15.9 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Getter } from '@loopback/core';
2import { Filter, FilterExcludingWhere, InclusionFilter, Where } from '@loopback/filter';
3import legacy from 'loopback-datasource-juggler';
4import { AnyObject, Command, Count, DataObject, NamedParameters, Options, PositionalParameters } from '../common-types';
5import { Entity, Model } from '../model';
6import { BelongsToAccessor, HasManyRepositoryFactory, HasManyThroughRepositoryFactory, HasOneRepositoryFactory, InclusionResolver, ReferencesManyAccessor } from '../relations';
7import { IsolationLevel, Transaction } from '../transaction';
8import { EntityCrudRepository, TransactionalEntityRepository } from './repository';
9export declare namespace juggler {
10 export import DataSource = legacy.DataSource;
11 export import ModelBase = legacy.ModelBase;
12 export import ModelBaseClass = legacy.ModelBaseClass;
13 export import PersistedModel = legacy.PersistedModel;
14 export import KeyValueModel = legacy.KeyValueModel;
15 export import PersistedModelClass = legacy.PersistedModelClass;
16 export import Transaction = legacy.Transaction;
17 export import IsolationLevel = legacy.IsolationLevel;
20 * This is a bridge to the legacy DAO class. The function mixes DAO methods
21 * into a model class and attach it to a given data source
22 * @param modelClass - Model class
23 * @param ds - Data source
24 * @returns {} The new model class with DAO (CRUD) operations
25 */
26export declare function bindModel<T extends juggler.ModelBaseClass>(modelClass: T, ds: juggler.DataSource): T;
28 * Ensure the value is a promise
29 * @param p - Promise or void
30 */
31export declare function ensurePromise<T>(p: legacy.PromiseOrVoid<T>): Promise<T>;
33 * Default implementation of CRUD repository using legacy juggler model
34 * and data source
35 */
36export declare class DefaultCrudRepository<T extends Entity, ID, Relations extends object = {}> implements EntityCrudRepository<T, ID, Relations> {
37 entityClass: typeof Entity & {
38 prototype: T;
39 };
40 dataSource: juggler.DataSource;
41 modelClass: juggler.PersistedModelClass;
42 readonly inclusionResolvers: Map<string, InclusionResolver<T, Entity>>;
43 /**
44 * Constructor of DefaultCrudRepository
45 * @param entityClass - LoopBack 4 entity class
46 * @param dataSource - Legacy juggler data source
47 */
48 constructor(entityClass: typeof Entity & {
49 prototype: T;
50 }, dataSource: juggler.DataSource);
51 private ensurePersistedModel;
52 /**
53 * Creates a legacy persisted model class, attaches it to the datasource and
54 * returns it. This method can be overridden in sub-classes to acess methods
55 * and properties in the generated model class.
