1 | # @loopback/build
2 |
3 | This module contains a set of common scripts and default configurations to build
4 | LoopBack 4 or other TypeScript modules, including:
5 |
6 | - lb-tsc: Use
7 | [`tsc`](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/compiler-options.html) to
8 | compile typescript files
9 | - lb-eslint: Run [`eslint`](https://typescript-eslint.io/)
10 | - lb-prettier: Run [`prettier`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier)
11 | - lb-mocha: Run [`mocha`](https://mochajs.org/) to execute test cases
12 | - lb-nyc: Run [`nyc`](https://github.com/istanbuljs/nyc)
13 |
14 | These scripts first try to locate the CLI from target project dependencies and
15 | fall back to bundled ones in `@loopback/build`.
16 |
17 | ## Basic use
18 |
19 | To use `@loopback/build` for your package:
20 |
21 | 1. Run the following command to add `@loopback/build` as a dev dependency.
22 |
23 | `npm i @loopback/build --save-dev`
24 |
25 | 2. Configure your project package.json as follows:
26 |
27 | ```json
28 | "scripts": {
29 | "build": "lb-tsc",
30 | "build:watch": "lb-tsc --watch",
31 | "clean": "lb-clean",
32 | "lint": "npm run prettier:check && npm run eslint",
33 | "lint:fix": "npm run prettier:fix && npm run eslint:fix",
34 | "prettier:cli": "lb-prettier \"**/*.ts\" \"**/*.js\"",
35 | "prettier:check": "npm run prettier:cli -- -l",
36 | "prettier:fix": "npm run prettier:cli -- --write",
37 | "eslint": "lb-eslint --report-unused-disable-directives .",
38 | "eslint:fix": "npm run eslint -- --fix",
39 | "pretest": "npm run clean && npm run build",
40 | "test": "lb-mocha \"dist/__tests__\"",
41 | "posttest": "npm run lint",
42 | "start": "npm run build && node .",
43 | "prepublishOnly": "npm run test"
44 | },
45 | ```
46 |
47 | Please remember to replace `your-module-name` with the name of your module.
48 |
49 | Now you run the scripts, such as:
50 |
51 | - `npm run build` - Compile TypeScript files and copy resources (non `.ts`
52 | files) to outDir
53 | - `npm test` - Run all mocha tests
54 | - `npm run lint` - Run `eslint` and `prettier` on source files
55 |
56 | 3. Override default configurations in your project
57 |
58 | - lb-tsc
59 |
60 | By default, `lb-tsc` searches your project's root directory for
61 | `tsconfig.build.json` then `tsconfig.json`. If neither of them exists, a
62 | `tsconfig.json` will be created to extend from
63 | `@loopback/build/config/tsconfig.common.json`.
64 |
65 | To customize the configuration:
66 |
67 | - Create `tsconfig.build.json` or `tsconfig.json` in your project's root
68 | directory
69 |
70 | ```json
71 | {
72 | "$schema": "http://json.schemastore.org/tsconfig",
73 | "extends": "@loopback/build/config/tsconfig.common.json",
74 | "compilerOptions": {
75 | "outDir": "dist",
76 | "rootDir": "src"
77 | },
78 | "include": ["src"]
79 | }
80 | ```
81 |
82 | - Set options explicitly for the script
83 |
84 | ```sh
85 | lb-tsc -p tsconfig.json --target es2017 --outDir dist
86 | ```
87 |
88 | For more information, see
89 | <https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/compiler-options.html>.
90 |
91 | - The following un-official compiler options are available:
92 |
93 | | Option | Description |
94 | | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
95 | | `--copy-resources` | Copy all non-typescript files from `src` and `test` to `outDir`, preserving their relative paths. |
96 |
97 | - Using [`ttypescript`](https://github.com/cevek/ttypescript)
98 |
99 | ### Stability: ⚠️Experimental⚠️
100 |
101 | If you would like to use `ttypescript` and its available plugins, you can
102 | substitute `lb-tsc` with `lb-ttsc`, or pass the option
103 | `lb-tsc --use-ttypescript`. If `ttypescript` is not installed, the default
104 | TypeScript compiler `tsc` will be used instead.
105 |
106 | 4. Run builds
107 |
108 | ```sh
109 | npm run build
110 | ```
111 |
112 | 5. Run code coverage reports
113 |
114 | - `lb-nyc`
115 |
116 | `lb-nyc` is a simple wrapper for [`nyc`](https://github.com/istanbuljs/nyc).
117 |
118 | To customize the configuration:
119 |
120 | - Create `.nycrc` in your project's root directory
121 |
122 | ```json
123 | {
124 | "include": ["dist"],
125 | "exclude": ["dist/__tests__/"],
126 | "extension": [".js", ".ts"],
127 | "reporter": ["text", "html"],
128 | "exclude-after-remap": false
129 | }
130 | ```
131 |
132 | - Update your `package.json` scripts:
133 |
134 | ```json
135 | "precoverage": "npm test",
136 | "coverage": "open coverage/index.html",
137 | "coverage:ci": "lb-nyc report --reporter=text-lcov | coveralls",
138 | "test": "lb-nyc npm run mocha",
139 | "test:ci": "lb-nyc npm run mocha"
140 | ```
141 |
142 | `coverage:ci` sets up integration with [Coveralls](https://coveralls.io/).
143 |
144 | ## A note on console logs printed by tests
145 |
146 | We consider (console) logging from tests as a bad practice, because such logs
147 | usually clutter the test output and make it difficult to distinguish legitimate
148 | error messages from the noise.
149 |
150 | By default, `lb-mocha` detects when the tests and/or the application tested have
151 | printed console logs and fails the test run with the following message:
152 |
153 | ```
155 | ```
156 |
157 | If you need more information about behavior in the test, then the first choice
158 | should be to use a better or more descriptive error assertion. If that's not
159 | possible, then use debug statements to print additional information when
160 | explicitly requested.
161 |
162 | A typical situation is that a test is sending an HTTP request and the server
163 | responds with an error code as expected. However, because the server is
164 | configured to log failed requests, it will print a log also for requests where
165 | the failure was expected and intentional. The solution is to configure your REST
166 | server to suppress error messages for that specific error code only. Our
167 | `@loopback/testlab` module is providing a helper
168 | [`createUnexpectedHttpErrorLogger`](https://github.com/loopbackio/loopback-next/tree/master/packages/testlab#createUnexpectedHttpErrorLogger)
169 | that makes this task super easy.
170 |
171 | Alternatively, it's also possible to disable detection of console logs by
172 | calling `lb-mocha` with `--allow-console-logs` argument.
173 |
174 | ## Contributions
175 |
176 | - [Guidelines](https://github.com/loopbackio/loopback-next/blob/master/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md)
177 | - [Join the team](https://github.com/loopbackio/loopback-next/issues/110)
178 |
179 | ## Tests
180 |
181 | run `npm test` from the root folder.
182 |
183 | ## Contributors
184 |
185 | See
186 | [all contributors](https://github.com/loopbackio/loopback-next/graphs/contributors).
187 |
188 | ## License
189 |
190 | MIT