3.04 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2// Copyright IBM Corp. and LoopBack contributors 2017,2020. All Rights Reserved.
3// Node module: @loopback/context
4// This file is licensed under the MIT License.
5// License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
6Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
7const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
9 * Facilities to manage artifacts and their dependencies using {@link Context}
10 * in your Node.js applications. It can be used independent of the LoopBack
11 * framework.
12 *
13 * @remarks
14 * This package exposes TypeScript/JavaScript APIs and decorators to register
15 * artifacts, declare dependencies, and resolve artifacts by keys. The
16 * {@link Context} also serves as an IoC container to support dependency
17 * injection.
18 * Context and Binding are the two core concepts. A context is a registry of
19 * bindings and each binding represents a resolvable artifact by the key.
20 *
21 * - Bindings can be fulfilled by a constant, a factory function, a class, or a
22 * provider.
23 * - Bindings can be grouped by tags and searched by tags.
24 * - Binding scopes can be used to control how a resolved binding value is
25 * shared.
26 * - Bindings can be resolved synchronously or asynchronously.
27 * - Provide {@link inject | @inject} and other variants of decorators to
28 * express dependencies.
29 * - Support Constructor, property, and method injections.
30 * - Allow contexts to form a hierarchy to share or override bindings.
31 *
32 * @pakageDocumentation
33 */
34tslib_1.__exportStar(require("@loopback/metadata"), exports);
35tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./binding"), exports);
36tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./binding-config"), exports);
37tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./binding-decorator"), exports);
38tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./binding-filter"), exports);
39tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./binding-inspector"), exports);
40tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./binding-key"), exports);
41tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./binding-sorter"), exports);
42tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./context"), exports);
43tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./context-event"), exports);
44tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./context-observer"), exports);
45tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./context-subscription"), exports);
46tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./context-view"), exports);
47tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./inject"), exports);
48tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./inject-config"), exports);
49tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./interception-proxy"), exports);
50tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./interceptor"), exports);
51tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./interceptor-chain"), exports);
52tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./invocation"), exports);
53tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./json-types"), exports);
54tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./keys"), exports);
55tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./provider"), exports);
56tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./resolution-session"), exports);
57tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./resolver"), exports);
58tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./unique-id"), exports);
59tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./value-promise"), exports);
60//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
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