1 | ;
2 | // Copyright IBM Corp. and LoopBack contributors 2017,2020. All Rights Reserved.
3 | // Node module: @loopback/rest
4 | // This file is licensed under the MIT License.
5 | // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
6 | var MiddlewareSequence_1;
7 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
8 | exports.MiddlewareSequence = exports.RestMiddlewareGroups = exports.DefaultSequence = void 0;
9 | const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
10 | const core_1 = require("@loopback/core");
11 | const express_1 = require("@loopback/express");
12 | const debug_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("debug"));
13 | const keys_1 = require("./keys");
14 | const debug = (0, debug_1.default)('loopback:rest:sequence');
15 | const SequenceActions = keys_1.RestBindings.SequenceActions;
16 | /**
17 | * The default implementation of SequenceHandler.
18 | *
19 | * @remarks
20 | * This class implements default Sequence for the LoopBack framework.
21 | * Default sequence is used if user hasn't defined their own Sequence
22 | * for their application.
23 | *
24 | * Sequence constructor() and run() methods are invoked from [[http-handler]]
25 | * when the API request comes in. User defines APIs in their Application
26 | * Controller class.
27 | *
28 | * @example
29 | * User can bind their own Sequence to app as shown below
30 | * ```ts
31 | * app.bind(CoreBindings.SEQUENCE).toClass(MySequence);
32 | * ```
33 | */
34 | let DefaultSequence = class DefaultSequence {
35 | /**
36 | * Constructor: Injects findRoute, invokeMethod & logError
37 | * methods as promises.
38 | *
39 | * @param findRoute - Finds the appropriate controller method,
40 | * spec and args for invocation (injected via SequenceActions.FIND_ROUTE).
41 | * @param parseParams - The parameter parsing function (injected
42 | * via SequenceActions.PARSE_PARAMS).
43 | * @param invoke - Invokes the method specified by the route
44 | * (injected via SequenceActions.INVOKE_METHOD).
45 | * @param send - The action to merge the invoke result with the response
46 | * (injected via SequenceActions.SEND)
47 | * @param reject - The action to take if the invoke returns a rejected
48 | * promise result (injected via SequenceActions.REJECT).
49 | */
50 | constructor(findRoute, parseParams, invoke, send, reject) {
51 | this.findRoute = findRoute;
52 | this.parseParams = parseParams;
53 | this.invoke = invoke;
54 | this.send = send;
55 | this.reject = reject;
56 | /**
57 | * Optional invoker for registered middleware in a chain.
58 | * To be injected via SequenceActions.INVOKE_MIDDLEWARE.
59 | */
60 | this.invokeMiddleware = () => false;
61 | }
62 | /**
63 | * Runs the default sequence. Given a handler context (request and response),
64 | * running the sequence will produce a response or an error.
65 | *
66 | * Default sequence executes these steps
67 | * - Executes middleware for CORS, OpenAPI spec endpoints
68 | * - Finds the appropriate controller method, swagger spec
69 | * and args for invocation
70 | * - Parses HTTP request to get API argument list
71 | * - Invokes the API which is defined in the Application Controller
72 | * - Writes the result from API into the HTTP response
73 | * - Error is caught and logged using 'logError' if any of the above steps
74 | * in the sequence fails with an error.
75 | *
76 | * @param context - The request context: HTTP request and response objects,
77 | * per-request IoC container and more.
78 | */
79 | async handle(context) {
80 | try {
81 | const { request, response } = context;
82 | // Invoke registered Express middleware
83 | const finished = await this.invokeMiddleware(context);
84 | if (finished) {
85 | // The response been produced by the middleware chain
86 | return;
87 | }
88 | const route = this.findRoute(request);
89 | const args = await this.parseParams(request, route);
90 | const result = await this.invoke(route, args);
91 | debug('%s result -', route.describe(), result);
92 | this.send(response, result);
93 | }
94 | catch (error) {
95 | this.reject(context, error);
96 | }
97 | }
98 | };
99 | exports.DefaultSequence = DefaultSequence;
100 | tslib_1.__decorate([
101 | (0, core_1.inject)(SequenceActions.INVOKE_MIDDLEWARE, { optional: true }),
102 | tslib_1.__metadata("design:type", Function)
103 | ], DefaultSequence.prototype, "invokeMiddleware", void 0);
104 | exports.DefaultSequence = DefaultSequence = tslib_1.__decorate([
105 | tslib_1.__param(0, (0, core_1.inject)(SequenceActions.FIND_ROUTE)),
106 | tslib_1.__param(1, (0, core_1.inject)(SequenceActions.PARSE_PARAMS)),
107 | tslib_1.__param(2, (0, core_1.inject)(SequenceActions.INVOKE_METHOD)),
108 | tslib_1.__param(3, (0, core_1.inject)(SequenceActions.SEND)),
109 | tslib_1.__param(4, (0, core_1.inject)(SequenceActions.REJECT)),
110 | tslib_1.__metadata("design:paramtypes", [Function, Function, Function, Function, Function])
111 | ], DefaultSequence);
112 | /**
113 | * Built-in middleware groups for the REST sequence
114 | */
115 | var RestMiddlewareGroups;
116 | (function (RestMiddlewareGroups) {
117 | /**
118 | * Invoke downstream middleware to get the result or catch errors so that it
119 | * can produce the http response
120 | */
121 | RestMiddlewareGroups.SEND_RESPONSE = 'sendResponse';
122 | /**
123 | * Enforce CORS
124 | */
125 | RestMiddlewareGroups.CORS = express_1.MiddlewareGroups.CORS;
126 | /**
127 | * Server OpenAPI specs
128 | */
129 | RestMiddlewareGroups.API_SPEC = express_1.MiddlewareGroups.API_SPEC;
130 | /**
131 | * Default middleware group
132 | */
133 | RestMiddlewareGroups.MIDDLEWARE = express_1.MiddlewareGroups.MIDDLEWARE;
134 | RestMiddlewareGroups.DEFAULT = RestMiddlewareGroups.MIDDLEWARE;
135 | /**
136 | * Find the route that can serve the request
137 | */
138 | RestMiddlewareGroups.FIND_ROUTE = 'findRoute';
139 | /**
140 | * Perform authentication
141 | */
142 | RestMiddlewareGroups.AUTHENTICATION = 'authentication';
143 | /**
144 | * Parse the http request to extract parameter values for the operation
145 | */
146 | RestMiddlewareGroups.PARSE_PARAMS = 'parseParams';
147 | /**
148 | * Invoke the target controller method or handler function
149 | */
150 | RestMiddlewareGroups.INVOKE_METHOD = 'invokeMethod';
151 | })(RestMiddlewareGroups || (exports.RestMiddlewareGroups = RestMiddlewareGroups = {}));
152 | /**
153 | * A sequence implementation using middleware chains
154 | */
155 | let MiddlewareSequence = MiddlewareSequence_1 = class MiddlewareSequence {
156 | /**
157 | * Constructor: Injects `InvokeMiddleware` and `InvokeMiddlewareOptions`
158 | *
159 | * @param invokeMiddleware - invoker for registered middleware in a chain.
