570 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { empty, each, iter, ArrayExt, StringExt, chain, once, map, ChainIterator, reduce, find, toArray, filter, max } from '@lumino/algorithm';
2import { ElementExt, Selector, Platform } from '@lumino/domutils';
3import { MessageLoop, Message, ConflatableMessage } from '@lumino/messaging';
4import { AttachedProperty } from '@lumino/properties';
5import { Signal } from '@lumino/signaling';
6import { Drag } from '@lumino/dragdrop';
7import { JSONExt, MimeData } from '@lumino/coreutils';
8import { CommandRegistry } from '@lumino/commands';
9import { VirtualDOM, h } from '@lumino/virtualdom';
10import { DisposableDelegate } from '@lumino/disposable';
11import { getKeyboardLayout } from '@lumino/keyboard';
13/*! *****************************************************************************
14Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
16Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
17purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.
26***************************************************************************** */
27/* global Reflect, Promise */
29var extendStatics = function(d, b) {
30 extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
31 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
32 function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
33 return extendStatics(d, b);
36function __extends(d, b) {
37 if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null)
38 throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null");
39 extendStatics(d, b);
40 function __() { this.constructor = d; }
41 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
44var __assign = function() {
45 __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {
46 for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
47 s = arguments[i];
48 for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
49 }
50 return t;
51 };
52 return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
55function __rest(s, e) {
56 var t = {};
57 for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)
58 t[p] = s[p];
59 if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function")
60 for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
61 if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i]))
62 t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
63 }
64 return t;
67// Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
68// Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
70| Copyright (c) 2014-2017, PhosphorJS Contributors
72| Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
74| The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
77 * A sizer object for use with the box engine layout functions.
78 *
79 * #### Notes
80 * A box sizer holds the geometry information for an object along an
81 * arbitrary layout orientation.
82 *
83 * For best performance, this class should be treated as a raw data
84 * struct. It should not typically be subclassed.
85 */
86var BoxSizer = /** @class */ (function () {
87 function BoxSizer() {
88 /**
89 * The preferred size for the sizer.
90 *
91 * #### Notes
92 * The sizer will be given this initial size subject to its size
93 * bounds. The sizer will not deviate from this size unless such
94 * deviation is required to fit into the available layout space.
95 *
96 * There is no limit to this value, but it will be clamped to the
97 * bounds defined by [[minSize]] and [[maxSize]].
98 *
99 * The default value is `0`.
100 */
101 this.sizeHint = 0;
102 /**
103 * The minimum size of the sizer.
104 *
105 * #### Notes
106 * The sizer will never be sized less than this value, even if
107 * it means the sizer will overflow the available layout space.
108 *
109 * It is assumed that this value lies in the range `[0, Infinity)`
110 * and that it is `<=` to [[maxSize]]. Failure to adhere to this
111 * constraint will yield undefined results.
112 *
113 * The default value is `0`.
114 */
115 this.minSize = 0;
116 /**
117 * The maximum size of the sizer.
118 *
119 * #### Notes
120 * The sizer will never be sized greater than this value, even if
121 * it means the sizer will underflow the available layout space.
122 *
123 * It is assumed that this value lies in the range `[0, Infinity]`
124 * and that it is `>=` to [[minSize]]. Failure to adhere to this
125 * constraint will yield undefined results.
126 *
127 * The default value is `Infinity`.
128 */
129 this.maxSize = Infinity;
130 /**
131 * The stretch factor for the sizer.
132 *
133 * #### Notes
134 * This controls how much the sizer stretches relative to its sibling
135 * sizers when layout space is distributed. A stretch factor of zero
136 * is special and will cause the sizer to only be resized after all
137 * other sizers with a stretch factor greater than zero have been
138 * resized to their limits.
139 *
140 * It is assumed that this value is an integer that lies in the range
141 * `[0, Infinity)`. Failure to adhere to this constraint will yield
142 * undefined results.
143 *
144 * The default value is `1`.
145 */
146 this.stretch = 1;
147 /**
148 * The computed size of the sizer.
149 *
150 * #### Notes
151 * This value is the output of a call to [[boxCalc]]. It represents
152 * the computed size for the object along the layout orientation,
153 * and will always lie in the range `[minSize, maxSize]`.
154 *
155 * This value is output only.
156 *
157 * Changing this value will have no effect.
158 */
159 this.size = 0;
160 /**
161 * An internal storage property for the layout algorithm.
162 *
163 * #### Notes
164 * This value is used as temporary storage by the layout algorithm.
165 *
166 * Changing this value will have no effect.
167 */
168 this.done = false;
169 }
170 return BoxSizer;
173 * The namespace for the box engine layout functions.
174 */
175var BoxEngine;
176(function (BoxEngine) {
177 /**
178 * Calculate the optimal layout sizes for a sequence of box sizers.
179 *
180 * This distributes the available layout space among the box sizers
181 * according to the following algorithm:
182 *
183 * 1. Initialize the sizers's size to its size hint and compute the
184 * sums for each of size hint, min size, and max size.
185 *
186 * 2. If the total size hint equals the available space, return.
187 *
188 * 3. If the available space is less than the total min size, set all
189 * sizers to their min size and return.
190 *
191 * 4. If the available space is greater than the total max size, set
192 * all sizers to their max size and return.
193 *
194 * 5. If the layout space is less than the total size hint, distribute
195 * the negative delta as follows:
196 *
197 * a. Shrink each sizer with a stretch factor greater than zero by
198 * an amount proportional to the negative space and the sum of
199 * stretch factors. If the sizer reaches its min size, remove
200 * it and its stretch factor from the computation.
201 *
202 * b. If after adjusting all stretch sizers there remains negative
203 * space, distribute the space equally among the sizers with a
204 * stretch factor of zero. If a sizer reaches its min size,
205 * remove it from the computation.
206 *
207 * 6. If the layout space is greater than the total size hint,
208 * distribute the positive delta as follows:
209 *
210 * a. Expand each sizer with a stretch factor greater than zero by
211 * an amount proportional to the postive space and the sum of
212 * stretch factors. If the sizer reaches its max size, remove
213 * it and its stretch factor from the computation.
214 *
215 * b. If after adjusting all stretch sizers there remains positive
216 * space, distribute the space equally among the sizers with a
217 * stretch factor of zero. If a sizer reaches its max size,
218 * remove it from the computation.
219 *
220 * 7. return
221 *
222 * @param sizers - The sizers for a particular layout line.
223 *
224 * @param space - The available layout space for the sizers.
225 *
226 * @returns The delta between the provided available space and the
227 * actual consumed space. This value will be zero if the sizers
228 * can be adjusted to fit, negative if the available space is too
229 * small, and positive if the available space is too large.
230 *
231 * #### Notes
232 * The [[size]] of each sizer is updated with the computed size.
233 *
234 * This function can be called at any time to recompute the layout for
235 * an existing sequence of sizers. The previously computed results will
236 * have no effect on the new output. It is therefore not necessary to
237 * create new sizer objects on each resize event.
238 */
239 function calc(sizers, space) {
240 // Bail early if there is nothing to do.
241 var count = sizers.length;
242 if (count === 0) {
243 return space;
244 }
245 // Setup the size and stretch counters.
246 var totalMin = 0;
247 var totalMax = 0;
248 var totalSize = 0;
249 var totalStretch = 0;
250 var stretchCount = 0;
251 // Setup the sizers and compute the totals.
252 for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
253 var sizer = sizers[i];
254 var min = sizer.minSize;
255 var max = sizer.maxSize;
256 var hint = sizer.sizeHint;
257 sizer.done = false;
258 sizer.size = Math.max(min, Math.min(hint, max));
259 totalSize += sizer.size;
260 totalMin += min;
261 totalMax += max;
262 if (sizer.stretch > 0) {
263 totalStretch += sizer.stretch;
264 stretchCount++;
265 }
266 }
267 // If the space is equal to the total size, return early.
268 if (space === totalSize) {
269 return 0;
270 }
271 // If the space is less than the total min, minimize each sizer.
272 if (space <= totalMin) {
273 for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
274 var sizer = sizers[i];
275 sizer.size = sizer.minSize;
276 }
277 return space - totalMin;
278 }
279 // If the space is greater than the total max, maximize each sizer.
280 if (space >= totalMax) {
281 for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
282 var sizer = sizers[i];
283 sizer.size = sizer.maxSize;
284 }
285 return space - totalMax;
286 }
287 // The loops below perform sub-pixel precision sizing. A near zero
288 // value is used for compares instead of zero to ensure that the
289 // loop terminates when the subdivided space is reasonably small.
290 var nearZero = 0.01;
291 // A counter which is decremented each time a sizer is resized to
292 // its limit. This ensures the loops terminate even if there is
293 // space remaining to distribute.
294 var notDoneCount = count;
295 // Distribute negative delta space.
296 if (space < totalSize) {
297 // Shrink each stretchable sizer by an amount proportional to its
298 // stretch factor. If a sizer reaches its min size it's marked as
299 // done. The loop progresses in phases where each sizer is given
300 // a chance to consume its fair share for the pass, regardless of
301 // whether a sizer before it reached its limit. This continues
302 // until the stretchable sizers or the free space is exhausted.
303 var freeSpace = totalSize - space;
304 while (stretchCount > 0 && freeSpace > nearZero) {
305 var distSpace = freeSpace;
306 var distStretch = totalStretch;
307 for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
308 var sizer = sizers[i];
309 if (sizer.done || sizer.stretch === 0) {
310 continue;
311 }
312 var amt = (sizer.stretch * distSpace) / distStretch;
313 if (sizer.size - amt <= sizer.minSize) {
314 freeSpace -= sizer.size - sizer.minSize;
315 totalStretch -= sizer.stretch;
316 sizer.size = sizer.minSize;
317 sizer.done = true;
318 notDoneCount--;
319 stretchCount--;
320 }
321 else {
322 freeSpace -= amt;
323 sizer.size -= amt;
324 }
325 }
326 }
327 // Distribute any remaining space evenly among the non-stretchable
328 // sizers. This progresses in phases in the same manner as above.
329 while (notDoneCount > 0 && freeSpace > nearZero) {
330 var amt = freeSpace / notDoneCount;
331 for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
332 var sizer = sizers[i];
333 if (sizer.done) {
334 continue;
335 }
336 if (sizer.size - amt <= sizer.minSize) {
337 freeSpace -= sizer.size - sizer.minSize;
338 sizer.size = sizer.minSize;
339 sizer.done = true;
340 notDoneCount--;
341 }
342 else {
343 freeSpace -= amt;
344 sizer.size -= amt;
345 }
346 }
347 }
348 }
349 // Distribute positive delta space.
350 else {
351 // Expand each stretchable sizer by an amount proportional to its
352 // stretch factor. If a sizer reaches its max size it's marked as
353 // done. The loop progresses in phases where each sizer is given
354 // a chance to consume its fair share for the pass, regardless of
355 // whether a sizer before it reached its limit. This continues
356 // until the stretchable sizers or the free space is exhausted.
357 var freeSpace = space - totalSize;
358 while (stretchCount > 0 && freeSpace > nearZero) {
359 var distSpace = freeSpace;
360 var distStretch = totalStretch;
361 for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
362 var sizer = sizers[i];
363 if (sizer.done || sizer.stretch === 0) {
364 continue;
365 }
366 var amt = (sizer.stretch * distSpace) / distStretch;
367 if (sizer.size + amt >= sizer.maxSize) {
368 freeSpace -= sizer.maxSize - sizer.size;
369 totalStretch -= sizer.stretch;
370 sizer.size = sizer.maxSize;
371 sizer.done = true;
372 notDoneCount--;
373 stretchCount--;
374 }
375 else {
376 freeSpace -= amt;
377 sizer.size += amt;
378 }
379 }
380 }
381 // Distribute any remaining space evenly among the non-stretchable
382 // sizers. This progresses in phases in the same manner as above.
383 while (notDoneCount > 0 && freeSpace > nearZero) {
384 var amt = freeSpace / notDoneCount;
385 for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
386 var sizer = sizers[i];
387 if (sizer.done) {
388 continue;
389 }
390 if (sizer.size + amt >= sizer.maxSize) {
391 freeSpace -= sizer.maxSize - sizer.size;
392 sizer.size = sizer.maxSize;
393 sizer.done = true;
394 notDoneCount--;
395 }
396 else {
397 freeSpace -= amt;
398 sizer.size += amt;
399 }
400 }
401 }
402 }
403 // Indicate that the consumed space equals the available space.
404 return 0;
405 }
406 BoxEngine.calc = calc;
407 /**
408 * Adjust a sizer by a delta and update its neighbors accordingly.
409 *
410 * @param sizers - The sizers which should be adjusted.
411 *
412 * @param index - The index of the sizer to grow.
413 *
414 * @param delta - The amount to adjust the sizer, positive or negative.
415 *
416 * #### Notes
417 * This will adjust the indicated sizer by the specified amount, along
418 * with the sizes of the appropriate neighbors, subject to the limits
419 * specified by each of the sizers.
420 *
421 * This is useful when implementing box layouts where the boundaries
422 * between the sizers are interactively adjustable by the user.
423 */
424 function adjust(sizers, index, delta) {
425 // Bail early when there is nothing to do.
426 if (sizers.length === 0 || delta === 0) {
427 return;
428 }
429 // Dispatch to the proper implementation.
430 if (delta > 0) {
431 growSizer(sizers, index, delta);
432 }
433 else {
434 shrinkSizer(sizers, index, -delta);
435 }
436 }
437 BoxEngine.adjust = adjust;
438 /**
439 * Grow a sizer by a positive delta and adjust neighbors.
440 */
441 function growSizer(sizers, index, delta) {
442 // Compute how much the items to the left can expand.
443 var growLimit = 0;
444 for (var i = 0; i <= index; ++i) {
445 var sizer = sizers[i];
446 growLimit += sizer.maxSize - sizer.size;
447 }
448 // Compute how much the items to the right can shrink.
449 var shrinkLimit = 0;
450 for (var i = index + 1, n = sizers.length; i < n; ++i) {
451 var sizer = sizers[i];
452 shrinkLimit += sizer.size - sizer.minSize;
453 }
454 // Clamp the delta adjustment to the limits.
455 delta = Math.min(delta, growLimit, shrinkLimit);
456 // Grow the sizers to the left by the delta.
457 var grow = delta;
458 for (var i = index; i >= 0 && grow > 0; --i) {
459 var sizer = sizers[i];
460 var limit = sizer.maxSize - sizer.size;
461 if (limit >= grow) {
462 sizer.sizeHint = sizer.size + grow;
463 grow = 0;
464 }
465 else {
466 sizer.sizeHint = sizer.size + limit;
467 grow -= limit;
468 }
469 }
470 // Shrink the sizers to the right by the delta.
471 var shrink = delta;
472 for (var i = index + 1, n = sizers.length; i < n && shrink > 0; ++i) {
473 var sizer = sizers[i];
474 var limit = sizer.size - sizer.minSize;
475 if (limit >= shrink) {
476 sizer.sizeHint = sizer.size - shrink;
477 shrink = 0;
478 }
479 else {
480 sizer.sizeHint = sizer.size - limit;
481 shrink -= limit;
482 }
483 }
484 }
485 /**
486 * Shrink a sizer by a positive delta and adjust neighbors.
487 */
488 function shrinkSizer(sizers, index, delta) {
489 // Compute how much the items to the right can expand.
490 var growLimit = 0;
491 for (var i = index + 1, n = sizers.length; i < n; ++i) {
492 var sizer = sizers[i];
493 growLimit += sizer.maxSize - sizer.size;
494 }
495 // Compute how much the items to the left can shrink.
496 var shrinkLimit = 0;
497 for (var i = 0; i <= index; ++i) {
498 var sizer = sizers[i];
499 shrinkLimit += sizer.size - sizer.minSize;
500 }
501 // Clamp the delta adjustment to the limits.
502 delta = Math.min(delta, growLimit, shrinkLimit);
503 // Grow the sizers to the right by the delta.
504 var grow = delta;
505 for (var i = index + 1, n = sizers.length; i < n && grow > 0; ++i) {
506 var sizer = sizers[i];
507 var limit = sizer.maxSize - sizer.size;
508 if (limit >= grow) {
509 sizer.sizeHint = sizer.size + grow;
510 grow = 0;
511 }
512 else {
513 sizer.sizeHint = sizer.size + limit;
514 grow -= limit;
515 }
516 }
517 // Shrink the sizers to the left by the delta.
518 var shrink = delta;
519 for (var i = index; i >= 0 && shrink > 0; --i) {
520 var sizer = sizers[i];
521 var limit = sizer.size - sizer.minSize;
522 if (limit >= shrink) {
523 sizer.sizeHint = sizer.size - shrink;
524 shrink = 0;
525 }
526 else {
527 sizer.sizeHint = sizer.size - limit;
528 shrink -= limit;
529 }
530 }
531 }
532})(BoxEngine || (BoxEngine = {}));
534// Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
536 * An object which holds data related to an object's title.
537 *
538 * #### Notes
539 * A title object is intended to hold the data necessary to display a
540 * header for a particular object. A common example is the `TabPanel`,
541 * which uses the widget title to populate the tab for a child widget.
542 */
543var Title = /** @class */ (function () {
544 /**
545 * Construct a new title.
546 *
547 * @param options - The options for initializing the title.
548 */
549 function Title(options) {
550 this._label = '';
551 this._caption = '';
552 this._mnemonic = -1;
553 this._iconClass = '';
554 this._iconLabel = '';
555 this._className = '';
556 this._closable = false;
557 this._changed = new Signal(this);
558 this.owner = options.owner;
559 if (options.label !== undefined) {
560 this._label = options.label;
561 }
562 if (options.mnemonic !== undefined) {
563 this._mnemonic = options.mnemonic;
564 }
565 if (options.icon !== undefined) {
566 /* <DEPRECATED> */
567 if (typeof options.icon === 'string') {
568 // when ._icon is null, the .icon getter will alias .iconClass
569 this._icon = null;
570 this._iconClass = options.icon;
571 }
572 else {
573 /* </DEPRECATED> */
574 this._icon = options.icon;
575 /* <DEPRECATED> */
576 }
577 /* </DEPRECATED> */
578 }
579 else {
580 /* <DEPRECATED> */
581 // if unset, default to aliasing .iconClass
582 this._icon = null;
583 }
584 /* </DEPRECATED> */
585 if (options.iconClass !== undefined) {
586 this._iconClass = options.iconClass;
587 }
588 if (options.iconLabel !== undefined) {
589 this._iconLabel = options.iconLabel;
590 }
591 if (options.iconRenderer !== undefined) {
592 this._icon = options.iconRenderer;
593 }
594 if (options.caption !== undefined) {
595 this._caption = options.caption;
596 }
597 if (options.className !== undefined) {
598 this._className = options.className;
599 }
600 if (options.closable !== undefined) {
601 this._closable = options.closable;
602 }
603 this._dataset = options.dataset || {};
604 }
605 Object.defineProperty(Title.prototype, "changed", {
606 /**
607 * A signal emitted when the state of the title changes.
608 */
609 get: function () {
610 return this._changed;
611 },
612 enumerable: true,
613 configurable: true
614 });
615 Object.defineProperty(Title.prototype, "label", {
616 /**
617 * Get the label for the title.
618 *
619 * #### Notes
620 * The default value is an empty string.
621 */
622 get: function () {
623 return this._label;
624 },
625 /**
626 * Set the label for the title.
627 */
628 set: function (value) {
629 if (this._label === value) {
630 return;
631 }
632 this._label = value;
633 this._changed.emit(undefined);
634 },
635 enumerable: true,
636 configurable: true
637 });
638 Object.defineProperty(Title.prototype, "mnemonic", {
639 /**
640 * Get the mnemonic index for the title.
641 *
642 * #### Notes
643 * The default value is `-1`.
644 */
645 get: function () {
646 return this._mnemonic;
647 },
648 /**
649 * Set the mnemonic index for the title.
650 */
651 set: function (value) {
652 if (this._mnemonic === value) {
653 return;
654 }
655 this._mnemonic = value;
656 this._changed.emit(undefined);
657 },
658 enumerable: true,
659 configurable: true
660 });
661 Object.defineProperty(Title.prototype, "icon", {
662 /**
663 * Get the icon renderer for the title.
664 *
665 * #### Notes
666 * The default value is undefined.
667 *
668 * DEPRECATED: if set to a string value, the .icon field will function as
669 * an alias for the .iconClass field, for backwards compatibility
670 */
671 get: function () {
672 /* <DEPRECATED> */
673 if (this._icon === null) {
674 // only alias .iconClass if ._icon has been explicitly nulled
675 return this.iconClass;
676 }
677 /* </DEPRECATED> */
678 return this._icon;
679 },
680 /**
681 * Set the icon renderer for the title.
682 *
683 * #### Notes
684 * A renderer is an object that supplies a render and unrender function.
685 *
686 * DEPRECATED: if set to a string value, the .icon field will function as
687 * an alias for the .iconClass field, for backwards compatibility
688 */
689 set: function (value /* </DEPRECATED> */) {
690 /* <DEPRECATED> */
691 if (typeof value === 'string') {
692 // when ._icon is null, the .icon getter will alias .iconClass
693 this._icon = null;
694 this.iconClass = value;
695 }
696 else {
697 /* </DEPRECATED> */
698 if (this._icon === value) {
699 return;
700 }
701 this._icon = value;
702 this._changed.emit(undefined);
703 /* <DEPRECATED> */
704 }
705 /* </DEPRECATED> */
706 },
707 enumerable: true,
708 configurable: true
709 });
710 Object.defineProperty(Title.prototype, "iconClass", {
711 /**
712 * Get the icon class name for the title.
713 *
714 * #### Notes
715 * The default value is an empty string.
716 */
717 get: function () {
718 return this._iconClass;
719 },
720 /**
721 * Set the icon class name for the title.
722 *
723 * #### Notes
724 * Multiple class names can be separated with whitespace.
725 */
726 set: function (value) {
727 if (this._iconClass === value) {
728 return;
729 }
730 this._iconClass = value;
731 this._changed.emit(undefined);
732 },
733 enumerable: true,
734 configurable: true
735 });
736 Object.defineProperty(Title.prototype, "iconLabel", {
737 /**
738 * Get the icon label for the title.
739 *
740 * #### Notes
741 * The default value is an empty string.
742 */
743 get: function () {
744 return this._iconLabel;
745 },
746 /**
747 * Set the icon label for the title.
748 *
749 * #### Notes
750 * Multiple class names can be separated with whitespace.
751 */
752 set: function (value) {
753 if (this._iconLabel === value) {
754 return;
755 }
756 this._iconLabel = value;
757 this._changed.emit(undefined);
758 },
759 enumerable: true,
760 configurable: true
761 });
762 Object.defineProperty(Title.prototype, "iconRenderer", {
763 /**
764 * @deprecated Use `icon` instead.
765 */
766 get: function () {
767 return this._icon || undefined;
768 },
769 /**
770 * @deprecated Use `icon` instead.
771 */
772 set: function (value) {
773 this.icon = value;
774 },
775 enumerable: true,
776 configurable: true
777 });
778 Object.defineProperty(Title.prototype, "caption", {
779 /**
780 * Get the caption for the title.
781 *
782 * #### Notes
783 * The default value is an empty string.
784 */
785 get: function () {
786 return this._caption;
787 },
788 /**
789 * Set the caption for the title.
790 */
791 set: function (value) {
792 if (this._caption === value) {
793 return;
794 }
795 this._caption = value;
796 this._changed.emit(undefined);
797 },
798 enumerable: true,
799 configurable: true
800 });
801 Object.defineProperty(Title.prototype, "className", {
802 /**
803 * Get the extra class name for the title.
804 *
805 * #### Notes
806 * The default value is an empty string.
807 */
808 get: function () {
809 return this._className;
810 },
811 /**
812 * Set the extra class name for the title.
813 *
814 * #### Notes
815 * Multiple class names can be separated with whitespace.
816 */
817 set: function (value) {
818 if (this._className === value) {
819 return;
820 }
821 this._className = value;
822 this._changed.emit(undefined);
823 },
824 enumerable: true,
825 configurable: true
826 });
827 Object.defineProperty(Title.prototype, "closable", {
828 /**
829 * Get the closable state for the title.
830 *
831 * #### Notes
832 * The default value is `false`.
833 */
834 get: function () {
835 return this._closable;
836 },
837 /**
838 * Set the closable state for the title.
839 *
840 * #### Notes
841 * This controls the presence of a close icon when applicable.
842 */
843 set: function (value) {
844 if (this._closable === value) {
845 return;
846 }
847 this._closable = value;
848 this._changed.emit(undefined);
849 },
850 enumerable: true,
851 configurable: true
852 });
853 Object.defineProperty(Title.prototype, "dataset", {
854 /**
855 * Get the dataset for the title.
856 *
857 * #### Notes
858 * The default value is an empty dataset.
859 */
860 get: function () {
861 return this._dataset;
862 },
863 /**
864 * Set the dataset for the title.
865 *
866 * #### Notes
867 * This controls the data attributes when applicable.
868 */
869 set: function (value) {
870 if (this._dataset === value) {
871 return;
872 }
873 this._dataset = value;
874 this._changed.emit(undefined);
875 },
876 enumerable: true,
877 configurable: true
878 });
879 return Title;
883 * The base class of the lumino widget hierarchy.
884 *
885 * #### Notes
886 * This class will typically be subclassed in order to create a useful
887 * widget. However, it can be used directly to host externally created
888 * content.
889 */
890var Widget = /** @class */ (function () {
891 /**
892 * Construct a new widget.
893 *
894 * @param options - The options for initializing the widget.
895 */
896 function Widget(options) {
897 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
898 this._flags = 0;
899 this._layout = null;
900 this._parent = null;
901 this._disposed = new Signal(this);
902 this._hiddenMode = Widget.HiddenMode.Display;
903 this.node = Private$j.createNode(options);
904 this.addClass('lm-Widget');
905 /* <DEPRECATED> */
906 this.addClass('p-Widget');
907 /* </DEPRECATED> */
908 }
909 /**
910 * Dispose of the widget and its descendant widgets.
911 *
912 * #### Notes
913 * It is unsafe to use the widget after it has been disposed.
914 *
915 * All calls made to this method after the first are a no-op.
916 */
917 Widget.prototype.dispose = function () {
918 // Do nothing if the widget is already disposed.
919 if (this.isDisposed) {
920 return;
921 }
922 // Set the disposed flag and emit the disposed signal.
923 this.setFlag(Widget.Flag.IsDisposed);
924 this._disposed.emit(undefined);
925 // Remove or detach the widget if necessary.
926 if (this.parent) {
927 this.parent = null;
928 }
929 else if (this.isAttached) {
930 Widget.detach(this);
931 }
932 // Dispose of the widget layout.
933 if (this._layout) {
934 this._layout.dispose();
935 this._layout = null;
936 }
937 // Clear the extra data associated with the widget.
938 Signal.clearData(this);
939 MessageLoop.clearData(this);
940 AttachedProperty.clearData(this);
941 };
942 Object.defineProperty(Widget.prototype, "disposed", {
943 /**
944 * A signal emitted when the widget is disposed.
945 */
946 get: function () {
947 return this._disposed;
948 },
949 enumerable: true,
950 configurable: true
951 });
952 Object.defineProperty(Widget.prototype, "isDisposed", {
953 /**
954 * Test whether the widget has been disposed.
955 */
956 get: function () {
957 return this.testFlag(Widget.Flag.IsDisposed);
958 },
959 enumerable: true,
960 configurable: true
961 });
962 Object.defineProperty(Widget.prototype, "isAttached", {
963 /**
964 * Test whether the widget's node is attached to the DOM.
965 */
966 get: function () {
967 return this.testFlag(Widget.Flag.IsAttached);
968 },
969 enumerable: true,
970 configurable: true
971 });
972 Object.defineProperty(Widget.prototype, "isHidden", {
973 /**
974 * Test whether the widget is explicitly hidden.
975 */
976 get: function () {
977 return this.testFlag(Widget.Flag.IsHidden);
978 },
979 enumerable: true,
980 configurable: true
981 });
982 Object.defineProperty(Widget.prototype, "isVisible", {
983 /**
984 * Test whether the widget is visible.
985 *
986 * #### Notes
987 * A widget is visible when it is attached to the DOM, is not
988 * explicitly hidden, and has no explicitly hidden ancestors.
989 */
990 get: function () {
991 return this.testFlag(Widget.Flag.IsVisible);
992 },
993 enumerable: true,
994 configurable: true
995 });
996 Object.defineProperty(Widget.prototype, "title", {
997 /**
998 * The title object for the widget.
999 *
1000 * #### Notes
1001 * The title object is used by some container widgets when displaying
1002 * the widget alongside some title, such as a tab panel or side bar.
1003 *
1004 * Since not all widgets will use the title, it is created on demand.
1005 *
1006 * The `owner` property of the title is set to this widget.
1007 */
1008 get: function () {
1009 return Private$j.titleProperty.get(this);
1010 },
1011 enumerable: true,
1012 configurable: true
1013 });
1014 Object.defineProperty(Widget.prototype, "id", {
1015 /**
1016 * Get the id of the widget's DOM node.
1017 */
1018 get: function () {
1019 return this.node.id;
1020 },
1021 /**
1022 * Set the id of the widget's DOM node.
1023 */
1024 set: function (value) {
1025 this.node.id = value;
1026 },
1027 enumerable: true,
1028 configurable: true
1029 });
1030 Object.defineProperty(Widget.prototype, "dataset", {
1031 /**
1032 * The dataset for the widget's DOM node.
1033 */
1034 get: function () {
1035 return this.node.dataset;
1036 },
1037 enumerable: true,
1038 configurable: true
1039 });
1040 Object.defineProperty(Widget.prototype, "hiddenMode", {
1041 /**
1042 * Get the method for hiding the widget.
1043 */
1044 get: function () {
1045 return this._hiddenMode;
1046 },
1047 /**
1048 * Set the method for hiding the widget.
1049 */
1050 set: function (value) {
1051 if (this._hiddenMode === value) {
1052 return;
1053 }
1054 this._hiddenMode = value;
1055 switch (value) {
1056 case Widget.HiddenMode.Display:
1057 this.node.style.willChange = 'auto';
1058 break;
1059 case Widget.HiddenMode.Scale:
1060 this.node.style.willChange = 'transform';
1061 break;
1062 }
1063 if (this.isHidden) {
1064 if (value === Widget.HiddenMode.Display) {
1065 this.addClass('lm-mod-hidden');
1066 /* <DEPRECATED> */
1067 this.addClass('p-mod-hidden');
1068 /* </DEPRECATED> */
1069 this.node.style.transform = '';
1070 }
1071 else {
1072 this.node.style.transform = 'scale(0)';
1073 this.removeClass('lm-mod-hidden');
1074 /* <DEPRECATED> */
1075 this.removeClass('p-mod-hidden');
1076 /* </DEPRECATED> */
1077 }
1078 }
1079 },
1080 enumerable: true,
1081 configurable: true
1082 });
1083 Object.defineProperty(Widget.prototype, "parent", {
1084 /**
1085 * Get the parent of the widget.
1086 */
1087 get: function () {
1088 return this._parent;
1089 },
1090 /**
1091 * Set the parent of the widget.
1092 *
1093 * #### Notes
1094 * Children are typically added to a widget by using a layout, which
1095 * means user code will not normally set the parent widget directly.
1096 *
1097 * The widget will be automatically removed from its old parent.
1098 *
1099 * This is a no-op if there is no effective parent change.
1100 */
1101 set: function (value) {
1102 if (this._parent === value) {
1103 return;
1104 }
1105 if (value && this.contains(value)) {
1106 throw new Error('Invalid parent widget.');
1107 }
1108 if (this._parent && !this._parent.isDisposed) {
1109 var msg = new Widget.ChildMessage('child-removed', this);
1110 MessageLoop.sendMessage(this._parent, msg);
1111 }
1112 this._parent = value;
1113 if (this._parent && !this._parent.isDisposed) {
1114 var msg = new Widget.ChildMessage('child-added', this);
1115 MessageLoop.sendMessage(this._parent, msg);
1116 }
1117 if (!this.isDisposed) {
1118 MessageLoop.sendMessage(this, Widget.Msg.ParentChanged);
1119 }
1120 },
1121 enumerable: true,
1122 configurable: true
1123 });
1124 Object.defineProperty(Widget.prototype, "layout", {
1125 /**
1126 * Get the layout for the widget.
1127 */
1128 get: function () {
1129 return this._layout;
1130 },
1131 /**
1132 * Set the layout for the widget.
1133 *
1134 * #### Notes
1135 * The layout is single-use only. It cannot be changed after the
1136 * first assignment.
1137 *
1138 * The layout is disposed automatically when the widget is disposed.
1139 */
1140 set: function (value) {
1141 if (this._layout === value) {
1142 return;
1143 }
1144 if (this.testFlag(Widget.Flag.DisallowLayout)) {
1145 throw new Error('Cannot set widget layout.');
1146 }
1147 if (this._layout) {
1148 throw new Error('Cannot change widget layout.');
1149 }
1150 if (value.parent) {
1151 throw new Error('Cannot change layout parent.');
1152 }
1153 this._layout = value;
1154 value.parent = this;
1155 },
1156 enumerable: true,
1157 configurable: true
1158 });
1159 /**
1160 * Create an iterator over the widget's children.
1161 *
1162 * @returns A new iterator over the children of the widget.
1163 *
1164 * #### Notes
1165 * The widget must have a populated layout in order to have children.
1166 *
1167 * If a layout is not installed, the returned iterator will be empty.
1168 */
1169 Widget.prototype.children = function () {
1170 return this._layout ? this._layout.iter() : empty();
1171 };
1172 /**
1173 * Test whether a widget is a descendant of this widget.
1174 *
1175 * @param widget - The descendant widget of interest.
1176 *
1177 * @returns `true` if the widget is a descendant, `false` otherwise.
1178 */
1179 Widget.prototype.contains = function (widget) {
1180 for (var value = widget; value; value = value._parent) {
1181 if (value === this) {
1182 return true;
1183 }
1184 }
1185 return false;
1186 };
1187 /**
1188 * Test whether the widget's DOM node has the given class name.
1189 *
1190 * @param name - The class name of interest.
1191 *
1192 * @returns `true` if the node has the class, `false` otherwise.
1193 */
1194 Widget.prototype.hasClass = function (name) {
1195 return this.node.classList.contains(name);
1196 };
1197 /**
1198 * Add a class name to the widget's DOM node.
1199 *
1200 * @param name - The class name to add to the node.
1201 *
1202 * #### Notes
1203 * If the class name is already added to the node, this is a no-op.
1204 *
1205 * The class name must not contain whitespace.
1206 */
1207 Widget.prototype.addClass = function (name) {
1208 this.node.classList.add(name);
1209 };
1210 /**
1211 * Remove a class name from the widget's DOM node.
1212 *
1213 * @param name - The class name to remove from the node.
1214 *
1215 * #### Notes
1216 * If the class name is not yet added to the node, this is a no-op.
1217 *
1218 * The class name must not contain whitespace.
1219 */
1220 Widget.prototype.removeClass = function (name) {
1221 this.node.classList.remove(name);
1222 };
1223 /**
1224 * Toggle a class name on the widget's DOM node.
1225 *
1226 * @param name - The class name to toggle on the node.
1227 *
1228 * @param force - Whether to force add the class (`true`) or force
1229 * remove the class (`false`). If not provided, the presence of
1230 * the class will be toggled from its current state.
1231 *
1232 * @returns `true` if the class is now present, `false` otherwise.
1233 *
1234 * #### Notes
1235 * The class name must not contain whitespace.
1236 */
1237 Widget.prototype.toggleClass = function (name, force) {
1238 if (force === true) {
1239 this.node.classList.add(name);
1240 return true;
1241 }
1242 if (force === false) {
1243 this.node.classList.remove(name);
1244 return false;
1245 }
1246 return this.node.classList.toggle(name);
1247 };
1248 /**
1249 * Post an `'update-request'` message to the widget.
1250 *
1251 * #### Notes
1252 * This is a simple convenience method for posting the message.
1253 */
1254 Widget.prototype.update = function () {
1255 MessageLoop.postMessage(this, Widget.Msg.UpdateRequest);
1256 };
1257 /**
1258 * Post a `'fit-request'` message to the widget.
1259 *
1260 * #### Notes
1261 * This is a simple convenience method for posting the message.
1262 */
1263 Widget.prototype.fit = function () {
1264 MessageLoop.postMessage(this, Widget.Msg.FitRequest);
1265 };
1266 /**
1267 * Post an `'activate-request'` message to the widget.
1268 *
1269 * #### Notes
1270 * This is a simple convenience method for posting the message.
1271 */
1272 Widget.prototype.activate = function () {
1273 MessageLoop.postMessage(this, Widget.Msg.ActivateRequest);
1274 };
1275 /**
1276 * Send a `'close-request'` message to the widget.
1277 *
1278 * #### Notes
1279 * This is a simple convenience method for sending the message.
1280 */
1281 Widget.prototype.close = function () {
1282 MessageLoop.sendMessage(this, Widget.Msg.CloseRequest);
1283 };
1284 /**
1285 * Show the widget and make it visible to its parent widget.
1286 *
1287 * #### Notes
1288 * This causes the [[isHidden]] property to be `false`.
1289 *
1290 * If the widget is not explicitly hidden, this is a no-op.
1291 */
1292 Widget.prototype.show = function () {
1293 if (!this.testFlag(Widget.Flag.IsHidden)) {
1294 return;
1295 }
1296 if (this.isAttached && (!this.parent || this.parent.isVisible)) {
1297 MessageLoop.sendMessage(this, Widget.Msg.BeforeShow);
1298 }
1299 this.clearFlag(Widget.Flag.IsHidden);
1300 this.node.removeAttribute('aria-hidden');
1301 if (this.hiddenMode === Widget.HiddenMode.Display) {
1302 this.removeClass('lm-mod-hidden');
1303 /* <DEPRECATED> */
1304 this.removeClass('p-mod-hidden');
1305 /* </DEPRECATED> */
1306 }
1307 else {
1308 this.node.style.transform = '';
1309 }
1310 if (this.isAttached && (!this.parent || this.parent.isVisible)) {
1311 MessageLoop.sendMessage(this, Widget.Msg.AfterShow);
1312 }
1313 if (this.parent) {
1314 var msg = new Widget.ChildMessage('child-shown', this);
1315 MessageLoop.sendMessage(this.parent, msg);
1316 }
1317 };
1318 /**
1319 * Hide the widget and make it hidden to its parent widget.
1320 *
1321 * #### Notes
1322 * This causes the [[isHidden]] property to be `true`.
1323 *
1324 * If the widget is explicitly hidden, this is a no-op.
1325 */
1326 Widget.prototype.hide = function () {
1327 if (this.testFlag(Widget.Flag.IsHidden)) {
1328 return;
1329 }
1330 if (this.isAttached && (!this.parent || this.parent.isVisible)) {
1331 MessageLoop.sendMessage(this, Widget.Msg.BeforeHide);
1332 }
1333 this.setFlag(Widget.Flag.IsHidden);
1334 this.node.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
1335 if (this.hiddenMode === Widget.HiddenMode.Display) {
1336 this.addClass('lm-mod-hidden');
1337 /* <DEPRECATED> */
1338 this.addClass('p-mod-hidden');
1339 /* </DEPRECATED> */
1340 }
1341 else {
1342 this.node.style.transform = 'scale(0)';
1343 }
1344 if (this.isAttached && (!this.parent || this.parent.isVisible)) {
1345 MessageLoop.sendMessage(this, Widget.Msg.AfterHide);
1346 }
1347 if (this.parent) {
1348 var msg = new Widget.ChildMessage('child-hidden', this);
1349 MessageLoop.sendMessage(this.parent, msg);
1350 }
1351 };
1352 /**
1353 * Show or hide the widget according to a boolean value.
1354 *
1355 * @param hidden - `true` to hide the widget, or `false` to show it.
1356 *
1357 * #### Notes
1358 * This is a convenience method for `hide()` and `show()`.
1359 */
1360 Widget.prototype.setHidden = function (hidden) {
1361 if (hidden) {
1362 this.hide();
1363 }
1364 else {
1365 this.show();
1366 }
1367 };
1368 /**
1369 * Test whether the given widget flag is set.
1370 *
1371 * #### Notes
1372 * This will not typically be called directly by user code.
1373 */
1374 Widget.prototype.testFlag = function (flag) {
1375 return (this._flags & flag) !== 0;
1376 };
1377 /**
1378 * Set the given widget flag.
1379 *
1380 * #### Notes
1381 * This will not typically be called directly by user code.
1382 */
1383 Widget.prototype.setFlag = function (flag) {
1384 this._flags |= flag;
1385 };
1386 /**
1387 * Clear the given widget flag.
1388 *
1389 * #### Notes
1390 * This will not typically be called directly by user code.
1391 */
1392 Widget.prototype.clearFlag = function (flag) {
1393 this._flags &= ~flag;
1394 };
1395 /**
1396 * Process a message sent to the widget.
1397 *
1398 * @param msg - The message sent to the widget.
1399 *
1400 * #### Notes
1401 * Subclasses may reimplement this method as needed.
1402 */
1403 Widget.prototype.processMessage = function (msg) {
1404 switch (msg.type) {
1405 case 'resize':
1406 this.notifyLayout(msg);
1407 this.onResize(msg);
1408 break;
1409 case 'update-request':
1410 this.notifyLayout(msg);
1411 this.onUpdateRequest(msg);
1412 break;
1413 case 'fit-request':
1414 this.notifyLayout(msg);
1415 this.onFitRequest(msg);
1416 break;
1417 case 'before-show':
1418 this.notifyLayout(msg);
1419 this.onBeforeShow(msg);
1420 break;
1421 case 'after-show':
1422 this.setFlag(Widget.Flag.IsVisible);
1423 this.notifyLayout(msg);
1424 this.onAfterShow(msg);
1425 break;
1426 case 'before-hide':
1427 this.notifyLayout(msg);
1428 this.onBeforeHide(msg);
1429 break;
1430 case 'after-hide':
1431 this.clearFlag(Widget.Flag.IsVisible);
1432 this.notifyLayout(msg);
1433 this.onAfterHide(msg);
1434 break;
1435 case 'before-attach':
1436 this.notifyLayout(msg);
1437 this.onBeforeAttach(msg);
1438 break;
1439 case 'after-attach':
1440 if (!this.isHidden && (!this.parent || this.parent.isVisible)) {
1441 this.setFlag(Widget.Flag.IsVisible);
1442 }
1443 this.setFlag(Widget.Flag.IsAttached);
1444 this.notifyLayout(msg);
1445 this.onAfterAttach(msg);
1446 break;
1447 case 'before-detach':
1448 this.notifyLayout(msg);
1449 this.onBeforeDetach(msg);
1450 break;
1451 case 'after-detach':
1452 this.clearFlag(Widget.Flag.IsVisible);
1453 this.clearFlag(Widget.Flag.IsAttached);
1454 this.notifyLayout(msg);
1455 this.onAfterDetach(msg);
1456 break;
1457 case 'activate-request':
1458 this.notifyLayout(msg);
1459 this.onActivateRequest(msg);
1460 break;
1461 case 'close-request':
1462 this.notifyLayout(msg);
1463 this.onCloseRequest(msg);
1464 break;
1465 case 'child-added':
1466 this.notifyLayout(msg);
1467 this.onChildAdded(msg);
1468 break;
1469 case 'child-removed':
1470 this.notifyLayout(msg);
1471 this.onChildRemoved(msg);
1472 break;
1473 default:
1474 this.notifyLayout(msg);
1475 break;
1476 }
1477 };
1478 /**
1479 * Invoke the message processing routine of the widget's layout.
1480 *
1481 * @param msg - The message to dispatch to the layout.
1482 *
1483 * #### Notes
1484 * This is a no-op if the widget does not have a layout.
1485 *
1486 * This will not typically be called directly by user code.
1487 */
1488 Widget.prototype.notifyLayout = function (msg) {
1489 if (this._layout) {
1490 this._layout.processParentMessage(msg);
1491 }
1492 };
1493 /**
1494 * A message handler invoked on a `'close-request'` message.
1495 *
1496 * #### Notes
1497 * The default implementation unparents or detaches the widget.
1498 */
1499 Widget.prototype.onCloseRequest = function (msg) {
1500 if (this.parent) {
1501 this.parent = null;
1502 }
1503 else if (this.isAttached) {
1504 Widget.detach(this);
1505 }
1506 };
1507 /**
1508 * A message handler invoked on a `'resize'` message.
1509 *
1510 * #### Notes
1511 * The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
1512 */
1513 Widget.prototype.onResize = function (msg) { };
1514 /**
1515 * A message handler invoked on an `'update-request'` message.
1516 *
1517 * #### Notes
1518 * The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
1519 */
1520 Widget.prototype.onUpdateRequest = function (msg) { };
1521 /**
1522 * A message handler invoked on a `'fit-request'` message.
1523 *
1524 * #### Notes
1525 * The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
1526 */
1527 Widget.prototype.onFitRequest = function (msg) { };
1528 /**
1529 * A message handler invoked on an `'activate-request'` message.
1530 *
1531 * #### Notes
1532 * The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
1533 */
1534 Widget.prototype.onActivateRequest = function (msg) { };
1535 /**
1536 * A message handler invoked on a `'before-show'` message.
1537 *
1538 * #### Notes
1539 * The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
1540 */
1541 Widget.prototype.onBeforeShow = function (msg) { };
1542 /**
1543 * A message handler invoked on an `'after-show'` message.
1544 *
1545 * #### Notes
1546 * The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
1547 */
1548 Widget.prototype.onAfterShow = function (msg) { };
1549 /**
1550 * A message handler invoked on a `'before-hide'` message.
1551 *
1552 * #### Notes
1553 * The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
1554 */
1555 Widget.prototype.onBeforeHide = function (msg) { };
1556 /**
1557 * A message handler invoked on an `'after-hide'` message.
1558 *
1559 * #### Notes
1560 * The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
1561 */
1562 Widget.prototype.onAfterHide = function (msg) { };
1563 /**
1564 * A message handler invoked on a `'before-attach'` message.
1565 *
1566 * #### Notes
1567 * The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
1568 */
1569 Widget.prototype.onBeforeAttach = function (msg) { };
1570 /**
1571 * A message handler invoked on an `'after-attach'` message.
1572 *
1573 * #### Notes
1574 * The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
1575 */
1576 Widget.prototype.onAfterAttach = function (msg) { };
1577 /**
1578 * A message handler invoked on a `'before-detach'` message.
1579 *
1580 * #### Notes
1581 * The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
1582 */
1583 Widget.prototype.onBeforeDetach = function (msg) { };
1584 /**
1585 * A message handler invoked on an `'after-detach'` message.
1586 *
1587 * #### Notes
1588 * The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
1589 */
1590 Widget.prototype.onAfterDetach = function (msg) { };
1591 /**
1592 * A message handler invoked on a `'child-added'` message.
1593 *
1594 * #### Notes
1595 * The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
1596 */
1597 Widget.prototype.onChildAdded = function (msg) { };
1598 /**
1599 * A message handler invoked on a `'child-removed'` message.
1600 *
1601 * #### Notes
1602 * The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
1603 */
1604 Widget.prototype.onChildRemoved = function (msg) { };
1605 return Widget;
1608 * The namespace for the `Widget` class statics.
1609 */
1610(function (Widget) {
1611 (function (HiddenMode) {
1612 /**
1613 * Set a `lm-mod-hidden` CSS class to hide the widget using `display:none`
1614 * CSS from the standard Lumino CSS.
1615 */
1616 HiddenMode[HiddenMode["Display"] = 0] = "Display";
1617 /**
1618 * Hide the widget by setting the `transform` to `'scale(0)'`.
1619 */
1620 HiddenMode[HiddenMode["Scale"] = 1] = "Scale";
1621 })(Widget.HiddenMode || (Widget.HiddenMode = {}));
1622 (function (Flag) {
1623 /**
1624 * The widget has been disposed.
1625 */
1626 Flag[Flag["IsDisposed"] = 1] = "IsDisposed";
1627 /**
1628 * The widget is attached to the DOM.
1629 */
1630 Flag[Flag["IsAttached"] = 2] = "IsAttached";
1631 /**
1632 * The widget is hidden.
1633 */
1634 Flag[Flag["IsHidden"] = 4] = "IsHidden";
1635 /**
1636 * The widget is visible.
1637 */
1638 Flag[Flag["IsVisible"] = 8] = "IsVisible";
1639 /**
1640 * A layout cannot be set on the widget.
1641 */
1642 Flag[Flag["DisallowLayout"] = 16] = "DisallowLayout";
1643 })(Widget.Flag || (Widget.Flag = {}));
1644 (function (Msg) {
1645 /**
1646 * A singleton `'before-show'` message.
1647 *
1648 * #### Notes
1649 * This message is sent to a widget before it becomes visible.
1650 *
1651 * This message is **not** sent when the widget is being attached.
1652 */
1653 Msg.BeforeShow = new Message('before-show');
1654 /**
1655 * A singleton `'after-show'` message.
1656 *
1657 * #### Notes
1658 * This message is sent to a widget after it becomes visible.
1659 *
1660 * This message is **not** sent when the widget is being attached.
1661 */
1662 Msg.AfterShow = new Message('after-show');
1663 /**
1664 * A singleton `'before-hide'` message.
1665 *
1666 * #### Notes
1667 * This message is sent to a widget before it becomes not-visible.
1668 *
1669 * This message is **not** sent when the widget is being detached.
1670 */
1671 Msg.BeforeHide = new Message('before-hide');
1672 /**
1673 * A singleton `'after-hide'` message.
1674 *
1675 * #### Notes
1676 * This message is sent to a widget after it becomes not-visible.
1677 *
1678 * This message is **not** sent when the widget is being detached.
1679 */
1680 Msg.AfterHide = new Message('after-hide');
1681 /**
1682 * A singleton `'before-attach'` message.
1683 *
1684 * #### Notes
1685 * This message is sent to a widget before it is attached.
1686 */
1687 Msg.BeforeAttach = new Message('before-attach');
1688 /**
1689 * A singleton `'after-attach'` message.
1690 *
1691 * #### Notes
1692 * This message is sent to a widget after it is attached.
1693 */
1694 Msg.AfterAttach = new Message('after-attach');
1695 /**
1696 * A singleton `'before-detach'` message.
1697 *
1698 * #### Notes
1699 * This message is sent to a widget before it is detached.
1700 */
1701 Msg.BeforeDetach = new Message('before-detach');
1702 /**
1703 * A singleton `'after-detach'` message.
1704 *
1705 * #### Notes
1706 * This message is sent to a widget after it is detached.
1707 */
1708 Msg.AfterDetach = new Message('after-detach');
1709 /**
1710 * A singleton `'parent-changed'` message.
1711 *
1712 * #### Notes
1713 * This message is sent to a widget when its parent has changed.
1714 */
1715 Msg.ParentChanged = new Message('parent-changed');
1716 /**
1717 * A singleton conflatable `'update-request'` message.
1718 *
1719 * #### Notes
1720 * This message can be dispatched to supporting widgets in order to
1721 * update their content based on the current widget state. Not all
1722 * widgets will respond to messages of this type.
1723 *
1724 * For widgets with a layout, this message will inform the layout to
1725 * update the position and size of its child widgets.
1726 */
1727 Msg.UpdateRequest = new ConflatableMessage('update-request');
1728 /**
1729 * A singleton conflatable `'fit-request'` message.
1730 *
1731 * #### Notes
1732 * For widgets with a layout, this message will inform the layout to
1733 * recalculate its size constraints to fit the space requirements of
1734 * its child widgets, and to update their position and size. Not all
1735 * layouts will respond to messages of this type.
1736 */
1737 Msg.FitRequest = new ConflatableMessage('fit-request');
1738 /**
1739 * A singleton conflatable `'activate-request'` message.
1740 *
1741 * #### Notes
1742 * This message should be dispatched to a widget when it should
1743 * perform the actions necessary to activate the widget, which
1744 * may include focusing its node or descendant node.
1745 */
1746 Msg.ActivateRequest = new ConflatableMessage('activate-request');
1747 /**
1748 * A singleton conflatable `'close-request'` message.
1749 *
1750 * #### Notes
1751 * This message should be dispatched to a widget when it should close
1752 * and remove itself from the widget hierarchy.
1753 */
1754 Msg.CloseRequest = new ConflatableMessage('close-request');
1755 })(Widget.Msg || (Widget.Msg = {}));
1756 /**
1757 * A message class for child related messages.
1758 */
1759 var ChildMessage = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1760 __extends(ChildMessage, _super);
1761 /**
1762 * Construct a new child message.
1763 *
1764 * @param type - The message type.
1765 *
1766 * @param child - The child widget for the message.
1767 */
1768 function ChildMessage(type, child) {
1769 var _this = _super.call(this, type) || this;
1770 _this.child = child;
1771 return _this;
1772 }
1773 return ChildMessage;
1774 }(Message));
1775 Widget.ChildMessage = ChildMessage;
1776 /**
1777 * A message class for `'resize'` messages.
1778 */
1779 var ResizeMessage = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1780 __extends(ResizeMessage, _super);
1781 /**
1782 * Construct a new resize message.
1783 *
1784 * @param width - The **offset width** of the widget, or `-1` if
1785 * the width is not known.
1786 *
1787 * @param height - The **offset height** of the widget, or `-1` if
1788 * the height is not known.
1789 */
1790 function ResizeMessage(width, height) {
1791 var _this = _super.call(this, 'resize') || this;
1792 _this.width = width;
1793 _this.height = height;
1794 return _this;
1795 }
1796 return ResizeMessage;
1797 }(Message));
1798 Widget.ResizeMessage = ResizeMessage;
1799 /**
1800 * The namespace for the `ResizeMessage` class statics.
1801 */
1802 (function (ResizeMessage) {
1803 /**
1804 * A singleton `'resize'` message with an unknown size.
1805 */
1806 ResizeMessage.UnknownSize = new ResizeMessage(-1, -1);
1807 })(ResizeMessage = Widget.ResizeMessage || (Widget.ResizeMessage = {}));
1808 /**
1809 * Attach a widget to a host DOM node.
1810 *
1811 * @param widget - The widget of interest.
1812 *
1813 * @param host - The DOM node to use as the widget's host.
1814 *
1815 * @param ref - The child of `host` to use as the reference element.
1816 * If this is provided, the widget will be inserted before this
1817 * node in the host. The default is `null`, which will cause the
1818 * widget to be added as the last child of the host.
1819 *
1820 * #### Notes
1821 * This will throw an error if the widget is not a root widget, if
1822 * the widget is already attached, or if the host is not attached
1823 * to the DOM.
1824 */
1825 function attach(widget, host, ref) {
1826 if (ref === void 0) { ref = null; }
1827 if (widget.parent) {
1828 throw new Error('Cannot attach a child widget.');
1829 }
1830 if (widget.isAttached || widget.node.isConnected) {
1831 throw new Error('Widget is already attached.');
1832 }
1833 if (!host.isConnected) {
1834 throw new Error('Host is not attached.');
1835 }
1836 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.BeforeAttach);
1837 host.insertBefore(widget.node, ref);
1838 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.AfterAttach);
1839 }
1840 Widget.attach = attach;
1841 /**
1842 * Detach the widget from its host DOM node.
1843 *
1844 * @param widget - The widget of interest.
1845 *
1846 * #### Notes
1847 * This will throw an error if the widget is not a root widget,
1848 * or if the widget is not attached to the DOM.
1849 */
1850 function detach(widget) {
1851 if (widget.parent) {
1852 throw new Error('Cannot detach a child widget.');
1853 }
1854 if (!widget.isAttached || !widget.node.isConnected) {
1855 throw new Error('Widget is not attached.');
1856 }
1857 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.BeforeDetach);
1858 widget.node.parentNode.removeChild(widget.node);
1859 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.AfterDetach);
1860 }
1861 Widget.detach = detach;
1862})(Widget || (Widget = {}));
1864 * The namespace for the module implementation details.
1865 */
1866var Private$j;
1867(function (Private) {
1868 /**
1869 * An attached property for the widget title object.
1870 */
1871 Private.titleProperty = new AttachedProperty({
1872 name: 'title',
1873 create: function (owner) { return new Title({ owner: owner }); }
1874 });
1875 /**
1876 * Create a DOM node for the given widget options.
1877 */
1878 function createNode(options) {
1879 return options.node || document.createElement(options.tag || 'div');
1880 }
1881 Private.createNode = createNode;
1882})(Private$j || (Private$j = {}));
1884/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function */
1886 * An abstract base class for creating lumino layouts.
1887 *
1888 * #### Notes
1889 * A layout is used to add widgets to a parent and to arrange those
1890 * widgets within the parent's DOM node.
1891 *
1892 * This class implements the base functionality which is required of
1893 * nearly all layouts. It must be subclassed in order to be useful.
1894 *
1895 * Notably, this class does not define a uniform interface for adding
1896 * widgets to the layout. A subclass should define that API in a way
1897 * which is meaningful for its intended use.
1898 */
1899var Layout = /** @class */ (function () {
1900 /**
1901 * Construct a new layout.
1902 *
1903 * @param options - The options for initializing the layout.
1904 */
1905 function Layout(options) {
1906 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
1907 this._disposed = false;
1908 this._parent = null;
1909 this._fitPolicy = options.fitPolicy || 'set-min-size';
1910 }
1911 /**
1912 * Dispose of the resources held by the layout.
1913 *
1914 * #### Notes
1915 * This should be reimplemented to clear and dispose of the widgets.
1916 *
1917 * All reimplementations should call the superclass method.
1918 *
1919 * This method is called automatically when the parent is disposed.
1920 */
1921 Layout.prototype.dispose = function () {
1922 this._parent = null;
1923 this._disposed = true;
1924 Signal.clearData(this);
1925 AttachedProperty.clearData(this);
1926 };
1927 Object.defineProperty(Layout.prototype, "isDisposed", {
1928 /**
1929 * Test whether the layout is disposed.
1930 */
1931 get: function () {
1932 return this._disposed;
1933 },
1934 enumerable: true,
1935 configurable: true
1936 });
1937 Object.defineProperty(Layout.prototype, "parent", {
1938 /**
1939 * Get the parent widget of the layout.
1940 */
1941 get: function () {
1942 return this._parent;
1943 },
1944 /**
1945 * Set the parent widget of the layout.
1946 *
1947 * #### Notes
1948 * This is set automatically when installing the layout on the parent
1949 * widget. The parent widget should not be set directly by user code.
1950 */
1951 set: function (value) {
1952 if (this._parent === value) {
1953 return;
1954 }
1955 if (this._parent) {
1956 throw new Error('Cannot change parent widget.');
1957 }
1958 if (value.layout !== this) {
1959 throw new Error('Invalid parent widget.');
1960 }
1961 this._parent = value;
1962 this.init();
1963 },
1964 enumerable: true,
1965 configurable: true
1966 });
1967 Object.defineProperty(Layout.prototype, "fitPolicy", {
1968 /**
1969 * Get the fit policy for the layout.
1970 *
1971 * #### Notes
1972 * The fit policy controls the computed size constraints which are
1973 * applied to the parent widget by the layout.
1974 *
1975 * Some layout implementations may ignore the fit policy.
1976 */
1977 get: function () {
1978 return this._fitPolicy;
1979 },
1980 /**
1981 * Set the fit policy for the layout.
1982 *
1983 * #### Notes
1984 * The fit policy controls the computed size constraints which are
1985 * applied to the parent widget by the layout.
1986 *
1987 * Some layout implementations may ignore the fit policy.
1988 *
1989 * Changing the fit policy will clear the current size constraint
1990 * for the parent widget and then re-fit the parent.
1991 */
1992 set: function (value) {
1993 // Bail if the policy does not change
1994 if (this._fitPolicy === value) {
1995 return;
1996 }
1997 // Update the internal policy.
1998 this._fitPolicy = value;
1999 // Clear the size constraints and schedule a fit of the parent.
2000 if (this._parent) {
2001 var style = this._parent.node.style;
2002 style.minWidth = '';
2003 style.minHeight = '';
2004 style.maxWidth = '';
2005 style.maxHeight = '';
2006 this._parent.fit();
2007 }
2008 },
2009 enumerable: true,
2010 configurable: true
2011 });
2012 /**
2013 * Process a message sent to the parent widget.
2014 *
2015 * @param msg - The message sent to the parent widget.
2016 *
2017 * #### Notes
2018 * This method is called by the parent widget to process a message.
2019 *
2020 * Subclasses may reimplement this method as needed.
2021 */
2022 Layout.prototype.processParentMessage = function (msg) {
2023 switch (msg.type) {
2024 case 'resize':
2025 this.onResize(msg);
2026 break;
2027 case 'update-request':
2028 this.onUpdateRequest(msg);
2029 break;
2030 case 'fit-request':
2031 this.onFitRequest(msg);
2032 break;
2033 case 'before-show':
2034 this.onBeforeShow(msg);
2035 break;
2036 case 'after-show':
2037 this.onAfterShow(msg);
2038 break;
2039 case 'before-hide':
2040 this.onBeforeHide(msg);
2041 break;
2042 case 'after-hide':
2043 this.onAfterHide(msg);
2044 break;
2045 case 'before-attach':
2046 this.onBeforeAttach(msg);
2047 break;
2048 case 'after-attach':
2049 this.onAfterAttach(msg);
2050 break;
2051 case 'before-detach':
2052 this.onBeforeDetach(msg);
2053 break;
2054 case 'after-detach':
2055 this.onAfterDetach(msg);
2056 break;
2057 case 'child-removed':
2058 this.onChildRemoved(msg);
2059 break;
2060 case 'child-shown':
2061 this.onChildShown(msg);
2062 break;
2063 case 'child-hidden':
2064 this.onChildHidden(msg);
2065 break;
2066 }
2067 };
2068 /**
2069 * Perform layout initialization which requires the parent widget.
2070 *
2071 * #### Notes
2072 * This method is invoked immediately after the layout is installed
2073 * on the parent widget.
2074 *
2075 * The default implementation reparents all of the widgets to the
2076 * layout parent widget.
2077 *
2078 * Subclasses should reimplement this method and attach the child
2079 * widget nodes to the parent widget's node.
2080 */
2081 Layout.prototype.init = function () {
2082 var _this = this;
2083 each(this, function (widget) {
2084 widget.parent = _this.parent;
2085 });
2086 };
2087 /**
2088 * A message handler invoked on a `'resize'` message.
2089 *
2090 * #### Notes
2091 * The layout should ensure that its widgets are resized according
2092 * to the specified layout space, and that they are sent a `'resize'`
2093 * message if appropriate.
2094 *
2095 * The default implementation of this method sends an `UnknownSize`
2096 * resize message to all widgets.
2097 *
2098 * This may be reimplemented by subclasses as needed.
2099 */
2100 Layout.prototype.onResize = function (msg) {
2101 each(this, function (widget) {
2102 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.ResizeMessage.UnknownSize);
2103 });
2104 };
2105 /**
2106 * A message handler invoked on an `'update-request'` message.
2107 *
2108 * #### Notes
2109 * The layout should ensure that its widgets are resized according
2110 * to the available layout space, and that they are sent a `'resize'`
2111 * message if appropriate.
2112 *
2113 * The default implementation of this method sends an `UnknownSize`
2114 * resize message to all widgets.
2115 *
2116 * This may be reimplemented by subclasses as needed.
2117 */
2118 Layout.prototype.onUpdateRequest = function (msg) {
2119 each(this, function (widget) {
2120 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.ResizeMessage.UnknownSize);
2121 });
2122 };
2123 /**
2124 * A message handler invoked on a `'before-attach'` message.
2125 *
2126 * #### Notes
2127 * The default implementation of this method forwards the message
2128 * to all widgets. It assumes all widget nodes are attached to the
2129 * parent widget node.
2130 *
2131 * This may be reimplemented by subclasses as needed.
2132 */
2133 Layout.prototype.onBeforeAttach = function (msg) {
2134 each(this, function (widget) {
2135 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, msg);
2136 });
2137 };
2138 /**
2139 * A message handler invoked on an `'after-attach'` message.
2140 *
2141 * #### Notes
2142 * The default implementation of this method forwards the message
2143 * to all widgets. It assumes all widget nodes are attached to the
2144 * parent widget node.
2145 *
2146 * This may be reimplemented by subclasses as needed.
2147 */
2148 Layout.prototype.onAfterAttach = function (msg) {
2149 each(this, function (widget) {
2150 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, msg);
2151 });
2152 };
2153 /**
2154 * A message handler invoked on a `'before-detach'` message.
2155 *
2156 * #### Notes
2157 * The default implementation of this method forwards the message
2158 * to all widgets. It assumes all widget nodes are attached to the
2159 * parent widget node.
2160 *
2161 * This may be reimplemented by subclasses as needed.
2162 */
2163 Layout.prototype.onBeforeDetach = function (msg) {
2164 each(this, function (widget) {
2165 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, msg);
2166 });
2167 };
2168 /**
2169 * A message handler invoked on an `'after-detach'` message.
2170 *
2171 * #### Notes
2172 * The default implementation of this method forwards the message
2173 * to all widgets. It assumes all widget nodes are attached to the
2174 * parent widget node.
2175 *
2176 * This may be reimplemented by subclasses as needed.
2177 */
2178 Layout.prototype.onAfterDetach = function (msg) {
2179 each(this, function (widget) {
2180 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, msg);
2181 });
2182 };
2183 /**
2184 * A message handler invoked on a `'before-show'` message.
2185 *
2186 * #### Notes
2187 * The default implementation of this method forwards the message to
2188 * all non-hidden widgets. It assumes all widget nodes are attached
2189 * to the parent widget node.
2190 *
2191 * This may be reimplemented by subclasses as needed.
2192 */
2193 Layout.prototype.onBeforeShow = function (msg) {
2194 each(this, function (widget) {
2195 if (!widget.isHidden) {
2196 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, msg);
2197 }
2198 });
2199 };
2200 /**
2201 * A message handler invoked on an `'after-show'` message.
2202 *
2203 * #### Notes
2204 * The default implementation of this method forwards the message to
2205 * all non-hidden widgets. It assumes all widget nodes are attached
2206 * to the parent widget node.
2207 *
2208 * This may be reimplemented by subclasses as needed.
2209 */
2210 Layout.prototype.onAfterShow = function (msg) {
2211 each(this, function (widget) {
2212 if (!widget.isHidden) {
2213 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, msg);
2214 }
2215 });
2216 };
2217 /**
2218 * A message handler invoked on a `'before-hide'` message.
2219 *
2220 * #### Notes
2221 * The default implementation of this method forwards the message to
2222 * all non-hidden widgets. It assumes all widget nodes are attached
2223 * to the parent widget node.
2224 *
2225 * This may be reimplemented by subclasses as needed.
