2.15 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "@lskjs/auth",
3 "version": "2.67.0",
4 "description": "LSK.js – auth – module for authorization by login and password and singup through social networks",
5 "keywords": [
6 "auth",
7 "oAuth",
8 "passport",
9 "facebook",
10 "telegram",
11 "vk",
12 "vkontakte"
13 ],
14 "publishConfig": {
15 "access": "public",
16 "registry": "https://registry.npmjs.org/"
17 },
18 "repository": "https://github.com/lskjs/lskjs/tree/master/packages/auth",
19 "license": "MIT",
20 "author": "Igor Suvorov <hi@isuvorov.com>",
21 "scripts": {
22 "bootstrap": "lsk run bootstrap",
23 "build": "lsk run build",
24 "dev": "lsk run dev",
25 "dev:server": "lsk run dev:server",
26 "i18": "lsk run i18",
27 "prepublishOnly": "lsk run prepublishOnly",
28 "release": "lsk run release",
29 "release:yes": "lsk run release:yes",
30 "start": "node index.js",
31 "storybook": "lsk run storybook",
32 "test": "lsk run test",
33 "test:watch": "lsk run test:watch",
34 "watch": "lsk run watch"
35 },
36 "dependencies": {
37 "@lskjs/env": "2.65.1",
38 "@lskjs/err": "2.65.1",
39 "@lskjs/module": "2.67.0",
40 "@lskjs/utils": "2.65.1",
41 "bcryptjs": "2.4.3",
42 "jsonwebtoken": "8.5.1",
43 "passport": "0.4.1",
44 "qs": "6.10.1",
45 "validator": "13.6.0"
46 },
47 "devDependencies": {
48 "@lskjs/db": "2.67.0",
49 "@lskjs/mobx": "2.13.1",
50 "@lskjs/server-api": "2.67.0",
51 "axios": "0.21.2",
52 "bluebird": "3.7.2",
53 "js-cookie": "3.0.0",
54 "lodash": "4.17.21",
55 "mobx": "5.15.4",
56 "node-accountkit": "1.1.6",
57 "passport-facebook": "3.0.0",
58 "passport-telegram-official": "1.1.0",
59 "passport-vkontakte": "0.5.0",
60 "passport-youtube-v3": "2.1.0"
61 },
62 "peerDependencies": {
63 "@lskjs/db": "2.x",
64 "@lskjs/mobx": "2.x",
65 "@lskjs/server-api": "2.x",
66 "axios": "0.21.x",
67 "bluebird": "3.7.x",
68 "js-cookie": "3.x",
69 "lodash": "4.17.x",
70 "mobx": "<6"
71 },
72 "optionalDeps": {
73 "node-accountkit": "*",
74 "passport-facebook": "*",
75 "passport-telegram-official": "*",
76 "passport-vkontakte": "*",
77 "passport-youtube-v3": "*"
78 },
79 "gitHead": "2d6ebc7501023401edc7a1e5fba0361508f53388"