": "What kind of wheelchair do you have?",
3852 "mmb.additional_services.special_assistance.thank_you_title": "Special assistance request sent",
3853 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.baggage_recheck_alert": "If you're flying with different airlines, you will have to pick up and recheck your sports equipment at the airport.",
3854 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.category.bike": "Bike",
3855 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.category.diving_equipment": "Diving equipment",
3856 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.category.fishing_equipment": "Fishing equipment",
3857 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.category.golf_clubs": "Golf clubs",
3858 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.category.other": "Other",
3859 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.category.skis": "Skis",
3860 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.category.snowboard": "Snowboard",
3861 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.category.sports_weapon": "Sports weapon",
3862 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.category.surf": "Surf",
3863 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.category_numbered.bike": "__x__. Bike",
3864 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.category_numbered.diving_equipment": "__x__. Diving equipment",
3865 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.category_numbered.fishing_equipment": "__x__. Fishing equipment",
3866 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.category_numbered.golf_clubs": "__x__. Golf clubs",
3867 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.category_numbered.other": "__x__. Other",
3868 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.category_numbered.skis": "__x__. Skis",
3869 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.category_numbered.snowboard": "__x__. Snowboard",
3870 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.category_numbered.sports_weapon": "__x__. Sports weapon",
3871 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.category_numbered.surf": "__x__. Surf",
3872 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.description": "Take your sports gear and enjoy your trip to the fullest. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
3873 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.error.already_submitted": "Some of the provided segment and passenger combinations already have a pending sports equipment request.",
3874 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.heading": "Add your sports equipment",
3875 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.step_measurements.heading": "What are the dimensions of your equipment?",
3876 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.step_select_category.heading": "What do you want to take with you?",
3877 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.step_select_category.input_type.labels.other": "Type of equipment",
3878 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.step_select_category.input_type.labels.surf": "Type of surf",
3879 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.step_select_category.input_type.labels.weapon": "Type of weapon",
3880 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.step_select_category.input_type.placeholders.other": "Describe your equipment",
3881 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.step_select_category.input_type.placeholders.surf": "e.g. Windsurf",
3882 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.step_select_category.input_type.placeholders.weapon": "e.g. rifle and ammunition",
3883 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.step_select_category.select_item.label": "Sports equipment",
3884 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.step_select_category.select_item.placeholder": "Select your equipment",
3885 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.step_select_passengers.heading": "Who does the equipment belong to?",
3886 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.step_summary.item_warning": "Must be covered to avoid damage",
3887 "mmb.additional_services.sports_equipment.thank_you_title": "Sports equipment request sent",
3888 "mmb.additional_services.summary_step_after_payment_confirmation_alert.text": "After contacting the airlines, we'll email you a price that you should pay within 24 hours through Manage My Booking.",
3889 "mmb.additional_services.summary_step_after_payment_confirmation_alert.title": "This service will be confirmed after payment",
3890 "mmb.additional_services.summary_step_flights_dropdown": "Flights requested for this service",
3891 "mmb.additional_services.summary_step_heading": "Summary",
3892 "mmb.additional_services.thank_you.description": "Thanks for your request. As soon as we have all the details from the airline, we'll contact you by email. If there's a fee, you'll be able to pay for it in Manage My Booking.",
3893 "mmb.additional_services.tile.displayed_price.tooltip.basic": "The displayed price includes the __fee__ processing fee as described in Basic Kiwi.com Services.",
3894 "mmb.additional_services.tile.displayed_price.tooltip.plus": "The displayed price reflects the __fee__ processing fee, and the __saving__ savings, as described in Plus Kiwi.com Services.",
3895 "mmb.additional_services.tile.displayed_price.tooltip.premium": "The displayed price reflects __saving__ savings because you purchased Premium Kiwi.com Services.",
3896 "mmb.additional_services.tile.note.no_fee": "no processing fee",
3897 "mmb.additional_services.tile.note.on_request": "price on request <ref>(__fee__)</ref>",
3898 "mmb.additional_services.tile.price_on_request.tooltip.basic": "Your final price will include the __fee__ processing fee as described in Basic Kiwi.com Services.",
3899 "mmb.additional_services.tile.price_on_request.tooltip.plus": "Your final price will include the __fee__ processing fee, and the __saving__ savings, as described in Plus Kiwi.com Services.",
3900 "mmb.additional_services.tile.price_on_request.tooltip.premium": "Because you purchased Premium Kiwi.com Services, you'll save __saving__ in processing fees when you buy additional services.",
3901 "mmb.additional_services.tile.tooltip.no_fee": "No processing fee will be charged in addition to the cost of this service.",
3902 "mmb.additional_services.title": "Additional services",
3903 "mmb.add_bags.accept_baggage": "Continue",
3904 "mmb.add_bags.back": "Back",
3905 "mmb.add_bags.close": "Close",
3906 "mmb.add_bags.modal_error": "Sorry, the baggage details failed to load. Please try again later.",
3907 "mmb.add_bags.modal_header_text": "Baggage options vary by carrier, so we offer bundles to provide you with the best options for your itinerary. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
3908 "mmb.add_bags.modal_headline": "Choose your baggage bundles",
3909 "mmb.add_bags.okay": "Okay",
3910 "mmb.add_bags.passenger_bags_headline": "Baggage bundles for __passenger__",
3911 "mmb.add_bags.passenger_bags_text": "What you select is what you get. Some of your current baggage items might be replaced when choosing a different bundle. This is necessary to offer you the best combinations for your trip. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
3912 "mmb.add_bags.proceed_to_payment": "Check out (__x__)",
3913 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.airline_terms.aegean": "<strong>Important health check note</strong><br /><p>Each passenger should provide a statement regarding their COVID-19 health status, prior to being issued with a boarding pass.</p><p>A false statement and detection of a passenger with symptoms at the airport will lead to denial of boarding.</p><br /><p>In case a passenger‘s health conditions change between the time of check-in and the time of flight departure, passengers are legally required to notify our staff accordingly, before entering the aircraft.</p><br /><p>For the health and safety of our passengers and staff, we need to deny passengers from boarding if any of the following conditions are met:</p><ul><li>Passengers who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 at any time during the 14 days prior to the flight.</li><li>Passengers who have had any COVID-19 symptoms (fever, newly-developed cough, loss of taste or smell, shortness of breath) at any time during the 8 days prior to the flight.</li><li>Passengers who have been in close contact (e.g. less than 2 meters for more than 15 minutes) with a person who has COVID-19 in the 14 days prior to the flight.</li><li>Passengers who are required by local or national regulations to be in quarantine for reasons related to COVID-19 for a period that includes the date of the flight.</li></ul><p>Do <strong>any of the above mentioned conditions apply</strong> to any passenger in this booking?</p>",
3914 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.airline_terms.air_asia": "I declare that 1) I DO NOT have any COVID-19 symptoms, such as fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, or any respiratory symptoms. 2) I have not had contact with a COVID-19 confirmed case or suspected case or a person issued with a Quarantine Order/Stay-Home Notice within the last 14 days. 3) I confirm that I have not tested positive for COVID-19 within 15 days of my travel date.",
3915 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.airline_terms.air_canada": "By checking in for your flight you confirm that\n<ul>\n <li>\n You do not have fever, or cough, or breathing difficulties, or suspect that you may have COVID-19.\n </li>\n <li>\n You haven't been refused transportation by an air carrier in the past 14 days due to a medical reason related to COVID-19.\n </li>\n <li>\n You aren't currently under mandatory quarantine because of recent travel and nor are you subject to a public health order from any public health authority.\n </li>\n <li>\n You aren't prohibited from entering the arrival country.\n </li>\n <li>\n You understand that you may be refused transportation for 14 days if you have an elevated temperature and do not have a medical certificate confirming that it is unrelated to COVID-19.\n </li>\n <li>\n You may be subject to a COVID-19 health measure imposed by a federal, provincial, or territorial authority.\n </li>\n</ul>",
3916 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.airline_terms.air_france": "<p>COVID-19 HEALTH DECLARATION</p><p>Do you declare on your honor that neither you nor any of the travelers you are checking in with:</p><ul><li>have been diagnosed with COVID-19 at any time during the fourteen days prior to your flight?</li><li>have been in close contact with a person who has COVID-19 in the fourteen days prior to your flight?</li><li>have any of the COVID-19 relevant symptoms: fever, shortness of breath, newly developed cough, unusual tiredness, loss of taste or smell?</li></ul>",
3917 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.airline_terms.condor": "I understand that I must advise Condor staff as soon as possible, and should on no account report to the airport for the flight, if any of the following statements do not apply:\n<ul>\n <li>\n I have NOT been diagnosed with COVID-19 at any time during the 14 days prior to my flight.\n </li>\n <li>\n I have NOT had any COVID-19 relevant symptoms (fever, newly deployed cough, loss of taste of smell, shortness of breath) at any time during the 8 days prior to my flight.\n </li>\n</ul>",
3918 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.airline_terms.easyjet": "I will not go to the airport if I: 1) am diagnosed with COVID-19 within 14 days of my flight; 2) have any COVID-19 symptoms (fever, newly developed cough, loss of taste or smell, shortness of breath) within 8 days of my flight; 3) have been in close contact (eg less than 2m for more than 15 mins) with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 within 14 days of my flight; 4) am required to be in COVID-19 related quarantine at the time of my flight. I understand that if any of the above are identified at the airport I may be refused to travel. I have read and accepted the COVID-19 restrictions above.",
3919 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.airline_terms.eurowings": "I hereby confirm that\n<ul>\n <li>\n I have not been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 14 days.\n </li>\n <li>\n I do not currently have symptoms of COVID-19, nor have I shown such symptoms in the last 14 days.\n </li>\n <li>\n I have not had close contact in the last 2 days with people infected with COVID-19.\n </li>\n <li>\n I will speak with airport staff if my information regarding the above issues changes after I provide this confirmation.\n </li>\n <li>\n I will inform the airline and the relevant national health authorities for contact-tracing purposes within 8 days of flying if COVID-19 symptoms appear.\n </li>\n <li>\n I have checked the valid entry regulations of the destination country and that no restrictions apply to me.\n </li>\n</ul>",
3920 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.airline_terms.frontier": "<p>We are committed to keeping everyone who flies with us safe and healthy. To ensure this on your upcoming flight, please acknowledge that:</p><ul><li>You will have your temperature screened by a touchless thermometer prior to boarding. Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher will not be allowed to fly.</li><li>You will <strong>wear a face covering over your nose and mouth throughout your journey,</strong> including ticket counters, gate areas, and on board our aircraft.</li><li>In the last 14 days, neither you, nor anyone in your household nor anyone that you have come in close contact with, has tested positive for, exhibited symptoms of, or been advised to be in quarantine for COVID-19.</li><li>You will wash/sanitize your hands before boarding your flight.</li></ul>",
3921 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.airline_terms.klm_royal_dutch": "I understand that I am not allowed to travel and under no circumstances go to the airport if any of the below-listed conditions apply to me. If I am traveling in a group, I accept that this applies to all passengers I’m checking in.\n<br />\n<li>\n I have been diagnosed with the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the 14 days prior to my flight, or;\n</li>\n<li>\n I have had any of the symptoms related to the coronavirus, such as fever, cough, loss of taste or smell and shortness of breath on any of the 8 days prior to my flight, or;\n </li>\n<li>\n I have been in close contact (i.e. less than 2 meters for more than 15 minutes) with a person who has been diagnosed with the coronavirus in the 14 days prior to my flight, or;\n </li>\n<li>\n I am required to be in self-quarantine because of local or national coronavirus regulations at the time of the departure of my flight.\n</li>\nI also understand that, even if I choose not to share this information with KLM, I will still be refused to board my flight if any of the above conditions will be identified at the airport.",
3922 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.airline_terms.ryanair": "I confirm that 1) I have read and understand the <a href=\"https://www.ryanair.com/gb/en/useful-info/baggage/permitted-and-restricted-items\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Dangerous Goods and Prohibited Items</a> information provided here the Dangerous Goods and Prohibited Items 2) If I am traveling to/from Italy, I self-declare that I am pursuant to the regulation in force as follows: Not to be affected by COVID-19 or not to be subjected to a mandatory quarantine period of at least 14 days; Not to be currently suffering from fever with a temperature above 37.5° C; Not to have at the moment, a persistent cough, difficulty breathing, cold, sore throat, headache, severe weakness (tiredness), decrease or loss of smell/taste, diarrhea; Not having had close contact with a person affected by COVID-19 since two days before the occurrence of symptoms and up to 14 days after the occurrence of symptoms. I also undertake to inform the air carrier and Local Health Authority of any possible occurrence of the above-mentioned symptoms arising within eight days of disembarkation from the aircraft. 3) If I am travelling to Greece, I am aware that I need to obtain a QR code upon completion of PLF available <a href=\"https://travel.gov.gr/#/\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">here</a>. 4) If I am travelling to Cyprus, I am aware that I need to obtain a Flight Pass available <a href=\"https://cyprusflightpass.gov.cy/\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">here</a>. 5) If I am travelling to any other destination, that I have reviewed and will follow Government COVID-19 instructions available <a href=\"https://www.ryanair.com/ie/en/plan-trip/travel-documentation\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">here</a>",
3923 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.airline_terms.southwest": "<p>Your health declaration during the COVID-19 pandemic.</p><ul><li>Prior to travel, please check your temperature and confirm that you do not have a fever. Do not travel if you have a fever.</li><li>Please stay at home and do not travel if you have recently been diagnosed with or are currently experiencing <a href=\"https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">symptoms of COVID-19.</a></li><li>If you’ve recently had close contact with someone who has COVID-19, the CDC recommends quarantining for 14 days in your home and avoiding air travel.</li><li>Because many people with COVID-19 may be asymptomatic, Southwest Airlines requires all travelers to wear a face covering over their nose and mouth, unless an <a href=\"https://www.southwest.com/promise/#mask-faq\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">exemption applies.</a></li><li>If you have questions, feel you cannot or should not travel, or need rebooking assistance, please <a href=\"https://www.southwest.com/contact-us/contact-us.html\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">contact</a> a Southwest Airlines Representative.</li><li>By clicking \"Check in\", you're acknowledging that you understand the above information. Learn more about how we're supporting your safety and well-being <a href=\"http://www.southwest.com/promise\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">here.</a></li></ul>",
3924 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.airline_terms.united_airlines": "<strong>Ready-to-fly checklist</strong><br /><p>As part of our United CleanPlus℠ program and in partnership with Cleveland Clinic and Clorox, we aim to provide our customers and employees with a safe travel experience.</p><br /><p>To confirm that you’re ready to travel, please review the statements below, which follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. (Note that the WHO and/or CDC guidelines may change in the future.)</p><br /><strong>All travelers checking in acknowledge:</strong><br /><strong>Face coverings are required for the duration of your flight, except when you’re eating or drinking</strong><br /><p>You must wear a face covering that fully covers both your nose and mouth during your entire flight, unless you’re eating or drinking, for the safety of everyone. A face shield alone does not count as a face covering. Travelers who aren’t wearing their face coverings on board may lose their travel privileges on future United flights. Small children, travelers with medical conditions or disabilities that prevent them from wearing a face covering, and those who cannot remove or put on a face covering are exempt.</p><br /><strong>You have not been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 21 days</strong><ul><li>You have assessed yourself for COVID-19-related symptoms, and have experienced none of the following in the last 14 days: known temperature of 38 C/100.4 F or higher, cough (excludes symptoms from a pre-existing condition), shortness of breath/difficulty breathing (excludes symptoms from a pre-existing condition), chills, muscle pain, sore throat, recent loss of taste or smell</li><li>You have not been denied boarding by another airline due to COVID-19 exposure in the last 14 days.</li><li>You have not had close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days, or you’re a medical professional following CDC guidance and using proper PPE.</li></ul><p>If anyone does not meet these criteria, we ask that you reschedule your trip.</p><br /><p>Please call 1-800-UNITED-1 (1-800-864-8331) or your local Customer Contact Center for your options.</p>",
3925 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.airline_terms.volotea": "<p>To obtain your boarding passes, you must agree and understand that you must advise Volotea as soon as possible in the event of any change to this health declaration and that you should on no account report to the airport for the flight if any of the following statements apply:</p><ul><li>A passenger in my booking have been diagnosed with COVID-19 at any time during the 14 days prior to my flight and none of them have experienced any of the symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, newly developed cough, loss of taste or smell, shortness of breath) at any time during the 8 days prior to my flight.</li><li>A passenger in my booking has been in close contact (e.g. less than 2 meters for more than 15 minutes) with a person who has COVID-19, during the 14 days prior to my flight. A passenger in my booking is required by local or national regulations to be in quarantine for reasons relating to COVID-19 for a period that includes the date of the flight.</li><li>Information supplied is processed in the public interest, in line with the recommendations of the health authorities, in order to guarantee the wellbeing of all our passengers. For further information, please consult our <a href=\"https://www.volotea.com/en/legal-conditions/privacy-policy#public-interest\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Privacy Policy</a>.</li></ul><p>I understand that if any of these statements apply, this will result in my being refused permission to travel if I do not disclose this information to the airline, or if the fact that these statements are longer correct is identified at the airport. I declare that all passengers in my booking meet these requirements:</p>",
3926 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.airline_terms.vueling": "<p>I understand that I must not go to the airport if I or any of the passengers in the booking:</p><ul><li>Have been diagnosed with COVID-19 during the 14 days prior to the departure of the flight.</li><li>Have had any COVID-19-related symptoms during the 8 days prior to the departure of the flight (such as a fever, cough, loss of taste and/or smell, breathing problems, etc.).</li><li>Have been in direct contact (less than 2 meters and for more than approx. 15 minutes) with anyone who has had COVID-19 during the 14 days prior to the flight.</li><li>Have been required to self-isolate by the local or national authorities for reasons related to COVID-19 during a period that includes the date of the flight.</li></ul><p><strong>Remember:</strong> All passengers who find themselves in any of the above circumstances and ignore this warning by checking in at the airport or trying to board will be denied boarding and will not be entitled to a refund or any other compensation.</p>",
3927 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.airline_terms.wzzair": "<strong>Important information</strong><br /><p>Before you continue, please read the below information carefully.</p><br /><p>Please note that due to the coronavirus epidemic and as per the instructions of the respective local authorities, passengers who have been in countries affected by the coronavirus 14 days prior to their date of travel may be restricted to enter the arrival country or face other restrictions e.g. quarantine rules may apply and this vary by country. This applies to both one-way and return flights.</p><br /><p>We highly recommend that you contact the relevant authorities for precise details to confirm your eligibility and conditions of travel. Please consider changing your flight to another destination or canceling your flight, if necessary.</p><br /><p>Please note, that you are responsible for being aware of the travel conditions related to your country of arrival prior to traveling!</p><br /><p>In case you are affected (i.e. restrictions may or will apply to you) and you have a valid booking, but still arrive to the airport for your flight, Wizz Air has a right to refuse your carriage by air as per Clause 12.1. l) of the General Conditions of Carriage (GCC) and in accordance with Clause 12.3. of the GCC (refund rules).</p><br /><p>By proceeding with the check-in process you confirm that you have consulted with the respective authorities and you acknowledge and accept the potential consequences.</p><br /><p>I understand that I must advise Wizz Air as soon as possible, and should on no account report to the airport for the flight if any of the following statements apply:</p><ul><li>I have been diagnosed with COVID-19 at any time during the 14 days prior to my flight.</li><li>I have had any of the COVID-19 relevant symptoms (fever, newly developed cough, loss of taste or smell shortness of breath) at any time during the 8 days prior to my flight.</li><li>I have been in close contact (e.g. less than 2 meters for more than 15 minutes) with a person who has COVID-19 in the 14 days prior to my flight.</li><li>I am required by local or national regulations to be in quarantine for reasons related to COVID-19 for a period that includes the date of the fight,</li></ul><p>I understand that any of these circumstances will result in refusal to proceed with my travel if I do not disclose this information to the airline and my circumstances are identified on-site at the airport.</p>",
3928 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.airline_terms_banner": "If you’re unable to agree with the terms below, Kiwi.com recommends you reschedule your trip to avoid being denied boarding by the carrier.",
3929 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.all_pax_here": "__country__: all passengers <ref>here</ref>.",
3930 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.all_pax_here_and_here": "__country__: all passengers <ref>here</ref> and <ref>here.</ref>",
3931 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.banner.avoid_paying_fee": "Avoid paying a check-in fee at the airport.",
3932 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.banner.check_in_for_free": "Let us check you in for free",
3933 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.banner.open_modal_button": "Add check-in details",
3934 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.banner.text": "After check-in, your mobile boarding passes will be available in the Kiwi.com app. <ref>Download it now</ref>",
3935 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.banner.title": "Boarding passes",
3936 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.banner.we_will_send_you_an_email": "We'll send you an email when your boarding passes are available.",
3937 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.complete_questionnaire": "__country__: complete this questionnaire <ref>online</ref> OR <ref>print this form</ref>, fill it in, and present it physically.",
3938 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.complete_the_plf": "__country__: complete the PLF <ref>here</ref> and get a QR code.",
3939 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.declaration_title": "COVID-19 health declaration",
3940 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.default_details_for_all_pax": "We'll use these details as the default information for all passengers.",
3941 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.error_banner.reload": "Refresh",
3942 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.error_banner.text": "We couldn't load your check-in requirements. Please refresh the page.",
3943 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.failed.back": "Back",
3944 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.failed.text": "Sorry, we couldn’t process your details. Please try again later.",
3945 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.failed.title": "Processing problem",
3946 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.field.city": "City",
3947 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.field.duration_of_stay": "Duration of stay",
3948 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.field.no_expiration": "No expiration",
3949 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.field.passport_or_id_expiration": "Passport or ID expiration",
3950 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.field.passport_or_id_number": "Passport or ID number",
3951 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.field.postcode": "Postcode",
3952 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.field.street_address": "Street address",
3953 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.general_statement.close_contact": "__prefix__ I have not had close contact with a person affected by COVID-19 fewer than 2 days before their symptoms began and up to 14 days after their symptoms disappeared.",
3954 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.general_statement.content": "<p>I declare that: </p>\n\n <p>\n 1) I do not have any COVID-19 symptoms, such as a <strong>fever with a temperature over 37.5° C (99.5°F), cough, cold, headache, diarrhea, sore throat, runny nose, any respiratory problems, or a decrease or loss of smell or taste.</strong>\n </p>\n <p>\n 2) I have not had contact with a COVID-19 confirmed case or suspected case or a person issued with a Quarantine Order/Stay-Home Notice <strong>within the last 14 days</strong>.\n </p>\n <p>\n 3) I confirm that I have <strong>not tested positive for COVID-19</strong> within 15 days of my planned travel date.\n </p>\n <p>\n 4) I have not had close contact with a person affected by COVID-19 fewer than 2 days before their symptoms began and up to 14 days after their symptoms disappeared.\n </p>\n <p>\n 5) I also undertake to inform the air carrier and Local Health Authority of any possible occurrence of the above-mentioned symptoms arising within <strong>8 days</strong> of disembarking from the aircraft.\n </p>",
3955 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.general_statement.content_declaration": "<p>\n <strong><u>I declare that all passengers in my booking meet these requirements as of the issuance date. I understand that if I am found to be in contravention of any part of this statement, that I will be refused permission to travel. I will inform __companyName__ if any of the stated facts change before the date of my departure.</u></strong>\n</p>\n",
3956 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.general_statement.content_optional_first": "<p>\n 6) I understand that if I travel with United Airlines, <strong>face coverings are required for the duration of my flight</strong>, except when I’m eating or drinking.\n</p>",
3957 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.general_statement.content_optional_second": "<p>\n 7) With Frontier Airlines, I will have my temperature screened by a touchless thermometer prior to boarding. <strong>Anyone with a temperature of 38°C (100.4°F) or higher will not be allowed to fly</strong>. I will wash or disinfect my hands before boarding the plane. I have noted the recommendation to carry disinfecting wipes and a hand sanitizer with an alcohol concentration of 70% or more.\n</p>",
3958 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.general_statement.covid_contact": "__prefix__ I have not had contact with a COVID-19 confirmed case or suspected case or a person issued with a Quarantine Order/Stay-Home Notice <strong>within the last 14 days</strong>.",
3959 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.general_statement.covid_symptoms": "__prefix__ I do not have any COVID-19 symptoms, such as a <strong>fever with a temperature over 37.5° C (99.5°F), cough, cold, headache, diarrhea, sore throat, runny nose, any respiratory problems, or a decrease or loss of smell or taste.</strong>",
3960 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.general_statement.frontier_airlines": "__prefix__ With Frontier Airlines, I will have my temperature screened by a touchless thermometer before boarding. <strong>Anyone with a temperature of 38°C (100.4°F) or higher will not be allowed to fly</strong>. I will wash or disinfect my hands before boarding the plane. I have noted the recommendation to carry disinfecting wipes and a hand sanitizer with an alcohol concentration of 70% or more.",
3961 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.general_statement.inform_authorities": "__prefix__ I also undertake to inform the air carrier and Local Health Authority of any possible occurrence of the above-mentioned symptoms arising within <strong>8 days</strong> of disembarking from the aircraft.",
3962 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.general_statement.intro": "I declare that:",
3963 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.general_statement.mandatory_documentation": "I am also aware that I need to complete this mandatory travel document(s) before my trip. Without this, I understand that I might not be allowed on board and there might be a fee for not completing it online.",
3964 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.general_statement.questionnaire": "Without a completed questionnaire, you might not be allowed on board, or you might have to pay a fee for not completing it online.\n",
3965 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.general_statement.test_confirmation": "__prefix__ I confirm that I have <strong>not tested positive for COVID-19</strong> within 15 days of my planned travel date.",
3966 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.general_statement.united_airlines": "__prefix__ I understand if I travel with United Airlines, <strong>face coverings are required for the duration of your flight</strong>, except when I’m eating or drinking.",
3967 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.group_title.address_of_stay": "Address and duration of stay",
3968 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.group_title.passport_details": "Passport or ID details",
3969 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.hes_code": "HES code <ref>What's this?</ref>",
3970 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.modal.close": "Close",
3971 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.modal.confirm": "Confirm",
3972 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.modal.submit": "Submit",
3973 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.modal.text": "Please provide all of the required details below.",
3974 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.modal.title": "Passenger information for check-in",
3975 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.no_further_details_required": "No further details required for check-in.",
3976 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.obtain_a_flight_pass": "__country__: obtain a flight pass <ref>here</ref>.",
3977 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.pap_details_required": "Passenger details required",
3978 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.pax_flying_to": "__country__: passengers flying to __country2__ <ref>here</ref>.",
3979 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.pax_flying_to_from": "__country__: passengers flying to/from __country2__ <ref>here</ref>.",
3980 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.placeholder.total_number_of_days": "Total number of days",
3981 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.provide_pap_details_before": "Provide passenger details before __date__.",
3982 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.self_transfer_local_address_text": "A local address is required because, during <ref>self-transfer</ref>, you’ll need to leave the visa-free transit zone and enter __country__ (__city__). By default, we’ll use the airport's address since this is not your final destination.\n",
3983 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.success.close": "Close",
3984 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.success.text": "We’ll send you an email as soon as your boarding passes are available.",
3985 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.success.title": "Details submitted ",
3986 "mmb.advanced_pax_info.turkish_id": "Turkish ID number",
3987 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track.bud.services.through_security": "Fast Track route through security.",
3988 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track.bud.services.transfer_assistance_desk": "Transfer assistance desk.",
3989 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track.button": "Download QR code",
3990 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track.download_smart_pass": "Download Smart Pass",
3991 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track.learn_more": "Learn more",
3992 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track.mrs.services.shops_and_restaurants_discount": "Discount vouchers and free drinks at the airport shops and restaurants.",
3993 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track.mrs.services.through_security": "Fast Track route through security",
3994 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track.mrs.text": "An exclusive service awaits at Marseille Provence Airport. With Fast Track, you'll fly through security. Don't forget to take your QR code with you.",
3995 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track.mrs.title": "Smart Pass services",
3996 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track.nce.services.lounge_discount_voucher": "€10 discount for the VIP lounges. Use the code <ref>NICECONNECT</ref> when you book at <ref>go.kiwi.com/NiceConnect</ref>",
3997 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track.prg.no_fast_track.download_vouchers": "Download vouchers",
3998 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track.prg.no_fast_track.text": "Exclusive services await at Prague Airport.",
3999 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track.prg.services.lounge_discount": "Discounts for the Erste Premium Lounge and the Mastercard Lounge",
4000 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track.prg.services.security_fast_track": "Fast Track route through security",
4001 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track.prg.services.shops_and_restaurants_discount": "Discounts at Prague Airport shops and restaurants",
4002 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track.prg.services.transfer_assistance_desk": "Transfer assistance at the airport information desks",
4003 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track.prg.text": "Exclusive services await at Prague Airport. With FastTrack, you'll fly through security. Don't forget to take your QR code with you.",
4004 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track.prg.title": "Smart Pass services",
4005 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track.title": "Milan Bergamo Stopover Bundle",
4006 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track.vce.no_fast_track.text": "Need help at Venezia Airport? Visit the Venice Connects transfer assistance desk. They'll help you catch your flight in time.",
4007 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track.vce.services.checked_baggage_assistance": "Checked baggage handling assistance & free baggage deposit",
4008 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track.vce.services.duty_free_shop_discount": "10% discount in the duty-free shops",
4009 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track.vce.services.free_baggage_deposit": "Free baggage deposit",
4010 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track.vce.services.through_security": "Fast Track Priority Lane through security",
4011 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track.vce.services.transfer_assistance_desk": "Transfer assistance desk",
4012 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track.vce.services.vip_lounge_discount": "Discount for the VIP lounge",
4013 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track.vce.text": "An exclusive service awaits at Venezia Airport. With the Fast Track Priority Lane, you'll fly through security. Don't forget to take your QR code with you.",
4014 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track_bgy.text": "Exclusive services await at Milan Bergamo Airport. With Fast Track and baggage assistance, you'll fly through security. Don't forget to take your QR code with you.",
4015 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track_bud.assistance_desk_text": "Need help at the airport in Budapest? Visit the bud:connects transfer assistance desk at Terminal 2A or 2B. They'll help you catch your connection in time, and they can contact Kiwi.com if necessary.",
4016 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track_bud.text": "An exclusive service awaits at Budapest Airport. With Fast Track, you'll fly through security. Don't forget to take your QR code with you.",
4017 "mmb.ancillaries.fast_track_nce.text": "An exclusive service awaits at Nice Côte d'Azur Airport. With Fast Track, you'll fly through security and passport control. Don't forget to take your QR code with you.",
4018 "mmb.ancillaries.smart_pass.banner_description": "Exclusive benefits await at __airport_name__. Check below to see what's included in your booking and then download your Smart Pass and vouchers. You can display the vouchers from your mobile device or print them.\n",
4019 "mmb.ancillaries.smart_pass.banner_download_button": "Download Smart Pass",
4020 "mmb.ancillaries.smart_pass.banner_footer": "Some services might not be available at all airport terminals. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
4021 "mmb.ancillaries.smart_pass.banner_service_baggage_assistance": "Checked baggage assistance",
4022 "mmb.ancillaries.smart_pass.banner_service_discounts": "Discounts and special offers at the airport",
4023 "mmb.ancillaries.smart_pass.banner_service_fast_track": "Fast Track route through security",
4024 "mmb.ancillaries.smart_pass.banner_service_lounge": "VIP lounge specials",
4025 "mmb.ancillaries.smart_pass.banner_service_provided_by": "Service provided by",
4026 "mmb.ancillaries.smart_pass.banner_service_transfer_assistance": "Transfer assistance desk",
4027 "mmb.ancillaries.smart_pass.card_title": "__airport_name__ — __smartpass_brand_name__",
4028 "mmb.ancillaries.smart_pass.header_card_description": "Smart Pass services will ease your transfer experience. They'll help you catch your connection in time during short layovers, or relax during longer layovers.",
4029 "mmb.ancillaries.smart_pass.header_card_title": "__origin_city__ __origin_iata_code__ → __destination_city__ __destination_iata_code__ Smart Pass services",
4030 "mmb.ancillaries.smart_pass.services_included": "Services included:",
4031 "mmb.ancillary.hotels.benefits.budget_deals": "100+ deals for any budget.",
4032 "mmb.ancillary.hotels.benefits.real_reviews": "Real guest reviews.",
4033 "mmb.ancillary.hotels.cta": "Book accommodation",
4034 "mmb.ancillary.hotels.title": "Need a place to stay?",
4035 "mmb.attachments.size_type_error": "We support JPG, PNG or PDF files of __size__MB or less.",
4036 "mmb.baggage.buy_baggage.button": "Buy baggage",
4037 "mmb.baggage.recheck_stroller_content": "The stroller might be stored as checked baggage just before you board the plane. In this case, you will need to collect it from the baggage belt when you land.",
4038 "mmb.baggage.recheck_stroller_title": "Collect your stroller during each layover",
4039 "mmb.baggage.thc_banner.text": "You should only bring a bag that can fit under the seat. Larger bags might be checked in at the gate. And all checked bags will end up in __hiddenCity__.",
4040 "mmb.boarding_pass.badge.airport_free": "Check in at the airport for free",
4041 "mmb.boarding_pass.badge.airport_required": "Airport check-in required",
4042 "mmb.boarding_pass.badge.available": "Available",
4043 "mmb.boarding_pass.badge.check_details": "Please check the details",
4044 "mmb.boarding_pass.badge.details_required": "Details required for __number__ passengers",
4045 "mmb.boarding_pass.badge.few_available": "Available for __number__ passengers",
4046 "mmb.boarding_pass.badge.few_missed": "__number__ passengers missed check-in",
4047 "mmb.boarding_pass.badge.ground_processing": "Processing",
4048 "mmb.boarding_pass.badge.ground_unavailable": "Booked",
4049 "mmb.boarding_pass.badge.processing": "Processing check-in",
4050 "mmb.boarding_pass.badge.waiting_airline": "Waiting for the airline",
4051 "mmb.boarding_pass.download_all_button.flights": "Download all boarding passes",
4052 "mmb.boarding_pass.download_all_button.ground": "Download all tickets",
4053 "mmb.boarding_pass.download_all_button.mix": "Download all tickets and boarding passes",
4054 "mmb.boarding_pass.download_for_all": "Download for all passengers",
4055 "mmb.boarding_pass.download_for_name": "Download for __name__",
4056 "mmb.boarding_pass.message.airport_rest": "Airport check-in required for the rest",
4057 "mmb.boarding_pass.message.available_before": "before __date__",
4058 "mmb.boarding_pass.message.available_from": "from __date__",
4059 "mmb.boarding_pass.message.download": "Download",
4060 "mmb.boarding_pass.message.ground_unavailable": "Use the reservation number",
4061 "mmb.boarding_pass.message.online_failed": "Online check-in failed",
4062 "mmb.boarding_pass.message.online_missed": "Online check-in missed",
4063 "mmb.boarding_pass.message.online_unavailable": "Online check-in is not available",
4064 "mmb.boarding_pass.message.provide_details": "Provide passport/ID details",
4065 "mmb.boarding_pass.message_heading.done_missed": "Boarding passes are ready for __numFew__ of __numAll__ passengers.",
4066 "mmb.boarding_pass.message_heading.done_processing": "Boarding passes are ready for __numFew__ of __numAll__ passengers. We are still processing the rest.",
4067 "mmb.boarding_pass.message_heading.done_waiting_details": "__numFew__ of __numAll__ boarding passes are ready. Provide the other details as soon as possible to avoid a fee at the airport.",
4068 "mmb.boarding_pass.message_heading.failed": "Online check-in failed. Please check in at the airport and keep your receipt for a refund.",
4069 "mmb.boarding_pass.message_heading.ground_processing": "We'll send you the ticket from the carrier as soon as it's available.",
4070 "mmb.boarding_pass.message_heading.ground_unavailable": "Use the reservation number from your e-ticket for this connection.",
4071 "mmb.boarding_pass.message_heading.missed_passenger": "__number__ passenger must check in at the airport for a possible fee.",
4072 "mmb.boarding_pass.message_heading.missed_passengers": "__number__ passengers must check in at the airport for a possible fee.",
4073 "mmb.boarding_pass.message_heading.other": "For various reasons, the boarding pass status is different for different passengers.",
4074 "mmb.boarding_pass.message_heading.processing": "We are now processing your check-in. Your boarding passes will be ready before __date__.",
4075 "mmb.boarding_pass.message_heading.provide_details": "Provide your passport/ID details before __date__.",
4076 "mmb.boarding_pass.message_heading.restricted": "Please check in at the airport for free. The airline is not offering online check-in for this flight.",
4077 "mmb.boarding_pass.message_heading.unavailable": "Please check in at the airport for free. We don't support online check-in for this route.",
4078 "mmb.boarding_pass.message_heading.waiting_airline": "We'll process your boarding passes after check-in opens on __date__.",
4079 "mmb.boarding_pass.message_text.done_failed": "Sorry, online check-in failed for some passengers. If you are charged a fee to check in at the airport, please upload a copy of the receipt via <ref>Refunds and Cancellations</ref>. We'll send you a refund. <ref>How to check in at the airport</ref>",
4080 "mmb.boarding_pass.message_text.done_missed": "Sorry, we didn't receive some of the required details before the online check-in deadline on __date__. Passengers who provided their details can download their boarding passes below. The others must check in at the airport for a possible fee. __link__",
4081 "mmb.boarding_pass.message_text.done_waiting_details": "We don't have the passport/ID details for all passengers. We'll check them in if we receive their details in time. Otherwise, you might have to pay an airport check-in fee.",
4082 "mmb.boarding_pass.message_text.failed": "Sorry, we tried to check you in online but it failed. If you are charged a fee to check in at the airport, please upload a copy of the receipt via <ref>Refunds and Cancellations</ref>. We'll send you a refund. <ref>How to check in at the airport</ref>",
4083 "mmb.boarding_pass.message_text.ground_processing": "As soon as we finish processing your ticket, you'll receive it here and by email.",
4084 "mmb.boarding_pass.message_text.ground_unavailable": "You don't need a ticket from the carrier for this connection. Everything you need is on your e-ticket.",
4085 "mmb.boarding_pass.message_text.how_checkin_airport": "How to check in at the airport",
4086 "mmb.boarding_pass.message_text.missed": "Sorry, you missed the __date__ deadline to upload your details for online check-in. To receive your boarding passes, please check-in at the airport for a possible fee. __link__",
4087 "mmb.boarding_pass.message_text.missed_failed": "Sorry, we tried to check you in online but it failed. If you are charged a fee to check in at the airport, please upload a copy of the receipt via <ref>Refunds and Cancellations</ref>. We'll send you a refund for the passengers who provided us with their details. <ref>How to check in at the airport</ref>",
4088 "mmb.boarding_pass.message_text.processing": "As soon as we finish checking you in, you'll receive your boarding passes here and by email.",
4089 "mmb.boarding_pass.message_text.processing_missed": "Sorry, we didn't receive some of the required details before the online check-in deadline on __deadlineDate__. Passengers who provided their details will receive their boarding passes before __checkInCloseDate__. __link__",
4090 "mmb.boarding_pass.message_text.provide_details": "We need these details to check you in online. Afterwards, you'll receive your boarding passes here and by email.",
4091 "mmb.boarding_pass.message_text.restricted_unavailable": "Look for the airline check-in counter or kiosk at the airport. They will check you in for free. __link__",
4092 "mmb.boarding_pass.message_text.waiting_airline": "We have your details. Just sit back and wait for your boarding passes to arrive here and by email.",
4093 "mmb.boarding_pass.timeline.boarding_passes_ready": "Boarding passes ready",
4094 "mmb.boarding_pass.timeline.details_required": "Passport or ID details required",
4095 "mmb.boarding_pass.timeline.processing": "Processing check-in",
4096 "mmb.boarding_pass.timeline.waiting_airline": "Waiting for the airline",
4097 "mmb.boarding_pass.title": "Boarding passes",
4098 "mmb.boarding_pass.title.mix": "Tickets and boarding passes",
4099 "mmb.boarding_pass.title.tickets": "Tickets",
4100 "mmb.booking_completion.app_promo_text": "After check-in, your mobile boarding passes will be available in the __companyName__ app. <ref>Download it now</ref>",
4101 "mmb.booking_completion.badge.details_added": "Details added",
4102 "mmb.booking_completion.button.confirm": "Confirm",
4103 "mmb.booking_completion.day_unit_placeholder": "DD",
4104 "mmb.booking_completion.expiration_invalid": "Can’t expire before your trip.",
4105 "mmb.booking_completion.field.no_expiry": "No expiry",
4106 "mmb.booking_completion.field.travel_document_expiration": "Expiration date",
4107 "mmb.booking_completion.field.travel_document_number": "Passport or ID number",
4108 "mmb.booking_completion.month_unit_placeholder": "Select Month",
4109 "mmb.booking_completion.title": "Online check-in",
4110 "mmb.booking_completion.title.content_1": "We'll check you in online. __checkInLink__",
4111 "mmb.booking_completion.title.content_1_v2": "You'll receive your boarding passes after we complete online check-in for you.",
4112 "mmb.booking_completion.title.content_2": "We need your details at least 24 hours before your next flight. It's best to provide them now before you forget.",
4113 "mmb.booking_completion.title.content_2_v2": "Submit your passport/ID details <strong>at least 24 hours before</strong> the flight. We need these details to complete your check-in with the airlines.",
4114 "mmb.booking_completion.title.content_3": "After the airline opens their check-in, we'll send your boarding passes by email.",
4115 "mmb.booking_completion.title.content_3_v2": "If you miss the deadline, you might need to pay a fee to check in at the airport. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
4116 "mmb.booking_completion.title.content_4": "If you miss the deadline, you'll probably have to pay an airport check-in fee.",
4117 "mmb.booking_completion.title.content_link": "Learn more",
4118 "mmb.booking_completion.title.details_added": "Details added for all passengers",
4119 "mmb.booking_completion.title.details_required": "Details required before __passportDeadlineDate__",
4120 "mmb.booking_completion.title.tooltip": "To get your boarding passes, provide us with passenger details as soon as possible in order for us to process your online check-in.",
4121 "mmb.booking_completion.year_unit_placeholder": "YYYY",
4122 "mmb.breadcrumb.booking_number": "Booking #__bid__",
