8.58 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1const SpotFleet = require('../functions/spot-fleet');
2const test = require('tape');
3const AWS = require('@mapbox/mock-aws-sdk-js');
4const http = require('http');
6test('[spot-fleet] create handles errors', assert => {
7 AWS.stub('EC2', 'requestSpotFleet', (opts, cb) => {
8 assert.deepEquals(opts, {
9 SpotFleetRequestConfig: {
10 AllocationStrategy : 'diversified',
11 ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy : 'noTermination',
12 IamFleetRole : 'IAM Fleet Role',
13 LaunchSpecifications : [{
14 InstanceType: 'r3.8xlarge',
15 WeightedCapacity: 2.44
16 }],
17 SpotPrice : '20',
18 TargetCapacity : 5,
19 TerminateInstancesWithExpiration : false,
20 ValidFrom : 'start date',
21 ValidUntil : 'end date'
22 },
23 DryRun: false
24 }, 'requestSpotFleet parameters');
25 return cb(new Error('random error'));
26 });
28 const spotfleet = new SpotFleet({
29 AllocationStrategy : 'diversified',
30 ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy : 'noTermination',
31 IamFleetRole : 'IAM Fleet Role',
32 LaunchSpecifications : [{
33 InstanceType: 'r3.8xlarge',
34 WeightedCapacity: 2.44
35 }],
36 SpotPrice : '20',
37 TargetCapacity : 5,
38 TerminateInstancesWithExpiration : 'false',
39 ValidFrom : 'start date',
40 ValidUntil : 'end date'
41 }, 'us-east-1', false, 'requestId');
43 spotfleet.create((err) => {
44 assert.equals(err.message, 'random error', 'error occurs');
45 AWS.EC2.restore();
46 assert.end();
47 });
50test('[spot-fleet] create handles success', assert => {
51 const requestSpotFleet = AWS.stub('EC2', 'requestSpotFleet', (opts, cb) => {
52 assert.deepEquals(opts, {
53 SpotFleetRequestConfig: {
54 AllocationStrategy : 'diversified',
55 ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy : 'noTermination',
56 IamFleetRole : 'IAM Fleet Role',
57 LaunchSpecifications : [{
58 InstanceType: 'r3.8xlarge',
59 WeightedCapacity: 2.44
60 }],
61 SpotPrice : '20',
62 TargetCapacity : 5,
63 TerminateInstancesWithExpiration : false,
64 ValidFrom : 'start date',
65 ValidUntil : 'end date'
66 },
67 DryRun: false
68 });
69 return cb(null, { SpotFleetRequestId: 'sfr-firstrequestid1111111111111111111111'});
70 });
72 const spotfleet = new SpotFleet({
73 AllocationStrategy : 'diversified',
74 ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy : 'noTermination',
75 IamFleetRole : 'IAM Fleet Role',
76 LaunchSpecifications : [{
77 InstanceType: 'r3.8xlarge',
78 WeightedCapacity: 2.44
79 }],
80 SpotPrice : '20',
81 TargetCapacity : 5,
82 TerminateInstancesWithExpiration : 'false',
83 ValidFrom : 'start date',
84 ValidUntil : 'end date'
85 }, 'us-east-1', false, 'sfr-firstrequestid1111111111111111111111');
87 spotfleet.create((err) => {
88 assert.ifError(err, 'no error');
89 assert.equals(requestSpotFleet.callCount, 1, 'requestSpotFleet called');
90 requestSpotFleet.restore();
91 assert.end();
92 });
95test('[spot-fleet] update updates the requestId, yields the requestId from _this, not this', (assert) => {
96 const spotfleet = new SpotFleet({
97 AllocationStrategy : 'diversified',
98 ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy : 'noTermination',
99 IamFleetRole : 'IAM Fleet Role',
100 LaunchSpecifications : [{
101 InstanceType: 'r3.8xlarge',
102 WeightedCapacity: 2.44
103 }],
104 SpotPrice : '20',
105 TargetCapacity : 1,
106 TerminateInstancesWithExpiration : 'false',
107 ValidFrom : 'start date',
108 ValidUntil : 'end date'
109 }, 'us-east-1', false, 'sfr-firstrequestid1111111111111111111111');
111 const describeSpotFleetRequests = AWS.stub('EC2', 'describeSpotFleetRequests').yields(null, {
112 SpotFleetRequestConfigs: [
113 {
114 SpotFleetRequestConfig: {
115 TargetCapacity: 1
116 }
117 }
118 ]
119 });
120 AWS.stub('EC2', 'requestSpotFleet').yields(null, { SpotFleetRequestId: 'sfr-secondrequestid222222222222222222222' });
121 AWS.stub('EC2', 'cancelSpotFleetRequests').yields(null, 'sfr-firstrequestid1111111111111111111111 canceled');
123 spotfleet.update((err, res) => {
124 assert.ifError(err, 'should not error');
125 assert.equal(describeSpotFleetRequests.callCount, 2, 'describeSpotFleetRequests called twice');
126 assert.equal(res, 'sfr-secondrequestid222222222222222222222', 'request id coming from _this' );
