1 | // Copyright IBM Corp. and LoopBack contributors 2018,2019. All Rights Reserved.
2 | // Node module: @loopback/testlab
3 | // This file is licensed under the MIT License.
4 | // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
5 |
6 | /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/unified-signatures */
7 |
8 | // Important! Date.prototype.toJSON() returns a string.
9 | export function toJSON(value: Date): string;
10 |
11 | // Important! Functions cannot be encoded in JSON.
12 | export function toJSON(value: Function): undefined;
13 |
14 | // Distinguish arrays from objects (an array is an object too)
15 | export function toJSON(value: unknown[]): unknown[];
16 |
17 | /**
18 | * JSON encoding does not preserve properties that are undefined
19 | * As a result, deepEqual checks fail because the expected model
20 | * value contains these undefined property values, while the actual
21 | * result returned by REST API does not.
22 | * Use this function to convert a model instance into a data object
23 | * as returned by REST API
24 | */
25 | export function toJSON(value: object): object;
26 |
27 | // The following overloads are provided for convenience.
28 | // In practice, they should not be necessary, as they simply return the input
29 | // value without any modifications.
30 |
31 | export function toJSON(value: undefined): undefined;
32 | export function toJSON(value: null): null;
33 | export function toJSON(value: number): number;
34 | export function toJSON(value: boolean): boolean;
35 | export function toJSON(value: string): string;
36 |
37 | // The following overloads are required to allow TypesScript handle
38 | // commonly used union types.
39 |
40 | export function toJSON(value: unknown[] | null): unknown[] | null;
41 | export function toJSON(value: unknown[] | undefined): unknown[] | undefined;
42 | export function toJSON(
43 | value: unknown[] | null | undefined,
44 | ): unknown[] | null | undefined;
45 |
46 | export function toJSON(value: object | null): object | null;
47 | export function toJSON(value: object | undefined): object | undefined;
48 | export function toJSON(
49 | value: object | null | undefined,
50 | ): object | null | undefined;
51 |
52 | export function toJSON<T>(value: T) {
53 | return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({value})).value;
54 | }