39.1 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1export interface Endpoints {
2 rest: {
3 beta: 'https://data.alpaca.markets/v1beta1';
4 account: 'https://api.alpaca.markets/v2';
5 market_data_v2: 'https://data.alpaca.markets/v2';
6 market_data_v1: 'https://data.alpaca.markets/v1';
7 };
8 websocket: {
9 account: 'wss://api.alpaca.markets/stream';
10 market_data: (source: DataSource) => string;
11 };
14 * Your Alpaca key id and secret.
15 * Can be passed to the AlpacaClient and AlpacaStream.
16 */
17export interface DefaultCredentials {
18 key: string;
19 secret: string;
20 paper?: boolean;
23 * Client ID for Oauth requests on behalf of users.
24 * Can be passed to the AlpacaClient.
25 */
26export interface OAuthCredentials {
27 access_token: String;
28 paper?: boolean;
31 * The account information with unparsed types, exactly as Alpaca provides it.
32 * We encourage you to use the Account interface, which has many of these fields parsed.
33 */
34export interface RawAccount {
35 account_blocked: boolean;
36 account_number: string;
37 buying_power: string;
38 cash: string;
39 created_at: string;
40 currency: string;
41 daytrade_count: number;
42 daytrading_buying_power: string;
43 equity: string;
44 id: string;
45 initial_margin: string;
46 last_equity: string;
47 last_maintenance_margin: string;
48 long_market_value: string;
49 maintenance_margin: string;
50 multiplier: string;
51 pattern_day_trader: boolean;
52 portfolio_value: string;
53 regt_buying_power: string;
54 short_market_value: string;
55 shorting_enabled: boolean;
56 sma: string;
57 status: string;
58 trade_suspended_by_user: boolean;
59 trading_blocked: boolean;
60 transfers_blocked: boolean;
63 * The following are the possible account status values. Most likely, the account status
64 * is ACTIVE unless there is any problem. The account status may get in ACCOUNT_UPDATED
65 * when personal information is being updated from the dashboard, in which case you may
66 * not be allowed trading for a short period of time until the change is approved.
67 */
68export declare type AccountStatus =
70 * The account is onboarding.
71 */
74 * The account application submission failed for some reason.
75 */
78 * The account application has been submitted for review.
79 */
82 * The account information is being updated.
83 */
86 * The final account approval is pending.
87 */
90 * The account is active for trading.
91 */
92 | 'ACTIVE'
94 * The account application has been rejected.
95 */
96 | 'REJECTED';
98 * Information related to an Alpaca account, such as account status, funds, and various
99 * flags relevant to an account's ability to trade.
100 */
101export interface Account {
102 /**
103 * Get the raw data, exactly as it came from Alpaca
104 */
105 raw(): RawAccount;
106 /**
107 * If true, the account activity by user is prohibited.
108 */
109 account_blocked: boolean;
110 /**
111 * Account number.
112 */
113 account_number: string;
114 /**
115 * Current available $ buying power; If multiplier = 4, this is your daytrade buying
116 * power which is calculated as (last_equity - (last) maintenance_margin) * 4; If
117 * multiplier = 2, buying_power = max(equity – initial_margin,0) * 2; If multiplier = 1,
118 * buying_power = cash
119 */
120 buying_power: number;
121 /**
122 * Cash balance
123 */
124 cash: number;
125 /**
126 * Timestamp this account was created at
127 */
128 created_at: Date;
129 /**
130 * "USD"
131 */
132 currency: string;
133 /**
134 * The current number of daytrades that have been made in the last 5 trading days
135 * (inclusive of today)
136 */
137 daytrade_count: number;
138 /**
139 * Your buying power for day trades (continuously updated value)
140 */
141 daytrading_buying_power: number;
142 /**
143 * Cash + long_market_value + short_market_value
144 */
145 equity: number;
146 /**
147 * Account ID.
148 */
149 id: string;
150 /**
151 * Reg T initial margin requirement (continuously updated value)
152 */
153 initial_margin: number;
154 /**
155 * Equity as of previous trading day at 16:00:00 ET
156 */
157 last_equity: number;
158 /**
159 * Your maintenance margin requirement on the previous trading day
160 */
161 last_maintenance_margin: number;
162 /**
163 * Real-time MtM value of all long positions held in the account
164 */
165 long_market_value: number;
166 /**
167 * Maintenance margin requirement (continuously updated value)
168 */
169 maintenance_margin: number;
170 /**
171 * Buying power multiplier that represents account margin classification; valid values 1
172 * (standard limited margin account with 1x buying power), 2 (reg T margin account with
173 * 2x intraday and overnight buying power; this is the default for all non-PDT accounts
174 * with $2,000 or more equity), 4 (PDT account with 4x intraday buying power and 2x reg
175 * T overnight buying power)
176 */
177 multiplier: number;
178 /**
179 * Whether or not the account has been flagged as a pattern day trader
180 */
181 pattern_day_trader: boolean;
182 /**
183 * Total value of cash + holding positions (This field is deprecated. It is equivalent
184 * to the equity field.)
