1 | /// <reference types="node" />
2 | /********************************************************************************
3 | * Ledger Node JS API
4 | * (c) 2016-2017 Ledger
5 | *
6 | * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7 | * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8 | * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 | *
10 | * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11 | *
12 | * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13 | * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14 | * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15 | * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16 | * limitations under the License.
17 | ********************************************************************************/
18 | import type Transport from "@ledgerhq/hw-transport";
19 | import { BigNumber } from "bignumber.js";
20 | import { LedgerEthTransactionResolution, LoadConfig, ResolutionConfig } from "./services/types";
21 | import ledgerService from "./services/ledger";
22 | import { EIP712Message } from "@ledgerhq/types-live";
23 | export { ledgerService };
24 | export * from "./utils";
25 | export type StarkQuantizationType = "eth" | "erc20" | "erc721" | "erc20mintable" | "erc721mintable";
26 | /**
27 | * Ethereum API
28 | *
29 | * @example
30 | * import Eth from "@ledgerhq/hw-app-eth";
31 | * const eth = new Eth(transport)
32 | */
33 | export default class Eth {
34 | transport: Transport;
35 | loadConfig: LoadConfig;
36 | setLoadConfig(loadConfig: LoadConfig): void;
37 | constructor(transport: Transport, scrambleKey?: string, loadConfig?: LoadConfig);
38 | /**
39 | * get Ethereum address for a given BIP 32 path.
40 | * @param path a path in BIP 32 format
41 | * @option boolDisplay optionally enable or not the display
42 | * @option boolChaincode optionally enable or not the chaincode request
43 | * @option chainId optionally display the network clearly on a Stax device
44 | * @return an object with a publicKey, address and (optionally) chainCode
45 | * @example
46 | * eth.getAddress("44'/60'/0'/0/0").then(o => o.address)
47 | */
48 | getAddress(path: string, boolDisplay?: boolean, boolChaincode?: boolean, chainId?: string): Promise<{
49 | publicKey: string;
50 | address: string;
51 | chainCode?: string;
52 | }>;
53 | /**
54 | * You can sign a transaction and retrieve v, r, s given the raw transaction and the BIP 32 path of the account to sign.
55 | *
56 | * @param path: the BIP32 path to sign the transaction on
57 | * @param rawTxHex: the raw ethereum transaction in hexadecimal to sign
58 | * @param resolution: resolution is an object with all "resolved" metadata necessary to allow the device to clear sign information. This includes: ERC20 token information, plugins, contracts, NFT signatures,... You must explicitly provide something to avoid having a warning. By default, you can use Ledger's service or your own resolution service. See services/types.js for the contract. Setting the value to "null" will fallback everything to blind signing but will still allow the device to sign the transaction.
59 | * @example
60 | import { ledgerService } from "@ledgerhq/hw-app-eth"
61 | const tx = "e8018504e3b292008252089428ee52a8f3d6e5d15f8b131996950d7f296c7952872bd72a2487400080"; // raw tx to sign
62 | const resolution = await ledgerService.resolveTransaction(tx);
63 | const result = eth.signTransaction("44'/60'/0'/0/0", tx, resolution);
64 | console.log(result);
65 | */
66 | signTransaction(path: string, rawTxHex: string, resolution?: LedgerEthTransactionResolution | null): Promise<{
67 | s: string;
68 | v: string;
69 | r: string;
70 | }>;
71 | /**
72 | * Helper to get resolution and signature of a transaction in a single method
73 | *
74 | * @param path: the BIP32 path to sign the transaction on
75 | * @param rawTxHex: the raw ethereum transaction in hexadecimal to sign
76 | * @param resolutionConfig: configuration about what should be clear signed in the transaction
77 | * @param throwOnError: optional parameter to determine if a failing resolution of the transaction should throw an error or not
78 | * @example
79 | const tx = "e8018504e3b292008252089428ee52a8f3d6e5d15f8b131996950d7f296c7952872bd72a2487400080"; // raw tx to sign
80 | const result = eth.clearSignTransaction("44'/60'/0'/0/0", tx, { erc20: true, externalPlugins: true, nft: true});
81 | console.log(result);
82 | */
83 | clearSignTransaction(path: string, rawTxHex: string, resolutionConfig: ResolutionConfig, throwOnError?: boolean): Promise<{
84 | r: string;
85 | s: string;
86 | v: string;
87 | }>;
88 | /**
89 | */
90 | getAppConfiguration(): Promise<{
91 | arbitraryDataEnabled: number;
92 | erc20ProvisioningNecessary: number;
93 | starkEnabled: number;
94 | starkv2Supported: number;
95 | version: string;
96 | }>;
97 | /**
98 | * You can sign a message according to eth_sign RPC call and retrieve v, r, s given the message and the BIP 32 path of the account to sign.
