5.91 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1// import multer from 'multer';
2// import fs from 'fs';
3// import nodepath from 'path';
4// import random from 'lodash/random';
5// import get from 'lodash/get';
6// import aws from 'aws-sdk';
7// import multerS3 from 'multer-s3';
8// import Api from '@lskjs/server-api';
10// export default class UploadApi extends Api {
11// getFileType(file) {
12// if (file && file.originalname) {
13// const res = file.originalname.match(/\.([0-9a-z]+)(?:[\?#]|$)/i); //eslint-disable-line
14// if (res && res[1]) {
15// return res[1];
16// }
17// }
18// return null;
19// }
20// // @TODO real file name
21// // const getFileName = (file) => {
22// // return file.originalname;
23// // };
25// createDir(targetDir) {
26// if (!fs.existsSync(targetDir)) {
27// targetDir.split('/').forEach((dir, index, splits) => {
28// const parent = splits.slice(0, index).join('/');
29// const dirPath = nodepath.resolve(parent, dir);
30// if (!fs.existsSync(dirPath)) {
31// fs.mkdirSync(dirPath);
32// }
33// });
34// }
35// }
37// getFilePath(req, file) {
38// const { e403 } = this.app.errors;
39// const { config } = this;
40// let { path = 'storage' } = config;
42// if (req.user && req.user._id) {
43// path += `/${req.user._id}`;
44// } else if (config.allowGuest) {
45// path += '/general';
46// } else {
47// throw e403('Guest can not upload files');
48// }
50// let fileName;
51// if (config.allowSetFilename) {
52// fileName = file.originalname;
53// } else {
54// fileName = `${Date.now()}_${random(0, 1000)}.${this.getFileType(file)}`;
55// }
56// const { prefix = '' } = config;
57// const path2 = `${path}/${prefix}${fileName}`;
58// // console.log({ path2 });
60// return path2;
61// }
63// getS3Storage() {
64// return multerS3({
65// s3: this.s3,
66// bucket: this.config.s3.bucket,
67// contentType: multerS3.AUTO_CONTENT_TYPE,
68// acl: 'public-read',
69// key3: (req, file, cb) => {
70// const filename = nodepath.parse(file.originalname);
71// // console.log({ req, file });
72// // console.log(`avatar_${req.user._id}.${filename.ext}`);
73// cb(null, `avatar_${req.user._id}.${filename.ext}`);
74// },
75// key: async (req, file, cb) => {
76// let filename;
77// try {
78// // console.log('req, file', file);
79// filename = this.getFilePath(req, file);
80// // console.log('filename', filename);
81// filename = filename.replace(/\//g, '__');
82// // console.log('filename2', filename);
83// } catch (err) {
84// return cb(err);
85// }
86// return cb(null, filename);
87// },
88// });
89// }
91// getDiskStorage() {
92// // const config = this.app.config.upload;
93// const storage = multer.diskStorage({
94// destination: (req, file, cb) => {
95// // console.log('destination');
96// let path;
97// let dirname;
98// try {
99// path = this.getFilePath(req, file);
100// dirname = path.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/');
101// this.createDir(dirname);
102// } catch (err) {
103// return cb(err);
104// }
105// return cb(null, dirname);
106// },
107// filename: (req, file, cb) => {
108// let path;
109// let filename;
110// try {
111// path = this.getFilePath(req, file);
112// [filename] = path.split('/').reverse();
113// } catch (err) {
114// return cb(err);
115// }
116// // console.log('filename', filename);
117// // this.createDir(filename);
118// return cb(null, filename);
119// },
120// });
121// return storage;
122// }
124// getMulter() {
125// const { e400 } = this.app.errors;
126// const config = this.app.config.upload;
127// const fileFilter = (req, file, cb) => {
128// if (Array.isArray(config.mimetypes)) {
129// if (config.mimetypes.indexOf(file.mimetype) === -1) {
130// return cb(e400('You are not allowed to upload files with this extension'));
131// }
132// }
133// return cb(null, true);
134// };
136// const limits = {};
137// if (config.maxSize) {
138// const fileSize = parseFloat(config.maxSize) * 1024 * 1024;
139// limits.fileSize = fileSize;
140// }
141// // console.log('getMulter', {
142// // storage: this.storage,
143// // limits,
144// // fileFilter,
145// // });
146// return multer({
147// storage: this.storage,
148// limits,
149// fileFilter,
150// });
151// }
153// getApi() {
154// const config = this.app.config.upload;
155// function processFile(file) {
156// if (config.s3) {
157// return {
158// name: file.fieldname,
159// url: file.location,
160// path: file.location,
161// relative: `/${file.key}`,
162// mimetype: file.contentType,
163// filename: file.originalname,
164// };
165// }
167// return {
168// name: file.fieldname,
169// url: `${config.url}/${file.path}`,
170// path: `/${file.path}`,
171// relative: `/${file.path}`,
172// mimetype: file.mimetype,
173// filename: file.originalname,
174// };
175// }
177// const api = this.app.asyncRouter();
178// api.post('/many', this.multer.any(), async (req) => {
179// const { files = [] } = req;
180// return files.map(processFile);
181// });
183// // const upload = multer();
184// // api.post('/', this.multer.single('file'), async (req) => {
185// api.post('/', this.multer.single('file'), async (req) => {
186// const { file } = req;
187// if (!file) {
188// throw new Err('!file');
189// }
190// return processFile(file);
191// });
192// return api;
193// }
195// async run() {
196// this.app.app.use('/api/module/upload', this.getApi());
197// }
198// }
199"use strict";
200//# sourceMappingURL=_UploadApi.js.map
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