2.05 kBPlain TextView Raw
1// Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
2// Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
4| Copyright (c) 2014-2017, PhosphorJS Contributors
6| Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
8| The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
10import { each, IterableOrArrayLike } from './iter';
13 * Topologically sort an iterable of edges.
14 *
15 * @param edges - The iterable or array-like object of edges to sort.
16 * An edge is represented as a 2-tuple of `[fromNode, toNode]`.
17 *
18 * @returns The topologically sorted array of nodes.
19 *
20 * #### Notes
21 * If a cycle is present in the graph, the cycle will be ignored and
22 * the return value will be only approximately sorted.
23 *
24 * #### Example
25 * ```typescript
26 * import { topologicSort } from '@lumino/algorithm';
27 *
28 * let data = [
29 * ['d', 'e'],
30 * ['c', 'd'],
31 * ['a', 'b'],
32 * ['b', 'c']
33 * ];
34 *
35 * topologicSort(data); // ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
36 * ```
37 */
38export function topologicSort<T>(edges: IterableOrArrayLike<[T, T]>): T[] {
39 // Setup the shared sorting state.
40 let sorted: T[] = [];
41 let visited = new Set<T>();
42 let graph = new Map<T, T[]>();
44 // Add the edges to the graph.
45 each(edges, addEdge);
47 // Visit each node in the graph.
48 graph.forEach((v, k) => {
49 visit(k);
50 });
52 // Return the sorted results.
53 return sorted;
55 // Add an edge to the graph.
56 function addEdge(edge: [T, T]): void {
57 let [fromNode, toNode] = edge;
58 let children = graph.get(toNode);
59 if (children) {
60 children.push(fromNode);
61 } else {
62 graph.set(toNode, [fromNode]);
63 }
64 }
66 // Recursively visit the node.
67 function visit(node: T): void {
68 if (visited.has(node)) {
69 return;
70 }
71 visited.add(node);
72 let children = graph.get(node);
73 if (children) {
74 children.forEach(visit);
75 }
76 sorted.push(node);
77 }