3.81 kBPlain TextView Raw
1import { Test } from '@nestjs/testing';
2import { Request } from 'express';
4import { AppController } from './app.controller';
5import { FsMock, PathMock } from './third-party';
7describe('AppController', () => {
8 let appController: AppController;
9 let fs: FsMock;
10 let path: PathMock;
11 const packageJsonData: object = {
12 name: 'lxdhub-api',
13 version: '1.1.4'
14 };
15 const apiSettings = {
16 docUrl: '/api/v1/docs'
17 };
19 // The request mock
20 const request: Request = {
21 protocol: 'http',
22 get(type: string) {
23 return 'localhost:8080';
24 }
25 } as Request;
27 beforeEach(async () => {
28 // Mock module
29 const module = await Test.createTestingModule({
30 controllers: [
31 AppController
32 ],
33 providers: [
34 {
35 provide: 'Fs',
36 useClass: FsMock
37 },
38 {
39 provide: 'Path',
40 useClass: PathMock
41 },
42 {
43 provide: 'LXDHubAPISettings',
44 useFactory: () => apiSettings
45 }
46 ]
47 }).compile();
48 fs = module.get<FsMock>('Fs');
49 path = module.get<PathMock>('Path');
50 appController = module.get<AppController>(AppController);
51 });
53 describe('apiInfo', () => {
54 const packageJsonPath = './package.json';
55 beforeEach(() => {
56 // Mock third party
57 jest.spyOn(path, 'join')
58 .mockImplementation((...paths: string[]) => packageJsonPath);
59 jest.spyOn(fs, 'readFile')
60 .mockImplementation(async (path_: string) => JSON.stringify(packageJsonData));
61 });
63 it('should read the correct file', async () => {
64 await appController.apiInfo(request);
65 expect(fs.readFile).toHaveBeenCalledWith(packageJsonPath, 'utf8');
66 expect(fs.readFile).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
67 });
69 it('should return the correct packageJsonData', async () => {
70 const data = await appController.apiInfo(request);
71 expect(data.api_version).toBe('1.0');
72 expect(data.name).toBe('lxdhub-api');
73 expect(data.package_version).toBe('1.1.4');
74 });
76 it('should return null when repository object is not set in packageJson', async () => {
77 const data = await appController.apiInfo(request);
78 expect(data._links.repository).toBe(null);
79 });
81 it('should return the repository url', async () => {
82 const packageJsondata = {
83 repository: {
84 url: 'https://repo.com'
85 }
86 };
87 jest.spyOn(fs, 'readFile')
88 .mockImplementation(async (path_: string) => JSON.stringify(packageJsondata));
89 const data = await appController.apiInfo(request);
91 expect(data._links.repository).toBe('https://repo.com');
92 });
94 it('should return the correct docs url', async () => {
95 const data = await appController.apiInfo(request);
96 expect(data._links.docs).toBe('http://localhost:8080/api/v1/docs');
97 });
99 it('should throw an error, if the package.json is not valid', async () => {
100 jest.spyOn(fs, 'readFile')
101 .mockImplementation(async (path_: string) => 'not valid data');
102 // workaround for async error catching
103 // https://github.com/facebook/jest/issues/1377
104 try {
105 await appController.apiInfo(request);
106 }
107 catch (err) {
108 expect(() => { throw err; }).toThrowError();
109 }
110 });
111 });