import { Constructor } from '@loopback/core';
* Returns all files matching the given glob pattern relative to root
* @param pattern - A glob pattern
* @param root - Root folder to start searching for matching files
* @returns Array of discovered files
export declare function discoverFiles(pattern: string, root: string): Promise<string[]>;
* Given a function, returns true if it is a class, false otherwise.
* @param target - The function to check if it's a class or not.
* @returns True if target is a class. False otherwise.
export declare function isClass(target: any): target is Constructor<any>;
* Returns an Array of Classes from given files. Works by requiring the file,
* identifying the exports from the file by getting the keys of the file
* and then testing each exported member to see if it's a class or not.
* @param files - An array of string of absolute file paths
* @param projectRootDir - The project root directory
* @returns An array of Class constructors from a file
export declare function loadClassesFromFiles(files: string[], projectRootDir: string): Constructor<{}>[];