2226 */
2227 Layout.prototype.onBeforeHide = function (msg) {
2228 each(this, function (widget) {
2229 if (!widget.isHidden) {
2230 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, msg);
2231 }
2232 });
2233 };
2234 /**
2235 * A message handler invoked on an `'after-hide'` message.
2236 *
2237 * #### Notes
2238 * The default implementation of this method forwards the message to
2239 * all non-hidden widgets. It assumes all widget nodes are attached
2240 * to the parent widget node.
2241 *
2242 * This may be reimplemented by subclasses as needed.
2243 */
2244 Layout.prototype.onAfterHide = function (msg) {
2245 each(this, function (widget) {
2246 if (!widget.isHidden) {
2247 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, msg);
2248 }
2249 });
2250 };
2251 /**
2252 * A message handler invoked on a `'child-removed'` message.
2253 *
2254 * #### Notes
2255 * This will remove the child widget from the layout.
2256 *
2257 * Subclasses should **not** typically reimplement this method.
2258 */
2259 Layout.prototype.onChildRemoved = function (msg) {
2260 this.removeWidget(msg.child);
2261 };
2262 /**
2263 * A message handler invoked on a `'fit-request'` message.
2264 *
2265 * #### Notes
2266 * The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
2267 */
2268 Layout.prototype.onFitRequest = function (msg) { };
2269 /**
2270 * A message handler invoked on a `'child-shown'` message.
2271 *
2272 * #### Notes
2273 * The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
2274 */
2275 Layout.prototype.onChildShown = function (msg) { };
2276 /**
2277 * A message handler invoked on a `'child-hidden'` message.
2278 *
2279 * #### Notes
2280 * The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
2281 */
2282 Layout.prototype.onChildHidden = function (msg) { };
2283 return Layout;
2286 * The namespace for the `Layout` class statics.
2287 */
2288(function (Layout) {
2289 /**
2290 * Get the horizontal alignment for a widget.
2291 *
2292 * @param widget - The widget of interest.
2293 *
2294 * @returns The horizontal alignment for the widget.
2295 *
2296 * #### Notes
2297 * If the layout width allocated to a widget is larger than its max
2298 * width, the horizontal alignment controls how the widget is placed
2299 * within the extra horizontal space.
2300 *
2301 * If the allocated width is less than the widget's max width, the
2302 * horizontal alignment has no effect.
2303 *
2304 * Some layout implementations may ignore horizontal alignment.
2305 */
2306 function getHorizontalAlignment(widget) {
2307 return Private$i.horizontalAlignmentProperty.get(widget);
2308 }
2309 Layout.getHorizontalAlignment = getHorizontalAlignment;
2310 /**
2311 * Set the horizontal alignment for a widget.
2312 *
2313 * @param widget - The widget of interest.
2314 *
2315 * @param value - The value for the horizontal alignment.
2316 *
2317 * #### Notes
2318 * If the layout width allocated to a widget is larger than its max
2319 * width, the horizontal alignment controls how the widget is placed
2320 * within the extra horizontal space.
2321 *
2322 * If the allocated width is less than the widget's max width, the
2323 * horizontal alignment has no effect.
2324 *
2325 * Some layout implementations may ignore horizontal alignment.
2326 *
2327 * Changing the horizontal alignment will post an `update-request`
2328 * message to widget's parent, provided the parent has a layout
2329 * installed.
2330 */
2331 function setHorizontalAlignment(widget, value) {
2332 Private$i.horizontalAlignmentProperty.set(widget, value);
2333 }
2334 Layout.setHorizontalAlignment = setHorizontalAlignment;
2335 /**
2336 * Get the vertical alignment for a widget.
2337 *
2338 * @param widget - The widget of interest.
2339 *
2340 * @returns The vertical alignment for the widget.
2341 *
2342 * #### Notes
2343 * If the layout height allocated to a widget is larger than its max
2344 * height, the vertical alignment controls how the widget is placed
2345 * within the extra vertical space.
2346 *
2347 * If the allocated height is less than the widget's max height, the
2348 * vertical alignment has no effect.
2349 *
2350 * Some layout implementations may ignore vertical alignment.
2351 */
2352 function getVerticalAlignment(widget) {
2353 return Private$i.verticalAlignmentProperty.get(widget);
2354 }
2355 Layout.getVerticalAlignment = getVerticalAlignment;
2356 /**
2357 * Set the vertical alignment for a widget.
2358 *
2359 * @param widget - The widget of interest.
2360 *
2361 * @param value - The value for the vertical alignment.
2362 *
2363 * #### Notes
2364 * If the layout height allocated to a widget is larger than its max
2365 * height, the vertical alignment controls how the widget is placed
2366 * within the extra vertical space.
2367 *
2368 * If the allocated height is less than the widget's max height, the
2369 * vertical alignment has no effect.
2370 *
2371 * Some layout implementations may ignore vertical alignment.
2372 *
2373 * Changing the horizontal alignment will post an `update-request`
2374 * message to widget's parent, provided the parent has a layout
2375 * installed.
2376 */
2377 function setVerticalAlignment(widget, value) {
2378 Private$i.verticalAlignmentProperty.set(widget, value);
2379 }
2380 Layout.setVerticalAlignment = setVerticalAlignment;
2381})(Layout || (Layout = {}));
2383 * An object which assists in the absolute layout of widgets.
2384 *
2385 * #### Notes
2386 * This class is useful when implementing a layout which arranges its
2387 * widgets using absolute positioning.
2388 *
2389 * This class is used by nearly all of the built-in lumino layouts.
2390 */
2391var LayoutItem = /** @class */ (function () {
2392 /**
2393 * Construct a new layout item.
2394 *
2395 * @param widget - The widget to be managed by the item.
2396 *
2397 * #### Notes
2398 * The widget will be set to absolute positioning.
2399 */
2400 function LayoutItem(widget) {
2401 this._top = NaN;
2402 this._left = NaN;
2403 this._width = NaN;
2404 this._height = NaN;
2405 this._minWidth = 0;
2406 this._minHeight = 0;
2407 this._maxWidth = Infinity;
2408 this._maxHeight = Infinity;
2409 this._disposed = false;
2410 this.widget = widget;
2411 this.widget.node.style.position = 'absolute';
2412 }
2413 /**
2414 * Dispose of the the layout item.
2415 *
2416 * #### Notes
2417 * This will reset the positioning of the widget.
2418 */
2419 LayoutItem.prototype.dispose = function () {
2420 // Do nothing if the item is already disposed.
2421 if (this._disposed) {
2422 return;
2423 }
2424 // Mark the item as disposed.
2425 this._disposed = true;
2426 // Reset the widget style.
2427 var style = this.widget.node.style;
2428 style.position = '';
2429 style.top = '';
2430 style.left = '';
2431 style.width = '';
2432 style.height = '';
2433 };
2434 Object.defineProperty(LayoutItem.prototype, "minWidth", {
2435 /**
2436 * The computed minimum width of the widget.
2437 *
2438 * #### Notes
2439 * This value can be updated by calling the `fit` method.
2440 */
2441 get: function () {
2442 return this._minWidth;
2443 },
2444 enumerable: true,
2445 configurable: true
2446 });
2447 Object.defineProperty(LayoutItem.prototype, "minHeight", {
2448 /**
2449 * The computed minimum height of the widget.
2450 *
2451 * #### Notes
2452 * This value can be updated by calling the `fit` method.
2453 */
2454 get: function () {
2455 return this._minHeight;
2456 },
2457 enumerable: true,
2458 configurable: true
2459 });
2460 Object.defineProperty(LayoutItem.prototype, "maxWidth", {
2461 /**
2462 * The computed maximum width of the widget.
2463 *
2464 * #### Notes
2465 * This value can be updated by calling the `fit` method.
2466 */
2467 get: function () {
2468 return this._maxWidth;
2469 },
2470 enumerable: true,
2471 configurable: true
2472 });
2473 Object.defineProperty(LayoutItem.prototype, "maxHeight", {
2474 /**
2475 * The computed maximum height of the widget.
2476 *
2477 * #### Notes
2478 * This value can be updated by calling the `fit` method.
2479 */
2480 get: function () {
2481 return this._maxHeight;
2482 },
2483 enumerable: true,
2484 configurable: true
2485 });
2486 Object.defineProperty(LayoutItem.prototype, "isDisposed", {
2487 /**
2488 * Whether the layout item is disposed.
2489 */
2490 get: function () {
2491 return this._disposed;
2492 },
2493 enumerable: true,
2494 configurable: true
2495 });
2496 Object.defineProperty(LayoutItem.prototype, "isHidden", {
2497 /**
2498 * Whether the managed widget is hidden.
2499 */
2500 get: function () {
2501 return this.widget.isHidden;
2502 },
2503 enumerable: true,
2504 configurable: true
2505 });
2506 Object.defineProperty(LayoutItem.prototype, "isVisible", {
2507 /**
2508 * Whether the managed widget is visible.
2509 */
2510 get: function () {
2511 return this.widget.isVisible;
2512 },
2513 enumerable: true,
2514 configurable: true
2515 });
2516 Object.defineProperty(LayoutItem.prototype, "isAttached", {
2517 /**
2518 * Whether the managed widget is attached.
2519 */
2520 get: function () {
2521 return this.widget.isAttached;
2522 },
2523 enumerable: true,
2524 configurable: true
2525 });
2526 /**
2527 * Update the computed size limits of the managed widget.
2528 */
2529 LayoutItem.prototype.fit = function () {
2530 var limits = ElementExt.sizeLimits(this.widget.node);
2531 this._minWidth = limits.minWidth;
2532 this._minHeight = limits.minHeight;
2533 this._maxWidth = limits.maxWidth;
2534 this._maxHeight = limits.maxHeight;
2535 };
2536 /**
2537 * Update the position and size of the managed widget.
2538 *
2539 * @param left - The left edge position of the layout box.
2540 *
2541 * @param top - The top edge position of the layout box.
2542 *
2543 * @param width - The width of the layout box.
2544 *
2545 * @param height - The height of the layout box.
2546 */
2547 LayoutItem.prototype.update = function (left, top, width, height) {
2548 // Clamp the size to the computed size limits.
2549 var clampW = Math.max(this._minWidth, Math.min(width, this._maxWidth));
2550 var clampH = Math.max(this._minHeight, Math.min(height, this._maxHeight));
2551 // Adjust the left edge for the horizontal alignment, if needed.
2552 if (clampW < width) {
2553 switch (Layout.getHorizontalAlignment(this.widget)) {
2554 case 'left':
2555 break;
2556 case 'center':
2557 left += (width - clampW) / 2;
2558 break;
2559 case 'right':
2560 left += width - clampW;
2561 break;
2562 default:
2563 throw 'unreachable';
2564 }
2565 }
2566 // Adjust the top edge for the vertical alignment, if needed.
2567 if (clampH < height) {
2568 switch (Layout.getVerticalAlignment(this.widget)) {
2569 case 'top':
2570 break;
2571 case 'center':
2572 top += (height - clampH) / 2;
2573 break;
2574 case 'bottom':
2575 top += height - clampH;
2576 break;
2577 default:
2578 throw 'unreachable';
2579 }
2580 }
2581 // Set up the resize variables.
2582 var resized = false;
2583 var style = this.widget.node.style;
2584 // Update the top edge of the widget if needed.
2585 if (this._top !== top) {
2586 this._top = top;
2587 style.top = top + "px";
2588 }
2589 // Update the left edge of the widget if needed.
2590 if (this._left !== left) {
2591 this._left = left;
2592 style.left = left + "px";
2593 }
2594 // Update the width of the widget if needed.
2595 if (this._width !== clampW) {
2596 resized = true;
2597 this._width = clampW;
2598 style.width = clampW + "px";
2599 }
2600 // Update the height of the widget if needed.
2601 if (this._height !== clampH) {
2602 resized = true;
2603 this._height = clampH;
2604 style.height = clampH + "px";
2605 }
2606 // Send a resize message to the widget if needed.
2607 if (resized) {
2608 var msg = new Widget.ResizeMessage(clampW, clampH);
2609 MessageLoop.sendMessage(this.widget, msg);
2610 }
2611 };
2612 return LayoutItem;
2615 * The namespace for the module implementation details.
2616 */
2617var Private$i;
2618(function (Private) {
2619 /**
2620 * The attached property for a widget horizontal alignment.
2621 */
2622 Private.horizontalAlignmentProperty = new AttachedProperty({
2623 name: 'horizontalAlignment',
2624 create: function () { return 'center'; },
2625 changed: onAlignmentChanged
2626 });
2627 /**
2628 * The attached property for a widget vertical alignment.
2629 */
2630 Private.verticalAlignmentProperty = new AttachedProperty({
2631 name: 'verticalAlignment',
2632 create: function () { return 'top'; },
2633 changed: onAlignmentChanged
2634 });
2635 /**
2636 * The change handler for the attached alignment properties.
2637 */
2638 function onAlignmentChanged(child) {
2639 if (child.parent && child.parent.layout) {
2640 child.parent.update();
2641 }
2642 }
2643})(Private$i || (Private$i = {}));
2646 * A concrete layout implementation suitable for many use cases.
2647 *
2648 * #### Notes
2649 * This class is suitable as a base class for implementing a variety of
2650 * layouts, but can also be used directly with standard CSS to layout a
2651 * collection of widgets.
2652 */
2653var PanelLayout = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
2654 __extends(PanelLayout, _super);
2655 function PanelLayout() {
2656 var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
2657 _this._widgets = [];
2658 return _this;
2659 }
2660 /**
2661 * Dispose of the resources held by the layout.
2662 *
2663 * #### Notes
2664 * This will clear and dispose all widgets in the layout.
2665 *
2666 * All reimplementations should call the superclass method.
2667 *
2668 * This method is called automatically when the parent is disposed.
2669 */
2670 PanelLayout.prototype.dispose = function () {
2671 while (this._widgets.length > 0) {
2672 this._widgets.pop().dispose();
2673 }
2674 _super.prototype.dispose.call(this);
2675 };
2676 Object.defineProperty(PanelLayout.prototype, "widgets", {
2677 /**
2678 * A read-only array of the widgets in the layout.
2679 */
2680 get: function () {
2681 return this._widgets;
2682 },
2683 enumerable: true,
2684 configurable: true
2685 });
2686 /**
2687 * Create an iterator over the widgets in the layout.
2688 *
2689 * @returns A new iterator over the widgets in the layout.
2690 */
2691 PanelLayout.prototype.iter = function () {
2692 return iter(this._widgets);
2693 };
2694 /**
2695 * Add a widget to the end of the layout.
2696 *
2697 * @param widget - The widget to add to the layout.
2698 *
2699 * #### Notes
2700 * If the widget is already contained in the layout, it will be moved.
2701 */
2702 PanelLayout.prototype.addWidget = function (widget) {
2703 this.insertWidget(this._widgets.length, widget);
2704 };
2705 /**
2706 * Insert a widget into the layout at the specified index.
2707 *
2708 * @param index - The index at which to insert the widget.
2709 *
2710 * @param widget - The widget to insert into the layout.
2711 *
2712 * #### Notes
2713 * The index will be clamped to the bounds of the widgets.
2714 *
2715 * If the widget is already added to the layout, it will be moved.
2716 *
2717 * #### Undefined Behavior
2718 * An `index` which is non-integral.
2719 */
2720 PanelLayout.prototype.insertWidget = function (index, widget) {
2721 // Remove the widget from its current parent. This is a no-op
2722 // if the widget's parent is already the layout parent widget.
2723 widget.parent = this.parent;
2724 // Look up the current index of the widget.
2725 var i = this._widgets.indexOf(widget);
2726 // Clamp the insert index to the array bounds.
2727 var j = Math.max(0, Math.min(index, this._widgets.length));
2728 // If the widget is not in the array, insert it.
2729 if (i === -1) {
2730 // Insert the widget into the array.
2731 ArrayExt.insert(this._widgets, j, widget);
2732 // If the layout is parented, attach the widget to the DOM.
2733 if (this.parent) {
2734 this.attachWidget(j, widget);
2735 }
2736 // There is nothing more to do.
2737 return;
2738 }
2739 // Otherwise, the widget exists in the array and should be moved.
2740 // Adjust the index if the location is at the end of the array.
2741 if (j === this._widgets.length) {
2742 j--;
2743 }
2744 // Bail if there is no effective move.
2745 if (i === j) {
2746 return;
2747 }
2748 // Move the widget to the new location.
2749 ArrayExt.move(this._widgets, i, j);
2750 // If the layout is parented, move the widget in the DOM.
2751 if (this.parent) {
2752 this.moveWidget(i, j, widget);
2753 }
2754 };
2755 /**
2756 * Remove a widget from the layout.
2757 *
2758 * @param widget - The widget to remove from the layout.
2759 *
2760 * #### Notes
2761 * A widget is automatically removed from the layout when its `parent`
2762 * is set to `null`. This method should only be invoked directly when
2763 * removing a widget from a layout which has yet to be installed on a
2764 * parent widget.
2765 *
2766 * This method does *not* modify the widget's `parent`.
2767 */
2768 PanelLayout.prototype.removeWidget = function (widget) {
2769 this.removeWidgetAt(this._widgets.indexOf(widget));
2770 };
2771 /**
2772 * Remove the widget at a given index from the layout.
2773 *
2774 * @param index - The index of the widget to remove.
2775 *
2776 * #### Notes
2777 * A widget is automatically removed from the layout when its `parent`
2778 * is set to `null`. This method should only be invoked directly when
2779 * removing a widget from a layout which has yet to be installed on a
2780 * parent widget.
2781 *
2782 * This method does *not* modify the widget's `parent`.
2783 *
2784 * #### Undefined Behavior
2785 * An `index` which is non-integral.
2786 */
2787 PanelLayout.prototype.removeWidgetAt = function (index) {
2788 // Remove the widget from the array.
2789 var widget = ArrayExt.removeAt(this._widgets, index);
2790 // If the layout is parented, detach the widget from the DOM.
2791 if (widget && this.parent) {
2792 this.detachWidget(index, widget);
2793 }
2794 };
2795 /**
2796 * Perform layout initialization which requires the parent widget.
2797 */
2798 PanelLayout.prototype.init = function () {
2799 var _this = this;
2800 _super.prototype.init.call(this);
2801 each(this, function (widget, index) {
2802 _this.attachWidget(index, widget);
2803 });
2804 };
2805 /**
2806 * Attach a widget to the parent's DOM node.
2807 *
2808 * @param index - The current index of the widget in the layout.
2809 *
2810 * @param widget - The widget to attach to the parent.
2811 *
2812 * #### Notes
2813 * This method is called automatically by the panel layout at the
2814 * appropriate time. It should not be called directly by user code.
2815 *
2816 * The default implementation adds the widgets's node to the parent's
2817 * node at the proper location, and sends the appropriate attach
2818 * messages to the widget if the parent is attached to the DOM.
2819 *
2820 * Subclasses may reimplement this method to control how the widget's
2821 * node is added to the parent's node.
2822 */
2823 PanelLayout.prototype.attachWidget = function (index, widget) {
2824 // Look up the next sibling reference node.
2825 var ref = this.parent.node.children[index];
2826 // Send a `'before-attach'` message if the parent is attached.
2827 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
2828 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.BeforeAttach);
2829 }
2830 // Insert the widget's node before the sibling.
2831 this.parent.node.insertBefore(widget.node, ref);
2832 // Send an `'after-attach'` message if the parent is attached.
2833 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
2834 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.AfterAttach);
2835 }
2836 };
2837 /**
2838 * Move a widget in the parent's DOM node.
2839 *
2840 * @param fromIndex - The previous index of the widget in the layout.
2841 *
2842 * @param toIndex - The current index of the widget in the layout.
2843 *
2844 * @param widget - The widget to move in the parent.
2845 *
2846 * #### Notes
2847 * This method is called automatically by the panel layout at the
2848 * appropriate time. It should not be called directly by user code.
2849 *
2850 * The default implementation moves the widget's node to the proper
2851 * location in the parent's node and sends the appropriate attach and
2852 * detach messages to the widget if the parent is attached to the DOM.
2853 *
2854 * Subclasses may reimplement this method to control how the widget's
2855 * node is moved in the parent's node.
2856 */
2857 PanelLayout.prototype.moveWidget = function (fromIndex, toIndex, widget) {
2858 // Send a `'before-detach'` message if the parent is attached.
2859 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
2860 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.BeforeDetach);
2861 }
2862 // Remove the widget's node from the parent.
2863 this.parent.node.removeChild(widget.node);
2864 // Send an `'after-detach'` and message if the parent is attached.
2865 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
2866 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.AfterDetach);
2867 }
2868 // Look up the next sibling reference node.
2869 var ref = this.parent.node.children[toIndex];
2870 // Send a `'before-attach'` message if the parent is attached.
2871 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
2872 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.BeforeAttach);
2873 }
2874 // Insert the widget's node before the sibling.
2875 this.parent.node.insertBefore(widget.node, ref);
2876 // Send an `'after-attach'` message if the parent is attached.
2877 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
2878 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.AfterAttach);
2879 }
2880 };
2881 /**
2882 * Detach a widget from the parent's DOM node.
2883 *
2884 * @param index - The previous index of the widget in the layout.
2885 *
2886 * @param widget - The widget to detach from the parent.
2887 *
2888 * #### Notes
2889 * This method is called automatically by the panel layout at the
2890 * appropriate time. It should not be called directly by user code.
2891 *
2892 * The default implementation removes the widget's node from the
2893 * parent's node, and sends the appropriate detach messages to the
2894 * widget if the parent is attached to the DOM.
2895 *
2896 * Subclasses may reimplement this method to control how the widget's
2897 * node is removed from the parent's node.
2898 */
2899 PanelLayout.prototype.detachWidget = function (index, widget) {
2900 // Send a `'before-detach'` message if the parent is attached.
2901 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
2902 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.BeforeDetach);
2903 }
2904 // Remove the widget's node from the parent.
2905 this.parent.node.removeChild(widget.node);
2906 // Send an `'after-detach'` message if the parent is attached.
2907 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
2908 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.AfterDetach);
2909 }
2910 };
2911 return PanelLayout;
2914var Utils;
2915(function (Utils) {
2916 /**
2917 * Clamp a dimension value to an integer >= 0.
2918 */
2919 function clampDimension(value) {
2920 return Math.max(0, Math.floor(value));
2921 }
2922 Utils.clampDimension = clampDimension;
2923})(Utils || (Utils = {}));
2924var Utils$1 = Utils;
2927 * A layout which arranges its widgets into resizable sections.
2928 */
2929var SplitLayout = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
2930 __extends(SplitLayout, _super);
2931 /**
2932 * Construct a new split layout.
2933 *
2934 * @param options - The options for initializing the layout.
2935 */
2936 function SplitLayout(options) {
2937 var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
2938 _this.widgetOffset = 0;
2939 _this._fixed = 0;
2940 _this._spacing = 4;
2941 _this._dirty = false;
2942 _this._hasNormedSizes = false;
2943 _this._sizers = [];
2944 _this._items = [];
2945 _this._handles = [];
2946 _this._box = null;
2947 _this._alignment = 'start';
2948 _this._orientation = 'horizontal';
2949 _this.renderer = options.renderer;
2950 if (options.orientation !== undefined) {
2951 _this._orientation = options.orientation;
2952 }
2953 if (options.alignment !== undefined) {
2954 _this._alignment = options.alignment;
2955 }
2956 if (options.spacing !== undefined) {
2957 _this._spacing = Utils.clampDimension(options.spacing);
2958 }
2959 return _this;
2960 }
2961 /**
2962 * Dispose of the resources held by the layout.
2963 */
2964 SplitLayout.prototype.dispose = function () {
2965 // Dispose of the layout items.
2966 each(this._items, function (item) {
2967 item.dispose();
2968 });
2969 // Clear the layout state.
2970 this._box = null;
2971 this._items.length = 0;
2972 this._sizers.length = 0;
2973 this._handles.length = 0;
2974 // Dispose of the rest of the layout.
2975 _super.prototype.dispose.call(this);
2976 };
2977 Object.defineProperty(SplitLayout.prototype, "orientation", {
2978 /**
2979 * Get the layout orientation for the split layout.
2980 */
2981 get: function () {
2982 return this._orientation;
2983 },
2984 /**
2985 * Set the layout orientation for the split layout.
2986 */
2987 set: function (value) {
2988 if (this._orientation === value) {
2989 return;
2990 }
2991 this._orientation = value;
2992 if (!this.parent) {
2993 return;
2994 }
2995 this.parent.dataset['orientation'] = value;
2996 this.parent.fit();
2997 },
2998 enumerable: true,
2999 configurable: true
3000 });
3001 Object.defineProperty(SplitLayout.prototype, "alignment", {
3002 /**
3003 * Get the content alignment for the split layout.
3004 *
3005 * #### Notes
3006 * This is the alignment of the widgets in the layout direction.
3007 *
3008 * The alignment has no effect if the widgets can expand to fill the
3009 * entire split layout.
3010 */
3011 get: function () {
3012 return this._alignment;
3013 },
3014 /**
3015 * Set the content alignment for the split layout.
3016 *
3017 * #### Notes
3018 * This is the alignment of the widgets in the layout direction.
3019 *
3020 * The alignment has no effect if the widgets can expand to fill the
3021 * entire split layout.
3022 */
3023 set: function (value) {
3024 if (this._alignment === value) {
3025 return;
3026 }
3027 this._alignment = value;
3028 if (!this.parent) {
3029 return;
3030 }
3031 this.parent.dataset['alignment'] = value;
3032 this.parent.update();
3033 },
3034 enumerable: true,
3035 configurable: true
3036 });
3037 Object.defineProperty(SplitLayout.prototype, "spacing", {
3038 /**
3039 * Get the inter-element spacing for the split layout.
3040 */
3041 get: function () {
3042 return this._spacing;
3043 },
3044 /**
3045 * Set the inter-element spacing for the split layout.
3046 */
3047 set: function (value) {
3048 value = Utils.clampDimension(value);
3049 if (this._spacing === value) {
3050 return;
3051 }
3052 this._spacing = value;
3053 if (!this.parent) {
3054 return;
3055 }
3056 this.parent.fit();
3057 },
3058 enumerable: true,
3059 configurable: true
3060 });
3061 Object.defineProperty(SplitLayout.prototype, "handles", {
3062 /**
3063 * A read-only array of the split handles in the layout.
3064 */
3065 get: function () {
3066 return this._handles;
3067 },
3068 enumerable: true,
3069 configurable: true
3070 });
3071 /**
3072 * Get the relative sizes of the widgets in the layout.
3073 *
3074 * @returns A new array of the relative sizes of the widgets.
3075 *
3076 * #### Notes
3077 * The returned sizes reflect the sizes of the widgets normalized
3078 * relative to their siblings.
3079 *
3080 * This method **does not** measure the DOM nodes.
3081 */
3082 SplitLayout.prototype.relativeSizes = function () {
3083 return Private$h.normalize(this._sizers.map(function (sizer) { return sizer.size; }));
3084 };
3085 /**
3086 * Set the relative sizes for the widgets in the layout.
3087 *
3088 * @param sizes - The relative sizes for the widgets in the panel.
3089 *
3090 * #### Notes
3091 * Extra values are ignored, too few will yield an undefined layout.
3092 *
3093 * The actual geometry of the DOM nodes is updated asynchronously.
3094 */
3095 SplitLayout.prototype.setRelativeSizes = function (sizes) {
3096 // Copy the sizes and pad with zeros as needed.
3097 var n = this._sizers.length;
3098 var temp = sizes.slice(0, n);
3099 while (temp.length < n) {
3100 temp.push(0);
3101 }
3102 // Normalize the padded sizes.
3103 var normed = Private$h.normalize(temp);
3104 // Apply the normalized sizes to the sizers.
3105 for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
3106 var sizer = this._sizers[i];
3107 sizer.sizeHint = normed[i];
3108 sizer.size = normed[i];
3109 }
3110 // Set the flag indicating the sizes are normalized.
3111 this._hasNormedSizes = true;
3112 // Trigger an update of the parent widget.
3113 if (this.parent) {
3114 this.parent.update();
3115 }
3116 };
3117 /**
3118 * Move the offset position of a split handle.
3119 *
3120 * @param index - The index of the handle of the interest.
3121 *
3122 * @param position - The desired offset position of the handle.
3123 *
3124 * #### Notes
3125 * The position is relative to the offset parent.
3126 *
3127 * This will move the handle as close as possible to the desired
3128 * position. The sibling widgets will be adjusted as necessary.
3129 */
3130 SplitLayout.prototype.moveHandle = function (index, position) {
3131 // Bail if the index is invalid or the handle is hidden.
3132 var handle = this._handles[index];
3133 if (!handle || handle.classList.contains('lm-mod-hidden')) {
3134 return;
3135 }
3136 // Compute the desired delta movement for the handle.
3137 var delta;
3138 if (this._orientation === 'horizontal') {
3139 delta = position - handle.offsetLeft;
3140 }
3141 else {
3142 delta = position - handle.offsetTop;
3143 }
3144 // Bail if there is no handle movement.
3145 if (delta === 0) {
3146 return;
3147 }
3148 // Prevent widget resizing unless needed.
3149 for (var _i = 0, _a = this._sizers; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
3150 var sizer = _a[_i];
3151 if (sizer.size > 0) {
3152 sizer.sizeHint = sizer.size;
3153 }
3154 }
3155 // Adjust the sizers to reflect the handle movement.
3156 BoxEngine.adjust(this._sizers, index, delta);
3157 // Update the layout of the widgets.
3158 if (this.parent) {
3159 this.parent.update();
3160 }
3161 };
3162 /**
3163 * Perform layout initialization which requires the parent widget.
3164 */
3165 SplitLayout.prototype.init = function () {
3166 this.parent.dataset['orientation'] = this.orientation;
3167 this.parent.dataset['alignment'] = this.alignment;
3168 _super.prototype.init.call(this);
3169 };
3170 /**
3171 * Attach a widget to the parent's DOM node.
3172 *
3173 * @param index - The current index of the widget in the layout.
3174 *
3175 * @param widget - The widget to attach to the parent.
3176 *
3177 * #### Notes
3178 * This is a reimplementation of the superclass method.
3179 */
3180 SplitLayout.prototype.attachWidget = function (index, widget) {
3181 // Create the item, handle, and sizer for the new widget.
3182 var item = new LayoutItem(widget);
3183 var handle = Private$h.createHandle(this.renderer);
3184 var average = Private$h.averageSize(this._sizers);
3185 var sizer = Private$h.createSizer(average);
3186 // Insert the item, handle, and sizer into the internal arrays.
3187 ArrayExt.insert(this._items, index, item);
3188 ArrayExt.insert(this._sizers, index, sizer);
3189 ArrayExt.insert(this._handles, index, handle);
3190 // Send a `'before-attach'` message if the parent is attached.
3191 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
3192 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.BeforeAttach);
3193 }
3194 // Add the widget and handle nodes to the parent.
3195 this.parent.node.appendChild(widget.node);
3196 this.parent.node.appendChild(handle);
3197 // Send an `'after-attach'` message if the parent is attached.
3198 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
3199 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.AfterAttach);
3200 }
3201 // Post a fit request for the parent widget.
3202 this.parent.fit();
3203 };
3204 /**
3205 * Move a widget in the parent's DOM node.
3206 *
3207 * @param fromIndex - The previous index of the widget in the layout.
3208 *
3209 * @param toIndex - The current index of the widget in the layout.
3210 *
3211 * @param widget - The widget to move in the parent.
3212 *
3213 * #### Notes
3214 * This is a reimplementation of the superclass method.
3215 */
3216 SplitLayout.prototype.moveWidget = function (fromIndex, toIndex, widget) {
3217 // Move the item, sizer, and handle for the widget.
3218 ArrayExt.move(this._items, fromIndex, toIndex);
3219 ArrayExt.move(this._sizers, fromIndex, toIndex);
3220 ArrayExt.move(this._handles, fromIndex, toIndex);
3221 // Post a fit request to the parent to show/hide last handle.
3222 this.parent.fit();
3223 };
3224 /**
3225 * Detach a widget from the parent's DOM node.
3226 *
3227 * @param index - The previous index of the widget in the layout.
3228 *
3229 * @param widget - The widget to detach from the parent.
3230 *
3231 * #### Notes
3232 * This is a reimplementation of the superclass method.
3233 */
3234 SplitLayout.prototype.detachWidget = function (index, widget) {
3235 // Remove the item, handle, and sizer for the widget.
3236 var item = ArrayExt.removeAt(this._items, index);
3237 var handle = ArrayExt.removeAt(this._handles, index);
3238 ArrayExt.removeAt(this._sizers, index);
3239 // Send a `'before-detach'` message if the parent is attached.
3240 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
3241 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.BeforeDetach);
3242 }
3243 // Remove the widget and handle nodes from the parent.
3244 this.parent.node.removeChild(widget.node);
3245 this.parent.node.removeChild(handle);
3246 // Send an `'after-detach'` message if the parent is attached.
3247 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
3248 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.AfterDetach);
3249 }
3250 // Dispose of the layout item.
3251 item.dispose();
3252 // Post a fit request for the parent widget.
3253 this.parent.fit();
3254 };
3255 /**
3256 * A message handler invoked on a `'before-show'` message.
3257 */
3258 SplitLayout.prototype.onBeforeShow = function (msg) {
3259 _super.prototype.onBeforeShow.call(this, msg);
3260 this.parent.update();
3261 };
3262 /**
3263 * A message handler invoked on a `'before-attach'` message.
3264 */
3265 SplitLayout.prototype.onBeforeAttach = function (msg) {
3266 _super.prototype.onBeforeAttach.call(this, msg);
3267 this.parent.fit();
3268 };
3269 /**
3270 * A message handler invoked on a `'child-shown'` message.
3271 */
3272 SplitLayout.prototype.onChildShown = function (msg) {
3273 this.parent.fit();
3274 };
3275 /**
3276 * A message handler invoked on a `'child-hidden'` message.
3277 */
3278 SplitLayout.prototype.onChildHidden = function (msg) {
3279 this.parent.fit();
3280 };
3281 /**
3282 * A message handler invoked on a `'resize'` message.
3283 */
3284 SplitLayout.prototype.onResize = function (msg) {
3285 if (this.parent.isVisible) {
3286 this._update(msg.width, msg.height);
3287 }
3288 };
3289 /**
3290 * A message handler invoked on an `'update-request'` message.
3291 */
3292 SplitLayout.prototype.onUpdateRequest = function (msg) {
3293 if (this.parent.isVisible) {
3294 this._update(-1, -1);
3295 }
3296 };
3297 /**
3298 * A message handler invoked on a `'fit-request'` message.
3299 */
3300 SplitLayout.prototype.onFitRequest = function (msg) {
3301 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
3302 this._fit();
3303 }
3304 };
3305 /**
3306 * Update the item position.
3307 *
3308 * @param i Item index
3309 * @param isHorizontal Whether the layout is horizontal or not
3310 * @param left Left position in pixels
3311 * @param top Top position in pixels
3312 * @param height Item height
3313 * @param width Item width
3314 * @param size Item size
3315 */
3316 SplitLayout.prototype.updateItemPosition = function (i, isHorizontal, left, top, height, width, size) {
3317 var item = this._items[i];
3318 if (item.isHidden) {
3319 return;
3320 }
3321 // Fetch the style for the handle.
3322 var handleStyle = this._handles[i].style;
3323 // Update the widget and handle, and advance the relevant edge.
3324 if (isHorizontal) {
3325 left += this.widgetOffset;
3326 item.update(left, top, size, height);
3327 left += size;
3328 handleStyle.top = top + "px";
3329 handleStyle.left = left + "px";
3330 handleStyle.width = this._spacing + "px";
3331 handleStyle.height = height + "px";
3332 }
3333 else {
3334 top += this.widgetOffset;
3335 item.update(left, top, width, size);
3336 top += size;
3337 handleStyle.top = top + "px";
3338 handleStyle.left = left + "px";
3339 handleStyle.width = width + "px";
3340 handleStyle.height = this._spacing + "px";
3341 }
3342 };
3343 /**
3344 * Fit the layout to the total size required by the widgets.
3345 */
3346 SplitLayout.prototype._fit = function () {
3347 // Update the handles and track the visible widget count.
3348 var nVisible = 0;
3349 var lastHandleIndex = -1;
3350 for (var i = 0, n = this._items.length; i < n; ++i) {
3351 if (this._items[i].isHidden) {
3352 this._handles[i].classList.add('lm-mod-hidden');
3353 /* <DEPRECATED> */
3354 this._handles[i].classList.add('p-mod-hidden');
3355 /* </DEPRECATED> */
3356 }
3357 else {
3358 this._handles[i].classList.remove('lm-mod-hidden');
3359 /* <DEPRECATED> */
3360 this._handles[i].classList.remove('p-mod-hidden');
3361 /* </DEPRECATED> */
3362 lastHandleIndex = i;
3363 nVisible++;
3364 }
3365 }
3366 // Hide the handle for the last visible widget.
3367 if (lastHandleIndex !== -1) {
3368 this._handles[lastHandleIndex].classList.add('lm-mod-hidden');
3369 /* <DEPRECATED> */
3370 this._handles[lastHandleIndex].classList.add('p-mod-hidden');
3371 /* </DEPRECATED> */
3372 }
3373 // Update the fixed space for the visible items.
3374 this._fixed =
3375 this._spacing * Math.max(0, nVisible - 1) +
3376 this.widgetOffset * this._items.length;
3377 // Setup the computed minimum size.
3378 var horz = this._orientation === 'horizontal';
3379 var minW = horz ? this._fixed : 0;
3380 var minH = horz ? 0 : this._fixed;
3381 // Update the sizers and computed size limits.
3382 for (var i = 0, n = this._items.length; i < n; ++i) {
3383 // Fetch the item and corresponding box sizer.
3384 var item = this._items[i];
3385 var sizer = this._sizers[i];
3386 // Prevent resizing unless necessary.
3387 if (sizer.size > 0) {
3388 sizer.sizeHint = sizer.size;
3389 }
3390 // If the item is hidden, it should consume zero size.
3391 if (item.isHidden) {
3392 sizer.minSize = 0;
3393 sizer.maxSize = 0;
3394 continue;
3395 }
3396 // Update the size limits for the item.
3397 item.fit();
3398 // Update the stretch factor.
3399 sizer.stretch = SplitLayout.getStretch(item.widget);
3400 // Update the sizer limits and computed min size.
3401 if (horz) {
3402 sizer.minSize = item.minWidth;
3403 sizer.maxSize = item.maxWidth;
3404 minW += item.minWidth;
3405 minH = Math.max(minH, item.minHeight);
3406 }
3407 else {
3408 sizer.minSize = item.minHeight;
3409 sizer.maxSize = item.maxHeight;
3410 minH += item.minHeight;
3411 minW = Math.max(minW, item.minWidth);
3412 }
3413 }
3414 // Update the box sizing and add it to the computed min size.
3415 var box = (this._box = ElementExt.boxSizing(this.parent.node));
3416 minW += box.horizontalSum;
3417 minH += box.verticalSum;
3418 // Update the parent's min size constraints.
3419 var style = this.parent.node.style;
3420 style.minWidth = minW + "px";
3421 style.minHeight = minH + "px";
3422 // Set the dirty flag to ensure only a single update occurs.
3423 this._dirty = true;
3424 // Notify the ancestor that it should fit immediately. This may
3425 // cause a resize of the parent, fulfilling the required update.
3426 if (this.parent.parent) {
3427 MessageLoop.sendMessage(this.parent.parent, Widget.Msg.FitRequest);
3428 }
3429 // If the dirty flag is still set, the parent was not resized.
3430 // Trigger the required update on the parent widget immediately.
3431 if (this._dirty) {
3432 MessageLoop.sendMessage(this.parent, Widget.Msg.UpdateRequest);
3433 }
3434 };
3435 /**
3436 * Update the layout position and size of the widgets.
3437 *
3438 * The parent offset dimensions should be `-1` if unknown.
3439 */
3440 SplitLayout.prototype._update = function (offsetWidth, offsetHeight) {
3441 // Clear the dirty flag to indicate the update occurred.
3442 this._dirty = false;
3443 // Compute the visible item count.
3444 var nVisible = 0;
3445 for (var i = 0, n = this._items.length; i < n; ++i) {
3446 nVisible += +!this._items[i].isHidden;
3447 }
3448 // Bail early if there are no visible items to layout.
3449 if (nVisible === 0 && this.widgetOffset === 0) {
3450 return;
3451 }
3452 // Measure the parent if the offset dimensions are unknown.
3453 if (offsetWidth < 0) {
3454 offsetWidth = this.parent.node.offsetWidth;
3455 }
3456 if (offsetHeight < 0) {
3457 offsetHeight = this.parent.node.offsetHeight;
3458 }
3459 // Ensure the parent box sizing data is computed.
3460 if (!this._box) {
3461 this._box = ElementExt.boxSizing(this.parent.node);
3462 }
3463 // Compute the actual layout bounds adjusted for border and padding.
3464 var top = this._box.paddingTop;
3465 var left = this._box.paddingLeft;
3466 var width = offsetWidth - this._box.horizontalSum;
3467 var height = offsetHeight - this._box.verticalSum;
3468 // Set up the variables for justification and alignment offset.
3469 var extra = 0;
3470 var offset = 0;
3471 var horz = this._orientation === 'horizontal';
3472 if (nVisible > 0) {
3473 // Compute the adjusted layout space.
3474 var space = void 0;
3475 if (horz) {
3476 // left += this.widgetOffset;
3477 space = Math.max(0, width - this._fixed);
3478 }
3479 else {
3480 // top += this.widgetOffset;
3481 space = Math.max(0, height - this._fixed);
3482 }
3483 // Scale the size hints if they are normalized.
3484 if (this._hasNormedSizes) {
3485 for (var _i = 0, _a = this._sizers; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
3486 var sizer = _a[_i];
3487 sizer.sizeHint *= space;
3488 }
3489 this._hasNormedSizes = false;
3490 }
3491 // Distribute the layout space to the box sizers.
3492 var delta = BoxEngine.calc(this._sizers, space);
3493 // Account for alignment if there is extra layout space.
3494 if (delta > 0) {
3495 switch (this._alignment) {
3496 case 'start':
3497 break;
3498 case 'center':
3499 extra = 0;
3500 offset = delta / 2;
3501 break;
3502 case 'end':
3503 extra = 0;
3504 offset = delta;
3505 break;
3506 case 'justify':
3507 extra = delta / nVisible;
3508 offset = 0;
3509 break;
3510 default:
3511 throw 'unreachable';
3512 }
3513 }
3514 }
3515 // Layout the items using the computed box sizes.
3516 for (var i = 0, n = this._items.length; i < n; ++i) {
3517 // Fetch the item.
3518 var item = this._items[i];
3519 // Fetch the computed size for the widget.
3520 var size = item.isHidden ? 0 : this._sizers[i].size + extra;
3521 this.updateItemPosition(i, horz, horz ? left + offset : left, horz ? top : top + offset, height, width, size);
3522 var fullOffset = this.widgetOffset +
3523 (this._handles[i].classList.contains('lm-mod-hidden')
3524 ? 0
3525 : this._spacing);
3526 if (horz) {
3527 left += size + fullOffset;
3528 }
3529 else {
3530 top += size + fullOffset;
3531 }
3532 }
3533 };
3534 return SplitLayout;
3537 * The namespace for the `SplitLayout` class statics.
3538 */
3539(function (SplitLayout) {
3540 /**
3541 * Get the split layout stretch factor for the given widget.
3542 *
3543 * @param widget - The widget of interest.
3544 *
3545 * @returns The split layout stretch factor for the widget.
3546 */
3547 function getStretch(widget) {
3548 return Private$h.stretchProperty.get(widget);
3549 }
3550 SplitLayout.getStretch = getStretch;
3551 /**
3552 * Set the split layout stretch factor for the given widget.
3553 *
3554 * @param widget - The widget of interest.
3555 *
3556 * @param value - The value for the stretch factor.
3557 */
3558 function setStretch(widget, value) {
3559 Private$h.stretchProperty.set(widget, value);
3560 }
3561 SplitLayout.setStretch = setStretch;
3562})(SplitLayout || (SplitLayout = {}));
3564 * The namespace for the module implementation details.
3565 */
3566var Private$h;
3567(function (Private) {
3568 /**
3569 * The property descriptor for a widget stretch factor.
3570 */
3571 Private.stretchProperty = new AttachedProperty({
3572 name: 'stretch',
3573 create: function () { return 0; },
3574 coerce: function (owner, value) { return Math.max(0, Math.floor(value)); },
3575 changed: onChildSizingChanged
3576 });
3577 /**
3578 * Create a new box sizer with the given size hint.
3579 */
3580 function createSizer(size) {
3581 var sizer = new BoxSizer();
3582 sizer.sizeHint = Math.floor(size);
3583 return sizer;
3584 }
3585 Private.createSizer = createSizer;
3586 /**
3587 * Create a new split handle node using the given renderer.
3588 */
3589 function createHandle(renderer) {
3590 var handle = renderer.createHandle();
3591 handle.style.position = 'absolute';
3592 return handle;
3593 }
3594 Private.createHandle = createHandle;
3595 /**
3596 * Compute the average size of an array of box sizers.
3597 */
3598 function averageSize(sizers) {
3599 return sizers.reduce(function (v, s) { return v + s.size; }, 0) / sizers.length || 0;
3600 }
3601 Private.averageSize = averageSize;
3602 /**
3603 * Normalize an array of values.
3604 */
3605 function normalize(values) {
3606 var n = values.length;
3607 if (n === 0) {
3608 return [];
3609 }
3610 var sum = values.reduce(function (a, b) { return a + Math.abs(b); }, 0);
3611 return sum === 0 ? values.map(function (v) { return 1 / n; }) : values.map(function (v) { return v / sum; });
3612 }
3613 Private.normalize = normalize;
3614 /**
3615 * The change handler for the attached sizing properties.
3616 */
3617 function onChildSizingChanged(child) {
3618 if (child.parent && child.parent.layout instanceof SplitLayout) {
3619 child.parent.fit();
3620 }
3621 }
3622})(Private$h || (Private$h = {}));
3625 * A layout which arranges its widgets into collapsible resizable sections.
3626 */
3627var AccordionLayout = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
3628 __extends(AccordionLayout, _super);
3629 /**
3630 * Construct a new accordion layout.
3631 *
3632 * @param options - The options for initializing the layout.
3633 *
3634 * #### Notes
3635 * The default orientation will be vertical.
3636 *
3637 * Titles must be rotated for horizontal accordion panel using CSS: see accordionpanel.css
3638 */
3639 function AccordionLayout(options) {
3640 var _this = _super.call(this, __assign(__assign({}, options), { orientation: options.orientation || 'vertical' })) || this;
3641 _this._titles = [];
3642 _this.titleSpace = options.titleSpace || 22;
3643 return _this;
3644 }
3645 Object.defineProperty(AccordionLayout.prototype, "titleSpace", {
3646 /**
3647 * The section title height or width depending on the orientation.
3648 */
3649 get: function () {
3650 return this.widgetOffset;
3651 },
3652 set: function (value) {
3653 value = Utils$1.clampDimension(value);
3654 if (this.widgetOffset === value) {
3655 return;
3656 }
3657 this.widgetOffset = value;
3658 if (!this.parent) {
3659 return;
3660 }
3661 this.parent.fit();
3662 },
3663 enumerable: true,
3664 configurable: true
3665 });
3666 Object.defineProperty(AccordionLayout.prototype, "titles", {
3667 /**
3668 * A read-only array of the section titles in the panel.
3669 */
3670 get: function () {
3671 return this._titles;
3672 },
3673 enumerable: true,
3674 configurable: true
3675 });
3676 /**
3677 * Dispose of the resources held by the layout.
3678 */
3679 AccordionLayout.prototype.dispose = function () {
3680 if (this.isDisposed) {
3681 return;
3682 }
3683 // Clear the layout state.
3684 this._titles.length = 0;
3685 // Dispose of the rest of the layout.
3686 _super.prototype.dispose.call(this);
3687 };
3688 AccordionLayout.prototype.updateTitle = function (index, widget) {
3689 var oldTitle = this._titles[index];
3690 var expanded = oldTitle.classList.contains('lm-mod-expanded');
3691 var newTitle = Private$g.createTitle(this.renderer, widget.title, expanded);
3692 this._titles[index] = newTitle;
3693 // Add the title node to the parent before the widget.
3694 this.parent.node.replaceChild(newTitle, oldTitle);
3695 };
3696 /**
3697 * Attach a widget to the parent's DOM node.
3698 *
3699 * @param index - The current index of the widget in the layout.
3700 *
3701 * @param widget - The widget to attach to the parent.
3702 */
3703 AccordionLayout.prototype.attachWidget = function (index, widget) {
3704 var title = Private$g.createTitle(this.renderer, widget.title);
3705 ArrayExt.insert(this._titles, index, title);
3706 // Add the title node to the parent before the widget.
3707 this.parent.node.appendChild(title);
3708 widget.node.setAttribute('role', 'region');
3709 widget.node.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', title.id);
3710 _super.prototype.attachWidget.call(this, index, widget);
3711 };
3712 /**
3713 * Move a widget in the parent's DOM node.
3714 *
3715 * @param fromIndex - The previous index of the widget in the layout.
3716 *
3717 * @param toIndex - The current index of the widget in the layout.
3718 *
3719 * @param widget - The widget to move in the parent.
3720 */
3721 AccordionLayout.prototype.moveWidget = function (fromIndex, toIndex, widget) {
3722 ArrayExt.move(this._titles, fromIndex, toIndex);
3723 _super.prototype.moveWidget.call(this, fromIndex, toIndex, widget);
3724 };
3725 /**
3726 * Detach a widget from the parent's DOM node.
3727 *
3728 * @param index - The previous index of the widget in the layout.
3729 *
3730 * @param widget - The widget to detach from the parent.
3731 *
3732 * #### Notes
3733 * This is a reimplementation of the superclass method.
3734 */
3735 AccordionLayout.prototype.detachWidget = function (index, widget) {
3736 var title = ArrayExt.removeAt(this._titles, index);
3737 this.parent.node.removeChild(title);
3738 _super.prototype.detachWidget.call(this, index, widget);
3739 };
3740 /**
3741 * Update the item position.
3742 *
3743 * @param i Item index
3744 * @param isHorizontal Whether the layout is horizontal or not
3745 * @param left Left position in pixels
3746 * @param top Top position in pixels
3747 * @param height Item height
3748 * @param width Item width
3749 * @param size Item size
3750 */
3751 AccordionLayout.prototype.updateItemPosition = function (i, isHorizontal, left, top, height, width, size) {
3752 var titleStyle = this._titles[i].style;
3753 // Titles must be rotated for horizontal accordion panel using CSS: see accordionpanel.css
3754 titleStyle.top = top + "px";
3755 titleStyle.left = left + "px";
3756 titleStyle.height = this.widgetOffset + "px";
3757 if (isHorizontal) {
3758 titleStyle.width = height + "px";
3759 }
3760 else {
3761 titleStyle.width = width + "px";
3762 }
3763 _super.prototype.updateItemPosition.call(this, i, isHorizontal, left, top, height, width, size);
3764 };
3765 return AccordionLayout;
3767var Private$g;
3768(function (Private) {
3769 /**
3770 * Create the title HTML element.
3771 *
3772 * @param renderer Accordion renderer
3773 * @param data Widget title
3774 * @returns Title HTML element
3775 */
3776 function createTitle(renderer, data, expanded) {
3777 if (expanded === void 0) { expanded = true; }
3778 var title = renderer.createSectionTitle(data);
3779 title.style.position = 'absolute';
3780 title.setAttribute('aria-label', data.label + " Section");
3781 title.setAttribute('aria-expanded', expanded ? 'true' : 'false');
3782 title.setAttribute('aria-controls', data.owner.id);
3783 if (expanded) {
3784 title.classList.add('lm-mod-expanded');
3785 }
3786 return title;
3787 }
3788 Private.createTitle = createTitle;
3789})(Private$g || (Private$g = {}));
3792 * A simple and convenient panel widget class.
3793 *
3794 * #### Notes
3795 * This class is suitable as a base class for implementing a variety of
3796 * convenience panel widgets, but can also be used directly with CSS to
3797 * arrange a collection of widgets.
3798 *
3799 * This class provides a convenience wrapper around a [[PanelLayout]].
3800 */
3801var Panel = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
3802 __extends(Panel, _super);
3803 /**
3804 * Construct a new panel.
3805 *
3806 * @param options - The options for initializing the panel.
3807 */
3808 function Panel(options) {
3809 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
3810 var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
3811 _this.addClass('lm-Panel');
3812 /* <DEPRECATED> */
3813 _this.addClass('p-Panel');
3814 /* </DEPRECATED> */
3815 _this.layout = Private$f.createLayout(options);
3816 return _this;
3817 }
3818 Object.defineProperty(Panel.prototype, "widgets", {
3819 /**
3820 * A read-only array of the widgets in the panel.
3821 */
3822 get: function () {
3823 return this.layout.widgets;
3824 },
3825 enumerable: true,
3826 configurable: true
3827 });
3828 /**
3829 * Add a widget to the end of the panel.
3830 *
3831 * @param widget - The widget to add to the panel.
3832 *
3833 * #### Notes
3834 * If the widget is already contained in the panel, it will be moved.
3835 */
3836 Panel.prototype.addWidget = function (widget) {
3837 this.layout.addWidget(widget);
3838 };
3839 /**
3840 * Insert a widget at the specified index.
3841 *
3842 * @param index - The index at which to insert the widget.
3843 *
3844 * @param widget - The widget to insert into to the panel.
3845 *
3846 * #### Notes
3847 * If the widget is already contained in the panel, it will be moved.
3848 */
3849 Panel.prototype.insertWidget = function (index, widget) {
3850 this.layout.insertWidget(index, widget);
3851 };
3852 return Panel;
3855 * The namespace for the module implementation details.
3856 */
3857var Private$f;
3858(function (Private) {
3859 /**
3860 * Create a panel layout for the given panel options.
3861 */
3862 function createLayout(options) {
3863 return options.layout || new PanelLayout();
3864 }
3865 Private.createLayout = createLayout;
3866})(Private$f || (Private$f = {}));
3869 * A panel which arranges its widgets into resizable sections.
3870 *
3871 * #### Notes
3872 * This class provides a convenience wrapper around a [[SplitLayout]].
3873 */
3874var SplitPanel = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
3875 __extends(SplitPanel, _super);
3876 /**
3877 * Construct a new split panel.
3878 *
3879 * @param options - The options for initializing the split panel.
3880 */
3881 function SplitPanel(options) {
3882 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
3883 var _this = _super.call(this, { layout: Private$e.createLayout(options) }) || this;
3884 _this._handleMoved = new Signal(_this);
3885 _this._pressData = null;
3886 _this.addClass('lm-SplitPanel');
3887 /* <DEPRECATED> */
3888 _this.addClass('p-SplitPanel');
3889 return _this;
3890 /* </DEPRECATED> */
3891 }
3892 /**
3893 * Dispose of the resources held by the panel.
3894 */
3895 SplitPanel.prototype.dispose = function () {
3896 this._releaseMouse();
3897 _super.prototype.dispose.call(this);
3898 };
3899 Object.defineProperty(SplitPanel.prototype, "orientation", {
3900 /**
3901 * Get the layout orientation for the split panel.
3902 */
3903 get: function () {
3904 return this.layout.orientation;
3905 },
3906 /**
3907 * Set the layout orientation for the split panel.
3908 */
3909 set: function (value) {
3910 this.layout.orientation = value;
3911 },
3912 enumerable: true,
3913 configurable: true
3914 });
3915 Object.defineProperty(SplitPanel.prototype, "alignment", {
3916 /**
3917 * Get the content alignment for the split panel.
3918 *
3919 * #### Notes
3920 * This is the alignment of the widgets in the layout direction.
3921 *
3922 * The alignment has no effect if the widgets can expand to fill the
3923 * entire split panel.
3924 */
3925 get: function () {
3926 return this.layout.alignment;
3927 },
3928 /**
3929 * Set the content alignment for the split panel.
3930 *
3931 * #### Notes
3932 * This is the alignment of the widgets in the layout direction.
3933 *
3934 * The alignment has no effect if the widgets can expand to fill the
3935 * entire split panel.
3936 */
3937 set: function (value) {
3938 this.layout.alignment = value;
3939 },
3940 enumerable: true,
3941 configurable: true
3942 });
3943 Object.defineProperty(SplitPanel.prototype, "spacing", {
3944 /**
3945 * Get the inter-element spacing for the split panel.
3946 */
3947 get: function () {
3948 return this.layout.spacing;
3949 },
3950 /**
3951 * Set the inter-element spacing for the split panel.
3952 */
3953 set: function (value) {
3954 this.layout.spacing = value;
3955 },
3956 enumerable: true,
3957 configurable: true
3958 });
3959 Object.defineProperty(SplitPanel.prototype, "renderer", {
3960 /**
3961 * The renderer used by the split panel.
3962 */
3963 get: function () {
3964 return this.layout.renderer;
3965 },
3966 enumerable: true,
3967 configurable: true
3968 });
3969 Object.defineProperty(SplitPanel.prototype, "handleMoved", {
3970 /**
3971 * A signal emitted when a split handle has moved.
3972 */
3973 get: function () {
3974 return this._handleMoved;
3975 },
3976 enumerable: true,
3977 configurable: true
3978 });
3979 Object.defineProperty(SplitPanel.prototype, "handles", {
3980 /**
3981 * A read-only array of the split handles in the panel.
3982 */
3983 get: function () {
3984 return this.layout.handles;
3985 },
3986 enumerable: true,
3987 configurable: true
3988 });
3989 /**
3990 * Get the relative sizes of the widgets in the panel.
3991 *
3992 * @returns A new array of the relative sizes of the widgets.
3993 *
3994 * #### Notes
3995 * The returned sizes reflect the sizes of the widgets normalized
3996 * relative to their siblings.
3997 *
3998 * This method **does not** measure the DOM nodes.
3999 */
4000 SplitPanel.prototype.relativeSizes = function () {
4001 return this.layout.relativeSizes();
4002 };
4003 /**
4004 * Set the relative sizes for the widgets in the panel.
4005 *
4006 * @param sizes - The relative sizes for the widgets in the panel.
4007 *
4008 * #### Notes
4009 * Extra values are ignored, too few will yield an undefined layout.
4010 *
4011 * The actual geometry of the DOM nodes is updated asynchronously.
4012 */
4013 SplitPanel.prototype.setRelativeSizes = function (sizes) {
4014 this.layout.setRelativeSizes(sizes);
4015 };
4016 /**
4017 * Handle the DOM events for the split panel.
4018 *
4019 * @param event - The DOM event sent to the panel.
4020 *
4021 * #### Notes
4022 * This method implements the DOM `EventListener` interface and is
4023 * called in response to events on the panel's DOM node. It should
4024 * not be called directly by user code.
4025 */
4026 SplitPanel.prototype.handleEvent = function (event) {
4027 switch (event.type) {
4028 case 'mousedown':
4029 this._evtMouseDown(event);
4030 break;
4031 case 'mousemove':
4032 this._evtMouseMove(event);
4033 break;
4034 case 'mouseup':
4035 this._evtMouseUp(event);
4036 break;
4037 case 'pointerdown':
4038 this._evtMouseDown(event);
4039 break;
4040 case 'pointermove':
4041 this._evtMouseMove(event);
4042 break;
4043 case 'pointerup':
4044 this._evtMouseUp(event);
4045 break;
4046 case 'keydown':
4047 this._evtKeyDown(event);
4048 break;
4049 case 'contextmenu':
4050 event.preventDefault();
4051 event.stopPropagation();
4052 break;
4053 }
4054 };
4055 /**
4056 * A message handler invoked on a `'before-attach'` message.
4057 */
4058 SplitPanel.prototype.onBeforeAttach = function (msg) {
4059 this.node.addEventListener('mousedown', this);
4060 this.node.addEventListener('pointerdown', this);
4061 };
4062 /**
4063 * A message handler invoked on an `'after-detach'` message.
4064 */
4065 SplitPanel.prototype.onAfterDetach = function (msg) {
4066 this.node.removeEventListener('mousedown', this);
4067 this.node.removeEventListener('pointerdown', this);
4068 this._releaseMouse();
4069 };
4070 /**
4071 * A message handler invoked on a `'child-added'` message.
4072 */
4073 SplitPanel.prototype.onChildAdded = function (msg) {
4074 msg.child.addClass('lm-SplitPanel-child');
4075 /* <DEPRECATED> */
4076 msg.child.addClass('p-SplitPanel-child');
4077 /* </DEPRECATED> */
4078 this._releaseMouse();
4079 };
4080 /**
4081 * A message handler invoked on a `'child-removed'` message.
4082 */
4083 SplitPanel.prototype.onChildRemoved = function (msg) {
4084 msg.child.removeClass('lm-SplitPanel-child');
4085 /* <DEPRECATED> */
4086 msg.child.removeClass('p-SplitPanel-child');
4087 /* </DEPRECATED> */
4088 this._releaseMouse();
4089 };
4090 /**
4091 * Handle the `'keydown'` event for the split panel.
4092 */
4093 SplitPanel.prototype._evtKeyDown = function (event) {
4094 // Stop input events during drag.
4095 if (this._pressData) {
4096 event.preventDefault();
4097 event.stopPropagation();
4098 }
4099 // Release the mouse if `Escape` is pressed.
4100 if (event.keyCode === 27) {
4101 this._releaseMouse();
4102 }
4103 };
4104 /**
4105 * Handle the `'mousedown'` event for the split panel.
4106 */
4107 SplitPanel.prototype._evtMouseDown = function (event) {
4108 // Do nothing if the left mouse button is not pressed.
4109 if (event.button !== 0) {
4110 return;
4111 }
4112 // Find the handle which contains the mouse target, if any.
4113 var layout = this.layout;
4114 var index = ArrayExt.findFirstIndex(layout.handles, function (handle) {
4115 return handle.contains(event.target);
4116 });
4117 // Bail early if the mouse press was not on a handle.
4118 if (index === -1) {
4119 return;
4120 }
4121 // Stop the event when a split handle is pressed.
4122 event.preventDefault();
4123 event.stopPropagation();
4124 // Add the extra document listeners.
4125 document.addEventListener('mouseup', this, true);
4126 document.addEventListener('mousemove', this, true);
4127 document.addEventListener('pointerup', this, true);
4128 document.addEventListener('pointermove', this, true);
4129 document.addEventListener('keydown', this, true);
4130 document.addEventListener('contextmenu', this, true);
4131 // Compute the offset delta for the handle press.
4132 var delta;
4133 var handle = layout.handles[index];
4134 var rect = handle.getBoundingClientRect();
4135 if (layout.orientation === 'horizontal') {
4136 delta = event.clientX - rect.left;
4137 }
4138 else {
4139 delta = event.clientY - rect.top;
4140 }
4141 // Override the cursor and store the press data.
4142 var style = window.getComputedStyle(handle);
4143 var override = Drag.overrideCursor(style.cursor);
4144 this._pressData = { index: index, delta: delta, override: override };
4145 };
4146 /**
4147 * Handle the `'mousemove'` event for the split panel.
4148 */
4149 SplitPanel.prototype._evtMouseMove = function (event) {
4150 // Stop the event when dragging a split handle.
4151 event.preventDefault();
4152 event.stopPropagation();
4153 // Compute the desired offset position for the handle.
4154 var pos;
4155 var layout = this.layout;
4156 var rect = this.node.getBoundingClientRect();
4157 if (layout.orientation === 'horizontal') {
4158 pos = event.clientX - rect.left - this._pressData.delta;
4159 }
4160 else {
4161 pos = event.clientY - rect.top - this._pressData.delta;
4162 }
4163 // Move the handle as close to the desired position as possible.
4164 layout.moveHandle(this._pressData.index, pos);
4165 };
4166 /**
4167 * Handle the `'mouseup'` event for the split panel.
4168 */
4169 SplitPanel.prototype._evtMouseUp = function (event) {
4170 // Do nothing if the left mouse button is not released.
4171 if (event.button !== 0) {
4172 return;
4173 }
4174 // Stop the event when releasing a handle.
4175 event.preventDefault();
4176 event.stopPropagation();
4177 // Finalize the mouse release.
4178 this._releaseMouse();
4179 };
4180 /**
4181 * Release the mouse grab for the split panel.
4182 */
4183 SplitPanel.prototype._releaseMouse = function () {
4184 // Bail early if no drag is in progress.
4185 if (!this._pressData) {
4186 return;
4187 }
4188 // Clear the override cursor.
4189 this._pressData.override.dispose();
4190 this._pressData = null;
4191 // Emit the handle moved signal.
4192 this._handleMoved.emit();
4193 // Remove the extra document listeners.
4194 document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this, true);
4195 document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this, true);
4196 document.removeEventListener('keydown', this, true);
4197 document.removeEventListener('pointerup', this, true);
4198 document.removeEventListener('pointermove', this, true);
4199 document.removeEventListener('contextmenu', this, true);
4200 };
4201 return SplitPanel;
4204 * The namespace for the `SplitPanel` class statics.
4205 */
4206(function (SplitPanel) {
4207 /**
4208 * The default implementation of `IRenderer`.
4209 */
4210 var Renderer = /** @class */ (function () {
4211 function Renderer() {
4212 }
4213 /**
4214 * Create a new handle for use with a split panel.
4215 *
4216 * @returns A new handle element for a split panel.
4217 */
4218 Renderer.prototype.createHandle = function () {
4219 var handle = document.createElement('div');
4220 handle.className = 'lm-SplitPanel-handle';
4221 /* <DEPRECATED> */
4222 handle.classList.add('p-SplitPanel-handle');
4223 /* </DEPRECATED> */
4224 return handle;
4225 };
4226 return Renderer;
4227 }());
4228 SplitPanel.Renderer = Renderer;
4229 /**
4230 * The default `Renderer` instance.
4231 */
4232 SplitPanel.defaultRenderer = new Renderer();
4233 /**
4234 * Get the split panel stretch factor for the given widget.
4235 *
4236 * @param widget - The widget of interest.
4237 *
4238 * @returns The split panel stretch factor for the widget.
4239 */
4240 function getStretch(widget) {
4241 return SplitLayout.getStretch(widget);
4242 }
4243 SplitPanel.getStretch = getStretch;
4244 /**
4245 * Set the split panel stretch factor for the given widget.
4246 *
4247 * @param widget - The widget of interest.
4248 *
4249 * @param value - The value for the stretch factor.
4250 */
4251 function setStretch(widget, value) {
4252 SplitLayout.setStretch(widget, value);
4253 }
4254 SplitPanel.setStretch = setStretch;
4255})(SplitPanel || (SplitPanel = {}));
4257 * The namespace for the module implementation details.
