1 | "use strict";
2 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3 | exports.OAuth = void 0;
4 | const http_axios_js_1 = require("./http-axios.js");
5 | const Types = require("./types.js");
6 | const utils_js_1 = require("./utils.js");
7 | const endpoints_js_1 = require("./endpoints.js");
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 | class Client {
12 | constructor(config) {
13 | this.requestOption = {};
14 | if (!config.channelAccessToken) {
15 | throw new Error("no channel access token");
16 | }
17 | this.config = config;
18 | this.http = new http_axios_js_1.default(Object.assign({ defaultHeaders: {
19 | Authorization: "Bearer " + this.config.channelAccessToken,
20 | }, responseParser: this.parseHTTPResponse.bind(this) }, config.httpConfig));
21 | }
22 | setRequestOptionOnce(option) {
23 | this.requestOption = option;
24 | }
25 | generateRequestConfig() {
26 | const config = { headers: {} };
27 | if (this.requestOption.retryKey) {
28 | config.headers["X-Line-Retry-Key"] = this.requestOption.retryKey;
29 | }
30 |
31 | this.requestOption = {};
32 | return config;
33 | }
34 | parseHTTPResponse(response) {
35 | const { LINE_REQUEST_ID_HTTP_HEADER_NAME } = Types;
36 | let resBody = Object.assign({}, response.data);
37 | if (response.headers[LINE_REQUEST_ID_HTTP_HEADER_NAME]) {
39 | response.headers[LINE_REQUEST_ID_HTTP_HEADER_NAME];
40 | }
41 | return resBody;
42 | }
43 | pushMessage(to, messages, notificationDisabled = false, customAggregationUnits) {
44 | return this.http.post(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/message/push`, {
45 | messages: (0, utils_js_1.toArray)(messages),
46 | to,
47 | notificationDisabled,
48 | customAggregationUnits,
49 | }, this.generateRequestConfig());
50 | }
51 | replyMessage(replyToken, messages, notificationDisabled = false) {
52 | return this.http.post(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/message/reply`, {
53 | messages: (0, utils_js_1.toArray)(messages),
54 | replyToken,
55 | notificationDisabled,
56 | });
57 | }
58 | async multicast(to, messages, notificationDisabled = false, customAggregationUnits) {
59 | return this.http.post(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/message/multicast`, {
60 | messages: (0, utils_js_1.toArray)(messages),
61 | to,
62 | notificationDisabled,
63 | customAggregationUnits,
64 | }, this.generateRequestConfig());
65 | }
66 | async narrowcast(messages, recipient, filter, limit, notificationDisabled) {
67 | return this.http.post(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/message/narrowcast`, {
68 | messages: (0, utils_js_1.toArray)(messages),
69 | recipient,
70 | filter,
71 | limit,
72 | notificationDisabled,
73 | }, this.generateRequestConfig());
74 | }
75 | async broadcast(messages, notificationDisabled = false) {
76 | return this.http.post(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/message/broadcast`, {
77 | messages: (0, utils_js_1.toArray)(messages),
78 | notificationDisabled,
79 | }, this.generateRequestConfig());
80 | }
81 | validatePushMessageObjects(messages) {
82 | return this.http.post(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/message/validate/push`, {
83 | messages: (0, utils_js_1.toArray)(messages),
84 | }, this.generateRequestConfig());
85 | }
86 | validateReplyMessageObjects(messages) {
87 | return this.http.post(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/message/validate/reply`, {
88 | messages: (0, utils_js_1.toArray)(messages),
89 | });
90 | }
91 | async validateMulticastMessageObjects(messages) {
92 | return this.http.post(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/message/validate/multicast`, {
93 | messages: (0, utils_js_1.toArray)(messages),
94 | }, this.generateRequestConfig());
95 | }
96 | async validateNarrowcastMessageObjects(messages) {
97 | return this.http.post(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/message/validate/narrowcast`, {
98 | messages: (0, utils_js_1.toArray)(messages),
99 | }, this.generateRequestConfig());
100 | }
101 | async validateBroadcastMessageObjects(messages) {
102 | return this.http.post(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/message/validate/broadcast`, {
103 | messages: (0, utils_js_1.toArray)(messages),
104 | }, this.generateRequestConfig());
105 | }
106 | validateCustomAggregationUnits(units) {
107 | const messages = [];
108 | if (units.length > 1) {
109 | messages.push("customAggregationUnits can only contain one unit");
110 | }
111 | units.forEach((unit, index) => {
112 | if (unit.length > 30) {
113 | messages.push(`customAggregationUnits[${index}] must be less than or equal to 30 characters`);
114 | }
115 | if (!/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/.test(unit)) {
116 | messages.push(`customAggregationUnits[${index}] must be alphanumeric characters or underscores`);
117 | }
118 | });
119 | return {
120 | messages,
121 | valid: messages.length === 0,
122 | };
123 | }
124 | async getProfile(userId) {
125 | const profile = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/profile/${userId}`);
126 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(profile);
127 | }
128 | async getChatMemberProfile(chatType, chatId, userId) {
129 | const profile = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/${chatType}/${chatId}/member/${userId}`);
130 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(profile);
