3.84 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict'
3const fs = require('fs')
4const errorOverlayMiddleware = require('react-dev-utils/errorOverlayMiddleware')
5const evalSourceMapMiddleware = require('react-dev-utils/evalSourceMapMiddleware')
6const noopServiceWorkerMiddleware = require('react-dev-utils/noopServiceWorkerMiddleware')
7const ignoredFiles = require('react-dev-utils/ignoredFiles')
8const { rootPath } = require('../lib/utils')
9const paths = require('../config/paths')
11module.exports = function({ entry, proxy, protocol, publicPath = '/', host }) {
12 const localPublicDir = rootPath(`${paths.views}/${entry}/public`)
14 return {
15 // 允许修改 host 模拟跨域
16 disableHostCheck: true,
17 headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*' },
18 // Enable gzip compression of generated files.
19 compress: true,
20 // 屏蔽 WebpackDevServer 自身的日志输出
21 // 此设置不影响警告与错误信息
22 clientLogLevel: 'silent',
23 // https://github.com/webpack/webpack-dev-server/pull/2235
24 // 由于 WDS #2235 改动,强制指定 logLevel 为 silent,
25 // quiet 保持缺省,避免 WDS 打印初始化信息
26 // quiet: true,
27 logLevel: 'silent',
28 // 注意,不要通过 webpack import public 内的资源
29 // 对于脚本及样式,应使用 script,link 标签引入
30 // <link rel="shortcut icon" href="%PUBLIC_URL%/favicon.ico">
31 // 在 js 内,可使用 process.env.PUBLIC_URL 获取路径
32 contentBase: [
33 // 全局 public
34 paths.public,
35 // 页面级 public
36 localPublicDir
37 // @FIXME 监听 html 文件变化,临时措施
38 // `${paths.views}/${entry}/*.html`
39 ],
40 // By default files from `contentBase` will not trigger a page reload.
41 watchContentBase: true,
42 // Enable hot reloading server. It will provide /sockjs-node/ endpoint
43 // for the WebpackDevServer client so it can learn when the files were
44 // updated. The WebpackDevServer client is included as an entry point
45 // in the Webpack development configuration. Note that only changes
46 // to CSS are currently hot reloaded. JS changes will refresh the browser.
47 hot: true,
48 // It is important to tell WebpackDevServer to use the same "root" path
49 // as we specified in the config. In development, we always serve from /.
50 publicPath: publicPath,
51 // Reportedly, this avoids CPU overload on some systems.
52 // https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/293
53 // src/node_modules is not ignored to support absolute imports
54 // https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/1065
55 watchOptions: {
56 ignored: ignoredFiles(paths.src)
57 },
58 // Enable HTTPS if the HTTPS environment variable is set to 'true'
59 https: protocol === 'https',
60 host: host,
61 overlay: false,
62 historyApiFallback: {
63 // Paths with dots should still use the history fallback.
64 // See https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/387.
65 disableDotRule: true
66 },
67 // proxy,
68 before(app, server) {
69 if (fs.existsSync(paths.proxySetup)) {
70 // This registers user provided middleware for proxy reasons
71 require(paths.proxySetup)(app)
72 }
74 // This lets us fetch source contents from webpack for the error overlay
75 app.use(evalSourceMapMiddleware(server))
76 // This lets us open files from the runtime error overlay.
77 app.use(errorOverlayMiddleware())
79 // This service worker file is effectively a 'no-op' that will reset any
80 // previous service worker registered for the same host:port combination.
81 // We do this in development to avoid hitting the production cache if
82 // it used the same host and port.
83 // https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/2272#issuecomment-302832432
84 app.use(noopServiceWorkerMiddleware())
85 },
86 open: false
87 }