56 * @param entityClass - LB4 Entity constructor
57 */
58 protected definePersistedModel(entityClass: typeof Model): typeof juggler.PersistedModel;
59 private resolvePropertyType;
60 /**
61 * @deprecated
62 * Function to create a constrained relation repository factory
63 *
64 * Use `this.createHasManyRepositoryFactoryFor()` instead
65 *
66 * @param relationName - Name of the relation defined on the source model
67 * @param targetRepo - Target repository instance
68 */
69 protected _createHasManyRepositoryFactoryFor<Target extends Entity, TargetID, ForeignKeyType>(relationName: string, targetRepositoryGetter: Getter<EntityCrudRepository<Target, TargetID>>): HasManyRepositoryFactory<Target, ForeignKeyType>;
70 /**
71 * Function to create a constrained relation repository factory
72 *
73 * @example
74 * ```ts
75 * class CustomerRepository extends DefaultCrudRepository<
76 * Customer,
77 * typeof Customer.prototype.id,
78 * CustomerRelations
79 * > {
80 * public readonly orders: HasManyRepositoryFactory<Order, typeof Customer.prototype.id>;
81 *
82 * constructor(
83 * protected db: juggler.DataSource,
84 * orderRepository: EntityCrudRepository<Order, typeof Order.prototype.id>,
85 * ) {
86 * super(Customer, db);
87 * this.orders = this._createHasManyRepositoryFactoryFor(
88 * 'orders',
89 * orderRepository,
90 * );
91 * }
92 * }
93 * ```
94 *
95 * @param relationName - Name of the relation defined on the source model
96 * @param targetRepo - Target repository instance
97 */
98 protected createHasManyRepositoryFactoryFor<Target extends Entity, TargetID, ForeignKeyType>(relationName: string, targetRepositoryGetter: Getter<EntityCrudRepository<Target, TargetID>>): HasManyRepositoryFactory<Target, ForeignKeyType>;
99 /**
100 * Function to create a constrained hasManyThrough relation repository factory
101 *
102 * @example
103 * ```ts
104 * class CustomerRepository extends DefaultCrudRepository<
105 * Customer,
106 * typeof Customer.prototype.id,
107 * CustomerRelations
108 * > {
109 * public readonly cartItems: HasManyRepositoryFactory<CartItem, typeof Customer.prototype.id>;
110 *
111 * constructor(
112 * protected db: juggler.DataSource,
113 * cartItemRepository: EntityCrudRepository<CartItem, typeof, CartItem.prototype.id>,
114 * throughRepository: EntityCrudRepository<Through, typeof Through.prototype.id>,
115 * ) {
116 * super(Customer, db);
117 * this.cartItems = this.createHasManyThroughRepositoryFactoryFor(
118 * 'cartItems',
119 * cartItemRepository,
120 * );
121 * }
122 * }
123 * ```
124 *
125 * @param relationName - Name of the relation defined on the source model
126 * @param targetRepo - Target repository instance
127 * @param throughRepo - Through repository instance
128 */
129 protected createHasManyThroughRepositoryFactoryFor<Target extends Entity, TargetID, Through extends Entity, ThroughID, ForeignKeyType>(relationName: string, targetRepositoryGetter: Getter<EntityCrudRepository<Target, TargetID>> | {
130 [repoType: string]: Getter<EntityCrudRepository<Target, TargetID>>;
131 }, throughRepositoryGetter: Getter<EntityCrudRepository<Through, ThroughID>>): HasManyThroughRepositoryFactory<Target, TargetID, Through, ForeignKeyType>;
132 /**
133 * @deprecated
134 * Function to create a belongs to accessor
135 *
136 * Use `this.createBelongsToAccessorFor()` instead
137 *
138 * @param relationName - Name of the relation defined on the source model
139 * @param targetRepo - Target repository instance
140 */
141 protected _createBelongsToAccessorFor<Target extends Entity, TargetId>(relationName: string, targetRepositoryGetter: Getter<EntityCrudRepository<Target, TargetId>> | {
142 [repoType: string]: Getter<EntityCrudRepository<Target, TargetId>>;
143 }): BelongsToAccessor<Target, ID>;
144 /**
145 * Function to create a belongs to accessor
146 *
147 * @param relationName - Name of the relation defined on the source model
148 * @param targetRepo - Target repository instance
149 */
150 protected createBelongsToAccessorFor<Target extends Entity, TargetId>(relationName: string, targetRepositoryGetter: Getter<EntityCrudRepository<Target, TargetId>> | {
151 [repoType: string]: Getter<EntityCrudRepository<Target, TargetId>>;
152 }): BelongsToAccessor<Target, ID>;
153 /**
154 * @deprecated