4123 "mmb.breadcrumb.myBookings": "My bookings",
4124 "mmb.breadcrumbs.manage_my_trip": "Manage my trip",
4125 "mmb.business_class": "Business class",
4126 "mmb.cabin_bag_on_hold_with_airlines": "Cabin baggage that doesn't fit under the seat <u><strong>needs to be checked in</strong></u> with these airlines: __airlines__. You must also collect and recheck it during <strong>self-transfer</strong>.",
4127 "mmb.cabin_bag_on_hold_with_airlines_plural": "Cabin baggage that doesn't fit under the seat <u><strong>needs to be checked in</strong></u> with these airlines: __airlines__. You must also collect and recheck it during <strong>self-transfer</strong>.",
4128 "mmb.cancellation.form.additional_service": "I’m not happy with the additional services (baggage, seating, etc)",
4129 "mmb.cancellation.form.another_offer": "I found another offer elsewhere",
4130 "mmb.cancellation.form.confusing_process": "The travel process is confusing (self-transfers, visas, etc)",
4131 "mmb.cancellation.form.made_mistake": "I made a mistake during the booking process",
4132 "mmb.cancellation.form.not_feeling_confident": "I’m not feeling confident about the service",
4133 "mmb.cancellation.form.other": "Other",
4134 "mmb.cancellation.form.plans_changed": "My plans have changed",
4135 "mmb.cancellation.form.process_too_long": "The booking process is taking too long",
4136 "mmb.cancellation.form.question": "What was the reason for your cancellation?",
4137 "mmb.cancellation.form.short_layover": "I’m worried about the short layover time",
4138 "mmb.cancellation.form.what_was_wrong": "Please tell us more.",
4139 "mmb.cancellation.note": "You might be able to get a full refund before we process your booking with the carriers.",
4140 "mmb.cancellation.request_cancellation": "Request cancellation",
4141 "mmb.cancellation.return_to_mmb": "Return to Manage My Booking",
4142 "mmb.cancellation.thankyou.note": "We'll let you know the result by email and include more information about any possible refund.",
4143 "mmb.cancellation.thankyou.title": "Cancellation request received",
4144 "mmb.cancellation.title": "Are you sure you want to cancel your booking?",
4145 "mmb.card_passengers.title": "Passengers",
4146 "mmb.change_flights.second_step_request.description": "Description",
4147 "mmb.common.booking_number": "Booking number: __bid__",
4148 "mmb.common.button.return_to_your_trip": "Return to your trip",
4149 "mmb.common.confirm_change": "Confirm change",
4150 "mmb.common.save_changes": "Save changes",
4151 "mmb.contact.additional.add_contacts": "Add contact details",
4152 "mmb.contact.additional.email": "Additional email",
4153 "mmb.contact.additional.error.is_duplicate": "Contact detail already used.",
4154 "mmb.contact.additional.intro": "Add more contacts for yourself and your fellow travelers. You'll all receive tickets and other important info about the trip.",
4155 "mmb.contact.additional.phone": "Additional phone number",
4156 "mmb.contact.additional.remove_contact": "Remove additional contact __value__",
4157 "mmb.contact.additional.section_title": "My contact details",
4158 "mmb.contact.input.label": "Details",
4159 "mmb.contact.select.label": "Contact type",
4160 "mmb.contacts.add_another": "Add another",
4161 "mmb.contacts.email_address": "Email address",
4162 "mmb.contacts.phone_number": "Phone number",
4163 "mmb.corona.booking_status.alert.button.read_more": "Read more about your options",
4164 "mmb.corona.booking_status.alert.button.request_refund": "Request a refund",
4165 "mmb.corona.booking_status.alert.contact": "Please only call us if you depart within the next __days__ days.",
4166 "mmb.corona.booking_status.alert.description": "Carriers all over the world change their schedules last minute. Unfortunately, they don't always notify us in a timely manner.<br/>If you're confident your trip has been canceled or you won't be able to travel because of new travel restrictions, please wait. We might still receive a cancellation from the carrier, which would result in a better refund option for you.<br/>If your trip doesn't get canceled, we recommend you request a refund no later than 48 hours before departure.",
4167 "mmb.corona.booking_status.alert.description.UPLOAD_TEST": "Carriers all over the world change their schedules last minute. Unfortunately, they don't always notify us in a timely manner.<br>If you're confident your trip has been canceled or you won't be able to travel because of new travel restrictions, please wait. We might still receive a cancellation from the carrier, which would result in a better refund option for you.<br>If your trip doesn't get canceled, we recommend you request a refund no later than 48 hours before departure.",
4168 "mmb.corona.booking_status.alert.title": "Important info about booking statuses",
4169 "mmb.credential_sharing.airlines_section.instruction": "Look for <i>My booking</i> or <i>My trip</i>.",
4170 "mmb.credential_sharing.airlines_section.tip": "Mostly just a PNR and email will be enough to access your booking. Otherwise try to log in.",
4171 "mmb.credential_sharing.airlines_section.title": "2. Visit the carrier’s site and access the booking.",
4172 "mmb.credential_sharing.apology_banner.description": "This is a token of our appreciation during this difficult time. Thank you for your help. ",
4173 "mmb.credential_sharing.apology_banner.title": "We've credited your account with __price__.",
4174 "mmb.credential_sharing.apology_section.apology.description": "This is not the level of service we wanted you to have.",
4175 "mmb.credential_sharing.apology_section.apology.title": "First, an apology.",
4176 "mmb.credential_sharing.apology_section.description.info": "You chose to handle your trip with the carriers yourself. Access to your __companyName__ booking has been disabled.",
4177 "mmb.credential_sharing.apology_section.description.steps": "We've prepared some steps for you below.",
4178 "mmb.credential_sharing.apology_section.title": "4 steps to getting a refund from carriers",
4179 "mmb.credential_sharing.apology_section.title_v2": "Here are your credentials and your guide to arranging your own refund",
4180 "mmb.credential_sharing.carrier_link.alt": "Visit carrier website",
4181 "mmb.credential_sharing.dirty_solution.apology": "First, an apology. This is not the level of service we wanted you to have.",
4182 "mmb.credential_sharing.dirty_solution.apology_banner.title": "We've added a __price__ credit to your account to say thank you.",
4183 "mmb.credential_sharing.dirty_solution.instructions.description": "You chose to handle your trip with the carriers yourself. Access to your __companyName__ booking has been disabled.",
4184 "mmb.credential_sharing.dirty_solution.instructions.title": "We’ve sent you login credentials and a how-to guide via email",
4185 "mmb.credential_sharing.error": "Error: Failed to load login credentials",
4186 "mmb.credential_sharing.multiple_pnr.alert": "Please login again with these different credentials. We booked 2 separate trips",
4187 "mmb.credential_sharing.refund_amount_section.description": "We'll send the refund via the same payment method you used to buy tickets at __companyName__. If the carrier issues the refund in the form of vouchers or credits, we'll forward them to you by email.",
4188 "mmb.credential_sharing.refund_amount_section.title": "4. We’ll send you the refunded amount as soon as we receive it.",
4189 "mmb.credential_sharing.refund_request_section.description": "Depending on the carrier this can take a while. Especially during the pandemic.",
4190 "mmb.credential_sharing.refund_request_section.title": "3. Request a refund with the carrier.",
4191 "mmb.credential_sharing.segment.bank_details.description": "Your own details. These will only be used for confirmation and <strong>not</strong> to process refunds.",
4192 "mmb.credential_sharing.segment.bank_details.title": "Bank details",
4193 "mmb.credential_sharing.segment.credit_card": "Credit card",
4194 "mmb.credential_sharing.segment.departure_airport": "Airport",
4195 "mmb.credential_sharing.segment.email": "Email",
4196 "mmb.credential_sharing.segment.eticket": "E-ticket nr.",
4197 "mmb.credential_sharing.segment.flight_no": "Flight nr.",
4198 "mmb.credential_sharing.segment.gds_form.button": "Open form in new tab",
4199 "mmb.credential_sharing.segment.gds_form.description": "This carrier only allows compensation in the form of a voucher. Please note, refunds must be requested separately for each person.",
4200 "mmb.credential_sharing.segment.hide_password": "hide password",
4201 "mmb.credential_sharing.segment.multi_pnr.button": "Request refund",
4202 "mmb.credential_sharing.segment.multi_pnr.description.available": "This carrier will only allow you to rebook your trip but we can request a refund for you. This will cancel any changes that you’ve made to the reservation.",
4203 "mmb.credential_sharing.segment.multi_pnr.description.requested": "We’re working on getting a refund for you and we’ll send it to you as soon as we receive it.",
4204 "mmb.credential_sharing.segment.name": "Name",
4205 "mmb.credential_sharing.segment.password": "Password",
4206 "mmb.credential_sharing.segment.phone_number": "Phone nr.",
4207 "mmb.credential_sharing.segment.pnr": "PNR",
4208 "mmb.credential_sharing.segment.show_password": "show password",
4209 "mmb.credential_sharing.segment.terminal": "Terminal",
4210 "mmb.credential_sharing.segments_section.description": "Most carriers only require a name, email, and PNR. We’ll also email you a link later.",
4211 "mmb.credential_sharing.segments_section.title": "1. You’ll need this info to log in.",
4212 "mmb.credential_sharing.success_section.description": "Now you can handle your own refund with the carriers.",
4213 "mmb.credential_sharing.success_section.more_info": "Read more about carrier refund processes",
4214 "mmb.credential_sharing.success_section.subtitle": "We’ll forward you all emails from the carriers in the meantime.",
4215 "mmb.credential_sharing.success_section.title": "That's it",
4216 "mmb.disallowed_hold_bags.description": "There's a special price for this trip but you cannot bring any checked baggage. This is either because of limitations from the carrier or because of a short layover. <ref>More Info</ref>",
4217 "mmb.fare_types.badge.flexi": "Flexi Ticket",
4218 "mmb.fare_types.badge.saver": "Saver Ticket",
4219 "mmb.fare_types.badge.standard": "Standard Ticket",
4220 "mmb.fare_types.cancellation.alert.l1": "This service must be requested at least __hours__ hours before the first departure in your itinerary.",
4221 "mmb.fare_types.cancellation.alert.l2": "The entire booking for all passengers will be canceled. Partial cancellation is not possible.",
4222 "mmb.fare_types.cancellation.alert.l3_flexi": "Your <ref>Flexi Ticket</ref> entitles you to receive a __amount__ refund after cancellation.",
4223 "mmb.fare_types.cancellation.alert.l3_saver": "Your <ref>Saver Ticket</ref> entitles you to receive a __amount__ refund after cancellation.",
4224 "mmb.fare_types.cancellation.alert.l3_standard": "Your <ref>Standard Ticket</ref> entitles you to receive a __amount__ refund after cancellation.",
4225 "mmb.fare_types.cancellation.alert.late": "Because it's less than __hours__ hours before your departure, we're unable to provide you a refund. But by canceling your booking, you'll allow someone else to purchase this seat and help to decrease unnecessary CO<sub>2</sub> emissions.",
4226 "mmb.fare_types.cancellation.alert.payment_methods_refund": "The amount will be refunded to your credit card or the payment method used (__companyName__ Credit, PayPal, etc.). If you made multiple payments, it will be refunded in multiple transactions. __amount__ of each of the original payments will be refunded.",
4227 "mmb.fare_types.cancellation.booking.title": "Trip to be canceled",
4228 "mmb.fare_types.cancellation.late_l1": "No refund is possible less than __hours__ hours before the trip. But you can still cancel if you want to.",
4229 "mmb.fare_types.cancellation.late_l2": "Canceling will save CO<sub>2</sub> emissions by allowing others to use your seats.",
4230 "mmb.fare_types.cancellation.refundable_until": "Refundable until __deadline__",
4231 "mmb.fare_types.flight_change.alert.downgrade_to_saver": "Your new booking, all of its trips and connections, will be booked at the cheapest available rate, the <ref>Saver</ref> rate. Your service package will remain the same. Free rebooking, however, will no longer be available.",
4232 "mmb.fare_types.flight_change.alert.flexi_ticket": "You have a <ref>Flexi Ticket</ref>. You’ll only have to pay the difference of your rebooking.",
4233 "mmb.fare_types.flight_change.alert.saver_ticket": "You have a <ref>Saver Ticket</ref>. Rebooking will cost you the full price of a new booking with a <ref>__amount__</ref> discount.",
4234 "mmb.fare_types.flight_change.alert.standard_ticket": "You have a <ref>Standard Ticket</ref>. You'll only have to pay the difference of your rebooking.",
4235 "mmb.fare_types.flight_change.alert.update_time_info": "After we receive payment, it may take a few hours to update your booking",
4236 "mmb.fare_types.flight_change.alert.update_time_info_with_no_payment": "After you send the request, it may take a few hours to update your booking",
4237 "mmb.fare_types.flight_change.confirmation.title": "Rebooking request received",
4238 "mmb.header.cancellation": "Booking cancellation",
4239 "mmb.header.passenger": "1 passenger",
4240 "mmb.header.passengers": "__passengerCount__ passengers",
4241 "mmb.header.refund": "Refunds and cancellations",
4242 "mmb.header.trip_management_locked": "Trip management is locked",
4243 "mmb.header.trip_timeline": "Show trip timeline",
4244 "mmb.helpcenter.title": "Go to our Help section",
4245 "mmb.helpdesk_messages.modal.description": "If you have any questions or comments, you can message us in one of the topics below.",
4246 "mmb.helpdesk_messages.modal.status.action_required": "Action required",
4247 "mmb.helpdesk_messages.modal.status.in_progress": "In progress",
4248 "mmb.helpdesk_messages.modal.status.pending": "Pending",
4249 "mmb.helpdesk_messages.modal.status.resolved": "Resolved",
4250 "mmb.helpdesk_messages.modal.title": "Helpdesk messages",
4251 "mmb.helpdesk_messages.modal.view_all": "View all helpdesk messages",
4252 "mmb.helpdesk_messages.tile": "Helpdesk messages",
4253 "mmb.insurance.axa": "AXA Insurance",
4254 "mmb.insurance.description": "Travel with peace of mind. Manage your insurance packages below. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
4255 "mmb.insurance.insured_by.axa": "Insured by AXA Assistance",
4256 "mmb.insurance.insured_by.travelex": "Insured by Travelex Insurance Services",
4257 "mmb.insurance.none": "No travel insurance",
4258 "mmb.insurance.show_benefits": "Show benefits of",
4259 "mmb.insurance.travelex": "Travelex Insurance Services",
4260 "mmb.insurance.travelex.short": "Travelex insurance",
4261 "mmb.insurance.travel_insurance": "Travel insurance",
4262 "mmb.insurance.us.data_table.baggage_delay": "Baggage delay (12 hours)",
4263 "mmb.insurance.us.data_table.missed_connection": "Missed connection (3 hours)",
4264 "mmb.insurance.us.data_table.trip_delay": "Trip Delay (5 hours)",
4265 "mmb.insurance.us.passenger.manage.button": "Manage Insurance",
4266 "mmb.insurance.us.refund.available": "Refunds are available within <strong>15 days</strong> of purchase.",
4267 "mmb.insurance.us.refund.confirm": "Are you sure you want a refund? You will not be able to order it again for this booking.",
4268 "mmb.insurance.us.refund.confirm_amount": "__amount__ refund for all passengers",
4269 "mmb.insurance.us.refund.expired": "Sadly, the 15 day refund period for US passengers has expired.",
4270 "mmb.insurance.us.refund.processing": "__amount__ refund being processed",
4271 "mmb.insurance.us.refund.refunding.main": "Refund confirmed. We'll send it within 24 hours.",
4272 "mmb.insurance.us.refund.refunding.sub": "Depending on your payment details it can take up to a few days to be processed.",
4273 "mmb.insurance.us.refund.request": "Request refund",
4274 "mmb.insurance.us.refund.request_many": "Request __amount__ refund for all passengers",
4275 "mmb.insurance.us.refund.request_one": "Request __amount__ refund",
4276 "mmb.insurance.us.unavailable": "(only available during booking)",
4277 "mmb.insurance_us.alert.flight_change.cta": "Increase insurance coverage",
4278 "mmb.insurance_us.alert.flight_change.title": "You'll only be insured up to the amount you paid for the original reservation.",
4279 "mmb.invoices.alert.error": "Sorry, at least one of your invoices failed to load. Please refresh the page or try again later.",
4280 "mmb.invoices.button.general": "Invoice",
4281 "mmb.invoices.category.assisted_refund": "Assisted refund",
4282 "mmb.invoices.category.baggage": "Baggage",
4283 "mmb.invoices.category.booking": "Booking",
4284 "mmb.invoices.category.change_flights": "Change flights",
4285 "mmb.invoices.category.extra_services": "Extra services",
4286 "mmb.invoices.category.infant": "Infant",
4287 "mmb.invoices.category.insurance": "Insurance",
4288 "mmb.invoices.category.meals": "In-flight meals",
4289 "mmb.invoices.category.musical_equipment": "Musical instruments",
4290 "mmb.invoices.category.passenger_change": "Passenger changes",
4291 "mmb.invoices.category.pets": "Pet passengers",
4292 "mmb.invoices.category.price_change": "Price change",
4293 "mmb.invoices.category.priority_boarding": "Priority Boarding",
4294 "mmb.invoices.category.seating": "Seat selection",
4295 "mmb.invoices.category.service_package": "__brandName__ Services",
4296 "mmb.invoices.category.special_assistance": "Special assistance",
4297 "mmb.invoices.category.sports_equipment": "Sports equipment",
4298 "mmb.invoices.content.download": "Download",
4299 "mmb.invoices.content.updated": "updated __date__",
4300 "mmb.invoices.description": "Here are all of the invoices related to your booking. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
4301 "mmb.invoices.description_link": "Learn more about invoices",
4302 "mmb.invoices.description_text": "Here are all of the invoices related to your booking.",
4303 "mmb.invoices.summary.description": "You can also find them in your mailbox.",
4304 "mmb.invoices.summary.title": "Access all of your invoices",
4305 "mmb.invoices.title": "Invoices",
4306 "mmb.invoice_details.title": "Invoice details",
4307 "mmb.itinerary_change.alternatives.content.title": "Itinerary to be changed",
4308 "mmb.itinerary_change.alternatives.title": "Search for a new trip",
4309 "mmb.itinerary_change.confirmation.alert.all_passengers_affected": "The change will affect all passengers in the booking.",
4310 "mmb.itinerary_change.confirmation.alert.booked_as_saver": "Your entire new booking will be booked at the <ref>Saver</ref> rate. Your service package will remain the same.",
4311 "mmb.itinerary_change.confirmation.alert.hours_to_update": "It may take up to a few hours to update your booking.",
4312 "mmb.itinerary_change.confirmation.checkbox": "I instruct __companyName__ to change/cancel my originally purchased ticket(s) and arrange the booking of an alternative ticket(s) specified herein and to accordingly conclude a new contract(s) of carriage with the respective carrier(s) on my behalf. </br></br> I also agree to the terms and conditions of the carrier(s) of my chosen alternative and the <ref>Terms and Conditions</ref> and <ref>Privacy Policy</ref> of __companyName__.",
4313 "mmb.itinerary_change.confirmation.checkout": "Continue checkout",
4314 "mmb.itinerary_change.fare_types.alert.flexi.description": "Your <ref>Flexi Ticket</ref> lets you pay only the price difference when changing trips.",
4315 "mmb.itinerary_change.fare_types.alert.saver.description": "Your <ref>Saver Ticket</ref> saves you <ref>__amount__</ref> on full price for a new ticket when changing trips.",
4316 "mmb.itinerary_change.fare_types.alert.saver.title": "__amount__ discount on trip changes",
4317 "mmb.itinerary_change.fare_types.alert.standard.description": "Your <ref>Standard Ticket</ref> lets you pay only the price difference when changing trips.",
4318 "mmb.itinerary_change.fare_types.alert.standard_and_flexi.title": "Pay only the price difference",
4319 "mmb.itinerary_change.filter.button.clear_filters": "Clear filters",
4320 "mmb.itinerary_change.filter.button.filters": "Filters",
4321 "mmb.itinerary_change.filter.cabin_type.business": "Business",
4322 "mmb.itinerary_change.filter.cabin_type.button.clear": "Clear",
4323 "mmb.itinerary_change.filter.cabin_type.economy": "Economy",
4324 "mmb.itinerary_change.filter.cabin_type.first_class": "First Class",
4325 "mmb.itinerary_change.filter.cabin_type.mixed": "Mixed",
4326 "mmb.itinerary_change.filter.cabin_type.mixed.description": "Save money, keep your comfort",
4327 "mmb.itinerary_change.filter.cabin_type.premium_economy": "Premium Economy",
4328 "mmb.itinerary_change.filter.cabin_type.title": "Cabin",
4329 "mmb.itinerary_change.filter.duration.button.clear": "Clear",
4330 "mmb.itinerary_change.filter.duration.max_travel_time": "Max travel time",
4331 "mmb.itinerary_change.filter.duration.max_travel_time.period.any": "Any",
4332 "mmb.itinerary_change.filter.duration.max_travel_time.period.hour": "Up to 1 hour",
4333 "mmb.itinerary_change.filter.duration.max_travel_time.period.hours": "Up to __maxTravelTime__ hours",
4334 "mmb.itinerary_change.filter.duration.title": "Duration",
4335 "mmb.itinerary_change.filter.label.active_filter": "1 filter active",
4336 "mmb.itinerary_change.filter.label.active_filters": "__activeFilterCount__ filters active",
4337 "mmb.itinerary_change.filter.transport_type.bus": "Bus",
4338 "mmb.itinerary_change.filter.transport_type.button.clear": "Clear",
4339 "mmb.itinerary_change.filter.transport_type.button.only": "Only",
4340 "mmb.itinerary_change.filter.transport_type.flight": "Flight",
4341 "mmb.itinerary_change.filter.transport_type.title": "Transport",
4342 "mmb.itinerary_change.filter.transport_type.train": "Train",
4343 "mmb.itinerary_change.selection.content.title.whole_itinerary": "Whole trip",
4344 "mmb.itinerary_change.selection.description": "You can change the whole trip or just part of it. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
4345 "mmb.itinerary_change.selection.footer.refund_link": "Request a refund",
4346 "mmb.itinerary_change.selection.footer.title": "Want to cancel your trip instead?",
4347 "mmb.itinerary_change.selection.title": "Change your trip",
4348 "mmb.itinerary_change.sort.button.sort_by": "Sort by",
4349 "mmb.itinerary_change.sort.type.best": "Best",
4350 "mmb.itinerary_change.sort.type.cheapest": "Cheapest",
4351 "mmb.itinerary_change.sort.type.fastest": "Fastest",
4352 "mmb.itinerary_change.success.description": "We'll change your trip and email you as soon as it's done.",
4353 "mmb.itinerary_change.success.title_without_payment": "Thanks for your request",
4354 "mmb.itinerary_change.success.title_with_payment": "Thanks for paying",
4355 "mmb.journey_change.unavailable.text": "We’re currently processing your request for additional services. Please try again as soon as this is complete.",
4356 "mmb.journey_change.unavailable.title": "Trip change is temporarily unavailable",
4357 "mmb.meals.add_meals": "Add meals",
4358 "mmb.meals.already_ordered": "You have already ordered a meal for this passenger.",
4359 "mmb.meals.confirm_free_meals": "Order for free",
4360 "mmb.meals.contact_us": "Contact us if you'd like to request a specific meal in advance.",
4361 "mmb.meals.header_status_unavailable": "Unavailable",
4362 "mmb.meals.loading_text": "Loading all the meal options for your flights. This might take up to a minute.",
4363 "mmb.meals.no_selected": "No meal selected",
4364 "mmb.meals.ordered_list_name": "__count__× __item__",
4365 "mmb.meals.ordered_list_price": "__count__× __item__ (__price__)",
4366 "mmb.meals.pick_meal": "Pick a meal",
4367 "mmb.meals.return_flight_title": "Return",
4368 "mmb.meals.status_confirmed": "Ordered",
4369 "mmb.meals.status_error": "Loading the menu timed out. Try refreshing the page.",
4370 "mmb.meals.status_pending": "Processing",
4371 "mmb.meals.status_unavailable": "There aren't any meal options available for your flights.",
4372 "mmb.meals.subtitle": "Select a flight below to see what’s on the menu. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
4373 "mmb.meals.title": "Enjoy something to eat while you fly",
4374 "mmb.meals.unavailable": "Unfortunately, it's not possible to order a meal with this carrier in advance.",
4375 "mmb.meals.unavailable_too_late": "The departure is in less than __hours__ hours.",
4376 "mmb.packages.fare_types.label.flexi_ticket": "Flexi Ticket",
4377 "mmb.packages.fare_types.label.saver_ticket": "Saver Ticket",
4378 "mmb.packages.fare_types.label.standard_ticket": "Standard Ticket",
4379 "mmb.packages.label.basic_services": "Basic Services",
4380 "mmb.packages.label.plus_services": "Plus Services",
4381 "mmb.packages.label.premium_services": "Premium Services",
4382 "mmb.passenger.baggage": "Passenger baggage",
4383 "mmb.passenger.baggage_category": "__count__× __bagType__",
4384 "mmb.passenger.boarding_pass.download": "Download boarding pass",
4385 "mmb.passenger.boarding_pass.failed": "Airport check-in required. Keep your receipt for a refund",
4386 "mmb.passenger.boarding_pass.ground_done": "Download ticket",
4387 "mmb.passenger.boarding_pass.ground_processing": "Processing ticket",
4388 "mmb.passenger.boarding_pass.ground_unavailable": "Use reservation number",
4389 "mmb.passenger.boarding_pass.missed": "No details provided. Airport check-in required",
4390 "mmb.passenger.boarding_pass.provide_details": "Passenger details required",
4391 "mmb.passenger.boarding_pass.title": "Passenger boarding passes",
4392 "mmb.passenger.boarding_pass.title.mix": "Passenger tickets and boarding passes",
4393 "mmb.passenger.boarding_pass.title.tickets": "Passenger tickets",
4394 "mmb.passenger.boarding_pass.unavailable_restricted": "Check in at the airport for free",
4395 "mmb.passenger.personal_info": "Personal information",
4396 "mmb.passenger.processing_baggage": "We are currently adding this baggage",
4397 "mmb.passenger.travel_document": "Travel document details",
4398 "mmb.passenger.visa_alert_countries": "Make sure you know your visa requirements for these countries:",
4399 "mmb.passenger.visa_not_required.note": "This is for reference purposes only. Contact the embassy or your foreign ministry to be certain. <ref>Check Visa Requirements</ref>",
4400 "mmb.passenger.visa_not_required.title": "Visa may not be required for __passenger__",
4401 "mmb.passenger.visa_required.note": "A visa or airport transit visa may be necessary for travel. Requirements found here are for reference purposes only. Contact the embassy or your foreign ministry for more information. <ref>Check Visa Requirements</ref>",
4402 "mmb.passenger.visa_required.title": "Visa requirements for __passenger__",
4403 "mmb.passengers.edit.thankyou.free.info": "You've successfully changed your passenger details.",
4404 "mmb.passengers.edit.thankyou.free.title": "All set",
4405 "mmb.passenger_ata.covered_price.buy.description": "Don't forget to keep the receipt.",
4406 "mmb.passenger_ata.covered_price.buy.title": "2. Buy a new ticket",
4407 "mmb.passenger_ata.covered_price.check.description": "Please make sure that your case is covered by the <ref>__companyName__ Guarantee</ref>.",
4408 "mmb.passenger_ata.covered_price.check.title": "1. Check if you are covered",
4409 "mmb.passenger_ata.covered_price.price.help": "Need some help? <ref>Contact us</ref>",
4410 "mmb.passenger_ata.covered_price.price.title": "__companyName__ will cover up to:",
4411 "mmb.passenger_ata.covered_price.price.tooltip": "We calculated this amount based on the cost of the affected parts of your trip and the prices available online.",
4412 "mmb.passenger_ata.covered_price.refund.description": "Sign in to your booking, click \"Request refund\", and attach the receipt for your new ticket.",
4413 "mmb.passenger_ata.covered_price.refund.title": "3. Apply for a refund",
4414 "mmb.passenger_ata.covered_price.title": "Please follow these steps",
4415 "mmb.passenger_ata.covered_price.understood": "Understood",
4416 "mmb.passenger_ata.reason_selection.customs_stuck.description": "You missed your connection because of a delay getting through customs and immigration.",
4417 "mmb.passenger_ata.reason_selection.customs_stuck.title": "Stuck at customs",
4418 "mmb.passenger_ata.reason_selection.delayed_baggage.description": "You missed your connection because of a baggage delay.",
4419 "mmb.passenger_ata.reason_selection.delayed_baggage.title": "Delayed baggage",
4420 "mmb.passenger_ata.reason_selection.force_majeure.description": "E.g. extreme weather, air traffic controller strike, political instability, earthquake, terrorist attack, volcanic activity, or carrier insolvency.",
4421 "mmb.passenger_ata.reason_selection.force_majeure.title": "Force majeure situation",
4422 "mmb.passenger_ata.reason_selection.missed_checkin.description": "You missed your connection after being late for check-in.",
4423 "mmb.passenger_ata.reason_selection.missed_checkin.title": "Late for check-in",
4424 "mmb.passenger_ata.reason_selection.other.title": "Other",
4425 "mmb.passenger_ata.reason_selection.schedule_change.description": "You missed your connection and need a new alternative.",
4426 "mmb.passenger_ata.reason_selection.schedule_change.title": "Delay, cancellation, or rescheduling",
4427 "mmb.passenger_ata.reason_selection.title": "What happened?",
4428 "mmb.passenger_ata.reason_selection.visa_issue.description": "You did not have the correct visa or travel documents for your layover airport.",
4429 "mmb.passenger_ata.reason_selection.visa_issue.title": "Visa issue",
4430 "mmb.passenger_ata.resolution.button.got_it": "Got it",
4431 "mmb.passenger_ata.resolution.cannot_help.description": "Your situation is not covered by <ref>__companyName__ Guarantee</ref>. However if you need some assistance, please <ref>contact us</ref>.",
4432 "mmb.passenger_ata.resolution.cannot_help.title": "We are sorry, unfortunately we cannot help you",
4433 "mmb.passenger_ata.resolution.carrier_force_majeure.description": "Sorry, the <ref>__companyName__ Guarantee</ref> does not cover this <ref>force majeure</ref> situation. Please contact the carrier for help.",
4434 "mmb.passenger_ata.resolution.carrier_force_majeure.title": "Please contact __airline__ for help",
4435 "mmb.passenger_ata.resolution.carrier_no_guarantee.description": "Sorry, the <ref>__companyName__ Guarantee</ref> does not cover this issue. Please contact the carrier for assistance.",
4436 "mmb.passenger_ata.resolution.carrier_no_guarantee.title": "Please contact the carrier",
4437 "mmb.passenger_ata.resolution.carrier_protected.description": "This connection is protected by the carrier. Please call them directly.",
4438 "mmb.passenger_ata.resolution.carrier_protected.title": "Please contact __airline__ for help",
4439 "mmb.passenger_ata.resolution.catch_connection.description": "We've confirmed that there is a delay. However, you still have time to catch your connection. Please continue with your trip as planned. If you miss your connection, don't hesitate to <ref>contact us</ref>.",
4440 "mmb.passenger_ata.resolution.catch_connection.title": "You can still catch your connection",
4441 "mmb.passenger_ata.resolution.contact_us.description": "Sorry, we couldn't find any suitable options. Click below to contact us for help.",
4442 "mmb.passenger_ata.resolution.contact_us.title": "Please contact us",
4443 "mmb.passenger_ata.resolution.contact_us_other.description": "As we are not sure which problem you are facing, we cannot help you here. Please contact us in order to get further assistance with your issue. If the <ref>__companyName__ Guarantee</ref> covers your situation, we'll do our best to help you.",
4444 "mmb.passenger_ata.resolution.contact_us_other.title": "Please contact us for further assistance",
4445 "mmb.passenger_ata.resolution.segment_box.bus_number": "Bus number: <ref>__number__</ref>",
4446 "mmb.passenger_ata.resolution.segment_box.carrier": "Carrier: <ref>__carrier__</ref>",
4447 "mmb.passenger_ata.resolution.segment_box.flight_number": "Flight number: <ref>__number__</ref>",
4448 "mmb.passenger_ata.resolution.segment_box.reservation_number": "Carrier reservation number: <ref>__number__</ref>",
4449 "mmb.passenger_ata.resolution.segment_box.title": "Carrier information",
4450 "mmb.passenger_ata.resolution.segment_box.train_number": "Train number: <ref>__number__</ref>",
4451 "mmb.passenger_ata.segment_selection.title": "Which of your connections is delayed, canceled or rescheduled?",
4452 "mmb.passenger_ata.stop_selection.title": "Where are you right now?",
4453 "mmb.passenger_ata.summary.description": "Please review if everything is correct.",
4454 "mmb.passenger_ata.summary.place.title": "I am currently at:",
4455 "mmb.passenger_ata.summary.problem.title": "My problem is:",
4456 "mmb.passenger_ata.summary.segment.title": "This connection caused my troubles:",
4457 "mmb.passenger_ata.summary.terms.label": "I confirm that the above information is correct and understand that this <ref>cannot be changed later</ref>.",
4458 "mmb.passenger_ata.summary.title": "Summary",
4459 "mmb.payment.cross_sell_title": "Anything else we can help with?",
4460 "mmb.payment.error.description.failed": "Please verify that the card details were entered correctly or use another payment method.",
4461 "mmb.payment.error.description.general": "Please try again",
4462 "mmb.payment.error.description.network": "We’re experiencing some technical issues on our side. Please try again",
4463 "mmb.payment.return_to_trip": "Return to your trip",
4464 "mmb.payment.stored_cards.error.cvv": "Please enter the security code for verification.",
4465 "mmb.payment.stored_cards.error.expired": "Expired, please select another card.",
4466 "mmb.payment.stored_cards.select.placeholder": "Use new card",
4467 "mmb.payment.stored_cards.select.title": "Saved cards",
4468 "mmb.payment.summary.additional_service.processing_fee": "Processing fee",
4469 "mmb.payment.summary.loyalty_points_gained": "You will get <ref>+__loyaltyPoints__ Compass points</ref> bonus for this purchase to spend on your next trip.",
4470 "mmb.payment.tooltip.markup_cost": "Markup: __price__",
4471 "mmb.payment.tooltip.merchant_fee": "Other fees and taxes: __price__",
4472 "mmb.payment.tooltip.processing_fee": "Processing fee: __price__",
4473 "mmb.pending_refund.shot_emergency.alert": "I instruct __companyName__ to process my refund request and cancel my entire itinerary. I confirm that I will not be entitled to claim any further refunds upon this application for a refund.",
4474 "mmb.pending_refunds.alert.description": "We couldn't process your booking on the carrier’s reservation system. Please click below to take action.",
4475 "mmb.pending_refunds.modal.correction_deadline": "If we haven't heard from you within __timer__, we'll have to cancel this booking.",
4476 "mmb.pending_refunds.modal.description.correction": "We need certain details corrected before we can complete this booking.",
4477 "mmb.pending_refunds.modal.description.correction_option": "We need certain details corrected before we can complete this booking. You can also get a refund if you want.",
4478 "mmb.pending_refunds.modal.description.correction_refund": "We need certain details corrected before we can complete this booking. You chose to refund the trip.",
4479 "mmb.pending_refunds.modal.description.duplicates": "This looks like a duplicate booking so we stopped it. We'd like to refund you the money. Check your mail for more details.",
4480 "mmb.pending_refunds.modal.description.general": "Sorry, we could not complete this booking on the carrier's reservation system. Please select your preferred refund method.",
4481 "mmb.pending_refunds.modal.description.price_change": "Sorry, we could not complete this booking because of a sudden large price change from the carrier. Please select your preferred refund method.",
4482 "mmb.pending_refunds.modal.description.price_change.expired": "Sorry, the new trip price was only available for a limited time and it has expired. Please select your preferred refund method.",
4483 "mmb.pending_refunds.modal.description.price_change.pay": "The carrier changed the price of your trip. You can either pay the price difference or receive a refund.",
4484 "mmb.pending_refunds.modal.description.price_change.pay.refund": "The carrier changed the price of your trip, and you chose to receive a refund.",
4485 "mmb.pending_refunds.modal.description.schedule_change": "Due to a schedule change on the carrier's side, your chosen itinerary is not available anymore. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please select your preferred refund method.",
4486 "mmb.pending_refunds.modal.description.sold_out": "All seats have been sold out before we could confirm your booking with the carrier(s). We'd like to refund you the money.",
4487 "mmb.pending_refunds.modal.description.sold_out.multiple_carriers": "Sorry, we couldn't complete this booking because all seats have been sold out by one of the carriers. Please select your preferred refund method.",
4488 "mmb.pending_refunds.modal.description.sold_out.single_carrier": "Sorry, we couldn't complete this booking because all seats have been sold out by the carrier. Please select your preferred refund method.",
4489 "mmb.pending_refunds.modal.description.technical_issue": "There was an issue with the carrier's reservation system, and we couldn't complete your booking. We'd like to refund you the money.",
4490 "mmb.pending_refunds.modal.name_correction.correct": "Correct passenger details",
4491 "mmb.pending_refunds.modal.price_change.difference": "Price difference:",
4492 "mmb.pending_refunds.modal.price_change.pay": "Pay the price difference ",
4493 "mmb.pending_refunds.modal.price_change.refund": "Receive a __amount__ refund",
4494 "mmb.pending_refunds.modal.title": "Sorry, we couldn't book your trip",
4495 "mmb.rebooking.manual.form.arrival_new": "Arrival (new)",
4496 "mmb.rebooking.manual.form.departure_new": "Departure (new)",
4497 "mmb.rebooking.manual.form.description": "Description",
4498 "mmb.rebooking.manual.form.description.itinerary_elsewhere": "Let us know which itinerary you found. We'll check if we can provide it to you.",
4499 "mmb.rebooking.manual.form.description.missing_results": "Tell us what's missing from the results. You'll help us to improve them.",
4500 "mmb.rebooking.manual.form.from": "From",
4501 "mmb.rebooking.manual.form.title.itinerary_elsewhere": "Let us know which itinerary you found. We'll check and see if we can provide it for you.",
4502 "mmb.rebooking.manual.form.title.other": "Please specify the reason in the form below",
4503 "mmb.rebooking.manual.form.to": "To",
4504 "mmb.rebooking.manual.question": "Tell us what's missing from the results. You'll help us to improve them.",
4505 "mmb.rebooking.manual.reasons.baggage": "I have a flight without checked baggage and want to add bags.",
4506 "mmb.rebooking.manual.reasons.duration": "The travel duration is too long.",
4507 "mmb.rebooking.manual.reasons.itinerary_elsewhere": "You don't offer an itinerary that I found elsewhere.",
4508 "mmb.rebooking.manual.reasons.layover": "There are too many layovers.",
4509 "mmb.rebooking.manual.reasons.part": "I only want to change a part of my trip.",
4510 "mmb.rebooking.manual.reasons.transport": "I can't choose the type of transport.",
4511 "mmb.rebooking.manual.refunds.button": "Go to Refunds & cancellations",
4512 "mmb.rebooking.manual.refunds.title": "We cannot change the itinerary for only some passengers. You can request a cancellation and make a new booking for them.",
4513 "mmb.rebooking.manual.select.change_passengers": "I only want to request a change for some of the passengers",
4514 "mmb.rebooking.manual.select.limited_offers": "The options are limited",
4515 "mmb.rebooking.manual.select.other": "Other",
4516 "mmb.rebooking.manual.select.placeholder": "Select value from list",
4517 "mmb.rebooking.manual.submit.button": "Submit request",
4518 "mmb.rebooking.manual.subtitle": "Send us a manual request, and we’ll try to find something for you as soon as possible. Sometimes it can take more than 48h.",
4519 "mmb.rebooking.manual.title": "Request manual itinerary change",
4520 "mmb.refund.calculator.summary.zero_refund_notice_package": "There might be situations when the refund amount from the carrier is €0.",
4521 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.button.back": "No, return to overview",
4522 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.button.back_v2": "Back",
4523 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.button.next": "Next",
4524 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.button.submit": "Yes, I'll handle it myself",
4525 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.button.submit_v2": "Cancel my trip",
4526 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.checkbox_label": "I take the risk to manage my reservation with the carrier and understand that __companyName__ will no longer be able to support this booking. __companyName__ will refund me the amount received from the carrier but I will not be entitled to claim any other refund against __companyName__. \n",
4527 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.description.guide_availability": "This guide will always be available in Manage My Booking and via email",
4528 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.description.info": "All the information you'll need will always be available on the next page, <strong>Manage My Booking</strong>.",
4529 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.description.patience": "Please be aware, carriers are also dealing with a serious number of refund requests.",
4530 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.give_up.l1": "Any trip management in My trips",
4531 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.give_up.l2": "__companyName__ Guarantee coverage",
4532 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.give_up.l3": "Emails and push notifications",
4533 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.give_up.l4": "Access to Customer Support through IVR",
4534 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.give_up.l5": "Any open requests for services e.g. extra baggage",
4535 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.give_up.title": "What you void:",
4536 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.next_steps.l1.title": "__listIndex__. We’ll give you the info you need to log in.",
4537 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.next_steps.l2.title": "__listIndex__. Visit the carrier’s website and access the Booking.",
4538 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.next_steps.l3.description": "Depending on the carrier this can take a while. Especially with the corona virus.",
4539 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.next_steps.l3.title": "__listIndex__. Request a refund with the carrier.",
4540 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.next_steps.l4.description": "We'll send the refund via the same payment method you used to buy tickets at __companyName__. If the carrier issues the refund in the form of vouchers or credits, we'll forward them to you by email.",
4541 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.next_steps.l4.title": "__listIndex__. We’ll send you the refunded amount as soon as we receive it.",
4542 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.next_steps.l5.description": "We’ll forward you all emails from the carriers in the meantime.",
4543 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.next_steps.l5.title": "That’s all!",
4544 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.next_steps.title": "A preview of next steps.",
4545 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.step.title": "Before you start",
4546 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.step_display": "Step __currentStep__/__totalSteps__",
4547 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.step_refund_handover.description.two.days": "Depending on the carriers, we might have to send you multiple refunds. Some can take __processingTime__ days or more.",
4548 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.step_refund_handover.description.two.months": "Depending on the carriers, we might have to send you multiple refunds. Some can take __processingTime__ months or more.",
4549 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.step_refund_handover.description.two.weeks": "Depending on the carriers, we might have to send you multiple refunds. Some can take __processingTime__ weeks or more.",
4550 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.step_refund_handover.subtitle": "We’ll send you the refunded amount as soon as we receive it from the carrier(s)",
4551 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.step_submit.subtitle": "What you lose by choosing this option.",
4552 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.step_trips.subtitle": "Once you cancel, we’ll give you the credentials we used to book your trip",
4553 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.step_visit_carriers_web.description.one": "Depending on the carrier and because of the coronavirus, this can take a while.",
4554 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.step_visit_carriers_web.subtitle": "You’ll need to visit the carrier’s website to access the booking and request a refund",
4555 "mmb.refund.credentials_sharing.title": "Contact the airline yourself",
4556 "mmb.refund.info.button_back": "OK, I'll wait",
4557 "mmb.refund.info.button_continue": "See refund options",
4558 "mmb.refund.info.description_l1": "It seems that your trip is still scheduled with the carriers. If you're confident it will be canceled, or you can't travel because of new travel regulations, <strong>please wait just a bit longer</strong>.",
4559 "mmb.refund.info.description_l2": "Carriers change their schedules at the last minutes. We might still receive a cancellation from them which could result in <strong>a higher refund for you</strong>. As soon as they inform us, we'll let you know.",
4560 "mmb.refund.info.description_l3": "If your trip doesn't get canceled, please request a refund no later than __hours__ hours before departure (<strong>before __date__ at __time__</strong>).",
4561 "mmb.refund.info.title": "We recommend you wait a little longer",
4562 "mmb.refund.medical.legal.full": "__companyName__ will accept confirmation from a medical doctor as sufficient proof of your inability to travel. Therefore, we will refund our service fee to you even if you don’t provide the diagnosis. Our service fee is the difference between the price you paid and the price for which we bought the ticket from the carrier. So, most of the price that you paid can be only refunded by the carrier. However, many carriers require a diagnosis for their own evaluation or because they only offer refunds in cases of a severe illness. Usually, information about the refund policy for such cases isn’t publicly accessible and policies tend to change over time. So, we don’t know beforehand whether your selected carrier will require the diagnosis or not. Unfortunately, there isn’t a viable solution which allows us to monitor the policies in real time. Therefore, we kindly ask you to provide us with the diagnosis to ensure that your chances of obtaining a refund from the carrier are as high as possible. ",
4563 "mmb.refund.medical.legal.short": "*Providing a diagnosis is optional. Instead, you can provide us with a confirmation that you weren’t in a condition fit to travel. However, not providing a diagnosis might significantly reduce your chances of getting a refund from the selected carrier. Because this amount forms the majority of the price you paid, it could significantly reduce your total refundable amount. <ref>Learn More.</ref>",
4564 "mmb.refund.medical.medical_alert.list_condition": "Medical condition (diagnosis)*",
4565 "mmb.refund.medical.medical_alert.list_dates": "Recovery/unfit to fly period. The “From – To” dates should coincide with the dates on your e-ticket",
4566 "mmb.refund.medical.medical_alert.list_name": "Patient's name",
4567 "mmb.refund.medical.medical_alert.list_signature": "Signature of the attending doctor/physician",
4568 "mmb.refund.medical.medical_alert.list_stamp": "Official stamp of the attending doctor/physician",
4569 "mmb.refund.medical.medical_alert.title_english": "Medical certificate required (preferably in English)",
4570 "mmb.refund.medical.personal_notice": "We will use your medical documentation to evaluate whether you are eligible for the refund of our service fee and we will also transfer it to the Selected Carrier if it offers this type of cancellation. <ref>Learn more.</ref>",
4571 "mmb.refund.medical.personal_notice.more": "A refund as a result of medical reasons consists of two amounts: A. The actual price of the ticket for which we bought it from the Selected Carrier and B. our Service Fee (i.e. our margin on the ticket). The Selected Carrier might not offer cancellation for medical reasons. If that’s the case, we’ll submit a request for a voluntary cancellation (if available) and refund you any money which they will send us. In any case however, to help you as much as possible, if we will deem the medical reasons for cancellation legitimate, we will refund you the Service Fee regardless of whether the Selected Carrier offers the cancellation for medical reason or not. In addition to forwarding the medical documentation to the Selected Carrier (if they offer this type of cancellation), we will also use it to evaluate if you are eligible for the refund of the Service Fee according to our internal policy.",
4572 "mmb.refund.medical.upload.files_info": "JPG, PNG and PDF files up to __size__MB are supported",
4573 "mmb.refund.not_notified_of_cancellation_notice": "If the carrier cancels your trip, you can <ref>message us for assistance</ref>.",
4574 "mmb.refund.options.assisted_refund.b2b_unavailable_note": "Please contact our service desk or your sales account manager to request an assisted refund.",
4575 "mmb.refund.options.assisted_refund.button": "Assisted refund",
4576 "mmb.refund.options.assisted_refund.description": "With this option, we'll contact the carrier on your behalf and collect as much of a refund as possible. Please check the carrier’s refund policy before you select this option.",
4577 "mmb.refund.options.assisted_refund.items.1": "<ref>Refund amount:</ref> <ref>as much as possible</ref>, but refunds depend on the carrier's policies.",
4578 "mmb.refund.options.assisted_refund.items.2": "<ref>Refund time:</ref> <ref>approximately __months__ months</ref>",
4579 "mmb.refund.options.assisted_refund.items.3": "<ref>Important info:</ref> we charge a <ref>__handlingFee__ handling fee</ref> in advance to cover the cost of our work.",
4580 "mmb.refund.options.assisted_refund.items.fee_back_via_voucher_note": "<ref>Important info:</ref> we charge <ref>__handlingFee__ handling fee</ref> in advance as a way of covering the cost of our work. But, we will return that initial handling fee in the form of a <ref>__handlingFee__ Kiwi.com voucher</ref>",
4581 "mmb.refund.options.assisted_refund.title": "Assisted refund",
4582 "mmb.refund.options.assisted_refund_free.button": "Free assisted refund",
4583 "mmb.refund.options.assisted_refund_free.title": "Free assisted refund",
4584 "mmb.refund.options.available.description": "Choose one of the available options below:",
4585 "mmb.refund.options.baggage.button": "Baggage issue",
4586 "mmb.refund.options.booking_cancellation.button": "Cancellation",
4587 "mmb.refund.options.booking_cancellation.items.1": "You cannot take the flight for personal reasons, lack of a visa, or similar restrictive matters",
4588 "mmb.refund.options.booking_cancellation.items.2": "You want to apply for the airport taxes to be refunded for an unused flight",
4589 "mmb.refund.options.booking_cancellation.title": "Cancellation",
4590 "mmb.refund.options.booking_issues.button": "Payment and booking issues",
4591 "mmb.refund.options.checkin.button": "Check-in issue",
4592 "mmb.refund.options.credential_sharing.alert": "In the current situation, this is one of the fastest options to get the greatest possible refund.",
4593 "mmb.refund.options.credential_sharing.button": "Handle with carriers",
4594 "mmb.refund.options.credential_sharing.description": "We’ll give you the credentials we used to book your trip. Use these details on the carrier’s website to log in and request a refund or change your trip.",
4595 "mmb.refund.options.credential_sharing.items.1": "<ref>Refund amount:</ref> <ref>as much as possible</ref>, but refunds depend on the carrier's policies.",
4596 "mmb.refund.options.credential_sharing.items.2": "<ref>Refund time:</ref> <ref>depends on carrier</ref>, but can be quick.",
4597 "mmb.refund.options.credential_sharing.items.3": "<ref>Important info:</ref> You will also receive a <ref>__apologyPrice__ __companyName__ Credit</ref> from us as an apology for this inconvenience.",
4598 "mmb.refund.options.credential_sharing.title": "Self-service—solve your problem directly with the carrier",
4599 "mmb.refund.options.credential_sharing.unavailable.alert.body": "Due to certain carrier booking restrictions, we're unable to provide you with the credentials for your trip. ",
4600 "mmb.refund.options.credential_sharing.unavailable.alert.title": "Sorry, we’re unable to share these credentials",
4601 "mmb.refund.options.emergency_credits.button": "Refund in __companyName__ Credit",
4602 "mmb.refund.options.emergency_credits.button_partial": "Cancel affected part of booking",
4603 "mmb.refund.options.emergency_credits.description": "We will cancel your booking and instantly refund you with <ref>__companyName__ Credit</ref>. You can use this credit to search and book the best alternative trip – anytime, to anywhere you want.",
