1 | # LoopBack Test Lab
2 |
3 | A collection of test utilities we use to write LoopBack tests.
4 |
5 | ## Overview
6 |
7 | Test utilities to help writing LoopBack 4 tests:
8 |
9 | - `expect` - behavior-driven development (BDD) style assertions
10 | - `sinon`
11 | - test spies: functions recording arguments and other information for all of
12 | their calls
13 | - stubs: functions (spies) with pre-programmed behavior
14 | - mocks: fake methods (like spies) with pre-programmed behavior (like stubs)
15 | as well as pre-programmed expectations
16 | - Helpers for creating `supertest` clients for LoopBack applications
17 | - HTTP request/response stubs for writing tests without a listening HTTP server
18 | - Swagger/OpenAPI spec validation
19 | - Test sandbox
20 |
21 | ## Installation
22 |
23 | ```sh
24 | npm install --save-dev @loopback/testlab
25 | ```
26 |
27 | _This package is typically used in tests, save it to `devDependencies` via
28 | `--save-dev`._
29 |
30 | ## Basic use
31 |
32 | ```ts
33 | import {expect} from '@loopback/testlab';
34 |
35 | describe('Basic assertions', => {
36 | it('asserts equal values', => {
37 | expect({key: 'value'}).to.deepEqual({key: 'value'});
38 | expect.exists(1);
39 | });
40 | });
41 | ```
42 |
43 | ## API documentation
44 |
45 | Table of contents:
46 |
47 | - [expect](#expect) - Better assertions.
48 | - [sinon](#sinon) - Mocks, stubs and more.
49 | - [shot](#shot) - HTTP Request/Response stubs.
50 | - [validateApiSpec](#validateapispec) - Open API Spec validator.
51 | - [skipIf](#skipif) - Skip tests when a condition is met.
52 | - [skipOnTravis](#skipontravis) - Skip tests on Travis env.
53 | - [createRestAppClient](#createrestappclient) - Create a supertest client
54 | connected to a running RestApplication.
55 | - [givenHttpServerConfig](#givenhttpserverconfig) - Generate HTTP server config.
56 | - [httpGetAsync](#httpgetasync) - Async wrapper for HTTP GET requests.
57 | - [httpsGetAsync](#httpsgetasync) - Async wrapper for HTTPS GET requests.
58 | - [toJSON](#toJSON) - A helper to obtain JSON data representing a given object.
59 | - [createUnexpectedHttpErrorLogger](#createunexpectedhttprrrorlogger) - An error
60 | logger that only logs errors for unexpected HTTP statuses.
61 | - [TestSandbox](#testsandbox) - A sandbox directory for tests
62 |
63 | ### `expect`
64 |
65 | [Should.js](https://shouldjs.github.io/) configured in "as-function" mode
66 | (global `Object.prototype` is left intact) with an extra chaining word `to`.
67 |
68 | ### `sinon`
69 |
70 | Spies, mocks and stubs. Learn more at <http://sinonjs.org/>.
71 |
72 | ### `shot`
73 |
74 | Stub implementation of HTTP Request and Response objects, useful for unit tests.
75 |
76 | Besides the API provided by `shot` module (see
77 | [API Reference](https://github.com/hapijs/shot/blob/master/API.md)), we provide
78 | additional APIs to better support async/await flow control and usage in
79 | Express-based code.
80 |
81 | There are three primary situations where you can leverage stub objects provided
82 | by Shot in your unit tests:
83 |
84 | - Code parsing core HTTP Request
85 | - Code modifying core HTTP Response, including full request/response handlers
86 | - Code parsing Express HTTP Request or modifying Express HTTP Response
87 |
88 | #### Test request parsing
89 |
90 | Use the factory function `stubServerRequest` to create a stub request that can
91 | be passed to methods expecting core HTTP Request on input.