99 | * @example
100 | eth.signPersonalMessage("44'/60'/0'/0/0", Buffer.from("test").toString("hex")).then(result => {
101 | var v = result['v'] - 27;
102 | v = v.toString(16);
103 | if (v.length < 2) {
104 | v = "0" + v;
105 | }
106 | console.log("Signature 0x" + result['r'] + result['s'] + v);
107 | })
108 | */
109 | signPersonalMessage(path: string, messageHex: string): Promise<{
110 | v: number;
111 | s: string;
112 | r: string;
113 | }>;
114 | /**
115 | * Sign a prepared message following web3.eth.signTypedData specification. The host computes the domain separator and hashStruct(message)
116 | * @example
117 | eth.signEIP712HashedMessage("44'/60'/0'/0/0", Buffer.from("0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101").toString("hex"), Buffer.from("0202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202").toString("hex")).then(result => {
118 | var v = result['v'] - 27;
119 | v = v.toString(16);
120 | if (v.length < 2) {
121 | v = "0" + v;
122 | }
123 | console.log("Signature 0x" + result['r'] + result['s'] + v);
124 | })
125 | */
126 | signEIP712HashedMessage(path: string, domainSeparatorHex: string, hashStructMessageHex: string): Promise<{
127 | v: number;
128 | s: string;
129 | r: string;
130 | }>;
131 | /**
132 | * Sign an EIP-721 formatted message following the specification here:
133 | * https://github.com/LedgerHQ/app-ethereum/blob/develop/doc/ethapp.asc#sign-eth-eip-712
134 | * ⚠️ This method is not compatible with nano S (LNS). Make sure to use a try/catch to fallback on the signEIP712HashedMessage method ⚠️
135 | @example
136 | eth.signEIP721Message("44'/60'/0'/0/0", {
137 | domain: {
138 | chainId: 69,
139 | name: "Da Domain",
140 | verifyingContract: "0xCcCCccccCCCCcCCCCCCcCcCccCcCCCcCcccccccC",
141 | version: "1"
142 | },
143 | types: {
144 | "EIP712Domain": [
145 | { name: "name", type: "string" },
146 | { name: "version", type: "string" },
147 | { name: "chainId", type: "uint256" },
148 | { name: "verifyingContract", type: "address" }
149 | ],
150 | "Test": [
151 | { name: "contents", type: "string" }
152 | ]
153 | },
154 | primaryType: "Test",
155 | message: {contents: "Hello, Bob!"},
156 | })
157 | *
158 | * @param {String} path derivationPath
159 | * @param {Object} jsonMessage message to sign
160 | * @param {Boolean} fullImplem use the legacy implementation
161 | * @returns {Promise}
162 | */
163 | signEIP712Message(path: string, jsonMessage: EIP712Message, fullImplem?: boolean): Promise<{
164 | v: number;
165 | s: string;
166 | r: string;
167 | }>;
168 | /**
169 | * Method returning a 4 bytes TLV challenge as an hexa string
170 | *
171 | * @returns {Promise<string>}
172 | */
173 | getChallenge(): Promise<string>;
174 | /**
175 | * get Stark public key for a given BIP 32 path.
