* A convention based project Bootstrapper and Booters for LoopBack
* Applications.
* @remarks
* A Booter is a class that can be bound to an Application and is called to
* perform a task before the Application is started. A Booter may have multiple
* phases to complete its task. The task for a convention based Booter is to
* discover and bind Artifacts (Controllers, Repositories, Models, etc.).
* An example task of a Booter may be to discover and bind all artifacts of a
* given type.
* A Bootstrapper is needed to manage the Booters and execute them. This is
* provided in this package. For ease of use, everything needed is packages
* using a BootMixin. This Mixin will add convenience methods such as `boot` and
* `booter`, as well as properties needed for Bootstrapper such as
* `projectRoot`. The Mixin also adds the `BootComponent` to your `Application`
* which binds the `Bootstrapper` and default `Booters` made available by this
* package.
* @packageDocumentation
export * from './boot.component';
export * from './booters';
export * from './bootstrapper';
export * from './keys';
export * from './mixins';
export * from './types';