92 |
93 | ```ts
94 | import {stubServerRequest, expect} from '@loopback/testlab';
95 |
96 | describe('parseParams', () => {
97 | it('parses query string arguments', () => {
98 | const request = stubServerRequest({
99 | method: 'GET',
100 | url: '/api/products?count=10',
101 | });
102 |
103 | const args = parseParams(request, [
104 | {name: 'count', in: 'query', type: 'number'},
105 | ]);
106 |
107 | expect(args).to.eql([10]);
108 | });
109 | });
110 | ```
111 |
112 | #### Test response producers
113 |
114 | Use the factory function `stubHandlerContext` to create request & response stubs
115 | and a promise to observe the actual response as received by clients.
116 |
117 | ```ts
118 | import {stubHandlerContext, expect} from '@loopback/testlab';
119 |
120 | describe('app REST handler', () => {
121 | it('returns 404 with JSON body when URL not found', async () => {
122 | const app = express();
123 | const context = stubHandlerContext({
124 | method: 'GET',
125 | url: '/path-does-not-exist',
126 | });
127 |
128 | // Invoke Express' request handler with stubbed request/response objects
129 | app(context.request, context.response);
130 |
131 | // Wait until Express finishes writing the response
132 | const actualResponse = await context.result;
133 |
134 | // Verify the response seen by clients
135 | expect(actualResponse.statusCode).to.equal(404);
136 | expect(JSON.parse(actualResponse.payload)).to.containEql({
137 | error: {
138 | statusCode: 404,
139 | message: 'Not Found',
140 | },
141 | });
142 | });
143 | });
144 | ```
145 |
146 | #### Test code expecting Express Request or Response
147 |
148 | Express modifies core HTTP request and response objects with additional
149 | properties and methods, it also cross-links request with response and vice
150 | versa. As a result, it's not possible to create Express Request object without
151 | the accompanying Response object.
152 |
153 | Use the factory function `stubExpressContext` to create Express-flavored request
154 | & response stubs and a promise to observe the actual response as received by
155 | clients.
156 |
157 | If your tested function is expecting a request object only:
158 |
159 | ```ts
160 | import {stubExpressContext, expect} from '@loopback/testlab';
161 |
162 | describe('operationArgsParser', () => {
163 | it('parses body parameter', async () => {
164 | const req = givenRequest({
165 | url: '/',
166 | payload: {key: 'value'},
167 | });
168 |
169 | const spec = givenOperationWithRequestBody({
170 | description: 'data',
171 | content: {'application/json': {schema: {type: 'object'}}},
172 | });
173 | const route = givenResolvedRoute(spec);
174 |
175 | const args = await parseOperationArgs(req, route);
176 |
177 | expect(args).to.eql([{key: 'value'}]);
178 | });
179 |
180 | function givenRequest(options?: ShotRequestOptions): Request {
181 | return stubExpressContext(options).request;
182 | }
183 | });
184 | ```
185 |
186 | Tests verifying code producing HTTP response can await `context.result` to
187 | receive the response as returned to clients.
188 |
189 | ```ts
190 | import {stubExpressContext, expect} from '@loopback/testlab';
191 |
192 | describe('response writer', () => {
193 | it('writes object result to response as JSON', async () => {
194 | const context = stubExpressContext();
195 |
196 | writeResultToResponse(context.response, {name: 'Joe'});
197 | const result = await context.result;
198 |
199 | expect(result.headers['content-type']).to.eql('application/json');
200 | expect(result.payload).to.equal('{"name":"Joe"}');
201 | });
202 | });
203 | ```
204 |
205 | ### `skipIf`
206 |
207 | Helper function for skipping tests when a certain condition is met. Use this
208 | helper together with `it` or `describe`.
209 |
210 | ```ts
211 | skipIf(someCondition, it, 'does something', async () => {
212 | // the test code
213 | });
214 | ```
215 |
216 | Unfortunately, type inference does not work well for `describe`, you have to
217 | help the compiler to figure out the correct types.
218 |
219 | ```ts
220 | skipIf<[(this: Suite) => void], void>(
221 | someCondition,
222 | describe,
223 | 'some suite name',
224 | () => {
225 | // define the test cases
226 | },
227 | );
228 | ```
229 |
230 | Under the hood, `skipIf` invokes the provided test verb by default (e.g. `it`).