185 */
186 portfolio_value: number;
187 /**
188 * Your buying power under Regulation T (your excess equity - equity minus margin
189 * value - times your margin multiplier)
190 */
191 regt_buying_power: number;
192 /**
193 * Real-time MtM value of all short positions held in the account
194 */
195 short_market_value: number;
196 /**
197 * Flag to denote whether or not the account is permitted to short
198 */
199 shorting_enabled: boolean;
200 /**
201 * Value of special memorandum account (will be used at a later date to provide
202 * additional buying_power)
203 */
204 sma: number;
205 /**
206 * The following are the possible account status values. Most likely, the account status
207 * is ACTIVE unless there is any problem. The account status may get in ACCOUNT_UPDATED
208 * when personal information is being updated from the dashboard, in which case you may
209 * not be allowed trading for a short period of time until the change is approved.
210 */
211 status: AccountStatus;
212 /**
213 * User setting. If true, the account is not allowed to place orders.
214 */
215 trade_suspended_by_user: boolean;
216 /**
217 * If true, the account is not allowed to place orders.
218 */
219 trading_blocked: boolean;
220 /**
221 * If true, the account is not allowed to request money transfers.
222 */
223 transfers_blocked: boolean;
225export interface AccountConfigurations {
226 /**
227 * both, entry, or exit. Controls Day Trading Margin Call (DTMC) checks.
228 */
229 dtbp_check: 'both' | 'entry' | 'exit';
230 /**
231 * If true, account becomes long-only mode.
232 */
233 no_shorting: boolean;
234 /**
235 * If true, new orders are blocked.
236 */
237 suspend_trade: boolean;
238 /**
239 * all or none. If none, emails for order fills are not sent.
240 */
241 trade_confirm_email: 'all' | 'none';
243export interface AccountUpdate {
244 id: string;
245 created_at: string;
246 updated_at: string;
247 deleted_at: any;
248 status: string;
249 currency: string;
250 cash: string;
251 cash_withdrawable: string;
253export interface AggregateMinute {
254 ev: string;
255 T: string;
256 v: number;
257 av: number;
258 op: number;
259 vw: number;
260 o: number;
261 c: number;
262 h: number;
263 l: number;
264 a: number;
265 s: number;
266 e: number;
268export declare type AssetExchange = 'AMEX' | 'ARCA' | 'BATS' | 'NYSE' | 'NASDAQ' | 'NYSEARCA';
269export declare type AssetStatus = 'active' | 'inactive';
271 * The assets API serves as the master list of assets available for trade and data
272 * consumption from Alpaca. Assets are sorted by asset class, exchange and symbol. Some
273 * assets are only available for data consumption via Polygon, and are not tradable with
274 * Alpaca. These assets will be marked with the flag tradable=false.
275 */
276export interface Asset {
277 /**
278 * Asset ID
279 */
280 id: string;
281 /**
282 * "us_equity"
283 */
284 class: string;
285 /**
287 */
288 exchange: AssetExchange;
289 /**
290 * Asset symbol
291 */
292 symbol: string;
293 /**
294 * active or inactive
295 */
296 status: AssetStatus;
297 /**
298 * Asset is tradable on Alpaca or not
299 */
300 tradable: boolean;
301 /**
302 * Asset is marginable or not
303 */
304 marginable: boolean;
305 /**
306 * Asset is shortable or not
307 */
308 shortable: boolean;
309 /**
310 * Asset is easy-to-borrow or not (filtering for easy_to_borrow = True is the best way
311 * to check whether the name is currently available to short at Alpaca).
312 */
313 easy_to_borrow: boolean;
314 /**
315 * Asset is fractionable or not.
316 */
317 fractionable: boolean;
320 * Contains the time of open and close for a market on a particular day from 1970 to 2029
321 */
322export interface Calendar {
323 /**
324 * Date string in YYYY-MM-DD format
325 */
326 date: string;
327 /**
328 * The time the market opens at on this date in HH:MM format
329 */
330 open: string;
331 /**
332 * The time the market closes at on this date in HH:MM format
333 */
334 close: string;
336export interface RawClock {
337 timestamp: string;
338 is_open: boolean;
339 next_open: string;
340 next_close: string;
343 * The clock API serves the current market timestamp, whether or not the market is
344 * currently open, as well as the times of the next market open and close.