4258 */
4259var Private$e;
4260(function (Private) {
4261 /**
4262 * Create a split layout for the given panel options.
4263 */
4264 function createLayout(options) {
4265 return (options.layout ||
4266 new SplitLayout({
4267 renderer: options.renderer || SplitPanel.defaultRenderer,
4268 orientation: options.orientation,
4269 alignment: options.alignment,
4270 spacing: options.spacing
4271 }));
4272 }
4273 Private.createLayout = createLayout;
4274})(Private$e || (Private$e = {}));
4276// Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
4278 * A panel which arranges its widgets into resizable sections separated by a title widget.
4279 *
4280 * #### Notes
4281 * This class provides a convenience wrapper around [[AccordionLayout]].
4282 */
4283var AccordionPanel = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
4284 __extends(AccordionPanel, _super);
4285 /**
4286 * Construct a new accordion panel.
4287 *
4288 * @param options - The options for initializing the accordion panel.
4289 */
4290 function AccordionPanel(options) {
4291 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
4292 var _this = _super.call(this, __assign(__assign({}, options), { layout: Private$d.createLayout(options) })) || this;
4293 _this.addClass('lm-AccordionPanel');
4294 return _this;
4295 }
4296 Object.defineProperty(AccordionPanel.prototype, "renderer", {
4297 /**
4298 * The renderer used by the accordion panel.
4299 */
4300 get: function () {
4301 return this.layout.renderer;
4302 },
4303 enumerable: true,
4304 configurable: true
4305 });
4306 Object.defineProperty(AccordionPanel.prototype, "titleSpace", {
4307 /**
4308 * The section title space.
4309 *
4310 * This is the height if the panel is vertical and the width if it is
4311 * horizontal.
4312 */
4313 get: function () {
4314 return this.layout.titleSpace;
4315 },
4316 set: function (value) {
4317 this.layout.titleSpace = value;
4318 },
4319 enumerable: true,
4320 configurable: true
4321 });
4322 Object.defineProperty(AccordionPanel.prototype, "titles", {
4323 /**
4324 * A read-only array of the section titles in the panel.
4325 */
4326 get: function () {
4327 return this.layout.titles;
4328 },
4329 enumerable: true,
4330 configurable: true
4331 });
4332 /**
4333 * Add a widget to the end of the panel.
4334 *
4335 * @param widget - The widget to add to the panel.
4336 *
4337 * #### Notes
4338 * If the widget is already contained in the panel, it will be moved.
4339 */
4340 AccordionPanel.prototype.addWidget = function (widget) {
4341 _super.prototype.addWidget.call(this, widget);
4342 widget.title.changed.connect(this._onTitleChanged, this);
4343 };
4344 /**
4345 * Insert a widget at the specified index.
4346 *
4347 * @param index - The index at which to insert the widget.
4348 *
4349 * @param widget - The widget to insert into to the panel.
4350 *
4351 * #### Notes
4352 * If the widget is already contained in the panel, it will be moved.
4353 */
4354 AccordionPanel.prototype.insertWidget = function (index, widget) {
4355 _super.prototype.insertWidget.call(this, index, widget);
4356 widget.title.changed.connect(this._onTitleChanged, this);
4357 };
4358 /**
4359 * Handle the DOM events for the accordion panel.
4360 *
4361 * @param event - The DOM event sent to the panel.
4362 *
4363 * #### Notes
4364 * This method implements the DOM `EventListener` interface and is
4365 * called in response to events on the panel's DOM node. It should
4366 * not be called directly by user code.
4367 */
4368 AccordionPanel.prototype.handleEvent = function (event) {
4369 _super.prototype.handleEvent.call(this, event);
4370 switch (event.type) {
4371 case 'click':
4372 this._evtClick(event);
4373 break;
4374 case 'keydown':
4375 this._eventKeyDown(event);
4376 break;
4377 }
4378 };
4379 /**
4380 * A message handler invoked on a `'before-attach'` message.
4381 */
4382 AccordionPanel.prototype.onBeforeAttach = function (msg) {
4383 this.node.addEventListener('click', this);
4384 this.node.addEventListener('keydown', this);
4385 _super.prototype.onBeforeAttach.call(this, msg);
4386 };
4387 /**
4388 * A message handler invoked on an `'after-detach'` message.
4389 */
4390 AccordionPanel.prototype.onAfterDetach = function (msg) {
4391 _super.prototype.onAfterDetach.call(this, msg);
4392 this.node.removeEventListener('click', this);
4393 this.node.removeEventListener('keydown', this);
4394 };
4395 /**
4396 * Handle the `changed` signal of a title object.
4397 */
4398 AccordionPanel.prototype._onTitleChanged = function (sender) {
4399 var index = ArrayExt.findFirstIndex(this.widgets, function (widget) {
4400 return widget.contains(sender.owner);
4401 });
4402 if (index >= 0) {
4403 this.layout.updateTitle(index, sender.owner);
4404 this.update();
4405 }
4406 };
4407 /**
4408 * Handle the `'click'` event for the accordion panel
4409 */
4410 AccordionPanel.prototype._evtClick = function (event) {
4411 var target = event.target;
4412 if (target) {
4413 var index = ArrayExt.findFirstIndex(this.titles, function (title) {
4414 return title.contains(target);
4415 });
4416 if (index >= 0) {
4417 event.preventDefault();
4418 event.stopPropagation();
4419 var title = this.titles[index];
4420 var widget = this.layout.widgets[index];
4421 if (widget.isHidden) {
4422 title.classList.add('lm-mod-expanded');
4423 title.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true');
4424 widget.show();
4425 }
4426 else {
4427 title.classList.remove('lm-mod-expanded');
4428 title.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false');
4429 widget.hide();
4430 }
4431 }
4432 }
4433 };
4434 /**
4435 * Handle the `'keydown'` event for the accordion panel.
4436 */
4437 AccordionPanel.prototype._eventKeyDown = function (event) {
4438 if (event.defaultPrevented) {
4439 return;
4440 }
4441 var target = event.target;
4442 var handled = false;
4443 if (target) {
4444 var index = ArrayExt.findFirstIndex(this.titles, function (title) {
4445 return title.contains(target);
4446 });
4447 if (index >= 0) {
4448 var keyCode = event.keyCode.toString();
4449 // If Space or Enter is pressed on title, emulate click event
4450 if (event.key.match(/Space|Enter/) || keyCode.match(/13|32/)) {
4451 target.click();
4452 handled = true;
4453 }
4454 else if (this.orientation === 'horizontal'
4455 ? event.key.match(/ArrowLeft|ArrowRight/) || keyCode.match(/37|39/)
4456 : event.key.match(/ArrowUp|ArrowDown/) || keyCode.match(/38|40/)) {
4457 // If Up or Down (for vertical) / Left or Right (for horizontal) is pressed on title, loop on titles
4458 var direction = event.key.match(/ArrowLeft|ArrowUp/) || keyCode.match(/37|38/)
4459 ? -1
4460 : 1;
4461 var length_1 = this.titles.length;
4462 var newIndex = (index + length_1 + direction) % length_1;
4463 this.titles[newIndex].focus();
4464 handled = true;
4465 }
4466 else if (event.key === 'End' || keyCode === '35') {
4467 // If End is pressed on title, focus on the last title
4468 this.titles[this.titles.length - 1].focus();
4469 handled = true;
4470 }
4471 else if (event.key === 'Home' || keyCode === '36') {
4472 // If Home is pressed on title, focus on the first title
4473 this.titles[0].focus();
4474 handled = true;
4475 }
4476 }
4477 if (handled) {
4478 event.preventDefault();
4479 }
4480 }
4481 };
4482 return AccordionPanel;
4485 * The namespace for the `AccordionPanel` class statics.
4486 */
4487(function (AccordionPanel) {
4488 /**
4489 * The default implementation of `IRenderer`.
4490 */
4491 var Renderer = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
4492 __extends(Renderer, _super);
4493 function Renderer() {
4494 var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
4495 /**
4496 * A selector which matches any title node in the accordion.
4497 */
4498 _this.titleClassName = 'lm-AccordionPanel-title';
4499 _this._titleID = 0;
4500 _this._titleKeys = new WeakMap();
4501 return _this;
4502 }
4503 /**
4504 * Render the collapse indicator for a section title.
4505 *
4506 * @param data - The data to use for rendering the section title.
4507 *
4508 * @returns A element representing the collapse indicator.
4509 */
4510 Renderer.prototype.createCollapseIcon = function (data) {
4511 return document.createElement('span');
4512 };
4513 /**
4514 * Render the element for a section title.
4515 *
4516 * @param data - The data to use for rendering the section title.
4517 *
4518 * @returns A element representing the section title.
4519 */
4520 Renderer.prototype.createSectionTitle = function (data) {
4521 var handle = document.createElement('h3');
4522 handle.setAttribute('role', 'button');
4523 handle.setAttribute('tabindex', '0');
4524 handle.id = this.createTitleKey(data);
4525 handle.className = this.titleClassName;
4526 handle.title = data.caption;
4527 for (var aData in data.dataset) {
4528 handle.dataset[aData] = data.dataset[aData];
4529 }
4530 var collapser = handle.appendChild(this.createCollapseIcon(data));
4531 collapser.className = 'lm-AccordionPanel-titleCollapser';
4532 var label = handle.appendChild(document.createElement('span'));
4533 label.className = 'lm-AccordionPanel-titleLabel';
4534 label.textContent = data.label;
4535 return handle;
4536 };
4537 /**
4538 * Create a unique render key for the title.
4539 *
4540 * @param data - The data to use for the title.
4541 *
4542 * @returns The unique render key for the title.
4543 *
4544 * #### Notes
4545 * This method caches the key against the section title the first time
4546 * the key is generated.
4547 */
4548 Renderer.prototype.createTitleKey = function (data) {
4549 var key = this._titleKeys.get(data);
4550 if (key === undefined) {
4551 key = "title-key-" + this._titleID++;
4552 this._titleKeys.set(data, key);
4553 }
4554 return key;
4555 };
4556 return Renderer;
4557 }(SplitPanel.Renderer));
4558 AccordionPanel.Renderer = Renderer;
4559 /**
4560 * The default `Renderer` instance.
4561 */
4562 AccordionPanel.defaultRenderer = new Renderer();
4563})(AccordionPanel || (AccordionPanel = {}));
4564var Private$d;
4565(function (Private) {
4566 /**
4567 * Create an accordion layout for the given panel options.
4568 *
4569 * @param options Panel options
4570 * @returns Panel layout
4571 */
4572 function createLayout(options) {
4573 return (options.layout ||
4574 new AccordionLayout({
4575 renderer: options.renderer || AccordionPanel.defaultRenderer,
4576 orientation: options.orientation,
4577 alignment: options.alignment,
4578 spacing: options.spacing,
4579 titleSpace: options.titleSpace
4580 }));
4581 }
4582 Private.createLayout = createLayout;
4583})(Private$d || (Private$d = {}));
4586 * A layout which arranges its widgets in a single row or column.
4587 */
4588var BoxLayout = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
4589 __extends(BoxLayout, _super);
4590 /**
4591 * Construct a new box layout.
4592 *
4593 * @param options - The options for initializing the layout.
4594 */
4595 function BoxLayout(options) {
4596 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
4597 var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
4598 _this._fixed = 0;
4599 _this._spacing = 4;
4600 _this._dirty = false;
4601 _this._sizers = [];
4602 _this._items = [];
4603 _this._box = null;
4604 _this._alignment = 'start';
4605 _this._direction = 'top-to-bottom';
4606 if (options.direction !== undefined) {
4607 _this._direction = options.direction;
4608 }
4609 if (options.alignment !== undefined) {
4610 _this._alignment = options.alignment;
4611 }
4612 if (options.spacing !== undefined) {
4613 _this._spacing = Utils$1.clampDimension(options.spacing);
4614 }
4615 return _this;
4616 }
4617 /**
4618 * Dispose of the resources held by the layout.
4619 */
4620 BoxLayout.prototype.dispose = function () {
4621 // Dispose of the layout items.
4622 each(this._items, function (item) {
4623 item.dispose();
4624 });
4625 // Clear the layout state.
4626 this._box = null;
4627 this._items.length = 0;
4628 this._sizers.length = 0;
4629 // Dispose of the rest of the layout.
4630 _super.prototype.dispose.call(this);
4631 };
4632 Object.defineProperty(BoxLayout.prototype, "direction", {
4633 /**
4634 * Get the layout direction for the box layout.
4635 */
4636 get: function () {
4637 return this._direction;
4638 },
4639 /**
4640 * Set the layout direction for the box layout.
4641 */
4642 set: function (value) {
4643 if (this._direction === value) {
4644 return;
4645 }
4646 this._direction = value;
4647 if (!this.parent) {
4648 return;
4649 }
4650 this.parent.dataset['direction'] = value;
4651 this.parent.fit();
4652 },
4653 enumerable: true,
4654 configurable: true
4655 });
4656 Object.defineProperty(BoxLayout.prototype, "alignment", {
4657 /**
4658 * Get the content alignment for the box layout.
4659 *
4660 * #### Notes
4661 * This is the alignment of the widgets in the layout direction.
4662 *
4663 * The alignment has no effect if the widgets can expand to fill the
4664 * entire box layout.
4665 */
4666 get: function () {
4667 return this._alignment;
4668 },
4669 /**
4670 * Set the content alignment for the box layout.
4671 *
4672 * #### Notes
4673 * This is the alignment of the widgets in the layout direction.
4674 *
4675 * The alignment has no effect if the widgets can expand to fill the
4676 * entire box layout.
4677 */
4678 set: function (value) {
4679 if (this._alignment === value) {
4680 return;
4681 }
4682 this._alignment = value;
4683 if (!this.parent) {
4684 return;
4685 }
4686 this.parent.dataset['alignment'] = value;
4687 this.parent.update();
4688 },
4689 enumerable: true,
4690 configurable: true
4691 });
4692 Object.defineProperty(BoxLayout.prototype, "spacing", {
4693 /**
4694 * Get the inter-element spacing for the box layout.
4695 */
4696 get: function () {
4697 return this._spacing;
4698 },
4699 /**
4700 * Set the inter-element spacing for the box layout.
4701 */
4702 set: function (value) {
4703 value = Utils$1.clampDimension(value);
4704 if (this._spacing === value) {
4705 return;
4706 }
4707 this._spacing = value;
4708 if (!this.parent) {
4709 return;
4710 }
4711 this.parent.fit();
4712 },
4713 enumerable: true,
4714 configurable: true
4715 });
4716 /**
4717 * Perform layout initialization which requires the parent widget.
4718 */
4719 BoxLayout.prototype.init = function () {
4720 this.parent.dataset['direction'] = this.direction;
4721 this.parent.dataset['alignment'] = this.alignment;
4722 _super.prototype.init.call(this);
4723 };
4724 /**
4725 * Attach a widget to the parent's DOM node.
4726 *
4727 * @param index - The current index of the widget in the layout.
4728 *
4729 * @param widget - The widget to attach to the parent.
4730 *
4731 * #### Notes
4732 * This is a reimplementation of the superclass method.
4733 */
4734 BoxLayout.prototype.attachWidget = function (index, widget) {
4735 // Create and add a new layout item for the widget.
4736 ArrayExt.insert(this._items, index, new LayoutItem(widget));
4737 // Create and add a new sizer for the widget.
4738 ArrayExt.insert(this._sizers, index, new BoxSizer());
4739 // Send a `'before-attach'` message if the parent is attached.
4740 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
4741 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.BeforeAttach);
4742 }
4743 // Add the widget's node to the parent.
4744 this.parent.node.appendChild(widget.node);
4745 // Send an `'after-attach'` message if the parent is attached.
4746 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
4747 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.AfterAttach);
4748 }
4749 // Post a fit request for the parent widget.
4750 this.parent.fit();
4751 };
4752 /**
4753 * Move a widget in the parent's DOM node.
4754 *
4755 * @param fromIndex - The previous index of the widget in the layout.
4756 *
4757 * @param toIndex - The current index of the widget in the layout.
4758 *
4759 * @param widget - The widget to move in the parent.
4760 *
4761 * #### Notes
4762 * This is a reimplementation of the superclass method.
4763 */
4764 BoxLayout.prototype.moveWidget = function (fromIndex, toIndex, widget) {
4765 // Move the layout item for the widget.
4766 ArrayExt.move(this._items, fromIndex, toIndex);
4767 // Move the sizer for the widget.
4768 ArrayExt.move(this._sizers, fromIndex, toIndex);
4769 // Post an update request for the parent widget.
4770 this.parent.update();
4771 };
4772 /**
4773 * Detach a widget from the parent's DOM node.
4774 *
4775 * @param index - The previous index of the widget in the layout.
4776 *
4777 * @param widget - The widget to detach from the parent.
4778 *
4779 * #### Notes
4780 * This is a reimplementation of the superclass method.
4781 */
4782 BoxLayout.prototype.detachWidget = function (index, widget) {
4783 // Remove the layout item for the widget.
4784 var item = ArrayExt.removeAt(this._items, index);
4785 // Remove the sizer for the widget.
4786 ArrayExt.removeAt(this._sizers, index);
4787 // Send a `'before-detach'` message if the parent is attached.
4788 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
4789 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.BeforeDetach);
4790 }
4791 // Remove the widget's node from the parent.
4792 this.parent.node.removeChild(widget.node);
4793 // Send an `'after-detach'` message if the parent is attached.
4794 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
4795 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.AfterDetach);
4796 }
4797 // Dispose of the layout item.
4798 item.dispose();
4799 // Post a fit request for the parent widget.
4800 this.parent.fit();
4801 };
4802 /**
4803 * A message handler invoked on a `'before-show'` message.
4804 */
4805 BoxLayout.prototype.onBeforeShow = function (msg) {
4806 _super.prototype.onBeforeShow.call(this, msg);
4807 this.parent.update();
4808 };
4809 /**
4810 * A message handler invoked on a `'before-attach'` message.
4811 */
4812 BoxLayout.prototype.onBeforeAttach = function (msg) {
4813 _super.prototype.onBeforeAttach.call(this, msg);
4814 this.parent.fit();
4815 };
4816 /**
4817 * A message handler invoked on a `'child-shown'` message.
4818 */
4819 BoxLayout.prototype.onChildShown = function (msg) {
4820 this.parent.fit();
4821 };
4822 /**
4823 * A message handler invoked on a `'child-hidden'` message.
4824 */
4825 BoxLayout.prototype.onChildHidden = function (msg) {
4826 this.parent.fit();
4827 };
4828 /**
4829 * A message handler invoked on a `'resize'` message.
4830 */
4831 BoxLayout.prototype.onResize = function (msg) {
4832 if (this.parent.isVisible) {
4833 this._update(msg.width, msg.height);
4834 }
4835 };
4836 /**
4837 * A message handler invoked on an `'update-request'` message.
4838 */
4839 BoxLayout.prototype.onUpdateRequest = function (msg) {
4840 if (this.parent.isVisible) {
4841 this._update(-1, -1);
4842 }
4843 };
4844 /**
4845 * A message handler invoked on a `'fit-request'` message.
4846 */
4847 BoxLayout.prototype.onFitRequest = function (msg) {
4848 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
4849 this._fit();
4850 }
4851 };
4852 /**
4853 * Fit the layout to the total size required by the widgets.
4854 */
4855 BoxLayout.prototype._fit = function () {
4856 // Compute the visible item count.
4857 var nVisible = 0;
4858 for (var i = 0, n = this._items.length; i < n; ++i) {
4859 nVisible += +!this._items[i].isHidden;
4860 }
4861 // Update the fixed space for the visible items.
4862 this._fixed = this._spacing * Math.max(0, nVisible - 1);
4863 // Setup the computed minimum size.
4864 var horz = Private$c.isHorizontal(this._direction);
4865 var minW = horz ? this._fixed : 0;
4866 var minH = horz ? 0 : this._fixed;
4867 // Update the sizers and computed minimum size.
4868 for (var i = 0, n = this._items.length; i < n; ++i) {
4869 // Fetch the item and corresponding box sizer.
4870 var item = this._items[i];
4871 var sizer = this._sizers[i];
4872 // If the item is hidden, it should consume zero size.
4873 if (item.isHidden) {
4874 sizer.minSize = 0;
4875 sizer.maxSize = 0;
4876 continue;
4877 }
4878 // Update the size limits for the item.
4879 item.fit();
4880 // Update the size basis and stretch factor.
4881 sizer.sizeHint = BoxLayout.getSizeBasis(item.widget);
4882 sizer.stretch = BoxLayout.getStretch(item.widget);
4883 // Update the sizer limits and computed min size.
4884 if (horz) {
4885 sizer.minSize = item.minWidth;
4886 sizer.maxSize = item.maxWidth;
4887 minW += item.minWidth;
4888 minH = Math.max(minH, item.minHeight);
4889 }
4890 else {
4891 sizer.minSize = item.minHeight;
4892 sizer.maxSize = item.maxHeight;
4893 minH += item.minHeight;
4894 minW = Math.max(minW, item.minWidth);
4895 }
4896 }
4897 // Update the box sizing and add it to the computed min size.
4898 var box = (this._box = ElementExt.boxSizing(this.parent.node));
4899 minW += box.horizontalSum;
4900 minH += box.verticalSum;
4901 // Update the parent's min size constraints.
4902 var style = this.parent.node.style;
4903 style.minWidth = minW + "px";
4904 style.minHeight = minH + "px";
4905 // Set the dirty flag to ensure only a single update occurs.
4906 this._dirty = true;
4907 // Notify the ancestor that it should fit immediately. This may
4908 // cause a resize of the parent, fulfilling the required update.
4909 if (this.parent.parent) {
4910 MessageLoop.sendMessage(this.parent.parent, Widget.Msg.FitRequest);
4911 }
4912 // If the dirty flag is still set, the parent was not resized.
4913 // Trigger the required update on the parent widget immediately.
4914 if (this._dirty) {
4915 MessageLoop.sendMessage(this.parent, Widget.Msg.UpdateRequest);
4916 }
4917 };
4918 /**
4919 * Update the layout position and size of the widgets.
4920 *
4921 * The parent offset dimensions should be `-1` if unknown.
4922 */
4923 BoxLayout.prototype._update = function (offsetWidth, offsetHeight) {
4924 // Clear the dirty flag to indicate the update occurred.
4925 this._dirty = false;
4926 // Compute the visible item count.
4927 var nVisible = 0;
4928 for (var i = 0, n = this._items.length; i < n; ++i) {
4929 nVisible += +!this._items[i].isHidden;
4930 }
4931 // Bail early if there are no visible items to layout.
4932 if (nVisible === 0) {
4933 return;
4934 }
4935 // Measure the parent if the offset dimensions are unknown.
4936 if (offsetWidth < 0) {
4937 offsetWidth = this.parent.node.offsetWidth;
4938 }
4939 if (offsetHeight < 0) {
4940 offsetHeight = this.parent.node.offsetHeight;
4941 }
4942 // Ensure the parent box sizing data is computed.
4943 if (!this._box) {
4944 this._box = ElementExt.boxSizing(this.parent.node);
4945 }
4946 // Compute the layout area adjusted for border and padding.
4947 var top = this._box.paddingTop;
4948 var left = this._box.paddingLeft;
4949 var width = offsetWidth - this._box.horizontalSum;
4950 var height = offsetHeight - this._box.verticalSum;
4951 // Distribute the layout space and adjust the start position.
4952 var delta;
4953 switch (this._direction) {
4954 case 'left-to-right':
4955 delta = BoxEngine.calc(this._sizers, Math.max(0, width - this._fixed));
4956 break;
4957 case 'top-to-bottom':
4958 delta = BoxEngine.calc(this._sizers, Math.max(0, height - this._fixed));
4959 break;
4960 case 'right-to-left':
4961 delta = BoxEngine.calc(this._sizers, Math.max(0, width - this._fixed));
4962 left += width;
4963 break;
4964 case 'bottom-to-top':
4965 delta = BoxEngine.calc(this._sizers, Math.max(0, height - this._fixed));
4966 top += height;
4967 break;
4968 default:
4969 throw 'unreachable';
4970 }
4971 // Setup the variables for justification and alignment offset.
4972 var extra = 0;
4973 var offset = 0;
4974 // Account for alignment if there is extra layout space.
4975 if (delta > 0) {
4976 switch (this._alignment) {
4977 case 'start':
4978 break;
4979 case 'center':
4980 extra = 0;
4981 offset = delta / 2;
4982 break;
4983 case 'end':
4984 extra = 0;
4985 offset = delta;
4986 break;
4987 case 'justify':
4988 extra = delta / nVisible;
4989 offset = 0;
4990 break;
4991 default:
4992 throw 'unreachable';
4993 }
4994 }
4995 // Layout the items using the computed box sizes.
4996 for (var i = 0, n = this._items.length; i < n; ++i) {
4997 // Fetch the item.
4998 var item = this._items[i];
4999 // Ignore hidden items.
5000 if (item.isHidden) {
5001 continue;
5002 }
5003 // Fetch the computed size for the widget.
5004 var size = this._sizers[i].size;
5005 // Update the widget geometry and advance the relevant edge.
5006 switch (this._direction) {
5007 case 'left-to-right':
5008 item.update(left + offset, top, size + extra, height);
5009 left += size + extra + this._spacing;
5010 break;
5011 case 'top-to-bottom':
5012 item.update(left, top + offset, width, size + extra);
5013 top += size + extra + this._spacing;
5014 break;
5015 case 'right-to-left':
5016 item.update(left - offset - size - extra, top, size + extra, height);
5017 left -= size + extra + this._spacing;
5018 break;
5019 case 'bottom-to-top':
5020 item.update(left, top - offset - size - extra, width, size + extra);
5021 top -= size + extra + this._spacing;
5022 break;
5023 default:
5024 throw 'unreachable';
5025 }
5026 }
5027 };
5028 return BoxLayout;
5031 * The namespace for the `BoxLayout` class statics.
5032 */
5033(function (BoxLayout) {
5034 /**
5035 * Get the box layout stretch factor for the given widget.
5036 *
5037 * @param widget - The widget of interest.
5038 *
5039 * @returns The box layout stretch factor for the widget.
5040 */
5041 function getStretch(widget) {
5042 return Private$c.stretchProperty.get(widget);
5043 }
5044 BoxLayout.getStretch = getStretch;
5045 /**
5046 * Set the box layout stretch factor for the given widget.
5047 *
5048 * @param widget - The widget of interest.
5049 *
5050 * @param value - The value for the stretch factor.
5051 */
5052 function setStretch(widget, value) {
5053 Private$c.stretchProperty.set(widget, value);
5054 }
5055 BoxLayout.setStretch = setStretch;
5056 /**
5057 * Get the box layout size basis for the given widget.
5058 *
5059 * @param widget - The widget of interest.
5060 *
5061 * @returns The box layout size basis for the widget.
5062 */
5063 function getSizeBasis(widget) {
5064 return Private$c.sizeBasisProperty.get(widget);
5065 }
5066 BoxLayout.getSizeBasis = getSizeBasis;
5067 /**
5068 * Set the box layout size basis for the given widget.
5069 *
5070 * @param widget - The widget of interest.
5071 *
5072 * @param value - The value for the size basis.
5073 */
5074 function setSizeBasis(widget, value) {
5075 Private$c.sizeBasisProperty.set(widget, value);
5076 }
5077 BoxLayout.setSizeBasis = setSizeBasis;
5078})(BoxLayout || (BoxLayout = {}));
5080 * The namespace for the module implementation details.
5081 */
5082var Private$c;
5083(function (Private) {
5084 /**
5085 * The property descriptor for a widget stretch factor.
5086 */
5087 Private.stretchProperty = new AttachedProperty({
5088 name: 'stretch',
5089 create: function () { return 0; },
5090 coerce: function (owner, value) { return Math.max(0, Math.floor(value)); },
5091 changed: onChildSizingChanged
5092 });
5093 /**
5094 * The property descriptor for a widget size basis.
5095 */
5096 Private.sizeBasisProperty = new AttachedProperty({
5097 name: 'sizeBasis',
5098 create: function () { return 0; },
5099 coerce: function (owner, value) { return Math.max(0, Math.floor(value)); },
5100 changed: onChildSizingChanged
5101 });
5102 /**
5103 * Test whether a direction has horizontal orientation.
5104 */
5105 function isHorizontal(dir) {
5106 return dir === 'left-to-right' || dir === 'right-to-left';
5107 }
5108 Private.isHorizontal = isHorizontal;
5109 /**
5110 * Clamp a spacing value to an integer >= 0.
5111 */
5112 function clampSpacing(value) {
5113 return Math.max(0, Math.floor(value));
5114 }
5115 Private.clampSpacing = clampSpacing;
5116 /**
5117 * The change handler for the attached sizing properties.
5118 */
5119 function onChildSizingChanged(child) {
5120 if (child.parent && child.parent.layout instanceof BoxLayout) {
5121 child.parent.fit();
5122 }
5123 }
5124})(Private$c || (Private$c = {}));
5127 * A panel which arranges its widgets in a single row or column.
5128 *
5129 * #### Notes
5130 * This class provides a convenience wrapper around a [[BoxLayout]].
5131 */
5132var BoxPanel = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
5133 __extends(BoxPanel, _super);
5134 /**
5135 * Construct a new box panel.
5136 *
5137 * @param options - The options for initializing the box panel.
5138 */
5139 function BoxPanel(options) {
5140 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
5141 var _this = _super.call(this, { layout: Private$b.createLayout(options) }) || this;
5142 _this.addClass('lm-BoxPanel');
5143 /* <DEPRECATED> */
5144 _this.addClass('p-BoxPanel');
5145 return _this;
5146 /* </DEPRECATED> */
5147 }
5148 Object.defineProperty(BoxPanel.prototype, "direction", {
5149 /**
5150 * Get the layout direction for the box panel.
5151 */
5152 get: function () {
5153 return this.layout.direction;
5154 },
5155 /**
5156 * Set the layout direction for the box panel.
5157 */
5158 set: function (value) {
5159 this.layout.direction = value;
5160 },
5161 enumerable: true,
5162 configurable: true
5163 });
5164 Object.defineProperty(BoxPanel.prototype, "alignment", {
5165 /**
5166 * Get the content alignment for the box panel.
5167 *
5168 * #### Notes
5169 * This is the alignment of the widgets in the layout direction.
5170 *
5171 * The alignment has no effect if the widgets can expand to fill the
5172 * entire box layout.
5173 */
5174 get: function () {
5175 return this.layout.alignment;
5176 },
5177 /**
5178 * Set the content alignment for the box panel.
5179 *
5180 * #### Notes
5181 * This is the alignment of the widgets in the layout direction.
5182 *
5183 * The alignment has no effect if the widgets can expand to fill the
5184 * entire box layout.
5185 */
5186 set: function (value) {
5187 this.layout.alignment = value;
5188 },
5189 enumerable: true,
5190 configurable: true
5191 });
5192 Object.defineProperty(BoxPanel.prototype, "spacing", {
5193 /**
5194 * Get the inter-element spacing for the box panel.
5195 */
5196 get: function () {
5197 return this.layout.spacing;
5198 },
5199 /**
5200 * Set the inter-element spacing for the box panel.
5201 */
5202 set: function (value) {
5203 this.layout.spacing = value;
5204 },
5205 enumerable: true,
5206 configurable: true
5207 });
5208 /**
5209 * A message handler invoked on a `'child-added'` message.
5210 */
5211 BoxPanel.prototype.onChildAdded = function (msg) {
5212 msg.child.addClass('lm-BoxPanel-child');
5213 /* <DEPRECATED> */
5214 msg.child.addClass('p-BoxPanel-child');
5215 /* </DEPRECATED> */
5216 };
5217 /**
5218 * A message handler invoked on a `'child-removed'` message.
5219 */
5220 BoxPanel.prototype.onChildRemoved = function (msg) {
5221 msg.child.removeClass('lm-BoxPanel-child');
5222 /* <DEPRECATED> */
5223 msg.child.removeClass('p-BoxPanel-child');
5224 /* </DEPRECATED> */
5225 };
5226 return BoxPanel;
5229 * The namespace for the `BoxPanel` class statics.
5230 */
5231(function (BoxPanel) {
5232 /**
5233 * Get the box panel stretch factor for the given widget.
5234 *
5235 * @param widget - The widget of interest.
5236 *
5237 * @returns The box panel stretch factor for the widget.
5238 */
5239 function getStretch(widget) {
5240 return BoxLayout.getStretch(widget);
5241 }
5242 BoxPanel.getStretch = getStretch;
5243 /**
5244 * Set the box panel stretch factor for the given widget.
5245 *
5246 * @param widget - The widget of interest.
5247 *
5248 * @param value - The value for the stretch factor.
5249 */
5250 function setStretch(widget, value) {
5251 BoxLayout.setStretch(widget, value);
5252 }
5253 BoxPanel.setStretch = setStretch;
5254 /**
5255 * Get the box panel size basis for the given widget.
5256 *
5257 * @param widget - The widget of interest.
5258 *
5259 * @returns The box panel size basis for the widget.
5260 */
5261 function getSizeBasis(widget) {
5262 return BoxLayout.getSizeBasis(widget);
5263 }
5264 BoxPanel.getSizeBasis = getSizeBasis;
5265 /**
5266 * Set the box panel size basis for the given widget.
5267 *
5268 * @param widget - The widget of interest.
5269 *
5270 * @param value - The value for the size basis.
5271 */
5272 function setSizeBasis(widget, value) {
5273 BoxLayout.setSizeBasis(widget, value);
5274 }
5275 BoxPanel.setSizeBasis = setSizeBasis;
5276})(BoxPanel || (BoxPanel = {}));
5278 * The namespace for the module implementation details.
5279 */
5280var Private$b;
5281(function (Private) {
5282 /**
5283 * Create a box layout for the given panel options.
5284 */
5285 function createLayout(options) {
5286 return options.layout || new BoxLayout(options);
5287 }
5288 Private.createLayout = createLayout;
5289})(Private$b || (Private$b = {}));
5292 * A widget which displays command items as a searchable palette.
5293 */
5294var CommandPalette = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
5295 __extends(CommandPalette, _super);
5296 /**
5297 * Construct a new command palette.
5298 *
5299 * @param options - The options for initializing the palette.
5300 */
5301 function CommandPalette(options) {
5302 var _this = _super.call(this, { node: Private$a.createNode() }) || this;
5303 _this._activeIndex = -1;
5304 _this._items = [];
5305 _this._results = null;
5306 _this.addClass('lm-CommandPalette');
5307 /* <DEPRECATED> */
5308 _this.addClass('p-CommandPalette');
5309 /* </DEPRECATED> */
5310 _this.setFlag(Widget.Flag.DisallowLayout);
5311 _this.commands = options.commands;
5312 _this.renderer = options.renderer || CommandPalette.defaultRenderer;
5313 _this.commands.commandChanged.connect(_this._onGenericChange, _this);
5314 _this.commands.keyBindingChanged.connect(_this._onGenericChange, _this);
5315 return _this;
5316 }
5317 /**
5318 * Dispose of the resources held by the widget.
5319 */
5320 CommandPalette.prototype.dispose = function () {
5321 this._items.length = 0;
5322 this._results = null;
5323 _super.prototype.dispose.call(this);
5324 };
5325 Object.defineProperty(CommandPalette.prototype, "searchNode", {
5326 /**
5327 * The command palette search node.
5328 *
5329 * #### Notes
5330 * This is the node which contains the search-related elements.
5331 */
5332 get: function () {
5333 return this.node.getElementsByClassName('lm-CommandPalette-search')[0];
5334 },
5335 enumerable: true,
5336 configurable: true
5337 });
5338 Object.defineProperty(CommandPalette.prototype, "inputNode", {
5339 /**
5340 * The command palette input node.
5341 *
5342 * #### Notes
5343 * This is the actual input node for the search area.
5344 */
5345 get: function () {
5346 return this.node.getElementsByClassName('lm-CommandPalette-input')[0];
5347 },
5348 enumerable: true,
5349 configurable: true
5350 });
5351 Object.defineProperty(CommandPalette.prototype, "contentNode", {
5352 /**
5353 * The command palette content node.
5354 *
5355 * #### Notes
5356 * This is the node which holds the command item nodes.
5357 *
5358 * Modifying this node directly can lead to undefined behavior.
5359 */
5360 get: function () {
5361 return this.node.getElementsByClassName('lm-CommandPalette-content')[0];
5362 },
5363 enumerable: true,
5364 configurable: true
5365 });
5366 Object.defineProperty(CommandPalette.prototype, "items", {
5367 /**
5368 * A read-only array of the command items in the palette.
5369 */
5370 get: function () {
5371 return this._items;
5372 },
5373 enumerable: true,
5374 configurable: true
5375 });
5376 /**
5377 * Add a command item to the command palette.
5378 *
5379 * @param options - The options for creating the command item.
5380 *
5381 * @returns The command item added to the palette.
5382 */
5383 CommandPalette.prototype.addItem = function (options) {
5384 // Create a new command item for the options.
5385 var item = Private$a.createItem(this.commands, options);
5386 // Add the item to the array.
5387 this._items.push(item);
5388 // Refresh the search results.
5389 this.refresh();
5390 // Return the item added to the palette.
5391 return item;
5392 };
5393 /**
5394 * Adds command items to the command palette.
5395 *
5396 * @param items - An array of options for creating each command item.
5397 *
5398 * @returns The command items added to the palette.
5399 */
5400 CommandPalette.prototype.addItems = function (items) {
5401 var _this = this;
5402 var newItems = items.map(function (item) { return Private$a.createItem(_this.commands, item); });
5403 newItems.forEach(function (item) { return _this._items.push(item); });
5404 this.refresh();
5405 return newItems;
5406 };
5407 /**
5408 * Remove an item from the command palette.
5409 *
5410 * @param item - The item to remove from the palette.
5411 *
5412 * #### Notes
5413 * This is a no-op if the item is not in the palette.
5414 */
5415 CommandPalette.prototype.removeItem = function (item) {
5416 this.removeItemAt(this._items.indexOf(item));
5417 };
5418 /**
5419 * Remove the item at a given index from the command palette.
5420 *
5421 * @param index - The index of the item to remove.
5422 *
5423 * #### Notes
5424 * This is a no-op if the index is out of range.
5425 */
5426 CommandPalette.prototype.removeItemAt = function (index) {
5427 // Remove the item from the array.
5428 var item = ArrayExt.removeAt(this._items, index);
5429 // Bail if the index is out of range.
5430 if (!item) {
5431 return;
5432 }
5433 // Refresh the search results.
5434 this.refresh();
5435 };
5436 /**
5437 * Remove all items from the command palette.
5438 */
5439 CommandPalette.prototype.clearItems = function () {
5440 // Bail if there is nothing to remove.
5441 if (this._items.length === 0) {
5442 return;
5443 }
5444 // Clear the array of items.
5445 this._items.length = 0;
5446 // Refresh the search results.
5447 this.refresh();
5448 };
5449 /**
5450 * Clear the search results and schedule an update.
5451 *
5452 * #### Notes
5453 * This should be called whenever the search results of the palette
5454 * should be updated.
5455 *
5456 * This is typically called automatically by the palette as needed,
5457 * but can be called manually if the input text is programatically
5458 * changed.
5459 *
5460 * The rendered results are updated asynchronously.
5461 */
5462 CommandPalette.prototype.refresh = function () {
5463 this._results = null;
5464 if (this.inputNode.value !== '') {
5465 var clear = this.node.getElementsByClassName('lm-close-icon')[0];
5466 clear.style.display = 'inherit';
5467 }
5468 else {
5469 var clear = this.node.getElementsByClassName('lm-close-icon')[0];
5470 clear.style.display = 'none';
5471 }
5472 this.update();
5473 };
5474 /**
5475 * Handle the DOM events for the command palette.
5476 *
5477 * @param event - The DOM event sent to the command palette.
5478 *
5479 * #### Notes
5480 * This method implements the DOM `EventListener` interface and is
5481 * called in response to events on the command palette's DOM node.
5482 * It should not be called directly by user code.
5483 */
5484 CommandPalette.prototype.handleEvent = function (event) {
5485 switch (event.type) {
5486 case 'click':
5487 this._evtClick(event);
5488 break;
5489 case 'keydown':
5490 this._evtKeyDown(event);
5491 break;
5492 case 'input':
5493 this.refresh();
5494 break;
5495 case 'focus':
5496 case 'blur':
5497 this._toggleFocused();
5498 break;
5499 }
5500 };
5501 /**
5502 * A message handler invoked on a `'before-attach'` message.
5503 */
5504 CommandPalette.prototype.onBeforeAttach = function (msg) {
5505 this.node.addEventListener('click', this);
5506 this.node.addEventListener('keydown', this);
5507 this.node.addEventListener('input', this);
5508 this.node.addEventListener('focus', this, true);
5509 this.node.addEventListener('blur', this, true);
5510 };
5511 /**
5512 * A message handler invoked on an `'after-detach'` message.
5513 */
5514 CommandPalette.prototype.onAfterDetach = function (msg) {
5515 this.node.removeEventListener('click', this);
5516 this.node.removeEventListener('keydown', this);
5517 this.node.removeEventListener('input', this);
5518 this.node.removeEventListener('focus', this, true);
5519 this.node.removeEventListener('blur', this, true);
5520 };
5521 /**
5522 * A message handler invoked on an `'activate-request'` message.
5523 */
5524 CommandPalette.prototype.onActivateRequest = function (msg) {
5525 if (this.isAttached) {
5526 var input = this.inputNode;
5527 input.focus();
5528 input.select();
5529 }
5530 };
5531 /**
5532 * A message handler invoked on an `'update-request'` message.
5533 */
5534 CommandPalette.prototype.onUpdateRequest = function (msg) {
5535 // Fetch the current query text and content node.
5536 var query = this.inputNode.value;
5537 var contentNode = this.contentNode;
5538 // Ensure the search results are generated.
5539 var results = this._results;
5540 if (!results) {
5541 // Generate and store the new search results.
5542 results = this._results = Private$a.search(this._items, query);
5543 // Reset the active index.
5544 this._activeIndex = query
5545 ? ArrayExt.findFirstIndex(results, Private$a.canActivate)
5546 : -1;
5547 }
5548 // If there is no query and no results, clear the content.
5549 if (!query && results.length === 0) {
5550 VirtualDOM.render(null, contentNode);
5551 return;
5552 }
5553 // If the is a query but no results, render the empty message.
5554 if (query && results.length === 0) {
5555 var content_1 = this.renderer.renderEmptyMessage({ query: query });
5556 VirtualDOM.render(content_1, contentNode);
5557 return;
5558 }
5559 // Create the render content for the search results.
5560 var renderer = this.renderer;
5561 var activeIndex = this._activeIndex;
5562 var content = new Array(results.length);
5563 for (var i = 0, n = results.length; i < n; ++i) {
5564 var result = results[i];
5565 if (result.type === 'header') {
5566 var indices = result.indices;
5567 var category = result.category;
5568 content[i] = renderer.renderHeader({ category: category, indices: indices });
5569 }
5570 else {
5571 var item = result.item;
5572 var indices = result.indices;
5573 var active = i === activeIndex;
5574 content[i] = renderer.renderItem({ item: item, indices: indices, active: active });
5575 }
5576 }
5577 // Render the search result content.
5578 VirtualDOM.render(content, contentNode);
5579 // Adjust the scroll position as needed.
5580 if (activeIndex < 0 || activeIndex >= results.length) {
5581 contentNode.scrollTop = 0;
5582 }
5583 else {
5584 var element = contentNode.children[activeIndex];
5585 ElementExt.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(contentNode, element);
5586 }
5587 };
5588 /**
5589 * Handle the `'click'` event for the command palette.
5590 */
5591 CommandPalette.prototype._evtClick = function (event) {
5592 // Bail if the click is not the left button.
5593 if (event.button !== 0) {
5594 return;
5595 }
5596 // Clear input if the target is clear button
5597 if (event.target.classList.contains('lm-close-icon')) {
5598 this.inputNode.value = '';
5599 this.refresh();
5600 return;
5601 }
5602 // Find the index of the item which was clicked.
5603 var index = ArrayExt.findFirstIndex(this.contentNode.children, function (node) {
5604 return node.contains(event.target);
5605 });
5606 // Bail if the click was not on an item.
5607 if (index === -1) {
5608 return;
5609 }
5610 // Kill the event when a content item is clicked.
5611 event.preventDefault();
5612 event.stopPropagation();
5613 // Execute the item if possible.
5614 this._execute(index);
5615 };
5616 /**
5617 * Handle the `'keydown'` event for the command palette.
5618 */
5619 CommandPalette.prototype._evtKeyDown = function (event) {
5620 if (event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || event.shiftKey) {
5621 return;
5622 }
5623 switch (event.keyCode) {
5624 case 13: // Enter
5625 event.preventDefault();
5626 event.stopPropagation();
5627 this._execute(this._activeIndex);
5628 break;
5629 case 38: // Up Arrow
5630 event.preventDefault();
5631 event.stopPropagation();
5632 this._activatePreviousItem();
5633 break;
5634 case 40: // Down Arrow
5635 event.preventDefault();
5636 event.stopPropagation();
5637 this._activateNextItem();
5638 break;
5639 }
5640 };
5641 /**
5642 * Activate the next enabled command item.
5643 */
5644 CommandPalette.prototype._activateNextItem = function () {
5645 // Bail if there are no search results.
5646 if (!this._results || this._results.length === 0) {
5647 return;
5648 }
5649 // Find the next enabled item index.
5650 var ai = this._activeIndex;
5651 var n = this._results.length;
5652 var start = ai < n - 1 ? ai + 1 : 0;
5653 var stop = start === 0 ? n - 1 : start - 1;
5654 this._activeIndex = ArrayExt.findFirstIndex(this._results, Private$a.canActivate, start, stop);
5655 // Schedule an update of the items.
5656 this.update();
5657 };
5658 /**
5659 * Activate the previous enabled command item.
5660 */
5661 CommandPalette.prototype._activatePreviousItem = function () {
5662 // Bail if there are no search results.
5663 if (!this._results || this._results.length === 0) {
5664 return;
5665 }
5666 // Find the previous enabled item index.
5667 var ai = this._activeIndex;
5668 var n = this._results.length;
5669 var start = ai <= 0 ? n - 1 : ai - 1;
5670 var stop = start === n - 1 ? 0 : start + 1;
5671 this._activeIndex = ArrayExt.findLastIndex(this._results, Private$a.canActivate, start, stop);
5672 // Schedule an update of the items.
5673 this.update();
5674 };
5675 /**
5676 * Execute the command item at the given index, if possible.
5677 */
5678 CommandPalette.prototype._execute = function (index) {
5679 // Bail if there are no search results.
5680 if (!this._results) {
5681 return;
5682 }
5683 // Bail if the index is out of range.
5684 var part = this._results[index];
5685 if (!part) {
5686 return;
5687 }
5688 // Update the search text if the item is a header.
5689 if (part.type === 'header') {
5690 var input = this.inputNode;
5691 input.value = part.category.toLowerCase() + " ";
5692 input.focus();
5693 this.refresh();
5694 return;
5695 }
5696 // Bail if item is not enabled.
5697 if (!part.item.isEnabled) {
5698 return;
5699 }
5700 // Execute the item.
5701 this.commands.execute(part.item.command, part.item.args);
5702 // Clear the query text.
5703 this.inputNode.value = '';
5704 // Refresh the search results.
5705 this.refresh();
5706 };
5707 /**
5708 * Toggle the focused modifier based on the input node focus state.
5709 */
5710 CommandPalette.prototype._toggleFocused = function () {
5711 var focused = document.activeElement === this.inputNode;
5712 this.toggleClass('lm-mod-focused', focused);
5713 /* <DEPRECATED> */
5714 this.toggleClass('p-mod-focused', focused);
5715 /* </DEPRECATED> */
5716 };
5717 /**
5718 * A signal handler for generic command changes.
5719 */
5720 CommandPalette.prototype._onGenericChange = function () {
5721 this.refresh();
5722 };
5723 return CommandPalette;
5726 * The namespace for the `CommandPalette` class statics.
5727 */
5728(function (CommandPalette) {
5729 /**
5730 * The default implementation of `IRenderer`.
5731 */
5732 var Renderer = /** @class */ (function () {
5733 function Renderer() {
5734 }
5735 /**
5736 * Render the virtual element for a command palette header.
5737 *
5738 * @param data - The data to use for rendering the header.
5739 *
5740 * @returns A virtual element representing the header.
5741 */
5742 Renderer.prototype.renderHeader = function (data) {
5743 var content = this.formatHeader(data);
5744 return h.li({
5745 className: 'lm-CommandPalette-header' +
5746 /* <DEPRECATED> */
5747 ' p-CommandPalette-header'
5748 /* </DEPRECATED> */
5749 }, content);
5750 };
5751 /**
5752 * Render the virtual element for a command palette item.
5753 *
5754 * @param data - The data to use for rendering the item.
5755 *
5756 * @returns A virtual element representing the item.
5757 */
5758 Renderer.prototype.renderItem = function (data) {
5759 var className = this.createItemClass(data);
5760 var dataset = this.createItemDataset(data);
5761 if (data.item.isToggleable) {
5762 return h.li({
5763 className: className,
5764 dataset: dataset,
5765 role: 'checkbox',
5766 'aria-checked': "" + data.item.isToggled
5767 }, this.renderItemIcon(data), this.renderItemContent(data), this.renderItemShortcut(data));
5768 }
5769 return h.li({
5770 className: className,
5771 dataset: dataset
5772 }, this.renderItemIcon(data), this.renderItemContent(data), this.renderItemShortcut(data));
5773 };
5774 /**
5775 * Render the empty results message for a command palette.
5776 *
5777 * @param data - The data to use for rendering the message.
5778 *
5779 * @returns A virtual element representing the message.
5780 */
5781 Renderer.prototype.renderEmptyMessage = function (data) {
5782 var content = this.formatEmptyMessage(data);
5783 return h.li({
5784 className: 'lm-CommandPalette-emptyMessage' +
5785 /* <DEPRECATED> */
5786 ' p-CommandPalette-emptyMessage'
5787 /* </DEPRECATED> */
5788 }, content);
5789 };
5790 /**
5791 * Render the icon for a command palette item.
5792 *
5793 * @param data - The data to use for rendering the icon.
5794 *
5795 * @returns A virtual element representing the icon.
5796 */
5797 Renderer.prototype.renderItemIcon = function (data) {
5798 var className = this.createIconClass(data);
5799 /* <DEPRECATED> */
5800 if (typeof data.item.icon === 'string') {
5801 return h.div({ className: className }, data.item.iconLabel);
5802 }
5803 /* </DEPRECATED> */
5804 // if data.item.icon is undefined, it will be ignored
5805 return h.div({ className: className }, data.item.icon, data.item.iconLabel);
5806 };
5807 /**
5808 * Render the content for a command palette item.
5809 *
5810 * @param data - The data to use for rendering the content.
5811 *
5812 * @returns A virtual element representing the content.
5813 */
5814 Renderer.prototype.renderItemContent = function (data) {
5815 return h.div({
5816 className: 'lm-CommandPalette-itemContent' +
5817 /* <DEPRECATED> */
5818 ' p-CommandPalette-itemContent'
5819 /* </DEPRECATED> */
5820 }, this.renderItemLabel(data), this.renderItemCaption(data));
5821 };
5822 /**
5823 * Render the label for a command palette item.
5824 *
5825 * @param data - The data to use for rendering the label.
5826 *
5827 * @returns A virtual element representing the label.
5828 */
5829 Renderer.prototype.renderItemLabel = function (data) {
5830 var content = this.formatItemLabel(data);
5831 return h.div({
5832 className: 'lm-CommandPalette-itemLabel' +
5833 /* <DEPRECATED> */
5834 ' p-CommandPalette-itemLabel'
5835 /* </DEPRECATED> */
5836 }, content);
5837 };
5838 /**
5839 * Render the caption for a command palette item.
5840 *
5841 * @param data - The data to use for rendering the caption.
5842 *
5843 * @returns A virtual element representing the caption.
5844 */
5845 Renderer.prototype.renderItemCaption = function (data) {
5846 var content = this.formatItemCaption(data);
5847 return h.div({
5848 className: 'lm-CommandPalette-itemCaption' +
5849 /* <DEPRECATED> */
5850 ' p-CommandPalette-itemCaption'
5851 /* </DEPRECATED> */
5852 }, content);
5853 };
5854 /**
5855 * Render the shortcut for a command palette item.
5856 *
5857 * @param data - The data to use for rendering the shortcut.
5858 *
5859 * @returns A virtual element representing the shortcut.
5860 */
5861 Renderer.prototype.renderItemShortcut = function (data) {
5862 var content = this.formatItemShortcut(data);
5863 return h.div({
5864 className: 'lm-CommandPalette-itemShortcut' +
5865 /* <DEPRECATED> */
5866 ' p-CommandPalette-itemShortcut'
5867 /* </DEPRECATED> */
5868 }, content);
5869 };
5870 /**
5871 * Create the class name for the command palette item.
5872 *
5873 * @param data - The data to use for the class name.
5874 *
5875 * @returns The full class name for the command palette item.
5876 */
5877 Renderer.prototype.createItemClass = function (data) {
5878 // Set up the initial class name.
5879 var name = 'lm-CommandPalette-item';
5880 /* <DEPRECATED> */
5881 name += ' p-CommandPalette-item';
5882 /* </DEPRECATED> */
5883 // Add the boolean state classes.
5884 if (!data.item.isEnabled) {
5885 name += ' lm-mod-disabled';
5886 /* <DEPRECATED> */
5887 name += ' p-mod-disabled';
5888 /* </DEPRECATED> */
5889 }
5890 if (data.item.isToggled) {
5891 name += ' lm-mod-toggled';
5892 /* <DEPRECATED> */
5893 name += ' p-mod-toggled';
5894 /* </DEPRECATED> */
5895 }
5896 if (data.active) {
5897 name += ' lm-mod-active';
5898 /* <DEPRECATED> */
5899 name += ' p-mod-active';
5900 /* </DEPRECATED> */
5901 }
5902 // Add the extra class.
5903 var extra = data.item.className;
5904 if (extra) {
5905 name += " " + extra;
5906 }
5907 // Return the complete class name.
5908 return name;
5909 };
5910 /**
5911 * Create the dataset for the command palette item.
5912 *
5913 * @param data - The data to use for creating the dataset.
5914 *
5915 * @returns The dataset for the command palette item.
5916 */
5917 Renderer.prototype.createItemDataset = function (data) {
5918 return __assign(__assign({}, data.item.dataset), { command: data.item.command });
5919 };
5920 /**
5921 * Create the class name for the command item icon.
5922 *
5923 * @param data - The data to use for the class name.
5924 *
5925 * @returns The full class name for the item icon.
5926 */
5927 Renderer.prototype.createIconClass = function (data) {
5928 var name = 'lm-CommandPalette-itemIcon';
5929 /* <DEPRECATED> */
5930 name += ' p-CommandPalette-itemIcon';
5931 /* </DEPRECATED> */
5932 var extra = data.item.iconClass;
5933 return extra ? name + " " + extra : name;
5934 };
5935 /**
5936 * Create the render content for the header node.
5937 *
5938 * @param data - The data to use for the header content.
5939 *
5940 * @returns The content to add to the header node.
5941 */
5942 Renderer.prototype.formatHeader = function (data) {
5943 if (!data.indices || data.indices.length === 0) {
5944 return data.category;
5945 }
5946 return StringExt.highlight(data.category, data.indices, h.mark);
5947 };
5948 /**
5949 * Create the render content for the empty message node.
5950 *
5951 * @param data - The data to use for the empty message content.
5952 *
5953 * @returns The content to add to the empty message node.
5954 */
5955 Renderer.prototype.formatEmptyMessage = function (data) {
5956 return "No commands found that match '" + data.query + "'";
5957 };
5958 /**
5959 * Create the render content for the item shortcut node.
5960 *
5961 * @param data - The data to use for the shortcut content.
5962 *
5963 * @returns The content to add to the shortcut node.
5964 */
5965 Renderer.prototype.formatItemShortcut = function (data) {
5966 var kb = data.item.keyBinding;
5967 return kb
5968 ? kb.keys.map(CommandRegistry.formatKeystroke).join(', ')
5969 : null;
5970 };
5971 /**
5972 * Create the render content for the item label node.
5973 *
5974 * @param data - The data to use for the label content.
5975 *
5976 * @returns The content to add to the label node.
5977 */
5978 Renderer.prototype.formatItemLabel = function (data) {
5979 if (!data.indices || data.indices.length === 0) {
5980 return data.item.label;
5981 }
5982 return StringExt.highlight(data.item.label, data.indices, h.mark);
5983 };
5984 /**
5985 * Create the render content for the item caption node.
5986 *
5987 * @param data - The data to use for the caption content.
5988 *
5989 * @returns The content to add to the caption node.
5990 */
5991 Renderer.prototype.formatItemCaption = function (data) {
5992 return data.item.caption;
5993 };
5994 return Renderer;
5995 }());
5996 CommandPalette.Renderer = Renderer;
5997 /**
5998 * The default `Renderer` instance.
5999 */
6000 CommandPalette.defaultRenderer = new Renderer();
6001})(CommandPalette || (CommandPalette = {}));
6003 * The namespace for the module implementation details.
6004 */
6005var Private$a;
6006(function (Private) {
6007 /**
6008 * Create the DOM node for a command palette.
6009 */
6010 function createNode() {
6011 var node = document.createElement('div');
6012 var search = document.createElement('div');
6013 var wrapper = document.createElement('div');
6014 var input = document.createElement('input');
6015 var content = document.createElement('ul');
6016 var clear = document.createElement('button');
6017 search.className = 'lm-CommandPalette-search';
6018 wrapper.className = 'lm-CommandPalette-wrapper';
6019 input.className = 'lm-CommandPalette-input';
6020 clear.className = 'lm-close-icon';
6021 content.className = 'lm-CommandPalette-content';
6022 /* <DEPRECATED> */
6023 search.classList.add('p-CommandPalette-search');
6024 wrapper.classList.add('p-CommandPalette-wrapper');
6025 input.classList.add('p-CommandPalette-input');
6026 content.classList.add('p-CommandPalette-content');
6027 /* </DEPRECATED> */
6028 input.spellcheck = false;
6029 wrapper.appendChild(input);
6030 wrapper.appendChild(clear);
6031 search.appendChild(wrapper);
6032 node.appendChild(search);
6033 node.appendChild(content);
6034 return node;
6035 }
6036 Private.createNode = createNode;
6037 /**
6038 * Create a new command item from a command registry and options.
6039 */
6040 function createItem(commands, options) {
6041 return new CommandItem(commands, options);
6042 }
6043 Private.createItem = createItem;
6044 /**
6045 * Search an array of command items for fuzzy matches.
6046 */
6047 function search(items, query) {
6048 // Fuzzy match the items for the query.
6049 var scores = matchItems(items, query);
6050 // Sort the items based on their score.
6051 scores.sort(scoreCmp);
6052 // Create the results for the search.
6053 return createResults(scores);
6054 }
6055 Private.search = search;
6056 /**
6057 * Test whether a result item can be activated.
6058 */
6059 function canActivate(result) {
6060 return result.type === 'item' && result.item.isEnabled;
6061 }
6062 Private.canActivate = canActivate;
6063 /**
6064 * Normalize a category for a command item.
6065 */
6066 function normalizeCategory(category) {
6067 return category.trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
6068 }
6069 /**
6070 * Normalize the query text for a fuzzy search.
6071 */
6072 function normalizeQuery(text) {
6073 return text.replace(/\s+/g, '').toLowerCase();
6074 }
6075 /**
6076 * Perform a fuzzy match on an array of command items.
6077 */
6078 function matchItems(items, query) {
6079 // Normalize the query text to lower case with no whitespace.
6080 query = normalizeQuery(query);
6081 // Create the array to hold the scores.
6082 var scores = [];
6083 // Iterate over the items and match against the query.
6084 for (var i = 0, n = items.length; i < n; ++i) {
6085 // Ignore items which are not visible.
6086 var item = items[i];
6087 if (!item.isVisible) {
6088 continue;
6089 }
6090 // If the query is empty, all items are matched by default.
6091 if (!query) {
6092 scores.push({
6093 matchType: 3 /* Default */,
6094 categoryIndices: null,
6095 labelIndices: null,
6096 score: 0,
6097 item: item
6098 });
6099 continue;
6100 }
6101 // Run the fuzzy search for the item and query.
6102 var score = fuzzySearch(item, query);
6103 // Ignore the item if it is not a match.
6104 if (!score) {
6105 continue;
6106 }
6107 // Penalize disabled items.
6108 // TODO - push disabled items all the way down in sort cmp?
6109 if (!item.isEnabled) {
6110 score.score += 1000;
6111 }
6112 // Add the score to the results.
6113 scores.push(score);
6114 }
6115 // Return the final array of scores.
6116 return scores;
6117 }
6118 /**
6119 * Perform a fuzzy search on a single command item.
6120 */
6121 function fuzzySearch(item, query) {
6122 // Create the source text to be searched.
6123 var category = item.category.toLowerCase();
6124 var label = item.label.toLowerCase();
6125 var source = category + " " + label;
6126 // Set up the match score and indices array.
6127 var score = Infinity;
6128 var indices = null;
6129 // The regex for search word boundaries
6130 var rgx = /\b\w/g;
6131 // Search the source by word boundary.
6132 // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
6133 while (true) {
6134 // Find the next word boundary in the source.
6135 var rgxMatch = rgx.exec(source);
6136 // Break if there is no more source context.
6137 if (!rgxMatch) {
6138 break;
6139 }
6140 // Run the string match on the relevant substring.
6141 var match = StringExt.matchSumOfDeltas(source, query, rgxMatch.index);
6142 // Break if there is no match.
6143 if (!match) {
6144 break;
6145 }
6146 // Update the match if the score is better.
6147 if (match && match.score <= score) {
6148 score = match.score;
6149 indices = match.indices;
6150 }
6151 }
6152 // Bail if there was no match.
6153 if (!indices || score === Infinity) {
6154 return null;
6155 }
6156 // Compute the pivot index between category and label text.
6157 var pivot = category.length + 1;
6158 // Find the slice index to separate matched indices.
6159 var j = ArrayExt.lowerBound(indices, pivot, function (a, b) { return a - b; });
6160 // Extract the matched category and label indices.
6161 var categoryIndices = indices.slice(0, j);
6162 var labelIndices = indices.slice(j);
6163 // Adjust the label indices for the pivot offset.
6164 for (var i = 0, n = labelIndices.length; i < n; ++i) {
6165 labelIndices[i] -= pivot;
6166 }
6167 // Handle a pure label match.
6168 if (categoryIndices.length === 0) {
6169 return {
6170 matchType: 0 /* Label */,
6171 categoryIndices: null,
6172 labelIndices: labelIndices,
6173 score: score,
6174 item: item
6175 };
6176 }
6177 // Handle a pure category match.
6178 if (labelIndices.length === 0) {
6179 return {
6180 matchType: 1 /* Category */,
6181 categoryIndices: categoryIndices,
6182 labelIndices: null,
6183 score: score,
6184 item: item
6185 };
6186 }
6187 // Handle a split match.
6188 return {
6189 matchType: 2 /* Split */,
6190 categoryIndices: categoryIndices,
6191 labelIndices: labelIndices,
6192 score: score,
6193 item: item
6194 };
6195 }
6196 /**
6197 * A sort comparison function for a match score.
6198 */
6199 function scoreCmp(a, b) {
6200 // First compare based on the match type
6201 var m1 = a.matchType - b.matchType;
6202 if (m1 !== 0) {
6203 return m1;
6204 }
6205 // Otherwise, compare based on the match score.
6206 var d1 = a.score - b.score;
6207 if (d1 !== 0) {
6208 return d1;
6209 }
6210 // Find the match index based on the match type.
6211 var i1 = 0;
6212 var i2 = 0;
6213 switch (a.matchType) {
6214 case 0 /* Label */:
6215 i1 = a.labelIndices[0];
6216 i2 = b.labelIndices[0];
6217 break;
6218 case 1 /* Category */:
6219 case 2 /* Split */:
6220 i1 = a.categoryIndices[0];
6221 i2 = b.categoryIndices[0];
6222 break;
6223 }
6224 // Compare based on the match index.
6225 if (i1 !== i2) {
6226 return i1 - i2;
6227 }
6228 // Otherwise, compare by category.
6229 var d2 = a.item.category.localeCompare(b.item.category);
6230 if (d2 !== 0) {
6231 return d2;
6232 }
6233 // Otherwise, compare by rank.
6234 var r1 = a.item.rank;
6235 var r2 = b.item.rank;
6236 if (r1 !== r2) {
6237 return r1 < r2 ? -1 : 1; // Infinity safe
6238 }
6239 // Finally, compare by label.
6240 return a.item.label.localeCompare(b.item.label);
6241 }
6242 /**
6243 * Create the results from an array of sorted scores.
6244 */
6245 function createResults(scores) {
6246 // Set up an array to track which scores have been visited.
6247 var visited = new Array(scores.length);
6248 ArrayExt.fill(visited, false);
6249 // Set up the search results array.
6250 var results = [];
6251 // Iterate over each score in the array.
6252 for (var i = 0, n = scores.length; i < n; ++i) {
6253 // Ignore a score which has already been processed.
6254 if (visited[i]) {
6255 continue;
6256 }
6257 // Extract the current item and indices.
6258 var _a = scores[i], item = _a.item, categoryIndices = _a.categoryIndices;
6259 // Extract the category for the current item.
6260 var category = item.category;
6261 // Add the header result for the category.
6262 results.push({ type: 'header', category: category, indices: categoryIndices });
6263 // Find the rest of the scores with the same category.
6264 for (var j = i; j < n; ++j) {
6265 // Ignore a score which has already been processed.
6266 if (visited[j]) {
6267 continue;
6268 }
6269 // Extract the data for the current score.
6270 var _b = scores[j], item_1 = _b.item, labelIndices = _b.labelIndices;
6271 // Ignore an item with a different category.
6272 if (item_1.category !== category) {
6273 continue;
6274 }
6275 // Create the item result for the score.
6276 results.push({ type: 'item', item: item_1, indices: labelIndices });
6277 // Mark the score as processed.
6278 visited[j] = true;
6279 }
6280 }
6281 // Return the final results.
6282 return results;
6283 }
6284 /**
6285 * A concrete implementation of `CommandPalette.IItem`.
6286 */
6287 var CommandItem = /** @class */ (function () {
6288 /**
6289 * Construct a new command item.
6290 */
6291 function CommandItem(commands, options) {
6292 this._commands = commands;
6293 this.category = normalizeCategory(options.category);
6294 this.command = options.command;
6295 this.args = options.args || JSONExt.emptyObject;
6296 this.rank = options.rank !== undefined ? options.rank : Infinity;
6297 }
6298 Object.defineProperty(CommandItem.prototype, "label", {
6299 /**
6300 * The display label for the command item.