4604 "mmb.refund.options.emergency_credits.description_partial": "Cancel the affected part of your booking and instantly receive <ref>__companyName__ Credit</ref>. The rest of your itinerary is unchanged. Use that credit to purchase an alternative, pair it with the remainder of your booking, and carry on with your journey",
4605 "mmb.refund.options.emergency_credits.items.1": "<ref>Refund amount:</ref> <ref>__refundPrice__ in __companyName__ Credit</ref>.",
4606 "mmb.refund.options.emergency_credits.items.2": "<ref>Estimated refund time:</ref> <ref>immediate</ref>.",
4607 "mmb.refund.options.emergency_credits.title": "Refund in __companyName__ Credit",
4608 "mmb.refund.options.emergency_credits.title_partial": "Cancel affected part of booking",
4609 "mmb.refund.options.emergency_monetary.button": "Monetary refund",
4610 "mmb.refund.options.emergency_monetary.description": "We will cancel your booking and provide you with a refund. Money will be transferred back to you via your original payment method.",
4611 "mmb.refund.options.emergency_monetary.items.1": "<ref>Refund amount:</ref> <ref>__refundPrice__</ref>.",
4612 "mmb.refund.options.emergency_monetary.items.2": "<ref>Refund time:</ref> <ref>approximately 10 days</ref>.",
4613 "mmb.refund.options.emergency_monetary.title": "Monetary refund",
4614 "mmb.refund.options.fare_type.button": "Voluntary cancellation",
4615 "mmb.refund.options.fare_type.description": "With this option, you’ll receive a refunded amount based on the fare type you booked (<ref>__fareType__</ref>)",
4616 "mmb.refund.options.fare_type.items.1": "<ref>Refund amount:</ref> <ref>__refundPrice__</ref>.",
4617 "mmb.refund.options.fare_type.items.2": "<ref>Estimated refund time:</ref> <ref>immediate</ref>.",
4618 "mmb.refund.options.fare_type.title": "Voluntary cancellation",
4619 "mmb.refund.options.general.available_until_date": "Available only until __date__, __time__",
4620 "mmb.refund.options.general.disabled": "Available only up to __hours__h before departure",
4621 "mmb.refund.options.general.error": "Sorry something went wrong, please try again later.",
4622 "mmb.refund.options.guarantee.button": "__companyName__ Guarantee",
4623 "mmb.refund.options.instant_refund.button": "Voluntary cancellation",
4624 "mmb.refund.options.instant_refund.description": "Have you checked your carrier's policy and discovered that your refundable amount is too small? Select this option and we'll provide you with an instant refund in <ref>__companyName__ Credit</ref> at our own expense.",
4625 "mmb.refund.options.instant_refund.description_legacy": "Have you checked your carrier's policy and discovered that your refundable amount is too small? Select this option and we'll provide you with an instant refund at our own expense.",
4626 "mmb.refund.options.instant_refund.description_voluntary": "With this option, you’ll receive a refunded amount based on the fare type you booked (<ref>__fareType__</ref>).",
4627 "mmb.refund.options.instant_refund.items.1": "<ref>Refund amount:</ref> <ref>__refundPrice__ as __companyName__ Credit</ref>.",
4628 "mmb.refund.options.instant_refund.items.2": "<ref>Estimated refund time:</ref> <ref>immediate</ref>.",
4629 "mmb.refund.options.instant_refund.items.3": "<ref>Refund amount:</ref> <ref>__refundPrice__</ref>.",
4630 "mmb.refund.options.instant_refund.title": "Voluntary cancellation",
4631 "mmb.refund.options.legacy_instant.description": "With this option, we’ll provide you with an instant refund based on the specific carrier’s rules and what they’ve provided in the past.",
4632 "mmb.refund.options.legacy_instant.items.3": "<ref>Important info:</ref> we charge a <ref>__cancellationFee__ handling fee</ref> which we've already deducted to calculate your refund amount.",
4633 "mmb.refund.options.load.error.description": "We’re experiencing some technical issues on our side. Please try again later.",
4634 "mmb.refund.options.load.error.title": "Sorry, we can’t show you your refund options right now",
4635 "mmb.refund.options.manual_fare_type.button": "Cancellation",
4636 "mmb.refund.options.manual_fare_type.button_v2": "Voluntary cancellation",
4637 "mmb.refund.options.manual_fare_type.description": "With this option, you’ll receive a refunded amount based on the fare type you booked (<ref>__fareType__</ref>)",
4638 "mmb.refund.options.manual_fare_type.items.1": "You cannot take the flight for personal reasons, lack of a visa, or similar restrictive matters",
4639 "mmb.refund.options.manual_fare_type.items.1_v2": "<ref>Refund amount:</ref> <ref>__refundPrice__</ref>.",
4640 "mmb.refund.options.manual_fare_type.items.2": "You want to apply for the airport taxes to be refunded for an unused flight",
4641 "mmb.refund.options.manual_fare_type.title": "Cancellation",
4642 "mmb.refund.options.manual_fare_type.title_v2": "Voluntary cancellation",
4643 "mmb.refund.options.medical.button": "Medical reasons",
4644 "mmb.refund.options.modal.description": "We’re sorry Customer Support availability is currently limited. Choose one of the solutions below to cancel your itinerary or request a refund.",
4645 "mmb.refund.options.modal.description_v2": "We're sorry Customer Support availability is currently limited. But, we've adjusted our refund policy to provide you with more options and to help you through this difficult situation. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
4646 "mmb.refund.options.modal.title": "Refunds during the coronavirus pandemic",
4647 "mmb.refund.options.priority_assisted_refund.button": "Priority assisted refund",
4648 "mmb.refund.options.priority_assisted_refund.description": "With this option, we'll contact the carrier on your behalf and collect as much of a refund for you as possible. Please check the carrier’s refund policy before you select this option.",
4649 "mmb.refund.options.priority_assisted_refund.items.1": "<ref>Refund amount:</ref> <ref>as much as possible</ref>, but refunds depend on the carrier’s policies.",
4650 "mmb.refund.options.priority_assisted_refund.items.2.days": "<ref>Refund time:</ref> <ref>approximately __processingTime__ days.</ref>",
4651 "mmb.refund.options.priority_assisted_refund.items.2.months": "<ref>Refund time:</ref> <ref>approximately __processingTime__ months.</ref>",
4652 "mmb.refund.options.priority_assisted_refund.items.2.weeks": "<ref>Refund time:</ref> <ref>approximately __processingTime__ weeks.</ref>",
4653 "mmb.refund.options.priority_assisted_refund.items.3": "<ref>Important info:</ref> we charge a <ref>__handlingFee__ processing fee</ref> to prioritize your request.",
4654 "mmb.refund.options.priority_assisted_refund.title": "Priority assisted refund",
4655 "mmb.refund.options.reschedule.button": "Rebook",
4656 "mmb.refund.options.reschedule.description_faretype": "Travel another time. A rebooking discount is based on the fare type you booked (<ref>__fareType__</ref>).",
4657 "mmb.refund.options.reschedule.description_faretype_v2": "Travel another time. A rebooking discount is based on the fare type you booked (<ref>__fareType__</ref>).",
4658 "mmb.refund.options.reschedule.description_legacy": "Travel another time.",
4659 "mmb.refund.options.reschedule.items.1": "<ref>Rebooking discount:</ref> <ref>__discountPrice__</ref>",
4660 "mmb.refund.options.reschedule.items.2": "<ref>Speed of rebooking:</ref> <ref>mostly immediate</ref>, but it may take several hours to confirm your new booking.",
4661 "mmb.refund.options.reschedule.items.3": "<ref>Estimated rebooking time:</ref> <ref>mostly immediate</ref>, but it may take several hours to confirm your new booking.",
4662 "mmb.refund.options.reschedule.no_discount": "No discount",
4663 "mmb.refund.options.reschedule.pay_difference": "__pct__ (you'll pay only the difference)",
4664 "mmb.refund.options.reschedule.title": "Rebook your trip",
4665 "mmb.refund.options.shot_assisted.link": "Request monetary refund without __companyName__ Guarantee coverage (not recommended)",
4666 "mmb.refund.options.shot_credits.button": "Refund in __companyName__ Credit",
4667 "mmb.refund.options.shot_credits.button_partial": "Cancel affected part of booking",
4668 "mmb.refund.options.shot_credits.description": "We will cancel your booking and instantly refund you with <ref>__companyName__ Credit</ref>. You can use this credit to search and book the best alternative trip – anytime, to anywhere you want.",
4669 "mmb.refund.options.shot_credits.description_partial": "Cancel the affected part of your booking and instantly receive <ref>__companyName__ Credit</ref>. The rest of your itinerary is unchanged. Use that credit to purchase an alternative, pair it with the remainder of your booking, and carry on with your journey",
4670 "mmb.refund.options.shot_credits.items.1": "<ref>Refund amount:</ref> <ref>__refundPrice__ in __companyName__ Credit</ref>.",
4671 "mmb.refund.options.shot_credits.items.2": "<ref>Estimated refund time:</ref> <ref>immediate</ref>.",
4672 "mmb.refund.options.shot_credits.title": "Refund in __companyName__ Credit",
4673 "mmb.refund.options.shot_credits.title_partial": "Cancel affected part of booking",
4674 "mmb.refund.options.shot_monetary.button": "Monetary refund",
4675 "mmb.refund.options.shot_monetary.description": "We will cancel your booking and provide you with a refund. Money will be transferred back to you via your original payment method.",
4676 "mmb.refund.options.shot_monetary.items.1": "<ref>Refund amount:</ref> <ref>__refundPrice__</ref>.",
4677 "mmb.refund.options.shot_monetary.items.2": "<ref>Refund time:</ref> <ref>approximately 10 days</ref>.",
4678 "mmb.refund.options.shot_monetary.title": "Monetary refund",
4679 "mmb.refund.selection.part_not_refundable": "This part is not refundable",
4680 "mmb.refund.terms.assisted.delay_warning.list.multiple_phases": "If your trip has multiple parts, <strong>you can get refunds in multiple phases</strong>. This will depend on when we receive those refunds from the carriers.",
4681 "mmb.refund.terms.assisted.delay_warning.list.processing_time_days": "We’ll do as much as we can to get your refund in __days__ days. However, many <strong>carriers are now delaying their refund processes</strong> and in some cases, the waiting time might be longer.",
4682 "mmb.refund.terms.assisted.delay_warning.list.processing_time_months": "We’ll do as much as we can to get your refund in __months__ months. However, many <strong>carriers are now delaying their refund processes</strong> and in some cases, the waiting time might be longer.",
4683 "mmb.refund.terms.assisted.delay_warning.list.processing_time_weeks": "We’ll do as much as we can to get your refund in __weeks__ weeks. However, many <strong>carriers are now delaying their refund processes</strong> and in some cases, the waiting time might be longer.",
4684 "mmb.refund.terms.assisted.delay_warning.title": "Your refund can be delayed by the carrier",
4685 "mmb.refund.terms.assisted.header.title": "Accept the Terms & Conditions to proceed",
4686 "mmb.refund.terms.assisted.non_monetary_refund_warning.description": "We’ll do as much as we can to get a monetary refund for you. However, in the current situation, carriers often only provide vouchers or other non-monetary refunds.",
4687 "mmb.refund.terms.assisted.non_monetary_refund_warning.list.monetary_case_list.money_transfer": "<strong>We’ll transfer the money to you via your original payment method</strong>. Please note that if you made multiple payments, we’ll send you multiple refunds.",
4688 "mmb.refund.terms.assisted.non_monetary_refund_warning.list.monetary_case_list.title": "If we receive a monetary refund from the carrier:",
4689 "mmb.refund.terms.assisted.non_monetary_refund_warning.list.non_monetary_case_list.airline_vouchers": "Carriers credits, Kiwi.com Credits, vouchers, etc.",
4690 "mmb.refund.terms.assisted.non_monetary_refund_warning.list.non_monetary_case_list.kiwi_credits": "<strong>__companyName__ Credit</strong> — sometimes carriers provide a non-monetary refund, but their conditions don’t allow us to transfer it directly to you. If this is the case, we'll send you <ref>__companyName__ Credit</ref>.",
4691 "mmb.refund.terms.assisted.non_monetary_refund_warning.list.non_monetary_case_list.title": "If we get a non-monetary refund from the carrier, you may receive:",
4692 "mmb.refund.terms.assisted.non_monetary_refund_warning.title": "Your refund can be non-monetary",
4693 "mmb.refunds.selection.corona_alert.title": "We're receiving an unprecedented number of refund requests because of the coronavirus pandemic. Your refund options might be limited and the process will take longer than usual.",
4694 "mmb.refunds.selection.corona_alert.title_departed": "We're receiving an unprecedented number of refund requests because of the coronavirus pandemic. The refund process will take longer than usual.",
4695 "mmb.refund_and_cancellations.reasons.assisted_refund": "Assisted refund",
4696 "mmb.refund_and_cancellations.reasons.priority_refund": "Priority refund",
4697 "mmb.refund_and_cancellations.title": "Refunds & cancellations",
4698 "mmb.refund_and_cancellations.view_progress": "View progress",
4699 "mmb.refund_progress_modal.description_days": "Estimated refund time: __value__ days",
4700 "mmb.refund_progress_modal.description_months": "Estimated refund time: __value__ months",
4701 "mmb.refund_progress_modal.description_weeks": "Estimated refund time: __value__ weeks",
4702 "mmb.refund_progress_modal.non_refundable_description_active": "We’re sorry, the carrier(s) declined your application for a refund. We’ve emailed you the details.",
4703 "mmb.refund_progress_modal.refunded_description": "We’ll forward you all refunds from the carrier(s) as soon as we receive them.",
4704 "mmb.refund_progress_modal.refunded_description_active": "We've sent you all available refunds and an email with the details.",
4705 "mmb.refund_progress_modal.refunding_description": "We'll wait for the carrier(s) to send us any available refund, and there might be multiple payments.",
4706 "mmb.refund_progress_modal.refunding_description_active": "The carrier(s) has sent us a refund. Depending on the number of carriers and their policies, there might be more to come.",
4707 "mmb.refund_progress_modal.requested_description_active": "We’ve received your request and will assign it to one of our agents.",
4708 "mmb.refund_progress_modal.title": "Request progress",
4709 "mmb.refund_progress_modal.waiting_for_carrier_description": "We’ll wait for the carrier(s) to process your refund and we’ll contact them again if necessary.",
4710 "mmb.refund_progress_modal.waiting_for_carrier_description_active": "The carrier(s) has finished processing your refund request.",
4711 "mmb.refund_status.current_states": "Your current refund states",
4712 "mmb.refund_status.non_refundable": "Non-refundable",
4713 "mmb.refund_status.refunded": "Refunded",
4714 "mmb.refund_status.refunding": "Carrier refunding",
4715 "mmb.refund_status.requested": "Requested",
4716 "mmb.refund_status.requested_date": "requested",
4717 "mmb.refund_status.waiting_for_carrier": "Waiting for the carrier",
4718 "mmb.schedule_change.alternatives.pax_ata.description": "You can buy a ticket at the airport or online, and we'll cover up to __price__.",
4719 "mmb.schedule_change.alternatives.pax_ata.link": "I'll buy a ticket and apply for a refund",
4720 "mmb.schedule_change.alternatives.pax_ata.title": "Prefer to buy your own ticket?",
4721 "mmb.schedule_change.segment_split.label": "The carrier has added a stopover.",
4722 "mmb.schedule_changes.accommodation": "This alternative includes accommodation. Call us at +__phoneNumber__ to book your hotel. <ref>More Phone Numbers</ref>",
4723 "mmb.schedule_changes.alternatives.alert.check_visa": "You will leave the visa-free transit zone during <ref>self-transfer</ref> in __city__. Please <ref>check if you need a visa</ref>.",
4724 "mmb.schedule_changes.alternatives.alert.different_airport_arrival": "You will arrive at a different airport in __city__: <ref>__old__</ref> __new__.",
4725 "mmb.schedule_changes.alternatives.alert.different_airport_departure": "You will depart from a different airport in __city__: <ref>__old__</ref> __new__.",
4726 "mmb.schedule_changes.alternatives.alert.includes_accommodation": "This alternative includes accommodation. Call us at +__phoneNumber__ to book your hotel. <ref>More phone numbers</ref>",
4727 "mmb.schedule_changes.alternatives.alert.no_check_baggage": "You can only take cabin baggage because there is not enough time to re-check your baggage during self-transfer. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
4728 "mmb.schedule_changes.common.okay": "Okay",
4729 "mmb.schedule_changes.emergency.carrier.text": "Unfortunately, the carrier was forced to change your itinerary because of a force majeure situation. Please contact the carrier directly, as they are responsible for providing you with alternative transportation.",
4730 "mmb.schedule_changes.emergency.carrier.title": "Please contact the carrier",
4731 "mmb.schedule_changes.emergency.pending_refund.alert": "Upon submitting the refund request you will be offered a refund for the cancellation of your itinerary. Once you confirm the refund amount and select refund method we will start processing your request and unconditionally cancel your entire itinerary.",
4732 "mmb.schedule_changes.emergency.template.alternatives.text": "Alternative trips are available.",
4733 "mmb.schedule_changes.emergency.template.faq.title": "Click below to learn more about the situation that affected your trip.",
4734 "mmb.schedule_changes.emergency.template.fare_type.description": "Ticket fare options are available only for voluntary trip changes, not in extraordinary circumstances (Force Majeure). You can only select from the options provided above. Check our <ref>Terms & Conditions</ref> for more details. Thank you for your understanding.",
4735 "mmb.schedule_changes.emergency.template.fare_type.title_flexi": "Unfortunately, your Flexi ticket refund and rebooking options are unavailable in this situation",
4736 "mmb.schedule_changes.emergency.template.fare_type.title_standard": "Unfortunately, your Standard ticket refund and rebooking options are unavailable in this situation",
4737 "mmb.schedule_changes.emergency.template.refund.text": "You can apply for a refund. Approval is subject to your fare type and the terms and conditions of the carriers involved.",
4738 "mmb.schedule_changes.emergency.template.subtitle": "Please review all the information and select the best available option.",
4739 "mmb.schedule_changes.emergency.template.title": "Your trip has been affected",
4740 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.ack_alert.description": "__companyName__ will cover up to __price__ of your new ticket. Don’t forget to save your receipt. We’ll need you to send it to us within 14 days upon arrival to your final destination.",
4741 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.ack_alert.title": "Buy a new ticket, but provide your receipt",
4742 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.alert.button": "I need an alternative flight",
4743 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.alert.button_v2": "Get help",
4744 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.alert.guarantee_button": "About the __companyName__ Guarantee",
4745 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.alert.info": "If you're covered by the __companyName__ Guarantee, just let us know where you are and we'll do our best to help you.",
4746 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.alert.info_v2": "Let us know what happened and we'll do our best to help.",
4747 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.alert.title": "Stuck at the airport?",
4748 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.alert.title_v2": "Going to miss your connection?",
4749 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.close": "Close",
4750 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.contact_airline.button": "Okay, I will contact the airline",
4751 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.contact_airline.info": "At this airport, you are covered by the airline. Please contact them to find out about the next steps.",
4752 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.contact_airline.title": "Please contact the airline about any problematic flights",
4753 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.continue": "Continue",
4754 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.error.info": "Please try again in a few minutes, or <a href=\"#\" class=\"BookingPassengerAtaHeader-green open-article\">contact us</a>.",
4755 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.error.info_ref": "Please try again in a few minutes, or <ref>contact us</ref>.",
4756 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.error.title": "Sorry, the coverage amount couldn't be calculated right now.",
4757 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.learn_more": "Learn more",
4758 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.loading.title": "We're checking your options…",
4759 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.price.footer.amount_info": "This amount should be sufficient to cover the affected part of your journey. It's based on real-time data for ticket prices.",
4760 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.price.footer.attach_receipts_alert": "To get your money back, you'll need to attach the receipts to your refund application in Manage My Booking.",
4761 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.price.footer.button": "Okay, I will buy the flight on my own at the airport",
4762 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.price.footer.error": "To continue, you must agree with our conditions and wait for the coverage amount to be calculated.",
4763 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.price.footer.heading": "Guarantee coverage",
4764 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.price.footer.list_first": "Ensure the __companyName__ guarantee applies to your situation",
4765 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.price.footer.list_second": "__companyName__ will cover costs up to:",
4766 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.price.footer.loading_message": "This may take up to one minute",
4767 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.price.footer.required": "Required",
4768 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.price.footer.terms": "I agree with offered amount shown above and understand that this process becomes irreversible after confirmation. I also made sure <ref>__companyName__ Guarantee</ref> applies to my situation.",
4769 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.price.heading.contact_us": "If you don't mind waiting and you need help buying a ticket, <a href=\"#\" class=\"BookingPassengerAtaHeader-green open-phones\">Contact Us</a>",
4770 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.price.heading.contact_us_ref": "If you don't mind waiting and you need help buying a ticket, <ref>contact us</ref>.",
4771 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.price.heading.info": "We recommended that you <strong>buy a ticket at the airport.</strong> If your case is covered by the <a href=\"#\" class=\"BookingPassengerAtaHeader-green open-article\">__companyName__ Guarantee</a>, we'll refund you afterwards.",
4772 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.price.heading.info_ref": "We recommended that you buy a ticket at the airport. If your case is covered by the <ref>__companyName__ Guarantee</ref>, we'll refund you afterwards.",
4773 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.price.heading.list_first": "At the airport, you can find flights that are no longer available online",
4774 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.price.heading.list_heading": "Benefits of buying a ticket at the airport",
4775 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.price.heading.list_second": "It might be faster to obtain your new flight directly at the airport than via our customer support",
4776 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.price.heading.title": "Please buy a new ticket at the airport",
4777 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.price_error.alert": "Please contact Customer Support for assistance.",
4778 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.price_error.text": "Unfortunately, we couldn’t calculate the price of an alternative connection for you.",
4779 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.price_error.title": "Something’s not right",
4780 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.selection.alert_info": "If you're covered by the __companyName__ Guarantee, we can cover a certain amount towards your alternative flight.",
4781 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.selection.alert_title": "Ensure the __companyName__ Guarantee applies to your situation",
4782 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.selection.error": "Please select your current destination.",
4783 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.selection.select_airport_title": "Where are you right now?",
4784 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.selection.title": "We're sorry that you're stuck at the airport. <br> Let's find a solution",
4785 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.thankyou.info": "You can now buy an alternative flight on your own and request a refund afterwards via Manage My Booking.",
4786 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.thankyou.keep_receipt_alert": "Don't forget to keep the receipt for the new flight. You will need it for a refund.",
4787 "mmb.schedule_changes.passenger_ata.thankyou.title": "Thank you for your patience",
4788 "mmb.schedule_changes.unsuitable_alternatives_note": "If the alternatives above are unsuitable, please <ref>Contact us</ref>.",
4789 "mmb.seating.assigned_seats.button": "View seats",
4790 "mmb.seating.assigned_seats.seat_category.aisle": "Aisle seat",
4791 "mmb.seating.assigned_seats.seat_category.extra_legroom": "Extra legroom seat",
4792 "mmb.seating.assigned_seats.seat_category.particular_seat": "Specific seat",
4793 "mmb.seating.assigned_seats.seat_category.sit_together": "Seats together",
4794 "mmb.seating.assigned_seats.seat_category.window": "Window seat",
4795 "mmb.seating.assigned_seats.title": "Assigned seats",
4796 "mmb.seating.contact_us": "If you want to choose a specific seat, please <ref>contact us</ref>.",
4797 "mmb.seating.exit_seat_age_limit_warning": "The exit row is only available for passengers 16 and older.",
4798 "mmb.seating.flight.unavailable": "It's not possible to display this seat map. Please try later, or contact us.",
4799 "mmb.seating.flight.unavailable_too_late": "This flight has already departed.",
4800 "mmb.services.fast_track.vce.services.checked_baggage_assistance": "Checked baggage handling assistance & free baggage deposit",
4801 "mmb.services.fast_track.vce.services.free_baggage_deposit": "Free baggage deposit",
4802 "mmb.service_packages.badge.basic": "Basic Services",
4803 "mmb.service_packages.badge.plus": "Plus Services",
4804 "mmb.service_packages.badge.premium": "Premium Services",
4805 "mmb.service_packages.plus": "Plus package",
4806 "mmb.service_packages.premium": "Premium package",
4807 "mmb.status.booking_change": "Change in progress",
4808 "mmb.status.booking_change.tooltip": "We're processing your requested itinerary change and we'll let you know as soon as it's done.",
4809 "mmb.status.booking_confirmed": "Booking confirmed",
4810 "mmb.status.booking_processing": "Processing booking",
4811 "mmb.status.booking_refunded": "Booking refunded",
4812 "mmb.status.booking_refunding": "Refund requested",
4813 "mmb.status.booking_traveled": "Traveled",
4814 "mmb.status.cancelled": "Canceled",
4815 "mmb.status.locked": "Locked",
4816 "mmb.status_closed.fraud": "All payments are verified through an independent security system to prevent fraud. For this reason, a small number of bookings may be delayed or declined.",
4817 "mmb.status_closed.fraud_alert.delay": "Please note that all payments must first go through an independent security system for fraud protection. As a result, a small number of bookings might be delayed.",
4818 "mmb.status_closed.fraud_alert.processing": "We’re now processing your booking with the carrier(s). You’ll receive an email and an SMS once the booking is confirmed. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
4819 "mmb.status_closed.services": "Changes and additional services will become available once your booking is confirmed.",
4820 "mmb.tooltip.close": "Close",
4821 "mmb.trip_overview.booking_change": "Change in progress",
4822 "mmb.trip_overview.change.button": "Change trip",
4823 "mmb.trip_overview.pending_flight_change_alert": "We're changing your trip. We'll email you when it's done.",
4824 "mmb.trip_overview.tat_banner.text": "You bought a round-trip option which is cheaper than a one-way ticket. Fly one-way only or use the return ticket, it’s up to you.",
4825 "mmb.trip_overview.tat_banner.title": "This round-trip option is cheaper than a one-way ticket",
4826 "mmb.trip_overview.thc_banner.text": "This flight to __hiddenCity__ with a stopover in __stopoverCity__ is cheaper than a standard ticket. Skip the remaining flight(s) or travel all the way, it's up to you. Either way, you'll be saving money. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
4827 "mmb.trip_overview.thc_banner.title": "This unique ticket contains an extra flight",
4828 "mobile.mmb.change_trip.title": "Trip change",
4829 "mobile.search.promocode_banner_message_eur": "We'll apply the discount automatically if your booking costs %1$@ or more.",
4830 "mobile.service_packages.packages.title.packages": "Packages",
4831 "multi_modal.booking.emergency_banner.corona.text": "Due to the coronavirus, the United States Government has imposed restrictions on entry into the US effective 13th March. The temporary suspension applies to individuals who have visited any country within the Schengen Area in the last 14 days and do not have permanent residence in the US. <br></br>As this restriction can potentially affect your ability to board any flight departing for the US, we strongly urge you to check whether this restriction applies to you and your co-travelers prior to proceeding with any bookings entering US territory. You can find specific <ref>information here</ref>.",
4832 "multi_modal.booking.emergency_banner.corona.title": "Suspension due to COVID-19",
4833 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.feature.basic_services": "Basic Services",
4834 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.feature.no_rebooking": "No rebooking contribution",
4835 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.feature.no_refund": "No refund",
4836 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.feature.plus_services": "Plus Services",
4837 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.feature.premium_services": "Premium Services",
4838 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.feature.rebooking": "Rebooking",
4839 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.feature.rebooking_with_value": "Only __price__ off for rebooking",
4840 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.feature.refund_with_value": "Only __price__ refund",
4841 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.popup.action.upgrade": "Upgrade to Standard (+ __price__)",
4842 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.popup.action.yes": "Yes, I'm sure",
4843 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.popup.saver.note": "If you need to change your booking, you'll only receive __price__ back.",
4844 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.popup.saver.title": "Saver Ticket - no flexibility",
4845 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.popup.standard.note": "You'll be able to rebook your trip for free or you'll only have to pay the difference in price. Our Standard Ticket also comes with shorter wait times for support and cheaper additional services.",
4846 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.popup.standard.title": "Standard Ticket - easy rebooking",
4847 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.popup.title": "Are you sure you want to buy our Saver Ticket?",
4848 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.refund_warning": "Cancellation and rebooking are only available up to 48h before the first departure in your itinerary.",
4849 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.refund_warning.flexi": "Rebooking and refund are only available up to 48h before the start of your trip.",
4850 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.refund_warning.standard": "Rebooking is only available up to 48h before the start of your trip.",
4851 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.refund_warning_dynamic": "Cancellation and rebooking are only available up to __hours__ hours before the first departure in your itinerary.",
4852 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.saver_warning_popup.continue": "Continue with Saver",
4853 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.saver_warning_popup.note": "Upgrade to a Standard Ticket to get rebooking for free or for the difference in price, cheaper additional services, and other benefits.",
4854 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.saver_warning_popup.processing_fee": "<strong>__price__ processing fee</strong> will be added to the cost of any additional service you request after booking.",
4855 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.saver_warning_popup.rebooking": "Rebooking will cost you the <strong>full price</strong> of a new ticket.",
4856 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.saver_warning_popup.title": "Saver ticket - no flexibility",
4857 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_helper_note": "Select your preferred ticket fare and learn more about it.",
4858 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.cancellation.name": "Cancellation",
4859 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.cancellation.percentage": "__percentage__ refund",
4860 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.cancellation.tooltip.percentage.info": "If you decide to cancel your booking, you'll get a __percentage__ refund.",
4861 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.cancellation.tooltip.value.info": "If you decide to cancel your booking, you'll get a __price__ refund.",
4862 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.cancellation.tooltip.value.no_refund": "If you decide to cancel your booking, you won't be eligible for a refund.",
4863 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.cancellation.tooltip.value.us_no_refund": "If you decide to cancel your booking, you won't be eligible for a refund. The 24h grace period does not apply.",
4864 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.cancellation.tooltip.value.us_part_refund": "If you decide to cancel your booking, you will receive a __price__ refund. The 24h grace period does not apply.",
4865 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.cancellation.value": "__price__ refund",
4866 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.flexi.button": "Continue with Flexi",
4867 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.flexi.includes_note": "Flexi Ticket includes:",
4868 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.flexi.mobile_title": "Flexi",
4869 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.flexi.title": "Flexi Ticket",
4870 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.passengers": "passengers: __number__",
4871 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.rebooking.name": "Rebooking",
4872 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.rebooking.new_ticket": "New ticket (-__price__)",
4873 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.rebooking.new_ticket_full_price": "New ticket",
4874 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.rebooking.pay_difference": "Pay the difference",
4875 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.rebooking.tooltip.new_ticket.info": "__price__ will be deducted from new booking price.",
4876 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.rebooking.tooltip.new_ticket.info_full_price": "Rebooking will cost you the full price of a new ticket.",
4877 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.rebooking.tooltip.pay_difference.info": "You'll only pay the difference for your new booking. If the price is the same or lower, it's free.",
4878 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.recommended": "Recommended",
4879 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.saver.button": "Continue with Saver",
4880 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.saver.includes_note": "Saver Ticket includes:",
4881 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.saver.mobile_title": "Saver",
4882 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.saver.title": "Saver Ticket",
4883 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.services.name": "__brandName__ Services",
4884 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.services.tooltip.flexi.email": "Reach out to us via our contact form and we'll get back to you ASAP via email.",
4885 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.services.tooltip.flexi.fee": "No processing fee for additional services",
4886 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.services.tooltip.flexi.priority": "High caller priority",
4887 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.services.tooltip.flexi.support": "Extended support availability",
4888 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.services.tooltip.flexi.title": "Our Premium service package includes:",
4889 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.services.tooltip.saver.email": "No email support",
4890 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.services.tooltip.saver.fee": "__price__ processing fee for additional services",
4891 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.services.tooltip.saver.priority": "Low caller priority",
4892 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.services.tooltip.saver.support": "Limited support availability",
4893 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.services.tooltip.saver.title": "Our Basic service package includes:",
4894 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.services.tooltip.standard.email": "Email support is only available with Plus and Premium Services.",
4895 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.services.tooltip.standard.fee": "__price__ processing fee for additional services",
4896 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.services.tooltip.standard.priority": "Standard caller priority",
4897 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.services.tooltip.standard.support": "Extended support availability",
4898 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.services.tooltip.standard.title": "Our Plus service package includes:",
4899 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.services.value.flexi": "Premium",
4900 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.services.value.saver": "Basic",
4901 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.services.value.standard": "Plus",
4902 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.standard.button": "Continue with Standard",
4903 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.standard.includes_note": "Standard Ticket includes:",
4904 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.standard.mobile_title": "Standard",
4905 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.select_type.standard.title": "Standard Ticket",
4906 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.subtitle": "Pay now for peace of mind. Save later if you need to make a necessary change to your itinerary. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
4907 "multi_modal.booking.fare_types.title": "Select your ticket fare",
4908 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.feature.email_support": "Email support",
4909 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.feature.extended_availibility": "Extended support availability",
4910 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.feature.fee": "__price__ processing fee for additional services",
4911 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.feature.high_caller_priority": "High caller priority",
4912 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.feature.limited_availibility": "Limited support availability",
4913 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.feature.low_caller_priority": "Low caller priority",
4914 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.feature.medium_caller_priority": "Medium caller priority",
4915 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.feature.no_email_support": "No email support",
4916 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.feature.no_fee": "No processing fee for additional services",
4917 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.included": "Included",
4918 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.recommended": "Recommended",
4919 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_helper_note": "Select your preferred service package and learn more about it.",
4920 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.basic.button": "Continue with Basic",
4921 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.basic.includes_note": "Basic Services include:",
4922 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.basic.mobile_title": "Basic",
4923 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.basic.name": "Basic Services",
4924 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.email.no": "No",
4925 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.email.title": "Email support",
4926 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.email.tooltip.no": "Email support is only available with Plus and Premium Services.",
4927 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.email.tooltip.yes": "Contact us via our contact form and we'll get back to you asap via email.",
4928 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.email.yes": "Yes",
4929 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.plus.button": "Upgrade and continue",
4930 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.plus.includes_note": "Plus Services include:",
4931 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.plus.mobile_title": "Plus",
4932 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.plus.name": "Plus Services",
4933 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.premium.button": "Upgrade and continue",
4934 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.premium.includes_note": "Premium Services include:",
4935 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.premium.mobile_title": "Premium",
4936 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.premium.name": "Premium Services",
4937 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.priority.title": "Caller priority",
4938 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.priority.tooltip.high": "You’ll skip all callers with Basic and Plus Services in the queue. This means you'll be put in touch with Customer Support as soon as possible.",
4939 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.priority.tooltip.low": "Your waiting time might be quite long. Callers with Plus and Premium Services will have higher priority in the queue.",
4940 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.priority.tooltip.medium": "You’ll skip all callers with Basic Services in the queue. This can significantly decrease your waiting time.",
4941 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.priority.value.high": "High",
4942 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.priority.value.low": "Low",
4943 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.priority.value.medium": "Medium",
4944 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.services.title": "Additional services",
4945 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.services.tooltip.additions": "Additions or changes to: baggage, sports equipment, infant and pet passengers, cabin class, priority boarding, seating, meals, insurance, AirHelp",
4946 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.services.tooltip.changes": "Changing passenger details",
4947 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.services.tooltip.fee": "A processing fee is added to the cost of any of the following additional service made after booking:",
4948 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.services.tooltip.no_fee": "No processing fees will be added to the cost of any of the following additional services made after booking:",
4949 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.services.value.fee": "__price__ processing fee",
4950 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.services.value.no_fee": "No processing fee",
4951 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.support.title": "Support availability",
4952 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.support.tooltip.english": "English support is available 24/7.",
4953 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.support.tooltip.english_limited": "English support is available on weekdays from 09:00 to 17:00 (timezone: country of purchase).",
4954 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.support.tooltip.english_limited_v2": "English support is available on weekdays from 09:00 to 17:00 (local time, where the trip started).",
4955 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.support.tooltip.english_v2": "English support is available 24/7.",
4956 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.support.tooltip.others": "Support in other languages is available during the following hours on weekdays:",
4957 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.support.tooltip.others.asia": "12:00 to 20:00 UTC (Japanese, Korean)",
4958 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.support.tooltip.others.europe": "08:00 to 16:00 UTC (Czech, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian)",
4959 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.support.tooltip.others_extended_v2": "Support in other languages is available at extended times. Check the details in our Help Center.",
4960 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.support.tooltip.others_limited_v2": "Support in other languages is available at specific times on weekdays. Check the details in our Help Center.",
4961 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.support.value.extended": "Extended",
4962 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.select_type.support.value.limited": "Limited",
4963 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.subtitle": "Receive faster support, shorter wait times, and reduced costs on extra services like seat selection or additional baggage. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
4964 "multi_modal.booking.service_packages.title": "Upgrade your level of Kiwi.com services",
4965 "multi_modal.fare_types.breadcrums.title": "Ticket fare",
4966 "multi_modal.fare_types.popup.action.upgrade": "Upgrade to Standard (+ __price__)",
4967 "multi_modal.fare_types.popup.action.yes": "Yes, I'm sure",
4968 "multi_modal.fare_types.popup.saver.note": "If you need to change your booking, you'll only receive __price__ back.",
4969 "multi_modal.fare_types.popup.saver.title": "Saver Ticket - no flexibility",
4970 "multi_modal.fare_types.popup.standard.note": "You'll be able to rebook your trip for free or you'll only have to pay the difference in price.",
4971 "multi_modal.fare_types.popup.standard.title": "Standard Ticket - easy rebooking",
4972 "multi_modal.fare_types.popup.title": "Are you sure you want to buy our Saver Ticket?",
4973 "multi_modal.fare_types.pop_up.standard.fee": "__price__ processing fee for additional services",
4974 "multi_modal.fare_types.saver_warning_popup.continue": "Continue with Saver",
4975 "multi_modal.fare_types.saver_warning_popup.note": "Upgrade to a Standard Ticket to get rebooking for free or for the difference in price, cheaper additional services, and other benefits.",
4976 "multi_modal.fare_types.saver_warning_popup.processing_fee": "<strong>__price__ processing fee</strong> will be added to the cost of any additional service you request after booking.",
4977 "multi_modal.fare_types.saver_warning_popup.rebooking": "Rebooking will cost you the <strong>full price</strong> of a new ticket.",
4978 "multi_modal.fare_types.saver_warning_popup.title": "Saver ticket - no flexibility",
4979 "multi_modal.fare_types.select_type.additional_services.name": "Additional services",
4980 "multi_modal.fare_types.select_type.cancellation.value": "__price__ refund",
4981 "multi_modal.fare_types.select_type.services.name": "__brandName__ Services",
4982 "multi_modal.fare_types.select_type.services.tooltip.saver.email": "No email support",
4983 "multi_modal.fare_types.select_type.services.tooltip.saver.priority": "Low caller priority",
4984 "multi_modal.fare_types.select_type.services.tooltip.saver.support": "Limited support availability",
4985 "multi_modal.fare_types.subtitle": "Pay now for peace of mind. Save later if you need to make a necessary change to your itinerary. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
4986 "multi_modal.fare_types.title": "Select your ticket fare",
4987 "multi_modal.search.detail.alert.arriving_different_day.bus_train": "Arrive on a different day",
4988 "multi_modal.search.detail.alert.arriving_different_day.flight_only": "Arrive on a different day",
4989 "multi_modal.search.detail.alert.arriving_next_day.bus_train": "Arrive the next day",
4990 "multi_modal.search.detail.alert.arriving_next_day.flight_only": "Arrive the next day",
4991 "multi_modal.search.detail.alert.departing_next_day.bus_train": "Depart the next day",
4992 "multi_modal.search.detail.alert.departing_next_day.flight_only": "Depart the next day",
4993 "multi_modal.search.detail.arriving_to_destination.bus_train": "Arrive at the destination",
4994 "multi_modal.search.detail.arriving_to_destination.flight_only": "Tiba di destinasi",
4995 "multi_modal.search.detail.operating_airline": "Operating carrier",
4996 "multi_modal.search.detail.select_departure_time.bus_train": "Select departure time",
4997 "multi_modal.search.detail.select_departure_time.flight_only": "Select departure time",
4998 "multi_modal.search.detail.warning.departure_from_another_place.bus_train": "You're departing from a different place",
4999 "multi_modal.search.detail.warning.departure_from_another_place.flight_only": "You're departing from a different airport",
5000 "multi_modal.search.detail.warning.departure_from_another_place.flight_related": "You're departing from a different place",
5001 "multi_modal.search.detail.warning.departure_from_another_place.ground_transport_related": "You're departing from a different place",
5002 "multi_modal.search.detail.warning.no_checked_bag_itinerary": "No checked bag itinerary",
5003 "multi_modal.search.detail.warning.return_from_different_place.bus_train": "You're departing from a different place",
5004 "multi_modal.search.detail.warning.return_from_different_place.flight_only": "You're departing from a different place",
5005 "multi_modal.search.detail.warning.return_from_different_place.flight_related": "You're departing from a different place",
5006 "multi_modal.search.detail.warning.return_from_different_place.ground_transport_related": "You're departing from a different place",
5007 "multi_modal.search.detail.warning.return_to_different_place.bus_train": "You'll arrive at a different place",
5008 "multi_modal.search.detail.warning.return_to_different_place.flight_only": "You'll arrive at a different airport",
5009 "multi_modal.search.detail.warning.return_to_different_place.flight_related": "You'll arrive at a different place",
5010 "multi_modal.search.detail.warning.return_to_different_place.ground_transport_related": "You'll arrive at a different place",
5011 "multi_modal.search.result.itinerary_detail.alert.arriving_different_day.flight_only": "Tiba pada hari lain",
5012 "multi_modal.search.result.itinerary_detail.alert.arriving_next_day.bus_train": "Tiba esok hari",
5013 "multi_modal.search.result.itinerary_detail.alert.departing_next_day.bus_train": "Bertolak esok hari",
5014 "multi_modal.search.result.itinerary_detail.alert.departing_next_day.flight_only": "Bertolak esok hari",
5015 "multi_modal.search.result.itinerary_detail.disallowed_hold_bags.title": "This trip has baggage limitations.",
5016 "multi_modal.search.result.itinerary_detail.guarantee.airline_covered": "Sambungan dilindungi oleh <strong>syarikat pengangkutan</strong>",
5017 "multi_modal.search.result.itinerary_detail.guarantee.airport_change": "Changing airports is your responsibility",
5018 "multi_modal.search.result.itinerary_detail.guarantee.company_covered": "Sambungan dilindungi oleh <strong>Jaminan __companyName__</strong>",
5019 "multi_modal.search.result.itinerary_detail.label.hotels_advertisement": "New",
5020 "multi_modal.search.result.itinerary_detail.layover": "__time__ persinggahan",
5021 "multi_modal.search.result.itinerary_detail.passenger.email.invalid": "Sila gunakan format ini: your@email.com",
5022 "multi_modal.search.result.itinerary_detail.recheck_baggage_content_short": "Baggage recheck required",
5023 "multi_modal.search.result.itinerary_detail.savings_banner.description": "Booking a return ticket is cheaper than a one-way flight. You can use the return flight if you want, but you don't have to. Some airlines dislike this practice, but we're offering it to you because you have the right to freedom of choice.",
5024 "multi_modal.search.result.itinerary_detail.savings_banner.find_more_trips": "Cari lebih banyak perjalanan",
