1 | # @kweli/cs-rest
2 |
3 | Simple authentication and REST calls for OpenText Content Server.
4 |
5 | ## Features
6 |
7 | - Provides a simplified interface for managing authentication with the OpenText Content Server REST API
8 | - Refreshes the `OTCSTicket` token automatically (minimising token expiration errors)
9 | - Simplifies POST, PUT, & PATCH requests (since Content Server doesn't support the `application/json` content type)
10 | - Based on the [axios](https://github.com/axios/axios) HTTP client
11 | - Works with Node.js and the browser
12 |
13 | ## Installing
14 |
15 | Using npm:
16 |
17 | ```bash
18 | $ npm install @kweli/cs-rest
19 | ```
20 |
21 | Using yarn:
22 |
23 | ```bash
24 | $ yarn add @kweli/cs-rest
25 | ```
26 |
27 | Using unpkg CDN:
28 |
29 | ```html
30 | <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/es6-promise@4/dist/es6-promise.auto.min.js"></script>
31 | <script src="https://unpkg.com/axios/dist/axios.min.js"></script>
32 | <script src="https://unpkg.com/@kweli/cs-rest"></script>
33 | ```
34 |
35 | ## Example
36 |
37 | Authenticate with a username and password and get the details of a node:
38 |
39 | ```js
40 | const { Session } = require('@kweli/cs-rest')
41 |
42 | // session wraps an axios instance
43 | const session = new Session({
44 | baseURL: 'https://.../cs.exe',
45 | username: 'Admin',
46 | password: '******'
47 | })
48 |
49 | // a Session instance can issue authenticated requests to Content Server
50 | const response = await session.get('/api/v1/nodes/2000')
51 | ```
52 |
53 | Authenticate with an `OTCSTicket`:
54 |
55 | ```js
56 | const session = new Session({
57 | baseURL: 'https://.../cs.exe',
58 | otcsticket: '<token>'
59 | })
60 | ```
61 |
62 | ## cs-rest API
63 |
64 | Requests can be made with the `get`, `post`, `put`, `patch`, `delete`, and `options` methods on the `Session` instance. These have the same interface as the respective methods in [axios](https://github.com/axios/axios).
65 |
66 | Content Server returns a fresh `OTCSTicket` with each successful API call. The `Session` instance automatically retains it for the subsequent request.
67 |
68 | #### POST, PUT, & PATCH
69 |
70 | The OpenText Content Server REST API doesn't accept requests that use the `application/json` content type. This means POST, PUT, & PATCH requests need to use a content type of `multipart/form-data`, which makes writing a request a little more verbose. For example, to create a new folder:
71 |
72 | ```js
73 | const formData = new FormData()
74 | formData.append('type', 0)
75 | formData.append('parent_id', 2000)
76 | formDAta.append('name', 'My New Folder')
77 |
78 | const response = await session.post('api/v2/nodes', formData)
79 | ```
80 |
81 | The `Session` class provides a `postForm` (also `putForm` and `patchForm`) method to simplify this:
82 |
83 | ```js
84 | const response = await session.postForm('api/v2/nodes', {
85 | type: 0,
86 | parent_id: 2000,
87 | name: 'My New Folder'
88 | })
89 | ```
90 |
91 | #### axios instance
92 |
93 | The underlying `axios` instance is available if these methods don't suffice:
94 |
95 | ```js
96 | const axios = session.axios
97 | ```
98 |
99 | #### Thin Wrapper
100 |
101 | The `Session` class provides a few convenience methods for performing commonly used REST requests. By no means is this complete, and it's possible the API will change in the future.
102 |
103 | For example, there is a method for creating a new folder:
104 |
105 | ```js
106 | const response = await session.nodes.addFolder(2000, 'My New Folder')
107 | ```
108 |
109 | A method also exists for uploading a document, where `file` is either:
110 |
111 | - a browser [File](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/File) object (e.g,. from drag and drop); or
112 | - a local file path, when using Node.js (e.g., `c:/temp/file.pdf`.
113 |
114 | ```js
115 | const response = await session.nodes.addDocument(2000, file)
116 | ```
117 |
118 | See the `src/` directory for more examples.
119 |
120 | ## Credits
121 |
122 | - [OpenText Content Server REST API](https://developer.opentext.com/webaccess/#url=%2Fawd%2Fresources%2Fapis%2Fcs-rest-api-for-cs-16-s&tab=501)
123 | - [Kwe.li GmbH](https://kwe.li/)
124 |
125 | ## License
126 |
127 | [MIT](LICENSE) |
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