231 | When the provided condition was true, then it calls `.skip` instead (e.g.
232 | `it.skip`).
233 |
234 | ### `skipOnTravis`
235 |
236 | Helper function for skipping tests on Travis environment. If you need to skip
237 | testing on Travis for any reason, use this helper together with `it` or
238 | `describe`.
239 |
240 | ```ts
241 | skipOnTravis(it, 'does something when some condition', async () => {
242 | // the test code
243 | });
244 | ```
245 |
246 | Under the hood, `skipOnTravis` invokes the provided test verb by default (e.g.
247 | `it`). When the helper detects Travis CI environment variables, then it calls
248 | `.skip` instead (e.g. `it.skip`).
249 |
250 | ### `createRestAppClient`
251 |
252 | Helper function to create a `supertest` client connected to a running
253 | RestApplication. It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the app
254 | is running and to stop the application after all tests are done.
255 |
256 | Example use:
257 |
258 | ```ts
259 | import {Client, createRestAppClient} from '@loopback/testlab';
260 |
261 | describe('My application', () => {
262 | app: MyApplication; // extends RestApplication
263 | client: Client;
264 |
265 | before(givenRunningApplication);
266 | before(() => {
267 | client = createRestAppClient(app);
268 | });
269 | after(() => app.stop());
270 |
271 | it('invokes GET /ping', async () => {
272 | await client.get('/ping?msg=world').expect(200);
273 | });
274 | });
275 | ```
276 |
277 | ### `givenHttpServerConfig`
278 |
279 | Helper function for generating Travis-friendly host ( This is
280 | required because Travis is not able to handle IPv6 addresses.
281 |
282 | ### `httpGetAsync`
283 |
284 | Async wrapper for making HTTP GET requests.
285 |
286 | ```ts
287 | import {httpGetAsync} from '@loopback/testlab';
288 | const response = await httpGetAsync('http://example.com');
289 | ```
290 |
291 | ### `httpsGetAsync`
292 |
293 | Async wrapper for making HTTPS GET requests.
294 |
295 | ```ts
296 | import {httpsGetAsync} from '@loopback/testlab';
297 | const response = await httpsGetAsync('https://example.com');
298 | ```
299 |
300 | ### `toJSON`
301 |
302 | JSON encoding does not preserve properties that are undefined. As a result,
303 | `deepEqual` checks fail because the expected model value contains these
304 | undefined property values, while the actual result returned by REST API does
305 | not. Use this function to convert a model instance into a data object as
306 | returned by REST API.
307 |
308 | ```ts
309 | import {createClientForHandler, toJSON} from '@loopback/testlab';
310 |
311 | it('gets a todo by ID', () => {
312 | return client
313 | .get(`/todos/${persistedTodo.id}`)
314 | .expect(200, toJSON(persistedTodo));
315 | });
316 | ```
317 |
318 | ### `validateApiSpec`
319 |
320 | Verify that your application API specification is a valid OpenAPI spec document.
321 |
322 | ```js
323 | import {validateApiSpec} from '@loopback/testlab';
324 | import {RestServer} from '@loopback/rest';
325 |
326 | describe('MyApp', () => {
327 | it('has valid spec', async () => {
328 | const app = new MyApp();
329 | const server = await app.getServer(RestServer);
330 | await validateApiSpec(server.getApiSpec());
331 | });
332 | });
333 | ```
334 |
335 | ### `createUnexpectedHttpErrorLogger`
336 |
337 | An error logger that logs the error only when the HTTP status code is not the
338 | expected HTTP status code. This is useful when writing tests for error
339 | responses:
340 |
341 | - When we don't want any error messages printed to the console when the server
342 | responds with the expected error and the test passes.
343 |
344 | - When something else goes wrong and the server returns an unexpected error
345 | status code, and we do want an error message to be printed to the console so
346 | that we have enough information to troubleshoot the failing test.