127 AWS.EC2.restore();
128 assert.end();
129 });
133test('[spot-fleet] delete cancels spot fleet request', (assert) => {
134 const describeSpotFleetRequests = AWS.stub('EC2', 'describeSpotFleetRequests').yields(null);
135 const cancelSpotFleetRequests = AWS.stub('EC2', 'cancelSpotFleetRequests').yields(null, 'sfr-firstrequestid1111111111111111111111 canceled');
136 const spotfleet = new SpotFleet({
137 AllocationStrategy : 'diversified',
138 ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy : 'noTermination',
139 IamFleetRole : 'IAM Fleet Role',
140 LaunchSpecifications : [{
141 InstanceType: 'r3.8xlarge',
142 WeightedCapacity: 2.44
143 }],
144 SpotPrice : '20',
145 TargetCapacity : 1,
146 TerminateInstancesWithExpiration : 'false',
147 ValidFrom : 'start date',
148 ValidUntil : 'end date'
149 }, 'us-east-1', false, 'sfr-firstrequestid1111111111111111111111');
151 spotfleet.delete((err) => {
152 assert.ifError(err, 'should not error');
153 assert.equal(describeSpotFleetRequests.callCount, 1, 'calls describeSpotFleetRequests once');
154 assert.equal(cancelSpotFleetRequests.callCount, 1, 'calls cancelSpotFleetRequests once');
155 AWS.EC2.restore();
156 assert.end();
157 });
160test('[spot-fleet] delete does nothing if request id not found', (assert) => {
161 const describeSpotFleetRequests = AWS.stub('EC2', 'describeSpotFleetRequests').yields({ code: 'InvalidSpotFleetRequestId.NotFound' });
162 const cancelSpotFleetRequests = AWS.stub('EC2', 'cancelSpotFleetRequests').yields(null, 'sfr-firstrequestid1111111111111111111111 canceled');
163 const spotfleet = new SpotFleet({
164 AllocationStrategy : 'diversified',
165 ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy : 'noTermination',
166 IamFleetRole : 'IAM Fleet Role',
167 LaunchSpecifications : [{
168 InstanceType: 'r3.8xlarge',
169 WeightedCapacity: 2.44
170 }],
171 SpotPrice : '20',
172 TargetCapacity : 1,
173 TerminateInstancesWithExpiration : 'false',
174 ValidFrom : 'start date',
175 ValidUntil : 'end date'
176 }, 'us-east-1', false, 'sfr-firstrequestid1111111111111111111111');
178 spotfleet.delete((err) => {
179 assert.ifError(err, 'should not error');
180 assert.equal(describeSpotFleetRequests.callCount, 1, 'calls describeSpotFleetRequests once');
181 assert.equal(cancelSpotFleetRequests.callCount, 0, 'does not call cancelSpotFleetRequests');
182 AWS.EC2.restore();
183 assert.end();
184 });
187test('[spot-fleet] manage parses events and relays LatestStreamLabel through Response', assert => {
189 http.request = (options, cb) => {
190 return {
191 on: function() {
192 return this;
193 },
194 write: () => {},
195 end: () => {
196 return cb();
197 }
198 };
199 };
200 const requestSpotFleet = AWS.stub('EC2', 'requestSpotFleet', (opts, cb) => {
201 assert.deepEquals(opts, {
202 SpotFleetRequestConfig: {
203 AllocationStrategy : 'diversified',
204 ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy : 'noTermination',
205 IamFleetRole : 'IAM Fleet Role',
206 LaunchSpecifications : [{
207 InstanceType: 'r3.8xlarge',
208 WeightedCapacity: 2.44
209 }],
210 SpotPrice : '20',
211 TargetCapacity : 5,
212 TerminateInstancesWithExpiration : false,
213 ValidFrom : 'start date',
214 ValidUntil : 'end date'
215 },
216 DryRun: false
217 });
218 return cb(null, { SpotFleetRequestId: 'sfr-firstrequestid1111111111111111111111'});
219 });
221 SpotFleet.manage({
222 ResponseURL: 'http://api.mapbox.com/hello',
223 PhysicalResourceId: 'abc',
224 StackId: 'abc',
225 LogicalResourceId: 'abc',
226 ResourceProperties: {
227 SpotFleetRequestConfigData: {
228 AllocationStrategy : 'diversified',
229 ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy : 'noTermination',
230 IamFleetRole : 'IAM Fleet Role',
231 LaunchSpecifications : [{
232 InstanceType: 'r3.8xlarge',
233 WeightedCapacity: 2.44
234 }],
235 SpotPrice : '20',
236 TargetCapacity : 5,
237 TerminateInstancesWithExpiration : 'false',
238 ValidFrom : 'start date',
239 ValidUntil : 'end date'
240 },
241 Region: 'us-east-1'
242 },
243 RequestId: 'abc',
244 RequestType: 'CREATE'
245 }, {
246 done: (err, body) => {
247 assert.ifError(err, 'should not error');
248 assert.equals(JSON.parse(body).Status, 'SUCCESS', 'status is success');
249 requestSpotFleet.restore();
250 assert.end();
251 }
252 })