1 | "use strict";
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6 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
7 | exports.createHasManyThroughInclusionResolver = void 0;
8 | const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
9 | const debug_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("debug"));
10 | const __1 = require("../..");
11 | const relation_helpers_1 = require("../relation.helpers");
12 | const has_many_through_helpers_1 = require("./has-many-through.helpers");
13 | const debug = (0, debug_1.default)('loopback:repository:relations:has-many-through:inclusion-resolver');
14 |
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26 | function createHasManyThroughInclusionResolver(meta, getThroughRepo, getTargetRepoDict) {
27 | const relationMeta = (0, has_many_through_helpers_1.resolveHasManyThroughMetadata)(meta);
28 | return async function fetchHasManyThroughModels(entities, inclusion, options) {
29 | if (!relationMeta.through) {
30 | throw new Error(`relationMeta.through must be defined on ${relationMeta}`);
31 | }
32 | if (!entities.length)
33 | return [];
34 | debug('Fetching target models for entities:', entities);
35 | debug('Relation metadata:', relationMeta);
36 | const sourceKey = relationMeta.keyFrom;
37 | const sourceIds = entities.map(e => e[sourceKey]);
38 | const targetKey = relationMeta.keyTo;
39 | if (!relationMeta.through) {
40 | throw new Error(`relationMeta.through must be defined on ${relationMeta}`);
41 | }
42 | const throughKeyTo = relationMeta.through.keyTo;
43 | const throughKeyFrom = relationMeta.through.keyFrom;
44 | debug('Parameters:', {
45 | sourceKey,
46 | sourceIds,
47 | targetKey,
48 | throughKeyTo,
49 | throughKeyFrom,
50 | });
51 | debug('sourceId types', sourceIds.map(i => typeof i));
52 | const throughRepo = await getThroughRepo();
53 |
54 | const throughFound = await (0, relation_helpers_1.findByForeignKeys)(throughRepo, throughKeyFrom, sourceIds, {},
55 | options);
56 | const throughResult = (0, relation_helpers_1.flattenTargetsOfOneToManyRelation)(sourceIds, throughFound, throughKeyFrom);
57 | const scope = typeof inclusion === 'string' ? {} : inclusion.scope;
58 |
59 | const targetDiscriminator = relationMeta.through.polymorphic
60 | ? relationMeta.through.polymorphic.discriminator
61 | : undefined;
62 | if (targetDiscriminator) {
63 |
64 | const throughArrayByTargetType = {};
65 | for (const throughArray of throughResult) {
66 | if (throughArray) {
67 | for (const throughItem of throughArray) {
68 | const targetType = String(throughItem[targetDiscriminator]);
69 | if (!getTargetRepoDict[targetType]) {
70 | throw new __1.InvalidPolymorphismError(targetType, String(targetDiscriminator));
71 | }
72 | if (!throughArrayByTargetType[targetType]) {
73 | throughArrayByTargetType[targetType] = [];
74 | }
75 | throughArrayByTargetType[targetType].push(throughItem);
76 | }
77 | }
78 | }
79 |
80 | const targetOfTypes = {};
81 | for (const targetType of Object.keys(throughArrayByTargetType)) {
82 | const targetIds = throughArrayByTargetType[targetType].map(throughItem => throughItem[throughKeyTo]);
83 | const targetRepo = await getTargetRepoDict[targetType]();
84 | const targetEntityList = await (0, relation_helpers_1.findByForeignKeys)(targetRepo, targetKey, targetIds, scope, options);
85 | targetOfTypes[targetType] = targetEntityList;
86 | }
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105 | const allTargetsOfThrough = [];
106 | for (const throughArray of throughResult) {
107 | if (throughArray && throughArray.length > 0) {
108 | const currentTargetThroughArray = [];
109 | for (const throughItem of throughArray) {
110 | const itemToAdd = targetOfTypes[String(throughItem[targetDiscriminator])].shift();
111 | if (itemToAdd) {
112 | currentTargetThroughArray.push(itemToAdd);
113 | }
114 | }
115 | allTargetsOfThrough.push(currentTargetThroughArray);
116 | }
117 | else {
118 | allTargetsOfThrough.push(undefined);
119 | }
120 | }
121 | return allTargetsOfThrough;
122 | }
123 | else {
124 | const targetRepo = await getTargetRepoDict[relationMeta.target().name]();
125 | const result = [];
126 |
127 | for (const entityList of throughResult) {
128 | if (entityList) {
129 |
130 | const targetIds = entityList.map(entity => entity[throughKeyTo]);
131 |
132 | const targetEntityList = await (0, relation_helpers_1.findByForeignKeys)(targetRepo, targetKey, targetIds, scope, {
133 | ...options,
134 | isThroughModelInclude: true,
135 | });
136 | result.push(targetEntityList);
137 | }
138 | else {
139 |
140 | result.push(entityList);
141 | }
142 | }
143 | debug('fetchHasManyThroughModels result', result);
144 | return result;
145 | }
146 | };
147 | }
148 | exports.createHasManyThroughInclusionResolver = createHasManyThroughInclusionResolver;
149 |
\ | No newline at end of file |