131 | }
132 | async getGroupMemberProfile(groupId, userId) {
133 | return this.getChatMemberProfile("group", groupId, userId);
134 | }
135 | async getRoomMemberProfile(roomId, userId) {
136 | return this.getChatMemberProfile("room", roomId, userId);
137 | }
138 | async getChatMemberIds(chatType, chatId) {
139 | let memberIds = [];
140 | let start;
141 | do {
142 | const res = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/${chatType}/${chatId}/members/ids`, start ? { start } : null);
143 | (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
144 | memberIds = memberIds.concat(res.memberIds);
145 | start = res.next;
146 | } while (start);
147 | return memberIds;
148 | }
149 | async getGroupMemberIds(groupId) {
150 | return this.getChatMemberIds("group", groupId);
151 | }
152 | async getRoomMemberIds(roomId) {
153 | return this.getChatMemberIds("room", roomId);
154 | }
155 | async getBotFollowersIds() {
156 | let userIds = [];
157 | let start;
158 | do {
159 | const res = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/followers/ids`, start ? { start, limit: 1000 } : { limit: 1000 });
160 | (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
161 | userIds = userIds.concat(res.userIds);
162 | start = res.next;
163 | } while (start);
164 | return userIds;
165 | }
166 | async getGroupMembersCount(groupId) {
167 | const groupMemberCount = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/group/${groupId}/members/count`);
168 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(groupMemberCount);
169 | }
170 | async getRoomMembersCount(roomId) {
171 | const roomMemberCount = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/room/${roomId}/members/count`);
172 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(roomMemberCount);
173 | }
174 | async getGroupSummary(groupId) {
175 | const groupSummary = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/group/${groupId}/summary`);
176 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(groupSummary);
177 | }
178 | async getMessageContent(messageId) {
179 | return this.http.getStream(`${endpoints_js_1.DATA_API_PREFIX}/message/${messageId}/content`);
180 | }
181 | leaveChat(chatType, chatId) {
182 | return this.http.post(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/${chatType}/${chatId}/leave`);
183 | }
184 | async leaveGroup(groupId) {
185 | return this.leaveChat("group", groupId);
186 | }
187 | async leaveRoom(roomId) {
188 | return this.leaveChat("room", roomId);
189 | }
190 | async getRichMenu(richMenuId) {
191 | const res = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/richmenu/${richMenuId}`);
192 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
193 | }
194 | async createRichMenu(richMenu) {
195 | const res = await this.http.post(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/richmenu`, richMenu);
196 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res).richMenuId;
197 | }
198 | async deleteRichMenu(richMenuId) {
199 | return this.http.delete(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/richmenu/${richMenuId}`);
200 | }
201 | async getRichMenuAliasList() {
202 | const res = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/richmenu/alias/list`);
203 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
204 | }
205 | async getRichMenuAlias(richMenuAliasId) {
206 | const res = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/richmenu/alias/${richMenuAliasId}`);
207 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
208 | }
209 | async createRichMenuAlias(richMenuId, richMenuAliasId) {
210 | const res = await this.http.post(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/richmenu/alias`, {
211 | richMenuId,
212 | richMenuAliasId,
213 | });
214 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
215 | }
216 | async deleteRichMenuAlias(richMenuAliasId) {
217 | const res = this.http.delete(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/richmenu/alias/${richMenuAliasId}`);
218 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
219 | }
220 | async updateRichMenuAlias(richMenuAliasId, richMenuId) {
221 | const res = await this.http.post(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/richmenu/alias/${richMenuAliasId}`, {
222 | richMenuId,
223 | });
224 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
225 | }
226 | async getRichMenuIdOfUser(userId) {
227 | const res = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/user/${userId}/richmenu`);
228 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res).richMenuId;
229 | }
230 | async linkRichMenuToUser(userId, richMenuId) {
231 | return this.http.post(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/user/${userId}/richmenu/${richMenuId}`);
232 | }
233 | async unlinkRichMenuFromUser(userId) {
234 | return this.http.delete(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/user/${userId}/richmenu`);
235 | }
236 | async linkRichMenuToMultipleUsers(richMenuId, userIds) {
237 | return this.http.post(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/richmenu/bulk/link`, {
238 | richMenuId,
239 | userIds,
240 | });
241 | }
242 | async unlinkRichMenusFromMultipleUsers(userIds) {
243 | return this.http.post(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/richmenu/bulk/unlink`, {
244 | userIds,
245 | });
246 | }