6301 */
6302 get: function () {
6303 return this._commands.label(this.command, this.args);
6304 },
6305 enumerable: true,
6306 configurable: true
6307 });
6308 Object.defineProperty(CommandItem.prototype, "icon", {
6309 /**
6310 * The icon renderer for the command item.
6311 */
6312 get: function () {
6313 return this._commands.icon(this.command, this.args);
6314 },
6315 enumerable: true,
6316 configurable: true
6317 });
6318 Object.defineProperty(CommandItem.prototype, "iconClass", {
6319 /**
6320 * The icon class for the command item.
6321 */
6322 get: function () {
6323 return this._commands.iconClass(this.command, this.args);
6324 },
6325 enumerable: true,
6326 configurable: true
6327 });
6328 Object.defineProperty(CommandItem.prototype, "iconLabel", {
6329 /**
6330 * The icon label for the command item.
6331 */
6332 get: function () {
6333 return this._commands.iconLabel(this.command, this.args);
6334 },
6335 enumerable: true,
6336 configurable: true
6337 });
6338 Object.defineProperty(CommandItem.prototype, "caption", {
6339 /**
6340 * The display caption for the command item.
6341 */
6342 get: function () {
6343 return this._commands.caption(this.command, this.args);
6344 },
6345 enumerable: true,
6346 configurable: true
6347 });
6348 Object.defineProperty(CommandItem.prototype, "className", {
6349 /**
6350 * The extra class name for the command item.
6351 */
6352 get: function () {
6353 return this._commands.className(this.command, this.args);
6354 },
6355 enumerable: true,
6356 configurable: true
6357 });
6358 Object.defineProperty(CommandItem.prototype, "dataset", {
6359 /**
6360 * The dataset for the command item.
6361 */
6362 get: function () {
6363 return this._commands.dataset(this.command, this.args);
6364 },
6365 enumerable: true,
6366 configurable: true
6367 });
6368 Object.defineProperty(CommandItem.prototype, "isEnabled", {
6369 /**
6370 * Whether the command item is enabled.
6371 */
6372 get: function () {
6373 return this._commands.isEnabled(this.command, this.args);
6374 },
6375 enumerable: true,
6376 configurable: true
6377 });
6378 Object.defineProperty(CommandItem.prototype, "isToggled", {
6379 /**
6380 * Whether the command item is toggled.
6381 */
6382 get: function () {
6383 return this._commands.isToggled(this.command, this.args);
6384 },
6385 enumerable: true,
6386 configurable: true
6387 });
6388 Object.defineProperty(CommandItem.prototype, "isToggleable", {
6389 /**
6390 * Whether the command item is toggleable.
6391 */
6392 get: function () {
6393 return this._commands.isToggleable(this.command, this.args);
6394 },
6395 enumerable: true,
6396 configurable: true
6397 });
6398 Object.defineProperty(CommandItem.prototype, "isVisible", {
6399 /**
6400 * Whether the command item is visible.
6401 */
6402 get: function () {
6403 return this._commands.isVisible(this.command, this.args);
6404 },
6405 enumerable: true,
6406 configurable: true
6407 });
6408 Object.defineProperty(CommandItem.prototype, "keyBinding", {
6409 /**
6410 * The key binding for the command item.
6411 */
6412 get: function () {
6413 var _a = this, command = _a.command, args = _a.args;
6414 return (ArrayExt.findLastValue(this._commands.keyBindings, function (kb) {
6415 return kb.command === command && JSONExt.deepEqual(kb.args, args);
6416 }) || null);
6417 },
6418 enumerable: true,
6419 configurable: true
6420 });
6421 return CommandItem;
6422 }());
6423})(Private$a || (Private$a = {}));
6426 * A widget which displays items as a canonical menu.
6427 */
6428var Menu = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
6429 __extends(Menu, _super);
6430 /**
6431 * Construct a new menu.
6432 *
6433 * @param options - The options for initializing the menu.
6434 */
6435 function Menu(options) {
6436 var _this = _super.call(this, { node: Private$9.createNode() }) || this;
6437 _this._childIndex = -1;
6438 _this._activeIndex = -1;
6439 _this._openTimerID = 0;
6440 _this._closeTimerID = 0;
6441 _this._items = [];
6442 _this._childMenu = null;
6443 _this._parentMenu = null;
6444 _this._aboutToClose = new Signal(_this);
6445 _this._menuRequested = new Signal(_this);
6446 _this.addClass('lm-Menu');
6447 /* <DEPRECATED> */
6448 _this.addClass('p-Menu');
6449 /* </DEPRECATED> */
6450 _this.setFlag(Widget.Flag.DisallowLayout);
6451 _this.commands = options.commands;
6452 _this.renderer = options.renderer || Menu.defaultRenderer;
6453 return _this;
6454 }
6455 /**
6456 * Dispose of the resources held by the menu.
6457 */
6458 Menu.prototype.dispose = function () {
6459 this.close();
6460 this._items.length = 0;
6461 _super.prototype.dispose.call(this);
6462 };
6463 Object.defineProperty(Menu.prototype, "aboutToClose", {
6464 /**
6465 * A signal emitted just before the menu is closed.
6466 *
6467 * #### Notes
6468 * This signal is emitted when the menu receives a `'close-request'`
6469 * message, just before it removes itself from the DOM.
6470 *
6471 * This signal is not emitted if the menu is already detached from
6472 * the DOM when it receives the `'close-request'` message.
6473 */
6474 get: function () {
6475 return this._aboutToClose;
6476 },
6477 enumerable: true,
6478 configurable: true
6479 });
6480 Object.defineProperty(Menu.prototype, "menuRequested", {
6481 /**
6482 * A signal emitted when a new menu is requested by the user.
6483 *
6484 * #### Notes
6485 * This signal is emitted whenever the user presses the right or left
6486 * arrow keys, and a submenu cannot be opened or closed in response.
6487 *
6488 * This signal is useful when implementing menu bars in order to open
6489 * the next or previous menu in response to a user key press.
6490 *
6491 * This signal is only emitted for the root menu in a hierarchy.
6492 */
6493 get: function () {
6494 return this._menuRequested;
6495 },
6496 enumerable: true,
6497 configurable: true
6498 });
6499 Object.defineProperty(Menu.prototype, "parentMenu", {
6500 /**
6501 * The parent menu of the menu.
6502 *
6503 * #### Notes
6504 * This is `null` unless the menu is an open submenu.
6505 */
6506 get: function () {
6507 return this._parentMenu;
6508 },
6509 enumerable: true,
6510 configurable: true
6511 });
6512 Object.defineProperty(Menu.prototype, "childMenu", {
6513 /**
6514 * The child menu of the menu.
6515 *
6516 * #### Notes
6517 * This is `null` unless the menu has an open submenu.
6518 */
6519 get: function () {
6520 return this._childMenu;
6521 },
6522 enumerable: true,
6523 configurable: true
6524 });
6525 Object.defineProperty(Menu.prototype, "rootMenu", {
6526 /**
6527 * The root menu of the menu hierarchy.
6528 */
6529 get: function () {
6530 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias
6531 var menu = this;
6532 while (menu._parentMenu) {
6533 menu = menu._parentMenu;
6534 }
6535 return menu;
6536 },
6537 enumerable: true,
6538 configurable: true
6539 });
6540 Object.defineProperty(Menu.prototype, "leafMenu", {
6541 /**
6542 * The leaf menu of the menu hierarchy.
6543 */
6544 get: function () {
6545 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias
6546 var menu = this;
6547 while (menu._childMenu) {
6548 menu = menu._childMenu;
6549 }
6550 return menu;
6551 },
6552 enumerable: true,
6553 configurable: true
6554 });
6555 Object.defineProperty(Menu.prototype, "contentNode", {
6556 /**
6557 * The menu content node.
6558 *
6559 * #### Notes
6560 * This is the node which holds the menu item nodes.
6561 *
6562 * Modifying this node directly can lead to undefined behavior.
6563 */
6564 get: function () {
6565 return this.node.getElementsByClassName('lm-Menu-content')[0];
6566 },
6567 enumerable: true,
6568 configurable: true
6569 });
6570 Object.defineProperty(Menu.prototype, "activeItem", {
6571 /**
6572 * Get the currently active menu item.
6573 */
6574 get: function () {
6575 return this._items[this._activeIndex] || null;
6576 },
6577 /**
6578 * Set the currently active menu item.
6579 *
6580 * #### Notes
6581 * If the item cannot be activated, the item will be set to `null`.
6582 */
6583 set: function (value) {
6584 this.activeIndex = value ? this._items.indexOf(value) : -1;
6585 },
6586 enumerable: true,
6587 configurable: true
6588 });
6589 Object.defineProperty(Menu.prototype, "activeIndex", {
6590 /**
6591 * Get the index of the currently active menu item.
6592 *
6593 * #### Notes
6594 * This will be `-1` if no menu item is active.
6595 */
6596 get: function () {
6597 return this._activeIndex;
6598 },
6599 /**
6600 * Set the index of the currently active menu item.
6601 *
6602 * #### Notes
6603 * If the item cannot be activated, the index will be set to `-1`.
6604 */
6605 set: function (value) {
6606 // Adjust the value for an out of range index.
6607 if (value < 0 || value >= this._items.length) {
6608 value = -1;
6609 }
6610 // Ensure the item can be activated.
6611 if (value !== -1 && !Private$9.canActivate(this._items[value])) {
6612 value = -1;
6613 }
6614 // Bail if the index will not change.
6615 if (this._activeIndex === value) {
6616 return;
6617 }
6618 // Update the active index.
6619 this._activeIndex = value;
6620 // Make active element in focus
6621 if (this._activeIndex >= 0 &&
6622 this.contentNode.childNodes[this._activeIndex]) {
6623 this.contentNode.childNodes[this._activeIndex].focus();
6624 }
6625 // schedule an update of the items.
6626 this.update();
6627 },
6628 enumerable: true,
6629 configurable: true
6630 });
6631 Object.defineProperty(Menu.prototype, "items", {
6632 /**
6633 * A read-only array of the menu items in the menu.
6634 */
6635 get: function () {
6636 return this._items;
6637 },
6638 enumerable: true,
6639 configurable: true
6640 });
6641 /**
6642 * Activate the next selectable item in the menu.
6643 *
6644 * #### Notes
6645 * If no item is selectable, the index will be set to `-1`.
6646 */
6647 Menu.prototype.activateNextItem = function () {
6648 var n = this._items.length;
6649 var ai = this._activeIndex;
6650 var start = ai < n - 1 ? ai + 1 : 0;
6651 var stop = start === 0 ? n - 1 : start - 1;
6652 this.activeIndex = ArrayExt.findFirstIndex(this._items, Private$9.canActivate, start, stop);
6653 };
6654 /**
6655 * Activate the previous selectable item in the menu.
6656 *
6657 * #### Notes
6658 * If no item is selectable, the index will be set to `-1`.
6659 */
6660 Menu.prototype.activatePreviousItem = function () {
6661 var n = this._items.length;
6662 var ai = this._activeIndex;
6663 var start = ai <= 0 ? n - 1 : ai - 1;
6664 var stop = start === n - 1 ? 0 : start + 1;
6665 this.activeIndex = ArrayExt.findLastIndex(this._items, Private$9.canActivate, start, stop);
6666 };
6667 /**
6668 * Trigger the active menu item.
6669 *
6670 * #### Notes
6671 * If the active item is a submenu, it will be opened and the first
6672 * item will be activated.
6673 *
6674 * If the active item is a command, the command will be executed.
6675 *
6676 * If the menu is not attached, this is a no-op.
6677 *
6678 * If there is no active item, this is a no-op.
6679 */
6680 Menu.prototype.triggerActiveItem = function () {
6681 // Bail if the menu is not attached.
6682 if (!this.isAttached) {
6683 return;
6684 }
6685 // Bail if there is no active item.
6686 var item = this.activeItem;
6687 if (!item) {
6688 return;
6689 }
6690 // Cancel the pending timers.
6691 this._cancelOpenTimer();
6692 this._cancelCloseTimer();
6693 // If the item is a submenu, open it.
6694 if (item.type === 'submenu') {
6695 this._openChildMenu(true);
6696 return;
6697 }
6698 // Close the root menu before executing the command.
6699 this.rootMenu.close();
6700 // Execute the command for the item.
6701 var command = item.command, args = item.args;
6702 if (this.commands.isEnabled(command, args)) {
6703 this.commands.execute(command, args);
6704 }
6705 else {
6706 console.log("Command '" + command + "' is disabled.");
6707 }
6708 };
6709 /**
6710 * Add a menu item to the end of the menu.
6711 *
6712 * @param options - The options for creating the menu item.
6713 *
6714 * @returns The menu item added to the menu.
6715 */
6716 Menu.prototype.addItem = function (options) {
6717 return this.insertItem(this._items.length, options);
6718 };
6719 /**
6720 * Insert a menu item into the menu at the specified index.
6721 *
6722 * @param index - The index at which to insert the item.
6723 *
6724 * @param options - The options for creating the menu item.
6725 *
6726 * @returns The menu item added to the menu.
6727 *
6728 * #### Notes
6729 * The index will be clamped to the bounds of the items.
6730 */
6731 Menu.prototype.insertItem = function (index, options) {
6732 // Close the menu if it's attached.
6733 if (this.isAttached) {
6734 this.close();
6735 }
6736 // Reset the active index.
6737 this.activeIndex = -1;
6738 // Clamp the insert index to the array bounds.
6739 var i = Math.max(0, Math.min(index, this._items.length));
6740 // Create the item for the options.
6741 var item = Private$9.createItem(this, options);
6742 // Insert the item into the array.
6743 ArrayExt.insert(this._items, i, item);
6744 // Schedule an update of the items.
6745 this.update();
6746 // Return the item added to the menu.
6747 return item;
6748 };
6749 /**
6750 * Remove an item from the menu.
6751 *
6752 * @param item - The item to remove from the menu.
6753 *
6754 * #### Notes
6755 * This is a no-op if the item is not in the menu.
6756 */
6757 Menu.prototype.removeItem = function (item) {
6758 this.removeItemAt(this._items.indexOf(item));
6759 };
6760 /**
6761 * Remove the item at a given index from the menu.
6762 *
6763 * @param index - The index of the item to remove.
6764 *
6765 * #### Notes
6766 * This is a no-op if the index is out of range.
6767 */
6768 Menu.prototype.removeItemAt = function (index) {
6769 // Close the menu if it's attached.
6770 if (this.isAttached) {
6771 this.close();
6772 }
6773 // Reset the active index.
6774 this.activeIndex = -1;
6775 // Remove the item from the array.
6776 var item = ArrayExt.removeAt(this._items, index);
6777 // Bail if the index is out of range.
6778 if (!item) {
6779 return;
6780 }
6781 // Schedule an update of the items.
6782 this.update();
6783 };
6784 /**
6785 * Remove all menu items from the menu.
6786 */
6787 Menu.prototype.clearItems = function () {
6788 // Close the menu if it's attached.
6789 if (this.isAttached) {
6790 this.close();
6791 }
6792 // Reset the active index.
6793 this.activeIndex = -1;
6794 // Bail if there is nothing to remove.
6795 if (this._items.length === 0) {
6796 return;
6797 }
6798 // Clear the items.
6799 this._items.length = 0;
6800 // Schedule an update of the items.
6801 this.update();
6802 };
6803 /**
6804 * Open the menu at the specified location.
6805 *
6806 * @param x - The client X coordinate of the menu location.
6807 *
6808 * @param y - The client Y coordinate of the menu location.
6809 *
6810 * @param options - The additional options for opening the menu.
6811 *
6812 * #### Notes
6813 * The menu will be opened at the given location unless it will not
6814 * fully fit on the screen. If it will not fit, it will be adjusted
6815 * to fit naturally on the screen.
6816 *
6817 * This is a no-op if the menu is already attached to the DOM.
6818 */
6819 Menu.prototype.open = function (x, y, options) {
6820 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
6821 // Bail early if the menu is already attached.
6822 if (this.isAttached) {
6823 return;
6824 }
6825 // Extract the position options.
6826 var forceX = options.forceX || false;
6827 var forceY = options.forceY || false;
6828 // Open the menu as a root menu.
6829 Private$9.openRootMenu(this, x, y, forceX, forceY);
6830 // Activate the menu to accept keyboard input.
6831 this.activate();
6832 };
6833 /**
6834 * Handle the DOM events for the menu.
6835 *
6836 * @param event - The DOM event sent to the menu.
6837 *
6838 * #### Notes
6839 * This method implements the DOM `EventListener` interface and is
6840 * called in response to events on the menu's DOM nodes. It should
6841 * not be called directly by user code.
6842 */
6843 Menu.prototype.handleEvent = function (event) {
6844 switch (event.type) {
6845 case 'keydown':
6846 this._evtKeyDown(event);
6847 break;
6848 case 'mouseup':
6849 this._evtMouseUp(event);
6850 break;
6851 case 'mousemove':
6852 this._evtMouseMove(event);
6853 break;
6854 case 'mouseenter':
6855 this._evtMouseEnter(event);
6856 break;
6857 case 'mouseleave':
6858 this._evtMouseLeave(event);
6859 break;
6860 case 'mousedown':
6861 this._evtMouseDown(event);
6862 break;
6863 case 'contextmenu':
6864 event.preventDefault();
6865 event.stopPropagation();
6866 break;
6867 }
6868 };
6869 /**
6870 * A message handler invoked on a `'before-attach'` message.
6871 */
6872 Menu.prototype.onBeforeAttach = function (msg) {
6873 this.node.addEventListener('keydown', this);
6874 this.node.addEventListener('mouseup', this);
6875 this.node.addEventListener('mousemove', this);
6876 this.node.addEventListener('mouseenter', this);
6877 this.node.addEventListener('mouseleave', this);
6878 this.node.addEventListener('contextmenu', this);
6879 document.addEventListener('mousedown', this, true);
6880 };
6881 /**
6882 * A message handler invoked on an `'after-detach'` message.
6883 */
6884 Menu.prototype.onAfterDetach = function (msg) {
6885 this.node.removeEventListener('keydown', this);
6886 this.node.removeEventListener('mouseup', this);
6887 this.node.removeEventListener('mousemove', this);
6888 this.node.removeEventListener('mouseenter', this);
6889 this.node.removeEventListener('mouseleave', this);
6890 this.node.removeEventListener('contextmenu', this);
6891 document.removeEventListener('mousedown', this, true);
6892 };
6893 /**
6894 * A message handler invoked on an `'activate-request'` message.
6895 */
6896 Menu.prototype.onActivateRequest = function (msg) {
6897 if (this.isAttached) {
6898 this.node.focus();
6899 }
6900 };
6901 /**
6902 * A message handler invoked on an `'update-request'` message.
6903 */
6904 Menu.prototype.onUpdateRequest = function (msg) {
6905 var _this = this;
6906 var items = this._items;
6907 var renderer = this.renderer;
6908 var activeIndex = this._activeIndex;
6909 var collapsedFlags = Private$9.computeCollapsed(items);
6910 var content = new Array(items.length);
6911 var _loop_1 = function (i, n) {
6912 var item = items[i];
6913 var active = i === activeIndex;
6914 var collapsed = collapsedFlags[i];
6915 content[i] = renderer.renderItem({
6916 item: item,
6917 active: active,
6918 collapsed: collapsed,
6919 onfocus: function () {
6920 _this.activeIndex = i;
6921 }
6922 });
6923 };
6924 for (var i = 0, n = items.length; i < n; ++i) {
6925 _loop_1(i);
6926 }
6927 VirtualDOM.render(content, this.contentNode);
6928 };
6929 /**
6930 * A message handler invoked on a `'close-request'` message.
6931 */
6932 Menu.prototype.onCloseRequest = function (msg) {
6933 // Cancel the pending timers.
6934 this._cancelOpenTimer();
6935 this._cancelCloseTimer();
6936 // Reset the active index.
6937 this.activeIndex = -1;
6938 // Close any open child menu.
6939 var childMenu = this._childMenu;
6940 if (childMenu) {
6941 this._childIndex = -1;
6942 this._childMenu = null;
6943 childMenu._parentMenu = null;
6944 childMenu.close();
6945 }
6946 // Remove this menu from its parent and activate the parent.
6947 var parentMenu = this._parentMenu;
6948 if (parentMenu) {
6949 this._parentMenu = null;
6950 parentMenu._childIndex = -1;
6951 parentMenu._childMenu = null;
6952 parentMenu.activate();
6953 }
6954 // Emit the `aboutToClose` signal if the menu is attached.
6955 if (this.isAttached) {
6956 this._aboutToClose.emit(undefined);
6957 }
6958 // Finish closing the menu.
6959 _super.prototype.onCloseRequest.call(this, msg);
6960 };
6961 /**
6962 * Handle the `'keydown'` event for the menu.
6963 *
6964 * #### Notes
6965 * This listener is attached to the menu node.
6966 */
6967 Menu.prototype._evtKeyDown = function (event) {
6968 // A menu handles all keydown events.
6969 event.preventDefault();
6970 event.stopPropagation();
6971 // Fetch the key code for the event.
6972 var kc = event.keyCode;
6973 // Enter
6974 if (kc === 13) {
6975 this.triggerActiveItem();
6976 return;
6977 }
6978 // Escape
6979 if (kc === 27) {
6980 this.close();
6981 return;
6982 }
6983 // Left Arrow
6984 if (kc === 37) {
6985 if (this._parentMenu) {
6986 this.close();
6987 }
6988 else {
6989 this._menuRequested.emit('previous');
6990 }
6991 return;
6992 }
6993 // Up Arrow
6994 if (kc === 38) {
6995 this.activatePreviousItem();
6996 return;
6997 }
6998 // Right Arrow
6999 if (kc === 39) {
7000 var item = this.activeItem;
7001 if (item && item.type === 'submenu') {
7002 this.triggerActiveItem();
7003 }
7004 else {
7005 this.rootMenu._menuRequested.emit('next');
7006 }
7007 return;
7008 }
7009 // Down Arrow
7010 if (kc === 40) {
7011 this.activateNextItem();
7012 return;
7013 }
7014 // Get the pressed key character.
7015 var key = getKeyboardLayout().keyForKeydownEvent(event);
7016 // Bail if the key is not valid.
7017 if (!key) {
7018 return;
7019 }
7020 // Search for the next best matching mnemonic item.
7021 var start = this._activeIndex + 1;
7022 var result = Private$9.findMnemonic(this._items, key, start);
7023 // Handle the requested mnemonic based on the search results.
7024 // If exactly one mnemonic is matched, that item is triggered.
7025 // Otherwise, the next mnemonic is activated if available,
7026 // followed by the auto mnemonic if available.
7027 if (result.index !== -1 && !result.multiple) {
7028 this.activeIndex = result.index;
7029 this.triggerActiveItem();
7030 }
7031 else if (result.index !== -1) {
7032 this.activeIndex = result.index;
7033 }
7034 else if (result.auto !== -1) {
7035 this.activeIndex = result.auto;
7036 }
7037 };
7038 /**
7039 * Handle the `'mouseup'` event for the menu.
7040 *
7041 * #### Notes
7042 * This listener is attached to the menu node.
7043 */
7044 Menu.prototype._evtMouseUp = function (event) {
7045 if (event.button !== 0) {
7046 return;
7047 }
7048 event.preventDefault();
7049 event.stopPropagation();
7050 this.triggerActiveItem();
7051 };
7052 /**
7053 * Handle the `'mousemove'` event for the menu.
7054 *
7055 * #### Notes
7056 * This listener is attached to the menu node.
7057 */
7058 Menu.prototype._evtMouseMove = function (event) {
7059 // Hit test the item nodes for the item under the mouse.
7060 var index = ArrayExt.findFirstIndex(this.contentNode.children, function (node) {
7061 return ElementExt.hitTest(node, event.clientX, event.clientY);
7062 });
7063 // Bail early if the mouse is already over the active index.
7064 if (index === this._activeIndex) {
7065 return;
7066 }
7067 // Update and coerce the active index.
7068 this.activeIndex = index;
7069 index = this.activeIndex;
7070 // If the index is the current child index, cancel the timers.
7071 if (index === this._childIndex) {
7072 this._cancelOpenTimer();
7073 this._cancelCloseTimer();
7074 return;
7075 }
7076 // If a child menu is currently open, start the close timer.
7077 if (this._childIndex !== -1) {
7078 this._startCloseTimer();
7079 }
7080 // Cancel the open timer to give a full delay for opening.
7081 this._cancelOpenTimer();
7082 // Bail if the active item is not a valid submenu item.
7083 var item = this.activeItem;
7084 if (!item || item.type !== 'submenu' || !item.submenu) {
7085 return;
7086 }
7087 // Start the open timer to open the active item submenu.
7088 this._startOpenTimer();
7089 };
7090 /**
7091 * Handle the `'mouseenter'` event for the menu.
7092 *
7093 * #### Notes
7094 * This listener is attached to the menu node.
7095 */
7096 Menu.prototype._evtMouseEnter = function (event) {
7097 // Synchronize the active ancestor items.
7098 for (var menu = this._parentMenu; menu; menu = menu._parentMenu) {
7099 menu._cancelOpenTimer();
7100 menu._cancelCloseTimer();
7101 menu.activeIndex = menu._childIndex;
7102 }
7103 };
7104 /**
7105 * Handle the `'mouseleave'` event for the menu.
7106 *
7107 * #### Notes
7108 * This listener is attached to the menu node.
7109 */
7110 Menu.prototype._evtMouseLeave = function (event) {
7111 // Cancel any pending submenu opening.
7112 this._cancelOpenTimer();
7113 // If there is no open child menu, just reset the active index.
7114 if (!this._childMenu) {
7115 this.activeIndex = -1;
7116 return;
7117 }
7118 // If the mouse is over the child menu, cancel the close timer.
7119 var clientX = event.clientX, clientY = event.clientY;
7120 if (ElementExt.hitTest(this._childMenu.node, clientX, clientY)) {
7121 this._cancelCloseTimer();
7122 return;
7123 }
7124 // Otherwise, reset the active index and start the close timer.
7125 this.activeIndex = -1;
7126 this._startCloseTimer();
7127 };
7128 /**
7129 * Handle the `'mousedown'` event for the menu.
7130 *
7131 * #### Notes
7132 * This listener is attached to the document node.
7133 */
7134 Menu.prototype._evtMouseDown = function (event) {
7135 // Bail if the menu is not a root menu.
7136 if (this._parentMenu) {
7137 return;
7138 }
7139 // The mouse button which is pressed is irrelevant. If the press
7140 // is not on a menu, the entire hierarchy is closed and the event
7141 // is allowed to propagate. This allows other code to act on the
7142 // event, such as focusing the clicked element.
7143 if (Private$9.hitTestMenus(this, event.clientX, event.clientY)) {
7144 event.preventDefault();
7145 event.stopPropagation();
7146 }
7147 else {
7148 this.close();
7149 }
7150 };
7151 /**
7152 * Open the child menu at the active index immediately.
7153 *
7154 * If a different child menu is already open, it will be closed,
7155 * even if the active item is not a valid submenu.
7156 */
7157 Menu.prototype._openChildMenu = function (activateFirst) {
7158 if (activateFirst === void 0) { activateFirst = false; }
7159 // If the item is not a valid submenu, close the child menu.
7160 var item = this.activeItem;
7161 if (!item || item.type !== 'submenu' || !item.submenu) {
7162 this._closeChildMenu();
7163 return;
7164 }
7165 // Do nothing if the child menu will not change.
7166 var submenu = item.submenu;
7167 if (submenu === this._childMenu) {
7168 return;
7169 }
7170 // Ensure the current child menu is closed.
7171 this._closeChildMenu();
7172 // Update the private child state.
7173 this._childMenu = submenu;
7174 this._childIndex = this._activeIndex;
7175 // Set the parent menu reference for the child.
7176 submenu._parentMenu = this;
7177 // Ensure the menu is updated and lookup the item node.
7178 MessageLoop.sendMessage(this, Widget.Msg.UpdateRequest);
7179 var itemNode = this.contentNode.children[this._activeIndex];
7180 // Open the submenu at the active node.
7181 Private$9.openSubmenu(submenu, itemNode);
7182 // Activate the first item if desired.
7183 if (activateFirst) {
7184 submenu.activeIndex = -1;
7185 submenu.activateNextItem();
7186 }
7187 // Activate the child menu.
7188 submenu.activate();
7189 };
7190 /**
7191 * Close the child menu immediately.
7192 *
7193 * This is a no-op if a child menu is not open.
7194 */
7195 Menu.prototype._closeChildMenu = function () {
7196 if (this._childMenu) {
7197 this._childMenu.close();
7198 }
7199 };
7200 /**
7201 * Start the open timer, unless it is already pending.
7202 */
7203 Menu.prototype._startOpenTimer = function () {
7204 var _this = this;
7205 if (this._openTimerID === 0) {
7206 this._openTimerID = window.setTimeout(function () {
7207 _this._openTimerID = 0;
7208 _this._openChildMenu();
7209 }, Private$9.TIMER_DELAY);
7210 }
7211 };
7212 /**
7213 * Start the close timer, unless it is already pending.
7214 */
7215 Menu.prototype._startCloseTimer = function () {
7216 var _this = this;
7217 if (this._closeTimerID === 0) {
7218 this._closeTimerID = window.setTimeout(function () {
7219 _this._closeTimerID = 0;
7220 _this._closeChildMenu();
7221 }, Private$9.TIMER_DELAY);
7222 }
7223 };
7224 /**
7225 * Cancel the open timer, if the timer is pending.
7226 */
7227 Menu.prototype._cancelOpenTimer = function () {
7228 if (this._openTimerID !== 0) {
7229 clearTimeout(this._openTimerID);
7230 this._openTimerID = 0;
7231 }
7232 };
7233 /**
7234 * Cancel the close timer, if the timer is pending.
7235 */
7236 Menu.prototype._cancelCloseTimer = function () {
7237 if (this._closeTimerID !== 0) {
7238 clearTimeout(this._closeTimerID);
7239 this._closeTimerID = 0;
7240 }
7241 };
7242 return Menu;
7245 * The namespace for the `Menu` class statics.
7246 */
7247(function (Menu) {
7248 /**
7249 * The default implementation of `IRenderer`.
7250 *
7251 * #### Notes
7252 * Subclasses are free to reimplement rendering methods as needed.
7253 */
7254 var Renderer = /** @class */ (function () {
7255 function Renderer() {
7256 }
7257 /**
7258 * Render the virtual element for a menu item.
7259 *
7260 * @param data - The data to use for rendering the item.
7261 *
7262 * @returns A virtual element representing the item.
7263 */
7264 Renderer.prototype.renderItem = function (data) {
7265 var className = this.createItemClass(data);
7266 var dataset = this.createItemDataset(data);
7267 var aria = this.createItemARIA(data);
7268 return h.li(__assign({ className: className,
7269 dataset: dataset, tabindex: '0', onfocus: data.onfocus }, aria), this.renderIcon(data), this.renderLabel(data), this.renderShortcut(data), this.renderSubmenu(data));
7270 };
7271 /**
7272 * Render the icon element for a menu item.
7273 *
7274 * @param data - The data to use for rendering the icon.
7275 *
7276 * @returns A virtual element representing the item icon.
7277 */
7278 Renderer.prototype.renderIcon = function (data) {
7279 var className = this.createIconClass(data);
7280 /* <DEPRECATED> */
7281 if (typeof data.item.icon === 'string') {
7282 return h.div({ className: className }, data.item.iconLabel);
7283 }
7284 /* </DEPRECATED> */
7285 // if data.item.icon is undefined, it will be ignored
7286 return h.div({ className: className }, data.item.icon, data.item.iconLabel);
7287 };
7288 /**
7289 * Render the label element for a menu item.
7290 *
7291 * @param data - The data to use for rendering the label.
7292 *
7293 * @returns A virtual element representing the item label.
7294 */
7295 Renderer.prototype.renderLabel = function (data) {
7296 var content = this.formatLabel(data);
7297 return h.div({
7298 className: 'lm-Menu-itemLabel' +
7299 /* <DEPRECATED> */
7300 ' p-Menu-itemLabel'
7301 /* </DEPRECATED> */
7302 }, content);
7303 };
7304 /**
7305 * Render the shortcut element for a menu item.
7306 *
7307 * @param data - The data to use for rendering the shortcut.
7308 *
7309 * @returns A virtual element representing the item shortcut.
7310 */
7311 Renderer.prototype.renderShortcut = function (data) {
7312 var content = this.formatShortcut(data);
7313 return h.div({
7314 className: 'lm-Menu-itemShortcut' +
7315 /* <DEPRECATED> */
7316 ' p-Menu-itemShortcut'
7317 /* </DEPRECATED> */
7318 }, content);
7319 };
7320 /**
7321 * Render the submenu icon element for a menu item.
7322 *
7323 * @param data - The data to use for rendering the submenu icon.
7324 *
7325 * @returns A virtual element representing the submenu icon.
7326 */
7327 Renderer.prototype.renderSubmenu = function (data) {
7328 return h.div({
7329 className: 'lm-Menu-itemSubmenuIcon' +
7330 /* <DEPRECATED> */
7331 ' p-Menu-itemSubmenuIcon'
7332 /* </DEPRECATED> */
7333 });
7334 };
7335 /**
7336 * Create the class name for the menu item.
7337 *
7338 * @param data - The data to use for the class name.
7339 *
7340 * @returns The full class name for the menu item.
7341 */
7342 Renderer.prototype.createItemClass = function (data) {
7343 // Setup the initial class name.
7344 var name = 'lm-Menu-item';
7345 /* <DEPRECATED> */
7346 name += ' p-Menu-item';
7347 /* </DEPRECATED> */
7348 // Add the boolean state classes.
7349 if (!data.item.isEnabled) {
7350 name += ' lm-mod-disabled';
7351 /* <DEPRECATED> */
7352 name += ' p-mod-disabled';
7353 /* </DEPRECATED> */
7354 }
7355 if (data.item.isToggled) {
7356 name += ' lm-mod-toggled';
7357 /* <DEPRECATED> */
7358 name += ' p-mod-toggled';
7359 /* </DEPRECATED> */
7360 }
7361 if (!data.item.isVisible) {
7362 name += ' lm-mod-hidden';
7363 /* <DEPRECATED> */
7364 name += ' p-mod-hidden';
7365 /* </DEPRECATED> */
7366 }
7367 if (data.active) {
7368 name += ' lm-mod-active';
7369 /* <DEPRECATED> */
7370 name += ' p-mod-active';
7371 /* </DEPRECATED> */
7372 }
7373 if (data.collapsed) {
7374 name += ' lm-mod-collapsed';
7375 /* <DEPRECATED> */
7376 name += ' p-mod-collapsed';
7377 /* </DEPRECATED> */
7378 }
7379 // Add the extra class.
7380 var extra = data.item.className;
7381 if (extra) {
7382 name += " " + extra;
7383 }
7384 // Return the complete class name.
7385 return name;
7386 };
7387 /**
7388 * Create the dataset for the menu item.
7389 *
7390 * @param data - The data to use for creating the dataset.
7391 *
7392 * @returns The dataset for the menu item.
7393 */
7394 Renderer.prototype.createItemDataset = function (data) {
7395 var result;
7396 var _a = data.item, type = _a.type, command = _a.command, dataset = _a.dataset;
7397 if (type === 'command') {
7398 result = __assign(__assign({}, dataset), { type: type, command: command });
7399 }
7400 else {
7401 result = __assign(__assign({}, dataset), { type: type });
7402 }
7403 return result;
7404 };
7405 /**
7406 * Create the class name for the menu item icon.
7407 *
7408 * @param data - The data to use for the class name.
7409 *
7410 * @returns The full class name for the item icon.
7411 */
7412 Renderer.prototype.createIconClass = function (data) {
7413 var name = 'lm-Menu-itemIcon';
7414 /* <DEPRECATED> */
7415 name += ' p-Menu-itemIcon';
7416 /* </DEPRECATED> */
7417 var extra = data.item.iconClass;
7418 return extra ? name + " " + extra : name;
7419 };
7420 /**
7421 * Create the aria attributes for menu item.
7422 *
7423 * @param data - The data to use for the aria attributes.
7424 *
7425 * @returns The aria attributes object for the item.
7426 */
7427 Renderer.prototype.createItemARIA = function (data) {
7428 var aria = {};
7429 switch (data.item.type) {
7430 case 'separator':
7431 aria.role = 'presentation';
7432 break;
7433 case 'submenu':
7434 aria['aria-haspopup'] = 'true';
7435 if (!data.item.isEnabled) {
7436 aria['aria-disabled'] = 'true';
7437 }
7438 break;
7439 default:
7440 if (!data.item.isEnabled) {
7441 aria['aria-disabled'] = 'true';
7442 }
7443 aria.role = 'menuitem';
7444 }
7445 return aria;
7446 };
7447 /**
7448 * Create the render content for the label node.
7449 *
7450 * @param data - The data to use for the label content.
7451 *
7452 * @returns The content to add to the label node.
7453 */
7454 Renderer.prototype.formatLabel = function (data) {
7455 // Fetch the label text and mnemonic index.
7456 var _a = data.item, label = _a.label, mnemonic = _a.mnemonic;
7457 // If the index is out of range, do not modify the label.
7458 if (mnemonic < 0 || mnemonic >= label.length) {
7459 return label;
7460 }
7461 // Split the label into parts.
7462 var prefix = label.slice(0, mnemonic);
7463 var suffix = label.slice(mnemonic + 1);
7464 var char = label[mnemonic];
7465 // Wrap the mnemonic character in a span.
7466 var span = h.span({
7467 className: 'lm-Menu-itemMnemonic' +
7468 /* <DEPRECATED> */
7469 ' p-Menu-itemMnemonic'
7470 /* </DEPRECATED> */
7471 }, char);
7472 // Return the content parts.
7473 return [prefix, span, suffix];
7474 };
7475 /**
7476 * Create the render content for the shortcut node.
7477 *
7478 * @param data - The data to use for the shortcut content.
7479 *
7480 * @returns The content to add to the shortcut node.
7481 */
7482 Renderer.prototype.formatShortcut = function (data) {
7483 var kb = data.item.keyBinding;
7484 return kb
7485 ? kb.keys.map(CommandRegistry.formatKeystroke).join(', ')
7486 : null;
7487 };
7488 return Renderer;
7489 }());
7490 Menu.Renderer = Renderer;
7491 /**
7492 * The default `Renderer` instance.
7493 */
7494 Menu.defaultRenderer = new Renderer();
7495})(Menu || (Menu = {}));
7497 * The namespace for the module implementation details.
7498 */
7499var Private$9;
7500(function (Private) {
7501 /**
7502 * The ms delay for opening and closing a submenu.
7503 */
7504 Private.TIMER_DELAY = 300;
7505 /**
7506 * The horizontal pixel overlap for an open submenu.
7507 */
7508 Private.SUBMENU_OVERLAP = 3;
7509 /**
7510 * Create the DOM node for a menu.
7511 */
7512 function createNode() {
7513 var node = document.createElement('div');
7514 var content = document.createElement('ul');
7515 content.className = 'lm-Menu-content';
7516 /* <DEPRECATED> */
7517 content.classList.add('p-Menu-content');
7518 /* </DEPRECATED> */
7519 node.appendChild(content);
7520 content.setAttribute('role', 'menu');
7521 node.tabIndex = 0;
7522 return node;
7523 }
7524 Private.createNode = createNode;
7525 /**
7526 * Test whether a menu item can be activated.
7527 */
7528 function canActivate(item) {
7529 return item.type !== 'separator' && item.isEnabled && item.isVisible;
7530 }
7531 Private.canActivate = canActivate;
7532 /**
7533 * Create a new menu item for an owner menu.
7534 */
7535 function createItem(owner, options) {
7536 return new MenuItem(owner.commands, options);
7537 }
7538 Private.createItem = createItem;
7539 /**
7540 * Hit test a menu hierarchy starting at the given root.
7541 */
7542 function hitTestMenus(menu, x, y) {
7543 for (var temp = menu; temp; temp = temp.childMenu) {
7544 if (ElementExt.hitTest(temp.node, x, y)) {
7545 return true;
7546 }
7547 }
7548 return false;
7549 }
7550 Private.hitTestMenus = hitTestMenus;
7551 /**
7552 * Compute which extra separator items should be collapsed.
7553 */
7554 function computeCollapsed(items) {
7555 // Allocate the return array and fill it with `false`.
7556 var result = new Array(items.length);
7557 ArrayExt.fill(result, false);
7558 // Collapse the leading separators.
7559 var k1 = 0;
7560 var n = items.length;
7561 for (; k1 < n; ++k1) {
7562 var item = items[k1];
7563 if (!item.isVisible) {
7564 continue;
7565 }
7566 if (item.type !== 'separator') {
7567 break;
7568 }
7569 result[k1] = true;
7570 }
7571 // Hide the trailing separators.
7572 var k2 = n - 1;
7573 for (; k2 >= 0; --k2) {
7574 var item = items[k2];
7575 if (!item.isVisible) {
7576 continue;
7577 }
7578 if (item.type !== 'separator') {
7579 break;
7580 }
7581 result[k2] = true;
7582 }
7583 // Hide the remaining consecutive separators.
7584 var hide = false;
7585 while (++k1 < k2) {
7586 var item = items[k1];
7587 if (!item.isVisible) {
7588 continue;
7589 }
7590 if (item.type !== 'separator') {
7591 hide = false;
7592 }
7593 else if (hide) {
7594 result[k1] = true;
7595 }
7596 else {
7597 hide = true;
7598 }
7599 }
7600 // Return the resulting flags.
7601 return result;
7602 }
7603 Private.computeCollapsed = computeCollapsed;
7604 /**
7605 * Open a menu as a root menu at the target location.
7606 */
7607 function openRootMenu(menu, x, y, forceX, forceY) {
7608 // Ensure the menu is updated before attaching and measuring.
7609 MessageLoop.sendMessage(menu, Widget.Msg.UpdateRequest);
7610 // Get the current position and size of the main viewport.
7611 var px = window.pageXOffset;
7612 var py = window.pageYOffset;
7613 var cw = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
7614 var ch = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
7615 // Compute the maximum allowed height for the menu.
7616 var maxHeight = ch - (forceY ? y : 0);
7617 // Fetch common variables.
7618 var node = menu.node;
7619 var style = node.style;
7620 // Clear the menu geometry and prepare it for measuring.
7621 style.top = '';
7622 style.left = '';
7623 style.width = '';
7624 style.height = '';
7625 style.visibility = 'hidden';
7626 style.maxHeight = maxHeight + "px";
7627 // Attach the menu to the document.
7628 Widget.attach(menu, document.body);
7629 // Measure the size of the menu.
7630 var _a = node.getBoundingClientRect(), width = _a.width, height = _a.height;
7631 // Adjust the X position of the menu to fit on-screen.
7632 if (!forceX && x + width > px + cw) {
7633 x = px + cw - width;
7634 }
7635 // Adjust the Y position of the menu to fit on-screen.
7636 if (!forceY && y + height > py + ch) {
7637 if (y > py + ch) {
7638 y = py + ch - height;
7639 }
7640 else {
7641 y = y - height;
7642 }
7643 }
7644 // Update the position of the menu to the computed position.
7645 style.top = Math.max(0, y) + "px";
7646 style.left = Math.max(0, x) + "px";
7647 // Finally, make the menu visible on the screen.
7648 style.visibility = '';
7649 }
7650 Private.openRootMenu = openRootMenu;
7651 /**
7652 * Open a menu as a submenu using an item node for positioning.
7653 */
7654 function openSubmenu(submenu, itemNode) {
7655 // Ensure the menu is updated before opening.
7656 MessageLoop.sendMessage(submenu, Widget.Msg.UpdateRequest);
7657 // Get the current position and size of the main viewport.
7658 var px = window.pageXOffset;
7659 var py = window.pageYOffset;
7660 var cw = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
7661 var ch = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
7662 // Compute the maximum allowed height for the menu.
7663 var maxHeight = ch;
7664 // Fetch common variables.
7665 var node = submenu.node;
7666 var style = node.style;
7667 // Clear the menu geometry and prepare it for measuring.
7668 style.top = '';
7669 style.left = '';
7670 style.width = '';
7671 style.height = '';
7672 style.visibility = 'hidden';
7673 style.maxHeight = maxHeight + "px";
7674 // Attach the menu to the document.
7675 Widget.attach(submenu, document.body);
7676 // Measure the size of the menu.
7677 var _a = node.getBoundingClientRect(), width = _a.width, height = _a.height;
7678 // Compute the box sizing for the menu.
7679 var box = ElementExt.boxSizing(submenu.node);
7680 // Get the bounding rect for the target item node.
7681 var itemRect = itemNode.getBoundingClientRect();
7682 // Compute the target X position.
7683 var x = itemRect.right - Private.SUBMENU_OVERLAP;
7684 // Adjust the X position to fit on the screen.
7685 if (x + width > px + cw) {
7686 x = itemRect.left + Private.SUBMENU_OVERLAP - width;
7687 }
7688 // Compute the target Y position.
7689 var y = itemRect.top - box.borderTop - box.paddingTop;
7690 // Adjust the Y position to fit on the screen.
7691 if (y + height > py + ch) {
7692 y = itemRect.bottom + box.borderBottom + box.paddingBottom - height;
7693 }
7694 // Update the position of the menu to the computed position.
7695 style.top = Math.max(0, y) + "px";
7696 style.left = Math.max(0, x) + "px";
7697 // Finally, make the menu visible on the screen.
7698 style.visibility = '';
7699 }
7700 Private.openSubmenu = openSubmenu;
7701 /**
7702 * Find the best matching mnemonic item.
7703 *
7704 * The search starts at the given index and wraps around.
7705 */
7706 function findMnemonic(items, key, start) {
7707 // Setup the result variables.
7708 var index = -1;
7709 var auto = -1;
7710 var multiple = false;
7711 // Normalize the key to upper case.
7712 var upperKey = key.toUpperCase();
7713 // Search the items from the given start index.
7714 for (var i = 0, n = items.length; i < n; ++i) {
7715 // Compute the wrapped index.
7716 var k = (i + start) % n;
7717 // Lookup the item
7718 var item = items[k];
7719 // Ignore items which cannot be activated.
7720 if (!canActivate(item)) {
7721 continue;
7722 }
7723 // Ignore items with an empty label.
7724 var label = item.label;
7725 if (label.length === 0) {
7726 continue;
7727 }
7728 // Lookup the mnemonic index for the label.
7729 var mn = item.mnemonic;
7730 // Handle a valid mnemonic index.
7731 if (mn >= 0 && mn < label.length) {
7732 if (label[mn].toUpperCase() === upperKey) {
7733 if (index === -1) {
7734 index = k;
7735 }
7736 else {
7737 multiple = true;
7738 }
7739 }
7740 continue;
7741 }
7742 // Finally, handle the auto index if possible.
7743 if (auto === -1 && label[0].toUpperCase() === upperKey) {
7744 auto = k;
7745 }
7746 }
7747 // Return the search results.
7748 return { index: index, multiple: multiple, auto: auto };
7749 }
7750 Private.findMnemonic = findMnemonic;
7751 /**
7752 * A concrete implementation of `Menu.IItem`.
7753 */
7754 var MenuItem = /** @class */ (function () {
7755 /**
7756 * Construct a new menu item.
7757 */
7758 function MenuItem(commands, options) {
7759 this._commands = commands;
7760 this.type = options.type || 'command';
7761 this.command = options.command || '';
7762 this.args = options.args || JSONExt.emptyObject;
7763 this.submenu = options.submenu || null;
7764 }
7765 Object.defineProperty(MenuItem.prototype, "label", {
7766 /**
7767 * The display label for the menu item.
7768 */
7769 get: function () {
7770 if (this.type === 'command') {
7771 return this._commands.label(this.command, this.args);
7772 }
7773 if (this.type === 'submenu' && this.submenu) {
7774 return this.submenu.title.label;
7775 }
7776 return '';
7777 },
7778 enumerable: true,
7779 configurable: true
7780 });
7781 Object.defineProperty(MenuItem.prototype, "mnemonic", {
7782 /**
7783 * The mnemonic index for the menu item.
7784 */
7785 get: function () {
7786 if (this.type === 'command') {
7787 return this._commands.mnemonic(this.command, this.args);
7788 }
7789 if (this.type === 'submenu' && this.submenu) {
7790 return this.submenu.title.mnemonic;
7791 }
7792 return -1;
7793 },
7794 enumerable: true,
7795 configurable: true
7796 });
7797 Object.defineProperty(MenuItem.prototype, "icon", {
7798 /**
7799 * The icon renderer for the menu item.
7800 */
7801 get: function () {
7802 if (this.type === 'command') {
7803 return this._commands.icon(this.command, this.args);
7804 }
7805 if (this.type === 'submenu' && this.submenu) {
7806 return this.submenu.title.icon;
7807 }
7808 /* <DEPRECATED> */
7809 // alias to icon class if not otherwise defined
7810 return this.iconClass;
7811 /* </DEPRECATED> */
7812 /* <FUTURE>
7813 return undefined;
7814 </FUTURE> */
7815 },
7816 enumerable: true,
7817 configurable: true
7818 });
7819 Object.defineProperty(MenuItem.prototype, "iconClass", {
7820 /**
7821 * The icon class for the menu item.
7822 */
7823 get: function () {
7824 if (this.type === 'command') {
7825 return this._commands.iconClass(this.command, this.args);
7826 }
7827 if (this.type === 'submenu' && this.submenu) {
7828 return this.submenu.title.iconClass;
7829 }
7830 return '';
7831 },
7832 enumerable: true,
7833 configurable: true
7834 });
7835 Object.defineProperty(MenuItem.prototype, "iconLabel", {
7836 /**
7837 * The icon label for the menu item.
7838 */
7839 get: function () {
7840 if (this.type === 'command') {
7841 return this._commands.iconLabel(this.command, this.args);
7842 }
7843 if (this.type === 'submenu' && this.submenu) {
7844 return this.submenu.title.iconLabel;
7845 }
7846 return '';
7847 },
7848 enumerable: true,
7849 configurable: true
7850 });
7851 Object.defineProperty(MenuItem.prototype, "caption", {
7852 /**
7853 * The display caption for the menu item.
7854 */
7855 get: function () {
7856 if (this.type === 'command') {
7857 return this._commands.caption(this.command, this.args);
7858 }
7859 if (this.type === 'submenu' && this.submenu) {
7860 return this.submenu.title.caption;
7861 }
7862 return '';
7863 },
7864 enumerable: true,
7865 configurable: true
7866 });
7867 Object.defineProperty(MenuItem.prototype, "className", {
7868 /**
7869 * The extra class name for the menu item.
7870 */
7871 get: function () {
7872 if (this.type === 'command') {
7873 return this._commands.className(this.command, this.args);
7874 }
7875 if (this.type === 'submenu' && this.submenu) {
7876 return this.submenu.title.className;
7877 }
7878 return '';
7879 },
7880 enumerable: true,
7881 configurable: true
7882 });
7883 Object.defineProperty(MenuItem.prototype, "dataset", {
7884 /**
7885 * The dataset for the menu item.
7886 */
7887 get: function () {
7888 if (this.type === 'command') {
7889 return this._commands.dataset(this.command, this.args);
7890 }
7891 if (this.type === 'submenu' && this.submenu) {
7892 return this.submenu.title.dataset;
7893 }
7894 return {};
7895 },
7896 enumerable: true,
7897 configurable: true
7898 });
7899 Object.defineProperty(MenuItem.prototype, "isEnabled", {
7900 /**
7901 * Whether the menu item is enabled.
7902 */
7903 get: function () {
7904 if (this.type === 'command') {
7905 return this._commands.isEnabled(this.command, this.args);
7906 }
7907 if (this.type === 'submenu') {
7908 return this.submenu !== null;
7909 }
7910 return true;
7911 },
7912 enumerable: true,
7913 configurable: true
7914 });
7915 Object.defineProperty(MenuItem.prototype, "isToggled", {
7916 /**
7917 * Whether the menu item is toggled.
7918 */
7919 get: function () {
7920 if (this.type === 'command') {
7921 return this._commands.isToggled(this.command, this.args);
7922 }
7923 return false;
7924 },
7925 enumerable: true,
7926 configurable: true
7927 });
7928 Object.defineProperty(MenuItem.prototype, "isVisible", {
7929 /**
7930 * Whether the menu item is visible.
7931 */
7932 get: function () {
7933 if (this.type === 'command') {
7934 return this._commands.isVisible(this.command, this.args);
7935 }
7936 if (this.type === 'submenu') {
7937 return this.submenu !== null;
7938 }
7939 return true;
7940 },
7941 enumerable: true,
7942 configurable: true
7943 });
7944 Object.defineProperty(MenuItem.prototype, "keyBinding", {
7945 /**
7946 * The key binding for the menu item.
7947 */
7948 get: function () {
7949 if (this.type === 'command') {
7950 var _a = this, command_1 = _a.command, args_1 = _a.args;
7951 return (ArrayExt.findLastValue(this._commands.keyBindings, function (kb) {
7952 return kb.command === command_1 && JSONExt.deepEqual(kb.args, args_1);
7953 }) || null);
7954 }
7955 return null;
7956 },
7957 enumerable: true,
7958 configurable: true
7959 });
7960 return MenuItem;
7961 }());
7962})(Private$9 || (Private$9 = {}));
7965 * An object which implements a universal context menu.
7966 *
7967 * #### Notes
7968 * The items shown in the context menu are determined by CSS selector
7969 * matching against the DOM hierarchy at the site of the mouse click.
7970 * This is similar in concept to how keyboard shortcuts are matched
7971 * in the command registry.
7972 */
7973var ContextMenu = /** @class */ (function () {
7974 /**
7975 * Construct a new context menu.
7976 *
7977 * @param options - The options for initializing the menu.
7978 */
7979 function ContextMenu(options) {
7980 this._groupByTarget = true;
7981 this._idTick = 0;
7982 this._items = [];
7983 this._sortBySelector = true;
7984 var groupByTarget = options.groupByTarget, sortBySelector = options.sortBySelector, others = __rest(options, ["groupByTarget", "sortBySelector"]);
7985 this.menu = new Menu(others);
7986 this._groupByTarget = groupByTarget !== false;
7987 this._sortBySelector = sortBySelector !== false;
7988 }
7989 /**
7990 * Add an item to the context menu.
7991 *
7992 * @param options - The options for creating the item.
7993 *
7994 * @returns A disposable which will remove the item from the menu.
7995 */
7996 ContextMenu.prototype.addItem = function (options) {
7997 var _this = this;
7998 // Create an item from the given options.
7999 var item = Private$8.createItem(options, this._idTick++);
8000 // Add the item to the internal array.
8001 this._items.push(item);
8002 // Return a disposable which will remove the item.
8003 return new DisposableDelegate(function () {
8004 ArrayExt.removeFirstOf(_this._items, item);
8005 });
8006 };
8007 /**
8008 * Open the context menu in response to a `'contextmenu'` event.
8009 *
8010 * @param event - The `'contextmenu'` event of interest.
8011 *
8012 * @returns `true` if the menu was opened, or `false` if no items
8013 * matched the event and the menu was not opened.
8014 *
8015 * #### Notes
8016 * This method will populate the context menu with items which match
8017 * the propagation path of the event, then open the menu at the mouse
8018 * position indicated by the event.
8019 */
8020 ContextMenu.prototype.open = function (event) {
8021 var _this = this;
8022 // Clear the current contents of the context menu.
8023 this.menu.clearItems();
8024 // Bail early if there are no items to match.
8025 if (this._items.length === 0) {
8026 return false;
8027 }
8028 // Find the matching items for the event.
8029 var items = Private$8.matchItems(this._items, event, this._groupByTarget, this._sortBySelector);
8030 // Bail if there are no matching items.
8031 if (!items || items.length === 0) {
8032 return false;
8033 }
8034 // Add the filtered items to the menu.
8035 each(items, function (item) {
8036 _this.menu.addItem(item);
8037 });
8038 // Open the context menu at the current mouse position.
8039 this.menu.open(event.clientX, event.clientY);
8040 // Indicate success.
8041 return true;
8042 };
8043 return ContextMenu;
8046 * The namespace for the module implementation details.
8047 */
8048var Private$8;
8049(function (Private) {
8050 /**
8051 * Create a normalized context menu item from an options object.
8052 */
8053 function createItem(options, id) {
8054 var selector = validateSelector(options.selector);
8055 var rank = options.rank !== undefined ? options.rank : Infinity;
8056 return __assign(__assign({}, options), { selector: selector, rank: rank, id: id });
8057 }
8058 Private.createItem = createItem;
8059 /**
8060 * Find the items which match a context menu event.
8061 *
8062 * The results are sorted by DOM level, specificity, and rank.
8063 */
8064 function matchItems(items, event, groupByTarget, sortBySelector) {
8065 // Look up the target of the event.
8066 var target = event.target;
8067 // Bail if there is no target.
8068 if (!target) {
8069 return null;
8070 }
8071 // Look up the current target of the event.
8072 var currentTarget = event.currentTarget;
8073 // Bail if there is no current target.
8074 if (!currentTarget) {
8075 return null;
8076 }
8077 // There are some third party libraries that cause the `target` to
8078 // be detached from the DOM before lumino can process the event.
8079 // If that happens, search for a new target node by point. If that
8080 // node is still dangling, bail.
8081 if (!currentTarget.contains(target)) {
8082 target = document.elementFromPoint(event.clientX, event.clientY);
8083 if (!target || !currentTarget.contains(target)) {
8084 return null;
8085 }
8086 }
8087 // Set up the result array.
8088 var result = [];
8089 // Copy the items array to allow in-place modification.
8090 var availableItems = items.slice();
8091 // Walk up the DOM hierarchy searching for matches.
8092 while (target !== null) {
8093 // Set up the match array for this DOM level.
8094 var matches = [];
8095 // Search the remaining items for matches.
8096 for (var i = 0, n = availableItems.length; i < n; ++i) {
8097 // Fetch the item.
8098 var item = availableItems[i];
8099 // Skip items which are already consumed.
8100 if (!item) {
8101 continue;
8102 }
8103 // Skip items which do not match the element.
8104 if (!Selector.matches(target, item.selector)) {
8105 continue;
8106 }
8107 // Add the matched item to the result for this DOM level.
8108 matches.push(item);
8109 // Mark the item as consumed.
8110 availableItems[i] = null;
8111 }
8112 // Sort the matches for this level and add them to the results.
8113 if (matches.length !== 0) {
8114 if (groupByTarget) {
8115 matches.sort(sortBySelector ? itemCmp : itemCmpRank);
8116 }
8117 result.push.apply(result, matches);
8118 }
8119 // Stop searching at the limits of the DOM range.
8120 if (target === currentTarget) {
8121 break;
8122 }
8123 // Step to the parent DOM level.
8124 target = target.parentElement;
8125 }
8126 if (!groupByTarget) {
8127 result.sort(sortBySelector ? itemCmp : itemCmpRank);
8128 }
8129 // Return the matched and sorted results.
8130 return result;
8131 }
8132 Private.matchItems = matchItems;
8133 /**
8134 * Validate the selector for a menu item.
8135 *
8136 * This returns the validated selector, or throws if the selector is
8137 * invalid or contains commas.
8138 */
8139 function validateSelector(selector) {
8140 if (selector.indexOf(',') !== -1) {
8141 throw new Error("Selector cannot contain commas: " + selector);
8142 }
8143 if (!Selector.isValid(selector)) {
8144 throw new Error("Invalid selector: " + selector);
8145 }
8146 return selector;
8147 }
8148 /**
8149 * A sort comparison function for a context menu item by ranks.
8150 */
8151 function itemCmpRank(a, b) {
8152 // Sort based on rank.
8153 var r1 = a.rank;
8154 var r2 = b.rank;
8155 if (r1 !== r2) {
8156 return r1 < r2 ? -1 : 1; // Infinity-safe
8157 }
8158 // When all else fails, sort by item id.
8159 return a.id - b.id;
8160 }
8161 /**
8162 * A sort comparison function for a context menu item by selectors and ranks.
8163 */
8164 function itemCmp(a, b) {
8165 // Sort first based on selector specificity.
8166 var s1 = Selector.calculateSpecificity(a.selector);
8167 var s2 = Selector.calculateSpecificity(b.selector);
8168 if (s1 !== s2) {
8169 return s2 - s1;
8170 }
8171 // If specificities are equal
8172 return itemCmpRank(a, b);
8173 }
8174})(Private$8 || (Private$8 = {}));
8177 * A widget which displays titles as a single row or column of tabs.
8178 *
8179 * #### Notes
8180 * If CSS transforms are used to rotate nodes for vertically oriented
8181 * text, then tab dragging will not work correctly. The `tabsMovable`
8182 * property should be set to `false` when rotating nodes from CSS.
8183 */
8184var TabBar = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
8185 __extends(TabBar, _super);
8186 /**
8187 * Construct a new tab bar.
8188 *
8189 * @param options - The options for initializing the tab bar.
8190 */
8191 function TabBar(options) {
8192 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
8193 var _this = _super.call(this, { node: Private$7.createNode() }) || this;
8194 _this._currentIndex = -1;
8195 _this._titles = [];
8196 _this._titlesEditable = false;
8197 _this._previousTitle = null;
8198 _this._dragData = null;
8199 _this._addButtonEnabled = false;
8200 _this._tabMoved = new Signal(_this);
8201 _this._currentChanged = new Signal(_this);
8202 _this._addRequested = new Signal(_this);
8203 _this._tabCloseRequested = new Signal(_this);
8204 _this._tabDetachRequested = new Signal(_this);
8205 _this._tabActivateRequested = new Signal(_this);
8206 _this.addClass('lm-TabBar');
8207 /* <DEPRECATED> */
8208 _this.addClass('p-TabBar');
8209 /* </DEPRECATED> */
8210 _this.contentNode.setAttribute('role', 'tablist');
8211 _this.setFlag(Widget.Flag.DisallowLayout);
8212 _this._document = options.document || document;
8213 _this.tabsMovable = options.tabsMovable || false;
8214 _this.titlesEditable = options.titlesEditable || false;
8215 _this.allowDeselect = options.allowDeselect || false;
8216 _this.addButtonEnabled = options.addButtonEnabled || false;
8217 _this.insertBehavior = options.insertBehavior || 'select-tab-if-needed';
8218 _this.name = options.name || '';
8219 _this.orientation = options.orientation || 'horizontal';
8220 _this.removeBehavior = options.removeBehavior || 'select-tab-after';
8221 _this.renderer = options.renderer || TabBar.defaultRenderer;
8222 return _this;
8223 }
8224 /**
8225 * Dispose of the resources held by the widget.
8226 */
8227 TabBar.prototype.dispose = function () {
8228 this._releaseMouse();
8229 this._titles.length = 0;
8230 this._previousTitle = null;
8231 _super.prototype.dispose.call(this);
8232 };
8233 Object.defineProperty(TabBar.prototype, "currentChanged", {
8234 /**
8235 * A signal emitted when the current tab is changed.
8236 *
8237 * #### Notes
8238 * This signal is emitted when the currently selected tab is changed
8239 * either through user or programmatic interaction.
8240 *
8241 * Notably, this signal is not emitted when the index of the current
8242 * tab changes due to tabs being inserted, removed, or moved. It is
8243 * only emitted when the actual current tab node is changed.
8244 */
8245 get: function () {
8246 return this._currentChanged;
8247 },
8248 enumerable: true,
8249 configurable: true
8250 });
8251 Object.defineProperty(TabBar.prototype, "tabMoved", {
8252 /**
8253 * A signal emitted when a tab is moved by the user.
8254 *
8255 * #### Notes
8256 * This signal is emitted when a tab is moved by user interaction.
8257 *
8258 * This signal is not emitted when a tab is moved programmatically.
8259 */
8260 get: function () {
8261 return this._tabMoved;
8262 },
8263 enumerable: true,
8264 configurable: true
8265 });
8266 Object.defineProperty(TabBar.prototype, "tabActivateRequested", {
8267 /**
8268 * A signal emitted when a tab is clicked by the user.
8269 *
8270 * #### Notes
8271 * If the clicked tab is not the current tab, the clicked tab will be
8272 * made current and the `currentChanged` signal will be emitted first.
8273 *
8274 * This signal is emitted even if the clicked tab is the current tab.
8275 */
8276 get: function () {
8277 return this._tabActivateRequested;
8278 },
8279 enumerable: true,
8280 configurable: true
8281 });
8282 Object.defineProperty(TabBar.prototype, "addRequested", {
8283 /**
8284 * A signal emitted when the tab bar add button is clicked.
8285 */
8286 get: function () {
8287 return this._addRequested;
8288 },
8289 enumerable: true,
8290 configurable: true
8291 });
8292 Object.defineProperty(TabBar.prototype, "tabCloseRequested", {
8293 /**
8294 * A signal emitted when a tab close icon is clicked.
8295 *
8296 * #### Notes
8297 * This signal is not emitted unless the tab title is `closable`.
8298 */
8299 get: function () {
8300 return this._tabCloseRequested;
8301 },
8302 enumerable: true,
8303 configurable: true
8304 });
8305 Object.defineProperty(TabBar.prototype, "tabDetachRequested", {
8306 /**
8307 * A signal emitted when a tab is dragged beyond the detach threshold.
8308 *
8309 * #### Notes
8310 * This signal is emitted when the user drags a tab with the mouse,
8311 * and mouse is dragged beyond the detach threshold.
8312 *
8313 * The consumer of the signal should call `releaseMouse` and remove
8314 * the tab in order to complete the detach.
8315 *
8316 * This signal is only emitted once per drag cycle.
8317 */
8318 get: function () {
8319 return this._tabDetachRequested;
8320 },
8321 enumerable: true,
8322 configurable: true
8323 });
8324 Object.defineProperty(TabBar.prototype, "document", {
8325 /**
8326 * The document to use with the tab bar.
8327 *
8328 * The default is the global `document` instance.
8329 */
8330 get: function () {
8331 return this._document;
8332 },
8333 enumerable: true,
8334 configurable: true
8335 });
8336 Object.defineProperty(TabBar.prototype, "titlesEditable", {
8337 /**
8338 * Whether the titles can be user-edited.
8339 *
8340 */
8341 get: function () {
8342 return this._titlesEditable;
8343 },
8344 /**
8345 * Set whether titles can be user edited.
8346 *
8347 */
8348 set: function (value) {
8349 this._titlesEditable = value;
8350 },
8351 enumerable: true,
8352 configurable: true
8353 });
8354 Object.defineProperty(TabBar.prototype, "currentTitle", {
8355 /**
8356 * Get the currently selected title.
8357 *
8358 * #### Notes
8359 * This will be `null` if no tab is selected.