160 | * To be injected via RestBindings.INVOKE_MIDDLEWARE_SERVICE.
161 | */
162 | constructor(context, invokeMiddleware, options = MiddlewareSequence_1.defaultOptions) {
163 | this.invokeMiddleware = invokeMiddleware;
164 | this.options = options;
165 | this.middlewareView = new express_1.MiddlewareView(context, options);
166 | debug('Discovered middleware', this.middlewareView.middlewareBindingKeys);
167 | }
168 | /**
169 | * Runs the default sequence. Given a handler context (request and response),
170 | * running the sequence will produce a response or an error.
171 | *
172 | * Default sequence executes these groups of middleware:
173 | *
174 | * - `cors`: Enforces `CORS`
175 | * - `openApiSpec`: Serves OpenAPI specs
176 | * - `findRoute`: Finds the appropriate controller method, swagger spec and
177 | * args for invocation
178 | * - `parseParams`: Parses HTTP request to get API argument list
179 | * - `invokeMethod`: Invokes the API which is defined in the Application
180 | * controller method
181 | *
182 | * In front of the groups above, we have a special middleware called
183 | * `sendResponse`, which first invokes downstream middleware to get a result
184 | * and handles the result or error respectively.
185 | *
186 | * - Writes the result from API into the HTTP response (if the HTTP response
187 | * has not been produced yet by the middleware chain.
188 | * - Catches error logs it using 'logError' if any of the above steps
189 | * in the sequence fails with an error.
190 | *
191 | * @param context - The request context: HTTP request and response objects,
192 | * per-request IoC container and more.
193 | */
194 | async handle(context) {
195 | debug('Invoking middleware chain %s with groups %s', this.options.chain, this.options.orderedGroups);
196 | const options = {
197 | middlewareList: this.middlewareView.middlewareBindingKeys,
198 | validate: MiddlewareSequence_1.defaultOptions.validate,
199 | ...this.options,
200 | };
201 | await this.invokeMiddleware(context, options);
202 | }
203 | };
204 | exports.MiddlewareSequence = MiddlewareSequence;
205 | MiddlewareSequence.defaultOptions = {
206 | chain: keys_1.RestTags.REST_MIDDLEWARE_CHAIN,
207 | orderedGroups: [
208 | // Please note that middleware is cascading. The `sendResponse` is
209 | // added first to invoke downstream middleware to get the result or
210 | // catch errors so that it can produce the http response.
211 | RestMiddlewareGroups.SEND_RESPONSE,
212 | RestMiddlewareGroups.CORS,
213 | RestMiddlewareGroups.API_SPEC,
214 | RestMiddlewareGroups.MIDDLEWARE,
215 | RestMiddlewareGroups.FIND_ROUTE,
216 | // authentication depends on the route
217 | RestMiddlewareGroups.AUTHENTICATION,
218 | RestMiddlewareGroups.PARSE_PARAMS,
219 | RestMiddlewareGroups.INVOKE_METHOD,
220 | ],
221 | /**
222 | * Reports an error if there are middleware groups are unreachable as they
223 | * are ordered after the `invokeMethod` group.
224 | */
225 | validate: groups => {
226 | const index = groups.indexOf(RestMiddlewareGroups.INVOKE_METHOD);
227 | if (index !== -1) {
228 | const unreachableGroups = groups.slice(index + 1);
229 | if (unreachableGroups.length > 0) {
230 | throw new Error(`Middleware groups "${unreachableGroups.join(',')}" are not invoked as they are ordered after "${RestMiddlewareGroups.INVOKE_METHOD}"`);
231 | }
232 | }
233 | },
234 | };
235 | exports.MiddlewareSequence = MiddlewareSequence = MiddlewareSequence_1 = tslib_1.__decorate([
236 | (0, core_1.injectable)({ scope: core_1.BindingScope.SINGLETON }),
237 | tslib_1.__param(0, core_1.inject.context()),
238 | tslib_1.__param(1, (0, core_1.inject)(keys_1.RestBindings.INVOKE_MIDDLEWARE_SERVICE)),
239 | tslib_1.__param(2, (0, core_1.config)()),
240 | tslib_1.__metadata("design:paramtypes", [core_1.Context, Function, Object])
241 | ], MiddlewareSequence);
242 | //# sourceMappingURL=sequence.js.map |
\ | No newline at end of file |