6.04 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Binding } from './binding';
2import { BindingSelector } from './binding-filter';
3import { Context } from './context';
4import { Injection, InjectionMetadata } from './inject';
5import { BoundValue, ValueOrPromise } from './value-promise';
7 * A function to be executed with the resolution session
8 */
9export type ResolutionAction = (session: ResolutionSession) => ValueOrPromise<BoundValue>;
11 * Wrapper for bindings tracked by resolution sessions
12 */
13export interface BindingElement {
14 type: 'binding';
15 value: Readonly<Binding>;
18 * Wrapper for injections tracked by resolution sessions
19 */
20export interface InjectionElement {
21 type: 'injection';
22 value: Readonly<Injection>;
24export interface InjectionDescriptor {
25 targetName: string;
26 bindingSelector: BindingSelector;
27 metadata: InjectionMetadata;
30 * Binding or injection elements tracked by resolution sessions
31 */
32export type ResolutionElement = BindingElement | InjectionElement;
34 * Object to keep states for a session to resolve bindings and their
35 * dependencies within a context
36 */
37export declare class ResolutionSession {
38 /**
39 * A stack of bindings for the current resolution session. It's used to track
40 * the path of dependency resolution and detect circular dependencies.
41 */
42 readonly stack: ResolutionElement[];
43 /**
44 * Fork the current session so that a new one with the same stack can be used
45 * in parallel or future resolutions, such as multiple method arguments,
46 * multiple properties, or a getter function
47 * @param session - The current session
48 */
49 static fork(session?: ResolutionSession): ResolutionSession | undefined;
50 /**
51 * Run the given action with the given binding and session
52 * @param action - A function to do some work with the resolution session
53 * @param binding - The current binding
54 * @param session - The current resolution session
55 */
56 static runWithBinding(action: ResolutionAction, binding: Readonly<Binding>, session?: ResolutionSession): any;
57 /**
58 * Run the given action with the given injection and session
59 * @param action - A function to do some work with the resolution session
60 * @param binding - The current injection
61 * @param session - The current resolution session
62 */
63 static runWithInjection(action: ResolutionAction, injection: Readonly<Injection>, session?: ResolutionSession): any;
64 /**
65 * Describe the injection for debugging purpose
66 * @param injection - Injection object
67 */
68 static describeInjection(injection: Readonly<Injection>): InjectionDescriptor;
69 /**
70 * Push the injection onto the session
71 * @param injection - Injection The current injection
72 */
73 pushInjection(injection: Readonly<Injection>): void;
74 /**
75 * Pop the last injection
76 */
77 popInjection(): Readonly<Injection<any>>;
78 /**
79 * Getter for the current injection
80 */
81 get currentInjection(): Readonly<Injection> | undefined;
82 /**
83 * Getter for the current binding
84 */
85 get currentBinding(): Readonly<Binding> | undefined;
86 /**
87 * Enter the resolution of the given binding. If
88 * @param binding - Binding
89 */
90 pushBinding(binding: Readonly<Binding>): void;
91 /**
92 * Exit the resolution of a binding
93 */
94 popBinding(): Readonly<Binding>;
95 /**
96 * Getter for bindings on the stack
97 */
98 get bindingStack(): Readonly<Binding>[];
99 /**
100 * Getter for injections on the stack
101 */
102 get injectionStack(): Readonly<Injection>[];
103 /**
104 * Get the binding path as `bindingA --> bindingB --> bindingC`.
105 */
106 getBindingPath(): string;
107 /**
108 * Get the injection path as `injectionA --> injectionB --> injectionC`.
109 */
110 getInjectionPath(): string;
111 /**
112 * Get the resolution path including bindings and injections, for example:
113 * `bindingA --> @ClassA[0] --> bindingB --> @ClassB.prototype.prop1
114 * --> bindingC`.
115 */
116 getResolutionPath(): string;
117 toString(): string;
120 * Options for binding/dependency resolution
121 */
122export interface ResolutionOptions {
123 /**
124 * A session to track bindings and injections
125 */
126 session?: ResolutionSession;
127 /**
128 * A boolean flag to indicate if the dependency is optional. If it's set to
129 * `true` and the binding is not bound in a context, the resolution
130 * will return `undefined` instead of throwing an error.
131 */
132 optional?: boolean;
133 /**
134 * A boolean flag to control if a proxy should be created to apply
135 * interceptors for the resolved value. It's only honored for bindings backed
136 * by a class.
137 */
138 asProxyWithInterceptors?: boolean;
141 * Resolution options or session
142 */
143export type ResolutionOptionsOrSession = ResolutionOptions | ResolutionSession;
145 * Normalize ResolutionOptionsOrSession to ResolutionOptions
146 * @param optionsOrSession - resolution options or session
147 */
148export declare function asResolutionOptions(optionsOrSession?: ResolutionOptionsOrSession): ResolutionOptions;
150 * Contextual metadata for resolution
151 */
152export interface ResolutionContext<T = unknown> {
153 /**
154 * The context for resolution
155 */
156 readonly context: Context;
157 /**
158 * The binding to be resolved
159 */
160 readonly binding: Readonly<Binding<T>>;
161 /**
162 * The options used for resolution
163 */
164 readonly options: ResolutionOptions;
167 * Error for context binding resolutions and dependency injections
168 */
169export declare class ResolutionError extends Error {
170 readonly resolutionCtx: Partial<ResolutionContext>;
171 constructor(message: string, resolutionCtx: Partial<ResolutionContext>);
172 private static buildDetails;
173 /**
174 * Build the error message for the resolution to include more contextual data
175 * @param reason - Cause of the error
176 * @param resolutionCtx - Resolution context
177 */
178 private static buildMessage;
179 private static describeResolutionContext;