345 */
346export interface Clock {
347 /**
348 * Get the raw data, exactly as it came from Alpaca
349 */
350 raw(): RawClock;
351 /**
352 * Current timestamp
353 */
354 timestamp: Date;
355 /**
356 * Whether or not the market is open
357 */
358 is_open: boolean;
359 /**
360 * Next market open timestamp
361 */
362 next_open: Date;
363 /**
364 * Next market close timestamp
365 */
366 next_close: Date;
368/** A trade which occurred. */
369export interface RawTrade {
370 /** Trade symbol. */
371 S: string;
372 /** Timestamp in RFC-3339 format with nanosecond precision. */
373 t: string;
374 /** Exchange where the trade happened. */
375 x: string;
376 /** Trade price. */
377 p: number;
378 /** Trade size. */
379 s: number;
380 /** Trade conditions. */
381 c: string[];
382 /** Trade ID. */
383 i: number;
384 /** Tape. */
385 z: string;
387/** A page of one or many trades. */
388export interface RawPageOfTrades {
389 /** Array of trades. */
390 trades: RawTrade[];
391 /** Symbol that was queried. */
392 symbol: string;
393 /** Token that can be used to query the next page. */
394 next_page_token: string;
396/** A trade which occurred. */
397export interface Trade {
398 /** Get the raw data as it came from Alpaca. */
399 raw(): RawTrade;
400 /** Trade symbol. */
401 S: string;
402 /** Timestamp in RFC-3339 format with nanosecond precision. */
403 t: Date;
404 /** Exchange where the trade happened. */
405 x: string;
406 /** Trade price. */
407 p: number;
408 /** Trade size. */
409 s: number;
410 /** Trade conditions. */
411 c: string[];
412 /** Trade ID. */
413 i: number;
414 /** Tape. */
415 z: string;
417/** A page of one or many trades. */
418export interface PageOfTrades {
419 /** Get the raw data as it came from Alpaca. */
420 raw(): RawPageOfTrades;
421 /** Array of trades. */
422 trades: Trade[];
423 /** Symbol that was queried. */
424 symbol: string;
425 /** Token that can be used to query the next page. */
426 next_page_token: string;
428/** A quote for a symbol. */
429export interface RawQuote {
430 /** Quote symbol. */
431 S: string;
432 /** Timestamp in RFC-3339 format with nanosecond precision. */
433 t: string;
434 /** Ask exchange. */
435 ax: string;
436 /** Ask price. */
437 ap: number;
438 /** Ask size. */
439 as: number;
440 /** Bid exchange. */
441 bx: string;
442 /** Bid price. */
443 bp: number;
444 /** Bid size. */
445 bs: number;
446 /** Quote conditions. */
447 c: string[];
449/** A page of one or many quotes. */
450export interface RawPageOfQuotes {
451 /** Array of quotes. */
452 quotes: RawQuote[];
453 /** Symbol that was queried. */
454 symbol: string;
455 /** Token that can be used to query the next page. */
456 next_page_token: string;
458/** A quote for a symbol. */
459export interface Quote {
460 /** Get the raw data as it came from Alpaca. */
461 raw(): RawQuote;
462 /** Quote symbol. */
463 S: string;
464 /** Timestamp in Date format. */
465 t: Date;
466 /** Ask exchange. */
467 ax: string;
468 /** Ask price. */
469 ap: number;
470 /** Ask size. */
471 as: number;
472 /** Bid exchange. */
473 bx: string;
474 /** Bid price. */
475 bp: number;
476 /** Bid size. */
477 bs: number;
478 /** Quote conditions. */
479 c: string[];
481/** A page of one or many quotes. */
482export interface PageOfQuotes {
483 /** Get the raw data as it came from Alpaca. */
484 raw(): RawPageOfQuotes;
485 /** Array of quotes. */
486 quotes: Quote[];
487 /** Symbol that was queried. */
488 symbol: string;
489 /** Token that can be used to query the next page. */
490 next_page_token: string;
492/** A bar for a symbol. */
493export interface RawBar {
494 /** Bar symbol. */
495 S: string;
496 /** Timestamp in RFC-3339 format with nanosecond precision. */
497 t: string;
498 /** Open price. */
499 o: number;
500 /** High price. */
501 h: number;
502 /** Low price. */
503 l: number;
504 /** Close price. */
505 c: number;
506 /** Volume. */
507 v: number;
509/** A page of one or many bars. */
510export interface RawPageOfBars {
511 /** Array of bars. */
512 bars: RawBar[];
513 /** Symbol that was queried. */
514 symbol: string;
515 /** Token that can be used to query the next page. */
516 next_page_token: string;
518/** A bar for a symbol. */
519export interface Bar {
520 /** Get the raw data as it came from Alpaca. */
521 raw(): RawBar;
522 /** Bar symbol. */
523 S: string;
524 /** Timestamp in Date format. */
525 t: Date;
526 /** Open price. */
527 o: number;
528 /** High price. */
529 h: number;
530 /** Low price. */
531 l: number;
532 /** Close price. */
533 c: number;
534 /** Volume. */
535 v: number;
537/** A page of one or many bars. */
538export interface PageOfBars {
539 /** Get the raw data as it came from Alpaca. */
540 raw(): RawPageOfBars;
541 /** Array of bars. */
542 bars: Bar[];
543 /** Symbol that was queried. */
544 symbol: string;
545 /** Token that can be used to query the next page. */
546 next_page_token: string;
549 * The parsed result of an order cancelation request.
550 */
551export interface OrderCancelation {
552 id: string;
553 status: number;
554 order: Order;
557 * The id, http status code and order as part of the cancel all orders request.
558 */
559export interface RawOrderCancelation {
560 id: string;
561 status: number;
562 body: RawOrder;
565 * The order entity with unparsed fields, exactly as Alpaca provides it.
566 * We encourage you to use the Order interface, which has many of these fields parsed.
