4.91 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * LINE Messaging API
3 * This document describes LINE Messaging API.
4 *
5 * The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1
6 *
7 *
8 * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
9 * https://openapi-generator.tech
10 * Do not edit the class manually.
11 */
12import { Action } from "./action.js";
13import { FlexComponentBase } from "./models.js";
14export type FlexImage = FlexComponentBase & {
15 type: "image";
16 /**
17 * Image URL (Max character limit: 2000) Protocol: HTTPS (TLS 1.2 or later) Image format: JPEG or PNG Maximum image size: 1024×1024 pixels Maximum file size: 10 MB (300 KB when the animated property is true)
18 *
19 * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">url Documentation</a>
20 */
21 url: string;
22 /**
23 * The ratio of the width or height of this component within the parent box.
24 *
25 * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">flex Documentation</a>
26 */
27 flex?: number;
28 /**
29 * The minimum amount of space to include before this component in its parent container.
30 *
31 * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">margin Documentation</a>
32 */
33 margin?: string;
34 /**
35 * Reference for offsetTop, offsetBottom, offsetStart, and offsetEnd. Specify one of the following values: `relative`: Use the previous box as reference. `absolute`: Use the top left of parent element as reference. The default value is relative.
36 *
37 * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">position Documentation</a>
38 */
39 position?: FlexImage.PositionEnum;
40 /**
41 * Offset.
42 *
43 * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">offsetTop Documentation</a>
44 */
45 offsetTop?: string;
46 /**
47 * Offset.
48 *
49 * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">offsetBottom Documentation</a>
50 */
51 offsetBottom?: string;
52 /**
53 * Offset.
54 *
55 * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">offsetStart Documentation</a>
56 */
57 offsetStart?: string;
58 /**
59 * Offset.
60 *
61 * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">offsetEnd Documentation</a>
62 */
63 offsetEnd?: string;
64 /**
65 * Alignment style in horizontal direction.
66 *
67 * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">align Documentation</a>
68 */
69 align?: FlexImage.AlignEnum;
70 /**
71 * Alignment style in vertical direction.
72 *
73 * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">gravity Documentation</a>
74 */
75 gravity?: FlexImage.GravityEnum;
76 /**
77 * The maximum image width. This is md by default.
78 *
79 * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">size Documentation</a>
80 */
81 size?: string;
82 /**
83 * Aspect ratio of the image. `{width}:{height}` format. Specify the value of `{width}` and `{height}` in the range from `1` to `100000`. However, you cannot set `{height}` to a value that is more than three times the value of `{width}`. The default value is `1:1`.
84 *
85 * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">aspectRatio Documentation</a>
86 */
87 aspectRatio?: string;
88 /**
89 * The display style of the image if the aspect ratio of the image and that specified by the aspectRatio property do not match.
90 *
91 * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">aspectMode Documentation</a>
92 */
93 aspectMode?: FlexImage.AspectModeEnum;
94 /**
95 * Background color of the image. Use a hexadecimal color code.
96 *
97 * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">backgroundColor Documentation</a>
98 */
99 backgroundColor?: string;
100 /**
101 *
102 * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">action Documentation</a>
103 */
104 action?: Action;
105 /**
106 * When this is `true`, an animated image (APNG) plays. You can specify a value of true up to 10 images in a single message. You can\'t send messages that exceed this limit. This is `false` by default. Animated images larger than 300 KB aren\'t played back.
107 *
108 * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">animated Documentation</a>
109 */
110 animated?: boolean;
112export declare namespace FlexImage {
113 type PositionEnum = "relative" | "absolute";
114 type AlignEnum = "start" | "end" | "center";
115 type GravityEnum = "top" | "bottom" | "center";
116 type AspectModeEnum = "fit" | "cover";
118//# sourceMappingURL=flexImage.d.ts.map
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