5025 "multi_modal.search.result.itinerary_detail.savings_banner.title": "Faedah daripada itinerari unik ini, anda akan menjimatkan __amount__ __currency__",
5026 "multi_modal.search.result.itinerary_detail.self_transfer.warning.airport": "<ref>Pertukaran sendiri</ref> di __airport__",
5027 "multi_modal.search.result.itinerary_detail.self_transfer.warning.departure_from_another_place.bus_train": "Anda bertolak dari tempat lain",
5028 "multi_modal.search.result.itinerary_detail.self_transfer.warning.departure_from_another_place.flight_only": "Anda bertolak dari lapangan terbang lain",
5029 "multi_modal.search.result.itinerary_detail.self_transfer.warning.departure_from_another_place.flight_related": "Anda bertolak dari tempat lain",
5030 "multi_modal.search.result.itinerary_detail.self_transfer.warning.departure_from_another_place.ground_transport_related": "Anda bertolak dari tempat lain",
5031 "multi_modal.search.result.itinerary_detail.self_transfer.warning.ground_transport": " <ref>Pertukaran sendiri</ref> ",
5032 "multi_modal.search.result.itinerary_detail.self_transfer.warning.return_to_different_place.bus_train": "You'll arrive at a different place",
5033 "multi_modal.search.result.itinerary_detail.self_transfer.warning.return_to_different_place.flight_only": "You'll arrive at a different airport",
5034 "multi_modal.search.result.itinerary_detail.self_transfer.warning.return_to_different_place.flight_related": "You'll arrive at a different place",
5035 "multi_modal.search.result.itinerary_detail.self_transfer.warning.return_to_different_place.ground_transport_related": "You'll arrive at a different place",
5036 "multi_modal.self_transfer.baggage_alert.multiple": "You must collect and recheck your baggage during each <ref>self-transfer</ref>.",
5037 "multi_modal.self_transfer.baggage_alert.one": "You must collect and recheck your baggage during <ref>self-transfer</ref>.",
5038 "multi_modal.self_transfer.itinerary.airport": "<ref>Self-transfer</ref> at __airport__",
5039 "multi_modal.self_transfer.itinerary.ground_transport": "<ref>Self-transfer</ref>",
5040 "multi_modal.self_transfer.tooltip.connection.1airport_1country": "The connection in __airport__ is not provided by the airlines. You will need to leave the visa-free transit zone and enter __country__ to check in for your next flight — passing through security and a visa check at immigration.",
5041 "multi_modal.self_transfer.tooltip.connection.Xairports_Xcountries": "The connections in __airports__ and __lastAirport__ are not provided by the airlines. You will need to leave the visa-free transit zone and enter __countries__ and __lastCountry__ to check in for your upcoming flights — passing through security and immigration visa checks.",
5042 "multi_modal.self_transfer.tooltip.connection.Xairport_1country": "The connections in __airports__ and __lastAirport__ are not provided by the airlines. You will need to leave the visa-free transit zone and enter __country__ to check in for your upcoming flights — passing through security and immigration visa checks.",
5043 "multi_modal.self_transfer.tooltip.layover_time": "The layover time is long enough for the transfer and it's protected by the __companyName__ Guarantee in case of any delay.",
5044 "multi_modal.self_transfer.tooltip.unique_itinerary": "This is a unique itinerary that cannot be found anywhere else.",
5045 "multi_modal.self_transfer.visa_alert.enter_destination.multiple": "You will enter __finalDestinations__ and __lastFinalDestination__ as if they were your final destinations.",
5046 "multi_modal.self_transfer.visa_alert.enter_destination.one": "You will enter __finalDestination__ as a final destination.",
5047 "multi_modal.self_transfer.visa_alert.hidden_city": "You will need a visa for __hiddenCity__ because of the extra flight.",
5048 "multi_modal.self_transfer.visa_alert.kiwi_not_liable": "__companyName__ is not liable for any passenger who is denied from boarding or from entering any destination due to visa issues.",
5049 "multi_modal.self_transfer.visa_alert.title": "Visa requirements check",
5050 "multi_modal.self_transfer.visa_alert.transit.multiple": "You will leave the visa-free transit zone to enter __transferDestinations__ and __lastTransferDestination__ during each <ref>self-transfer</ref>. Not sure if you need a visa? <ref>Check this guide</ref>.",
5051 "multi_modal.self_transfer.visa_alert.transit.one": "You will leave the visa-free transit zone and enter __transferDestination__ during <ref>self-transfer</ref>. Not sure if you need a visa? <ref>Check this guide</ref>.",
5052 "multi_modal.service_packages.price.mmb_only": "+ __price__",
5053 "multi_modal.service_packages.select_type.plus.button.mmb_only": "Upgrade to Plus",
5054 "multi_modal.service_packages.select_type.premium.button.mmb_only": "Upgrade to Premium",
5055 "multi_modal.service_packages.title.mmb_only": "Upgrade services",
5056 "multi_modal.service_packages.upgrade_api_fail.alert.title.mmb_only": "Sorry, currently we're unable to load your upgrade options. Try again in a few minutes.",
5057 "multi_modal.service_packages.upgrade_badge.mmb_only": "Upgrade",
5058 "multi_modal.service_packages.upgrade_not_available.alert.title.mmb_only": "Upgrade possible after booking is confirmed.",
5059 "multi_modal.service_packages.upgrade_payment_error.description.mmb_only": "Communication with the payment system went wrong. Please try again in a few minutes.",
5060 "multi_modal.service_packages.upgrade_payment_error.title.mmb_only": "Sorry, that didn't work this time",
5061 "navbar.top-routes": "Top Routes",
5062 "nomad.anytime_reset": "Reset to anytime",
5063 "nomad.end_trip_date": "End trip __date__",
5064 "nomad.examples.title": "Go exploring. Choose one of our prepared continental adventures.",
5065 "nomad.finish_trip": "Finish trip",
5066 "nomad.got_preferred_dates": "Got preferred dates of stay in destination?",
5067 "nomad.in_days": "in __daysCount__ days",
5068 "nomad.length_of_stay": "Length of stay in destination:",
5069 "nomad.preferred_dates": "Preferred dates of stay:",
5070 "nomad.preferred_dates_destination": "Preferred date of stay in destination:",
5071 "nomad.remove_all": "Remove all",
5072 "nomad.remove_all_hint": "Remove all items from places to visit",
5073 "nomad.select_dates": "Select dates in calendar",
5074 "nomad.start_trip": "Start trip",
5075 "nomad.start_trip_date": "Start trip __date__",
5076 "nomad.stay": "Stay",
5077 "nomad_landing.add_another_one": "Add another one",
5078 "nomad_landing.add_kids": "Add children",
5079 "nomad_landing.add_place": "Add place",
5080 "nomad_landing.find_routes": "Find routes",
5081 "nomad_landing.finish_same": "Finish the tour in the same place",
5082 "nomad_landing.get_inspired": "Get inspired",
5083 "nomad_landing.head_explain": "Nomad combines destinations and finds the cheapest possible route",
5084 "nomad_landing.head_steps_title": "Hop to it",
5085 "nomad_landing.head_step_one": "1—Create a bucket-list of destinations",
5086 "nomad_landing.head_step_one_sub": "Stay as long as you'd like in each location or let Nomad decide.",
5087 "nomad_landing.head_step_two": "2—Travel anytime",
5088 "nomad_landing.head_step_two_sub": "Keep your options open or choose where you'll start and end your trip.",
5089 "nomad_landing.head_sub": "Nomad finds the cheapest possible route for your multi-destination trip.",
5090 "nomad_landing.head_title": "Explore the world",
5091 "nomad_landing.link_create_trip": "Create your trip",
5092 "nomad_landing.link_create_trip_note": "Your plan, your rules",
5093 "nomad_landing.link_journeys": "Show popular journeys",
5094 "nomad_landing.link_journeys_note": "Get awesome travel inspiration",
5095 "nomad_landing.more_journeys": "See more journeys",
5096 "nomad_landing.number_travellers": "Number of travelers",
5097 "nomad_landing.one_more": "One more",
5098 "nomad_landing.pick_favourite": "Just pick a favorite route",
5099 "nomad_landing.plan_own": "Plan on your own. List destinations to visit, set trip length.",
5100 "nomad_landing.popular_journeys": "Popular journeys",
5101 "nomad_landing.popular_journeys_sub": "Choose one of our pre-planned routes to get started with your Nomad adventure",
5102 "nomad_landing.set_your_trip": "Set your trip start and end dates. List destinations. Let Nomad do the rest.",
5103 "nomad_landing.show_trips": "Show trips",
5104 "nomad_landing.start_end": "Where will your journey start? Where will it end?",
5105 "nomad_landing.start_finish": "Where the tour starts and finishes:",
5106 "nomad_landing.tour": "Tour the world",
5107 "nomad_landing.your_plans": "Your plans,",
5108 "nomad_landing.your_rules": "your rules",
5109 "nomad_results.how_it_works": "How it works?",
5110 "nomad_results.how_it_works_sub": "Nomad shuffles destinations and finds the cheapest possible route.",
5111 "nomad_results.modify_journey": "Modify journey",
5112 "nomad_results.understand": "Ok, I understand",
5113 "ooking.additional_services.seating.states.seat_selected": "Your selected seat is: __id__",
5114 "orbit.a11ymenu_jump_to": "Jump to",
5115 "orbit.a11ymenu_page_actions": "Common actions on this page",
5116 "orbit.a11ymenu_page_sections": "Sections of this page",
5117 "orbit.a11ymenu_send_feedback": "Send feedback",
5118 "orbit.breadcrumbs_back": "Back",
5119 "orbit.button_close": "Close",
5120 "orbit.button_open": "Open",
5121 "orbit.choicegroup_only": "Only",
5122 "orbit.decrement_value": "Decrement value",
5123 "orbit.drawer_hide": "Hide",
5124 "orbit.increment_value": "Increment value",
5125 "orbit.loading": "Loading",
5126 "orbit.navigationbar_open_menu": "Open navigation menu",
5127 "orbit.next_month": "Next month",
5128 "orbit.pagination_label_next": "Next",
5129 "orbit.pagination_label_prev": "Previous",
5130 "orbit.prev_month": "Previous month",
5131 "orbit.ratingstar_description": "Rating __number__ out of __total__",
5132 "pages.about.awesome_guarantee": "__companyName__ GUARANTEE",
5133 "pages.about.awesome_guarantee_description": "Canceled or delayed flight? Our Guarantee has you covered.",
5134 "pages.about.awesome_support": "24/7 CUSTOMER SUPPORT",
5135 "pages.about.awesome_support_description": "Support on chat, phone, and email",
5136 "pages.about.awesome_tickets": "OFFLINE TICKETS",
5137 "pages.about.awesome_tickets_description": "Offline access to your documents anywhere, anytime",
5138 "pages.about.connecting_unconnected": "Connecting the unconnected",
5139 "pages.about.fact_awards": "Multiple industry award winner",
5140 "pages.about.fact_employees": "2,600+ Crew members",
5141 "pages.about.fact_founded": "Founded in 2012 as __oldBrand__",
5142 "pages.about.fact_offices": "Branch offices in nine countries",
5143 "pages.about.flight_combinations": "km traveled by Kiwi.com travelers in 2019",
5144 "pages.about.seats_sold": "Average seats sold per day",
5145 "pages.about.stats_daily_queries": "Average daily search queries",
5146 "pages.about.stats_price_updates": "Price updates per minute",
5147 "pages.about.stats_total_bookings": "Total bookings",
5148 "pages.about.subtitle": "Learn more about one of the fastest growing companies in the world.",
5149 "pages.about.title": "<strong>Making travel better</strong>",
5150 "pages.about.vision_jobs": "Browse Job Vacancies",
5151 "pages.about.vision_subtitle": "Our goal is to be the best in the travel industry. Would you like to join us?",
5152 "pages.about.vision_title": "We need talented, passionate people to shake up the travel industry",
5153 "pages.buddy.common.credit_balance": "You have <strong>€__balance__</strong> in credit",
5154 "pages.buddy.common.credit_balance_diff": "You've got <span class=\"_highlighted\">€__balance__</span> more in credit",
5155 "pages.buddy.common.status_active": "Active",
5156 "pages.buddy.common.status_active_description": "They've created an account.",
5157 "pages.buddy.common.status_completed": "Complete! ",
5158 "pages.buddy.common.status_completed_description": "They've now made a booking. If it's over €200, your Kiwi.com Credit account will receive €20 as if by magic.",
5159 "pages.buddy.common.status_invited": "Invited",
5160 "pages.buddy.common.status_invited_description": "The invitation has been sent.",
5161 "pages.buddy.common.status_invite_expired": "Invitation expired",
5162 "pages.buddy.common.status_invite_expired_description": "It’s been over 14 days and your friend hasn’t accepted the invitation.",
5163 "pages.buddy.common.status_reward_expired": "Voucher expired",
5164 "pages.buddy.common.status_reward_expired_description": "It’s been over 12 months and your friend hasn’t used their €20 voucher.",
5165 "pages.buddy.date_sent": "Date sent",
5166 "pages.buddy.guide.step1": "Enter your friend's email address. Send them an invite. Spread the wealth.",
5167 "pages.buddy.guide.step2": "Encourage them to book before their offer expires. You'll receive your credit after they make a €200 booking.",
5168 "pages.buddy.guide.step3": "Travel the world for less with credit from your referrals.",
5169 "pages.buddy.guide.title": "Earn up to €5,000 ",
5170 "pages.buddy.how.faq.anything_else_answer": "If you don’t use the full credit amount, you can’t claim the difference. Also, credit can’t be applied retroactively. Kiwi.com reserves the right to withdraw credit or voucher codes if we suspect any suspicious activity. Other than that, invite your friends and travel for less.",
5171 "pages.buddy.how.faq.anything_else_question": "Anything else I should know?",
5172 "pages.buddy.how.faq.how_start_answer": "If you have a friend who would love our service, enter their email address.",
5173 "pages.buddy.how.faq.how_start_question": "So how do I start?",
5174 "pages.buddy.how.faq.know_friends_answer": "After you enter your friends’ email details, each one will appear in a list with one of five statuses shown: ",
5175 "pages.buddy.how.faq.know_friends_question": "How do I know if my friends are using the service?",
5176 "pages.buddy.how.faq.limit_invite_answer": "No, none at all. There is, however, a €5,000 limit to the amount of credit you can receive. You are also only permitted to refer personal contacts that you believe would appreciate our service. If referral links are published or distributed where we don’t believe that all or most of the recipients are personal friends, we reserve the right to cancel the credit.",
5177 "pages.buddy.how.faq.limit_invite_question": "Is there a limit to how many people I can invite?",
5178 "pages.buddy.how.faq.privacy_protection_answer": "The European law protects users against unsolicited commercial emails and generally requires a sender to obtain a prior consent from the recipient. By confirming the invite with the provided email address, you declare that you have obtained consent from the email's owner to refer them to our product and services.",
5179 "pages.buddy.how.faq.privacy_protection_question": "What about the protection of privacy?",
5180 "pages.buddy.how.faq.refer_self_answer": "No. Referrals must be genuine. If you send invitations to yourself, your Kiwi.com Credit and vouchers will be lost.",
5181 "pages.buddy.how.faq.refer_self_question": "Can I refer myself?",
5182 "pages.buddy.how.faq.signup_limit_answer": "After you refer your friends, they have 14 days to sign up and claim their €20.",
5183 "pages.buddy.how.faq.signup_limit_question": "Is there a time limit for signing up?",
5184 "pages.buddy.how.faq.time_limit_answer": "A whole year! Twelve entire months! If you get credit from more than one person, each one is valid for one year from the date you received it.",
5185 "pages.buddy.how.faq.time_limit_question": "Is there a time limit for credit?",
5186 "pages.buddy.how.faq.what_receive_answer": "You'll receive €20 in Kiwi.com Credit for every person you invite: after they book a trip worth more than €200. To encourage them to make their first booking, each of your friends will also receive €20.",
5187 "pages.buddy.how.faq.what_receive_question": "What do I receive?",
5188 "pages.buddy.how.faqs": "FAQs",
5189 "pages.buddy.how.first_flight": "Your friends book their first trips with Kiwi.com",
5190 "pages.buddy.how.invite_friends": "Invite your friends",
5191 "pages.buddy.how.receive_credit": "Both of you receive €20 to spend with Kiwi.com!",
5192 "pages.buddy.how.title": "How it works",
5193 "pages.buddy.intro.friend_agrees": "Make sure that your friend agrees with the invite.",
5194 "pages.buddy.intro.information": "\n <span>Sign in or register to spread the wealth.</span>\n <span>Earn credits to travel the world.</span>\n ",
5195 "pages.buddy.intro.input_label": "Enter as many emails as you want.",
5196 "pages.buddy.intro.subtitle": "\n <span>Refer a friend to book with Kiwi.com.</span>\n <span>You'll receive €20 in credit. Your friend will, too.</span>\n ",
5197 "pages.buddy.intro.title": "Get your friends on board.",
5198 "pages.buddy.intro.voucher": "Your friend just sent you a €20  voucher.",
5199 "pages.buddy.landing.checking": "Sedang memeriksa",
5200 "pages.buddy.landing.empty_emails": "Add a valid email address",
5201 "pages.buddy.landing.invalid_email": "Invalid email",
5202 "pages.buddy.landing.invite": "Invite",
5203 "pages.buddy.landing.lead": "Get your friends on board and earn €20",
5204 "pages.buddy.landing.referrals": "Referrals",
5205 "pages.buddy.landing.sending": "Sending",
5206 "pages.buddy.landing.sent": "Sent",
5207 "pages.buddy.landing.sign_up_to_invite": "<a>Sign up / sign in</a> to start inviting friends",
5208 "pages.buddy.landing.sublead": "Refer a friend to book with Kiwi.com. You'll receive €20 in credit. Your friend will, too.",
5209 "pages.buddy.landing.title": "Refer a Friend",
5210 "pages.buddy.landing.used_email": "Already joined",
5211 "pages.buddy.register.intro_text": "We believe in helping travelers and their budgets go further. Join us to claim your €20 reward and discover the cheapest, safest way to travel — protected by the <a rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://www.kiwi.com/pages/guarantee\">Kiwi.com Guarantee</a>.",
5212 "pages.buddy.register.title": "A rewarding travel experience",
5213 "pages.buddy.your_invitations": "Your invitations",
5214 "pages.common.about": "About",
5215 "pages.common.company_info": "Company info",
5216 "pages.common.enter_email": "Enter email address",
5217 "pages.common.faq": "FAQ",
5218 "pages.common.jobs": "Jobs",
5219 "pages.common.mobile": "Mobile app",
5220 "pages.common.partnership": "Partnership",
5221 "pages.common.people": "People",
5222 "pages.common.product": "Product",
5223 "pages.common.terms_and_conditions": "Full Terms and Conditions",
5224 "pages.company.fact_average_seats": "Average seats sold per day",
5225 "pages.company.fact_daily_bookings": "Daily bookings",
5226 "pages.company.fact_employees": "Crew members",
5227 "pages.company.fact_invested": "Invested in total",
5228 "pages.company.fact_revenue": "Revenue growth in 2015",
5229 "pages.company.fact_sales": "Turnover in 2017",
5230 "pages.company.fact_sales.2018": "Turnover in 2018",
5231 "pages.company.fact_sales.2019": "Turnover in 2019",
5232 "pages.company.fact_seats_sold": "Daily seats sold",
5233 "pages.company.jobs_title": "We’re growing fast, and we’d love for you to join us",
5234 "pages.company.subtitle": "By travelers, for travelers",
5235 "pages.company.team_button": "Meet the team",
5236 "pages.company.team_title": "We believe in talented individuals",
5237 "pages.company.timeline.acquire": "We acquire WhichAirline, a flight search engine, boosting users and revenue.",
5238 "pages.company.timeline.acquire_date": "JANUARY 2014",
5239 "pages.company.timeline.amadeus_deal": "Kiwi.com and Amadeus sign the Kiwideus contract creating the largest local flights database in the world.",
5240 "pages.company.timeline.amadeus_deal_date": "JUNE 2017",
5241 "pages.company.timeline.endEvent": "Revenue growth hits 1,500%",
5242 "pages.company.timeline.fastest_growth": "Kiwi.com named the fastest-growing technology company in Central Europe by Deloitte’s Technology Fast 50 Central Europe in the Rising Star category.",
5243 "pages.company.timeline.fastest_growth_date": "OCTOBER 2017",
5244 "pages.company.timeline.first_investment": "Czech entrepreneur Jiří Hlavenka invests in the idea.",
5245 "pages.company.timeline.first_investment_date": "JANUARY 2012",
5246 "pages.company.timeline.forbes_best_czech_startup": "__companyName__ named best Czech startup by Forbes Magazine second year in a row.",
5247 "pages.company.timeline.forbes_best_czech_startup_date": "JUNE 2018",
5248 "pages.company.timeline.general_atlantic_stake": "General Atlantic invests in Kiwi.com",
5249 "pages.company.timeline.general_atlantic_stake_date": "JUNE 2019",
5250 "pages.company.timeline.growth_doubles": "Our rate of growth doubles.",
5251 "pages.company.timeline.growth_doubles_date": "JANUARY 2015",
5252 "pages.company.timeline.kiwi_founded": "__oldBrand__ is founded and development starts on our unique flight combination algorithm.",
5253 "pages.company.timeline.kiwi_founded_date": "APRIL 2012",
5254 "pages.company.timeline.mulitimodal_search": "We implement 4 on-ground carriers into our new multimodal search.",
5255 "pages.company.timeline.mulitimodal_search_date": "FEBRUARY 2018",
5256 "pages.company.timeline.revenue": "Revenue grows from 330 mil in 2016 to 700 mil Euro in 2017.",
5257 "pages.company.timeline.revenue_date": "DECEMBER 2017",
5258 "pages.company.timeline.revenue_forecast": "Kiwi.com named best Czech startup by Forbes Magazine second year in a row.",
5259 "pages.company.timeline.revenue_forecast_date": "JUNE 2018",
5260 "pages.company.timeline.startEvent": "While struggling to book cheap flights for a holiday, Oliver Dlouhý has an idea that could change the world. He finds Jozef Képesi to help develop their own flight search engine.",
5261 "pages.company.timeline.supercarrier": "Kiwi.com becomes the first Virtual Global Supercarrier",
5262 "pages.company.timeline.supercarrier_date": "NOVEMBER 2019",
5263 "pages.company.timeline.tequila": "Kiwi.com launched Tequila at the Phocuswright conference.",
5264 "pages.company.timeline.tequila_date": "NOVEMBER 2018",
5265 "pages.company.timeline.value_company": "Ondrej Tomek, an e-commerce entrepreneur, values the company at €8.3m with his investment.",
5266 "pages.company.timeline.value_company_date": "FEBRUARY 2015",
5267 "pages.company.title": "One of the fastest growing companies in the world",
5268 "pages.fake_door.error.message": "Don’t worry, it’s coming soon.",
5269 "pages.fake_door.error.title": "Sorry, we haven’t made this feature available in your location yet.",
5270 "pages.fake_door.food_delivery.body": "Kiwi.com is now offering food delivery near you, and we’d love for you to try it out! Simply click on the link and have a look at the offers.",
5271 "pages.fake_door.food_delivery.cta": "Find food",
5272 "pages.fake_door.food_delivery.headline": "World of food",
5273 "pages.fake_door.food_delivery.sub_head": "Hungry? Kiwi.com delivers",
5274 "pages.fake_door.mobility.body": "We’re always looking to make travel quicker, cleaner and more convenient, so we’re working with local bike and scooter-sharing companies to help you get where you’re going more easily. Check out our personal mobility options and see what’s on offer.",
5275 "pages.fake_door.mobility.cta": "Check out scooters and bikes",
5276 "pages.fake_door.mobility.headline": "Door-to-door, directly",
5277 "pages.fake_door.mobility.sub_head": "Try Kiwi.com’s new shared mobility service today",
5278 "pages.fake_door.public_transport.body": "We’ve been making travel better over long distances for ages, so now we’re expanding into local public transport networks, making travel better every day. You can check schedules for transport around by simply clicking on this link!",
5279 "pages.fake_door.public_transport.cta": "Start planning",
5280 "pages.fake_door.public_transport.headline": "Daily travel, sorted",
5281 "pages.fake_door.public_transport.sub_head": "Hop on, hop off with Kiwi.com",
5282 "pages.fake_door.ride_hailing.body": "We’re always looking to make travel quicker and more convenient, so we’re working with taxi services near you to help you get where you’re going with the minimum of fuss. Check out our new taxi services and see what’s on offer!",
5283 "pages.fake_door.ride_hailing.cta": "Search taxis",
5284 "pages.fake_door.ride_hailing.headline": "Door-to-door, directly",
5285 "pages.fake_door.ride_hailing.sub_head": "Try Kiwi.com’s new taxi hire service today",
5286 "pages.footer.care": "Care __companyName__",
5287 "pages.footer.kiwi_guarantee": "__companyName__ Guarantee",
5288 "pages.footer.live_chat": "Live Chat",
5289 "pages.footer.media_room": "Media Room",
5290 "pages.footer.press_kit": "Media Room",
5291 "pages.footer.privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
5292 "pages.footer.security": "Security",
5293 "pages.footer.sign_in": "Sign in",
5294 "pages.footer.sign_up": "Register",
5295 "pages.footer.sitemap": "Site map",
5296 "pages.footer.terms_and_conditions": "Terms & Conditions",
5297 "pages.footer.terms_of_use": "Terms of Use",
5298 "pages.footer.title_company": "Company",
5299 "pages.footer.title_features": "Features",
5300 "pages.footer.title_platform": "Platform",
5301 "pages.guarantee.cooperation.condition_changes": "Don’t make any flight changes without our approval.",
5302 "pages.guarantee.cooperation.condition_inform": "Inform us as soon as you're aware of any situation that affects your trip.",
5303 "pages.guarantee.cooperation.condition_payment": "If we agree that you should buy a flight which is not available online, we must receive your email with proof of payment within 14 days.",
5304 "pages.guarantee.cooperation.condition_respond": "Respond to all our offers within 24 hours.",
5305 "pages.guarantee.cooperation.subtitle": "Please follow these steps to ensure the best possible outcome:",
5306 "pages.guarantee.cooperation.title": "All we need is <strong>a little cooperation</strong>",
5307 "pages.guarantee.cooperation.warning": "Unfortunately, if you do not follow these instructions, your Guarantee may be voided.",
5308 "pages.guarantee.included.accommodation_desc": "If the delay is more than 8 hours overnight.",
5309 "pages.guarantee.included.accommodation_title": "OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATION",
5310 "pages.guarantee.included.food_desc": "If the delay is more than 4 hours.",
5311 "pages.guarantee.included.food_title": "FOOD AND DRINK",
5312 "pages.guarantee.included.subtitle": "We’ll contribute to the following if you get stuck:",
5313 "pages.guarantee.included.title": "What else is included?",
5314 "pages.guarantee.included.transport_desc": "To cover all passengers in the booking.",
5315 "pages.guarantee.included.transport_title": "TRANSPORT TO ANOTHER AIRPORT",
5316 "pages.guarantee.offer.alternative_flight": "Alternative flight",
5317 "pages.guarantee.offer.alternative_flight_desc": "to your destination",
5318 "pages.guarantee.offer.price": "Refund the cost",
5319 "pages.guarantee.offer.price_desc": "of your unused tickets",
5320 "pages.guarantee.offer.title": "If this happens, <strong>we will offer you:</strong>",
5321 "pages.guarantee.offer.warning": "The decision is yours when there are less than 48 hours until departure, otherwise, we choose.",
5322 "pages.guarantee.protect.flight_cancel_desc": "Your flight could be canceled unexpectedly.",
5323 "pages.guarantee.protect.flight_cancel_title": "Flight cancellations",
5324 "pages.guarantee.protect.flight_delay_desc": "Traveling with connections? You could miss a flight because of a previous delay.",
5325 "pages.guarantee.protect.flight_delay_title": "Flight delays",
5326 "pages.guarantee.protect.title": "<strong>Our Guarantee</strong> protects you from: ",
5327 "pages.guarantee.schedule_change_desc": "One of your flights might be rescheduled by the airline. This can affect the rest of your itinerary.",
5328 "pages.guarantee.schedule_change_title": "Schedule changes",
5329 "pages.guarantee.title": "Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered",
5330 "pages.ota.faq.a_add_unique_content": "Send an email to b2b@kiwi.com and let us know whether you prefer our Search API or our Booking API. ",
5331 "pages.ota.faq.a_already_have_gateway": "You should send us a deposit to pre-pay for your customers' bookings. This way you can keep receiving payments from your users and we'll deduct the cost of each booking from your deposit.",
5332 "pages.ota.faq.a_booking_api_gateway": "Yes, we can provide our preferred payment gateway solution that you can use on your website.",
5333 "pages.ota.faq.a_check_sales_numbers": "We provide our partners with access to our reporting platform where you’ll be able to check your performance and sales numbers.",
5334 "pages.ota.faq.a_how_access_platform": "Just send an email to affiliate@kiwi.com and we'll provide you with login details to our website with further instructions. ",
5335 "pages.ota.faq.a_how_guarantee_works": "In case a cancellation, delay, or rescheduling of any of the legs results in missing a flight, we’ll either buy an alternative flight or issue a refund. Find more information about the <a href='/pages/guarantee'>__companyName__ Guarantee here</a>",
5336 "pages.ota.faq.a_how_settlements_work": "We’re very flexible regarding commission payments and invoicing. Make sure you discuss this with your account manager to find the best option.",
5337 "pages.ota.faq.a_start_with_search_api": "Sure, if your business needs change over time, you can first implement the Search API and then add the Booking API afterwards.",
5338 "pages.ota.faq.a_still_building_website": "Yes, we can start by sending you the contract and the API documentation so that your developers can have a look at it while building the website.",
5339 "pages.ota.faq.a_test_api": "Yes, the Search API and the Booking API can both be tested before going live.",
5340 "pages.ota.faq.q_add_unique_content": "How do I add __companyName__'s unique content to my own flight search website?",
5341 "pages.ota.faq.q_already_have_gateway": "I’m interested in the Booking API but I already have a payment gateway that I’d like to keep using. How do I pay for the flights booked with __companyName__?",
5342 "pages.ota.faq.q_booking_api_gateway": "I’m interested in the Booking API but I don’t have a payment gateway on my site for my users to make payments. Can you provide one?",
5343 "pages.ota.faq.q_check_sales_numbers": "Where can I check how many sales I’ve generated?",
5344 "pages.ota.faq.q_how_access_platform": "I'm a travel agent and would like to book flights through __companyName__. How do I get access to your platform?",
5345 "pages.ota.faq.q_how_guarantee_works": "How does the __companyName__ Guarantee work?",
5346 "pages.ota.faq.q_how_settlements_work": "How will the commission be paid?",
5347 "pages.ota.faq.q_start_with_search_api": "Can I start with the Search API and then implement the Booking API afterwards?",
5348 "pages.ota.faq.q_still_building_website": "I am still building my website but I would like to have __companyName__ content on it and get a __companyName__ API eventually. Can I get a __companyName__ API anyway?",
5349 "pages.ota.faq.q_test_api": "Is it possible to test the API?",
5350 "pages.partner.affiliate.benefits_commission": "BEST COMMISSION IN THE INDUSTRY",
5351 "pages.partner.affiliate.benefits_cookies": "30 DAY COOKIE PERIOD",
5352 "pages.partner.affiliate.benefits_free": "IT’S ALL FREE",
5353 "pages.partner.affiliate.benefits_performance": "PERFORMANCE BONUSES",
5354 "pages.partner.affiliate.benefits_support": "SUPPORT FROM DEDICATED MANAGERS",
5355 "pages.partner.affiliate.benefits_title": "Why join __companyName__'s Affiliate program?",
5356 "pages.partner.affiliate.benefits_tools": "GREAT AFFILIATE TOOLS",
5357 "pages.partner.affiliate.contact": "Contact __url__",
5358 "pages.partner.affiliate.faq.a_dont_generate_sales": "First of all, make sure your Affilid is set up correctly and that the tracking process is working properly. It’s important to place your affiliate tools on the most visible part of your website. If you're new to affiliate marketing, you need to be patient because it may take some time to generate your first few sales. You should create unique content, attract a following, grow your audience, and promote the website and products. If you think something's broken or if you need help, just send an email to affiliate@kiwi.com.",
5359 "pages.partner.affiliate.faq.a_entitled_to_commission_if_cancel": "Yes, canceled flights do not affect your commission at all.",
5360 "pages.partner.affiliate.faq.a_first_or_last_click": "We work on the last-click attribution model. The commission is awarded to the last source that brought the sale — so the last click wins.",
5361 "pages.partner.affiliate.faq.a_how_much_is_commission": "We offer a generous commission — 3% of the sale!",
5362 "pages.partner.affiliate.faq.a_multiple_websites": "Yes, you can create Sub IDs in our system and monitor all of your websites from one account. To separate your websites, just add an underscore symbol and a shortcut for sub IDs after your Affilid. E.g. affilid=website_abc, affilid=website_xyz, etc.",
5363 "pages.partner.affiliate.faq.a_should_send_invoice": "No, you don’t need to send us an invoice: our system generates invoices automatically every month. If you need to issue your own invoices, please let us know in advance.",
5364 "pages.partner.affiliate.faq.a_what_counts": "We work on the cost per action model or CPA, and a sale counts as the conversion.",
5365 "pages.partner.affiliate.faq.a_when_receive_payment": "Your commission will be paid monthly in arrears. We'll let you know as soon as you exceed the minimum payout amount so that you can send us your financial details. ",
5366 "pages.partner.affiliate.faq.a_where_is_sum_of_sales": "From your account, you can keep track of your sales and commission figures. We'll provide you with an overview and reports.",
5367 "pages.partner.affiliate.faq.a_who_can_join": "The affiliate program is for anyone who has a website, a blog, a travel section, or a travel-related project. We accept applications from a huge range of websites including travel blogs, cashbacks, promo and discount portals, etc. We reserve the right to refuse applications from websites that contain inappropriate content Check our T&Cs for more info.",
5368 "pages.partner.affiliate.faq.q_dont_generate_sales": "I'm not generating any sales. Am I doing something wrong?",
5369 "pages.partner.affiliate.faq.q_entitled_to_commission_if_cancel": " Am I still entitled to my commission if the flight was canceled?",
5370 "pages.partner.affiliate.faq.q_first_or_last_click": "Which click wins — the first one or the last one?",
5371 "pages.partner.affiliate.faq.q_how_much_is_commission": "How much commission will I make?",
5372 "pages.partner.affiliate.faq.q_multiple_websites": "Can I use one account to manage multiple websites?",
5373 "pages.partner.affiliate.faq.q_should_send_invoice": "Do I need to send an invoice? ",
5374 "pages.partner.affiliate.faq.q_what_counts": "What counts as a conversion?",
5375 "pages.partner.affiliate.faq.q_when_receive_payment": "When will I receive my commission payment?",
5376 "pages.partner.affiliate.faq.q_where_is_sum_of_sales": "Where can I see my total sales and commission amounts?",
5377 "pages.partner.affiliate.faq.q_who_can_join": "Who can join the program?",
5378 "pages.partner.affiliate.steps_commission": "Collect your commission",
5379 "pages.partner.affiliate.steps_promote": "Promote __companyName__ and wait for the first purchase",
5380 "pages.partner.affiliate.steps_setup_tools": "Put the tools on your website",
5381 "pages.partner.affiliate.steps_sign_up": "Sign up for your affiliate tools",
5382 "pages.partner.affiliate.subtitle": "Do you have a website or a blog? Do you use email or social media for promotions? You can earn some extra cash by becoming an affiliate partner.",
5383 "pages.partner.affiliate.title": "Affiliate program",
5384 "pages.partner.airlines.benefits_coverage": "GET GLOBAL COVERAGE IN 65 LANGUAGES AND 60 LOCAL CURRENCIES",
5386 "pages.partner.airlines.benefits_fees": "SAVE ON CURRENCY HANDLING AND PAYMENT PROCESSING FEES",
5387 "pages.partner.airlines.benefits_integrate": "INTEGRATE EASILY — WE CAN WORK WITH YOUR TECHNOLOGY",
5388 "pages.partner.airlines.benefits_save": "SAVE ON DISTRIBUTION COSTS AND GDS BOOKING FEES",
5389 "pages.partner.airlines.benefits_support": "TREAT YOUR CLIENTS TO EXCELLENT 24/7 CUSTOMER SUPPORT",
5390 "pages.partner.airlines.benefits_title": "With __companyName__ you will:",
5391 "pages.partner.airlines.subtitle": "Looking for a free, disruptive distribution channel with a global reach? Trying to widen your customer base outside your flight network? Perfect, you’re in the right place.",
5392 "pages.partner.airlines.title": "Airline / Airline consolidator",
5393 "pages.partner.b2b.contact": "Contact <a href=\"mailto:b2b@__brandDomain__\">b2b@__brandDomain__</a>",
5394 "pages.partner.guarantee_button": "About our guarantee",
5395 "pages.partner.guarantee_title": "We guarantee every flight combination to protect you from the unexpected.",
5396 "pages.partner.ota.benefits_api": "BLAZING FAST, EASY-TO-IMPLEMENT API",
5397 "pages.partner.ota.benefits_combinations": "ACCESS TO OUR UNIQUE, VIRTUALLY INTERLINED FLIGHT COMBINATIONS",
5398 "pages.partner.ota.benefits_commission": "BEST COMMISSION IN THE INDUSTRY",
5399 "pages.partner.ota.benefits_data": "FRESH AND ACCURATE DATA FOR BOTH LEGACY AND LOW-COST CARRIERS",
5400 "pages.partner.ota.benefits_payments": "USE YOUR PAYMENT GATEWAY OR OUR PAYMENT SOLUTION",
5401 "pages.partner.ota.benefits_support": "EXCELLENT 24/7 CUSTOMER SUPPORT FOR YOUR CLIENTS",
5402 "pages.partner.ota.benefits_title": "Why cooperate with __companyName__?",
5403 "pages.partner.ota.steps_api": "Test and implement our API with your website/app",
5404 "pages.partner.ota.steps_commission": "Collect your commission",
5405 "pages.partner.ota.steps_earning": "Go live and start earning commission for every booking",
5406 "pages.partner.ota.steps_sign": "Sign the contract and get access to our API",
5407 "pages.partner.ota.subtitle": "If you’re an online travel agency or you have a metasearch engine, you’ll benefit from our unique content. Come work with us.",
5408 "pages.partner.ota.title": "OTA and metasearch partnership",
5409 "pages.partner.subtitle": "We’re changing the travel industry, and you can be a part of it. Select the type of partnership you’re interested in.",
5410 "pages.partner.tab_affiliate": "Affiliate program",
5411 "pages.partner.tab_airlines": "Airlines",
5412 "pages.partner.tab_ota": "OTA & metasearch",
5413 "pages.partner.title": "__companyName__ Partnership",
5414 "pages.people.directors.andrej-makovicky_bio": "Andrej has been with the company since 2015. He joined as a project manager for cooperation between marketing and engineering departments and worked on many projects across the company. Andrej then became lead the Search department, which has been closely followed by Data Science team and Analytics teams. After this Andrej moved to VP position, and benefits from his technical background both from education in applied informatics, and actively being a fullstack developer.",
5415 "pages.people.directors.andrej-makovicky_title": "VP of Search",
5416 "pages.people.directors.andrew-blagg_bio": "Andrew brings an agency and brand consultancy background to Kiwi.com, helping the company grow the B2C brand offering. Andrew has helped shape and define global brands and created advertising campaigns for Apple, Bentley, Danone, Nestle, Samsung, Sony, Sony PlayStation, Sky, and Visa. ",
5417 "pages.people.directors.andrewblagg_title": "VP of Brand and Global Communications",
5418 "pages.people.directors.daniel-finnegan_bio": "Daniel is an independent Board Director for Kiwi.com, who was formerly the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Accounting Officer of The Priceline Group Inc. (now Booking Holdings), which is a parent company of KAYAK, Booking.com, and other big travel brands.",
5419 "pages.people.directors.daniel-finnegan_title": "Independent Board Director",
5420 "pages.people.directors.david-liskutin_bio": "David is helping __companyName__ securing the legal agenda since the early stages of our boom. He has a background in the judiciary and several prominent law firms. He negotiated our major partnerships and supports __companyName__’s rapid growth.",
5421 "pages.people.directors.david-pavlik_bio": "David returned from Silicon Valley in July 2018 to take charge of our IT strategy and internal processes. His experience at SpaceX, Microsoft, and Netflix will be invaluable as we look to achieve new heights in the travel industry.",
5422 "pages.people.directors.davidliskutin_title": "General Counsel",
5423 "pages.people.directors.davidpavlik_title": "Chief Information Officer",
5424 "pages.people.directors.gilles-karle_bio": "Gilles has a strong background in the travel industry, having been involved in several complex, strategic projects with GDSs, airlines and OTAs over the past 12 years. Gilles started to cooperate with us in late 2016 and participates in strategic decisions and projects to support the company’s impressive growth.",
5425 "pages.people.directors.gilleskarle_title": "Chief of strategy",
5426 "pages.people.directors.golan-shaked_bio": "Golan has a proven track record in driving growth for technology companies and a continued focus on the end-consumer throughout his career in companies such as Deezer and TIN.tv. In Kiwi.com, Golan manages the company's commercial strategy, including brand proposition, customer acquisition and retention, and global partnerships.",
5427 "pages.people.directors.golan-shaked_title": "Chief Commercial Officer",
5428 "pages.people.directors.jessie-cai_bio": "Jessie is a Vice President at General Atlantic and focuses on investments in the firm’s Technology sector. Jessie is also a board member of Kiwi.com.",
5429 "pages.people.directors.jessie-cai_title": "Vice President, General Atlantic",
5430 "pages.people.directors.jozef-kepesi_bio": "Jozef is responsible for the technological success of __companyName__. He created the first functional version of our search engine and contributed to our unique algorithm for finding cheap flights. Currently, he leads the IT team and our technological development.",
5431 "pages.people.directors.jozefkepesi_title": "Co-Founder, Chief Technology Officer",
5432 "pages.people.directors.juraj-striezenec_bio": "Juraj oversees the long-term strategy of the organization and he joined us from Ernst & Young. One of his main roles is to maintain our stability which is a challenge — we may just be the most dynamic company in the travel industry.",
5433 "pages.people.directors.jurajstriezenec_title": "Chief Financial Officer",
5434 "pages.people.directors.kamil-jagodzinski_bio": "Kamil has a proven track record in organizational change management and strategic planning from his previous position as Head of Project Management. We believe that under his leadership, our Customer Support department will enable __companyName__ to become the market leader in the travel industry.",
5435 "pages.people.directors.kamiljagodzinski_title": "Chief Customer Service Officer",
5436 "pages.people.directors.katerina-gabova_bio": "Kateřina joined __companyName__ as our HR Director in 2016. Recruitment is one of the biggest challenges that we face as a dynamic startup. Kateřina introduced advanced processes to fulfil our recruitment needs and ensure our stability as we grow. ",
5437 "pages.people.directors.katerinagabova_title": "Chief HR Officer",
5438 "pages.people.directors.leonard-mccullie_bio": "Leonard joined Kiwi.com with 30 years professional experience, with the last 16 years being in the global outsourcing industry, performing operational roles covering the financial services, travel and utilities sector. He evaluates alternatives, performs appropriate cost/benefit analysis, and recommend solutions that minimize costs commensurate with acceptable risks. Additionally, he leads global CS projects with company-wide impact in functional areas related to overall company growth goals.",
5439 "pages.people.directors.leonard-mccullie_title": "VP of Vendor Management",
5440 "pages.people.directors.lubos-charcenko_bio": "Luboš was only 21 years old when he joined __companyName__ and has become the cornerstone of the company. He was already experienced in leading a team of developers at MSI and his talent shone through during the development of our search algorithm.",
5441 "pages.people.directors.luboscharcenko_title": "Chief Automation Officer",
5442 "pages.people.directors.martin-ratolistka_bio": "Martin has truly made his career with __companyName__. He joined us three years ago as a blogger and has risen through the ranks — founding two major departments in the process. First, he co-founded our BizDev department that manages our airline partnerships. Now he heads up our Data & Automation Team which has grown tenfold under his leadership.",
5443 "pages.people.directors.martinratolistka_title": "Chief Order Processing Officer",
5444 "pages.people.directors.michal-sindelar_bio": "Michal handles a major part of what customers see while using Kiwi.com. He is responsible for the booking flow with the merchandising activities, self-service capabilities, and more. Michal joined the company in 2014, and has experiences in technical and product positions such as Technical Team Lead or Head of Tribe. Michal is a part of Senior Management, which drives the product forward.",
5445 "pages.people.directors.michal-sindelar_title": "VP of Consumer Product",
5446 "pages.people.directors.oliver-dlouhy_bio": "Oliver had the bright idea of virtual interlining when he was searching for cheap flights as a student. He created a search engine to find what he couldn’t elsewhere. Just four years later __companyName__ is considered one of the most innovative travel tools in the industry.",
5447 "pages.people.directors.oliverdlouhy_title": "Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer",
5448 "pages.people.directors.ondrej-cikanek_bio": "Ondrej makes sure that we offer and book the best possible transportation options to all types of our customers. He presents the bridge between the technological and business-oriented parts of the company, with a focus on improving the ways we cooperate with our content sources and suppliers. Ondrej joined us in 2015 as a Business Developer and has been managing partnerships with suppliers since then. He moved to Engineering in 2018 and became a VP in March 2019.",
5449 "pages.people.directors.ondrej-cikanek_title": "VP of Content",
5450 "pages.people.directors.patrik-novak_bio": "Patrik initially joined Kiwi.com in 2016 as a Payment Manager. In August 2019, Patrik became our new VP of eCommerce, focusing on the checkout experience as a part of the customer's journey. Patrik is responsible for facilitating access to the latest payment methods and related products, as well as creating a partnership network with acquirers, banks and card providers.",
5451 "pages.people.directors.patrik-novak_title": "VP of Financial Solutions",
5452 "pages.people.directors.pavel-zak_bio": "Originally co-founder of Trinerdis — a mobile app development company — Pavel was the one who, back in 2013, programmed the first iOS app for __oldBrand__. Several years later, he and the Trinerdis team joined Kiwi.com, forming our Mobile Department, with a focus on developing the ultimate mobile travel app.",
5453 "pages.people.directors.pavelzak_title": "Chief Mobile Product Officer",
5454 "pages.people.directors.petra-vaskovych_bio": "Petra joined __companyName__ in 2014 and leads from the front. With unfailing enthusiasm, she inspires her colleagues to be more productive and creative. Previously, Petra proved her qualities as the Marketing Director and Product Manager at Tripomatic.",
5455 "pages.people.directors.petravaskovych_title": "Chief Product Officer",
5456 "pages.people.directors.raymond-vrijenhoek_bio": "Raymond joined Kiwi.com in May 2019, and leads the effort to connect and respectively execute all the company’s communication and growth activities to establish Kiwi.com’s global strategic communication strategy. Raymond has an in-depth and vast experience on how to run and grow an international business, possesses a great and valuable network with industry players, and understands an organisation’s needs. He has held senior managerial roles at Sabre Travel Network, Otravo, Travix, TUI, Transavia Airlines, Amadeus, and more.",
5457 "pages.people.directors.raymond-vrijenhoek_title": "VP of Brand and Strategic Communications",
5458 "pages.people.directors.renata-prokesova_bio": "Renata is experienced in adapting the working environment to the needs of fast-growing companies. Her role is to manage our office expansion, provide excellent working conditions, and ensure the health and safety of our employees.",
5459 "pages.people.directors.renataprokesova_title": "Facilities Director",
5460 "pages.people.directors.roman-studeny_bio": "Roman joined the Kiwi.com family in September 2016 as a Project Manager. He was a part of multiple projects in a company like the internal system Kiwibase, and our B2B platform, Tequila. Within his position he started to build a new tribe, the Search Clients Tribe, which is covering both platforms - Web and Mobile Apps supported by GraphQL backend. Roman has 10+ years of working experience in multiple companies as a Frontend Developer, or in IT/Project Managers’ positions.",
5461 "pages.people.directors.roman-studeny_title": "VP of Search Clients",
5462 "pages.people.directors.stanislav-komanec_bio": "Stano created and currently manages the Platform team that works as an interface between Kiwi.com’s business logic applications and the 3rd party providers of hardware and tools, as well as open-source libraries. Stano joined the company as a backend developer in 2015, and has worked on many key projects. To make the best use of his experience and lessons learnt, he established the Platform Team in 2017. Since then, Stano became VP in 2019, and works closely with the CTO on the tech vision of Kiwi.com, as well as engineering hiring, and more.",
5463 "pages.people.directors.stanislav-komanec_title": "VP of Engineering",
5464 "pages.people.directors.stanislav-stefanic_bio": "Stanley joined Kiwi.com in 2015 as a Software Engineer and Data Analyst. Currently, Stanley is Vice President of Engineering, and his mission is to ensure future growth and scalability of our engineering team. He participates in defining engineering vision, structure, guidelines and processes, and ongoing improvements of engineering delivery, efficiency and effectiveness. He builds bridges between engineering and other departments, and takes care of people allocation — including vendors and sites management.",
5465 "pages.people.directors.stanislav-stefanic_title": "VP of Engineering",
5466 "pages.people.directors.stephen-davis_bio": "Stephen worked his way up through the ranks of companies such as Expedia, and more recently American Airlines to become their Director of Global Marketing. With a strong track record of innovative brand-building, we’re delighted to have Stephen focussing his efforts into making __companyName__ a world-leading brand.",
5467 "pages.people.directors.stephendavis_title": "Chief Marketing Officer",
5468 "pages.people.directors.tanzeen-syed_bio": "Tanzeen is a Managing Director at General Atlantic and focuses on investments in the firm’s Technology sector. Tanzeen sits as a board member of Kiwi.com.",
5469 "pages.people.directors.tanzeen-syed_title": "Managing Director, General Atlantic",
5470 "pages.people.directors.zdenek-komenda_bio": "Zdeněk has sales and business development skills in his blood. While still at school, he was already a sales rep for Nextra — a Czech telecoms company. Later, he founded an e-shop, did marketing for Nintendo and L’Oreal, and worked as a Production Team Leader for Amazon.",
5471 "pages.people.directors.zdenekkomenda_title": "Chief Business Development Officer",
5472 "pages.people.directors_subtitle": "Our leaders combine experience from all sectors",
5473 "pages.people.directors_title": "Board of Directors",
5474 "pages.people.jobs_title": "We’re growing fast, and we’d love for you to join us",
5475 "pages.people.read_bio": "Read Bio",
5476 "pages.people.sections.board-of-directors": "Board of Directors",
5477 "pages.people.sections.executive-board": "Executive Board",
5478 "pages.people.sections.senior-management": "Senior Management",
5479 "pages.people.subtitle": "Meet the team",
5480 "pages.people.title": "We believe in talented individuals",
5481 "pages.product.guarantee_description": "Worried about missing your connection? The __companyName__ Guarantee has you covered.",
5482 "pages.product.guarantee_title": "__companyName__ Guarantee",
5483 "pages.product.inspirational_description": "Imagine a globe with a price next to every destination. It’s real. Now pick a dream holiday to match your budget.",
5484 "pages.product.inspirational_title": "Inspirational",
5485 "pages.product.offline_description": "Offline access to your boarding passes, notifications to lead the way, and Price Alerts to grab the best deals.",
5486 "pages.product.offline_title": "On the move",
5487 "pages.product.subtitle": "Kiwi.com is building the world's first Virtual Global Supercarrier, combining air and ground transport, ride-hailing, and micro-mobility, so you can get from any A to any B easily.",
5488 "pages.product.support_description": "24/7 assistance in 13 languages with a rating of ‘Excellent’ on Trustpilot.",
5489 "pages.product.support_title": "Excellent support",
5490 "pages.product.title": "Virtual Global Supercarrier",
5491 "pages.security.chargeback": "If an unauthorised transaction was made on your payment card, please contact the issuing bank and the police to notify them about the suspicious activity.",
5492 "pages.security.copykey": "Click this link to copy the PGP key.",
5493 "pages.security.encrypt": "Encrypt all sensitive information using our",