567 */
568export interface RawOrder {
569 id: string;
570 client_order_id: string;
571 created_at: string;
572 updated_at: string;
573 submitted_at: string;
574 filled_at: string;
575 expired_at: string;
576 canceled_at: string;
577 failed_at: string;
578 replaced_at: string;
579 replaced_by: string;
580 replaces: string;
581 asset_id: string;
582 symbol: string;
583 asset_class: string;
584 qty: string;
585 filled_qty: string;
586 type: string;
587 side: string;
588 time_in_force: string;
589 limit_price: string;
590 stop_price: string;
591 filled_avg_price: string;
592 status: string;
593 extended_hours: boolean;
594 legs: RawOrder[];
595 trail_price: string;
596 trail_percent: string;
597 hwm: string;
598 order_class?: OrderClass;
601 * Price and volume data during a particular time interval
602 */
603export interface Bar_v1 {
604 /**
605 * the beginning time of this bar as a Unix epoch in seconds
606 */
607 t: number;
608 /**
609 * open price
610 */
611 o: number;
612 /**
613 * high price
614 */
615 h: number;
616 /**
617 * low price
618 */
619 l: number;
620 /**
621 * close price
622 */
623 c: number;
624 /**
625 * volume
626 */
627 v: number;
630 * Last quote details for a symbol
631 */
632export interface LastQuote_v1 {
633 status: string;
634 symbol: string;
635 last: {
636 /**
637 * the current ask price
638 */
639 askprice: number;
640 /**
641 * the current ask size
642 */
643 asksize: number;
644 /**
645 * the exchange code of the ask quote
646 */
647 askexchange: number;
648 /**
649 * the current bid price
650 */
651 bidprice: number;
652 /**
653 * the current bid size
654 */
655 bidsize: number;
656 /**
657 * the exchange code of the bid quote
658 */
659 bidexchange: number;
660 /**
661 * epoch timestamp in nanoseconds
662 */
663 timestamp: number;
664 };
667 * Last trade details for a symbol
668 */
669export interface LastTrade_v1 {
670 status: string;
671 symbol: string;
672 last: {
673 /**
674 * last trade price
675 */
676 price: number;
677 /**
678 * last trade volume size
679 */
680 size: number;
681 /**
682 * exchange code where the last trade was made
683 */
684 exchange: number;
685 /**
686 * condition flag 1
687 */
688 cond1: number;
689 /**
690 * condition flag 2
691 */
692 cond2: number;
693 /**
694 * condition flag 3
695 */
696 cond3: number;
697 /**
698 * condition flag 4
699 */
700 cond4: number;
701 /**
702 * epoch timestamp in nanoseconds
703 */
704 timestamp: number;
705 };
707export interface RawSnapshot {
708 symbol: string;
709 latestTrade: {
710 t: string;
711 x: string;
712 p: number;
713 s: number;
714 c?: string[] | null;
715 i: number;
716 z: string;
717 };
718 latestQuote: {
719 t: string;
720 ax: string;
721 ap: number;
722 as: number;
723 bx: string;
724 bp: number;
725 bs: number;
726 c?: string[] | null;
727 };
728 minuteBar: {
729 t: string;
730 o: number;
731 h: number;
732 l: number;
733 c: number;
734 v: number;
735 };
736 dailyBar: {
737 t: string;
738 o: number;
739 h: number;
740 l: number;
741 c: number;
742 v: number;
743 };
744 prevDailyBar: {
745 t: string;
746 o: number;
747 h: number;
748 l: number;
749 c: number;
750 v: number;
751 };
753export interface Snapshot {
754 /** Get the raw data as it came from Alpaca. */
755 raw(): RawSnapshot;
756 symbol: string;
757 latestTrade: {
758 t: Date;
759 x: string;
760 p: number;
761 s: number;
762 c?: string[] | null;
763 i: number;
764 z: string;
765 };
766 latestQuote: {
767 t: Date;
768 ax: string;
769 ap: number;
770 as: number;
771 bx: string;
772 bp: number;
773 bs: number;
774 c?: string[] | null;
775 };
776 minuteBar: {
777 t: Date;
778 o: number;
779 h: number;
780 l: number;
781 c: number;
782 v: number;
783 };
784 dailyBar: {
785 t: Date;
786 o: number;
787 h: number;
788 l: number;
789 c: number;
790 v: number;
791 };
792 prevDailyBar: {
793 t: Date;
794 o: number;
795 h: number;
796 l: number;
797 c: number;
798 v: number;
799 };
801export declare type DataSource = 'iex' | 'sip';
802export declare type OrderType = 'market' | 'limit' | 'stop' | 'stop_limit' | 'trailing_stop';
803export declare type OrderClass = 'simple' | 'bracket' | 'oto' | 'oco';
804export declare type OrderSide = 'buy' | 'sell';
805export declare type OrderTimeInForce =
807 * A day order is eligible for execution only on the day it is live. By default, the
808 * order is only valid during Regular Trading Hours (9:30am - 4:00pm ET). If unfilled
809 * after the closing auction, it is automatically canceled. If submitted after the
810 * close, it is queued and submitted the following trading day. However, if marked as
811 * eligible for extended hours, the order can also execute during supported extended
812 * hours.
813 */
816 * The order is good until canceled. Non-marketable GTC limit orders are subject to
817 * price adjustments to offset corporate actions affecting the issue. We do not
818 * currently support Do Not Reduce(DNR) orders to opt out of such price adjustments.