8360 */
8361 get: function () {
8362 return this._titles[this._currentIndex] || null;
8363 },
8364 /**
8365 * Set the currently selected title.
8366 *
8367 * #### Notes
8368 * If the title does not exist, the title will be set to `null`.
8369 */
8370 set: function (value) {
8371 this.currentIndex = value ? this._titles.indexOf(value) : -1;
8372 },
8373 enumerable: true,
8374 configurable: true
8375 });
8376 Object.defineProperty(TabBar.prototype, "currentIndex", {
8377 /**
8378 * Get the index of the currently selected tab.
8379 *
8380 * #### Notes
8381 * This will be `-1` if no tab is selected.
8382 */
8383 get: function () {
8384 return this._currentIndex;
8385 },
8386 /**
8387 * Set the index of the currently selected tab.
8388 *
8389 * #### Notes
8390 * If the value is out of range, the index will be set to `-1`.
8391 */
8392 set: function (value) {
8393 // Adjust for an out of range index.
8394 if (value < 0 || value >= this._titles.length) {
8395 value = -1;
8396 }
8397 // Bail early if the index will not change.
8398 if (this._currentIndex === value) {
8399 return;
8400 }
8401 // Look up the previous index and title.
8402 var pi = this._currentIndex;
8403 var pt = this._titles[pi] || null;
8404 // Look up the current index and title.
8405 var ci = value;
8406 var ct = this._titles[ci] || null;
8407 // Update the current index and previous title.
8408 this._currentIndex = ci;
8409 this._previousTitle = pt;
8410 // Schedule an update of the tabs.
8411 this.update();
8412 // Emit the current changed signal.
8413 this._currentChanged.emit({
8414 previousIndex: pi,
8415 previousTitle: pt,
8416 currentIndex: ci,
8417 currentTitle: ct
8418 });
8419 },
8420 enumerable: true,
8421 configurable: true
8422 });
8423 Object.defineProperty(TabBar.prototype, "name", {
8424 /**
8425 * Get the name of the tab bar.
8426 */
8427 get: function () {
8428 return this._name;
8429 },
8430 /**
8431 * Set the name of the tab bar.
8432 */
8433 set: function (value) {
8434 this._name = value;
8435 if (value) {
8436 this.contentNode.setAttribute('aria-label', value);
8437 }
8438 else {
8439 this.contentNode.removeAttribute('aria-label');
8440 }
8441 },
8442 enumerable: true,
8443 configurable: true
8444 });
8445 Object.defineProperty(TabBar.prototype, "orientation", {
8446 /**
8447 * Get the orientation of the tab bar.
8448 *
8449 * #### Notes
8450 * This controls whether the tabs are arranged in a row or column.
8451 */
8452 get: function () {
8453 return this._orientation;
8454 },
8455 /**
8456 * Set the orientation of the tab bar.
8457 *
8458 * #### Notes
8459 * This controls whether the tabs are arranged in a row or column.
8460 */
8461 set: function (value) {
8462 // Do nothing if the orientation does not change.
8463 if (this._orientation === value) {
8464 return;
8465 }
8466 // Release the mouse before making any changes.
8467 this._releaseMouse();
8468 // Toggle the orientation values.
8469 this._orientation = value;
8470 this.dataset['orientation'] = value;
8471 this.contentNode.setAttribute('aria-orientation', value);
8472 },
8473 enumerable: true,
8474 configurable: true
8475 });
8476 Object.defineProperty(TabBar.prototype, "addButtonEnabled", {
8477 /**
8478 * Whether the add button is enabled.
8479 */
8480 get: function () {
8481 return this._addButtonEnabled;
8482 },
8483 /**
8484 * Set whether the add button is enabled.
8485 */
8486 set: function (value) {
8487 // Do nothing if the value does not change.
8488 if (this._addButtonEnabled === value) {
8489 return;
8490 }
8491 this._addButtonEnabled = value;
8492 if (value) {
8493 this.addButtonNode.classList.remove('lm-mod-hidden');
8494 }
8495 else {
8496 this.addButtonNode.classList.add('lm-mod-hidden');
8497 }
8498 },
8499 enumerable: true,
8500 configurable: true
8501 });
8502 Object.defineProperty(TabBar.prototype, "titles", {
8503 /**
8504 * A read-only array of the titles in the tab bar.
8505 */
8506 get: function () {
8507 return this._titles;
8508 },
8509 enumerable: true,
8510 configurable: true
8511 });
8512 Object.defineProperty(TabBar.prototype, "contentNode", {
8513 /**
8514 * The tab bar content node.
8515 *
8516 * #### Notes
8517 * This is the node which holds the tab nodes.
8518 *
8519 * Modifying this node directly can lead to undefined behavior.
8520 */
8521 get: function () {
8522 return this.node.getElementsByClassName('lm-TabBar-content')[0];
8523 },
8524 enumerable: true,
8525 configurable: true
8526 });
8527 Object.defineProperty(TabBar.prototype, "addButtonNode", {
8528 /**
8529 * The tab bar add button node.
8530 *
8531 * #### Notes
8532 * This is the node which holds the add button.
8533 *
8534 * Modifying this node directly can lead to undefined behavior.
8535 */
8536 get: function () {
8537 return this.node.getElementsByClassName('lm-TabBar-addButton')[0];
8538 },
8539 enumerable: true,
8540 configurable: true
8541 });
8542 /**
8543 * Add a tab to the end of the tab bar.
8544 *
8545 * @param value - The title which holds the data for the tab,
8546 * or an options object to convert to a title.
8547 *
8548 * @returns The title object added to the tab bar.
8549 *
8550 * #### Notes
8551 * If the title is already added to the tab bar, it will be moved.
8552 */
8553 TabBar.prototype.addTab = function (value) {
8554 return this.insertTab(this._titles.length, value);
8555 };
8556 /**
8557 * Insert a tab into the tab bar at the specified index.
8558 *
8559 * @param index - The index at which to insert the tab.
8560 *
8561 * @param value - The title which holds the data for the tab,
8562 * or an options object to convert to a title.
8563 *
8564 * @returns The title object added to the tab bar.
8565 *
8566 * #### Notes
8567 * The index will be clamped to the bounds of the tabs.
8568 *
8569 * If the title is already added to the tab bar, it will be moved.
8570 */
8571 TabBar.prototype.insertTab = function (index, value) {
8572 // Release the mouse before making any changes.
8573 this._releaseMouse();
8574 // Coerce the value to a title.
8575 var title = Private$7.asTitle(value);
8576 // Look up the index of the title.
8577 var i = this._titles.indexOf(title);
8578 // Clamp the insert index to the array bounds.
8579 var j = Math.max(0, Math.min(index, this._titles.length));
8580 // If the title is not in the array, insert it.
8581 if (i === -1) {
8582 // Insert the title into the array.
8583 ArrayExt.insert(this._titles, j, title);
8584 // Connect to the title changed signal.
8585 title.changed.connect(this._onTitleChanged, this);
8586 // Schedule an update of the tabs.
8587 this.update();
8588 // Adjust the current index for the insert.
8589 this._adjustCurrentForInsert(j, title);
8590 // Return the title added to the tab bar.
8591 return title;
8592 }
8593 // Otherwise, the title exists in the array and should be moved.
8594 // Adjust the index if the location is at the end of the array.
8595 if (j === this._titles.length) {
8596 j--;
8597 }
8598 // Bail if there is no effective move.
8599 if (i === j) {
8600 return title;
8601 }
8602 // Move the title to the new location.
8603 ArrayExt.move(this._titles, i, j);
8604 // Schedule an update of the tabs.
8605 this.update();
8606 // Adjust the current index for the move.
8607 this._adjustCurrentForMove(i, j);
8608 // Return the title added to the tab bar.
8609 return title;
8610 };
8611 /**
8612 * Remove a tab from the tab bar.
8613 *
8614 * @param title - The title for the tab to remove.
8615 *
8616 * #### Notes
8617 * This is a no-op if the title is not in the tab bar.
8618 */
8619 TabBar.prototype.removeTab = function (title) {
8620 this.removeTabAt(this._titles.indexOf(title));
8621 };
8622 /**
8623 * Remove the tab at a given index from the tab bar.
8624 *
8625 * @param index - The index of the tab to remove.
8626 *
8627 * #### Notes
8628 * This is a no-op if the index is out of range.
8629 */
8630 TabBar.prototype.removeTabAt = function (index) {
8631 // Release the mouse before making any changes.
8632 this._releaseMouse();
8633 // Remove the title from the array.
8634 var title = ArrayExt.removeAt(this._titles, index);
8635 // Bail if the index is out of range.
8636 if (!title) {
8637 return;
8638 }
8639 // Disconnect from the title changed signal.
8640 title.changed.disconnect(this._onTitleChanged, this);
8641 // Clear the previous title if it's being removed.
8642 if (title === this._previousTitle) {
8643 this._previousTitle = null;
8644 }
8645 // Schedule an update of the tabs.
8646 this.update();
8647 // Adjust the current index for the remove.
8648 this._adjustCurrentForRemove(index, title);
8649 };
8650 /**
8651 * Remove all tabs from the tab bar.
8652 */
8653 TabBar.prototype.clearTabs = function () {
8654 // Bail if there is nothing to remove.
8655 if (this._titles.length === 0) {
8656 return;
8657 }
8658 // Release the mouse before making any changes.
8659 this._releaseMouse();
8660 // Disconnect from the title changed signals.
8661 for (var _i = 0, _a = this._titles; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
8662 var title = _a[_i];
8663 title.changed.disconnect(this._onTitleChanged, this);
8664 }
8665 // Get the current index and title.
8666 var pi = this.currentIndex;
8667 var pt = this.currentTitle;
8668 // Reset the current index and previous title.
8669 this._currentIndex = -1;
8670 this._previousTitle = null;
8671 // Clear the title array.
8672 this._titles.length = 0;
8673 // Schedule an update of the tabs.
8674 this.update();
8675 // If no tab was selected, there's nothing else to do.
8676 if (pi === -1) {
8677 return;
8678 }
8679 // Emit the current changed signal.
8680 this._currentChanged.emit({
8681 previousIndex: pi,
8682 previousTitle: pt,
8683 currentIndex: -1,
8684 currentTitle: null
8685 });
8686 };
8687 /**
8688 * Release the mouse and restore the non-dragged tab positions.
8689 *
8690 * #### Notes
8691 * This will cause the tab bar to stop handling mouse events and to
8692 * restore the tabs to their non-dragged positions.
8693 */
8694 TabBar.prototype.releaseMouse = function () {
8695 this._releaseMouse();
8696 };
8697 /**
8698 * Handle the DOM events for the tab bar.
8699 *
8700 * @param event - The DOM event sent to the tab bar.
8701 *
8702 * #### Notes
8703 * This method implements the DOM `EventListener` interface and is
8704 * called in response to events on the tab bar's DOM node.
8705 *
8706 * This should not be called directly by user code.
8707 */
8708 TabBar.prototype.handleEvent = function (event) {
8709 switch (event.type) {
8710 case 'mousedown': // <DEPRECATED>
8711 this._evtMouseDown(event);
8712 break;
8713 case 'mousemove': // <DEPRECATED>
8714 this._evtMouseMove(event);
8715 break;
8716 case 'mouseup': // <DEPRECATED>
8717 this._evtMouseUp(event);
8718 break;
8719 case 'pointerdown':
8720 this._evtMouseDown(event);
8721 break;
8722 case 'pointermove':
8723 this._evtMouseMove(event);
8724 break;
8725 case 'pointerup':
8726 this._evtMouseUp(event);
8727 break;
8728 case 'dblclick':
8729 this._evtDblClick(event);
8730 break;
8731 case 'keydown':
8732 this._evtKeyDown(event);
8733 break;
8734 case 'contextmenu':
8735 event.preventDefault();
8736 event.stopPropagation();
8737 break;
8738 }
8739 };
8740 /**
8741 * A message handler invoked on a `'before-attach'` message.
8742 */
8743 TabBar.prototype.onBeforeAttach = function (msg) {
8744 this.node.addEventListener('mousedown', this); // <DEPRECATED>
8745 this.node.addEventListener('pointerdown', this);
8746 this.node.addEventListener('dblclick', this);
8747 };
8748 /**
8749 * A message handler invoked on an `'after-detach'` message.
8750 */
8751 TabBar.prototype.onAfterDetach = function (msg) {
8752 this.node.removeEventListener('mousedown', this); // <DEPRECATED>
8753 this.node.removeEventListener('pointerdown', this);
8754 this.node.removeEventListener('dblclick', this);
8755 this._releaseMouse();
8756 };
8757 /**
8758 * A message handler invoked on an `'update-request'` message.
8759 */
8760 TabBar.prototype.onUpdateRequest = function (msg) {
8761 var titles = this._titles;
8762 var renderer = this.renderer;
8763 var currentTitle = this.currentTitle;
8764 var content = new Array(titles.length);
8765 for (var i = 0, n = titles.length; i < n; ++i) {
8766 var title = titles[i];
8767 var current = title === currentTitle;
8768 var zIndex = current ? n : n - i - 1;
8769 content[i] = renderer.renderTab({ title: title, current: current, zIndex: zIndex });
8770 }
8771 VirtualDOM.render(content, this.contentNode);
8772 };
8773 /**
8774 * Handle the `'dblclick'` event for the tab bar.
8775 */
8776 TabBar.prototype._evtDblClick = function (event) {
8777 // Do nothing if titles are not editable
8778 if (!this.titlesEditable) {
8779 return;
8780 }
8781 var tabs = this.contentNode.children;
8782 // Find the index of the released tab.
8783 var index = ArrayExt.findFirstIndex(tabs, function (tab) {
8784 return ElementExt.hitTest(tab, event.clientX, event.clientY);
8785 });
8786 // Do nothing if the press is not on a tab.
8787 if (index === -1) {
8788 return;
8789 }
8790 var title = this.titles[index];
8791 var label = tabs[index].querySelector('.lm-TabBar-tabLabel');
8792 if (label && label.contains(event.target)) {
8793 var value = title.label || '';
8794 // Clear the label element
8795 var oldValue_1 = label.innerHTML;
8796 label.innerHTML = '';
8797 var input_1 = document.createElement('input');
8798 input_1.classList.add('lm-TabBar-tabInput');
8799 input_1.value = value;
8800 label.appendChild(input_1);
8801 var onblur_1 = function () {
8802 input_1.removeEventListener('blur', onblur_1);
8803 label.innerHTML = oldValue_1;
8804 };
8805 input_1.addEventListener('dblclick', function (event) {
8806 return event.stopPropagation();
8807 });
8808 input_1.addEventListener('blur', onblur_1);
8809 input_1.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) {
8810 if (event.key === 'Enter') {
8811 if (input_1.value !== '') {
8812 title.label = title.caption = input_1.value;
8813 }
8814 onblur_1();
8815 }
8816 else if (event.key === 'Escape') {
8817 onblur_1();
8818 }
8819 });
8820 input_1.select();
8821 input_1.focus();
8822 if (label.children.length > 0) {
8823 label.children[0].focus();
8824 }
8825 }
8826 };
8827 /**
8828 * Handle the `'keydown'` event for the tab bar.
8829 */
8830 TabBar.prototype._evtKeyDown = function (event) {
8831 // Stop all input events during drag.
8832 event.preventDefault();
8833 event.stopPropagation();
8834 // Release the mouse if `Escape` is pressed.
8835 if (event.keyCode === 27) {
8836 this._releaseMouse();
8837 }
8838 };
8839 /**
8840 * Handle the `'mousedown'` event for the tab bar.
8841 */
8842 TabBar.prototype._evtMouseDown = function (event) {
8843 // Do nothing if it's not a left or middle mouse press.
8844 if (event.button !== 0 && event.button !== 1) {
8845 return;
8846 }
8847 // Do nothing if a drag is in progress.
8848 if (this._dragData) {
8849 return;
8850 }
8851 // Check if the add button was clicked.
8852 var addButtonClicked = this.addButtonEnabled &&
8853 this.addButtonNode.contains(event.target);
8854 // Lookup the tab nodes.
8855 var tabs = this.contentNode.children;
8856 // Find the index of the pressed tab.
8857 var index = ArrayExt.findFirstIndex(tabs, function (tab) {
8858 return ElementExt.hitTest(tab, event.clientX, event.clientY);
8859 });
8860 // Do nothing if the press is not on a tab or the add button.
8861 if (index === -1 && !addButtonClicked) {
8862 return;
8863 }
8864 // Pressing on a tab stops the event propagation.
8865 event.preventDefault();
8866 event.stopPropagation();
8867 // Initialize the non-measured parts of the drag data.
8868 this._dragData = {
8869 tab: tabs[index],
8870 index: index,
8871 pressX: event.clientX,
8872 pressY: event.clientY,
8873 tabPos: -1,
8874 tabSize: -1,
8875 tabPressPos: -1,
8876 targetIndex: -1,
8877 tabLayout: null,
8878 contentRect: null,
8879 override: null,
8880 dragActive: false,
8881 dragAborted: false,
8882 detachRequested: false
8883 };
8884 // Add the document mouse up listener.
8885 this.document.addEventListener('mouseup', this, true); // <DEPRECATED>
8886 this.document.addEventListener('pointerup', this, true);
8887 // Do nothing else if the middle button or add button is clicked.
8888 if (event.button === 1 || addButtonClicked) {
8889 return;
8890 }
8891 // Do nothing else if the close icon is clicked.
8892 var icon = tabs[index].querySelector(this.renderer.closeIconSelector);
8893 if (icon && icon.contains(event.target)) {
8894 return;
8895 }
8896 // Add the extra listeners if the tabs are movable.
8897 if (this.tabsMovable) {
8898 this.document.addEventListener('mousemove', this, true); // <DEPRECATED>
8899 this.document.addEventListener('pointermove', this, true);
8900 this.document.addEventListener('keydown', this, true);
8901 this.document.addEventListener('contextmenu', this, true);
8902 }
8903 // Update the current index as appropriate.
8904 if (this.allowDeselect && this.currentIndex === index) {
8905 this.currentIndex = -1;
8906 }
8907 else {
8908 this.currentIndex = index;
8909 }
8910 // Do nothing else if there is no current tab.
8911 if (this.currentIndex === -1) {
8912 return;
8913 }
8914 // Emit the tab activate request signal.
8915 this._tabActivateRequested.emit({
8916 index: this.currentIndex,
8917 title: this.currentTitle
8918 });
8919 };
8920 /**
8921 * Handle the `'mousemove'` event for the tab bar.
8922 */
8923 TabBar.prototype._evtMouseMove = function (event) {
8924 // Do nothing if no drag is in progress.
8925 var data = this._dragData;
8926 if (!data) {
8927 return;
8928 }
8929 // Suppress the event during a drag.
8930 event.preventDefault();
8931 event.stopPropagation();
8932 // Lookup the tab nodes.
8933 var tabs = this.contentNode.children;
8934 // Bail early if the drag threshold has not been met.
8935 if (!data.dragActive && !Private$7.dragExceeded(data, event)) {
8936 return;
8937 }
8938 // Activate the drag if necessary.
8939 if (!data.dragActive) {
8940 // Fill in the rest of the drag data measurements.
8941 var tabRect = data.tab.getBoundingClientRect();
8942 if (this._orientation === 'horizontal') {
8943 data.tabPos = data.tab.offsetLeft;
8944 data.tabSize = tabRect.width;
8945 data.tabPressPos = data.pressX - tabRect.left;
8946 }
8947 else {
8948 data.tabPos = data.tab.offsetTop;
8949 data.tabSize = tabRect.height;
8950 data.tabPressPos = data.pressY - tabRect.top;
8951 }
8952 data.tabLayout = Private$7.snapTabLayout(tabs, this._orientation);
8953 data.contentRect = this.contentNode.getBoundingClientRect();
8954 data.override = Drag.overrideCursor('default');
8955 // Add the dragging style classes.
8956 data.tab.classList.add('lm-mod-dragging');
8957 this.addClass('lm-mod-dragging');
8958 /* <DEPRECATED> */
8959 data.tab.classList.add('p-mod-dragging');
8960 this.addClass('p-mod-dragging');
8961 /* </DEPRECATED> */
8962 // Mark the drag as active.
8963 data.dragActive = true;
8964 }
8965 // Emit the detach requested signal if the threshold is exceeded.
8966 if (!data.detachRequested && Private$7.detachExceeded(data, event)) {
8967 // Only emit the signal once per drag cycle.
8968 data.detachRequested = true;
8969 // Setup the arguments for the signal.
8970 var index = data.index;
8971 var clientX = event.clientX;
8972 var clientY = event.clientY;
8973 var tab = tabs[index];
8974 var title = this._titles[index];
8975 // Emit the tab detach requested signal.
8976 this._tabDetachRequested.emit({ index: index, title: title, tab: tab, clientX: clientX, clientY: clientY });
8977 // Bail if the signal handler aborted the drag.
8978 if (data.dragAborted) {
8979 return;
8980 }
8981 }
8982 // Update the positions of the tabs.
8983 Private$7.layoutTabs(tabs, data, event, this._orientation);
8984 };
8985 /**
8986 * Handle the `'mouseup'` event for the document.
8987 */
8988 TabBar.prototype._evtMouseUp = function (event) {
8989 var _this = this;
8990 // Do nothing if it's not a left or middle mouse release.
8991 if (event.button !== 0 && event.button !== 1) {
8992 return;
8993 }
8994 // Do nothing if no drag is in progress.
8995 var data = this._dragData;
8996 if (!data) {
8997 return;
8998 }
8999 // Stop the event propagation.
9000 event.preventDefault();
9001 event.stopPropagation();
9002 // Remove the extra mouse event listeners.
9003 this.document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this, true); // <DEPRECATED>
9004 this.document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this, true); // <DEPRECATED>
9005 this.document.removeEventListener('pointermove', this, true);
9006 this.document.removeEventListener('pointerup', this, true);
9007 this.document.removeEventListener('keydown', this, true);
9008 this.document.removeEventListener('contextmenu', this, true);
9009 // Handle a release when the drag is not active.
9010 if (!data.dragActive) {
9011 // Clear the drag data.
9012 this._dragData = null;
9013 // Handle clicking the add button.
9014 var addButtonClicked = this.addButtonEnabled &&
9015 this.addButtonNode.contains(event.target);
9016 if (addButtonClicked) {
9017 this._addRequested.emit(undefined);
9018 return;
9019 }
9020 // Lookup the tab nodes.
9021 var tabs = this.contentNode.children;
9022 // Find the index of the released tab.
9023 var index = ArrayExt.findFirstIndex(tabs, function (tab) {
9024 return ElementExt.hitTest(tab, event.clientX, event.clientY);
9025 });
9026 // Do nothing if the release is not on the original pressed tab.
9027 if (index !== data.index) {
9028 return;
9029 }
9030 // Ignore the release if the title is not closable.
9031 var title = this._titles[index];
9032 if (!title.closable) {
9033 return;
9034 }
9035 // Emit the close requested signal if the middle button is released.
9036 if (event.button === 1) {
9037 this._tabCloseRequested.emit({ index: index, title: title });
9038 return;
9039 }
9040 // Emit the close requested signal if the close icon was released.
9041 var icon = tabs[index].querySelector(this.renderer.closeIconSelector);
9042 if (icon && icon.contains(event.target)) {
9043 this._tabCloseRequested.emit({ index: index, title: title });
9044 return;
9045 }
9046 // Otherwise, there is nothing left to do.
9047 return;
9048 }
9049 // Do nothing if the left button is not released.
9050 if (event.button !== 0) {
9051 return;
9052 }
9053 // Position the tab at its final resting position.
9054 Private$7.finalizeTabPosition(data, this._orientation);
9055 // Remove the dragging class from the tab so it can be transitioned.
9056 data.tab.classList.remove('lm-mod-dragging');
9057 /* <DEPRECATED> */
9058 data.tab.classList.remove('p-mod-dragging');
9059 /* </DEPRECATED> */
9060 // Parse the transition duration for releasing the tab.
9061 var duration = Private$7.parseTransitionDuration(data.tab);
9062 // Complete the release on a timer to allow the tab to transition.
9063 setTimeout(function () {
9064 // Do nothing if the drag has been aborted.
9065 if (data.dragAborted) {
9066 return;
9067 }
9068 // Clear the drag data reference.
9069 _this._dragData = null;
9070 // Reset the positions of the tabs.
9071 Private$7.resetTabPositions(_this.contentNode.children, _this._orientation);
9072 // Clear the cursor grab.
9073 data.override.dispose();
9074 // Remove the remaining dragging style.
9075 _this.removeClass('lm-mod-dragging');
9076 /* <DEPRECATED> */
9077 _this.removeClass('p-mod-dragging');
9078 /* </DEPRECATED> */
9079 // If the tab was not moved, there is nothing else to do.
9080 var i = data.index;
9081 var j = data.targetIndex;
9082 if (j === -1 || i === j) {
9083 return;
9084 }
9085 // Move the title to the new locations.
9086 ArrayExt.move(_this._titles, i, j);
9087 // Adjust the current index for the move.
9088 _this._adjustCurrentForMove(i, j);
9089 // Emit the tab moved signal.
9090 _this._tabMoved.emit({
9091 fromIndex: i,
9092 toIndex: j,
9093 title: _this._titles[j]
9094 });
9095 // Update the tabs immediately to prevent flicker.
9096 MessageLoop.sendMessage(_this, Widget.Msg.UpdateRequest);
9097 }, duration);
9098 };
9099 /**
9100 * Release the mouse and restore the non-dragged tab positions.
9101 */
9102 TabBar.prototype._releaseMouse = function () {
9103 // Do nothing if no drag is in progress.
9104 var data = this._dragData;
9105 if (!data) {
9106 return;
9107 }
9108 // Clear the drag data reference.
9109 this._dragData = null;
9110 // Remove the extra mouse listeners.
9111 this.document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this, true); // <DEPRECATED>
9112 this.document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this, true); // <DEPRECATED>
9113 this.document.removeEventListener('pointermove', this, true);
9114 this.document.removeEventListener('pointerup', this, true);
9115 this.document.removeEventListener('keydown', this, true);
9116 this.document.removeEventListener('contextmenu', this, true);
9117 // Indicate the drag has been aborted. This allows the mouse
9118 // event handlers to return early when the drag is canceled.
9119 data.dragAborted = true;
9120 // If the drag is not active, there's nothing more to do.
9121 if (!data.dragActive) {
9122 return;
9123 }
9124 // Reset the tabs to their non-dragged positions.
9125 Private$7.resetTabPositions(this.contentNode.children, this._orientation);
9126 // Clear the cursor override.
9127 data.override.dispose();
9128 // Clear the dragging style classes.
9129 data.tab.classList.remove('lm-mod-dragging');
9130 this.removeClass('lm-mod-dragging');
9131 /* <DEPRECATED> */
9132 data.tab.classList.remove('p-mod-dragging');
9133 this.removeClass('p-mod-dragging');
9134 /* </DEPRECATED> */
9135 };
9136 /**
9137 * Adjust the current index for a tab insert operation.
9138 *
9139 * This method accounts for the tab bar's insertion behavior when
9140 * adjusting the current index and emitting the changed signal.
9141 */
9142 TabBar.prototype._adjustCurrentForInsert = function (i, title) {
9143 // Lookup commonly used variables.
9144 var ct = this.currentTitle;
9145 var ci = this._currentIndex;
9146 var bh = this.insertBehavior;
9147 // TODO: do we need to do an update to update the aria-selected attribute?
9148 // Handle the behavior where the new tab is always selected,
9149 // or the behavior where the new tab is selected if needed.
9150 if (bh === 'select-tab' || (bh === 'select-tab-if-needed' && ci === -1)) {
9151 this._currentIndex = i;
9152 this._previousTitle = ct;
9153 this._currentChanged.emit({
9154 previousIndex: ci,
9155 previousTitle: ct,
9156 currentIndex: i,
9157 currentTitle: title
9158 });
9159 return;
9160 }
9161 // Otherwise, silently adjust the current index if needed.
9162 if (ci >= i) {
9163 this._currentIndex++;
9164 }
9165 };
9166 /**
9167 * Adjust the current index for a tab move operation.
9168 *
9169 * This method will not cause the actual current tab to change.
9170 * It silently adjusts the index to account for the given move.
9171 */
9172 TabBar.prototype._adjustCurrentForMove = function (i, j) {
9173 if (this._currentIndex === i) {
9174 this._currentIndex = j;
9175 }
9176 else if (this._currentIndex < i && this._currentIndex >= j) {
9177 this._currentIndex++;
9178 }
9179 else if (this._currentIndex > i && this._currentIndex <= j) {
9180 this._currentIndex--;
9181 }
9182 };
9183 /**
9184 * Adjust the current index for a tab remove operation.
9185 *
9186 * This method accounts for the tab bar's remove behavior when
9187 * adjusting the current index and emitting the changed signal.
9188 */
9189 TabBar.prototype._adjustCurrentForRemove = function (i, title) {
9190 // Lookup commonly used variables.
9191 var ci = this._currentIndex;
9192 var bh = this.removeBehavior;
9193 // Silently adjust the index if the current tab is not removed.
9194 if (ci !== i) {
9195 if (ci > i) {
9196 this._currentIndex--;
9197 }
9198 return;
9199 }
9200 // TODO: do we need to do an update to adjust the aria-selected value?
9201 // No tab gets selected if the tab bar is empty.
9202 if (this._titles.length === 0) {
9203 this._currentIndex = -1;
9204 this._currentChanged.emit({
9205 previousIndex: i,
9206 previousTitle: title,
9207 currentIndex: -1,
9208 currentTitle: null
9209 });
9210 return;
9211 }
9212 // Handle behavior where the next sibling tab is selected.
9213 if (bh === 'select-tab-after') {
9214 this._currentIndex = Math.min(i, this._titles.length - 1);
9215 this._currentChanged.emit({
9216 previousIndex: i,
9217 previousTitle: title,
9218 currentIndex: this._currentIndex,
9219 currentTitle: this.currentTitle
9220 });
9221 return;
9222 }
9223 // Handle behavior where the previous sibling tab is selected.
9224 if (bh === 'select-tab-before') {
9225 this._currentIndex = Math.max(0, i - 1);
9226 this._currentChanged.emit({
9227 previousIndex: i,
9228 previousTitle: title,
9229 currentIndex: this._currentIndex,
9230 currentTitle: this.currentTitle
9231 });
9232 return;
9233 }
9234 // Handle behavior where the previous history tab is selected.
9235 if (bh === 'select-previous-tab') {
9236 if (this._previousTitle) {
9237 this._currentIndex = this._titles.indexOf(this._previousTitle);
9238 this._previousTitle = null;
9239 }
9240 else {
9241 this._currentIndex = Math.min(i, this._titles.length - 1);
9242 }
9243 this._currentChanged.emit({
9244 previousIndex: i,
9245 previousTitle: title,
9246 currentIndex: this._currentIndex,
9247 currentTitle: this.currentTitle
9248 });
9249 return;
9250 }
9251 // Otherwise, no tab gets selected.
9252 this._currentIndex = -1;
9253 this._currentChanged.emit({
9254 previousIndex: i,
9255 previousTitle: title,
9256 currentIndex: -1,
9257 currentTitle: null
9258 });
9259 };
9260 /**
9261 * Handle the `changed` signal of a title object.
9262 */
9263 TabBar.prototype._onTitleChanged = function (sender) {
9264 this.update();
9265 };
9266 return TabBar;
9269 * The namespace for the `TabBar` class statics.
9270 */
9271(function (TabBar) {
9272 /**
9273 * The default implementation of `IRenderer`.
9274 *
9275 * #### Notes
9276 * Subclasses are free to reimplement rendering methods as needed.
9277 */
9278 var Renderer = /** @class */ (function () {
9279 function Renderer() {
9280 /**
9281 * A selector which matches the close icon node in a tab.
9282 */
9283 this.closeIconSelector = '.lm-TabBar-tabCloseIcon';
9284 this._tabID = 0;
9285 this._tabKeys = new WeakMap();
9286 }
9287 /**
9288 * Render the virtual element for a tab.
9289 *
9290 * @param data - The data to use for rendering the tab.
9291 *
9292 * @returns A virtual element representing the tab.
9293 */
9294 Renderer.prototype.renderTab = function (data) {
9295 var title = data.title.caption;
9296 var key = this.createTabKey(data);
9297 var id = key;
9298 var style = this.createTabStyle(data);
9299 var className = this.createTabClass(data);
9300 var dataset = this.createTabDataset(data);
9301 var aria = this.createTabARIA(data);
9302 if (data.title.closable) {
9303 return h.li(__assign({ id: id, key: key, className: className, title: title, style: style, dataset: dataset }, aria), this.renderIcon(data), this.renderLabel(data), this.renderCloseIcon(data));
9304 }
9305 else {
9306 return h.li(__assign({ id: id, key: key, className: className, title: title, style: style, dataset: dataset }, aria), this.renderIcon(data), this.renderLabel(data));
9307 }
9308 };
9309 /**
9310 * Render the icon element for a tab.
9311 *
9312 * @param data - The data to use for rendering the tab.
9313 *
9314 * @returns A virtual element representing the tab icon.
9315 */
9316 Renderer.prototype.renderIcon = function (data) {
9317 var title = data.title;
9318 var className = this.createIconClass(data);
9319 /* <DEPRECATED> */
9320 if (typeof title.icon === 'string') {
9321 return h.div({ className: className }, title.iconLabel);
9322 }
9323 /* </DEPRECATED> */
9324 // if title.icon is undefined, it will be ignored
9325 return h.div({ className: className }, title.icon, title.iconLabel);
9326 };
9327 /**
9328 * Render the label element for a tab.
9329 *
9330 * @param data - The data to use for rendering the tab.
9331 *
9332 * @returns A virtual element representing the tab label.
9333 */
9334 Renderer.prototype.renderLabel = function (data) {
9335 return h.div({
9336 className: 'lm-TabBar-tabLabel' +
9337 /* <DEPRECATED> */
9338 ' p-TabBar-tabLabel'
9339 /* </DEPRECATED> */
9340 }, data.title.label);
9341 };
9342 /**
9343 * Render the close icon element for a tab.
9344 *
9345 * @param data - The data to use for rendering the tab.
9346 *
9347 * @returns A virtual element representing the tab close icon.
9348 */
9349 Renderer.prototype.renderCloseIcon = function (data) {
9350 return h.div({
9351 className: 'lm-TabBar-tabCloseIcon' +
9352 /* <DEPRECATED> */
9353 ' p-TabBar-tabCloseIcon'
9354 /* </DEPRECATED> */
9355 });
9356 };
9357 /**
9358 * Create a unique render key for the tab.
9359 *
9360 * @param data - The data to use for the tab.
9361 *
9362 * @returns The unique render key for the tab.
9363 *
9364 * #### Notes
9365 * This method caches the key against the tab title the first time
9366 * the key is generated. This enables efficient rendering of moved
9367 * tabs and avoids subtle hover style artifacts.
9368 */
9369 Renderer.prototype.createTabKey = function (data) {
9370 var key = this._tabKeys.get(data.title);
9371 if (key === undefined) {
9372 key = "tab-key-" + this._tabID++;
9373 this._tabKeys.set(data.title, key);
9374 }
9375 return key;
9376 };
9377 /**
9378 * Create the inline style object for a tab.
9379 *
9380 * @param data - The data to use for the tab.
9381 *
9382 * @returns The inline style data for the tab.
9383 */
9384 Renderer.prototype.createTabStyle = function (data) {
9385 return { zIndex: "" + data.zIndex };
9386 };
9387 /**
9388 * Create the class name for the tab.
9389 *
9390 * @param data - The data to use for the tab.
9391 *
9392 * @returns The full class name for the tab.
9393 */
9394 Renderer.prototype.createTabClass = function (data) {
9395 var name = 'lm-TabBar-tab';
9396 /* <DEPRECATED> */
9397 name += ' p-TabBar-tab';
9398 /* </DEPRECATED> */
9399 if (data.title.className) {
9400 name += " " + data.title.className;
9401 }
9402 if (data.title.closable) {
9403 name += ' lm-mod-closable';
9404 /* <DEPRECATED> */
9405 name += ' p-mod-closable';
9406 /* </DEPRECATED> */
9407 }
9408 if (data.current) {
9409 name += ' lm-mod-current';
9410 /* <DEPRECATED> */
9411 name += ' p-mod-current';
9412 /* </DEPRECATED> */
9413 }
9414 return name;
9415 };
9416 /**
9417 * Create the dataset for a tab.
9418 *
9419 * @param data - The data to use for the tab.
9420 *
9421 * @returns The dataset for the tab.
9422 */
9423 Renderer.prototype.createTabDataset = function (data) {
9424 return data.title.dataset;
9425 };
9426 /**
9427 * Create the ARIA attributes for a tab.
9428 *
9429 * @param data - The data to use for the tab.
9430 *
9431 * @returns The ARIA attributes for the tab.
9432 */
9433 Renderer.prototype.createTabARIA = function (data) {
9434 return { role: 'tab', 'aria-selected': data.current.toString() };
9435 };
9436 /**
9437 * Create the class name for the tab icon.
9438 *
9439 * @param data - The data to use for the tab.
9440 *
9441 * @returns The full class name for the tab icon.
9442 */
9443 Renderer.prototype.createIconClass = function (data) {
9444 var name = 'lm-TabBar-tabIcon';
9445 /* <DEPRECATED> */
9446 name += ' p-TabBar-tabIcon';
9447 /* </DEPRECATED> */
9448 var extra = data.title.iconClass;
9449 return extra ? name + " " + extra : name;
9450 };
9451 return Renderer;
9452 }());
9453 TabBar.Renderer = Renderer;
9454 /**
9455 * The default `Renderer` instance.
9456 */
9457 TabBar.defaultRenderer = new Renderer();
9458 /**
9459 * A selector which matches the add button node in the tab bar.
9460 */
9461 TabBar.addButtonSelector = '.lm-TabBar-addButton';
9462})(TabBar || (TabBar = {}));
9464 * The namespace for the module implementation details.
9465 */
9466var Private$7;
9467(function (Private) {
9468 /**
9469 * The start drag distance threshold.
9470 */
9471 Private.DRAG_THRESHOLD = 5;
9472 /**
9473 * The detach distance threshold.
9474 */
9475 Private.DETACH_THRESHOLD = 20;
9476 /**
9477 * Create the DOM node for a tab bar.
9478 */
9479 function createNode() {
9480 var node = document.createElement('div');
9481 var content = document.createElement('ul');
9482 content.setAttribute('role', 'tablist');
9483 content.className = 'lm-TabBar-content';
9484 /* <DEPRECATED> */
9485 content.classList.add('p-TabBar-content');
9486 /* </DEPRECATED> */
9487 node.appendChild(content);
9488 var add = document.createElement('div');
9489 add.className = 'lm-TabBar-addButton lm-mod-hidden';
9490 node.appendChild(add);
9491 return node;
9492 }
9493 Private.createNode = createNode;
9494 /**
9495 * Coerce a title or options into a real title.
9496 */
9497 function asTitle(value) {
9498 return value instanceof Title ? value : new Title(value);
9499 }
9500 Private.asTitle = asTitle;
9501 /**
9502 * Parse the transition duration for a tab node.
9503 */
9504 function parseTransitionDuration(tab) {
9505 var style = window.getComputedStyle(tab);
9506 return 1000 * (parseFloat(style.transitionDuration) || 0);
9507 }
9508 Private.parseTransitionDuration = parseTransitionDuration;
9509 /**
9510 * Get a snapshot of the current tab layout values.
9511 */
9512 function snapTabLayout(tabs, orientation) {
9513 var layout = new Array(tabs.length);
9514 for (var i = 0, n = tabs.length; i < n; ++i) {
9515 var node = tabs[i];
9516 var style = window.getComputedStyle(node);
9517 if (orientation === 'horizontal') {
9518 layout[i] = {
9519 pos: node.offsetLeft,
9520 size: node.offsetWidth,
9521 margin: parseFloat(style.marginLeft) || 0
9522 };
9523 }
9524 else {
9525 layout[i] = {
9526 pos: node.offsetTop,
9527 size: node.offsetHeight,
9528 margin: parseFloat(style.marginTop) || 0
9529 };
9530 }
9531 }
9532 return layout;
9533 }
9534 Private.snapTabLayout = snapTabLayout;
9535 /**
9536 * Test if the event exceeds the drag threshold.
9537 */
9538 function dragExceeded(data, event) {
9539 var dx = Math.abs(event.clientX - data.pressX);
9540 var dy = Math.abs(event.clientY - data.pressY);
9541 return dx >= Private.DRAG_THRESHOLD || dy >= Private.DRAG_THRESHOLD;
9542 }
9543 Private.dragExceeded = dragExceeded;
9544 /**
9545 * Test if the event exceeds the drag detach threshold.
9546 */
9547 function detachExceeded(data, event) {
9548 var rect = data.contentRect;
9549 return (event.clientX < rect.left - Private.DETACH_THRESHOLD ||
9550 event.clientX >= rect.right + Private.DETACH_THRESHOLD ||
9551 event.clientY < rect.top - Private.DETACH_THRESHOLD ||
9552 event.clientY >= rect.bottom + Private.DETACH_THRESHOLD);
9553 }
9554 Private.detachExceeded = detachExceeded;
9555 /**
9556 * Update the relative tab positions and computed target index.
9557 */
9558 function layoutTabs(tabs, data, event, orientation) {
9559 // Compute the orientation-sensitive values.
9560 var pressPos;
9561 var localPos;
9562 var clientPos;
9563 var clientSize;
9564 if (orientation === 'horizontal') {
9565 pressPos = data.pressX;
9566 localPos = event.clientX - data.contentRect.left;
9567 clientPos = event.clientX;
9568 clientSize = data.contentRect.width;
9569 }
9570 else {
9571 pressPos = data.pressY;
9572 localPos = event.clientY - data.contentRect.top;
9573 clientPos = event.clientY;
9574 clientSize = data.contentRect.height;
9575 }
9576 // Compute the target data.
9577 var targetIndex = data.index;
9578 var targetPos = localPos - data.tabPressPos;
9579 var targetEnd = targetPos + data.tabSize;
9580 // Update the relative tab positions.
9581 for (var i = 0, n = tabs.length; i < n; ++i) {
9582 var pxPos = void 0;
9583 var layout = data.tabLayout[i];
9584 var threshold = layout.pos + (layout.size >> 1);
9585 if (i < data.index && targetPos < threshold) {
9586 pxPos = data.tabSize + data.tabLayout[i + 1].margin + "px";
9587 targetIndex = Math.min(targetIndex, i);
9588 }
9589 else if (i > data.index && targetEnd > threshold) {
9590 pxPos = -data.tabSize - layout.margin + "px";
9591 targetIndex = Math.max(targetIndex, i);
9592 }
9593 else if (i === data.index) {
9594 var ideal = clientPos - pressPos;
9595 var limit = clientSize - (data.tabPos + data.tabSize);
9596 pxPos = Math.max(-data.tabPos, Math.min(ideal, limit)) + "px";
9597 }
9598 else {
9599 pxPos = '';
9600 }
9601 if (orientation === 'horizontal') {
9602 tabs[i].style.left = pxPos;
9603 }
9604 else {
9605 tabs[i].style.top = pxPos;
9606 }
9607 }
9608 // Update the computed target index.
9609 data.targetIndex = targetIndex;
9610 }
9611 Private.layoutTabs = layoutTabs;
9612 /**
9613 * Position the drag tab at its final resting relative position.
9614 */
9615 function finalizeTabPosition(data, orientation) {
9616 // Compute the orientation-sensitive client size.
9617 var clientSize;
9618 if (orientation === 'horizontal') {
9619 clientSize = data.contentRect.width;
9620 }
9621 else {
9622 clientSize = data.contentRect.height;
9623 }
9624 // Compute the ideal final tab position.
9625 var ideal;
9626 if (data.targetIndex === data.index) {
9627 ideal = 0;
9628 }
9629 else if (data.targetIndex > data.index) {
9630 var tgt = data.tabLayout[data.targetIndex];
9631 ideal = tgt.pos + tgt.size - data.tabSize - data.tabPos;
9632 }
9633 else {
9634 var tgt = data.tabLayout[data.targetIndex];
9635 ideal = tgt.pos - data.tabPos;
9636 }
9637 // Compute the tab position limit.
9638 var limit = clientSize - (data.tabPos + data.tabSize);
9639 var final = Math.max(-data.tabPos, Math.min(ideal, limit));
9640 // Set the final orientation-sensitive position.
9641 if (orientation === 'horizontal') {
9642 data.tab.style.left = final + "px";
9643 }
9644 else {
9645 data.tab.style.top = final + "px";
9646 }
9647 }
9648 Private.finalizeTabPosition = finalizeTabPosition;
9649 /**
9650 * Reset the relative positions of the given tabs.
9651 */
9652 function resetTabPositions(tabs, orientation) {
9653 each(tabs, function (tab) {
9654 if (orientation === 'horizontal') {
9655 tab.style.left = '';
9656 }
9657 else {
9658 tab.style.top = '';
9659 }
9660 });
9661 }
9662 Private.resetTabPositions = resetTabPositions;
9663})(Private$7 || (Private$7 = {}));
9666 * A layout which provides a flexible docking arrangement.
9667 *
9668 * #### Notes
9669 * The consumer of this layout is responsible for handling all signals
9670 * from the generated tab bars and managing the visibility of widgets
9671 * and tab bars as needed.
9672 */
9673var DockLayout = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
9674 __extends(DockLayout, _super);
9675 /**
9676 * Construct a new dock layout.
9677 *
9678 * @param options - The options for initializing the layout.
9679 */
9680 function DockLayout(options) {
9681 var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
9682 _this._spacing = 4;
9683 _this._dirty = false;
9684 _this._root = null;
9685 _this._box = null;
9686 _this._items = new Map();
9687 _this.renderer = options.renderer;
9688 if (options.spacing !== undefined) {
9689 _this._spacing = Utils$1.clampDimension(options.spacing);
9690 }
9691 _this._document = options.document || document;
9692 _this._hiddenMode =
9693 options.hiddenMode !== undefined
9694 ? options.hiddenMode
9695 : Widget.HiddenMode.Display;
9696 return _this;
9697 }
9698 /**
9699 * Dispose of the resources held by the layout.
9700 *
9701 * #### Notes
9702 * This will clear and dispose all widgets in the layout.
9703 */
9704 DockLayout.prototype.dispose = function () {
9705 // Get an iterator over the widgets in the layout.
9706 var widgets = this.iter();
9707 // Dispose of the layout items.
9708 this._items.forEach(function (item) {
9709 item.dispose();
9710 });
9711 // Clear the layout state before disposing the widgets.
9712 this._box = null;
9713 this._root = null;
9714 this._items.clear();
9715 // Dispose of the widgets contained in the old layout root.
9716 each(widgets, function (widget) {
9717 widget.dispose();
9718 });
9719 // Dispose of the base class.
9720 _super.prototype.dispose.call(this);
9721 };
9722 Object.defineProperty(DockLayout.prototype, "hiddenMode", {
9723 /**
9724 * The method for hiding child widgets.
9725 *
9726 * #### Notes
9727 * If there is only one child widget, `Display` hiding mode will be used
9728 * regardless of this setting.
9729 */
9730 get: function () {
9731 return this._hiddenMode;
9732 },
9733 set: function (v) {
9734 var _this = this;
9735 if (this._hiddenMode === v) {
9736 return;
9737 }
9738 this._hiddenMode = v;
9739 each(this.tabBars(), function (bar) {
9740 if (bar.titles.length > 1) {
9741 bar.titles.forEach(function (title) {
9742 title.owner.hiddenMode = _this._hiddenMode;
9743 });
9744 }
9745 });
9746 },
9747 enumerable: true,
9748 configurable: true
9749 });
9750 Object.defineProperty(DockLayout.prototype, "spacing", {
9751 /**
9752 * Get the inter-element spacing for the dock layout.
9753 */
9754 get: function () {
9755 return this._spacing;
9756 },
9757 /**
9758 * Set the inter-element spacing for the dock layout.
9759 */
9760 set: function (value) {
9761 value = Utils$1.clampDimension(value);
9762 if (this._spacing === value) {
9763 return;
9764 }
9765 this._spacing = value;
9766 if (!this.parent) {
9767 return;
9768 }
9769 this.parent.fit();
9770 },
9771 enumerable: true,
9772 configurable: true
9773 });
9774 Object.defineProperty(DockLayout.prototype, "isEmpty", {
9775 /**
9776 * Whether the dock layout is empty.
9777 */
9778 get: function () {
9779 return this._root === null;
9780 },
9781 enumerable: true,
9782 configurable: true
9783 });
9784 /**
9785 * Create an iterator over all widgets in the layout.
9786 *
9787 * @returns A new iterator over the widgets in the layout.
9788 *
9789 * #### Notes
9790 * This iterator includes the generated tab bars.
9791 */
9792 DockLayout.prototype.iter = function () {
9793 return this._root ? this._root.iterAllWidgets() : empty();
9794 };
9795 /**
9796 * Create an iterator over the user widgets in the layout.
9797 *
9798 * @returns A new iterator over the user widgets in the layout.
9799 *
9800 * #### Notes
9801 * This iterator does not include the generated tab bars.
9802 */
9803 DockLayout.prototype.widgets = function () {
9804 return this._root ? this._root.iterUserWidgets() : empty();
9805 };
9806 /**
9807 * Create an iterator over the selected widgets in the layout.
9808 *
9809 * @returns A new iterator over the selected user widgets.
9810 *
9811 * #### Notes
9812 * This iterator yields the widgets corresponding to the current tab
9813 * of each tab bar in the layout.
9814 */
9815 DockLayout.prototype.selectedWidgets = function () {
9816 return this._root ? this._root.iterSelectedWidgets() : empty();
9817 };
9818 /**
9819 * Create an iterator over the tab bars in the layout.
9820 *
9821 * @returns A new iterator over the tab bars in the layout.
9822 *
9823 * #### Notes
9824 * This iterator does not include the user widgets.
9825 */
9826 DockLayout.prototype.tabBars = function () {
9827 return this._root ? this._root.iterTabBars() : empty();
9828 };
9829 /**
9830 * Create an iterator over the handles in the layout.
9831 *
9832 * @returns A new iterator over the handles in the layout.
9833 */
9834 DockLayout.prototype.handles = function () {
9835 return this._root ? this._root.iterHandles() : empty();
9836 };
9837 /**
9838 * Move a handle to the given offset position.
9839 *
9840 * @param handle - The handle to move.
9841 *
9842 * @param offsetX - The desired offset X position of the handle.
9843 *
9844 * @param offsetY - The desired offset Y position of the handle.
9845 *
9846 * #### Notes
9847 * If the given handle is not contained in the layout, this is no-op.
9848 *
9849 * The handle will be moved as close as possible to the desired
9850 * position without violating any of the layout constraints.
9851 *
9852 * Only one of the coordinates is used depending on the orientation
9853 * of the handle. This method accepts both coordinates to make it
9854 * easy to invoke from a mouse move event without needing to know
9855 * the handle orientation.
9856 */
9857 DockLayout.prototype.moveHandle = function (handle, offsetX, offsetY) {
9858 // Bail early if there is no root or if the handle is hidden.
9859 var hidden = handle.classList.contains('lm-mod-hidden');
9860 /* <DEPRECATED> */
9861 hidden = hidden || handle.classList.contains('p-mod-hidden');
9862 /* </DEPRECATED> */
9863 if (!this._root || hidden) {
9864 return;
9865 }
9866 // Lookup the split node for the handle.
9867 var data = this._root.findSplitNode(handle);
9868 if (!data) {
9869 return;
9870 }
9871 // Compute the desired delta movement for the handle.
9872 var delta;
9873 if (data.node.orientation === 'horizontal') {
9874 delta = offsetX - handle.offsetLeft;
9875 }
9876 else {
9877 delta = offsetY - handle.offsetTop;
9878 }
9879 // Bail if there is no handle movement.
9880 if (delta === 0) {
9881 return;
9882 }
9883 // Prevent sibling resizing unless needed.
9884 data.node.holdSizes();
9885 // Adjust the sizers to reflect the handle movement.
9886 BoxEngine.adjust(data.node.sizers, data.index, delta);
9887 // Update the layout of the widgets.
9888 if (this.parent) {
9889 this.parent.update();
9890 }
9891 };
9892 /**
9893 * Save the current configuration of the dock layout.
9894 *
9895 * @returns A new config object for the current layout state.
9896 *
9897 * #### Notes
9898 * The return value can be provided to the `restoreLayout` method
9899 * in order to restore the layout to its current configuration.
9900 */
9901 DockLayout.prototype.saveLayout = function () {
9902 // Bail early if there is no root.
9903 if (!this._root) {
9904 return { main: null };
9905 }
9906 // Hold the current sizes in the layout tree.
9907 this._root.holdAllSizes();
9908 // Return the layout config.
9909 return { main: this._root.createConfig() };
9910 };
9911 /**
9912 * Restore the layout to a previously saved configuration.
9913 *
9914 * @param config - The layout configuration to restore.
9915 *
9916 * #### Notes
9917 * Widgets which currently belong to the layout but which are not
9918 * contained in the config will be unparented.
9919 */
9920 DockLayout.prototype.restoreLayout = function (config) {
9921 var _this = this;
9922 // Create the widget set for validating the config.
9923 var widgetSet = new Set();
9924 // Normalize the main area config and collect the widgets.
9925 var mainConfig;
9926 if (config.main) {
9927 mainConfig = Private$6.normalizeAreaConfig(config.main, widgetSet);
9928 }
9929 else {
9930 mainConfig = null;
9931 }
9932 // Create iterators over the old content.
9933 var oldWidgets = this.widgets();
9934 var oldTabBars = this.tabBars();
9935 var oldHandles = this.handles();
9936 // Clear the root before removing the old content.
9937 this._root = null;
9938 // Unparent the old widgets which are not in the new config.
9939 each(oldWidgets, function (widget) {
9940 if (!widgetSet.has(widget)) {
9941 widget.parent = null;
9942 }
9943 });
9944 // Dispose of the old tab bars.
9945 each(oldTabBars, function (tabBar) {
9946 tabBar.dispose();
9947 });
9948 // Remove the old handles.
9949 each(oldHandles, function (handle) {
9950 if (handle.parentNode) {
9951 handle.parentNode.removeChild(handle);
9952 }
9953 });
9954 // Reparent the new widgets to the current parent.
9955 widgetSet.forEach(function (widget) {
9956 widget.parent = _this.parent;
9957 });
9958 // Create the root node for the new config.
9959 if (mainConfig) {
9960 this._root = Private$6.realizeAreaConfig(mainConfig, {
9961 // Ignoring optional `document` argument as we must reuse `this._document`
9962 createTabBar: function (document) {
9963 return _this._createTabBar();
9964 },
9965 createHandle: function () { return _this._createHandle(); }
9966 }, this._document);
9967 }
9968 else {
9969 this._root = null;
9970 }
9971 // If there is no parent, there is nothing more to do.
9972 if (!this.parent) {
9973 return;
9974 }
9975 // Attach the new widgets to the parent.
9976 widgetSet.forEach(function (widget) {
9977 _this.attachWidget(widget);
9978 });
9979 // Post a fit request to the parent.
9980 this.parent.fit();
9981 };
9982 /**
9983 * Add a widget to the dock layout.
9984 *
9985 * @param widget - The widget to add to the dock layout.
9986 *
9987 * @param options - The additional options for adding the widget.
9988 *
9989 * #### Notes
9990 * The widget will be moved if it is already contained in the layout.
9991 *
9992 * An error will be thrown if the reference widget is invalid.
9993 */
9994 DockLayout.prototype.addWidget = function (widget, options) {
9995 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
9996 // Parse the options.
9997 var ref = options.ref || null;
9998 var mode = options.mode || 'tab-after';
9999 // Find the tab node which holds the reference widget.
10000 var refNode = null;
10001 if (this._root && ref) {
10002 refNode = this._root.findTabNode(ref);
10003 }
10004 // Throw an error if the reference widget is invalid.
10005 if (ref && !refNode) {
10006 throw new Error('Reference widget is not in the layout.');
10007 }
10008 // Reparent the widget to the current layout parent.
10009 widget.parent = this.parent;
10010 // Insert the widget according to the insert mode.
10011 switch (mode) {
10012 case 'tab-after':
10013 this._insertTab(widget, ref, refNode, true);
10014 break;
10015 case 'tab-before':
10016 this._insertTab(widget, ref, refNode, false);
10017 break;
10018 case 'split-top':
10019 this._insertSplit(widget, ref, refNode, 'vertical', false);
10020 break;
10021 case 'split-left':
10022 this._insertSplit(widget, ref, refNode, 'horizontal', false);
10023 break;
10024 case 'split-right':
10025 this._insertSplit(widget, ref, refNode, 'horizontal', true);
10026 break;
10027 case 'split-bottom':
10028 this._insertSplit(widget, ref, refNode, 'vertical', true);
10029 break;
10030 }
10031 // Do nothing else if there is no parent widget.
10032 if (!this.parent) {
10033 return;
10034 }
10035 // Ensure the widget is attached to the parent widget.
10036 this.attachWidget(widget);
10037 // Post a fit request for the parent widget.
10038 this.parent.fit();
10039 };
10040 /**
10041 * Remove a widget from the layout.
10042 *
10043 * @param widget - The widget to remove from the layout.
10044 *
10045 * #### Notes
10046 * A widget is automatically removed from the layout when its `parent`
10047 * is set to `null`. This method should only be invoked directly when
10048 * removing a widget from a layout which has yet to be installed on a
10049 * parent widget.
10050 *
10051 * This method does *not* modify the widget's `parent`.
10052 */
10053 DockLayout.prototype.removeWidget = function (widget) {
10054 // Remove the widget from its current layout location.
10055 this._removeWidget(widget);
10056 // Do nothing else if there is no parent widget.
10057 if (!this.parent) {
10058 return;
10059 }
10060 // Detach the widget from the parent widget.
10061 this.detachWidget(widget);
10062 // Post a fit request for the parent widget.
10063 this.parent.fit();
10064 };
10065 /**
10066 * Find the tab area which contains the given client position.
10067 *
10068 * @param clientX - The client X position of interest.
10069 *
10070 * @param clientY - The client Y position of interest.
10071 *
10072 * @returns The geometry of the tab area at the given position, or
10073 * `null` if there is no tab area at the given position.
10074 */
10075 DockLayout.prototype.hitTestTabAreas = function (clientX, clientY) {
10076 // Bail early if hit testing cannot produce valid results.
10077 if (!this._root || !this.parent || !this.parent.isVisible) {
10078 return null;
10079 }
10080 // Ensure the parent box sizing data is computed.
10081 if (!this._box) {
10082 this._box = ElementExt.boxSizing(this.parent.node);
10083 }
10084 // Convert from client to local coordinates.
10085 var rect = this.parent.node.getBoundingClientRect();
10086 var x = clientX - rect.left - this._box.borderLeft;
10087 var y = clientY - rect.top - this._box.borderTop;
10088 // Find the tab layout node at the local position.
10089 var tabNode = this._root.hitTestTabNodes(x, y);
10090 // Bail if a tab layout node was not found.
10091 if (!tabNode) {
10092 return null;
10093 }
10094 // Extract the data from the tab node.
10095 var tabBar = tabNode.tabBar, top = tabNode.top, left = tabNode.left, width = tabNode.width, height = tabNode.height;
10096 // Compute the right and bottom edges of the tab area.
10097 var borderWidth = this._box.borderLeft + this._box.borderRight;
10098 var borderHeight = this._box.borderTop + this._box.borderBottom;
10099 var right = rect.width - borderWidth - (left + width);
10100 var bottom = rect.height - borderHeight - (top + height);
10101 // Return the hit test results.
10102 return { tabBar: tabBar, x: x, y: y, top: top, left: left, right: right, bottom: bottom, width: width, height: height };
10103 };
10104 /**
10105 * Perform layout initialization which requires the parent widget.
10106 */
10107 DockLayout.prototype.init = function () {
10108 var _this = this;
10109 // Perform superclass initialization.
10110 _super.prototype.init.call(this);
10111 // Attach each widget to the parent.
10112 each(this, function (widget) {
10113 _this.attachWidget(widget);
10114 });
10115 // Attach each handle to the parent.
10116 each(this.handles(), function (handle) {
10117 _this.parent.node.appendChild(handle);
10118 });
10119 // Post a fit request for the parent widget.
10120 this.parent.fit();
10121 };
10122 /**
10123 * Attach the widget to the layout parent widget.
10124 *
10125 * @param widget - The widget to attach to the parent.
10126 *
10127 * #### Notes
10128 * This is a no-op if the widget is already attached.
10129 */
10130 DockLayout.prototype.attachWidget = function (widget) {
10131 // Do nothing if the widget is already attached.
10132 if (this.parent.node === widget.node.parentNode) {
10133 return;
10134 }
10135 // Create the layout item for the widget.
10136 this._items.set(widget, new LayoutItem(widget));
10137 // Send a `'before-attach'` message if the parent is attached.
10138 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
10139 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.BeforeAttach);
10140 }
10141 // Add the widget's node to the parent.
10142 this.parent.node.appendChild(widget.node);
10143 // Send an `'after-attach'` message if the parent is attached.
10144 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
10145 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.AfterAttach);
10146 }
10147 };
10148 /**
10149 * Detach the widget from the layout parent widget.
10150 *
10151 * @param widget - The widget to detach from the parent.
10152 *
10153 * #### Notes
10154 * This is a no-op if the widget is not attached.
10155 */
10156 DockLayout.prototype.detachWidget = function (widget) {
10157 // Do nothing if the widget is not attached.
10158 if (this.parent.node !== widget.node.parentNode) {
10159 return;
10160 }
10161 // Send a `'before-detach'` message if the parent is attached.
10162 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
10163 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.BeforeDetach);
10164 }
10165 // Remove the widget's node from the parent.
10166 this.parent.node.removeChild(widget.node);
10167 // Send an `'after-detach'` message if the parent is attached.
10168 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
10169 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.AfterDetach);
10170 }
10171 // Delete the layout item for the widget.
10172 var item = this._items.get(widget);
10173 if (item) {
10174 this._items.delete(widget);
10175 item.dispose();
10176 }
10177 };
10178 /**
10179 * A message handler invoked on a `'before-show'` message.
10180 */
10181 DockLayout.prototype.onBeforeShow = function (msg) {
10182 _super.prototype.onBeforeShow.call(this, msg);
10183 this.parent.update();
10184 };
10185 /**
10186 * A message handler invoked on a `'before-attach'` message.
10187 */
10188 DockLayout.prototype.onBeforeAttach = function (msg) {
10189 _super.prototype.onBeforeAttach.call(this, msg);
10190 this.parent.fit();
10191 };
10192 /**
10193 * A message handler invoked on a `'child-shown'` message.
10194 */
10195 DockLayout.prototype.onChildShown = function (msg) {
10196 this.parent.fit();
10197 };
10198 /**
10199 * A message handler invoked on a `'child-hidden'` message.
10200 */
10201 DockLayout.prototype.onChildHidden = function (msg) {
10202 this.parent.fit();
10203 };
10204 /**
10205 * A message handler invoked on a `'resize'` message.
10206 */
10207 DockLayout.prototype.onResize = function (msg) {
10208 if (this.parent.isVisible) {
10209 this._update(msg.width, msg.height);
10210 }
10211 };
10212 /**
10213 * A message handler invoked on an `'update-request'` message.
10214 */
10215 DockLayout.prototype.onUpdateRequest = function (msg) {
10216 if (this.parent.isVisible) {
10217 this._update(-1, -1);
10218 }
10219 };
10220 /**
10221 * A message handler invoked on a `'fit-request'` message.
10222 */
10223 DockLayout.prototype.onFitRequest = function (msg) {
10224 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
10225 this._fit();
10226 }
10227 };
10228 /**
10229 * Remove the specified widget from the layout structure.
10230 *
10231 * #### Notes
10232 * This is a no-op if the widget is not in the layout tree.
10233 *
10234 * This does not detach the widget from the parent node.
10235 */
10236 DockLayout.prototype._removeWidget = function (widget) {
10237 // Bail early if there is no layout root.
10238 if (!this._root) {
10239 return;
10240 }
10241 // Find the tab node which contains the given widget.
10242 var tabNode = this._root.findTabNode(widget);
10243 // Bail early if the tab node is not found.
10244 if (!tabNode) {
10245 return;
10246 }
10247 Private$6.removeAria(widget);
10248 // If there are multiple tabs, just remove the widget's tab.
10249 if (tabNode.tabBar.titles.length > 1) {
10250 tabNode.tabBar.removeTab(widget.title);
10251 if (this._hiddenMode === Widget.HiddenMode.Scale &&
10252 tabNode.tabBar.titles.length == 1) {
10253 var existingWidget = tabNode.tabBar.titles[0].owner;
10254 existingWidget.hiddenMode = Widget.HiddenMode.Display;
10255 }
10256 return;
10257 }
10258 // Otherwise, the tab node needs to be removed...
10259 // Dispose the tab bar.
10260 tabNode.tabBar.dispose();
10261 // Handle the case where the tab node is the root.
10262 if (this._root === tabNode) {
10263 this._root = null;
10264 return;
10265 }
10266 // Otherwise, remove the tab node from its parent...
10267 // Prevent widget resizing unless needed.
10268 this._root.holdAllSizes();
10269 // Clear the parent reference on the tab node.
10270 var splitNode = tabNode.parent;
10271 tabNode.parent = null;
10272 // Remove the tab node from its parent split node.
10273 var i = ArrayExt.removeFirstOf(splitNode.children, tabNode);
10274 var handle = ArrayExt.removeAt(splitNode.handles, i);
10275 ArrayExt.removeAt(splitNode.sizers, i);
10276 // Remove the handle from its parent DOM node.
10277 if (handle.parentNode) {
10278 handle.parentNode.removeChild(handle);
10279 }
10280 // If there are multiple children, just update the handles.
10281 if (splitNode.children.length > 1) {
10282 splitNode.syncHandles();
10283 return;
10284 }
10285 // Otherwise, the split node also needs to be removed...
10286 // Clear the parent reference on the split node.
10287 var maybeParent = splitNode.parent;
10288 splitNode.parent = null;
10289 // Lookup the remaining child node and handle.
10290 var childNode = splitNode.children[0];
10291 var childHandle = splitNode.handles[0];
10292 // Clear the split node data.
10293 splitNode.children.length = 0;
10294 splitNode.handles.length = 0;
10295 splitNode.sizers.length = 0;
10296 // Remove the child handle from its parent node.
10297 if (childHandle.parentNode) {
10298 childHandle.parentNode.removeChild(childHandle);
10299 }
10300 // Handle the case where the split node is the root.
10301 if (this._root === splitNode) {
10302 childNode.parent = null;
10303 this._root = childNode;
10304 return;
10305 }
10306 // Otherwise, move the child node to the parent node...