247 | async getRichMenuImage(richMenuId) {
248 | return this.http.getStream(`${endpoints_js_1.DATA_API_PREFIX}/richmenu/${richMenuId}/content`);
249 | }
250 | async setRichMenuImage(richMenuId, data, contentType) {
251 | return this.http.postBinary(`${endpoints_js_1.DATA_API_PREFIX}/richmenu/${richMenuId}/content`, data, contentType);
252 | }
253 | async getRichMenuList() {
254 | const res = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/richmenu/list`);
255 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res).richmenus;
256 | }
257 | async setDefaultRichMenu(richMenuId) {
258 | return this.http.post(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/user/all/richmenu/${richMenuId}`);
259 | }
260 | async getDefaultRichMenuId() {
261 | const res = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/user/all/richmenu`);
262 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res).richMenuId;
263 | }
264 | async deleteDefaultRichMenu() {
265 | return this.http.delete(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/user/all/richmenu`);
266 | }
267 | async getLinkToken(userId) {
268 | const res = await this.http.post(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/user/${userId}/linkToken`);
269 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res).linkToken;
270 | }
271 | async getNumberOfSentReplyMessages(date) {
272 | const res = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/message/delivery/reply?date=${date}`);
273 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
274 | }
275 | async getNumberOfSentPushMessages(date) {
276 | const res = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/message/delivery/push?date=${date}`);
277 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
278 | }
279 | async getNumberOfSentMulticastMessages(date) {
280 | const res = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/message/delivery/multicast?date=${date}`);
281 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
282 | }
283 | async getNarrowcastProgress(requestId) {
284 | const res = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/message/progress/narrowcast?requestId=${requestId}`);
285 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
286 | }
287 | async getTargetLimitForAdditionalMessages() {
288 | const res = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/message/quota`);
289 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
290 | }
291 | async getNumberOfMessagesSentThisMonth() {
292 | const res = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/message/quota/consumption`);
293 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
294 | }
295 | async getNumberOfSentBroadcastMessages(date) {
296 | const res = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/message/delivery/broadcast?date=${date}`);
297 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
298 | }
299 | async getNumberOfMessageDeliveries(date) {
300 | const res = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/insight/message/delivery?date=${date}`);
301 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
302 | }
303 | async getNumberOfFollowers(date) {
304 | const res = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/insight/followers?date=${date}`);
305 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
306 | }
307 | async getFriendDemographics() {
308 | const res = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/insight/demographic`);
309 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
310 | }
311 | async getUserInteractionStatistics(requestId) {
312 | const res = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/insight/message/event?requestId=${requestId}`);
313 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
314 | }
315 | async getStatisticsPerUnit(customAggregationUnit, from, to) {
316 | const res = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/insight/message/event/aggregation?customAggregationUnit=${customAggregationUnit}&from=${from}&to=${to}`);
317 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
318 | }
319 | async createUploadAudienceGroup(uploadAudienceGroup) {
320 | const res = await this.http.post(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/audienceGroup/upload`, Object.assign({}, uploadAudienceGroup));
321 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
322 | }
323 | async createUploadAudienceGroupByFile(uploadAudienceGroup) {
324 | const file = await this.http.toBuffer(uploadAudienceGroup.file);
325 | const body = (0, utils_js_1.createMultipartFormData)(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, uploadAudienceGroup), { file }));
326 | const res = await this.http.postFormMultipart(`${endpoints_js_1.DATA_API_PREFIX}/audienceGroup/upload/byFile`, body);
327 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
328 | }
329 | async updateUploadAudienceGroup(uploadAudienceGroup,
330 |
331 | httpConfig) {
332 | const res = await this.http.put(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/audienceGroup/upload`, Object.assign({}, uploadAudienceGroup), httpConfig);
333 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
334 | }
335 | async updateUploadAudienceGroupByFile(uploadAudienceGroup,
336 |
337 | httpConfig) {
338 | const file = await this.http.toBuffer(uploadAudienceGroup.file);