819 */
820 | 'gtc'
822 * Use this TIF with a market/limit order type to submit "market on open" (MOO) and
823 * "limit on open" (LOO) orders. This order is eligible to execute only in the market
824 * opening auction. Any unfilled orders after the open will be cancelled. OPG orders
825 * submitted after 9:28am but before 7:00pm ET will be rejected. OPG orders submitted
826 * after 7:00pm will be queued and routed to the following day's opening auction. On
827 * open/on close orders are routed to the primary exchange. Such orders do not
828 * necessarily execute exactly at 9:30am / 4:00pm ET but execute per the exchange's
829 * auction rules.
830 */
831 | 'opg'
833 * Use this TIF with a market/limit order type to submit "market on close" (MOC) and
834 * "limit on close" (LOC) orders. This order is eligible to execute only in the market
835 * closing auction. Any unfilled orders after the close will be cancelled. CLS orders
836 * submitted after 3:50pm but before 7:00pm ET will be rejected. CLS orders submitted
837 * after 7:00pm will be queued and routed to the following day's closing auction. Only
838 * available with API v2.
839 */
840 | 'cls'
842 * An Immediate Or Cancel (IOC) order requires all or part of the order to be executed
843 * immediately. Any unfilled portion of the order is canceled. Only available with API
844 * v2.
845 */
846 | 'ioc'
848 * A Fill or Kill (FOK) order is only executed if the entire order quantity can be
849 * filled, otherwise the order is canceled. Only available with API v2.
850 */
851 | 'fok';
852export declare type OrderStatus =
854 * The order has been received by Alpaca, and routed to exchanges for execution. This
855 * is the usual initial state of an order.
856 */
859 * The order has been partially filled.
860 */
861 | 'partially_filled'
863 * The order has been filled, and no further updates will occur for the order.
864 */
865 | 'filled'
867 * The order is done executing for the day, and will not receive further updates until
868 * the next trading day.
869 */
870 | 'done_for_day'
872 * The order has been canceled, and no further updates will occur for the order. This
873 * can be either due to a cancel request by the user, or the order has been canceled by
874 * the exchanges due to its time-in-force.
875 */
876 | 'canceled'
878 * The order has expired, and no further updates will occur for the order.
879 */
880 | 'expired'
882 * The order was replaced by another order, or was updated due to a market event such
883 * as corporate action.
884 */
885 | 'replaced'
887 * The order is waiting to be canceled.
888 */
889 | 'pending_cancel'
891 * The order is waiting to be replaced by another order. The order will reject cancel
892 * request while in this state.
893 */
894 | 'pending_replace'
896 * (Uncommon) The order has been received by Alpaca, but hasn't yet been routed to the
897 * execution venue. This could be seen often out side of trading session hours.
898 */
899 | 'accepted'
901 * (Uncommon) The order has been received by Alpaca, and routed to the exchanges, but
902 * has not yet been accepted for execution. This state only occurs on rare occasions.
903 */
904 | 'pending_new'
906 * (Uncommon) The order has been received by exchanges, and is evaluated for pricing.
907 * This state only occurs on rare occasions.
908 */
909 | 'accepted_for_bidding'
911 * (Uncommon) The order has been stopped, and a trade is guaranteed for the order,
912 * usually at a stated price or better, but has not yet occurred. This state only
913 * occurs on rare occasions.
914 */
915 | 'stopped'
917 * (Uncommon) The order has been rejected, and no further updates will occur for the
918 * order. This state occurs on rare occasions and may occur based on various conditions
919 * decided by the exchanges.
920 */
921 | 'rejected'
923 * (Uncommon) The order has been suspended, and is not eligible for trading. This state
924 * only occurs on rare occasions.
925 */
926 | 'suspended'
928 * (Uncommon) The order has been completed for the day (either filled or done for day),
929 * but remaining settlement calculations are still pending. This state only occurs on
930 * rare occasions.
931 */
932 | 'calculated';
933export interface RawLatestTrade {
934 symbol: string;
935 trade: {
936 t: string;
937 x: string;
938 p: number;
939 s: number;
940 c: string[];
941 i: number;
942 z: string;
943 };
945export interface LatestTrade {
946 raw(): RawLatestTrade;
947 symbol: string;
948 trade: {
949 t: Date;
950 x: string;
951 p: number;
952 s: number;
953 c: string[];
954 i: number;
955 z: string;
956 };
959 * An Order in Alpaca
960 */
961export interface Order {
962 /**
963 * Get the raw data, exactly as it came from Alpaca
964 */
965 raw(): RawOrder;
966 /**
967 * Order id
968 */
969 id: string;
970 /**
971 * Client unique order id
972 */
973 client_order_id: string;
974 /**
975 * When the order was created
976 */
977 created_at: Date;
978 /**
979 * When the order was last updated
980 */
981 updated_at: Date;
982 /**
983 * When the order was submitted
984 */
985 submitted_at: Date;
986 /**
987 * When the order was filled
988 */
989 filled_at: Date;
990 /**
991 * When the order expired
992 */
993 expired_at: Date;
994 /**
995 * When the order was canceled
996 */
997 canceled_at: Date;
998 /**
999 * When the order failed
1000 */
1001 failed_at: Date;
1002 /**
1003 * When the order was last replaced
1004 */
1005 replaced_at: Date;
1006 /**
1007 * The order ID that this order was replaced by
1008 */
1009 replaced_by: string;
1010 /**
1011 * The order ID that this order replaces
1012 */
1013 replaces: string;
1014 /**
1015 * Asset ID
1016 */
1017 asset_id: string;
1018 /**
1019 * Asset symbol
1020 */
1021 symbol: string;
1022 /**
1023 * Asset class
1024 */
1025 asset_class: string;
1026 /**
1027 * Ordered quantity
1028 */
1029 qty: number;
1030 /**
1031 * Filled quantity
1032 */
1033 filled_qty: number;
1034 /**
1035 * Order type (market, limit, stop, stop_limit, trailing_stop)
1036 */
1037 type: OrderType;
1038 /**
1039 * Buy or sell
1040 */
1041 side: OrderSide;
1042 /**
1043 * Order Time in Force
1044 */
1045 time_in_force: OrderTimeInForce;
1046 /**
1047 * Limit price
1048 */
1049 limit_price: number;
1050 /**
1051 * Stop price
1052 */
1053 stop_price: number;
1054 /**
1055 * Filled average price
1056 */
1057 filled_avg_price: number;
1058 /**
1059 * The status of the order
1060 */
1061 status: OrderStatus;
1062 /**
1063 * If true, eligible for execution outside regular trading hours.
