1 | [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/mapbox/sphericalmercator.svg?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.com/mapbox/sphericalmercator)
2 |
3 | `sphericalmercator` provides projection math for converting between
4 | mercator meters, screen pixels (of 256x256 or configurable-size tiles), and
5 | latitude/longitude.
6 |
7 | Compatible with nodejs packages and in-browser.
8 |
9 | ## Installation
10 |
11 | `npm install @mapbox/sphericalmercator`
12 |
13 | ## API
14 |
15 | Some datatypes are assumed to be arrays: `ll` is `[lon, lat]`, `xy` and `px` are
16 | `[x, y]`.
17 |
18 | ```javascript
19 | // By default, precomputes up to z30
20 | var merc = new SphericalMercator({
21 | size: 256,
22 | antimeridian: true
23 | });
24 | ```
25 |
26 | ### `px(ll, zoom)`
27 |
28 | Convert lon, lat to screen pixel x, y from 0, 0 origin, at a certain zoom level.
29 | The inverse of `ll`
30 |
31 | If `antimeridian: true` is passed on initialization of the `SphericalMercator` object, this method will support converting longitude values up to 360°.
32 |
33 | ### `ll(px, zoom)`
34 |
35 | Convert screen pixel value to lon, lat, at a certain zoom level. The inverse
36 | of `px`
37 |
38 | ### `bbox(x, y, zoom, tms_style, srs)`
39 |
40 | Convert tile xyz value to bbox of the form `[w, s, e, n]`
41 |
42 | * `x` {Number} x (longitude) number.
43 | * `y` {Number} y (latitude) number.
44 | * `zoom` {Number} zoom.
45 | * `tms_style` {Boolean} whether to compute using tms-style. (optional, default false)
46 | * `srs` {String} projection for resulting bbox (WGS84|900913). (optional, default WGS84)
47 |
48 | Returns bbox array of values in form `[w, s, e, n]`.
49 |
50 | ### `xyz(bbox, zoom, tms_style, srs)`
51 |
52 | Convert bbox to xyz bounds
53 |
54 | * `bbox` {Number} bbox in the form `[w, s, e, n]`.
55 | * `zoom` {Number} zoom.
56 | * `tms_style` {Boolean} whether to compute using tms-style. (optional, default false)
57 | * `srs` {String} projection of input bbox (WGS84|900913). (optional, default WGS84)
58 |
59 | Returns {Object} XYZ bounds containing minX, maxX, minY, maxY properties.
60 |
61 | ### `convert(bbox, to)`
62 |
63 | Convert bbox from 900913 to WGS84 or vice versa
64 |
65 | * `bbox` {Number} bbox in the form `[w, s, e, n]`.
66 | * `to` {String} projection of resulting bbox (WGS84|900913). (optional, default WGS84)
67 |
68 | Returns bbox array of values in form `[w, s, e, n]`.
69 |
70 | ### `forward(ll)`
71 |
72 | Convert lon, lat values to mercator x, y
73 |
74 | ### `inverse(xy)`
75 |
76 | Convert mercator x, y values to lon, lat
77 |
78 | ## See Also
79 |
80 | * [mercantile](https://github.com/sgillies/mercantile) provides similar utilities for projection and tile math in Python