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1import EventEmitter from "events";
2import { usb } from "usb";
3import debounce from "lodash/debounce";
4import { getDevices } from "@ledgerhq/hw-transport-node-hid-noevents";
5import { log } from "@ledgerhq/logs";
6export default (delay, listenDevicesPollingSkip) => {
7 const events = new EventEmitter();
8 events.setMaxListeners(0);
9 let listDevices = getDevices();
10 const flatDevice = d => d.path;
11 const getFlatDevices = () => [...new Set(getDevices().map(d => flatDevice(d)))];
12 const getDeviceByPaths = paths => listDevices.find(d => paths.includes(flatDevice(d)));
13 let lastDevices = getFlatDevices();
14 const poll = () => {
15 if (!listenDevicesPollingSkip()) {
16 log("hid-listen", "Polling for added or removed devices");
17 let changeFound = false;
18 const currentDevices = getFlatDevices();
19 const newDevices = currentDevices.filter(d => !lastDevices.includes(d));
20 if (newDevices.length > 0) {
21 log("hid-listen", "New device found:", newDevices);
22 listDevices = getDevices();
23 events.emit("add", getDeviceByPaths(newDevices));
24 changeFound = true;
25 }
26 else {
27 log("hid-listen", "No new device found");
28 }
29 const removeDevices = lastDevices.filter(d => !currentDevices.includes(d));
30 if (removeDevices.length > 0) {
31 log("hid-listen", "Removed device found:", removeDevices);
32 events.emit("remove", getDeviceByPaths(removeDevices));
33 listDevices = listDevices.filter(d => !removeDevices.includes(flatDevice(d)));
34 changeFound = true;
35 }
36 else {
37 log("hid-listen", "No removed device found");
38 }
39 if (changeFound) {
40 lastDevices = currentDevices;
41 }
42 }
43 else {
44 log("hid-listen", "Polling skipped, re-debouncing");
45 debouncedPoll();
46 }
47 };
48 const debouncedPoll = debounce(poll, delay);
49 const attachDetected = device => {
50 log("hid-listen", "Device add detected:", device);
51 debouncedPoll();
52 };
53 usb.on("attach", attachDetected);
54 log("hid-listen", "attach listener added");
55 const detachDetected = device => {
56 log("hid-listen", "Device removal detected:", device);
57 debouncedPoll();
58 };
59 usb.on("detach", detachDetected);
60 log("hid-listen", "detach listener added");
61 return {
62 stop: () => {
63 log("hid-listen", "Stop received, removing listeners and cancelling pending debounced polls");
64 debouncedPoll.cancel();
65 usb.removeListener("attach", attachDetected);
66 usb.removeListener("detach", detachDetected);
67 },
68 events,
69 };
71//# sourceMappingURL=listenDevices.js.map
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