10307 var parentNode = maybeParent;
10308 // Lookup the index of the split node.
10309 var j = parentNode.children.indexOf(splitNode);
10310 // Handle the case where the child node is a tab node.
10311 if (childNode instanceof Private$6.TabLayoutNode) {
10312 childNode.parent = parentNode;
10313 parentNode.children[j] = childNode;
10314 return;
10315 }
10316 // Remove the split data from the parent.
10317 var splitHandle = ArrayExt.removeAt(parentNode.handles, j);
10318 ArrayExt.removeAt(parentNode.children, j);
10319 ArrayExt.removeAt(parentNode.sizers, j);
10320 // Remove the handle from its parent node.
10321 if (splitHandle.parentNode) {
10322 splitHandle.parentNode.removeChild(splitHandle);
10323 }
10324 // The child node and the split parent node will have the same
10325 // orientation. Merge the grand-children with the parent node.
10326 for (var i_1 = 0, n = childNode.children.length; i_1 < n; ++i_1) {
10327 var gChild = childNode.children[i_1];
10328 var gHandle = childNode.handles[i_1];
10329 var gSizer = childNode.sizers[i_1];
10330 ArrayExt.insert(parentNode.children, j + i_1, gChild);
10331 ArrayExt.insert(parentNode.handles, j + i_1, gHandle);
10332 ArrayExt.insert(parentNode.sizers, j + i_1, gSizer);
10333 gChild.parent = parentNode;
10334 }
10335 // Clear the child node.
10336 childNode.children.length = 0;
10337 childNode.handles.length = 0;
10338 childNode.sizers.length = 0;
10339 childNode.parent = null;
10340 // Sync the handles on the parent node.
10341 parentNode.syncHandles();
10342 };
10343 /**
10344 * Insert a widget next to an existing tab.
10345 *
10346 * #### Notes
10347 * This does not attach the widget to the parent widget.
10348 */
10349 DockLayout.prototype._insertTab = function (widget, ref, refNode, after) {
10350 // Do nothing if the tab is inserted next to itself.
10351 if (widget === ref) {
10352 return;
10353 }
10354 // Create the root if it does not exist.
10355 if (!this._root) {
10356 var tabNode = new Private$6.TabLayoutNode(this._createTabBar());
10357 tabNode.tabBar.addTab(widget.title);
10358 this._root = tabNode;
10359 Private$6.addAria(widget, tabNode.tabBar);
10360 return;
10361 }
10362 // Use the first tab node as the ref node if needed.
10363 if (!refNode) {
10364 refNode = this._root.findFirstTabNode();
10365 }
10366 // If the widget is not contained in the ref node, ensure it is
10367 // removed from the layout and hidden before being added again.
10368 if (refNode.tabBar.titles.indexOf(widget.title) === -1) {
10369 this._removeWidget(widget);
10370 widget.hide();
10371 }
10372 // Lookup the target index for inserting the tab.
10373 var index;
10374 if (ref) {
10375 index = refNode.tabBar.titles.indexOf(ref.title);
10376 }
10377 else {
10378 index = refNode.tabBar.currentIndex;
10379 }
10380 // Using transform create an additional layer in the pixel pipeline
10381 // to limit the number of layer, it is set only if there is more than one widget.
10382 if (this._hiddenMode === Widget.HiddenMode.Scale &&
10383 refNode.tabBar.titles.length > 0) {
10384 if (refNode.tabBar.titles.length == 1) {
10385 var existingWidget = refNode.tabBar.titles[0].owner;
10386 existingWidget.hiddenMode = Widget.HiddenMode.Scale;
10387 }
10388 widget.hiddenMode = Widget.HiddenMode.Scale;
10389 }
10390 else {
10391 widget.hiddenMode = Widget.HiddenMode.Display;
10392 }
10393 // Insert the widget's tab relative to the target index.
10394 refNode.tabBar.insertTab(index + (after ? 1 : 0), widget.title);
10395 Private$6.addAria(widget, refNode.tabBar);
10396 };
10397 /**
10398 * Insert a widget as a new split area.
10399 *
10400 * #### Notes
10401 * This does not attach the widget to the parent widget.
10402 */
10403 DockLayout.prototype._insertSplit = function (widget, ref, refNode, orientation, after) {
10404 // Do nothing if there is no effective split.
10405 if (widget === ref && refNode && refNode.tabBar.titles.length === 1) {
10406 return;
10407 }
10408 // Ensure the widget is removed from the current layout.
10409 this._removeWidget(widget);
10410 // Create the tab layout node to hold the widget.
10411 var tabNode = new Private$6.TabLayoutNode(this._createTabBar());
10412 tabNode.tabBar.addTab(widget.title);
10413 Private$6.addAria(widget, tabNode.tabBar);
10414 // Set the root if it does not exist.
10415 if (!this._root) {
10416 this._root = tabNode;
10417 return;
10418 }
10419 // If the ref node parent is null, split the root.
10420 if (!refNode || !refNode.parent) {
10421 // Ensure the root is split with the correct orientation.
10422 var root = this._splitRoot(orientation);
10423 // Determine the insert index for the new tab node.
10424 var i_2 = after ? root.children.length : 0;
10425 // Normalize the split node.
10426 root.normalizeSizes();
10427 // Create the sizer for new tab node.
10428 var sizer = Private$6.createSizer(refNode ? 1 : Private$6.GOLDEN_RATIO);
10429 // Insert the tab node sized to the golden ratio.
10430 ArrayExt.insert(root.children, i_2, tabNode);
10431 ArrayExt.insert(root.sizers, i_2, sizer);
10432 ArrayExt.insert(root.handles, i_2, this._createHandle());
10433 tabNode.parent = root;
10434 // Re-normalize the split node to maintain the ratios.
10435 root.normalizeSizes();
10436 // Finally, synchronize the visibility of the handles.
10437 root.syncHandles();
10438 return;
10439 }
10440 // Lookup the split node for the ref widget.
10441 var splitNode = refNode.parent;
10442 // If the split node already had the correct orientation,
10443 // the widget can be inserted into the split node directly.
10444 if (splitNode.orientation === orientation) {
10445 // Find the index of the ref node.
10446 var i_3 = splitNode.children.indexOf(refNode);
10447 // Normalize the split node.
10448 splitNode.normalizeSizes();
10449 // Consume half the space for the insert location.
10450 var s = (splitNode.sizers[i_3].sizeHint /= 2);
10451 // Insert the tab node sized to the other half.
10452 var j_1 = i_3 + (after ? 1 : 0);
10453 ArrayExt.insert(splitNode.children, j_1, tabNode);
10454 ArrayExt.insert(splitNode.sizers, j_1, Private$6.createSizer(s));
10455 ArrayExt.insert(splitNode.handles, j_1, this._createHandle());
10456 tabNode.parent = splitNode;
10457 // Finally, synchronize the visibility of the handles.
10458 splitNode.syncHandles();
10459 return;
10460 }
10461 // Remove the ref node from the split node.
10462 var i = ArrayExt.removeFirstOf(splitNode.children, refNode);
10463 // Create a new normalized split node for the children.
10464 var childNode = new Private$6.SplitLayoutNode(orientation);
10465 childNode.normalized = true;
10466 // Add the ref node sized to half the space.
10467 childNode.children.push(refNode);
10468 childNode.sizers.push(Private$6.createSizer(0.5));
10469 childNode.handles.push(this._createHandle());
10470 refNode.parent = childNode;
10471 // Add the tab node sized to the other half.
10472 var j = after ? 1 : 0;
10473 ArrayExt.insert(childNode.children, j, tabNode);
10474 ArrayExt.insert(childNode.sizers, j, Private$6.createSizer(0.5));
10475 ArrayExt.insert(childNode.handles, j, this._createHandle());
10476 tabNode.parent = childNode;
10477 // Synchronize the visibility of the handles.
10478 childNode.syncHandles();
10479 // Finally, add the new child node to the original split node.
10480 ArrayExt.insert(splitNode.children, i, childNode);
10481 childNode.parent = splitNode;
10482 };
10483 /**
10484 * Ensure the root is a split node with the given orientation.
10485 */
10486 DockLayout.prototype._splitRoot = function (orientation) {
10487 // Bail early if the root already meets the requirements.
10488 var oldRoot = this._root;
10489 if (oldRoot instanceof Private$6.SplitLayoutNode) {
10490 if (oldRoot.orientation === orientation) {
10491 return oldRoot;
10492 }
10493 }
10494 // Create a new root node with the specified orientation.
10495 var newRoot = (this._root = new Private$6.SplitLayoutNode(orientation));
10496 // Add the old root to the new root.
10497 if (oldRoot) {
10498 newRoot.children.push(oldRoot);
10499 newRoot.sizers.push(Private$6.createSizer(0));
10500 newRoot.handles.push(this._createHandle());
10501 oldRoot.parent = newRoot;
10502 }
10503 // Return the new root as a convenience.
10504 return newRoot;
10505 };
10506 /**
10507 * Fit the layout to the total size required by the widgets.
10508 */
10509 DockLayout.prototype._fit = function () {
10510 // Set up the computed minimum size.
10511 var minW = 0;
10512 var minH = 0;
10513 // Update the size limits for the layout tree.
10514 if (this._root) {
10515 var limits = this._root.fit(this._spacing, this._items);
10516 minW = limits.minWidth;
10517 minH = limits.minHeight;
10518 }
10519 // Update the box sizing and add it to the computed min size.
10520 var box = (this._box = ElementExt.boxSizing(this.parent.node));
10521 minW += box.horizontalSum;
10522 minH += box.verticalSum;
10523 // Update the parent's min size constraints.
10524 var style = this.parent.node.style;
10525 style.minWidth = minW + "px";
10526 style.minHeight = minH + "px";
10527 // Set the dirty flag to ensure only a single update occurs.
10528 this._dirty = true;
10529 // Notify the ancestor that it should fit immediately. This may
10530 // cause a resize of the parent, fulfilling the required update.
10531 if (this.parent.parent) {
10532 MessageLoop.sendMessage(this.parent.parent, Widget.Msg.FitRequest);
10533 }
10534 // If the dirty flag is still set, the parent was not resized.
10535 // Trigger the required update on the parent widget immediately.
10536 if (this._dirty) {
10537 MessageLoop.sendMessage(this.parent, Widget.Msg.UpdateRequest);
10538 }
10539 };
10540 /**
10541 * Update the layout position and size of the widgets.
10542 *
10543 * The parent offset dimensions should be `-1` if unknown.
10544 */
10545 DockLayout.prototype._update = function (offsetWidth, offsetHeight) {
10546 // Clear the dirty flag to indicate the update occurred.
10547 this._dirty = false;
10548 // Bail early if there is no root layout node.
10549 if (!this._root) {
10550 return;
10551 }
10552 // Measure the parent if the offset dimensions are unknown.
10553 if (offsetWidth < 0) {
10554 offsetWidth = this.parent.node.offsetWidth;
10555 }
10556 if (offsetHeight < 0) {
10557 offsetHeight = this.parent.node.offsetHeight;
10558 }
10559 // Ensure the parent box sizing data is computed.
10560 if (!this._box) {
10561 this._box = ElementExt.boxSizing(this.parent.node);
10562 }
10563 // Compute the actual layout bounds adjusted for border and padding.
10564 var x = this._box.paddingTop;
10565 var y = this._box.paddingLeft;
10566 var width = offsetWidth - this._box.horizontalSum;
10567 var height = offsetHeight - this._box.verticalSum;
10568 // Update the geometry of the layout tree.
10569 this._root.update(x, y, width, height, this._spacing, this._items);
10570 };
10571 /**
10572 * Create a new tab bar for use by the dock layout.
10573 *
10574 * #### Notes
10575 * The tab bar will be attached to the parent if it exists.
10576 */
10577 DockLayout.prototype._createTabBar = function () {
10578 // Create the tab bar using the renderer.
10579 var tabBar = this.renderer.createTabBar(this._document);
10580 // Enforce necessary tab bar behavior.
10581 tabBar.orientation = 'horizontal';
10582 // Reparent and attach the tab bar to the parent if possible.
10583 if (this.parent) {
10584 tabBar.parent = this.parent;
10585 this.attachWidget(tabBar);
10586 }
10587 // Return the initialized tab bar.
10588 return tabBar;
10589 };
10590 /**
10591 * Create a new handle for the dock layout.
10592 *
10593 * #### Notes
10594 * The handle will be attached to the parent if it exists.
10595 */
10596 DockLayout.prototype._createHandle = function () {
10597 // Create the handle using the renderer.
10598 var handle = this.renderer.createHandle();
10599 // Initialize the handle layout behavior.
10600 var style = handle.style;
10601 style.position = 'absolute';
10602 style.top = '0';
10603 style.left = '0';
10604 style.width = '0';
10605 style.height = '0';
10606 // Attach the handle to the parent if it exists.
10607 if (this.parent) {
10608 this.parent.node.appendChild(handle);
10609 }
10610 // Return the initialized handle.
10611 return handle;
10612 };
10613 return DockLayout;
10616 * The namespace for the module implementation details.
10617 */
10618var Private$6;
10619(function (Private) {
10620 /**
10621 * A fraction used for sizing root panels; ~= `1 / golden_ratio`.
10622 */
10623 Private.GOLDEN_RATIO = 0.618;
10624 /**
10625 * Create a box sizer with an initial size hint.
10626 */
10627 function createSizer(hint) {
10628 var sizer = new BoxSizer();
10629 sizer.sizeHint = hint;
10630 sizer.size = hint;
10631 return sizer;
10632 }
10633 Private.createSizer = createSizer;
10634 /**
10635 * Normalize an area config object and collect the visited widgets.
10636 */
10637 function normalizeAreaConfig(config, widgetSet) {
10638 var result;
10639 if (config.type === 'tab-area') {
10640 result = normalizeTabAreaConfig(config, widgetSet);
10641 }
10642 else {
10643 result = normalizeSplitAreaConfig(config, widgetSet);
10644 }
10645 return result;
10646 }
10647 Private.normalizeAreaConfig = normalizeAreaConfig;
10648 /**
10649 * Convert a normalized area config into a layout tree.
10650 */
10651 function realizeAreaConfig(config, renderer, document) {
10652 var node;
10653 if (config.type === 'tab-area') {
10654 node = realizeTabAreaConfig(config, renderer, document);
10655 }
10656 else {
10657 node = realizeSplitAreaConfig(config, renderer, document);
10658 }
10659 return node;
10660 }
10661 Private.realizeAreaConfig = realizeAreaConfig;
10662 /**
10663 * A layout node which holds the data for a tabbed area.
10664 */
10665 var TabLayoutNode = /** @class */ (function () {
10666 /**
10667 * Construct a new tab layout node.
10668 *
10669 * @param tabBar - The tab bar to use for the layout node.
10670 */
10671 function TabLayoutNode(tabBar) {
10672 /**
10673 * The parent of the layout node.
10674 */
10675 this.parent = null;
10676 this._top = 0;
10677 this._left = 0;
10678 this._width = 0;
10679 this._height = 0;
10680 var tabSizer = new BoxSizer();
10681 var widgetSizer = new BoxSizer();
10682 tabSizer.stretch = 0;
10683 widgetSizer.stretch = 1;
10684 this.tabBar = tabBar;
10685 this.sizers = [tabSizer, widgetSizer];
10686 }
10687 Object.defineProperty(TabLayoutNode.prototype, "top", {
10688 /**
10689 * The most recent value for the `top` edge of the layout box.
10690 */
10691 get: function () {
10692 return this._top;
10693 },
10694 enumerable: true,
10695 configurable: true
10696 });
10697 Object.defineProperty(TabLayoutNode.prototype, "left", {
10698 /**
10699 * The most recent value for the `left` edge of the layout box.
10700 */
10701 get: function () {
10702 return this._left;
10703 },
10704 enumerable: true,
10705 configurable: true
10706 });
10707 Object.defineProperty(TabLayoutNode.prototype, "width", {
10708 /**
10709 * The most recent value for the `width` of the layout box.
10710 */
10711 get: function () {
10712 return this._width;
10713 },
10714 enumerable: true,
10715 configurable: true
10716 });
10717 Object.defineProperty(TabLayoutNode.prototype, "height", {
10718 /**
10719 * The most recent value for the `height` of the layout box.
10720 */
10721 get: function () {
10722 return this._height;
10723 },
10724 enumerable: true,
10725 configurable: true
10726 });
10727 /**
10728 * Create an iterator for all widgets in the layout tree.
10729 */
10730 TabLayoutNode.prototype.iterAllWidgets = function () {
10731 return chain(once(this.tabBar), this.iterUserWidgets());
10732 };
10733 /**
10734 * Create an iterator for the user widgets in the layout tree.
10735 */
10736 TabLayoutNode.prototype.iterUserWidgets = function () {
10737 return map(this.tabBar.titles, function (title) { return title.owner; });
10738 };
10739 /**
10740 * Create an iterator for the selected widgets in the layout tree.
10741 */
10742 TabLayoutNode.prototype.iterSelectedWidgets = function () {
10743 var title = this.tabBar.currentTitle;
10744 return title ? once(title.owner) : empty();
10745 };
10746 /**
10747 * Create an iterator for the tab bars in the layout tree.
10748 */
10749 TabLayoutNode.prototype.iterTabBars = function () {
10750 return once(this.tabBar);
10751 };
10752 /**
10753 * Create an iterator for the handles in the layout tree.
10754 */
10755 TabLayoutNode.prototype.iterHandles = function () {
10756 return empty();
10757 };
10758 /**
10759 * Find the tab layout node which contains the given widget.
10760 */
10761 TabLayoutNode.prototype.findTabNode = function (widget) {
10762 return this.tabBar.titles.indexOf(widget.title) !== -1 ? this : null;
10763 };
10764 /**
10765 * Find the split layout node which contains the given handle.
10766 */
10767 TabLayoutNode.prototype.findSplitNode = function (handle) {
10768 return null;
10769 };
10770 /**
10771 * Find the first tab layout node in a layout tree.
10772 */
10773 TabLayoutNode.prototype.findFirstTabNode = function () {
10774 return this;
10775 };
10776 /**
10777 * Find the tab layout node which contains the local point.
10778 */
10779 TabLayoutNode.prototype.hitTestTabNodes = function (x, y) {
10780 if (x < this._left || x >= this._left + this._width) {
10781 return null;
10782 }
10783 if (y < this._top || y >= this._top + this._height) {
10784 return null;
10785 }
10786 return this;
10787 };
10788 /**
10789 * Create a configuration object for the layout tree.
10790 */
10791 TabLayoutNode.prototype.createConfig = function () {
10792 var widgets = this.tabBar.titles.map(function (title) { return title.owner; });
10793 var currentIndex = this.tabBar.currentIndex;
10794 return { type: 'tab-area', widgets: widgets, currentIndex: currentIndex };
10795 };
10796 /**
10797 * Recursively hold all of the sizes in the layout tree.
10798 *
10799 * This ignores the sizers of tab layout nodes.
10800 */
10801 TabLayoutNode.prototype.holdAllSizes = function () {
10802 return;
10803 };
10804 /**
10805 * Fit the layout tree.
10806 */
10807 TabLayoutNode.prototype.fit = function (spacing, items) {
10808 // Set up the limit variables.
10809 var minWidth = 0;
10810 var minHeight = 0;
10811 var maxWidth = Infinity;
10812 var maxHeight = Infinity;
10813 // Lookup the tab bar layout item.
10814 var tabBarItem = items.get(this.tabBar);
10815 // Lookup the widget layout item.
10816 var current = this.tabBar.currentTitle;
10817 var widgetItem = current ? items.get(current.owner) : undefined;
10818 // Lookup the tab bar and widget sizers.
10819 var _a = this.sizers, tabBarSizer = _a[0], widgetSizer = _a[1];
10820 // Update the tab bar limits.
10821 if (tabBarItem) {
10822 tabBarItem.fit();
10823 }
10824 // Update the widget limits.
10825 if (widgetItem) {
10826 widgetItem.fit();
10827 }
10828 // Update the results and sizer for the tab bar.
10829 if (tabBarItem && !tabBarItem.isHidden) {
10830 minWidth = Math.max(minWidth, tabBarItem.minWidth);
10831 minHeight += tabBarItem.minHeight;
10832 tabBarSizer.minSize = tabBarItem.minHeight;
10833 tabBarSizer.maxSize = tabBarItem.maxHeight;
10834 }
10835 else {
10836 tabBarSizer.minSize = 0;
10837 tabBarSizer.maxSize = 0;
10838 }
10839 // Update the results and sizer for the current widget.
10840 if (widgetItem && !widgetItem.isHidden) {
10841 minWidth = Math.max(minWidth, widgetItem.minWidth);
10842 minHeight += widgetItem.minHeight;
10843 widgetSizer.minSize = widgetItem.minHeight;
10844 widgetSizer.maxSize = Infinity;
10845 }
10846 else {
10847 widgetSizer.minSize = 0;
10848 widgetSizer.maxSize = Infinity;
10849 }
10850 // Return the computed size limits for the layout node.
10851 return { minWidth: minWidth, minHeight: minHeight, maxWidth: maxWidth, maxHeight: maxHeight };
10852 };
10853 /**
10854 * Update the layout tree.
10855 */
10856 TabLayoutNode.prototype.update = function (left, top, width, height, spacing, items) {
10857 // Update the layout box values.
10858 this._top = top;
10859 this._left = left;
10860 this._width = width;
10861 this._height = height;
10862 // Lookup the tab bar layout item.
10863 var tabBarItem = items.get(this.tabBar);
10864 // Lookup the widget layout item.
10865 var current = this.tabBar.currentTitle;
10866 var widgetItem = current ? items.get(current.owner) : undefined;
10867 // Distribute the layout space to the sizers.
10868 BoxEngine.calc(this.sizers, height);
10869 // Update the tab bar item using the computed size.
10870 if (tabBarItem && !tabBarItem.isHidden) {
10871 var size = this.sizers[0].size;
10872 tabBarItem.update(left, top, width, size);
10873 top += size;
10874 }
10875 // Layout the widget using the computed size.
10876 if (widgetItem && !widgetItem.isHidden) {
10877 var size = this.sizers[1].size;
10878 widgetItem.update(left, top, width, size);
10879 }
10880 };
10881 return TabLayoutNode;
10882 }());
10883 Private.TabLayoutNode = TabLayoutNode;
10884 /**
10885 * A layout node which holds the data for a split area.
10886 */
10887 var SplitLayoutNode = /** @class */ (function () {
10888 /**
10889 * Construct a new split layout node.
10890 *
10891 * @param orientation - The orientation of the node.
10892 */
10893 function SplitLayoutNode(orientation) {
10894 /**
10895 * The parent of the layout node.
10896 */
10897 this.parent = null;
10898 /**
10899 * Whether the sizers have been normalized.
10900 */
10901 this.normalized = false;
10902 /**
10903 * The child nodes for the split node.
10904 */
10905 this.children = [];
10906 /**
10907 * The box sizers for the layout children.
10908 */
10909 this.sizers = [];
10910 /**
10911 * The handles for the layout children.
10912 */
10913 this.handles = [];
10914 this.orientation = orientation;
10915 }
10916 /**
10917 * Create an iterator for all widgets in the layout tree.
10918 */
10919 SplitLayoutNode.prototype.iterAllWidgets = function () {
10920 var children = map(this.children, function (child) { return child.iterAllWidgets(); });
10921 return new ChainIterator(children);
10922 };
10923 /**
10924 * Create an iterator for the user widgets in the layout tree.
10925 */
10926 SplitLayoutNode.prototype.iterUserWidgets = function () {
10927 var children = map(this.children, function (child) { return child.iterUserWidgets(); });
10928 return new ChainIterator(children);
10929 };
10930 /**
10931 * Create an iterator for the selected widgets in the layout tree.
10932 */
10933 SplitLayoutNode.prototype.iterSelectedWidgets = function () {
10934 var children = map(this.children, function (child) { return child.iterSelectedWidgets(); });
10935 return new ChainIterator(children);
10936 };
10937 /**
10938 * Create an iterator for the tab bars in the layout tree.
10939 */
10940 SplitLayoutNode.prototype.iterTabBars = function () {
10941 var children = map(this.children, function (child) { return child.iterTabBars(); });
10942 return new ChainIterator(children);
10943 };
10944 /**
10945 * Create an iterator for the handles in the layout tree.
10946 */
10947 SplitLayoutNode.prototype.iterHandles = function () {
10948 var children = map(this.children, function (child) { return child.iterHandles(); });
10949 return chain(this.handles, new ChainIterator(children));
10950 };
10951 /**
10952 * Find the tab layout node which contains the given widget.
10953 */
10954 SplitLayoutNode.prototype.findTabNode = function (widget) {
10955 for (var i = 0, n = this.children.length; i < n; ++i) {
10956 var result = this.children[i].findTabNode(widget);
10957 if (result) {
10958 return result;
10959 }
10960 }
10961 return null;
10962 };
10963 /**
10964 * Find the split layout node which contains the given handle.
10965 */
10966 SplitLayoutNode.prototype.findSplitNode = function (handle) {
10967 var index = this.handles.indexOf(handle);
10968 if (index !== -1) {
10969 return { index: index, node: this };
10970 }
10971 for (var i = 0, n = this.children.length; i < n; ++i) {
10972 var result = this.children[i].findSplitNode(handle);
10973 if (result) {
10974 return result;
10975 }
10976 }
10977 return null;
10978 };
10979 /**
10980 * Find the first tab layout node in a layout tree.
10981 */
10982 SplitLayoutNode.prototype.findFirstTabNode = function () {
10983 if (this.children.length === 0) {
10984 return null;
10985 }
10986 return this.children[0].findFirstTabNode();
10987 };
10988 /**
10989 * Find the tab layout node which contains the local point.
10990 */
10991 SplitLayoutNode.prototype.hitTestTabNodes = function (x, y) {
10992 for (var i = 0, n = this.children.length; i < n; ++i) {
10993 var result = this.children[i].hitTestTabNodes(x, y);
10994 if (result) {
10995 return result;
10996 }
10997 }
10998 return null;
10999 };
11000 /**
11001 * Create a configuration object for the layout tree.
11002 */
11003 SplitLayoutNode.prototype.createConfig = function () {
11004 var orientation = this.orientation;
11005 var sizes = this.createNormalizedSizes();
11006 var children = this.children.map(function (child) { return child.createConfig(); });
11007 return { type: 'split-area', orientation: orientation, children: children, sizes: sizes };
11008 };
11009 /**
11010 * Sync the visibility and orientation of the handles.
11011 */
11012 SplitLayoutNode.prototype.syncHandles = function () {
11013 var _this = this;
11014 each(this.handles, function (handle, i) {
11015 handle.setAttribute('data-orientation', _this.orientation);
11016 if (i === _this.handles.length - 1) {
11017 handle.classList.add('lm-mod-hidden');
11018 /* <DEPRECATED> */
11019 handle.classList.add('p-mod-hidden');
11020 /* </DEPRECATED> */
11021 }
11022 else {
11023 handle.classList.remove('lm-mod-hidden');
11024 /* <DEPRECATED> */
11025 handle.classList.remove('p-mod-hidden');
11026 /* </DEPRECATED> */
11027 }
11028 });
11029 };
11030 /**
11031 * Hold the current sizes of the box sizers.
11032 *
11033 * This sets the size hint of each sizer to its current size.
11034 */
11035 SplitLayoutNode.prototype.holdSizes = function () {
11036 each(this.sizers, function (sizer) {
11037 sizer.sizeHint = sizer.size;
11038 });
11039 };
11040 /**
11041 * Recursively hold all of the sizes in the layout tree.
11042 *
11043 * This ignores the sizers of tab layout nodes.
11044 */
11045 SplitLayoutNode.prototype.holdAllSizes = function () {
11046 each(this.children, function (child) { return child.holdAllSizes(); });
11047 this.holdSizes();
11048 };
11049 /**
11050 * Normalize the sizes of the split layout node.
11051 */
11052 SplitLayoutNode.prototype.normalizeSizes = function () {
11053 // Bail early if the sizers are empty.
11054 var n = this.sizers.length;
11055 if (n === 0) {
11056 return;
11057 }
11058 // Hold the current sizes of the sizers.
11059 this.holdSizes();
11060 // Compute the sum of the sizes.
11061 var sum = reduce(this.sizers, function (v, sizer) { return v + sizer.sizeHint; }, 0);
11062 // Normalize the sizes based on the sum.
11063 if (sum === 0) {
11064 each(this.sizers, function (sizer) {
11065 sizer.size = sizer.sizeHint = 1 / n;
11066 });
11067 }
11068 else {
11069 each(this.sizers, function (sizer) {
11070 sizer.size = sizer.sizeHint /= sum;
11071 });
11072 }
11073 // Mark the sizes as normalized.
11074 this.normalized = true;
11075 };
11076 /**
11077 * Snap the normalized sizes of the split layout node.
11078 */
11079 SplitLayoutNode.prototype.createNormalizedSizes = function () {
11080 // Bail early if the sizers are empty.
11081 var n = this.sizers.length;
11082 if (n === 0) {
11083 return [];
11084 }
11085 // Grab the current sizes of the sizers.
11086 var sizes = this.sizers.map(function (sizer) { return sizer.size; });
11087 // Compute the sum of the sizes.
11088 var sum = reduce(sizes, function (v, size) { return v + size; }, 0);
11089 // Normalize the sizes based on the sum.
11090 if (sum === 0) {
11091 each(sizes, function (size, i) {
11092 sizes[i] = 1 / n;
11093 });
11094 }
11095 else {
11096 each(sizes, function (size, i) {
11097 sizes[i] = size / sum;
11098 });
11099 }
11100 // Return the normalized sizes.
11101 return sizes;
11102 };
11103 /**
11104 * Fit the layout tree.
11105 */
11106 SplitLayoutNode.prototype.fit = function (spacing, items) {
11107 // Compute the required fixed space.
11108 var horizontal = this.orientation === 'horizontal';
11109 var fixed = Math.max(0, this.children.length - 1) * spacing;
11110 // Set up the limit variables.
11111 var minWidth = horizontal ? fixed : 0;
11112 var minHeight = horizontal ? 0 : fixed;
11113 var maxWidth = Infinity;
11114 var maxHeight = Infinity;
11115 // Fit the children and update the limits.
11116 for (var i = 0, n = this.children.length; i < n; ++i) {
11117 var limits = this.children[i].fit(spacing, items);
11118 if (horizontal) {
11119 minHeight = Math.max(minHeight, limits.minHeight);
11120 minWidth += limits.minWidth;
11121 this.sizers[i].minSize = limits.minWidth;
11122 }
11123 else {
11124 minWidth = Math.max(minWidth, limits.minWidth);
11125 minHeight += limits.minHeight;
11126 this.sizers[i].minSize = limits.minHeight;
11127 }
11128 }
11129 // Return the computed limits for the layout node.
11130 return { minWidth: minWidth, minHeight: minHeight, maxWidth: maxWidth, maxHeight: maxHeight };
11131 };
11132 /**
11133 * Update the layout tree.
11134 */
11135 SplitLayoutNode.prototype.update = function (left, top, width, height, spacing, items) {
11136 // Compute the available layout space.
11137 var horizontal = this.orientation === 'horizontal';
11138 var fixed = Math.max(0, this.children.length - 1) * spacing;
11139 var space = Math.max(0, (horizontal ? width : height) - fixed);
11140 // De-normalize the sizes if needed.
11141 if (this.normalized) {
11142 each(this.sizers, function (sizer) {
11143 sizer.sizeHint *= space;
11144 });
11145 this.normalized = false;
11146 }
11147 // Distribute the layout space to the sizers.
11148 BoxEngine.calc(this.sizers, space);
11149 // Update the geometry of the child nodes and handles.
11150 for (var i = 0, n = this.children.length; i < n; ++i) {
11151 var child = this.children[i];
11152 var size = this.sizers[i].size;
11153 var handleStyle = this.handles[i].style;
11154 if (horizontal) {
11155 child.update(left, top, size, height, spacing, items);
11156 left += size;
11157 handleStyle.top = top + "px";
11158 handleStyle.left = left + "px";
11159 handleStyle.width = spacing + "px";
11160 handleStyle.height = height + "px";
11161 left += spacing;
11162 }
11163 else {
11164 child.update(left, top, width, size, spacing, items);
11165 top += size;
11166 handleStyle.top = top + "px";
11167 handleStyle.left = left + "px";
11168 handleStyle.width = width + "px";
11169 handleStyle.height = spacing + "px";
11170 top += spacing;
11171 }
11172 }
11173 };
11174 return SplitLayoutNode;
11175 }());
11176 Private.SplitLayoutNode = SplitLayoutNode;
11177 function addAria(widget, tabBar) {
11178 widget.node.setAttribute('role', 'tabpanel');
11179 var renderer = tabBar.renderer;
11180 if (renderer instanceof TabBar.Renderer) {
11181 var tabId = renderer.createTabKey({
11182 title: widget.title,
11183 current: false,
11184 zIndex: 0
11185 });
11186 widget.node.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', tabId);
11187 }
11188 }
11189 Private.addAria = addAria;
11190 function removeAria(widget) {
11191 widget.node.removeAttribute('role');
11192 widget.node.removeAttribute('aria-labelledby');
11193 }
11194 Private.removeAria = removeAria;
11195 /**
11196 * Normalize a tab area config and collect the visited widgets.
11197 */
11198 function normalizeTabAreaConfig(config, widgetSet) {
11199 // Bail early if there is no content.
11200 if (config.widgets.length === 0) {
11201 return null;
11202 }
11203 // Setup the filtered widgets array.
11204 var widgets = [];
11205 // Filter the config for unique widgets.
11206 each(config.widgets, function (widget) {
11207 if (!widgetSet.has(widget)) {
11208 widgetSet.add(widget);
11209 widgets.push(widget);
11210 }
11211 });
11212 // Bail if there are no effective widgets.
11213 if (widgets.length === 0) {
11214 return null;
11215 }
11216 // Normalize the current index.
11217 var index = config.currentIndex;
11218 if (index !== -1 && (index < 0 || index >= widgets.length)) {
11219 index = 0;
11220 }
11221 // Return a normalized config object.
11222 return { type: 'tab-area', widgets: widgets, currentIndex: index };
11223 }
11224 /**
11225 * Normalize a split area config and collect the visited widgets.
11226 */
11227 function normalizeSplitAreaConfig(config, widgetSet) {
11228 // Set up the result variables.
11229 var orientation = config.orientation;
11230 var children = [];
11231 var sizes = [];
11232 // Normalize the config children.
11233 for (var i = 0, n = config.children.length; i < n; ++i) {
11234 // Normalize the child config.
11235 var child = normalizeAreaConfig(config.children[i], widgetSet);
11236 // Ignore an empty child.
11237 if (!child) {
11238 continue;
11239 }
11240 // Add the child or hoist its content as appropriate.
11241 if (child.type === 'tab-area' || child.orientation !== orientation) {
11242 children.push(child);
11243 sizes.push(Math.abs(config.sizes[i] || 0));
11244 }
11245 else {
11246 children.push.apply(children, child.children);
11247 sizes.push.apply(sizes, child.sizes);
11248 }
11249 }
11250 // Bail if there are no effective children.
11251 if (children.length === 0) {
11252 return null;
11253 }
11254 // If there is only one effective child, return that child.
11255 if (children.length === 1) {
11256 return children[0];
11257 }
11258 // Return a normalized config object.
11259 return { type: 'split-area', orientation: orientation, children: children, sizes: sizes };
11260 }
11261 /**
11262 * Convert a normalized tab area config into a layout tree.
11263 */
11264 function realizeTabAreaConfig(config, renderer, document) {
11265 // Create the tab bar for the layout node.
11266 var tabBar = renderer.createTabBar(document);
11267 // Hide each widget and add it to the tab bar.
11268 each(config.widgets, function (widget) {
11269 widget.hide();
11270 tabBar.addTab(widget.title);
11271 Private.addAria(widget, tabBar);
11272 });
11273 // Set the current index of the tab bar.
11274 tabBar.currentIndex = config.currentIndex;
11275 // Return the new tab layout node.
11276 return new TabLayoutNode(tabBar);
11277 }
11278 /**
11279 * Convert a normalized split area config into a layout tree.
11280 */
11281 function realizeSplitAreaConfig(config, renderer, document) {
11282 // Create the split layout node.
11283 var node = new SplitLayoutNode(config.orientation);
11284 // Add each child to the layout node.
11285 each(config.children, function (child, i) {
11286 // Create the child data for the layout node.
11287 var childNode = realizeAreaConfig(child, renderer, document);
11288 var sizer = createSizer(config.sizes[i]);
11289 var handle = renderer.createHandle();
11290 // Add the child data to the layout node.
11291 node.children.push(childNode);
11292 node.handles.push(handle);
11293 node.sizers.push(sizer);
11294 // Update the parent for the child node.
11295 childNode.parent = node;
11296 });
11297 // Synchronize the handle state for the layout node.
11298 node.syncHandles();
11299 // Normalize the sizes for the layout node.
11300 node.normalizeSizes();
11301 // Return the new layout node.
11302 return node;
11303 }
11304})(Private$6 || (Private$6 = {}));
11307 * A widget which provides a flexible docking area for widgets.
11308 */
11309var DockPanel = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
11310 __extends(DockPanel, _super);
11311 /**
11312 * Construct a new dock panel.
11313 *
11314 * @param options - The options for initializing the panel.
11315 */
11316 function DockPanel(options) {
11317 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
11318 var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
11319 _this._drag = null;
11320 _this._tabsMovable = true;
11321 _this._tabsConstrained = false;
11322 _this._addButtonEnabled = false;
11323 _this._pressData = null;
11324 _this._layoutModified = new Signal(_this);
11325 _this._addRequested = new Signal(_this);
11326 _this.addClass('lm-DockPanel');
11327 /* <DEPRECATED> */
11328 _this.addClass('p-DockPanel');
11329 /* </DEPRECATED> */
11330 _this._document = options.document || document;
11331 _this._mode = options.mode || 'multiple-document';
11332 _this._renderer = options.renderer || DockPanel.defaultRenderer;
11333 _this._edges = options.edges || Private$5.DEFAULT_EDGES;
11334 if (options.tabsMovable !== undefined) {
11335 _this._tabsMovable = options.tabsMovable;
11336 }
11337 if (options.tabsConstrained !== undefined) {
11338 _this._tabsConstrained = options.tabsConstrained;
11339 }
11340 if (options.addButtonEnabled !== undefined) {
11341 _this._addButtonEnabled = options.addButtonEnabled;
11342 }
11343 // Toggle the CSS mode attribute.
11344 _this.dataset['mode'] = _this._mode;
11345 // Create the delegate renderer for the layout.
11346 var renderer = {
11347 createTabBar: function () { return _this._createTabBar(); },
11348 createHandle: function () { return _this._createHandle(); }
11349 };
11350 // Set up the dock layout for the panel.
11351 _this.layout = new DockLayout({
11352 document: _this._document,
11353 renderer: renderer,
11354 spacing: options.spacing,
11355 hiddenMode: options.hiddenMode
11356 });
11357 // Set up the overlay drop indicator.
11358 _this.overlay = options.overlay || new DockPanel.Overlay();
11359 _this.node.appendChild(_this.overlay.node);
11360 return _this;
11361 }
11362 /**
11363 * Dispose of the resources held by the panel.
11364 */
11365 DockPanel.prototype.dispose = function () {
11366 // Ensure the mouse is released.
11367 this._releaseMouse();
11368 // Hide the overlay.
11369 this.overlay.hide(0);
11370 // Cancel a drag if one is in progress.
11371 if (this._drag) {
11372 this._drag.dispose();
11373 }
11374 // Dispose of the base class.
11375 _super.prototype.dispose.call(this);
11376 };
11377 Object.defineProperty(DockPanel.prototype, "hiddenMode", {
11378 /**
11379 * The method for hiding widgets.
11380 */
11381 get: function () {
11382 return this.layout.hiddenMode;
11383 },
11384 /**
11385 * Set the method for hiding widgets.
11386 */
11387 set: function (v) {
11388 this.layout.hiddenMode = v;
11389 },
11390 enumerable: true,
11391 configurable: true
11392 });
11393 Object.defineProperty(DockPanel.prototype, "layoutModified", {
11394 /**
11395 * A signal emitted when the layout configuration is modified.
11396 *
11397 * #### Notes
11398 * This signal is emitted whenever the current layout configuration
11399 * may have changed.
11400 *
11401 * This signal is emitted asynchronously in a collapsed fashion, so
11402 * that multiple synchronous modifications results in only a single
11403 * emit of the signal.
11404 */
11405 get: function () {
11406 return this._layoutModified;
11407 },
11408 enumerable: true,
11409 configurable: true
11410 });
11411 Object.defineProperty(DockPanel.prototype, "addRequested", {
11412 /**
11413 * A signal emitted when the add button on a tab bar is clicked.
11414 *
11415 */
11416 get: function () {
11417 return this._addRequested;
11418 },
11419 enumerable: true,
11420 configurable: true
11421 });
11422 Object.defineProperty(DockPanel.prototype, "renderer", {
11423 /**
11424 * The renderer used by the dock panel.
11425 */
11426 get: function () {
11427 return this.layout.renderer;
11428 },
11429 enumerable: true,
11430 configurable: true
11431 });
11432 Object.defineProperty(DockPanel.prototype, "spacing", {
11433 /**
11434 * Get the spacing between the widgets.
11435 */
11436 get: function () {
11437 return this.layout.spacing;
11438 },
11439 /**
11440 * Set the spacing between the widgets.
11441 */
11442 set: function (value) {
11443 this.layout.spacing = value;
11444 },
11445 enumerable: true,
11446 configurable: true
11447 });
11448 Object.defineProperty(DockPanel.prototype, "mode", {
11449 /**
11450 * Get the mode for the dock panel.
11451 */
11452 get: function () {
11453 return this._mode;
11454 },
11455 /**
11456 * Set the mode for the dock panel.
11457 *
11458 * #### Notes
11459 * Changing the mode is a destructive operation with respect to the
11460 * panel's layout configuration. If layout state must be preserved,
11461 * save the current layout config before changing the mode.
11462 */
11463 set: function (value) {
11464 // Bail early if the mode does not change.
11465 if (this._mode === value) {
11466 return;
11467 }
11468 // Update the internal mode.
11469 this._mode = value;
11470 // Toggle the CSS mode attribute.
11471 this.dataset['mode'] = value;
11472 // Get the layout for the panel.
11473 var layout = this.layout;
11474 // Configure the layout for the specified mode.
11475 switch (value) {
11476 case 'multiple-document':
11477 each(layout.tabBars(), function (tabBar) {
11478 tabBar.show();
11479 });
11480 break;
11481 case 'single-document':
11482 layout.restoreLayout(Private$5.createSingleDocumentConfig(this));
11483 break;
11484 default:
11485 throw 'unreachable';
11486 }
11487 // Schedule an emit of the layout modified signal.
11488 MessageLoop.postMessage(this, Private$5.LayoutModified);
11489 },
11490 enumerable: true,
11491 configurable: true
11492 });
11493 Object.defineProperty(DockPanel.prototype, "tabsMovable", {
11494 /**
11495 * Whether the tabs can be dragged / moved at runtime.
11496 */
11497 get: function () {
11498 return this._tabsMovable;
11499 },
11500 /**
11501 * Enable / Disable draggable / movable tabs.
11502 */
11503 set: function (value) {
11504 this._tabsMovable = value;
11505 each(this.tabBars(), function (tabbar) {
11506 tabbar.tabsMovable = value;
11507 });
11508 },
11509 enumerable: true,
11510 configurable: true
11511 });
11512 Object.defineProperty(DockPanel.prototype, "tabsConstrained", {
11513 /**
11514 * Whether the tabs are constrained to their source dock panel
11515 */
11516 get: function () {
11517 return this._tabsConstrained;
11518 },
11519 /**
11520 * Constrain/Allow tabs to be dragged outside of this dock panel
11521 */
11522 set: function (value) {
11523 this._tabsConstrained = value;
11524 },
11525 enumerable: true,
11526 configurable: true
11527 });
11528 Object.defineProperty(DockPanel.prototype, "addButtonEnabled", {
11529 /**
11530 * Whether the add buttons for each tab bar are enabled.
11531 */
11532 get: function () {
11533 return this._addButtonEnabled;
11534 },
11535 /**
11536 * Set whether the add buttons for each tab bar are enabled.
11537 */
11538 set: function (value) {
11539 this._addButtonEnabled = value;
11540 each(this.tabBars(), function (tabbar) {
11541 tabbar.addButtonEnabled = value;
11542 });
11543 },
11544 enumerable: true,
11545 configurable: true
11546 });
11547 Object.defineProperty(DockPanel.prototype, "isEmpty", {
11548 /**
11549 * Whether the dock panel is empty.
11550 */
11551 get: function () {
11552 return this.layout.isEmpty;
11553 },
11554 enumerable: true,
11555 configurable: true
11556 });
11557 /**
11558 * Create an iterator over the user widgets in the panel.
11559 *
11560 * @returns A new iterator over the user widgets in the panel.
11561 *
11562 * #### Notes
11563 * This iterator does not include the generated tab bars.
11564 */
11565 DockPanel.prototype.widgets = function () {
11566 return this.layout.widgets();
11567 };
11568 /**
11569 * Create an iterator over the selected widgets in the panel.
11570 *
11571 * @returns A new iterator over the selected user widgets.
11572 *
11573 * #### Notes
11574 * This iterator yields the widgets corresponding to the current tab
11575 * of each tab bar in the panel.
11576 */
11577 DockPanel.prototype.selectedWidgets = function () {
11578 return this.layout.selectedWidgets();
11579 };
11580 /**
11581 * Create an iterator over the tab bars in the panel.
11582 *
11583 * @returns A new iterator over the tab bars in the panel.
11584 *
11585 * #### Notes
11586 * This iterator does not include the user widgets.
11587 */
11588 DockPanel.prototype.tabBars = function () {
11589 return this.layout.tabBars();
11590 };
11591 /**
11592 * Create an iterator over the handles in the panel.
11593 *
11594 * @returns A new iterator over the handles in the panel.
11595 */
11596 DockPanel.prototype.handles = function () {
11597 return this.layout.handles();
11598 };
11599 /**
11600 * Select a specific widget in the dock panel.
11601 *
11602 * @param widget - The widget of interest.
11603 *
11604 * #### Notes
11605 * This will make the widget the current widget in its tab area.
11606 */
11607 DockPanel.prototype.selectWidget = function (widget) {
11608 // Find the tab bar which contains the widget.
11609 var tabBar = find(this.tabBars(), function (bar) {
11610 return bar.titles.indexOf(widget.title) !== -1;
11611 });
11612 // Throw an error if no tab bar is found.
11613 if (!tabBar) {
11614 throw new Error('Widget is not contained in the dock panel.');
11615 }
11616 // Ensure the widget is the current widget.
11617 tabBar.currentTitle = widget.title;
11618 };
11619 /**
11620 * Activate a specified widget in the dock panel.
11621 *
11622 * @param widget - The widget of interest.
11623 *
11624 * #### Notes
11625 * This will select and activate the given widget.
11626 */
11627 DockPanel.prototype.activateWidget = function (widget) {
11628 this.selectWidget(widget);
11629 widget.activate();
11630 };
11631 /**
11632 * Save the current layout configuration of the dock panel.
11633 *
11634 * @returns A new config object for the current layout state.
11635 *
11636 * #### Notes
11637 * The return value can be provided to the `restoreLayout` method
11638 * in order to restore the layout to its current configuration.
11639 */
11640 DockPanel.prototype.saveLayout = function () {
11641 return this.layout.saveLayout();
11642 };
11643 /**
11644 * Restore the layout to a previously saved configuration.
11645 *
11646 * @param config - The layout configuration to restore.
11647 *
11648 * #### Notes
11649 * Widgets which currently belong to the layout but which are not
11650 * contained in the config will be unparented.
11651 *
11652 * The dock panel automatically reverts to `'multiple-document'`
11653 * mode when a layout config is restored.
11654 */
11655 DockPanel.prototype.restoreLayout = function (config) {
11656 // Reset the mode.
11657 this._mode = 'multiple-document';
11658 // Restore the layout.
11659 this.layout.restoreLayout(config);
11660 // Flush the message loop on IE and Edge to prevent flicker.
11661 if (Platform.IS_EDGE || Platform.IS_IE) {
11662 MessageLoop.flush();
11663 }
11664 // Schedule an emit of the layout modified signal.
11665 MessageLoop.postMessage(this, Private$5.LayoutModified);
11666 };
11667 /**
11668 * Add a widget to the dock panel.
11669 *
11670 * @param widget - The widget to add to the dock panel.
11671 *
11672 * @param options - The additional options for adding the widget.
11673 *
11674 * #### Notes
11675 * If the panel is in single document mode, the options are ignored
11676 * and the widget is always added as tab in the hidden tab bar.
11677 */
11678 DockPanel.prototype.addWidget = function (widget, options) {
11679 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
11680 // Add the widget to the layout.
11681 if (this._mode === 'single-document') {
11682 this.layout.addWidget(widget);
11683 }
11684 else {
11685 this.layout.addWidget(widget, options);
11686 }
11687 // Schedule an emit of the layout modified signal.
11688 MessageLoop.postMessage(this, Private$5.LayoutModified);
11689 };
11690 /**
11691 * Process a message sent to the widget.
11692 *
11693 * @param msg - The message sent to the widget.
11694 */
11695 DockPanel.prototype.processMessage = function (msg) {
11696 if (msg.type === 'layout-modified') {
11697 this._layoutModified.emit(undefined);
11698 }
11699 else {
11700 _super.prototype.processMessage.call(this, msg);
11701 }
11702 };
11703 /**
11704 * Handle the DOM events for the dock panel.
11705 *
11706 * @param event - The DOM event sent to the panel.
11707 *
11708 * #### Notes
11709 * This method implements the DOM `EventListener` interface and is
11710 * called in response to events on the panel's DOM node. It should
11711 * not be called directly by user code.
11712 */
11713 DockPanel.prototype.handleEvent = function (event) {
11714 switch (event.type) {
11715 case 'lm-dragenter':
11716 this._evtDragEnter(event);
11717 break;
11718 case 'lm-dragleave':
11719 this._evtDragLeave(event);
11720 break;
11721 case 'lm-dragover':
11722 this._evtDragOver(event);
11723 break;
11724 case 'lm-drop':
11725 this._evtDrop(event);
11726 break;
11727 case 'mousedown': // <DEPRECATED>
11728 this._evtMouseDown(event);
11729 break;
11730 case 'mousemove': // <DEPRECATED>
11731 this._evtMouseMove(event);
11732 break;
11733 case 'mouseup': // <DEPRECATED>
11734 this._evtMouseUp(event);
11735 break;
11736 case 'pointerdown':
11737 this._evtMouseDown(event);
11738 break;
11739 case 'pointermove':
11740 this._evtMouseMove(event);
11741 break;
11742 case 'pointerup':
11743 this._evtMouseUp(event);
11744 break;
11745 case 'keydown':
11746 this._evtKeyDown(event);
11747 break;
11748 case 'contextmenu':
11749 event.preventDefault();
11750 event.stopPropagation();
11751 break;
11752 }
11753 };
11754 /**
11755 * A message handler invoked on a `'before-attach'` message.
11756 */
11757 DockPanel.prototype.onBeforeAttach = function (msg) {
11758 this.node.addEventListener('lm-dragenter', this);
11759 this.node.addEventListener('lm-dragleave', this);
11760 this.node.addEventListener('lm-dragover', this);
11761 this.node.addEventListener('lm-drop', this);
11762 this.node.addEventListener('mousedown', this); // <DEPRECATED>
11763 this.node.addEventListener('pointerdown', this);
11764 };
11765 /**
11766 * A message handler invoked on an `'after-detach'` message.
11767 */
11768 DockPanel.prototype.onAfterDetach = function (msg) {
11769 this.node.removeEventListener('lm-dragenter', this);
11770 this.node.removeEventListener('lm-dragleave', this);
11771 this.node.removeEventListener('lm-dragover', this);
11772 this.node.removeEventListener('lm-drop', this);
11773 this.node.removeEventListener('mousedown', this); // <DEPRECATED>
11774 this.node.removeEventListener('pointerdown', this);
11775 this._releaseMouse();
11776 };
11777 /**
11778 * A message handler invoked on a `'child-added'` message.
11779 */
11780 DockPanel.prototype.onChildAdded = function (msg) {
11781 // Ignore the generated tab bars.
11782 if (Private$5.isGeneratedTabBarProperty.get(msg.child)) {
11783 return;
11784 }
11785 // Add the widget class to the child.
11786 msg.child.addClass('lm-DockPanel-widget');
11787 /* <DEPRECATED> */
11788 msg.child.addClass('p-DockPanel-widget');
11789 /* </DEPRECATED> */
11790 };
11791 /**
11792 * A message handler invoked on a `'child-removed'` message.
11793 */
11794 DockPanel.prototype.onChildRemoved = function (msg) {
11795 // Ignore the generated tab bars.
11796 if (Private$5.isGeneratedTabBarProperty.get(msg.child)) {
11797 return;
11798 }
11799 // Remove the widget class from the child.
11800 msg.child.removeClass('lm-DockPanel-widget');
11801 /* <DEPRECATED> */
11802 msg.child.removeClass('p-DockPanel-widget');
11803 /* </DEPRECATED> */
11804 // Schedule an emit of the layout modified signal.
11805 MessageLoop.postMessage(this, Private$5.LayoutModified);
11806 };
11807 /**
11808 * Handle the `'lm-dragenter'` event for the dock panel.
11809 */
11810 DockPanel.prototype._evtDragEnter = function (event) {
11811 // If the factory mime type is present, mark the event as
11812 // handled in order to get the rest of the drag events.
11813 if (event.mimeData.hasData('application/vnd.lumino.widget-factory')) {
11814 event.preventDefault();
11815 event.stopPropagation();
11816 }
11817 };
11818 /**
11819 * Handle the `'lm-dragleave'` event for the dock panel.
11820 */
11821 DockPanel.prototype._evtDragLeave = function (event) {
11822 // Mark the event as handled.
11823 event.preventDefault();
11824 event.stopPropagation();
11825 // The new target might be a descendant, so we might still handle the drop.
11826 // Hide asynchronously so that if a lm-dragover event bubbles up to us, the
11827 // hide is cancelled by the lm-dragover handler's show overlay logic.
11828 this.overlay.hide(1);
11829 };
11830 /**
11831 * Handle the `'lm-dragover'` event for the dock panel.
11832 */
11833 DockPanel.prototype._evtDragOver = function (event) {
11834 // Mark the event as handled.
11835 event.preventDefault();
11836 event.stopPropagation();
11837 // Show the drop indicator overlay and update the drop
11838 // action based on the drop target zone under the mouse.
11839 if ((this._tabsConstrained && event.source !== this) ||
11840 this._showOverlay(event.clientX, event.clientY) === 'invalid') {
11841 event.dropAction = 'none';
11842 }
11843 else {
11844 event.dropAction = event.proposedAction;
11845 }
11846 };
11847 /**
11848 * Handle the `'lm-drop'` event for the dock panel.
11849 */
11850 DockPanel.prototype._evtDrop = function (event) {
11851 // Mark the event as handled.
11852 event.preventDefault();
11853 event.stopPropagation();
11854 // Hide the drop indicator overlay.
11855 this.overlay.hide(0);
11856 // Bail if the proposed action is to do nothing.
11857 if (event.proposedAction === 'none') {
11858 event.dropAction = 'none';
11859 return;
11860 }
11861 // Find the drop target under the mouse.
11862 var clientX = event.clientX, clientY = event.clientY;
11863 var _a = Private$5.findDropTarget(this, clientX, clientY, this._edges), zone = _a.zone, target = _a.target;
11864 // Bail if the drop zone is invalid.
11865 if (zone === 'invalid') {
11866 event.dropAction = 'none';
11867 return;
11868 }
11869 // Bail if the factory mime type has invalid data.
11870 var mimeData = event.mimeData;
11871 var factory = mimeData.getData('application/vnd.lumino.widget-factory');
11872 if (typeof factory !== 'function') {
11873 event.dropAction = 'none';
11874 return;
11875 }
11876 // Bail if the factory does not produce a widget.
11877 var widget = factory();
11878 if (!(widget instanceof Widget)) {
11879 event.dropAction = 'none';
11880 return;
11881 }
11882 // Bail if the widget is an ancestor of the dock panel.
11883 if (widget.contains(this)) {
11884 event.dropAction = 'none';
11885 return;
11886 }
11887 // Find the reference widget for the drop target.
11888 var ref = target ? Private$5.getDropRef(target.tabBar) : null;
11889 // Add the widget according to the indicated drop zone.
11890 switch (zone) {
11891 case 'root-all':
11892 this.addWidget(widget);
11893 break;
11894 case 'root-top':
11895 this.addWidget(widget, { mode: 'split-top' });
11896 break;
11897 case 'root-left':
11898 this.addWidget(widget, { mode: 'split-left' });
11899 break;
11900 case 'root-right':
11901 this.addWidget(widget, { mode: 'split-right' });
11902 break;
11903 case 'root-bottom':
11904 this.addWidget(widget, { mode: 'split-bottom' });
11905 break;
11906 case 'widget-all':
11907 this.addWidget(widget, { mode: 'tab-after', ref: ref });
11908 break;
11909 case 'widget-top':
11910 this.addWidget(widget, { mode: 'split-top', ref: ref });
11911 break;
11912 case 'widget-left':
11913 this.addWidget(widget, { mode: 'split-left', ref: ref });
11914 break;
11915 case 'widget-right':
11916 this.addWidget(widget, { mode: 'split-right', ref: ref });
11917 break;
11918 case 'widget-bottom':
11919 this.addWidget(widget, { mode: 'split-bottom', ref: ref });
11920 break;
11921 case 'widget-tab':
11922 this.addWidget(widget, { mode: 'tab-after', ref: ref });
11923 break;
11924 default:
11925 throw 'unreachable';
11926 }
11927 // Accept the proposed drop action.
11928 event.dropAction = event.proposedAction;
11929 // Activate the dropped widget.
11930 this.activateWidget(widget);
11931 };
11932 /**
11933 * Handle the `'keydown'` event for the dock panel.
11934 */
11935 DockPanel.prototype._evtKeyDown = function (event) {
11936 // Stop input events during drag.
11937 event.preventDefault();
11938 event.stopPropagation();
11939 // Release the mouse if `Escape` is pressed.
11940 if (event.keyCode === 27) {
11941 // Finalize the mouse release.
11942 this._releaseMouse();
11943 // Schedule an emit of the layout modified signal.
11944 MessageLoop.postMessage(this, Private$5.LayoutModified);
11945 }
11946 };
11947 /**
11948 * Handle the `'mousedown'` event for the dock panel.
11949 */
11950 DockPanel.prototype._evtMouseDown = function (event) {
11951 // Do nothing if the left mouse button is not pressed.
11952 if (event.button !== 0) {
11953 return;
11954 }
11955 // Find the handle which contains the mouse target, if any.
11956 var layout = this.layout;
11957 var target = event.target;
11958 var handle = find(layout.handles(), function (handle) { return handle.contains(target); });
11959 if (!handle) {
11960 return;
11961 }
11962 // Stop the event when a handle is pressed.
11963 event.preventDefault();
11964 event.stopPropagation();
11965 // Add the extra document listeners.
11966 this._document.addEventListener('keydown', this, true);
11967 this._document.addEventListener('mouseup', this, true); // <DEPRECATED>
11968 this._document.addEventListener('mousemove', this, true); // <DEPRECATED>
11969 this._document.addEventListener('pointerup', this, true);
11970 this._document.addEventListener('pointermove', this, true);
11971 this._document.addEventListener('contextmenu', this, true);
11972 // Compute the offset deltas for the handle press.
11973 var rect = handle.getBoundingClientRect();
11974 var deltaX = event.clientX - rect.left;
11975 var deltaY = event.clientY - rect.top;
11976 // Override the cursor and store the press data.
11977 var style = window.getComputedStyle(handle);
11978 var override = Drag.overrideCursor(style.cursor, this._document);
11979 this._pressData = { handle: handle, deltaX: deltaX, deltaY: deltaY, override: override };
11980 };
11981 /**
11982 * Handle the `'mousemove'` event for the dock panel.
11983 */
11984 DockPanel.prototype._evtMouseMove = function (event) {
11985 // Bail early if no drag is in progress.
11986 if (!this._pressData) {
11987 return;
11988 }
11989 // Stop the event when dragging a handle.
11990 event.preventDefault();
11991 event.stopPropagation();
11992 // Compute the desired offset position for the handle.
11993 var rect = this.node.getBoundingClientRect();
11994 var xPos = event.clientX - rect.left - this._pressData.deltaX;
11995 var yPos = event.clientY - rect.top - this._pressData.deltaY;
11996 // Set the handle as close to the desired position as possible.
11997 var layout = this.layout;
11998 layout.moveHandle(this._pressData.handle, xPos, yPos);
11999 };
12000 /**
12001 * Handle the `'mouseup'` event for the dock panel.
12002 */
12003 DockPanel.prototype._evtMouseUp = function (event) {
12004 // Do nothing if the left mouse button is not released.
12005 if (event.button !== 0) {
12006 return;
12007 }
12008 // Stop the event when releasing a handle.
12009 event.preventDefault();
12010 event.stopPropagation();
12011 // Finalize the mouse release.
12012 this._releaseMouse();
12013 // Schedule an emit of the layout modified signal.
12014 MessageLoop.postMessage(this, Private$5.LayoutModified);
12015 };
12016 /**
12017 * Release the mouse grab for the dock panel.
12018 */
12019 DockPanel.prototype._releaseMouse = function () {
12020 // Bail early if no drag is in progress.
12021 if (!this._pressData) {
12022 return;
12023 }
12024 // Clear the override cursor.
12025 this._pressData.override.dispose();
12026 this._pressData = null;
12027 // Remove the extra document listeners.
12028 this._document.removeEventListener('keydown', this, true);
12029 this._document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this, true); // <DEPRECATED>
12030 this._document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this, true); // <DEPRECATED>
12031 this._document.removeEventListener('pointerup', this, true);
12032 this._document.removeEventListener('pointermove', this, true);
12033 this._document.removeEventListener('contextmenu', this, true);
12034 };
12035 /**
12036 * Show the overlay indicator at the given client position.
12037 *
12038 * Returns the drop zone at the specified client position.
12039 *
12040 * #### Notes
12041 * If the position is not over a valid zone, the overlay is hidden.
12042 */
12043 DockPanel.prototype._showOverlay = function (clientX, clientY) {
12044 // Find the dock target for the given client position.
12045 var _a = Private$5.findDropTarget(this, clientX, clientY, this._edges), zone = _a.zone, target = _a.target;
12046 // If the drop zone is invalid, hide the overlay and bail.
12047 if (zone === 'invalid') {
12048 this.overlay.hide(100);
12049 return zone;
12050 }
12051 // Setup the variables needed to compute the overlay geometry.
12052 var top;
12053 var left;
12054 var right;
12055 var bottom;
12056 var box = ElementExt.boxSizing(this.node); // TODO cache this?
12057 var rect = this.node.getBoundingClientRect();
12058 // Compute the overlay geometry based on the dock zone.
12059 switch (zone) {
12060 case 'root-all':
12061 top = box.paddingTop;
12062 left = box.paddingLeft;
12063 right = box.paddingRight;
12064 bottom = box.paddingBottom;
12065 break;
12066 case 'root-top':
12067 top = box.paddingTop;
12068 left = box.paddingLeft;
12069 right = box.paddingRight;
12070 bottom = rect.height * Private$5.GOLDEN_RATIO;
12071 break;
12072 case 'root-left':
12073 top = box.paddingTop;
12074 left = box.paddingLeft;
12075 right = rect.width * Private$5.GOLDEN_RATIO;
12076 bottom = box.paddingBottom;
12077 break;
12078 case 'root-right':
12079 top = box.paddingTop;
12080 left = rect.width * Private$5.GOLDEN_RATIO;
12081 right = box.paddingRight;
12082 bottom = box.paddingBottom;
12083 break;
12084 case 'root-bottom':
12085 top = rect.height * Private$5.GOLDEN_RATIO;
12086 left = box.paddingLeft;
12087 right = box.paddingRight;
12088 bottom = box.paddingBottom;
12089 break;
12090 case 'widget-all':
12091 top = target.top;
12092 left = target.left;
12093 right = target.right;
12094 bottom = target.bottom;
12095 break;
12096 case 'widget-top':
12097 top = target.top;
12098 left = target.left;
12099 right = target.right;
12100 bottom = target.bottom + target.height / 2;
12101 break;
12102 case 'widget-left':
12103 top = target.top;
12104 left = target.left;
12105 right = target.right + target.width / 2;
12106 bottom = target.bottom;
12107 break;
12108 case 'widget-right':
12109 top = target.top;
12110 left = target.left + target.width / 2;
12111 right = target.right;
12112 bottom = target.bottom;
12113 break;
12114 case 'widget-bottom':
12115 top = target.top + target.height / 2;
12116 left = target.left;
12117 right = target.right;
12118 bottom = target.bottom;
12119 break;
12120 case 'widget-tab':
12121 var tabHeight = target.tabBar.node.getBoundingClientRect().height;
12122 top = target.top;
12123 left = target.left;
12124 right = target.right;
12125 bottom = target.bottom + target.height - tabHeight;
12126 break;
12127 default:
12128 throw 'unreachable';
12129 }
12130 // Show the overlay with the computed geometry.
12131 this.overlay.show({ top: top, left: left, right: right, bottom: bottom });
12132 // Finally, return the computed drop zone.
12133 return zone;
12134 };
12135 /**
12136 * Create a new tab bar for use by the panel.
12137 */
12138 DockPanel.prototype._createTabBar = function () {
12139 // Create the tab bar.
12140 var tabBar = this._renderer.createTabBar(this._document);
12141 // Set the generated tab bar property for the tab bar.
12142 Private$5.isGeneratedTabBarProperty.set(tabBar, true);
12143 // Hide the tab bar when in single document mode.
12144 if (this._mode === 'single-document') {
12145 tabBar.hide();
12146 }
12147 // Enforce necessary tab bar behavior.
12148 // TODO do we really want to enforce *all* of these?
12149 tabBar.tabsMovable = this._tabsMovable;
12150 tabBar.allowDeselect = false;
12151 tabBar.addButtonEnabled = this._addButtonEnabled;
12152 tabBar.removeBehavior = 'select-previous-tab';
12153 tabBar.insertBehavior = 'select-tab-if-needed';
12154 // Connect the signal handlers for the tab bar.