339 | const body = (0, utils_js_1.createMultipartFormData)(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, uploadAudienceGroup), { file }));
340 | const res = await this.http.putFormMultipart(`${endpoints_js_1.DATA_API_PREFIX}/audienceGroup/upload/byFile`, body, httpConfig);
341 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
342 | }
343 | async createClickAudienceGroup(clickAudienceGroup) {
344 | const res = await this.http.post(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/audienceGroup/click`, Object.assign({}, clickAudienceGroup));
345 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
346 | }
347 | async createImpAudienceGroup(impAudienceGroup) {
348 | const res = await this.http.post(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/audienceGroup/imp`, Object.assign({}, impAudienceGroup));
349 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
350 | }
351 | async setDescriptionAudienceGroup(description, audienceGroupId) {
352 | const res = await this.http.put(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/audienceGroup/${audienceGroupId}/updateDescription`, {
353 | description,
354 | });
355 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
356 | }
357 | async deleteAudienceGroup(audienceGroupId) {
358 | const res = await this.http.delete(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/audienceGroup/${audienceGroupId}`);
359 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
360 | }
361 | async getAudienceGroup(audienceGroupId) {
362 | const res = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/audienceGroup/${audienceGroupId}`);
363 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
364 | }
365 | async getAudienceGroups(page, description, status, size, createRoute, includesExternalPublicGroups) {
366 | const res = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/audienceGroup/list`, {
367 | page,
368 | description,
369 | status,
370 | size,
371 | createRoute,
372 | includesExternalPublicGroups,
373 | });
374 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
375 | }
376 | async getAudienceGroupAuthorityLevel() {
377 | const res = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/audienceGroup/authorityLevel`);
378 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
379 | }
380 | async changeAudienceGroupAuthorityLevel(authorityLevel) {
381 | const res = await this.http.put(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/audienceGroup/authorityLevel`, { authorityLevel });
382 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
383 | }
384 | async getBotInfo() {
385 | const res = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/info`);
386 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
387 | }
388 | async setWebhookEndpointUrl(endpoint) {
389 | return this.http.put(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/channel/webhook/endpoint`, { endpoint });
390 | }
391 | async getWebhookEndpointInfo() {
392 | const res = await this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/channel/webhook/endpoint`);
393 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
394 | }
395 | async testWebhookEndpoint(endpoint) {
396 | const res = await this.http.post(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/channel/webhook/test`, { endpoint });
397 | return (0, utils_js_1.ensureJSON)(res);
398 | }
399 | async validateRichMenu(richMenu) {
400 | return await this.http.post(`${endpoints_js_1.MESSAGING_API_PREFIX}/richmenu/validate`, richMenu);
401 | }
402 | }
403 | exports.default = Client;
404 | class OAuth {
405 | constructor() {
406 | this.http = new http_axios_js_1.default();
407 | }
408 | issueAccessToken(client_id, client_secret) {
409 | return this.http.postForm(`${endpoints_js_1.OAUTH_BASE_PREFIX}/accessToken`, {
410 | grant_type: "client_credentials",
411 | client_id,
412 | client_secret,
413 | });
414 | }
415 | revokeAccessToken(access_token) {
416 | return this.http.postForm(`${endpoints_js_1.OAUTH_BASE_PREFIX}/revoke`, { access_token });
417 | }
418 | verifyAccessToken(access_token) {
419 | return this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.OAUTH_BASE_PREFIX_V2_1}/verify`, { access_token });
420 | }
421 | verifyIdToken(id_token, client_id, nonce, user_id) {
422 | const body = {
423 | id_token,
424 | client_id,
425 | };
426 | if (nonce) {
427 | body.nonce = nonce;
428 | }
429 | if (user_id) {
430 | body.user_id = user_id;
431 | }
432 | return this.http.postForm(`${endpoints_js_1.OAUTH_BASE_PREFIX_V2_1}/verify`, body);
433 | }
434 | issueChannelAccessTokenV2_1(client_assertion) {
435 | return this.http.postForm(`${endpoints_js_1.OAUTH_BASE_PREFIX_V2_1}/token`, {
436 | grant_type: "client_credentials",
437 | client_assertion_type: "urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer",
438 | client_assertion,
439 | });
440 | }
441 | getChannelAccessTokenKeyIdsV2_1(client_assertion) {
442 | return this.http.get(`${endpoints_js_1.OAUTH_BASE_PREFIX_V2_1}/tokens/kid`, {
443 | client_assertion_type: "urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer",
444 | client_assertion,
445 | });
446 | }
447 | revokeChannelAccessTokenV2_1(client_id, client_secret, access_token) {
448 | return this.http.postForm(`${endpoints_js_1.OAUTH_BASE_PREFIX_V2_1}/revoke`, {
449 | client_id,
450 | client_secret,
451 | access_token,
452 | });
453 | }
454 | }
455 | exports.OAuth = OAuth;
456 |
\ | No newline at end of file |