5494 "pages.security.fraud": "Financial institutions can send an email about fraud-related issues to <a href=\"mailto:fraud@kiwi.com\">fraud@kiwi.com</a>. Other booking-related questions will not be answered. If you have a non-fraud issue, please visit our <a href=\"https://www.kiwi.com/helpcenter/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Help Centre</a>.",
5495 "pages.security.guide": "<li>Provide full details of the vulnerability so that we can easily reproduce it.</li><li>Avoid disrupting or degrading our services in any way. Given the nature of our business, denial-of-service attacks are not welcome at all.</li><li>Don’t copy, delete, access, or change any data that doesn’t belong to you.</li><li>Don’t publicise any details of the vulnerability until we’ve had a chance to fix it.</li>",
5496 "pages.security.key": "PGP Key",
5497 "pages.security.report": "Reporting vulnerabilities",
5498 "pages.security.response": "We’ll try to get back to you within 2 working days.",
5499 "pages.security.sendmail": "<li> To send us an email, please check our <a href=\"https://www.kiwi.com/.well-known/security.txt\">security.txt file</a>.</li>",
5500 "pages.security.text": "<p>As contributors to open source and to the IT community in general, we value the work of independent security researchers.</p><p>If you’re good enough to spot a vulnerability in our site, we’d love to know about it. We’ll reward anyone who reports a critical vulnerability for the first time.</p><p>Just follow the guideline below to ensure that you qualify for a reward and that you don’t violate our Terms and Conditions.</p>",
5501 "pages.security.title": "Security",
5502 "pages.testimonials.adam_janis": "Awesome and positive mindsets, stunning offices, and great technologies – looking forward to work every day!",
5503 "pages.testimonials.alan_whitfield": "Helping passengers as a Travel Consultant was awesome. Now I write for a living — it’s my dream job!",
5504 "pages.testimonials.catalina_lalle": "An amazing experience helping people from all around the world with my furry best friend Argus by my side",
5505 "pages.testimonials.david_makovsky": "Awesome support! Fast and professional communication — totally recommended.",
5506 "pages.testimonials.david_szmidt": "__companyName__ allows me total freedom to express my ideas and creativity​",
5507 "pages.testimonials.edwin_martinez": "Mario saved our wedding anniversary!!!!",
5508 "pages.testimonials.erika_siordia": "Great online service and a really effective guarantee policy!",
5509 "pages.testimonials.francisco_delarocha": "__companyName__ is always available. I know I'll be using them for every future flight. Thank you again, Tomas!",
5510 "pages.testimonials.gerald_martyn": "The customer service is excellent, I will be using this company on our future trips",
5511 "pages.testimonials.karl_patalla": "I have absolute faith and trust in the support offered by __companyName__, and will continue to use them to book my flights in the future",
5512 "pages.testimonials.martin_carter_smehlik": "I moved from Vienna for __companyName__ and have no regrets. Finally, my work is my passion and my colleagues are my closest friends",
5513 "pages.testimonials.panagis_papadimatos": "Reliable and helpful",
5514 "pages.testimonials.peter_keane": "Real customer service. Polite, detailed, and a sense of someone who cares about their role",
5515 "pages.testimonials.ricky_mansukhani": "Great customer service!",
5516 "pages.testimonials.sarka_vokounova": "I love this new way of traveling and I am happy to be part of it",
5517 "payment.creditcard.check_cards": "Is your card supported? (__cards__)",
5518 "payment.creditcard.check_correctness": "Did you enter all the card details correctly?",
5519 "payment.creditcard.check_funds": "Are there sufficient funds in your account?",
5520 "payment.creditcard.check_online_transactions": "Can your card be used for online transactions?",
5521 "payment.creditcard.check_online_transactions_limit": "Is your limit for online transactions high enough?",
5522 "payment.creditcard.use_another_card": "Try using another card",
5523 "price_alert.dropdown.daily": "Daily",
5524 "price_alert.dropdown.weekly": "Weekly",
5525 "price_alert.email.almost_there": "Almost there",
5526 "price_alert.email.confirmation_mail_sent": "Check your inbox for our confirmation email and click the link to start receiving Price Alerts.",
5527 "price_alert.email.created": "Your Price Alert was created.",
5528 "price_alert.email.created_title": "Subscribed",
5529 "price_alert.email.deactivated": "Your Price Alert has been deactivated.",
5530 "price_alert.email.unsubscribed_all": "You unsubscribed from all your Price Alerts.",
5531 "price_alert.error.already_has_watchdog": "You've already set up this Price Alert.",
5532 "price_alert.error.already_has_watchdog_title": "Already subscribed",
5533 "price_alert.error.emailinvalid": "Invalid email, check it and try again.",
5534 "price_alert.error.emailmissing": "Add your email address — we need this to send you Price Alerts.",
5535 "price_alert.error.generalerror": "There was a problem setting up your Price Alert.",
5536 "price_alert.error.notloggedin": "You're not signed in to that account.",
5537 "price_alert.legal.privacy_policy": "I hereby agree with the provision of commercial communication under the conditions outlined in the <a href=\"/pages/content/privacy\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Privacy Policy</a>.",
5538 "price_alert.legal.terms_of_use": "Price Alerts are governed by these <a href=\"/pages/content/legal\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Terms of Use</a>.",
5539 "price_alert.trip_overview.arrival_date": "Arrival",
5540 "price_alert.trip_overview.departure_date": "Departure",
5541 "price_alert.trip_overview.nights_stay": "Stay",
5542 "price_alert.trip_overview.one_adult": "1 Adult",
5543 "price_alert.trip_overview.one_child": "1 Child",
5544 "price_alert.trip_overview.one_infant": "1 Infant",
5545 "price_alert.trip_overview.return_date": "Return",
5546 "price_alert.trip_overview.x_adults": "__count__ Adults",
5547 "price_alert.trip_overview.x_children": "__count__ Children",
5548 "price_alert.trip_overview.x_infants": "__count__ Infants",
5549 "price_alert.web.back_to_results": "Back to results",
5550 "price_alert.web.email": "Email",
5551 "price_alert.web.email_placeholder": "your@email.com",
5552 "price_alert.web.exit_header": "Can’t find the price you’re looking for?",
5553 "price_alert.web.exit_text": "Set an alert and we’ll update you when the price changes.",
5554 "price_alert.web.get_alerts": "Get alerts",
5555 "price_alert.web.get_updates": "Get updates whenever the price changes by more than __priceValue__ (__pricePercentage__).",
5556 "price_alert.web.get_updates_on_change": "Get updates whenever the price changes.",
5557 "price_alert.web.instant.choose_app": "Instantly receive notifications via:",
5558 "price_alert.web.instant.subscribed_description": "We're currently gathering user interest on new ways of sending Price Alerts. To create your Price Alert, please <strong>provide your email address below.</strong>",
5559 "price_alert.web.instant.thanks_for_improving": "Thanks for helping us improve",
5560 "price_alert.web.interval": "Frequency",
5561 "price_alert.web.intro_version_a": "Create a Price Alert",
5562 "price_alert.web.notice": "Thanks for letting us know. We're evaluating this potential feature.",
5563 "price_alert.web.preview": "Preview",
5564 "price_alert.web.price_change_threshold_option": "__price__ (__pct__ %)",
5565 "price_alert.web.receive_alerts_by_email": "Receive Price Alerts by email",
5566 "price_alert.web.sample": "Sample Alert",
5567 "price_alert.web.select_price_change_threshold": "Send me a message when price changes by more than:",
5568 "price_alert.web.sign_up": "Sign up",
5569 "price_alert.web.sorting": "Sorting",
5570 "price_alert.web.your_email_address": "Your email address",
5571 "recent_search": "Recent search",
5572 "recent_search.more_filters": "+__count__ more filters",
5573 "red_cougar.finish_booking_at": "You're leaving Kiwi.com to finish your booking at __provider__",
5574 "red_cougar.guarantee_unavailable": "Kiwi.com Guarantee & Customer Support unavailable at __provider__",
5575 "red_cougar.redirecting": "Redirecting",
5576 "red_cougar.thanks_for_searching": "Thanks for searching Kiwi.com",
5577 "refund.add_more": "Add another file",
5578 "refund.airline_refund": "Total airline refund",
5579 "refund.assess": "Do the assessment first.",
5580 "refund.attachments_file_limit_size": "We support JPG, PNG or PDF files of 10MB or less.",
5581 "refund.attachments_might_be_required": "Receipts are required",
5582 "refund.attachments_required": "Documents are required",
5583 "refund.booking_refunded": "Your booking was refunded",
5584 "refund.calculator.assisted.notice": "After you proceed with the assisted refund, it will not be possible to change your decision. Only select this option if you're certain that the carrier's refundable amount is higher than the instant refund estimation.",
5585 "refund.calculator.assisted.notice_corona_departed": "Because you are requesting a refund after departure, you may receive a less-than-satisfactory refund. Please check the carrier's refund policy before you proceed.",
5586 "refund.calculator.assisted.notice_corona_missed": "Because this is a last-minute cancellation, you may receive a less-than-satisfactory refund. Please check the carrier's refund policy before you proceed.",
5587 "refund.calculator.assisted.notice_emergency": "After you proceed with the assisted refund, it will not be possible to change your decision. Only select this option if you're certain that the carrier's refundable amount is higher than an instant refund in __companyName__ Credit.",
5588 "refund.calculator.assisted.notice_fare_type": "After you proceed with the assisted refund, it will not be possible to change your decision. Only select this option if you're certain that the carrier's refundable amount is higher than the instant refund.",
5589 "refund.calculator.selection.assisted_fee_notice": "We charge this fee in advance to cover our costs. Assisted refunds involve more manual work and there may not be any refund available to deduct a fee from.",
5590 "refund.calculator.selection.assisted_fee_notice_emergency": "We charge this fee in advance to cover our costs. It’s manually intensive to collect refunds from airlines. Keep in mind, there may not be a refundable amount available to deduct our fee from.",
5591 "refund.calculator.selection.assisted_notice": "With this option, we'll contact the carrier and collect as much of a refund for you as possible. Please check the carrier's refund policy before you select this option.",
5592 "refund.calculator.selection.assisted_notice_emergency": "With this option, we'll contact the carriers on your behalf and recover any available refund. We’ll pass the full refundable amount to you. Again, please note, that refunds are subject to carrier policies.",
5593 "refund.calculator.selection.assisted_refund": "Assisted refund",
5594 "refund.calculator.selection.assisted_zero_fee_notice": "In our experience, it's not worth pursuing a refund for this flight because of the airline's policy. However, if you're sure that you should get your money back, you can still request an assisted refund.",
5595 "refund.calculator.selection.as_credits": "as __companyName__ Credit",
5596 "refund.calculator.selection.based_on_assessment": "Based on an individual assessment from the airline(s)",
5597 "refund.calculator.selection.deducted": "deducted",
5598 "refund.calculator.selection.estimated_by": "Estimated by __companyName__",
5599 "refund.calculator.selection.free_assisted_refund": "Free assisted refund",
5600 "refund.calculator.selection.from": "from __companyName__",
5601 "refund.calculator.selection.immediate": "Immediate",
5602 "refund.calculator.selection.instant_fee_notice": "We deduct this fee from the refund to cover our costs. It's manually intensive to collect refunds from airlines.",
5603 "refund.calculator.selection.instant_fee_notice_emergency": "We deduct this fee from the refund to cover our costs.",
5604 "refund.calculator.selection.instant_notice": "With this option, we'll provide you with an instant refund based on the specific carrier's rules and what they've provided in the past.",
5605 "refund.calculator.selection.instant_notice_emergency": "Have you checked your carrier's policy and discovered that your refundable amount is too small? Select this option and we'll provide you with an instant refund in <ref>__companyName__ Credit</ref> at our own expense.",
5606 "refund.calculator.selection.instant_refund": "Instant refund",
5607 "refund.calculator.selection.notice": "Because of ever-changing carrier policies, our instant refund amount might not be exact in all cases.",
5608 "refund.calculator.selection.notice_emergency": "Upon selecting the refund method and submitting the refund request you are instructing us to unconditionally cancel your entire itinerary and proceed with the selected refund method.",
5609 "refund.calculator.selection.notice_emergency.assisted": "If you request an assisted refund, we'll do everything we can to get you as much money back as possible. However, refunds are subject to carrier policies.",
5610 "refund.calculator.selection.notice_emergency.instant": "If you request an instant refund, you'll immediately receive a refunded amount in the form of <ref>__companyName__ Credit</ref>.",
5611 "refund.calculator.selection.notice_emergency.patience": "Given the circumstances, we kindly ask for your patience as we're dealing with an unusually large number of refund requests.",
5612 "refund.calculator.selection.notice_fare_type.instant": "If you request an instant refund, you'll receive a refunded amount based on your fare type.",
5613 "refund.calculator.selection.package_platinum": "Service fee is covered by your Platinum booking",
5614 "refund.calculator.selection.package_plus": "The handling fee is covered by your Plus service package",
5615 "refund.calculator.selection.package_premium": "The handling fee is covered by your Premium service package",
5616 "refund.calculator.selection.paid_in_advance": "paid in advance",
5617 "refund.calculator.selection.priority_assisted_refund": "Priority assisted refund",
5618 "refund.calculator.selection.processing_time": "Processing time",
5619 "refund.calculator.selection.refundable_amount": "Refundable amount",
5620 "refund.calculator.selection.refundable_amount_or_other": "Refundable amount or other non-monetary benefits (vouchers, credit, etc).",
5621 "refund.calculator.selection.select": "Select",
5622 "refund.calculator.selection.service_fee": "Handling fee",
5623 "refund.calculator.selection.total_amount_refunded": "Total amount refunded",
5624 "refund.calculator.selection.to_original": "to original payment method",
5625 "refund.calculator.selection.up_to_months": "Approximately 3 months",
5626 "refund.calculator.selection.up_to_months_v2": "Approximately __months__ months",
5627 "refund.calculator.summary.based_on_airline": "based on the carrier(s)",
5628 "refund.calculator.summary.cancellation_fee": "Cancellation fee",
5629 "refund.calculator.summary.changed_in_advance": "__price__ will be charged in advance",
5630 "refund.calculator.summary.sent_immediately": "We'll send you the refund immediately",
5631 "refund.calculator.summary.title": "Your refund summary",
5632 "refund.calculator.summary.up_to_months": "Approximately 3 months, depending on the carrier",
5633 "refund.calculator.summary.up_to_months_v2": "Approximately __months__ months, depending on the carrier",
5634 "refund.calculator.summary.up_to_weeks": "Approximately __processingTime__ weeks, depending on the carrier",
5635 "refund.calculator.summary.zero_refund_notice": "There might be situations where the refund amount from the carrier is €0. Please note that in these cases, the handling fee for canceling your trip will not be returned.",
5636 "refund.calculator.terms_notice": "I instruct __companyName__ to cancel this booking and process a refund in accordance with __companyName__'s <ref>Terms and Conditions</ref>",
5637 "refund.calculator.terms_notice_emergency": "I instruct __companyName__ to process my refund request and cancel my entire itinerary. I confirm that I will not be entitled to claim any further refunds upon this application for a refund.",
5638 "refund.cancellation_conditions": "By submitting this form, you hereby instruct __brandName__ to cancel all flights in your itinerary in accordance with our Terms and Conditions and the cancellation and refund policies of each of the respective airlines.",
5639 "refund.cancel_booking": "Cancel booking",
5640 "refund.cancel_continue_to_payment": "Continue to cancellation fee payment",
5641 "refund.cancel_selected_flights": "Cancel selected flights",
5642 "refund.choose_refund_method": "Choose refund method",
5643 "refund.contact": "Contact details",
5644 "refund.continue_to_fee_payment": "Continue to fee payment",
5645 "refund.continue_to_pay_fee": "Continue to pay fee",
5646 "refund.credits_method_duration": "Immediate",
5647 "refund.description": "Not sure what to choose? <ref>Learn more</ref>",
5648 "refund.description_error": "Please provide a detailed description.",
5649 "refund.description_help": "The more details we have, the better we'll be able to help you.",
5650 "refund.description_label": "Event description",
5651 "refund.description_placeholder": "Provide details to improve your chances of a refund.",
5652 "refund.errors.select_option": "Please select an option.",
5653 "refund.faq_link": "<ref>Learn more</ref> about these refund methods and how long each one takes.",
5654 "refund.faq_link.how_refund_method": "How long does each refund method take?",
5655 "refund.faq_link.refund_options": "Read more about our refund options",
5656 "refund.file": "Select file",
5657 "refund.go_to_change_trip": "Want to change your trip instead? <ref>Change trip</ref>",
5658 "refund.guide.affected_flights": "Which parts of your trip do you want to cancel?",
5659 "refund.guide.affected_passengers": "Who do you want to cancel the trip for?",
5660 "refund.guide.grace_period_note": "Grace period refund is available only for all flights in journey until __date__",
5661 "refund.guide.medical_note": "If you provide the required documents, we'll do our best to help you get any available refund.",
5662 "refund.guide.medical_title": "Are you canceling because of a serious medical issue or death?",
5663 "refund.medical.death": "Death of the passenger",
5664 "refund.medical.death_alert.list_first": "Please upload a copy of the death certificate",
5665 "refund.medical.death_alert.list_fourth": "Obituary notices are not accepted by the airlines",
5666 "refund.medical.death_alert.list_second": "Where the passenger is not the deceased, a proof of relationship is required, e.g. a marriage certificate",
5667 "refund.medical.death_alert.list_third": "All documentation should be in English if possible",
5668 "refund.medical.death_alert.title": "Death certificate",
5669 "refund.medical.death_relative": "Death of a relative",
5670 "refund.medical.general.list_first": "If you provide the required document, we'll do our best to help you get any available refund.",
5671 "refund.medical.general.list_second": "The processing time varies by airline. We'll keep you up to date.",
5672 "refund.medical.medical": "Medical issues",
5673 "refund.medical.medical_alert.button": "Download medical certificate template",
5674 "refund.medical.medical_alert.list_first": "Preferably in English",
5675 "refund.medical.medical_alert.list_second": "Signed and stamped by Medical Doctor at a registered clinic",
5676 "refund.medical.medical_alert.list_third": "You can use our template if you need to",
5677 "refund.medical.medical_alert.our_assist": "We'll do our best to help you get any available refund.",
5678 "refund.medical.medical_alert.title": "Medical certificate required",
5679 "refund.medical.relative_alert.info": "Please provide us with a death certificate of affected relative and document that proves your family relationship with them.",
5680 "refund.medical.relative_alert.title": "Documents required",
5681 "refund.medical.upload.death_certificate": "Death certificate",
5682 "refund.medical.upload.files_info": "JPG, PNG and PDF files up to 10MB are supported",
5683 "refund.medical.upload.medical_certificate": "Medical certificate",
5684 "refund.medical.upload.proof_relative": "Proof of relationship",
5685 "refund.medical.upload.proof_relative_info": "Death certificate or birth certificate",
5686 "refund.medical.upload.required": "Required",
5687 "refund.medical_terms": "I agree with the processing of my sensitive personal data regarding my medical condition. This is in relation to my request for a refund from __companyName__ due to medical reasons. I am aware that I may revoke my consent at any time via this form: __brandDomain__/privacy/rights. I also know that I can learn more about the processing of my Personal Data at __brandDomain__/privacy.",
5688 "refund.method.any_benefits_note": "We will provide you with whatever refund the airline provides us. That might include <strong>credits, travel funds, vouchers, etc.</strong>",
5689 "refund.method.compass_note": "Your Compass points will be returned as part of the refund.",
5690 "refund.method.credit_instant_note": "Refunds in the form of __companyName__ Credit will be made available instantly.",
5691 "refund.method.credit_note": "__companyName__ Credit can only be used on our website. <ref>Learn more</ref>",
5692 "refund.method.kiwi_credit.when.instant": "Immediate",
5693 "refund.method.multiple_payments_note": "If you made multiple payments, we'll send you multiple refunds.",
5694 "refund.method.original_days_note": "We'll process your refund immediately, but depending on your bank it could take up to __days__ days to receive your refund.",
5695 "refund.method.when.up_to_days": "Approximately __days__ days",
5696 "refund.method.when.up_to_weeks": "Approximately __weeks__ weeks",
5697 "refund.notes.airport_expenses": "If you’re claiming for an airport expense, valid receipts or invoices are required.",
5698 "refund.notes.booking_cancellation": "Most economy tickets will receive very little money or no refund at all from the carrier. We charge a <strong>€20 handling fee</strong> for voluntary cancellations.",
5699 "refund.notes.booking_cancellation_service_package": "Most economy tickets will receive very little money or no refund at all from the carrier.",
5700 "refund.notes.booking_cancellation_with_fee": "Most economy tickets will receive very little money or no refund at all from the carrier. We charge a <strong>__fee__ handling fee</strong> for voluntary cancellations.",
5701 "refund.notes.check_copies": "Make sure that all copies are readable.",
5702 "refund.notes.files_available": "We don't need the documents we sent you.",
5703 "refund.notes.guarantee": "We need valid receipts or invoices to provide a refund.",
5704 "refund.notes.medical": "Medical document in English",
5705 "refund.original_payment_method": "Original payment method",
5706 "refund.original_payment_method_duration": "Approximately 3 – 10 days",
5707 "refund.pending.expiration_note": "If we don't hear from you before __expiration__, we'll refund you via your original payment method.",
5708 "refund.proceed": "Cancel the selected tickets and process any available refund, regardless of the amount.",
5709 "refund.process.header": "Should we assess the possible amount first, or proceed with the refund immediately?",
5710 "refund.reasons.baggage.list.first": "You had to pay for baggage at the airport but it was supposed to be included in your booking",
5711 "refund.reasons.booking.list.first": "For duplicate bookings or if the fee doesn’t match the amount deducted from your account",
5712 "refund.reasons.booking.title": "Payment and booking issues",
5713 "refund.reasons.booking_cancelation.list.first": "You cannot take the flight for personal reasons or visa issues",
5714 "refund.reasons.booking_cancelation.list.first_v2": "You cannot take the flight for personal reasons or visa and similar restrictive matters",
5715 "refund.reasons.booking_cancelation.title": "Booking cancellation",
5716 "refund.reasons.cancel.list.first": "Refunds related to airline cancellations, delays, and schedule changes",
5717 "refund.reasons.cancel.list.second": "Any expenses related to the Kiwi.com Guarantee like food and accommodation",
5718 "refund.reasons.checkin.list.first": "You were charged a check-in fee at the airport even after providing us with your passport/ID details in time",
5719 "refund.reasons.guide.title": "Cancellation",
5720 "refund.reasons.medical.list.first": "You cannot fly because of an illness or accident or because of a death in the family",
5721 "refund.reasons.medical.list.second": "Full refunds from the airline are more likely but you will need to provide a medical or death certificate",
5722 "refund.reasons.medical.title": "Medical reasons",
5723 "refund.reasons.missed.list.first": "You want to apply for the airport taxes to be refunded for an unused flight",
5724 "refund.reasons.missed.list.second": "Airport taxes make up part of your ticket cost",
5725 "refund.reasons.missed.list.third": "The processing time varies by airline and we’ll keep you updated",
5726 "refund.reasons.missed.title": "Missed or unused flights",
5727 "refund.reason_baggage": "Baggage issue",
5728 "refund.reason_cancelled": "Changed, delayed or canceled flight",
5729 "refund.reason_checkin": "Check-in issue",
5730 "refund.reason_hotel_transfer": "Hotel or transfer refund",
5731 "refund.reason_missed": "Tax refund for a missed flight",
5732 "refund.reason_title": "Reason",
5733 "refund.refund_requested_note": "We received your request on __date__. This type of refund usually takes 30 days or more. We'll email you some more details within 10 days of submission.",
5734 "refund.refund_requested_note_months": "We received your request on __date__. Please be patient. This type of refund usually takes __months__ months or more.",
5735 "refund.refund_requested_note_weeks": "We received your request on __date__. Please be patient. This type of refund usually takes __weeks__ weeks or more.",
5736 "refund.refund_requested_title": "Refund requested",
5737 "refund.request_credit": "Request credit",
5738 "refund.request_refund": "Request refund",
5739 "refund.return_to_mmb": "Return to Manage My Booking",
5740 "refund.return_to_trip": "Return to your trip",
5741 "refund.select_choice": "​​If your refund is approved, how would you like to receive payment?",
5742 "refund.select_flights": "Select the affected parts of your trip",
5743 "refund.select_method": "How would you like to receive your refund?",
5744 "refund.select_passengers": "Select the affected passengers",
5745 "refund.shot.amount_full.tooltip": "We calculated this amount based on the price of your original booking.",
5746 "refund.shot.amount_partial.tooltip": "We calculated this amount based on the cost of the affected parts of your trip and the prices available online.",
5747 "refund.shot.booking_canceled.title": "Booking to be canceled",
5748 "refund.shot.refund_method.title": "Refund method",
5749 "refund.shot.trip_part_canceled.title": "Trip part to be canceled",
5750 "refund.shot_assisted.contact_carrier": "We'll contact the carrier on your behalf and collect as much of a refund for you as possible. Money will be transfered back to you via your original payment method.",
5751 "refund.shot_assisted.estimated_time_days": "<strong>Estimated refund time is __value__ days</strong>",
5752 "refund.shot_assisted.estimated_time_months": "<strong>Estimated refund time is __value__ months</strong>.",
5753 "refund.shot_assisted.estimated_time_weeks": "<strong>Estimated refund time is __value__ weeks</strong>",
5754 "refund.shot_assisted.handling_fee": "We charge a <ref>__handlingFee__</ref> <strong>handling fee</strong> in advance to cover our processing cost.",
5755 "refund.shot_assisted.not_recommended": "<strong>This option is NOT recommended</strong> for most cases. Even if your rescheduled or canceled trip segment is likely to be fully refunded by the carrier, there can be <strong>very little or NO refund for the rest of your connections</strong>. Please check carrier policies before you proceed.",
5756 "refund.shot_assisted.preselected_alert": "We've preselected the affected trip segment. You can also cancel other parts of your itinerary, but please note that you can get very little or no refund for these.",
5757 "refund.shot_assisted.title": "Paid assisted refund without __companyName__ Guarantee coverage",
5758 "refund.shot_credits.partial.alert": "We will cancel the affected part of your booking but you <strong>will still be able to use the rest of your itinerary</strong>. You can use your <ref>__companyName__ Credit</ref> immediately to book the best alternative.",
5759 "refund.steps.calculator": "Select a refund type",
5760 "refund.steps.cancellation_request": "Cancellation request",
5761 "refund.steps.cancel_affected_part": "Cancel affected part of booking",
5762 "refund.steps.complete": "Complete your request",
5763 "refund.steps.refund": "Refund",
5764 "refund.steps.refund_method": "Choose a refund method",
5765 "refund.steps.refund_method_emergency": "Accept the Terms & Conditions to proceed",
5766 "refund.steps.request_refund": "Request refund",
5767 "refund.steps.select_reason": "Select a reason for the refund",
5768 "refund.steps.summary": "Summary",
5769 "refund.summary.alerts.evaluate_information": "We will evaluate your request, then email you with more information.",
5770 "refund.summary.alerts.full_refund": "We'll do our best to help you get any available refund for __name__.",
5771 "refund.summary.alerts.if_airline_denied": "If the application is denied by the airline, most economy tickets will receive very little money or no refund at all.",
5772 "refund.summary.how_long": "How long will it take?",
5773 "refund.summary.labels.medical_application": "Medical issue application",
5774 "refund.summary.passengers_count": "__count__ Passenger(s)",
5775 "refund.summary.titles.cancelled_parts": "Parts to be canceled",
5776 "refund.summary.titles.refundable_method": "Refundable method",
5777 "refund.summary.titles.uploaded_documents": "Attached documents",
5778 "refund.summary.up_to_day": "Approximately __days__ days",
5779 "refund.terms_notice.process_refund": "I instruct __companyName__ to process a refund in accordance with __companyName__'s <ref>Terms and Conditions</ref>.",
5780 "refund.thanks": "Thanks for your refund application",
5781 "refund.thankyou.find_trip": "Find a trip now",
5782 "refund.thankyou.shot_credits.full.text": "Use them to book a new trip now. You can find them anytime in Manage My Booking.",
5783 "refund.thankyou.shot_credits.partial.text_l1": "We've canceled the affected part of your booking, but <strong>you can still use the rest of your itinerary</strong>.",
5784 "refund.thankyou.shot_credits.partial.text_l2": "Now you can <strong>book any alternative you want at __companyName__</strong> and pay with your __companyName__ Credit. <ref>How?</ref>",
5785 "refund.thankyou.shot_credits.partial.text_l3": "If you are going to use the rest of your itinerary, remember to book an alternative which allows for a <strong>minimum 2h for transfer</strong> to avoid any troubles.",
5786 "refund.thankyou.shot_credits.partial.what_next": "What's next?",
5787 "refund.thankyou.shot_credits.title": "Your credits were refunded",
5788 "refund.thankyou.text": "Please check your email for additional details.",
5789 "refund.thankyou.text_assisted": "We'll check the refund possibilities with the carrier(s), and will let you know when it's done.<br><br>If there's any refund, we'll send it to you as soon as possible.",
5790 "refund.thankyou.text_credits": "You should receive your refund within a few minutes.",
5791 "refund.thankyou.text_fare_type_after_deadline": "Now we'll cancel your trip with the carrier(s) so that others can use your seats.",
5792 "refund.thankyou.text_flexi": "You should receive your refund within 10 days. Some banks will be faster.",
5793 "refund.thankyou.text_general": "Depending on your payment method, it can take a few days to process.",
5794 "refund.thankyou.text_guarantee": "We'll contact you via email to notify you of possible refunds and additional information regarding your request.",
5795 "refund.thankyou.text_other": "We'll contact you via email to notify you of possible refunds and additional information regarding your request.",
5796 "refund.thankyou.text_raf": "We'll check the refund possibilities with the carrier(s) and then email you within 30 days.",
5797 "refund.thankyou.text_raf_emergency": "We'll check the refund possibilities with the carrier(s). We’re currently dealing with unusually high processing times. We'll get back to you as soon as we can via email.",
5798 "refund.thankyou.title": "Refund request received",
5799 "refund.thankyou.title_fare_type_after_deadline": "Cancellation confirmed",
5800 "refund.thankyou_success_info": "Our refund process may take up to 30 days and we’ll let you know the result by email. ",
5801 "refund.thankyou_success_schedule_changes_info": "We'll assess if you're entitled to a refund from the carrier. This is always substantially less than the cost of your booking. When you completed the Refunds and Cancellations form, the offered alternatives were removed as options.<br><br>We'll let you know the results by email. Our refund process may take up to 30 days but don't worry, we'll contact you within 7 days.",
5802 "refund.title": "Refunds and cancellations",
5803 "refund.total_refundable": "Total refund amount",
5804 "refund.upload": "No files uploaded yet.",
5805 "result.adults_count": "__count__ adults",
5806 "result.advanced_sorting.earliest_landing_active": "Earliest arrival (__place__)",
5807 "result.advanced_sorting.earliest_takeoff_active": "Earliest departure (__place__)",
5808 "result.advanced_sorting.info": "Sort results by <strong>departure</strong> or <strong>arrival</strong> times",
5809 "result.advanced_sorting.latest_landing_active": "Latest arrival (__place__)",
5810 "result.advanced_sorting.latest_takeoff_active": "Latest departure (__place__)",
5811 "result.advanced_sorting.show_more_options": "Show more options",
5812 "result.all_results": "There are no more trips for these dates.",
5813 "result.any_price": "Any price",
5814 "result.book_flight_for": "Tempah untuk __price__",
5815 "result.book_on": "Book on __name__",
5816 "result.book_together_save": "Book a Flight + Hotel together and save up to 20%.",
5817 "result.cheap_destinations_for_travellers_from_city": "<strong>Cheap destinations </strong>for travelers from <span><strong>__place__</strong></span>",
5818 "result.cheap_destinations_for_travellers_from_city_tag": "<strong>Cheap destinations </strong>for <strong>__tag__</strong> from <strong>__place__</strong>",
5819 "result.cheap_destinations_for_travellers_near_city": "<strong>Cheap destinations </strong>for travelers near <span><strong>__place__</strong></span>",
5820 "result.cheap_destinations_for_travellers_near_city_tag": "<strong>Cheap destinations </strong>for <strong>__tag__</strong> near <strong>__place__</strong>",
5821 "result.cheap_destinations_from_multiplace_more": "<strong>Cheap destinations </strong>from <span><strong>__place__ + __count__ more</strong></span>",
5822 "result.cheap_destinations_from_multiplace_more_tag": "<strong>Cheap destinations </strong> for <strong>__tag__</strong> from <strong>__place__ + __count__ more</strong>",
5823 "result.cheap_destinations_from_multiplace_two": "<strong>Cheap destinations </strong>from <span><strong>__place1__ and __place2__</strong></span>",
5824 "result.cheap_destinations_from_multiplace_two_tag": "<strong>Cheap destinations </strong> for <strong>__tag__</strong> from <strong>__place1__ and __place2__</strong>",
5825 "result.check_accomodation_prices": "Check accommodation prices",
5826 "result.direct": "Direct",
5827 "result.empty_desc": "A departure and a destination must be filled in to search.",
5828 "result.empty_title": "Nothing here yet ...",
5829 "result.end_in": "End in __city__",
5830 "result.filter.airlines": "Carriers",
5831 "result.filter.airport": "Airport",
5832 "result.filter.airports": "Airports",
5833 "result.filter.any": "Mana-mana",
5834 "result.filter.bags": "Bags",
5835 "result.filter.cabin": "Kabin",
5836 "result.filter.clear_filters": "Clear Filters",
5837 "result.filter.connections_on_different_airport": "Allow ground transfers between airports.",
5838 "result.filter.countries": "Countries",
5839 "result.filter.days": "Days",
5840 "result.filter.dayTimes": "Days and times",
5841 "result.filter.deselect_all": "Deselect",
5842 "result.filter.dialog.all_day": "All day",
5843 "result.filter.dialog.anytime": "Anytime",
5844 "result.filter.dialog.any_duration": "any",
5845 "result.filter.dialog.apply_to_all": "Apply to all routes",
5846 "result.filter.dialog.apply_to_outbound": "Apply to outbound",
5847 "result.filter.dialog.apply_to_return": "Apply to return",
5848 "result.filter.dialog.arrival": "Arrival",
5849 "result.filter.dialog.clear": "Clear",
5850 "result.filter.dialog.clear_all": "Clear All",
5851 "result.filter.dialog.departure": "Perlepasan",
5852 "result.filter.dialog.empty": "Nothing to see here",
5853 "result.filter.dialog.filters": "Filters",
5854 "result.filter.dialog.filters_description": "Set extra preferences for your trip to narrow down results.",
5855 "result.filter.dialog.loading_connections": "Loading connection data...",
5856 "result.filter.dialog.max_duration": "Max travel time",
5857 "result.filter.dialog.max_duration_value": "up to __duration__ hours",
5858 "result.filter.dialog.max_duration_value_one": "up to 1 hour",
5859 "result.filter.dialog.save": "Save",
5860 "result.filter.dialog.set_only": "only",
5861 "result.filter.dialog.stopover": "Stopover",
5862 "result.filter.dialog.stopover_value": "__min__ – __max__ hours",
5863 "result.filter.duration": "Tempoh",
5864 "result.filter.durations": "Tempoh",
5865 "result.filter.enter_airport": "Enter airport",
5866 "result.filter.exclude_airports": "Exclude selected airports",
5867 "result.filter.exclude_countries": "Exclude countries",
5868 "result.filter.exclude_countries_text": "Please select any countries you do <strong>not</strong> wish to travel through on your journey.",
5869 "result.filter.flights_count": "(__selected__ of __total__ trips)",
5870 "result.filter.flights_count_one": "(__selected__ of 1 trip)",
5871 "result.filter.from": "From __price__",
5872 "result.filter.from_date_time": "From __date__ __time__",
5873 "result.filter.from_to_hours": "Stopover: __min__ – __max__ hours",
5874 "result.filter.from_to_time": "From __min__ to __max__",
5875 "result.filter.locations": "Things to do",
5876 "result.filter.max_flight_duration": "Max traveling time: __duration__ hours",
5877 "result.filter.more": "More",
5878 "result.filter.no_airlines": "Sorry, there are no airlines to choose from.",
5879 "result.filter.no_airports": "Sorry, there are no stopover airports to choose from.",
5880 "result.filter.no_bags": "Include trips without checked baggage",
5881 "result.filter.no_countries": "Sorry, there are no stopover countries to choose from.",
5882 "result.filter.no_results": "no results",
5883 "result.filter.no_stop": "Tanpa henti (penerbangan terus)",
5884 "result.filter.one_stop": "Sehingga 1 perhentian",
5885 "result.filter.others": "More Options",
5886 "result.filter.price": "Price",
5887 "result.filter.return_from_different_airport": "Allow return from a different airport",
5888 "result.filter.return_to_different_airport": "Allow return to a different airport",
5889 "result.filter.search_airlines": "Search airlines",
5890 "result.filter.search_airports": "Search airports",
5891 "result.filter.search_countries": "Search countries",
5892 "result.filter.select_all": "Select all",
5893 "result.filter.stopovers": "Stopovers",
5894 "result.filter.stopover_airports": "Stopover Airports",
5895 "result.filter.stops": "Perhentian",
5896 "result.filter.times": "Times",
5897 "result.filter.to_date_time": "To __date__ __time__",
5898 "result.filter.transport": "Transport",
5899 "result.filter.trips_count": "(__selected__ of __total__ trips)",
5900 "result.filter.trip_count_one": "(__selected__ of 1 trip)",
5901 "result.filter.two_stops": "Sehingga 2 perhentian",
5902 "result.filter.up_to": "Up to __price__",
5903 "result.flights_to": "Connections to <span class=\"__className__\">__city__</span>",
5904 "result.get_detail": "Tunjuk butiran",
5905 "result.guarantee.message": "Worried about missing your connection? The __companyName__ Guarantee has you covered.",
5906 "result.guarantee.provider_warning": "The __companyName__ Guarantee only applies to bookings made on Kiwi.com",
5907 "result.guarantee.title": "__companyName__ Guarantee",
5908 "result.hours_in_destination": "in __place__",
5909 "result.hours_in_destination.multiple": "__hours__ hours in __place__",
5910 "result.hours_in_destination.one": "one hour in __place__",
5911 "result.inbound": "Return",
5912 "result.itinerary.no_checked_bag": "No-checked-bag itinerary",
5913 "result.night": "1 night",
5914 "result.nights": "__count__ malam",
5915 "result.nights_in_destination": "__nights__ malam di __place__",
5916 "result.nights_in_destination_and_change_airport": "__nights__ nights in __place__, <strong>then depart from a different place</strong>",
5917 "result.nights_in_destination_and_change_to": "__nights__ nights in __place__, <strong>then depart from __changePlace__</strong>",
5918 "result.nights_in_destination_short": "__nights__ malam di destinasi",
5919 "result.night_in_destination": "1 night in __place__",
5920 "result.night_in_destination_and_change_airport": "1 night in __place__ <strong>, then depart from a different place</strong>",
5921 "result.night_in_destination_and_change_to": "1 night in __place__<strong>, then fly out of __changePlace__</strong>",
5922 "result.night_in_destination_short": "1 night at the destination",
5923 "result.no_results_desc": "Cuba pilih tarikh berbeza atau tempat berdekatan.",
5924 "result.no_results_hashtags_desc": "It looks like you recently applied some filters. Undo your last change or reset your filters below.",
5925 "result.no_results_hashtags_title": "Sorry, we don't have results",
5926 "result.no_results_reset_all_filters": "Reset all filters",
5927 "result.no_results_title": "Kami tidak dapat mencari perjalanan anda.",
5928 "result.no_results_undo_last_change": "Undo last change",
5929 "result.oneway": "One-way",
5930 "result.outbound": "Departure",
5931 "result.powered_by": "Dikuasai oleh",
5932 "result.pricegraph_no_prices": "The pricing calendar is only available for searches that include cities and airports.",
5933 "result.price_from": "from __price__",
5934 "result.provider.book_on_kiwi": "Book on Kiwi.com",
5935 "result.provider.book_on_other": "Other booking options",
5936 "result.provider.show_other": "__count__ more from __price__",
5937 "result.same_day_departure": "Same day departure from __place__",
5938 "result.same_day_return": "Same day return from __place__",
5939 "result.same_day_return_and_change_airport": "<strong>Change airports</strong> within __place__ on the same day",
5940 "result.same_day_return_and_change_to": "Change airports from __place__ to <strong> __changePlace__</strong> on the same day",
5941 "result.select_departure": "Select departure",
5942 "result.select_return": "Select return",
5943 "result.shared": "Shared trip",
5944 "result.show_cheapest": "Show Cheapest",
5945 "result.show_flights": "Show flights",
5946 "result.show_popular": "Show Popular",
5947 "result.sorting.name": "Isih mengikut",
5948 "result.sort_best": "Terbaik",
5949 "result.sort_best_sub": "We've gathered the best flights for you based on travel time and affordability.",
5950 "result.sort_cheapest": "Cheapest",
5951 "result.sort_popularity": "Popularity",
5952 "result.sort_recommended": "Recommended",
5953 "result.sort_recommended_sub": "We recommend the best flights for you based on travel time and affordability.",
5954 "result.sort_shortest": "Fastest",
5955 "result.starred": "Starred trip",
5956 "result.start_from": "Start from __city__",
5957 "result.stay_in_destination": "Stay __nightsInDestination__ nights",
5958 "result.stop": "1 stop",
5959 "result.stops": "__count__ stops",
5960 "result.switch_to_economy": "Switch to Economy class",
5961 "result.top_destinations_for_travellers_from_city": "<strong>Top destinations </strong>for travelers from <strong>__place__</strong>",
5962 "result.top_destinations_for_travellers_from_city_tag": "<strong>Top destinations </strong>for <strong>__tag__</strong> from <strong>__place__</strong>",
5963 "result.top_destinations_for_travellers_near_city": "<strong>Top destinations </strong>for travelers near <strong>__place__</strong>",
5964 "result.top_destinations_for_travellers_near_city_tag": "<strong>Top destinations </strong>for <strong>__tag__</strong> near <strong>__place__</strong>",
5965 "result.top_destinations_from_multiplace_more": "<strong>Top destinations </strong>from <strong>__place__ + __count__ more</strong>",
5966 "result.top_destinations_from_multiplace_more_tag": "<strong>Top destinations </strong> for <strong>__tag__</strong> from <strong>__place__ + __count__ more</strong>",
5967 "result.top_destinations_from_multiplace_two": "<strong>Top destinations </strong>from <span><strong>__place1__ and __place2__</strong></span>",
5968 "result.top_destinations_from_multiplace_two_tag": "<strong>Top destinations </strong> for <strong>__tag__</strong> from <strong>__place1__ and __place2__</strong>",
5969 "result.total_price": "Total price",
5970 "result.unseen_count": "__count__ unseen trips",
5971 "results.filter.no_results_for_option": "There are no results available with this option",
5972 "results.past_date_updated": "We updated your search with valid dates to provide you with these results.",
5973 "results.promo_code_info": "Your promo code __code__ will be applied at checkout.",
5974 "results.search_mode_updated": "Search mode updated",
5975 "schedule_changes.accept_confirmation_modal.button.accept": "Accept",
5976 "schedule_changes.accept_confirmation_modal.button.close": "Close",
5977 "schedule_changes.accept_confirmation_modal.description": "After accepting this change, we will send you an email with an up-to-date itinerary.",
5978 "schedule_changes.accept_confirmation_modal.title": "Do you want to accept the schedule change?",
5979 "schedule_changes.accommodation.scenario.a": "This alternative includes an overnight layover. Please note that we cannot provide accommodation in this case.",
5980 "schedule_changes.affected_flight": "Affected flight",
5981 "schedule_changes.airline_rescheduled_flight": "Your itinerary has been affected",
5982 "schedule_changes.alternatives.hide.more": "Hide more alternatives",
5983 "schedule_changes.alternatives.show.more": "Show more alternatives",
5984 "schedule_changes.cancelled_flight": "Canceled flight",
5985 "schedule_changes.cannot_cover": "These alternatives cost much more than your booking, so they cannot be fully covered by the __brandName__ Guarantee.",
5986 "schedule_changes.cannot_cover_emergency": "These alternatives cost much more than your booking, so they cannot be fully covered by __brandName__.",
5987 "schedule_changes.changes.name": "Schedule change — selected alternative",
5988 "schedule_changes.change_and_pay": "Book alternative for __price__",
5989 "schedule_changes.change_of_flight": "Change of flight",
5990 "schedule_changes.contactCS": "Please contact us to find a solution.",
5991 "schedule_changes.contact_immediately": "Sorry, you didn't follow the __brandName__ Guarantee instructions in time",
5992 "schedule_changes.contact_immediately_expired": "Sorry, you didn't follow the __brandName__ Guarantee instructions in time. However, you can still choose alternatives.",
5993 "schedule_changes.contact_us_button": "Contact us",
5994 "schedule_changes.contact_us_header": "Contact us",
5995 "schedule_changes.contact_us_note": "Our Customer Support is ready 24/7 to help you. <a href=\"#\" id=\"contact-us-link\">Contact us</a>",
5996 "schedule_changes.credits_promotion_alert.button": "Get __companyName__ Credit",
5997 "schedule_changes.credits_promotion_alert.text": "Cancel the affected part of your booking and get __companyName__ Credit to book any alternative you like.",
5998 "schedule_changes.delay_info.cancelled_sub_heading": "The airline canceled your flight and it affects your itinerary.",
5999 "schedule_changes.delay_info.heading": "Schedule change",
6000 "schedule_changes.delay_info.rescheduled_sub_heading": "The carrier made a change which has affected your itinerary.",
6001 "schedule_changes.double_check": "Double check if the new itinerary works for you",
6002 "schedule_changes.emergency.alert.text": "The best alternative flights will be available for 48 hours.",
6003 "schedule_changes.emergency.alert.title": "Cease of operations at __emergencyAirlines__",
6004 "schedule_changes.emergency.expired_alert.text": "All your fights have already flown but you can still apply for a refund for your canceled __emergencyAirlines__ flight(s).\n",
6005 "schedule_changes.emergency.refund.button": "Request refund",
6006 "schedule_changes.emergency.refund.text": "We'll provide you with the best possible refund for your __emergencyAirlines__ flight(s). Your other flights will be treated according to the refund T&Cs of those airlines. Most airlines provide less than 30%.",
6007 "schedule_changes.emergency.refund_alternative.text": "We’ll do our best to claim the refund on your behalf for your __emergencyAirlines__ flight(s). Your other flights will be treated according to the refund T&Cs of those airlines.",
6008 "schedule_changes.emergency.refund_zero.text": "Unfortunately, __emergencyAirlines__ is not offering any refunds for their canceled flights. Any other flights will be treated according to the refund T&Cs of the respective airlines.",
6009 "schedule_changes.errors.no_longer_available": "This alternative is not available anymore.",
6010 "schedule_changes.error_modal.button": "Okay, I will try again later",
6011 "schedule_changes.error_modal.text": "We're sorry, but something went wrong. Please try to change the scheduled flight later.",
6012 "schedule_changes.error_modal.title": "Something went wrong",
6013 "schedule_changes.expired_guarantee_discounts": "Please contact us immediately.",
6014 "schedule_changes.expired_modal.text": "There was a price change or the tickets were sold out. Please refresh the alternatives to see what else is available.",
6015 "schedule_changes.expired_modal.title": "Sorry, this is not available anymore",
6016 "schedule_changes.expire_alert.text": "Finish your selection now to avoid price changes and sold-out tickets. Or refresh the alternatives to see what else is available.",
6017 "schedule_changes.expire_alert.title": "Only __time__ until these alternatives expire",
6018 "schedule_changes.final_status.in_process.heading": "Your new itinerary is being booked",
6019 "schedule_changes.final_status.in_process.sub_heading": "As soon your flights are confirmed, your new e-ticket will arrive by email.",
6020 "schedule_changes.final_status_modal.fail.title": "Processing issue",
6021 "schedule_changes.final_status_modal.free_alternative.body": "As soon as your flights are confirmed, your new e-ticket will arrive by email.",
6022 "schedule_changes.final_status_modal.free_alternative.title": "Your new itinerary is being booked",
6023 "schedule_changes.final_status_modal.just_info.body": "You can find your updated itinerary in Manage My Booking.",
6024 "schedule_changes.final_status_modal.just_info.title": "Itinerary updated",
6025 "schedule_changes.final_status_modal.paid_alternative.body": "Please pay for your chosen alternative.",
6026 "schedule_changes.final_status_modal.paid_alternative.title": "Request successful",
6027 "schedule_changes.flight_info.original_flight_number": "Original flight no.",
6028 "schedule_changes.fully_covered": "The booking price of __price__ is fully covered by the __brandName__ Guarantee.",
6029 "schedule_changes.fully_covered_expired": "The booking price of __price__ is fully covered by __brandName__.",
6030 "schedule_changes.gt2.guarantee": "__companyName__ Guarantee",
6031 "schedule_changes.gt2.guarantee_description": "You have the following options with the __companyName__ Guarantee:",
6032 "schedule_changes.gt2.guarantee_title": "Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.",
6033 "schedule_changes.gt2.valid_until": "Please choose an option in __time__ or your __companyName__ Guarantee will be voided.",
6034 "schedule_changes.gt2.we_need_cooperation": "We need your cooperation",
6035 "schedule_changes.guarantee_valid_until": "The __brandName__ Guarantee is only valid for 48 hours. Time remaining: __time__",
6036 "schedule_changes.intro.alternative.body.free": "Choose one of the free alternatives available to you.",
6037 "schedule_changes.intro.alternative.body.paid": "Choose one of the available alternatives.",
6038 "schedule_changes.intro.alternative.heading": "Options",
6039 "schedule_changes.intro.cancelled_flight": "The airline canceled or rescheduled your flight.",
6040 "schedule_changes.intro.guarantee": "You have options with the __brandName__ Guarantee.",
6041 "schedule_changes.intro.heading": "Schedule change",
6042 "schedule_changes.intro.moved_flight": "Please review your new itinerary and adjust your travel plans as necessary.",
6043 "schedule_changes.intro.plan_accordingly.heading": "Rescheduled flight",
6044 "schedule_changes.intro.refund.apply": "Cancel booking",
6045 "schedule_changes.intro.refund.body": "You can cancel your booking and get a __amount__ refund.",
6046 "schedule_changes.intro.refund.body_refund_form": "You can try get a refund by canceling your booking.",
6047 "schedule_changes.intro.refund.button_close": "Close",
6048 "schedule_changes.intro.refund.button_refund": "Refund",
6049 "schedule_changes.intro.refund.cancel_booking": "Cancel booking",
6050 "schedule_changes.intro.refund.confirm_question": "Do you really want to cancel the whole trip?",
