1 | # @loopback/rest
2 |
3 | The REST API package for
4 | [loopback-next](https://github.com/loopbackio/loopback-next).
5 |
6 | ## Overview
7 |
8 | This component provides a REST server for your application instances, complete
9 | with:
10 |
11 | - new custom routing engine (special thanks to @bajtos)!
12 | - tools for defining your application routes
13 | - OpenAPI 3.0 spec (`openapi.json`/`openapi.yaml`) generation using
14 | `@loopback/openapi-v3`
15 | - a default sequence implementation to manage the request and response lifecycle
16 |
17 | **NOTE: Starting from 6.0.0, we have introduced a middleware-based sequence,
18 | which is is used as the default one for newly generated LoopBack applications
19 | using `lb4` command from `@loopback/cli`.**
20 |
21 | ## Installation
22 |
23 | To use this package, you'll need to install `@loopback/rest`.
24 |
25 | ```sh
26 | npm i @loopback/rest
27 | ```
28 |
29 | ## Basic Use
30 |
31 | Here's a basic "Hello World" application using `@loopback/rest`:
32 |
33 | ```ts
34 | import {RestApplication, RestServer} from '@loopback/rest';
35 |
36 | const app = new RestApplication();
37 | app.handler(({request, response}, sequence) => {
38 | sequence.send(response, 'hello world');
39 | });
40 |
41 | (async function start() {
42 | await app.start();
43 |
44 | const server = await app.getServer(RestServer);
45 | const port = await server.get('rest.port');
46 | console.log(`Server is running at${port}`);
47 | })();
48 | ```
49 |
50 | ## Configuration
51 |
52 | See https://loopback.io/doc/en/lb4/Server.html#configuration.
53 |
54 | ## Contributions
55 |
56 | - [Guidelines](https://github.com/loopbackio/loopback-next/blob/master/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md)
57 | - [Join the team](https://github.com/loopbackio/loopback-next/issues/110)
58 |
59 | ## Tests
60 |
61 | Run `npm test` from the root folder.
62 |
63 | ## Contributors
64 |
65 | See
66 | [all contributors](https://github.com/loopbackio/loopback-next/graphs/contributors).
67 |
68 | ## License
69 |
70 | MIT