1064 */
1065 extended_hours: boolean;
1066 /**
1067 * When querying non-simple order_class orders in a nested style, an array of Order
1068 * entities associated with this order. Otherwise, null.
1069 */
1070 legs: Order[];
1071 /**
1072 * The dollar value away from the high water mark for trailing stop orders.
1073 */
1074 trail_price: number;
1075 /**
1076 * The percent value away from the high water mark for trailing stop orders.
1077 */
1078 trail_percent: number;
1079 /**
1080 * The highest (lowest) market price seen since the trailing stop order was submitted.
1081 */
1082 hwm: number;
1083 /**
1084 * Mostly used for non-simple orders such as bracket, one-triggers-other, or one-cancels-other.
1085 */
1086 order_class: OrderClass;
1089 * Timeseries data for equity and profit loss information of the account
1090 */
1091export interface PortfolioHistory {
1092 /**
1093 * time of each data element, left-labeled (the beginning of time window)
1094 */
1095 timestamp: number[];
1096 /**
1097 * equity value of the account in dollar amount as of the end of each time window
1098 */
1099 equity: number[];
1100 /**
1101 * profit/loss in dollar from the base value
1102 */
1103 profit_loss: number[];
1104 /**
1105 * profit/loss in percentage from the base value
1106 */
1107 profit_loss_pct: number[];
1108 /**
1109 * basis in dollar of the profit loss calculation
1110 */
1111 base_value: number;
1112 /**
1113 * time window size of each data element
1114 */
1115 timeframe: '1Min' | '5Min' | '15Min' | '1H' | '1D';
1118 * A position with unparsed fields, exactly as Alpaca provides it.
1119 * We encourage you to use the Position interface, which has many of these fields parsed.
1120 */
1121export interface RawPosition {
1122 asset_id: string;
1123 symbol: string;
1124 exchange: string;
1125 asset_class: string;
1126 avg_entry_price: string;
1127 qty: string;
1128 side: string;
1129 market_value: string | null;
1130 cost_basis: string;
1131 unrealized_pl: string | null;
1132 unrealized_plpc: string | null;
1133 unrealized_intraday_pl: string | null;
1134 unrealized_intraday_plpc: string | null;
1135 current_price: string | null;
1136 lastday_price: string | null;
1137 change_today: string | null;
1139export declare type PositionSide = 'long' | 'short';
1141 * A position in Alpaca
1142 */
1143export interface Position {
1144 /**
1145 * Get the raw data, exactly as it came from Alpaca
1146 */
1147 raw(): RawPosition;
1148 /**
1149 * Asset ID
1150 */
1151 asset_id: string;
1152 /**
1153 * Symbol name of the asset
1154 */
1155 symbol: string;
1156 /**
1157 * Exchange name of the asset
1158 */
1159 exchange: string;
1160 /**
1161 * Asset class name
1162 */
1163 asset_class: string;
1164 /**
1165 * Average entry price of the position
1166 */
1167 avg_entry_price: number;
1168 /**
1169 * The number of shares
1170 */
1171 qty: number;
1172 /**
1173 * long or short
1174 */
1175 side: PositionSide;
1176 /**
1177 * Total dollar amount of the position
1178 */
1179 market_value: number | null;
1180 /**
1181 * Total cost basis in dollar
1182 */
1183 cost_basis: number;
1184 /**
1185 * Unrealized profit/loss in dollars
1186 */
1187 unrealized_pl: number | null;
1188 /**
1189 * Unrealized profit/loss percent (by a factor of 1)
1190 */
1191 unrealized_plpc: number | null;
1192 /**
1193 * Unrealized profit/loss in dollars for the day
1194 */
1195 unrealized_intraday_pl: number | null;
1196 /**
1197 * Unrealized profit/loss percent (by a factor of 1)
1198 */
1199 unrealized_intraday_plpc: number | null;
1200 /**
1201 * Current asset price per share
1202 */
1203 current_price: number | null;
1204 /**
1205 * Last day's asset price per share based on the closing value of the last trading day
1206 */
1207 lastday_price: number | null;
1208 /**
1209 * Percent change from last day price (by a factor of 1)
1210 */
1211 change_today: number | null;
1213export declare type ActivityType =
1215 * Order fills (both partial and full fills)
1216 */