155 * Function to create a constrained hasOne relation repository factory
156 *
157 * @param relationName - Name of the relation defined on the source model
158 * @param targetRepo - Target repository instance
159 */
160 protected _createHasOneRepositoryFactoryFor<Target extends Entity, TargetID, ForeignKeyType>(relationName: string, targetRepositoryGetter: Getter<EntityCrudRepository<Target, TargetID>> | {
161 [repoType: string]: Getter<EntityCrudRepository<Target, TargetID>>;
162 }): HasOneRepositoryFactory<Target, ForeignKeyType>;
163 /**
164 * Function to create a constrained hasOne relation repository factory
165 *
166 * @param relationName - Name of the relation defined on the source model
167 * @param targetRepo - Target repository instance
168 */
169 protected createHasOneRepositoryFactoryFor<Target extends Entity, TargetID, ForeignKeyType>(relationName: string, targetRepositoryGetter: Getter<EntityCrudRepository<Target, TargetID>> | {
170 [repoType: string]: Getter<EntityCrudRepository<Target, TargetID>>;
171 }): HasOneRepositoryFactory<Target, ForeignKeyType>;
172 /**
173 * @deprecated
174 * Function to create a references many accessor
175 *
176 * Use `this.createReferencesManyAccessorFor()` instead
177 *
178 * @param relationName - Name of the relation defined on the source model
179 * @param targetRepo - Target repository instance
180 */
181 protected _createReferencesManyAccessorFor<Target extends Entity, TargetId>(relationName: string, targetRepoGetter: Getter<EntityCrudRepository<Target, TargetId>>): ReferencesManyAccessor<Target, ID>;
182 /**
183 * Function to create a references many accessor
184 *
185 * @param relationName - Name of the relation defined on the source model
186 * @param targetRepo - Target repository instance
187 */
188 protected createReferencesManyAccessorFor<Target extends Entity, TargetId>(relationName: string, targetRepoGetter: Getter<EntityCrudRepository<Target, TargetId>>): ReferencesManyAccessor<Target, ID>;
189 create(entity: DataObject<T>, options?: Options): Promise<T>;
190 createAll(entities: DataObject<T>[], options?: Options): Promise<T[]>;
191 save(entity: T, options?: Options): Promise<T>;
192 find(filter?: Filter<T>, options?: Options): Promise<(T & Relations)[]>;
193 findOne(filter?: Filter<T>, options?: Options): Promise<(T & Relations) | null>;
194 findById(id: ID, filter?: FilterExcludingWhere<T>, options?: Options): Promise<T & Relations>;
195 update(entity: T, options?: Options): Promise<void>;
196 delete(entity: T, options?: Options): Promise<void>;
197 updateAll(data: DataObject<T>, where?: Where<T>, options?: Options): Promise<Count>;
198 updateById(id: ID, data: DataObject<T>, options?: Options): Promise<void>;
199 replaceById(id: ID, data: DataObject<T>, options?: Options): Promise<void>;
200 deleteAll(where?: Where<T>, options?: Options): Promise<Count>;
201 deleteById(id: ID, options?: Options): Promise<void>;
202 count(where?: Where<T>, options?: Options): Promise<Count>;
203 exists(id: ID, options?: Options): Promise<boolean>;
204 /**
205 * Execute a SQL command.
206 *
207 * **WARNING:** In general, it is always better to perform database actions
208 * through repository methods. Directly executing SQL may lead to unexpected
209 * results, corrupted data, security vulnerabilities and other issues.
210 *
211 * @example
212 *
213 * ```ts
214 * // MySQL
215 * const result = await repo.execute(
216 * 'SELECT * FROM Products WHERE size > ?',
217 * [42]
218 * );
219 *
220 * // PostgreSQL
221 * const result = await repo.execute(
222 * 'SELECT * FROM Products WHERE size > $1',
223 * [42]
224 * );
225 * ```
226 *
227 * @param command A parameterized SQL command or query.
228 * Check your database documentation for information on which characters to
229 * use as parameter placeholders.
230 * @param parameters List of parameter values to use.
231 * @param options Additional options, for example `transaction`.
232 * @returns A promise which resolves to the command output as returned by the
233 * database driver. The output type (data structure) is database specific and
234 * often depends on the command executed.
235 */
236 execute(command: Command, parameters: NamedParameters | PositionalParameters, options?: Options): Promise<AnyObject>;
237 /**
238 * Execute a MongoDB command.