12155 tabBar.tabMoved.connect(this._onTabMoved, this);
12156 tabBar.currentChanged.connect(this._onCurrentChanged, this);
12157 tabBar.tabCloseRequested.connect(this._onTabCloseRequested, this);
12158 tabBar.tabDetachRequested.connect(this._onTabDetachRequested, this);
12159 tabBar.tabActivateRequested.connect(this._onTabActivateRequested, this);
12160 tabBar.addRequested.connect(this._onTabAddRequested, this);
12161 // Return the initialized tab bar.
12162 return tabBar;
12163 };
12164 /**
12165 * Create a new handle for use by the panel.
12166 */
12167 DockPanel.prototype._createHandle = function () {
12168 return this._renderer.createHandle();
12169 };
12170 /**
12171 * Handle the `tabMoved` signal from a tab bar.
12172 */
12173 DockPanel.prototype._onTabMoved = function () {
12174 MessageLoop.postMessage(this, Private$5.LayoutModified);
12175 };
12176 /**
12177 * Handle the `currentChanged` signal from a tab bar.
12178 */
12179 DockPanel.prototype._onCurrentChanged = function (sender, args) {
12180 // Extract the previous and current title from the args.
12181 var previousTitle = args.previousTitle, currentTitle = args.currentTitle;
12182 // Hide the previous widget.
12183 if (previousTitle) {
12184 previousTitle.owner.hide();
12185 }
12186 // Show the current widget.
12187 if (currentTitle) {
12188 currentTitle.owner.show();
12189 }
12190 // Flush the message loop on IE and Edge to prevent flicker.
12191 if (Platform.IS_EDGE || Platform.IS_IE) {
12192 MessageLoop.flush();
12193 }
12194 // Schedule an emit of the layout modified signal.
12195 MessageLoop.postMessage(this, Private$5.LayoutModified);
12196 };
12197 /**
12198 * Handle the `addRequested` signal from a tab bar.
12199 */
12200 DockPanel.prototype._onTabAddRequested = function (sender) {
12201 this._addRequested.emit(sender);
12202 };
12203 /**
12204 * Handle the `tabActivateRequested` signal from a tab bar.
12205 */
12206 DockPanel.prototype._onTabActivateRequested = function (sender, args) {
12207 args.title.owner.activate();
12208 };
12209 /**
12210 * Handle the `tabCloseRequested` signal from a tab bar.
12211 */
12212 DockPanel.prototype._onTabCloseRequested = function (sender, args) {
12213 args.title.owner.close();
12214 };
12215 /**
12216 * Handle the `tabDetachRequested` signal from a tab bar.
12217 */
12218 DockPanel.prototype._onTabDetachRequested = function (sender, args) {
12219 var _this = this;
12220 // Do nothing if a drag is already in progress.
12221 if (this._drag) {
12222 return;
12223 }
12224 // Release the tab bar's hold on the mouse.
12225 sender.releaseMouse();
12226 // Extract the data from the args.
12227 var title = args.title, tab = args.tab, clientX = args.clientX, clientY = args.clientY;
12228 // Setup the mime data for the drag operation.
12229 var mimeData = new MimeData();
12230 var factory = function () { return title.owner; };
12231 mimeData.setData('application/vnd.lumino.widget-factory', factory);
12232 // Create the drag image for the drag operation.
12233 var dragImage = tab.cloneNode(true);
12234 // Create the drag object to manage the drag-drop operation.
12235 this._drag = new Drag({
12236 document: this._document,
12237 mimeData: mimeData,
12238 dragImage: dragImage,
12239 proposedAction: 'move',
12240 supportedActions: 'move',
12241 source: this
12242 });
12243 // Hide the tab node in the original tab.
12244 tab.classList.add('lm-mod-hidden');
12245 /* <DEPRECATED> */
12246 tab.classList.add('p-mod-hidden'); // Create the cleanup callback.
12247 /* </DEPRECATED> */ var cleanup = function () {
12248 _this._drag = null;
12249 tab.classList.remove('lm-mod-hidden');
12250 /* <DEPRECATED> */
12251 tab.classList.remove('p-mod-hidden');
12252 /* </DEPRECATED> */
12253 };
12254 // Start the drag operation and cleanup when done.
12255 this._drag.start(clientX, clientY).then(cleanup);
12256 };
12257 return DockPanel;
12260 * The namespace for the `DockPanel` class statics.
12261 */
12262(function (DockPanel) {
12263 /**
12264 * A concrete implementation of `IOverlay`.
12265 *
12266 * This is the default overlay implementation for a dock panel.
12267 */
12268 var Overlay = /** @class */ (function () {
12269 /**
12270 * Construct a new overlay.
12271 */
12272 function Overlay() {
12273 this._timer = -1;
12274 this._hidden = true;
12275 this.node = document.createElement('div');
12276 this.node.classList.add('lm-DockPanel-overlay');
12277 this.node.classList.add('lm-mod-hidden');
12278 /* <DEPRECATED> */
12279 this.node.classList.add('p-DockPanel-overlay');
12280 this.node.classList.add('p-mod-hidden');
12281 /* </DEPRECATED> */ this.node.style.position = 'absolute';
12282 }
12283 /**
12284 * Show the overlay using the given overlay geometry.
12285 *
12286 * @param geo - The desired geometry for the overlay.
12287 */
12288 Overlay.prototype.show = function (geo) {
12289 // Update the position of the overlay.
12290 var style = this.node.style;
12291 style.top = geo.top + "px";
12292 style.left = geo.left + "px";
12293 style.right = geo.right + "px";
12294 style.bottom = geo.bottom + "px";
12295 // Clear any pending hide timer.
12296 clearTimeout(this._timer);
12297 this._timer = -1;
12298 // If the overlay is already visible, we're done.
12299 if (!this._hidden) {
12300 return;
12301 }
12302 // Clear the hidden flag.
12303 this._hidden = false;
12304 // Finally, show the overlay.
12305 this.node.classList.remove('lm-mod-hidden');
12306 /* <DEPRECATED> */
12307 this.node.classList.remove('p-mod-hidden');
12308 /* </DEPRECATED> */
12309 };
12310 /**
12311 * Hide the overlay node.
12312 *
12313 * @param delay - The delay (in ms) before hiding the overlay.
12314 * A delay value <= 0 will hide the overlay immediately.
12315 */
12316 Overlay.prototype.hide = function (delay) {
12317 var _this = this;
12318 // Do nothing if the overlay is already hidden.
12319 if (this._hidden) {
12320 return;
12321 }
12322 // Hide immediately if the delay is <= 0.
12323 if (delay <= 0) {
12324 clearTimeout(this._timer);
12325 this._timer = -1;
12326 this._hidden = true;
12327 this.node.classList.add('lm-mod-hidden');
12328 /* <DEPRECATED> */
12329 this.node.classList.add('p-mod-hidden');
12330 /* </DEPRECATED> */ return;
12331 }
12332 // Do nothing if a hide is already pending.
12333 if (this._timer !== -1) {
12334 return;
12335 }
12336 // Otherwise setup the hide timer.
12337 this._timer = window.setTimeout(function () {
12338 _this._timer = -1;
12339 _this._hidden = true;
12340 _this.node.classList.add('lm-mod-hidden');
12341 /* <DEPRECATED> */
12342 _this.node.classList.add('p-mod-hidden');
12343 /* </DEPRECATED> */
12344 }, delay);
12345 };
12346 return Overlay;
12347 }());
12348 DockPanel.Overlay = Overlay;
12349 /**
12350 * The default implementation of `IRenderer`.
12351 */
12352 var Renderer = /** @class */ (function () {
12353 function Renderer() {
12354 }
12355 /**
12356 * Create a new tab bar for use with a dock panel.
12357 *
12358 * @returns A new tab bar for a dock panel.
12359 */
12360 Renderer.prototype.createTabBar = function (document) {
12361 var bar = new TabBar({ document: document });
12362 bar.addClass('lm-DockPanel-tabBar');
12363 /* <DEPRECATED> */
12364 bar.addClass('p-DockPanel-tabBar');
12365 /* </DEPRECATED> */
12366 return bar;
12367 };
12368 /**
12369 * Create a new handle node for use with a dock panel.
12370 *
12371 * @returns A new handle node for a dock panel.
12372 */
12373 Renderer.prototype.createHandle = function () {
12374 var handle = document.createElement('div');
12375 handle.className = 'lm-DockPanel-handle';
12376 /* <DEPRECATED> */
12377 handle.classList.add('p-DockPanel-handle');
12378 /* </DEPRECATED> */ return handle;
12379 };
12380 return Renderer;
12381 }());
12382 DockPanel.Renderer = Renderer;
12383 /**
12384 * The default `Renderer` instance.
12385 */
12386 DockPanel.defaultRenderer = new Renderer();
12387})(DockPanel || (DockPanel = {}));
12389 * The namespace for the module implementation details.
12390 */
12391var Private$5;
12392(function (Private) {
12393 /**
12394 * A fraction used for sizing root panels; ~= `1 / golden_ratio`.
12395 */
12396 Private.GOLDEN_RATIO = 0.618;
12397 /**
12398 * The default sizes for the edge drop zones, in pixels.
12399 */
12400 Private.DEFAULT_EDGES = {
12401 /**
12402 * The size of the top edge dock zone for the root panel, in pixels.
12403 * This is different from the others to distinguish between the top
12404 * tab bar and the top root zone.
12405 */
12406 top: 12,
12407 /**
12408 * The size of the edge dock zone for the root panel, in pixels.
12409 */
12410 right: 40,
12411 /**
12412 * The size of the edge dock zone for the root panel, in pixels.
12413 */
12414 bottom: 40,
12415 /**
12416 * The size of the edge dock zone for the root panel, in pixels.
12417 */
12418 left: 40
12419 };
12420 /**
12421 * A singleton `'layout-modified'` conflatable message.
12422 */
12423 Private.LayoutModified = new ConflatableMessage('layout-modified');
12424 /**
12425 * An attached property used to track generated tab bars.
12426 */
12427 Private.isGeneratedTabBarProperty = new AttachedProperty({
12428 name: 'isGeneratedTabBar',
12429 create: function () { return false; }
12430 });
12431 /**
12432 * Create a single document config for the widgets in a dock panel.
12433 */
12434 function createSingleDocumentConfig(panel) {
12435 // Return an empty config if the panel is empty.
12436 if (panel.isEmpty) {
12437 return { main: null };
12438 }
12439 // Get a flat array of the widgets in the panel.
12440 var widgets = toArray(panel.widgets());
12441 // Get the first selected widget in the panel.
12442 var selected = panel.selectedWidgets().next();
12443 // Compute the current index for the new config.
12444 var currentIndex = selected ? widgets.indexOf(selected) : -1;
12445 // Return the single document config.
12446 return { main: { type: 'tab-area', widgets: widgets, currentIndex: currentIndex } };
12447 }
12448 Private.createSingleDocumentConfig = createSingleDocumentConfig;
12449 /**
12450 * Find the drop target at the given client position.
12451 */
12452 function findDropTarget(panel, clientX, clientY, edges) {
12453 // Bail if the mouse is not over the dock panel.
12454 if (!ElementExt.hitTest(panel.node, clientX, clientY)) {
12455 return { zone: 'invalid', target: null };
12456 }
12457 // Look up the layout for the panel.
12458 var layout = panel.layout;
12459 // If the layout is empty, indicate the entire root drop zone.
12460 if (layout.isEmpty) {
12461 return { zone: 'root-all', target: null };
12462 }
12463 // Test the edge zones when in multiple document mode.
12464 if (panel.mode === 'multiple-document') {
12465 // Get the client rect for the dock panel.
12466 var panelRect = panel.node.getBoundingClientRect();
12467 // Compute the distance to each edge of the panel.
12468 var pl = clientX - panelRect.left + 1;
12469 var pt = clientY - panelRect.top + 1;
12470 var pr = panelRect.right - clientX;
12471 var pb = panelRect.bottom - clientY;
12472 // Find the minimum distance to an edge.
12473 var pd = Math.min(pt, pr, pb, pl);
12474 // Return a root zone if the mouse is within an edge.
12475 switch (pd) {
12476 case pt:
12477 if (pt < edges.top) {
12478 return { zone: 'root-top', target: null };
12479 }
12480 break;
12481 case pr:
12482 if (pr < edges.right) {
12483 return { zone: 'root-right', target: null };
12484 }
12485 break;
12486 case pb:
12487 if (pb < edges.bottom) {
12488 return { zone: 'root-bottom', target: null };
12489 }
12490 break;
12491 case pl:
12492 if (pl < edges.left) {
12493 return { zone: 'root-left', target: null };
12494 }
12495 break;
12496 default:
12497 throw 'unreachable';
12498 }
12499 }
12500 // Hit test the dock layout at the given client position.
12501 var target = layout.hitTestTabAreas(clientX, clientY);
12502 // Bail if no target area was found.
12503 if (!target) {
12504 return { zone: 'invalid', target: null };
12505 }
12506 // Return the whole tab area when in single document mode.
12507 if (panel.mode === 'single-document') {
12508 return { zone: 'widget-all', target: target };
12509 }
12510 // Compute the distance to each edge of the tab area.
12511 var al = target.x - target.left + 1;
12512 var at = target.y - target.top + 1;
12513 var ar = target.left + target.width - target.x;
12514 var ab = target.top + target.height - target.y;
12515 var tabHeight = target.tabBar.node.getBoundingClientRect().height;
12516 if (at < tabHeight) {
12517 return { zone: 'widget-tab', target: target };
12518 }
12519 // Get the X and Y edge sizes for the area.
12520 var rx = Math.round(target.width / 3);
12521 var ry = Math.round(target.height / 3);
12522 // If the mouse is not within an edge, indicate the entire area.
12523 if (al > rx && ar > rx && at > ry && ab > ry) {
12524 return { zone: 'widget-all', target: target };
12525 }
12526 // Scale the distances by the slenderness ratio.
12527 al /= rx;
12528 at /= ry;
12529 ar /= rx;
12530 ab /= ry;
12531 // Find the minimum distance to the area edge.
12532 var ad = Math.min(al, at, ar, ab);
12533 // Find the widget zone for the area edge.
12534 var zone;
12535 switch (ad) {
12536 case al:
12537 zone = 'widget-left';
12538 break;
12539 case at:
12540 zone = 'widget-top';
12541 break;
12542 case ar:
12543 zone = 'widget-right';
12544 break;
12545 case ab:
12546 zone = 'widget-bottom';
12547 break;
12548 default:
12549 throw 'unreachable';
12550 }
12551 // Return the final drop target.
12552 return { zone: zone, target: target };
12553 }
12554 Private.findDropTarget = findDropTarget;
12555 /**
12556 * Get the drop reference widget for a tab bar.
12557 */
12558 function getDropRef(tabBar) {
12559 if (tabBar.titles.length === 0) {
12560 return null;
12561 }
12562 if (tabBar.currentTitle) {
12563 return tabBar.currentTitle.owner;
12564 }
12565 return tabBar.titles[tabBar.titles.length - 1].owner;
12566 }
12567 Private.getDropRef = getDropRef;
12568})(Private$5 || (Private$5 = {}));
12570// Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
12572 * A class which tracks focus among a set of widgets.
12573 *
12574 * This class is useful when code needs to keep track of the most
12575 * recently focused widget(s) among a set of related widgets.
12576 */
12577var FocusTracker = /** @class */ (function () {
12578 function FocusTracker() {
12579 this._counter = 0;
12580 this._widgets = [];
12581 this._activeWidget = null;
12582 this._currentWidget = null;
12583 this._numbers = new Map();
12584 this._nodes = new Map();
12585 this._activeChanged = new Signal(this);
12586 this._currentChanged = new Signal(this);
12587 }
12588 /**
12589 * Dispose of the resources held by the tracker.
12590 */
12591 FocusTracker.prototype.dispose = function () {
12592 var _this = this;
12593 // Do nothing if the tracker is already disposed.
12594 if (this._counter < 0) {
12595 return;
12596 }
12597 // Mark the tracker as disposed.
12598 this._counter = -1;
12599 // Clear the connections for the tracker.
12600 Signal.clearData(this);
12601 // Remove all event listeners.
12602 each(this._widgets, function (w) {
12603 w.node.removeEventListener('focus', _this, true);
12604 w.node.removeEventListener('blur', _this, true);
12605 });
12606 // Clear the internal data structures.
12607 this._activeWidget = null;
12608 this._currentWidget = null;
12609 this._nodes.clear();
12610 this._numbers.clear();
12611 this._widgets.length = 0;
12612 };
12613 Object.defineProperty(FocusTracker.prototype, "currentChanged", {
12614 /**
12615 * A signal emitted when the current widget has changed.
12616 */
12617 get: function () {
12618 return this._currentChanged;
12619 },
12620 enumerable: true,
12621 configurable: true
12622 });
12623 Object.defineProperty(FocusTracker.prototype, "activeChanged", {
12624 /**
12625 * A signal emitted when the active widget has changed.
12626 */
12627 get: function () {
12628 return this._activeChanged;
12629 },
12630 enumerable: true,
12631 configurable: true
12632 });
12633 Object.defineProperty(FocusTracker.prototype, "isDisposed", {
12634 /**
12635 * A flag indicating whether the tracker is disposed.
12636 */
12637 get: function () {
12638 return this._counter < 0;
12639 },
12640 enumerable: true,
12641 configurable: true
12642 });
12643 Object.defineProperty(FocusTracker.prototype, "currentWidget", {
12644 /**
12645 * The current widget in the tracker.
12646 *
12647 * #### Notes
12648 * The current widget is the widget among the tracked widgets which
12649 * has the *descendant node* which has most recently been focused.
12650 *
12651 * The current widget will not be updated if the node loses focus. It
12652 * will only be updated when a different tracked widget gains focus.
12653 *
12654 * If the current widget is removed from the tracker, the previous
12655 * current widget will be restored.
12656 *
12657 * This behavior is intended to follow a user's conceptual model of
12658 * a semantically "current" widget, where the "last thing of type X"
12659 * to be interacted with is the "current instance of X", regardless
12660 * of whether that instance still has focus.
12661 */
12662 get: function () {
12663 return this._currentWidget;
12664 },
12665 enumerable: true,
12666 configurable: true
12667 });
12668 Object.defineProperty(FocusTracker.prototype, "activeWidget", {
12669 /**
12670 * The active widget in the tracker.
12671 *
12672 * #### Notes
12673 * The active widget is the widget among the tracked widgets which
12674 * has the *descendant node* which is currently focused.
12675 */
12676 get: function () {
12677 return this._activeWidget;
12678 },
12679 enumerable: true,
12680 configurable: true
12681 });
12682 Object.defineProperty(FocusTracker.prototype, "widgets", {
12683 /**
12684 * A read only array of the widgets being tracked.
12685 */
12686 get: function () {
12687 return this._widgets;
12688 },
12689 enumerable: true,
12690 configurable: true
12691 });
12692 /**
12693 * Get the focus number for a particular widget in the tracker.
12694 *
12695 * @param widget - The widget of interest.
12696 *
12697 * @returns The focus number for the given widget, or `-1` if the
12698 * widget has not had focus since being added to the tracker, or
12699 * is not contained by the tracker.
12700 *
12701 * #### Notes
12702 * The focus number indicates the relative order in which the widgets
12703 * have gained focus. A widget with a larger number has gained focus
12704 * more recently than a widget with a smaller number.
12705 *
12706 * The `currentWidget` will always have the largest focus number.
12707 *
12708 * All widgets start with a focus number of `-1`, which indicates that
12709 * the widget has not been focused since being added to the tracker.
12710 */
12711 FocusTracker.prototype.focusNumber = function (widget) {
12712 var n = this._numbers.get(widget);
12713 return n === undefined ? -1 : n;
12714 };
12715 /**
12716 * Test whether the focus tracker contains a given widget.
12717 *
12718 * @param widget - The widget of interest.
12719 *
12720 * @returns `true` if the widget is tracked, `false` otherwise.
12721 */
12722 FocusTracker.prototype.has = function (widget) {
12723 return this._numbers.has(widget);
12724 };
12725 /**
12726 * Add a widget to the focus tracker.
12727 *
12728 * @param widget - The widget of interest.
12729 *
12730 * #### Notes
12731 * A widget will be automatically removed from the tracker if it
12732 * is disposed after being added.
12733 *
12734 * If the widget is already tracked, this is a no-op.
12735 */
12736 FocusTracker.prototype.add = function (widget) {
12737 // Do nothing if the widget is already tracked.
12738 if (this._numbers.has(widget)) {
12739 return;
12740 }
12741 // Test whether the widget has focus.
12742 var focused = widget.node.contains(document.activeElement);
12743 // Set up the initial focus number.
12744 var n = focused ? this._counter++ : -1;
12745 // Add the widget to the internal data structures.
12746 this._widgets.push(widget);
12747 this._numbers.set(widget, n);
12748 this._nodes.set(widget.node, widget);
12749 // Set up the event listeners. The capturing phase must be used
12750 // since the 'focus' and 'blur' events don't bubble and Firefox
12751 // doesn't support the 'focusin' or 'focusout' events.
12752 widget.node.addEventListener('focus', this, true);
12753 widget.node.addEventListener('blur', this, true);
12754 // Connect the disposed signal handler.
12755 widget.disposed.connect(this._onWidgetDisposed, this);
12756 // Set the current and active widgets if needed.
12757 if (focused) {
12758 this._setWidgets(widget, widget);
12759 }
12760 };
12761 /**
12762 * Remove a widget from the focus tracker.
12763 *
12764 * #### Notes
12765 * If the widget is the `currentWidget`, the previous current widget
12766 * will become the new `currentWidget`.
12767 *
12768 * A widget will be automatically removed from the tracker if it
12769 * is disposed after being added.
12770 *
12771 * If the widget is not tracked, this is a no-op.
12772 */
12773 FocusTracker.prototype.remove = function (widget) {
12774 var _this = this;
12775 // Bail early if the widget is not tracked.
12776 if (!this._numbers.has(widget)) {
12777 return;
12778 }
12779 // Disconnect the disposed signal handler.
12780 widget.disposed.disconnect(this._onWidgetDisposed, this);
12781 // Remove the event listeners.
12782 widget.node.removeEventListener('focus', this, true);
12783 widget.node.removeEventListener('blur', this, true);
12784 // Remove the widget from the internal data structures.
12785 ArrayExt.removeFirstOf(this._widgets, widget);
12786 this._nodes.delete(widget.node);
12787 this._numbers.delete(widget);
12788 // Bail early if the widget is not the current widget.
12789 if (this._currentWidget !== widget) {
12790 return;
12791 }
12792 // Filter the widgets for those which have had focus.
12793 var valid = filter(this._widgets, function (w) { return _this._numbers.get(w) !== -1; });
12794 // Get the valid widget with the max focus number.
12795 var previous = max(valid, function (first, second) {
12796 var a = _this._numbers.get(first);
12797 var b = _this._numbers.get(second);
12798 return a - b;
12799 }) || null;
12800 // Set the current and active widgets.
12801 this._setWidgets(previous, null);
12802 };
12803 /**
12804 * Handle the DOM events for the focus tracker.
12805 *
12806 * @param event - The DOM event sent to the panel.
12807 *
12808 * #### Notes
12809 * This method implements the DOM `EventListener` interface and is
12810 * called in response to events on the tracked nodes. It should
12811 * not be called directly by user code.
12812 */
12813 FocusTracker.prototype.handleEvent = function (event) {
12814 switch (event.type) {
12815 case 'focus':
12816 this._evtFocus(event);
12817 break;
12818 case 'blur':
12819 this._evtBlur(event);
12820 break;
12821 }
12822 };
12823 /**
12824 * Set the current and active widgets for the tracker.
12825 */
12826 FocusTracker.prototype._setWidgets = function (current, active) {
12827 // Swap the current widget.
12828 var oldCurrent = this._currentWidget;
12829 this._currentWidget = current;
12830 // Swap the active widget.
12831 var oldActive = this._activeWidget;
12832 this._activeWidget = active;
12833 // Emit the `currentChanged` signal if needed.
12834 if (oldCurrent !== current) {
12835 this._currentChanged.emit({ oldValue: oldCurrent, newValue: current });
12836 }
12837 // Emit the `activeChanged` signal if needed.
12838 if (oldActive !== active) {
12839 this._activeChanged.emit({ oldValue: oldActive, newValue: active });
12840 }
12841 };
12842 /**
12843 * Handle the `'focus'` event for a tracked widget.
12844 */
12845 FocusTracker.prototype._evtFocus = function (event) {
12846 // Find the widget which gained focus, which is known to exist.
12847 var widget = this._nodes.get(event.currentTarget);
12848 // Update the focus number if necessary.
12849 if (widget !== this._currentWidget) {
12850 this._numbers.set(widget, this._counter++);
12851 }
12852 // Set the current and active widgets.
12853 this._setWidgets(widget, widget);
12854 };
12855 /**
12856 * Handle the `'blur'` event for a tracked widget.
12857 */
12858 FocusTracker.prototype._evtBlur = function (event) {
12859 // Find the widget which lost focus, which is known to exist.
12860 var widget = this._nodes.get(event.currentTarget);
12861 // Get the node which being focused after this blur.
12862 var focusTarget = event.relatedTarget;
12863 // If no other node is being focused, clear the active widget.
12864 if (!focusTarget) {
12865 this._setWidgets(this._currentWidget, null);
12866 return;
12867 }
12868 // Bail if the focus widget is not changing.
12869 if (widget.node.contains(focusTarget)) {
12870 return;
12871 }
12872 // If no tracked widget is being focused, clear the active widget.
12873 if (!find(this._widgets, function (w) { return w.node.contains(focusTarget); })) {
12874 this._setWidgets(this._currentWidget, null);
12875 return;
12876 }
12877 };
12878 /**
12879 * Handle the `disposed` signal for a tracked widget.
12880 */
12881 FocusTracker.prototype._onWidgetDisposed = function (sender) {
12882 this.remove(sender);
12883 };
12884 return FocusTracker;
12888 * A layout which arranges its widgets in a grid.
12889 */
12890var GridLayout = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
12891 __extends(GridLayout, _super);
12892 /**
12893 * Construct a new grid layout.
12894 *
12895 * @param options - The options for initializing the layout.
12896 */
12897 function GridLayout(options) {
12898 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
12899 var _this = _super.call(this, options) || this;
12900 _this._dirty = false;
12901 _this._rowSpacing = 4;
12902 _this._columnSpacing = 4;
12903 _this._items = [];
12904 _this._rowStarts = [];
12905 _this._columnStarts = [];
12906 _this._rowSizers = [new BoxSizer()];
12907 _this._columnSizers = [new BoxSizer()];
12908 _this._box = null;
12909 if (options.rowCount !== undefined) {
12910 Private$4.reallocSizers(_this._rowSizers, options.rowCount);
12911 }
12912 if (options.columnCount !== undefined) {
12913 Private$4.reallocSizers(_this._columnSizers, options.columnCount);
12914 }
12915 if (options.rowSpacing !== undefined) {
12916 _this._rowSpacing = Private$4.clampValue(options.rowSpacing);
12917 }
12918 if (options.columnSpacing !== undefined) {
12919 _this._columnSpacing = Private$4.clampValue(options.columnSpacing);
12920 }
12921 return _this;
12922 }
12923 /**
12924 * Dispose of the resources held by the layout.
12925 */
12926 GridLayout.prototype.dispose = function () {
12927 // Dispose of the widgets and layout items.
12928 each(this._items, function (item) {
12929 var widget = item.widget;
12930 item.dispose();
12931 widget.dispose();
12932 });
12933 // Clear the layout state.
12934 this._box = null;
12935 this._items.length = 0;
12936 this._rowStarts.length = 0;
12937 this._rowSizers.length = 0;
12938 this._columnStarts.length = 0;
12939 this._columnSizers.length = 0;
12940 // Dispose of the rest of the layout.
12941 _super.prototype.dispose.call(this);
12942 };
12943 Object.defineProperty(GridLayout.prototype, "rowCount", {
12944 /**
12945 * Get the number of rows in the layout.
12946 */
12947 get: function () {
12948 return this._rowSizers.length;
12949 },
12950 /**
12951 * Set the number of rows in the layout.
12952 *
12953 * #### Notes
12954 * The minimum row count is `1`.
12955 */
12956 set: function (value) {
12957 // Do nothing if the row count does not change.
12958 if (value === this.rowCount) {
12959 return;
12960 }
12961 // Reallocate the row sizers.
12962 Private$4.reallocSizers(this._rowSizers, value);
12963 // Schedule a fit of the parent.
12964 if (this.parent) {
12965 this.parent.fit();
12966 }
12967 },
12968 enumerable: true,
12969 configurable: true
12970 });
12971 Object.defineProperty(GridLayout.prototype, "columnCount", {
12972 /**
12973 * Get the number of columns in the layout.
12974 */
12975 get: function () {
12976 return this._columnSizers.length;
12977 },
12978 /**
12979 * Set the number of columns in the layout.
12980 *
12981 * #### Notes
12982 * The minimum column count is `1`.
12983 */
12984 set: function (value) {
12985 // Do nothing if the column count does not change.
12986 if (value === this.columnCount) {
12987 return;
12988 }
12989 // Reallocate the column sizers.
12990 Private$4.reallocSizers(this._columnSizers, value);
12991 // Schedule a fit of the parent.
12992 if (this.parent) {
12993 this.parent.fit();
12994 }
12995 },
12996 enumerable: true,
12997 configurable: true
12998 });
12999 Object.defineProperty(GridLayout.prototype, "rowSpacing", {
13000 /**
13001 * Get the row spacing for the layout.
13002 */
13003 get: function () {
13004 return this._rowSpacing;
13005 },
13006 /**
13007 * Set the row spacing for the layout.
13008 */
13009 set: function (value) {
13010 // Clamp the spacing to the allowed range.
13011 value = Private$4.clampValue(value);
13012 // Bail if the spacing does not change
13013 if (this._rowSpacing === value) {
13014 return;
13015 }
13016 // Update the internal spacing.
13017 this._rowSpacing = value;
13018 // Schedule a fit of the parent.
13019 if (this.parent) {
13020 this.parent.fit();
13021 }
13022 },
13023 enumerable: true,
13024 configurable: true
13025 });
13026 Object.defineProperty(GridLayout.prototype, "columnSpacing", {
13027 /**
13028 * Get the column spacing for the layout.
13029 */
13030 get: function () {
13031 return this._columnSpacing;
13032 },
13033 /**
13034 * Set the col spacing for the layout.
13035 */
13036 set: function (value) {
13037 // Clamp the spacing to the allowed range.
13038 value = Private$4.clampValue(value);
13039 // Bail if the spacing does not change
13040 if (this._columnSpacing === value) {
13041 return;
13042 }
13043 // Update the internal spacing.
13044 this._columnSpacing = value;
13045 // Schedule a fit of the parent.
13046 if (this.parent) {
13047 this.parent.fit();
13048 }
13049 },
13050 enumerable: true,
13051 configurable: true
13052 });
13053 /**
13054 * Get the stretch factor for a specific row.
13055 *
13056 * @param index - The row index of interest.
13057 *
13058 * @returns The stretch factor for the row.
13059 *
13060 * #### Notes
13061 * This returns `-1` if the index is out of range.
13062 */
13063 GridLayout.prototype.rowStretch = function (index) {
13064 var sizer = this._rowSizers[index];
13065 return sizer ? sizer.stretch : -1;
13066 };
13067 /**
13068 * Set the stretch factor for a specific row.
13069 *
13070 * @param index - The row index of interest.
13071 *
13072 * @param value - The stretch factor for the row.
13073 *
13074 * #### Notes
13075 * This is a no-op if the index is out of range.
13076 */
13077 GridLayout.prototype.setRowStretch = function (index, value) {
13078 // Look up the row sizer.
13079 var sizer = this._rowSizers[index];
13080 // Bail if the index is out of range.
13081 if (!sizer) {
13082 return;
13083 }
13084 // Clamp the value to the allowed range.
13085 value = Private$4.clampValue(value);
13086 // Bail if the stretch does not change.
13087 if (sizer.stretch === value) {
13088 return;
13089 }
13090 // Update the sizer stretch.
13091 sizer.stretch = value;
13092 // Schedule an update of the parent.
13093 if (this.parent) {
13094 this.parent.update();
13095 }
13096 };
13097 /**
13098 * Get the stretch factor for a specific column.
13099 *
13100 * @param index - The column index of interest.
13101 *
13102 * @returns The stretch factor for the column.
13103 *
13104 * #### Notes
13105 * This returns `-1` if the index is out of range.
13106 */
13107 GridLayout.prototype.columnStretch = function (index) {
13108 var sizer = this._columnSizers[index];
13109 return sizer ? sizer.stretch : -1;
13110 };
13111 /**
13112 * Set the stretch factor for a specific column.
13113 *
13114 * @param index - The column index of interest.
13115 *
13116 * @param value - The stretch factor for the column.
13117 *
13118 * #### Notes
13119 * This is a no-op if the index is out of range.
13120 */
13121 GridLayout.prototype.setColumnStretch = function (index, value) {
13122 // Look up the column sizer.
13123 var sizer = this._columnSizers[index];
13124 // Bail if the index is out of range.
13125 if (!sizer) {
13126 return;
13127 }
13128 // Clamp the value to the allowed range.
13129 value = Private$4.clampValue(value);
13130 // Bail if the stretch does not change.
13131 if (sizer.stretch === value) {
13132 return;
13133 }
13134 // Update the sizer stretch.
13135 sizer.stretch = value;
13136 // Schedule an update of the parent.
13137 if (this.parent) {
13138 this.parent.update();
13139 }
13140 };
13141 /**
13142 * Create an iterator over the widgets in the layout.
13143 *
13144 * @returns A new iterator over the widgets in the layout.
13145 */
13146 GridLayout.prototype.iter = function () {
13147 return map(this._items, function (item) { return item.widget; });
13148 };
13149 /**
13150 * Add a widget to the grid layout.
13151 *
13152 * @param widget - The widget to add to the layout.
13153 *
13154 * #### Notes
13155 * If the widget is already contained in the layout, this is no-op.
13156 */
13157 GridLayout.prototype.addWidget = function (widget) {
13158 // Look up the index for the widget.
13159 var i = ArrayExt.findFirstIndex(this._items, function (it) { return it.widget === widget; });
13160 // Bail if the widget is already in the layout.
13161 if (i !== -1) {
13162 return;
13163 }
13164 // Add the widget to the layout.
13165 this._items.push(new LayoutItem(widget));
13166 // Attach the widget to the parent.
13167 if (this.parent) {
13168 this.attachWidget(widget);
13169 }
13170 };
13171 /**
13172 * Remove a widget from the grid layout.
13173 *
13174 * @param widget - The widget to remove from the layout.
13175 *
13176 * #### Notes
13177 * A widget is automatically removed from the layout when its `parent`
13178 * is set to `null`. This method should only be invoked directly when
13179 * removing a widget from a layout which has yet to be installed on a
13180 * parent widget.
13181 *
13182 * This method does *not* modify the widget's `parent`.
13183 */
13184 GridLayout.prototype.removeWidget = function (widget) {
13185 // Look up the index for the widget.
13186 var i = ArrayExt.findFirstIndex(this._items, function (it) { return it.widget === widget; });
13187 // Bail if the widget is not in the layout.
13188 if (i === -1) {
13189 return;
13190 }
13191 // Remove the widget from the layout.
13192 var item = ArrayExt.removeAt(this._items, i);
13193 // Detach the widget from the parent.
13194 if (this.parent) {
13195 this.detachWidget(widget);
13196 }
13197 // Dispose the layout item.
13198 item.dispose();
13199 };
13200 /**
13201 * Perform layout initialization which requires the parent widget.
13202 */
13203 GridLayout.prototype.init = function () {
13204 var _this = this;
13205 _super.prototype.init.call(this);
13206 each(this, function (widget) {
13207 _this.attachWidget(widget);
13208 });
13209 };
13210 /**
13211 * Attach a widget to the parent's DOM node.
13212 *
13213 * @param widget - The widget to attach to the parent.
13214 */
13215 GridLayout.prototype.attachWidget = function (widget) {
13216 // Send a `'before-attach'` message if the parent is attached.
13217 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
13218 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.BeforeAttach);
13219 }
13220 // Add the widget's node to the parent.
13221 this.parent.node.appendChild(widget.node);
13222 // Send an `'after-attach'` message if the parent is attached.
13223 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
13224 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.AfterAttach);
13225 }
13226 // Post a fit request for the parent widget.
13227 this.parent.fit();
13228 };
13229 /**
13230 * Detach a widget from the parent's DOM node.
13231 *
13232 * @param widget - The widget to detach from the parent.
13233 */
13234 GridLayout.prototype.detachWidget = function (widget) {
13235 // Send a `'before-detach'` message if the parent is attached.
13236 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
13237 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.BeforeDetach);
13238 }
13239 // Remove the widget's node from the parent.
13240 this.parent.node.removeChild(widget.node);
13241 // Send an `'after-detach'` message if the parent is attached.
13242 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
13243 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.AfterDetach);
13244 }
13245 // Post a fit request for the parent widget.
13246 this.parent.fit();
13247 };
13248 /**
13249 * A message handler invoked on a `'before-show'` message.
13250 */
13251 GridLayout.prototype.onBeforeShow = function (msg) {
13252 _super.prototype.onBeforeShow.call(this, msg);
13253 this.parent.update();
13254 };
13255 /**
13256 * A message handler invoked on a `'before-attach'` message.
13257 */
13258 GridLayout.prototype.onBeforeAttach = function (msg) {
13259 _super.prototype.onBeforeAttach.call(this, msg);
13260 this.parent.fit();
13261 };
13262 /**
13263 * A message handler invoked on a `'child-shown'` message.
13264 */
13265 GridLayout.prototype.onChildShown = function (msg) {
13266 this.parent.fit();
13267 };
13268 /**
13269 * A message handler invoked on a `'child-hidden'` message.
13270 */
13271 GridLayout.prototype.onChildHidden = function (msg) {
13272 this.parent.fit();
13273 };
13274 /**
13275 * A message handler invoked on a `'resize'` message.
13276 */
13277 GridLayout.prototype.onResize = function (msg) {
13278 if (this.parent.isVisible) {
13279 this._update(msg.width, msg.height);
13280 }
13281 };
13282 /**
13283 * A message handler invoked on an `'update-request'` message.
13284 */
13285 GridLayout.prototype.onUpdateRequest = function (msg) {
13286 if (this.parent.isVisible) {
13287 this._update(-1, -1);
13288 }
13289 };
13290 /**
13291 * A message handler invoked on a `'fit-request'` message.
13292 */
13293 GridLayout.prototype.onFitRequest = function (msg) {
13294 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
13295 this._fit();
13296 }
13297 };
13298 /**
13299 * Fit the layout to the total size required by the widgets.
13300 */
13301 GridLayout.prototype._fit = function () {
13302 // Reset the min sizes of the sizers.
13303 for (var i = 0, n = this.rowCount; i < n; ++i) {
13304 this._rowSizers[i].minSize = 0;
13305 }
13306 for (var i = 0, n = this.columnCount; i < n; ++i) {
13307 this._columnSizers[i].minSize = 0;
13308 }
13309 // Filter for the visible layout items.
13310 var items = this._items.filter(function (it) { return !it.isHidden; });
13311 // Fit the layout items.
13312 for (var i = 0, n = items.length; i < n; ++i) {
13313 items[i].fit();
13314 }
13315 // Get the max row and column index.
13316 var maxRow = this.rowCount - 1;
13317 var maxCol = this.columnCount - 1;
13318 // Sort the items by row span.
13319 items.sort(Private$4.rowSpanCmp);
13320 // Update the min sizes of the row sizers.
13321 for (var i = 0, n = items.length; i < n; ++i) {
13322 // Fetch the item.
13323 var item = items[i];
13324 // Get the row bounds for the item.
13325 var config = GridLayout.getCellConfig(item.widget);
13326 var r1 = Math.min(config.row, maxRow);
13327 var r2 = Math.min(config.row + config.rowSpan - 1, maxRow);
13328 // Distribute the minimum height to the sizers as needed.
13329 Private$4.distributeMin(this._rowSizers, r1, r2, item.minHeight);
13330 }
13331 // Sort the items by column span.
13332 items.sort(Private$4.columnSpanCmp);
13333 // Update the min sizes of the column sizers.
13334 for (var i = 0, n = items.length; i < n; ++i) {
13335 // Fetch the item.
13336 var item = items[i];
13337 // Get the column bounds for the item.
13338 var config = GridLayout.getCellConfig(item.widget);
13339 var c1 = Math.min(config.column, maxCol);
13340 var c2 = Math.min(config.column + config.columnSpan - 1, maxCol);
13341 // Distribute the minimum width to the sizers as needed.
13342 Private$4.distributeMin(this._columnSizers, c1, c2, item.minWidth);
13343 }
13344 // If no size constraint is needed, just update the parent.
13345 if (this.fitPolicy === 'set-no-constraint') {
13346 MessageLoop.sendMessage(this.parent, Widget.Msg.UpdateRequest);
13347 return;
13348 }
13349 // Set up the computed min size.
13350 var minH = maxRow * this._rowSpacing;
13351 var minW = maxCol * this._columnSpacing;
13352 // Add the sizer minimums to the computed min size.
13353 for (var i = 0, n = this.rowCount; i < n; ++i) {
13354 minH += this._rowSizers[i].minSize;
13355 }
13356 for (var i = 0, n = this.columnCount; i < n; ++i) {
13357 minW += this._columnSizers[i].minSize;
13358 }
13359 // Update the box sizing and add it to the computed min size.
13360 var box = (this._box = ElementExt.boxSizing(this.parent.node));
13361 minW += box.horizontalSum;
13362 minH += box.verticalSum;
13363 // Update the parent's min size constraints.
13364 var style = this.parent.node.style;
13365 style.minWidth = minW + "px";
13366 style.minHeight = minH + "px";
13367 // Set the dirty flag to ensure only a single update occurs.
13368 this._dirty = true;
13369 // Notify the ancestor that it should fit immediately. This may
13370 // cause a resize of the parent, fulfilling the required update.
13371 if (this.parent.parent) {
13372 MessageLoop.sendMessage(this.parent.parent, Widget.Msg.FitRequest);
13373 }
13374 // If the dirty flag is still set, the parent was not resized.
13375 // Trigger the required update on the parent widget immediately.
13376 if (this._dirty) {
13377 MessageLoop.sendMessage(this.parent, Widget.Msg.UpdateRequest);
13378 }
13379 };
13380 /**
13381 * Update the layout position and size of the widgets.
13382 *
13383 * The parent offset dimensions should be `-1` if unknown.
13384 */
13385 GridLayout.prototype._update = function (offsetWidth, offsetHeight) {
13386 // Clear the dirty flag to indicate the update occurred.
13387 this._dirty = false;
13388 // Measure the parent if the offset dimensions are unknown.
13389 if (offsetWidth < 0) {
13390 offsetWidth = this.parent.node.offsetWidth;
13391 }
13392 if (offsetHeight < 0) {
13393 offsetHeight = this.parent.node.offsetHeight;
13394 }
13395 // Ensure the parent box sizing data is computed.
13396 if (!this._box) {
13397 this._box = ElementExt.boxSizing(this.parent.node);
13398 }
13399 // Compute the layout area adjusted for border and padding.
13400 var top = this._box.paddingTop;
13401 var left = this._box.paddingLeft;
13402 var width = offsetWidth - this._box.horizontalSum;
13403 var height = offsetHeight - this._box.verticalSum;
13404 // Get the max row and column index.
13405 var maxRow = this.rowCount - 1;
13406 var maxCol = this.columnCount - 1;
13407 // Compute the total fixed row and column space.
13408 var fixedRowSpace = maxRow * this._rowSpacing;
13409 var fixedColSpace = maxCol * this._columnSpacing;
13410 // Distribute the available space to the box sizers.
13411 BoxEngine.calc(this._rowSizers, Math.max(0, height - fixedRowSpace));
13412 BoxEngine.calc(this._columnSizers, Math.max(0, width - fixedColSpace));
13413 // Update the row start positions.
13414 for (var i = 0, pos = top, n = this.rowCount; i < n; ++i) {
13415 this._rowStarts[i] = pos;
13416 pos += this._rowSizers[i].size + this._rowSpacing;
13417 }
13418 // Update the column start positions.
13419 for (var i = 0, pos = left, n = this.columnCount; i < n; ++i) {
13420 this._columnStarts[i] = pos;
13421 pos += this._columnSizers[i].size + this._columnSpacing;
13422 }
13423 // Update the geometry of the layout items.
13424 for (var i = 0, n = this._items.length; i < n; ++i) {
13425 // Fetch the item.
13426 var item = this._items[i];
13427 // Ignore hidden items.
13428 if (item.isHidden) {
13429 continue;
13430 }
13431 // Fetch the cell bounds for the widget.
13432 var config = GridLayout.getCellConfig(item.widget);
13433 var r1 = Math.min(config.row, maxRow);
13434 var c1 = Math.min(config.column, maxCol);
13435 var r2 = Math.min(config.row + config.rowSpan - 1, maxRow);
13436 var c2 = Math.min(config.column + config.columnSpan - 1, maxCol);
13437 // Compute the cell geometry.
13438 var x = this._columnStarts[c1];
13439 var y = this._rowStarts[r1];
13440 var w = this._columnStarts[c2] + this._columnSizers[c2].size - x;
13441 var h = this._rowStarts[r2] + this._rowSizers[r2].size - y;
13442 // Update the geometry of the layout item.
13443 item.update(x, y, w, h);
13444 }
13445 };
13446 return GridLayout;
13449 * The namespace for the `GridLayout` class statics.
13450 */
13451(function (GridLayout) {
13452 /**
13453 * Get the cell config for the given widget.
13454 *
13455 * @param widget - The widget of interest.
13456 *
13457 * @returns The cell config for the widget.
13458 */
13459 function getCellConfig(widget) {
13460 return Private$4.cellConfigProperty.get(widget);
13461 }
13462 GridLayout.getCellConfig = getCellConfig;
13463 /**
13464 * Set the cell config for the given widget.
13465 *
13466 * @param widget - The widget of interest.
13467 *
13468 * @param value - The value for the cell config.
13469 */
13470 function setCellConfig(widget, value) {
13471 Private$4.cellConfigProperty.set(widget, Private$4.normalizeConfig(value));
13472 }
13473 GridLayout.setCellConfig = setCellConfig;
13474})(GridLayout || (GridLayout = {}));
13476 * The namespace for the module implementation details.
13477 */
13478var Private$4;
13479(function (Private) {
13480 /**
13481 * The property descriptor for the widget cell config.
13482 */
13483 Private.cellConfigProperty = new AttachedProperty({
13484 name: 'cellConfig',
13485 create: function () { return ({ row: 0, column: 0, rowSpan: 1, columnSpan: 1 }); },
13486 changed: onChildCellConfigChanged
13487 });
13488 /**
13489 * Normalize a partial cell config object.
13490 */
13491 function normalizeConfig(config) {
13492 var row = Math.max(0, Math.floor(config.row || 0));
13493 var column = Math.max(0, Math.floor(config.column || 0));
13494 var rowSpan = Math.max(1, Math.floor(config.rowSpan || 0));
13495 var columnSpan = Math.max(1, Math.floor(config.columnSpan || 0));
13496 return { row: row, column: column, rowSpan: rowSpan, columnSpan: columnSpan };
13497 }
13498 Private.normalizeConfig = normalizeConfig;
13499 /**
13500 * Clamp a value to an integer >= 0.
13501 */
13502 function clampValue(value) {
13503 return Math.max(0, Math.floor(value));
13504 }
13505 Private.clampValue = clampValue;
13506 /**
13507 * A sort comparison function for row spans.
13508 */
13509 function rowSpanCmp(a, b) {
13510 var c1 = Private.cellConfigProperty.get(a.widget);
13511 var c2 = Private.cellConfigProperty.get(b.widget);
13512 return c1.rowSpan - c2.rowSpan;
13513 }
13514 Private.rowSpanCmp = rowSpanCmp;
13515 /**
13516 * A sort comparison function for column spans.
13517 */
13518 function columnSpanCmp(a, b) {
13519 var c1 = Private.cellConfigProperty.get(a.widget);
13520 var c2 = Private.cellConfigProperty.get(b.widget);
13521 return c1.columnSpan - c2.columnSpan;
13522 }
13523 Private.columnSpanCmp = columnSpanCmp;
13524 /**
13525 * Reallocate the box sizers for the given grid dimensions.
13526 */
13527 function reallocSizers(sizers, count) {
13528 // Coerce the count to the valid range.
13529 count = Math.max(1, Math.floor(count));
13530 // Add the missing sizers.
13531 while (sizers.length < count) {
13532 sizers.push(new BoxSizer());
13533 }
13534 // Remove the extra sizers.
13535 if (sizers.length > count) {
13536 sizers.length = count;
13537 }
13538 }
13539 Private.reallocSizers = reallocSizers;
13540 /**
13541 * Distribute a min size constraint across a range of sizers.
13542 */
13543 function distributeMin(sizers, i1, i2, minSize) {
13544 // Sanity check the indices.
13545 if (i2 < i1) {
13546 return;
13547 }
13548 // Handle the simple case of no cell span.
13549 if (i1 === i2) {
13550 var sizer = sizers[i1];
13551 sizer.minSize = Math.max(sizer.minSize, minSize);
13552 return;
13553 }
13554 // Compute the total current min size of the span.
13555 var totalMin = 0;
13556 for (var i = i1; i <= i2; ++i) {
13557 totalMin += sizers[i].minSize;
13558 }
13559 // Do nothing if the total is greater than the required.
13560 if (totalMin >= minSize) {
13561 return;
13562 }
13563 // Compute the portion of the space to allocate to each sizer.
13564 var portion = (minSize - totalMin) / (i2 - i1 + 1);
13565 // Add the portion to each sizer.
13566 for (var i = i1; i <= i2; ++i) {
13567 sizers[i].minSize += portion;
13568 }
13569 }
13570 Private.distributeMin = distributeMin;
13571 /**
13572 * The change handler for the child cell config property.
13573 */
13574 function onChildCellConfigChanged(child) {
13575 if (child.parent && child.parent.layout instanceof GridLayout) {
13576 child.parent.fit();
13577 }
13578 }
13579})(Private$4 || (Private$4 = {}));
13582 * A widget which displays menus as a canonical menu bar.
13583 */
13584var MenuBar = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
13585 __extends(MenuBar, _super);
13586 /**
13587 * Construct a new menu bar.
13588 *
13589 * @param options - The options for initializing the menu bar.
13590 */
13591 function MenuBar(options) {
13592 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
13593 var _this = _super.call(this, { node: Private$3.createNode() }) || this;
13594 _this._activeIndex = -1;
13595 _this._menus = [];
13596 _this._childMenu = null;
13597 _this.addClass('lm-MenuBar');
13598 /* <DEPRECATED> */
13599 _this.addClass('p-MenuBar');
13600 /* </DEPRECATED> */
13601 _this.setFlag(Widget.Flag.DisallowLayout);
13602 _this.renderer = options.renderer || MenuBar.defaultRenderer;
13603 _this._forceItemsPosition = options.forceItemsPosition || {
13604 forceX: true,
13605 forceY: true
13606 };
13607 return _this;
13608 }
13609 /**
13610 * Dispose of the resources held by the widget.
13611 */
13612 MenuBar.prototype.dispose = function () {
13613 this._closeChildMenu();
13614 this._menus.length = 0;
13615 _super.prototype.dispose.call(this);
13616 };
13617 Object.defineProperty(MenuBar.prototype, "childMenu", {
13618 /**
13619 * The child menu of the menu bar.
13620 *
13621 * #### Notes
13622 * This will be `null` if the menu bar does not have an open menu.
13623 */
13624 get: function () {
13625 return this._childMenu;
13626 },
13627 enumerable: true,
13628 configurable: true
13629 });
13630 Object.defineProperty(MenuBar.prototype, "contentNode", {
13631 /**
13632 * Get the menu bar content node.
13633 *
13634 * #### Notes
13635 * This is the node which holds the menu title nodes.
13636 *
13637 * Modifying this node directly can lead to undefined behavior.
13638 */
13639 get: function () {
13640 return this.node.getElementsByClassName('lm-MenuBar-content')[0];
13641 },
13642 enumerable: true,
13643 configurable: true
13644 });
13645 Object.defineProperty(MenuBar.prototype, "activeMenu", {
13646 /**
13647 * Get the currently active menu.
13648 */
13649 get: function () {
13650 return this._menus[this._activeIndex] || null;
13651 },
13652 /**
13653 * Set the currently active menu.
13654 *
13655 * #### Notes
13656 * If the menu does not exist, the menu will be set to `null`.
13657 */
13658 set: function (value) {
13659 this.activeIndex = value ? this._menus.indexOf(value) : -1;
13660 },
13661 enumerable: true,
13662 configurable: true
13663 });
13664 Object.defineProperty(MenuBar.prototype, "activeIndex", {
13665 /**
13666 * Get the index of the currently active menu.
13667 *
13668 * #### Notes
13669 * This will be `-1` if no menu is active.
13670 */
13671 get: function () {
13672 return this._activeIndex;
13673 },
13674 /**
13675 * Set the index of the currently active menu.
13676 *
13677 * #### Notes
13678 * If the menu cannot be activated, the index will be set to `-1`.
13679 */
13680 set: function (value) {
13681 // Adjust the value for an out of range index.
13682 if (value < 0 || value >= this._menus.length) {
13683 value = -1;
13684 }
13685 // Bail early if the index will not change.
13686 if (this._activeIndex === value) {
13687 return;
13688 }
13689 // Update the active index.
13690 this._activeIndex = value;
13691 // Update focus to new active index
13692 if (this._activeIndex >= 0 &&
13693 this.contentNode.childNodes[this._activeIndex]) {
13694 this.contentNode.childNodes[this._activeIndex].focus();
13695 }
13696 // Schedule an update of the items.
13697 this.update();
13698 },
13699 enumerable: true,
13700 configurable: true
13701 });
13702 Object.defineProperty(MenuBar.prototype, "menus", {
13703 /**
13704 * A read-only array of the menus in the menu bar.
13705 */
13706 get: function () {
13707 return this._menus;
13708 },
13709 enumerable: true,
13710 configurable: true
13711 });
13712 /**
13713 * Open the active menu and activate its first menu item.
13714 *
13715 * #### Notes
13716 * If there is no active menu, this is a no-op.
13717 */
13718 MenuBar.prototype.openActiveMenu = function () {
13719 // Bail early if there is no active item.
13720 if (this._activeIndex === -1) {
13721 return;
13722 }
13723 // Open the child menu.
13724 this._openChildMenu();
13725 // Activate the first item in the child menu.
13726 if (this._childMenu) {
13727 this._childMenu.activeIndex = -1;
13728 this._childMenu.activateNextItem();
13729 }
13730 };
13731 /**
13732 * Add a menu to the end of the menu bar.
13733 *
13734 * @param menu - The menu to add to the menu bar.
13735 *
13736 * #### Notes
13737 * If the menu is already added to the menu bar, it will be moved.
13738 */
13739 MenuBar.prototype.addMenu = function (menu) {
13740 this.insertMenu(this._menus.length, menu);
13741 };
13742 /**
13743 * Insert a menu into the menu bar at the specified index.
13744 *
13745 * @param index - The index at which to insert the menu.
13746 *
13747 * @param menu - The menu to insert into the menu bar.
13748 *
13749 * #### Notes
13750 * The index will be clamped to the bounds of the menus.
13751 *
13752 * If the menu is already added to the menu bar, it will be moved.
13753 */
13754 MenuBar.prototype.insertMenu = function (index, menu) {
13755 // Close the child menu before making changes.
13756 this._closeChildMenu();
13757 // Look up the index of the menu.
13758 var i = this._menus.indexOf(menu);
13759 // Clamp the insert index to the array bounds.
13760 var j = Math.max(0, Math.min(index, this._menus.length));
13761 // If the menu is not in the array, insert it.
13762 if (i === -1) {
13763 // Insert the menu into the array.
13764 ArrayExt.insert(this._menus, j, menu);
13765 // Add the styling class to the menu.
13766 menu.addClass('lm-MenuBar-menu');
13767 /* <DEPRECATED> */
13768 menu.addClass('p-MenuBar-menu');
13769 /* </DEPRECATED> */
13770 // Connect to the menu signals.
13771 menu.aboutToClose.connect(this._onMenuAboutToClose, this);
13772 menu.menuRequested.connect(this._onMenuMenuRequested, this);
13773 menu.title.changed.connect(this._onTitleChanged, this);
13774 // Schedule an update of the items.
13775 this.update();
13776 // There is nothing more to do.
13777 return;
13778 }
13779 // Otherwise, the menu exists in the array and should be moved.
13780 // Adjust the index if the location is at the end of the array.
13781 if (j === this._menus.length) {
13782 j--;
13783 }
13784 // Bail if there is no effective move.
13785 if (i === j) {
13786 return;
13787 }
13788 // Move the menu to the new locations.
13789 ArrayExt.move(this._menus, i, j);
13790 // Schedule an update of the items.
13791 this.update();
13792 };
13793 /**
13794 * Remove a menu from the menu bar.
13795 *
13796 * @param menu - The menu to remove from the menu bar.
13797 *
13798 * #### Notes
13799 * This is a no-op if the menu is not in the menu bar.
13800 */
13801 MenuBar.prototype.removeMenu = function (menu) {
13802 this.removeMenuAt(this._menus.indexOf(menu));
13803 };
13804 /**
13805 * Remove the menu at a given index from the menu bar.
13806 *
13807 * @param index - The index of the menu to remove.
13808 *
13809 * #### Notes
13810 * This is a no-op if the index is out of range.
13811 */
13812 MenuBar.prototype.removeMenuAt = function (index) {
13813 // Close the child menu before making changes.
13814 this._closeChildMenu();
13815 // Remove the menu from the array.
13816 var menu = ArrayExt.removeAt(this._menus, index);
13817 // Bail if the index is out of range.
13818 if (!menu) {
13819 return;
13820 }
13821 // Disconnect from the menu signals.
13822 menu.aboutToClose.disconnect(this._onMenuAboutToClose, this);
13823 menu.menuRequested.disconnect(this._onMenuMenuRequested, this);
13824 menu.title.changed.disconnect(this._onTitleChanged, this);
13825 // Remove the styling class from the menu.
13826 menu.removeClass('lm-MenuBar-menu');
13827 /* <DEPRECATED> */
13828 menu.removeClass('p-MenuBar-menu');
13829 /* </DEPRECATED> */
13830 // Schedule an update of the items.
13831 this.update();
13832 };
13833 /**
13834 * Remove all menus from the menu bar.
13835 */
13836 MenuBar.prototype.clearMenus = function () {
13837 // Bail if there is nothing to remove.
13838 if (this._menus.length === 0) {
13839 return;
13840 }
13841 // Close the child menu before making changes.
13842 this._closeChildMenu();
13843 // Disconnect from the menu signals and remove the styling class.
13844 for (var _i = 0, _a = this._menus; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
13845 var menu = _a[_i];
13846 menu.aboutToClose.disconnect(this._onMenuAboutToClose, this);
13847 menu.menuRequested.disconnect(this._onMenuMenuRequested, this);
13848 menu.title.changed.disconnect(this._onTitleChanged, this);
13849 menu.removeClass('lm-MenuBar-menu');
13850 /* <DEPRECATED> */
13851 menu.removeClass('p-MenuBar-menu');
13852 /* </DEPRECATED> */
13853 }
13854 // Clear the menus array.
13855 this._menus.length = 0;
13856 // Schedule an update of the items.
13857 this.update();
13858 };
13859 /**
13860 * Handle the DOM events for the menu bar.
13861 *
13862 * @param event - The DOM event sent to the menu bar.
13863 *
13864 * #### Notes
13865 * This method implements the DOM `EventListener` interface and is
13866 * called in response to events on the menu bar's DOM nodes. It
13867 * should not be called directly by user code.
13868 */
13869 MenuBar.prototype.handleEvent = function (event) {
13870 switch (event.type) {
13871 case 'keydown':
13872 this._evtKeyDown(event);
13873 break;
13874 case 'mousedown':
13875 this._evtMouseDown(event);
13876 break;
13877 case 'mousemove':
13878 this._evtMouseMove(event);
13879 break;
13880 case 'mouseleave':
13881 this._evtMouseLeave(event);
13882 break;
13883 case 'contextmenu':
13884 event.preventDefault();
13885 event.stopPropagation();
13886 break;
13887 }
13888 };
13889 /**
13890 * A message handler invoked on a `'before-attach'` message.
13891 */
13892 MenuBar.prototype.onBeforeAttach = function (msg) {
13893 this.node.addEventListener('keydown', this);
13894 this.node.addEventListener('mousedown', this);
13895 this.node.addEventListener('mousemove', this);
13896 this.node.addEventListener('mouseleave', this);
13897 this.node.addEventListener('contextmenu', this);
13898 };
13899 /**
13900 * A message handler invoked on an `'after-detach'` message.
13901 */
13902 MenuBar.prototype.onAfterDetach = function (msg) {
13903 this.node.removeEventListener('keydown', this);
13904 this.node.removeEventListener('mousedown', this);
13905 this.node.removeEventListener('mousemove', this);
13906 this.node.removeEventListener('mouseleave', this);
13907 this.node.removeEventListener('contextmenu', this);
13908 this._closeChildMenu();
13909 };
13910 /**
13911 * A message handler invoked on an `'activate-request'` message.
13912 */
13913 MenuBar.prototype.onActivateRequest = function (msg) {
13914 if (this.isAttached) {
13915 this.node.focus();
13916 }
13917 };
13918 /**
13919 * A message handler invoked on an `'update-request'` message.
13920 */
13921 MenuBar.prototype.onUpdateRequest = function (msg) {
13922 var _this = this;
13923 var menus = this._menus;
13924 var renderer = this.renderer;
13925 var activeIndex = this._activeIndex;
13926 var content = new Array(menus.length);
13927 var _loop_1 = function (i, n) {
13928 var title = menus[i].title;
13929 var active = i === activeIndex;
13930 if (active && menus[i].items.length == 0) {
13931 active = false;
13932 }
13933 content[i] = renderer.renderItem({
13934 title: title,
13935 active: active,
13936 onfocus: function () {
13937 _this.activeIndex = i;
13938 }
13939 });
13940 };
13941 for (var i = 0, n = menus.length; i < n; ++i) {
13942 _loop_1(i);
13943 }
13944 VirtualDOM.render(content, this.contentNode);
13945 };
13946 /**
13947 * Handle the `'keydown'` event for the menu bar.
13948 */
13949 MenuBar.prototype._evtKeyDown = function (event) {
13950 // A menu bar handles all keydown events.
13951 event.preventDefault();
13952 event.stopPropagation();
13953 // Fetch the key code for the event.
13954 var kc = event.keyCode;
13955 // Enter, Up Arrow, Down Arrow
13956 if (kc === 13 || kc === 38 || kc === 40) {
13957 this.openActiveMenu();
13958 return;
13959 }
13960 // Escape
13961 if (kc === 27) {
13962 this._closeChildMenu();
13963 this.activeIndex = -1;
13964 this.node.blur();
13965 return;
13966 }
13967 // Left Arrow
13968 if (kc === 37) {
13969 var i = this._activeIndex;
13970 var n = this._menus.length;
13971 this.activeIndex = i === 0 ? n - 1 : i - 1;
13972 return;
13973 }
13974 // Right Arrow
13975 if (kc === 39) {
13976 var i = this._activeIndex;
13977 var n = this._menus.length;
13978 this.activeIndex = i === n - 1 ? 0 : i + 1;
13979 return;
13980 }
13981 // Get the pressed key character.
13982 var key = getKeyboardLayout().keyForKeydownEvent(event);
13983 // Bail if the key is not valid.
13984 if (!key) {
13985 return;
13986 }
13987 // Search for the next best matching mnemonic item.
13988 var start = this._activeIndex + 1;
13989 var result = Private$3.findMnemonic(this._menus, key, start);
13990 // Handle the requested mnemonic based on the search results.
13991 // If exactly one mnemonic is matched, that menu is opened.
13992 // Otherwise, the next mnemonic is activated if available,
13993 // followed by the auto mnemonic if available.
13994 if (result.index !== -1 && !result.multiple) {
13995 this.activeIndex = result.index;
13996 this.openActiveMenu();
13997 }
13998 else if (result.index !== -1) {
13999 this.activeIndex = result.index;
14000 }
14001 else if (result.auto !== -1) {
14002 this.activeIndex = result.auto;
14003 }
14004 };
14005 /**
14006 * Handle the `'mousedown'` event for the menu bar.
14007 */
14008 MenuBar.prototype._evtMouseDown = function (event) {
14009 // Bail if the mouse press was not on the menu bar. This can occur
14010 // when the document listener is installed for an active menu bar.
14011 if (!ElementExt.hitTest(this.node, event.clientX, event.clientY)) {
14012 return;
14013 }
14014 // Stop the propagation of the event. Immediate propagation is
14015 // also stopped so that an open menu does not handle the event.
14016 event.preventDefault();
14017 event.stopPropagation();
14018 event.stopImmediatePropagation();
14019 // Check if the mouse is over one of the menu items.
14020 var index = ArrayExt.findFirstIndex(this.contentNode.children, function (node) {
14021 return ElementExt.hitTest(node, event.clientX, event.clientY);
14022 });
14023 // If the press was not on an item, close the child menu.
14024 if (index === -1) {
14025 this._closeChildMenu();
14026 return;
14027 }
14028 // If the press was not the left mouse button, do nothing further.
14029 if (event.button !== 0) {
14030 return;
14031 }
14032 // Otherwise, toggle the open state of the child menu.
14033 if (this._childMenu) {
14034 this._closeChildMenu();
14035 this.activeIndex = index;
14036 }
14037 else {
14038 this.activeIndex = index;
14039 this._openChildMenu();
14040 }
14041 };
14042 /**
14043 * Handle the `'mousemove'` event for the menu bar.
14044 */
14045 MenuBar.prototype._evtMouseMove = function (event) {
14046 // Check if the mouse is over one of the menu items.
14047 var index = ArrayExt.findFirstIndex(this.contentNode.children, function (node) {
14048 return ElementExt.hitTest(node, event.clientX, event.clientY);
14049 });
14050 // Bail early if the active index will not change.
14051 if (index === this._activeIndex) {
14052 return;
14053 }
14054 // Bail early if a child menu is open and the mouse is not over
14055 // an item. This allows the child menu to be kept open when the
14056 // mouse is over the empty part of the menu bar.
14057 if (index === -1 && this._childMenu) {
14058 return;
14059 }
14060 // Update the active index to the hovered item.
14061 this.activeIndex = index;
14062 // Open the new menu if a menu is already open.
14063 if (this._childMenu) {
14064 this._openChildMenu();
14065 }
14066 };
14067 /**
14068 * Handle the `'mouseleave'` event for the menu bar.