1219 * Cash transactions (both CSD and CSR)
1220 */
1221 | 'TRANS'
1223 * Miscellaneous or rarely used activity types (All types except those in TRANS, DIV,
1224 * or FILL)
1225 */
1226 | 'MISC'
1228 * ACATS IN/OUT (Cash)
1229 */
1230 | 'ACATC'
1232 * ACATS IN/OUT (Securities)
1233 */
1234 | 'ACATS'
1236 * Cash disbursement(+)
1237 */
1238 | 'CSD'
1240 * Cash receipt(-)
1241 */
1242 | 'CSR'
1244 * Dividends
1245 */
1246 | 'DIV'
1248 * Dividend (capital gain long term)
1249 */
1250 | 'DIVCGL'
1252 * Dividend (capital gain short term)
1253 */
1254 | 'DIVCGS'
1256 * Dividend fee
1257 */
1258 | 'DIVFEE'
1260 * Dividend adjusted (Foreign Tax Withheld)
1261 */
1262 | 'DIVFT'
1264 * Dividend adjusted (NRA Withheld)
1265 */
1266 | 'DIVNRA'
1268 * Dividend return of capital
1269 */
1270 | 'DIVROC'
1272 * Dividend adjusted (Tefra Withheld)
1273 */
1274 | 'DIVTW'
1276 * Dividend (tax exempt)
1277 */
1278 | 'DIVTXEX'
1280 * Interest (credit/margin)
1281 */
1282 | 'INT'
1284 * Interest adjusted (NRA Withheld)
1285 */
1286 | 'INTNRA'
1288 * Interest adjusted (Tefra Withheld)
1289 */
1290 | 'INTTW'
1292 * Journal entry
1293 */
1294 | 'JNL'
1296 * Journal entry (cash)
1297 */
1298 | 'JNLC'
1300 * Journal entry (stock)
1301 */
1302 | 'JNLS'
1304 * Merger/Acquisition
1305 */
1306 | 'MA'
1308 * Name change
1309 */
1310 | 'NC'
1312 * Option assignment
1313 */
1314 | 'OPASN'
1316 * Option expiration
1317 */
1318 | 'OPEXP'
1320 * Option exercise
1321 */
1322 | 'OPXRC'
1324 * Pass Thru Charge
1325 */
1326 | 'PTC'
1328 * Pass Thru Rebate
1329 */
1330 | 'PTR'
1332 * Reorg CA
1333 */
1334 | 'REORG'
1336 * Symbol change
1337 */
1338 | 'SC'
1340 * Stock spinoff
1341 */
1342 | 'SSO'
1344 * Stock split
1345 */
1346 | 'SSP';
1347export interface RawTradeActivity {
1348 activity_type: Extract<ActivityType, 'FILL'>;
1349 cum_qty: string;
1350 id: string;
1351 leaves_qty: string;
1352 price: string;
1353 qty: string;
1354 side: string;
1355 symbol: string;
1356 transaction_time: string;
1357 order_id: string;
1358 type: string;
1360export interface RawNonTradeActivity {
1361 activity_type: Exclude<ActivityType, 'FILL'>;
1362 id: string;
1363 date: string;
1364 net_amount: string;
1365 symbol: string;
1366 qty: string;
1367 per_share_amount: string;
1369export declare type TradeActivityType = 'fill' | 'partial_fill';
1370export declare type TradeActivitySide = 'buy' | 'sell';
1371export interface TradeActivity {
1372 /**
1373 * Get the raw data, exactly as it came from Alpaca
1374 */
1375 raw(): RawTradeActivity;
1376 /**
1377 * FILL
1378 */
1379 activity_type: Extract<ActivityType, 'FILL'>;
1380 /**
1381 * The cumulative quantity of shares involved in the execution.
1382 */
1383 cum_qty: number;
1384 /**
1385 * An id for the activity. Always in "::" format. Can be sent as page_token in requests
1386 * to facilitate the paging of results.
1387 */
1388 id: string;
1389 /**
1390 * For partially_filled orders, the quantity of shares that are left to be filled.
1391 */
1392 leaves_qty: number;
1393 /**
1394 * The per-share price that the trade was executed at.
1395 */
1396 price: number;
1397 /**
1398 * The number of shares involved in the trade execution.
1399 */
1400 qty: number;
1401 /**
1402 * buy or sell
1403 */
1404 side: TradeActivitySide;
1405 /**
1406 * The symbol of the security being traded.
1407 */
1408 symbol: string;
1409 /**
1410 * The time at which the execution occurred.
1411 */
1412 transaction_time: string;
1413 /**
1414 * The id for the order that filled.
1415 */
1416 order_id: string;
1417 /**
1418 * fill or partial_fill
1419 */
1420 type: TradeActivityType;
1422export interface NonTradeActivity {
1423 /**
1424 * Get the raw data, exactly as it came from Alpaca
1425 */
1426 raw(): RawNonTradeActivity;
1427 /**
1428 * Activity type
1429 */
1430 activity_type: Exclude<ActivityType, 'FILL'>;
1431 /**
1432 * An ID for the activity, always in "::" format. Can be sent as page_token in requests
1433 * to facilitate the paging of results.
