3.6 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
4const fs_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("fs"));
5const make_dir_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("make-dir"));
6const path_1 = require("path");
7const util_1 = require("util");
8const command_1 = require("../cli/command");
9const debug_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("../cli/debug"));
10const error_1 = require("../cli/error");
11const debug = debug_1.default.extend("init");
12const readFile = util_1.promisify(fs_1.default.readFile);
13const writeFile = util_1.promisify(fs_1.default.writeFile);
14const DEFAULT_CONFIG = `components = ["*"]`;
15function exists(path) {
16 return new Promise((res) => fs_1.default.exists(path, res));
18function writeJSON(path, data) {
19 return writeFile(path, JSON.stringify(data, null, " "));
21exports.writeJSON = writeJSON;
22function sortKeys(data) {
23 const result = {};
24 for (const key of Object.keys(data).sort()) {
25 result[key] = data[key];
26 }
27 return result;
29function updatePkg(path, data) {
30 return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
31 let base = {};
32 try {
33 debug("Reading existing package.json from", path);
34 base = JSON.parse(yield readFile(path, "utf8"));
35 }
36 catch (err) {
37 if (err.code !== "ENOENT")
38 throw err;
39 }
40 debug("Writing package.json at", path);
41 yield writeJSON(path, Object.assign({}, base, data, { dependencies: sortKeys(Object.assign({}, base.dependencies, data.dependencies)) }));
42 });
44exports.initCmd = {
45 command: "init [path]",
46 describe: "Set up a new kosko directory",
47 builder(argv) {
48 /* istanbul ignore next */
49 return argv
50 .option("force", {
51 type: "boolean",
52 describe: "Overwrite existing files",
53 default: false,
54 alias: "f"
55 })
56 .positional("path", { type: "string", describe: "Path to initialize" })
57 .example("$0 init", "Initialize in current directory")
58 .example("$0 init example", "Initialize in specified directory");
59 },
60 handler(args) {
61 return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
62 const logger = command_1.getLogger(args);
63 const path = args.path ? path_1.resolve(args.cwd, args.path) : args.cwd;
64 logger.info("Initialize in", path);
65 const exist = yield exists(path);
66 if (exist && !args.force) {
67 throw new error_1.CLIError("Already exists", {
68 output: `Already exists. Use "--force" to overwrite existing files.`
69 });
70 }
71 for (const name of ["components", "environments", "templates"]) {
72 const dir = path_1.join(path, name);
73 debug("Creating directory", dir);
74 yield make_dir_1.default(dir);
75 }
76 yield updatePkg(path_1.join(path, "package.json"), {
77 dependencies: {
78 "@kosko/env": "^0.4.1",
79 "kubernetes-models": "^0.5.0"
80 }
81 });
82 const configPath = path_1.join(path, "kosko.toml");
83 debug("Writing config", configPath);
84 yield writeFile(configPath, DEFAULT_CONFIG);
85 logger.success(`We are almost there. Run "npm install" to finish the setup.`);
86 });
87 }
89//# sourceMappingURL=init.js.map
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