176 | * @param path a path in BIP 32 format
177 | * @option boolDisplay optionally enable or not the display
178 | * @return the Stark public key
179 | */
180 | starkGetPublicKey(path: string, boolDisplay?: boolean): Promise<Buffer>;
181 | /**
182 | * sign a Stark order
183 | * @param path a path in BIP 32 format
184 | * @option sourceTokenAddress contract address of the source token (not present for ETH)
185 | * @param sourceQuantization quantization used for the source token
186 | * @option destinationTokenAddress contract address of the destination token (not present for ETH)
187 | * @param destinationQuantization quantization used for the destination token
188 | * @param sourceVault ID of the source vault
189 | * @param destinationVault ID of the destination vault
190 | * @param amountSell amount to sell
191 | * @param amountBuy amount to buy
192 | * @param nonce transaction nonce
193 | * @param timestamp transaction validity timestamp
194 | * @return the signature
195 | */
196 | starkSignOrder(path: string, sourceTokenAddress: string | undefined, sourceQuantization: BigNumber, destinationTokenAddress: string | undefined, destinationQuantization: BigNumber, sourceVault: number, destinationVault: number, amountSell: BigNumber, amountBuy: BigNumber, nonce: number, timestamp: number): Promise<Buffer | {
197 | r: string;
198 | s: string;
199 | }>;
200 | /**
201 | * sign a Stark order using the Starkex V2 protocol
202 | * @param path a path in BIP 32 format
203 | * @option sourceTokenAddress contract address of the source token (not present for ETH)
204 | * @param sourceQuantizationType quantization type used for the source token
205 | * @option sourceQuantization quantization used for the source token (not present for erc 721 or mintable erc 721)
206 | * @option sourceMintableBlobOrTokenId mintable blob (mintable erc 20 / mintable erc 721) or token id (erc 721) associated to the source token
207 | * @option destinationTokenAddress contract address of the destination token (not present for ETH)
208 | * @param destinationQuantizationType quantization type used for the destination token
209 | * @option destinationQuantization quantization used for the destination token (not present for erc 721 or mintable erc 721)
210 | * @option destinationMintableBlobOrTokenId mintable blob (mintable erc 20 / mintable erc 721) or token id (erc 721) associated to the destination token
211 | * @param sourceVault ID of the source vault
212 | * @param destinationVault ID of the destination vault
213 | * @param amountSell amount to sell
214 | * @param amountBuy amount to buy
215 | * @param nonce transaction nonce
216 | * @param timestamp transaction validity timestamp
217 | * @return the signature
218 | */
219 | starkSignOrder_v2(path: string, sourceTokenAddress: string | undefined, sourceQuantizationType: StarkQuantizationType, sourceQuantization: BigNumber | undefined, sourceMintableBlobOrTokenId: BigNumber | undefined, destinationTokenAddress: string | undefined, destinationQuantizationType: StarkQuantizationType, destinationQuantization: BigNumber | undefined, destinationMintableBlobOrTokenId: BigNumber | undefined, sourceVault: number, destinationVault: number, amountSell: BigNumber, amountBuy: BigNumber, nonce: number, timestamp: number): Promise<Buffer | {
220 | r: string;
221 | s: string;
222 | }>;
223 | /**
224 | * sign a Stark transfer
225 | * @param path a path in BIP 32 format
226 | * @option transferTokenAddress contract address of the token to be transferred (not present for ETH)
227 | * @param transferQuantization quantization used for the token to be transferred
228 | * @param targetPublicKey target Stark public key
229 | * @param sourceVault ID of the source vault
230 | * @param destinationVault ID of the destination vault
231 | * @param amountTransfer amount to transfer
232 | * @param nonce transaction nonce
233 | * @param timestamp transaction validity timestamp
234 | * @return the signature
235 | */