14069 */
14070 MenuBar.prototype._evtMouseLeave = function (event) {
14071 // Reset the active index if there is no open menu.
14072 if (!this._childMenu) {
14073 this.activeIndex = -1;
14074 }
14075 };
14076 /**
14077 * Open the child menu at the active index immediately.
14078 *
14079 * If a different child menu is already open, it will be closed,
14080 * even if there is no active menu.
14081 */
14082 MenuBar.prototype._openChildMenu = function () {
14083 // If there is no active menu, close the current menu.
14084 var newMenu = this.activeMenu;
14085 if (!newMenu) {
14086 this._closeChildMenu();
14087 return;
14088 }
14089 // Bail if there is no effective menu change.
14090 var oldMenu = this._childMenu;
14091 if (oldMenu === newMenu) {
14092 return;
14093 }
14094 // Swap the internal menu reference.
14095 this._childMenu = newMenu;
14096 // Close the current menu, or setup for the new menu.
14097 if (oldMenu) {
14098 oldMenu.close();
14099 }
14100 else {
14101 this.addClass('lm-mod-active');
14102 /* <DEPRECATED> */
14103 this.addClass('p-mod-active');
14104 /* </DEPRECATED> */
14105 document.addEventListener('mousedown', this, true);
14106 }
14107 // Ensure the menu bar is updated and look up the item node.
14108 MessageLoop.sendMessage(this, Widget.Msg.UpdateRequest);
14109 var itemNode = this.contentNode.children[this._activeIndex];
14110 // Get the positioning data for the new menu.
14111 var _a = itemNode.getBoundingClientRect(), left = _a.left, bottom = _a.bottom;
14112 // Open the new menu at the computed location.
14113 if (newMenu.items.length > 0) {
14114 newMenu.open(left, bottom, this._forceItemsPosition);
14115 }
14116 };
14117 /**
14118 * Close the child menu immediately.
14119 *
14120 * This is a no-op if a child menu is not open.
14121 */
14122 MenuBar.prototype._closeChildMenu = function () {
14123 // Bail if no child menu is open.
14124 if (!this._childMenu) {
14125 return;
14126 }
14127 // Remove the active class from the menu bar.
14128 this.removeClass('lm-mod-active');
14129 /* <DEPRECATED> */
14130 this.removeClass('p-mod-active');
14131 /* </DEPRECATED> */
14132 // Remove the document listeners.
14133 document.removeEventListener('mousedown', this, true);
14134 // Clear the internal menu reference.
14135 var menu = this._childMenu;
14136 this._childMenu = null;
14137 // Close the menu.
14138 menu.close();
14139 // Reset the active index.
14140 this.activeIndex = -1;
14141 };
14142 /**
14143 * Handle the `aboutToClose` signal of a menu.
14144 */
14145 MenuBar.prototype._onMenuAboutToClose = function (sender) {
14146 // Bail if the sender is not the child menu.
14147 if (sender !== this._childMenu) {
14148 return;
14149 }
14150 // Remove the active class from the menu bar.
14151 this.removeClass('lm-mod-active');
14152 /* <DEPRECATED> */
14153 this.removeClass('p-mod-active');
14154 /* </DEPRECATED> */
14155 // Remove the document listeners.
14156 document.removeEventListener('mousedown', this, true);
14157 // Clear the internal menu reference.
14158 this._childMenu = null;
14159 // Reset the active index.
14160 this.activeIndex = -1;
14161 };
14162 /**
14163 * Handle the `menuRequested` signal of a child menu.
14164 */
14165 MenuBar.prototype._onMenuMenuRequested = function (sender, args) {
14166 // Bail if the sender is not the child menu.
14167 if (sender !== this._childMenu) {
14168 return;
14169 }
14170 // Look up the active index and menu count.
14171 var i = this._activeIndex;
14172 var n = this._menus.length;
14173 // Active the next requested index.
14174 switch (args) {
14175 case 'next':
14176 this.activeIndex = i === n - 1 ? 0 : i + 1;
14177 break;
14178 case 'previous':
14179 this.activeIndex = i === 0 ? n - 1 : i - 1;
14180 break;
14181 }
14182 // Open the active menu.
14183 this.openActiveMenu();
14184 };
14185 /**
14186 * Handle the `changed` signal of a title object.
14187 */
14188 MenuBar.prototype._onTitleChanged = function () {
14189 this.update();
14190 };
14191 return MenuBar;
14194 * The namespace for the `MenuBar` class statics.
14195 */
14196(function (MenuBar) {
14197 /**
14198 * The default implementation of `IRenderer`.
14199 *
14200 * #### Notes
14201 * Subclasses are free to reimplement rendering methods as needed.
14202 */
14203 var Renderer = /** @class */ (function () {
14204 function Renderer() {
14205 }
14206 /**
14207 * Render the virtual element for a menu bar item.
14208 *
14209 * @param data - The data to use for rendering the item.
14210 *
14211 * @returns A virtual element representing the item.
14212 */
14213 Renderer.prototype.renderItem = function (data) {
14214 var className = this.createItemClass(data);
14215 var dataset = this.createItemDataset(data);
14216 var aria = this.createItemARIA(data);
14217 return h.li(__assign({ className: className, dataset: dataset, tabindex: '0', onfocus: data.onfocus }, aria), this.renderIcon(data), this.renderLabel(data));
14218 };
14219 /**
14220 * Render the icon element for a menu bar item.
14221 *
14222 * @param data - The data to use for rendering the icon.
14223 *
14224 * @returns A virtual element representing the item icon.
14225 */
14226 Renderer.prototype.renderIcon = function (data) {
14227 var className = this.createIconClass(data);
14228 /* <DEPRECATED> */
14229 if (typeof data.title.icon === 'string') {
14230 return h.div({ className: className }, data.title.iconLabel);
14231 }
14232 /* </DEPRECATED> */
14233 // if data.title.icon is undefined, it will be ignored
14234 return h.div({ className: className }, data.title.icon, data.title.iconLabel);
14235 };
14236 /**
14237 * Render the label element for a menu item.
14238 *
14239 * @param data - The data to use for rendering the label.
14240 *
14241 * @returns A virtual element representing the item label.
14242 */
14243 Renderer.prototype.renderLabel = function (data) {
14244 var content = this.formatLabel(data);
14245 return h.div({
14246 className: 'lm-MenuBar-itemLabel' +
14247 /* <DEPRECATED> */
14248 ' p-MenuBar-itemLabel'
14249 /* </DEPRECATED> */
14250 }, content);
14251 };
14252 /**
14253 * Create the class name for the menu bar item.
14254 *
14255 * @param data - The data to use for the class name.
14256 *
14257 * @returns The full class name for the menu item.
14258 */
14259 Renderer.prototype.createItemClass = function (data) {
14260 var name = 'lm-MenuBar-item';
14261 /* <DEPRECATED> */
14262 name += ' p-MenuBar-item';
14263 /* </DEPRECATED> */
14264 if (data.title.className) {
14265 name += " " + data.title.className;
14266 }
14267 if (data.active) {
14268 name += ' lm-mod-active';
14269 /* <DEPRECATED> */
14270 name += ' p-mod-active';
14271 /* </DEPRECATED> */
14272 }
14273 return name;
14274 };
14275 /**
14276 * Create the dataset for a menu bar item.
14277 *
14278 * @param data - The data to use for the item.
14279 *
14280 * @returns The dataset for the menu bar item.
14281 */
14282 Renderer.prototype.createItemDataset = function (data) {
14283 return data.title.dataset;
14284 };
14285 /**
14286 * Create the aria attributes for menu bar item.
14287 *
14288 * @param data - The data to use for the aria attributes.
14289 *
14290 * @returns The aria attributes object for the item.
14291 */
14292 Renderer.prototype.createItemARIA = function (data) {
14293 return { role: 'menuitem', 'aria-haspopup': 'true' };
14294 };
14295 /**
14296 * Create the class name for the menu bar item icon.
14297 *
14298 * @param data - The data to use for the class name.
14299 *
14300 * @returns The full class name for the item icon.
14301 */
14302 Renderer.prototype.createIconClass = function (data) {
14303 var name = 'lm-MenuBar-itemIcon';
14304 /* <DEPRECATED> */
14305 name += ' p-MenuBar-itemIcon';
14306 /* </DEPRECATED> */
14307 var extra = data.title.iconClass;
14308 return extra ? name + " " + extra : name;
14309 };
14310 /**
14311 * Create the render content for the label node.
14312 *
14313 * @param data - The data to use for the label content.
14314 *
14315 * @returns The content to add to the label node.
14316 */
14317 Renderer.prototype.formatLabel = function (data) {
14318 // Fetch the label text and mnemonic index.
14319 var _a = data.title, label = _a.label, mnemonic = _a.mnemonic;
14320 // If the index is out of range, do not modify the label.
14321 if (mnemonic < 0 || mnemonic >= label.length) {
14322 return label;
14323 }
14324 // Split the label into parts.
14325 var prefix = label.slice(0, mnemonic);
14326 var suffix = label.slice(mnemonic + 1);
14327 var char = label[mnemonic];
14328 // Wrap the mnemonic character in a span.
14329 var span = h.span({
14330 className: 'lm-MenuBar-itemMnemonic' +
14331 /* <DEPRECATED> */
14332 ' p-MenuBar-itemMnemonic'
14333 /* </DEPRECATED> */
14334 }, char);
14335 // Return the content parts.
14336 return [prefix, span, suffix];
14337 };
14338 return Renderer;
14339 }());
14340 MenuBar.Renderer = Renderer;
14341 /**
14342 * The default `Renderer` instance.
14343 */
14344 MenuBar.defaultRenderer = new Renderer();
14345})(MenuBar || (MenuBar = {}));
14347 * The namespace for the module implementation details.
14348 */
14349var Private$3;
14350(function (Private) {
14351 /**
14352 * Create the DOM node for a menu bar.
14353 */
14354 function createNode() {
14355 var node = document.createElement('div');
14356 var content = document.createElement('ul');
14357 content.className = 'lm-MenuBar-content';
14358 /* <DEPRECATED> */
14359 content.classList.add('p-MenuBar-content');
14360 /* </DEPRECATED> */
14361 node.appendChild(content);
14362 content.setAttribute('role', 'menubar');
14363 node.tabIndex = 0;
14364 content.tabIndex = 0;
14365 return node;
14366 }
14367 Private.createNode = createNode;
14368 /**
14369 * Find the best matching mnemonic item.
14370 *
14371 * The search starts at the given index and wraps around.
14372 */
14373 function findMnemonic(menus, key, start) {
14374 // Setup the result variables.
14375 var index = -1;
14376 var auto = -1;
14377 var multiple = false;
14378 // Normalize the key to upper case.
14379 var upperKey = key.toUpperCase();
14380 // Search the items from the given start index.
14381 for (var i = 0, n = menus.length; i < n; ++i) {
14382 // Compute the wrapped index.
14383 var k = (i + start) % n;
14384 // Look up the menu title.
14385 var title = menus[k].title;
14386 // Ignore titles with an empty label.
14387 if (title.label.length === 0) {
14388 continue;
14389 }
14390 // Look up the mnemonic index for the label.
14391 var mn = title.mnemonic;
14392 // Handle a valid mnemonic index.
14393 if (mn >= 0 && mn < title.label.length) {
14394 if (title.label[mn].toUpperCase() === upperKey) {
14395 if (index === -1) {
14396 index = k;
14397 }
14398 else {
14399 multiple = true;
14400 }
14401 }
14402 continue;
14403 }
14404 // Finally, handle the auto index if possible.
14405 if (auto === -1 && title.label[0].toUpperCase() === upperKey) {
14406 auto = k;
14407 }
14408 }
14409 // Return the search results.
14410 return { index: index, multiple: multiple, auto: auto };
14411 }
14412 Private.findMnemonic = findMnemonic;
14413})(Private$3 || (Private$3 = {}));
14416 * A widget which implements a canonical scroll bar.
14417 */
14418var ScrollBar = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
14419 __extends(ScrollBar, _super);
14420 /**
14421 * Construct a new scroll bar.
14422 *
14423 * @param options - The options for initializing the scroll bar.
14424 */
14425 function ScrollBar(options) {
14426 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
14427 var _this = _super.call(this, { node: Private$2.createNode() }) || this;
14428 /**
14429 * A timeout callback for repeating the mouse press.
14430 */
14431 _this._onRepeat = function () {
14432 // Clear the repeat timer id.
14433 _this._repeatTimer = -1;
14434 // Bail if the mouse has been released.
14435 if (!_this._pressData) {
14436 return;
14437 }
14438 // Look up the part that was pressed.
14439 var part = _this._pressData.part;
14440 // Bail if the thumb was pressed.
14441 if (part === 'thumb') {
14442 return;
14443 }
14444 // Schedule the timer for another repeat.
14445 _this._repeatTimer = window.setTimeout(_this._onRepeat, 20);
14446 // Get the current mouse position.
14447 var mouseX = _this._pressData.mouseX;
14448 var mouseY = _this._pressData.mouseY;
14449 // Handle a decrement button repeat.
14450 if (part === 'decrement') {
14451 // Bail if the mouse is not over the button.
14452 if (!ElementExt.hitTest(_this.decrementNode, mouseX, mouseY)) {
14453 return;
14454 }
14455 // Emit the step requested signal.
14456 _this._stepRequested.emit('decrement');
14457 // Finished.
14458 return;
14459 }
14460 // Handle an increment button repeat.
14461 if (part === 'increment') {
14462 // Bail if the mouse is not over the button.
14463 if (!ElementExt.hitTest(_this.incrementNode, mouseX, mouseY)) {
14464 return;
14465 }
14466 // Emit the step requested signal.
14467 _this._stepRequested.emit('increment');
14468 // Finished.
14469 return;
14470 }
14471 // Handle a track repeat.
14472 if (part === 'track') {
14473 // Bail if the mouse is not over the track.
14474 if (!ElementExt.hitTest(_this.trackNode, mouseX, mouseY)) {
14475 return;
14476 }
14477 // Fetch the thumb node.
14478 var thumbNode = _this.thumbNode;
14479 // Bail if the mouse is over the thumb.
14480 if (ElementExt.hitTest(thumbNode, mouseX, mouseY)) {
14481 return;
14482 }
14483 // Fetch the client rect for the thumb.
14484 var thumbRect = thumbNode.getBoundingClientRect();
14485 // Determine the direction for the page request.
14486 var dir = void 0;
14487 if (_this._orientation === 'horizontal') {
14488 dir = mouseX < thumbRect.left ? 'decrement' : 'increment';
14489 }
14490 else {
14491 dir = mouseY < thumbRect.top ? 'decrement' : 'increment';
14492 }
14493 // Emit the page requested signal.
14494 _this._pageRequested.emit(dir);
14495 // Finished.
14496 return;
14497 }
14498 };
14499 _this._value = 0;
14500 _this._page = 10;
14501 _this._maximum = 100;
14502 _this._repeatTimer = -1;
14503 _this._pressData = null;
14504 _this._thumbMoved = new Signal(_this);
14505 _this._stepRequested = new Signal(_this);
14506 _this._pageRequested = new Signal(_this);
14507 _this.addClass('lm-ScrollBar');
14508 /* <DEPRECATED> */
14509 _this.addClass('p-ScrollBar');
14510 /* </DEPRECATED> */
14511 _this.setFlag(Widget.Flag.DisallowLayout);
14512 // Set the orientation.
14513 _this._orientation = options.orientation || 'vertical';
14514 _this.dataset['orientation'] = _this._orientation;
14515 // Parse the rest of the options.
14516 if (options.maximum !== undefined) {
14517 _this._maximum = Math.max(0, options.maximum);
14518 }
14519 if (options.page !== undefined) {
14520 _this._page = Math.max(0, options.page);
14521 }
14522 if (options.value !== undefined) {
14523 _this._value = Math.max(0, Math.min(options.value, _this._maximum));
14524 }
14525 return _this;
14526 }
14527 Object.defineProperty(ScrollBar.prototype, "thumbMoved", {
14528 /**
14529 * A signal emitted when the user moves the scroll thumb.
14530 *
14531 * #### Notes
14532 * The payload is the current value of the scroll bar.
14533 */
14534 get: function () {
14535 return this._thumbMoved;
14536 },
14537 enumerable: true,
14538 configurable: true
14539 });
14540 Object.defineProperty(ScrollBar.prototype, "stepRequested", {
14541 /**
14542 * A signal emitted when the user clicks a step button.
14543 *
14544 * #### Notes
14545 * The payload is whether a decrease or increase is requested.
14546 */
14547 get: function () {
14548 return this._stepRequested;
14549 },
14550 enumerable: true,
14551 configurable: true
14552 });
14553 Object.defineProperty(ScrollBar.prototype, "pageRequested", {
14554 /**
14555 * A signal emitted when the user clicks the scroll track.
14556 *
14557 * #### Notes
14558 * The payload is whether a decrease or increase is requested.
14559 */
14560 get: function () {
14561 return this._pageRequested;
14562 },
14563 enumerable: true,
14564 configurable: true
14565 });
14566 Object.defineProperty(ScrollBar.prototype, "orientation", {
14567 /**
14568 * Get the orientation of the scroll bar.
14569 */
14570 get: function () {
14571 return this._orientation;
14572 },
14573 /**
14574 * Set the orientation of the scroll bar.
14575 */
14576 set: function (value) {
14577 // Do nothing if the orientation does not change.
14578 if (this._orientation === value) {
14579 return;
14580 }
14581 // Release the mouse before making changes.
14582 this._releaseMouse();
14583 // Update the internal orientation.
14584 this._orientation = value;
14585 this.dataset['orientation'] = value;
14586 // Schedule an update the scroll bar.
14587 this.update();
14588 },
14589 enumerable: true,
14590 configurable: true
14591 });
14592 Object.defineProperty(ScrollBar.prototype, "value", {
14593 /**
14594 * Get the current value of the scroll bar.
14595 */
14596 get: function () {
14597 return this._value;
14598 },
14599 /**
14600 * Set the current value of the scroll bar.
14601 *
14602 * #### Notes
14603 * The value will be clamped to the range `[0, maximum]`.
14604 */
14605 set: function (value) {
14606 // Clamp the value to the allowable range.
14607 value = Math.max(0, Math.min(value, this._maximum));
14608 // Do nothing if the value does not change.
14609 if (this._value === value) {
14610 return;
14611 }
14612 // Update the internal value.
14613 this._value = value;
14614 // Schedule an update the scroll bar.
14615 this.update();
14616 },
14617 enumerable: true,
14618 configurable: true
14619 });
14620 Object.defineProperty(ScrollBar.prototype, "page", {
14621 /**
14622 * Get the page size of the scroll bar.
14623 *
14624 * #### Notes
14625 * The page size is the amount of visible content in the scrolled
14626 * region, expressed in data units. It determines the size of the
14627 * scroll bar thumb.
14628 */
14629 get: function () {
14630 return this._page;
14631 },
14632 /**
14633 * Set the page size of the scroll bar.
14634 *
14635 * #### Notes
14636 * The page size will be clamped to the range `[0, Infinity]`.
14637 */
14638 set: function (value) {
14639 // Clamp the page size to the allowable range.
14640 value = Math.max(0, value);
14641 // Do nothing if the value does not change.
14642 if (this._page === value) {
14643 return;
14644 }
14645 // Update the internal page size.
14646 this._page = value;
14647 // Schedule an update the scroll bar.
14648 this.update();
14649 },
14650 enumerable: true,
14651 configurable: true
14652 });
14653 Object.defineProperty(ScrollBar.prototype, "maximum", {
14654 /**
14655 * Get the maximum value of the scroll bar.
14656 */
14657 get: function () {
14658 return this._maximum;
14659 },
14660 /**
14661 * Set the maximum value of the scroll bar.
14662 *
14663 * #### Notes
14664 * The max size will be clamped to the range `[0, Infinity]`.
14665 */
14666 set: function (value) {
14667 // Clamp the value to the allowable range.
14668 value = Math.max(0, value);
14669 // Do nothing if the value does not change.
14670 if (this._maximum === value) {
14671 return;
14672 }
14673 // Update the internal values.
14674 this._maximum = value;
14675 // Clamp the current value to the new range.
14676 this._value = Math.min(this._value, value);
14677 // Schedule an update the scroll bar.
14678 this.update();
14679 },
14680 enumerable: true,
14681 configurable: true
14682 });
14683 Object.defineProperty(ScrollBar.prototype, "decrementNode", {
14684 /**
14685 * The scroll bar decrement button node.
14686 *
14687 * #### Notes
14688 * Modifying this node directly can lead to undefined behavior.
14689 */
14690 get: function () {
14691 return this.node.getElementsByClassName('lm-ScrollBar-button')[0];
14692 },
14693 enumerable: true,
14694 configurable: true
14695 });
14696 Object.defineProperty(ScrollBar.prototype, "incrementNode", {
14697 /**
14698 * The scroll bar increment button node.
14699 *
14700 * #### Notes
14701 * Modifying this node directly can lead to undefined behavior.
14702 */
14703 get: function () {
14704 return this.node.getElementsByClassName('lm-ScrollBar-button')[1];
14705 },
14706 enumerable: true,
14707 configurable: true
14708 });
14709 Object.defineProperty(ScrollBar.prototype, "trackNode", {
14710 /**
14711 * The scroll bar track node.
14712 *
14713 * #### Notes
14714 * Modifying this node directly can lead to undefined behavior.
14715 */
14716 get: function () {
14717 return this.node.getElementsByClassName('lm-ScrollBar-track')[0];
14718 },
14719 enumerable: true,
14720 configurable: true
14721 });
14722 Object.defineProperty(ScrollBar.prototype, "thumbNode", {
14723 /**
14724 * The scroll bar thumb node.
14725 *
14726 * #### Notes
14727 * Modifying this node directly can lead to undefined behavior.
14728 */
14729 get: function () {
14730 return this.node.getElementsByClassName('lm-ScrollBar-thumb')[0];
14731 },
14732 enumerable: true,
14733 configurable: true
14734 });
14735 /**
14736 * Handle the DOM events for the scroll bar.
14737 *
14738 * @param event - The DOM event sent to the scroll bar.
14739 *
14740 * #### Notes
14741 * This method implements the DOM `EventListener` interface and is
14742 * called in response to events on the scroll bar's DOM node.
14743 *
14744 * This should not be called directly by user code.
14745 */
14746 ScrollBar.prototype.handleEvent = function (event) {
14747 switch (event.type) {
14748 case 'mousedown':
14749 this._evtMouseDown(event);
14750 break;
14751 case 'mousemove':
14752 this._evtMouseMove(event);
14753 break;
14754 case 'mouseup':
14755 this._evtMouseUp(event);
14756 break;
14757 case 'keydown':
14758 this._evtKeyDown(event);
14759 break;
14760 case 'contextmenu':
14761 event.preventDefault();
14762 event.stopPropagation();
14763 break;
14764 }
14765 };
14766 /**
14767 * A method invoked on a 'before-attach' message.
14768 */
14769 ScrollBar.prototype.onBeforeAttach = function (msg) {
14770 this.node.addEventListener('mousedown', this);
14771 this.update();
14772 };
14773 /**
14774 * A method invoked on an 'after-detach' message.
14775 */
14776 ScrollBar.prototype.onAfterDetach = function (msg) {
14777 this.node.removeEventListener('mousedown', this);
14778 this._releaseMouse();
14779 };
14780 /**
14781 * A method invoked on an 'update-request' message.
14782 */
14783 ScrollBar.prototype.onUpdateRequest = function (msg) {
14784 // Convert the value and page into percentages.
14785 var value = (this._value * 100) / this._maximum;
14786 var page = (this._page * 100) / (this._page + this._maximum);
14787 // Clamp the value and page to the relevant range.
14788 value = Math.max(0, Math.min(value, 100));
14789 page = Math.max(0, Math.min(page, 100));
14790 // Fetch the thumb style.
14791 var thumbStyle = this.thumbNode.style;
14792 // Update the thumb style for the current orientation.
14793 if (this._orientation === 'horizontal') {
14794 thumbStyle.top = '';
14795 thumbStyle.height = '';
14796 thumbStyle.left = value + "%";
14797 thumbStyle.width = page + "%";
14798 thumbStyle.transform = "translate(" + -value + "%, 0%)";
14799 }
14800 else {
14801 thumbStyle.left = '';
14802 thumbStyle.width = '';
14803 thumbStyle.top = value + "%";
14804 thumbStyle.height = page + "%";
14805 thumbStyle.transform = "translate(0%, " + -value + "%)";
14806 }
14807 };
14808 /**
14809 * Handle the `'keydown'` event for the scroll bar.
14810 */
14811 ScrollBar.prototype._evtKeyDown = function (event) {
14812 // Stop all input events during drag.
14813 event.preventDefault();
14814 event.stopPropagation();
14815 // Ignore anything except the `Escape` key.
14816 if (event.keyCode !== 27) {
14817 return;
14818 }
14819 // Fetch the previous scroll value.
14820 var value = this._pressData ? this._pressData.value : -1;
14821 // Release the mouse.
14822 this._releaseMouse();
14823 // Restore the old scroll value if possible.
14824 if (value !== -1) {
14825 this._moveThumb(value);
14826 }
14827 };
14828 /**
14829 * Handle the `'mousedown'` event for the scroll bar.
14830 */
14831 ScrollBar.prototype._evtMouseDown = function (event) {
14832 // Do nothing if it's not a left mouse press.
14833 if (event.button !== 0) {
14834 return;
14835 }
14836 // Send an activate request to the scroll bar. This can be
14837 // used by message hooks to activate something relevant.
14838 this.activate();
14839 // Do nothing if the mouse is already captured.
14840 if (this._pressData) {
14841 return;
14842 }
14843 // Find the pressed scroll bar part.
14844 var part = Private$2.findPart(this, event.target);
14845 // Do nothing if the part is not of interest.
14846 if (!part) {
14847 return;
14848 }
14849 // Stop the event propagation.
14850 event.preventDefault();
14851 event.stopPropagation();
14852 // Override the mouse cursor.
14853 var override = Drag.overrideCursor('default');
14854 // Set up the press data.
14855 this._pressData = {
14856 part: part,
14857 override: override,
14858 delta: -1,
14859 value: -1,
14860 mouseX: event.clientX,
14861 mouseY: event.clientY
14862 };
14863 // Add the extra event listeners.
14864 document.addEventListener('mousemove', this, true);
14865 document.addEventListener('mouseup', this, true);
14866 document.addEventListener('keydown', this, true);
14867 document.addEventListener('contextmenu', this, true);
14868 // Handle a thumb press.
14869 if (part === 'thumb') {
14870 // Fetch the thumb node.
14871 var thumbNode = this.thumbNode;
14872 // Fetch the client rect for the thumb.
14873 var thumbRect = thumbNode.getBoundingClientRect();
14874 // Update the press data delta for the current orientation.
14875 if (this._orientation === 'horizontal') {
14876 this._pressData.delta = event.clientX - thumbRect.left;
14877 }
14878 else {
14879 this._pressData.delta = event.clientY - thumbRect.top;
14880 }
14881 // Add the active class to the thumb node.
14882 thumbNode.classList.add('lm-mod-active');
14883 /* <DEPRECATED> */
14884 thumbNode.classList.add('p-mod-active');
14885 /* </DEPRECATED> */
14886 // Store the current value in the press data.
14887 this._pressData.value = this._value;
14888 // Finished.
14889 return;
14890 }
14891 // Handle a track press.
14892 if (part === 'track') {
14893 // Fetch the client rect for the thumb.
14894 var thumbRect = this.thumbNode.getBoundingClientRect();
14895 // Determine the direction for the page request.
14896 var dir = void 0;
14897 if (this._orientation === 'horizontal') {
14898 dir = event.clientX < thumbRect.left ? 'decrement' : 'increment';
14899 }
14900 else {
14901 dir = event.clientY < thumbRect.top ? 'decrement' : 'increment';
14902 }
14903 // Start the repeat timer.
14904 this._repeatTimer = window.setTimeout(this._onRepeat, 350);
14905 // Emit the page requested signal.
14906 this._pageRequested.emit(dir);
14907 // Finished.
14908 return;
14909 }
14910 // Handle a decrement button press.
14911 if (part === 'decrement') {
14912 // Add the active class to the decrement node.
14913 this.decrementNode.classList.add('lm-mod-active');
14914 /* <DEPRECATED> */
14915 this.decrementNode.classList.add('p-mod-active');
14916 /* </DEPRECATED> */
14917 // Start the repeat timer.
14918 this._repeatTimer = window.setTimeout(this._onRepeat, 350);
14919 // Emit the step requested signal.
14920 this._stepRequested.emit('decrement');
14921 // Finished.
14922 return;
14923 }
14924 // Handle an increment button press.
14925 if (part === 'increment') {
14926 // Add the active class to the increment node.
14927 this.incrementNode.classList.add('lm-mod-active');
14928 /* <DEPRECATED> */
14929 this.incrementNode.classList.add('p-mod-active');
14930 /* </DEPRECATED> */
14931 // Start the repeat timer.
14932 this._repeatTimer = window.setTimeout(this._onRepeat, 350);
14933 // Emit the step requested signal.
14934 this._stepRequested.emit('increment');
14935 // Finished.
14936 return;
14937 }
14938 };
14939 /**
14940 * Handle the `'mousemove'` event for the scroll bar.
14941 */
14942 ScrollBar.prototype._evtMouseMove = function (event) {
14943 // Do nothing if no drag is in progress.
14944 if (!this._pressData) {
14945 return;
14946 }
14947 // Stop the event propagation.
14948 event.preventDefault();
14949 event.stopPropagation();
14950 // Update the mouse position.
14951 this._pressData.mouseX = event.clientX;
14952 this._pressData.mouseY = event.clientY;
14953 // Bail if the thumb is not being dragged.
14954 if (this._pressData.part !== 'thumb') {
14955 return;
14956 }
14957 // Get the client rect for the thumb and track.
14958 var thumbRect = this.thumbNode.getBoundingClientRect();
14959 var trackRect = this.trackNode.getBoundingClientRect();
14960 // Fetch the scroll geometry based on the orientation.
14961 var trackPos;
14962 var trackSpan;
14963 if (this._orientation === 'horizontal') {
14964 trackPos = event.clientX - trackRect.left - this._pressData.delta;
14965 trackSpan = trackRect.width - thumbRect.width;
14966 }
14967 else {
14968 trackPos = event.clientY - trackRect.top - this._pressData.delta;
14969 trackSpan = trackRect.height - thumbRect.height;
14970 }
14971 // Compute the desired value from the scroll geometry.
14972 var value = trackSpan === 0 ? 0 : (trackPos * this._maximum) / trackSpan;
14973 // Move the thumb to the computed value.
14974 this._moveThumb(value);
14975 };
14976 /**
14977 * Handle the `'mouseup'` event for the scroll bar.
14978 */
14979 ScrollBar.prototype._evtMouseUp = function (event) {
14980 // Do nothing if it's not a left mouse release.
14981 if (event.button !== 0) {
14982 return;
14983 }
14984 // Stop the event propagation.
14985 event.preventDefault();
14986 event.stopPropagation();
14987 // Release the mouse.
14988 this._releaseMouse();
14989 };
14990 /**
14991 * Release the mouse and restore the node states.
14992 */
14993 ScrollBar.prototype._releaseMouse = function () {
14994 // Bail if there is no press data.
14995 if (!this._pressData) {
14996 return;
14997 }
14998 // Clear the repeat timer.
14999 clearTimeout(this._repeatTimer);
15000 this._repeatTimer = -1;
15001 // Clear the press data.
15002 this._pressData.override.dispose();
15003 this._pressData = null;
15004 // Remove the extra event listeners.
15005 document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this, true);
15006 document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this, true);
15007 document.removeEventListener('keydown', this, true);
15008 document.removeEventListener('contextmenu', this, true);
15009 // Remove the active classes from the nodes.
15010 this.thumbNode.classList.remove('lm-mod-active');
15011 this.decrementNode.classList.remove('lm-mod-active');
15012 this.incrementNode.classList.remove('lm-mod-active');
15013 /* <DEPRECATED> */
15014 this.thumbNode.classList.remove('p-mod-active');
15015 this.decrementNode.classList.remove('p-mod-active');
15016 this.incrementNode.classList.remove('p-mod-active');
15017 /* </DEPRECATED> */
15018 };
15019 /**
15020 * Move the thumb to the specified position.
15021 */
15022 ScrollBar.prototype._moveThumb = function (value) {
15023 // Clamp the value to the allowed range.
15024 value = Math.max(0, Math.min(value, this._maximum));
15025 // Bail if the value does not change.
15026 if (this._value === value) {
15027 return;
15028 }
15029 // Update the internal value.
15030 this._value = value;
15031 // Schedule an update of the scroll bar.
15032 this.update();
15033 // Emit the thumb moved signal.
15034 this._thumbMoved.emit(value);
15035 };
15036 return ScrollBar;
15039 * The namespace for the module implementation details.
15040 */
15041var Private$2;
15042(function (Private) {
15043 /**
15044 * Create the DOM node for a scroll bar.
15045 */
15046 function createNode() {
15047 var node = document.createElement('div');
15048 var decrement = document.createElement('div');
15049 var increment = document.createElement('div');
15050 var track = document.createElement('div');
15051 var thumb = document.createElement('div');
15052 decrement.className = 'lm-ScrollBar-button';
15053 increment.className = 'lm-ScrollBar-button';
15054 decrement.dataset['action'] = 'decrement';
15055 increment.dataset['action'] = 'increment';
15056 track.className = 'lm-ScrollBar-track';
15057 thumb.className = 'lm-ScrollBar-thumb';
15058 /* <DEPRECATED> */
15059 decrement.classList.add('p-ScrollBar-button');
15060 increment.classList.add('p-ScrollBar-button');
15061 track.classList.add('p-ScrollBar-track');
15062 thumb.classList.add('p-ScrollBar-thumb');
15063 /* </DEPRECATED> */
15064 track.appendChild(thumb);
15065 node.appendChild(decrement);
15066 node.appendChild(track);
15067 node.appendChild(increment);
15068 return node;
15069 }
15070 Private.createNode = createNode;
15071 /**
15072 * Find the scroll bar part which contains the given target.
15073 */
15074 function findPart(scrollBar, target) {
15075 // Test the thumb.
15076 if (scrollBar.thumbNode.contains(target)) {
15077 return 'thumb';
15078 }
15079 // Test the track.
15080 if (scrollBar.trackNode.contains(target)) {
15081 return 'track';
15082 }
15083 // Test the decrement button.
15084 if (scrollBar.decrementNode.contains(target)) {
15085 return 'decrement';
15086 }
15087 // Test the increment button.
15088 if (scrollBar.incrementNode.contains(target)) {
15089 return 'increment';
15090 }
15091 // Indicate no match.
15092 return null;
15093 }
15094 Private.findPart = findPart;
15095})(Private$2 || (Private$2 = {}));
15098 * A concrete layout implementation which holds a single widget.
15099 *
15100 * #### Notes
15101 * This class is useful for creating simple container widgets which
15102 * hold a single child. The child should be positioned with CSS.
15103 */
15104var SingletonLayout = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
15105 __extends(SingletonLayout, _super);
15106 function SingletonLayout() {
15107 var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
15108 _this._widget = null;
15109 return _this;
15110 }
15111 /**
15112 * Dispose of the resources held by the layout.
15113 */
15114 SingletonLayout.prototype.dispose = function () {
15115 if (this._widget) {
15116 var widget = this._widget;
15117 this._widget = null;
15118 widget.dispose();
15119 }
15120 _super.prototype.dispose.call(this);
15121 };
15122 Object.defineProperty(SingletonLayout.prototype, "widget", {
15123 /**
15124 * Get the child widget for the layout.
15125 */
15126 get: function () {
15127 return this._widget;
15128 },
15129 /**
15130 * Set the child widget for the layout.
15131 *
15132 * #### Notes
15133 * Setting the child widget will cause the old child widget to be
15134 * automatically disposed. If that is not desired, set the parent
15135 * of the old child to `null` before assigning a new child.
15136 */
15137 set: function (widget) {
15138 // Remove the widget from its current parent. This is a no-op
15139 // if the widget's parent is already the layout parent widget.
15140 if (widget) {
15141 widget.parent = this.parent;
15142 }
15143 // Bail early if the widget does not change.
15144 if (this._widget === widget) {
15145 return;
15146 }
15147 // Dispose of the old child widget.
15148 if (this._widget) {
15149 this._widget.dispose();
15150 }
15151 // Update the internal widget.
15152 this._widget = widget;
15153 // Attach the new child widget if needed.
15154 if (this.parent && widget) {
15155 this.attachWidget(widget);
15156 }
15157 },
15158 enumerable: true,
15159 configurable: true
15160 });
15161 /**
15162 * Create an iterator over the widgets in the layout.
15163 *
15164 * @returns A new iterator over the widgets in the layout.
15165 */
15166 SingletonLayout.prototype.iter = function () {
15167 return this._widget ? once(this._widget) : empty();
15168 };
15169 /**
15170 * Remove a widget from the layout.
15171 *
15172 * @param widget - The widget to remove from the layout.
15173 *
15174 * #### Notes
15175 * A widget is automatically removed from the layout when its `parent`
15176 * is set to `null`. This method should only be invoked directly when
15177 * removing a widget from a layout which has yet to be installed on a
15178 * parent widget.
15179 *
15180 * This method does *not* modify the widget's `parent`.
15181 */
15182 SingletonLayout.prototype.removeWidget = function (widget) {
15183 // Bail early if the widget does not exist in the layout.
15184 if (this._widget !== widget) {
15185 return;
15186 }
15187 // Clear the internal widget.
15188 this._widget = null;
15189 // If the layout is parented, detach the widget from the DOM.
15190 if (this.parent) {
15191 this.detachWidget(widget);
15192 }
15193 };
15194 /**
15195 * Perform layout initialization which requires the parent widget.
15196 */
15197 SingletonLayout.prototype.init = function () {
15198 var _this = this;
15199 _super.prototype.init.call(this);
15200 each(this, function (widget) {
15201 _this.attachWidget(widget);
15202 });
15203 };
15204 /**
15205 * Attach a widget to the parent's DOM node.
15206 *
15207 * @param index - The current index of the widget in the layout.
15208 *
15209 * @param widget - The widget to attach to the parent.
15210 *
15211 * #### Notes
15212 * This method is called automatically by the single layout at the
15213 * appropriate time. It should not be called directly by user code.
15214 *
15215 * The default implementation adds the widgets's node to the parent's
15216 * node at the proper location, and sends the appropriate attach
15217 * messages to the widget if the parent is attached to the DOM.
15218 *
15219 * Subclasses may reimplement this method to control how the widget's
15220 * node is added to the parent's node.
15221 */
15222 SingletonLayout.prototype.attachWidget = function (widget) {
15223 // Send a `'before-attach'` message if the parent is attached.
15224 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
15225 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.BeforeAttach);
15226 }
15227 // Add the widget's node to the parent.
15228 this.parent.node.appendChild(widget.node);
15229 // Send an `'after-attach'` message if the parent is attached.
15230 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
15231 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.AfterAttach);
15232 }
15233 };
15234 /**
15235 * Detach a widget from the parent's DOM node.
15236 *
15237 * @param widget - The widget to detach from the parent.
15238 *
15239 * #### Notes
15240 * This method is called automatically by the single layout at the
15241 * appropriate time. It should not be called directly by user code.
15242 *
15243 * The default implementation removes the widget's node from the
15244 * parent's node, and sends the appropriate detach messages to the
15245 * widget if the parent is attached to the DOM.
15246 *
15247 * Subclasses may reimplement this method to control how the widget's
15248 * node is removed from the parent's node.
15249 */
15250 SingletonLayout.prototype.detachWidget = function (widget) {
15251 // Send a `'before-detach'` message if the parent is attached.
15252 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
15253 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.BeforeDetach);
15254 }
15255 // Remove the widget's node from the parent.
15256 this.parent.node.removeChild(widget.node);
15257 // Send an `'after-detach'` message if the parent is attached.
15258 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
15259 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.AfterDetach);
15260 }
15261 };
15262 return SingletonLayout;
15266 * A layout where visible widgets are stacked atop one another.
15267 *
15268 * #### Notes
15269 * The Z-order of the visible widgets follows their layout order.
15270 */
15271var StackedLayout = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
15272 __extends(StackedLayout, _super);
15273 function StackedLayout(options) {
15274 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
15275 var _this = _super.call(this, options) || this;
15276 _this._dirty = false;
15277 _this._items = [];
15278 _this._box = null;
15279 _this._hiddenMode =
15280 options.hiddenMode !== undefined
15281 ? options.hiddenMode
15282 : Widget.HiddenMode.Display;
15283 return _this;
15284 }
15285 Object.defineProperty(StackedLayout.prototype, "hiddenMode", {
15286 /**
15287 * The method for hiding widgets.
15288 *
15289 * #### Notes
15290 * If there is only one child widget, `Display` hiding mode will be used
15291 * regardless of this setting.
15292 */
15293 get: function () {
15294 return this._hiddenMode;
15295 },
15296 /**
15297 * Set the method for hiding widgets.
15298 *
15299 * #### Notes
15300 * If there is only one child widget, `Display` hiding mode will be used
15301 * regardless of this setting.
15302 */
15303 set: function (v) {
15304 var _this = this;
15305 if (this._hiddenMode === v) {
15306 return;
15307 }
15308 this._hiddenMode = v;
15309 if (this.widgets.length > 1) {
15310 this.widgets.forEach(function (w) {
15311 w.hiddenMode = _this._hiddenMode;
15312 });
15313 }
15314 },
15315 enumerable: true,
15316 configurable: true
15317 });
15318 /**
15319 * Dispose of the resources held by the layout.
15320 */
15321 StackedLayout.prototype.dispose = function () {
15322 // Dispose of the layout items.
15323 each(this._items, function (item) {
15324 item.dispose();
15325 });
15326 // Clear the layout state.
15327 this._box = null;
15328 this._items.length = 0;
15329 // Dispose of the rest of the layout.
15330 _super.prototype.dispose.call(this);
15331 };
15332 /**
15333 * Attach a widget to the parent's DOM node.
15334 *
15335 * @param index - The current index of the widget in the layout.
15336 *
15337 * @param widget - The widget to attach to the parent.
15338 *
15339 * #### Notes
15340 * This is a reimplementation of the superclass method.
15341 */
15342 StackedLayout.prototype.attachWidget = function (index, widget) {
15343 // Using transform create an additional layer in the pixel pipeline
15344 // to limit the number of layer, it is set only if there is more than one widget.
15345 if (this._hiddenMode === Widget.HiddenMode.Scale &&
15346 this._items.length > 0) {
15347 if (this._items.length === 1) {
15348 this.widgets[0].hiddenMode = Widget.HiddenMode.Scale;
15349 }
15350 widget.hiddenMode = Widget.HiddenMode.Scale;
15351 }
15352 else {
15353 widget.hiddenMode = Widget.HiddenMode.Display;
15354 }
15355 // Create and add a new layout item for the widget.
15356 ArrayExt.insert(this._items, index, new LayoutItem(widget));
15357 // Send a `'before-attach'` message if the parent is attached.
15358 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
15359 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.BeforeAttach);
15360 }
15361 // Add the widget's node to the parent.
15362 this.parent.node.appendChild(widget.node);
15363 // Send an `'after-attach'` message if the parent is attached.
15364 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
15365 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.AfterAttach);
15366 }
15367 // Post a fit request for the parent widget.
15368 this.parent.fit();
15369 };
15370 /**
15371 * Move a widget in the parent's DOM node.
15372 *
15373 * @param fromIndex - The previous index of the widget in the layout.
15374 *
15375 * @param toIndex - The current index of the widget in the layout.
15376 *
15377 * @param widget - The widget to move in the parent.
15378 *
15379 * #### Notes
15380 * This is a reimplementation of the superclass method.
15381 */
15382 StackedLayout.prototype.moveWidget = function (fromIndex, toIndex, widget) {
15383 // Move the layout item for the widget.
15384 ArrayExt.move(this._items, fromIndex, toIndex);
15385 // Post an update request for the parent widget.
15386 this.parent.update();
15387 };
15388 /**
15389 * Detach a widget from the parent's DOM node.
15390 *
15391 * @param index - The previous index of the widget in the layout.
15392 *
15393 * @param widget - The widget to detach from the parent.
15394 *
15395 * #### Notes
15396 * This is a reimplementation of the superclass method.
15397 */
15398 StackedLayout.prototype.detachWidget = function (index, widget) {
15399 // Remove the layout item for the widget.
15400 var item = ArrayExt.removeAt(this._items, index);
15401 // Send a `'before-detach'` message if the parent is attached.
15402 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
15403 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.BeforeDetach);
15404 }
15405 // Remove the widget's node from the parent.
15406 this.parent.node.removeChild(widget.node);
15407 // Send an `'after-detach'` message if the parent is attached.
15408 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
15409 MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.AfterDetach);
15410 }
15411 // Reset the z-index for the widget.
15412 item.widget.node.style.zIndex = '';
15413 // Reset the hidden mode for the widget.
15414 if (this._hiddenMode === Widget.HiddenMode.Scale) {
15415 widget.hiddenMode = Widget.HiddenMode.Display;
15416 // Reset the hidden mode for the first widget if necessary.
15417 if (this._items.length === 1) {
15418 this._items[0].widget.hiddenMode = Widget.HiddenMode.Display;
15419 }
15420 }
15421 // Dispose of the layout item.
15422 item.dispose();
15423 // Post a fit request for the parent widget.
15424 this.parent.fit();
15425 };
15426 /**
15427 * A message handler invoked on a `'before-show'` message.
15428 */
15429 StackedLayout.prototype.onBeforeShow = function (msg) {
15430 _super.prototype.onBeforeShow.call(this, msg);
15431 this.parent.update();
15432 };
15433 /**
15434 * A message handler invoked on a `'before-attach'` message.
15435 */
15436 StackedLayout.prototype.onBeforeAttach = function (msg) {
15437 _super.prototype.onBeforeAttach.call(this, msg);
15438 this.parent.fit();
15439 };
15440 /**
15441 * A message handler invoked on a `'child-shown'` message.
15442 */
15443 StackedLayout.prototype.onChildShown = function (msg) {
15444 this.parent.fit();
15445 };
15446 /**
15447 * A message handler invoked on a `'child-hidden'` message.
15448 */
15449 StackedLayout.prototype.onChildHidden = function (msg) {
15450 this.parent.fit();
15451 };
15452 /**
15453 * A message handler invoked on a `'resize'` message.
15454 */
15455 StackedLayout.prototype.onResize = function (msg) {
15456 if (this.parent.isVisible) {
15457 this._update(msg.width, msg.height);
15458 }
15459 };
15460 /**
15461 * A message handler invoked on an `'update-request'` message.
15462 */
15463 StackedLayout.prototype.onUpdateRequest = function (msg) {
15464 if (this.parent.isVisible) {
15465 this._update(-1, -1);
15466 }
15467 };
15468 /**
15469 * A message handler invoked on a `'fit-request'` message.
15470 */
15471 StackedLayout.prototype.onFitRequest = function (msg) {
15472 if (this.parent.isAttached) {
15473 this._fit();
15474 }
15475 };
15476 /**
15477 * Fit the layout to the total size required by the widgets.
15478 */
15479 StackedLayout.prototype._fit = function () {
15480 // Set up the computed minimum size.
15481 var minW = 0;
15482 var minH = 0;
15483 // Update the computed minimum size.
15484 for (var i = 0, n = this._items.length; i < n; ++i) {
15485 // Fetch the item.
15486 var item = this._items[i];
15487 // Ignore hidden items.
15488 if (item.isHidden) {
15489 continue;
15490 }
15491 // Update the size limits for the item.
15492 item.fit();
15493 // Update the computed minimum size.
15494 minW = Math.max(minW, item.minWidth);
15495 minH = Math.max(minH, item.minHeight);
15496 }
15497 // Update the box sizing and add it to the computed min size.
15498 var box = (this._box = ElementExt.boxSizing(this.parent.node));
15499 minW += box.horizontalSum;
15500 minH += box.verticalSum;
15501 // Update the parent's min size constraints.
15502 var style = this.parent.node.style;
15503 style.minWidth = minW + "px";
15504 style.minHeight = minH + "px";
15505 // Set the dirty flag to ensure only a single update occurs.
15506 this._dirty = true;
15507 // Notify the ancestor that it should fit immediately. This may
15508 // cause a resize of the parent, fulfilling the required update.
15509 if (this.parent.parent) {
15510 MessageLoop.sendMessage(this.parent.parent, Widget.Msg.FitRequest);
15511 }
15512 // If the dirty flag is still set, the parent was not resized.
15513 // Trigger the required update on the parent widget immediately.
15514 if (this._dirty) {
15515 MessageLoop.sendMessage(this.parent, Widget.Msg.UpdateRequest);
15516 }
15517 };
15518 /**
15519 * Update the layout position and size of the widgets.
15520 *
15521 * The parent offset dimensions should be `-1` if unknown.
15522 */
15523 StackedLayout.prototype._update = function (offsetWidth, offsetHeight) {
15524 // Clear the dirty flag to indicate the update occurred.
15525 this._dirty = false;
15526 // Compute the visible item count.
15527 var nVisible = 0;
15528 for (var i = 0, n = this._items.length; i < n; ++i) {
15529 nVisible += +!this._items[i].isHidden;
15530 }
15531 // Bail early if there are no visible items to layout.
15532 if (nVisible === 0) {
15533 return;
15534 }
15535 // Measure the parent if the offset dimensions are unknown.
15536 if (offsetWidth < 0) {
15537 offsetWidth = this.parent.node.offsetWidth;
15538 }
15539 if (offsetHeight < 0) {
15540 offsetHeight = this.parent.node.offsetHeight;
15541 }
15542 // Ensure the parent box sizing data is computed.
15543 if (!this._box) {
15544 this._box = ElementExt.boxSizing(this.parent.node);
15545 }
15546 // Compute the actual layout bounds adjusted for border and padding.
15547 var top = this._box.paddingTop;
15548 var left = this._box.paddingLeft;
15549 var width = offsetWidth - this._box.horizontalSum;
15550 var height = offsetHeight - this._box.verticalSum;
15551 // Update the widget stacking order and layout geometry.
15552 for (var i = 0, n = this._items.length; i < n; ++i) {
15553 // Fetch the item.
15554 var item = this._items[i];
15555 // Ignore hidden items.
15556 if (item.isHidden) {
15557 continue;
15558 }
15559 // Set the z-index for the widget.
15560 item.widget.node.style.zIndex = "" + i;
15561 // Update the item geometry.
15562 item.update(left, top, width, height);
15563 }
15564 };
15565 return StackedLayout;
15569 * A panel where visible widgets are stacked atop one another.
15570 *
15571 * #### Notes
15572 * This class provides a convenience wrapper around a [[StackedLayout]].
15573 */
15574var StackedPanel = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
15575 __extends(StackedPanel, _super);
15576 /**
15577 * Construct a new stacked panel.
15578 *
15579 * @param options - The options for initializing the panel.
15580 */
15581 function StackedPanel(options) {
15582 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
15583 var _this = _super.call(this, { layout: Private$1.createLayout(options) }) || this;
15584 _this._widgetRemoved = new Signal(_this);
15585 _this.addClass('lm-StackedPanel');
15586 /* <DEPRECATED> */
15587 _this.addClass('p-StackedPanel');
15588 return _this;
15589 /* </DEPRECATED> */
15590 }
15591 Object.defineProperty(StackedPanel.prototype, "hiddenMode", {
15592 /**
15593 * The method for hiding widgets.
15594 *
15595 * #### Notes
15596 * If there is only one child widget, `Display` hiding mode will be used
15597 * regardless of this setting.
15598 */
15599 get: function () {
15600 return this.layout.hiddenMode;
15601 },
15602 /**
15603 * Set the method for hiding widgets.
15604 *
15605 * #### Notes
15606 * If there is only one child widget, `Display` hiding mode will be used
15607 * regardless of this setting.
15608 */
15609 set: function (v) {
15610 this.layout.hiddenMode = v;
15611 },
15612 enumerable: true,
15613 configurable: true
15614 });
15615 Object.defineProperty(StackedPanel.prototype, "widgetRemoved", {
15616 /**
15617 * A signal emitted when a widget is removed from a stacked panel.
15618 */
15619 get: function () {
15620 return this._widgetRemoved;
15621 },
15622 enumerable: true,
15623 configurable: true
15624 });
15625 /**
15626 * A message handler invoked on a `'child-added'` message.
15627 */
15628 StackedPanel.prototype.onChildAdded = function (msg) {
15629 msg.child.addClass('lm-StackedPanel-child');
15630 /* <DEPRECATED> */
15631 msg.child.addClass('p-StackedPanel-child');
15632 /* </DEPRECATED> */
15633 };
15634 /**
15635 * A message handler invoked on a `'child-removed'` message.
15636 */
15637 StackedPanel.prototype.onChildRemoved = function (msg) {
15638 msg.child.removeClass('lm-StackedPanel-child');
15639 /* <DEPRECATED> */
15640 msg.child.removeClass('p-StackedPanel-child');
15641 /* </DEPRECATED> */
15642 this._widgetRemoved.emit(msg.child);
15643 };
15644 return StackedPanel;
15647 * The namespace for the module implementation details.
15648 */
15649var Private$1;
15650(function (Private) {
15651 /**
15652 * Create a stacked layout for the given panel options.
15653 */
15654 function createLayout(options) {
15655 return options.layout || new StackedLayout();
15656 }
15657 Private.createLayout = createLayout;
15658})(Private$1 || (Private$1 = {}));
15661 * A widget which combines a `TabBar` and a `StackedPanel`.
15662 *
15663 * #### Notes
15664 * This is a simple panel which handles the common case of a tab bar
15665 * placed next to a content area. The selected tab controls the widget
15666 * which is shown in the content area.
15667 *
15668 * For use cases which require more control than is provided by this
15669 * panel, the `TabBar` widget may be used independently.
15670 */
15671var TabPanel = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
15672 __extends(TabPanel, _super);
15673 /**
15674 * Construct a new tab panel.
15675 *
15676 * @param options - The options for initializing the tab panel.
15677 */
15678 function TabPanel(options) {
15679 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
15680 var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
15681 _this._currentChanged = new Signal(_this);
15682 _this._addRequested = new Signal(_this);
15683 _this.addClass('lm-TabPanel');
15684 /* <DEPRECATED> */
15685 _this.addClass('p-TabPanel');
15686 /* </DEPRECATED> */
15687 // Create the tab bar and stacked panel.
15688 _this.tabBar = new TabBar(options);
15689 _this.tabBar.addClass('lm-TabPanel-tabBar');
15690 _this.stackedPanel = new StackedPanel();
15691 _this.stackedPanel.addClass('lm-TabPanel-stackedPanel');
15692 /* <DEPRECATED> */
15693 _this.tabBar.addClass('p-TabPanel-tabBar');
15694 _this.stackedPanel.addClass('p-TabPanel-stackedPanel');
15695 /* </DEPRECATED> */
15696 // Connect the tab bar signal handlers.
15697 _this.tabBar.tabMoved.connect(_this._onTabMoved, _this);
15698 _this.tabBar.currentChanged.connect(_this._onCurrentChanged, _this);
15699 _this.tabBar.tabCloseRequested.connect(_this._onTabCloseRequested, _this);
15700 _this.tabBar.tabActivateRequested.connect(_this._onTabActivateRequested, _this);
15701 _this.tabBar.addRequested.connect(_this._onTabAddRequested, _this);
15702 // Connect the stacked panel signal handlers.
15703 _this.stackedPanel.widgetRemoved.connect(_this._onWidgetRemoved, _this);
15704 // Get the data related to the placement.
15705 _this._tabPlacement = options.tabPlacement || 'top';
15706 var direction = Private.directionFromPlacement(_this._tabPlacement);
15707 var orientation = Private.orientationFromPlacement(_this._tabPlacement);
15708 // Configure the tab bar for the placement.
15709 _this.tabBar.orientation = orientation;
15710 _this.tabBar.dataset['placement'] = _this._tabPlacement;
15711 // Create the box layout.
15712 var layout = new BoxLayout({ direction: direction, spacing: 0 });
15713 // Set the stretch factors for the child widgets.
15714 BoxLayout.setStretch(_this.tabBar, 0);
15715 BoxLayout.setStretch(_this.stackedPanel, 1);
15716 // Add the child widgets to the layout.
15717 layout.addWidget(_this.tabBar);
15718 layout.addWidget(_this.stackedPanel);
15719 // Install the layout on the tab panel.
15720 _this.layout = layout;
15721 return _this;
15722 }
15723 Object.defineProperty(TabPanel.prototype, "currentChanged", {
15724 /**
15725 * A signal emitted when the current tab is changed.
15726 *
15727 * #### Notes
15728 * This signal is emitted when the currently selected tab is changed
15729 * either through user or programmatic interaction.
15730 *
15731 * Notably, this signal is not emitted when the index of the current
15732 * tab changes due to tabs being inserted, removed, or moved. It is
15733 * only emitted when the actual current tab node is changed.
15734 */
15735 get: function () {
15736 return this._currentChanged;
15737 },
15738 enumerable: true,
15739 configurable: true
15740 });
15741 Object.defineProperty(TabPanel.prototype, "currentIndex", {
15742 /**
15743 * Get the index of the currently selected tab.
15744 *
15745 * #### Notes
15746 * This will be `-1` if no tab is selected.
15747 */
15748 get: function () {
15749 return this.tabBar.currentIndex;
15750 },
15751 /**
15752 * Set the index of the currently selected tab.
15753 *
15754 * #### Notes
15755 * If the index is out of range, it will be set to `-1`.
15756 */
15757 set: function (value) {
15758 this.tabBar.currentIndex = value;
15759 },
15760 enumerable: true,
15761 configurable: true
15762 });
15763 Object.defineProperty(TabPanel.prototype, "currentWidget", {
15764 /**
15765 * Get the currently selected widget.
15766 *
15767 * #### Notes
15768 * This will be `null` if there is no selected tab.
15769 */
15770 get: function () {
15771 var title = this.tabBar.currentTitle;
15772 return title ? title.owner : null;
15773 },
15774 /**
15775 * Set the currently selected widget.
15776 *
15777 * #### Notes
15778 * If the widget is not in the panel, it will be set to `null`.
15779 */
15780 set: function (value) {
15781 this.tabBar.currentTitle = value ? value.title : null;
15782 },
15783 enumerable: true,
15784 configurable: true
15785 });
15786 Object.defineProperty(TabPanel.prototype, "tabsMovable", {
15787 /**
15788 * Get the whether the tabs are movable by the user.
15789 *
15790 * #### Notes
15791 * Tabs can always be moved programmatically.
15792 */
15793 get: function () {
15794 return this.tabBar.tabsMovable;
15795 },
15796 /**
15797 * Set the whether the tabs are movable by the user.
15798 *
15799 * #### Notes
15800 * Tabs can always be moved programmatically.
15801 */
15802 set: function (value) {
15803 this.tabBar.tabsMovable = value;
15804 },
15805 enumerable: true,
15806 configurable: true
15807 });
15808 Object.defineProperty(TabPanel.prototype, "addButtonEnabled", {
15809 /**
15810 * Get the whether the add button is enabled.
15811 *
15812 */
15813 get: function () {
15814 return this.tabBar.addButtonEnabled;
15815 },
15816 /**
15817 * Set the whether the add button is enabled.
15818 *
15819 */
15820 set: function (value) {
15821 this.tabBar.addButtonEnabled = value;
15822 },
15823 enumerable: true,
15824 configurable: true
15825 });
15826 Object.defineProperty(TabPanel.prototype, "tabPlacement", {
15827 /**
15828 * Get the tab placement for the tab panel.
15829 *
15830 * #### Notes
15831 * This controls the position of the tab bar relative to the content.
15832 */
15833 get: function () {
15834 return this._tabPlacement;
15835 },
15836 /**
15837 * Set the tab placement for the tab panel.
15838 *
15839 * #### Notes
15840 * This controls the position of the tab bar relative to the content.
15841 */
15842 set: function (value) {
15843 // Bail if the placement does not change.
15844 if (this._tabPlacement === value) {
15845 return;
15846 }
15847 // Update the internal value.
15848 this._tabPlacement = value;
15849 // Get the values related to the placement.
15850 var direction = Private.directionFromPlacement(value);
15851 var orientation = Private.orientationFromPlacement(value);
15852 // Configure the tab bar for the placement.
15853 this.tabBar.orientation = orientation;
15854 this.tabBar.dataset['placement'] = value;
15855 // Update the layout direction.
15856 this.layout.direction = direction;
15857 },
15858 enumerable: true,
15859 configurable: true
15860 });
15861 Object.defineProperty(TabPanel.prototype, "addRequested", {
15862 /**
15863 * A signal emitted when the add button on a tab bar is clicked.
15864 *
15865 */
15866 get: function () {
15867 return this._addRequested;
15868 },
15869 enumerable: true,
15870 configurable: true
15871 });
15872 Object.defineProperty(TabPanel.prototype, "widgets", {
15873 /**
15874 * A read-only array of the widgets in the panel.
15875 */
15876 get: function () {
15877 return this.stackedPanel.widgets;
15878 },
15879 enumerable: true,
15880 configurable: true
15881 });
15882 /**
15883 * Add a widget to the end of the tab panel.
15884 *
15885 * @param widget - The widget to add to the tab panel.
15886 *
15887 * #### Notes
15888 * If the widget is already contained in the panel, it will be moved.
15889 *
15890 * The widget's `title` is used to populate the tab.
15891 */
15892 TabPanel.prototype.addWidget = function (widget) {
15893 this.insertWidget(this.widgets.length, widget);
15894 };
15895 /**
15896 * Insert a widget into the tab panel at a specified index.
15897 *
15898 * @param index - The index at which to insert the widget.
15899 *
15900 * @param widget - The widget to insert into to the tab panel.
15901 *
15902 * #### Notes
15903 * If the widget is already contained in the panel, it will be moved.
15904 *
15905 * The widget's `title` is used to populate the tab.
15906 */
15907 TabPanel.prototype.insertWidget = function (index, widget) {
15908 if (widget !== this.currentWidget) {
15909 widget.hide();
15910 }
15911 this.stackedPanel.insertWidget(index, widget);
15912 this.tabBar.insertTab(index, widget.title);
15913 widget.node.setAttribute('role', 'tabpanel');
15914 var renderer = this.tabBar.renderer;
15915 if (renderer instanceof TabBar.Renderer) {
15916 var tabId = renderer.createTabKey({
15917 title: widget.title,
15918 current: false,
15919 zIndex: 0
15920 });
15921 widget.node.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', tabId);
15922 }
15923 };
15924 /**
15925 * Handle the `currentChanged` signal from the tab bar.
15926 */
15927 TabPanel.prototype._onCurrentChanged = function (sender, args) {
15928 // Extract the previous and current title from the args.
15929 var previousIndex = args.previousIndex, previousTitle = args.previousTitle, currentIndex = args.currentIndex, currentTitle = args.currentTitle;
15930 // Extract the widgets from the titles.
15931 var previousWidget = previousTitle ? previousTitle.owner : null;
15932 var currentWidget = currentTitle ? currentTitle.owner : null;
15933 // Hide the previous widget.
15934 if (previousWidget) {
15935 previousWidget.hide();
15936 }
15937 // Show the current widget.
15938 if (currentWidget) {
15939 currentWidget.show();
15940 }
15941 // Emit the `currentChanged` signal for the tab panel.
15942 this._currentChanged.emit({
15943 previousIndex: previousIndex,
15944 previousWidget: previousWidget,
15945 currentIndex: currentIndex,
15946 currentWidget: currentWidget
15947 });
15948 // Flush the message loop on IE and Edge to prevent flicker.
15949 if (Platform.IS_EDGE || Platform.IS_IE) {
15950 MessageLoop.flush();
15951 }
15952 };
15953 /**
15954 * Handle the `tabAddRequested` signal from the tab bar.
15955 */
15956 TabPanel.prototype._onTabAddRequested = function (sender, args) {
15957 this._addRequested.emit(sender);
15958 };
15959 /**
15960 * Handle the `tabActivateRequested` signal from the tab bar.
15961 */
15962 TabPanel.prototype._onTabActivateRequested = function (sender, args) {
15963 args.title.owner.activate();
15964 };
15965 /**
15966 * Handle the `tabCloseRequested` signal from the tab bar.
15967 */
15968 TabPanel.prototype._onTabCloseRequested = function (sender, args) {
15969 args.title.owner.close();
15970 };
15971 /**
15972 * Handle the `tabMoved` signal from the tab bar.
15973 */
15974 TabPanel.prototype._onTabMoved = function (sender, args) {
15975 this.stackedPanel.insertWidget(args.toIndex, args.title.owner);
15976 };
15977 /**
15978 * Handle the `widgetRemoved` signal from the stacked panel.
15979 */
15980 TabPanel.prototype._onWidgetRemoved = function (sender, widget) {
15981 widget.node.removeAttribute('role');
15982 widget.node.removeAttribute('aria-labelledby');
15983 this.tabBar.removeTab(widget.title);
15984 };
15985 return TabPanel;
15988 * The namespace for the module implementation details.
15989 */
15990var Private;
15991(function (Private) {
15992 /**
15993 * Convert a tab placement to tab bar orientation.
15994 */
15995 function orientationFromPlacement(plc) {
15996 return placementToOrientationMap[plc];
15997 }
15998 Private.orientationFromPlacement = orientationFromPlacement;
15999 /**
16000 * Convert a tab placement to a box layout direction.
16001 */
16002 function directionFromPlacement(plc) {
16003 return placementToDirectionMap[plc];
16004 }
16005 Private.directionFromPlacement = directionFromPlacement;
16006 /**
16007 * A mapping of tab placement to tab bar orientation.
16008 */
16009 var placementToOrientationMap = {
16010 top: 'horizontal',
16011 left: 'vertical',
16012 right: 'vertical',
16013 bottom: 'horizontal'
16014 };
16015 /**
16016 * A mapping of tab placement to box layout direction.
16017 */
16018 var placementToDirectionMap = {
16019 top: 'top-to-bottom',
16020 left: 'left-to-right',
16021 right: 'right-to-left',
16022 bottom: 'bottom-to-top'
16023 };
16024})(Private || (Private = {}));
16026export { AccordionLayout, AccordionPanel, BoxEngine, BoxLayout, BoxPanel, BoxSizer, CommandPalette, ContextMenu, DockLayout, DockPanel, FocusTracker, GridLayout, Layout, LayoutItem, Menu, MenuBar, Panel, PanelLayout, ScrollBar, SingletonLayout, SplitLayout, SplitPanel, StackedLayout, StackedPanel, TabBar, TabPanel, Title, Widget };
16027//# sourceMappingURL=index.es6.js.map