6051 "schedule_changes.intro.refund.heading": "Refund",
6052 "schedule_changes.intro.refund.info_based_on_tc": "This amount is based on the T&Cs of the airline and __brandName__.",
6053 "schedule_changes.intro.refund.refundable_amount": "Total refundable amount",
6054 "schedule_changes.layover.too_short": "The layover in __city__ is too short.",
6055 "schedule_changes.major_change_info": "The carrier made a change which has affected your itinerary.",
6056 "schedule_changes.minor_change_info": "The airline rescheduled your flight. Don't worry, just check your new departure time.",
6057 "schedule_changes.minor_delay_paragraph": "The carrier made a schedule change which has affected your itinerary. Please plan accordingly.",
6058 "schedule_changes.new_alternative": "New alternative",
6059 "schedule_changes.non_affected": "Not affected",
6060 "schedule_changes.non_guarantee.airline": "Airline: __airline__",
6061 "schedule_changes.non_guarantee.airline_info": "Operating airline info",
6062 "schedule_changes.non_guarantee.content": "Please contact us or approach the operating airline directly. We support more than 13 major languages.",
6063 "schedule_changes.non_guarantee.flight_number": "Flight number: __flightNumber__",
6064 "schedule_changes.non_guarantee.pnr": "Airline reservation number: __pnr__",
6065 "schedule_changes.non_guarantee.title": "The airline canceled or rescheduled your flight",
6066 "schedule_changes.no_free_alternative_warning": "There are no free alternatives available, but we can offer you an option to pay for.",
6067 "schedule_changes.ok_change": "Agree and change",
6068 "schedule_changes.options.acknowledgment.button": "Accept schedule change",
6069 "schedule_changes.options.acknowledgment.title": "Is this schedule acceptable for you? Click the button below to get an up-to-date itinerary and hide this message.",
6070 "schedule_changes.options.refunds.button": "Refund & cancellations",
6071 "schedule_changes.options.refunds.title": "Cancel your booking and get a refund.",
6072 "schedule_changes.original_time": "Original time",
6073 "schedule_changes.partially_covered": "The __brandName__ Guarantee covers __coveredPrice__ of the __price__ booking price.",
6074 "schedule_changes.partially_covered_emergency": "__brandName__ covers __coveredPrice__ of the __price__ booking price.",
6075 "schedule_changes.partially_covered_expired": "The __brandName__ Guarantee covers __coveredPrice__ of the __price__ booking price.",
6076 "schedule_changes.payment.how_to_pay": "How do you want to pay?",
6077 "schedule_changes.payment.not_enough_credits": "You don't have enough __brandName__ Credit.",
6078 "schedule_changes.payment.no_credits": "You don't have any __brandName__ Credit.",
6079 "schedule_changes.payment.want_use_credits": "Would you like to pay with __brandName__ Credit?",
6080 "schedule_changes.payment_terms_and_conditions": "I accept my selected alternative and understand that I cannot change my decision later. The booking process will begin immediately after clicking the button.",
6081 "schedule_changes.pick_solution": "Select a right solution for you",
6082 "schedule_changes.plan_accordingly": "I understand",
6083 "schedule_changes.post_corona.description": "You can find details about the change <ref>below</ref>.",
6084 "schedule_changes.post_corona.heading": "Your itinerary has been changed by the carrier",
6085 "schedule_changes.refresh": "Refresh",
6086 "schedule_changes.rescheduled.earlier": "Rescheduled flight — __duration__ earlier",
6087 "schedule_changes.rescheduled.later": "Rescheduled flight — __duration__ later",
6088 "schedule_changes.searching.it_may_take_while": "it may take a while",
6089 "schedule_changes.searching.title": "Searching for the best alternatives",
6090 "schedule_changes.select_alternative": "Select an alternative",
6091 "schedule_changes.select_alternative.refund_alert_button": "Get __price__ in Kiwi.com Credit",
6092 "schedule_changes.select_alternative.refund_alert_text": "Get Kiwi.com Credit and book a trip to that place you've been dreaming of.",
6093 "schedule_changes.select_alternative.refund_alert_title": "Not happy with any of the alternatives?",
6094 "schedule_changes.unresolved_schedule_change": "Attention required: your trip has been affected.",
6095 "schedule_changes.view_alternatives": "View alternatives",
6096 "schedule_changes.view_schedule_change": "View change",
6097 "schedule_changes.wait_for_contact_body": "We are searching for alternative routes to your destination. If you don't hear from us within 24 hours, please contact us.",
6098 "schedule_changes.wait_for_contact_title": "Please wait for us to contact you",
6099 "search.add_destination": "Add destination",
6100 "search.app_ad.mobile.text": "Get the best travel deals with the free __companyName__ __platform__ app",
6101 "search.app_ad.tablet.text": "Get instant access to the best flights, bus, and train rides.",
6102 "search.app_ad.tablet.title": "Download the free __companyName__ __platform__ app now",
6103 "search.app_banner.bullet.alerts": "Easy price alerts",
6104 "search.app_banner.bullet.download": "Muat turun pas naik",
6105 "search.app_banner.bullet.interface": "Easy-to-use interface",
6106 "search.app_banner.bullet.lightning": "Carian sepantas kilat",
6107 "search.app_banner.bullet.notifications": "Pemberitahuan perjalanan",
6108 "search.app_banner.bullet.offers": "Dapatkan tawaran dan harga eksklusif",
6109 "search.app_banner.bullet.one_click": "Tempahan satu klik",
6110 "search.app_banner.description": "Dapatkan apl Kiwi.com untuk akses satu sentuhan kepada kembara perjalanan anda yang seterusnya.",
6111 "search.app_banner.download": "Muat turun apl Kiwi.com",
6112 "search.app_banner.download_now": "Muat turun sekarang",
6113 "search.app_banner.fake_door.description": "Ciri ini belum tersedia. Walau bagaimanapun, maklum balas anda membantu kami memahami perkara yang kami harus fokuskan.",
6114 "search.app_banner.fake_door.link_description": "Imbas kod QR atau cari kami di gedung apl anda.",
6115 "search.app_banner.fake_door.title": "Terima kasih atas minat anda",
6116 "search.app_banner.link.send_yourself": "Hantar pautan muat turun kepada diri sendiri",
6117 "search.app_banner.link_one_time_sms": "Anda akan menerima pautan apl melalui SMS sekali guna.",
6118 "search.app_banner.link_question": "Ingin kami menghantar pautan muat turun kepada anda?",
6119 "search.app_banner.link_send_sms": "Hantar pautan melalui SMS",
6120 "search.app_banner.scan_or_sms": "Imbas kod QR atau muat turun melalui SMS.",
6121 "search.app_banner.scan_to_download": "Imbas untuk memuat turun",
6122 "search.app_banner.title": "Dapatkan lebih banyak manfaat daripada Kiwi.com dengan apl mudah alih kami",
6123 "search.app_banner.title.adventures_await": "Kembara menanti dengan apl Kiwi.com",
6124 "search.app_banner.title.carry_travel_guide": "Panduan perjalanan di dalam poket anda",
6125 "search.app_banner.title.every_connection": "Setiap sambungan di dalam poket anda",
6126 "search.app_banner.title.get_app": "Dapatkan apl mudah alih Kiwi.com",
6127 "search.app_banner.title.take_travel_assistant": "Bawa pembantu perjalanan ke mana sahaja anda pergi",
6128 "search.app_banner.title.tap_into": "Hubungkan diri anda kepada dunia perjalanan",
6129 "search.app_banner.title.travel_smart": "Mengembara dengan bijak menggunakan apl mudah alih Kiwi.com",
6130 "search.app_section.subtitile": "Download the Kiwi.com mobile app for one-touch access to your next travel adventure. With the Kiwi.com mobile app you’ll get access to hidden features and special offers.",
6131 "search.availability_alert.change_form_or_get_email": "Try selecting different dates or nearby places. Or we can send you an email when we find a connection.",
6132 "search.availability_alert.enter_email": "Enter your email address and we'll let you know as soon as there's a connection for your route.",
6133 "search.availability_alert.form_description": "Enter your email address, and we'll let you know when there's a connection for your route.",
6134 "search.availability_alert.form_title": "Get an email when we find your trip",
6135 "search.availability_alert.found_results": "__results__ new results are available for this route.",
6136 "search.availability_alert.found_results_title": "We've found new results",
6137 "search.availability_alert.get_notified_asap": "Get notified as soon as this trip becomes available",
6138 "search.availability_alert.notify_me": "Notify me",
6139 "search.availability_alert.show_results": "Show me",
6140 "search.availability_alert.subscribed_title": "You created an Availability Alert.",
6141 "search.availability_alert.success_description": "Meanwhile, try modifying your trip by selecting different dates or nearby places.",
6142 "search.availability_alert.success_title": "We'll let you know when we find your connection",
6143 "search.availability_alert.unsubscribed_title": "You disabled your Availability Alert.",
6144 "search.bePatient.button": "I understand",
6145 "search.bePatient.description": "Customer Support is overloaded with requests. Two of our call centers are closed due to safety precautions. We're doing our best to get <strong>__count__ customers</strong> back home.",
6146 "search.bePatient.info.1": "Please read <a href=\"https://www.kiwi.com/help/covid-19-coronavirus-164\">our FAQs</a> to learn how to solve your travel disruption on your own.",
6147 "search.bePatient.info.2": "For the fastest refund options, please visit “Refunds and Cancellations” in <a href=\"#\">Manage My Booking</a>",
6148 "search.bePatient.info.3": "Please, only call us if you depart in the next 3 days.",
6149 "search.bePatient.title": "We know you're tired of waiting",
6150 "search.cabin_class_promo.change_class": "Change class",
6151 "search.cabin_class_promo.select_business": "Select business class for your flight and relax.",
6152 "search.cabin_class_promo.select_premium_economy": "Select premium economy class for your flight and relax.",
6153 "search.cabin_class_promo.youve_got_class": "You've got class.",
6154 "search.calendar.day_aria_departure": "Select __date__ as your departure date",
6155 "search.calendar.day_aria_return": "Select __date__ as your return date",
6156 "search.calendar.depart_between": "Depart between",
6157 "search.calendar.depart_on": "Depart on",
6158 "search.calendar.return_between": "Return between",
6159 "search.calendar.return_on": "Return on",
6160 "search.calendar.select_departure": "Select departure date",
6161 "search.calendar.select_return": "Select return date",
6162 "search.cars.title": "Let's find your ideal car",
6163 "search.cheaper_option.change_airport": "Tukar lapangan terbang",
6164 "search.cheaper_option.change_date": "Tukar tarikh",
6165 "search.cheaper_option.cheaper_flight_anywhere": "Berlepas dari 250km radius dan jimat __value__ setiap penumpang",
6166 "search.cheaper_option.cheaper_flight_departing_from": "Berlepas antara __from__ – __to__ dan jimat__value__ setiap penumpang",
6167 "search.cheaper_option.cheaper_flight_departing_from_arriving_on": "Berlepas antara __from__ – __to__, kembali antara __arrFrom__ – __arrTo__ dan jimat __value__ setiap penumpang",
6168 "search.cheaper_option.cheaper_flight_to": "Berlepas dari 250 km radius sekitar __place__ dan jimat__value__ setiap penumpang",
6169 "search.cheaper_option.cheaper_flight_with_nights_departing_from": "Tinggal __minStayDays__ – __maxStayDays__ malam berlepas antara __from__ – __to__ dan jimat__value__ setiap penumpang",
6170 "search.cheaper_option.direct_flight_anywhere": "Berlepas dari 250 km radius dan elak hentian tambahan",
6171 "search.cheaper_option.direct_flight_departing_from": "Berlepas antara __from__ – __to__ dan elak hentian tambahan",
6172 "search.cheaper_option.direct_flight_departing_from_arriving_on": "Berlepas antara __from__ – __to__, kembali antara __arrFrom__ – __arrTo__ dan elak hentian tambahan.",
6173 "search.cheaper_option.direct_flight_to": "Berlepas dari 250 km radius ke __place__ dan elak hentian tambahan",
6174 "search.cheaper_option.direct_flight_with_nights_departing_from": "Tinggal __minStayDays__ – __maxStayDays__ malam berlepas antara __from__ – __to__ dan elak hentian tambahan",
6175 "search.cheaper_option.fly_direct": "Terbang terus",
6176 "search.cheaper_option.save_money": "Jimat wang",
6177 "search.cheaper_option.save_time": "Jimat masa",
6178 "search.cheaper_option.shorter_flight_anywhere": "Berlepas dari 250 km radius dan jimat__value__ perjalanan",
6179 "search.cheaper_option.shorter_flight_departing_from": "Berlepas antara __from__ – __to__ dan jimat__value__ perjalanan",
6180 "search.cheaper_option.shorter_flight_departing_from_arriving_on": "Berlepas antara __from__ – __to__, kembali antara __arrFrom__ – __arrTo__ dan dan jimat__value__ perjalanan",
6181 "search.cheaper_option.shorter_flight_to": "Berlepas dari 250 km radius ke __place__ dan jimat __value__ perjalanan",
6182 "search.cheaper_option.shorter_flight_with_nights_departing_from": "Tinggal __minStayDays__ – __maxStayDays__ malam berlepas antara __from__ – __to__ dan jimat__value__ perjalanan",
6183 "search.cheap_flights.city": "Cheap flights from __city__",
6184 "search.cheap_flights.continent": "Cheap flights from cities in __continent__",
6185 "search.cheap_flights.country": "Cheap flights from __country__",
6186 "search.cheap_flights.route": "Cheap flights from __origin__ to __destination__",
6187 "search.cheap_flights.title_long": "Cheap flights to the most popular destinations",
6188 "search.cheap_flights.title_short": "Cheap flights",
6189 "search.common.modify_trip": "Modify trip",
6190 "search.common.try_again": "Try again",
6191 "search.compass_banner.button": "Learn more",
6192 "search.compass_banner.description": "Collect Compass points for each amount spent and use them just like cash on your next booking",
6193 "search.compass_banner.title": "Save with Compass points",
6194 "search.cookies.banner.accept": "Terima",
6195 "search.cookies.banner.customize": "Sesuaikan persetujuan kuki anda",
6196 "search.cookies.banner.your_privacy.text": "Semasa anda melayari tapak web kami, kami mengumpulkan dan memproses data peribadi anda. Salah satu caranya ialah menggunakan <a href=\"/pages/content/privacy#cookies\">kuki</a> untuk mengumpulkan dan memproses data peribadi anda. Dengan mengklik Terima, anda bersetuju dengan penggunaan kuki untuk tujuan prestasi dan pemasaran. Anda boleh mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai sebab dan cara kami memproses data peribadi anda di <a href=\"/pages/content/privacy\">Dasar Privasi</a> kami.",
6197 "search.cookies.banner.your_privacy.title": "Privasi anda, pilihan anda",
6198 "search.corona_alert.customer_service": "Customer Support is forced to prioritize calls. Please only contact us if you depart in less than 3 days. To see if your trip is affected go to <span>Manage My Booking</span>",
6199 "search.corona_alert.latest_info": "The latest information related to <span>COVID-19 (coronavirus)</span>",
6200 "search.corona_banner.refunds": "Refunds and cancellations",
6201 "search.corona_banner.refunds.description": "Open a particular trip, and click &#34;Refunds and cancellations&#34; at the top of the page. You’ll see three options to pick from.",
6202 "search.corona_banner.travel_restrictions": "Countries with travel restrictions due to the coronavirus",
6203 "search.corona_banner.travel_restrictions.description": "If you plan to travel through any of the locations below, your trip might be affected by travel restrictions related to the coronavirus.",
6204 "search.corona_banner.trip_affected": "What to do if your trip is affected by the coronavirus",
6205 "search.corona_banner.trip_affected.description": "Since the start of the coronavirus outbreak, we have been constantly assessing the situation and assisting all affected customers.",
6206 "search.corona_banner.us_travel_restrictions": "US travel restrictions due to the coronavirus",
6207 "search.corona_banner.us_travel_restrictions.description": "The US government imposed certain restrictions of entry into the United States of America due to the coronavirus.",
6208 "search.error_message.404.description": "It looks like this page doesn't exist. Please double-check the link or head to our homepage.",
6209 "search.error_message.404.header": "How did you end up here?",
6210 "search.explore_offer": "Explore offer",
6211 "search.faretypes.subtitle": "In these uncertain times, we provide as much flexibility as you need for any booking.",
6212 "search.faretypes.title": "Cancel or rebook anytime with flexible tickets",
6213 "search.filter.airport.find_airport": "Search airports",
6214 "search.filter.airport.show_all_airports": "Show all airports",
6215 "search.filter.airports.title": "Airports",
6216 "search.filter.allow_overnight_stopovers": "Allow overnight stopovers",
6217 "search.filter.arrive_in": "Arrive in __places__",
6218 "search.filter.carriers.find_carrier": "Cari pengangkut",
6219 "search.filter.carriers.show_all_carriers": "Tunjukkan semua pengangkut",
6220 "search.filter.carriers.title": "Pengangkut",
6221 "search.filter.days.title": "Hari",
6222 "search.filter.depart_from": "Depart from __places__",
6223 "search.filter.duration.connection_count.multiple": "(__selected__ daripada __total__ perjalanan)",
6224 "search.filter.duration.connection_count.one": "(__selected__ daripada 1 perjalanan)",
6225 "search.filter.duration.stopover.title": "Perhentian",
6226 "search.filter.duration.stopover.value": "__min__ - __max__ jam",
6227 "search.filter.duration.title": "Tempoh",
6228 "search.filter.duration.travel_time.loading_connections": "Memuatkan data sambungan...",
6229 "search.filter.duration.travel_time.title": "Tempoh perjalanan maks",
6230 "search.filter.duration.travel_time.value.all": "sebarang",
6231 "search.filter.duration.travel_time.value.multiple": "hingga __duration__ jam",
6232 "search.filter.duration.travel_time.value.one": "hingga 1 jam",
6233 "search.filter.exclude_countries.button.select_all": "Pilih semua",
6234 "search.filter.exclude_countries.button.show_all_countries": "Tunjukkan semua negara",
6235 "search.filter.exclude_countries.no_countries": "Maaf, tiada negara perhentian untuk dipilih.",
6236 "search.filter.exclude_countries.search_countries": "Cari negara",
6237 "search.filter.exclude_countries.text": "Sila pilih mana-mana negara yang anda <strong>tidak</strong> mahu melalui dalam perjalanan anda.",
6238 "search.filter.exclude_countries.title": "Kecualikan negara",
6239 "search.filter.more": "Lagi",
6240 "search.filter.multi_used.button.clear": "Kosongkan",
6241 "search.filter.multi_used.button.deselect_all": "Nyahpilih",
6242 "search.filter.multi_used.button.only": "Hanya",
6243 "search.filter.multi_used.in_results": "Dalam hasil",
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6245 "search.filter.price.any_price": "Sebarang harga",
6246 "search.filter.price.title": "Harga",
6247 "search.filter.stops.allow_overnight_stopovers": "Benarkan perhentian bermalam",
6248 "search.filter.stops.options.any": "Sebarang",
6249 "search.filter.stops.options.none": "Tanpa henti (langsung)",
6250 "search.filter.stops.options.one": "Hingga 1 hentian",
6251 "search.filter.stops.options.two": "Hingga 2 hentian",
6252 "search.filter.stops.title": "Hentian",
6253 "search.filter.times.all_day": "Sepanjang hari",
6254 "search.filter.times.arrival": "Ketibaan",
6255 "search.filter.times.departure": "Perlepasan",
6256 "search.filter.times.from_to_time": "Dari __min__ hingga __max__",
6257 "search.filter.times.title": "Masa",
6258 "search.filter.times.trip.inbound": "Pergi balik",
6259 "search.filter.times.trip.outbound": "Perlepasan",
6260 "search.filter.transportation_type.options.bus": "Bas",
6261 "search.filter.transportation_type.options.flight": "Penerbangan",
6262 "search.filter.transportation_type.options.train": "Kereta api",
6263 "search.filter.transportation_type.title": "Pengangkutan",
6264 "search.find_airport": "Search airports",
6265 "search.find_carrier": "Search carriers",
6266 "search.fly_to_milano.button": "Find out more",
6267 "search.fly_to_milano.main_text": "Discover how to get a free hotel&nbsp;night",
6268 "search.fly_to_milano.small_text": "Fly to Milano",
6269 "search.form.add_destination": "Tambah destinasi",
6270 "search.form.already_included": "Sudah termasuk",
6271 "search.form.anytime": "Bila-bila masa",
6272 "search.form.anywhere": "Ke mana-mana",
6273 "search.form.anywhere_inspiration": "Search <strong>Anywhere</strong> for travel inspiration.",
6274 "search.form.bags.tiers.cabin_bags": "Beg kabin",
6275 "search.form.bags.tiers.checked_bags": "Beg didaftar",
6276 "search.form.button.cancel": "Batal",
6277 "search.form.button.search": "Cari",
6278 "search.form.cabin_class.apply_mixed": "Guna kelas campur",
6279 "search.form.cabin_class.business": "Perniagaan",
6280 "search.form.cabin_class.economy": "Ekonomi",
6281 "search.form.cabin_class.first": "Kelas Pertama",
6282 "search.form.cabin_class.mixed_applied": "Kelas campuran digunakan",
6283 "search.form.cabin_class.premium": "Ekonomi Premium",
6284 "search.form.cabin_class.save_money": "Jimat wang, kekal selesa.",
6285 "search.form.cabin_class.title": "Classes",
6286 "search.form.calendar.depart_between": "Berlepas antara",
6287 "search.form.calendar.depart_on": "Berlepas pada",
6288 "search.form.calendar.depart_on_short": "Depart",
6289 "search.form.calendar.return_between": "Kembali antara",
6290 "search.form.calendar.return_on": "Kembali pada",
6291 "search.form.calendar.return_short": "Return",
6292 "search.form.clear_all": "Clear All",
6293 "search.form.could_not_find": "We couldn’t find what you were looking for.",
6294 "search.form.date_nocolon": "Perlepasan",
6295 "search.form.date_picker.anytime": "Anytime",
6296 "search.form.date_picker.button.set_date": "Set date",
6297 "search.form.date_picker.button.set_dates": "Tetapkan tarikh",
6298 "search.form.date_picker.date_range": "Date range",
6299 "search.form.date_picker.departure": "Perlepasan",
6300 "search.form.date_picker.earlier_return": "Tetapkan tarikh kembali lebih awal?",
6301 "search.form.date_picker.exact_day": "Exact day",
6302 "search.form.date_picker.length": "Tempoh",
6303 "search.form.date_picker.not_set": "Not set",
6304 "search.form.date_picker.no_return": "Bukan pergi balik",
6305 "search.form.date_picker.one_way_only": "One way only",
6306 "search.form.date_picker.prices_hint": "Menunjukkan harga dalam <strong>__currency__</strong> untuk <strong>__origin__</strong>__arrow__<strong>__destination__</strong>",
6307 "search.form.date_picker.reset_hint": "Klik untuk set semula kepada bila-bila masa",
6308 "search.form.date_picker.return": "Pergi balik",
6309 "search.form.date_picker.time_of_stay": "Tempoh penginapan",
6310 "search.form.date_picker.time_of_stay.more_nights": "Menginap __count__ malam",
6311 "search.form.date_picker.time_of_stay.more_nights_short": "__count__ nights",
6312 "search.form.date_picker.time_of_stay.one_night": "Menginap 1 malam",
6313 "search.form.date_picker.time_of_stay.one_night_short": "1 night",
6314 "search.form.date_picker.trip_lenght": "Trip length",
6315 "search.form.distance.button.done": "Selesai",
6316 "search.form.distance.center": "__distance__ km dari pusat bandar",
6317 "search.form.distance.from": "__distance__ km dari __fromPlace__",
6318 "search.form.distance.geo": "__distance__ km away",
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6320 "search.form.expand_radius_description": "Luaskan __center__ kepada kawasan seluas 250 km",
6321 "search.form.filter.bags.title": "Beg",
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6323 "search.form.filter.passengers.adults.count.one": "__count__ Adult",
6324 "search.form.filter.passengers.adults.subtext.short": "11 ke atas",
6325 "search.form.from_nocolon": "Dari",
6326 "search.form.home_location": "Home location",
6327 "search.form.invalid_input": "Kami tidak menemui lokasi yang sesuai dengan input anda. Apa kata kita cuba lagi?",
6328 "search.form.journey_mode.business_travel": "Travel planner",
6329 "search.form.journey_mode.choose_trip": "Pilih perjalanan",
6330 "search.form.journey_mode.one_way": "Sehala",
6331 "search.form.journey_mode.return": "Pergi balik",
6332 "search.form.mode.multicity": "Berbilang Bandar",
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6338 "search.form.passengers.children.title": "Kanak-kanak",
6339 "search.form.passengers.infants.subtext": "Bawah 2",
6340 "search.form.passengers.infants.title": "Bayi",
6341 "search.form.passengers.title": "Penumpang",
6342 "search.form.recent_search": "Carian terkini",
6343 "search.form.return_nocolon": "Pergi balik",
6344 "search.form.stay_nights_short": "__min__ – __max__ nights",
6345 "search.form.tip": "Cuba \"__tip__\"",
6346 "search.form.to_nocolon": "Ke",
6347 "search.form.trending": "Semakin Popular",
6348 "search.form.where_next": "Ke mana lagi selepas ini?",
6349 "search.form.where_to_travel": "Not sure where to travel next?",
6350 "search.form.your_locations": "Your locations",
6351 "search.format.date.to": "to",
6352 "search.go_nomad": "Go Nomad",
6353 "search.holidays.title": "Save up to 50 % on your next holiday",
6354 "search.home_page.deals.find_more_deals": "Find more deals",
6355 "search.home_page.deals.places_for_you": "Find inspiration in places picked just for you",
6356 "search.home_page.deals.popular_destinations_text": "These alluring destinations from __origin__ are picked just for you.",
6357 "search.home_page.deals.popular_destinations_title": "Popular destinations from __origin__",
6358 "search.home_page.recent_search.contiue_your_search": "Continue your search",
6359 "search.home_page.recent_search.filters": "Filters",
6360 "search.home_page.upcoming_trip.ancillary_accommodation.action": "Find a hotel deal",
6361 "search.home_page.upcoming_trip.ancillary_accommodation.title": "Find a hotel",
6362 "search.home_page.upcoming_trip.ancillary_connection.action": "Book trains & buses",
6363 "search.home_page.upcoming_trip.ancillary_connection.title": "Get to the airport",
6364 "search.home_page.upcoming_trip.ancillary_parking.action": "Reserve airport parking",
6365 "search.home_page.upcoming_trip.ancillary_parking.title": "Airport parking",
6366 "search.home_page.upcoming_trip.ancillary_rent_a_car.action": "Find a rental car",
6367 "search.home_page.upcoming_trip.ancillary_rent_a_car.title": "Rent a car",
6368 "search.home_page.upcoming_trip.route_simple": "__from__ to __to__",
6369 "search.home_page.upcoming_trip.see_future_trips": "See all future trips",
6370 "search.home_page.upcoming_trip.status_closed": "Closed",
6371 "search.home_page.upcoming_trip.status_confirmed": "Confirmed",
6372 "search.home_page.upcoming_trip.status_pending": "Pending",
6373 "search.home_page.upcoming_trip.status_processing": "Processing",
6374 "search.home_page.upcoming_trip.title": "Get ready for your trip",
6375 "search.home_page.usps.1.description": "Adjust the filters and search for anything you can imagine, including date ranges, bags, and cabin classes.",
6376 "search.home_page.usps.1.title": "Unique search possibilities",
6377 "search.home_page.usps.2.description": "Combine flights, buses, and trains together for the most convenient travel itineraries.",
6378 "search.home_page.usps.2.title": "Multiple ways to travel",
6379 "search.home_page.usps.3.description": "Receive trip notifications, boarding passes, additional services, and more. Our agents are here to help.",
6380 "search.home_page.usps.3.title": "Great customer support",
6381 "search.home_page.usps.4.description": "Choose your level of flexibility and enjoy simple change and cancellation rules for all your travels.",
6382 "search.home_page.usps.4.title": "One set of rules",
6383 "search.journey_action.share.button": "Kongsi",
6384 "search.journey_action.star.button": "Jimat",
6385 "search.landing_page.adventure_subtitle": "Cari destinasi paling selamat. Tempah dengan fleksibel.",
6386 "search.landing_page.adventure_title": "Rancang kembara esok hari ini",
6387 "search.landing_page.airline.baggage.title": "__airline__ baggage policy in 2020",
6388 "search.landing_page.airline.bestDeals.title": "Best flight deals with __airline__ on __brandName__",
6389 "search.landing_page.airline.destinations_map.empty": "__airline__ does not have any active routes.",
6390 "search.landing_page.airline.destinations_map.table.airport": "Airport",
6391 "search.landing_page.airline.destinations_map.table.city": "City",
6392 "search.landing_page.airline.destinations_map.table.country": "Country",
6393 "search.landing_page.airline.destinations_map.table.iataCode": "IATA code",
6394 "search.landing_page.airline.destinations_map.table.showMore": "Show more",
6395 "search.landing_page.airline.destinations_map.title": "__airline__ destinations map 2020",
6396 "search.landing_page.airline.hero.sub_title": "Find cheap flights with __airline__",
6397 "search.landing_page.airline.hero.title": "__airline__ flights",
6398 "search.landing_page.airline.map.button": "Search __airline__ flights",
6399 "search.landing_page.airline.map.button_deprecated": "Search flights",
6400 "search.landing_page.airline.map.description": "Search all __airline__ destinations on our interactive map.",
6401 "search.landing_page.airline.map.description_deprecated": "Search all destinations on interactive map",
6402 "search.landing_page.airline.map.title": "__airline__ map",
6403 "search.landing_page.airline.results.oneway.title": "Cheap one-way flights",
6404 "search.landing_page.airline.results.return.title": "Cheap round-trips",
6405 "search.landing_page.airline.title": "__airline__ flights",
6406 "search.landing_page.airline_description.book.title": "Book cheap flights with __airline__",
6407 "search.landing_page.airline_description.flights.airline_code": "Airline code",
6408 "search.landing_page.airline_description.flights.contact_info": "Contact info",
6409 "search.landing_page.airline_description.flights.destinations": "Destinations",
6410 "search.landing_page.airline_description.flights.document_requirements": "Required documents ",
6411 "search.landing_page.airline_description.flights.fleet": "Fleet size",
6412 "search.landing_page.airline_description.flights.fleet_type": "Aircraft type",
6413 "search.landing_page.airline_description.flights.flights_per_month": "Flights per month",
6414 "search.landing_page.airline_description.flights.homebase_airport": "Airport home base",
6415 "search.landing_page.airline_description.flights.title": "__airline__ flights",
6416 "search.landing_page.airline_description.flights.website": "Website",
6417 "search.landing_page.airline_description.flights.year_founded": "Year founded",
6418 "search.landing_page.check-in.airport_check-in": "Airport check-in closes",
6419 "search.landing_page.check-in.airport_check-in.mins_before": "__minutes__ min before flight",
6420 "search.landing_page.check-in.airport_check-in.zero": "Unknown",
6421 "search.landing_page.check-in.booking_doc_needed": "Passport needed during booking",
6422 "search.landing_page.check-in.booking_doc_needed.no": "No",
6423 "search.landing_page.check-in.booking_doc_needed.yes": "Yes",
6424 "search.landing_page.check-in.check-in_days": "Check-in days",
6425 "search.landing_page.check-in.iataCode": "IATA Code",
6426 "search.landing_page.check-in.icao": "Carrier code",
6427 "search.landing_page.check-in.name": "Name",
6428 "search.landing_page.check-in.online_check-in": "Online check-in available",
6429 "search.landing_page.check-in.online_check-in.closes": "Closes __hours__ hours before flight",
6430 "search.landing_page.check-in.online_check-in.no": "No",
6431 "search.landing_page.check-in.online_check-in.opens": "Opens __days__ days before flight",
6432 "search.landing_page.check-in.title": "Check-in for a flight from __origin__ to __destination__",
6433 "search.landing_page.committed_subtitle": "Now more than ever, we're committed to giving you more travel options.",
6434 "search.landing_page.committed_title": "Committed to you",
6435 "search.landing_page.corona_articles.1.button": "Find out more",
6436 "search.landing_page.corona_articles.1.description": "Learn more about our numerous refund options like carrier self-service and instant refunds. ",
6437 "search.landing_page.corona_articles.1.title": "Refunds & cancellations",
6438 "search.landing_page.corona_articles.2.button": "Manage My Booking",
6439 "search.landing_page.corona_articles.2.description": "The fastest and easiest way to cancel a flight or receive a refund is to do so in Manage My Booking. ",
6440 "search.landing_page.corona_articles.2.title": "Request a refund",
6441 "search.landing_page.corona_articles.3.button": " COVID-19 information",
6442 "search.landing_page.corona_articles.3.description": "Read more about the coronavirus and how it might affect your trip.",
6443 "search.landing_page.corona_articles.3.title": "Latest coronavirus information",
6444 "search.landing_page.corona_articles.title": "Solutions for travelers during the COVID-19 pandemic",
6445 "search.landing_page.explore": "Explore",
6446 "search.landing_page.explore_map": "Explore the map",
6447 "search.landing_page.hero.subtitle": "Our number one priority is to ensure all our customers reach their destinations safely. Please understand, wait times might be longer.",
6448 "search.landing_page.hero.title": "Working together to get you home",
6449 "search.landing_page.kiwi_slogan": "Book cheap flights",
6450 "search.landing_page.map.button": "Teroka",
6451 "search.landing_page.map.description": "Mula rancang kembara anda seterusnya di peta.",
6452 "search.landing_page.map.title": "Teroka peta",
6453 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.breadcrumbs.arrival_to": "Arrival at",
6454 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.breadcrumbs.cheap_flights": "Cheap flights",
6455 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.breadcrumbs.departure_from": "Depart from",
6456 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.breadcrumbs.flights_buses_trains": "Flights, buses, and trains",
6457 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.breadcrumbs.title": "Travel to or from the airport, bus or train station",
6458 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.description.article1.planning_trip": "Planning a trip? Thanks to our <a href=\"__link__\">Virtual Interlining</a> algorithm, we offer billions of route combinations between any A and any B in the world by plane, train, and bus. Find the cheapest routes and best deals for you, as well as the best dates on which to travel.",
6459 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.description.article2.experienced_traveler": "If you’re an experienced traveler, Kiwi.com represents the ultimate <a href=\"__link__\">travel hack</a>, with quick connections and secret routes connected with Virtual Interlining. For someone who just fancies a holiday, it’s great value, fast, and reliable. We’ve got up-to-the-minute travel information and last-minute bargains, meaning that whatever you’re looking for, we’ve got something for you.",
6460 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.description.article3.search_tickets": "Not sure how to search for tickets with the best prices? The best way to select the cheapest connection is by looking at our price graph with prices of flights, as well as ground transportation like buses and trains. Change your search parameters, hunt for bargains, and find out all the information you need for your next trip.",
6461 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.description.article4.nomad": "To get more of the best prices on multi-city or multi-destination trips, use <a href=\"__linkNomadFeature__\">Kiwi.com’s Nomad feature</a>. Simply tell <a href=\"__linkNomad__\">Nomad</a> where you’d like to go and it’ll find the cheapest route between those destinations.",
6462 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.1.answer": "A one-way nonstop (direct) flight from __origin__ to __destination__ takes about __flightDurationDirectHours__ hours.",
6463 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.1.question": "How long is a nonstop (direct) flight from __origin__ to __destination__?",
6464 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.10.answer": "If you travel with Kiwi.com, you can choose your preferred amount of cabin and checked baggage when booking the most convenient connection between __origin__ and __destination__. Your selected search result will indicate how much baggage you're allowed on your journey.",
6465 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.10.question": "What is the baggage allowance for a trip from __origin__ to __destination__?",
6466 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.11.answer": "Booking with Kiwi.com allows you to select one or many different cabin classes. Between __origin__ and __destination__, you can choose from economy, premium economy, business, and first-class. It's also possible to apply mixed classes and travel different parts of your journey in a different cabin class, allowing you to stay comfy and save money.",
6467 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.11.question": "What cabin classes can you combine for a journey from __origin__ to __destination__?",
6468 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.12.answer": "If you don’t have specific dates for your trip between __origin__ and __destination__, you can enter a date range into the departure and return fields. Most carriers on the Kiwi.com website allow you to search and book up to six months from the day of your search. Order the search results by the best, cheapest, or fastest route, or find the cheapest outbound and return combination in the pricing table.",
6469 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.12.question": "When's the best time to travel between __origin__ and __destination__?",
6470 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.13.answer": "Traveling between __origin__ and __destination__, you can choose between direct (nonstop) flights or flights with one or more stops. You can select the number of stops on your journey, including an overnight stopover, and the duration of the stopover. What's more, you can also select where you want to have your stopover. Want to say \"Hi\" to a friend in another city en route to your destination? Or fancy a quick round of shopping? Go Multi-City or Nomad and add places to your search that you wish to visit.",
6471 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.13.question": "What flights operate between __origin__ and __destination__?",
6472 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.14.answer": "Travelers frequently search for route combinations, such as __origin__ and __sourcePopularDestinations__.",
6473 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.14.question": "What are the most popular routes to and from __origin__?",
6474 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.15.answer": "Travelers frequently search for route combinations, such as __destination__ and __destinationPopularDestinations__.",
6475 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.15.question": "What are the most popular routes to and from __destination__?",
6476 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.16.answer": "__origin__ is mainly served by __baseAirportInOrigin__. But there are other airports nearby, including __otherAirportsInOrigin__.",
6477 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.16.question": "Which airports are there in __origin__?",
6478 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.17.answer": "__destination__ is mainly served by __baseAirportsInDestination__. But there are other airports nearby, including __otherAirportsInDestination__.",
6479 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.17.question": "Which airports are there in __destination__?",
6480 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.18.answer": "The main airport in __origin__ is __baseAirportInOrigin__. It is also served by __nearbySourceAirports__.",
6481 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.18.question": "What airports are near __origin__?",
6482 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.19.answer": "The main airport in __destination__ is __baseAirportsInDestination__. It is also served by __nearbyDestinationAirports__.",
6483 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.19.question": "What airports are near __destination__?",
6484 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.2.answer": "A one-way nonstop (direct) flight between __origin__ and __destination__ takes around __flightDurationDirectHours__ hours.",
6485 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.2.question": "How long does it take to travel from __origin__ to __destination__?",
6486 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.20.answer": "There are a number of airports in and around __origin__. The main one is __baseAirportInOrigin__ and other nearby airports include __nearbySourceAirports__",
6487 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.20.question": "How many airports are there near __origin__?",
6488 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.21.answer": "There are a number of airports in and around __destination__. The main one is __baseAirportsInDestination__ and other nearby airports include __nearbyDestinationAirports__.",
6489 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.21.question": "How many airports are there near __destination__?",
6490 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.22.answer": "Yes, __origin__ has great ground transport connections with the rest of the world. Our price graph doesn't just show prices for flights to and from __origin__, it also shows buses and trains.",
6491 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.22.question": "Is it possible to reach __origin__ by bus or train?",
6492 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.23.answer": "A number of bus and train companies depart from __origin__, including __busAndTrainCarriersFromOrigin__.",
6493 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.23.question": "What buses and trains depart from __origin__?",
6494 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.24.answer": "This depends on the airline's flight schedule. You can easily select your preferred departure time when you search on our website or mobile app. Choose the time of day you wish to depart from __origin__, such as morning, afternoon, evening, or night, or select the exact hours for departure.",
6495 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.24.question": "What time do nonstop (direct) flights between __origin__ and __destination__ depart?",
6496 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.25.answer": "This depends on the airline's flight schedule. You can easily select your preferred arrival time when you search on our website or mobile app. Choose the time of day you wish to arrive at __destination__, such as morning, afternoon, evening, or night, or select the exact hours for arrival.",
6497 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.25.question": "What time do nonstop (direct) flights between __origin__ and __destination__ arrive?",
6498 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.26.answer": "This depends on the airline's flight schedule. You can easily select your preferred departure time when you search on our website or mobile app. Choose the time of day you wish to depart from __origin__, such as morning, afternoon, evening, or night, or select the exact hours for departure.",
6499 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.26.question": "What time do flights between __origin__ and __destination__ depart?",
6500 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.27.answer": "This depends on the airline's flight schedule. You can easily select your preferred arrival time when you search on our website or mobile app. Choose the time of day you wish to arrive at __destination__, such as morning, afternoon, evening, or night, or select the exact hours for arrival.",
6501 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.27.question": "What time do flights between __origin__ and __destination__ arrive?",
6502 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.3.answer": "The prices of a journey from __origin__ to __destination__ start at __lowestPriceForAllTransports__. The easiest way to travel between these two places is on a nonstop (direct) flight, which averages at around __lowestPriceForDirectFlights__.",
6503 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.3.question": "What is the lowest price to travel from __origin__ to __destination__?",
6504 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.4.answer": "The flight distance between __origin__ and __destination__ is __directFlightDistance__ km.",
6505 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.4.question": "What is the flight distance between __origin__ and __destination__?",
6506 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.5.answer": "Yes, it's possible to combine different modes of transport between __origin__ and __destination__ thanks to our Virtual Interlining technology. Making use of not only flights but also trains and buses between __origin__ and __destination__ can give rise to new adventures. Read more about how Virtual Interlining works on Kiwi.com Stories.",
6507 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.5.question": "Is it possible to combine flights, buses, and trains in one itinerary when traveling between __origin__ and __destination__?",
6508 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.6.answer": "Virtual Interlining provides a revolutionary way of traveling. You can combine different modes of transport like flights, trains, and buses into one itinerary. And this often saves money. Thanks to the world's largest carrier database, the Kiwi.com search function enables anyone to mix and match different modes of transport easily.",
6509 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.6.question": "What is Virtual Interlining and how do I use it?",
6510 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.7.answer": "Yes, there are several nonstop flights between __origin__ and __destination__ to choose from. And the average travel time is about __flightDurationDirectHours__ hours.",
6511 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.7.question": "Is there a nonstop flight from __origin__ to __destination__?",
6512 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.8.answer": "Several carriers operate flights between __origin__ and __destination__. Airlines offering nonstop (direct) flights include __directAirlines__.",
6513 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.8.question": "What airlines offer nonstop (direct) flights between __origin__ and __destination__?",
6514 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.9.answer": "Currently, you can fly between __origin__ and __destination__ with __popularAirlines__.",
6515 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.9.question": "Which airlines fly between __origin__ and __destination__?",
6516 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.faq.title": "Frequently asked questions",
6517 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.hero.subtitle": "Choose between __carrier1__, __carrier2__, or __carrier3__ to find the best price",
6518 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.hero.title": "Cheap flights from __origin__ to __destination__",
6519 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.map.description": "Search, compare, and book flights, trains, or buses to get there.",
6520 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.map.search.button": "Search flights, trains & buses",
6521 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.map.title": "Find the best connection from __origin__ to __destination__",
6522 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.popular_routes.flights_from": "Flights from __origin__",
6523 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.popular_routes.flights_from_to": "Flights from __origin__ to __destination__",
6524 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.popular_routes.flights_to": "Flights to __destination__",
6525 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.popular_routes.title": "Explore alternative destinations",
6526 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.search_direct_flights.button": "Search direct flights",
6527 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.search_flights.button": "Search flights",
6528 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.service.meta": "__from__ to __to__ best prices & connections",
6529 "search.landing_page.origin_destination.title": "Cheap flights from __origin__ to __destination__",
6530 "search.landing_page.origin_destination_description.book_your_trip": "Book your trip to arrive at __stations__, or __stationsLast__.",
6531 "search.landing_page.origin_destination_description.destination_pois": "When you arrive at __destination__, consider visiting __destinationNearbyPois__, and __destinationNearbyPoisLast__.",
6532 "search.landing_page.origin_destination_description.direct_flights": "__origin__ and __destination__ have __combinedFlightsPerWeek__ direct flights per week.",
6533 "search.landing_page.origin_destination_description.distance": "The distance between __origin__ and __destination__ is __distance__ km.",
6534 "search.landing_page.origin_destination_description.other_people": "Travelers usually depart from __stations__, or __stationsLast__ when they travel from __origin__ to __destination__.",
6535 "search.landing_page.origin_destination_description.popular_airlines.plural": "The most popular airlines for this route are __airlines__, and __airlinesLast__.",
6536 "search.landing_page.origin_destination_description.popular_airlines.singular": "The most popular airline for this route is __listOfAirlines__.",
6537 "search.landing_page.origin_destination_stories.subtitle": "Kiwi.com Stories is our online travel magazine. It contains travel news, travel tips, destination guides, trip ideas, and seasonal travel suggestions, all written by seasoned travelers. If you want to know the best, most exciting, coolest places to be, Kiwi.com Stories has everything you need. Get inspired with Kiwi.com Stories!",
6538 "search.landing_page.origin_destination_stories.title": "Read about __city__ and more on Kiwi.com Stories",
6539 "search.landing_page.plan_adventure": "Start planning your next adventure on the map.",
6540 "search.landing_page.results.oneway.anywhere.title": "Cheap one-way flights from __origin__",
6541 "search.landing_page.results.oneway.title": "Cheap one-way trips starting from __price__ from __origin__ to __destination__",
6542 "search.landing_page.results.return.anywhere.title": "Cheap return flights from __origin__",
6543 "search.landing_page.results.return.title": "Cheap round trips starting from __price__ from __origin__ to __destination__",
6544 "search.landing_page.results.show_more.oneway": "Show more one-way flights",
6545 "search.landing_page.results.show_more.return": "Show more return flights",
6546 "search.landing_page.results.tile.oneway": "One-way, __timestamp__",
6547 "search.landing_page.results.tile.price": "From __price__",
6548 "search.landing_page.results.tile.return": "Round trip, __outboundTimestamp__ - __inboundDateTimestamp__",
6549 "search.landing_page.results.tile.select": "Select",
6550 "search.landing_page.search_flights": "Search Flights",
6551 "search.landing_page.stories.readMore": "Read more",
6552 "search.landing_page.stories.showMore": "Show more stories",
6553 "search.landing_page.title": "Book cheap flights, trains & buses",
6554 "search.landing_page.top_airlines.title": "Top airlines flying to/from __airport__",
6555 "search.landing_page.travel_tips.carriers": "There are __numberOfCarriers__ carriers operating bus and train services between __origin__ and __destination__.",
6556 "search.landing_page.travel_tips.one-way_ticket": "The cheapest price of a one-way ticket from __origin__ to __destination__ is __price__.",
6557 "search.landing_page.travel_tips.round-trip": "Round trip fares cost between __minPrice__ at the lowest and __maxPrice__ at most. ",
6558 "search.landing_page.travel_tips.title": "Travel tips & how to get from __origin__ to __destination__",
6559 "search.landing_page.weekly_flights.departing_days": "__carrier__ on __days__and __daysLast__.",
6560 "search.landing_page.weekly_flights.fly_direct_with": "Fly direct with",
6561 "search.landing_page.weekly_flights.friday": "Friday",
6562 "search.landing_page.weekly_flights.fridays": "Fridays",
6563 "search.landing_page.weekly_flights.monday": "Monday",
6564 "search.landing_page.weekly_flights.mondays": "Mondays",
6565 "search.landing_page.weekly_flights.number_of_flights": "Number of flights",
6566 "search.landing_page.weekly_flights.saturday": "Saturday",
6567 "search.landing_page.weekly_flights.saturdays": "Saturdays",
6568 "search.landing_page.weekly_flights.sunday": "Sunday",
6569 "search.landing_page.weekly_flights.sundays": "Sundays",
6570 "search.landing_page.weekly_flights.thursday": "Thursday",
6571 "search.landing_page.weekly_flights.thursdays": "Thursdays",
6572 "search.landing_page.weekly_flights.title": "Weekly flights",
6573 "search.landing_page.weekly_flights.tuesday": "Tuesday",
6574 "search.landing_page.weekly_flights.tuesdays": "Tuesdays",
6575 "search.landing_page.weekly_flights.wednesday": "Wednesday",
6576 "search.landing_page.weekly_flights.wednesdays": "Wednesdays",
6577 "search.link_copied": "The link has been copied.",
6578 "search.load_more": "Load more",
6579 "search.location_hashtags.activities": "Activities",
6580 "search.location_hashtags.adventure": "Adventure",
6581 "search.location_hashtags.beach": "Beach",
6582 "search.location_hashtags.diving_and_snorkeling": "Diving & snorkeling",
6583 "search.location_hashtags.events": "Events",
6584 "search.location_hashtags.family_fun": "Family fun",
6585 "search.location_hashtags.food_and_drink": "Food & drink",