236 | starkSignTransfer(path: string, transferTokenAddress: string | undefined, transferQuantization: BigNumber, targetPublicKey: string, sourceVault: number, destinationVault: number, amountTransfer: BigNumber, nonce: number, timestamp: number): Promise<Buffer | {
237 | r: string;
238 | s: string;
239 | }>;
240 | /**
241 | * sign a Stark transfer or conditional transfer using the Starkex V2 protocol
242 | * @param path a path in BIP 32 format
243 | * @option transferTokenAddress contract address of the token to be transferred (not present for ETH)
244 | * @param transferQuantizationType quantization type used for the token to be transferred
245 | * @option transferQuantization quantization used for the token to be transferred (not present for erc 721 or mintable erc 721)
246 | * @option transferMintableBlobOrTokenId mintable blob (mintable erc 20 / mintable erc 721) or token id (erc 721) associated to the token to be transferred
247 | * @param targetPublicKey target Stark public key
248 | * @param sourceVault ID of the source vault
249 | * @param destinationVault ID of the destination vault
250 | * @param amountTransfer amount to transfer
251 | * @param nonce transaction nonce
252 | * @param timestamp transaction validity timestamp
253 | * @option conditionalTransferAddress onchain address of the condition for a conditional transfer
254 | * @option conditionalTransferFact fact associated to the condition for a conditional transfer
255 | * @return the signature
256 | */
257 | starkSignTransfer_v2(path: string, transferTokenAddress: string | undefined, transferQuantizationType: StarkQuantizationType, transferQuantization: BigNumber | undefined, transferMintableBlobOrTokenId: BigNumber | undefined, targetPublicKey: string, sourceVault: number, destinationVault: number, amountTransfer: BigNumber, nonce: number, timestamp: number, conditionalTransferAddress?: string, conditionalTransferFact?: BigNumber): Promise<Buffer | {
258 | r: string;
259 | s: string;
260 | }>;
261 | /**
262 | * provide quantization information before singing a deposit or withdrawal Stark powered contract call
263 | *
264 | * It shall be run following a provideERC20TokenInformation call for the given contract
265 | *
266 | * @param operationContract contract address of the token to be transferred (not present for ETH)
267 | * @param operationQuantization quantization used for the token to be transferred
268 | */
269 | starkProvideQuantum(operationContract: string | undefined, operationQuantization: BigNumber): Promise<boolean>;
270 | /**
271 | * provide quantization information before singing a deposit or withdrawal Stark powered contract call using the Starkex V2 protocol
272 | *
273 | * It shall be run following a provideERC20TokenInformation call for the given contract
274 | *
275 | * @param operationContract contract address of the token to be transferred (not present for ETH)
276 | * @param operationQuantizationType quantization type of the token to be transferred
277 | * @option operationQuantization quantization used for the token to be transferred (not present for erc 721 or mintable erc 721)
278 | * @option operationMintableBlobOrTokenId mintable blob (mintable erc 20 / mintable erc 721) or token id (erc 721) of the token to be transferred
279 | */
280 | starkProvideQuantum_v2(operationContract: string | undefined, operationQuantizationType: StarkQuantizationType, operationQuantization?: BigNumber, operationMintableBlobOrTokenId?: BigNumber): Promise<boolean>;
281 | /**
282 | * sign the given hash over the Stark curve
283 | * It is intended for speed of execution in case an unknown Stark model is pushed and should be avoided as much as possible.
284 | * @param path a path in BIP 32 format
285 | * @param hash hexadecimal hash to sign
286 | * @return the signature
287 | */
288 | starkUnsafeSign(path: string, hash: string): Promise<Buffer | {
289 | r: string;
290 | s: string;
291 | }>;
292 | /**
293 | * get an Ethereum 2 BLS-12 381 public key for a given BIP 32 path.
