1.72 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2// Copyright IBM Corp. and LoopBack contributors 2018,2020. All Rights Reserved.
3// Node module: @loopback/testlab
4// This file is licensed under the MIT License.
5// License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
6Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
7const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
9 * A collection of test utilities we use to write LoopBack tests.
10 *
11 * @remarks
12 * Test utilities to help write LoopBack 4 tests:
13 *
14 * - `expect` - behavior-driven development (BDD) style assertions
15 * - `sinon`
16 * - test spies: functions recording arguments and other information for all
17 * of their calls
18 * - stubs: functions (spies) with pre-programmed behavior
19 * - mocks: fake methods (like spies) with pre-programmed behavior
20 * (like stubs) as well as pre-programmed expectations
21 * - Helpers for creating `supertest` clients for LoopBack applications
22 * - HTTP request/response stubs for writing tests without a listening HTTP
23 * server
24 * - Swagger/OpenAPI spec validation
25 *
26 * @packageDocumentation
27 */
28tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./client"), exports);
29tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./expect"), exports);
30tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./http-error-logger"), exports);
31tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./http-server-config"), exports);
32tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./request"), exports);
33tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./shot"), exports);
34tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./sinon"), exports);
35tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./skip"), exports);
36tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./test-sandbox"), exports);
37tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./to-json"), exports);
38tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./validate-api-spec"), exports);
39//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
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