6586 "search.location_hashtags.music": "Music",
6587 "search.location_hashtags.nature": "Nature",
6588 "search.location_hashtags.new_feature": "New!",
6589 "search.location_hashtags.nightlife": "Nightlife",
6590 "search.location_hashtags.romance": "Romance",
6591 "search.location_hashtags.short_break": "Short break",
6592 "search.location_hashtags.sightseeing_and_culture": "Sightseeing & culture",
6593 "search.location_hashtags.skiing": "Skiing",
6594 "search.location_hashtags.sports": "Sports",
6595 "search.location_hashtags.surfing": "Surfing",
6596 "search.location_hashtags.unusual": "Unusual",
6597 "search.location_hashtags.winter_sports": "Winter sports",
6598 "search.map.explore_map": "Explore map",
6599 "search.map.large_map": "Large map",
6600 "search.map.plan_trip": "Start planning your next trip on the map",
6601 "search.map.small_map": "Small map",
6602 "search.map_navbar.map": "Map",
6603 "search.map_navbar.tiles": "Tiles",
6604 "search.meta_provider_help": "You might be redirected to another website",
6605 "search.multicity.new_filter_promo": "New arrivals",
6606 "search.multicity.new_filter_promo.filter_per_trip": "You can apply filters to each trip.",
6607 "search.multicity.new_filter_promo.improved_options": "We've improved our filter options.",
6608 "search.multi_select.show_all": "Show all",
6609 "search.new_features_hint": "Read more about our new search features",
6610 "search.nomad.add_places.button.search": "Search journeys",
6611 "search.nomad.add_places.days_left.correct.title": "It is about the right amount of travel time",
6612 "search.nomad.add_places.days_left.overshot.body": "Extend the length of your trip or reduce the number of destinations.",
6613 "search.nomad.add_places.days_left.overshot.title": "The trip will overrun by __days__ days",
6614 "search.nomad.add_places.days_left.overshot.title.one_day": "The trip will overrun by one day",
6615 "search.nomad.add_places.days_left.short.title": "You still have __days__ days left",
6616 "search.nomad.add_places.days_left.short.title.one_day": "You still have one day left",
6617 "search.nomad.add_places.different_return.end_trip.checkbox": "Return to a different location",
6618 "search.nomad.add_places.different_return.end_trip.grey_text": "End trip at",
6619 "search.nomad.add_places.different_return.end_trip.text": "I don't want to return to the starting location",
6620 "search.nomad.add_places.first_destination.grey_text": "First destination",
6621 "search.nomad.add_places.second_destination.grey_text": "Second destination",
6622 "search.nomad.add_places.subtitle": "Add at least two destinations and Nomad will shuffle them to find the best travel options.",
6623 "search.nomad.add_places.title.places_to_visit": "Places to visit",
6624 "search.nomad.form.button.add_destination": "Add destinations",
6625 "search.nomad.form.trip_lenght": "Trip length",
6626 "search.nomad.journeys.recommended.body": "Find inspiration in our recommendations and modify them however you want.",
6627 "search.nomad.journeys.recommended.title": "Recommended journeys",
6628 "search.nomad.landing_page.add_places.body": "Add destinations from your bucketlist and Nomad will find the best way of visting them all in one trip.",
6629 "search.nomad.landing_page.add_places.title": "Visit your dream destinations",
6630 "search.nomad.landing_page.learn_more.title": "Learn more about Nomad",
6631 "search.nomad.landing_page.subtitle": "Nomad finds the best way of visiting multiple destinations, saving you time and money.",
6632 "search.nomad.landing_page.title": "Visit more places for less with Nomad",
6633 "search.nomad.landing_page.usp.flexibility": "With our ticket fares, you can have the flexibility to rebook or cancel the trip.",
6634 "search.nomad.landing_page.usp.less_time_planning": "Spend less time planning. Nomad will find you the best transport options by combining flights, buses, and trains.",
6635 "search.nomad.landing_page.usp.perfect_itinerary": "Nomad shuffles the destinations to create the perfect itinerary to save you time and money.",
6636 "search.nomad_banner.description": "Nomad provides you with the cheapest-possible route to multiple destinations.",
6637 "search.nomad_banner.example.asia": "Best of Asia",
6638 "search.nomad_banner.example.europe": "European sightseeing",
6639 "search.nomad_banner.example.world": "Around the world",
6640 "search.nomad_banner.extend": "Extend your trip to places around __destination__.",
6641 "search.nomad_banner.more_tips": "More tips",
6642 "search.nomad_banner.plan_cheapest": "Easily plan trips with the cheapest prices.",
6643 "search.nomad_banner.price": "See more from __price__.",
6644 "search.nomad_banner.shuffle_destinations": "Automatically shuffle multiple destinations. ",
6645 "search.nomad_banner.travel_more_pay_less": "Travel more. Pay less.",
6646 "search.nomad_banner.visit": "Visit",
6647 "search.nomad_hero_banner.description": "We mix and combine destinations to provide you with the cheapest route.",
6648 "search.nomad_hero_banner.title": "Explore the world with Nomad",
6649 "search.nomad_limit_warning": "That's the maximum number of destinations. To see your results, click Search.",
6650 "search.nps.button.open": "Feedback",
6651 "search.nps.input.button.submit": "Hantar maklum balas",
6652 "search.nps.input.motivation": "Maklum balas jujur anda amat berharga bagi kami.",
6653 "search.nps.input.title.neutrals_detractors": "Apakah yang boleh kami tingkatkan untuk menjadikan pengalaman carian anda lebih baik?",
6654 "search.nps.input.title.promoters": "Apakah yang anda suka tentang mencari di __companyName__?",
6655 "search.nps.question": "Bayangkan rakan atau ahli keluarga anda sedang mencari perjalanan. Sejauh manakah kemungkinan anda mengesyorkan mencari di __companyName__ berdasarkan pengalaman anda?",
6656 "search.nps.thanks.description": "Ini akan membantu kami menambah baik pengalaman di __companyName__.",
6657 "search.nps.thanks.title": "Terima kasih atas maklum balas",
6658 "search.nps.value.like": "Sangat mungkin",
6659 "search.nps.value.not_like": "Tidak mungkin sama sekali",
6660 "search.outdated_data.refresh": "Refresh",
6661 "search.outdated_data.text": "Refresh your search to get the latest pricing and availability.",
6662 "search.outdated_data.title": "Get fresh results",
6663 "search.placepicker.show_bus_stations": "Show bus stations",
6664 "search.placepicker.show_train_stations": "Show train stations",
6665 "search.place_limit_warning": "Too many places. Use a maximum of 10 cities or airports and 3 countries or radiuses.",
6666 "search.pricegraph.cheaper_than_selected_date": "__price__ cheaper than currently selected date",
6667 "search.pricegraph.day_trip": "__length__ day trip",
6668 "search.pricegraph.decrease_trip_length": "decrease trip length",
6669 "search.pricegraph.explore_price_trends": "Explore price trends for trips to __city__",
6670 "search.pricegraph.increase_trip_length": "increase trip length",
6671 "search.pricegraph.loading_prices": "Loading prices",
6672 "search.pricegraph.more_expensive_than_selected_date": "__price__ more expensive than currently selected date",
6673 "search.pricegraph.price_trends": "Price trends",
6674 "search.pricegraph.selected.one_way": "One-way __dateString__ __price__",
6675 "search.pricegraph.showing_currency": "Showing prices in __currency__",
6676 "search.priceTrends.modal.cancelButton": "Cancel",
6677 "search.priceTrends.modal.selectButton": "Select",
6678 "search.priceTrends.modal.selected": "Selected",
6679 "search.priceTrends.modal.selectedDetail": "__dateString__, Round trip __price__",
6680 "search.price_alert.get_best_deals": "Get the best deals",
6681 "search.price_alert_banner.heading": "Get price updates",
6682 "search.price_alert_banner.text": "Receive updates whenever the price changes by more than __change__%",
6683 "search.price_matrix.how_it_works": "How the pricing table works",
6684 "search.price_matrix.loading_cheaper_prices": "Loading cheaper prices",
6685 "search.price_matrix.pricing_table": "Jadual penentuan harga",
6686 "search.price_matrix.tip": "untuk hasil terbaik guna penapis",
6687 "search.price_matrix.tip.title": "Tip:",
6688 "search.rental_car.advantage_locations": "__locations__ locations around the globe",
6689 "search.rental_car.advantage_prices": "Lowest price car rental in __city__",
6690 "search.rental_car.car_hire_in_city": "Car Hire in __city__",
6691 "search.rental_car.stay_safe_in_car": "Stay safe from COVID-19 in a rental car.",
6692 "search.rental_car.vew_cars": "View Cars",
6693 "search.result.airline.label": "Syarikat penerbangan",
6694 "search.result.anywhere.connections": "Sambungan ke <span class=\"__className__\">__city__</span>",
6695 "search.result.baglimit.up_to_limit": "up to __limit__",
6696 "search.result.booking_options.booking_site.subheader": "Booking site",
6697 "search.result.booking_options.button": "Booking options",
6698 "search.result.booking_options.guarantee.subheader": "__companyName__ Guarantee",
6699 "search.result.booking_options.info.book_on": "Book on __site__ site",
6700 "search.result.booking_options.info.higher_probability_of_price_change": "Higher probability of price change",
6701 "search.result.booking_options.info.just_one_click": "Just 1-click to reserve your price",
6702 "search.result.booking_options.leave_from": "Leave from __place__",
6703 "search.result.booking_options.more_options.subheader": "More options powered by",
6704 "search.result.booking_options.price.subheader": "Your price",
6705 "search.result.booking_options.return_from": "Return from __place__",
6706 "search.result.booking_options.title": "Booking options",
6707 "search.result.book_in_app": "Book in the app",
6708 "search.result.bus_number.label": "Bus no",
6709 "search.result.carrier_colon.label": "Carrier",
6710 "search.result.connection_info.title": "Maklumat sambungan",
6711 "search.result.error_message.button.reset_all_filters": "Reset all filters",
6712 "search.result.error_message.filter.locked_sectors": "Trip segment",
6713 "search.result.error_message.text.reset_applied_filters": "It looks like you recently applied some filters. Reset them below to get results.",
6714 "search.result.error_message.title.dont_have_results": "Sorry, we couldn't find any results",
6715 "search.result.filter.bags_tiers.cabin_bags": "Cabin bags",
6716 "search.result.filter.bags_tiers.checked_bags": "Checked bags",
6717 "search.result.filter.dialog.in_results": "In results",
6718 "search.result.filter.dialog.other": "Other",
6719 "search.result.filter.only": "Only",
6720 "search.result.filter.passengers": "Passengers",
6721 "search.result.flight_details.audio_video.byod": "Peranti sendiri",
6722 "search.result.flight_details.audio_video.label": "Audio & video pada bila-bila masa",
6723 "search.result.flight_details.audio_video.paid": "Sudah dibayar",
6724 "search.result.flight_details.inseat_power.label": "Bekalan kuasa di tempat duduk",
6725 "search.result.flight_details.loading_seating_info": "Sedang memuatkan maklumat tempat duduk",
6726 "search.result.flight_details.no": "Tidak",
6727 "search.result.flight_details.seating_info.title": "Maklumat tempat duduk",
6728 "search.result.flight_details.seat_pitch.label": "Jarak tempat duduk",
6729 "search.result.flight_details.seat_recline.label": "Tempat duduk sandar",
6730 "search.result.flight_details.seat_width.label": "Lebar tempat duduk",
6731 "search.result.flight_details.wifi.label": "Wi-Fi dalam kapal terbang",
6732 "search.result.flight_details.yes": "Ya",
6733 "search.result.flight_number.label": "Nombor kapal terbang",
6734 "search.result.itinerary_detail.alert.same_day_return": "Same day return from __place__",
6735 "search.result.itinerary_detail.alerts.bags_recheck": "Anda mesti memungut dan mendaftar semula bagasi anda",
6736 "search.result.itinerary_detail.alerts.no_checked_bag": "Itinerari tanpa beg didaftar",
6737 "search.result.itinerary_detail.arrive_at_destination": "Tiba di destinasi",
6738 "search.result.itinerary_detail.book.button": "Book",
6739 "search.result.itinerary_detail.bus_number": "No. bas: __number__",
6740 "search.result.itinerary_detail.button.book": "Tempah",
6741 "search.result.itinerary_detail.button.get_detail": "Tunjukkan butiran",
6742 "search.result.itinerary_detail.button.journey_action.share": "Kongsi",
6743 "search.result.itinerary_detail.button.journey_action.star": "Simpan",
6744 "search.result.itinerary_detail.connection_info.title": "Maklumat sambungan",
6745 "search.result.itinerary_detail.flight_details.audio_video.byod": "Peranti sendiri",
6746 "search.result.itinerary_detail.flight_details.audio_video.paid": "Berbayar",
6747 "search.result.itinerary_detail.flight_details.label.audio_video": "Audio & video atas permintaan",
6748 "search.result.itinerary_detail.flight_details.label.inseat_power": "Kuasa di tempat duduk",
6749 "search.result.itinerary_detail.flight_details.label.seat_pitch": "Jarak tempat duduk",
6750 "search.result.itinerary_detail.flight_details.label.seat_recline": "Rebahan tempat duduk",
6751 "search.result.itinerary_detail.flight_details.label.seat_width": "Lebar tempat duduk",
6752 "search.result.itinerary_detail.flight_details.label.wifi": "Wi-Fi di dalam kenderaan",
6753 "search.result.itinerary_detail.flight_details.loading_seating_info": "Memuatkan maklumat tempat duduk",
6754 "search.result.itinerary_detail.flight_details.no": "Tiada",
6755 "search.result.itinerary_detail.flight_details.seating_info.title": "Maklumat tempat duduk",
6756 "search.result.itinerary_detail.flight_details.yes": "Ya",
6757 "search.result.itinerary_detail.flight_number": "No. penerbangan: __number__",
6758 "search.result.itinerary_detail.info.short_transfer": "Pertukaran ini hanya memerlukan beberapa minit.",
6759 "search.result.itinerary_detail.info.technical_stop.description": "Anda tidak perlu bertukar pesawat",
6760 "search.result.itinerary_detail.info.technical_stop.title": "__time__ hentian teknikal",
6761 "search.result.itinerary_detail.label.airline": "Syarikat penerbangan",
6762 "search.result.itinerary_detail.label.bus_number": "No. bas",
6763 "search.result.itinerary_detail.label.carrier_general": "Pengangkut",
6764 "search.result.itinerary_detail.label.flight_number": "No. penerbangan",
6765 "search.result.itinerary_detail.label.train_number": "No. kereta api",
6766 "search.result.itinerary_detail.more_about_trains_and_buses": "Maklumat Kereta api dan Bas",
6767 "search.result.itinerary_detail.more_info": "Ketahui lebih lanjut",
6768 "search.result.itinerary_detail.operating_airline": "Pengendali penerbangan:",
6769 "search.result.itinerary_detail.title": "Butiran itinerari",
6770 "search.result.itinerary_detail.to_where.header": "Ke __place__",
6771 "search.result.itinerary_detail.train_number": "No. kereta api: __number__",
6772 "search.result.itinerary_detail.trip.hide_details": "Hide details",
6773 "search.result.itinerary_detail.trip.show_details": "Show details",
6774 "search.result.loading.searching_provider": "Memeriksa __searchProviderName__...",
6775 "search.result.loading.searching_providers": "Bilangan penyedia perlu diperiksa: __toSearch__",
6776 "search.result.loading.searching_provider_more": "Memeriksa lebih banyak hasil daripada __searchProviderName__...",
6777 "search.result.loyalty_points_count": "+ __points__ points",
6778 "search.result.multicity.time_in_destination": "__hours__ hours in __place__",
6779 "search.result.no_result.button": "Beritahu saya",
6780 "search.result.no_result.text": "Cuba pilih tarikh lain atau tempat yang berdekatan. Atau kami boleh hantar e-mel kepada anda apabila kami menemui sambungan.",
6781 "search.result.no_result.title": "Kami tidak jumpa perjalanan anda.",
6782 "search.result.no_results_desc_avail_alert": "Try selecting different dates or nearby places. Or we can send you an email when we find a connection.",
6783 "search.result.no_results_rental_car_desc": "Or rent a car.",
6784 "search.result.outdated_data.refresh.button": "Segarkan semula",
6785 "search.result.outdated_data.text": "Segarkan semula carian anda untuk mendapatkan harga dan ketersediaan terkini.",
6786 "search.result.outdated_data.title": "Dapatkan hasil yang segar",
6787 "search.result.promoted_airport.badge": "__name__ services",
6788 "search.result.promoted_airport.bgy.journey": "Smart Pass services at Milan Bergamo Airport — Bergamolynk",
6789 "search.result.promoted_airport.bgy.stopover": "Milan Bergamo Airport <strong>Smart Pass</strong> — Bergamolynk",
6790 "search.result.promoted_airport.bud.journey": "Smart Pass services at Budapest Airport — <strong>bud:connects</strong>",
6791 "search.result.promoted_airport.mrs.journey": "Smart Pass services at Marseille Provence Airport — <strong>ViaMarseille</strong>",
6792 "search.result.promoted_airport.nce.journey": "Smart Pass services at Nice Côte d'Azur Airport — Nice Connect",
6793 "search.result.promoted_airport.nce.stopover": "Nice Côte d'Azur Airport <strong>Smart Pass</strong> — Nice Connect",
6794 "search.result.promoted_airport.prg.journey": "Smart Pass services at Prague Airport — <strong>Fly via Prague</strong>",
6795 "search.result.promoted_airport.service.baggage_assistance": "Baggage handling assistance",
6796 "search.result.promoted_airport.service.fast_track": "Fast Track route through security",
6797 "search.result.promoted_airport.stopover": "Smart Pass services — <strong>__name__</strong>",
6798 "search.result.promoted_airport.vce.journey": "Smart Pass services at Venezia Airport — <strong>Venice Connects</strong>",
6799 "search.result.promoted_airport.via_airport.info": "via __name__ Airport",
6800 "search.result.promoted_airport.via_airport.layover": "Via __name__ Airport:",
6801 "search.result.rooms_price_from": "Rooms from __price__ by __logo__",
6802 "search.result.sorting.best": "Terbaik",
6803 "search.result.sorting.cheapest": "Paling murah",
6804 "search.result.sorting.earliest_landing_active": "Ketibaan terawal (__place__)",
6805 "search.result.sorting.earliest_takeoff_active": "Perlepasan terawal (__place__)",
6806 "search.result.sorting.name": "Isih mengikut",
6807 "search.result.sorting.popularity": "Populariti",
6808 "search.result.sorting.shortest": "Paling cepat",
6809 "search.result.train_number.label": "Train no",
6810 "search.results.cheap_trips.header": "Trending destinations",
6811 "search.results.get_deals_from": "Get deals from",
6812 "search.results.groups_banner": "We've grouped your results for easier navigation.",
6813 "search.results.groups_banner.ok": "OK, I understand.",
6814 "search.results.include_ground_transport": "Include buses & trains",
6815 "search.results.lock_confirm_text": "Lock connections you like. Search for results that include this part of the journey.",
6816 "search.results.lock_confirm_title": "Connection locked",
6817 "search.results.lock_info": "Show results with this option only",
6818 "search.results.more_deals_like_this": "We found more deals like this for you",
6819 "search.results.new_badge": "New",
6820 "search.results.nomad.example.africa.description": "Visit these selected locations in Africa and experience the trip of a lifetime.",
6821 "search.results.nomad.example.africa.title": "Africa",
6822 "search.results.nomad.example.asia.description": "We've selected a few special locations for you to fully experience and discover Asia.",
6823 "search.results.nomad.example.asia.title": "Asia",
6824 "search.results.nomad.example.europe.description": "Discover the most beautiful cities in Europe.",
6825 "search.results.nomad.example.europe.title": "Europe",
6826 "search.results.nomad.example.north_america.description": "Want to really visit North America? Tour the continent and visit these selected spots.",
6827 "search.results.nomad.example.north_america.title": "North America",
6828 "search.results.nomad.example.oceania.description": "Discover Australia by visiting these hand picked locations across the continent.",
6829 "search.results.nomad.example.oceania.title": "Australia",
6830 "search.results.nomad.example.south_america.description": "Get to know South America by visiting these can't-miss locations.",
6831 "search.results.nomad.example.south_america.title": "South America",
6832 "search.results.nomad.example.world.description": "Become a true globetrotter and visit the world's most outstanding locations for the lowest price.",
6833 "search.results.nomad.example.world.title": "Around the world",
6834 "search.results.only_one_ticket_left": "Only 1 ticket left",
6835 "search.results.only_tickets_left": "Only __seatsLeft__ of tickets left",
6836 "search.results.promoted_airport.smart_pass_services_included": "Smart Pass services included",
6837 "search.results.promo_code_info_thanksgiving": "As a Thanksgiving gift, we're offering a $ 10 discount for bookings worth $ 150 or more",
6838 "search.results.understand": "Ok, I understand",
6839 "search.results.update_results": "Update results",
6840 "search.rooms.title": "Find deals for any season",
6841 "search.route_cards.location_hashtags.activities": "Aktiviti",
6842 "search.route_cards.location_hashtags.adventure": "Kembara",
6843 "search.route_cards.location_hashtags.beach": "Pantai",
6844 "search.route_cards.location_hashtags.diving_and_snorkeling": "Menyelam & snorkel",
6845 "search.route_cards.location_hashtags.events": "Acara",
6846 "search.route_cards.location_hashtags.family_fun": "Liburan keluarga",
6847 "search.route_cards.location_hashtags.food_and_drink": "Makan & minum",
6848 "search.route_cards.location_hashtags.music": "Muzik",
6849 "search.route_cards.location_hashtags.nature": "Alam semula jadi",
6850 "search.route_cards.location_hashtags.nightlife": "Kehidupan malam",
6851 "search.route_cards.location_hashtags.romance": "Romantik",
6852 "search.route_cards.location_hashtags.short_break": "Rehat sebentar",
6853 "search.route_cards.location_hashtags.sightseeing_culture": "Bersiar-siar & budaya",
6854 "search.route_cards.location_hashtags.skiing": "Ski",
6855 "search.route_cards.location_hashtags.sports": "Sukan",
6856 "search.route_cards.location_hashtags.surfing": "Meluncur",
6857 "search.route_cards.location_hashtags.unusual": "Luar kebiasaan",
6858 "search.route_cards.location_hashtags.winter_sports": "Sukan musim sejuk",
6859 "search.route_cards.popular_purchases": "Our customers purchase these trips most often.",
6860 "search.route_cards.tiles.date_from_price": "__date__ daripada __price__",
6861 "search.route_cards.tiles.nights_from_price": "__count__ malam daripada __price__",
6862 "search.route_cards.tiles.nights_from_price.one": "1 malam daripada __price__",
6863 "search.route_cards.travel_bargains": "Travel bargains",
6864 "search.route_cards.travel_bargains_desc": "The cheapest deals to your favorite destinations",
6865 "search.route_cards.trending_destinations": "Trending destinations",
6866 "search.route_cards.trending_destinations.description": "Destinasi ini popular dalam kalangan pelancong seperti anda",
6867 "search.route_cards.trending_destinations.title": "Destinasi popular",
6868 "search.route_cards.trending_destinations_desc": "These destinations are popular among travelers like you.",
6869 "search.route_cards.trending_destinations_multiplace": "Trending destinations in your selected area",
6870 "search.route_cards.trending_destinations_place": "Trending destinations in __place__",
6871 "search.route_cards.trending_destinations_radius": "Trending destinations within __distance__ of __place__",
6872 "search.safe_travel_destinations.banner.button": "Explore safe destinations",
6873 "search.safe_travel_destinations.banner.description": "Feel like taking a trip, but not sure if it’s safe? We've done the research for you. Find safe destinations and learn about travel restrictions.",
6874 "search.safe_travel_destinations.banner.title": "Find safe places to visit",
6875 "search.safe_travel_destinations.modal.description": "This feature isn't available yet. However, your feedback helps us understand what we should focus on.",
6876 "search.safe_travel_destinations.modal.title": "Thanks for your interest",
6877 "search.searching_provider": "Sedang memeriksa __searchProviderName__...",
6878 "search.searching_providers": "Bilangan pembekal untuk diperiksa:__toSearch__",
6879 "search.searching_provider_more": "Checking more results from __searchProviderName__...",
6880 "search.service.cars": "Kereta",
6881 "search.service.flights": "Flights",
6882 "search.service.holidays": "Holidays",
6883 "search.service.loyalty": "Loyalty",
6884 "search.service.rooms": "Bilik",
6885 "search.service.stories": "__companyName__ Stories",
6886 "search.service.travel_anywhere": "Mengembara",
6887 "search.share.multicity_one_way": "From __from__ to __to__ via 1 place starting on __start__ till __end__",
6888 "search.share.multicity_one_way_stops": "From __from__ to __to__ via __stops__ places starting on __start__ till __end__",
6889 "search.share.multicity_return": "From __from__ to 1 place and back starting on __start__ till __end__",
6890 "search.share.multicity_return_stops": "From __from__ to __stops__ places and back starting on __start__ till __end__",
6891 "search.share.one_way": "From __from__ to __to__ on __start__",
6892 "search.share.return": "From __from__ to __to__ on __start__ and back on __end__",
6893 "search.share_modal.copy_url": "Salin URL",
6894 "search.show_all_airports": "Show all airports",
6895 "search.show_all_carriers": "Show all carriers",
6896 "search.show_all_countries": "Show all countries",
6897 "search.starred.added_to_starred": "Ditambah kepada perjalanan dibintangkan",
6898 "search.starred.created_at": "Added to starred __createdAt__.",
6899 "search.starred.flight_not_available": "Tidak tersedia lagi.",
6900 "search.starred.no_flights": "Tiada perjalanan Dibintangkan. Klik ikon bintang di mana-mana hasil carian untuk menambahkannya kepada perjalanan Dibintangkan anda.",
6901 "search.starred.price_changed_from_to": "The Starred trip price changed from __from__ to __to__.",
6902 "search.starred.price_update": "Harga dikemas kini __lastUpdate__.",
6903 "search.starred.price_update_changed": "Harga dikemas kini __lastUpdate__ (daripada __origPrice__).",
6904 "search.starred.redirection_type_booking": "Tempahan",
6905 "search.starred.redirection_type_search": "Hasil carian",
6906 "search.starred.remove_starred": "Buang daripada Dibintangkan",
6907 "search.starred.starred_trips": "Perjalanan dibintangkan",
6908 "search.starred.title": "Dibintangkan",
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6910 "search.starred.undo_unstar": "Buat asal Nyahbintang",
6911 "search.starred.unstar_all_trips": "Nyahbintang semua perjalanan",
6912 "search.starred.view_all.button": "Lihat Semua",
6913 "search.stopover_promotion": "Enhance your trip to __destination__ with unforgettable one-day stopover in __stopover__.",
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6916 "search.tiles.nights_from_price.one": "1 night from __price__",
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6918 "search.tips.add": "Tambah",
6919 "search.tips.add_cities": "Tambah __cityA__ dan __cityB__",
6920 "search.tips.add_city": "Tambah __city__",
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6923 "search.tips.set": "Tetapkan",
6924 "search.tips.set_default_departure": "Tetapkan __places__ sebagai perlepasan lalai?",
6925 "search.tips.tip": "Petua",
6926 "search.tips.update": "Kemas kini",
6927 "search.tips.update_default_departure": "Kemas kini perlepasan lalai kepada __places__",
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6929 "search.travel_restrictions.banner.text_no": "There are currently no active restrictions on this route. However, please double-check before departure in case anything changes.",
6930 "search.travel_restrictions.banner.text_yes": "There are currently restrictions on traveling between __source__ and __destination__.",
6931 "search.travel_restrictions.banner.title_no": "There are no travel restrictions",
6932 "search.travel_restrictions.banner.title_yes": "There are travel restrictions",
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6935 "search.travel_restrictions.modal.badge_yes": "Active restrictions",
6936 "search.travel_restrictions.modal.subtitle": "This restriction info doesn't take into account your nationality, recently visited countries, etc. Please double-check with the appropriate authority.",
6937 "search.travel_restrictions.modal.title": "Travel restrictions checker",
6938 "search.travel_restrictions.no_restriction": "It looks like you’ll be allowed to enter __country__.",
6939 "search.travel_restrictions.result.exclude_more": "Exclude restricted countries from results",
6940 "search.travel_restrictions.result.exclude_one": "Exclude __country__ from results",
6941 "search.travel_restrictions.result.subtitle": "Your trip involves layovers in other countries so there are additional restrictions. This info doesn’t take into account your nationality, recently visited countries, etc. Please double-check with the appropriate authorities.",
6942 "search.travel_restrictions.result.title": "Transfer restrictions",
6943 "search.travel_restrictions.source": "Data sourced from the International Organization for Migration on __date__.",
6944 "search.travel_tip.adjust_search": "Adjust search",
6945 "search.travel_tip.cheaper_flight_airport": "Depart from __place__ and <strong>save</strong> __value__.",
6946 "search.travel_tip.cheaper_flight_departing_from": "Depart between __from__ – __to__ and <strong>save</strong> __value__.",
6947 "search.travel_tip.cheaper_flight_departing_from_exact": "Depart on __date__ and <strong>save</strong> __value__.",
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6949 "search.travel_tip.shorter_flight_airport": "Depart from __place__, <strong>save</strong> __value__ and travel faster.",
6950 "search.travel_tip.shorter_flight_departing_from": "Depart between __from__ – __to__, <strong>save</strong> __value__ and travel faster.",
6951 "search.travel_tip.shorter_flight_departing_from_exact": "Depart on __date__, <strong>save</strong> __value__ and travel faster.",
6952 "search.travel_tip.shorter_flight_radius": "Depart from a __radiusKm__ km radius around __place__, <strong>save</strong> __value__ and travel faster.",
6953 "search.travel_tip.some_flight": "Let's try this",
6954 "search.travel_tip.some_flight_airport": "Depart from __place__ to find a connection.",
6955 "search.travel_tip.some_flight_departing_from": "Depart between __from__ – __to__ to find a connection.",
6956 "search.travel_tip.some_flight_departing_from_exact": "Depart on __date__ to find a connection.",
6957 "search.travel_tip.some_flight_radius": "Depart from a __radiusKm__ km radius around __place__ to find a connection.",
6958 "search.usp.guarantee.header": "Kiwi.com Guarantee",
6959 "search.usp.guarantee.text": "Flight delayed? Don't worry, we've got you.",
6960 "search.usp.nomad.header": "Nomad",
6961 "search.usp.nomad.text": "Book more for less with zero stress. Go Nomad.",
6962 "search.usp.trustpilot.text": "We're pretty good at what we do. But, don't take our word for it.",
6963 "search.weekend_trips.next_weekend": "Next weekend",
6964 "search.weekend_trips.plan_your_next_trip": "Plan your next trip",
6965 "search.weekend_trips.select_your_getaway": "Plan a weekend getaway or explore longer trips in the upcoming months. ",
6966 "search.weekend_trips.start_new_adventure": "Start a new adventure",
6967 "search.weekend_trips.start_new_adventure_desc": "Select your next weekend getaway",
6968 "search.weekend_trips.weekend_trips": "Weekend trips",
6969 "searh.result.load_more.button": "Muatkan lagi",
6970 "seo.content.description_about": "Kiwi.com is an online travel agency with groundbreaking Virtual Interlining technology and exceptional 24/7 customer service.",
6971 "seo.content.description_account": "Use Manage My Booking on __companyName__ to change your flights, download tickets, and order extras like baggage, seats, and insurance.",
6972 "seo.content.description_business": "Become a __companyName__ partner or affiliate with our wide range of easy-to-use solutions for companies and individuals.",
6973 "seo.content.description_company": "By specialising in cheap flights, a search engine/online travel agency named Kiwi.com became one of the fastest growing companies in the world.",
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6982 "seo.content.description_helpCenterCategory": "Have a question? Try our Help Center! It has over a hundred FAQs to guide you on your journey from start to finish.",
6983 "seo.content.description_helpCenterSearch": "Have a question? Try our Help Center! It has over a hundred FAQs to guide you on your journey from start to finish. ",
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6985 "seo.content.description_investors": "Find hidden cheap flights and discover new destinations with our cutting-edge flight search and interactive map. 24/7 live support & __companyName__ Guarantee.",
6986 "seo.content.description_legal": "Learn about our Terms and Conditions and the __companyName__ Guarantee.",
6987 "seo.content.description_legal_refer_friend": "Learn about our Terms and Conditions for the Kiwi.com Refer a Friend Program",
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6990 "seo.content.description_partner": "We offer partnerships in all shapes and sizes. Whether you're the biggest company in the travel industry or you're starting a small personal blog, find out what __companyName__ has to offer you...",
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6992 "seo.content.description_privacy": "Learn about __brandName__'s Privacy Policy and your rights under the Personal Data Protection Act. ",
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6995 "seo.content.description_raf": "Invite your friends to use Kiwi.com via our website, and you'll all save money! What are you waiting for?",
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6997 "seo.content.description_security": "We’ll reward anyone who reports a critical vulnerability for the first time. If you’re good enough to spot a vulnerability in the Kiwi.com site, we’d love to know about it. ",
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7126 "smartfaq.article_feedback.thanks_for_your_feedback": "Thanks for your feedback. Please <ref>contact us</ref> if you need any more help.",
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7138 "smartfaq.baggage_info.more_info": "Learn more",
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7149 "smartfaq.boarding_pass_info.more_info": "Learn more",
7150 "smartfaq.boarding_pass_info.subtitle": "Here, you can download your boarding passes or see when they will become available.",
7151 "smartfaq.boarding_pass_info.title": "Your boarding passes",
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7153 "smartfaq.booking_card.tooling.mmb": "All trip details",
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7163 "smartfaq.choose_booking.title": "Get help with this trip",
7164 "smartfaq.choose_trip.subtitle": "Which trip can we help you with?",
7165 "smartfaq.choose_trip.title": "Choose a trip",
7166 "smartfaq.concierge_service.button.logged_in": "Chat with a local",
7167 "smartfaq.concierge_service.text.logged_out": "Do you already have a booking going to Brno? The chat will appear here when you <ref>sign in</ref>.",
7168 "smartfaq.contact.breadcrumbs.choose_topic": "Choose topic",
7169 "smartfaq.contact.breadcrumbs.clarify_topic": "Clarify topic",
7170 "smartfaq.contact.breadcrumbs.message_overview": "Message",
7171 "smartfaq.contact.guarantee_chat.alert.header.stuck_during_trip": "Stuck during your trip?",
7172 "smartfaq.contact.guarantee_chat.alert.stuck_during_trip.button_self_support": "Resolve now",
7173 "smartfaq.contact.guarantee_chat.alert.text.stuck_during_trip": "In case of delays and other issues affecting your trip, we'll help you as much as possible.",
7174 "smartfaq.contact.guarantee_chat.not_available_alert.subtitle": "Chatting is only available if you’re covered by Kiwi.com guarantee and during your travels. ",
7175 "smartfaq.contact.guarantee_chat.not_available_alert.title": "Support chat not available right now",
7176 "smartfaq.contact.guarantee_chat.page.header": "Chat with us",
7177 "smartfaq.contact.phone.all_phone_numbers": "All phone numbers",
7178 "smartfaq.contact.phone.closed_now": "Closed now",
7179 "smartfaq.contact.phone.open_now": "Open now",
7180 "smartfaq.contact.phone.please_contact_via": "Please contact via:",
7181 "smartfaq.contact.phone.see_all_opening_hours": "See all opening hours",
7182 "smartfaq.contact.phone.see_all_phone_numbers": "See all phone numbers",
7183 "smartfaq.contact.reason_selection.request.subtitle": "Or do you need help with something else?",
7184 "smartfaq.contact.reason_selection.request.title": "Can we help with your existing request?",
7185 "smartfaq.contact.reason_selection.subtitle": "What do you need help with?",
7186 "smartfaq.contact.send_us_message_form.about_trip_header": "About this trip:",
7187 "smartfaq.contact.send_us_message_form.button_title": "Send message",
7188 "smartfaq.contact.send_us_message_form.select_label": "Choose supported language",
7189 "smartfaq.contact.send_us_message_form.supported_language.arabic": "Arabic",
7190 "smartfaq.contact.send_us_message_form.supported_language.czech": "Czech",
7191 "smartfaq.contact.send_us_message_form.supported_language.english": "English",
7192 "smartfaq.contact.send_us_message_form.supported_language.french": "French",
7193 "smartfaq.contact.send_us_message_form.supported_language.german": "German",
7194 "smartfaq.contact.send_us_message_form.supported_language.italian": "Italian",
7195 "smartfaq.contact.send_us_message_form.supported_language.japanese": "Japanese",
7196 "smartfaq.contact.send_us_message_form.supported_language.korean": "Korean",
7197 "smartfaq.contact.send_us_message_form.supported_language.other": "Other",
7198 "smartfaq.contact.send_us_message_form.supported_language.polish": "Polish",
7199 "smartfaq.contact.send_us_message_form.supported_language.portuguese": "Portuguese",
7200 "smartfaq.contact.send_us_message_form.supported_language.russian": "Russian",
7201 "smartfaq.contact.send_us_message_form.supported_language.spanish": "Spanish",
7202 "smartfaq.contact.send_us_message_form.textarea_error": "Tell us what you need help with.",
7203 "smartfaq.contact.send_us_message_form.textarea_label": "What do you need help with?",
7204 "smartfaq.contact.send_us_message_form.textarea_placeholder": "Tell us everything that might be relevant",
7205 "smartfaq.contact.send_us_message_page.breadcrumb.contact_options": "Contact options",
7206 "smartfaq.contact.send_us_message_page.breadcrumb.message": "Message",
7207 "smartfaq.contact.subtitle.provide_english_support": "All phone numbers provide English support.",
7208 "smartfaq.contactFormChat.banner.description": "If you're ever in a situation where you need the Kiwi.com Guarantee, feel free to use our dedicated chat service to contact us.",
7209 "smartfaq.contactFormChat.banner.open_chat": "Open chat",
7210 "smartfaq.contactFormChat.banner.title": "Kiwi.com Guarantee chat",
7211 "smartfaq.contact_flow.success.button.title": "Return to Homepage",
7212 "smartfaq.contact_flow.success.subtitle": "We'll get back to you as soon as possible.",
7213 "smartfaq.contact_flow.success.title": "Thanks for your message.",
7214 "smartfaq.contact_page.articles.back_button": "Back",
7215 "smartfaq.contact_page.articles.title": "These articles might help",
7216 "smartfaq.contact_page.article_suggestion.read_more": "Read more",
7217 "smartfaq.contact_page.file_upload.button": "Add attachment",
7218 "smartfaq.contact_page.file_upload.file_size_limit_reached": "It's only possible to upload up to 20 MB. Please use fewer or smaller files.",
7219 "smartfaq.contact_page.file_upload.maximum_number_of_files_reached": "You can only upload 20 files. Please choose the most important ones.",
7220 "smartfaq.contact_page.file_upload.not_supported_file_format": "Please use a different format. We only support images, videos, and documents.",
7221 "smartfaq.contact_page.file_upload.unsupported_file_format": "Please use a different format. We only support images and documents.",
7222 "smartfaq.contact_page.login_button": "Sign in",
7223 "smartfaq.contact_page.login_description": "This will help us identify you and offer you assistance right away.",
7224 "smartfaq.contact_page.login_title": "Sign in to contact us",
7225 "smartfaq.contact_page.medium_type.info.button": "Learn more",
7226 "smartfaq.contact_page.medium_type.info.title": "Email support is not available because you have a Basic Service package.",
7227 "smartfaq.contact_page.medium_type.mail": "Send us a message",
7228 "smartfaq.contact_page.medium_type.phone": "Call us",
7229 "smartfaq.contact_page.medium_type.title": "Still need help? Contact us",
7230 "smartfaq.contact_page.reason_selection.additional_services": "Additional services",
7231 "smartfaq.contact_page.reason_selection.baggage": "Baggage",
7232 "smartfaq.contact_page.reason_selection.boarding_pass": "Boarding pass",
7233 "smartfaq.contact_page.reason_selection.booking_confirmation": "Booking confirmation",
7234 "smartfaq.contact_page.reason_selection.coronavirus": "Coronavirus (COVID-19)",
7235 "smartfaq.contact_page.reason_selection.description": "What is it about?",
7236 "smartfaq.contact_page.reason_selection.flight_changes": "Flight changes",
7237 "smartfaq.contact_page.reason_selection.other": "Other",
7238 "smartfaq.contact_page.reason_selection.title": "Contact us",
7239 "smartfaq.contact_page.reason_selection.update_passenger_details": "Update passenger details",
7240 "smartfaq.contact_page.reason_selection_accounts": "Accounts & payments",
7241 "smartfaq.contact_page.reason_selection_baggage": "Baggage",
7242 "smartfaq.contact_page.reason_selection_booking": "Booking a trip",
7243 "smartfaq.contact_page.reason_selection_cancellation": "Cancellation & refunds",
7244 "smartfaq.contact_page.reason_selection_description": "What is it about?",
7245 "smartfaq.contact_page.reason_selection_documents": "Documents & planning",
7246 "smartfaq.contact_page.reason_selection_flights": "Flights & rides",
7247 "smartfaq.contact_page.reason_selection_services": "Additional services",
7248 "smartfaq.contact_page.reason_selection_title": "Contact us",
7249 "smartfaq.contact_page.request_subtype_selection.description": "Please clarify the topic.",
7250 "smartfaq.contact_us_button.title": "Still need help?",
7251 "smartfaq.coronavirus.busy_contact.banner.button": "Visit our coronavirus FAQs",
7252 "smartfaq.coronavirus.busy_contact.banner.description": "Please wait until a week before departure to contact us. This will enable us to help those who are currently traveling.",
7253 "smartfaq.coronavirus.busy_contact.banner.title": "We’re currently super busy",
7254 "smartfaq.coronavirus.extra_busy_contact.banner.button": "Refunds & cancellations",
7255 "smartfaq.coronavirus.extra_busy_contact.banner.button_go_to_booking": "Go to your bookings",
7256 "smartfaq.coronavirus.extra_busy_contact.banner.description": "Customer support is extraordinarily busy and forced to prioritize calls. Please only contact us if you depart in less than 3 days. Go to your booking to change or cancel your trip.",
7257 "smartfaq.coronavirus.extra_busy_contact.banner.title": "Customer support is extraordinarily busy and forced to prioritize calls",
7258 "smartfaq.coronavirus.extra_busy_contact_banner.short_description": "Please only contact us if you depart in less than 3 days. Go to your booking to change or cancel your trip.",
7259 "smartfaq.email_page.magic_link_subtitle": "To sign in, just click the link in the email we sent to",
7260 "smartfaq.email_page.recovery_link_subtitle": "We sent a recovery link to __email__",
7261 "smartfaq.email_page.title": "Check your email inbox",
7262 "smartfaq.faq.article.contact_page_link": "Go to contact page",
7263 "smartfaq.faq.article.guarantee.logged_out": "To access our Guarantee chat service, make sure you are <ref>sign in</ref> and that you have less than __guaranteeChatThreshold__ h before departure. The chat button will appear below.",
7264 "smartfaq.faq.article.not_found.description": "Try using the search bar above, or click below to browse our help categories.",
7265 "smartfaq.faq.article.not_found.link_to_help_center": "View help categories",
7266 "smartfaq.faq.article.not_found.title": "Sorry, that article doesn't exist",
7267 "smartfaq.faq.article.summary": "Summary:",
7268 "smartfaq.faq.contact.phone_numbers_and_mail_link": "Other numbers & email",
7269 "smartfaq.faq.contact.title": "Contact us",
7270 "smartfaq.faq.emergencies.banner.high_volume_contacts": "We're currently receiving a high number of contacts. Sorry if you're having difficulty reaching us. For more information on how COVID-19 might affect your travel plans, visit https://go.kiwi.com/0fQjkj7TI",
7271 "smartfaq.faq.emergencies.current": "Current travel issues:",
7272 "smartfaq.faq.emergencies.solve": "Solve the issue by yourself:",
7273 "smartfaq.faq.error_page.description": "Please, try refreshing the page. If the problem persists, don't hesitate to contact us.",
7274 "smartfaq.faq.no_search_results.description_1": "Try alternative spellings",
7275 "smartfaq.faq.no_search_results.description_2": "Try fewer words (e.g. infant)",
7276 "smartfaq.faq.no_search_results.description_3": "Try different keywords",
7277 "smartfaq.faq.no_search_results.description_4": "Try a more general search",
7278 "smartfaq.faq.no_search_results.suggestion": "Maybe, consider one of the topics below?",
7279 "smartfaq.faq.no_search_results.title": "Your search didn't match any of our articles.",
7280 "smartfaq.forgotten_password.email_label": "Email:",
7281 "smartfaq.forgotten_password.send_button": "Send",
7282 "smartfaq.forgotten_password.subtitle": "Please enter your email address. We'll send you instructions to reset your password.",
7283 "smartfaq.forgotten_password.title": "Forgotten password",
7284 "smartfaq.full_faq_link": "Full FAQ site",
7285 "smartfaq.full_page.categories.header.description": "Sign in to your booking to get personalized assistance.",
7286 "smartfaq.full_page.categories.header.suggested_topics": "Suggested topics:",
7287 "smartfaq.full_page.categories.header.title": "Help with your booking",
7288 "smartfaq.full_page.how_can_we_help_you": "How can we help you?",
7289 "smartfaq.full_page.search.placeholder": "Search the Kiwi.com helpcenter",
7290 "smartfaq.full_page.search.see_all_results": "See all results",
7291 "smartfaq.guarantee_chat.button": "Open guarantee chat",
7292 "smartfaq.guarantee_chat.confirmation": "Closing this window will cause the chat connection to be interrupted, do you want to proceed?",
7293 "smartfaq.guarantee_chat.description": "Still not sure what to do or how the Guarantee works? Let's talk. One of our agents will gladly assist you.",
7294 "smartfaq.header.sign_in": "Sign in",
7295 "smartfaq.header.sign_out": "Sign out",
7296 "smartfaq.header.title": "Help",
7297 "smartfaq.header.what_is_question_about": "What is your question about?",
7298 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.autoreply.name": "Kiwi.com auto-reply",
7299 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.auto_reply.initial.message.content": "Thank you for your message. We're currently overloaded, but we'll respond as soon as possible. Please be patient.",
7300 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.auto_reply.message.title": "Kiwi.com auto-reply",
7301 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.auto_reply.resolve.message.content": "Do you still need help?",
7302 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.contact.reason_selection.subtitle": "Or do you need help with something else?",
7303 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.contact.reason_selection.title": "Do you want to add something to an existing conversation?",
7304 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.continue_conversation.call_us_link": "Need help urgently? Call us",
7305 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.continue_conversation.description": "If you have a question about the same topic, ask us here so we can solve everything at once.",
7306 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.continue_conversation.title": "Continue the conversation",
7307 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.duplicated_request_error.button": "View all conversations",
7308 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.duplicated_request_error.title": "You’ve already contacted us on this topic. Please continue the conversation there.",
7309 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.initial_autoreply.content": "Thank you for your message. We're currently overloaded, but we'll respond as soon as possible. Please be patient.",
7310 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.input.button.submit.label": "Send",
7311 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.input.placeholder": "Type a message",
7312 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.legal_information_message.link.title": "By sharing your data, you give us your consent to process it to manage your reservation.",
7313 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.legal_information_message.modal.close_button.title": "Close",
7314 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.legal_information_message.modal.content": "You give us your consent to process any personal data you share with us. This includes your state-issued identification or travel document details or your health information. We’ll only use this data to manage your reservation.",
7315 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.legal_information_message.modal.link.title": "Learn more at <ref>www.kiwi.com/privacy</ref>",
7316 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.legal_information_message.modal.title": "Your data is safe with us",
7317 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.message.error.button.back_to_help": "Back to help",
7318 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.message.error.subtitle": "Try our Help Center if you need assistance",
7319 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.message.error.title": "You haven’t sent us any messages",
7320 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.message.show_original": "Show original",
7321 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.message.show_translation": "Show translation",
7322 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.messages.auto_reply.no": "No, thank you",
7323 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.messages.auto_reply.question": "Do you still need help?",
7324 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.messages.auto_reply.thank_you": "Thank you for your message. We're currently overloaded, but we'll respond as soon as possible. Please be patient.",
7325 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.messages.auto_reply.yes": "Yes, I need help",
7326 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.messages.button.show_all": "Show all",
7327 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.messages.closed.message": "We closed this request. Need help with something else? <ref>Contact us</ref>",
7328 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.messages.error.button.reload": "Reload",
7329 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.messages.error.subtitle": "Please try again or come back later.",
7330 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.messages.error.title": "Sorry, we can’t load your messages",
7331 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.messages.heading": "Messages",
7332 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.messages.subtitle": "If you have any questions or comments, you can message us in one of the topics below.",
7333 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.messages.title": "Helpdesk messages",
7334 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.request.error.button.homepage": "Open Help",
7335 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.request.error.button.your_requests": "Your requests",
7336 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.request.error.subtitle": "Please try again or come back later.",
7337 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.request.error.title": "Sorry, we can’t find this request right now",
7338 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.requests.subtitle": "You can add related messages to your existing requests and we'll solve everything together.",
7339 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.requests.title": "Your requests",
7340 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.request_created_message.button": "Go to conversation",
7341 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.request_created_message.button.close": "Close",
7342 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.request_created_message.description": "We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.",
7343 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.request_created_message.title": "Thanks for your message",
7344 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.request_error.button.back_to_contact_options": "Back to contact options",
7345 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.request_error.button.back_to_help": "Back to Help",
7346 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.request_error.subtitle": "We’ll fix it as soon as we can. Please try again later.",
7347 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.request_error.title": "It looks like this page doesn’t work",
7348 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.request_header.topic.heading": "Topic",
7349 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.request_header.trip.details": "All trip details",
7350 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.request_header.trip.heading": "About this trip",
7351 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.request_state.action_required.heading": "We need your response to continue",