294 | * @param path a path in BIP 32 format
295 | * @option boolDisplay optionally enable or not the display
296 | * @return an object with a publicKey
297 | * @example
298 | * eth.eth2GetPublicKey("12381/3600/0/0").then(o => o.publicKey)
299 | */
300 | eth2GetPublicKey(path: string, boolDisplay?: boolean): Promise<{
301 | publicKey: string;
302 | }>;
303 | /**
304 | * Set the index of a Withdrawal key used as withdrawal credentials in an ETH 2 deposit contract call signature
305 | *
306 | * It shall be run before the ETH 2 deposit transaction is signed. If not called, the index is set to 0
307 | *
308 | * @param withdrawalIndex index path in the EIP 2334 path m/12381/3600/withdrawalIndex/0
309 | * @return True if the method was executed successfully
310 | */
311 | eth2SetWithdrawalIndex(withdrawalIndex: number): Promise<boolean>;
312 | /**
313 | * get a public encryption key on Curve25519 according to EIP 1024
314 | * @param path a path in BIP 32 format
315 | * @option boolDisplay optionally enable or not the display
316 | * @return an object with a publicKey
317 | * @example
318 | * eth.getEIP1024PublicEncryptionKey("44'/60'/0'/0/0").then(o => o.publicKey)
319 | */
320 | getEIP1024PublicEncryptionKey(path: string, boolDisplay?: boolean): Promise<{
321 | publicKey: string;
322 | }>;
323 | /**
324 | * get a shared secret on Curve25519 according to EIP 1024
325 | * @param path a path in BIP 32 format
326 | * @param remotePublicKeyHex remote Curve25519 public key
327 | * @option boolDisplay optionally enable or not the display
328 | * @return an object with a shared secret
329 | * @example
330 | * eth.getEIP1024SharedSecret("44'/60'/0'/0/0", "87020e80af6e07a6e4697f091eacadb9e7e6629cb7e5a8a371689a3ed53b3d64").then(o => o.sharedSecret)
331 | */
332 | getEIP1024SharedSecret(path: string, remotePublicKeyHex: string, boolDisplay?: boolean): Promise<{
333 | sharedSecret: string;
334 | }>;
335 | /**
336 | * provides a trusted description of an ERC 20 token to associate a contract address with a ticker and number of decimals.
337 | *
338 | * @param data stringified buffer of ERC20 signature
339 | * @returns a boolean
340 | */
341 | provideERC20TokenInformation(data: string): Promise<boolean>;
342 | /**
343 | * provides the name of a trusted binding of a plugin with a contract address and a supported method selector. This plugin will be called to interpret contract data in the following transaction signing command.
344 | *
345 | * @param payload external plugin data
346 | * @option signature optionally signature for the plugin
347 | * @returns a boolean
348 | */
349 | setExternalPlugin(payload: string, signature?: string): Promise<boolean>;
350 | /**
351 | * provides the name of a trusted binding of a plugin with a contract address and a supported method selector. This plugin will be called to interpret contract data in the following transaction signing command.
352 | *
353 | * @param data stringified buffer of plugin signature
354 | * @returns a boolean
355 | */
356 | setPlugin(data: string): Promise<boolean>;
357 | /**
358 | * provides a trusted description of an NFT to associate a contract address with a collectionName.
359 | *
360 | * @param data stringified buffer of the NFT description
361 | * @returns a boolean
362 | */
363 | provideNFTInformation(data: string): Promise<boolean>;
364 | /**
365 | * provides a domain name (like ENS) to be displayed during transactions in place of the address it is associated to. It shall be run just before a transaction involving the associated address that would be displayed on the device.
366 | *
367 | * @param data an stringied buffer of some TLV encoded data to represent the domain
368 | * @returns a boolean
369 | */
370 | provideDomainName(data: string): Promise<boolean>;
371 | }
372 | //# sourceMappingURL=Eth.d.ts.map |
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