347 |
348 | ```ts
349 | import {createUnexpectedHttpErrorLogger} from '@loopback/testlab';
350 | import {RestApplication} from '@loopback/rest';
351 |
352 | describe('MyApp', () => {
353 | it('does not log a known 401 error to console', async () => {
354 | const app = new RestApplication();
355 |
356 | const errorLogger = createUnexpectedHttpErrorLogger(401);
357 | // binds the custom error logger
358 | app.bind(SequenceActions.LOG_ERROR).to(errorLogger);
359 |
360 | const spec = {
361 | responses: {
362 | /*...*/
363 | },
364 | };
365 | function throwUnauthorizedError() {
366 | throw new HttpErrors.Unauthorized('Unauthorized!');
367 | }
368 |
369 | app.route('get', '/', spec, throwUnauthorizedError);
370 |
371 | await app.start();
372 | // make `GET /` request, assert that 401 is returned
373 | });
374 | });
375 | ```
376 |
377 | ### TestSandbox
378 |
379 | Many tests need use a temporary directory as the sandbox to mimic a tree of
380 | files. The `TestSandbox` class provides such facilities to create and manage a
381 | sandbox on the file system.
382 |
383 | #### Create a sandbox
384 |
385 | ```ts
386 | // Create a sandbox as a unique temporary subdirectory under the rootPath
387 | const sandbox = new TestSandbox(rootPath);
388 | const sandbox = new TestSandbox(rootPath, {subdir: true});
389 |
390 | // Create a sandbox in the root path directly
391 | // This is same as the old behavior
392 | const sandbox = new TestSandbox(rootPath, {subdir: false});
393 |
394 | // Create a sandbox in the `test1` subdirectory of the root path
395 | const sandbox = new TestSandbox(rootPath, {subdir: 'test1'});
396 |
397 | // To access the target directory of a sandbox
398 | console.log(sandbox.path);
399 | ```
400 |
401 | #### Reset a sandbox
402 |
403 | All files inside a sandbox will be removed when the sandbox is reset. We also
404 | try to remove cache from `require`.
405 |
406 | ```ts
407 | await sandbox.reset();
408 | ```
409 |
410 | #### Delete a sandbox
411 |
412 | Removes all files and mark the sandbox unusable.
413 |
414 | ```ts
415 | await sandbox.delete();
416 | ```
417 |
418 | #### Create a directory
419 |
420 | Recursively creates a directory within the sandbox.
421 |
422 | ```ts
423 | await sandbox.mkdir(dir);
424 | ```
425 |
426 | #### Copy a file
427 |
428 | Copies a file from src to the TestSandbox. If copying a `.js` file which has an
429 | accompanying `.js.map` file in the src file location, the dest file will have
430 | its sourceMappingURL updated to point to the original file as an absolute path
431 | so you don't need to copy the map file.
432 |
433 | ```ts
434 | await sandbox.copyFile(src, dest);
435 | ```
436 |
437 | #### Write a json file
438 |
439 | Creates a new file and writes the given data serialized as JSON.
440 |
441 | ```ts
442 | await sandbox.writeJsonFile(dest, data);
443 | ```
444 |
445 | #### Write a file
446 |
447 | Creates a new file and writes the given data as a UTF-8-encoded text.
448 |
449 | ```ts
450 | await sandbox.writeFile(dest, data);
451 | ```
452 |
453 | ## Related resources
454 |
455 | For more info about `supertest`, please refer to
456 | [supertest](https://www.npmjs.com/package/supertest)
457 |
458 | ## Contributions
459 |
460 | - [Guidelines](https://github.com/loopbackio/loopback-next/blob/master/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md)
461 | - [Join the team](https://github.com/loopbackio/loopback-next/issues/110)
462 |
463 | ## Tests
464 |
465 | Run `npm test` from the root folder.
466 |
467 | ## Contributors
468 |
469 | See
470 | [all contributors](https://github.com/loopbackio/loopback-next/graphs/contributors).
471 |
472 | ## License
473 |
474 | MIT