8.22 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
3 Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
5'use strict'
6let path = require('path')
7module.exports = class perfInstallModulePlugin {
8 constructor(options) {
9 this.options = options || {}
10 this.PackageJSON = require(path.join(process.cwd(), './package.json'))
11 this.options.url = this.options.url ? this.options.url : ''
12 }
13 apply(compiler) {
14 let me = this
15 compiler.plugin('compilation', (compilation, params) => {
16 compilation.mainTemplate.plugin('local-vars', function(
17 source,
18 chunk,
19 hash
20 ) {
21 return this.asString([
22 source,
23 '// The module cache',
24 `let countTimeMap = {};`,
25 `let RecordTime=[];
26 let currentNode_COUNT=null;
27 `,
28 `let countTimeArr = [];
29 let pageName='';
30 if(typeof window !=='undefined'){
31 pageName =window["location"].pathname.split(".")[0];
32 }
33 function formatJson (list) {
34 let pid = []
35 let items = []
36 let index = []
37 pid.push(list[0].moduleId)
38 items.push(list[0])
39 index.push(0)
40 for (let i = 1;i < list.length - 1;i++) {
41 if (list[i].type === 'start') {
42 list[i].pid = pid[pid.length - 1]
43 pid.push(list[i].moduleId)
44 items.push(list[i])
45 index.push(items.length - 1)
46 }else {
47 let whereNow = index.pop()
48 // console.log("参数",whereNow)
49 items[whereNow].time = new Date(list[i].value) - new Date(items[whereNow].value)
50 pid.pop()
51 }
52 }
53 return items
54 }
55 let resultMap = [];
56 function getTrees (data, pid) {
57 var result = [], temp
58 for (var i in data) {
59 if (data[i].pid == pid) {
60 delete data[i].value
61 delete data[i].type
62 result.push(data[i])
63 temp = getTrees(data, data[i].moduleId);
64 //计算self 时间
65 data[i].selftime=data[i].time;
66 for(var k in temp){
67 data[i].selftime =data[i].selftime-temp[k].time;
68 }
69 resultMap.push(data[i]);
70 if (temp.length > 0) {
71 data[i].children = temp
72 }
73 }
74 }
75 return result
76 }
77 `,
78 `setTimeout(function(){
80 let projectName = '${me.PackageJSON.name}';
81 let version = '${me.PackageJSON.version}';
82 console.log("模块性能指标前20,本测算是指某个模块在初始化时消耗的时间(单位ms),工程名:"+projectName,"页面名:",pageName,"版本号:",version);
83 console.log(getTrees(formatJson(RecordTime) , 0));
85 resultMap.sort(function(a,b){
86 return b.selftime-a.selftime;
87 });
88 resultMap=resultMap.map(m=>{
89 m.moduleId=m.moduleId+"";
90 if(m.moduleId.indexOf('?')>0){
91 m.moduleId = m.moduleId.split("?")[1];
92 }
93 m.moduleId=m.moduleId.replace("./node_modules/","");
94 if(m.moduleId.indexOf('!')>0){
95 m.moduleId = m.moduleId.split("!")[1];
96 }
97 return {name:m.moduleId,time:m.selftime}
98 })
99 try{
100 let postData ={
101 resultMap:resultMap,
102 projectName:projectName,
103 pageName:pageName,
104 version:version
105 };
106 let url = '${me.options.url}';
107 if(url!=''){
108 fetch(url, {
109 method: 'POST',
110 mode: 'cors',
111 credentials: 'include',
112 headers: {
113 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
114 },
115 body: JSON.stringify(postData)
116 }).then(function(response) {
117 console.log('上报perf-module-self-executing日志成功!');
118 }).catch(function(ex){
119 console.log('上报perf-module-self-executing日志失败!');
120 });
121 }
123 }
124 catch(ex){
125 console.log('上报perf-module-self-executing日志失败')
126 }
127 console.table(resultMap.slice(0,20));
128 },5000)`,
129 'var installedModules = {};'
130 ])
131 })
132 compilation.mainTemplate.plugin('require', function(source, chunk, hash) {
133 return this.asString([
134 '// Check if module is in cache',
135 'if(installedModules[moduleId]) {',
136 this.indent('return installedModules[moduleId].exports;'),
137 '}',
138 '// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)',
139 'var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {',
140 this.indent(
141 this.applyPluginsWaterfall(
142 'module-obj',
143 '',
144 chunk,
145 hash,
146 'moduleId'
147 )
148 ),
149 '};',
150 '',
151 this.asString([
152 '// Execute the module function',
153 `
154 let start = new Date();
155 RecordTime.push({
156 moduleId:moduleId,
157 value:start,
158 type:"start"
159 })
160 countTimeMap[moduleId]={start:start};
161 currentNode_COUNT=moduleId;
162 `,
163 `modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, ${this.renderRequireFunctionForModule(
164 hash,
165 chunk,
166 'moduleId'
167 )});`,
168 `
169 let end =new Date();
170 countTimeMap[moduleId].end=end;
171 countTimeMap[moduleId].time=countTimeMap[moduleId].end-countTimeMap[moduleId].start;
172 if(currentNode_COUNT==moduleId){
173 countTimeMap[moduleId].isleaf = true;
174 }
175 countTimeMap[moduleId].name = moduleId;
176 countTimeArr.push(countTimeMap[moduleId]);
177 RecordTime.push({
178 moduleId:moduleId,
179 value:end,
180 type:"end"
181 })
182 `
183 ]),
184 '',
185 '// Flag the module as loaded',
186 'module.l = true;',
187 '',
188 '// Return the exports of the module',
189 'return module.exports;'
190 ])
191 })
192 })
193 }