7352 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.request_state.action_required.label": "Action required",
7353 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.request_state.in_progress.heading": "We'll get back to you soon",
7354 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.request_state.in_progress.label": "In progress",
7355 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.request_state.pending.heading": "We’ll reply to you soon",
7356 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.request_state.pending.label": "Pending",
7357 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.request_state.resolved.heading": "We’ve resolved your helpdesk request",
7358 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.request_state.resolved.label": "Resolved",
7359 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.request_tile.trip_to": "Trip to __city__",
7360 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.resolved_autoreply.content": "Do you still need help?",
7361 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.send_message_input.alert.text": "This message didn’t send. Check your internet connection and try again.",
7362 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.send_message_input.button.submit.label": "Send",
7363 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.single.message.error.subtitle": "Please try again or come back later.",
7364 "smartfaq.helpdesk_messaging.single.message.error.title": "Sorry, we can’t find this conversation right now",
7365 "smartfaq.intro_page.alert": "Your session expired. Please sign in again.",
7366 "smartfaq.intro_page.existing_booking": "I have an existing booking",
7367 "smartfaq.intro_page.no_booking": "I don't have a booking",
7368 "smartfaq.intro_page.subtitle": "We're here for you. First, let's narrow down your request.",
7369 "smartfaq.intro_page.title": "Need help?",
7370 "smartfaq.kiwi_login.email_label": "Email:",
7371 "smartfaq.kiwi_login.link_to_forgotten_password": "Forgot your password?",
7372 "smartfaq.kiwi_login.password_label": "Password:",
7373 "smartfaq.kiwi_login.sign_in_button": "Sign in",
7374 "smartfaq.kiwi_login.subtitle": "If you have an account with us, just use your credentials to sign in.",
7375 "smartfaq.kiwi_login.title": "Kiwi.com account",
7376 "smartfaq.kiwi_login.wrong_credentials": "The username or password you've entered is invalid.",
7377 "smartfaq.mmb_tooling_button.account": "Go to your account",
7378 "smartfaq.mmb_tooling_button.bags": "Manage baggage",
7379 "smartfaq.mmb_tooling_button.change_trip": "Change itinerary",
7380 "smartfaq.mmb_tooling_button.insurance": "Manage insurance",
7381 "smartfaq.mmb_tooling_button.meals_on_board": "Buy meals",
7382 "smartfaq.mmb_tooling_button.musical_instrument": "Add musical instrument",
7383 "smartfaq.mmb_tooling_button.passengers_edit": "Edit passenger",
7384 "smartfaq.mmb_tooling_button.refund_application": "Apply for a refund",
7385 "smartfaq.mmb_tooling_button.seating": "Reserve a seat",
7386 "smartfaq.mmb_tooling_button.service_package": "Upgrade service package",
7387 "smartfaq.mmb_tooling_button.special_assistance": "Request assistance",
7388 "smartfaq.mmb_tooling_button.sports_equipment": "Add sports equipment",
7389 "smartfaq.mmb_tooling_button.travelling_with_pets": "Add pet",
7390 "smartfaq.mmb_tooling_button.view_refund_status": "View refund status",
7391 "smartfaq.mmb_tooling_button.visit_mmb": "Visit Manage My Booking",
7392 "smartfaq.mobile_header.title": "Your trips",
7393 "smartfaq.no_bookings_found_page.button": "Search & explore",
7394 "smartfaq.no_bookings_found_page.subtitle": "Start exploring ideas for your next adventure.",
7395 "smartfaq.no_bookings_found_page.title": "You don’t have any trips planned",
7396 "smartfaq.no_requests_found_page.button": "Open Help",
7397 "smartfaq.no_requests_found_page.subtitle": "Try our Help Center if you need assistance.",
7398 "smartfaq.no_requests_found_page.title": "You don’t have any requests",
7399 "smartfaq.search_bar_placeholder.ask_question_here": "Ask your question here",
7400 "smartfaq.search_input.placeholder": "Search",
7401 "smartfaq.select_another_booking": "Select another booking",
7402 "smartfaq.select_another_booking.tooltip": "Please log in to your account to select another booking",
7403 "smartfaq.send_us_message_form.choose_another_trip": "Choose another trip",
7404 "smartfaq.send_us_message_form.choose_another_trip_mobile": "Other trips",
7405 "smartfaq.sign_in_banner.subtitle": "This way we can identify you quickly and offer you the help right away",
7406 "smartfaq.sign_in_banner.title": "Sign in for personalized help",
7407 "smartfaq.sign_in_page.alert": "Your last session has expired. Please sign in again.",
7408 "smartfaq.sign_in_page.facebook_button": "Continue with Facebook",
7409 "smartfaq.sign_in_page.google_button": "Continue with Google",
7410 "smartfaq.sign_in_page.kiwi_account_link": "I want to use my Kiwi.com account",
7411 "smartfaq.sign_in_page.subtitle": "We need you to sign in to provide you with more personalised help.",
7412 "smartfaq.sign_in_page.title": "Sign in",
7413 "smartfaq.singe_booking_page.contact.title": "Contact",
7414 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.accordion_cities_info.airline_title_name": "Airline: __carrierName__",
7415 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.accordion_cities_info.carrier_title_name": "Carrier: __carrierName__",
7416 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.accordion_cities_info.flight_no": "Flight no: __carrier_code__ __flight_number__",
7417 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.accordion_cities_info.operating_airline": "Operating airline: __operatingAirline.name__",
7418 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.accordion_cities_info.reservation_number": "PNR: __reservationNumber__",
7419 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.accordion_cities_info.trains_buses_info": "Trains and Buses Info",
7420 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.accordion_cities_info.train_no": "Flight no: __carrier_code__ __flight_number__",
7421 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.accordion_cities_info.vehicle_type": "__vehicle_manufacturer__ __vehicle_model__",
7422 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.accordion_leg_cities.bus": "Bus",
7423 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.accordion_leg_cities.train": "Train",
7424 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.booking_detail.baggage": "Baggage",
7425 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.booking_detail.boarding_passes": "Boarding passes",
7426 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.booking_detail.download_e_ticket": "Download e-ticket",
7427 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.booking_detail.insurance": "Add insurance",
7428 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.booking_detail.manage_my_booking": "Manage My Booking",
7429 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.booking_error.text": "We couldn't find your booking. Please, check your credentials and try again.",
7430 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.booking_error.title": "Something's not right",
7431 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.booking_headers.one_way.title": "__origin__ to __destination__",
7432 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.booking_headers.return.title": "__origin__ to __destination__ and back",
7433 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.booking_not_found": "No bookings found",
7434 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.call_us": "Call us",
7435 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.covered_by": "Sambungan dilindungi oleh <strong>__coveredBy__</strong>",
7436 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.header.booking_id.past": "Past trip # __booking_id__",
7437 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.header.booking_id.upcoming": "Upcoming trip # __booking_id__",
7438 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.instructions": "<ol>\n<li>When contacting us we will ask the <strong>full name</strong> of at least one of the passengers.</li>\n<li>The full <strong>email address</strong> provided during the booking.</li>\n</ol>",
7439 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.instructions.email": "The full <strong>email address</strong> provided during the booking.",
7440 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.instructions.name": "We'll ask the <strong>full name</strong> of at least one passenger.",
7441 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.layover.less_than_one_hour": "__numberMins__m layover",
7442 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.layover.more_than_one_hour": "__numberHours__h __numberMins__m masa menunggu",
7443 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.notification.normal_message": "You depart in __formattedHoursLeft__. There is still time to add some nice extras or even change your booking.",
7444 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.notification.normal_message.days": "You depart in __daysLeft__ days. There is still time to add some nice extras or even change your booking.",
7445 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.notification.normal_message.hours": "You depart in __hoursLeft__ hours. There is still time to add some nice extras or even change your booking.",
7446 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.notification.normal_message.hours_minutes": "You depart in __hoursLeft__ hours __minutesLeft__ minutes. There is still time to add some nice extras or even change your booking.",
7447 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.notification.urgent_message": "You depart in __formattedHoursLeft__. Don't hesitate to call us if you have an urgent problem.",
7448 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.notification.urgent_message.days": "You depart in __daysLeft__ days. Don't hesitate to call us if you have an urgent problem.",
7449 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.notification.urgent_message.hours": "You depart in __hoursLeft__ hours. Don't hesitate to call us if you have an urgent problem.",
7450 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.notification.urgent_message.hours_minutes": "You depart in __hoursLeft__ hours __minutesLeft__ minutes. Don't hesitate to call us if you have an urgent problem.",
7451 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.oneway_trip.outbound": "Outbound",
7452 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.return_trip.inbound": "Return",
7453 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.return_trip.outbound": "Outbound",
7454 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.return_trip.trips": "Trips",
7455 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.segment.less_than_one_hour": "__numberMins__m",
7456 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.segment.more_than_one_hour": "__numberHours__h __numberMins__m",
7457 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.show_less_trips": "Show less",
7458 "smartfaq.single_booking_page.show_more_trips": "Show all trips",
7459 "spiderman.accomodation_not_included": "Accommodation not included",
7460 "spiderman.be_the_hero": "Be the hero/split/of your own journey",
7461 "spiderman.contest_end": "Our Spider-Man™: Far From Home contest has ended.",
7462 "spiderman.contest_end_second": "But you can still plan your next adventure with <strong>Nomad from Kiwi.com</strong>.",
7463 "spiderman.discover_kiwi": "Discover Kiwi.com",
7464 "spiderman.explore_nomad": "Go Nomad",
7465 "spiderman.giving_trips": "We’re giving away/split/42 trips/split/for two people",
7466 "spiderman.how_to_win": "How to win",
7467 "spiderman.how_to_wind_second": "The journey you can see is based on your location and the cities featured in <strong><span style=\"white-space: nowrap;\">Spider-Man™</span>: Far From Home</strong>. You can either submit this trip as it is, or click on Modify Journey to create the trip you’d like to win. The prize can be valued up to 1000 EUR, and doesn’t include accommodation.",
7468 "spiderman.how_to_win_first": "In this official <strong><span style=\"white-space: nowrap;\">Spider-Man™</span>: Far From Home</strong> competition, you use NOMAD from Kiwi.com to search for the multi-city journey you’d like to take, and then submit it into a prize draw to win it. We’ll draw two winners every day between June 26 and July 16, who will win the trip they’ve submitted, for two people. The competition will end on July 29 with the draw of five additional winners who will win the trip they’ve submitted, for two people.",
7469 "spiderman.max_prize_value": "Max. prize value",
7470 "spiderman.modify_journey": "Modify journey",
7471 "spiderman.nomad_has_found": "Nomad from Kiwi.com has found this journey/split/based on your location and the destinations in <span style=\"white-space: nowrap;\">Spider-Man™</span>: Far From Home",
7472 "spiderman.onboarding_five": "Is this your perfect adventure? ",
7473 "spiderman.onboarding_five_sub": "Click Win this trip to enter the contest and win this trip for you and a friend",
7474 "spiderman.onboarding_four": "Oh, by the way... you don’t even have to stick with these cities.",
7475 "spiderman.onboarding_four_sub": "Add, change, remove — be the hero of your own journey. NOMAD supports up to 10 cities",
7476 "spiderman.onboarding_one": "Are these dates good for you?",
7477 "spiderman.onboarding_one_sub": "If not, you can change them to whatever suits you",
7478 "spiderman.onboarding_three": "Does this sound like enough time to see each city?",
7479 "spiderman.onboarding_three_sub": "If not, change it",
7480 "spiderman.onboarding_two": "These are your departure and return dates.",
7481 "spiderman.onboarding_two_sub": "Change them to what suits you",
7482 "spiderman.only_in_cinemas": "Only in cinemas",
7483 "spiderman.start_own_adventure": "Start your own adventure",
7484 "spiderman.submit_to_win": "Submit this journey to win it, or discover your own superpowers, modify the journey, and create your own prize",
7485 "spiderman.terms": "<ol>\n<li>The promoter is Kiwi.com s.r.o. with its registered seat at Brno, Palachovo namesti 4. 625 00, the Czech Republic.</li>\n<li>This competition will commence at 09.00 CEST on 26 June 2019 and finish at 00.00 CEST on 29 July 2019.</li>\n<li>The prizes for the winners will be distributed daily per each day for the duration of the competition until 16 July and once on 29 July 2019, e.g. Kiwi.com shall draw the winners on a daily basis until 16 July and once on 29 July and distribute the prizes on the following day. </li>\n<li>To enter, entrants must follow Kiwi.com’s website and submit and itinerary within using special feature “NOMAD” available on the Kiwi.com website (the “Itinerary”).</li>\n<li>The winner(s) will be chosen by completely random method based with usage of the computer algorithm.</li>\n<li>All submissions shall be part of potential winner pool for the whole duration of the competition.</li>\n<li>In case that the entrant refers any other participant of the competition, the respective entrants receives incentive within the “winner drawings” as each “referral” shall count as two additional submissions i.e. if the entrant refers two additional entrants, he/she shall be assigned with the higher winning probability reflecting five submissions in total (one of his own and two per each referral).</li>\n<li>Until 16 July, there will be two winners drawn every day and there will be five winners drawn on 29 July, and the prizes for the winners are the transportation tickets for two passengers in a maximum amount of 1,000 EUR reflecting the winner’s Itinerary (the “Prize”).</li>\n<li>In case that some transportation tickets within the Prize are not available at the time of the announcement of the winners, Kiwi.com reserves the right to provide the winner with alternative transportation tickets within the Itinerary which shall not disturb the Itinerary and make sure that the winner arrives to the final destination within the Itinerary i.e. the respective tickets shall be provided in the form of the most convenient itinerary generated by the “NOMAD” feature.</li>\n<li>The winner will be notified via email and/or via phone.</li>\n<li>Kiwi.com will use any data submitted by entrants only for the purposes of running the competition, unless otherwise stated in the entry details. </li>\n<li>This competition is open to everybody apart from employees of Kiwi.com, its subsidiaries (including any service providers and/or partners participating on this competition), affiliates or other parties in any way involved in the development, production, or distribution of Kiwi.com products, as well as the immediate family (spouse, parents, siblings, children) and household members of each such employee and/or authors, are not eligible to participate in this competition.</li>\n<li>There is no entry fee and no purchase necessary to enter this competition.</li>\n<li>By entering this competition, an entrant is indicating his/her agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions.</li>\n<li>Any entrant must be a real person, at least 18 years old.</li>\n<li>Only one entry will be accepted per person. Multiple entries from the same person will be disqualified.</li>\n<li>The prize is as stated and no cash or other alternatives will be offered.The prizes are not transferable. </li>\n<li>The winner agrees to the use of their first name and country of residence in any publicity material, as well as their entry. </li>\n<li>This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook, Twitter or any other Social Network. The information provided will be used in conjunction with the following Privacy Policy found at <a href=\"https://www.kiwi.com/en/pages/content/privacy\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">https://www.kiwi.com/en/pages/content/privacy</a></li>\n<li>These terms and conditions are governed in accordance with the laws of the Czech Republic.</li>\n</ol>",
7486 "spiderman.terms_conditions": "Terms & Conditions",
7487 "spiderman.total_value": "Total value",
7488 "spiderman.trip_value": "Trip value",
7489 "spiderman.value_for_two": "Trip value is for two people",
7490 "spiderman.what_is_nomad": "What is Nomad?",
7491 "spiderman.what_is_nomad_first": "Nomad from Kiwi.com is a way of searching for the cheapest route between multiple cities. Decide which cities you’d like to visit, the date you’d like to begin your trip, and the length of time you’d like to stay in each place. NOMAD then finds the cheapest order to travel between the cities, saving you as much money as possible.",
7492 "spiderman.what_is_nomad_second": "This means, like <span style=\"white-space: nowrap;\">Spider-Man™</span>, you can be the hero of your own journey, and experience unforgettable adventures.",
7493 "spiderman.win_long": "Win a Multi-City trip for two,/split/following in the footsteps of Peter Parker and his friends in <span style=\"white-space: nowrap;\">Spider-Man™</span>: Far From Home",
7494 "spiderman.win_one_of": "Win one of 42 Multi-City trips for two people",
7495 "spiderman.win_short": "Win a Multi-City trip for two!",
7496 "spiderman.win_this_trip": "Win this trip",
7497 "spiderman.win_this_trip_two": "Win this trip for two",
7498 "SS_strings_1": "- In general, our flights are non-refundable. If you'd like to try canceling, visit Manage My Booking and complete our refunds and cancellations form. Our Claims Team will get back to you.",
7499 "SS_strings_10": "A transfer visa may be required at check-in between any connecting flight.",
7500 "SS_strings_11": "Additional baggage may be added below. Your fare details will outline what's included in the price.",
7501 "SS_strings_12": "Add checked baggage",
7502 "SS_strings_12_one": "Add 1x checked baggage",
7503 "SS_strings_12_two": "Add 2x checked baggage",
7504 "SS_strings_13": "Collect and recheck your baggage",
7505 "SS_strings_14": "Terms and conditions",
7506 "SS_strings_15": "Cabin baggage cannot be ordered for this trip.",
7507 "SS_strings_2": "- The possible refund amount always depends on the airline's policy. We charge a 20 EUR handling fee for voluntary cancellations.",
7508 "SS_strings_23": "Priority Boarding",
7509 "SS_strings_24": "Dodge the queue and board the plane in peace",
7510 "SS_strings_25": "Includes a carry-on bag for this flight only with the following dimensions:",
7511 "SS_strings_25b": "If you want to bring a carry-on bag, please order Priority Boarding for all flights in your itinerary.",
7512 "SS_strings_26": "Providers",
7513 "SS_strings_3": "Kiwi.com Guarantee",
7514 "SS_strings_4": "Worried about missing your connection? The __companyName__ Guarantee has you covered.",
7515 "SS_strings_5": "Learn more",
7516 "SS_strings_6": "- All changes must be made at least 48h before departure and are dependent on the carrier's policy. Most changes are available via Manage My Booking.",
7517 "SS_strings_7": "- The airline may charge additional fees for checked baggage or other optional services.",
7518 "SS_strings_8": "- Flight schedules and terminals are subject to change at any time by the airlines.",
7519 "SS_strings_9": "- Correct travel documents are required. It is your responsibility to check your documents before you travel.",
7520 "SS_strings_insurance_1": "Travel insurance",
7521 "SS_strings_insurance_10": "Lost baggage",
7522 "SS_strings_insurance_11": "Air travel insurance",
7523 "SS_strings_insurance_12": "Liability",
7524 "SS_strings_insurance_2": "provided by AXA Assistance",
7525 "SS_strings_insurance_3": "Includes",
7526 "SS_strings_insurance_4": "Travel Plus",
7527 "SS_strings_insurance_5": "Travel Basic",
7528 "SS_strings_insurance_6": "No insurance",
7529 "SS_strings_insurance_7": "Medical expenses",
7530 "SS_strings_insurance_8": "Trip cancelation (illness, accident, death)",
7531 "SS_strings_insurance_9": "Assistance services",
7532 "starred.added_to_starred": "Added to starred trips",
7533 "starred.created_at": "Added to starred __createdAt__.",
7534 "starred.flight_not_available": "Not available anymore.",
7535 "starred.not_available": "Not available",
7536 "starred.no_changes": "No change",
7537 "starred.no_flights": "No Starred trips. Click the star icon on any search result to add it to your Starred trips.",
7538 "starred.price_changed": "Price change",
7539 "starred.price_changed_from_to": "The Starred trip price changed from __from__ to __to__.",
7540 "starred.price_update": "Price updated __lastUpdate__.",
7541 "starred.price_update_changed": "Price updated __lastUpdate__ (from __origPrice__).",
7542 "starred.redirection_type_booking": "Booking",
7543 "starred.redirection_type_search": "Search results",
7544 "starred.remove_starred": "Remove from Starred",
7545 "starred.search_or_booking": "Search or Booking",
7546 "starred.starred": "Ditanda",
7547 "starred.starred_flights": "Starred trips",
7548 "starred.starred_trips": "Starred trips",
7549 "starred.total_flights": "Starred trips (__total__)",
7550 "starred.undo_unstar": "Undo Unstar",
7551 "starred.unstar_all_trips": "Unstar all trips",
7552 "submit": "Submit",
7553 "subscription.check_your_inbox": "Check your inbox for some amazing deals and offers.",
7554 "subscription.enter_nearest_airport": "Enter nearest airport",
7555 "subscription.extra_deals_and_promotions": "Extra deals and promotions",
7556 "subscription.home_airport": "Home airport",
7557 "subscription.i_want_newsletter": "I want to receive the __companyName__ newsletter containing",
7558 "subscription.privacy_policy": "I agree to receive offers and services according to the conditions mentioned in the <a href=\"/content/privacy\" target=\"privacy_policy\">Privacy Policy</a>.",
7559 "subscription.privacy_policy_v2": "I agree to receive offers according to conditions mentioned in our <a href=\"/content/privacy\" target=\"privacy_policy\">Privacy Policy</a>.",
7560 "subscription.promo.code": "Use the promo code: <strong>__code__</strong>",
7561 "subscription.promo.text": "<strong>__amount__ __unit__</strong> off your next booking",
7562 "subscription.receive_exclusive_deals": "Receive exclusive deals by email.",
7563 "subscription.receive_exclusive_deals_v2": "Receive exclusive deals and offers straight to your inbox.",
7564 "subscription.receive_more_deals": "Receive special deals and discounts.",
7565 "subscription.receive_more_deals_and_reload": "Enter your email and click Get deals to see refreshed prices, offers, and discounts.",
7566 "subscription.select_home_airport": "Select your home airport to receive exclusive, tailored offers.",
7567 "subscription.subscribe": "Get deals",
7568 "subscription.subscribed_congratulations": "Congratulations, you’re subscribed.",
7569 "subscription.subscribe_header": "Save money on flights!",
7570 "subscription.subscribe_promo": "Subscribe and get __amount__ __unit__ off your next booking.",
7571 "subscription.subscribe_short": "Subscribe",
7572 "subscription.subscribe_text": "Subscribe to receive special deals and discounts.",
7573 "subscription.subscribe_to_newsletter": "Subscribe to the __companyName__ newsletter",
7574 "subscription.travel_tips_and_stories": "Travel tips and stories",
7575 "support.baggage.title": "Baggage",
7576 "support.maintenance.header": "We're temporarily grounded",
7577 "support.maintenance.text": "We're conducting routine maintenance at the moment. We'll be online in a bit. Come back soon, ok?",
7578 "support.maintenance.title": "Sorry, we're undergoing scheduled maintenance and should be available within an hour. You can still contact us on Chat, or try calling in a few minutes.",
7579 "support.passenger-details.correct-details.common.free": "Free",
7580 "support.passenger-details.correct-details.name.title": "Name",
7581 "survey.pages.ease_of_use.agree": "__number__ = completely agree ",
7582 "survey.pages.ease_of_use.call_to_action.description": "We’re conducting research regularly with you, our customers. If you’d like to share your experience with us, please share your email. We’ll reward your insights with a Kiwi.com voucher, so you’ll get to travel even more.",
7583 "survey.pages.ease_of_use.description": "We’re asking a small group of people for their opinions about our service. Could you take a few minutes to answer a short survey?",
7584 "survey.pages.ease_of_use.disagree": "__number__ = completely disagree",
7585 "survey.pages.ease_of_use.question.credibility": "Kiwi.com offers services adapted to my needs.",
7586 "survey.pages.ease_of_use.question.ease_of_travel": "Kiwi.com makes travel easier for me.",
7587 "survey.pages.ease_of_use.question.ease_to_use": "Kiwi.com is easy to use.",
7588 "survey.pages.ease_of_use.question.enjoyment": "I enjoy using Kiwi.com.",
7589 "survey.pages.ease_of_use.question.honesty": "Kiwi.com provides honest and trustworthy information.",
7590 "survey.pages.ease_of_use.question.improvement": "Is there anything else you'd like to share with us to help us improve our services or provide a better experience?",
7591 "survey.pages.ease_of_use.question.information": "Kiwi.com makes it easy to find the information I need.",
7592 "survey.pages.ease_of_use.question.satisfaction": "Kiwi.com is a pleasure to use.",
7593 "survey.pages.ease_of_use.question.simple_to_use": "I find Kiwi.com simple to use.",
7594 "survey.pages.ease_of_use.question.trustworthy": "I trust Kiwi.com.",
7595 "survey.pages.ease_of_use.question.usefulness": "Kiwi.com makes travel better.",
7596 "survey.pages.ease_of_use.submit": "Submit feedback",
7597 "survey.pages.ease_of_use.thank_you.heading1": "Thank you for the feedback.",
7598 "survey.pages.ease_of_use.thank_you.heading2": "It will help us improve the experience at Kiwi.com",
7599 "temp.faq.article_155.LOC-1234": "It will take approximately 3 months, depending on the carrier. However, many carriers are now delaying their refund processes, so in some cases, the waiting time might be longer.",
7600 "temp.FAQ.partial_update.LOC-1225.subtitle": "How the Coronavirus has changed carrier check-in requirements",
7601 "temp.FAQ.partial_update.LOC-1225.text": "Globa travel restrictions mean that carriers require more advanced passenger information for check-in. Depending on your route and nationality, you might need to provide detailed information about your health, your contact details, and your recent travel history.",
7602 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.01": "air plane tickets",
7603 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.02": "airplane tickets",
7604 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.03": "avio flights",
7605 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.04": "avio tickets",
7606 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.05": "best airline prices",
7607 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.06": "best flight offers",
7608 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.07": "best flight search engines",
7609 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.08": "best site for cheap flights",
7610 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.09": "best website for cheap flights",
7611 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.10": "book cheap flight ticket",
7612 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.11": "book cheap flight tickets",
7613 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.12": "book flight ticket",
7614 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.13": "book plane ticket",
7615 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.14": "bussiness class tickets",
7616 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.15": "buy flight tickets",
7617 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.16": "buy plane tickets",
7618 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.17": "cheap air tickets",
7619 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.18": "cheap airline flights",
7620 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.19": "cheap business class flights",
7621 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.20": "cheap flight booking",
7622 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.21": "cheap flight deals",
7623 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.22": "cheap flight ticket online",
7624 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.23": "cheap flight tickets",
7625 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.24": "cheap flight websites",
7626 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.25": "cheap flights",
7627 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.26": "cheap flights low cost",
7628 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.27": "cheap flights this weekend",
7629 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.28": "cheap flights to anywhere",
7630 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.29": "cheap flights today",
7631 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.30": "cheap international air tickets",
7632 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.31": "cheap international flights",
7633 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.32": "cheap last minute flights",
7634 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.33": "cheap multi city flights",
7635 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.34": "cheap one way flights",
7636 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.35": "cheap plane tickets",
7637 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.36": "discount flights",
7638 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.37": "economy class tickets",
7639 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.38": "find cheap flights",
7640 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.39": "flight ticket online",
7641 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.40": "flight tickets",
7642 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.41": "flight tickets discount",
7643 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.42": "last minute airline tickets",
7644 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.43": "last minute flights",
7645 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.44": "last minute flights deals",
7646 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.45": "last minute flights to anywhere",
7647 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.46": "low airfare",
7648 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.47": "low budget airline tickets",
7649 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.48": "low budget flights",
7650 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.49": "low budget tickets",
7651 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.50": "low cost airline flight",
7652 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.51": "low cost airline tickets",
7653 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.52": "low cost flight",
7654 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.53": "low cost flight ticket",
7655 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.54": "low cost flights",
7656 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.55": "low fare airline ticket",
7657 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.56": "low fare flight",
7658 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.57": "low fare flights",
7659 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.58": "low fare tickets",
7660 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.59": "multi destination flights",
7661 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.60": "multi stop flights",
7662 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.61": "one way flights",
7663 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.62": "plane ticket online",
7664 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.63": "plane tickets",
7665 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.64": "very cheap flights",
7666 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.65": "very cheap international flights",
7667 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.bus.01": "autobus ticket",
7668 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.bus.02": "best bus booking site",
7669 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.bus.03": "book bus ticket",
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7672 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.bus.06": "bus ticket booking",
7673 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.bus.07": "bus ticket fares",
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7700 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.expanded_ad.06": "Buy Flight Tickets",
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7725 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.responsible_ads.15": "Find Unique Flights",
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7730 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.train.01": "book my train ticket",
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7748 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.train.19": "online railway booking",
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7750 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.train.21": "online railway ticket booking",
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7757 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.train.28": "railway tickets online",
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7761 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.ADS_proposals.train.32": "train tickets",
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7769 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.04": "best alternative to __OTA__",
7770 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.expended_ad.01": "Looking For an Alternative?",
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7773 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.expended_ad.04": "Search Millions of Routes & Find The Best Travel Deals. Book Planes, Trains & Buses! ",
7774 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.expended_ad.05": "Why Pay More When You Have Alternatives. Save Money With Kiwi.com.",
7775 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.expended_ad.07": "Find The Best Flight Deals",
7776 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.expended_ad.09": "Compare Travel Options With 480+ Providers. Book Your Dream Destination & Save Money!",
7777 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.expended_ad.10": "Find the best prices & Join More Than 6.7 Million Others Who Traveled With Kiwi.com.",
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7781 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.expended_ad.17": "Book Flights, Trains & Buses",
7782 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.expended_ad.18": "Travel with Kiwi.com",
7783 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.expended_ad.21": "Seeking __OTA__ Substitute?",
7784 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.expended_ad.22": "Kiwi.com flights",
7785 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.expended_ad.23": "Travel More, Pay Less",
7786 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.expended_ad.31": "Travel",
7787 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.expended_ad.32": "Flights",
7788 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.responsive_ad.01": "Looking For an Alternative?",
7789 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.responsive_ad.02": "Alternative You're Looking For",
7790 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.responsive_ad.03": "Seeking __OTA__ Substitute?",
7791 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.responsive_ad.04": "Kiwi.com",
7792 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.responsive_ad.05": "Book Buses, Trains, and Planes",
7793 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.responsive_ad.06": "Official Website",
7794 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.responsive_ad.07": "Travel More, Pay Less",
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7796 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.responsive_ad.09": "Kiwi.com Guarantee",
7797 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.responsive_ad.10": "Book Now & Save Money",
7798 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.responsive_ad.11": "Compare Thousands of Routes",
7799 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.responsive_ad.12": "Travel Cheaply & Save Money",
7800 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.responsive_ad.13": "All Under One Itinerary",
7801 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.responsive_ad.14": "Unique Search Possibilities",
7802 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.responsive_ad.15": "Travel with Kiwi.com",
7803 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.responsive_ad.16": "Kiwi.com Flights",
7804 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.responsive_ad.17": "Flexible Ticket Fare",
7805 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.responsive_ad.18": "Search Millions of Routes & Find The Best Travel Deals. Book Planes, Trains & Buses! ",
7806 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.responsive_ad.19": "Why Pay More When You Have Alternatives. Save Money With Kiwi.com!",
7807 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.responsive_ad.20": "Find the Best Prices & Join More Than 6.7 Million Others Who Traveled With Kiwi.com!",
7808 "temp.LOC-1205.keyword.OTA.responsive_ad.21": "Compare Travel Options With 480+ Providers. Book Your Dream Destination & Save Money! ",
7809 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.1.headline": "Book with Kiwi.com\n ",
7810 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.1.primary": "Secure payment &amp; easy booking with Kiwi.com. Book your next adventure!\n ",
7811 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.10.headline": "Secure Payment & Easy Booking\n ",
7812 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.10.primary": "Find the best prices & join more than 6.7 million others who traveled with Kiwi.com!\n ",
7813 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.11.headline": "Flexible Fares and Carefree Travel with Kiwi.com Guarantee. Book Now and Save Money!\n ",
7814 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.11.primary": "Find Unique Flights\n ",
7815 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.12.headline": "Flexible Ticket Fares\n ",
7816 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.12.primary": "Compare Thousands of Routes and Choose The Ones That Suit You Best.\n ",
7817 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.13.headline": "Travel More, Pay Less\n ",
7818 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.13.primary": "Book your flight with Kiwi.com. Our Guarantee protects you from flight delays and cancellations.\n ",
7819 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.14.headline": "Fly with Kiwi.com\n ",
7820 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.14.primary": "Cheap flights from __CITY_ONE__ with Kiwi.com. Book your next adventure!\n ",
7821 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.15.headline": "\n Travel on a budget & Save money\n ",
7822 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.15.primary": "Combine flights, trains and buses to find the best routes. Book on Kiwi.com.\n ",
7823 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.16.headline": "Flexible Ticket Fares Available\n ",
7824 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.16.primary": "Your flight is selling out fast. Book now before prices go up!\n ",
7825 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.2.headline": "Book your trip from __CITY_ONE__ to __CITY_TWO__ with Kiwi.com\n ",
7826 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.2.primary": "Travel more. Pay less. Book your next flight with Kiwi.com!\n ",
7827 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.3.headline": "Book your trip from __CITY_ONE__ with Kiwi.com\n ",
7828 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.3.primary": "Your flight to __CITY_ONE__ is just a few clicks away. Book your next trip with Kiwi.com!\n ",
7829 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.4.headline": "Cheap Flights from __CITY_ONE__ to __CITY_TWO__.\n ",
7830 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.4.primary": "Why Pay More When You Have Alternatives. Save Money With Kiwi.com.\n ",
7831 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.5.headline": "Cheap Flights from __CITY_ONE__.\n ",
7832 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.5.primary": "Search Millions of Routes & Find The Best Travel Deals. Book Planes, Trains & Buses!\n ",
7833 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.6.headline": "Cheap Flights to __CITY_ONE__.\n ",
7834 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.6.primary": "Why Pay More When You Have Alternatives. Save Money With Kiwi.com.\n ",
7835 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.7.headline": "Fly cheaply from __CITY_ONE__ to __CITY_TWO__ with Kiwi.com.\n ",
7836 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.7.primary": "Secure payment & easy booking with Kiwi.com. Book your next adventure!\n ",
7837 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.8.headline": "Fly to __CITY_ONE__ from only __PRICE__ with Kiwi.com.\n ",
7838 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.8.primary": "Don't miss your chance. Book your trip to __CITY_TWO__ - now available from __PRICE__!\n ",
7839 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.9.headline": "From __CITY_ONE__ to __CITY_TWO__ from __PRICE__.\n ",
7840 "temp.marketing.LOC-1142.9.primary": "Search Millions of Routes & Find The Best Travel Deals. Book Planes, Trains & Buses!\n ",
7841 "temp.smart_pass.faq.baggage_assist.conditions": "This service might only be available for selected airlines. For more info, please visit __Airport_website_link__.",
7842 "temp.smart_pass.faq.baggage_assist.subtitle": "If you are traveling with checked baggage, you can use the dedicated desk in: <ul>\n<li>the baggage reclaim area.</li>\n<li>the departures/check-in area</li>\n</ul>",
7843 "temp.smart_pass.faq.baggage_assist.subtitle.self_drop": "If you are traveling with checked baggage, you can use the dedicated self-bag-drop kiosks in: <ul><li>the baggage reclaim area</li><li>the departures/check-in area</il></ul>",
7844 "temp.smart_pass.faq.baggage_assist.title": "Baggage Assistance",
7845 "temp.smart_pass.faq.benefits.subtitle": "<strong>__Airport_name__ Smart Pass benefits</strong>",
7846 "temp.smart_pass.faq.fast_track.location": "Please note that Fast Track is only available if you have a flight departing from Terminal __X__, __Y__, and __Z__.",
7847 "temp.smart_pass.faq.fast_track.subtitle_a": "A free Fast Track voucher is included in your booking.",
7848 "temp.smart_pass.faq.fast_track.subtitle_b": "A free Fast Track voucher is included in your booking if you are traveling with checked baggage.",
7849 "temp.smart_pass.faq.fast_track.subtitle_c": "A free Fast Track voucher is included in your booking if you have a layover time of 3 hours or less.",
7850 "temp.smart_pass.faq.fast_track.subtitle_d": "A free Fast Track voucher is included in your booking if you have a layover time of 3 hours or less and checked baggage.",
7851 "temp.smart_pass.faq.fast_track.summary": "Fast Track speeds up your transit, helps you avoid crowds at security checks, and provides a less stressful experience. You can find the QR code in Manage My Booking, in the mobile app, and in the email that we sent to you about your ancillary service confirmation. You can either use your mobile or a printed version of the QR code.",
7852 "temp.smart_pass.faq.fast_track.title": "Fast Track",
7853 "temp.smart_pass.faq.location.arrivals": "The Arrivals",
7854 "temp.smart_pass.faq.location.baggage_reclaim": "The Baggage reclaim area",
7855 "temp.smart_pass.faq.location.departures": "The Departures",
7856 "temp.smart_pass.faq.location.transit_area": "The Transit area",
7857 "temp.smart_pass.faq.more_info": "For more information, visit __Airport_website_link__.",
7858 "temp.smart_pass.faq.perex": "These exclusive free services are available to Kiwi.com passengers transferring through __Airport_name__.",
7859 "temp.smart_pass.faq.title": "__Airport_name__ Smart Pass — __Smart_Pass_name__",
7860 "temp.smart_pass.faq.transfer_assist.location_a": "Transfer assistance is available at the airport. Please visit the information desk in:__location__.",
7861 "temp.smart_pass.faq.transfer_assist.location_b": "Transfer assistance is available at the airport. Please visit the __Smart_Pass_name__ transfer desks in: __location__.",
7862 "temp.smart_pass.faq.transfer_assist.location_c": "Transfer assistance is available at the airport. Please visit the information desks in:__location__",
7863 "temp.smart_pass.faq.transfer_assist.location_d": "Transfer assistance is available at the airport. Please visit the __Smart_Pass_name__ dedicated transfer desks in:__location__",
7864 "temp.smart_pass.faq.transfer_assist.title": "Transfer Assistance",
7865 "temp.smart_pass.faq.transfer_process.checked_bag.option_a": "Proceed to the check-in desk for your next flight and leave your checked baggage with them. Self-bag-drop kiosks might also be available for your flight.",
7866 "temp.smart_pass.faq.transfer_process.checked_bag.option_b": "Proceed to the dedicated baggage assistance desk for your next flight and leave your checked baggage with them. This service might only be available for selected airlines.",
7867 "temp.smart_pass.faq.transfer_process.checked_bag.option_c": "Please use the dedicated __Smart_Pass_name__ self-bag-drop kiosks available in __location__ to check your baggage in. Please note that this service might only be available for selected airlines.",
7868 "temp.smart_pass.faq.transfer_process.checked_bag.subtitle": "If you have checked baggage, collect it from the baggage conveyor belt.",
7869 "temp.smart_pass.faq.transfer_process.fast_track.scan": "Scan your QR code to open the gate to access the Fast Track route.",
7870 "temp.smart_pass.faq.transfer_process.fast_track.show": "Present your Fast Track voucher to the security personnel to access the Fast Track route.",
7871 "temp.smart_pass.faq.transfer_process.footer": "Visit the __Smart_Pass_name__ desk for any support you need and to get help reaching your connecting flight on time.",
7872 "temp.smart_pass.faq.transfer_process.location_a": "Follow the signs to departures to pass through security and get to the gates.",
7873 "temp.smart_pass.faq.transfer_process.location_b": "Follow the signs to departures to locate the Fast Track route through security.",
7874 "temp.smart_pass.faq.transfer_process.location_c": "Follow the signs for transfers or connecting flights to reach the gate for your next flight.",
7875 "temp.smart_pass.faq.transfer_process.location_d": "Follow the __Smart_Pass_name__ signs to reach the gate for your next flight.",
7876 "temp.smart_pass.faq.transfer_process.subtitle": "Check your boarding pass or the airport display screens to see if you need to change terminals for your next flight.",
7877 "temp.smart_pass.faq.transfer_process.title": "Transfer process",
7878 "temp.smart_pass.faq.vouchers.conditions": "The vouchers can be found under Manage My Booking, in the mobile app, and in the email that we sent to you about your ancillary service confirmation. Present your voucher to get your discount. You can use either your mobile or a printed version of the discount code. Discover where you can use your vouchers here: __website_link__.",
7879 "temp.smart_pass.faq.vouchers.subtitle": "Exclusive vouchers are available for:<ul>\n<li>Shops</li>\n<li>Restaurants</li>\n<li>VIP lounge access</li>\n<li>Bag deposit</li>\n<li>Hotels</li>\n</ul>",
7880 "temp.smart_pass.faq.vouchers.title": "Discount vouchers",
7881 "tequila.widget.single.loading_prices": "Loading best prices",
7882 "tequila.widget.single.motto": "Making travel better",
7883 "tequila.widget.single.pick_date.button": "Pick a date",
7884 "tequila.widget.single.price_start": "prices are<br/>starting at",
7885 "voluntary_cancellation.automatic_refund_not_supported_note": "Before requesting a manual cancellation, please note that most economy tickets will receive very little money or no refund at all from the airlines. We charge a <strong>€20 handling fee</strong> for voluntary cancellations.",
7886 "voluntary_cancellation.automatic_refund_not_supported_v2": "This booking cannot be canceled automatically.",
7887 "voluntary_cancellation.available_until": "Booking cancellation is available until __timestamp__",
7888 "voluntary_cancellation.cancel_booking": "Cancel Booking",
7889 "voluntary_cancellation.change_note": "The refundable amount may decrease as the departure date approaches.",
7890 "voluntary_cancellation.conditions": "I hereby instruct __companyName__ to cancel my booking specified above and to process the refund in accordance with __companyName__'s <a ref=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"/pages/content/legal\">Terms and Conditions</a>.",
7891 "voluntary_cancellation.default_subtitle": "If you proceed, your entire booking __bid__ will be canceled.",
7892 "voluntary_cancellation.guideline_medical_note": "Are you cancelling booking because of serious medical issues?",
7893 "voluntary_cancellation.guideline_title": "Refund guideline",
7894 "voluntary_cancellation.nonrefundable_flights_note": "Some flights aren't refundable",
7895 "voluntary_cancellation.not_possible_anymore": "A refund for this booking was only available before __timestamp__",
7896 "voluntary_cancellation.not_possible_anymore_emergency": "Automatic refund is not possible in this case, please use the Manual Cancellation Form.",
7897 "voluntary_cancellation.not_possible_anymore_primera": "Automatic refund is not possible in this case, please use the Manual Cancellation Form.",
7898 "voluntary_cancellation.original_payment_not_supported": "Unfortunately, we cannot process an automatic refund of your original payment.",
7899 "voluntary_cancellation.refund_card": "__price__ will be refunded to your payment card",
7900 "voluntary_cancellation.refund_cards": "__price__ will be split between the multiple cards used in your booking",
7901 "voluntary_cancellation.refund_credits": "__price__ will be refunded as Kiwi.com Credit",
7902 "voluntary_cancellation.refund_paypal": "__price__ will be refunded via PayPal",
7903 "voluntary_cancellation.refund_split": "Your __price__ refund is split like this because your original payment was made using different methods.",
7904 "voluntary_cancellation.request_manual_refund": "Request manual refund",
7905 "voluntary_cancellation.request_manual_refund_v2": "Manual cancellation form",
7906 "voluntary_cancellation.save_you_time_note": "To save you time, we've calculated your total possible refundable amount.",
7907 "voluntary_cancellation.thank_you.fail_note": "We couldn't process your cancellation. Please try again.",
7908 "voluntary_cancellation.thank_you.success": "Booking cancellation requested",
7909 "voluntary_cancellation.thank_you.success_note": "You will be notified by email once your refund has been sent.",
7910 "voluntary_cancellation.unable_to_refund": "Unfortunately, we can't refund this booking because the refundable amount is less than the cancellation fee.",
7911 "watchdog.error.alreadyHasWatchdog": "You've already set up this Price Alert. Try increasing the price level to get more deals.",
7912 "watchdog.error.notLoggedIn": "You're not signed in to that account.",
7913 "watchdog.error.priceIsMissing": "Select your Price Alert level. We'll email you as soon as the price drops below this.",
7914 "watchdog.web.maxPrice": "Maximum price:",
7915 "watchdog.web.maxPrice_colon": "Maximum price:"
\No newline at end of file