2.11 kBJSONView Raw
2 "tags": {
3 "allowUnknownTags": ["alpha", "beta"]
4 },
5 "source": {
6 "include": [
7 "./src",
8 "./README.md"
9 ],
10 "excludePattern": "(node_modules/|docs)"
11 },
12 "plugins": [
13 "plugins/markdown",
14 "./theme/plugins/custom-tags.js"
15 ],
16 "opts": {
17 "template": "theme/",
18 "encoding": "utf8",
19 "destination": ".",
20 "recurse": true,
21 "verbose": true
22 },
23 "templates": {
24 "cleverLinks": false,
25 "monospaceLinks": false
26 },
27 "docdash": {
28 "static": true, // Display the static members inside the navbar
29 "sort": true, // Sort the methods in the navbar
30 "sectionOrder": [ // Order the main section in the navbar (default order shown here)
31 "Classes",
32 "Modules",
33 "Externals",
34 "Events",
35 "Namespaces",
36 "Mixins",
37 "Tutorials",
38 "Interfaces"
39 ],
40 "disqus": "", // Shortname for your disqus (subdomain during site creation)
41 "openGraph": { // Open Graph options (mostly for Facebook and other sites to easily extract meta information)
42 "title": "", // Title of the website
43 "type": "website", // Type of the website
44 "image": "", // Main image/logo
45 "site_name": "", // Site name
46 "url": "" // Main canonical URL for the main page of the site
47 },
48 "meta": { // Meta information options (mostly for search engines that have not indexed your site yet)
49 "title": "", // Also will be used as postfix to actualy page title, prefixed with object/document name
50 "description": "", // Description of overal contents of your website
51 "keyword": "" // Keywords for search engines
52 },
53 "search": true // Display seach box above navigation which allows to search/filter navigation items
54 }
\No newline at end of file