1.53 kBPlain TextView Raw
1// Copyright IBM Corp. and LoopBack contributors 2017,2020. All Rights Reserved.
2// Node module: @loopback/rest
3// This file is licensed under the MIT License.
4// License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
7 * The REST API package for loopback-next.
8 *
9 * @remarks
10 * A REST server for LoopBack 4 application instances, complete with:
11 *
12 * - new custom routing engine (special thanks to @bajtos)!
13 * - tools for defining your application routes
14 * - OpenAPI 3.0 spec (openapi.json/openapi.yaml) generation using
15 * @loopback/openapi-v3
16 * - a default sequence implementation to manage the request and response
17 * lifecycle
18 *
19 *
20 * @packageDocumentation
21 */
23export * from '@loopback/openapi-v3';
24export {
25 ErrorHandlerOptions,
26 ErrorWriterOptions,
27 StrongErrorHandler,
28 writeErrorToResponse,
29} from 'strong-error-handler';
30export * from './body-parsers';
31export * from './http-handler';
32export * from './keys';
33export * from './parse-json';
34export * from './parser';
35export * from './providers';
36export * from './request-context';
37export * from './rest-http-error';
38export * from './rest.application';
39export * from './rest.component';
40export * from './rest.server';
41export * from './router';
42export * from './sequence';
43export * from './spec-enhancers/info.spec-enhancer';
44export * from './types';
45export * from './validation/request-body.validator';
46export * from './writer';
47export {HttpErrors};
49// export all errors from external http-errors package
50import HttpErrors from 'http-errors';