1 | # @loopback/repository
2 |
3 | This module provides a common set of interfaces for interacting with databases.
4 |
5 | ## Overview
6 |
7 | This module provides data access facilities to various databases and services as
8 | well as the constructs for modeling and accessing those data.
9 |
10 | ## Installation
11 |
12 | ```sh
13 | npm install --save @loopback/repository
14 | ```
15 |
16 | ## Basic use
17 |
18 | At the moment, we only have implementations of `Repository` based on LoopBack
19 | 3.x `loopback-datasource-juggler` and connectors. The following steps illustrate
20 | how to define repositories and use them with controllers.
21 |
22 | ### Defining a legacy datasource and a model
23 |
24 | The repository module provides APIs to define LoopBack 3.x data sources and
25 | models. For example,
26 |
27 | ```ts
28 | // src/datasources/db.datasource.ts
29 | import {juggler} from '@loopback/repository';
30 |
31 | export const db: juggler.DataSource = new juggler.DataSource({
32 | name: 'db',
33 | connector: 'memory',
34 | });
35 | ```
36 |
37 | ```ts
38 | // src/models/note.model.ts
39 | import {model, Entity, property} from '@loopback/repository';
40 |
41 | @model()
42 | export class Note extends Entity {
43 | @property({id: true})
44 | id: string;
45 | @property()
46 | title: string;
47 | @property()
48 | content: string;
49 | }
50 |
51 | export interface NoteRelations {
52 | // describe navigational properties here
53 | }
54 |
55 | export type NoteWithRelations = Note & NoteRelations;
56 | ```
57 |
58 | **NOTE**: There is no declarative support for data source and model yet in
59 | LoopBack 4. These constructs need to be created programmatically as illustrated
60 | above.
61 |
62 | ### Defining a repository
63 |
64 | A repository can be created by extending `DefaultCrudRepository` and using
65 | dependency injection to resolve the datasource.
66 |
67 | ```ts
68 | // src/repositories/note.repository.ts
69 | import {DefaultCrudRepository, DataSourceType} from '@loopback/repository';
70 | import {Note, NoteRelations} from '../models';
71 | import {inject} from '@loopback/core';
72 |
73 | export class NoteRepository extends DefaultCrudRepository<
74 | Note,
75 | typeof Note.prototype.id,
76 | NoteRelations
77 | > {
78 | constructor(@inject('datasources.db') protected dataSource: DataSourceType) {
79 | super(Note, dataSource);
80 | }
81 | }
82 | ```
83 |
84 | ### Defining a controller
85 |
86 | Controllers serve as handlers for API requests. We declare controllers as
87 | classes with optional dependency injection by decorating constructor parameters
88 | or properties.
89 |
90 | ```ts
91 | // src/controllers/note.controller.ts
92 | import {repository} from '@loopback/repository';
93 | import {NoteRepository} from '../repositories';
94 | import {Note} from '../models';
95 | import {post, requestBody, get, param} from '@loopback/rest';
96 |
97 | export class NoteController {
98 | constructor(
99 | // Use constructor dependency injection to set up the repository
100 | @repository(NoteRepository) public noteRepo: NoteRepository,
101 | ) {}
102 |
103 | // Create a new note
104 | @post('/note')
105 | create(@requestBody() data: Note) {
106 | return this.noteRepo.create(data);
107 | }
108 |
109 | // Find notes by title
110 | @get('/note/{title}')
111 | findByTitle(@param.path.string('title') title: string) {
112 | return this.noteRepo.find({where: {title}});
113 | }
114 | }
115 | ```
116 |
117 | ### Run the controller and repository together
118 |
119 | #### Using the Repository Mixin for Application
120 |
121 | A Repository Mixin is available for Application that provides convenience
122 | methods for binding and instantiating a repository class. Bound instances can be
123 | used anywhere in your application using Dependency Injection. The
124 | `.repository(RepositoryClass)` function can be used to bind a repository class
125 | to an Application. The mixin will also instantiate any repositories declared by
126 | a component in its constructor using the `repositories` key.
127 |
128 | Repositories will be bound to the key `repositories.RepositoryClass` where
129 | `RepositoryClass` is the name of the Repository class being bound.
130 |
131 | We'll use `BootMixin` on top of `RepositoryMixin` so that Repository bindings
132 | can be taken care of automatically at boot time before the application starts.
133 |
134 | ```ts
135 | import {BootMixin} from '@loopback/boot';
136 | import {ApplicationConfig} from '@loopback/core';
137 | import {RepositoryMixin} from '@loopback/repository';
138 | import {RestApplication} from '@loopback/rest';
139 | import {db} from './datasources/db.datasource';
140 |
141 | export class RepoApplication extends BootMixin(
142 | RepositoryMixin(RestApplication),
143 | ) {
144 | constructor(options?: ApplicationConfig) {
145 | super(options);
146 | this.projectRoot = __dirname;
147 | this.dataSource(db);
148 | }
149 | }
150 | ```
151 |
152 | ## Related resources
153 |
154 | - <https://martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/repository.html>
155 | - <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff649690.aspx>
156 | - <http://docs.spring.io/spring-data/data-commons/docs/2.0.0.M3/reference/html/#repositories>
157 |
158 | ## Contributions
159 |
160 | - [Guidelines](https://github.com/loopbackio/loopback-next/blob/master/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md)
161 | - [Join the team](https://github.com/loopbackio/loopback-next/issues/110)
162 |
163 | ## Tests
164 |
165 | Run `npm test` from the root folder.
166 |
167 | ## Contributors
168 |
169 | See
170 | [all contributors](https://github.com/loopbackio/loopback-next/graphs/contributors).
171 |
172 | ## License
173 |
174 | MIT