1 | {
2 | "name": "@leanup/cli",
3 | "version": "1.2.25",
4 | "description": "This CLI brings along all required tools to serve, test and build multi framework SPAs",
5 | "author": "Martin Oppitz <npmjs@martinoppitz.com>",
6 | "homepage": "https://leanupjs.org",
7 | "files": [
8 | "lib/**",
9 | "template/**",
10 | "cli.js",
11 | "postinstall.js"
12 | ],
13 | "keywords": [
14 | "eslint",
15 | "esbuild",
16 | "vite",
17 | "webpack",
18 | "angular",
19 | "angularjs",
20 | "aurelia",
21 | "inferno",
22 | "react",
23 | "preact",
24 | "svelte",
25 | "vue",
26 | "vue3",
27 | "mocha",
28 | "nyc",
29 | "cucumber",
30 | "sinon",
31 | "prettier",
32 | "nightwatch",
33 | "less",
34 | "sass",
35 | "scss",
36 | "typescript",
37 | "cli",
38 | "spa",
39 | "pwa",
40 | "leanupjs",
41 | "compiler",
42 | "transpiler",
43 | "graphql",
44 | "postcss",
45 | "pwa",
46 | "hint",
47 | "workbox",
48 | "mono-repo",
49 | "lerna"
50 | ],
51 | "license": "Apache-2.0",
52 | "repository": {
53 | "type": "git",
54 | "url": "git+https://github.com/leanupjs/leanup.git"
55 | },
56 | "bugs": {
57 | "url": "https://github.com/leanupjs/leanup/issues"
58 | },
59 | "bin": {
60 | "lean": "lib/cli.js",
61 | "leanup": "lib/cli.js"
62 | },
63 | "dependencies": {
64 | "chalk": "4.1.2",
65 | "commander": "8.3.0",
66 | "deepmerge": "4.2.2",
67 | "prettier": "2.5.1"
68 | },
69 | "devDependencies": {
70 | "@types/node": "16.11.21",
71 | "@types/prettier": "2.4.3",
72 | "typescript": "4.4.4"
73 | },
74 | "scripts": {
75 | "postinstall": "node postinstall.js",
76 | "prepack": "cp ../../../README.md template/ && rm -rf lib && tsc -p tsconfig.json && tsc"
77 | },
78 | "cpu": [
79 | "x64"
80 | ],
81 | "engines": {
82 | "node": ">=14 <18",
83 | "npm": ">=6 <9"
84 | }
85 | }