3.67 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2// Copyright IBM Corp. and LoopBack contributors 2020. All Rights Reserved.
3// Node module: @loopback/repository
4// This file is licensed under the MIT License.
5// License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
6Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
7exports.defineKeyValueRepositoryClass = exports.defineCrudRepositoryClass = exports.defineRepositoryClass = void 0;
8const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
9const assert_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("assert"));
10const repositories_1 = require("./repositories");
12 * Create (define) a repository class for the given model.
13 *
14 * See also `defineCrudRepositoryClass` and `defineKeyValueRepositoryClass`
15 * for convenience wrappers providing repository class factory for the default
16 * CRUD and KeyValue implementations.
17 *
18 * **❗️IMPORTANT: The compiler (TypeScript 3.8) is not able to correctly infer
19 * generic arguments `M` and `R` from the class constructors provided in
20 * function arguments. You must always provide both M and R types explicitly.**
21 *
22 * @example
23 *
24 * ```ts
25 * const AddressRepository = defineRepositoryClass<
26 * typeof Address,
27 * DefaultEntityCrudRepository<
28 * Address,
29 * typeof Address.prototype.id,
30 * AddressRelations
31 * >,
32 * >(Address, DefaultCrudRepository);
33 * ```
34 *
35 * @param modelClass - A model class such as `Address`.
36 * @param baseRepositoryClass - Repository implementation to use as the base,
37 * e.g. `DefaultCrudRepository`.
38 *
39 * @typeParam M - Model class constructor (e.g. `typeof Address`)
40 * @typeParam R - Repository class (e.g. `DefaultCrudRepository<Address, number>`)
41 */
42function defineRepositoryClass(modelClass, baseRepositoryClass) {
43 const repoName = modelClass.name + 'Repository';
44 const defineNamedRepo = new Function('ModelCtor', 'BaseRepository', `return class ${repoName} extends BaseRepository {
45 constructor(dataSource) {
46 super(ModelCtor, dataSource);
47 }
48 };`);
49 const repo = defineNamedRepo(modelClass, baseRepositoryClass);
50 assert_1.default.equal(repo.name, repoName);
51 return repo;
53exports.defineRepositoryClass = defineRepositoryClass;
55 * Create (define) an entity CRUD repository class for the given model.
56 * This function always uses `DefaultCrudRepository` as the base class,
57 * use `defineRepositoryClass` if you want to use your own base repository.
58 *
59 * @example
60 *
61 * ```ts
62 * const ProductRepository = defineCrudRepositoryClass<
63 * Product,
64 * typeof Product.prototype.id,
65 * ProductRelations
66 * >(Product);
67 * ```
68 *
69 * @param entityClass - An entity class such as `Product`.
70 *
71 * @typeParam E - An entity class
72 * @typeParam IdType - ID type for the entity
73 * @typeParam Relations - Relations for the entity
74 */
75function defineCrudRepositoryClass(entityClass) {
76 return defineRepositoryClass(entityClass, repositories_1.DefaultCrudRepository);
78exports.defineCrudRepositoryClass = defineCrudRepositoryClass;
80 * Create (define) a KeyValue repository class for the given entity.
81 * This function always uses `DefaultKeyValueRepository` as the base class,
82 * use `defineRepositoryClass` if you want to use your own base repository.
83 *
84 * @example
85 *
86 * ```ts
87 * const ProductKeyValueRepository = defineKeyValueRepositoryClass(Product);
88 * ```
89 *
90 * @param modelClass - An entity class such as `Product`.
91 *
92 * @typeParam M - Model class
93 */
94function defineKeyValueRepositoryClass(modelClass) {
95 return defineRepositoryClass(modelClass, repositories_1.DefaultKeyValueRepository);
97exports.defineKeyValueRepositoryClass = defineKeyValueRepositoryClass;
98//# sourceMappingURL=define-repository-class.js.map
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