239 *
240 * **WARNING:** In general, it is always better to perform database actions
241 * through repository methods. Directly executing MongoDB commands may lead
242 * to unexpected results and other issues.
243 *
244 * @example
245 *
246 * ```ts
247 * const result = await repo.execute('MyCollection', 'aggregate', [
248 * {$lookup: {
249 * // ...
250 * }},
251 * {$unwind: '$data'},
252 * {$out: 'tempData'}
253 * ]);
254 * ```
255 *
256 * @param collectionName The name of the collection to execute the command on.
257 * @param command The command name. See
258 * [Collection API docs](http://mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native/3.6/api/Collection.html)
259 * for the list of commands supported by the MongoDB client.
260 * @param parameters Command parameters (arguments), as described in MongoDB API
261 * docs for individual collection methods.
262 * @returns A promise which resolves to the command output as returned by the
263 * database driver.
264 */
265 execute(collectionName: string, command: string, ...parameters: PositionalParameters): Promise<AnyObject>;
266 /**
267 * Execute a raw database command using a connector that's not described
268 * by LoopBack's `execute` API yet.
269 *
270 * **WARNING:** In general, it is always better to perform database actions
271 * through repository methods. Directly executing database commands may lead
272 * to unexpected results and other issues.
273 *
274 * @param args Command and parameters, please consult your connector's
275 * documentation to learn about supported commands and their parameters.
276 * @returns A promise which resolves to the command output as returned by the
277 * database driver.
278 */
279 execute(...args: PositionalParameters): Promise<AnyObject>;
280 protected toEntity<R extends T>(model: juggler.PersistedModel): R;
281 protected toEntities<R extends T>(models: juggler.PersistedModel[]): R[];
282 /**
283 * Register an inclusion resolver for the related model name.
284 *
285 * @param relationName - Name of the relation defined on the source model
286 * @param resolver - Resolver function for getting related model entities
287 */
288 registerInclusionResolver(relationName: string, resolver: InclusionResolver<T, Entity>): void;
289 /**
290 * Returns model instances that include related models of this repository
291 * that have a registered resolver.
292 *
293 * @param entities - An array of entity instances or data
294 * @param include -Inclusion filter
295 * @param options - Options for the operations
296 */
297 protected includeRelatedModels(entities: T[], include?: InclusionFilter[], options?: Options): Promise<(T & Relations)[]>;
298 /**
299 * This function works as a persist hook.
300 * It converts an entity from the CRUD operations' caller
301 * to a persistable data that can will be stored in the
302 * back-end database.
303 *
304 * User can extend `DefaultCrudRepository` then override this
305 * function to execute custom persist hook.
306 * @param entity The entity passed from CRUD operations' caller.
307 * @param options
308 */
309 protected entityToData<R extends T>(entity: R | DataObject<R>, options?: {}): Promise<legacy.ModelData<legacy.PersistedModel>>;
310 /** Converts an entity object to a JSON object to check if it contains navigational property.
311 * Throws an error if `entity` contains navigational property.
312 *
313 * @param entity The entity passed from CRUD operations' caller.
314 * @param options
315 */
316 protected ensurePersistable<R extends T>(entity: R | DataObject<R>, options?: {}): legacy.ModelData<legacy.PersistedModel>;
317 /**
318 * Removes juggler's "include" filter as it does not apply to LoopBack 4
319 * relations.
320 *
321 * @param filter - Query filter
322 */
323 protected normalizeFilter(filter?: Filter<T>): legacy.Filter | undefined;
326 * Default implementation of CRUD repository using legacy juggler model
327 * and data source with beginTransaction() method for connectors which
328 * support Transactions
329 */
330export declare class DefaultTransactionalRepository<T extends Entity, ID, Relations extends object = {}> extends DefaultCrudRepository<T, ID, Relations> implements TransactionalEntityRepository<T, ID, Relations> {
331 beginTransaction(options?: IsolationLevel | Options): Promise<Transaction>;
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