1434 */
1435 id: string;
1436 /**
1437 * The date on which the activity occurred or on which the transaction associated with
1438 * the activity settled.
1439 */
1440 date: string;
1441 /**
1442 * The net amount of money (positive or negative) associated with the activity.
1443 */
1444 net_amount: number;
1445 /**
1446 * The symbol of the security involved with the activity. Not present for all activity
1447 * types.
1448 */
1449 symbol: string;
1450 /**
1451 * For dividend activities, the number of shares that contributed to the payment. Not
1452 * present for other activity types.
1453 */
1454 qty: number;
1455 /**
1456 * For dividend activities, the average amount paid per share. Not present for other
1457 * activity types.
1458 */
1459 per_share_amount: number;
1461export declare type RawActivity = RawTradeActivity | RawNonTradeActivity;
1462export declare type Activity = TradeActivity | NonTradeActivity;
1464 * The following type mirrors OrderStatus almost exactly,
1465 * but differs slightly in its wording for each event.
1466 * See https://alpaca.markets/docs/api-references/broker-api/events/#trade-events
1467 * for an updated list of these events and their detailed descriptions.
1468 */
1469export declare type TradeUpdateEvent = 'new' | 'fill' | 'partial_fill' | 'canceled' | 'expired' | 'done_for_day' | 'replaced' | 'rejected' | 'pending_new' | 'stopped' | 'pending_cancel' | 'pending_replace' | 'calculated' | 'suspended' | 'order_replace_rejected' | 'order_cancel_rejected';
1470export interface RawTradeUpdate {
1471 event: TradeUpdateEvent;
1472 execution_id: string;
1473 order: RawOrder;
1474 event_id?: string;
1475 at?: string;
1476 timestamp?: string;
1477 position_qty?: string;
1478 price?: string;
1479 qty?: string;
1481export interface TradeUpdate {
1482 /**
1483 * Get the raw data, exactly as it came from Alpaca
1484 */
1485 raw: () => RawTradeUpdate;
1486 /**
1487 * Trade update event type
1488 */
1489 event: TradeUpdateEvent;
1490 /**
1491 * Corresponding execution of an order.
1492 * If an order gets filled over two executions (a partial_fill for example),
1493 * you will receive two events with different IDs.
1494 */
1495 execution_id: string;
1496 /**
1497 * Monotonically increasing 64-bit integer.
1498 * Haven't yet observed this property in practice, but it is
1499 * on Alpaca's docs here: https://alpaca.markets/docs/api-references/broker-api/events/#trade-events,
1500 * including for completeness.
1501 */
1502 event_id?: number;
1503 /**
1504 * The associated order that a trade_update event comes with
1505 */
1506 order: Order;
1507 /**
1508 * The timestamp of the trade update event.
1509 * Alpaca docs at https://alpaca.markets/docs/api-references/broker-api/events/#trade-events
1510 * are confusing. They say the 'at' property will contain the timestamp of
1511 * the event, but currently as of 3/10/22 this is in the 'timestamp' property
1512 * instead. Including both for completeness.
1513 */
1514 at?: Date;
1515 /**
1516 * The timestamp of the trade update event.
1517 * Alpaca docs at https://alpaca.markets/docs/api-references/broker-api/events/#trade-events
1518 * are confusing. They say the 'at' property will contain the timestamp of
1519 * the event, but currently as of 3/10/22 this is in the 'timestamp' property
1520 * instead. Including both for completeness.
1521 */
1522 timestamp?: Date;
1523 /**
1524 * The size of your total position, after a fill or partial fill event, in shares.
1525 */
1526 position_qty?: number;
1527 /**
1528 * The average price per share at which the order was filled or partially filled
1529 */
1530 price?: number;
1531 /**
1532 * The amount of shares that were filled in a trade update of type fill or partial_fill.
1533 * Equivalent to the order.filled_qty property, which is preferred.
1534 */
1535 qty?: number;
1537export interface Watchlist {
1538 /**
1539 * account ID
1540 */
1541 account_id: string;
1542 /**
1543 * the content of this watchlist, in the order as registered by the client
1544 */
1545 assets: Asset[];
1546 /**
1547 * When the watchlist was created
1548 */
1549 created_at: string;
1550 /**
1551 * watchlist id
1552 */
1553 id: string;
1554 /**
1555 * user-defined watchlist name (up to 64 characters)
1556 */
1557 name: string;
1558 /**
1559 * When the watchlist was last updated
1560 */
1561 updated_at: string;
1563export interface News {
1564 id: number;
1565 headline: string;
1566 author: string;
1567 created_at: Date;
1568 updated_at: Date;
1569 summary: string;
1570 url: string;
1571 images: any[];
1572 symbols: string[];
1573 source: string;
1575export interface NewsPage {
1576 news: News[];
1577 next_page_token: string;
1579export declare type Channel = 'trades' | 'quotes' | 'bars' | 'trade_updates';
1580export interface Message {
1581 T: 'success' | 'error' | 'subscription';
1582 code?: number;
1583 msg: string;
1584 [key: string]: any;