1 | import { MetadataAccessor } from '@loopback/metadata';
2 | import { Binding, BindingTemplate } from './binding';
3 | import { BindingFromClassOptions, BindingSpec } from './binding-inspector';
4 | import { Context } from './context';
5 | import { GenericInterceptor, GenericInterceptorOrKey } from './interceptor-chain';
6 | import { InvocationArgs, InvocationContext, InvocationOptions, InvocationResult } from './invocation';
7 | import { Provider } from './provider';
8 | import { Constructor, ValueOrPromise } from './value-promise';
9 | /**
10 | * A specialized InvocationContext for interceptors
11 | */
12 | export declare class InterceptedInvocationContext extends InvocationContext {
13 | /**
14 | * Discover all binding keys for global interceptors (tagged by
15 | * ContextTags.GLOBAL_INTERCEPTOR)
16 | */
17 | getGlobalInterceptorBindingKeys(): string[];
18 | /**
19 | * Check if the binding for a global interceptor matches the source type
20 | * of the invocation
21 | * @param binding - Binding
22 | */
23 | private applicableTo;
24 | /**
25 | * Sort global interceptor bindings by `globalInterceptorGroup` tags
26 | * @param bindings - An array of global interceptor bindings
27 | */
28 | private sortGlobalInterceptorBindings;
29 | /**
30 | * Load all interceptors for the given invocation context. It adds
31 | * interceptors from possibly three sources:
32 | * 1. method level `@intercept`
33 | * 2. class level `@intercept`
34 | * 3. global interceptors discovered in the context
35 | */
36 | loadInterceptors(): InterceptorOrKey[];
37 | }
38 | /**
39 | * The `BindingTemplate` function to configure a binding as a global interceptor
40 | * by tagging it with `ContextTags.INTERCEPTOR`
41 | * @param group - Group for ordering the interceptor
42 | */
43 | export declare function asGlobalInterceptor(group?: string): BindingTemplate;
44 | /**
45 | * `@globalInterceptor` decorator to mark the class as a global interceptor
46 | * @param group - Group for ordering the interceptor
47 | * @param specs - Extra binding specs
48 | */
49 | export declare function globalInterceptor(group?: string, ...specs: BindingSpec[]): ClassDecorator;
50 | /**
51 | * Interceptor function to intercept method invocations
52 | */
53 | export interface Interceptor extends GenericInterceptor<InvocationContext> {
54 | }
55 | /**
56 | * Interceptor function or binding key that can be used as parameters for
57 | * `@intercept()`
58 | */
59 | export type InterceptorOrKey = GenericInterceptorOrKey<InvocationContext>;
60 | /**
61 | * Metadata key for method-level interceptors
62 | */
63 | export declare const INTERCEPT_METHOD_KEY: MetadataAccessor<InterceptorOrKey[], MethodDecorator>;
64 | /**
65 | * Adding interceptors from the spec to the front of existing ones. Duplicate
66 | * entries are eliminated from the spec side.
67 | *
68 | * For example:
69 | *
70 | * - [log] + [cache, log] => [cache, log]
71 | * - [log] + [log, cache] => [log, cache]
72 | * - [] + [cache, log] => [cache, log]
73 | * - [cache, log] + [] => [cache, log]
74 | * - [log] + [cache] => [log, cache]
75 | *
76 | * @param interceptorsFromSpec - Interceptors from `@intercept`
77 | * @param existingInterceptors - Interceptors already applied for the method
78 | */
79 | export declare function mergeInterceptors(interceptorsFromSpec: InterceptorOrKey[], existingInterceptors: InterceptorOrKey[]): InterceptorOrKey[];
80 | /**
81 | * Metadata key for method-level interceptors
82 | */
83 | export declare const INTERCEPT_CLASS_KEY: MetadataAccessor<InterceptorOrKey[], ClassDecorator>;
84 | /**
85 | * Decorator function `@intercept` for classes/methods to apply interceptors. It
86 | * can be applied on a class and its public methods. Multiple occurrences of
87 | * `@intercept` are allowed on the same target class or method. The decorator
88 | * takes a list of `interceptor` functions or binding keys.
89 | *
90 | * @example
91 | * ```ts
92 | * @intercept(log, metrics)
93 | * class MyController {
94 | * @intercept('caching-interceptor')
95 | * @intercept('name-validation-interceptor')
96 | * greet(name: string) {
97 | * return `Hello, ${name}`;
98 | * }
99 | * }
100 | * ```
101 | *
102 | * @param interceptorOrKeys - One or more interceptors or binding keys that are
103 | * resolved to be interceptors
104 | */
105 | export declare function intercept(...interceptorOrKeys: InterceptorOrKey[]): (target: any, method?: string, methodDescriptor?: TypedPropertyDescriptor<any>) => any;
106 | /**
107 | * Invoke a method with the given context
108 | * @param context - Context object
109 | * @param target - Target class (for static methods) or object (for instance methods)
110 | * @param methodName - Method name
111 | * @param args - An array of argument values
112 | * @param options - Options for the invocation
113 | */
114 | export declare function invokeMethodWithInterceptors(context: Context, target: object, methodName: string, args: InvocationArgs, options?: InvocationOptions): ValueOrPromise<InvocationResult>;
115 | /**
116 | * Options for an interceptor binding
117 | */
118 | export interface InterceptorBindingOptions extends BindingFromClassOptions {
119 | /**
120 | * Global or local interceptor
121 | */
122 | global?: boolean;
123 | /**
124 | * Group name for a global interceptor
125 | */
126 | group?: string;
127 | /**
128 | * Source filter for a global interceptor
129 | */
130 | source?: string | string[];
131 | }
132 | /**
133 | * Register an interceptor function or provider class to the given context
134 | * @param ctx - Context object
135 | * @param interceptor - An interceptor function or provider class
136 | * @param options - Options for the interceptor binding
137 | */
138 | export declare function registerInterceptor(ctx: Context, interceptor: Interceptor | Constructor<Provider<Interceptor>>, options?: InterceptorBindingOptions): Binding<Interceptor>;